#Forced Villains Cousins au
elvendria · 4 months
AU Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Final Part
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You return to Hawkins after a few years in the middle of the night during the summer with your 4-year-old sister in tow, thinking the two of you could fly under the radar and settle in at Forest Hills Trailer Park. You thought you could get by without bumping into your old enemy, Eddie Munson, the town freak.
But you weren't always enemies. There was a time when you two were closer than anything.
Eddie dreams of making it big. You just dream of making it out of here alive.
\\enemies - lovers//
((Warning: I'm not from the US, so bear with me with states and such) )
Eddie starts as a dick, but I promise he gets better. There’s a slap, but it's low-key warranted? Mentions of blood
18+ MINORS DNI or I will be busting kneecaps, E.D, physical abuse, child abuse, runaways, the reader Joyce's ex-step-niece, Will and Johnathan's cousin, Joyce is Queen, Wayne is King, slow burn, gambling addictions, the reader is 20 and Eddie is 21, Chrissy is the villain but we stan Grace. Reader has a small scar on her lower torso. underage drinking, allusions to smut, no details of smut for obvious reasons, eventual smut in upcoming chapters, brief mention of Y/N
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Every detail of the room felt etched into your consciousness—the rough texture of the wooden floor beneath your feet, the cold smoothness of the linoleum countertops, the mundanity of the generic painting hanging above Eddie's head. You'd stared at it for so long that it had lost its semblance of reality, blending into the background of your mind's eye. But as much as you preferred the silent refuge of these familiar surroundings to the looming conversation you needed to have, you knew you couldn't evade it permanently.
Eddie's voice cut through the thick silence, a reminder that avoidance was no longer an option. "You can’t stay silent forever. We still need to talk about this."
Your heart sank at his words, the weight of unspoken truths pressing down on you. You wished for a way out, a reprieve from the inevitable confrontation. But deep down, you knew that delaying the conversation would only prolong the agony.
Summoning every ounce of courage, you forced yourself to speak, though you couldn't bring yourself to meet his eyes. "I tried to talk about this. Five years and five months ago." The words tasted bitter on your tongue, a painful reminder of a past you'd rather forget.
Closing your eyes, you allowed yourself to drift back to that fateful day—the memories flooding back with a visceral intensity that threatened to overwhelm you. It was the worst day of your life, a day etched into your soul with searing clarity.
The air was heavy with tension as you and Eddie sat across from each other, words caught in your throat like shards of broken glass. You'd rehearsed what you wanted to say a thousand times in your mind, but when the moment came, the words failed you.
You remembered the look of confusion and hurt in Eddie's eyes as you struggled to articulate the truth. You remembered the silence that followed, thick and suffocating, swallowing you whole.
In the years that followed, you buried the pain deep within, hoping that time would heal the wounds you couldn't bear to face. But now, with Eddie's patient insistence echoing in your ears, you knew that avoidance was no longer an option.
Taking a deep breath, you opened your eyes, steeling yourself for the conversation ahead. It wouldn't be easy, and the road ahead was fraught with uncertainty. But you knew that facing the truth was the only way forward, no matter how painful it might be.
5 years and 5 months ago
In the stillness of the room, time seemed to stand still, each passing moment stretching into eternity. The air felt heavy with emotions, suffocating in its intensity. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast elongated shadows across the walls, serving as a silent witness to the turmoil raging within.
As you sat on the edge of the bed, the familiar comfort of the mattress now feeling foreign and distant, you couldn't shake the weight of the sealed envelope clutched tightly in your trembling hands. The words "Return To Sender" emblazoned on its surface seemed to mock you, a cruel reminder of rejection in its most brutal form.
With each passing second, the questions swirled in your mind, each one more haunting than the last. How could Eddie do this to you? How could he turn his back on the life growing within you, on the love you once shared so deeply?
As you traced the outline of each handwritten letter with shaky fingers, the sting of tears threatened to overwhelm you once more. The pain was palpable, a physical ache that radiated from your heart and settled deep within your bones. It was a pain born of betrayal and abandonment, a pain you never imagined you would have to endure.
Desperate for some semblance of connection, some shred of reassurance that you weren't alone in your anguish, you reached for your phone. But each call ended in silence, the void on the other end echoing the emptiness in your heart. It was a loneliness unlike anything you had ever known, a loneliness that consumed you from the inside out.
In the silence of the room, memories flooded your mind like a torrential downpour. You couldn't help but replay the moments leading up to this, each one a painful reminder of what once was and what could have been. The whispered promises, the shared dreams — they all felt like distant echoes of reality you could no longer grasp.
And yet, despite the overwhelming sorrow threatening to engulf you, a flicker of defiance ignited within your soul. You refused to let this moment define you, to let Eddie's betrayal rob you of your strength and resilience. You were stronger than this, stronger than the pain that threatened to break you.
As you sat there, enveloped in the solitude of the night, you couldn't help but wonder what the future held. It was a future shrouded in uncertainty, fraught with challenges and obstacles yet to be overcome. But it was also a future filled with possibility, with the potential for growth and healing in ways you never thought possible.
And so, with a newfound sense of determination, you rose from the edge of the bed, the weight of the envelope still heavy in your hand. You knew that the road ahead would be difficult, filled with twists and turns you couldn't anticipate. But you also knew that you were not alone, that somewhere out there, amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of hope waiting to be discovered.
Present Day
The memories unfurled like delicate petals in the garden of your mind, each one a testament to the fragility of youth and the bittersweet symphony of love and loss. You transported yourself back to a time when innocence was your constant companion and the world seemed painted in hues of hope and possibility.
“You know, I used to draw a little design along the back of my letters so you could make sure they hadn’t been opened by the time they got to you. It was stupid. I mean, what kind of person would want to read a letter from a 16-year-old?” The simple act of drawing a squiggly line on the back of your letters emerged from the recesses of memory, a quaint ritual born from a desire to safeguard your innermost thoughts from prying eyes. At the tender age of sixteen, such gestures felt like feeble attempts to protect the sanctity of your words in a world fraught with uncertainty.
But uncertainty seemed a distant memory compared to the raw ache that now gnawed at your soul. Tears welled up unbidden, tracing silent rivers down cheeks once adorned with the flush of youth. You hadn’t even realized they were there until the telltale sting of saltwater against your skin brought your attention to their presence.
The weight of your emotions bore down upon you like a heavy shroud, suffocating and relentless. A sob escaped your lips, the sound foreign and raw in the stillness of the room. It was a sound wrought from the depths of your being, a primal cry for understanding in a world that seemed determined to remain indifferent to your pain.
This is what happened when you thought back to that day. You felt your chest tighten like your whole body had shut itself down and stitched itself up, trapping any remnants of the life you once had inside.
 “But… that was just it. I thought you would. I thought after everything, everything, that you were that person, that you’d want to read each word, and keep them until I came home to you.” You murmured, voice barely above a whisper as you navigated the labyrinth of memories that threatened to consume you whole. It was a day etched in the annals of your existence, a pivotal moment that had irrevocably altered the course of your life.
Your chest tightened with each passing moment, a vice-like grip that threatened to crush the fragile remnants of your shattered heart. It was a physical manifestation of the agony that permeated your being, a tangible reminder of the scars that marred your soul.
The spark of happy memories flickered briefly before being engulfed by the suffocating darkness that loomed on the horizon. It was a cruel juxtaposition, the juxtaposition of light and shadow that seemed to define your existence in equal measure.
“But… that was just it,' you confessed, the words tumbling from your lips like fragile petals caught in a tempest. It was a confession borne from the depths of your despair, a desperate plea for understanding in a world that seemed determined to remain deaf to your cries.
“I thought you would,” you continued, voice trembling with a vulnerability that left you feeling exposed and raw. It was a sentiment rooted in the belief that love, true love, could transcend the barriers of time and space, binding two souls together in a tapestry of shared experiences and whispered promises.
But his face remained impassive, a mask of stoicism that betrayed none of the tumultuous emotions swirling beneath the surface. It was a facade you had grown accustomed to, yet it still cut you to the quick, a reminder of the chasm that now yawned between you.
You watched in silence as he spoke, his words a litany of accusations and half-truths that cut through the fragile veneer of your composure. It was a barrage of verbal assaults, each one a dagger aimed squarely at the heart of your fragile hopes and dreams.
The question he posed hung in the air like a heavy fog, suffocating and oppressive in its silence. It was a question that pierced the very fabric of your being, laying bare the insecurities and doubts that had long plagued your tortured soul.
“Is she even mine?” he demanded, the words a cruel echo of the doubts that had long haunted your darkest nightmares. It was a question you had feared and dreaded, yet it still cut you to the quick, reminder of the fragile foundation upon which your fractured relationship now stood.
Any lingering traces of guilt dissolved in the face of his callous indifference, replaced by a seething anger that threatened to consume you whole. How dare he? How dare he question the paternity of the child you had borne alone, a testament to the strength and resilience of a mother’s love?
“Look, don’t give me that look,” he snapped, his voice dripping with contempt as he dismissed your pain with a casual wave of his hand. It was a dismissal you could ill afford, a reminder of the gulf that now stretched between you like an unbridgeable chasm.
But you refused to be cowed by his indifference, refused to allow him to diminish the magnitude of your sacrifice with his callous words. You squared your shoulders, steeling yourself for the storm that threatened to engulf you whole.
“And I don’t know you’d been telling me in your letters how you were getting close to this Jeb kid,” he continued, his words a dagger aimed squarely at the heart of your fragile hopes and dreams. It was a betrayal of the highest order, a betrayal you could ill afford in the face of his relentless onslaught.
Sure, you had attempted to befriend Jeb, and had sought solace in the fleeting moments of companionship he offered. But it was a fleeting respite, a reprieve from the relentless storm that raged within your tortured soul.
“Look, I think we just need to do a paternity test-” he began, his words a death knell tolling in the depths of your despair. It was a proposition you could ill afford, a proposition that threatened to unravel the fragile threads of your fractured relationship.
But before he could utter another word, something inside you snapped. It was a primal instinct, a raw surge of emotion that propelled you forward with a force you could not resist. The crack of your hand meeting his cheek echoed in the stifling silence, a symphony of defiance and liberation.
“Get out,” you spat, the words a bitter indictment of the betrayal that now stained the fabric of your fractured relationship. He recoiled, a hand pressed to his stinging cheek, shock etched into every line of his face.
As he made his hasty exit, you remained rooted to the spot, grappling with the aftershocks of your outburst. Glass shattered against the door, a physical manifestation of the shattered fragments of your fractured relationship.
Alone amidst the debris, you collapsed to the floor, knees buckling beneath the weight of your anguish. Blood mingled with tears as you surrendered to the overwhelming tide of emotion, the cold embrace of exhaustion lulling you into an uneasy slumber.
And so you lay, battered and broken, the echoes of his accusations lingering in the recesses of your mind, a reminder of the fragile nature of trust and the devastating consequences of its betrayal. But amidst the wreckage of your shattered dreams, a flicker of hope remained a beacon of light in the darkest depths of despair. For in the crucible of adversity, you had discovered the strength to endure, the resilience to rise from the ashes of your shattered past and forge a future worthy of the love you so desperately sought.
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Eddie seethed with a mixture of frustration and disbelief as he stepped into the familiar confines of his home in Hawkins. All he'd attempted was to apply logic, yet he was met with hostility. Perhaps "assault" was too strong a term, but it wasn't far from the truth. This marked the second occasion he'd been struck since returning home. Did he even still consider Hawkins home? The question gnawed at him as he pushed the door shut behind him, the weight of uncertainty settling heavily upon his shoulders.
Inside, the atmosphere was tense. Wayne sat at the worn wooden table, his hands folded neatly before him. The silence that enveloped the room hung heavier than usual, suffocating any hope of a casual greeting. Eddie's jaw tensed as he braced himself for the inevitable confrontation, his mind racing with a thousand unanswered questions.
"So... what went down between you two?" Wayne's voice cut through the oppressive silence like a knife, his gaze fixed intently on Eddie. Eddie couldn't help but admire his uncle's directness, even in moments like these.
"We argued, as we always do," Eddie began, his voice heavy with frustration. "She gave me the silent treatment for ages, and when she finally spoke, she blamed me for not knowing about the kid. So, I asked if the child was even mine, and she slapped me! Can you believe it?" His hands clenched into fists, his knuckles turning white against the strain as he recounted the altercation.
Wayne sighed heavily, rubbing a weary hand over his face. "You're being dense, Eddie," he said, his tone laced with exasperation. He knew Eddie was smarter than this. Yet here he was, behaving like a petulant child. "Of course, Willow is yours. All the signs point to it."
Eddie shot Wayne a withering glare, his frustration boiling over. How could his uncle trust her over him? Surely the reasonable man Wayne was would understand why Eddie preferred to err on the side of caution, especially with matters of the heart.
"Edward, the kid has your eyes and your hair. She looks exactly like you did as a child. I knew she was yours the moment I saw her."
The words hit Eddie like a ton of bricks, a sudden realization dawning on him. "You knew? When did she tell you?"
"She didn't have to. Edward Munson, that kid is your spitting image. When she visits, all she wants to do is listen to your tapes and hear you talk about your Caves and Lizards game."
"It's Dungeons and Dragons," Eddie corrected automatically, his mind racing to process this new information. "She's mine... isn't she?"
"Of course she is. Did you think she'd choose anyone but you?" Wayne's voice softened, a hint of warmth creeping into his tone as he reached out to reassure his nephew. He had seen it the moment she entered their lives. She and Eddie had an infatuation with each other. They loved each other from day one, and it took a child to make them realize it if they ever did admit it.
"Yeah... about that..." Eddie's voice trailed off, a pang of guilt gnawing at him. How could he have doubted her, doubted them? He'd never forget the look in her eyes, like everything had fallen into place for her that night. He knew because he felt the same way. Even now, he felt like his entire existence revolved around her. "I kind of hinted that I thought she might be with someone else."
Wayne's expression softened, a flicker of understanding passing between them. Eddie had always been quick to jump to conclusions, but his heart was in the right place. "You're something else," Wayne said, a hint of fondness tugging at the corners of his lips as he rose from his seat.
With that, Wayne pushed his chair back and headed to the bathroom, leaving Eddie to grapple with the weight of his own emotions. As he made his way to his room, a sense of unease settled over him. He had ruined everything he ever wanted, and the consequences of his actions weighed heavily on his mind.
To top it all off, he might have ruined any chance of seeing his daughter again. The thought hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the fragility of their newfound bond and the importance of trust in their relationship.
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The echoes of the argument still reverberated in your mind, though two weeks had passed since the war within your… situation… erupted. Now, amidst the chaos of life, bigger things demand your attention. Today marked Willow's first day of school, a milestone overshadowed by the recent upheaval. Delaying it by a few days seemed necessary as she grappled with the revelation that the person she believed to be her sister was, in fact, her mother. It was a truth that unravelled a web of emotions, triggering one of the most monumental tantrums you had ever witnessed.
As you sat in the parking lot, the weight of recent events felt momentarily lifted by the simple joy of hearing Willow refer to you as her mom for the first time. The word, so longed for yet unexpected in its arrival, wrapped around your heart like a warm embrace. It was a validation of the bond you had worked tirelessly to forge, despite the obstacles and uncertainties that clouded your path.
"Mom... we should go." Willow's voice broke through the reverie, grounding you in the present moment. You couldn’t get past the significance of her words, even if she didn’t. Each syllable held a promise of newfound connection and acceptance for her and a promise that part of you was starting to slip away. It was a moment you had longed for, a moment that filled the void left by the turmoil of recent weeks.
With a sense of renewed purpose, you stepped out of the car, the cool breeze of the morning air brushing against your skin. Making your way around to Willow's side, you extended a hand to help her out, savouring the warmth of her small fingers intertwined with yours. The simple act of physical contact felt like a lifeline, a tangible reminder of the love that bound you together.
Pulling her into a tight embrace, you marvelled at how much she had grown in what felt like the blink of an eye. The past few weeks had been a whirlwind of emotions, but in this moment, as you held your precious child close, everything else faded into insignificance. You couldn't help but lavish her with affection, doting on her every movement as if trying to make up for lost time.
"I know, I know. It's just you're so big now!" you exclaimed, your voice tinged with a mixture of pride and awe. Willow's smile mirrored your own, a reflection of the unconditional love that flowed between you. As you stood there, basking in the warmth of the morning sun, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together, bound by a love that was as resilient as it was unbreakable.
As she skipped beside you, her sparkly pink trainers lighting up with every step, you held her hand tightly. With each bounce, she seemed to carry a piece of the sun's brightness, infusing the world around you with an infectious energy that made everything seem more vibrant and alive. You wished you could bottle it, like her own brand of lightning in a jar. You were certain a joy like that could cure all ailments.
As you stepped into the building, a wave of familiar scents enveloped you, triggering a strange sense of nostalgia. The hallways exuded a peculiar blend of bleach, plasticine, and an elusive aroma that seemed to linger in every school corridor. It was a scent that stirred up memories, perhaps of apprehension, or maybe of anticipation, but most likely a concoction of both.
High school memories flooded your mind, and you couldn't help but think of her. You wondered how time would mould her, shaping her perspective of the world. If she retained even a fraction of the effervescent spirit she possessed now, you could easily picture her as a beacon of joy, radiating positivity and warmth wherever she went.
As you approached Willow's classroom door, a mix of emotions swirled within. Each step felt like a journey, leading inexorably to a new phase of life. The door creak seemed to underscore the weight of the moment as it swung open, revealing a space alive with the energy of youth. But amidst the chatter and colourful decor, a bittersweet truth lingered: this marked the beginning of the end of an era. Standing in the hallway, holding her tiny little hand, the gravity of the occasion settled like a heavy cloak. It was a poignant reminder that time marches on, carrying precious moments with it, even as it ushers in new beginnings.
“You ready to go in, sweetie? You want me to come in and help you get set up?”
Your head snapped up, startled by the rapid tempo of shoes striking the linoleum floor. As you turned, your heart leapt at the sight of the one person you least expected yet secretly yearned for. It was a paradoxical moment, where surprise collided with a silent prayer answered. Time seemed to stand still as you processed the unexpected encounter, each heartbeat echoing the tumultuous mix of emotions swirling within.
“I drove here as fast as I could. I… I had to see her.” 
His dishevelled appearance, with hair hastily scraped back and clothes seemingly inside out, hinted that he rushed here, disoriented maybe. The last thing you wanted was for Willow's first day to be marred by tears or confusion, so you hurriedly guided her inside, a silent observer from the doorway.
As Willow bounded towards a girl in a bright blue sweater, effortlessly engaging in her natural talent for making friends, you couldn't help but feel a pang of emotion. Yet, you remained silent, unable to meet his gaze without the weight of an unspoken intensity pressing against your chest.
It was a sensation that threatened to overwhelm you, leaving your eyes burning and your mouth dry. The urge to scream into the void, to release the pent-up emotions into the world, was almost palpable. But deep down, you knew that no amount of noise could articulate the complex feelings swirling within you.
“Why did you-” You couldn’t handle his questions, only holding up a hand to shut him up for a minute.
“You can see her from here. I can’t have her asking more questions just yet.” He didn’t have to deal with the fallout, he’s never had to deal with any of it. He just walked back in, fired around a bunch of accusations, and walked back out again. He’d never get to understand the pain that left you.
“I’m sorry for what I said. Please, just… just listen to me.”
“Will listening shut you up? Will it make everything go back to the way it was before you knew?” You choked on the end of your words, fighting back the tears that stung your eyes and threatened to fall.
“Just let me speak, and if after I'm finished, that's still what you want? Then we can try to go back to normal. But it’ll never be like it was before I knew, because I want to know her.”
You stood up and began walking away, hearing him follow close behind. You weren't in the mood to hear what he had to say, or how he felt he had some god-given right to see her after everything he had said and done. His presence grated on your nerves, each footstep amplifying your frustration.
“I want to know my daughter. Please.” 
His voice sounded almost like he was begging, pleading with you to change your mind, to hear him out. The desperation in his tone made you hesitate, hearing him call her his. It stirred something within you, and you stopped in your tracks. Turning around, you fixed him with a ferocious glare, your eyes burning with a mix of anger and pain. The intensity of your gaze was enough to make him falter, and for a moment, the hallway was filled with the heavy silence of unspoken emotions.
"So now you feel entitled to call her yours?" Now you get to believe me when I say that I’d never been with anyone but you? Why did you suddenly have a change of heart?
He continued walking towards you, slowing his pace as he noticed you stiffen when he got too close. It was as if he was handling a wounded bird, afraid that any sudden movement might cause you to flee and leave him behind once more. The only thing convincing him that you wouldn't run was the undeniable truth that your child was still here, and you would never leave her. The weight of this unspoken understanding hung heavily in the air, a silent tether binding you to the spot despite the turmoil within.
“I was a fool before. Wayne showed me that. Hell, I was more than a fool. I was an outright fuck up.” He stood there, holding his breath. You could almost hear his heart battering against his ribs from where you stood. As you turned around and met his gaze, a flicker of softness crept into your heart. You wanted to dash to your car, to escape home and hide until it was time to pick her up. But you knew it was impossible. For Christ's sake, he lived across the street. Eventually, you'd run into him again. The thought of the inevitable encounters made your shoulders sag with the weight of resignation, yet you stood your ground, steeling yourself for the confrontation that you knew was coming.
“That doesn’t answer my question. It just proves I was right. Why do you feel the right to call her your child when I was the one who had to endure hell for years?” 
You felt the tears fall, but made no move to wipe them away. A part of you was glad you didn’t when you felt his warm hand on your cheek, gently brushing them away with his thumb. He looked at you with that familiar expression—the one that had gotten you into this mess in the first place. It was a mix of tenderness and regret, a look that pierced through your defenses and made your heart ache. Despite everything, there was still a connection, a lingering trace of what once was, and it left you standing there, torn between the past and an uncertain future.
And it was goddamn working.
“I remembered it, just this morning.” 
He was staring through your soul with those eyes that could melt the ice-cold walls you’d built to keep yourself safe. He was the only person you had ever known who could make you feel secure, make you feel at home. In his gaze, you saw a depth of understanding and a silent plea for forgiveness, a reflection of the love that had once bound you together so tightly. Despite the pain and the years of separation, he still had the power to unravel your defenses, leaving you vulnerable yet inexplicably comforted in his presence.
“When I called you and the line went dead, I tried again and again to get through to you. Eventually, someone answered. It was your dad. He told me you didn’t want to talk to me ever again. Then I remembered something you said to me about a letter you wrote. I… I never got it.” 
The realization hit you like a freight train, surging through every vein in your body like an unstoppable force. It felt as though the tracks had suddenly given way beneath you, sending you hurtling into chaos. Yet, amidst the chaos, everything began to fall into place, like pieces of a puzzle that had eluded fitting together until this moment.
Memories flooded back—your father's abrupt phone call, the slammed receiver, the whispered conversations behind closed doors. And then, the return of your letter, marked with "return to sender." It all made sense now. The pieces of the puzzle, disjointed and scattered for so long, finally clicked into place, revealing a picture you had never dared to imagine.
A surge of conflicting emotions washed over you. Part of you wanted to cry and scream, to unleash the years of pent-up anger and frustration at the injustice of it all. You had wasted so much time hating him for what he did, resenting the world for the hand it had dealt you. But on the other hand, there was a profound sense of gratitude, a realization that despite the pain and heartache, his actions had led to the greatest gift you could have ever received.
In the midst of the turmoil, there was a glimmer of light—a beacon of love and joy that had emerged from the darkest corners of your past. Your child, the embodiment of a love you had never thought possible, had brought warmth and meaning into your life in ways you could never have imagined. And in that moment, as you grappled with the complexities of your emotions, you couldn't help but feel a sense of profound gratitude for the unexpected blessings that had emerged from the depths of your pain.
“I shouldn’t have said what I did when you told me that Willow was mine. I should’ve believed you. I always believe you.” He walked closer to you, till the tips of your shoes were touching, and you could feel his breath on your skin, the smell of nicotine engulfing you. “Maybe if I told you sooner that I…” You watched him catch his breath, watched him stop speaking for a moment. You had a blooming warm feeling in your chest, hoping what he was about to say was the same as what you’d been feeling for as long as you can remember.
“Say it, please. So that I can tell you the same thing.” 
You watched as a sparkle appeared behind his eyes, a joyous expression threatening to overtake his face. It made you want to grin against him too, want to smile stronger and wider than you’ve ever done before.
“Maybe if I told you sooner that I loved you, I could’ve made you stay. We could’ve raised her together. God, I love you, have loved you and will love you for my entire life. I don’t know why I didn’t say anything before now. I wish I had told you that night, the beautiful night that I have been obsessed with since you left.” His words were like poetry, music to your ears.
The fluorescent lights cast a soft glow over the empty high school hallway, the distant hum of the lights barely audible. After five long years apart, you stood facing each other near the lockers where you had shared countless memories as children yourself.
"I never stopped loving you," he confessed, his voice trembling slightly. "Not for a single moment."
Tears welled up in your eyes, your heart pounding in your chest. "I love you too," you whispered, your voice breaking. "I've always loved you."
For a moment, the two of you simply stared at each other, the weight of your mutual feelings hanging heavily in the air. Then, almost in unison, you took a step closer.
His other hand reached up to cup your cheek, his thumb gently brushing away the last stray tear. You leaned into his touch, your eyes fluttering closed as you savored the warmth and familiarity of his hand.
He tilted his head, closing the distance between the two of you. Your breaths mingled, and you could feel the heat radiating from his body. Then, your lips collided with his in a tender, lingering kiss, a kiss that spoke of years of longing and unspoken words.
It was soft at first, a gentle exploration, as if you were both afraid the moment would shatter. But then, the intensity grew, the kiss deepening as you poured all your pent-up emotions into it. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer, and you responded in kind, your hands tangling in his long, thick hair.
The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of love and passion. The cool metal of the lockers pressed against your back as they kissed, grounding you both in the reality of the moment. When you finally pulled apart, both of you were breathless, your foreheads resting against each other as you tried to catch their breath.
"I've missed you so much," you murmured, your voice barely more than a breath.
"And I you," he replied, his voice thick with emotion. "But we're together now, and I'm never letting you go again."
You smiled, your heart full, and kissed him once more, sealing the promise with a tender touch, the echoes of your love resonating through the silent hallway.
This, this was the life you deserved, the love you deserved, all along. This was what true love felt like, what it felt like to be loved. He was an intoxicating drug, and you knew that you were hooked for life.
You sat in the car together, catching him up on everything he’d missed while you were apart. Soon it felt like no time had passed at all, and that you were back to your old ways. Best friends, and now lovers.
You hadn’t realised that hours had passed until you saw the cute little bundle of joy bounding her way over in her pink light up sneakers. You saw a look on Eddies face, a beaming sight of joy.
“What is it? Are you okay?” You got a little worried, thinking maybe something was wrong.
“She… she’s wearing my old hellfire shirt. It was the first one I’d ever made. I didn’t want to waste a shirt my size, so I tried it on a child's one. Wayne, well, he must have sold it on or something.” You could now see that what that look in his eyes was. It was pride. Pride that his little girl was showing an interest in something that was uniquely his.
The grin stayed on his face even as she climbed into the car, throwing her arms around the seat to hug him, squealing his name in delight. It made your heart soar, like fireworks lighting up your whole world.
“So sweetie, how was your first day?” 
“I got a boyfriend named Sam!” 
You watched Eddie almost choke on his own breath, meanwhile you couldn’t help but break into a belly laugh, clutching your sides breathlessly.
“Well, guess I better meet this boy.” He turned to you, whispering gently. “Is it too much to sit on the porch with a shotgun?”
“Eddie! The kids probably five years old!”
“Hey! She’s my little girl, I gotta protect her from the big bad kindergartners of the world.” 
And that was it, that was how you’d go onto spend the rest of your lives. With a beautiful sunny glow surrounding you like heavenly light. 
The look of love would stay on his face forever, on your wedding day, on the day you brought a brother into the world for Willow. It was there always, and you just knew.
You knew that this was what it meant to be clean.
And there we go! The final chapter is done after so damn long. I've been writing this fic for over a year and im so glad to finally have it be over. The amount of WIPs I've come up with since then has been enormous, but I've commited and didn't want to give up on this baby. So here it is, I hope you all enjoyed!
@vintagehellfire @1paire2vans @introvertedmouse @ms1oftheboys @ashlynnkennedy @poisonedluv @302rocks @micheledawn1975 @corrodedcoffincumslut @f-cklife @chloe-6123 @hellfirexwhore @caseyqdilla @alyisdead @winchester-angel @sunflowerabyss @badluckgirl @blackb4ts @tlclick73 @eddiemunsonsgf2 @rozxartaki @emilyslutface @them-cute-boys @ilovetaquitosmmmm @r-a-d-i-0-n-0-w-h-e-r-e @captainonaboat @lottie-90 @adaydreamaway08 @munsonmunster @thecomfortgoth @uglypastels @ghost-proofbaby @trashmouth-richie @blueywrites @amberolivia666 @mystargirl-interlude
@elegantkoalapaper @eddiesguitarskills @hazydespair @rozxartaki @seatbacksandtraytables
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m3tr0n0m333 · 6 days
A fankid AU: Introduction
Circa 200 years into the future…
Past the death of the renowned, world famous hero: Sonic the Hedgehog, his immortal rival resides in a secluded location not many know about, or dare to stumble upon. He’s made himself a peaceful abode, isolated from the rest of the world— prying eyes or hands seeking his power or presence.
Shadow merely wishes to live without the stress of catastrophe weighing on his shoulders. And with the death of the biggest villain of the era- Doctor Robotnik, he succeeds for the most part- until a mysterious illness overcomes him, and he’s forced to reach out for help.
Upon wandering to the familiar-yet-changed Emerald Town, Shadow spots a recognizable logo on a building.
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With curiosity and intrigue, the ebony hedgehog makes his next exploration the inside of this tall establishment.
No, it will not stay this well formatted most of the time. Guess I just felt like putting effort into it.
This au focuses around Tails, Shadow, and my fankid, Sparks! (No ships between these three, although they do end up as a family of sorts.) (+ Silver, who exists around this time, gets to be the cool cousin of sorts)
Shadow, as described, had isolated himself for quite a few years. And got an illness. But it’s far from mysterious.
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His inhibitor rings have rusted and aren’t as effective as they were, well, 200 years ago, causing his chaos energy to run irregularly and make him fatigued/sick. Of course, it was a gradual process, so it was a little difficult to have spotted it right away. And when you’re sick, the obvious becomes… less obvious?
During this lengthy intermission between supposed canon and au, (I may go off canon quite a bit. I’m not professionally well versed in all the Sonic lore…) Miles Prower (formedly gone as “Tails” for his iconic two tailed ‘mutation’) had grown rather successful. A well-off entrepreneur of his own brand. He lives comfortably, although he does lack the bonds he once had.
As a kitsune, Miles’ life expectancy is lengthened, and gaining another tail every 100 years. He had existed much past his more mortal friends and allies, but pushed forwards to a brighter future, sort of. In this time, he has developed more of his kitsune oriented abilities, taking a favor to illusions.
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Shadow wanders upon the main building, the HQ erected at Emerald Town, where his house once was. As Shadow wanders, Miles is aware of the old friend bumbling through the building and decides to play a little prank with some illusions and the high tech security measures he has installed in the building. (Nothing harmful, promise)
Once Shadow reaches the top, Miles reveals himself with a bold act of bravado. As of which they have some reunion and reaccqeuaintence time. Shadow explains his problem to Miles, Miles points out the problem and offers to make Shadow new inhibitor rings (and fix his air shoes in the process). Afterwards, he offers a residence for Shadow with him, but the hedgehog refuses, intending to return to his reclusive life.
On his path of return, he comes across a kid, sitting alone in the rain.
He resembles someone.
Spiky blue quills colored like the wind and the sky, peachy fur on his chest and muzzle. Pointed ears, although a bit droopier.
He sat with his legs pressed against his chest, on the edge of the sidewalk. Alone, yet he wears an expression closer to irritation rather than fear or melancholy.
After some questioning, he discovers that the kid ran from an orphanage, one he describes as nasty and disrespectful to him, like gum sticking his shoe to the floor. He describes that he had ran, to find some freedom. He’s a fast runner, you know? Maybe if he can get faster and faster, he may actually break the barrier keeping him chained to the orphanage.
When the sky darkens, illuminating the moon and the stars, Shadow stands. To lead the kid back to where he should be encourages him to have hope, but without acting to give him it. Words are empty when actions don’t reflect it.
The kid begs to let him free. Lead him somewhere else, not back to his prison. No one will take him back in the orphanage. He deserves to be free. He can take care of himself out here- a string of reasons to grasp why he shouldn’t go back.
Shadow continues to walk in silence.
Perhaps it was pity. Shadow would like to believe it is, but it’s hard to describe the pull of his actions towards another decision. He felt this was right, despite denial weighing on this choice.
Shadow returned to the tall building, where Miles— although surprised to see his return— welcomed him back warmly. When asked for the reason of his return, Shadow provides a rather bashful explanation.
He doesn’t know how to take care of a child.
References + Character Design and Personality Rambles
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Eyyyy it’s the old man (quite literally at this point. He’s like 200+ years??). How did he survive all those years in isolation without going insane?? I have no idea. He probably talks to the animal inhabitants of the place he lived in I think. I like to think maybe he found himself an ancient library to make himself at home and spent most of his time reading books and doing house chores.
To be honest I tried to reference other Shadow redesigns because I also wanted to put some more Black Arms traits on him, but I honestly don’t know know much about the Black Arms so all he got was a longer tail <3
He’s a tiiiny bit pinker in this design. Like the red highlights on his quills are more pivoted towards the pink on the color wheel, and the white fur also has a tint of pink. No reason. He just gets to be slightly pinker. As a treat.
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^^ (Miles noticed. Shadow did not.)
Anyways, you may be wondering, why didn’t Shadow take the offer of staying with Miles the first time? After being alone without friends were so long, you would think he is drawn to the idea of having company again. Well, the thing is, I think that Shadow hates change, in a way. He’s drawn himself away from society, lived self sustained, without the pressures and all that. Suddenly, he gets the offer to reintegrate into a society he is not well versed in? Seems incredibly overwhelming. And Shadow believes he was perfectly content in his serene lifestyle.
He only reconsidered the second time because he doesn’t know how to take care of the kid he freshly adopted (and probably not correctly adopted either) and only thought of Tails for help. As far as he knows, Tails is the only other old friend that exists alongside him right now so…
This sets up the story of Shadow and Tails tries to take care of this kid and slowly forms into a type of found family that doesn’t quite fit into the boundaries of what a family would be like. They are not even close to traditional family roles, I think, other than a child-parent relationship between Shadow and Sparks (who I have yet to introduce)
During this story, Shadow gets back into the action of adventure again. He’s reminded of the exhilaration he felt in the past. Even little things such as banter and skating down hill. He missed it all, although he doesn’t admit it.
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Here is Miles!! He dropped the name “Tails” after a while, deeming it something he doesn’t identify as deeply with anymore. (Maybe because no one was around to call him that old nickname anymore)
So you know how I mentioned he’s become an entrepreneur of sorts? It was bound to happen, I think. Imagine living 200+ years and still not figuring out how to earn the most money and live comfortably.
Anyways, while coloring his design, I did realize that he vaguely reminds me of Eggman… it’s probably the red, gold and white colors. Fits him well though, yeah? He always did share some traits with Eggman, I think. He just turned out more benevolent, he still has the high tech tendencies that Eggman held, as well as other habits.
I think Miles had earned some of an ego over time. When most acquaintances leave(died), and you rise to the top, everyone feels so far. And Miles stop bothering to seek out meaningful relationships to save him some suffering. He can still have fun, he can still have friends- just not with the strong intimate bond he had with his initial family.
When Shadow returned, he felt a spark- the hope- the opportunity to have a semblance of the old life again. Nostalgia is a strong feeling. That is why he offered for Shadow to stay. He didn’t expect him to, but that didn’t stop his heart from swelling with joy when Shadow did return.
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Here is Sparks! The kid Shadow picked off the street yaknow yaknow… He is meant to resemble Sonic. Not uncannily resemble him though. Just enough that both Shadow and Tails can look at him and think… he kind of reminds me of his other blue hedgehog I had a deep connection with….
Part of why Shadow adopted Sparks is honestly because of his resemblance to Sonic. He would not like to acknowledge it, as it seems like such a cruel thing to give the hope of a new connection to someone that doesn’t know that that new connection did not start off new at all in the other side.
Of course, Sparks acts nothing like Sonic, despite similar appearances. Even though Sparks also shares the same sentiments— wanting freedom— as well as abilities— such as superspeed— Sparks acts more towards the pessimistic side. He’s not as charming as Sonic had been. (And although he does have superspeed, I believe it’s not to the extent that Sonic had.)
Additionally, when Shadow had been taking him back to the orphanage, he really wasn’t forced. Sparks intended to follow him back. Perhaps out of habit. And inevitable loop of escaping but returning once again. But also because if cowardice, knowing he wouldn’t be able to make it by himself. He’s immature, he’s inexperienced, Sparks is aware of that, yet still tries- only to the extent of what he knows he can succeed: aka running away, but never staying away. His cowardice is one of the traits he does not share with Sonic.
During his description of the orphanage to Shadow, he’s a bit of an unreliable narrator. The orphanage isn’t as miserable as Sparks describes it as. It’s a pretty normal orphanage, Sparks is just a troublemaker- and he hates the idea of being trapped in one place.
Anyways, Sparks resembles a star of sorts. He’s a little star themed. <3
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
One thing I don't think is mentioned enough is the fact that during the journey, a lot of Celestials took the opportunity to just... outright FUCK around with Wukong. Like, they'd send all sorts of demons their way intentionally just to intervene and say "Oh hey! You found my favorite pet!" Even Guanyin hadn't been innocent of this considering she had this huge fit over her pet goldfish. And if they weren't using their pets they were finding other methods to delay or otherwise force the Pilgrims off the beaten path and into danger out of some sort of test, spite, or pettiness.
Now, think about how in the both JTTW and Slow Boiled au Wukond actually was pregnant or not during the journey, and in Century au, the Heavenly Court BELIEVE he was pregnant. So imagine how those guys feel after they decided to fuck with Wukong put of spite and found out they unknowingly were stressing a pregnant monkey out!?
Yeah! Characters like Gold Star hide their identities to aid the main characters, while some are just... doing it for fun? Are they LARP-ing? And Monkey has Gold-Vision; why does he always not recognise these people even from his Celestial days?
Guanyin set up a whole honey trap knowing that half the squad ain't into it, and dropped the gang on their way home cus they missed 1 story event. The abbey with the Ginseng tree were pretty rude af. The Buddha's own servants tried to fleece the gang of the scriptures. Multiple kingdoms suffered cus King Who-Care shot somebody's bird-cousin, or knocked over a table of offerings. And the 28 Lunar Mansions took almost 13 years to realise that the Wood Wolf was missing.
Lao Tzu's lab assisants literally run off with his stuff and become demon lords for lulz (or they were the assisants that let the Rhino King/Buffalo out and were scared that they'd get in trouble). And lets not forget RHINO KING. Bruh, you somehow lost track of a gotdang celestial Bull-Rhino!?
Guanyin's not immune from this; TWO of her pets became horrific demons (Goldfish and Sai Taisui) and are arguably the most irredeemable of all the villains faced.
Lady Earth Flow/Albino Rat/Bat spirit is even described as Li Jing's adoptive daughter - how the f that happen?? How did he lose track of a whole kid so bad that she became a vampire-esque demon?
Manjusri let their cat (Azure Lion) out TWICE. And they cursed the Wuji kingdom for tossing them in a sewer for preeching.
After a point, I'd imagine Wukong in the stone egg aus would just throw his hands up and start yelling at the gods directly. He's even bolder in the Jttw Stone Egged au given that he has Macaque as back-up.
You know that chapter where Rhino King steals all of the Heavenly Army's powers and weapons, and the immortals are all infighting so hard that Wukong has to be the voice of reason?
Imagine a tiny hormonal monkey just going nuts at these gods. He's screaming in their faces. He's demanding Nezha lift him up so he can look General Li Jing in the eye. He's telling them what good are they as fighters if they only feel safe with their weapons and powers? Wukong has a *damn* good reason he ain't taking on Rhino King in a 1-v-1 rn, whats all these gods excuse?!
The gods are too surprised and intimidated to argue back. And you better believe a certain alchemist is getting a smack for letting a whole animal loose from his lab.
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nixthelapin · 5 months
Miraculous AU where Gabriel is a little a lot more messed up, and when Felix comes around in s3 and takes the wedding ring, instead of just letting him go he, as Hawkmoth, goes to London after him, gets his own ring back (which is technically Adrien’s), but also takes Felix’s amok (maybe even brings Mayura with him to do the about-to-snap thing to make sure he can’t fight back at all), and forces him back to Paris where he’ll use the (still broken) Peacock miraculous instead of Natalie because he just really hates Felix and doesn’t care if he dies from using it and therefore is willing to make him create more frequent sentis than Natalie did in s3 canon. “You wanted the Peacock didn’t you? Well now you got exactly what you wanted.” And this will all be under the guise of Felix spending more time with his cousin to “improve himself” because of how he likes to cause trouble or whatever.
(This could be paired with an Enemies AU where Adrien is already being forced to be a villain with the Cat with his amok, but could also just be as is.)
Bonus: Felix would actually end up improving himself by spending more time with Adrien and being dragged along to hang out with Adrien’s friends (cough, Feligami, cough)
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spacehareart · 2 months
Philza ;
Cursed / Crow Beast
Wild Witch but is mature about it.
Enjoys Potions and Beast magic.
Crow Palisman
Tommy ;
Grimwalker mix of Philza and Techno. Philza does know, Techno sorta knew. Tommy Doesn't know.
Philza's student.
Enjoys being a wild witch, immature about it.
Pig Palisman from Techno, Bee Palisman.
Ranboo ;
Disabled Witch, teleports glitch-ingly.
Uses illusion magic mainly. Uses it to appear more like a demon featured witch to hide from others. Also uses Oracle magic.
On the run.
Sphinx Cat Palisman.
Techno ;
Demon/Witch mix.
Traveled while Tommy was a kid, past away by saving Tommy from a Titan.
Had a Pig Palisman.
One of the few wild witches left.
Philza's and Tommy's Adoptive Brother.
Slimecicle ;
Secretly Cursed
Uses illusion magic and Abomination magic.
No one knows much about him. They don't know he's human or cursed. He keeps Juanaflippa a secret.
No Palisman..
Tubbo ;
Not a wild witch. In the healing coven against his will.
Prefers Plant magic.
Has a wolf Palisman.
Quackity ;
Not a wild witch. Forced into Oracle. Prefers Beast.
Has a duck Palisman.
Eggs ;
All eggs are Titans ( but are stylized to look a bit more different from each other ) except for Code Flippa and Gegg. Which are both Collectors.
Other: not a swap AU, literally just them as their characters. I will be updating with more ! ( not exclusive to just qsmp/dsmp ( which i havent watched dsmp anyway ) members, will be including ldshadow lady and stampy; etc :)
Some newer additions, the first stuff was a bit older as of 6 / 17 / 2024.
Philza, Schlatt and Slime made a Grimwalker from a bit of Philza and what was left of Techno. Thus, making Tommy. Grimwalkers in this AU age fast until teen years, where memory actually starts. Tommy doesn't know what he is. Tommy is 20 when things begin.
Tommy will get wings later after some arc or smth. Same with Philza, he too has a bird beast, a Crow form. He also gets a Crow harpy form.
Philza is a long distant cousin of the Clawthornes.
Slimecicle is one of the antags, he also has a curse where he becomes a slime beast ( similar to Belos ). He learned how to make grimwalkers because of Schlatt and Philza. After losing Flippa he lost Mariana, and made Grimwalker Flippa. He pretends to be a shopkeeper and restocks Philza's potions. He is a human while every one else is a witch.
Philza only has Chayanne and Tommy, but eventually finds Tallulah.
Ranboo bumps into Tommy and adventure begins tldr.
And before someone asks in case they dont know: the grimwalker thing is a HEADCANON, the owl house never showed us, but its assumed they are born as teenagers or sped up aging until teen years. But that being said, Tommy is chronologically ( and technically bilogically ) and mentally 20 by the time the story begins. Tho there won't be any shipping , i just wanna make that clear.
( i do not support dream or wilbur thus they will not be in this AU at all. )
This AU is still new so its lore is a mess, sorry abt that.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 5 months
Deceiver Chapter 1 - Villain Camilo au (rewrite)
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TW: Some cussing
As always likes, reblogs. and comments are appreciated. Questions are fine as well.
Special thanks to @miracles-and-butterflies and @evostar for the inspiration.
Chapter 2
These past several months have been the best fun Camilo has ever had. He bonded a little more with his family and that's the best thing he could ever ask for. Pranking people with Isabela, games with Dolores & Antonio, relaxing/talking about whatever with Mirabel/Luisa, and writing stories with his new Tio Bruno. Ok, well he's not new but still.
Not only that, but he's not forced to perform or babysit some random kid anymore. Don't get him wrong, he loved performing and babysitting but...it was getting a bit much for him.
A few years after his ceremony, it became expected for him to perform. To make people laugh. So much so that people would actively seek him out in hopes for him to make them laugh.
After he turned nine, he was given children to babysit. A few cousins on his papa's side of the family. No biggie. But after that, word spread around the Encanto, and he just became the designated babysitter of the place.
2, 3, 4, sometimes six or seven kids at a time that he was forced to look after. And at the time, he couldn't refuse. The family image was on the line and wanted to make abuela the miracle proud.
So, he dealt with it. All the times he wanted to relax he had to perform to make crowds or kids happy. If you need an extra Luisa you can just go to him. He can’t mimic her build and the strength she would have without her gift to help carry or lift whatever you needed…To hell with his own relaxation. 
“Hey, it's Camilo! Tell us a story,  we know you have a good one to share”
“I’ve been down lately, say something to lift my spirits”
“Say something funny, I'm so bored!” 
Any time he tried to refuse he would be peer pressured into it. Or told how he was supposed to help. Sometimes he would get scolded if he said no too many times.
"You are a Madrigal for god's sake, you can't help me for a couple of hours?"
"Just take Elicia now, I'll be back in a couple of hours!"
"What's with the attitude?!"
"You watch that attitude young man, or I'll tell Alma how rude you've been."
And usually, when asked to go to a certain place, he usually has to be someone else.
"Hey, I need you to be me for a couple of hours. I do not want to go to that wedding"
"Can you be me at my sister's birthday party? I really don't want to go"
"I need you to be me and go on a date with my girlfriend. She's really been getting on my nerves lately and I just need to break"
"You're Camilo Madrigal, right? Turn into Isabela and do something funny"
Just constant pressure to be that happy go lucky town jester, doppelganger, and babysitter. Not to mention that his gift was taxing on his body. Every shift took more energy out of his body but how was he supposed to explain that? To children especially?
All the food he ate would barely even give him the energy he needed because he would be out of it two hours after breakfast or lunch.
There were days where just wanted to pass out from exhaustion, but he couldn't, you know why? Because he was Camilo Madrigal, Alma Madrigal's grandson, a bearer of the Miracle his abuelo died to give.
He was never allowed to be sad, angry, or any version of upset. Just a happy sunshine boy who would make you smile if you demanded asked him to. Camilo can’t even remember when he actually let himself feel anything besides joy.
But after the magic left...that all stopped. And even when someone tried to pin a child on him, one of his parents, sister, or primas would shoo the person away in their own way.
Things were getting so much better for him and the family as a whole. Sure...there are some issues that haven't been said on Camilo's part but...he has all the time in the world to say something right?
He has all the time in the world to tell his family that he has trouble understanding who he is. How he has trouble seeing who the person is in the mirror when he looks at it. When he looks in the mirror he’s too scared to see whether it’s himself or someone else hiding underneath. 
How he still has issues letting himself feel negative emotions but…the magic isn't going to come back to distract everyone. So everything is going to go great.
Camilo watched as his hermanito gave Mirabel the doorknob. His smile widened and his heart swelled at the wholesome sight. As she walks up to it, they all come close.
"We see how bright you burn"
He sings with his family. He, his Hermana, and parents smiled warmly at her. 
"We see how brave you've been"
"Now see yourself in turn"
Mirabel's sisters and parents do the same. Everyone in the family, including Abuela, looks at her proudly. She finally makes it up to the new family door. Tio bruno now stands beside tia julieta and tio agustin. Man, has he grown since the start of all this. Still a little skittish and scared of people but he’s genuinely trying and making progress. 
All of them stay behind her, silently showing that it's her time to shine. She puts the doorknob in the hole and as soon as she does, magic sparks from it. Camilo's heart raced with fear...this isn't happening. He watched as the magic swirled around the house and all over the Encanto. Feeling the magic pulsate through his veins again.
No. No. No. No. No. No! No! No!
This can't be happening right now. Not after all this time, it can't be. The magic felt agonizingly warm within his body. He never wanted to feel this warmth ever again in his entire life. 
"Hola Casita!" Mirabel smiled and waved at the home.
The happy house started making music with its tiles, doors, windows, and anything else it could finally control again. With so much excitement, Casita bounced the stone floor under Mirabel and welcomed her in first.
"Come on! Get in here!"
Casita did the same for everybody and slid everyone in using the ground they stood on. The joy was ultimately infectious to everyone but Camilo. He was still trying to process what the hell was going on. 
"Calm down Camilo, our gits aren't back. It's just Casita, that's all" He thought to himself as everyone was piled in. "Surely, they wouldn't come back...right?"
Boy was he wrong, one by one, gift by gift. Isabela got her flower powers, Antonio could speak to his animals, Luisa got her super strength back. Pepa was happily dancing with small bits hail over her head. Felix cheering her on as always.
That must mean...no, no no no, it didn't. It couldn't have. He's happily gift less.
But he knew his gift was back. He could feel it in his very soul. Camilo was scared, frightened even. Does this mean things will go back to how it used to be?
Was he going to be the town jester and doppelganger and babysitter again? Was he now going to constantly be told to be someone other than himself?!
No, no, he won't let that happen.
Camilo looked around at the scene. Everyone seemed so happy and jovial while he was in a state of turmoil. Milo was feeling overwhelmed. He has to make this stop. He has to-
Suddenly, the tiles under his feet moved him to the center of the courtyard. Snapping him out of his thoughts.
Wait, what's happening?! he thought as his eyes looked around confused. The family all posed as the camera was brought out and bounced over to them with a rat on top of it.
"Everyone together!" Alma said cheerfully
"La Familia Madri-" Everyone was cut by Casita making them all huddle in too close together. Resulting in a funny but cute family photo.
After the family broke apart a little bit, Milo was given some space to think. If you could call it that. His mind was practically racing with all those horrible memories of how things used to be. 
Dolores looked at him as she heard his heart racing. To be fair, everybody's hearts were racing but she was the closest to him at the moment.
She looked at his face. He wasn't smiling. He looked perplexed to say the least...and a little scared. Which was odd, this was supposed to be a joyous moment right?
She stepped a little closer to him and put her hand on his shoulder. A small way to get his attention.
"Milo...you okay?" She asked softly and quietly, he was close enough for him to hear but quiet enough for others to barely acknowledge.
There's no candle...nothing to snuff out. Nothing to make the magic go away. It's going to happen all over again. No one is going to want me for me anymore. I have to get rid of it. GET RID OF IT! GET RID OF IT! But how?! Did Mirabel bring it back? no...wait, the doorknob...THE DOORKNOB-
Dolores spoke a little bit louder as she nudged his shoulder. Camilo looked at her in shock and looked around. His heart was still going rapidly.
"Camilo are you alright?!" She asked him while she looked into his eyes. She saw panic in his eyes, and he wasn't saying anything...he must be having a panic attack.
Her concerned voice alerted her parents Pepa looked at her son and stepped a little closer, putting her hand on his cheek.
"Mijo, are you okay?"
Camilo finally snapped out of his thoughts "I- I uh...yeah, I'm just...shocked is all" he chuckled nervously. Which wasn't a lie, he was shocked.
"Your heart was going really fast milo, are you sure-"
"I'm sure Dolores!" Camilo answered with a slightly irritated tone. He didn't mean that. Quick idiota, change your attitude "Heh....I'm okay, I'm happy"
Ok, very odd. He was telling the truth but there was something he wasn't saying. Dolores, Pepa, and Felix could see it.
"Mijo...if there's something wrong you can say it." Felix said sincerely.
"I'm fine papa, really"
The party continued and everything was going well. Camilo joined in on the fun as well. But only to appear just as happy as everyone else was. But on the inside, he was feeling everything but happy.
"The magic is back now" a voice in his head said.
"You know what that means," Another voice said.
"Everything will go back to how it used to" another said. 
"You're going to be the villages Mamita and bufón again"
"It'll all go back to everyone never wanting you, just someone who doesn't even act or look like you"
What is happening?! Where are these voices coming from...why are they saying this to me... Camilo thought to himself.
"We're saying it because it's true milo. Everything is going to go back to normal...unless you take that doorknob out of the front door of course."
This was becoming very concerning to him...but he felt like they were right. He didn't want to go back to that, he can't go back to that! He needs that doorknob gone.
When he noticed the attention wasn't on him, he snuck out to the front of the house and stood in front of the door.
It was a happy little door. It had everyone on it as a family. Cami couldn't deny that it was a sweet sight. But he wasn't really in the mood right now for sentimental value. He looked down at the doorknob, staring into it intently. It glowed so beautifully with that 'M' carved into it. Oh, how he hated it.
"Go on!"
"I can't!"
"Just take it already!"
"What if it doesn't work?"
"You want to go back to how things were? At least try it!"
Camilo internally argued with himself for a few more seconds until he reached out and gripped out. He tugged softly the first time, no budge. He tugged harder, still, it didn't budge.
“Puta madre!! Why Mirabel, WHY?! You just have to fuck everything up don’t you?!” Camilo seethed to himself. There was definitely no way of removing the magic this time. That doorknob more than likely wouldn’t budge unless Mirabel herself wanted to remove it. 
He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, to punch something ANYTHING! This isn’t fair. He can’t go back to being other people! He can’t go back to babysitting every kid in Encanto without a choice in the matter. 
“I don’t even know who I am at all and it’s all their fault! Those soul sucking ungrateful villagers. I never even got a thank you for watching their kids! Never a “thank you” for pretending to be someone else for them! I'm not going to let anyone force me back into that corner, EVER! I will burn this entire encanto DOWN to the ground before that happens again!”
Camilo’s heart was racing fast as he stared at the glowing door. Those smiles were so adorable…so mocking. He looked at the glowing version of himself “drawn” onto the door. He reached up to it and touched it. 
The door felt sickeningly warm to the touch. He could feel the music from inside vibrating off of it. Milo took his hand away with a scowl etched into his lips. He chuckled but there was no joy in it. Only disdain. 
Before he could think anything else the door swung open and hit him straight in the face, knocking him down. 
“OW!” Camilo groaned as he sat up off the ground clutching his face. 
“Huh? Oh sorry Milo, I didn’t know you were there” A voice said apologetically. Camilo instantly recognized it as Isabela’s. 
He looked up and saw her. She was completely covered in a variety of pollen colors but the most obvious one was dark blue. She held her hand out and Camilo begrudgingly took it. Next to her was a giddy and bouncy Antonio. 
“Did you kick the door open?!” He said as he rubbed his hurt nose. 
Isabela shrugged, “Yeah, lo siento. Now come on, Casita said that some of us have new additions to our gifts. Antonio wants you to try something”
Camilo looked down and was met with Antonio’s beaming face, “Cami! Dolores can turn her gift off when she wants too, that’s so cool right?! Isabela can make all kinds of plants now, even poisonous ones! I’m not sure what I or mama or Luisa can do yet but I want you to try something!”
Camilo took in all of that information and reminded himself that he wasn’t smiling, so he pretended that he was just as happy as Antonio, “Oh really? Well, what do you want me to try?” 
“Try shapeshifting into animals por favor!” 
Milo was taken back by that, animals? He remembered trying that once as a kid and nothing happened. 
“I- I don’t know tonito-”
“Pleeeeeease!” Antonio begged with that adorable smile and big eyes. Who can say no to that
Camilo sighed and kneeled down to be at his hermanito’s level “fine, any specifics?” 
“A jaguar, like Parce!” Antonio bounced with anticipation and joy. 
The teen boy looked up at Isabela, who just shrugged and put a hand on her hip as she waited. He looked back down at Antonio and stood back up. 
“Well…worth a shot” Camilo shrugged and closed his eyes. 
Milo focused on the image of Parce in his head and breathed a deep sigh. His eyes closed and breathing calm. After ten seconds he opened his eyes. He looked at Antonio and up at Isabela, then down at the ground.
Paws…he sees paws! He tried to circle around but he would just trip over himself seeing as it’s the first time he’s walking in cat form. But that didn’t deter him at all. He was ecstatic. 
“I- I did it! I turned into jaguar! I can shift into animals-”
“Pffft-” Isabela snickered and Antonio giggled at the sight. Camilo assumed it was because he was walking funny. Nope.  
“You missed a spot primo!” Isabela pointed at her face
“Your head isn’t a jaguar head. And you have a human backside” Antonio giggled. In a quick pace, tonito asked Casita to open the front door. The house obliged and did what it was asked. Before Camilo could get a word out Antonio shouted that everyone come see Camilo in a jaguar form. 
“No wait! Don’t!” Milo wasn’t a fan of his weird shifting quirks. They always acted up at the worst times and he hated it. Now was one of those times. The more he tried to shift back into any other animal or just himself he would just shift into a different animal with strange human likeness. 
By the time people were outside they saw the amalgamation that was a half donkey, horse, and teenage boy. It caused people, especially his family, to laugh at this shifting quirk. It was causing him to panic and shift more uncontrollably. 
He didn’t want this, he didn’t want to be the town entertainment again. Milo stopped to focus on the ground. In this form his legs looked to be a donkey's legs, horse torso, and a capybara face with his normal hands and hair. 
Alma came up to him with tears in her eyes as she chuckled, “aye milo, still trying to make everyone laugh I see” 
This isn’t happening right now…it couldn’t be. He wanted this to be a horrible dream but all of it felt too real to be. The laughs were so loud and annoying. His heart was beating really fast and all he could do was just look around in embarrassment. 
Pepa saw the panic in his eyes and her smile quickly faded, as well as her rainbow. She quickly walked over to him. Felix noticed her expression and followed suit. 
Pepa stood by him and patted his head in order to calm him down “Cami, you alright?” 
Camilo looked up at her and looked back at everyone else. He was not okay. He needed to not be the center of attention right now. He tried to shift into his human form but that just caused so much more embarrassment for him. 
Not to mention that all of this unorthodox shifting was hurting him. His bones and skin just shifted into so many things so many times. It was painful. 
Please stop! Please stop! Please stop! Please stop! Please stop! PLEASE STOP! He thought to himself. With a final scream of frustration he finally shifted back into himself. He checked himself over. Normal hands, normal face, normal body, normal feet. 
His breathing was quick and uneven. His heart beating a thousand beats per second. And…he was crying. Tears were falling down his cheeks and his body was shaking. 
“Camilo” Felix looked down at his son with concern and bent down to pick him up by the arm. “Hey, hey mijo! Breath, look at me!”
The teen couldn’t hear him. In fact, Camilo could still hear and see the villagers laughing at him. Even if they weren’t anymore. The laughter got louder and louder to him, never stopping. 
This frightened Camilo and he ran past all of them. Pushing and knocking over whoever he can to get inside Casita. The voices calling out to him were unheard as he rushed up Casita’s stairs and into his room. 
It was still the same as it used to be. A large theater with a big stage. The only difference was that the lights were much brighter than they used to be. And they were directly on him and followed his every movement as he ran past the audience seats and on top of the stage. 
He moved the curtain back and his old king sized bed was there with all of its yellow, orange, and red pillows, blankets, and sheets. On the right of his bed was a large rectangular mirror with the classic round light bulbs decorating all sides of it. 
“Casita…please,” Camilo whimpered as tears fell down his cheeks. Laughter was still echoing in his head. “Make it stop!”
He covered his ears like his hermana used to when noise became too much for her. 
Why is this happening to me?! I just want things to be normal! Why can’t I be normal, why can’t this family be normal?! Camilo fell to his knees and tightened his hold on his head. 
Why did Mirabel have to touch that fucking doorknob! This is all her fault, her fault, her fault, HER FAULT! Everything was fine before that. My life was going to be normal and now it’s back to how it was! Those people are going to use me again…no…
Camilo’s eyes widened as he stumbled upon a thought, “Those people…those ungrateful ass people! How dare they laugh at me?! After all the turmoil I went through to make them happy…that’s how they repay me” 
The teen boy chuckled, then giggled, and soon he started to laugh. Loudly and Maniacally. This was it, Camilo finally snapped. 
“I’ll make them pay”
On the outside of his room, Dolores was downstairs at the kitchen table trying her best to listen in on her hermano. But she couldn’t hear anything. She did hear him crying but then it just stopped as quick as it started. The only thing she could hear was his heart beat. There was a thought that he was just doing this to get attention but Camilo would never do that. 
“Do you hear anything?” Pepa asked with concern in her voice. The only reason she didn’t barge into his room is because Felix stopped her. He wanted to see him too but didn’t want to overstep a boundary. 
Dolores shakes her head, “No, mama his room is soundproof” 
Antonio looked up at his hermana and parents, “Is he gonna be ok?” 
Felix looked down at his youngest son sympathetically, “He’ll be ok mijo, he was just uh…a little embarrassed”
“A little my ass” Pepa thought to herself as she was stroking her braid. A small gray cloud over her head. 
“He was crying though” Antonio doubted and sank back into his chair a little bit. 
The table went quiet as everyone went into deep thought. He looked really panicked, hurt (both physically and emotionally), and embarrassed. Most of them thought he may have been having a panic attack but Dolores informed them his heart rate has slowed down. Which was also a calming thing to know for her as well.
“If I was in his situation I would’ve cried and ran off too” Bruno admitted quietly as he fiddled with his fingers. 
Camilo breathed in a deep sigh and stared at himself in the mirror. For once in a long time, Camilo saw his face staring back at him. He was sure of himself now…and knowing that put a sinister smile on his face. 
He tilted his head as he noticed something…man he needed a wardrobe change. 
I need a better style than this. Oh! I know Mami and Dolores would love to help me with that! Tonito and Papi would too. Milo stood up and walked away from the mirror, swiping the curtains out of his way and walked down the stage stairs. 
Once he made it out of his room he closed his door lightly and leaned his back on it.  A big and chipper smile appeared on his lips. A soft and happy voice to go with it. 
“Dolores, can you and Mami come upstairs please? I want a makeover”  
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
List of my (most popular) fics because sometimes I write things and I think they’re neat.
Children and the Raising Thereof - started as a 5+1 of Shouta being baffled and slightly alarmed as he watched Izuku make friends, became a series of cute moments with the erasermic fam that may or may not be complete.
Class 1-A Is Typing - chatfic with erasercloudmic trying to teach/raise a collection of incredibly feral children. Includes Izuku who won’t stop biting villains and Hitoshi getting people to brainwash themselves by using the tried and true “Pedo says what?” Method.
Concrete Dust and Found Family - Battle trials have more realistic consequences at least when it comes to letting off a explosion in a contained space. Tenya, Ochako, and Izuku try to come to terms with the aftermath of having a building dropped on their heads.
Incoming call - Oneshot where Izuku is a frequent caller into PYHU Radio, and does what they always do when things get bad. They call in and talk to Mic.
Of Heroics and Healing - mha/hp crossover. At the end of third year Lupin heads to the only person crazy/connected enough to get Harry out of Dumbledore’s reach. That person? Sirius’ distant cousin who just so happens to be a hero in Japan. Hogwarts is not ready for the force of nature that is Shouta Aizawa with someone to protect.
Shouta Aizawa and His Feral Children - Crack. Pure crack. The birth of Biblically Accurate Hawks. Class 1-A is a collection of feral little demons only barely held in like by 16 rules put in place by Shouta.
Take Two (With Feeling This Time) - EraserGum step parents AU. Shouta and Taishiro agreed to put a pause on their relationship a year ago when they found two orphaned kids after a villain attack why needed the stability of a parent who was all in. A year later the kids are settled enough that their parents are willing to try this relationship thing again.
Two Heroes, A Kid, and Seven Death Martyrs - Izuku has a deeper connection with OfA earlier on which means they now have seven ghosts hanging around them and acting like a weird mix of friends, mental roommates, and parents. The ghosts convince them to ask for help before OfA can kill them, which leads Izuku to extra lessons/quirk counseling with Present Mic and Eraserhead.
Who Saves the Savior - mha/hp crossover. Harry is betrayed by magical Britain (generally) and Draco Malfoy (specifically) one too many times and decides to pack up his kid and two of his siblings to head for Japan and the three convenient teaching jobs that happen to be waiting for them. Includes Exhausted and Over It MoD!Harry, Actual Feral Sunshine Teddy, and three dumbasses trying to navigate emotions through mountains of trauma.
Veritas - Izuku gets kidnapped, shown the first bit of basic human decency in their life, and decides that they are going to force the world into becoming a better place through somewhat shady but ultimately altruistic means. LOV redemption.
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sea-owl · 7 months
ever thought about an evil Bridgerton au?
Where the Bridgerton were a evil, wicked, and the utmost powerful family. The spouses are the wounded heroes who are up to find their happy endings and each Bridgerton is their opstacle.
Where the Bridgerton Brother and Sisters try to get what they want and grow unhinged when they don’t.
But a twist in time occurs and Portia is the only one who remembers everything and is stunned that the Bridgertons are much more… kinder. Privileged but good hearted. Is this another one of their cruel tricks? A new method to gets the heroines (Kate, Sophie, Penelope, and Lucy) to sleep with the brothers respectively or for Simon, Philip, Michael, and Garrett do the cruel bidding of the sister? It doesn’t help the eight destined heroes are actually seemingly falling for their respective ‘evil’ Bridgerton.
So like a reverse on the Isekai au? Instead of the spouses being the villains and the Bridgertons being the heroes in their first lives, we know have the spouses being the heroes while the Bridgertons are the evil ones.
Damn now Portia has even more reasons to be paranoid if it's the reverse.
Ok so let me think. So, let's say that Edmund's death is what fundamentally changed the family. Before yeah, the siblings did have some of these darker tendencies, but they were well tamed with guidance from Edmund and Violet. After Edmund's death, and Violet falling into her postpartum depression there was no more good influence on the siblings. They had to figure everything out on their own, and there was no one there to tame those darker tendencies.
The sisters plan their marriages based on the power they would gain from them. Simon was an easy target for Daphne, he was friends with Anthony before the tragedy and just of all the power she would hold as a duchess. There is that pesky heir question though. Eloise was looking to spread there influence farther and found her target in a distant cousin's husband. She'll have to take care of the cousin first but no lost love for her. After all the siblings just need each other. Francesca's plans got interrupted when John unexpectedly died. She didn't have that heir to fully submit her power yet, and then she was pissed when she had that miscarriage. Now she had to start all over again? Michael's running away didn't help with her plans either but no worries Francesca is a patient woman. She will keep her title.
Meanwhile the brothers have this obsession with the heroines from their stories. They want to ruin them, break them. Anthony and Colin live for the fight Kate and Penelope give them. They want "their" women to fight them, it will be all that much sweeter when they finally force them to submit. Benedict refuses to loose the chase, he gets high off it and when finally he catches his prey. The more Sophie denies him the more excited he gets.
Portia remembers the scared look her daughter would get. Constantly looking over her shoulder as if she was expecting something or rather someone to jump out at her. She remembers seeing them alone together, but refusing to say anything, she would not trap her daughter that way.
So Portia was greatly confused when she woke up one day to see her daughters younger and more carefree they had been in years. How was this possible? Portia was given even more of a whiplash when she ran into a few of the Bridgerton brood that morning too. They were . . . respectful? Kind? What was going on?
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So enemies reverse villain AU where super villain Toxinelle faces off against super hero Chat Nior
Marinette is the daughter and heiress of the Agreste fashion empire. Gabriel married Sabine, oldest daughter of the Chang corporation, in hopes of expansion the brand in Asia. Meanwhile Adrien is the one born to a happy normal family from Emily and her husband, but Marinette absolutely hates Adrien since her father is pining for Emily and would prefer to adopt Adrien than to properly raise her.
FYI I was totally inspired by this song Cristina Vee sang:
Marinette grows up under the strict schedules and expectations of both her parents, she's much more cold and comes off as a bit demure (very mindful very demure jkjk) to the public. She knows that what she wants, thinks, and feels is not important in her household, as long as she keeps up appearances and can compete against her other cousins successes between her hyper competitive two faced relatives on the Chang side of her family.
(minor aside: NGL as someone coming from an Chinese immigrant household, the cannon Chinese Chang-family dynamics are Hella unrealistic IMO, what I could guess of Toxinelle's version seems more realistic and goddamnit I'm exploring that in this AU idea)
She became super closed off and selective and calculative of her words because of how careful she had to be around her relatives, one mis spoken phrase or word and she would be ripped to shreds, note: she was also forced to be perfectly fluent in Mandarin as well. With cultural differences, and especially as both a "foreigner" and the daughter of a daughter, the Chang family pretty much dismisses and cuts off Sabine and Marinette. The rest of the relatives view Sabine as someone who threw away their culture to move to the west/France, who thinks she's too good for the rest of them who choose to stay in China, and they view Marinette as being spoilt (which is rich (heh rich) coming from them since they're all second generation rich kids) for being brought up living the "cushy" life abroad.
Meanwhile on the Agreste side, she and Sabine were never really accepted since obviously neither of them have the classic Agreste family resemblance and her parents marriage was for political/business reasons. Gabriel meanwhile also doesn't really care or do anything about that. (Not really sure what to make of the relationship dynamic between Marinette and Felix?)
Marinette absolutely hates Gabriel, she thinks he's cheating on Sabine, with his old flame Emily. (Reality is that Gabriel tried to but Emily was having none of it, he choose his business plans over her and she certainly was not going to lower herself to become someone's mistress and a homewrecker even if it was a loveless political/business marriage. Honestly this is worse because Gabriels would be a cheating scumbag if Emily weren't so firm) Even though she has a rocky relationship with Sabine in this AU and she knows her mother doesn't care, it's the principles and disrespect to the family and the humiliation it brings on both her and her mother that pisses her off (the tabloids have a field day every time and it certainly doesn't help their standing in the Chang family).
Gabriel also doesn't care to hide his anger issues in front of either her or Sabine (since he never loved either of them, he's always regretted leaving Emily, and they're both just a reminder of the bed he made himself and had to lie in). Marinette hates it but she knows deep inside that she's terrified of him. She freezes up on the inside but tries to play it off as if she doesn't care and is blank faced. The blank face mask works for a while but it actually further infuriates Gabriel and he keeps going untill he does manage to make her crack. Sabine does fight argue back but never comforts Marinette more than telling Marinette that Gabriel tooootallly cares about her underneath it all and that she under no circumstances should rebel against him
Marinette's plan is to pretend to stay as the doll-like heiress and continue doing as both parents/families dictate while she secretly takes over more of the Agreste empire (she starts with modelling, she expands into creating her own side fashion design brand and tries to cut off control from the main brand/her father, one route is to have her take over the main line using hers if it's possible in the future) (she has no chance with the Chang family, they're all but outcasts). But she's also too nervous deep down inside to make major moves currently.
Tldr: she's scared trapped and angry but has learnt to be calculating and has an ice queen mask thanks to her shitty family
(Note: I don't want to make her self pitying, I think she would know that she has a super comfortable life in terms of superficial materialistic means, and since she has never known what it's like to have real meaningful connections that aren't toxic there's not anything to make her miss that, but that doesn't stop her from all the negative emotions she has including hating her relatives, father and herself for being weak)
In this AU Adrien is still the son of Emily but between her and another normal guy (whom she loves, she was healthy and moved on unlike Gabriel). His family are pretty well off and does run in some of the same circles as the Agreste family (which is how Emily and Gabriel still know eachother) but they're relatively a normal and loving family (compared to the Agreste-Chang household). The only issue is Gabriel, which has caused a couple arguments between Emily and her husband but in the end her husband trusts her and the three of them weather the paparazzi shit storms together. There has been a few times where Gabriel tries to barge in and get to know Emily's son, but Adrien hates him and Emily is pissed off about this and tries to stop those whenever she can.
This has the knock on effect of Marinette absolutely hating Adrien out of jealousy (even though she doesn't want her father's approval actually but it's the principle of the situation). Adrien feels sorry for Marinette but they're not close at all (in the same course at university but that's it) so he doesn't say anything to her (he thinks it probably would come off as weird). He's also a bit intimidated by her stone face and cold facade, and he's put off by how she's friends with Chloe
(slight Chloenette agenda coming in)
Chloe ends up trying to suck up to Marinette and tells everyone they're besties. Marinette doesn't care for Chloe much as she thinks it's to use her, and it was at first but then Chloe actually came to admire her (for her poise, calm calculating nature, and for all the things she works for like the modelling and her business) and became sincere in trying, in her awful fucked up spoilt rich kid way, to be real friends. Chloe is a friend simp for Marinette
Meanwhile, with superhero/villain side of the AU:
This AU Gabriel is still after the miraculous but this time to rewind time to get back Emily. (Gabriel big incel dumbass energy)
Marinette (as Toxinelle, could be another name but I'll go for that for now) doesn't know this is the goal, she's just forced to in the situation, and is against her will Akumatised (but still has some of her consciousness) to do as Gabriel commands.
She only became a super villain under Gabriel/Hawkmoth's direction. She has no choice and she knows who it is. He choose her since he can easily sense the crazy insane amount of negative emotions around her and it's perfect because she's his most powerful minion. Marinette hates it because it's just another way she's trapped, but is slightly apathetic to what she's actually doing since she's only seen the worst in people so far in life and there's no real friends to show her that not everyone is like that.
Chat Nior has no partner in this world and usually faces off against Toxinelle. He hates her because she's harming people, but Toxinelle doesn't really care about Chat Nior since she's just here because she has to. Slowly Chat realises she doesn't want to do it but they he gets frustrated that she doesn't try to break free from Hawkmoth, he doesn't understand. That annoys Toxinelle because she doesn't want to listen to his preaching and prying, she prefers when they don't speak to eachother and just tried to kill eachother
Toxinelle + Adrien: Uses him as hostage or something one day (trying to test out a plan against Gabriel) and is very aggressive against him. He gets suspicious, asks if she knows him (maybe she lets slip something only close people know about him as well? Bit it's mostly just how weirdly personally she seems to hate him?). She retorts that she's cruel to everyone, she's a supervillain for crying out loud. But inside she tries to talk to him less since she doesn't want to give him clues. Because of this Adrien becomes more talkative trying to weedle out any information he can from his enemy (her goal, if he can convert her).
They meet more. Either she ends up make a couple of visits to Adrien to test things for her plans or it's whenever he detransforms after a scuffle and he "bumps" into her. She realises she enjoys the banter a bit but doesn't like that since she still hates him. She's forced to put up with him because she wants to use him in her plan against Gabriel, and Adrien realises she's holding back for some reason and takes advantage of that. He teases her saying he noticed how she hasn't torn his head from his shoulders yet, could it be the nastiest supervillain in Paris fell for his charms. Toxinelle tells him there's still time for her to change her mind. Their banter goes from trading barbs to more friendly teasing (as friendly as Toxinelle gets at least).
Wayyyy later when they become friends (not that they admit it believe it themselves, and it's still super complicated for Toxinelle), they both feel bad about using eachother (Adrien for information on her, Toxinelle for her future plans)
Marinette + Chat Nior: When Marinette detransforms Chat thinks she's caught up in the aftermath and tries to make sure she's okay (he feels guilty towards her so is try to keep an eye out for her). Marinette has to be cordial to not give away her identity and through that ends up enjoying talking with Chat when they're not fighting. She likes Chat more than Adrien at this point so she's more open to talking.
Maybe Chat comes to regularly check in on her later on (since she keeps getting caught up in the aftermath for some reason haha how unlucky), and after a while Marinette thinks they would've been good friends in another world where they weren't enemies.
After a very long time, she admits that Chat is the closest friend she has.
(Pleae ignore my smooth brain moment where I called Sabine Sabrina and probably didn't catch all the mistakes)
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pocketramblr · 1 year
I was tagged by @gentrychild
No pressure tagging: @proclaimersofheroes @owlf45 and @achairwithapandaonit
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imagionationstation · 5 months
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I have a 2012 rewrite au, and I fell down a rabbit hole solely based on the hc that Xever saw shredder as a vague father figure, and then like all of his interactions with Karai are always “Do you want me to call dad?” “I will kill you?!” “Alright..”
Also there’s enough problematic men in the foot, so I just… hit him w the “I’m not a creep!” ray and he’s just some dude
This is a theatre kid, this man is a professional yapper. Shredder’s mad at him? Turn the conversation around to how sad shredders life is and that he shouldn’t have to be forced to commit atrocities because of Hamato Yoshi. He’s a pr girlie
Okay, firstly, what grape vine is talking about me and why?
Can you headcanon your own AU?? Is that possible?? Is that a thing people do?? All the potential to say “I think this would be a neat canon” but isn’t not actually canon- this sounded better with every word that came out of my mouth. I am doing this.
(Evidently. I’m not sure how that happened, tbh-)
Fair warning to all- when I am invested in a idea, I don’t know how to shut up. So. If you give me an ask, you’re agreeing to everything that comes after. I am not liable for incoming rants.
Xever is all kind of zesty (in AU and canon) because it makes him notable and fun!
I love so many interactions with him and Raphael in canon. There was no better character for him to “understand” than Xever, mkay, I absolutely loved how Baxter's Gambit was handled. They would have been SUCH a duo had they not chosen different sides to fight on and HECK YEAH with the Shredder father figure AU.
In the canon, I wondered about a few things a lot- like, Shredder hunted this man down and broke him out of jail to join his crime syndicate. And for someone who’s supposed to be the best of the best, that man is no match for the turtles. Got to wonder why Shredder wasted his time on Xever or bothered keeping him around after he got mutated when he was such a hassle as a fishy…
He even went as far as keeping a kidnapped scientist to build working legs and breathable air suit for the guy. Like, in all seriousness, for a big evil crime lord who threatens to off them every day, he sure is intent on keeping his lackies around.
In regards to your AU, THANK YOU for taking away his creep act because that’s the main reason that he’s not a top fave for me. I don’t know why they reversed the “I’m not a creep” ray for canon, but I guess it was an experiment that they took way too far and couldn’t bring themselves to back out of.
As Karai is an expert manipulator, I’d like to know if she gets her skills from him or if he does from her- or if they adapt from each other. He feeds into the dad’s drama while Karai could not be more fed up with it. The clash over this topic so often. I can see it.
I think it would be ironic for Karai to have an older brother figure who eventually gets brought into the found family because Leo would have to adapt to having MORE older relatives. I like the idea of Xever being a “cousin”, because that would technically make her a cousin too, and Karai sure acts like she’s more of a bossy cousin than an older sister. So it works out.
Xever has a villain name, right? 😱
Mikey has to villain name a villain mutant- it’s like, 2012TMNT law.
(Completely messing with you. Do as you want.)
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
Elena of Avalor fics/AUs that I’m likely too lazy to write
The War on Avalor
Princess Elena has finally become Queen, leaving the dark days of Shuriki’s rule behind… that is until the Queen receives a declaration of war from the Northern Islands - Shuriki’s old domain where she served as the royal sorceress and helped her rulers’ attempt to invade and colonize Avalor’s allies, only for her rulers to be foiled and arrested by Raul and Lucia, leaving Shuriki in charge to set her sights upon Avalor. The Queen soon learns about Avalor’s long lasting war with the Northern Islands for their threat to the nation’s heritage, allies, and culture, and must defend Avalor once again.
2. Magic From Beyond
An alternative universe where Victor and Esteban are both banished from Avalor following Shuriki’s takeover. With no surviving family left, Esteban is taken in by Raul’s royal treasurer, and is forced on the run with the rest of the Delgados.
Shuriki’s former partners-in-crime are struggling to keep their secret of the true cause behind the King and Queen’s murder, as well as getting used to live outside of the palace - Until they bump into a malvago - Fiero, who, like Shuriki, promises them grand magical power - The power of the crystal forge of Takaina.
Neither side are loyal to one another. Victor and Esteban immediately plan on betraying Fiero with their power to avoid getting screwed over by him. Meanwhile Fiero plans on using the children to get back at Shuriki and surpsede her as Avalor’s powerful wizard. All the while, Esteban and Victor must keep their deal with Fiero, AND their former deal with Shuriki a secret. And of course, Shuriki hunting the boys down also doesn’t help.
3. Esteban’s Time
For 44 years, Esteban Flores suffered the earth-shattering guilt of playing a hand in the murder of his aunt and uncle, the attempted murder of his cousin Elena, the imprisonment of his other cousin, and grandparents, and the banishment of his longtime friend, unable to change the weight of his mistakes. When he is hunted down like a rat for his crimes, he comes across the Four Shades of Awesome, lead by Cahu, the time shade.
Realizing the opportunity, Esteban demands that he be sent back in time, 44 years into the past to defend Avalor and his family from Shuriki. Cahu obliges.
With the power of Takaina, and the four shades, Esteban prevents the disaster of the kingdom’s usurpation, only to discover that the Four Shades were using him. They set their sights on the royal family, seeking the power of the Amulet of Avalor to conquer the EverRealm. The only way to stop them is to send them back to the spirit world, which would also undo their handiwork upon the timeline as well.
So now, the former Chancellor of Avalor must choose the lesser of 2 evils. Stop the Four Shades and return to a future where Avalor sees him as the villain, or help them, and live to see a future where Avalor is no more.
4. Shuriki the Cursed
Believing that she had killed Princess Elena, Shuriki finds the Princess’s Amulet, and decides to wear it as a way to show her victory over the Castillo Flores family (which sounds like a stretch but this bitch literally crushed Lucia’s tiara after stealing it so it tracks).
Little does she know that the Princess is inside the Amulet she covets. And imprisonment isn’t enough to stop the orphaned teenager’s judgement. Elena’s revenge knows no bounds as 40 years of curses, one more chaotic and deadly than the last, rain upon the false Queen. It isn’t until the 41st year, where Elena decides to strike the ultimate karmic blow. Summoning the deposed Princess Ivy, who claims to seek a new Kingdom with the help of her anrthropod army. The people of Avalor are initially quick to follow her, only to discover that the angry princess puts her own need above the people’s. A three-sided war between Shuriki, Ivy, and the Avalorans, (lead by the Crown Princess’s estranged cousin, Esteban) ensues, and only one side will wind up on top.
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eashgirl · 11 months
Re-verse Felix Graham de Vanily (Argos)from My dystopian universe au(based on the Paris special)
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I decided to keep the villain name the same even in the alternate world because I just like it that much, all the other charecters names will be inverted like Toxinelle,Hesperia and Griffe Noir.
Re-verse Argos is the definition of sweet and psycho, he is a smooth talker who manages to get his way out of several interactions whether from the Supreme or the resistance,he knows how to get what he wants and is loyal only to himself and the few people he cares about, but he is currently allied with the Supreme and his forces because of convenience, presevation, and because he's intrigued.
He's not above working with his enemies if it meant sharing a common goal,he does absolutely despise Supreme but he's also curious about him so he decides to play along for the meantime until he is able to find more information regarding the matter.
Argos is someone who generally knows how to keep his cool, he's cold and caluclated,and can get really sadistic when it comes to psychologically tormenting his foes, Felix holds a kind of twisted thought process derived from his own experiences with his father and the Supreme that all people in the world were wretched monsters so while he doesn't immediately resort to genocide it's not exactly off the table he's just broadening his options.
Since he's entirely against the option of destroying the Sentibeings he creates he also ends up overriding the block on his miraculous causing him to also be affected by the repressions exactly like Toxinelle and Griffe Noir, Argos has different sentis posted on different locations of the city to do things such as recon, all time surveillance, to pursue any suspicious individual and to help him do tasks, along with red moon he also has a dog senti that assists him in battle it's able to change forms and shift into different types of creatures, red moon assists him to temporarily get rid of anyone who may act as a threat and red moon also additionally allows Argos to teleport across long distances as long as he's covered in the ruby light, there's also a dragonfly senti for recon.
Atleast for the first act there's a bit of role reversal from the og series Adrien's relationship with Gabriel is tenuous, so he ended up spending a lot more time with his cousin, Adrien hates Colt and how he treated Felix, but he could never really do anything about it, Felix found out a short while ago about his origin as a sentihuman and managed to narrow down Adrien's as well since then he kept this a secret, he didn't tell Adrien anything about it for the meantime but when Adrien told him about his own identity Felix asked him of one request just to retrieve the peacock miraculous from Hesperia's ally Pavana, Adrien did just that during a battle he managed to cataclysm Hesperia on the arm and knock the peacock miraculous from Pavana as well from an attack from Toxinelle that managed to gravely injure her leading for all of Paris to believe she died. Toxinelle chased after Hesperia and the membes of the resistance as they retreated back to their hideout while Griffe Noir managed to recover the peacock miraculous from the wreckage and without permission from the Supreme he handed it straight to Felix Albeit with consequences.
Felix's personality is initially very different from who he grows to become for plot reasons Colt didn't die immediately after Emelie, the use of the peacock miraculous weakened his body, and his condition is becoming worse as the days go by but he was still alive for the meantime atleast Colt used to involved in the Supreme's inner circle much like Gabriel and the Graham de Vanily twin sisters, Felix in the beginning of the au will act similarly to how he did before his father died but this won't last long as I have plans to fully flesh out his charecter and his motives.
I'm not really good at describing in short summary for posts without spoiling the entire au so I'll stop right here 😅.
(I've yet to finish his civilian design so I might post it a little later on. Maybe in another post)
I really liked his og design from the series it's really one of my favourites, and at first I really didn't know how to go with the Re-verse outfit so I decided to just experiment with the main colours of purple, pink, turquoise and blue and decided on the main colour being purple, and gave him a short pongtail and black sclera and made the ends of the tailcoat to resemble peacock feathers(from behind)
I also got really inspired by this costume I saw on pinterest, I wanted to convey a specific vibe with Felix's design so I hope I managed to achieve that.
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This will probably be made into a little series, I don't plan on involving all the main characters as miraculous holders.
There's a reason why I won't be able to involve Rena Rouge or carapace (in different names)even as heroes.
Chloe as a miraculous holder maybe... I have special plans for her charecter arc.
Alix yeah her too got plans for her.
Lila(Cerise) she's a really good villain would hate to exclude her.
Kagami yup her too,
Maybe I'd add Luka 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm debating
Just these five I guess.
I'll do a poll
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lizardaggro · 11 months
student 21's villain academia, pt 1
so. not twst bully!au part 4. it's not canceled don't worry; i'm just having a couple health issues at the moment and this one was closer to being done. i've literally been working on it for 5 days, so... it was time.
this one is a bit slow to get started, as in it still hasn't kicked into action yet, but by part 3 or so you'll see my vision. this is an x gn!reader, so anyone can read it, and no, aizawa is NOT one of the love interests. i'd rather die than ship him with a student. i have no idea if this au has been done before; you don't have all the information yet so don't jump to conclusions about me copying so-and-so. this idea has been rattling around in my brain for like a year so i'm super excited to finally get it out! genre: gn!reader, fluff, found family, romance coming eventually, canon-typical angst trigger warnings: reader has a panic attack word count: 2004
You didn’t really consider yourself one of those ‘crazy anime fans.’ No, you were more subdued in your interests. You didn’t own hundreds of dollars’ worth of merchandise, nor did you insist on watching the latest episodes right when they aired. And above all, you would never try to force your passion onto others.
Lately you’d been really into a rather popular action anime by the name of Boku no Hero Academia, or My Hero Academia in English. It wasn’t perfect, but something about the characters just sucked you in. They were just kids, only fifteen years old, and suddenly they were faced with enemies backed by a villain even the strongest hero struggled against. Thus, you couldn’t help but feel little ashamed of yourself as you fell asleep to the ending song of the latest episode.
When you woke up, it was very abrupt. You were certain you’d been asleep on your couch, but suddenly you were standing in the middle of a busy street. Not wanting to be stuck there when the light turned green, you hurried to the other side. Was this a lucid dream? You’d never had one of those before, but there wasn’t another plausible explanation.
Taking in your surroundings, all the signs definitely weren’t in English, but somehow you could understand them. Was that Japanese? Huh, all that anime must be rubbing off on your subconscious. You caught sight of a TV inside an electronics store displaying the news. You didn’t know where you were supposed to be, so maybe that could give you a clue.
“Hinata here, reporting in from Musutafu News,” a young woman announced, “just this morning, up and coming villain Bakugou Katsuki wreaked havoc on a suburban neighborhood, completely destroying 8 homes. Can you believe he’s only 15?! Goodness, what has society come to? Fortunately, there were no casualties, but our experts believe it’s only a matter of time. And now, for the weather forecast…”
You tuned out the rest, in a complete state of shock. Bakugou is a villain? What sort of dream is this? Sure, he’s loud and violent and tells people to die on the regular, but he’s not a criminal! Is this some sort of joke? Is your subconscious playing some kind of trick on you? There’s some sort of nagging feeling in the back of your mind, like you should know something about this situation, but you just can’t recall.
You decide to keep walking, instead of staring blankly at the television like an idiot. Maybe you’ll find someone or something that can explain what’s going on. With luck, it’ll be one of the main characters. If you’re really unfortunate, you’ll find someone from the League. But who knows, maybe they’re the good guys here.
After about 10 minutes, it hits you. This is one of those alternate universe thingies! Your cousin, who’s far more invested in the fandom than you are, was trying to explain them to you at a family gathering, but you were only half listening. Now that was a mistake. Even worse, she seemed convinced that some people actually got transported into the worlds of anime! No wonder you weren’t paying attention. Clearly she had a screw or two loose. Yeah, there was simply no way something like that had happened to you. This was a dream, plain and simple.
But then the building right next to you caught fire. You were sure there was nothing before, but there was a fire and it was very, very big and very, very hot. Suddenly this all felt too terribly real. Was it a villain attack? Oh no, you were doomed. You were going to die- you’d only just gotten here and you were already going to die-
“It’s going to be okay,” you heard a gruff voice say.  It was probably Japanese, but you could understand it all the same. “Take deep breaths, one at a time. The heroes are already here, they’re apprehending the villain right now,” you heard him say softly. You did your best to follow his advice. In, pause, out, pause. In, pause, out, pause. After a while, it wasn’t so hot, and you could turn to look at the person who had calmed you down. You weren’t one to judge, but he looked like he needed some help- holy cow that’s Aizawa!!
Okay, you were not expecting that. Sure, you were hoping you’d run into a friendly canon character, but you didn’t think it’d happen that easily! You knew you needed to say something though, or this would be painfully awkward. “I, um,” you spluttered, “I’m a huge fan, Eraserhead. Can I get an autograph?”
“A fan, really? I don’t have too many of those.” He looked pleased, but also a bit confused. That was to be expected, considering he’s an underground hero. “Sure, do you have any paper on you?”
Ah. That was a bit of a problem. You searched your pockets, turning up absolutely nothing, not even your phone. “Nope. Nothing. Guess I won’t be getting that autograph, huh?” You were disappointed, of course, but it wasn’t the end of the world. As messed up as this world seemed to be, you were probably better off not meeting any more canon characters unless they were saving your life. This was just a lucky chance.
“Ah, well, that’s too bad. Hey, kid, you don’t seem like you’re from around here. Are you lost?” Aizawa asked. You did a double take, wondering if it was really that obvious. Kid, though? How old were you?
“Um, yeah, I’m pretty lost, I think. I’m not really from around here,” you vaguely expressed. Even you weren’t sure where here was. You were beginning to fear that this might just be your new reality, but naturally you couldn’t just accept that out of the blue. A large part of you was holding out hope that this was just a crazy dream. Because if Bakugou was a villain in this world, then what did that mean for the rest of the characters?
“You think? Did you hit your head or something? I can take you to the hospital to get it looked at,” he offered. You were pretty sure a concussion was the least of your worries, but sticking with Aizawa seemed safer than being alone in a strange place, at least. He did appear a little suspicious of your condition, but you were only telling the truth. You had no idea what was going on either.
“That might be a good idea. Thank you,” you agreed with a nod. While the doctor wasn’t likely to find any brain damage, you could at least see if you had the quirk factor gene thing or not. The odds were next to zero, but if this was a dream, you might just turn out to be super overpowered!
Yeah, right. Even if you did suddenly find yourself being up to par with some of the main characters, there wasn’t much you could do with it. Public quirk usage was illegal, and it’s not like you’d end up in a hero school with zero documents to prove you actually existed.
You and Aizawa walked in silence, presumably to the nearest hospital. You really hoped he wasn’t also a villain in this world. But if he was, then why would he have helped to calm you down? So, you were probably safe. For now, at least. You couldn’t cling to him forever.
When you reached the hospital, Aizawa took you to the emergency room. You didn’t think you were that much of an emergency, but you couldn’t provide much of a counterargument without revealing too much. What were you supposed to say, anyway? “Oh, hey, by the way, you’re just a character from an anime I watched back home, except for some reason the timeline got really messed up and now Bakugou’s a villain?” As if! He’d think you were crazy!
So instead, you went along with it as you were brought back almost immediately. You weren’t sure if it was because they thought you had a head injury, or because you were with a pro hero. Either way, it wasn’t fair to the other people waiting, those who actually needed help. But again, there was nothing you could do.
Several annoying and probably unnecessary tests later, a doctor came back to your room to speak with you. “Well,” she began, sitting down on a stool, “I have good news and bad news. The good news is that all the tests came back normal. The bad news is, well, none of our staff could find any information on you. Are you sure your name is in our system correctly?”
You knew this would happen, unless the universe magically decided to cover for you. “Yes, they’re correct. I just, I don’t really remember anything else. I know that and some basic information but that’s about it. I don’t even know where I come from, just that it’s not here,” you told her, trying to be as calm as possible. You’d had plenty of time to think about what to do while you were waiting on the results, and you figured amnesia was the best option.
It was true, in a sense, that you didn’t know where you came from. You were beginning to be convinced that this was reality, but you didn’t know how. Was this some sort of parallel universe? You didn’t know how all that physics stuff worked, but that sounded the most likely.
The good news about the timeline being messed up was that you didn’t have to worry about your presence messing things up. You were basically free to do whatever you wanted. You were, however, severely limited by the fact that according to the government, you weren’t a real person.
The doctor and Aizawa shared a look. “Well, I’m going to step out and have a chat with the doctor here about what to do next,” Aizawa said in a tone that didn’t betray anything. That made you nervous. Were you in trouble because you’d said you were his fan? Were you going to be interrogated, or worse, sent off to Tartarus, never to see the light of day again?
No, you’d be fine. Everything would be fine. You just had to focus on your breathing, and try not to think about everything that could go wrong. From what you knew about him, Aizawa wouldn’t turn on you so quickly. You hadn’t done anything wrong.
After a surprisingly brief amount of time, Aizawa re-entered the room alone. The doctor must’ve left to go see other patients. “Hey kid, it sounds like you’ve been through a lot. So until we figure out what to do with you, you’re welcome to crash at my place. I’m guessing you don’t have any school to attend?”
“I don’t know, Mr. Aizawa,” you mumbled. What else were you supposed to say, anyway? Who knows, maybe you could go for a career in acting after all this was over. You’d have plenty of practice by then, that’s for sure. You felt guilty for lying to him, of course, but what choice did you have?
“I figured as much. I’ll talk to the principal at the school I teach at and see if we can’t get you enrolled when the new school year starts two weeks from now,” he supplied. You tried not to let your surprise show on your face. You were going to go to UA?! Nezu would still have to agree, but this was beginning to sound like a classic main character development. You didn’t want this hero academia; especially not when everything could be messed up!
“In the meantime, I’m sure you must be exhausted. Come on, let’s go home,” Aizawa said. Home. That was a nice sentiment. Here you were, in a new world all by yourself, unsure of what was the same and what had changed. But at least you had a place to rest your head.
taglist: @bluesherricokes
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OK, SEVERELY rambly post incoming but - Anderperry Stardust (2007)/ The Little White Horse AU, anyone?
Rundown: I think many of us are familiar with Stardust, originally a Neil Gaiman book but also a great film, starring Claire Danes as a falling star and That Guy Who Plays Daredevil as the lad who promises to bring her to the girl he's infatuated with. The Little White Horse is, to the best of my knowledge, more unknown, but equally very good (for sentimental reasons, I think of it much more highly than Stardust). Published in 1946 by Elizabeth Goudge, it tells the story of thirteen-year-old orphan Maria Merryweather, who moves to her cousin Sir Benjamin's Moonacre Manor in the West Country, where she finds a) a thriving cosy community and a long family history, b) the little white horse of the title, c) a longstanding family feud cutting off Moonacre from the sea, d) her imaginary best friend Robin, real and in the flesh, and e) some of the most deliciously-described food that has ever been or will be. It's a great book even past the rose-tinted glasses of my childhood. Go read it. (The one (1) marring is that you can't find a bloody edition that doesn't have a JK Terfling quote pasted onto the cover, because apparently it was one of her favourite books, but fuck OFF, I'm reclaiming it now. Thou shalt not keep the cosy low fantasy from me.)
Anyway even though I mention Stardust this isn't really part of the AU I have in my mind, except for the bit with the Star, because Todd as a main character who thinks he's a very forgettable bland boy-in-the-corner until he finds out he's a star is a great thought to me. Particulars on /how/ he's a star to be fleshed out later! (I only thought of this AU about two hours ago, lol.)
In my mind this is how it goes - nebulously Olden Times setting (TLWH is set in 1842, so perhaps then). Todd is around seventeen/eighteen and Geoff has just graduated from university, and gone off around Europe, accompanied by their parents. Months go by. Something happens - he's never given the liberty of knowing, but Geoff and their parents stay in Europe, and the townhouse in London is sold, and Todd is packed off to stay at a distant relative's - Keating, as it turns out. It's a blessing in disguise, because Todd is finally away from his family for the first time in his life and around people that appreciate him. He begins to bloom under this new care - but there are strange family secrets only now being revealed to him, and dark forces beyond the valley which threaten to disrupt the haven he's found...
The rest is very cosy fantasy, featuring Mr Perry as the local uptight vicar locking horns with Keating at every opportunity, Neil as his withdrawn but friendly son just longing for a rebellion, and more! (Read: Charlie is here and he is Outrageous as usual. Read also: Pitts as a sailor because I think he'd like it.) Right now I'm thinking of adding an equivalent of Monsieur Cocq de Noir for a villain (Mr Perry is NOT the villain), and Cameron can play a part there so I can give him a good redeeming! Here are a couple of extracts from TLWH to show the kind of mood/tone we're working with:
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Thematically, I REALLY like the idea of Todd as a star because it allows me to work in a very fun trope, of "not of the rose but near the rose" - when a character perhaps is shy and a little quiet and reclusive, but inspires other people around them to brilliance and greatness. (Honestly I do think this kind of goes in with the film, where it's not just Keating's teaching but Todd's reaction to it and his presence that galvanise Neil to continue.) This ties in really well if Todd's a star and adds to the overall self-confidence journey - plus I was really thinking about the sun/moon motifs! They're very prominent in TLWH (Maria is a "moon" Merryweather and Robin is a very sunny boy), and I really want to implement them here with slight twists. I think of Todd as a sunny moon; yes he's warm and caring and cheerful but once you go a little closer it's more of a luminosity rather than a blaze, there's a coolness and quietness to him I like. You know, a quiet character doesn't always have to be quiet because there's something "wrong" with them, sometimes they're just like that. For Neil it's the opposite, he's a moony sun; under the thumb of his father he's polite and decorous and demure but somewhere under all of that there's a very loud and booming laugh and a healthy sort of ruddiness. I don't know, I just like sun/moon motifs!!!!!!!!!!
(On a more personal note: this AU, which I already love very much despite not having known very long, would be above all a careful love letter to the West Country. It's been lovely living around here almost all my life and by this time in September I'll be hopefully up very far north at uni, so I'm pre-emptively kind of :') about it. Mutuals who are at uni/college how on earth did you cope?)
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visionthefox · 8 months
small sams rant (I swear this one is dumb- but I need to let it out) SPOILERS I TALK ABOUT THE NEW EP. (specially Solar x Moon) RESUME : Im bothered over a simple one off scene that may not mean anything in the long run and can actually be debunked at any time -but my ass feels like complaining today..
I dont know how to feel about it. no I dont care for Jack, the use of new models is bound to happend, and the lore is mid- is to be expected no- what bothers me is the first SECONDS of it.. when Jack list the Celestial Family- he added Solar .. and.. that is bothersome for me ppl didnt used to have an issue shipping Solar and Moon., sure maybe it was just a crack ship or too small to be noticed, yet as time passed it was clear the two had created a bond.. now.. this bond could be seen as anyhing we wished for.. until Earth had to "ruin it" in a way- pushing (?) Solar into accepting to be call something related to family- as one can see in the ep Lunar is in huge trouble in VRCHAT- (but amma be honest? I know of this clip by this vid , since I avoid anything with Earth on it,but that clip is important) He is not really so eager to do- sure maybe is just Solar being Solar (also- I view that as pushy- you can tell me is not- but this is how I see it- Im the problem) but you may think! someone who pretty much had lost his whole family as he was force to leave them -and now is living under someone else place- would be at least happy to be accepted as family, if not just show gratitude -he can express happiness! he can laugh.-he for sure can say "oh.. well.. thanks you" and move on but what does he say? "you dont have to actually use a family tree for this- im just " and she cut him off - sure her intention may be good but she is so pushy about it .. he comes to actually say he may feel like a cousin and soon enough doesnt like the sound of that.. well he said "that does not roll of the tounge" and I googled what does it mean, so is not like he is not comfortable but also.. is not like He is %100 up to that tittle.. ALL OF THIS TO SAY - I feel like due to the "drama"? issue, with the ship and Earth now saying he is "part of the family" -whoever is on control of the channel had to take a decision.. and this may be it.. (no I dont think the VA sare in control. they are just VAsthey do a job) Solar can be classified as "family" - yet.. family can mean different things- from where Im from- we call say "you are like family to me" as a way to say "I feel close to you" but actually view the person as a good Friend- but the thing is, the show may want to just set Solar as family- and so avoid any if not all mention to a ship (and I know the term is often used for romantic, but I did see ppl like them to be both ace who just like each other) and I feel.. bad.. I feel like by doing this they ruin the fun of actually having a windows open for the joy of "what if" scenarios.. is not like ppl cant just make and AU like when ppl did to be able to ship Sun and Eclipse, just a silly AU to let loose- (silly hero and tamed villain type of thing) but yea.. idk.. Solar as actually a friend felt more right than him being "family"- dude is not one to actually ask ppl to do much bonding- nor he seems to actually be interested on these familiar things (the Christmas was more as a wholesome thing- in my eyes- (but also I didnt see if fully-again, I dont watch anyting with Earth on it)) but yea.. idk- is not even a big deal. but Im in love with their dymanics as besties.. (or lovers~)
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