#oil and gas line locating saskatchewan
tcblinelocating · 2 years
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fatehbaz · 4 years
Not exaggerating, I do feel like I’m an involuntary witness to some kind of fantastical, horrific, and yet comedic fever dream. The hubris, the catastrophic failure in Alberta’s oil fields, and the cascading effects of Alberta’s actions, significantly altering the course of fossil fuel industries, Indigenous land management, and pipeline resistance at multiple pipeline and extraction sites across all of North America, all happening within only one month of time.
Early 2020: The value of a barrel of Alberta oil is now worth less than a single bottle of maple syrup.
24 February 2020: Even before pandemic quarantines become universal, headlines around the world ask: “Is this the end of the era of Alberta’s Tar Sands?” This is in response to the “death’ of the 21-billion-dollar Frontier project.” After 9 whole years of negotiation, a potential deal between Trudeau and a major energy company collapses. The Frontier project would have increased Canada’s oil production by 5% and caused devegetation of at least 25,000 acres of boreal forest. The deal involved Canadian federal approval of a T/e/c/k Resources project which would depend on the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. T/e/c/k lost hundreds of millions of dollars in paying out-of-pocket for a regulatory review. In recent months, multiple global oil giants, including R/oyal D/utch S/hell and Con/ocoPhil/lips, announced they were ending investment in Alberta’s Tar Sands.
30 March 2020: Pandemic quarantines lead to operation closures in Alberta’s Tar Sands. Now, you could probably buy 2 barrels of Alberta oil for the price of 1 bottle of maple syrup.
31 March 2020: Regardless of nearly-worthless value of Alberta oil, and while Alberta recently reports a staggering 14 billion dollar deficit as pandemic spreads, on this day Alberta premier Jason Kenney announces that Alberta will donate over 7 billion dollars in investments and loan guarantees to the Keystone XL pipeline project designed to export oil from Alberta’s Tar Sands and into the Great Plains of the US. The portion of Keystone XL that needs to be built within US borders had been legally suspended since 2012, but revived by the US government in January 2020.
2 April 2020: Less than 3 days since the Alberta provincial government granted billions to Keystone XL, on this day, Athabasca Oil Corp. is forced to end their operations at the Tar Sands, also cutting their corporate staff by 15%. Over the past week, Alberta energy titan Sun/cor was forced to close one of its two oil lines at Fort Hills, potentially diminishing processing of 50,000 barrels of oil each day. On this day, Global News Canada also reports that most Alberta energy companies have lost 20% to 50% of their staff and cut their executive member salaries by 10%. Canadian energy companies cut $6 billion in expenditures in March, about 30% of oil operations. Canadian oil companies have cut output by over 100,000 barrels each day since pandemic arrived in North America.
Bonus round, extra news from 2 April 2020: The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians and Bay Mills Indian Community, among other tribal communities, challenge the Michigan Public Service Commission during public comment sessions, asking Michigan to deny En/bridge Energy’s Great Lakes Tunnel Project. In the midst of pandemic, En/bridge said it would not delay submitting permits to build the tunnel. The project would service En/bridge’s Line 5 pipeline, which brings oil and natural gas from Superior (Wisconsin) to Sarnia (Ontario). It is expected that Michigan will make a decision on the permits within 1 to 4 months.
5 April 2020: On 3 March 2020, En/bridge Energy, based in Alberta, announced that the completion of their Minnesota pipeline might be delayed for a year. But then pandemic happened. On this day, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that Alberta’s Tar Sands difficulties might yet be directly responsible for giving activists and Minnesota Public Utilities Commission good reason to finally end the construction of En/bridge’s $2.6-billion Line 3 fossil fuel pipeline in Minnesota. En/bridge had expected the Minnesota pipeline to be operational by the end of 2020.
6 April 2020: After waiting nearly a decade to build the infrastructure, the construction of the US portion of the Keystone XL pipeline finally begins on this day, at the border between Montana and Saskatchewan, as pipeline workers move into region despite how most people on Earth are told to stay indoors and not to travel. The Fort Belknap Indian Community, located close to this pipeline construction site, declares a state of emergency in response. Tar Sands operations in Alberta have lost billions of dollars in income in the past 3 weeks. 
16 April 2020: Less than  only 3 weeks since Premier Kenney announced Alberta’s donation of billions of dollars to Keystone XL, and only 10 days after the Keystone XL pipeline began construction, Native organizers from Rosebud Sioux reservation (South Dakota) and Fort Belknap Indian Community (Montana) convince a judge in a small Montana city to legally halt construction on important portions of the pipeline, citing the pipeline’s potential harm to the American burrowing beetle in Nebraska’s Sand Hills and riparian species like the pallid sturgeon.
20 April 2020: The value of oil drops below $0.00 for the first time in history.
Bonus round, extra news from 20 April 2020: As a result of the Montana ruling against Keystone XL, the US Army Corps of Engineers announces that dozens, or perhaps hundreds, of fossil fuel projects in the US must be immediately halted and reevaluated, since thousands of fossil fuel projects were inadequately assessed for ecological effects since 2017. The Permian Highway pipeline in Texas and the Mountain Valley pipeline in Virginia are also expected to be delayed, costing multiple oil/fossil fuel companies across the US millions/billions of dollars.
24 April 2020: Alberta’s highest court overturns prior approval from Alberta Energy Regulator and crushes a 440-million-dollar Tar Sands project in the Moose Lake region north of Fort McMurray, only weeks before the oil operation was set to begin construction, ruling in favor of the Fort McKay First Nation who successfully sought to protect a portion of their land considered sacred. Over 70% of Fort McKay First Nation’s land is already taken by mines. 
27 April 2020: 3 of the biggest Alberta energy companies report combined $4.8 billion in losses. Premier Kenney says he’s been told that Alberta will be liable for oversupply of worthless oil for at least 12-18 months.
1 May 2020: The developers of Keystone XL announce that the Montana court ruling might suspend the completion of their pipeline for over a year. US corporations and monitors of energy industries continue to say that the ruling’s effects “are hard to overstate” and are “a big deal,” which could cause legal challenges that would prevent pipeline construction for years and lead to bankruptcies.
Alberta ...
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newstfionline · 2 years
Friday, September 9, 2022
Canada Stabbing Suspect Dies (1440) The primary suspect in a mass stabbing across an Indigenous community in Canada’s Saskatchewan province died yesterday evening, shortly after being arrested. Officials said 32-year-old Myles Sanderson died from self-inflicted wounds after being located in a stolen vehicle and run off the road by police. Sanderson and his brother, Damien, are alleged to have killed 10 people and injured 18 others in a stabbing rampage that spanned 13 locations across the province’s James Smith Cree Nation Saturday. Damien was found dead Monday, with wounds that officials described as “not self-inflicted”—though it was unclear whether his brother is responsible for his killing. A motive has not been publicly disclosed, though authorities have speculated drugs may have played a role.
While some Americans panic about inflation, others are luxuriating in, well, luxury. (WSJ) More U.S. drivers are buying fancier vehicles than ever; sales of superpremium models such as Lamborghinis and Ferraris are through the sunroof. Wealthy families are keeping full-time tutors they hired early in the pandemic, and upper-middle-class parents, dissatisfied with K-12 schools, are following suit. College students are spending as much as $10,000—sometimes with the help of mom and dad—to make their dorm rooms TikTok-ready.
Secrets from Mar-a-Lago (Foreign Policy) The FBI has discovered files detailing another country’s nuclear capabilities stashed at former U.S. President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property, the Washington Post reported. Former U.S. intelligence officials warned that Trump’s decision to take the top-secret documents to his residence could have enormous security implications. “I’m sure Mar-a-Lago was being targeted by Russian intelligence and other intelligence services over the course of the last 18 or 20 months,” John Brennan, the former director of the CIA, told MSNBC. “If they were able to get individuals into that facility, and access those rooms where those documents were and made copies of those documents, that’s what they would do.”
Record heat wave puts California in fossil fuel conundrum (AP) A record heat wave put California in a fossil fuel conundrum: The state has had to rely more heavily on natural gas to produce electricity and avoid power outages while Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration moves toward ending the use of oil and gas. The heat wave that started more than a week ago has been hotter and longer than any other in the state, and it put unprecedented strain on power supplies. That prompted Newsom to plead with people to use less power to avoid rolling blackouts—a practice that involves cutting some people’s power to save energy so the lights can stay on for everyone else. The effort worked, but meeting the state’s heightened energy demand also required activating generators fueled by natural gas, which is still a major part of the state’s power picture. The Democratic governor’s calls for conservation also drew criticism about new state policies governing electric vehicles and other measures that will only increase energy demand.
Bolsonaro Rallies Support on Independence Day (Foreign Policy) Tens of thousands of Brazilians rallied to support President Jair Bolsonaro during Brazil’s bicentennial celebrations on Wednesday, as the country’s presidential race heats up and Bolsonaro scrambles to galvanize support. Military planes flew above cities and tanks cruised through streets to mark the 200th anniversary of Brazil’s independence from Portugal. But experts say Bolsonaro blurred the lines between national celebrations and his campaign events, taking advantage of the day to rally his devoted base and push his far-right nationalist platform. Former leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva holds a clear lead in the polls. For many Brazilians, Lula represents a period of economic promise and well-being—one the public is desperate to return to. But if Lula claims victory at the polls next month, some political experts fear a January 6th-like retaliation from Brazil’s right wing.
Queen Elizabeth II dead at 96 after 70 years on the throne (AP) Queen Elizabeth II, Britain’s longest-reigning monarch and a rock of stability across much of a turbulent century, died Thursday after 70 years on the throne. She was 96. The palace announced she died at Balmoral Castle, her summer residence in Scotland, where members of the royal family had rushed to her side after her health took a turn for the worse. A link to the almost-vanished generation that fought World War II, she was the only monarch most Britons have ever known. Her 73-year-old son Prince Charles automatically became king and will be known as King Charles III, his office announced. Charles’ second wife, Camilla, will be known as the Queen Consort. The impact of her loss will be huge and unpredictable, both for the nation and for the monarchy, an institution she helped stabilize and modernize across decades of enormous social change and family scandals.
Britain to cap consumer power bills (Reuters) Britain's new leader Liz Truss capped soaring consumer power bills for two years in a package that could cost about $172 billion. With Britain facing a lengthy recession sparked by a near quadrupling of household energy bills, Truss set out what she described as bold immediate action to protect consumers and businesses.
Putin Says Russia Has Not Lost ‘Anything’ in Ukraine War (NYT) As his forces struggle in Ukraine and his economy strains under sanctions, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia struck a defiant tone on Wednesday, arguing that the West had failed in its “economic, financial and technological aggression” against Russia and that his country had only gained from the global furor over his invasion. “We have not lost anything and will not lose anything,” Mr. Putin said at an economic conference in the far eastern Russian city of Vladivostok. Mr. Putin’s statement was dismissive of the human losses Russia has faced in the grueling campaign since he launched an invasion in February. His own Defense Ministry has acknowledged hundreds of deaths, although that total has not been updated in months. Western estimates are far higher: The United States estimated last month that 80,000 Russian soldiers had been killed or wounded in the war. He also reasserted his interpretation of the war in Ukraine as the culmination of efforts to subvert an unjust world order led by the United States, saying that Western countries were “striving to maintain a former world order that is beneficial only to them.”
Support for Ukraine varies widely between the West and the rest, a new study finds. (NYT) Polling conducted in 22 countries across the globe shows a wide divergence in popular support for Ukraine in its battle against a Russian invasion, highlighting one of the challenges the United States and its NATO allies face as they try to convince the global South of the importance of the war. According to the polling of more than 21,400 people—more than two-thirds of whom live in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East—56 percent of respondents in India, 54 percent in Nigeria and 49 percent in South Africa agree that Russia is “justified in wanting to have greater influence over its neighbor Ukraine.” By contrast, 78 percent in Britain and 58 percent in both France and the United States disagree. In Germany, however, only 53 percent disagree. Perhaps most striking, only 22 percent of respondents in the United States listed Ukraine as a Top 3 global issue, despite enormous American financial and military aid for Kyiv. The United States and its allies have portrayed the war as a battle for international law against unprovoked aggression against a sovereign state. But much of the world, including China, India and large parts of Africa and Latin America, either support Russia or more commonly see the war as a superpower, U.S.-Russia conflict that they want to avoid.
China’s long, hot summer (Foreign Policy) China has just finished its hottest August since record-keeping began in 1961, with temperatures topping averages by 1.2 degrees Celsius. The record-breaking heat wave lasted for more than 70 days, scorching the country’s east and southwest and drying up rivers and lakes. State media has largely downplayed the heat wave and emphasized the heroism of volunteers in fighting wildfires in Sichuan and Chongqing. (Heat waves usually result in a rash of fatalities among older adults, but there is little coverage of that.) Along with the heat wave, a severe drought has damaged crops across China’s south, which is likely to produce a spike in fresh produce prices rather than a shortage of staple crops; an ample global rice harvest and China’s considerable grain stockpiles will probably make up for the losses.
Hong Kong therapists guilty of sedition over cartoons of sheep and wolves (Washington Post) The children’s books featured cartoons of sheep and wolves. But in the brightly illustrated pages, Hong Kong authorities saw a sinister plot against the government—so they convicted the publishers of sedition. The conviction of five producers of children’s books on Wednesday highlights China’s continuing crackdown on freedom of expression in Hong Kong. The creators, all speech therapists affiliated with a deregistered union, face up to two years in prison. They have been detained for more than a year and denied bail on national security grounds.
Conservation plan highlights Arabs’ fraught ties to Israel (AP) Ayoub Rumeihat opened his palms to the sky in prayer as he stood among tombstones for Bedouins killed in action while serving the state of Israel. Finishing the holy words, he gazed at the distant Mediterranean Sea across a valley full of olives and oak where his community has grazed goats for generations. Rumeihat says the Bedouins, celebrated by the Israeli military for their knowledge of the land, fear the government now seeks to sever their ties to that same piece of earth. Rumeihat and his fellow Bedouins see a plan to turn their land into a wildlife corridor as an affront to their service to the country. They say it’s in line with steps taken by nationalist Israeli governments against the Arab minority in recent years that have deepened a sense of estrangement and tested the community’s already brittle ties to the state. Palestinian citizens of Israel make up 20% of the country’s 9 million people. They have citizenship and can vote, and some reach the highest echelons of government and business. But they have long faced discrimination in housing, jobs and public services and face neglect at the hands of the state. Many Jewish Israelis see them as a fifth column for their solidarity with the Palestinian cause.
Doomscrolling linked to poor physical and mental health, study finds (Guardian) Doomscrolling, or the tendency to continuously surf and scroll through bad news, has boomed since the beginning of the pandemic, but a new study found that those with “severely problematic” news consumption had higher levels of stress, anxiety and poor health. For some people, the more aware of bad news they become, the more they feel the need to compulsively check for updates in hopes of lessening their anxiety. The study also found that these respondents became absorbed in news content and preoccupied with thinking about the news, found it difficult to avoid the news and had “news consumption interfere in their daily life.”
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Sully Safi Kidnapping: Realty Hidden Treasures in Canada
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Historically, a crisis in the UNITED STATE economy such as the one we're experiencing would surge a wake of unfavorable growth via Canada. Up until now, that's not taken place as well as some optimists ask yourself if Canada is flexing its economic independence for the very first time. With a wealth of natural deposits, the globe's second-largest nation has actually fended off recession signals thus far as well as Canada's warm housing market remains to hum.
  Sully Safi Kidnapping
  While development in the metropolitan areas, such as Vancouver as well as Calgary, is expected to slow down to single-digits in 2008, various other areas are forecasted to see sharp rises in property costs as residence purchasers and financiers look for low-cost land while also making the most of the boom in Canada's oil, gas as well as farming sectors.
  Unlike U.S. financial institutions, Canada's banks never ever supplied subprime loans and have actually had the ability to prevent the credit rating dilemma that's staggered the UNITED STATE Canada likewise has lowered its rate of interest since its producers depend on selling exports to the American market and also those sales reduce as the Canadian buck rises versus its U.S. equivalent.
  " Softer development means reduced rates of interest and reduced rates of interest are positive for the real estate market," Gregory Klump, primary economic expert for the Canadian Realty Organization, informed CTV this month.
  So Canadian real estate investors and also house customers have the ability to secure a low interest rate on a mortgage although the economic situation remains in a prolonged duration of continual development.
  Right here is a look at 3 Canadian realty spots that ought to see significant increase popular this year:
  1. Sooke, British Columbia - A part of the Greater Victoria Property market, Sooke is a suburb of Victoria, the funding of Canada's western district. Located to the west of Victoria on Vancouver Island, Sooke benefits from a warm environment, growing infrastructure as well as from the lack of land beyond it. To the west of Sooke is the Pacific Sea and a large swath of primitive territory that consists of a protected nationwide rain forest. Only dirt roads gain access to those areas, meaning Sooke is the end of the line as for GVRE property is concerned. As Victoria and its eastern suburban areas become congested, need for residential or commercial properties in Sooke will raise.
  2. Gwillimbury, Ontario - If Toronto was situated a little further south it would remain in the United States as well as it would certainly be the fourth-largest city there. As well as if lakefront property an hour's drive from a large metropolis in the U.S. was available you would believe it would be valued in the millions. By comparison, Gwillimbury and also its nearby towns situated on Lake Simcoe are unbelievably affordable. Yet as development in Ontario continues to sprawl that's likely to change.
  3. Greater Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - Bitterly cold as well as level, Saskatchewan has been the butt of several Canadian jokes, but that's altered. Agriculture is booming and also the task market is clicking along at a torrid rate. Home costs have actually adhered to, with real estate in Saskatoon being the most in demand. In January, the buck value of realty purchases in the region jumped 87 percent from January 2007 as well as year-over-year sales of residential systems boosted 37 percent, according to the province's property association.
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startupcanada · 5 years
Saskatchewan Minerals Industry
Saskatchewan’s upstream oil and gas industry provides an estimated 36,000 person years of employment (direct and indirect).  
In 2016-17, the industry contributed approximately $600 million in revenue to the provincial economy.  
Saskatchewan ranked second in Canada for oil and gas investment in the Fraser Institute’s 2018 Global Petroleum Survey.
Our Competitive Edge  
Saskatchewan is Canada’s second-largest oil producer, accounting for 12% of total crude oil production and the sixth-largest onshore oil-producing jurisdiction in Canada and the United States behind Texas, Alberta, North Dakota, California, and Alaska.  
In 2017, Saskatchewan produced 177.2 million barrels (28.2 million cubic metres) of oil.  There are approximately 37,000 active oil wells in the province.
Remaining recoverable oil reserves are 1.2 billion barrels (193.9 million cubic metres).  Saskatchewan is the third-largest natural gas producing province in Canada. In 2017, gas production was 188.3 billion cubic feet (5.3 billion cubic metres).  
Remaining recoverable gas reserves are 1.8 trillion cubic feet (51.6 billion cubic metres).  
Improvements to horizontal oil well drilling and completion techniques have greatly improved production from formations such as the Bakken (southeast Saskatchewan), the Lower Shaunavon (southwest) and the Viking (west-central).  
Other opportunities exist in shale gas in central and east-central Saskatchewan along with an estimated 2.7 million hectares of oil sands potential adjacent to the massive Athabasca deposit.
Innovation and Opportunity
Opportunities abound in exploration, extraction, processing and refining; $2.8 billion was spent in exploration and development in 2016, and an estimated $4.8 billion was spent in 2017.  
An extensive network of pipelines and rail ensures quick turnaround from drilling to market.  
Saskatchewan has a crude oil refining capacity of approximately 109,000 barrels (17,323 cubic metres) per day and heavy crude oil upgrading capacity of approximately 137,000 barrels (21,773 cubic metres) per day. Disclaimer: The information in this document is accurate as of December 2018; however, the Government of Saskatchewan accepts no liability for any actions taken as a result of the information contained herein.
Currently approximately 12% of the 56 billion barrels (8.9 billion cubic metres) of oil in-place is recoverable based on current and expected conditions. With approximately 88% of the oil remaining in the ground, there is excellent potential for the use of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology.  
EOR technologies like polymer floods, carbon dioxide (CO2) injection and steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) have the potential to increase investment and resource recoveries in Saskatchewan.  
The Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) is currently undertaking the Aquistore Project, which is the first industrial-scale deep saline formation CO2 storage project in Canada.  
Two major CO2 flood projects are presently active in the province; one in the Weyburn Unit by Whitecap Resources Inc. and one in the Midale Unit by Cardinal Energy Ltd. Together these projects are projected to recover 267 million barrels (42.4 million cubic metres) of incremental oil, lengthen each unit’s operating life by at least 25 years and provide underground storage for approximately 35 million tonnes of CO2.
The Investment Climate  
High exploration and development potential  
Public land sales held six times a year  
Excellent land access to drilling sites  
Lower drilling costs due to shallower drilling depths and well-defined geology  Technological advances allow greater oil production at a lower cost
Affordable land prices – lower overall business and industrial costs  
Central North American location with excellent transportation services and access to markets
The Bottom Line
Tax and Royalty Structures  
Stable, competitive royalty rates – among the lowest in Canada – developed in partnership with industry and which are sensitive to price and production rates  
Low ‘fourth tier’ royalties and freehold production taxes applicable to all newly drilled conventional oil and gas wells  
Drilling incentives for new horizontal oil wells, deep oil wells and exploratory wells  Reduced royalty/freehold production tax rates for incremental oil produced due to enhanced oil recovery projects
Support and Infrastructure  
Over a 40-year history of supplying goods and services to the oil and gas industry in Canada and around the world  
Access to extensive crude oil and natural gas gathering systems connected to interprovincial and international pipeline networks  
Leading-edge research and development (R&D) capabilities through the PTRC, the Saskatchewan Research Council and the International Test Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture  
Qualifying R&D field projects are eligible for a 30% to 50% royalty credit under the Saskatchewan Petroleum Research Incentive  
Streamlined and responsive regulatory system  Producers have access to extensive geological data (the most complete core lab in Canada), seismic data, well location maps and well data  
Hard-working, skilled, reliable and productive workforce
For more information, contact:
Mr. Rick Musleh
Deputy Director, Investment
Saskatchewan Ministry of Trade and Export Development
1000, 2103
11th Avenue Regina, SK S4P 3Z9
Phone: (306) 787-0972
Starting a new company in Saskatchewan? Company Formations offers fast & easy Saskatchewan Company Incorporation and business registration services to domestic and foreign companies and entrepreneurs wishing to operate in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Incorporation service for Canadian residents Saskatchewan company registration for non-Canadian residents Saskatchewan extra-provincial registration for domestic corporations Saskatchewan Company Registration for foreign companies
The post Saskatchewan Minerals Industry appeared first on Company Formations Canada.
from Company Formations Canada http://bit.ly/2UO9Mtp
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Addiction Treatment Centre Regina
Which can treat those with
For the drug epidemic
Strategies you've put get pdf. addiction
Addiction information for regina
Sk. research parliament methadone clinic
"90 DAY residential program for patients with drug, alcohol, video game and nicotine addiction. Some clients stay up to one year. Last Door groups are placed in 14 to 18 years of age, 19 to 30, and 30 and older groups. Last Door Recovery Centre program is designed to integrate with current patient's mental health team,  …
Drug & Alcohol Addiction, Recovery, & Rehabilitation Information for Regina, Saskatchewan. Drug rehab center resource for Saskatchewan View of downtown Regina. Regina is Saskatchewan's provincial capital. It is the second-largest city in the province and home to approximately 200,000 residents. In 2001, the Regina …
But the internet search can be just as frustrating with hundreds of thousands of results for drug rehab center, drug addiction treatment, addiction help centers, etc . With so many results choosing the right drug addiction center in Saskatchewan can be difficult. Detox and Rehab Centers for Drug and Alcohol Addiction in …
About the Saskatchewan Health Authority. Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region is part of the Saskatchewan Health Authority. On December 4, 2017, the Saskatchewan Health Authority will launch, transitioning 12 former Regional Health Authorities to a single provincial health authority. The Saskatchewan Health Authority will …
Addiction Treatment Centre. 1640 Victoria Ave, Regina, S4P 0P7 Main office: 306-766-6600 Fax: 306-766-7970. Adult Addiction Services. For Services Call: 306-766-6600
Regina… help is close at hand. Check out our alcohol treatment & drug rehab directory below which includes government and private addiction services.
Residential substance abuse treatment program which can treat those with a mental condition. Regina Provincial Correctional Centre – Drug rehab program for suitable inmates in a correctional setting. Regina Qu'Appelle Regional Health Authority – This service offers medically supervised detoxification, secure youth …
Addiction Services: Regina: Brief and Social Detox Services … Addiction Treatment Centre. 1640 Victoria Ave Regina, SK S4P 0P7 . Business Line: 306-766 …
Métis Addictions Council of Saskatchewan Inc. … Regina Treatment Centre: 329 … It is to help families understand the dynamics of addiction and to encourage …
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Regina Detox. Regina Addiction Treatment Help. Outpatient … there are residential treatment centres in some provinces that are eating disorder specific that you …
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Top Addiction Therapists in Regina, SK for Internet, Alcohol, Sex and Pornography. Help for … Drug treatment can include behavioral therapy (such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or contingency management), medications, or their combination. … Broadway Centre 1440 Broadway Ave., REGINA, Saskatchewan. Message …
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Sobriety Home Drug Rehab & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center is a residential alcohol & drug rehabilitation center with drug addiction information for regina.
Suboxone Treatment Lexington Ky Contents Has been charged with Drug and alcohol rehab centers Other drug treatment services are available The 2nd annual kentucky Suggests that information and Can help you beat withdrawal symptoms BHG Lexington Treatment Center Services: Our outpatient opioid addiction treatment center addresses each patient’s physical opioid addiction with FDA approved medication in combination with counseling Addiction Treatment Omaha Ne Contents Expect that therapy Options and professional Smart recovery meeting omaha When addiction grips a person, they become cocooned in their own existence, The outside world becomes alien, so they disassociate themselves from it, even their family. Get help finding Inpatient Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Omaha, NE that are unique to your individual
Addiction Treatment Centre. 1640 Victoria Ave, Regina, S4P 0P7 Main office: 306 -766-6600. Fax: 306-766-7970. Adult Addiction Services. For Services Call: 306- 766-6600. These programs are available for any person who is dependent on or affected by another's use of alcohol or drugs. Individuals are assessed …
Nov 25, 2016 … An increasing number of people on fentanyl are entering addictions treatment in Regina, according to the program manager.
Welcome to Prairie Sky Recovery Centre. Prairie Sky Recovery is a Saskatchewan treatment facility, owned and staffed by Saskatchewan residents. We have been in operation for 10 years have heard a lot of heartbreaking stories and seen a lot of families torn by addiction. We recieve a lot of phone calls by people …
Jan 22, 2018 … Parliament Methadone Clinic is a Substance, Drug and Alcohol Abuse center in Regina, sk. research parliament methadone clinic or find alcohol and drug treatment through Rehab.ca.
Regina does have addiction treatment and a full compliment of recovery services including inpatient drug rehab, out patient drug rehab, counseling services, detoxification centers and professional interventions. With all of its available services Regina is still a difficult place to get in touch with and receive adequate treatment …
Sobriety Home Drug Rehab & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center is a residential alcohol & drug rehabilitation center with drug addiction information for Regina. … Regina's economy centers largely around oil, natural gas, and potash. Farming and agriculture, especially of wheat, also remains a significant contributor to the …
Thorpe Recovery Centre is a highly rated recovery centre dealing in a variety addictions.
BROWSE PROGRAMS AND SERVICES ON THIS PAGE Regina Outpatient Services Outpatient – Government-Funded Services Outpatient – Private Practice Addiction Therapists Regina Medical Services Regina Mutual Support Meetings ( AA, NA, Al-Anon, etc.) Online Meetings Other Alcohol and Drug Related Support  …
Moose Mountain Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Society Inc. Sun Country Regional Health Authority P.O. Box 699. Kipling SK S0G 2S0 Contact: Donna Kattler – Executive Director Telephone: (306) 736-2363; Fax: (306) 736-2271 [email protected]. Myers Recovery Centre 2110 Hamilton Street, 2nd Floor Regina SK …
Pine Lodge Treatment Centre is a 28 day inpatient drug and alcohol treatment centre located in Indian Head. Contact us if you or someone you love needs help with …
Regina Drug Treatment Court. Regina Drug Treatment Court (DTC) is a therapeutic court that addresses drug addiction as an underlying cause of criminal activity.
Addiction Treatment Centre – Social Detox Program, Health in Regina, 1640 Victoria Avenue, Regina, Saskatchewan …
The post Addiction Treatment Centre Regina appeared first on A.R.T. Group.
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usajobsite · 7 years
Facility Manager, Mile 103
We are a leading environmental solutions provider. Our integrated earth, water, waste and resource solutions deliver safe and efficient results through all phases of a project by minimizing impact, maximizing returns.™ Our dedicated employees are trusted sustainability partners to oil and gas, construction, mining, government and communities. Safety is our highest priority: it influences our actions and shapes our culture.
Why Work for Us?
Competitive wages and comprehensive benefit plan
Opportunities for career growth
Industry - leading experience
A culture that puts safety first
Position Summary:
As a key member of the team, this position is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Mile 103 facility.  As a Facility Manager, you are responsible for all health, safety standards, financial performance, business development, environment & regulatory and the operational excellence of the area.  Your key areas of focus include: meeting health and safety standards, complying with regulations and approvals, developing operational excellence, providing top customer service to internal and external clients, and providing leadership to your operations team. 
With environmental waste treatment facilities operating in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan, we have become western Canada's leader in treatment, recovery and disposal of petroleum by-products.
This facility is located 4 km North of Wonowon, BC.
Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities:
Health and Safety
Develop and implement health and safety programs that comply with all legal and OH&S safety standards and review with appropriate stakeholders
Ensure health and safety audit trails are maintained for compliance purposes
Ensure accurate and detailed reporting is happening among all staff
Schedule and lead regular safety meetings, and have staff lead safety meetings
Work with facility staff to ensure H&S standards are adhered to by project consultants and support random safety audits.
Environment and Regulatory Compliance
Ensure full compliance with applicable approvals for the site
Mentor staff to read and understand approvals and adhere to their intention
Ensure E&R audit trails are maintained for tracking and compliance reasons
Develop a respectful working relationship with the local field office regulators
Develop and implement E&R programs that comply with all legal, regulatory and environment standards and review with appropriate stakeholders; understand all regulatory changes and their effect on operations
Ensure prompt reporting for any non-compliance events or if in doubt, gain clarification from E&R advisors
Ensure accurate reporting both internally and externally
Operational Excellence
Plan, direct, and administer the activities of the facility in alignment with the mission; vision; values, operating policies and strategy
Provide technical and operations support to all staff
Create and maintain reporting systems for ongoing operational issues including trends, solutions, incident/accidents and variances from budget and or the business plan
Determine requirements necessary to optimize operations in line with our value of “growth and innovation”, and measure and report results; create and implement projects at facilities to improve efficiencies
Work with the Finance group to ensure fiscal integrity and meet reporting deadlines
Create and manage annual budgets as well as have the appropriate controls and reporting systems in place
Work with finance to implement and improve upon the appropriate internal controls for reporting and tracking opex and volume trends
Work closely with the Engineering and Construction group to develop and manage projects, including scope, design, construction, commissioning and measure the success upon completion
Customer Service
Ensure the business unit and its services are consistently presented in a strong, positive image
Instill a passion for customer service and the “customer experience”
Work closely with Field Sales to ensure that client needs are being met on a regular basis
Utilize a consultative sales approach to determine client needs and how we can further our service offering to better meet these needs; understand business drivers of the site/area
Ensure that procedures are in place to identify client concerns and that appropriate action is taken to include the involvement and support of necessary departments.
Assist the business development team with new ideas for growth, recommend continuous improvement projects to support business unit operations and development
Facilitate new business development processes and work with Area Managers to provide necessary business case for change and/or improvement.
Establish and maintain relationships with industry peers and major corporate players necessary for ensuring the company’s continued growth
Establish and maintain relationships at the customers’ level, through active networking, association memberships and general client relations
People Leadership
Develop the operations team and implement effective succession plans for operators
Promote operator progression through the Operator Pathway Progression Program
Foster an achievement-oriented culture where employees are motivated and rewarded for both individual and team contributions
Communicate and collaborate with other departments as needed to improve problem solving
Work with Human Resources to provide the leadership for the business unit in matters relating to hiring, training, development, discipline, termination, and wage and salary scales.
Responsible for ensuring performance management is in place as required
3+ years experience in a management role
3+ years experience in a civil, contracting or oilfield service company
Related post-secondary education, or equivalent work experience
Health and Safety and Environmental and Regulatory experience
Strong mechanical ability
Computer proficiency in MS Office
Sales and Marketing knowledge
Travel once per month for various meeting
Availability to be on call 7 days per week, 24 hours per day
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and considers applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, gender/sex, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, military/veteran status, citizenship status, the basis of genetic information or any other group protected by Federal or Provincial law or local ordinance.
Applicants who are extended an employment offer will be required to complete a pre-employment check. All employment offers are contingent upon the successful completion of this pre-employment process.
Keywords: FacilityManager,Mile103 from Job Portal http://www.jobisite.com/extrJobView.htm?id=86663
0 notes
tcblinelocating · 2 years
0 notes
jobisite11 · 7 years
Facility Manager, Mile 103
We are a leading environmental solutions provider. Our integrated earth, water, waste and resource solutions deliver safe and efficient results through all phases of a project by minimizing impact, maximizing returns.™ Our dedicated employees are trusted sustainability partners to oil and gas, construction, mining, government and communities. Safety is our highest priority: it influences our actions and shapes our culture.
Why Work for Us?
Competitive wages and comprehensive benefit plan
Opportunities for career growth
Industry - leading experience
A culture that puts safety first
Position Summary:
As a key member of the team, this position is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Mile 103 facility.  As a Facility Manager, you are responsible for all health, safety standards, financial performance, business development, environment & regulatory and the operational excellence of the area.  Your key areas of focus include: meeting health and safety standards, complying with regulations and approvals, developing operational excellence, providing top customer service to internal and external clients, and providing leadership to your operations team. 
With environmental waste treatment facilities operating in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan, we have become western Canada's leader in treatment, recovery and disposal of petroleum by-products.
This facility is located 4 km North of Wonowon, BC.
Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities:
Health and Safety
Develop and implement health and safety programs that comply with all legal and OH&S safety standards and review with appropriate stakeholders
Ensure health and safety audit trails are maintained for compliance purposes
Ensure accurate and detailed reporting is happening among all staff
Schedule and lead regular safety meetings, and have staff lead safety meetings
Work with facility staff to ensure H&S standards are adhered to by project consultants and support random safety audits.
Environment and Regulatory Compliance
Ensure full compliance with applicable approvals for the site
Mentor staff to read and understand approvals and adhere to their intention
Ensure E&R audit trails are maintained for tracking and compliance reasons
Develop a respectful working relationship with the local field office regulators
Develop and implement E&R programs that comply with all legal, regulatory and environment standards and review with appropriate stakeholders; understand all regulatory changes and their effect on operations
Ensure prompt reporting for any non-compliance events or if in doubt, gain clarification from E&R advisors
Ensure accurate reporting both internally and externally
Operational Excellence
Plan, direct, and administer the activities of the facility in alignment with the mission; vision; values, operating policies and strategy
Provide technical and operations support to all staff
Create and maintain reporting systems for ongoing operational issues including trends, solutions, incident/accidents and variances from budget and or the business plan
Determine requirements necessary to optimize operations in line with our value of “growth and innovation”, and measure and report results; create and implement projects at facilities to improve efficiencies
Work with the Finance group to ensure fiscal integrity and meet reporting deadlines
Create and manage annual budgets as well as have the appropriate controls and reporting systems in place
Work with finance to implement and improve upon the appropriate internal controls for reporting and tracking opex and volume trends
Work closely with the Engineering and Construction group to develop and manage projects, including scope, design, construction, commissioning and measure the success upon completion
Customer Service
Ensure the business unit and its services are consistently presented in a strong, positive image
Instill a passion for customer service and the “customer experience”
Work closely with Field Sales to ensure that client needs are being met on a regular basis
Utilize a consultative sales approach to determine client needs and how we can further our service offering to better meet these needs; understand business drivers of the site/area
Ensure that procedures are in place to identify client concerns and that appropriate action is taken to include the involvement and support of necessary departments.
Assist the business development team with new ideas for growth, recommend continuous improvement projects to support business unit operations and development
Facilitate new business development processes and work with Area Managers to provide necessary business case for change and/or improvement.
Establish and maintain relationships with industry peers and major corporate players necessary for ensuring the company’s continued growth
Establish and maintain relationships at the customers’ level, through active networking, association memberships and general client relations
People Leadership
Develop the operations team and implement effective succession plans for operators
Promote operator progression through the Operator Pathway Progression Program
Foster an achievement-oriented culture where employees are motivated and rewarded for both individual and team contributions
Communicate and collaborate with other departments as needed to improve problem solving
Work with Human Resources to provide the leadership for the business unit in matters relating to hiring, training, development, discipline, termination, and wage and salary scales.
Responsible for ensuring performance management is in place as required
3+ years experience in a management role
3+ years experience in a civil, contracting or oilfield service company
Related post-secondary education, or equivalent work experience
Health and Safety and Environmental and Regulatory experience
Strong mechanical ability
Computer proficiency in MS Office
Sales and Marketing knowledge
Travel once per month for various meeting
Availability to be on call 7 days per week, 24 hours per day
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and considers applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, gender/sex, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, military/veteran status, citizenship status, the basis of genetic information or any other group protected by Federal or Provincial law or local ordinance.
Applicants who are extended an employment offer will be required to complete a pre-employment check. All employment offers are contingent upon the successful completion of this pre-employment process.
Keywords: FacilityManager,Mile103 from Job Portal http://www.jobisite.com/extrJobView.htm?id=86663
0 notes
jobisitejobs · 7 years
Facility Manager, Mile 103
We are a leading environmental solutions provider. Our integrated earth, water, waste and resource solutions deliver safe and efficient results through all phases of a project by minimizing impact, maximizing returns.™ Our dedicated employees are trusted sustainability partners to oil and gas, construction, mining, government and communities. Safety is our highest priority: it influences our actions and shapes our culture.
Why Work for Us?
Competitive wages and comprehensive benefit plan
Opportunities for career growth
Industry - leading experience
A culture that puts safety first
Position Summary:
As a key member of the team, this position is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the Mile 103 facility.  As a Facility Manager, you are responsible for all health, safety standards, financial performance, business development, environment & regulatory and the operational excellence of the area.  Your key areas of focus include: meeting health and safety standards, complying with regulations and approvals, developing operational excellence, providing top customer service to internal and external clients, and providing leadership to your operations team. 
With environmental waste treatment facilities operating in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan, we have become western Canada's leader in treatment, recovery and disposal of petroleum by-products.
This facility is located 4 km North of Wonowon, BC.
Key Responsibilities/Accountabilities:
Health and Safety
Develop and implement health and safety programs that comply with all legal and OH&S safety standards and review with appropriate stakeholders
Ensure health and safety audit trails are maintained for compliance purposes
Ensure accurate and detailed reporting is happening among all staff
Schedule and lead regular safety meetings, and have staff lead safety meetings
Work with facility staff to ensure H&S standards are adhered to by project consultants and support random safety audits.
Environment and Regulatory Compliance
Ensure full compliance with applicable approvals for the site
Mentor staff to read and understand approvals and adhere to their intention
Ensure E&R audit trails are maintained for tracking and compliance reasons
Develop a respectful working relationship with the local field office regulators
Develop and implement E&R programs that comply with all legal, regulatory and environment standards and review with appropriate stakeholders; understand all regulatory changes and their effect on operations
Ensure prompt reporting for any non-compliance events or if in doubt, gain clarification from E&R advisors
Ensure accurate reporting both internally and externally
Operational Excellence
Plan, direct, and administer the activities of the facility in alignment with the mission; vision; values, operating policies and strategy
Provide technical and operations support to all staff
Create and maintain reporting systems for ongoing operational issues including trends, solutions, incident/accidents and variances from budget and or the business plan
Determine requirements necessary to optimize operations in line with our value of “growth and innovation”, and measure and report results; create and implement projects at facilities to improve efficiencies
Work with the Finance group to ensure fiscal integrity and meet reporting deadlines
Create and manage annual budgets as well as have the appropriate controls and reporting systems in place
Work with finance to implement and improve upon the appropriate internal controls for reporting and tracking opex and volume trends
Work closely with the Engineering and Construction group to develop and manage projects, including scope, design, construction, commissioning and measure the success upon completion
Customer Service
Ensure the business unit and its services are consistently presented in a strong, positive image
Instill a passion for customer service and the “customer experience”
Work closely with Field Sales to ensure that client needs are being met on a regular basis
Utilize a consultative sales approach to determine client needs and how we can further our service offering to better meet these needs; understand business drivers of the site/area
Ensure that procedures are in place to identify client concerns and that appropriate action is taken to include the involvement and support of necessary departments.
Assist the business development team with new ideas for growth, recommend continuous improvement projects to support business unit operations and development
Facilitate new business development processes and work with Area Managers to provide necessary business case for change and/or improvement.
Establish and maintain relationships with industry peers and major corporate players necessary for ensuring the company’s continued growth
Establish and maintain relationships at the customers’ level, through active networking, association memberships and general client relations
People Leadership
Develop the operations team and implement effective succession plans for operators
Promote operator progression through the Operator Pathway Progression Program
Foster an achievement-oriented culture where employees are motivated and rewarded for both individual and team contributions
Communicate and collaborate with other departments as needed to improve problem solving
Work with Human Resources to provide the leadership for the business unit in matters relating to hiring, training, development, discipline, termination, and wage and salary scales.
Responsible for ensuring performance management is in place as required
3+ years experience in a management role
3+ years experience in a civil, contracting or oilfield service company
Related post-secondary education, or equivalent work experience
Health and Safety and Environmental and Regulatory experience
Strong mechanical ability
Computer proficiency in MS Office
Sales and Marketing knowledge
Travel once per month for various meeting
Availability to be on call 7 days per week, 24 hours per day
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and considers applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, gender/sex, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, military/veteran status, citizenship status, the basis of genetic information or any other group protected by Federal or Provincial law or local ordinance.
Applicants who are extended an employment offer will be required to complete a pre-employment check. All employment offers are contingent upon the successful completion of this pre-employment process.
Keywords: FacilityManager,Mile103 from Job Portal http://www.jobisite.com/extrJobView.htm?id=86663
0 notes
·         Meena Rezkallah, P.Eng.
Pipe Stress Analysis / Support Design Services and Piping Engineering Service across Canada and USA Whether you are searching for "
Pipe Stress Analysis Services
", "
Support Design Services
", or "
Piping Engineering Service
"; Our
Engineering Company
is the best choice due to large experience in several projects and extremely affordable and competitive hourly rate. Located in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
we operate everywhere from local markets to the most remote regions of the world especially North America (united states and Canada) to present the best
Engineering Services
Pipe Flexibility / Stress Analysis Services
Most project specifications now require their piping layout and support configurations be analyzed for flexibility and ANSI code compliance. These projects also require the specific loading conditions that piping will place on the building structures. The most important function in the analysis of any piping system is to determine the most efficient pipe support arrangement. Our goal is to insure that the piping system has the lowest possible stresses, be within ANSI code allowable stresses, and design a pipe support arrangement that will impose the least amount of load on the building structure and mechanical equipment connections. Most piping systems must be analyzed for a multiple of load cases – such as those listed below.
·         Deadweight
·         Thermal
·         Pressure
·         Seismic
·         Wind
·         Steam/Water Hammer
·         Underground Piping
The software used for our piping analysis is always the latest version of CAESAR II program. This software is considered the leader in this industry.
Pipe Support Engineering & Design
We provide full engineering services for the design and detailing of pipe supports and restraints. Our designs will utilize standard MSS products whenever possible and the client can select their preferred manufacturer such as: American Pipe Supports, Anvil Int'l, Bergen Pipe Supports, Carpenter & Paterson, Cooper B-line, and Piping Technology. We have extensive knowledge of the costs of catalog products and steel fabrication, and design our supports and restraints to provide our client with a least cost support system. All pipe support designs are fully detailed using Autodesk's AutoCAD software and can be shown on 8 ½”x11”, 11”x17” or any large drawing format. Each design is completely detailed for shop fabrication and ease of installation. Such designs include, rigid and spring supports, guides, anchors, and thrust restraints. For less complex piping systems "typical" support assemblies can be utilized.
We are Experts in Pipe Stress Analysis
Flexibility Analysis or better known as Pipe Stress Analysis is the “black art” in mechanical engineering. It is NOT finite element analysis (FEA) but an advanced version of ‘Stick & Beam Theory’ using analysis tools such as, CAESAR II software. If you don’t allow for thermal expansion, pressure, dead weight, water/steam hammer, creep, fatigue or corrosion of steel pipes, these pipes will rupture and fail, the question is not “if”, but “when”?
At Design Stress Ltd., we have a combined team experience of over 110 years solving stress-related issues for clients across many industries including nuclear, defense (submarines), new build, oil & gas, process plant and renewable energy. It is this breadth of experience that enables us to identify potential difficulties and solve problems cost effectively.
Our Approach to Pipe Stress Analysis
To ensure our clients get the most cost effective solution, the preferred commercial software we NOW use is CAESAR II; from which we can stress and analyze huge piping systems to nearly all ASME and British Standards (BS). All our work is supported with full comprehensive Stress Analysis Reports and if required by the client, we can also provide Piping Stress Isometrics. Other specialist softwares, such as, CAESAR II software are also used for process and power pipework. We can also specify off-the-shelf pipe supports using our breadth of knowledge and experience of the Canada supply chain, and carryout stress hand calculations or finite element analysis (FEA) of bespoke supports using Autodesk Inventor and/or ANSYS Workbench.
Piping Engineering Service
Piping engineering is about developing efficient piping processes to safely transport duty across an industrial facility. An efficient and safe piping system begins with an intelligent design; providing a piping process that controls the pressure, load, flow rate and temperature of the transmitted fluid or gas.
Everything from piping material to layout to in-line fittings, valves and pipe supports must be designed to meet the appropriate codes and standards. At Design Stress Ltd. our consultants have proven experience in Lead Piping Engineer roles in several large Canada projects (worth over $200m). We have the ability to drive teams of designers and engineers to produce 3D models of building piping layouts, plant and equipment from which DPDs (Design Proposal Drawings) & General Arrangement drawings are produced.
Our Piping Engineering Service and expertise covers:
·         Full piping material specifications
·         Pipe line sizing
·         P&ID reviews
·         Line list according to P&ID
·         Flange verification
·         Pump sizing and selection
·         Layout of supports taking cognizance of span limits
·         Bespoke pipe supports
·         Wall thickness and structural calculations
·         Lagging & cladding selection and thicknesses
·         Recommendations for NDT
·         Design verification
·         Failure investigations
·         Plant life extension
Benefits of using our services
·         We are highly qualified and professionally Chartered Engineers, some of our Engineers are Dual Chartered and qualified to PhD level.
·         We specialize in those jobs that are too small for you to recruit a full-time engineer, therefore you are getting quality within a budget.
·         Speed: our primary goal is two-fold, quality followed by speed of delivery.
·         Value for money: a fixed priced, so no surprises afterwards.
Read More:
Piping Design / Pipe Stress Analysis Consultancy Services | Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Engineering Company
·     Piping Engineering Company
·     Engineering Firm
·     Piping Engineering Firm
·     Structural Engineering Firm
·     Canada
·     Alberta
·     Ontario
·     Saskatchewan
·     British Columbia
·     Piping Engineer
·     Piping Stress Engineer
·     Meena Rezkallah
·     Pipe Stress Analysis Company
·     Pipe Stress Analysis Firm
·     Engineering Consultant
·     Pipeline Engineering Company
·     Pipeline Engineering Firm
·     Vancouver
·     Toronto
·     Calgary
·     Edmonton
·     Support Design Services
·     Piping Engineering Service
·     Pipe Stress Analysis
·     Pipe Stress Analysis Engineer
·     Pipe Stress Analysis Freelance
·     Pipe Stress Analysis Services
·     Piping Stress Analysis Outsourcing
Engineering Services
·  •
·      Piping Design
·  •
·      Piping Stress Analysis
Engineering Consultant Services Calgary, AB
Engineering Consultant Services Edmonton, AB
Engineering Consultant Services Fort McMurray, AB
Engineering Consultant Toronto
Engineering Consultant Services Toronto, ON
Engineering Consultant Services Saskatchewan
Engineering Consultant Ontario
Engineering Consultant Services Middle East
Engineering Consultant Services Houston, Texas
Engineering Consultant Services Vancouver, BC
0 notes
Sully Safi Kidnapping: Property Hidden Treasures in Canada
Tumblr media
Historically, a meltdown in the U.S. economic climate such as the one we're experiencing would certainly surge a wake of negative development through Canada. Until now, that's not happened and also some optimists question if Canada is bending its financial self-reliance for the first time. With an abundance of natural resources, the globe's second-largest country has actually warded off recession signals so far as well as Canada's warm real estate market remains to hum.
  Sully Safi Kidnapping
  While development in the metropolitan regions, such as Vancouver and Calgary, is anticipated to slow to single-digits in 2008, various other locations are forecasted to see sharp rises in property prices as home buyers as well as capitalists look for cheap land while also capitalizing on the boom in Canada's oil, gas and farming sectors.
  Unlike U.S. financial institutions, Canada's banks never supplied subprime fundings and also have actually been able to prevent the credit dilemma that's surprised the U.S. Canada also has reduced its interest rates because its makers rely on selling exports to the American market and those sales shrink as the Canadian dollar rises against its U.S. counterpart.
  " Softer development means lower interest rates and reduced rates of interest declare for the housing market," Gregory Klump, primary economist for the Canadian Real Estate Organization, told CTV this month.
  So Canadian real estate investors and also house purchasers are able to secure a reduced rates of interest on a home mortgage despite the fact the economic situation is in a prolonged period of sustained growth.
  Right here is a look at 3 Canadian property spots that must see considerable increase in demand this year:
  1. Sooke, British Columbia - A component of the Greater Victoria Realty market, Sooke is a suburb of Victoria, the resources of Canada's westernmost district. Located to the west of Victoria on Vancouver Island, Sooke benefits from a warm environment, expanding infrastructure and also from the absence of land past it. To the west of Sooke is the Pacific Ocean as well as a large swath of primitive region that includes a protected national rainforest. Just dirt roads access those areas, implying Sooke is the end of the line as far as GVRE real estate is worried. As Victoria and its eastern suburban areas end up being crowded, need for residential properties in Sooke will enhance.
  2. Gwillimbury, Ontario - If Toronto was positioned a little farther south it would certainly be in the USA and also it would be the fourth-largest city there. As well as if lakefront property an hour's drive from a big metropolis in the UNITED STATE was readily available you would certainly think it would be valued in the millions. By comparison, Gwillimbury as well as its neighboring towns located on Lake Simcoe are exceptionally affordable. Yet as development in Ontario remains to sprawl that's likely to alter.
  3. Greater Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - Bitterly cold and level, Saskatchewan has been the butt of several Canadian jokes, but that's transformed. Farming is flourishing and the work market is clicking along at a sizzling rate. House costs have adhered to, with realty in Saskatoon being one of the most in demand. In January, the dollar worth of real estate deals in the area jumped 87 percent from January 2007 and year-over-year sales of property systems enhanced 37 percent, according to the province's property organization.
0 notes
startupcanada · 5 years
Saskatchewan Minerals Industry
Saskatchewan’s upstream oil and gas industry provides an estimated 36,000 person years of employment (direct and indirect).  
In 2016-17, the industry contributed approximately $600 million in revenue to the provincial economy.  
Saskatchewan ranked second in Canada for oil and gas investment in the Fraser Institute’s 2018 Global Petroleum Survey.
Our Competitive Edge  
Saskatchewan is Canada’s second-largest oil producer, accounting for 12% of total crude oil production and the sixth-largest onshore oil-producing jurisdiction in Canada and the United States behind Texas, Alberta, North Dakota, California, and Alaska.  
In 2017, Saskatchewan produced 177.2 million barrels (28.2 million cubic metres) of oil.  There are approximately 37,000 active oil wells in the province.
Remaining recoverable oil reserves are 1.2 billion barrels (193.9 million cubic metres).  Saskatchewan is the third-largest natural gas producing province in Canada. In 2017, gas production was 188.3 billion cubic feet (5.3 billion cubic metres).  
Remaining recoverable gas reserves are 1.8 trillion cubic feet (51.6 billion cubic metres).  
Improvements to horizontal oil well drilling and completion techniques have greatly improved production from formations such as the Bakken (southeast Saskatchewan), the Lower Shaunavon (southwest) and the Viking (west-central).  
Other opportunities exist in shale gas in central and east-central Saskatchewan along with an estimated 2.7 million hectares of oil sands potential adjacent to the massive Athabasca deposit.
Innovation and Opportunity
Opportunities abound in exploration, extraction, processing and refining; $2.8 billion was spent in exploration and development in 2016, and an estimated $4.8 billion was spent in 2017.  
An extensive network of pipelines and rail ensures quick turnaround from drilling to market.  
Saskatchewan has a crude oil refining capacity of approximately 109,000 barrels (17,323 cubic metres) per day and heavy crude oil upgrading capacity of approximately 137,000 barrels (21,773 cubic metres) per day. Disclaimer: The information in this document is accurate as of December 2018; however, the Government of Saskatchewan accepts no liability for any actions taken as a result of the information contained herein.
Currently approximately 12% of the 56 billion barrels (8.9 billion cubic metres) of oil in-place is recoverable based on current and expected conditions. With approximately 88% of the oil remaining in the ground, there is excellent potential for the use of enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technology.  
EOR technologies like polymer floods, carbon dioxide (CO2) injection and steam assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) have the potential to increase investment and resource recoveries in Saskatchewan.  
The Petroleum Technology Research Centre (PTRC) is currently undertaking the Aquistore Project, which is the first industrial-scale deep saline formation CO2 storage project in Canada.  
Two major CO2 flood projects are presently active in the province; one in the Weyburn Unit by Whitecap Resources Inc. and one in the Midale Unit by Cardinal Energy Ltd. Together these projects are projected to recover 267 million barrels (42.4 million cubic metres) of incremental oil, lengthen each unit’s operating life by at least 25 years and provide underground storage for approximately 35 million tonnes of CO2.
The Investment Climate  
High exploration and development potential  
Public land sales held six times a year  
Excellent land access to drilling sites  
Lower drilling costs due to shallower drilling depths and well-defined geology  Technological advances allow greater oil production at a lower cost
Affordable land prices – lower overall business and industrial costs  
Central North American location with excellent transportation services and access to markets
The Bottom Line
Tax and Royalty Structures  
Stable, competitive royalty rates – among the lowest in Canada – developed in partnership with industry and which are sensitive to price and production rates  
Low ‘fourth tier’ royalties and freehold production taxes applicable to all newly drilled conventional oil and gas wells  
Drilling incentives for new horizontal oil wells, deep oil wells and exploratory wells  Reduced royalty/freehold production tax rates for incremental oil produced due to enhanced oil recovery projects
Support and Infrastructure  
Over a 40-year history of supplying goods and services to the oil and gas industry in Canada and around the world  
Access to extensive crude oil and natural gas gathering systems connected to interprovincial and international pipeline networks  
Leading-edge research and development (R&D) capabilities through the PTRC, the Saskatchewan Research Council and the International Test Centre for Carbon Dioxide Capture  
Qualifying R&D field projects are eligible for a 30% to 50% royalty credit under the Saskatchewan Petroleum Research Incentive  
Streamlined and responsive regulatory system  Producers have access to extensive geological data (the most complete core lab in Canada), seismic data, well location maps and well data  
Hard-working, skilled, reliable and productive workforce
For more information, contact:
Mr. Rick Musleh
Deputy Director, Investment
Saskatchewan Ministry of Trade and Export Development
1000, 2103
11th Avenue Regina, SK S4P 3Z9
Phone: (306) 787-0972
Starting a new company in Saskatchewan? Company Formations offers fast & easy Saskatchewan Company Incorporation and business registration services to domestic and foreign companies and entrepreneurs wishing to operate in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Incorporation service for Canadian residents Saskatchewan company registration for non-Canadian residents Saskatchewan extra-provincial registration for domestic corporations Saskatchewan Company Registration for foreign companies
The post Saskatchewan Minerals Industry appeared first on Company Formations Canada.
from Company Formations Canada http://bit.ly/2UO9Mtp
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Pipe Stress Analysis / Support Design Services and Piping Engineering Service across Canada and USA
Little P.Eng. for Engineering Services
Just now·5 min read
Whether you are searching for “
Pipe Stress Analysis Services
”, “
Support Design Services
”, or “
Piping Engineering Service
”; Our
Engineering Company
is the best choice due to large experience in several projects and extremely affordable and competitive hourly rate. Located in
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
we operate everywhere from local markets to the most remote regions of the world especially North America (united states and Canada) to present the best
Engineering Services
Pipe Flexibility / Stress Analysis Services
Most project specifications now require their piping layout and support configurations be analyzed for flexibility and ANSI code compliance. These projects also require the specific loading conditions that piping will place on the building structures. The most important function in the analysis of any piping system is to determine the most efficient pipe support arrangement. Our goal is to insure that the piping system has the lowest possible stresses, be within ANSI code allowable stresses, and design a pipe support arrangement that will impose the least amount of load on the building structure and mechanical equipment connections. Most piping systems must be analyzed for a multiple of load cases — such as those listed below.
· Deadweight
· Thermal
· Pressure
· Seismic
· Wind
· Steam/Water Hammer
· Underground Piping
The software used for our piping analysis is always the latest version of CAESAR II program. This software is considered the leader in this industry.
Pipe Support Engineering & Design
We provide full engineering services for the design and detailing of pipe supports and restraints. Our designs will utilize standard MSS products whenever possible and the client can select their preferred manufacturer such as: American Pipe Supports, Anvil Int’l, Bergen Pipe Supports, Carpenter & Paterson, Cooper B-line, and Piping Technology. We have extensive knowledge of the costs of catalog products and steel fabrication, and design our supports and restraints to provide our client with a least cost support system. All pipe support designs are fully detailed using Autodesk’s AutoCAD software and can be shown on 8 ½”x11”, 11”x17” or any large drawing format. Each design is completely detailed for shop fabrication and ease of installation. Such designs include, rigid and spring supports, guides, anchors, and thrust restraints. For less complex piping systems “typical” support assemblies can be utilized.
We are
Experts in Pipe Stress Analysis
Flexibility Analysis or better known as Pipe Stress Analysis is the “black art” in mechanical engineering. It is NOT finite element analysis (FEA) but an advanced version of ‘Stick & Beam Theory’ using analysis tools such as, CAESAR II software. If you don’t allow for thermal expansion, pressure, dead weight, water/steam hammer, creep, fatigue or corrosion of steel pipes, these pipes will rupture and fail, the question is not “if”, but “when”?
At Design Stress Ltd., we have a combined team experience of over 110 years solving stress-related issues for clients across many industries including nuclear, defense (submarines), new build, oil & gas, process plant and renewable energy. It is this breadth of experience that enables us to identify potential difficulties and solve problems cost effectively.
Our Approach to Pipe Stress Analysis
To ensure our clients get the most cost effective solution, the preferred commercial software we NOW use is CAESAR II; from which we can stress and analyze huge piping systems to nearly all ASME and British Standards (BS). All our work is supported with full comprehensive Stress Analysis Reports and if required by the client, we can also provide Piping Stress Isometrics. Other specialist softwares, such as, CAESAR II software are also used for process and power pipework. We can also specify off-the-shelf pipe supports using our breadth of knowledge and experience of the Canada supply chain, and carryout stress hand calculations or finite element analysis (FEA) of bespoke supports using Autodesk Inventor and/or ANSYS Workbench.
Piping Engineering Service
Piping engineering is about developing efficient piping processes to safely transport duty across an industrial facility. An efficient and safe piping system begins with an intelligent design; providing a piping process that controls the pressure, load, flow rate and temperature of the transmitted fluid or gas.
Everything from piping material to layout to in-line fittings, valves and pipe supports must be designed to meet the appropriate codes and standards. At Design Stress Ltd. our consultants have proven experience in Lead Piping Engineer roles in several large Canada projects (worth over $200m). We have the ability to drive teams of designers and engineers to produce 3D models of building piping layouts, plant and equipment from which DPDs (Design Proposal Drawings) & General Arrangement drawings are produced.
Piping Engineering Service
and expertise covers:
· Full piping material specifications
· Pipe line sizing
· P&ID reviews
· Line list according to P&ID
· Flange verification
· Pump sizing and selection
· Layout of supports taking cognizance of span limits
· Bespoke pipe supports
· Wall thickness and structural calculations
· Lagging & cladding selection and thicknesses
· Recommendations for NDT
· Design verification
· Failure investigations
· Plant life extension
Benefits of using our services
· We are highly qualified and professionally Chartered Engineers, some of our Engineers are Dual Chartered and qualified to PhD level.
· We specialize in those jobs that are too small for you to recruit a full-time engineer, therefore you are getting quality within a budget.
· Speed: our primary goal is two-fold, quality followed by speed of delivery.
· Value for money: a fixed priced, so no surprises afterwards.
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Piping Design / Pipe Stress Analysis Consultancy Services | Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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· Piping Engineering Firm
· Structural Engineering Firm
· Canada
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· Piping Engineer
· Piping Stress Engineer
· Meena Rezkallah
· Pipe Stress Analysis Company
· Pipe Stress Analysis Firm
· Engineering Consultant
· Pipeline Engineering Company
· Pipeline Engineering Firm
· Vancouver
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· Calgary
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· Support Design Services
· Piping Engineering Service
· Pipe Stress Analysis
· Pipe Stress Analysis Engineer
· Pipe Stress Analysis Freelance
· Pipe Stress Analysis Services
· Piping Stress Analysis Outsourcing
· Engineering Services
· Piping Design
· Piping Stress Analysis
Originally published at https://www.littlepeng.com
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We provide premium piping engineering & full-service pipe design and pipeline / pipe stress analysis services, from initial concept through final construction. We serve all types of industries across Canada & globally. Using CAESAR II and pipe stress calculations as per API, ASME B31.3, B31.1, B31.8, B31.4, CSA Z662.
Piping Systems work under different temperature and pressure conditions which place lot of stress on its various components. Systems must be thoroughly analyzed using latest Pipe Stress Analysis Software and supported in such a manner that no detrimental stresses occurs in the system, which can cause system failure. Various software used for pipe stress analysis are CAESAR II and AutoPipe.
Pipe Stress Analysis Services in a typical engineering project is carried out using software like CAESAR II. The procedure adopted normally is as follows :
1.      Based on stress design criteria, piping stress engineer prepares stress critical lines list.
2.      Piping Stress Engineer gives it to layout engineer.
3.      Layout engineer makes sure that lines are routed in 3D Model assuring enough supporting structure is available for the line.
4.      Layout engineer marks logical supports on line in 3d Model at all locations where it is possible to provide a support.
5.      Layout engineer then extracts isometrics, check it routing point of view with all components placed as per P&IDs.
6.      He then issues isometrics to piping stress engineer.
7.      Layout engineer keeps track of isometrics issued to stress in a copy of stress critical lines list by adding extra columns to track stress progress.
8.      Piping stress engineer marks node numbers on stress isometrics.
9.      Piping stress Engineer then inputs the line data in CAESAR using classic piping input spreadsheet of CAESAR II.
10.  Piping Stress Engineer adds preliminary supports based on judgement and experience.
11.  Piping Stress Engineer then runs the static analysis.
12.  Piping Stress Engineer then checks the stress reports for :
13.  Excessive displacements.
14.  Nodes exceeding allowable stresses.
15.  Excessive loads in equipment nozzles.
16.  Excessive loads on dynamic equipment like pumps, compressors, turbines etc.
17.  If Piping stress engineer finds everything ok, he finalizes supports and give back a copy of stress isometrics with support markup to layout engineer to incorporate those supports in 3d Model.
Located in Calgary Alberta: We offer our Piping Engineering Services, Skid Design Services, Pipeline Engineering Services and Structural Engineering Services across Canada. To get our Piping Stress Analysis Services, please contact our Engineering company.
Our professional piping stress engineers have a bachelor's and Masters degree in mechanical / structural engineering and province license (P.Eng.) in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario. We review, validate, certify and stamp piping and structural packages. Also check Industries We Serve:
·         Steel and Metals Industry
·         Energy and Power Generation Industry
·         Water and Wastewater Industry
·         Oil & Gas Industry
·         Chemicals and Plastics Industry
·         Pulp & Paper Industry
·         Facility Services
·     Engineering Company
·     Piping Engineering Company
·     Structural Engineering Company
·     Engineering Firm
·     Piping Engineering Firm
·     Structural Engineering Firm
·     Canada
·     Alberta
·     Ontario
·     Saskatchewan
·     British Columbia
·     Piping Engineer
·     Piping Stress Engineer
·     Structural Engineer
·     Meena Rezkallah
·     Pipe Stress Analysis Company
·     Pipe Stress Analysis Firm
·     Engineering Consultant
·     Pipeline Engineering Company
·     Pipeline Engineering Firm
·     Vancouver
·     Toronto
·     Calgary
·     Edmonton
·     Fort McMurray
·     Saskatoon
·     Pipeline and Process Piping Engineering Consultant
·     Pipe Stress Analysis Services
·     Pipe Stress Analysis
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Meena Rezkallah, P.Eng.
Apr 17
2 min read
Little P.Eng. for Piping Engineering Services Calgary
Updated: Nov 22
Piping Engineering
Little P.Eng. Engineering provides piping design and engineering services to engineering contractors and customers for a variety of refinery, offshore, petrochemical, water, and industrial projects with efficient piping design services solutions that meet international codes and standards. Our Piping Stress Engineer skills help organizations from around the world to optimize the space consumption within the plants by 10-15%, especially for skid design packages installed in tight enclosures.
As a process piping engineering design company, we have a proven track record of completing projects in stipulated time-frame that offered tremendous cost benefits. So whether your requirement is for pipe spool design, process piping design or developing a complex process plant, we provide an unmatched practical and technical acumen to make your project a success.
Industries Served
Oil & Gas  
Petrochemical & Refinery  
Energy & Utility  
Specialty Chemical  
Water & Waste Water Treatment
Service Offerings
Little P.Eng. Engineering’s industrial piping design engineering services division offers design and detail engineering services cover all the aspects of the piping survey, 3D detailed design, laser scanning, pipe engineering services, pipe stress analysis, structural design, analysis of pipe supporting structures, code calculations, FEA, and design management services.
Listed below are our focused services offered by our piping engineering consultants:
Piping Design Engineering
Piping 2D/3D modeling  
Performing piping studies  
Preliminary piping layout, including nozzle orientation  
Preparation of preliminary & detailed GADs, BOMs/MTOs, etc.  
Preparation of equipment datasheets  
Piping design and drafting services help with the development of design and standard drawings  
Expansion of piping material specifications (PMS)  
Construction of line list according to P&ID  
Preparation of isometrics  
Final GADs/BOM  
IFC isometrics
Pipe Stress Analysis Services
Preparation of critical line list from the piping system design line list according to design standard  
Modeling in software such as CAESAR II form isometrics  
Prepare stress isometrics  
Nozzle datasheets  
Accurate reporting from CAESAR II
Piping Support Engineering
Special support preparation  
Preparation of datasheets and requisition for spring hangers, expansion joints, snubbers, slide plates, etc.  
Pipe design & drafting support layouts  
Pipe support detail drawings  
Pipe support markings based on industry standards and special requirements  
Standardization of pipe support
Our professional piping stress engineers have a bachelor's degree in mechanical / structural engineering and province licence (P.Eng.) in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario. We review, validate, certify and stamp piping and structural packages.
Located in Calgary, Alberta; We provide our services to our valuable clients across Canada.
Engineering Company Canada
Engineering Services Canada
Little P.Eng. for Piping Engineering Services Calg
Engineering Company
Piping Engineering Company
Structural Engineering Company
Engineering Firm
Piping Engineering Firm
Structural Engineering Firm
British Columbia
Piping Engineer
Piping Stress Engineer
Structural Engineer
Meena Rezkallah
Pipe Stress Analysis Company
Pipe Stress Analysis Firm
Engineering Consultant
Pipe Stress Analysis Services
Pipeline Engineering Company
Pipeline Engineering Firm
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
Engineering Services
Engineering Consulting Services Alberta
Engineering Consulting Services British Columbia
Engineering Consulting Services Saskatchewan
Engineering Consulting Services Ontario
Engineering Consulting Services Middle East (Arabian Gulf)
Engineering Services
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