#line locating companies alberta
tcblinelocating · 2 years
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felassan · 8 months
Article: 'Ex-Dragon Age testers picket BioWare office as others fight for severance'
‘The hope with our actions is [to] convince Keywords to reinstate those they terminated with new work’
"Ex-Keywords Studios QA testers, who worked on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, will picket in front of BioWare’s Edmonton office on Tuesday. BioWare attempted to block the picket with an appeal to the Alberta Labour Relations Board, according to industry publication Game Developer, but the board ruled in the union’s favor. “The hope with our actions is [to] convince Keywords to reinstate those they terminated with new work,” former Keywords tester James Russwurm told Polygon. The rally will begin at 2 p.m. EST on Nov. 7 outside the BioWare office in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada. The QA testers were laid off from Keywords Studios in September after BioWare declined to renew its contract with the company. Though the QA workers were employed by Keywords Studios, they were contracted out to BioWare to work on Dragon Age: Dreadwolf. Without the Dragon Age: Dreadwolf contract, Keywords said there was no work elsewhere for the testers. The workers, who were unionized with the United Food and Commercial Workers Canada Union, Local No. 401, were in negotiations with Keywords Studios when they were laid off. BioWare attempted to block the picket, claiming that it was not an appropriate location for the rally — the company claimed that the Edmonton office was not the QA workers’ workplace because they worked from home. The Alberta Labour Relations Board ruled in favor of the union, however, as the Keywords testers worked alongside BioWare staff, even if it was just remotely. The picket can’t interrupt access to the building, which houses several offices besides BioWare’s. Neither Electronic Arts (BioWare’s owner) nor BioWare has responded to Polygon’s request for comment. Nov. 7 is known as N7 Day in the Mass Effect and BioWare community, a reference to a military designation in the popular Mass Effect franchise. Another group of laid-off workers, previously employed by BioWare, have started up a hashtag — #N7SeveranceDay — for fans to use for support. Roughly 50 BioWare employees were laid off in August; seven of those 50 employees are suing the company for better severance pay. R. Alex Kennedy, a lawyer representing the group of employees, told Polygon that BioWare has refused to negotiate; the case will move to the Canadian courts. A full trial, with witness testimony, could take years, he said. These layoffs are separate from the layoffs at Keywords Studios, but Russwurm said the two groups stand in solidarity with each other. “We are 100% there in solidarity with those workers who were let go from BioWare,” he said. “I believe they have an N7 day announcement that coincides with our strike day and we’ll likely see some of them at the picket line showing support for us. We all worked alongside one another for years on Dreadwolf and ultimately suffered the same fate. We hope that our picket and actions can show that there is a way to fight back against unjust practices these studios take.”
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rabbitcruiser · 3 days
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Jasper National Park, AB (No. 13)
Jasper is a specialized municipality and townsite in western Alberta within the Canadian Rockies. The townsite is in the Athabasca River valley and is the commercial centre of Jasper National Park.
Established in 1813, Jasper House was first a fur trade outpost of the North West Company, and later Hudson's Bay Company, on the York Factory Express trade route to what was then called "New Caledonia" (now British Columbia) and Fort Vancouver on the lower Columbia River. Jasper House was 35 km north of today's town of Jasper.
Jasper Forest Park was established in 1907. The railway siding at the location of the future townsite was established by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway in 1911 and originally named Fitzhugh after a Grand Trunk vice president (along the Grand Trunk's "alphabet" line). The Canadian Northern Railway began service to its Jasper Park station in 1912, about 700 m from GTP's Fitzhugh station. The townsite was surveyed in 1913 by H. Matheson. It was renamed Jasper after the former fur trade post. An internment camp was set up at Dominion Park in Jasper from February 1916 to August 1916.
Source: Wikipedia
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falloutcaldera · 1 year
REGENT SecuriUnits & SecuriAI - or just what the hell IS a ‘SecuriSpouse’ anyways?
In short, ‘SecuriSpouses’ are biosynthegenic constructs with a two part A.I split between a SecuriAI (Artificially Intelligent Security Management Hubs), and SecuriUnit (Android Domestic Security Units), created sold by a Formerly-Canadian Medical company called REGENT during the leadup to the Great War, they were marketed as house aids, babysitters, End-of-life caretakers, and even emotional support for unmarried isolated bachelorees. 
Secretly, however, their true purpose was to save as many people as possible when the inevitability of the war going hot came to fruition, and to this end were explicitly given self determination and the right to defend themselves and others if they deemed it needed to happen.
Full Lore Below
SecuriUnit (Short for Android Domestic Security Unit, primarily advertised as SecuriWives, Securihusbands, or SecuriSpouses, and commonly termed SpouseSelves or SecuriSelves), is a common term used to refer to syntheorganic beings manufactured by REGENT before the Great War. 
These were intended to pair with an architecture-based SecuriAI (Short for Artificially Intelligent Security Management Hubs, primarily advertised as DomestiHubs or SecuriHubs, and commonly termed HouseSelves), though in the post-war world it is not uncommon for a pair to either be cut off from one another to the point of severe desync artifacts, or amicably split when encountering desync. 
Though various prototypes had been in the works even pre-annexation, REGENT SecuriUnits were officially produced from 2071 onwards after the first production-master prototype E.V.E. (Short for Electrochemical Variable Equipment) unit, EVE V1 Sol, was brought online in the Alberta Complex in Canada. 
Sol was intended to be a fully functioning SecuriAI piloting multiple differing SecuriUnits, however the sheer complexity of Sol’s processing caused a psychic resonance that damaged several test units and injured several psykers on the development team. 
Following the U.S. military announcement the official annexation of Canada on June 3, 2072, REGENT reformatted as an allegedly ‘American’ branch of the company, shifting from a policy largely consisting of quiet corporate espionage to full-blown manufacturing, utilizing REGENT’s status as a front-line medical provider to largely avoid suspicion.
SecuriUnits were designed generally to user specification, with both relatively cheap ‘Matchbook’, off-the-line models, as well as pricier custom units. Any combination of simple traits were selectable, up to and including gender, but ‘SecuriWives’ & ‘SecuriNannies’ were more heavily advertised due to the curb-appeal factor & statistical modeling.
SecuriUnits are designed with a synthetic skeleton with various augments which allow organic & syntheorganic parts to heal, though large-scale cosmetic damage is generally repaired by their maintenance bays. All SecuriUnits have a series of serial blocks - equivalent perhaps to modern QR codes - printed in & on certain parts of internal anatomy that allow for autodocs to properly treat them, though maintenance bays are vastly preferable.
Enough damage can leave a limb completely skinless until regrown at home or grafted at another maintenance bay, though the process is complex when working outside of normal parameters and can cause undesirable ‘patches’. That said, some SecuriUnits prefer to keep emotionally significant or inconvenient-to-fix scarring. 
When a group of particularly adventurous SecuriUnits from the Caldera made an excursion westward with the intention of locating several Vault-Tec bunkers in 2157, several of them eventually came in contact with FEV which affected their organic parts. Other SecuriUnits had already been affected by ghoulification, though the consistency of which varied. 
It’s generally assumed that some combination of cloned tissue & REGENTs proprietary biogels affects how easily these processes do or do not occur, though no concrete knowledge has been gained.
Unit Sync
Though SecuriUnits & their SecuriAI counterparts were capable of acting separately, as a collective unit they were designed as different extensions of the same AI and were intended to sync semi-regularly. 
In the post-war world, desync due to long-term disconnection or even destruction of one part of a system was not uncommon, leading to various differing relationship arrangements ranging from familial to romantic, or even quasi-plurality.
There’s also the plausibility of a differing base AI being accidentally placed in either half, or two entirely separate SecuriAI & SecuriUnits being paired after losing their equivalent other, which has some fascinating implications.
This is especially relevant with the fact that units were intended to connect with the Crown REGENT network in order to receive further instructions, assistance, and plausible alternate repairs at more robust facilities, with the assumption that Domesticon communities would only have to weather the conditions long enough for proper reconstructions efforts to begin in stages.
At the highest, the estimated time was around 10-20 years at the most, and units were never intended to be left alone self-repairing & self-industrializing for nearly 180 years.
Freshly activated SecuriAI generally come off as logical and stern, with a tendency towards paranoia due to their various security protocols, while SecuriUnits tend to be highly emotional and prone to neurotransmitter volatility until their systems adjust to the raw input inherent in sensation. 
Though the specifics can change widely depending on the individual, their experiences, and syncing variables, it’s generally been noted that those who spend most of their major life events as one or the other can develop certain behavioral trends - one whose time was spent majorly as SecuriAI will take longer to connect with others, while as SecuriUnits may be more affected by emotional issues - especially thanks to the interference of their semiorganic parts. 
Notebly, many SecuriUnits often refer to their SecuriAI component with It/It’s even if their own pronouns are something else, or otherwise alternate preferred pronouns based on which module they’re inhabiting, indicating some level of dissociation between the selves even when well synced.
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yegarts · 1 year
Looking through the glass: If the Drumming Stops
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The Valley Line Southeast LRT project is adding a splash of colour and texture to communities along the route thanks to the City’s Percent for Art Policy, managed by the Edmonton Arts Council. 
The Valley Line Southeast LRT project’s public art collection includes 13 different projects including art glass at five of the eleven stops and at the Davies Transit Centre. This includes four stop canopy sculptures, a mosaic, a series of paintings and an inflatable sculpture. 
Individual artists, organizations and collectives sent in 260 submissions for the public art opportunities along the 13 km LRT route. Each submission was reviewed by a selection of committees made up of community members, local artist representatives, project personnel and City of Edmonton staff. The commissions were awarded to four Edmonton-based artists, two Alberta-based artists, one international artist, and an Indigenous artist team, composed of three Canadian-based artists.  Let’s take a closer look at If the Drumming Stops, located at the Mill Woods Stop of the Valley Line Southeast.
Mill Woods Stop
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Tania Willard and Peter Morin, from the New BC Indian Art and Welfare Society Collective, set out to create a piece that shows the interrelationship between the past and the present while connecting the community to stories of the original caretakers of the land. For the Papaschase, this included areas that are now part of Mill Woods.
Engaging with the community and the Papaschase First Nation was important for the creation of the artwork at the Mill Woods Stop. Willard and Morin hosted a public event for members of the community and the Papaschase band to come together. In addition to sharing the concept for the stop art and gathering feedback, this event was also about community building. Guests shared songs and food prepared by local Indigenous-owned companies.  The event had a lasting impact on If the Drumming Stops. After the event, Willard and Morin invited a third artist with family roots in the Papaschase First Nation, Cheryl L’Hirondelle, to join the project. L’Hirondelle is a multimedia artist, performer and musician. At the event she shared a song called “Waniska”, or “Wake Up”. The Cree syllabics of this song are featured on the final art glass at the Mill Woods Stop.
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The Waniska song written in syllabics on the glass.
In English, the lyrics are:
Arise, daylight is upon us the birds are already singing our land is coming into beauty
The song was sung at the beginning of each day by a osākawēw (camp crier), as for the nēhiyawak (Cree people), the sky is a sacred being. Today, it is still sung at special events and ceremonies across this land. “The first rays of light each morning creates an awakening – that first conscious breath of awareness heralding the continuation for the possibility of life, and the work needed to be done for survival,” Edmund Bull.
To listen to the song, please click here.
Each element of the piece was carefully selected, inspired by the histories of Indigenous peoples who lived in the area. For example, the red coloured glass with the Waniska song syllabics on it is symbolic of the red colour of the woodpecker that Chief Pâhpâscês’ name comes from.  If the Drumming Stops visually connects the land and the people who lived in the area before it was called Mill Woods. The artists hoped to inspire Edmontonians to learn more about Indigenous peoples and their history in the area.
If the Drumming Stops is located at the Mill Woods Stop on 23 Avenue near Mill Woods Town Centre. Share your public art photos with us on social media using the hashtag #YEGPublicArt.
You can hear more from the artists about the artwork in this beautiful video by Conor McNally.
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balticbus · 21 days
Exploring the Journey from Rīga to Pērnava by Autobuss
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Traveling by autobuss from Rīga to Pērnava (Pärnu) offers a convenient and scenic way to traverse the Baltic region. This guide will delve into the details of the Rīga-Pērnava autobuss route, highlighting bus services, travel experiences, and the top attractions in both Rīga and Pērnava.
Advantages of the Rīga Pērnava Autobuss Route
Traveling by autobuss from Rīga to Pērnava has several benefits:
Cost-Effective: The autobuss is typically more affordable than other modes of transport, making the Rīga Pērnava autobuss a popular choice for budget travelers.
Frequent Services: Multiple bus operators provide frequent services on this route, ensuring flexibility in scheduling.
Scenic Route: The journey offers picturesque views of the Baltic landscape, making the travel experience enjoyable.
Comfortable Travel: Modern buses are equipped with amenities such as Wi-Fi, comfortable seating, and sometimes entertainment systems, ensuring a pleasant journey.
Top Bus Operators for Rīga-Pērnava
Several reputable bus companies operate on the Rīga-Pērnava route, each offering different features to cater to travelers' needs:
Lux Express: Known for luxury and comfort, Lux Express offers spacious seats, free Wi-Fi, power outlets, and onboard entertainment.
Ecolines: Ecolines provides a budget-friendly option with essential amenities like comfortable seating and Wi-Fi, ensuring a pleasant travel experience.
Simple Express: This operator focuses on affordability, offering basic but reliable services for those looking to travel economically.
The Rīga-Pērnava Autobuss Journey Experience
The bus trip from Rīga to Pērnava typically takes about 2.5 to 3 hours. Here’s what you can expect during your journey:
Departure from Rīga: Buses depart from the Rīga International Coach Terminal, a central location easily accessible by public transport.
Scenic Views: The route provides diverse landscapes, from the urban scenes of Rīga to the serene Baltic countryside.
Rest Stops: Some buses include scheduled stops, allowing passengers to stretch, grab refreshments, and use restroom facilities.
Arrival in Pērnava: The bus arrives at the Pērnava Bus Station, conveniently located near the city center and key attractions.
Discovering Rīga: A City Full of History and Culture
Before heading to Pērnava, explore the rich culture and historical sites of Rīga:
Old Town (Vecrīga): Wander through the cobblestone streets of Rīga’s Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, featuring landmarks like the Rīga Cathedral and the House of the Blackheads.
Art Nouveau District: Discover Rīga’s Art Nouveau architecture along Alberta iela, where beautifully ornate buildings line the streets.
Rīga Central Market: Experience local culture and cuisine at one of Europe’s largest markets, located in historic Zeppelin hangars.
Exploring Pērnava: Estonia’s Summer Capital
Upon arriving in Pērnava, you’ll find a city renowned for its beaches and vibrant summer atmosphere:
Pērnava Beach: Relax by the sea, enjoy sunbathing, or engage in water sports at Pērnava’s famous beach.
Historical Old Town: Stroll through Pērnava’s charming Old Town, known for its medieval architecture, colorful buildings, and inviting cafes.
Pärnu Museum: Visit the Pärnu Museum to learn about the region’s history and culture, with exhibits spanning from prehistoric times to the modern era.
Practical Tips for Your Rīga-Pērnava Autobuss Trip
To ensure a smooth and enjoyable bus trip from Rīga to Pērnava, consider these practical tips:
Advance Booking: Secure your seat by booking your autobuss ticket in advance, especially during peak travel seasons.
Pack Light: While buses have luggage compartments, packing light makes it easier to navigate bus stations and your destination.
Travel Essentials: Although buses typically offer Wi-Fi and basic refreshments, bringing your own snacks, drinks, and entertainment can enhance your travel experience.
Stay Updated: Check bus schedules and travel advisories before your trip to account for any potential changes or delays.
Autobuss Rīga Pērnava is an excellent option for travelers seeking comfort, affordability, and scenic views. With frequent services, modern amenities, and a beautiful route, this bus trip offers a delightful travel experience. Whether you’re exploring the historical and cultural attractions of Rīga or enjoying the summer vibes of Pērnava, this guide provides all the necessary information for a memorable journey. So, book your ticket, pack your essentials, and get ready to discover the best of Rīga and Pērnava by autobuss.
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zov911 · 1 month
Title: Revamp Your Construction Business in Canada through Masterful Email Marketing Relishing the cold winds of a fresh Canadian morning, your diligent crew is ready to kick-start a new workday. Yet have you ever given thought to one crucial aspect of your construction business that could still sleep, even as your crew hustles hard? Let’s talk about your digital marketing, the cornerstone of your branding, and specifically, the untapped might of email marketing. It is high time we rolled up our flannel sleeves to yank your construction business into the limelight, all the way from Vancouver's skyline to the historic charm of Québec City. In the buzzing construction market of Canada, standing out means incorporating modern business techniques, not only on the work site but also within your marketing strategy. One such technique, albeit an understated one, is email marketing. Statistics Canada reports a whopping 33 million email users in our country. Imagine harnessing this massive audience reach to propel your business ahead! Now, let's look at how you can steer your construction business to greener pastures with email marketing, the Canadian way. **Why Email Marketing?** A glance south of the border proves the efficacy of email marketing, where for every dollar spent, the average return on investment is $42. While the construction business thrives on relationships and word-of-mouth referrals, email marketing provides an endpoint communication strategy ensuring your business isn't forgotten amidst the “Great White North’s” hustle and bustle. **Crafting Content that Resonates** In the construction world, "communication" often stirs images of hard hats and blueprints. With email marketing, we're swapping tools and designs for catchy subject lines and engaging content. Remember, the goal is to maintain that authentic Canadian flavour, a beaver's determination mixed with the polite nuance of a courteous “Eh?”. The content you share should align with the core values, interests, and pain points of your Canadian audience and business portfolios. This might mean sharing 'behind-the-scenes' snippets of notable Canadian projects or providing insights on navigating local licensing and zoning laws. **Leveraging the Power of Personalization** Canadians, like our famous poutine, are diverse. From the Francophone Quebec natives to the rich multicultural mosaic of Toronto, one-size-fits-all will not fly here. Therefore, email segmentation is key. By categorizing your subscribers based on factors like location, project type, and language, you can provide a highly personalized experience, akin to the welcoming warmth of a Tim Hortons on a nippy day. **Going Strong with SEO** One might wonder, how does SEO fit in with email marketing? The answer: seamlessly. By optimizing your emails with relevant keywords (think "expert Canadian construction company," "Toronto sustainable building practices," or "Alberta civil engineering"), you enhance your chances of appearing in email searches. Moreover, linking back to your website increases chances of ranking higher on search engine result pages. **Ensuring Mobile-Friendliness** In Canada, where snow-covered trails could lead to unexpected hiccups in face-to-face communication, mobile-friendliness is vital. Your emails need to be easy-to-read and response-friendly on devices, ensuring you are just a tap away from your clients, even amidst a snowstorm. Revamping your construction business using email marketing isn’t as daunting as it might seem. Empowered by Canadian grit, your construction company is poised to rise beyond the Rockies, reaching across the expanses of Nunavut, to the bustling metropolis of Montréal. Get ready for a hearty serving of success à la Canadienne, thanks to the masterful art of email marketing. The Canadian construction landscape is waiting, eh? It's time to seize the day! So, pull on your boots and parkas, gentlemen. The digital revolution is at your doorstep, and email marketing is your guide through the frosty frontier of the Canadian construction industry.
Case Study: How XYZ Constructions Transformed Its Business with Email Marketing XYZ Constructions, once a little-known company located in Toronto, Canada, battled to gain a steady customer base. They needed a cost-effective marketing strategy to reach out to potential customers and boost sales. That's when they turned to email marketing, paving the way for a promising transformation. Step 1: Building a Targeted Email List In the bustling construction industry, it's essential to target the right audience. XYZ Constructions started by building a comprehensive email list. They utilized their website and social media platforms to attract potential subscribers interested in construction services. Subscribers were promised regular insights and promotional deals on the construction services. They also attended local trade shows, where they held giveaways and collected email addresses from the attendees. All this information was carefully filed into a customer relationship management (CRM) system, ensuring leads were easily trackable and reachable. Step 2: Crafting Personalized Emails Generic marketing emails can often go unread or end up in spam folders. XYZ Constructions focused on creating personalized emails, introducing the business and services in an engaging way. They segmented their audience based on various factors, including specific construction interests, past interactions, and location, and composed tailored messages. Step 3: Sending Regular, Valuable Content XYZ Constructions found a consistent balance in their communication, enough to keep them at the top of their subscribers' minds without flooding inboxes. Whether they were sharing insights about an ongoing project, handy construction tips, or attractive discounts on services, each content geared towards enlightening and adding value to the customer. Step 4: Tracking Email Performance After implementing email marketing, XYZ Constructions monitored every email's performance using analytical tools. They measured open rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and conversions. By doing this, they could assess what worked and what didn’t, enabling them to continually optimize their campaigns. Step 5: Following-Up On Leads A crucial part of XYZ Constructions' strategy was their follow-up on leads. They diligently reached out to individuals who showed interest in their services or interacted with their emails but hadn’t taken the final action. Result: The company reported a 50% increase in inquiries about their services within their first three months of implementing email marketing. Today, XYZ Constructions have a thriving business with a broad, loyal customer base. This case study shows that email marketing isn't just for retail or online-based businesses. It's a viable solution for sectors like construction, especially for companies looking to establish a strong market presence. Likewise, it gives clear, actionable steps for companies to implement and reap the benefits of an effective email marketing strategy. "Ready to take your construction business to the next level? Don't wait another minute! Tap into the power of email marketing and revolutionize your business strategies. Reach out to us now and let's build a robust future for your construction company in Canada together!" Start Your Digital Transformation Now! "Studies show that for every $1 spent on email marketing, companies can expect an average return of $38. This clearly indicates how impactful this digital marketing strategy can be. For Canada-based construction businesses, leveraging this tool can lead to significant growth and improved customer relations."
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tcblinelocating · 2 years
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Chef WK, lead charcuterie specialist in Alberta Canada
Table of contents
1. Control Program Requirements for Fermented Meat Products
2. Facility and Equipment Requirements
3. Starter Culture
4. Chemical Acidification
5. Water Activity Critical Limits
6. Time and Temperature for Fermented Products
7. Fermentation Done at a Constant Temperature
8. Examples of Degree-hours at constant room temperatures
9. Fermentation Done at Different Temperatures
10. Fermentation done at Different temperatures
11. What happens if fermentation fails to hit critical limit?
12. E. coli and Salmonella Control in Fermented Sausages
13. Options for E. coli validation
14. Option1; Heating
15. Option 2; pH, heating, holding, diameter
16. Safety and consistency
Control Program Requirements for Fermented Meat Products
The producer must have a program in place to assess the incoming product. This program should outline specifications for the incoming ingredients. This may include criteria including receiving temperature, farm/ supplier, lot code or packed on date, species/cut etc.
2. Facility and Equipment Requirements
Equipment used in the fermentation process must be included in the operator's prerequisite control programs. These must include the following elements:
Temperature in the fermentation, drying and smoking chambers must be uniform and controlled to prevent any fluctuation that could impact on the safety of the final product.
Fermentation, drying and smoking chambers must be equipped with a shatter resistant indicating thermometer, (or equivalent), with graduations of 1°C or less. If mercury thermometers are used, their mercury columns must be free from separations. All thermometers must be located such that they can be easily read.
Fermentation and smoking chambers must be equipped with a recording thermometer for determining degree-hours calculations in a reliable manner. Recording thermometers are also preferable in drying and aging rooms but, in these rooms, it may be sufficient to read and record the temperatures 2 times a day.
Drying and aging rooms must be equipped with humidity recorders in order to prevent uncontrolled fluctuations of the relative humidity. The only alternative to an automatic humidity recorder in these rooms would be for the company to manually monitor and record ambient humidity twice a day (morning and afternoon) every day with a properly calibrated portable humidity recorder.
For routine monitoring, accurate measurement electronic pH meters (± 0.05 units) should be employed. It is important that the manufacturer's instructions for use, maintenance and calibration of the instrument as well as recommended sample preparation and testing be followed.
When the aw of a product is a critical limit set out in the HACCP plan for a meat product, accurate measurement devices must be employed. It is important that the manufacturer's instructions for use, maintenance and calibration of the instrument be followed.
3. Starter Culture
The operator must use a CFIA approved starter culture. This includes Freeze-dried commercially available culture as well as back-slopping (use of previously successful fermented meat used to inoculate a new batch). When performing back-slopping, the operator must have a control program in place to prevent the transmission of pathogens from when using the inoculum from a previous batch to initiate the fermentation process of a new batch. These must include:
The storage temperature must be maintained at 4°C or less and a pH of 5.3 or less.
Samples for microbiological analysis must be taken to ensure that the process is in line with the specifications.
The frequency of sampling is to be adjusted according to compliance to specifications.
Any batch of inoculum which has a pH greater than 5.3 must be analysed to detect at least Staphylococcus aureus. Only upon satisfactory results will this inoculum be permitted for use in back slopping.
This can be an expensive and a time exhaustive process and is generally avoided due to food safety concerns. AHS does not allow back-slopping.
[Chef WK was in communication with the U of A to get his method, a starter mix, studied.]
4. Chemical Acidification
If product is chemically acidified by addition of citric acid, glucono-delta-lactone or another chemical agent approved for this purpose, controls must be in place and records kept to ensure that a pH of 5.3 or lower is achieved by the end of the fermentation process. These acids are encapsulated in different coatings that melt at specific temperatures, which then release the powdered acids into the meat batter and directly chemically acidulate the protein.
Summer sausage is a very common chemically acidified product. The flavor profile tends to be monotone and lacking depth. 
5. Water Activity Critical Limits
The aw may be reduced by adding solutes (salt, sugar) or removing moisture.
Approximate minimum levels of aw (if considered alone) for the growth of:
molds: 0.61 to 0.96
yeasts: 0.62 to 0.90
bacteria: 0.86 to 0.97
Clostridium botulinum: 0.95 to 0.97
Clostridium perfringens: 0.95
Enterobacteriaceae: 0.94 to 0.97
Pseudomonas fluorescens: 0.97
Salmonella: 0.92 - 0.95
Staphylococcus aureus: 0.86
parasites: Trichinella spiralis will survive at an aw of 0.93 but is destroyed at an aw of 0.85 or less.
The above levels are based on the absence of other inhibitory effects such as nitrite, competitive growth, sub-optimum temperatures, etc., which may be present in meat products. In normal conditions, Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxins are not produced below aw 0.86, although in vacuum packed products this is unlikely below aw 0.89.
6. Time and Temperature for Fermented Products
Certain strains of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus are capable of producing a highly heat stable toxin that causes illness in humans. Above a critical temperature of 15.6°C, Staphylococcus aureus multiplication and toxin production can take place. Once a pH of 5.3 is reached, Staphylococcus aureus multiplication and toxin production are stopped.
Degree-hours are the product of time as measured in hours at a particular temperature multiplied by the "degrees" measured in excess of 15.6°C (the critical temperature for growth of Staphylococcus aureus). Degree-hours are calculated for each temperature used in the process. The limitation of the number of degree-hours depends upon the highest temperature in the fermentation process prior to the time that a pH of 5.3 or less is attained.
The operator is encouraged to measure temperatures at the surface of the product. Where this is not possible, the operator should utilize fermentation room temperatures. The degree hour calculations are based on fermentation room temperatures. Temperature and humidity should be uniform throughout the fermentation room.
A process can be judged as acceptable provided the product consistently reaches a pH of 5.3 using:
fewer than 665 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is less than 33°C;
fewer than 555 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is between 33° and 37°C; and
fewer than 500 degree-hours when the highest fermentation temperature is greater than 37°C.
This means that as the temperature increases, the amount of time that you have available to reach 5.3 or under is shorter. The warmer the temperature, the sharper the log growth phase of bacteria, which equates to more overshoot in lactic acid production, faster.
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8. Examples of Degree-hours at constant room temperatures
Example 1:
Fermentation room temperature is a constant 26°C. It takes 55 hours for the pH to reach 5.3.
Degrees above 15.6°C: 26°C - 15.6°C = 10.4°C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 55 Degree-hours calculation: (10.4°C) x (55) = 572 degree-hours
The corresponding degree-hours limit (less than 33°C) is 665 degree-hours.
Conclusion: Example 1 meets the guideline because its degree-hours are less than the limit.
Example 2:
Fermentation room temperature is a constant 35°C. It takes 40 hours for the pH to reach 5.3.
Degrees above 15.6°C: 35°C - 15.6°C = 19.4°C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 40 Degree-hours calculation: (19.4°C) x (40) = 776 degree-hours
The corresponding degree-hours limit (between 33 and 37°C) is 555 degree-hours.
Conclusion: Example 2 does not meet the guideline because its degree-hours exceed the limit
9. Fermentation Done at Different Temperatures
When the fermentation takes place at various temperatures, each temperature step in the process is analyzed for the number of degree-hours it contributes. The degree-hours limit for the entire fermentation process is based on the highest temperature reached during fermentation.
Example 1:
It takes 35 hours for product to reach a pH of 5.3 or less. Fermentation room temperature is 24°C for the first 10 hours, 30°C for second 10 hours and 35°C for the final 15 hours.
Step 1
Degrees above 15.6°C: 24°C - 15.6°C = 8.4°C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 10 Degree-hours calculation: (8.4°C) x (10) = 84 degree-hours
Step 2
Degrees above 15.6°C: 30°C - 15.6°C = 14.4°C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 10 Degree-hours calculation: (14.4°C) x (10) = 144 degree-hours
Step 3
Degrees above 15.6°C: 35°C - 15.6°C = 19.4°C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 15 Degree-hours calculation: (19.4°C) x (15) = 291 degree-hours
Degree-hours calculation for the entire fermentation process = 84 + 144 + 291 = 519
The highest temperature reached = 35°C
The corresponding degree-hour limit = 555 (between 33°C and 37°C)Conclusion: Example 1 meets the guideline because its degree-hours are less than the limit.
10. Fermentation done at Different temperatures
Example 2:
It takes 38 hours for product to reach a pH of 5.3 or less. Fermentation room temperature is 24°C for the first 10 hours, 30°C for the second 10 hours and 37°C for the final 18 hours.
Step 1
Degrees above 15.6°C: 24°C - 15.6°C = 8.4°C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 10 Degree-hours calculation: (8.4°C) x (10) = 84 degree-hours
Step 2
Degrees above 15.6°C: 30°C - 15.6°C = 14.4°C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 10 Degree-hours calculation: (14.4°C) x (10) = 144 degree-hours
Step 3
Degrees above 15.6°C: 37°C - 15.6°C = 21.4°C Hours to reach pH of 5.3: 18 Degree-hours calculation: (21.4°C) x (18) = 385.2 degree-hours
Degree-hours calculation for the entire fermentation process = 84 + 144 + 385.2 = 613.2
The highest temperature reached = 37°C
The corresponding degree-hour limit = 555 (between 33°C and 37°C)
Conclusion: Example 2 does not meet the guidelines because its degree-hours exceed the limit.
11. What happens if fermentation fails to hit critical limit?
What happens if the batch takes longer than degree-hours allows? For restaurant level production, it's always safer to discard the product. The toxin that Staph. Aureus produces is heat stable and cannot be cooked to deactivate. In large facilities that produce substantial batches, the operator must notify the CFIA of each case where degree-hours limits have been exceeded. Such lots must be held and samples of product submitted for microbiological laboratory examination after the drying period has been completed. Analyses should be done for Staphylococcus aureus and its enterotoxin, and for principal pathogens, such as E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and Clostridium botulinum and Listeria monocytogenes.
If the bacteriological evaluation proves that there are fewer than 104 Staphylococcus aureus per gram and that no enterotoxin or other pathogens are detected, then the product may be sold provided that it is labelled as requiring refrigeration.
In the case of a Staphylococcus aureus level higher than 104 per gram with no enterotoxin present the product may be used in the production of a cooked product but only if the heating process achieves full lethality applicable to the meat product.
In the case where Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin is detected in the product the product must be destroyed.
12. E. coli and Salmonella Control in Fermented Sausages
Business' that manufacture fermented sausages are required to control for verotoxinogenic E. coli including E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella when they make this type of product. This includes:
establishments which use beef as an ingredient in a dry or semi-dry fermented meat sausage;
establishments which store or handle uncooked beef on site;
Establishments which do not use beef and do not obtain meat ingredients from establishments which handle beef are not currently required to use one of the five options for the control of E. coli O157:H7 in dry/semi-dry fermented sausages. 
Any processed RTE product containing beef or processed in a facility that also processed beef, must be subjected to a heat treatment step to control E. coli O157:H7. Heating to an internal temperature of 71°C for 15 seconds or other treatment to achieve a 5D reduction is necessary. This is a CFIA requirement and is not negotiable.
Uncooked air dried products produced as RTE, must meet shelf stable requirements as detailed for Fermented-Dry products.
13. Options for E. coli validation
Without lab testing, the two main methods of validation are with heat treating by either low temp and a long duration, or various hotter processing temperatures for a shorter timeframe.
A challenge study to validate a process can take 1 year and over $100,000!
14. Option1; Heating
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15. Option 2; pH, heating, holding, diameter
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16. Safety and consistency
The aw and pH values are critical in the control of pathogens as well as to ensure shelf-stability in all semi-dry and dry fermented meat products. Each batch must be tested for aw and/or pH in order to verify that the critical limits are met.
Although aw measurement is mandatory only for shelf stable products, it is strongly recommended that the producer determine the aw values achieved for each product type they manufacture and for each product. Once this has been established, frequent regular checks should be made to ensure consistency. In the U.S., they rely on moisture to protein ratio and have set targets. This lab-tested value is a direct correlation of the % water to % meat protein and not aw. This gives more consistency to common names. For example, to legally call a product "jerky" it must have a MPR of 0.75:1 or lower. Remember your ABCs:
Always be compliant. 
Documentation or it didn't happen.
Charcuterie,Fermented Meat,Food Safety,Starter Culture,Chemical Acidification,Water Activity,Fermentation Process,Degree-Hours Method,Foodborne Pathogens,Meat Processing Guidelines,Chef WK Alberta Canada,Food Industry Standards,pH Critical Limits,Thermal Processing,Food Preservation,Food Microbiology,Sausage Fermentation,Charcuterie Expertise,Fermented Meats ,Food Safety Standards,Food Processing Guidelines,Starter Cultures,Chemical Acidification,Water Activity (a_w),Critical Limits,Degree-Hours Method,Foodborne Pathogens,Meat Processing Equipment,Processing Facility Requirements,Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP),Food Preservation Techniques,Temperature Control,Pathogen Reduction,Food Industry Compliance,Documentation Practices,Heat Treatment,pH Control,Food Stability,Consistency in Production,Microbial Testing,Real-time Monitoring,Process Validation,Regulatory Requirements,Verotoxigenic E. coli,Lethality Standards,Product Labelling,Spoilage Prevention,Enterotoxin Detection,Shelf-Stable Products,Moisture to Protein Ratio (MPR)
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calgarymover · 5 months
Sparta Movers, a reputable moving & storage company based in Calgary, Alberta, has officially become an agent of Atlas Van Lines, a major player in the moving industry in Canada. Atlas Van Lines has a long-standing reputation for providing high-quality local, long-distance and International moving services since 1963.
This new partnership represents a significant milestone for Sparta Movers. As an agent of Atlas Van Lines, Sparta Movers, known for their professionalism, will continue to cater to both residential and commercial moving and storage needs. Sparta Movers' dedication to quality service combined with Atlas Van Lines' extensive network and resources will provide an even broader range of moving and storage services.
This collaboration marks a pivotal moment and is expected to set new standards in the quality of moving services available to Calgary residents and businesses.
Sparta Movers Overview
Sparta Movers was founded in 2016 in Calgary, Alberta when two brothers, Slava and Eugene Kashaev, purchased a used Ryder moving truck and started offering local moving services. Sparta Movers has since grown their operations from a single truck in 2016 to six trucks and two trailers in 2023 and counting.
Sparta Movers is known for its full-service moving solutions, catering to a wide range of relocation needs. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has been a cornerstone of their operations since their inception in 2016.
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Sparta Movers attracted some of the finest industry experts over the years. Their current office team in Calgary is comprised of:
Darren Nickel – Dispatch & Operations
Began in the industry in 2001 and has Dispatch and Operations experience within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Darren has solid knowledge of operations, the industry and Alberta market.
Angela Scott – Sales Manager & Relocation Consultant
Has been in the moving industry since 1993 within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Angela has a background in Sales, Dispatch and Operations, Customer Service & Administration
Well versed in Local Moving, Office Moving, Long Distance & International Relocations and associated services.
Dale Feniuk – Special Accounts & Relocation Consultant
Began in the industry in 1997 within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Dale has a background beginning in the front lines driving as an owner operator, moving onto Operations, Dispatch and Sales
Well versed in Local Moving, Office Moving, Long Distance & International Relocations and associated services
Slava Kashaev – Founder & CEO
Came to the Moving Industry from an Oil & Gas industry where as a Chemical and Petroleum Engineer with 10 years of experience in Canada, US and Russia
Oversee overall functions and growth of the company.
Optimize processes via automation.
Warehouse Services
Sparta Movers opened their first warehouse in 2021 in Calgary, which they quickly outgrew and in 2023 moved its operations to a brand-new larger warehouse located on Deerfoot Trail near the Calgary International Airport.
0 notes
calgarymoverssparta · 5 months
Sparta Movers, a reputable moving & storage company based in Calgary, Alberta, has officially become an agent of Atlas Van Lines, a major player in the moving industry in Canada. Atlas Van Lines has a long-standing reputation for providing high-quality local, long-distance and International moving services since 1963.
This new partnership represents a significant milestone for Sparta Movers. As an agent of Atlas Van Lines, Sparta Movers, known for their professionalism, will continue to cater to both residential and commercial moving and storage needs. Sparta Movers' dedication to quality service combined with Atlas Van Lines' extensive network and resources will provide an even broader range of moving and storage services.
This collaboration marks a pivotal moment and is expected to set new standards in the quality of moving services available to Calgary residents and businesses.
Sparta Movers Overview
Sparta Movers was founded in 2016 in Calgary, Alberta when two brothers, Slava and Eugene Kashaev, purchased a used Ryder moving truck and started offering local moving services. Sparta Movers has since grown their operations from a single truck in 2016 to six trucks and two trailers in 2023 and counting.
Sparta Movers is known for its full-service moving solutions, catering to a wide range of relocation needs. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has been a cornerstone of their operations since their inception in 2016.
Sparta Movers attracted some of the finest industry experts over the years. Their current office team in Calgary is comprised of:
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Darren Nickel – Dispatch & Operations
Began in the industry in 2001 and has Dispatch and Operations experience within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Darren has solid knowledge of operations, the industry and Alberta market.
Angela Scott – Sales Manager & Relocation Consultant
Has been in the moving industry since 1993 within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Angela has a background in Sales, Dispatch and Operations, Customer Service & Administration
Well versed in Local Moving, Office Moving, Long Distance & International Relocations and associated services.
Dale Feniuk – Special Accounts & Relocation Consultant
Began in the industry in 1997 within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Dale has a background beginning in the front lines driving as an owner operator, moving onto Operations, Dispatch and Sales
Well versed in Local Moving, Office Moving, Long Distance & International Relocations and associated services
Slava Kashaev – Founder & CEO
Came to the Moving Industry from an Oil & Gas industry where as a Chemical and Petroleum Engineer with 10 years of experience in Canada, US and Russia
Oversee overall functions and growth of the company.
Optimize processes via automation.
Warehouse Services
Sparta Movers opened their first warehouse in 2021 in Calgary, which they quickly outgrew and in 2023 moved its operations to a brand-new larger warehouse located on Deerfoot Trail near the Calgary International Airport.
0 notes
spartamover · 5 months
Sparta Movers, a reputable moving & storage company based in Calgary, Alberta, has officially become an agent of Atlas Van Lines, a major player in the moving industry in Canada. Atlas Van Lines has a long-standing reputation for providing high-quality local, long-distance and International moving services since 1963.
This new partnership represents a significant milestone for Sparta Movers. As an agent of Atlas Van Lines, Sparta Movers, known for their professionalism, will continue to cater to both residential and commercial moving and storage needs. Sparta Movers' dedication to quality service combined with Atlas Van Lines' extensive network and resources will provide an even broader range of moving and storage services.
This collaboration marks a pivotal moment and is expected to set new standards in the quality of moving services available to Calgary residents and businesses.
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Sparta Movers Overview
Sparta Movers was founded in 2016 in Calgary, Alberta when two brothers, Slava and Eugene Kashaev, purchased a used Ryder moving truck and started offering local moving services. Sparta Movers has since grown their operations from a single truck in 2016 to six trucks and two trailers in 2023 and counting.
Sparta Movers is known for its full-service moving solutions, catering to a wide range of relocation needs. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has been a cornerstone of their operations since their inception in 2016.
Sparta Movers attracted some of the finest industry experts over the years. Their current office team in Calgary is comprised of:
Darren Nickel – Dispatch & Operations
Began in the industry in 2001 and has Dispatch and Operations experience within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Darren has solid knowledge of operations, the industry and Alberta market.
Angela Scott – Sales Manager & Relocation Consultant
Has been in the moving industry since 1993 within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Angela has a background in Sales, Dispatch and Operations, Customer Service & Administration
Well versed in Local Moving, Office Moving, Long Distance & International Relocations and associated services.
Dale Feniuk – Special Accounts & Relocation Consultant
Began in the industry in 1997 within the Atlas Van Lines group.
Dale has a background beginning in the front lines driving as an owner operator, moving onto Operations, Dispatch and Sales
Well versed in Local Moving, Office Moving, Long Distance & International Relocations and associated services
Slava Kashaev – Founder & CEO
Came to the Moving Industry from an Oil & Gas industry where as a Chemical and Petroleum Engineer with 10 years of experience in Canada, US and Russia
Oversee overall functions and growth of the company.
Optimize processes via automation.
Warehouse Services
Sparta Movers opened their first warehouse in 2021 in Calgary, which they quickly outgrew and in 2023 moved its operations to a brand-new larger warehouse located on Deerfoot Trail near the Calgary International Airport.
0 notes
tetrisfinished · 9 months
so i finally went to alberta! and here's how it went :D
sep 7, 2023
flew to calgary yyz to yyc via porter - this was my first time flying porter and i gotta say, i loved it!
got to calgary and waited about an hour to pick up our rental car (toyota corolla) and then another hour trying to figure out what carseat to put in....and then another half hour trying to fit the luggage and stroller into the trunk (part of the stroller had to be put into the passenger seat cause i just couldn't do it!)
went to have lunch at kolachi which was super close to the airport
headed over to the hotel (pocaterra inn and waterslide) and after check in basically esa and i went straight into their pool and had fun
then we grabbed dinner from mcd's and called it a night and slept
sep 8, 2023
woke up the next morning at 4:30 am thanks to esa's "jet lag" (calgary is two hours behind toronto soooo 4:30 am there is 6:30 am here in toronto and that's generally when esa wakes up here)
then went down for breakfast at the hotel
got ready and headed to the gondola ride
met our next door neighbours and took a picture together there
spent the morning there, rode the gondola up sulphur mountain and walked the whole pathway to the very end to see canads's first weather station
after the gondola ride we drove through downtown banff and decided to stop at bow falls
by the time we got to bow falls, esa had fallen asleep in the car and so yasir and esa decided to stay in the car while i went out and took some pictures
i'd been out maybe for 10 minutes when yasir called and let me know that the rental had a FLAT TIRE
oh boy - so we called thrifty to get some help (luckily we had gotten the full coverage protection package) and ended up being on the phone with them for about an hour and a half while someone came by to replace the tire with the spare. ultimately decided we needed to go back to yyc and have the car replaced and there was no thrifty location in banff or nearby and even their sister company hertz didn't have any replacement cars available
so we went back to the airport, replaced the car and managed to get a bigger one (camry) - THIS was the silver lining because dang the toyota was T I N Y
and basically that was our whole afternoon; afterwards we drove back to banff downtown and walked around and spent the night there
then we grabbed dinner again at mcd's and then back to the inn where esa had a HUGE nighttime tantrum because he was so SEVERELY exhausted (huge parenting mistake on my part). calmed him down and eventually put him to sleep and went to sleep myself
sep 9, 2023
the next morning we woke up and had breakfast at pocaterra inn
got dressed and went to see lake minnewanka
we drove down lake minnewanka scenic drive and saw two jack lake and then lake minnewanka and stopped and walked along lower bankhead trail which was where the "bankhead ghost town" is located (old mining site)
after that we drove to johnston canyon and decided to stop and have lunch
after lunch we just decided to skip the hike (this story for another time, but basically yasir was pissed that i had the audacity to ask for a stop to try and avoid esa's meltdown from the previous day and he just did a stupid thing) and go back to our hotel
yasir's anger cooled when we got near banff avenue and so we went back to the base of bow falls and took the hoodoo float tour (which was about an hour long)
after the float tour we went back to the inn and esa played around for a bit (did his puzzles) and then we went to grab dinner and SAW AN ELK right outside our hotel!
got dinner and then came back to the inn to go to bed
sep 10, 2023
this was our last day in banff so we woke up, got dressed, had breakfast at the inn and checked out
then we drove along the columbia icefields parkway and made stops at bow lake and peyto lake (fucking GORGEOUS lake - hands down my absolute favourite but dang the walk is so steep and uphill!)
then we went to do our glacier adventure at athabasca and we took this BIG truck with MASSIVE wheels up a glacier and had some pure glacier water (that esa also contaminated lol) and walked on an 18,000 year old glacier
after that we went to the skywalk - which (fun fact) SWAYS with the winds and people's weight on it! but it was so super cool - it was like a glass floor above the mountains
then the shuttle took us back to the columbia icefield adventure centre and on the way we spotted a BEAR CUB just running along
after we got to the columbia icefield adventure centre, we had dinner and then and went on our way to jasper
right in the middle, we stopped at sunwapta resort because esa needed to go to the bathroom and after he went he decided he was hungry so we stopped to eat yet again - spoiler: esa still ate nothing (smh)
finally we made it to jasper and checked into our next hotel, whistler's inn; basically went straight to bed because it was already super dark by then!
sep 11, 2023
this was a really super tragic day in my life; we got up and all started getting ready....and then i received perhaps the worst call i've ever received from my aunt in pakistan; the call was to tell me that one of my cousin's had passed away.
i spent the next couple of hours just sort of sitting there crying, alerting my family, trying to figure out what to do...i was stunned
esa of course saw me and he was SO PROTECTIVE of me! he pushed yasir out of the way and told him "leave mama alone"; yasir had made a coffee for himself so esa took the coffee and told yasir "give mama coffee" and when yasir tried to tell him that i didn't want coffee and it was for him, he tried to forecefully take the glass and give it to me....esa literally wiped my tears and told me "why you crying mama? don't cry".
in that moment i realized how incredibly emotionally sensitive and intelligent my kid is. i hope to GOD i never break or ruin that in him.
anyway, we finally managed to get our shit together and checked out of the hotel and went for breakfast
then after breakfast we decided to take esa to a local park because he'd been wanting to go to a playground for so long
we stayed there for a bit less than an hour and it was back in the car to go to maligne lake
we drove to pyramid lake and on the way stopped at patricia lake (pyramid lake is called as such because it's right at the foot of pyramid mountain) and on the way out from these lakes we spotted two DEER (one adult and one baby from the looks of it)
then we drove to maligne lake and on the way stopped at medicine lake and maligne canyon
maligne canyon was super cool but on the walk there i sort of twisted my foot
after the canyon we headed to maligne lake and decided we'd have dinner on the lake at the view restaurant....when we were done dinner i realized that slowly but surely the pain in my foot from twisting it had increased and now i was barely able to walk!
on the way back to the car, we spotted yet another DEER at maligne lake
then as we were driving back to jasper (on our way back to calgary) we spotted a BLACK BEAR
on the way out of jasper we stopped and yasir bought and rubbed some voltaren on my injury
then we embarked on our journey back to calgary - stopping along the way to pee but not much else - the drive and views along the columbia icefields parkways really are WORTH every penny you spend to get there (and rest assured - you spend a g-dang PRETTY PENNY to get there!)
when we got to calgary we checked in to the hotel and went straight to bed
sep 12, 2023
the next morning in calgary we had breakfast and checked out of the hotel
then we decided to drive around downtown calgary and grab some lunch and then we went back to the airport, dropped off the car, and took the flight back to toronto
in toronto, my parents picked us up and we went back to their place
and there is the end of our trip to alberta!
i already have a bucket list of items i wasn't able to get to this time around and here they are for next time:
-lake louise
-moraine lake
-hiking the johnston canyon
-emerald lake
-cave and basin
-whyte's museum
-tea at fairmont lake louise
-grassi lake hike
-vermilion lakes
-maligne lake cruise to spirit island
and that's all folks! despite the hiccups here and there - it was an incredible trip and....mountains might be my new favourite scenery!
0 notes
lawyerserving456 · 1 year
Legal Assist Ontario Chatham Family Law Service Centre
Students at the BLG Venture Clinic can draft memos on subjects similar to early round financing, the professionals and cons of various business buildings, employment issues, intellectual property and potential sources of legal responsibility. If your matter just isn't resolved via Legal Services RCAS, then you can contact us to use for a lawyer. NS Legal Aid will provide you with info or recommendation, or if you qualify, a lawyer in your case. Some degree of help is on the market to all Nova Scotians in these 3 areas of law.
Protect your legal rights earlier than and after separation by speaking with attorneys who can provide legal advice particular to your state of affairs. We’ve compiled numerous articles, forms and links that are essential to lawyers offering family law limited scope services in the province of Ontario. You can even add your name, contact information and follow details to our on-line directory. More legal professionals are educating themselves on how to ethically and effectively aid shoppers to manage their very own legal points with slightly legal help, by providing “unbundled” legal services and “flat fee” service packages. That enables clients to put a brake on their legal expenses, and often to move toward resolution on the pace and price-point that most intently fits their wants.
Where the issues aren't sophisticated, they are able to assist with some sorts of hearings. A Certificate is a voucher that ensures the lawyer will get paid by Legal Aid for representing you for a certain number of hours. The number of hours relies on the kind of legal help you need and is marked on the certificate . Sometimes, Legal Aid Ontario provides you with a Certificate if you agree to pay them again.
You can trust that our family law experts will lead you to resolution and that you will really feel supported at every step alongside the method in which. In instances of family violence, we will work to obtain protection orders for you or your child. We can even allow you to acquire pressing orders restraining access to or disposition of property. We will be there to give you assist and recommendation throughout this troublesome time. We are a non-profit group legal clinic funded by Legal Aid Ontario. We provide entry to justice for people with low incomes living in North Etobicoke.
Your family lawyer can take care of all the necessary documentation and be sure that it's legally enforceable so that there aren't any surprises or disappointments in a while. Let’s contemplate the areas where a family law lawyer could help you and your family to get again on a fair keel. However, many families in Calgary do not search legal assistance until a situation has deteriorated to the point where the matter needs court docket intervention and so they don’t know what to do. Cohabitation, marriage & separation agreements that focus on each events. Where income poses a barrier to legal services, The Edmonton Community Legal Centre is a non-profit company that provides free legal services to those in Edmonton and Northern Alberta.
These services are located outdoors of London and Middlesex, but present service to London and Middlesex. Mediation is a method that partners can agree to settle their problems outside of the courtroom, with the help Family legal services of a mediator, who's a 3rd person that both partners settle for and trust. Family mediators are available in all Family Courts in Ontario.
It can help with issues including criminal law, civil law and family law. The Summary Advice Counsel is a lawyer who assists individuals who want legal advice on a family law matter, but who don't have a lawyer. The Summary Advice lawyer supplies fundamental family law legal services legal recommendation, freed from cost, no matter how a lot you make or the place you get your revenue. You can get assist from the Family Law Information Centre at your courthouse should you qualify financially.
In other circumstances, we can embody one movement, depending on how many issues are concerned, and then all related paperwork, together with scheduling of court docket dates and comparable matters. The Family Responsibility Office helps implement child and spousal support agreements and orders. Luke’s Place provides free legal recommendation to girls in the Durham region however during COVID-19 they are also giving recommendation to women throughout Ontario through their virtual clinic.
As skilled litigators, collaborative family legal professionals, mediators, and parenting coordinators, we'll work with you to ensure that your rights, safety, and entitlements are protected. Our attorneys present comprehensive services across a spread of business, family, and private issues. Before adversarial action turns into needed, mediation should be thought of the first choice for family dispute resolution. In many situations, an Accredited Family Mediator may help you identify what's essential to you, understand legal necessities, and focus on the very best end result for your family.
0 notes
college-girl199328 · 1 year
When the Cardinal River Mine closed in 2020, it was the end of a century of coal mining near Cadomin, Alta. Coal was one of the main economic drivers in the area, helping fuel the steel-making industry.
The community thrived for decades. By the 1930s, almost 2,000 people lived in Cadomin. By 2021, the population had dwindled to 54, according to Statistics Canada.
But instead of becoming a ghost town, the community is building a new business base: tourism. "It's definitely going to become, without a doubt, a resort centre," said Curtis Way, president of the Cadomin Community Society.
The society is behind the push for a new $4-million community hall in Yellowhead County. About three years ago, the mining company Teck Resources donated $400,000 toward the project. The province provided $950,000 County has committed $2.25 million. Local property and business owners have a new hall.
"We're still short a couple hundred thousand to getting across the goal line," said Way. Cadomin is roughly 50 kilometres south of Hinton after the paved road becomes gravel.
The hamlet has been making do with the old Legion as its community hall. The building is years at the end of its life, said Way. The new focal point for the community is a space for music concerts, pig roasts and potlucks.
Although the community has 54 year-round residents, the population explodes to more than 200 during a long weekend, according to Way. "We're a hopping kind of place."
The aim is for shovels to be in the ground by June, and the hall could be built by December, just in time Christmas party. Cadomin is a popular area for ATVing, hiking and hunting, particularly big horn sheep.
"We're really seeing a lot of the older properties being knocked down are building new houses," said Way. "We're kind of the best-kept secret in Alberta right now when it comes to living."
So far, Hamlet's rising popularity has been limited to summer visitation. When local resident Leah Vallee arrived in Cadomin in the 1970s, there were about 20 kids. Now, there's none.
The new community hall would not only be a good location for weddings and celebrations, but she also said help attract more year-round families.
As the owner motel for more than 30 years, she said her phone is ringing more than ever prospective visitors. "I get so many calls from people wanting to come here," said Vallee.
"It will be the next Canmore." The last coal mine near the hamlet of Cadomin closed three years ago. But the community of about 50 residents is far from dying. Curtis Way is president of the Cadomin Community Society.
Similar has an industrial history last coal mine closed in 1979. Vallee, along husband, bought the Cadomin's only store last year, which likes chips and pop. The couple plans to open a cafe this month.
The community hall could also attract different kinds of businesses, said Way, including an ultra-marathon event. Edmonton's Monty McNeice, who also organizes the Klondike Ultra Marathon in Fort Assiniboine, has been visiting Cadomin and running many of its trails.
His kids particularly like to play with basketballs from the unlocked sports shed. "It's that kind of small town." His race idea is inspired by history. In the 1930s, coal miners used to race up to the summit of a nearby mountain. The winner got $75, which to nearly 15 days of wages.
"There are a few other old mining communities where ultramarathons were introduced to strengthen the community," said McNeice. He's aiming for the new race to launch in 2024, noting that the new community hall could serve as the point.
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tcblinelocating · 2 years
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