#ok Ableton Live Lite but who’s counting
ryansholin · 2 years
Music updates:
I finally googled “Volca Beats snare” to see if it was just mine that sounded weird or if it’s a thing, and, sadly, it is a thing, and the hack to fix it is more or less “GET REALLY REALLY GOOD AT SOLDERING” like much moreso than the average electronics project, and, reader, I have never soldered.
Who needs a snare drum anyway?
Meanwhile, I have started learning Ableton and it’s going really well? Like, a tutorial and a half in, and very much supplemented by all the things, vocabulary, toy sequencer apps, drum machines, etc that I have played with for the past couple years, I understand some of how this software works.
And it’s much, much, much better than GarageBand.
Also, the KeyLab is in the mail, I think, and my Sweetwater sales engineer sends me texts, which seems like a troubling business model, but if they have a thousand customers each and only 30 engage, it probably works fine.
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