#ok but Curtain hasn't seen rhonda yet
mvshortcut · 2 years
hey thank you so much!! sorry it took me so long to answer this-
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Ok the idea that Curtain, Garrison, Milligan, and SQ's dad were on the rowing team together in grad school has taken up rent in my brain and refused to leave (from this post by @nobody33333333 and this art by @jukio8o
Also consider: Curtain competed singles/without a team in college. He only lost one race and that was to some random freshman named Rhonda. Of course, he was a whiny sore loser about it and he's spent years tracking her down so he can brainsweep her to make her forget she ever beat him. This is the real reason why Rhonda is on the "To Brainsweep" list and not because she was working with Nicholas.
Number Two and Milligan have a rivalry where they compete in those food-eating contests at little county fairs. Number Two is ahead 20-3.
Preteen Constance listens to nightcore
McCracken was flirting with Milligan the whole time (I can't prove this at all I just think it's funny)
this is more of an AU but SQ was in the same orphanage as Reynie (like when they were really young, before he got brought to the institute) and was also the only kid who was nice to Reynie. They recognized each other after Mr. Benedict helped SQ recover some of his buried/stolen memories
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
I think Mr. Benedict should be a little snarky. As a treat
Also I love writing Milligan as Peak Dad. Like he's a great father, grill dad, dad jokes, etc. But internally he's freaking out because this is new to him and he doesn't know what he's doing at all! So basically Milligan being like "Oh no I'm a failure I'm just not cut out for this dad stuff" while literally being the best dad on the planet
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nobodysdaydreams · 2 years
The Mysterious Benedict Society Reaction Season 2 Episode 6: A Commitment To All Things Cozy.
Hello everyone. Seeing as it is the holidays, I wasn’t sure I’d get to this but if I can wake up early enough I’ll do the liveblog. Those who have been following me long enough will know that I am waiting in anticipation for someone to call out the fact that Garrison probably swept Milligan (can she give his memories back? Were they friends? I need the drama) and I also need the backstory on Curtain and his ex-employees, especially SQ’s biological parents. Speaking of SQ, maybe he’ll finally show up. Who knows? What I do know is that 1x06 was when we got big plot reveal flashbacks last time so maybe 2x06 will deliver for us. Let’s find out.
1:00- oh no Rhonda, I know you're doing a good thing here, but you don't understand, we need this backstory and confrontation. Please take Garrison with you. "no one can punish her more than she punishes herself" "that's true" oh my gosh Garrison. Oh no now she's running. Glad the gang is back together, but I needed Garrison to join them. And of course Milligan shows up now before he can confront Garrison for sweeping them. I hope that comes soon.
4:30- Oh no Ms. Perumal. At least the others got away. Reunited just to separate again. At least we know most of them separated with characters they have important history with, so we can all be thankful for that.
6:00- Nicholas stop giving him information. Oh no Auguste do not do anything for this man. Where are Auguste's parents? Did Curtain kill them too? Did he replace SQ with this boy?
8:00- Yes to the kidnapping Curtain! "lovely," "do not take the tea" "oh," the man just wants a tea party with his brother number 2. Can we not offer him that? Also, Nicholas looks personally offended at the haircut idea which means that even brainwashed, he still hates his brother’s hairstyling which is a great callback to when they were kids and his brother forced him to style his hair. This plan works excellently unless part of Curtain's plan is having you switch places. The haircut may not be a good idea. He's a crazy genius. He probably has video cams in the house and knows your whole plan.
11:00- Reynie just lost his mom. Again. This poor boy. At least Rhonda is therapizing him. Not the Mr. Benedict scream- Reynie is going through his arc. Lol at him throwing the sweater vest.
12:50- well, off they go. The abandonment threat was a good try Constance. I do love the Constance & Sticky team up though. Nice of Constance not to immediately break out with the "boy who fell asleep on me" poem yet (or maybe she's saving it). Oh no the happiness is spreading. Was that frozen man even in the cult? SQ has to be frozen too at this point. If you're taking Garrison away from me, you at least have to give SQ back. Fair is fair.
14:40- Oh dear Sofia, sorry about the fire. "Perhaps we flew too high" oh my gosh even the innkeepers have a tragic backstory. They are almost creepily ok with unaccompanied minors staying with them. I agree Constance, time to bounce.
17:00- Oh no, poor Jeffers is so proud of himself for catching Ms. Perumal, and Curtain's like, "she's literally the last one I needed. No psychic girl, no ex-chemist of mine, not my brother's other top agent, not the girl with the skills of a pro athlete, not that boys I trained for my Whisperer, just some school teacher? She clearly gave herself up to save the others, you idiot!" Oh, poor Jeffers, "her alias as a schoolteacher" Curtain is so pissed. "Be Better" oh, Jeffers, this is why I love the terrible guy sidekicks. Speaking of: Jackson and Jillson, it's time to shine! Oh, dear Jackson gunning for the promotion. It would be so funny if Marlon could hear them. Wow, Curtain actually looks scared for a second, and he knows this could be a side effect; Garrison warned him; why is he in denial (unless he used it on himself or (Gasp) actually cares about his brother and son who he hasn't seen in weeks and doesn’t want to face that something horrible is gonna happen to his family because of him).
18:45- YES JILLSON AND JACKSON TELL HIM ABOUT THE CHEMICAL MISFIRE I love them facing their fears like this. See Curtain, you need them. "I don't trust this doctor" Well maybe you'll be singing a different tune when your son's life is on the line.
19:00- I am careful! No, you're not. But yeah it's realistic that they would have this out. Poor Martina is just there for this. Ironically she's part of the reason Kate dove off the cliff in the first place. "ARE WE PREPARED TO WIN" Martina, it's not a tetherball match.
21:00- how does Constance know this much about cooking scones? Is it part of her backstory? "his tears will lead to growth" yeah Constance, that was mean, the poor man tried his best.
22:00- oh no. Constance. Don't. OH NO. NO NO NO NO NO. Oh this isn't gonna be good.
23:00- Awe. Thanks, Martina. But please don't pull an SQ or Garrison, we just got you back. I don't like this "in case we die" talk. Also Milligan "I'll be...on standby... in case you need me" lol Martina laughing. Wait hold up, Martina actually has parents in this universe? Since when? Why were they cool with her being at the institute? Okay moving past that I suppose.
25:00- Sticky you have to know this is abnormal. "she is breaking me Sofia" this is hilarious the poor man. But seriously Sticky please get a Constance some help. Okay Constance, overdoing it a bit. Sticky, don't fall for that since when does she care about your school?
27:00- "we'll fix things" adorable. Oh hey! They found Rhonda and Reynie! PFT- Not the cut to Sticky and Constance being totally useless, lol. Yeah asking about boatwright was ok, but calling him Sticky? Biggest red flag there is. Oh hi Jeffers. OH MY GOSH HE HAS A SPEECH OF TRIUMPH NOW. "My failure shattered me as a man" well maybe save that for your therapist Jeffers. All of Curtain's employees need to rebuild their esteem instead of trauma dumping on the kids they kidnap. “I can secure the perimeter” he’s so proud, my man finished his story arc.
29:30- lol Curtain's like "Nicholas I regret having you here. I missed you but I forgot having a sibling means having a sibling. Personal space please" He has to be suspicious. My gosh, Curtain’s sense of humor is so bad. Maybe that's why he couldn't get adopted.
31:00- OH WE GOT BACK STORY. They recommended Martina? Why? Oh dear They believed her story so quickly, they’re so trusting. I love Jackson and Jillson so much. They deserve better. NO MARTINA WE ALREADY LOST GARRISON AND SQ DON'T STRESS ABOUT A LITTLE AUTO THEFT I'M SURE THEY'LL FORGIVE YOU. Oh bother.
33:00- Nicholas is gonna crack. This is bad. Nathaniel will too when he realizes the extent of his little problem. Number 2 just knock him out. Ugh number 2 has to be pissed at this point. OH NO. Don't trust the weird boy. OH GREAT Curtain had Constance, number 2, AND Nicholas, and it's only a matter of time before Sticky, Ms. Perumal and who knows who else follow.
Well, now I'm disappointed. No kidnapped Curtain, no SQ, Martina, and Garrison are gone, no flashbacks. But Jackson, Jillson, and Jeffers were the stars of the episode. Good work with the J names. I hope they continue with their cute little side stories. I hope Garrison does too. Also, with all the Constance's parent's teasing, when is that actually going to play into the plot? Hopefully soon.
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