#ok goodnight before I get booed or worse
diari0deglierrori · 8 months
Can I say something cursed? Ok I’ll do it:
Rose Vilaine, Dieudonné, Alexandre Mahmoud, SouteQuaranteQuatre, Saint-Jean, Claire, NoirAmer, Alexandra Aimant, Les Kouleurs, Fred(Éric) De Palme, Fleurette, Saints Français, Emma Marron, Lauraine, Grande Maman, François et Philippe, Philippe Marie Fantassins, Angeline Mangue, Geôlier, Petites mains (with a bit of fantasy daje), Cher, Annelise, Gazelle, Le Vol, Alfa, D’argent D’amis, La Triste, Le Trois, Monsieur Pluie, Riches et Pauvres
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georgescatcafe · 4 years
teaser for upcoming fic
the fic has been posted here!!
rating: t  warning/s: none pairing/s: georgenap status: wip notes: george is a barista. sapnap is an incorrigible flirt. dream is there too, sometimes. i’ve been working on this fic for awhile, even though it’s not that long, but i’m going to try to have it done by tonight! (i’ve said this to my friends a lot, but i mean it this time.) ok to rb? i’d prefer it if u don’t, but feel free to reply & leave feedback. ⊂(・ω・*⊂)
The first attempt is a disaster. Sapnap should’ve expected it, the object of his desires completely different from who he usually chases after. For one thing, it’s a guy, for another, he’s got his arms crossed, fingers digging harshly into his arms, brows furrowed, lips downturned in a frown. Usually, when someone catches Sapnap’s interest, they paint a more pleasant picture.
Yeah. Not this one.
“I’m working,” he snaps. “I get it, but I really don’t like being flirted with at work.”
“You’re so upfront,” Sapnap replies, smile still on his lips, though he’s certain his ears are turning red as more people turn to look at him where he leans against the counter, probably about to be completely eviscerated by this barista. “I like that.”
He’s not eviscerated. His fate is even worse.
He gets ignored.
“So you want me to flirt with you, then?” Sapnap asks, leaning his hip against the edge of the table George sits at, the barista looking at something on his phone.
“No, not really,” George replies, not looking up from the device.
Sapnap sits in the seat across from him. “But I can flirt with you now, right?” he asks. “Since you’re not technically working right now?”
“I’m being paid for this,” George says. “It’s ten minutes. Money is going into my bank account, right now.” He finally looks up at the other, eyes wide in emphasis. “That means I’m working.”
“Boo,” Sapnap immediately snaps. “You just don’t want to admit that you want me.”
George makes a face.
“Want me flirting with you,” Sapnap clarifies, though he wouldn’t mind George wanting him. (He even hopes for that, honestly.) “You want me to flirt with you.”
“Quit making assumptions, you weirdo.”
Sapnap laughs. “You sound like my friend.”
“Oh, really?” George asks. “Maybe we’d get along then.”
“Me and you?” 
George gives him a dry look. “No, you idiot, me and your friend.”
“Well, you’re not going to meet him,” Sapnap replies.
“What, is he better looking than you?” George asks. “Wouldn’t surprise me.”
“Is this what you’re like when you actually have to work for a relationship?” Dream asks. He steals a strawberry off of Sapnap’s plate. “I don’t know if I like this dude.”
“George?” Sapnap asks.
“No,” Dream says, stealing another strawberry, “you.”
“Considering you’re still here, I think you like him well enough.” Sapnap lifts a brow as Dream goes to sneak another strawberry, blocking the other’s fork with his own. Metal clinks against metal.  Dream accepts defeat, going back to his waffles.
They stand there in silence, Sapnap holding George’s hand. George clears his throat.
“Well,” he says, “goodnight, Sapnap.”
Sapnap gives the other’s hand a squeeze. “Goodnight, George.” He drops George’s hand, their fingers dragging together until they’re not.
When their fingers finally part, George takes a breath then turns to unlock his door and head inside. Right before he shuts the door, Sapnap is treated to the sight of an eye turned liquid gold from the streetlights, a rich, amber color that leaves Sapnap tasting coffee and honey. “Goodnight, George,” he says one last time, and then, the door shuts and it’s just Sapnap out in the cold. He gives a smile to the closed door, then turns and starts the walk to his dorm.
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hoe-imaginess · 6 years
big three texting headcanons, when they text their boo too please
•Avid texter. Double texter. 6am texter. He’s always texting his boo
•He tells them goodnight and good morning every day, not really expecting a reply. He just wants to tell them. But he really is out here blowing up their phone at 6am and giving them a goodnight text at a crisp 9pm. Because he expects his s/o to get a good 8-9 hours of sleep, like he does. What a routine
•So if they end up texting him in the late hours of the night, he wakes up very upset, and goes on about the unhealthy side effects of a bad sleep schedule
•He’s clearly a busy guy, so he’s at least thoughtful and considerate enough to send his boo a “Hey I’m gonna be busy these next few days” text just to let them know why he won’t be answering. He’s swamped with hero work, but he’s thinking of them always
•He always sends his s/o meaningful, sappy messages before he goes out on a hero mission that he knows is risky. Equally, he appreciates receiving good luck messages from his boo on big mission days 
•He also just texts to texts. It’s so nice. He literally keeps up with everyone in his contacts. He’ll have an actual panic attack because he forgot to send a New Year’s text to that one guy who sat behind him in 2nd grade
•It’s almost nauseating how big of a smile Mirio gets when he sees a text notification from his s/o. He’s such a sap
•Also, clearly the Big Three have a groupchat and Mirio changes the name every month to keep it fresh. This month it’s Partners in Crime (fighting crime I mean)
•Favorite emojis are definitely 👍 and 😬
•He also has a million hearts next to his s/o’s contact name ❤️❤️❤️
•Kind of annoying, but he’ll call his s/o and get no answer then hit them with a “Hey! Tried calling you! But you didn’t answer! Call me back!”. They clearly see your 23 missed calls Mirio, chill out
•Sometimes he types with proper grammar and punctuation, and sometimes his text slang is so wild and undecipherable that you have no idea what he’s saying
•Ugh my poor boy. He’s a horrible texter, especially when it comes to a crush or someone he’s dating. With his friends, he’s decent. (Friends being Hado and Mirio, mainly. And Mirio hits him with those triple texts which kind of leaves no room to not reply)
•Tamaki takes like 20 minutes to think of a reply that sounds right in his head. So his boo is pretty much sitting there watching those three little dots stop and start constantly because Amajiki can’t make up his mind
•His paranoia is out of controlllll when it comes to texting too, obviously. After 5 minutes of his s/o not replying, he’s getting a little anxious. 10 minutes, he’s sweating. 20 minutes, he might as well be dead
•Honestly, he has a specific text tone for his s/o so he knows when to run to his phone and reply
•It was a whole lot worse before his s/o was his actual s/o. When it was just a crush, he had a muchhh much more difficult time trying to figure out how to reply to their texts. He was attached to his phone, anxiously awaiting a text from them. But when he finally got it, he had no idea how to respond, but he was always so relieved and happy that he wanted to cry
•Honestly when he’s talking to his crush through text, Mirio is right next to him coaching him through the whole thing. He’s so cute. We love supportive bffs
•Oh God he and Mirio would be talking about his crush and trying to decide what to text them, and Tamaki unknowingly had the audio record button pressed, so he accidentally sent their entire conversation to his crush, effectively killing him 
•Amajiki uses no emojis or emoticons. The only emotion he ever feels he needs to get across is doubt and it’s easy just to add a hundred ellipsis to do that……..
•He’s horrible at flirting irl and through text, but at least with texting, he can hide behind a screen. So he’s at least confident enough to give his s/o compliments via text when the opportunity is there. It’s so cute. He’s still sweating and blushing as he does it, but still. Cute.
•Ok she is actually the world’s worst texter. Contrary to her personality, she is not good at keeping up with conversations over text. She just gets bored
•One word replies all the time. ��K. Haha. Ok. Cool.’ So annoying.
•And if it’s not words, it’s just a series of emojis tbh. You can ask her “How are you doing today?” and she just replies with a 💖. Like wtf does that mean Hado
•Oh she’s always sending selfies as responses too btw 
•And she leaves her read receipts on?? Rude??? She’s horrible at keeping a convo going. She hates getting left on read, yet will leave everyone else on read
•Her crush or s/o might think they’re getting the silent treatment but Hado really just fell asleep watching So You Think You Can Dance or something like that
•Her replies also come at wild ass times. Like, 4am. What is she doing up at 4am?? Who knows??
•She won’t answer her boo for a long time, and then she suddenly sends them, “Thinking about you! We need to catch up. Wanna get lunch?” like she didn’t just ignore the shit out of them for an entire week
•Ok but there are days she is good at keeping up a convo for at least an hour or two. During that time, she’s such a mother. She wants to know all about her boo’s day and wants to make sure they ate and brushed their teeth and got good sleep. It’s pretty much an interrogation via text when Hado is actually sitting down and ready to text
•And if her s/o asks “What did you do today?” when she’s in her texting mood, they should prepare for a novel. She goes on and on and on and doesn’t stop
•Lightning speed texting. How does she do it? She doesn’t even need to look at her phone. She can do it with one hand. Wild. When she’s up for texting, her responses come within like .4 seconds
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finderskeepersff · 6 years
13. Part 2
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He said that name to me and I felt panicked, my cousin is not the best and she has never been stable but she wouldn’t harm him. She’s pretty but mentally she is crazy and I’m feeling scared too “what about him?” I asked “don’t you dare put that key in the ignition!” I shouted “don’t you dare!?” I shouted again “it’s ok boys, I can handle him. He won’t drive, move now. I will” they are all concerned about Cassius and I found that sweet “I will let you know if anything” I mumbled “come, get out I will drive” moving out of the way, Cassius stumbled out of the car “your bag” Ivy rushed out “what happened?” She asked, I shrugged not knowing “I don’t know but I will let you know, something happened but thanks. Talk to you soon” getting into Cassius car, I am not insured to drive this car but god has got me right now, I rather drive than he do. Placing the bag in his backseat, now I have to fix this drivers seat because this is set so back right now. Reaching down between my legs to pull the seat forward, the passenger side door closed “I can drive” Cassius said “so I can then lose you? The hell you are! I care too much, it’s ok I can do it” pumping the seat up a little “ok, let’s do this. Your car automatic?” It must be, putting my belt on “he’s in hospital” Cassius said “he’s in hospital and I let him go, I shouldn’t have. Drive to Maimonides children hospital” staring at Cassius “are you being serious right now?” Cassius rubbed his face “you think I am joking? Josiah has been trying to call me for an hour but I was busy having a laugh and smiling! Bryce is in hospital and I am coming for your family” he pointed at me, I wanted the car to swallow me up. The look in his eyes, the hate he is feeling, I didn’t like “that was not my fault Cassius, I didn’t do anything” Cassius rubbed his hands against his jeans “drive Sofia! Before I do” I swallowed hard, he is making me feel nervous now.
I am not scared of Cassius and never will be but at this moment he is highly emotional, I can feel his anger and I don’t like It. I don’t think he would take it out on me, he’s not built that way but he is upset “I’m sorry if I said anything” I said to him, I may have been annoying him for all I know “don’t be I just need to see him Sofia, but I am killing someone. The kid doesn’t speak! He doesn’t do anything” keeping my eyes on the road “you are intoxicated so I know you’re feeling very emotional but please just think, don’t kill anyone” I hope he doesn’t “is that because it’s your family because Sofia I don’t care, I know you care about them but they fucking with the wrong family” he is talking out of his ass, my eyes widened in annoyance sighing out “ok Cassius, whatever you say” let me just stay quiet “see, you just don’t respect me. Talking about whatever you say, I ain’t about that shit Sofia. You fucking with the wrong nigga, talking about I drive, this is my fucking car” looking over at him, he is rolling a blunt but that is not going right at all, he is an emotional drunk “it is your car Cassius, I know” let me get to this damn hospital “fuck this” he threw the blunt and the weed everywhere fell in the car, I scoffed as some of it came onto my lap.
Patting down my clothing, he is such a dog. The car stinks of weed now too “I am going to kill anyone right now” turning around seeing Cassius say those words right in front of those police officers, tiptoeing around the car “Cassius, come on. You’re drunk” waving him over “Sofia, I don’t need babysitting. I don’t need anyone, never have. I have been lonely as it is, just leave me be. I am a bad person, I do bad shit” I sighed out “Cassius, you’re not a bad guy. Just emotional” locking the car, grabbing his hand “you need a hand there?” the officer asked, he doesn’t even need to ask me anything “you looking at her? Just because you got a badge it don’t mean shit, she loves me” Cassius talks too much, this boy never needs to never drink. I am not even supposed to be here, I have a drunk other half with me “you may want to calm down sir” oh god, this can’t happen “Cassius, please. For me, please don’t do this” he snatched his hand away from mine and proceeded to walk off, I don’t want him locked away but who is going to stop him like this.
“Hello, is Bryce Warren here. He may have just arrived here, where is he?” I asked the lady at reception “it ain’t that hard! Tell me where he is!?” he will never get drunk again with me around “Cassius, stop it” I pointed at him, the lady didn’t respond to him but just looked at her computer “he is here, he is currently on this floor. They are not letting anyone see him, who are you to him?” she asked “he’s my nephew, I don’t need y’all. I get him myself” Cassius walked off “I am his cousin, what happened to him? Is there anything you can tell me” watching Cassius walking off, I will catch up with him “child welfare services have taken over, I cannot speak in regards to that. He came in unconscious” this is not good “ok, thank you” Cassius is about to make me run in theses heels, holding my clutch bag close to me as I did a little run down the hall of the hospital. Does Cassius know he is walking straight only because of the wall, like he is resting on the wall and walking, he turned the corner because of course, he can’t walk. Turning the corner, catching up to him “Cassius, not here” grabbing his arm “what did you even drink?” he seems to be getting worse, maybe the drink is just hitting him now “your family fault” he keeps on saying this, he moved his arm “Cass!” Josiah spat “what the hell is wrong with you?” Josiah walked towards us “he was drinking at the time” I said “don’t matter, the fuck happened? I’ll get them” he patted Josiah’ face “tell me now, the fuck happened” Josiah is just staring at Cassius “mom and dad are just around here, we can’t go in” I don’t want to see them, I can’t be here.
I just want to make sure Cassius makes to his family, I am just watching on. I am not going to remain there to be just spoken too like shit because Celine is my family and then I apparently got Jordan put away “Cassius, baby. What is wrong with you, are you drunk?” staying back as he reached his mom and dad “Sofia, we drinking but Bryce?” Cassius looking around him “Sofia!?” he shouted “Sofia!?” his mother placed his hand over his mouth “there is children here that are sick, shut up” she scolded him “talking about Sofia, you leave that girl alone Cassius. You sit down, Carnell you tell him now” Cassius stumbled as he sat down “Monique, he is an adult. What do you want me to say?” his dad said “you tell him to stay away from that family, look at them destroying us! My poor grandson is in there and we don’t know what happened Carnell, stop this” Cassius put his arm up “Jordan, he killed the baby. He is a child killer, I ain’t fuck with that” what is he doing “Cassius, be quiet” I don’t like this, I shouldn’t remain here and watch but I can’t stop “he hurt her! He killed her baby mom! You don’t listen! You don’t get it! Jordan fucking killed a baby and you blame her” Cassius shouted it so loud, his faces only inches away from his mothers “you don’t do that to your mother” Carnell pushed Cassius back “Cassius relax, just please” Josiah said to him, placing my hand slowly over my stomach feeling tears come through “what is he on about Carnell? He killed a baby? She was pregnant from Jordan” Monique said to Carnell “my baby! My child! That was mine, he killed my fucking baby!” Josiah held Cassius back “relax bro” the same officers we saw outside rushed by me, I closed my eyes as the tears fell. I can’t see this, they will arrest him. Turning on my heels rushing off.
It’s so late at night, I have his car and his keys “sir, you need to be quiet!” the two officers dragging along Cassius “quiet!? Y’all fucking hit me! You think I won’t come for both of you” they are dragging him “sleep it off sir!” this is a mess, pushing myself off of the wall. I am taking his car, I need to go and see my friends. I need someone to cry too, right now I am just shook. Unlocking the car door and getting into the drivers seat, placing my bag on the passengers seat. Let’s not forget the car is full of weed because of him, resting my head back against the drivers seat. I don’t like that side to Cassius, he was slightly threatening and then he has exposed I was pregnant by him, I am trying so hard to step away from what happened, what happened to me. He brings it back up every time, I try to forget because it was my stupid fault for not knowing. I lost that baby and I had to go through the painful pain of letting it pass, he doesn’t forget it. Wiping my tears sighing out, I need tissues but I can’t imagine his car having that. Reaching over and pulling down his glove compartment, I let out a scream and then placed my hand over my mouth quickly, my eyes widened like I have just seen a dead body but no. Closing it quickly, he has a gun and money in there is he crazy, I am crazy for driving this mess.
Knocking on Ivy’ door, the girls are still here and it’s like three in the morning. SOS text to these girls and they are there, it seems like it’s always me that needs help which is sad “she is here” Ivy said pulling open the door “oh Sofia, what happened” walking into Ivy’ hug “so much, and whoever got Cassius drunk, I am going to kill them” walking into her home “we have a glass of wine for you, Kenton and Mitch went home and Lloyd is just going bed” Olivia side eyed him “so who got him terribly drunk?” I said to Lloyd “I mean I don’t know, we was outside, we did have shots but he was drinking. He can take his drink” now I am annoyed “clearly not Lloyd because it hit him after but thanks, goodnight” picking up the glass of wine and taking the longest drink I can “goodnight boo” Ivy said to Lloyd as he made is way to go “I needed that” placing the glass down “you came back in his car? So where is he?” Mia asked “in a cell sobering up” sighing out as I sat back in the couch “and then he has a gun in the car, I nearly died” the gasps around the room I soon regretted my words “a gun? Sofia, that is not good” that just slipped out “it’s nothing I am aware, so we was driving. I was driving, he was just not being violent or really bad but he was just like blaming me, your family. He will get my family, I told him to calm down and then he said you taking up for them because they are your family, he ain’t playing and he will get them. So we got to hospital, Bryce is on lock down, nobody can see him. Whatever she has done or happened he is going into care with what it sounds like. Cassius was just talking too much, he talked and talked. He saw his family and you know he is quiet, he doesn’t speak but when drunk he doesn’t stop! So he started shouting me, I hid because I didn’t want to cause shit between his family, he kept shouting my name and then his mom got mad and said stay away from that family, they are destroying us, Cassius just went crazy. He just” my eyes welled up “he just started shouting about the baby, then his mom goes Jordan’ baby? She was pregnant? Cassius said no, it’s mine, that was mine but he was going crazy about it. I felt so hurt because I am wanting to move on from it, I lost the baby I didn’t know, how can I be upset about something I didn’t know about, just like why is he not over it” placing my hands over my eyes “I blame me because I didn’t know, I should have known” feeling one of the girls rub my back as I cried, I feel so hurt like everyone knows.
Sighing out heavily “I think, I mean I don’t know him as much you as you do. With you, I think it was one of those things where you have always wanted love, and you and I know you could have gained that from a baby, you and all of us know you told us that if you ever had a child from anyone it would be the best time ever. You always wanted love and you told us, Sofia. Don’t be sad about it, you said you could gain that from a baby. But now you got love from a man, you are happy so Plan B is working, the baby seems like something he wanted too. We get it girls” Mia grabbed my face “you have come so far my baby girl, you grabbed the bull by it’s horns and you got him. I think he is a pain in the ass, there is a lot of hate but love will win. Grace will not win” Mia hugged me.
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Staring up at the white ceiling, how did I end up in such a place again. What even happened, all I know is I have a headache and also I know I need to see Bryce, I need to know what happened but how did I end up here. Did I get caught with some drugs or a gun, did I beat someone up. I am scared to know what I did because I can’t go back inside, I cannot go back there. My head is pounding and I am so fucking stressed, what the fuck did I do. Hearing a door close, least there is no noise in this cell, well it is just a holding cell “Mr Warren, come on. Get up” getting up from the bed “what is happening?” I sound so rough “sobered up then?” holding my arms out in the gap “no need” moving my arms back “do you not remember me?” the officer said, shaking my head. He unlocked the cell door “I arrested you with my partner, I am going to let you off. You was drunk, come” walking behind him “oh right” I am shocked “you wasn’t violent, you verbally said things. You didn’t harm anyone, we did have to drag you but we are blaming the drink, someone is here for you too” taking in a deep breath, this is a mess “thanks” I mumbled, this could have been worse “we are putting it down to the situation too so if you would just like to walk around this desk, will give your things back” sighing out, I thank god in this.
The officer let me out into the reception “Cassius!” the officer shouted, Josiah shot up “be good out there now” walking out “I will” shaking my head, my head is pounding “god, thank god you’re ok. I thought they would have kept you, I have been here for hours waiting” Josiah hugged me “I can’t lose another brother to the system, just let’s get out” Josiah is so in his feelings, it’s whatever to me “you shouldn’t have” I said, walking slowly out of the police station “Josiah, you’re going to have to break it down to me, what did I do? I don’t remember, I know about Bryce, he’s in hospital? How is he?” that sun is killing my eyes “we will talk, let’s go iHop first” seeing an uber waiting “where is my car?” what is happening, I don’t have my keys either “I don’t know, come on. This is costing me” I have things in that car, fuck.
Not even going to lie, I needed this food. I feel better, I am me “my phone is dead, do you not know where my car is? It may be still at Ivy’ but what did I do? Oh wait, no I did get in my car. Sofia drove but after that, I was gone. Did I make it to the hospital? I am not even sure” I said “you did, and then you was shouting. Sofia did bring you to the hospital but I am not sure where she went” rubbing my face, she is driving my car with drug money and a gun “do you have Sofia mobile number?” I hope he does “I don’t no” hitting the table with my hand “I need to charge my phone, what happened? Why did I get locked up?” I need to know that first “because you was shouting, getting angry because you shouted Sofia so many times, she dipped and you was shouting. Mom said some mean shit, you just went a full blown rant but. Did you really get Sofia pregnant?” my mouth fell open “how do you know?” I said in a whisper “you said it, he killed your baby” resting my head back looking up at the ceiling “and now mom knows? Fuck! Oh god” why did I say it, what is wrong with me. What else have I been saying “was I speaking a lot? What was I like?” bringing my head forward “saying a lot of shit” this is a mess.
I need to first find my car or do I sort Bryce thing out “right, what happened with Bryce?” after all that I never found out “Josiah, who do I need to kill?” Josiah cringed “don’t say that, I can’t say. They won’t let us near him, a few people have been arrested” blinking several times “who?” a few people he says “Celine, some guys that were at the home, they are putting it as a child abuse case. That is all I have heard, we have to fight to see him. We know nothing, now mom is stressed about you, she said you’re lost. This family is ruined” staring at Josiah “since I came out?” why don’t he just say that “I ain’t say that, but it is” he’s a pussy so he won’t “this home was already broken, Jordan and Josiah the models, Cassius the drug dealer and Jasmine the perfect child. There is a reason why my name don’t begin with a J, I was never supposed to be in this family. You know what Josiah, you need to do something with yourself. You don’t need Jordan to be a model, don’t stay in Brooklyn. I think highly of you even though you don’t think it of me. Everyone’s standard of me is so low that even mom and dad take dirty money from me, thank you for coming out here” sliding out of the booth “and yes it was true, I could have had the chance to be a father. Not anymore” walking off, I don’t need anybody.
Flicking the cigarette to the ground as I made my way inside the hospital, I am praying Sofia doesn’t drive my car and I decided to see Bryce or see if I can. My phone is dead, I have no idea what is happening. All I know that Celine and a few guys, it’s making me angry to think such a thing “Hello” the reception lady didn’t look happy to see me “what do you want again?” she is rude “again?” I said “causing trouble, I rather speak to the lady. She was nice but if you are looking for Bryce, he is on the this floor still on the second right” letting out an oh, was I that bad “thank you” I have been upsetting people while on the way, never will I drink. Jogging down the hall, I just need to see little man so bad. I feel so bad that he is in pain, I mean I hope he is not. Turning on the second right, my heart ached reading the board at the top. Why can’t we know, he’s in care. I knew that there would be a door down the hall locked, kids here. Speaking to the reception, they going to make me go home but I will try. Walking down the hall slowly “drug dealer” my snapped to my left, my face slowly dropped seeing Sofia’ brother and mom “fuck” I said to myself, I don’t want the bullshit. Looking ahead and seeing the rest of her family, oh this is not good. Celine’ brother is here, he actually came out of hiding “you have a nerve” Sofia’ mom said, but let me carry on walking. Celine’ brother stared at me and I just stared back, he won’t step to me. Turning to the reception, she has her back to me. Looking around the reception and my eyes laid on the very same pair of glasses I bought Bryce, my heart fell “how can I help you?” my eyes not moving away from the glasses “what are they doing there? They are my nephew?” looking at the lady “evidence, that should have been gone” I can’t do this, like I am going to beat Celine’ brother “they are broken” turning around, staring at Celine brother “you got something to say?” he said walking towards him. I am shaking, this is all their fault “your sister, if anything happens to him. I am going to get you all” he sniggered, gripping his top and pushing him up against the wall “you and I fucking know! I will burn your whole family, don’t fuck with me!” I said in a whisper, hitting his back against the wall before letting him go “I am leaving” putting my hands up, let me not get arrested again.
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draconicroyalty · 7 years
A Squad Isn’t a Squad Without a ChatRoom
My excuse for this is that I love chat room fanfics. Also, huge crossover and massive oc x canon.-
Fandoms: DMC, Bayonetta, Inuyasha
Genre: Crack, with a side of romance
Chapter One - Furries, Monster Fuckers and Dinner
                                     [BALDER created Group Chat]
[BALDER changed the name Group Chat to Fucking Insomnia]
[Balder added DANIYAL]
DANIYAL: who tf is creating group chats at 4am BALDER: me, dipshit, i can't sleep DANIYAL: well boo hoo, suck it up and bang your head against somethin BALDER: why are u so cranky DANIYAL: it's 4am and my first class tomorrow is maths do you really wanna ask me why tf i'm mad BALDER: fair enough BALDER: is sparda awake DANIYAL: nah DANIYAL: has been snoring for a good 5 hours BALDER: wait, he snores?? DANIYAL: ya BALDER: omg DANIYAL: what about dog boy BALDER: playing dating simulators DANIYAL: you're kidding BALDER: i wish i was DANIYAL: YO DOG BOY WTF TOUGA: TF U WANT DANIYAL: STOP TRYING TO GET INTO A BISHIE'S PANTS U WEEB, GO TO SLEEP FFS TOUGA: why are u awake BALDER: yeah nice question DANIYAL: um DANIYAL: studying? TOUGA: bullshit BALDER: bet you're playing lol again and mad cuz of the trolls DANIYAL: IT'S 4AM, TROLLS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE, WHY DO I ONLY GET YASUOS IN MY TEAM BALDER: there there, baby, there there SPARDA: Dafuck is all this noise DANIYAL: u r awake??? SPARDA: yah, someone mutters what they type a bit too loud DANIYAL: srry bae SPARDA: np bby TOUGA: stop DANIYAL: why BALDER: you're reminding him he's single DANIYAL: that's cuz he's a furry SPARDA: LOOOOOL DANIYAL: before anyone asks spar actually laughed while typing that TOUGA: ASHFKDSKGHKSJAHL BALDER: touga, words. not keysmashes. TOUGA: IMF NSOT A FURRTY DANIYAL: what??? SPARDA: i think the poor furry is trying to type he ain't a furry
[DANIYAL changed the name Fucking Insomnia to FURRY CONFIRMED]
BALDER: lol BALDER: dan u r aware that he will try to kill you tomorrow DANIYAL: np i got a spray bottle TOUGA: KLHAFDSHGKGH FUCK U DANIYAL: MY PARTNERS DO THAT BALDER: sometimes i forget our boy's poly DANIYAL: i love all my boyfriends, girlfriends and significant others equally and if anyone hurts them i'll pull their guts out and eat them TOUGA: ew BALDER: scary SPARDA: i say him throwing a guy that was harassing one of his classmates into the trash once DANIYAL: i was practicing slam dunks and he looked like a basketball TOUGA: how does a guy look like a basketball DANIYAl: he was wearing orange and black BALDER: fair enough SPARDA: like this is fun but SPARDA: it's 4:22 am SPARDA: we should sleep TOUGA: alright mom BALDER: goodnight mom SPARDA: mom?? pretty sure i didn't conceive such ugly children DANIYAl: OH SNAP BALDER: SPARDA WE'RE LITERALLY TWINS?? SPARDA: LOOK AT ME, I'M THE PRETTY ONE BALDER: BEAUTY MARKS DON'T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE U THE PRETTY ONE TOUGA: aaaand there they go DANIYAL: babe stop angrily typing SPARDA: he started BALDER: NO I DIDNT??? DANIYAL: i know babe i know BALDER: HE LITERALLY STARTED THIS??? TOUGA: give up bal it's better BALDER: jsfslghjhg im going to bed TOUGA: nighty night BALDER: stop playing dream daddy and go to sleep too TOUGA: make me DANIYAL: WAIT U PLAY DREAM DADDY??? TOUGA: YA DANIYAL: favorite dad? TOUGA: brian DANIYAL: ....your fave's the bear. u furry. TOUGA: shUT UP TOUGA: who's your fave?? DANIYAL: matt TOUGA: why am i not surprised DANIYAL: he's a cINNAMON ROLL AND I WILL PROTECT HIM WITH MY LIFE SPARDA: babe log off lol DANIYAL: but babe...the IP.... SPARDA: tomorrow, babe, tomorrow DANIYAL: fine...night, u furry TOUGA: aadlkfjsghAHJSGHSKJ NOT A FURRY BALDER: furry [BALDER is OFFLINE]
TOUGA: fuck y'all [TOUGA is OFFLINE]
EVA: baby! DANIYAL: babe! AMASIS: what tf is this DANIYAL: balder couldn't sleep and created a group chat DANIYAL: so since i liked the idea and was super supportive when he created it i thought about adding more people AMASIS: oh JUURAH: LMAO IS THE NAME OF THE GROUP CHAT ABOUT TOUGA DANIYAL: scroll up bro JUURAH: omg that furry MAALIK: why tf were you all awake at 4am DANIYAL: balder had insomnia, i was playing league, touga was seducing daddies and i woke up spar MAALIK: that game's not good for u, i'm tellin ya DANIYAL: too bad i don't give a fuck MAALIK: ow DANIYAL: where's my baby boy? NATHANIEL: for the last time i'm 2 MINUTES YOUNGER THAN U DANIYAL: baby boy <3 EVA: (*^_^*) thats cute DANIYAL: you're cute
SPARDA: you're both cute AMASIS: sparda is summoned as soon as eva and dan start being cute, wow SPARDA: you do it too AMASIS: not with eva AMASIS: no offense darling EVA: it's ok (*´∀`*) DANIYAL: so pure MAALIK: if we're talkin about being cute and stuff MAALIK: i have some baby dan pics DANIYAL: *softly* dont MAALIK: don't try to meme your way out of this LUKAH: give them to us EVA: Lukah, you're here! (*^.^*) LUKAH: ...pure maiden LUKAH: i mean hi love LUKAH: anyways SPARDA: pics now AMASIS: i demand pics DANIYAL: pls no [MAALIK sent chubbycheeks.png] EVA: AWWWWWWWWWWW JUURAH: omg is that his old bib??? that thing was so cute SPARDA: brb dying cuz of cute AMASIS: i'm saving that and nobody can stop me LUKAH: !!! LUKAH: baby freckles LUKAH: omg
TOUGA: i'm saving it as future blackmail potential DANIYAL: fuck u SPARDA: dog boy don't lie SPARDA: u also think he was cute af TOUGA: nah TOUGA: maybe a little TOUGA: ok look he has really chubby cheeks and he's hugging a dog plushie, I AM WEAK EVA: Daniyal never lost his cuteness over the years ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ DANIYAL: aghgihrhgrih that'snottrue SPARDA: oh he's blushing AMASIS: you're his roommate, pinch his cheeks for me LUKAH: and for me EVA: for me too!! ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ JUURAH: why do you like those emojis so much eva EVA: they're adorable DANIYAL: ow ow ow SPARDA MY CHEEKS SPARDA: they're so soft omg AMASIS: now kiss them better SPARDA: done AMASIS: u know what i'm going there EVA: count me in! LUKAH: im on my way rn
BALDER: y'all really love him don't you SPARDA: balder. brother. good friend of mine. he's literally a ray of sunshine that covers anything that's evil and putrid in this world AMASIS: he's the personification of a cool breeze in a warm summer day EVA: he's huggable like a teddy! LUKAH: ... LUKAH: thicc. LUKAH: jk, he's literally a mix of everything that's good and sweet DANIYAL: ASFJKGSHG STOP IM CRYING I LOVE U ALL SO MUCH TOUGA: SOME OF US ARE STILL SINGLE DANIYAL: that's cuz you're a furry TOUGA: stop DANIYAL: i saw your internet browser history bruh TOUGA: I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT A FURRY WAS DANIYAL: SO U RESEARCH IT ON TUMBLR 2 TIMES A DAY?? DANIYAL: yeah right bro TOUGA: im pulling out the receipts Dan DANIYAL: do not TOUGA: i may be a furry, but have you seen the amount of times you're in the terato tag?? TOUGA: u monster fucker
[Touga changed the name FURRY CONFIRMED to DAN WANTS MONSTER D]
DANIYAL: hOW DARE SPARDA: tbh, unsurprised AMASIS: like, he blushes when there's big creepy monsters in movies EVA: i heard him saying a monster lady could break him in half and he'd thank her LUKAH: ya dan's always been a monster fucker JUURAH: i can confirm that MAALIK: wait so all those trips to find big foot were due to Dan's horny ass NATHANIEL: nah that was me NATHANIEL: he's more of a loch ness monster guy DANIYAL: Nessie is a beautiful independent lady and also gay af so we're just besties MAALIK: i'm kinkshaming DANIYAL: u can't kinkshame if kinksame MAALIK: what DANIYAL: one word. actually, one cryptid DANIYAL: mothman MAALIK: ASDFGHJKL SHUT UP BALDER: honestly BALDER: i think being a furry is worse TOUGA: thanks for the damn support bro, wait til i kill you while u sleep SPARDA: did u just confirm you're a furry TOUGA: fUCK JUURAH: i always knew it NATHANIEL: i mean why would he nickname himself dog boy BALDER: lmao do u have a fursona touga?? TOUGA: fuck off TOUGA: why not tease Dan for being a monster fucker?? AMASIS: if u dated him you'd know he's into even kinkier stuff SPARDA: yah EVA: yah LUKAH: yah TOUGA: wait what DANIYAL: qwertyuiioponfds save m BALDER: what is going on over there AMASIS: we're drowning him in affection and i think he broke LUKAH: bara machine broke BALDER: tf's a bara TOUGA: urban dictionary says it's a person (usually male) with a large, somewhat muscular, and fairly hairy body type NATHANIEL: lol JUURAH: if there's something Dan ain't, it's hairy EVA: tru SPARDA: never caught him shaving tbh DANIYAL: i'll never reveal my secrets TOUGA: late bloomer DANIYAL: iM NOT DANIYAL: i simply dislike body hair on me TOUGA: what about other people DANIYAL: it's their body and they can do whatever they want and honestly?? cute. BALDER: why not apply that concept to yourself DANIYAL: never MAALIK: i know we are all having fun chatting and stuff MAALIK: but like MAALIK: it's almost dinner time MAALIK: so go get somethin to eat DANIYAL: but daaaad MAALIK: im not dad. dad is straight. NATHANIEL: lmao, right JUURAH: our family is so gay i sometimes forget that DANIYAL: mom's bi af tho JUURAH: i took after her DANIYAL: anyway if u don't mind im getting my lovely gfs and bfs something to eat AMASIS: we could eat u AMASIS: out DANIYAL: thank god u said out cuz if not i would kick u DANIYAL: this is a vore free chat SPARDA: vore is strictly banned TOUGA: kinkshamers BALDER: ... DANIYAL: touga wtf
BALDER: tbh?? he deserves this EVA: what's vore LUKAH: such a pure innocent soul SPARDA: don't tell her DANIYAL: guys. eva's anything but a pure innocent soul. DANIYAL: at least when it comes to stuff LUKAH: ok, tru SPARDA: u woke the femdom monster in her DANIYAL: and you're grateful for that SPARDA: can't say i'm not AMASIS: can we go eat now DANIYAL: actual dinner or ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) BALDER: is your lenny face winking MAALIK: that is extremely concerning NATHANIEL: welp, people, im outtie JUURAH: same, wanna eat MAALIK: im escaping before this gets anymore sexual
BALDER: im going to find touga and kinkshame him
AMASIS: so SPARDA: hm EVA: mcdonalds or subway? (´∀`) LUKAH: i'm in the mood for mcdonalds DANIYAL: yeah same SPARDA: can we watch a movie too?? since we're going to the mall AMASIS: sounds like fun DANIYAL: im paying LUKAH: no ur not wtf DANIYAL: I PAY
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disinvited-guest · 7 years
6/2/17 Recap
Ok, here it is, finally.  I’ve only have here what I have written about TMBG’s performance, so to put things in context, I am waiting at the rail that separates the crowd from the stage, I have been there for several hours to hold my spot, and am watching Rodriguez perform the end of his set.
Note: I’m not positive about when in the set a few things took place, so I put a question mark at the beginning of those paragraphs.
At some point during the set, Dan Miller came out and stood to the side of the stage, watching the set, I noticed him walk on, but thought it would be weird to stare, so instead I ended up looking at him awkwardly from the corner of my eye for the next 10 minutes until he left.
Then, his set was over, he left stage, and set up began for They Might Be Giants.  I was so excited waiting that I started to have trouble breathing, and was glad I brought my inhaler, although I didn’t end up using it. I saw Marty briefly, as he gave instructions on where he wanted the drum riser.  And then Flans and Danny over to the side.
As the crew, dozens of people, both with the festival and the band, set things up, I saw a few really exciting things.  Flans was using the guitar he used last tour, but he also had a red one with a checkered strap onstage as a backup.  Danny was using an awesome blue bass that I had never seen before, and looked fantastic. Also, a red Gatorade was placed behind the drums for Marty, which a very confused looking festival volunteer brought out.  Dan Miller had put on a bit of weight, and Flans had lost some.
The MC stepped up to introduce the band at 9:27, three minutes before things were supposed to start, and promised us the band would be onstage “in just a few minutes.”  That few minutes turned out to be twelve, as the band took the stage at 9:39 to screams and cheers.  They started into Damn Good Times right away and it was a very high energy performance.  Instead of singing “she can’t remember the show she saw” Flans sang “he can’t remember the show he saw,” but he kept she/her pronouns at other points in the song. I wonder why.
They moved straight in to Birdhouse in Your Soul, which the whole crowd was super into and were jumping around like crazy for.  After the song was over they said goodnight, and that they had enjoyed performing for us, acting as if they were preparing to leave the stage, and then Flans said something about giving us “The full New York treatment” which I didn’t quite catch.
? Linnell commented that it had been a long time since he had been able to see the moon when he was performing, but that now it was right up there and “I can just look up at it and daydream….”
Flans then talked about his internet habits, claiming to be on social media “23, 24, 25 hours a day” and that when he feels bad about the state of the world, he thinks “how can I feel worse” and goes on twitter.  “We’ve been hearing a lot about how unreliable the sun is as a source of energy, which is…. We’d like to dedicate this next song to the sun ladies and gentlemen”
This led, of course, into Why Does the Sun Shine.   The heat and light of the sun were caused by the nuclear reaction between several Ohio cities, and also some Ohio city names mashed together (like Dakron and Colombuland) when Linnell decided not to give the people shouting out Cleveland what they wanted.
As soon as the song was over, Linnell commented about the unusual insects crawling around on his keyboard, claiming that he had never seen some of them before.  By this point, there were literally hundreds of bugs visible on stage, flying and crawling everywhere.  Flans was less happy about the variety of insects Ohio provided “You don’t understand ladies and gentlemen, every minute that we are up here singing, we are living in constant terror of swallowing a bug.”
Linnell introduced the next song while giving us some important taxonomy information “This next song… is not about an insect, because it has eight legs.” This, of course, led into Spider, which was a bit of an unusual choice for a festival crowd, but had the man next to me in stitches.  Without pause, they went into Everything Right Is Wrong Again, which I had never heard performed lived before and was amazing, even though I got hit in the head with a glowstick during it.
? After the song ended, Linnell announced that he had squashed a bug on his keyboard.  He was genuinely concerned about it, and maybe even a little upset “I didn’t mean to, it happened while I was playing”
?Flans then came up to the mic to give a reminder “to always throw your glowsticks away from the stage” although, the only one that got anywhere close that I could see was the one that bounced off of my head and into the photographers aisle.  That being said, the crowd seemed to listen and no more glowsticks came up front.
Flans then talked about the girl who had come up to him before the show and said that they were her first tape, which he was obviously touched by.  “So here is a song that might have been on her first tape. [a beat] it’s only one and a half minutes long, so I have to stretch out the intro.” This led into Letterbox, which is always truly impressive in terms of sheer number of words per second.  
? Afterwards, Flans thanked the festival for putting this together, but joked that the backdrop, which had a large N M F, wasn’t as they had specified.  “N-M-F, it was supposed to be a T, and the M is ok, but then a B-G, this is Not…Might….ugh”
Linnell knew though “It stands for Not My Flansy”
“That’s right; it’s my new solo project ladies and gentlemen”
“No, isn’t that those protest signs?”
“Yeah, ‘what happened to that guy? We want the old Flansburgh back’”
They then went into a run of songs, starting with Science is Real, which I have a feeling they will be playing a lot in the next few years, and going into When Will You Die and then Music Jail (Quick side note: I’ve been trying to stay objective, but you guys, Danny was just so goddamn adorable and smiley, especially from this run on and ahhh).
Flans then moved to the back and started pushing different sound effect buttons, leaving Linnell to do the talking “Music Jail everyone [a few bizarre sounds from Flans] I feel like I’m there right now.”
Flans then moved to the front, and said something to Linnell off-mic.  Whatever he said, Linnell moved to where Flans had been with the sound effects, and Flans stood at Linnell’s keyboard, saying “I’ve been working on this thing ladies and gentlemen,” which tricked me for a moment into thinking he was gonna play keys (I freaked out more than a little) but instead he introduced the band, including Linnell as he walked back up to the keys, although not as John Linnell, instead saying “returning from the back of the stage to the keyboards Danny Miller”
Linnell gave Flans a quick shake of his head as he got to his keyboard, which I now realize was letting him know that he couldn’t get the sound effect they wanted either, because when Flans returned to the back, he began saying “ring ring” into the mic back there, leading into Mama TMBG, which now apparently has a live outside of older.  I don’t remember all of it, but here are some of my favorite parts.
Flans: ring ring 
Linnell: we are receiving actual phone call
Flans: ring ring
Linnell: that is the sound of a real phone ringing
Flans: ring ring
Linnell: how embarrassing
Mama: I received a text from a Nelsonville Music Fest guy, he says there is no curfew but to cut down on patter. What does patter mean? Linnell: I think that’s fake Mama: Is it a troll? Is it a troll phishing? Linnell: I think it’s a robot Mama: Is it a troll? Linnell: It was a robot troll phishing Mama: Have I been pwned? Linnell: You’ve been pwned, you’ve been pwned by a robot troll
Mama: I’ve been thinking a lot about when you were born, when all 5 of you sprung from my loins Linnell: Can you be more graphic? Mama: The afterbirth was enormous Linnell: More graphic! Mama: And the mucus plug, it was the size of your father Linnell: There were 5 of us Mama: And my two jewels, Dan and Danny Linnell: Your perfect twins is what you used to call them Mama: I get emotional just thinking about it Linnell, to the audience: this is some people’s favorite part of the show
*audience cheers* Mama: I got another text from that Nelsonville guy Linnell: I think that’s the robot Mama: He says to stop this part of the show *audience boos* Mama: Now it’s just emoticons Linnell: It’s a robot troll! Mama: Hey John? Before I go, what’s the Wi-Fi password for this place? Linnell: It is actually emoticons, it’s that finger across throat, this kinda gesture (demonstrates repeatedly), I don’t know what it means, but it looks like this Mama: Ok
Linnell wrapped up the bit, and introduced: “This is a song about the 11th president of the United States,” which led, of course, into James K. Polk.  During this song Dan stood behind Marty on the drum riser to play.  The song started out with just Linnell, real quietly at the beginning, and then built up into full rock volume.  
Flans went offstage to deal with some guitar troubles at the end of the song, and they went straight into Bills, Bills, Bills. He had to rush onstage to get to the mic to come in at the right time, but once he was there, he was super enthusiastic, going out on top of the amps once on each side of the stage to sing directly to different guys in the crowd.
? After the song finished, Linnell told Flans he would never guess “who I talked to earlier while you were offstage.” When Flans guessed Mama TMBG, he was given a curt “No.” and then they started into Older.
I had thought that Mama tmbg showing up earlier in the show had meant they were skipping this song, so I was interested to see what would take her place during the longer pause.  Nothing new there, but Linnell did an amusing bit where he turned in slow motion to look at the band, and then back to the audience with a shocked expression before starting the song up again.  After Older, they went straight into an especially high-energy Don’t Let’s Start.  
Flans then reintroduced Dan, and told us that at the end of the next song he had a really great guitar solo “so watch out for that.”  This led in to Fingertips, which was fantastic as always, but a very different experience when most of the crowd doesn’t know it by heart.  During the start of Mysterious whisper for example, I put my hands up and started swaying from side to side, which is standard, but got awkward fast, since most people didn’t catch on until Flans had demonstrated for a few seconds.
Dan’s guitar solo was, indeed, magnificent, and after it was over, Flans stepped back to the mic to say that he didn’t know about us, but “I wish that part of the show were four times longer.  As he said this, the robot effect was turned on, and he enjoyed this by repeating the phrase “jam band” a few times.  Linnell then greeted “Robot Flansburgh” and Flans asked him for the not he had to sing, explaining to the crowd that he only sang one note in the next song.  I had been expecting Robot Parade, so when this tipped me off that they were doing Nanobots I freaked out more than a little (may or may not have screamed).
He tested singing his note, and made the crowd sing it with him, shouting “It’s only one note people!“  That may have been the case, but Flans struggled with it a bit during the actual song, and only did backing vocals at the beginning and the very end.  Regardless of that, it sounded fantastic and I loved hearing it live!
After the song, Flans brought up the new album, “We are currently working on our 20th album ladies and gentlemen, which is exactly like it sounds, both strangely familiar and yet impossibly difficult.” He then transitioned into talking about the start of the band, and how, just 3 years before, he was attending college in Yellow Springs “Enjoying the raw milk.” “Good times were had by some, I was one of them.”  At this point I genuinely thought I was about to hear Out of Jail, but Flans went on to introduce the song as from the first album (I was only a little disappointed), and they started into Number Three, which was great as always, and the line “talking like he was on tv” has a very different meaning with the current President.
After the song was over, Flans introduced Marty to the crowd again, and had him play the beat for the song.  He told us that "this is all he plays on that song” and made us clap along for a few seconds, telling us that “we are the only Alabama cover band that matters.”  After all of that excitement, Flans apparently forgot with song was next on the setlist.
Flans, to Linnell: What song do we play next? Linnell: This is a new-ish song, off of our 19th album. Flans: Oh, I like this one!
Flans: (off mic) which song is it? L This song has a very long title and that title is I Love You for Psychological Reasons
This song is always fantastic live, and this was no exception, with a very smiley Linnell giving it an
extra edge.
               As soon as the song ended, Marty started up the intro to Particle Man, with Flans telling us to “put your hands together on the backbeat,” while Linnell got his accordion. The requested seemed to be too much for the crowd, and Linnell said mockingly “What is a backbeat? It’s so hard!” before he began the song.  Once again, the bridge included a Swing from the Chandelier interlude, which was so powerful that I too was ready to lie like Triangle Man doesn’t exist.
Linnell went straight back to put down his accordion after the song (Only one on the accordion? Really?) and returned to his place at the keyboard.  
There was a slight, awkward pause, before Flans stepped up to the microphone “Thanks everybody! We can’t start this next song until the lights come up, because I need to see my hands!”  This got a laugh and a cheer when the lights guy obliged, and the band started in on; Let Me Tell You About My Operation. It was good, but Flans was less energetic than he sometimes is during the song (because he had to look at his hands, obviously, but still).   The final song was the Mesopotamians, which was super high energy, and the guy next to me, who was a teacher, leaned over and said ‘this is what I teach. When it was over, the guys all left the stage and the crowd began whistling and cheering for an encore.  I wasn’t sure we were going to get one, but screamed and cheered with the rest, and pretty soon, they all returned to the stage.
Linnell moved to he back to collect his accordion, while Flans stepped up to the mic.  He thanked the festival, calling their regular experience a “tunnel of torment” and said that the organization was a nice change.  While he was speaking, a guy went around gathering up some of the setlists, and replacing them with other sheets of paper, which I assume listed the songs for the encore.  As Flans left the mic, he picked up one of these sheets, glanced at it, and then crumpled it up and put it in his pocket.  Linnell moved downstage, now with his accordion, and they started into Doctor Worm.
Since Linnell had his accordion, Dan played keyboard, and the whole thing sounded great.  There was no jump off the drum riser from Danny, probably because the riser was on wheels, and Linnell had Rabbi Vole playing the solo.
Dan moved over to his guitars after the song was over, and Linnell put away his accordion.  Flans introduced Dan again, and promised us this next song had “an awesome intro.”  He then went offstage and put on a jacket (it had gotten a bit chilly), while Dan started into Millerstanbul.  As Flans came back onstage, the guitar intro now fully in swing, he made the tiniest little “ohhh” into the back mic.  It was random and hilarious, and it made Dan laugh a bit, so that he had to pause before continuing.  As always, Dan’s skills were unbelievable, and the song itself was high energy, involved Flans removing his guitar strings, and had two fake endings.
As the song wound down, Flans said “Thank you guys, you’ve been a great audience, goodnight!” and they all left the stage. The majority of the crowd took this as the end of the show altogether, and the lighting guy had to put on a pretty significant lightshow to get the crowd cheering again.
Finally, Flans, Linnell, and Marty came back up to the stage, and Flans said to us all “I’ve learned a lesson in show business today, and that is: Never Say Goodnight,” he went on to introduce the final song of the night, Dead.  As he did Danny came onstage, zipping up an adorable coat.  
Then they started the song.  This was one of the last songs they played in Philly, and it was the song where Linnell teared up, so it was incredibly rewarding for me to see him so incredibly smiley during this performance.  They finished the song, and Linnell said “Thank you, goodnight” with a teasing look at Flans, before they all left the stage, ending the show.
Marty ran out very quickly afterwards, with a clear destination, handing over his drumsticks and disappearing again in a matter of seconds.
Soon after, I was surprised to see Flans back out on the stage, and as he approached the front of the stage, I assumed he had stickers or something to hand out.  Instead, he bent down to say something to a security guard, who then helped him to step down of the amp, and onto a step above the rail separating the crowd from the stage. He then began signing things, and taking pictures, and chatting with the crowd! I was in shock, but that didn’t stop me from crowding towards where he was.
While I was waiting my turn, I watched Danny’s attempts to get his thigs packed up, while also directing the festival crew on how other things needed to be packed.  I guess that he didn’t trust the festival guys.  Some people shouted at him for setlists (which if they had been paying attention, they would’ve known had been taken offstage) he ignored them, although eventually one festival crew guy handed out the one off of the keyboards.
Then, I was close enough to hear Flans conversation with the fans.  When one of them said something about Linnell, he got really excited and started off on a tangent: about the painter John Linnell.  He asked if they had heard of the painter, talked some about his landscapes, and said that he had been friends with a really famous Romantic artist, but he couldn’t remember who (I looked it up later, I think he was thinking of William Blake).  The whole time, he was just so Excited and it was adorable.  As he wrapped up his Art History lecture, Flans told us as a group that we needed to hurry, because he was needed backstage.  We stepped up the pace accordingly.
As he signed, a woman next to me asked him if she brought their old glockenspiel to a show, if they would play Shoehorn With Teeth.  He told her they probably would, and asked which glockenspiel it was “We’ve given away a few over the years.”  When he found out it was from the show in Columbus with the power outage, he talked about that for a bit “the power grid to the whole city went out.  Not many people realize this, but when the power goes out and you’re in a room full of people who don’t feel like they’ve gotten their evening’s worth of entertainment…”
When it was my turn, I got a handshake and a picture (which didn’t turn out, oh well) and walked away, to catch my breath and find my car, already eager for the next show, whenever it will be.
I missed a few things in my notes that I recalled later, I have no idea when in the show they were, but here they are, sans context
At one point, Flans said that the crowd had “The perfect blend of glasses and beards” and then added “that’s just the ladies.”
The person in the Queen Bee costume, who had been walking around the festival all day walked through the crowd towards the end of the set.  The band was very surprised and impressed.  Danny took a picture, which I’m sure you’ve all seen, and Flans said that the bee was their old manager, and that if you wanted to promote your band, he was the guy.  Later, the Bee had Flans sign their costume.
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artificialqueens · 8 years
Dreaming of You (Shalaska) Chapter 1 - Kate
AN: Hieee! This my first submission (i’m sorry). I would love to see what you think about it so feel free to send feedback. If you love Shalaska you probably will agree - WE NEED MORE FLUFF! So this is to all the hopeless romantics out there! Hope you enjoy. xx
It was around 10 pm, the LA sky was clear and the moon was shining brightly into Justin’s living room. He was sat on the floor with a big box of photos and old stuff that he had left in a small closet in the hallway. Justin was surrounded by photos of him and his siblings, friends from Pittsburgh and old pictures of him and Aaron. He was staring at one of the photos, remembering how much fun him and Aaron had that day. Then something came over Justin, his chest tightened and he could feel a weird feeling in his stomach. A feeling that he felt every time he would think of Pittsburgh or Aaron, well mostly Aaron. He missed him. Justin’s eyes started watering, not knowing how to deal with it. He picked up his phone and called one of his closest friends, Willam.
“Hey boo, what’s up.” – he heard that Justin was struggling. – “Tell me, please.”
“It’s happening again.” – Justin said as he shut his eyes trying to fight the tears.
“Just take a deep breath and don’t worry about it. Do you want me to come over for the night?”
“I can’t fight the feelings anymore. It’s making me crazy!” – Justin hangs up the phone. It didn’t make him feel any better but at least he was calm now. He went over to the bathroom to wash his face. Justin was sat there looking in the mirror. “Why are you doing this to yourself” he thought.
Twenty minutes later he was already in bed trying to block everything out of his mind and just relax. He got a text but he ignored his phone. Then he got another one and another one, and another one. He picked up his phone to see the message app blowing up with texts.
W: Lasky, are you feeling better? W: Girl don’t ignore me. #notcute C: Alaskaaa :( Willam told me are you ok? W: Miss Thunderfuck, pick up the damn phone! C: yeah we are worried W: ALASKAAAAA W: Text us now!! A: I’m here and I’ll be better if you don’t spam me. C: sorry, just wanted to know how u doing A: Fine like always. W: Hunty don’t lie C: willam u are such a dickhead W: Why? How is she gonna overcome this if we don’t push her C: true A: Guys, stop. I said I’m fine. Night xx C: goodnight <3 we love you W: Courm, you should #rupaulogize to me W: Good night Alaska TEXT ME WHEN YOU WAKE UP! xo
Justin turned his phone off. They all had a show together tomorrow, plus some other queens. Sharon would be there too. Justin didn’t really think about it, he was just going to hide his feelings under the makeup and the wig. Everything would be fine as long as he doesn’t talk alone with him. He couldn’t get Aaron off his mind but why? Why now, why after all these years, why after he thought he was finally okay. Why was Aaron okay and he wasn’t? A lot of thoughts went through Justin’s mind, from nights in Pittsburgh with his boyfriend to now, the lonely nights in Los Angeles. For the last 3 years, both Justin and Aaron had changed a lot. Justin stopped smoking, he didn’t drink as much, maybe only one glass of beer when he was out with friends but nothing more.
Alaska was more famous than ever, bookings everywhere around the world and now known as the queen of queens, winner of All Stars 2. But just because you’re famous doesn’t mean your life is perfect. Justin was terrified. He didn’t know why after 3 years he still felt nothing but pure love for Aaron. Alaska and Sharon had a lot of shows together lately. They were getting closer and closer as the years passed by but the problem was that it wasn’t romantically. Justin had been beating himself up with emotions and feelings. He knew it was wrong but it felt so right. It felt right to be in love again with the only person he knew how to love, Aaron.
The next day everyone was at the theater by 4 pm. Aaron was stuck in traffic which is normal for LA. He was looking at his social medias while in the taxi and accidentally tapped on a fan account. It wasn’t just a fan account, it was an account for Sharon and Alaska. He was surprised how many followers it had, how many people were hoping for them to get back together, how many hopeless romantics were out there, just like him. Justin had told Aaron he still loves him for him but that was years ago, and he was pretty sure they were both drunk. He was so fascinated by how many pictures of him and Justin were out there that he didn’t even realize he arrived at the destination. Aaron stepped out of the car, grabbed his suitcase and went inside the theater. Everyone greeted him with hugs and smiles. He placed his things on the table in front of him and started to get ready. Most of the girls were already tucking or fixing their wigs for the rehearsal. There was a burning desire in Aaron’s heart to see Justin. He wanted to have him so bad, even just for 2 seconds. He would do everything for one last kiss. “Soul mates” he thought and smiled in the mirror. He was starting with his makeup and then he heard some of the other queens talking about Alaska behind the wall.
“I honestly feel so bad for her. She is such a strong person and to see her so sad over a thing that ended nearly 3 years ago it’s just breaking my heart.” – Adore was whispering because she didn’t want anyone to hear her conversation with the other girls but it was too late.
“Alaska is strong. Her love for Sharon will always be there tho, even if they don’t get back together. We just have to be there for her otherwise, she’ll collapse and who knows what will happen next.” – Courtney was trying to be quiet too.
Aaron was shocked. After all these years could it be that Justin still had feelings for him? All Aaron knew, for now, was that he had to talk to Justin at the right place and time. He didn’t want to make things more awkward between them. Think about every show that they have had together since their break up, did he really felt this way all the time? Aaron was really confused.
Justin appeared in the room with half of Alaska’s face on. Aaron smiled at him, stood up and gave Justin a small hug. His chest was like a magnet that didn’t want to pull away from its other half.
“Lasky, hey. How are you?” - Aaron smiled over the taller queen’s shoulder.
“Good. It’s nice seeing your face again, it’s been so long since we’ve done a show together.”
They both pulled away from the hug. Justin didn’t want to pull away. He wanted to stay in Aaron’s arms forever. It’s like all the problems they’ve had in the past didn’t exist. Just warmth. Aaron’s smell reminded him of the lazy days of their apartment in Pittsburgh, he closed his eyes and remembered them cuddling on the sofa while binge watching horror films or Golden Girls. Justin snapped out of his daydream to continue his conversation with Aaron.
“You’ll see my face most of the time for the next couple of months, you know touring and all that.” – Aaron smiled.
“Yeah” – Justin stopped for a moment, gazing into the other queen’s eyes. – “You know what, I should better go get ready. I don’t want Bianca to go all crazy on me for being late, again. See you around.”
“Sure, see you around.” – they both sounded a bit confused in their answers. Justin looked fine but there was something different in his voice, he was hiding something. Aaron knew him a lot better than Justin probably thought. He knew that there was a secret. Could it be true what the other queens were talking about?
Justin felt broken. He didn’t know why everything went well in rehearsals and when they talked. It wasn’t a lot of talking. He had to get a way of saying how he feels and there really wasn’t. He could ruin the whole friendship they have and that they worked really hard on after the breakup. Everything could go down with the 3 words that have been in his head for years, “I love you.” These words were so horrifying but so pleasing at the same time.
“I want to change my act. Now.” – Justin walked over to the people organizing the tour.
“You can’t change it now. We already rehearsed your other one for tonight. There are only 4 hours left until the show starts!”
“I have to, please. It’s really important. I know all the words to the song I want to sing instead. I’m just not gonna need the dancers. Pleaseeeee.” – Justin put on a puppy face that no one could resist.
“Pfff, okay but you have to start rehearsing now. We don’t have lots of time before the meet and greet.”
“THANK YOU!” – he screamed happily.
Aaron had just finished rehearsing his act with some other queens.
“Well, you look excited. What’s up?” – both of them smiled.
“I just changed my act. Nothing really that important, I’m just going to sing another song and not have the dancers.” – Justin didn’t want to put his head up because he knew if he did he’ll jump in Aaron’s arms or maybe even worse.
“Good luck then. Can’t wait to see it.” – Justin smiled and looked up to see Aaron winking and walking away to the backstage.
Justin bit his lip, he was nervous. He had not performed this song so much lately. He put his headphones in so he could listen to the song. It wasn’t going to be anything big really but it meant a lot to him.
After the meet and greet, the show started as most of the girls would perform before Alaska. When her time came to go on stage, she was nervous. Rubbing her hands together, fixing her hair and taking deep breaths to calm down. She was wearing a long black dress with lots of sparkles so when the spotlight hit her through the fog on stage, she’ll be the only thing people see. She stepped forward going on stage as the people cheered her with a “Hieeee”. The lights and the screen went off, the fog started appearing on the stage as the spotlight hit Alaska in the center of the stage. The music started as she closed her eyes and held the microphone.
“Alright… the stars of the LA sky tonight are shining…” – Alaska opened her eyes as the audience screamed. She didn’t really perform “Killer” it was a quite sad song. It was obvious that the song was about Aaron, everyone knew it was. Justin didn’t want to hide it, he didn’t care. As he started the more spoken part if we say it that way, he saw Aaron looking at him from the side of the stage. They couldn’t take their eyes off each other.
“Time, wasn’t there seem to be enough time…” Justin’s eyes started watering as he pulled the mic off the stand and collapsed on the floor.
Aaron felt his pain, his heart breaking into little pieces; he could feel every tear that Justin was holding. He hadn’t felt this in a long time. Justin was good at hiding his feelings but when it came to Aaron, he was like an open book, sometimes even too easy to read. The song ended, Justin stood up and left the stage immediately, running through Aaron like a ghost. He followed him in his dressing room. Justin had put off his wig and heels, he was trying to get his corset off. Tears running down his cheeks as the makeup had started to smudge. Neither Aaron nor Justin knew exactly what had happened on stage.
“Lasky, a-are you okay?” – Aaron was stood by the door as he closed it. His eyes had started to fill with water just by looking at Justin having a breakdown.
“Why do you care anyways? We haven’t spoken in weeks and just because we are doing the tour together doesn’t mean it’s going to change anything.” – Justin looked at him. Aaron tried stepping closer but then stopped, he didn’t know what to do or say in this moment. “You don’t care about how I feel, do you? We are just Sharon Needles and Alaska Thunderfuck, the exes from drag race. You know what, it hurts. It hurts to see how much better you are without me. I hurt to see that you’ve moved on and I’m stuck with my feelings. It hurts that I still love you, Aaron.”
Aaron had no words. He had tried to keep his tears but it was too late. He hated seeing Justin like this. Justin was there sitting on that chair crying with his head in his palms. Aaron knew words will only make it worse; he quickly hugged Justin as both of them had tears running down their faces.
Sitting there in each other’s arms just like before. Justin could feel his heart calming down, that warmth he felt earlier this day felt even stronger. They sat there for a long time. Haven’t been able to express how much you love someone for years was a really hard thing to do, especially if you are soul mates. Oh and as for the other queens, don’t worry most of them were looking and listening through the door lock.
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Sickly School Day For Styles
Sick at School! Harry
Forks and spoons clanking on plates and family chatter surround Harry Styles as he stares down at his dinner with a grimace. He's not usually this hostile toward chicken Parmesan but tonight it's taking all his energy to not fall asleep straight into his green beans. He hasn't felt well since he came home from school this afternoon. In fact, he's been lying in his bed either asleep or trying to be since three thirty. And the only reason he woke up now is because his mum called him down for dinner. His stomach REALLY doesn't want chicken Parmesan..or dinner...or food at all for that matter. "Harry darling? Aren't you going to eat? It's your favorite?" His mum hums, looking down at his full plate. Harry rubs his eyes and sits up from his slouched position. His mum frowns and doesn't wait for a response to her earlier question before going straight into mum mode. "You've been quiet all night. Is something wrong?" Her question gains stares from both his sister and his step dad. He sighs. "Actually may I be excused? I haven't been feeling well since school and I'd really just like to lie down." She frowns. "What's wrong darling?" Harry shrugs. "I'm just really tired and my stomach kind of hurts." His mum tuts and stands up, walking over to him and placing a hand to his forehead. She hums. "You do feel a bit warm. Let me grab you some medicine and then you can go lie down, ok?" He nods. "You said your stomach hurts?" He nods. "Anything else?" "I have a headache." She nods and pulls the bottles down from the cabinet, bringing it over to him. "Here darling. Take these. We're about to watch a movie, would you like to lie on the couch down here?" Harry rubs his eyes. He really would rather go to bed but the look on his mum's face makes him feel far too guilty to say so. "Sure." She smiles. "Alright good. We'll be in there in just a bit, ok? Go and lie down." Harry drags himself out of his seat and into the living room. He curls up on the couch and covers himself when a chill runs up his spine. He swallows thickly as the aftertaste of medicine makes his stomach go from achy to queasy. He closes his eyes for only a moment before the couch dips from another body sitting down. Harry opens his eyes and sees his mum beside him. "Are you asleep?" She coo's. He shrugs, a bit too out of it to talk much. She smiles and he feels a warm hand on his back. He closes his eyes and sighs, hoping the medicine will soon take effect. He feels a hand shaking him a while later and groans, swatting at it in annoyance. "Harry, its me. You fell asleep on the couch, love." Harry rubs his eyes sleepily and sits up. "How are you feeling?" "Tired." He slurs. She laughs and doesn't push the matter further, allowing him to pass her and go upstairs to his room. He cringes and presses his fingers to his temple upon entering his brightly lit bathroom. He brushes his teeth as quickly as he can and falls into bed miserably. He feels his phone vibrate and groans, patting his bed in search of it. His hand finally hits hard plastic and he brings it up to eye level, wincing when the bright light makes his head throb. "Babe :( I've called you three times since getting home. Are you mad at me?" It's Louis Tomlinson, Harry's boyfriend of two years and neighbor for fifteen . Although Harry feels awful, seeing the boy's name makes him smile. "Sorry Boo...I haven't felt well since school. I've been sleeping all day. I love you." He sets his phone down on the nightstand and sighs into his pillow. He hears another vibration and groans in annoyance. " :( I'm sorry, Haz. What's wrong?" "My stomach hurts and I have a headache. I'm really sorry I forgot to call. Please don't be mad but I'm really knackered and I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Boo, love you to the moon and back." He sends a few kissing emojis and places his phone back on the nightstand, finally going to sleep. When he wakes up again it's still dark out and for a moment he's confused as to why he's awake at all. But then he hears and feels an uncomfortable rumble in his tummy and burps sickly into his hand. His eyes bulge and he sits still for a moment until his body lurches forward. He rushes to his connecting bathroom and crashes to his knees in front of the toilet. He dry heaves several times but nothing comes up. He groans and spits into the water below him, standing up and flushing the toilet. He's glad he didn't throw up but he feels absolute miserable now. His skin is clammy and his stomach doesn't feel good at all. He lies on his cool sheets belly down and takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. His blaring alarm clock wakes him the next time and he feels like crying because it doesn't feel like he's gotten a wink of sleep at all. He still feels sick to his stomach and the thought of actually stepping out bed makes him want to cry. He has a test today otherwise he would be staying in bed and possibly not moving for the rest of the day. He sits up in his bed, throwing his legs over the side. He sighs and rubs a hand over his stomach and stands up trudging over to his closet and picking out a t shirt and jeans. He takes them to his bathroom and lies them down, picking up his toothbrush and scrubbing over his teeth. The minty toothpaste makes him nauseous so once he's done he spits and splashes his face with water, burying his head in his arms. He starts the shower and prays for a miracle recovery beneath the warm water. He steps into the water and hums when the water warms his chilled skin. He shouldn't feel this cold when his skin feels so very hot. He's got a fever. He knows that. He feels a nauseous wave crash over his stomach and leans down, spitting into the water rushing down the drain. He sets a hand on his stomach and takes in a few shaky breaths before he feels well enough to step out of the shower. He dresses and heads down to the kitchen where he hears his mum cooking breakfast. He sighs, sitting down at the island on one of the stools. "Hi darling." She hums, coming over to him and rubbing his back. "Still not feeling well?" He presses his face into his arms and shakes his head. "Oh lovely..I'm so sorry..do you want to stay home from school?" "Can't..I have a test." She tuts as he sits up and reveals his pale face. "Ugh my stomaaaaaach." He moans, scrunching his face. "I'll grab you some more medicine and a Sprite." She hums in his ear and heads over to the cabinet. - "TOMLINSON! SLOW DOWN!" "Rita, I am LITERALLY going the speed limit." Louis sasses out his window at the woman who regularly taunts him walking the street. "You're always speeding down the roads. I should call the cops on you." "Rita, I am honestly going slower than you are walking right now." "There are children in the neighborhood that play!" "RITA THEY WOULD GET HURT FAR WORSE BY RUNNING INTO YOU THAN RUNNING INTO MY CAR, I am going UNDER 25!" "I can't wait until you lot move away." "I can't wait until you d-" Louis rolls up his window, deciding not to engage in Rita's behavior this morning. He'd much rather see his boyfriend's massive dimples instead of the back of a police car. He skids by Rita, making sure his tires make the loudest noise possible and pulls into Harry's driveway. He smirks and jumps out from the car, walking to Harry's door and unlocking it with his key he's had since he was seven. "Harry, I decided to be civil with Ms. Rita. You'd be proud. I rolled my window before wishing her dea-hey, what's happened?!" He pouts as he sees his usually spritely curly headed boyfriend lying on the island with his head stuffed into his arms. Harry groans. "Anne?!" Louis asks. She shakes her head. "He's not feeling well." "Your stomach still? Do you have a fever?" Anne nods with a worried look on her face. "Well lets get you straight to bed then." "I have a test." Comes Harry's raspy reply making Louis' frown deepen. "So? Retake it." "Can't." Louis rolls his eyes. "You're honestly going to go to school like THIS?" Harry sits up and scrubs his face. "Thanks for the vote of confidence babe." "Oh stop it Hazza. You know what I meant. You look..ill." "I don't feel great." "Did you throw up?" He shakes his head. "That's at least something, I guess." "Come on, we've got to get to school." Anne bites her lip. "Harry, call me if you feel worse. And Louis? Call me for him if he won't." "Will do, Anne." "Drive safe!" Louis helps a very wobbly Harry out to the car and into the passenger seat. Harry sighs, lying his head on the cool glass window and a hand on his stomach. "You're sure you'll be ok today?" Harry shrugs. "I kind of have to be." "Does your stomach just hurt or are you feeling sick?" "Both." Louis chews his lip in worry. The car ride is silent and when Louis looks over at Harry, he realizes the boy has fallen back to sleep. He feels terrible shaking him awake but he has limited options. "Babe? We're here." Harry's eyes pop open and he looks around the car in confusion. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." "T's ok." Louis loops his arm with Harry's as the pair walk into school. They meet their friends Niall and Liam at their lockers and both boys gasp at Harry's appearance. "You look shit mate." Niall exclaims. "My stomach is killing me..." Harry mumbles, rubbing a hand over it. "Not that we don't love seeing your lovely face each day but what are you doing here this sick mate?" Harry shrugs. "I haven't thrown up or anything. I've got a test sixth period. Think I might go home after that." Louis looks at him in shock for giving up that easily. He must really be feeling shit. Louis barely makes it through his day worrying for Harry so much. He absolutely detests he doesn't have more classes with the boy. But it's lunch time now and then the next class is one he actually has with the curly headed lad. He can only hope the boy is feeling better now. He watches Liam walk in and waits impatiently for his curly headed boyfriend. He sees Niall walk in and frowns. Niall and Harry ALWAYS walk to lunch together. Louis rushes up to Niall and frowns in confusion. "Where's Harry?" Niall bites his lip. "He's...in the bathroom...he was feeling really rough last period. You might want to check on him." Louis brushes past Niall and books it to the restroom outside the cafeteria. He sees Harry braced against the sink, arms pressed to the counter as he swallows thickly and spits. "Oh Hazza.." Louis hums sadly, coming up behind the boy and rubbing his tummy. "Feel awful, Lou...." He mumbles, closing his eyes and pressing a hand to his stomach. Louis feels the way it grumbles and tumbles beneath his hands and frowns harder. "Oh love...your poor belly is so upset. Have you thrown up?" Harry groans, pressing his face into his hands. He hiccups and looks at Louis with a miserable look. "Not yet...but my stomach feels really bad..." "Come on, H. Lets go home, ok? Your mum even said you could go home if you needed to." Louis pulls on his arm but Harry stays put. "Come ON, love." "I can't...I-I can't...I feel really, really sick." "I know you do babe but-" Harry pulls his hand away from Louis'. "Just give me a minute." Louis frowns and watches as Harry dry heaves over the sink. He lets out a rather sickly warning burp and presses the back of his hand to his mouth, bumping shoulders with Louis to get to the restroom. He slams the door and locks it before Louis can make it inside. Louis hears the gags and retches from inside and beats on the door. "Harry, let me in! LET ME IN, PLEASE!" He hears Harry finally vomit and feels horrible he isn't there to rub his back and tell him everything's ok. Soon the door swings open and Harry appears, shoulders slouched and face pale with a hand placed on his stomach. "I threw up." "I know you did lovely.." Louis hums, tucking a tiny stray curl behind his ear. "Will you take me home?" He whimpers, curling his arms over his tummy and bending over slightly. Louis laughs sadly. "I've been trying to all day." He helps Harry out to his car and drives slowly back toward Harry's house. Harry curls up in the seat and groans as his stomach audibly grumbles sickly. "Can I have some air? I feel really bad again.." He mumbles. Louis quickly turns the air conditioner towards him and hears him take a few steady breaths. They make it back to his house without any incidents until they actually pull up. Harry jumps from the car and presses his hands to his knees, gagging and dry retching. He finally brings up a bit onto the pavement and this time, Louis is there to rub his back. Harry wipes his mouth miserably and tucks his head into Louis' shoulder. Louis opens the door again and walks slowly inside. "That's it love. Slow steps." Anne meets them in the doorway and frowns, immediately pulling his son's arm over to her. Harry falls into her chest with a groan. She hugs him lightly and rubs his back. "What happened?" She asks more directed toward Louis as Harry doesn't seem in any mood for conversation. "He started feeling worse and threw up in the bathroom before lunch. And...outside on the driveway." Louis says, scrunching his nose. "You feeling bad baby?" Anne hums, pulling Harry's head up. Harry nods with miserable, sick eyes. "I need to lie down.." She nods. "I'll bring up some medicine. Thanks for bringing him back, Lou." She says, giving Louis a hug. Louis helps a seriously staggering Harry up the stairs and smiles lightly when the boy falls into bed, curling up. Louis sits beside him and Harry groans, pulling his arms to his face. "Mm...thanks for bringing me back." "I'm just sorry you feel so terrible." "Just a tummy bug.." "Still doesn't feel good though, does it?" "Not at all." Louis lies down beside him and rubs his stomach gently. "Mm feels good." "Good." "You probably shouldn't be lying with me, Lou. I'm really contagious right now." Louis tuts. "Nonsense. I'm never leaving you."
0 notes
ourblaxton · 6 years
Srry for beening late! In this world, cities thrive and people live in peace. At least all but one. Axel, a sophomore at Cardinal High, life was going to change for the better or the worse. We shall let fate decide. Axel. My father named me this way as a kind of quirky way to say excel. I'm supposed to be the best in my classes. Always on top of my grades without fail or difficulty. Unfortunately, I’m not that great at school. Anyways, it’s sophomore year and I can’t wait to get back to summer. “Be safe Axel and make perfect grades.” My father bellowed from home. I look back and wave nervously. I made my way to school my friends finding their way behind me. “Boo!” “Gah!”, I tripped at the surprise. “Oh sorry, Axel, are you ok?” “Yea, man my head.” I turn my gaze upward and find my best friend, Zhou Furenbu. “ Hope I didn’t scare ya too hard.” He chuckled with that signature grin of his.”Anyways, come on we don’t want to be late.” Zhou ran ahead of me. I quickly followed. Just as boring as usual. Teachers telling us what going to happen this year and that we are expected to keep our grades up. “Class quiet down! *ahem* We have a new transfer student if you would introduce your self.” A guy with coarse black hair and a silver highlight came through the door. His body was really muscular like he was in the army. “I am Kan Haru.” He had such a soft voice. I was lost in thought when he finally sat next. My face turned a slight red, with my heart racing, and my palms sweat bullets. I could barely pay attention to the lesson. All I could do take glances, his face was so focus. Such a stern look I couldn’t bare. “What! And you just look at him!” Zhou shouted at me with a frustrated tone. “I mean, yea I did I just didn’t know what to say.” we start to go our way behind the school like we do every day when… *Crash* “Huh?!” we both were startled when we saw a 5-foot wolf smashing into the fence. Zhou grabbed my wrist and tugged making me move but there he was. Kan with a rope of chain fighting it off. I couldn’t just leave him, he could die I could lose him. I ripped myself from Zhou’s fearful grip and charge towards the monster. Tear in eye I call out for Kan. “Hold on! I’ll save you!”, Kan then shoved the monster high up into the air. The chain he was holding glowed a dark purple hue. Though the hooked blade shines a red, bright light. As soon as that happened the monster smashed against the ground, bleeding from the cheek. “You should’ve been more careful, you could’ve gotten hurt.” Well, are you. My mind couldn’t wrap around what happened. All I could see was Kan’s chest and abs in full view. My face must’ve been boiling red cause he touched my forehead. “You’re burning up.” “Huh?” “Axel!!”, I could see Zhou sprinting at me like it was track in middle school. “I’m coming buddy!”, and he trips face down into the dirt. “I’m alright you idi-”, Kan suddenly picked me up. “Huh, where are you taking me?”’ “To the nurse’s office.”, Kan’s arms were warm, his chest so close to my face I could almost touch it. His grip was so protective, so assertive it felt nice. The inside of the building was dark no one was there. “Sorry about this.”’ “No, it’s ok school was released for a while now.”’ “No, about this.”, he set me down and I was able to balance my feet. “Huh, what?” when I look up a swift hit to the gut got me down on my knees. I look up and wheez “why…”, my vision slowly haze. I wake to the arguing of two people constantly going back and forth. “ You really thought to bring a priest here would be a good idea.”’ ‘“ I didn’t know he was!” I could tell that it was Kan’s voice but it sounded more stern and rustic. I get up to see an old man with a short grey beard. Then I see Kan but I was shocked to death his body was a dark navy blue with eyes that had no pupils. “ Who are you two?!” I jumped off the table and went for the closest weapon I could find. Unluckily, it was a rusty pipe cover in brown spots. “ Whoa there, calm down kid.”, the old man slowly approach. “STAY BACK!” I was shaking in my boots barely holding on to the pipe. “Just relax it’s me, Kan.” The darkness scattered from his face until it showed the face I adored most. “Where am I, please just tell me I want to go home.” My head on his chest begging. “Whoa hold on.” He caresses his hand along my face, “ I never like to see you cry.” He acted as he knew me for years. His eyes dark sapphire-like. They were so sincere with a slow glow. “Ahem!” We turn to see the old man giving us a tempered look like he was waiting for something. “ You guys doing fooling around?” I realized the warmth on my face as I’m deep in Kan’s chest. His arms around me. “ I’ll take him home don’t worry about it,” I was still at shock at what happened. The grumpy looking make then just shoved us out of the house. I don’t know why but I grateful that he didn’t lock the door with us inside. “ Hey I’m sorry about my old man, he can be such a fuss,” Kan's face was so embarrassed, his face lit with a slit shade of pink. We’ve walked for about fifteen minutes now getting closer to my house with every second. My stomach is dropping with every step. Thinking how my parents will react. My dad would probably give me his stone dead stare and mom would be frantic asking me where was or who was I out wit-. Kan, I forgot if my parents see Kan then they might think. I interrupted by the sound of Kan’s voice, “ This is it right” “ Oh yea... That’s it.” “Well let’s see if anyone is home” I quickly grab his hand. “We can’t…” “Hm? Why not? Are your parents not at home?” I can’t come up with an excuse before the door opens,and the light from the porch shining. “Axelsen Kray Cuneta! What are you doing out this late!? It’s 12:18 pm!” I can hear the fast-paced stomps coming from behind her now. Great dad… “Who are you?” my dad stone cold voice rips through the air. Shoot I forgot about Kan! “Um, dad he’s an f-friend of mine,” “We have math together Mr.Cuneta,” My dad gives him a piercing glare. I swear it could cut through pure steel. He just glared at us. I guide Kan into my couch.”Listen, your father and I have work in the morning your friend can stay in your room good night.” I sigh “I’m sorry Kan you can go home if you want to.” “ I’ll stay for the night” “You sure?!” “ Yea.” My heartbeat picks up, He’s going to stay in my room! I only have one bed! Where will he sleep! Will he sleep with me! Would he want t-! “Hey! You okay you're burning up again.” I touch my face in disbelief. I was fuming red! “Come on you need some rest.” “Yea, maybe so.” Back in my room, still looked like a mess. At least my bed was clean.”I’m sorry there’s only one bed.” “We can share it.” Wait what?! He wants to share it! Kan makes his way to the bed undressing slowly.”Wait! Are you sure you wouldn’t me to sleep on the couch I’m fine with that if you are…,” I’m met with Kan in his underwear. His furry chest, dark sapphire-like eyes, and a massive bulge.” U-um, I-I.” I could barely string a sentence.” Hey, come on your not going to undress.” My body moves on its own. Taking my shirt, jeans, shoes, and socks off one by one.Soon I was only in my elastic underwear.”Now that's better come on let’s get some rest.” Diving on to the bed, I can feel the cold silk of the bed sheets. I can instantly relax.” Good night Axel,” “ Goodnight Kan.” In the middle of the night, I feel an arm wrap around my stomach. I flinched.” Sorry just wanted to hold something I hope you don’t mind,” I turned in my bed towards him.”Kan, I can’t lie to my self anymore I like you, I like you.” He doesn’t look shocked, more relieved actually.” At least you finally admit it.” I’m shocked did he see me all this time. The short glances, slight movements, and my …..”Don’t worry I like you too,” “You really.” I could feel my self tearing up, I could barely contain myself.”Hey, you know I don’t like to see you cry.” Chapter 1-A New Scene I hope you like it Picture of Axel coming out shortly
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