#ok i see a number of you are awake ahah OK FINE HERE you better give me feedback then!!!
spacedlexi · 3 years
violentine fic snippets 😳🍊💜 pls i need someone to read this
the last few paragraphs are now basically an unintentional direct middle finger to skybound
Violet and Clementine were tasked with fishing duty. The snow crunched under their feet as the two made their way out quietly towards the old shack. Although the both of them had become close during the ordeal with the raiders, a certain silence always seemed to settle upon them when they went down to the river, when they saw that busted up old truck. They both missed Brody, but it still hurt to think about her, and so they said nothing.
Clementine looked up towards the heavy clouds that hung above their heads, and her face twisted. These kinds of clouds once made her excited this time of year, but now it really only ever brought a sense of dread. Nothing good ever happens when it snows anymore.
The silence between the two was only broken once they finally made their way inside the shack, the both of them shivering as they stomped the snow off their boots.
"Fuck," Violet cursed as she rubbed at her arms, trying to generate some heat. Clementine was already making her way to the back of the small, cluttered room where the gear lay against the wall. Violet quickly joined the other girl's side, leaning down to grab one of the buckets.
As she did so, she kept her eyes averted from the carving in the wall that she was all too aware of.
That one hurt to think about too.
"Shit, Clem, I- I can't see anything!"
The girls both held their arms across their faces, trying to shield their eyes against the snow. They had tried to head for the school, but Clementine was still new to these woods, and if Violet couldn't tell where to go...
Frustrated, Clementine turned back, following their fresh tracks before they began to disappear. "Violet, we have to go back to the shack, we can't just stumble around out here." Just because walkers were slower in the winter didn't mean they couldn't still be a threat. She was getting wet from snow and sweat and it was chilling her to the bone.
"Fuck...fuck..." Violet quietly berated herself as she relented, turned and hurriedly caught up to Clementine's side, keeping close as to not get separated. She couldn't believe how quickly this weather had set in, and how much it obscured her vision. Violet had never been caught in such a storm before.
But it was not Clementine's first bad storm, and as the two trudged together through the snow, she wished they had just left with the few fish when they had the chance. Walking around, lost in the woods, in the snow and the blinding fog... It brought back dreadful memories.
Clementine still watched the other girl from the corner of her gaze, smiling in slight amusement at the frustrated pout on Violet's face. Her hair was slowly melting and it dripped off of her hands, soaking into the already damp fabric of her long sleeves.
Clementine would be lying if she said she didn't have deeper feelings for the other girl, but she had seen that heart carved deep into the wall. She knew what, or rather who "V+M" stood for, and she told AJ it meant they must've been a couple. Girlfriends...
After everything that had happened with the raiders... with Minnie... Clementine wasn't sure what Violet was feeling about that whole situation, and she didn't want to make the other girl feel like she had to talk about it. There's plenty of her own past that she'd rather not think about.
So Clementine kept her distance, even though she only wanted to be closer.
"You look like a wet cat." She finally piped up, trying to break through the last bit of tension.
"...Shut up..." It was a weak response behind a tiny, amused smile. Violet tried to hide it, turning her head away, but Clementine could see it, could hear the laugh in her voice.
She wasn't the most skilled at the craft, but Violet managed to cut the meat off of one of the fish, then used the bucket to fry their meal over the fire.
"I know it's been, like, practically a decade, but eating food like this sucks..."
Clementine laughed at that. "Trust me, there are worse things people are eating out there right now."
Violet gave a short laugh in return, "Oh yeah, didn't you say you ate a dude's leg once?"
"Hey, I said I was joking about that," Clementine playfully pushed Violet's shoulder with her own, and they both laughed. "I /almost/ ate a dude's leg once." But Clementine's laughter died down as the events of that evening from so long ago began to resurface in her mind.
There really weren't many happy memories left.
As Violet set the buckets by the fire, she noticed Clementine had removed her prosthetic. It rested now against the side of the hearth, its rabbit hide absorbing the heat. She looked at it fondly, the familiar leather strap and red lace making memories resurface in her mind.
"I still can't believe AJ and Willy really asked Lou and I to help them get your boot back," Violet said as she went to sit back down where she had been earlier, a tired smile on her face.
Clementine let out a short laugh as she watched Violet come back around. "Honestly? I can't believe you both said yes."
Violet was too embarrassed to say that she didn't even hesitate at their request, so instead talked about the others. "Well, Louis wasn't exactly /thrilled/ about the idea... Ha, you should've seen his face once we found it. And AJ just went over and picked it up like it was nothing." She adjusted her voice, trying to mimic the young boy, "He was all, /What? I cut it off, didn't I?/"
The story made Clementine laugh, at least a bit. It also made her unable to look away from the empty space where her left foot once belonged. She sighed, "Yeah, he's a brave kid..."
Then the room fell silent, and Violet began to worry if maybe she shouldn't have said anything. Clementine nor AJ had told the rest of the kids the full story of what happened to them out in the woods, but she doubted that it brought back any good memories. Before she could worry too much, Clementine spoke up once more.
"If he had listened to me... Well, let's just say, you don't know /how/ relieved I was when I woke up in my bed."
"Me too." The words left Violet's mouth before they even had a chance to filter in her brain, and she tensed. "Uh, I mean-" she scrambled to save face, "we all were, Clem..."
Violet remembered that night clearly. She remembered barely making it back to the school herself. She remembered that awful, sunken feeling in her chest when she realized Clementine and AJ were still somewhere out in the woods. She had wandered the old safe zone, too nervous to rest and too ashamed of herself to be around the others. She had just left them on the other side of that chain link fence. Clementine was injured and Violet had just... left her there.
"I just..." Violet hesitated, knowing something stupid was about to come out of her mouth, but she couldn't stop herself. "There were just so many times that night that I- uh..." she swallowed her stutter. "We were just so afraid that we'd never see you again..."
Clementine looked up at that, the words reminding her of ones she heard during that night in question. Tennessee had confessed to her just how lost and scared they had been on their own, and when Clementine turned to lock her eyes with Violet's, she could see that fear that Tennessee had talked about.
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere."
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jeonggukingdom · 4 years
splinters of love •  day XVII [myg]
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pairing  ⟶ min yoongi x fem!Reader
summary  ⟶ a collection of drabbles (one for each day of April) based on prompts by an online prompts’ generator site. Specifically  ⟶  • day XVII ↳ in which Yoongi feels lonely and decides to text a random number in search of a friend and you are the one at the other end of the line.
genre  ⟶ fluff, a little tiny bit of crack, a drop of angst
rating  ⟶ G
word count ⟶ 1.832 words
warnings  ⟶ there are mentions of depression the first part of this drabble so if it triggers you, avoid it please! The rest might give you cavities instead so be ware lol
series masterlist  ⟶ here  (links on mobile may not work, if you’re looking for all the works in this series, you can click on the “!splintersoflove” tag and you’ll find them all there!)
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His eyes fix on the world outside his window, the silence of his apartment enveloping him whole.
It’s one of those nights when he feels heavy inside and so desperately alone it is almost hard to breathe.
The sky is black and littered with little shining stars and usually, the sight would soothe his aching heart, put him at peace enough for him to fall asleep like this.
Tonight, though, it feels different.
He yearns for the human touch, the words of affection or even more simply, some company.
But he has none of those because he chose this for himself. He cut ties with everyone in his life, he moved to a city far away from his own and then, he avoided making friends or falling in love, too afraid of his heart being shattered again if he did, just like it happened in the past.
Most of the times, Yoongi is pretty fine with this but there are nights much like this very own that he simply cannot rest, cannot function knowing how flat, lonely and simply sad his life is.
On nights like these, he wonders if he really made the right choice, if it really worked to keep his heart to himself and save it from other people. After all, isn’t his heart aching still?
His fingers quiver as he picks up his phone to seek refuge in the distraction of social media in whatever form available but even that feels suffocating tonight.
Everyone looks happy or in love or surrounded by friends or maybe it just does because he yearns for these things, so much so he cannot see through the cracks, through the lies reflected into pictures online that reflect only a fraction of the reality surrounding someone else’s life.
He heaves out a sigh, closes his eyes and then opens them again to fix them on his screen. He doesn’t know why he does it but, in an instant, he’s putting in a random string of numbers onto his phone and sending it the most basic and stupid text he has ever sent in his entire life.
[3:05 AM] Unknown: Hello
Your phone chimes and you grunt, twist under your covers and reluctantly open your eyes to see who would text you at this ungodly hour.
Your brows furrow at the unknown number displayed on the screen and you would normally toss your phone away and never think about the text ever again but, quite frankly, you are pissed.
This person, whoever that is, woke you up from your deep slumber for absolutely no reason. Oh, you are feral.
[3:05 AM] You: Do you have any idea what time it is???
Yoongi’s mouth opens as he stares at the screen. Not only he actually managed to input an existent number but the person behind the screen actually responded.
His heart is beating frantically in his chest, his breath turning laboured as he sits up on his bed, wets his lips and with trembling fingers, types down his response.
[3:06 AM] Unknown: Yes, fuck, sorry. I… I didn’t think someone would actually respond.
You look at your phone with your mouth agape. Is this person high or something?
You shake your head, close your eyes and try to get back to sleep but after a few minutes, you have to accept the fact that now, you are fully awake and this nuthead is to blame for it.
[3:15 AM] You: Who the hell are you? Do I know you?
Yoongi thought his luck had already run out when you didn’t respond in the next two minutes or so. He had let himself fall back on his bed, trained his eyes on the world outside and just sighed in defeat.
His heart almost jumps out of his chest as his phone chimes and even without looking, he knows it must be you because, pitifully enough, nobody else would text him and especially not at this ungodly hour.
He bites his bottom lip, scratches the uncombed top of his head almost as if you were in front of him, scrutinizing him, judging him and his mop of mint hair.
[3:16 AM] Unknown: No, we don’t know each other… Honestly, I was feeling lonely and I tried to text a random number and I really didn’t think anyone would receive it let alone answer it…
You look at your phone, blinking a few times as if by doing that the words written there will change but, obviously, they don’t and before you know it you are laughing at the absurdity of it all.
Should you believe this stranger? Or is this some type of scam of some sort that you are simply too-sleep-deprived to see through? What if this is a stalker or something?
Against your better judgment, you text them back.
[3:19 AM] You: You are crazy.
Yoongi laughs at the text, nods his head a couple of times in agreement because honestly, who in their right mind texts a random stranger in the night seeking for company? Nobody.
Well, apparently, him.
[3:19 AM] You: Well, I don’t think I’m going to fall asleep anytime soon thanks to you so…What’s your name?
He blinks a few times, baffled by the fact that you are still playing along, giving him the attention he was yearning for so easily… he wonders if you are a teenager or something, naive and unaware of the dangerous world outside.
[3:20 AM] Unknown: Yoongi… yours?
[3:20 AM] You: ________.
[3:20 AM] You: Crap, should have used a fake name… are you a creep or something?
[3:21 AM] Yoongi: Would I tell you if I were, though? Lol
[3:21 AM] You: You may have a point, lonely stranger. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to trust you… but just so you know I own a taser and I’m not afraid to use it.
Yoongi laughs at your words and he fails to notice how his heart grows bigger in his chest, how the smile is permanent on his lips as he is talking to you. He fails to notice how his body relaxes naturally the longer he text you like this, gets to know you a tad bit more.
This random stranger… You feel impossible to him, like a dream and that’s why he wants to keep this moment closer, cherish it while it lasts so that it can soothe his loneliness, placate his rattled mind even if it’s just for one night.
You talk and talk and it’s weird but natural at the same time and he barely notices how the sky switches from black to bright orange and later, into cerulean blue because the entire time, his eyes are fixed on the screen, on you.
[6:55 AM] You: Lonely boy, you have officially kept me awake the entire night… I’m gonna be a zombie at work thanks to you ç.ç
[6:55 AM] Yoongi: Oh, I didn’t notice it was so late already
[6:56 AM] Yoongi: I’m sorry? XD
[6:57 AM] You: What a sincere apology -.-”
[6:57 AM] Yoongi: I don’t have much else to offer, you know? Ahah
[6:58 AM] You: Well, shouldn’t you at least try to make it up to me???
[6:58 AM] Yoongi: Ok, how do you suggest I do that, exactly?
[6:59 AM] You: I don’t know, just figure it out, lol
Yoongi bites his bottom lip, his heart beating really fast in his chest while he feels absolutely euphoric, delirious even but also incredibly stupid because what is all of this?
What the hell is he even doing? Throwing outside the window all of his precautions as if they meant nothing before last night?
With the sun up in the sky rationality seeps back in, shakes him from the bubble he had been living in the entire night and just like that, he wavers.
[7:30 AM] You: Woah, you thinking that hard about it? I was half-kidding anyways, you know?
His silence feels weird. Which is odd because you’ve spoken for what, three hours and you already miss him? It feels absolutely nuts, just as much as last night does now as you get out of your pajamas and slip on your work clothes for another day at the office.
[7:45 AM] You: You passed out or something? Well, I gotta go to work… it was fun talking to you.
The hours pass and he doesn’t text you back. Not in two hours, not in four, not in six and you don’t even know why you care so damn much but a little tiny part of you wonders what might have scared him away when he was the one seeking the company in the first place.
You exhale loudly as you close the door behind your back, get yourself out of those damn heels and simply relax on your couch while sipping on a glass of red wine, your favourite.
Just then, your phone chimes.
[9:10 PM] Yoongi: Hey…
[9:10 PM] You: Ring the bells, he lives!
[9:10 PM] Yoongi: Sorry for disappearing… I… had a lot on my mind.
[9:11 PM] You: You don’t have to justify yourself with me, Yoongi-ssi. We don’t even know each other.
He grimaces at your words because stupidly enough, it feels like you do know each other. Hell, he is certain you know him more than anyone else in his life as of now does which is of course extremely sad but nonetheless the utter truth.
Your words sting but he knows they are somewhat true to you and that he deserves them.
He crashed into your life uninvited and then disappeared just as fast.
He had made up his mind that he was going to let all of this go early this morning but now, he wavers again and before he can stop himself, he does something he would have never imagined.
[9:13 PM] Yoongi: I’d love to change that, though. I know this might sound crazy and you’re free to say no of course but… I’d like to meet you. Like, in person.
A small smile stretches on your lips as you open the picture he sent you last night. He looked adorable under his white covers with his tangled hair, sleepy eyes and pouty lips and you had immediately tried to ignore the way your heart rate increased just a little bit while looking at his selfie.
You also tried to ignore how it started beating even faster when he called you cute when you sent one in return but now, as you look back at his photo, you can’t ignore any of those signs and before you can stop and think about what you’re doing, your fingers tap on the screen your response.
[9:15 PM] You: Thought you’d never ask, lonely boy.
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Copyright © 2020 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. Do not repost, do not steal, do not translate without consent.
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dragonflybelle · 7 years
Osomatsu-san PS Vita game translation - Osomatsu 01 – Allowance
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Osomatsu: You guys understand, right? I won’t forgive any screw ups. Choromatsu: Of course, Osomatsu-niisan. Karamatsu: Right, because today is a day which will never come again. I will shine again in a different way tomorrow too. Ichimatsu: Shut up, Shittymatsu. Todomatsu: Forgot about that, let’s hurry up and go! Karamatsu: Really!? Jyushimatsu: Alright, play ball! Hit and run!!
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Osomatsu: Good morning, mother! Karamatsu: Oh, beautiful. You’re shining even more than I am, Mummy. Matsuyo: ... ... ... ... Ichimatsu: ... ... Are your shoulders stiff? Jyushimatsu: Nice batting! Hustle hustle!! Matsuyo: ... ... ... ... Choromatsu: Come now, Mum, forgot about this noisy bunch. Todomatsu: Right, right. Hey, you know what today is, right? You understand? For your cute sons. Matsuyo: ... ... ... ... Osomatsu: Hey Mum, your silence is scary. Matsuyo: Sighhhhhhhh. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Choromatsu: So long! Her sighs are so long! And she sighed twice!! Matsuyo: That’s because you made me want to sigh. You boys understand that right? Osomatsu: Of course! Today is wonderful allowance day! Choromatsu: I’ve been helping with clearing up after dinner since yesterday. Osomatsu: Ah, what are you doing trying to get ahead! If you get more than me, I’ll knock you down! Todomatsu: Yeah, if that’s the case, then I helped out with errands. And I returned the leftover change properly. Osomatsu: Ehh? When did you do that? Why don’t you tell me these things? Matsuyo: Sighhhhhhhhhhh. Choromatsu: She sighed deeply again! Matsuyo: Well, fine. Your mother has given up already. Right, here’s your allowance for this month. Ichimatsu: ...Oh, it’s in an envelope. Jyushimatsu: Lots of money! Splash the cash with bills! Osomatsu: Seriously? ...Wait, huh? What’s this, Mum? My envelope only had 500 yen in it. Karamatsu: Mine too, brother. Todomatsu: Mine too... Osomatsu: Hey wait Mum, this joke is too mean. You’ll get it if you think about it a bit. We’re adults already, right? What can we do with 500 yen? Even fast food costs a bit more that that these days. And pachinko is generally a minimum of 1000 yen. And you don’t know if you’re going to win even with 10,000 yen, let alone 1000. Anyway! Give me a proper allowance right away. Hurry up, hurry up! Choromatsu: Typical Osomatsu-niisan... The one thing you excel at is making demands without any awareness of your own position.
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Matsuyo: ... ... ... I see. Osomatsu: That’s great of you, Mum! From this month onwards I’d like to get around 30,000. Matsuyo: Ok, I’m confiscating all of this. Osomatsu: Ehh? No no, I’ll take it for what it is. If I can take Karamatsu’s allowance, I’ll have 1000 Yen and be able to play pachinko. Karamatsu: Hey, brother!? Matsuyo: No. I won’t give it back. You see, your mother is tired of going through this. So I’m only going to say this one more time. You are adults, so get jobs for yourselves! Osomatsu and Karamatsu: !? Matsuyo: You see, even 500 yen is wasted on a NEET, so I’m confiscating it. Naturally, there will be no more allowance form next month onwards. Osomatsu: No way! Then how are we supposed to live? Matsuyo: Get a job. Osomatsu: That’s impossible. Todomatsu: Have some consideration for cute little me, ok? Karamatsu: I’m begging you too, Mummy. We still need some time to run along the ground before we can take flight... Matsuyo: Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I see. From now on allowances will be awarded on a points based system. If you help out with things around the house, then I will give you points. At the end of the month, the person with the highest number of points will get all of you NEETs’ allowance. Ok? I will combine all of your allowance and give it to the person who helps around the house the most. Osomatsu: Ehhhhhh... That’s such a pain...
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Osomatsu: So this is the points chart. Todomatsu: Show me show me. What’s this...? Shoulder rub: One point. Shopping: Two points. Clean the hallway: Two points. Clean the yard: Three points. Clean the Toilet: Five points Ichimatsu: ...Sounds like effort. Jyushimatsu: One point, two points, three points, four points, game changing home run smash! Osomatsu: Sigh... I’m gonna pass. If you guys want to do it, then go ahead and do what you want. Todomatsu: Yeah, I’m not bothered either. I could just work part time normally anyway. Karamatsu: I would lose time I could spend composing poems to my Girls. Osomatsu: Well then, I’m going out for a bit.
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Osomatsu: ... Not really. There’s a new pachinko machine coming out next week that I really want to try so I need some extra battle funds. I’m going to clean the toilet before they realise. Osomatsu: And with this, I get five points. That was a pain, but at least it’s better than working.
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Matsuyo: My, my, have you really finished cleaning the toilet? Osomatsu: Even I can do things if I try. So give me my allowance. Matsuyo: Yeah, yeah... hey, what’s this? Osomatsu: ... ...? !? Matsuyo: It’s incredibly dirty! Why have you made it dirtier like you’re playing some kind of prank? Ah, I despair, why can’t you tell the difference between number two and number one even though you’re an adult now! Osomatsu: No, this isn’t what it looks like! I did it properly!! Matsuyo: Yeah, yeah. Call me when you’ve cleaned it up. Or rather, until you clean the toilet properly, I won’t give you any more points.
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Osomatsu: Shit! Those jerks...! Osomatsu: Ok, ok! Matsunos assemble! If you don’t get here soon I’ll kill you!
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Choromatsu: You’re being too noisy in this little house, Osomatsu-niisan. Osomatsu: One of you is the culprit. I am going to punish the culprit. Karamatsu: You’re making too much of a fuss about this, brother. Jyushimatsu: Thump thump! Thump with a bat!
Osomatsu: That’s right, I’m going to lock the culprit in a room with Jyushimatsu and a bat for a week. Jyushimatsu: Nice batting! Come at me!
Todomatsu: That’ll kill anyone other than Ichimatsu-niisan.  Choromatsu: Well, why are you making a fuss about who’s culprit for something? Osomatsu: Somebody messed up the toilet real bad. If you come forward now, I’ll let you off with only 100 Jyushimatsus. Choromatsu: What kind of unit of counting is that? Todomatsu: And anyway, what happened exactly? Are you saying someone tried to get ahead by cleaning the toilet and getting some points? Osomatsu: You’re out, Todomatsu. Do it, Jyushimatsu. Jyushimatsu: Aye, sir! Camel clutch! Todomatsu: Ah, That huuuuuuuurts! I give up! I give up! Ichimatsu: ...You’re being too heavy handed. Even if it’s because you can’t tell the difference between a number one and a number two. Osomatsu: You’re out too, Ichimatsu! Jyushimatsu: Aye, sir! Ichimatsu: Whaaaaa! Osomatsu: How do you two know I cleaned the toilet and about the number one and number two thing. Even though I haven’t said one word about that. Choromatsu: Ah...shit. Karamatsu: W, wait, brother! We were just watching...! Choromatsu: Tha, that’s right! We’re innocent! Because, hey, aren’t we your irreplaceable brothers? Osomatsu: Do it. Jyushimatsu: Aye, sir! Choromatsu: Whaaaaaaa! Karamatsu: Arghhhhhh! Osomatsu: That was a pointless battle... Still, if we continue to pull each other down like this, then there’s no way us getting jobs is ever going to go well. I better at least report what happened to that person. Hello... yeah, it’s me. My brothers have been causing some problems for me.
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Option One: Try being considerate of each other Osomatsu: Hah? After all this time? Even after what they’ve done to me? ... ... ... ... Well, I guess it’s true. And I am the oldest after all. ...Damn, I don’t really have any other choice. Oi, you guys. How much longer are you going to lie there for. I’m tired already, let’s go to bed early.
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Osomatsu: (........... hmm......... Huh, I woke up even though it’s still night. Well, whatever. I’ll go back to sleep. ......... ......... What? Why do I have a bad feeling about this... ...!? What was that sound just now? Is there someone else awake? Karamatsu and Ichimatsu!? What is that! I’m scared! Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu as well!? W, wait, could it be… are they angry about what happened earlier and are planning to attack me while I’m asleep. Shit... I’ll take them out first! They shouldn’t take there big brother so lightly! ...Wait, Huh?! Nothing’s happened, or rather, everyone left the room and hasn’t come back. That’s it...! They went to get their weapons ready! Well I’m not going to let them! Where did those guys go... There they are! ...Wait, huh? What are they doing in the toilet?)
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Todomatsu: Arghh, why are we cleaning the toilet in the middle of the night... Seriously, you went too far Jyushimatsu. Jyushimatsu: I always pitch at full power! Nice curve! Ichimatsu: ...Whatever, someone rinse this cloth and bring it back. Choromatsu: Uwah, the toilet stinks! Karamatsu stinks! Karamatsu: Brother!? I smell like the toilet!? Osomatsu: (Those guys... could it be they’re even trying to get points in the middle night!? That’s not on!) Todomatsu: But I bet Osomatsu-niisan’s going to be pretty surprised. Choromatsu: That’s right. He’ll suddenly have more points. Osomatsu: (Eh...?) Ichimatsu: But are you guys sure this is ok? There must be things that you wanted to buy. Karamatsu: Heh, that’s a silly question, brother. We are sextuplets. If we are going to grasp happiness, then it must be together. Todomatsu: Well, when he gets the points and receives the money, we’ll have to have Osomatsu-niisan increase it at pachinko and give it back to us. Choromatsu: That’s right. Whatever we do with it, it’s not very much. You couldn’t buy much more than a CD with it. Osomatsu: (Those guys... Big brother is going to do his best! I’ll line up from the morning and get a seat at pachinko for sure! ... But, well, that doesn’t quite feel like enough. Maybe I should secretly clear up the yard a bit...)
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Osomatsu: Wha, what is that!? There’s a huge poo in the backyard!? Jyushimatsu: But everyone was in the toilet and I couldn’t use it. Aha! Ahah ahaha! Osomatsu: This is no laughing matter!
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Matsuyo: That’s right... This isn’t a laughing matter. And more importantly, you lot are being too noisy in the middle of the night! No allowance for the time being! Osomatsu: Ehhhhhhhhhhhh!? Option Two: Try to get your mother to believe you.
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Osomatsu: It is true that things would have been different if Mum had believed me more. Well, I think believing a shitty NEET would be less likely than not believing them though. Yeah... ...Alright, I got it! This is for the sake of money! I have to. Osomatsu: Mum, do you have a moment? Matsuyo: What is it, Osomatsu? Did you finish cleaning the toilet already? Osomatsu: Please! Right now! Give me an allowance!!
Matsuyo: Ehh!? You’re down on your knees all of a sudden!?
Osomatsu: I’ve taken everything for granted up until now! This lifestyle consisting of nothing more than not working, eating, sleeping and going to pachinko! But I want to put a stop to it all! I want to be reborn!
Matsuyo: Osomatsu...
Osomatsu: But... In order to do so, I’m going to need some funding... I need to buy resume sheets to fill in, get some photographs taken, buy some job information magazines... and there’s travel costs too. So right now! Please give me and allowance!
???: Wait a minute!
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Choromatsu: Mum! Don’t let yourself be tricked by him!
Karamatsu: It’s true, mother. My brother’s eyes are lying eyes. I can tell.
Osomatsu: Are you guys trying to stop me again!
Choromatsu: And look, getting on your knees to beg so easily, don’t you have any pride?
Osomatsu: I don’t!
Karamatsu: That was fast!
Osomatsu: She’s not going to give even one yen to you!
Choromatsu: ...Damn... I’m sorrrrry!
Karamatsu: Eh!? You’re on your knees too!?
Choromatsu: But... But I have to buy a lot of Nyaa-chan CDs. Handshake tickets and autograph tickets and photo tickets... No matter how much money I have, it’s never enough! If you think of it like that, then what does it matter if you have to grovel on your knees once or twice!!
Karamatsu: Geh... I, I...I’m sorry too! I want to buy this ultra-thrilling hot jacket that just came out...! So give me some too! Give me some allowance!!
Osomatsu: No, I’m the one who needs that allowance the most! Mum! No, Goddess!
Choromatsu: Ah, hey, stop it with that flattery! I, I... If I get reincarnated, I’d like to go out with you Mum!
Osomatsu: Eh... that would put anyone off.
Karamatsu: You can join my Karamatsu Girls, my pretty Mummy.
Osomatsu: No, Mum! Don’t fall for such an obvious lie... Huh? Where is she?
Choromatsu: She’s gone...
Karamatsu: Hmm, she left some kind of note.
Note: Go out and work, NEETs.
Osomatsu: ............ Muuuum! Please give me allowaaaaance!
Option Three: How about considering getting a job after all?
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Osomatsu: Sigh... I guess there’s no other way. Although I did know really. That earning money properly would be hard. But hey... that means I’m not the only one who needs to work hard. Or rather, I just need to make everyone other than me work hard. That’s right, that’s the best way. So let’s give that guy a call. Ah, hello, Iyami? It’s me. No, this isn’t a scam, it’s Osomatsu. Are you short of a few workers at all over there? Cos I’ve got a couple of hard working guys to spare. That’s right. The one thing NEETs do have is a lot of time and energy to spare. Yeah, I’ll send them to you later. And put the finder’s fee into my account, that’s right. 90% of their wages. Right. All that’s left is to send them off to Iyami’s place. Why didn’t I think of something so simple before? I’ll be able to have their allowances all to myself. And they’ll be able to work and that’ll make Mum happy. It won’t be killing two birds with one stone, but three or four! Well, my brain just got a workout, I think I’ll take a little nap.
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Choromatsu: Did you hear that just now?
Ichimatsu:... I heard it.
Jyushimatsu: It’s a new record!
Choromatsu: This means...
Ichimatsu: We have to get him before he gets us.
Jyushimatsu: Game opening home run! Wasshoi! Wasshoi!
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Osomatsu: Eh... huh... where am I...? I feel kind of out it.
Dekapan: Hmm hmm. Quite a lively specimen here.
Dayon: He’s a NEET so he has an untarnished body, dayon!
Osomatsu: I can’t... move...!? And why is the only thing I’m wearing a towel!?
Dekapan: Mwafafa...
Osomatsu: Eh? Hey, hey? What are you doing? What are you going to do?
Dekapan: Hoe hoe hoe hoe.
Dayon: Dayon dayon dayon.
Osomatsu: C, could it be... Have I been sold...!?
Dekapan: Hoe hoe hoe hoe.
Dayon: Dayon dayon dayon.
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Osomatsu: S, stop... stop that...! I want to go to my wedding with a pure body...!
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