#UHH ive never posted a fic on tumblr before i dont have a tag for this
spacedlexi · 3 years
violentine fic snippets 😳🍊💜 pls i need someone to read this
the last few paragraphs are now basically an unintentional direct middle finger to skybound
Violet and Clementine were tasked with fishing duty. The snow crunched under their feet as the two made their way out quietly towards the old shack. Although the both of them had become close during the ordeal with the raiders, a certain silence always seemed to settle upon them when they went down to the river, when they saw that busted up old truck. They both missed Brody, but it still hurt to think about her, and so they said nothing.
Clementine looked up towards the heavy clouds that hung above their heads, and her face twisted. These kinds of clouds once made her excited this time of year, but now it really only ever brought a sense of dread. Nothing good ever happens when it snows anymore.
The silence between the two was only broken once they finally made their way inside the shack, the both of them shivering as they stomped the snow off their boots.
"Fuck," Violet cursed as she rubbed at her arms, trying to generate some heat. Clementine was already making her way to the back of the small, cluttered room where the gear lay against the wall. Violet quickly joined the other girl's side, leaning down to grab one of the buckets.
As she did so, she kept her eyes averted from the carving in the wall that she was all too aware of.
That one hurt to think about too.
"Shit, Clem, I- I can't see anything!"
The girls both held their arms across their faces, trying to shield their eyes against the snow. They had tried to head for the school, but Clementine was still new to these woods, and if Violet couldn't tell where to go...
Frustrated, Clementine turned back, following their fresh tracks before they began to disappear. "Violet, we have to go back to the shack, we can't just stumble around out here." Just because walkers were slower in the winter didn't mean they couldn't still be a threat. She was getting wet from snow and sweat and it was chilling her to the bone.
"Fuck...fuck..." Violet quietly berated herself as she relented, turned and hurriedly caught up to Clementine's side, keeping close as to not get separated. She couldn't believe how quickly this weather had set in, and how much it obscured her vision. Violet had never been caught in such a storm before.
But it was not Clementine's first bad storm, and as the two trudged together through the snow, she wished they had just left with the few fish when they had the chance. Walking around, lost in the woods, in the snow and the blinding fog... It brought back dreadful memories.
Clementine still watched the other girl from the corner of her gaze, smiling in slight amusement at the frustrated pout on Violet's face. Her hair was slowly melting and it dripped off of her hands, soaking into the already damp fabric of her long sleeves.
Clementine would be lying if she said she didn't have deeper feelings for the other girl, but she had seen that heart carved deep into the wall. She knew what, or rather who "V+M" stood for, and she told AJ it meant they must've been a couple. Girlfriends...
After everything that had happened with the raiders... with Minnie... Clementine wasn't sure what Violet was feeling about that whole situation, and she didn't want to make the other girl feel like she had to talk about it. There's plenty of her own past that she'd rather not think about.
So Clementine kept her distance, even though she only wanted to be closer.
"You look like a wet cat." She finally piped up, trying to break through the last bit of tension.
"...Shut up..." It was a weak response behind a tiny, amused smile. Violet tried to hide it, turning her head away, but Clementine could see it, could hear the laugh in her voice.
She wasn't the most skilled at the craft, but Violet managed to cut the meat off of one of the fish, then used the bucket to fry their meal over the fire.
"I know it's been, like, practically a decade, but eating food like this sucks..."
Clementine laughed at that. "Trust me, there are worse things people are eating out there right now."
Violet gave a short laugh in return, "Oh yeah, didn't you say you ate a dude's leg once?"
"Hey, I said I was joking about that," Clementine playfully pushed Violet's shoulder with her own, and they both laughed. "I /almost/ ate a dude's leg once." But Clementine's laughter died down as the events of that evening from so long ago began to resurface in her mind.
There really weren't many happy memories left.
As Violet set the buckets by the fire, she noticed Clementine had removed her prosthetic. It rested now against the side of the hearth, its rabbit hide absorbing the heat. She looked at it fondly, the familiar leather strap and red lace making memories resurface in her mind.
"I still can't believe AJ and Willy really asked Lou and I to help them get your boot back," Violet said as she went to sit back down where she had been earlier, a tired smile on her face.
Clementine let out a short laugh as she watched Violet come back around. "Honestly? I can't believe you both said yes."
Violet was too embarrassed to say that she didn't even hesitate at their request, so instead talked about the others. "Well, Louis wasn't exactly /thrilled/ about the idea... Ha, you should've seen his face once we found it. And AJ just went over and picked it up like it was nothing." She adjusted her voice, trying to mimic the young boy, "He was all, /What? I cut it off, didn't I?/"
The story made Clementine laugh, at least a bit. It also made her unable to look away from the empty space where her left foot once belonged. She sighed, "Yeah, he's a brave kid..."
Then the room fell silent, and Violet began to worry if maybe she shouldn't have said anything. Clementine nor AJ had told the rest of the kids the full story of what happened to them out in the woods, but she doubted that it brought back any good memories. Before she could worry too much, Clementine spoke up once more.
"If he had listened to me... Well, let's just say, you don't know /how/ relieved I was when I woke up in my bed."
"Me too." The words left Violet's mouth before they even had a chance to filter in her brain, and she tensed. "Uh, I mean-" she scrambled to save face, "we all were, Clem..."
Violet remembered that night clearly. She remembered barely making it back to the school herself. She remembered that awful, sunken feeling in her chest when she realized Clementine and AJ were still somewhere out in the woods. She had wandered the old safe zone, too nervous to rest and too ashamed of herself to be around the others. She had just left them on the other side of that chain link fence. Clementine was injured and Violet had just... left her there.
"I just..." Violet hesitated, knowing something stupid was about to come out of her mouth, but she couldn't stop herself. "There were just so many times that night that I- uh..." she swallowed her stutter. "We were just so afraid that we'd never see you again..."
Clementine looked up at that, the words reminding her of ones she heard during that night in question. Tennessee had confessed to her just how lost and scared they had been on their own, and when Clementine turned to lock her eyes with Violet's, she could see that fear that Tennessee had talked about.
"Hey, I'm not going anywhere."
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stormwarnings · 4 years
fic writer interview
i was tagged by @lemurious thank you :D
name: im stormwarnings on tumblr/ao3
fandoms: all for the game, tolkien (silm and lotr), and got dragged back into supernatural kicking and screaming
where you post: mostly ao3, but i put stuff thats less polished on tumblr too
most popular one-shot: doubt thou the stars be fire, my aftg fall exchange fic! its not my best, but i guess people like it which makes me happy
most popular multi-chap: black, the night that ends at last which was actually the first fic i ever wrote. i think its alright - i think my writing has definitely improved a lot since i started it in april. im glad people like it though, and its a wip but itll get finished someday :)
favorite story youve written so far: either my silm ‘fix-it’ bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh or my legolas/gimli orpheus and eurydice retelling we raise our cups
fic you were nervous to post: probably black, the night that ends at last because it deals with things pretty close to my heart, and also - first fic ever lmao
how do you choose your titles: music? random phrases that float into my head? a line of poetry thats just chilling? absolutely no clue its random
do you outline: lmao sometimes not frequently tho, id definitely benefit from doing so and maybe id have less wips but then again im bad at finishing stuff so probably not
complete: im not gonna leave any of my stories incomplete - ill finish them eventually. rn 19/23 fics on my ao3 are finished
in progress: ahaha ive got 4 fics according to ao3 that are incomplete - black (aftg longfic), see your face wasn’t quite as i remember (lotr era eldritchyness and sibling vibes), bone of my bone (silm fix it), and people like us (silm modern au with crime families). once i finish bone of my bone, i intend to add more stories to the 'verse (like the dawn) including ones centered around characters, and a chapter fic centered around the line of elu thingol and doriath. plus, ive still got a few more characters to go in my eldritch peredhil series, whatever we call beautiful, we quiver before it
coming soon/not started yet: my aftg rbb fic, which im super excited tho slightly stymied by! plus my tss fic, which is almost done, but after that i intend to update some of my wips. im also writing a genderbent spn au bc im gay and love girls and terrifying angels
prompts: sure go wild i enjoy writing short things for other people when i can muster the productivity
upcoming work youre most excited about: the dang supernatural fic how did i get here i swore id never go back - but also seriously hyped to write more of my silm fix it whenever i manage to get around to it
i tag: uhh i dont actually know who hasnt been tagged? @thatfeanorian, @withfantasticgarlands, @xirinofarvada, and anyone else who wants to
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