#ok i'm done i think. that's these anime boys out of my system
skyberia · 1 year
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(looks at you)
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oneatlatime · 6 months
The Tales of Ba Sing Se PART 1
Once upon a time in Ba Sing Se, the Gaang got Appa back. The end. Please?
This title sounds rather expositiony, but last episode was already a plot/exposition dump, and a rather dark one at that. So who knows? Not me.
Sokka hun I think you're supposed to shave with a blade slightly less substantial than that.
I am fascinated by the hair loopies. I always thought that they were braided in, but they clip in. Does she have a magnet in her braid that they clip in to? A lego type system?
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Toph's morning routine is uncomfortably close to mine.
I know Toph likes being slobby to stick it to the man, but wouldn't it also help with her spatial awareness if she's always sporting a healthy coating of earth? Maybe she can sense where her limbs are better or something?
"Spa day!" "Do I have to?" UNCOMFORTABLY CLOSE GUYS.
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That has got to be torture. How would you like a pumice stone to the eyeballs?
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Now THAT'S a healthy coating of earth.
You're not usually into that stuff? You got dolled up last episode.
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Are there voice acting awards? Because whoever voiced these guys needs one. I have never in my life heard such perfectly distilled middle school clique bitch impression.
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That's cathartic.
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Katara's smothering/mothering tendencies usually annoy me, but it's a good thing those means girls happened when Katara was around, because this calls for serious hugs. I almost want to say that it's out of character to see Toph not be 100% sure of herself, but I think it adds character instead.
Do you think anyone's ever told Toph before that she's really pretty? Ever?
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That's a good hug.
Is this short stories? Like an anthology? TALES of Ba Sing Se. Like day in the life? Ok. I'm going to break this up for ease of reading/writing.
The Tale of Iroh
If Iroh hadn't distinguished himself by making the best tea in the city, he would have come to everyone's attention anyway by single handedly fixing everyone's personal problems.
Bending soccer. Why didn't I think of that?
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His voice is funny in this scene. Also isn't honour a fire nation thing?
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One of my absolute favourite things about Iroh is that his philosophical side is always balanced out by a practical side. He's always philosophising but he's also always grounded. Sometimes hightailing it is what needs doing. Sometimes your sister is crazy and needs to go down.
You know you're bad at crime when your poor stance actually offends the guy you're mugging.
I also like how Iroh really doesn't moralise. He'll teach this guy what conditions the moonflower likes; he'll teach this guy how to mug better. Knowledge is for sharing, no judgment attached!
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Random mugger speedruns Zuko's arc.
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So pretty. It's been a while since there's been good pretty.
oh shit
Now I have questions!
The Tale of Aang
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Writers take note: You see this sad face? You see what you've done to my boy? You can reverse it with one simple trick! GIVE HIM APPA BACK.
I love this. Can't help Appa, so Aang helps every other animal in Ba Sing Se instead.
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I want to know what this is. Monkey panther?
I didn't realise until now how tall platypus bears were.
Actual dragonflies. Punny.
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I love these. My nomination for cutest atla animal.
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I hope that wasn't required agricultural land. Should have put the zoo near the drill instead. That land already looked close to salted.
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This was some Toph level bending. Love to see Aang's skills progress.
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Turtle seal's got competition for cutest animal.
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Just call this portion the petting zoo and it's a win.
The Tale of Sokka
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Something I don't talk about enough is Sokka's supernatural skill with that boomerang. The realistic explanation is that he's spent every spare minute since receiving it honing his skills by chucking it at random piles of snow, but I like to think he's a boomerang bender. Actually wouldn't boomerang bending be a manifestation of latent airbending tendencies?
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I make this face at lasagne.
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I may have to make another Sokka's Stupid Faces post.
There is nothing oaflike about falling out of a window and into a Haiku. He was even polite about it!
Somebody introduce Sokka to flyting.
Forget about being a warrior, Aang needs to end this war yesterday so that Sokka can go be a poet. Warrior poet. He's way too creative to waste on cannon fodder.
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Poetry bouncer. The longer I think about that the funnier it gets.
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Betrayed by hubris.
A Poetry bouncer. Who comes up with this stuff? How do you come up with that? I keep thinking about a poetry bouncer and I keep giggling.
I'm breaking this post here as I'm reaching the image limit. Part 2 coming immediately!
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tricornonthecob · 9 months
LK 102: The Sulfa Intolerable Acts
(pt1) (pt2) (pt3) (pt4)
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Why the fuck does Lt Brampton have such a vendetta against these kids.
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OMFG GET A ROOM YOU TWO also goddamn does that 14/15 year old have the proportions of a dorito.
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Ah yes, the moment the Chaos Boi opens up and shows even more how much he is a Softboi. 11 year old me did not stand a chance.
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LOL nevermind
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Ok but why is this scene going so hard. You can see the shadow where the dude's hand crosses into the light shaft. This is screaming for a redraw.
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James watch out ya girl is *catching feelings*
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I'm sorry this scene just about killed me as an 11 year old and its killing me now as a 31 year old.
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why are his fingees so elegant. Also the animators tried REALLY hard in this frame. His proportions and anatomy aren't wonky, the foreshortening looks correct, they detailed his fucking nose, his fucking pupils are pointed in the same direction and also look like they're focusing on her, the way one ear sticks out because his head is cocked a little (even when he's being sweet he's sassy,) the way his hair is asymmetrical in a way which makes sense to gravity. The expression matches the voice acting!!
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They even tried really hard in these sets of frames, too. So did the voice actor tbh.
But also OH GOD THE EMPATHY. She feels like shit for complaining about a piece of jewelry, especially to someone she's roasted before about being uncouth and uncivilized, but instead of calling her shallow like she probably expects, James instead, very gently and softly, shares that he also has a piece of jewelry he wears to remind him of lost family and shows that despite them having such different backgrounds they're really not all that different.
AND THE FUCKING HARP FLOURISH AT THE END??? How THE FUCK is this not setting everything up for the two of them to get together????
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I don't know why the way they animated James here kills me but it killed me back then, too. Maybe its the confidence? Maybe its still the rush from witnessing a soft moment between two people catching feels for each other??
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Lady Phillips I understand the situation is really tense for the Frillips Polycule but you are going to lose oxygen by constantly gasping for breath like that.
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Your honor he's tearing this ethically non-monogamous family apart!
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awww shit the Bard with 20 Charisma's about to roll with advantage
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CC is wrong, he said "I Thank Mr. Wedderburn for everything he has said against me." but OH MY GOD THE DRAMA, the guy looks like in the moment he's realized what he's done, but then the pain of whatever drama went on in their relationship clouds him over once more and he is swallowed whole by a mad thirst for revenge.
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They're both just like "BITCH WHAT IS YOU DOING"
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"My country is America" These two are so overjoyed and relieved, but like, clearly what Benji Franx is saying can be construed so hard as Genuine Treason, so him arguing that he isn't a British Subject because the Vibes Of It All logically wouldn't hold much water in that court, so why are they relieved/overjoyed? Is Lady Phillips secretly a Whig and totally supportive of American Independence? Honestly I think she is. She wants to see the system overhauled and burnt to the ground.
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Donkey Kong Country
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This fucking madlad. The confidence of knowing how to make a getaway in a cask makes me think he's done this before.
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How are they still conscious.
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yeah girl, take command!
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"y'all bitches FUCKIN' LEFT ME HERE???"
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Lt. Brampton is so fucking smarmy.
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fuckin raycisssts
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Moses about to cry and tbh so would I
To be continued
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limeade-l3sbian · 2 months
Your blog has been a safe place for me. I’m really grateful to you. I feel ashamed that I’m not a gold star lesbian. I tried so hard to be with guys back in high school and make it work. And people were shocked when I came out because I was “boy crazy”. It always felt so wrong and something profoundly missing. Not only that but negative experiences with males, wether I was with them or not. So I thought, maybe I just don’t like boys because they are mean and I haven’t found the right one yet. But it never worked. I thought, surely I must be attracted to boys because I like gay fanfiction. I must be bi right? Because cartoon anime boys are just like real men of course. And being from the rural south, homosexuality would get you hated at worst and at best you’d be made fun of. It kills me that I feel like I wasted my time. Accepting myself for who I am, and what I really am truly attracted to, is scary as hell. But I tried to imagine myself married to a man and it just made me want to throw up. But being with a woman seemed so much more natural and right. I’m out and grateful to be here. I feel so much less alone and free. I feel ashamed that I ever fell into comphet (I think is what it’s called)? Not sure how to get past it :( I wish I could go back in time to young me and tell her it’s ok to be gay. But thank you for your blog. I check it every day and it always cheers me up. Also Tiana is the best.
Firstly, I am incredibly grateful and glad that my blog makes you feel safe. <3 Thank you for the love.
But in relation to your shame about not being a “gold star lesbian”, I think there are some things worth keeping in mind. Specifically in relation to my personal blog, since I have had public and private asks who’ve expressed a certain envy that I am so open about who I am in comparison to how long it took them. And it is this: I grew up in California – arguably the most liberal state in the United States. I also grew up around a family that was more concerned with my grades than my sexual orientation (when I came out to my mom, she literally said, “You’re still going to college, right?”). I was allowed to be a tomboy growing up not just with permission from my family but from the culture of my state that really just didn’t care.
In any sort of “controversial” opinion I make about personal choice, I always do my best to preface this with these facts. Because where you grow up and what culture has done its best to mold you into its intended/ideal shape. I reblogged a post from @lesbienyu where she talked about how a lot of progressive areas in the U.S. have this illusion that hyper-religiousness only exists in southern boondocks (people seem to generally tie it strictly to the south). And there is this part:
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(The whole post is very insightful, and I encourage people to go read it.)
I do my best to reblog and really read perspectives from other women that I can't relate with because it might resonate more with a follower of mine and just gives me more rounded place to come from when I talk about things. And this is one of those things. I can't relate to this. I have never faced judgement based on my chosen religion or lack thereof.
So why am I saying all this? Why am I linking other posts and talking at length about all this? Because you and I come from very different worlds, anon. You come from the rural South and I'm suburban-ish/city-ish Californian. We were never going to have the same story of finding ourselves and that's okay! You existed in a space where who you were conflicted with your safety and your quality of life. I existed in one where it wasn't hated or celebrated - it just didn't matter.
I only hate that you had to traumatize yourself through no choice of your own. You are not shameful for succumbing to a system that came before you and will unfortunately outlive you. I want you to enjoy being out and enjoy coming here and seeing lesbian pride without shaming the little version of yourself that was just trying to survive as best she could. She'll be glad what she grew up into . <3
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littlebjorn786 · 9 months
Personal Rating 2/10
how much of the gameplay (quests, upgrading weapons, pacing, structure, choices regarding 16s party system etc) did I enjoy?
I enjoyed it about 5% of the time. Harsh I know. Up grading weapons was cool. Party members being unplayable and not even being able to issue commands made me feel super detached from them. Especially since characters like Jill, who is often a party member, will go for literal hours on end without making a single quip during battle. Looking at you first 25 hours. Pacing? Yikes, this should have been a 20 hour main story line game, not 40. That, or they needed to flesh out all of their characters better and have a more coherent narrative to support the confusing plot.
How much of the combat system did I enjoy?
About 50%. Fun combat for a while, but with little to no variation in enemies, between eikon's power's, plus never needing to factor is the elements like you do in other ffs (fire enemy: use ice or large enemy find weak spot/take out its legs first idk) topped with the philosophy of the game being quantity of enemies over anything else left little to no strategy and a lot of R1 and □.
Visuals, animation, art direction, sound design, music?
WHY TF DOES THE FANFARE ALMOST NEVER PLAY. AT LEAST PUT SOME OTHER KIND OF MUSIC OR SOUND SO I DONT HAVE TO LISTEN TO SILENCE AS MY PRISE FOR BUTTON MASHING BRO?? also, "a return to ffs roots"? Yeah no. Character designs for the most part are,,, ok?? A bit "done before" ig? Sort of, stock-image historal Britain? Kinda LoTR but less fun??? (Also, I can't be the only one who saw Jill's hair and went: oh hey it's tifa/garnet hair) I just think it would have been great to get that Yoshitaka Amano's style- long funky colored hair, organic looking armor, everyone covered in makeup and jewelry.
Now. As someone who wants to go to uni for fashion and or character design on top of being a huge history buff and leftist: WHY IS IT SO WHITE? AND CIS MALE? AND HETERO? Absolute step back from previous games. All in the name of "accurate reflection of medieval europe"?? Don't bs me. If that was the truth, then whats with the mash-up of several hundred years of fashion? If that was the truth, then why is everyone white?
I love how casually gay Dion is. I'm queer myself. And, I know I skipped alot of cutscenes (I found the dialogue to be rambling, the shots to be uninteresting, and the facial animation lackluster) but why did Dion and Terence have to break up? And then Terence dies?? But Joshua and Dion don't get together even though they had chemistry? Why is Clive banging his STEP SISTER when he had amazing chemistry with Cid??? This leads me into story:
Plot and exicution. Etc. Story and characters- how do they measure up in comparison to other ff parties and protags you've played?
Yall... this ain't it either 😭 clive was SO much more interesting when he thought he'd killed Joshua. Jill had so much potential that ends up wasted. Dear God. In most side quests, she doesn't even have dialogue nor is in frame. Dion and Cid were easily the most immediately captivating from beginning to end. Same goes to Joshy boy. Also uh, why is Torgal magic in the last half of the game? I know he is supposed to be like a magic-shiva-ice dog, but why? It didn't make his attacks more powerful or do anything really....
Benedicta was such an interesting villan and then she was killed (i was hoping for 'villan is partially redeemed and joined the party to fight the real big bad of the game'),
Clive was SUPER compelling at the start with him not knowing he was the one who "killed" Joshua, (i actually cried at the end of the demo) and then he arcs out of it and, dont get me wrong, he still has drive, but him being the "next cid" and having a WAY more advanced hideout than og Cid did when og Cid had been doing this for way longer then Clive has... idk.... SPEAKING OF CID- I can't believe they killed off the one main character who had just as compelling a story as clive plus banter.
Lil reminder: JILL IS CLIVES STEP SISTER?? LIKE EW. The story would still work if it was about found family and friendship??????? the evil mom idea was so interesting and it just kinda... And then clive and josh not even being afraid of ultima? Bro i was just pissed off at those last three boss battles. Combat system + boss battles are repetitive once the novelty wears off. Other party members being unplayable makes me feel less attached to them, especially if they're not constantly bantering during battle like in 15 or 7r. This means that little to no info is discolsed through battles wgen you have control or running in the field. Exposition is only done in cutscenes and heavily relies on you using the active time lore. Im playing an action game. Why am i reading?
Overall, it kinda feels like 2 or 3 games smashed into one given all the time skips. Tbh I would have preferred two parts if it meant I got to become more attached to everyone/thing. Again, WHY TF IS IT SO WHITE? WHY IS IT SO MALE? I am SUPER happy we got queer representation, and I've got no issue with the m rating. But the whiteness? Plus the constant overshadowing of female characters? WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE "NOT CLIVE" BITING "NOT BENEDIKTA" BUT THEYRE NAKED??Also, Jill and clives relationship was terribly unequal with all the postering of healthy communication- like the game was trying to convince me that this was fine, really.
I can not reiterate enough how much of a step back 16 feels in both the context of ff and the modern gaming landscape. I can't be the only one who finds a story about oppression to be spearheaded by a masculine, cishet, white man ( whos arc is terribly flat, ) off putting.
Is it an ff game? Ehhhh uh ummm? Ff is always trying new shit- but I miss the feeling of "omg i love every character, this party is so fun/ makes me feel so many emotions" and I'm not getting that with 16. When 16's cast, game play, story concept, pacing, and execution is up against every other ff I've played thus far (ff7, ff7r, ff10, ff15, ff6, ff9, ff7cc), 16 isn't exactly ranking high. Hell- it isnt even ranking high against all the other non ff games I've played.
a would be interesting story that is delivered clunky, messy, too quickly, and then too slowly. Combat is repetitive and has me feeling disconnected from my party members. Game is PAINFULLY white and male. YAY GAY PPL!!!! Kind wish the art style incorporated more unique and unconventional fantasy elements. Plot (the destroying of the crystals and then the whole defy fate thing) low-key feels like an "edgey slap" to og crystal based ff stories??? For me, It was a bad, boring game that I spent way to much money on:(
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
The wind thru the treetops this morning...
Th.9.29.2022 9.51am est.
Good morning to all!
I hope everyone's safe & having a good morning/day!
I won't be posting much during the day anymore, I have too much work to get done to rebuild my life!
But I wanted to say hello, & let my friends & people I follow know I'm thinking about them!
& praying for all those in Florida to be safe!
I've spoken to some as got work started this morning, praying for their safety!
Still trying to get my meds! Ah!
Hey, I actually slept last night! I got 6 hours sleep! Woohoo! Lmao! That is once I finished writing, since I kept dozing off. [2am] Oh boy. Gotta work on that. But I feel better about myself that once I sit down, I am rightfully tired!
Anyways, supposed to get my truck back today so I should be able to get last bank stuff taken care of. Then gotta contact my atty & send appraisal. Pulled blood outta the turnip yesterday, or is that I plucked $ from one..?🤔🤷‍♀️ anyways, getting cobra at least until employed. Sucks, but with all my health issues I cannot be changing doctors because of insurance problems. [I so want this crap over & done with so I can detox & get back to exercising & cooking real food again! Heck, finding real food! I so wanna build my greenhouse/garden!
Anyways! It's autumn people! 🍁🧣🥧😍🤩
And I was standing outside, taking care of my cat's litterbox [one of first purchases, Cat Genie! Been around 15 years but I wasn't allowed to have one! Gr.]
Anyways! It's nice & breezy outside, the storm system affects, I know. But looking at my trees, towering over me & just wanting to stand there & enjoy the sounds & watching the sun peaking over them!
[I only get about 2~3 hours of sunlight into this house a day. Is very dark. Why I know when my anxiety is kicking me, I turn on lights! As much as I love this forest & all the animals.. I've even had 3 large gray barn? owls perched right off my back 10x10 deck whoot at me. And a huge buck right in front of my centerpiece pine behemoth just stare. I love having creeks & animals roaming around! Even the naughty raccoons & opossum eating my outdoor cats food!
But I don't want my huge [~13#] bi color/Maine coon like cat nor my itsy bitsy black kitty to tangle with them! I mean that big bully cat is turning into a love bug with me! Lmao! He was why I found him & litter mates! But. Ran them off!
As many animals as I've nursed to health, or death, sigh, I love them all!
Yes, I am the woman sitting on the garage floor at midnight as a sick cat dies. And I gathered her up as I bawled & tucked her into my guest bathroom tub in towels & cat bed & told her it was ok! Sobbing.
I know God appreciates my care of His animals but dang even thinking about that one has me crying. I have taken care of so many.
And when I get to have dogs too... I want a menagerie! And none of that chain it in the yard & forget about it bs either! Hate that crap!
Gotta work on my tangents.🙄🥴🤪🤭🙊🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
I really was just thinking about my friends & wanted to say hello.
And thank you all for inspiring me!
I am feeling better, both allergies & anxiety.
Just... I don't know... & sigh. I pray wherever .. whomever.. my soul's Mate.../s.. sigh. God. Please????? Damn whys. Gr. I just am thinking about him.🎶
so wanna be riding thru the mountains in a ragtop, or learn to ride a motorcycle. And enjoying the wind thru my hair.. grimace. Headscarf. Gotta tie one on!
Cause God, You Bless me! & if You deem it.. get my hair from 22" at crown to the 42" below my hips then gotta keep those tangles out! Lol! Braid it & enjoy! The wind pulling wisps out... always got me into trouble in rotc.
But now.. I so wanna enjoy the hell outta riding free! Heart like a truck?🎶 kinda Lord?
But time to get meds done & back to work!
I love that soul...wherever you may be.. please, be safe. And know.. I will work as I wait. And be ready to run to the end of that dock.. bridge.. mountain cliff.. always.. because I believe.
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
God, please protect my soul's Mate.../s grimace, sigh. Argh! God Please??? I'm giving it all to You Lord, including the torture of the whys. You know, heck, he... knows. I believe does. Sigh. And I am doing the work so that I can be shown the truth!
I love You Lord! I wait for Your Love!
Thank You Jesus for the sunshine & making me feel better today! I feel Your hugs Lord! And the soul Created with mine too..
What a Blessed & glorious day to feel God's Love surrounding me! I know Your Plan will be manifest in my life as I work & do right Lord!
Please protect all I know, & those I don't,
& Guide me to Your Path of the righteous woman. The Lord's Prayer [Ps.23] & so many more... strengthens me as mantras. Just as
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
does. Because Yours Lord is the truest. And I slide to my knees because You do!
Thank You Lord!
Have a beautiful Thursday everyone!
Please be safe in your daily walk!
Happy & know... you are all thought of & cared about!
Thank You Jesus!
Your faithful, carefully listening, humbled daughter,
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. 🌺
👩🤓☔🌝💡⚓🙏🙇‍♀️🌂🔗⛓🧰⚙🛠⚒⚔⚖🗽🐯🐾🐐🦉🐢🐛🦋🌱🌺🌹🌻🌷🌳🧶🧵 ⌚⚡🌠🌟💫🗝🔱⚜💝♠️🧩♾🌎🎯🧭 🕯🎶 🍁🧣🥧
Th.9.29.2022 10.57am est. Diary. Lots of interruptions as write & work. 11.22a sigh.
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archvillain · 2 years
Kyouraku and Ukitake for the character bingo please! (btw I'm absolutely in love with your Mayuri art)
omg teehee thank you for looking at it -//w//-(\ lessgooooo
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starting with the obvious:
they are so cool looking: kyoraku is hot, ok? he's just a handsome guy. he's got everything in the world going for him and i'd probably fall prey to his wiles... i do wish kubo would've made more outfits for him, though, he really looks good in everything
they work better as part of a dynamic: with ukitake, kyoraku is a wonderful character. i looooved the regai filler with the evil gay clones fighting closely in sync and checking in on each other constantly. that being said, while kyoraku can stand on his own as a character, i feel like he just does better with a straight man to riff off...
nothing i like about them is technically canon: ...which is why him letting ukitake slip through his fingers with little fanfare rubs me the wrong fucking way. i get it; kyoraku is a self-sabotaging pity party on two legs at the worst of times, & he's always scummy and a little sneaky, but damn, that would've been an excellent place for fanfare that just got passed up. -_- that was your husband, dude! you just let him die & go to hell! this would be a radically different anime if he was the main character. it'd be a LOT gayer
they are a horrible person: kyoraku's vibes are rancid, almost as bad as isshin's (but not quite). the way he seamlessly blends the trope of "embarrassingly drunk uncle who can chess you under the table" and "creep hitting on you at a bar" in a way that's somehow both charming and loveable... this guy gives me iroh vibes something fierce i wish his backup straight man waifu was not his FUCKING niece however!!! kubo's obsession with fucked up relationships makes bleach so so interesting but the way kyoraku treats her is downright insane. the way that she never even seems to know that he's her uncle... imagine finding out your scumbag man baby of a boss is actually your BLOOD RELATIVE. EUGH
(a lot of this creep factor comes from the extra-canon omake collection from color bleach. the anime goes lighter on it! which is funny, because the anime's filler is MORE incesty with diff characters than the manga in places...)
they're like a blorbo to me: ....i still wuv him tho <3 i hemmed and haw'd about "deeper than they seem" and "not as deep as they seem" but i think all his depth is basically canon text. his depth is actually something i love about him
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(climbs up the side of my soapbox with a knife in my teeth) im coming for you jushiro ukitake you son of a BITCH--
they're cool looking: he is so pretty. just getting that out of the way
they got done DIRTY by fans/everybody but me is wrong about them <3: since ukitake is basically what i'd like to call the ambassador of the bastards, the nicest cop in the regime, the poster boy for good boy did nothing wrong. he gets a reputation for being a saint. and that is both in canon and fanon! there's a LOT of angel fluff on this boy, because being the best of the worst still has to count for something? right?
wow! they are a horrible person: AND THEN THERE'S KAIEN'S DEATH. the way that ukitake stakes honor over life, the way that he lets rukia burden herself with the sole ownership of his death to the point that she feels like she deserves death for it... this man is both doing the most and also never ever doing enough. he practically orders kaien's death in the most sinister flashback, and then is never held accountable, leaving rukia to hold herself accountable instead... not to mention the way that he insists on sheltering his underlings & being kind and respectful and honorable, while coexisting like ROYAL GRADE A FREAKS like MAYURI KUROTSUCHI, and seemingly never noticing the blood on the hands of the system he upholds!!!!
wasted potential: this makes him SO INTERESTING. i wish i could crack him open and read his bones like tea leaves. his flaws make him so much more interesting than the candy floss man he tries to present himself as, but then he dies in a really predictable and unhelpful way, which is absolutely fucking tragic, but it doesn't really go anywhere.... gah!!! i have high hopes for this to change in the hell arc, but not... that high
not as deep as they seem/they got too much screen time: in spite of all of this deliciously interesting flawed material sitting seemingly just beneath the surface, ukitake then goes on to become Nice Guy: The Husband for a lot of his appearances. it's like the royal court guard squads are introduced as villains and then becomes the protag cast, and their war crimes are just like... funny. cute. the murders were justified in fact ect. kubo loves the deaths actually. i'm starting to sound like a broken record here: the first arc of the gotei is heinously interesting, but after that bleach loses a lot of steam in general. the blorboification of the gotei did almost every one of them a massive disservice to their complexity, as bleach moved from a story to a serialized performance. i know a lot of this is in fact the pressure of kubo's studio's fault, but it still is tragic
i'm mentally ill about them: ^^^^
they're like a blorbo to me: in spite of all of this i really do like him. he's cute. i like watching him do things on screen even if his flaws got lost in the gotei's move from "flawed military institution we must fight" to "it's fine they were just a little confused we love them now!!". like, what was THAT about
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Asked by Anonymous. Thank you very much for the ask!!!
Favorite thing about her: She's one of the greatest villains I've ever heard of! She fulfills her role as Emma's nemesis magnificently. I really like how she made her own choices, even if they were selfish ones. We cannot all be Emmas. It's in the human nature the instinct to survive, and I don't blame her for that. It makes it also kind of sweet how she wants to survive for Leslie too- kinda mirrors how, after believing he had died, Emma and Ray wanted to survive for Norman as well. Isabella is determined in being the one who survives in the end, and I think that makes her really cool.
Least favorite thing about her: Eh it has to be how she treated Ray. Now, hear me out:
you know there's this kid who knows that him and his siblings are being raised in a farm. He knows none of them will survive their 12th birthday. He has to see the siblings he obviously loved (because that's what kids do, they love their siblings, no matter how much Ray tried not to get attached) being shipped once every two months. He had to go through all of this, while acting like everything was fine.
And you think "oh yeah why don't we treat him like a fucking animal that's obviously the right thing to do". Just. Girl what's your problem??????? His life was a nightmare, why did you had to make it even worse??????? She called him "dog". She made him hate himself more then the already did. She made it so that he'd never forget that his byological mother hated him. Really,,,, why. Why didn't that boy deserved the "happy life" you promised to give every child you rised. Why did you chose to fuck him up more that he already was.
Even worse, the thing is,,,, I know the reason she did it. It's because she knew Ray was her son, and she didn't want to get attached in any way. It's because him himself was born out of the system that had tortured her in every way. Because that too was probably the manifestation of a deep self loathing for all she had done and she kept doing. But still- woman, you're an adult. And he was a freaking five years old. All you had to do is not to add more trauma.
Uhm also I didn't really like how her redemption arc was handled- but for completely different reasons than the rest of the fandom. What bothers me is how easily they forgave her. I think it's easy to understand her actions when, as the reader, you know plenty about her pov; but I don't think a bunch of kids would forgive her that soon. I don't think they would consider her mom their (but I'm getting to that later). Sometimes the fact that you were forced to do some horrible things doesn't change the fact that you've done them- at least to the eyes of your victims.
Especially Ray. I love him but I really don't think he wouldn't have forgiven her. He'd been upset and thorned of course, but I don't think he would cry over his mother's body– why would he, all of his life she had never been one to him.
Favorite line:
Ok maybe this:
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I love this scene, it may be my favorite of hers? I already mentioned it in the past, but I really like how after having lost, she actually makes an effort to protect the children. Even though it's a small step, and even though it's too late, she finally does something to love them as she wanted to. It may be a stretch, but even if that's not how thiss scene is supposed to be read... I still find her resolution amazing. Look at her, so stern and unshakable, like she was made of stone. I love and admire people who take responsibilities into their hands, that's how I aim to be.
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But I also really like this. Her tired face. Her admitting her defeat. I don't know, there's just something really beautiful in how this panel was composed.
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And this is nice as well, isn't it? All of the above (and under) still stand, but I like how at some point she gave up, and genuinely wished the best for the children. "Lights" metaphors are extremely cliché, but that doesn't make the any less sweet.
brOTP: I really don't know where this came out from but I think in a modern AU Isabella and Yuugo would bond really well just. I don't know. Ruthless bitches with actually a soft heart squad.
Another squad I love:
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OTP: Ok totally not in canon, but Isabella / Krone sounds so so nice, I really love them.
nOTP: Bah nothing really.
Random headcanon: Through all the years she has been a mama, she has never ever cried. She's really not one to shed tears.
She really likes reading. She has read all the books of the orphanage as well, even though it took her longer then Ray (she read most of them only after she became mama)
Unpopular opinion: Ok everyone is going to hate me for this but. She has never been a mother to the children. Never. She was kind and nurturing towards them, of course! But honestly it's my opinion that a mother would always chose death over hurting her children. And like, I don't blame her at all for not doing so?? It's totally fine if she chose her life over the ones of countless children; some people think about themselves first, and I respect them for that. The survival instinct instinct is part of all humans, and that's ok. But what I mean is, stop acting as she loved her children as much as a mother would, because she didn't? It's a big part of her character - and it's also part of what makes her an amazing villain. What she was aiming for has always been surviving herself - for Leslie and all that stuff. You can't take off such a big part of this from her. She was determined to do everything to do that, even the most ruthless, bottle of things. She hurt children- but not her children. Those children were never hers, because she never loved them as a mother would.
(I'm obviously talking about mother as a motherly figure, and not as mother by blod– I understand perfectly not all byological mothers would be willing to die for their children, but in that case I just don't consider them mothers to them.)
I Dreamed a Dream (performed by Caissie Levy) - Les Misérables
(Yes she's talking about Leslie) (Yes it's "He slept a summer by my side" because that's how time flee for her and "He took my childhood in his stride" because her childhood died with him) (Yes I'm crying)
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
But the tigers come at night,
With their voices soft as thunder,
As they tear your hope apart,
As they turn your dream to shame!
Also, Miss Honey's bridge in When I Grow Up - Matilda makes me think about a younger mama Isabella:
When I grow up
I will be brave enough to fight the creatures
That you have to fight beneath the bed
Each night to be a grown up
Favorite picture of her:
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I like this... She makes it look like after decades of fake smiles, this is her first, true, heartfelt smile.
Sorry I'm very incisive tonight
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And this!!!!!!!! The coldness, the power, the sheer determination!!!!!!!!!!!
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Also love her unreadable face in this; she's so cool!!!!!!!!
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