#ok im going to slep now
stupidscav · 9 months
what if all my posts were actually data saved on pearls and all my reblogs were just me trading pearls and all my likes were me admiring your pearl and all my replies are just me commenting on your pearl
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
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rewatched That One Scene to get the Vibes for this. it’s fine. okuyasu just needs 2 have his mind palace moment 😌
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ty @gaminegay​ for sharing the cool pose refs post w/the world ily
[the post in question] [send me some suggestions if u so desire]
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pup-pee · 7 months
this is b4 theh confused their love or smth
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astrito · 1 year
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hi maggots of mine im sleepy coz of my meds and it is all very spoky you know? i like spooky big speooky fan me.
im just very iytirrf im yitrf im TRIED WHY CNAT I TYPE im tired ye sand im so scared of the real world
but it comfort me to kwow you all eixst
i love you maggots
youre the best
and im so happy all of you are getting along and so japy og ouou found friends and made friends in this commnity its good you know so opia good
im closig mu yryrd dhuy deiyvhinh ogg hyr vrling b dsif mtd nslrt dytrr
my eyes ere shut and my tingers are too tired to touch typpe ok
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signoraviolettavalery · 10 months
Everything I can remember about the Den Haag and Amsterdam gigs, before I forget, but also I got about as little sleep as they did because I was a)worrying about their travel b)too hyped up to sleep
Den Haag
they were so hella energetic for people who had gone through All That to get here, Bojan was hella alive, but he didn't banter much with the crowd
It was Sinterklaas so they got soooooo many gifts. Hats, lofts of candy (traditional sinterklaas gift), bracelets, flags, letters...
Someone threw stroopwaffels because those are Kris' favorite
the Dutch crowd was so polite??? There was no barricade but nobody was grabbing them or their guitars, the only things that were being thrown at the stage were soft things like hats, nobody was chucking presents directly at them, any bracelets that got thrown were thrown gently onto the stage rather than at them
(fyi afterwards when the crew cleans up they go through and pick up all the gifts so as long as it gets onto the stage they'll get it)
they confirmed several times that they'll be back to the Netherlands
In Ne Bi Smel he changed "sem bil slep" to "sem kreten" again
when singing ASTP Bojan had the various parts of the venue cheer first, and the balcony that cheered the least loud got ASTP sung to them specifically; and at the end he changed the lyrics so they went "kako lepo disite me" aka "how nice you (plural) smell to me" idk was he saying the sweaty crowd filling this venue smelled nice to him (I have QUESTIONS)
there were balloons onstage, at some point, Jan decided he had a vendetta against the balloons, starting popping them with his boots by jumping around while playing the guitar and, being a clutz, got tangled in a flag/coat/something? by the drums and nearly fell over a;slkfjwe Jan why are you like this I love you
Kris got a pope hat that he put on right before NGVOT so he sang NGVOT as the pope I guess
Kris was drinking tea during the gig; every time Bojan was introducing the song he was just chilling by the drum set and sipping his tea while wearing sunglasses, iconic, gives zero fucks, I love him
holy shit this gig was wild and magical. We gave them such a warm welcome and we screamed so loud I think even Bojan was impressed
the music as we were waiting for the gig was ABBA followed by Lady Gaga and Barbie Girl, and after the gig it was Avril Lavigne. We got most of those songs yesterday so Im' guessing Bojan picked that soundtrack :P
after they did Gola he asked "ok, so you know the words. How many of you hear aren't slovenian?" the entire fucking venue raises their hands. "we should get y'all on duolingo" Bojan Slovenian isn't on Duolingo!!
Bojan really, truly makes everyone feel seen. It's astounding. The opening act, Mia Nicolai, she was good, but she mostly just started in front of her, at the people in front of the stage. Bojan looks around and makes eye contact with everyone. The people on the balconies (I swear he looked straight at me, I died), the people in the front rows, the people on the sides, the people in the back. Every time, you feel seen. He's just got that something, not just stage presence, but that knack for being up there and making it a party that includes everyone
at some point, it got really hot and their crew started passing out water bottles. I think Bojan even went backstage during the Ne Bi Smel intro to ask them to give out more. He was really attentive and when one girl fainted or almost fainted during Ne Bi Smel he noticed, cut the music off immediately, the lights go up, and he made sure she was escorted by security and that she was okay before they restarted the song. Total pros.
introducing NGVOT: "I have to call a very special singer up to the stay. Kris. This song came about because of his broken heart. That heart is now healed" (important information to share I guess) and then Kris of course did NGVOT
Bojan: asks the crowd how to say umazane misli in Dutch. They tell him and he repeats it. Bojan then turns to Kris if he said it right, kris says no. "Well how would you say it then?" Bojan asks. "I don't know but what you said sounds wrong" as;lkfjwe Kris you're iconic
There were some Slovenians in the crowd! Including a girl whom Bojan went to high school with with. He dedicated Omamljeno Telo to her because "you heard it when I played it in high school"
He gave a really long intro to Plastika about how we're supposed to hate our analog minds and our analog bodies and how this is all terrible and basically just love yourself and don't judge others
Nace spent a lot of time playing across from Kris and didn't spend all that much time with his husband onstage :( :(
At the end Kris took off the Stozice outfit sleeves and threw them into the crowd so now there's two people who own that little piece of history
Anyway did I mention Amsterdam was magical, they were on fire, they were delighted to be there, the crowed was delighted to have them, and so enthusiastic, and there was just so much energy and hearing them live is truly something else. The recordings are amazing but being there, in that space with them, when they're at their best, hearing them actually perform those songs? Indescribable. Live CD when?
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smute · 4 days
i just hss the most incredible dresm about a crime story like a gone girl level twist woke up had a wee piss then recorded the most incoherent audio clip ever. most of it's already gone and now im so angry i had to make a tiumper poast to commemorate the passing of my million dollar idea. ok going bavk to slep goo nighft
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satoru-toji · 10 months
im trying to find a chrollo/reader fic on ao3 but i can’t find it 😫😫 i’m pretty sure the author had a jjk name or also had some jjk works as well. i also pretty sure they had a tumblr but idk!! it hasn’t updated in over a year, maybe even 2 years bc it’s on an indefinite hiatus and there were like currently 7 or 9 chapters + it said it would be complete with 15 chapters. anyways the plot:
soulmate!au (kinda)!! set before the york new arc
reader works at a library and chrollo keeps on visiting her under the guise of being a uni student and they talk/flirt every time. one day, chrollo uses one of his stolen abilities on her to get her the confess what she wants/thinks about him. after that, chrollo basically asks her out for dinner at his apartment. while chatting during the dinner, chrollo takes off the bandage and reader touches his forehead and sparks fly bc her nen is essentially unlocked and she kinda goes into shock but in a more horny/aphrodisiac way and chrollo helps her a bit before she falls asleep. after she wakes, chrollo explains to her that she’s from a clan with a nen that basically enhances other people’s nen through a promise and explains who he is and they’re already at the ily stage but they don’t say it bc she wants it to be special lmao (she’s not entirely ok with what he does but she also doesn’t and the love overwhelms it lmao) she tests her reawakened nen by thinking about chrollo in danger, hurt, etc. and it immediately tires her out so she slep slep. after a while, she wakes up again to find shalnark there. they briefly met before this in the library but shalnark used it as an opportunity to see if her being in the lost/forgotten clan true and now that it is, he slightly overwhelms her with the she’s going to be the queen of the spiders or something and leaves after chrollo asks him to. after that, chrollo comforts reader and they talk and then things get slightly heated before they’re interrupted by illumi being illumi and wanting reader but gets obviously rejected and i think gets a broken wrist from reader. chrollo then suggest for her to use her abilities again to heal and to make the promise pact on illumi to protect her and stuff like a knight in exchange for some power. after he leaves, she immediately gets tired again. she doesn’t want to rest since she rested all day but chrollo urges her to rest and suggests them going to her apmt after to make the dinner date even lmao
they’re in her apartment now, chrollo is making food again. they talk a bit more with what’s revealed. chrollo makes reader promise to not follow after him if something happens to him and she’s obviously upset bc they just like promised each other to support/protect each other and how it’s unfair and all that bc he still has the mindset of being dispensable for the troupe. she promises him in turn if he promises her—but not really due to the nen promise so they work around it—to fight for his life for her and then things get spicy and during that, she promises chrollo to give him everything if he promises her to be not hard on himself, love and appreciate himself, etc. and they’re so close to fucking lmfao and he does promise her so she seals it w a kiss on the forehead and then they start <3 she’s so close to love bombing and chrollo says it first and he’s like this love bomb is the sex love bomb, i’ll make the real ily special like you want so she says ily back and then he’s inside her and yea <3 afterwards, they rest a bit then someone rings her doorbell and it’s her neighbor kurapika asking to hang out and it ends there 🥹
it’s so weird bc usually on ao3, it would show the work is deleted if you bookmarked it but i can’t find it in my library 😭😭 i wouldn’t have thought about removing it from my bookmarks but ig i accidentally did 🥹
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rogdona · 3 months
ok im going to slep now 👋🌝
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thelealinhypehouse · 1 year
ok im gonna go slep, i drawn alot today and even finish one page of my comic and starting to sketch the comic about Sallaros (my jedi) dont worry the blueberry shitposting will be back...now sleep and sadly WORK
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saturntheday · 16 days
im going to slep gn everyone I'll be up in 2 hrs from now bc School even tho i dont want to go >:( its okay tho bc weekend's gonna be here in like 2 days and we also have like a small programme thing for teachers day tmr and i dont wanna miss that so yeah ok byeeeee gn
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valdederon · 10 months
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #23 nightmares and worries
the next morning valdederon wakes up seeing nova asleep under his tail shivering as he picks her up and lays her in his lap. untill she wakes up and grips his furr shaking.
valdederon-- whats wrong hun.
nova--couldnt sleep much last night i kept having nightmares..w..what if we get into a dungeon and i loose you i.
valdedering puts his paw on her muszzle and gently squeases instantly silencing the clearly sleep deprived and cranky riolu. and gently lifts her up into his arms carrying her to evergreens office to get some slep medicine.
valdederon--- evergreen do you have any decently strong sleep medicine. nova has been having some bad nightmares and somthing to help with that would be awsome if you can as well.
evergreen looks up from his paperwork and chuckles.
evergreen--- sure i can get some stuff for her.
nova-- why is your face all beat up.
valdederon sighs ears lowering as evergreen busts out laughing.
evergreen---- a certain feniken unleashed a powerful ember attack on me when he was brought here the scar is sizable now but my face was… black all over when it happend ..a newborn feniken that powerful he he verry rare isnt it val.
valdederon --- ha ha ha yea.. im still sorry about that. he he i wasnt in the best mood that day… or for a fair bit after that.
evergreen-- well from what ive heard over the years youve had it rough most of your life its no wonder you took awhile to settle down. . ahh here we are found some good herbs.. ill mix them up with some mint.
nova yawns heavily and shifts around in valdederons hold.
valdederon-- this world is amazing though..
evergreen nods and begins to mix the herbs together. adding in a few leavs of mind and adds a mineral based water seeing nia also needs some nourishment for her furr.
evergreen-- what have you all been up to.. her furr looks a mess.
valdederon--- mostly training and yesterday we took her on our first dungeon mission. i think she might be scared now.
nova whines and growls crankily wanting to rest.
valdederon--- oh hush you dont make me bop that snout of yours. youl get some rest soon evergreen is preparing your medicine
she whimpers at the thought of her nose getting boppes and burries her face in his furr.
evergree finished with the medicine--- ha ha ha ha now thats just mean. though she doesnt look to fussed about it..
valdederon takes the medicine and taps her shoulder handing her the cup .
valdederon--- yea she and i are verry much brother and sister now. she tests her limits evry now and then but overall knows to trust in me and i know that she can handle some situations alone.
nova drinks the medicinal concauction and slowly dozes off soon falling asleep with a soft purr when taiga the serperior guild master and valdederons father comes in.
taiga-- evrything ok . you left with out saying good morning bud.
valdederon--- yea im fine nova is having arough patch so i came to get her some medicine to help her sleep and calm her nerves.
taiga chcukles using his vines to rub her head as valdederon begins heading out of the infirmary. and back to his quarters laying nova down in the nest and sitting next to her letting his fluffy tail cover her like a soft comforting blanket. while kleo comes in with some fresh muffins.
kleo-- i heard your adventure last night was eventfull how did it go.
valdederon-- ha ha yea it was it went ok though im thinking were going to work on her mental resistance soon.. she didnt fight much but i think given that she was attacked and she saw goblins getting cut down i think shes freaking out inside but trying to hide it.
valdederon looks at his nest witch has a noticable wet patch and sighs.
valdederon--- shes definatly to mentaly stressed to do any other physical training or a dungeon run. ill be talking to raykore about doing some exercises to help her recover later.. but fornow i think its best i let her sleep.
kleo sighs and slithers over coiling around valdederon and nova comfortingly.
kleo-- youve grown so much since coming here.. but i think maybey dungeon diving isnt for you i .. your going to get distracted trying to protect and get hurt or .
valdederon-- i know your worried. but ill be fine i promise plus i wont be alone.. i have draggo nova.. and even raykore.
kleo smiles and kisses valdederons fore head and heads out. for the next 5 hours nova sleeps peacefuly untill she rolls over and sneases with a groan.
nova---my head hurts.
valdederon--- you wana go get some lunch.. im sure your hungry .
she nods and steps out from the nest only to grogily face plant onto the floor with a yelp and valdederon chuckles softly helping her back up.
nova---not a dam..word val…
valdederon--- no one will hear a sqeak of it lets head to the mess hall
the both head out to the feast thats in progress and draggo smiles having been waiting
draggo---were the hell have you guys been.ive been worried.
valdederon--- nova was abit sleepy still so i let her sleep in abit were here to eat no though .
for the next couple hours the whole team digs into the ongoing feast nova eating slower then she usualy does untill valdederon puts his paw gently on her shoulder making her smile rembering shes not alone anymore . eventualy after lunch they head to a smal camp site out behind the guild and raykore materealizes and can sense nova stress.
raykore-- whats wring with the pup.
valdederon--- shes under some serious stress the recent attack on her and her family and the what she saw in the dungeon. we need to start working on helping her mind and fortifying it.
raykore--- i see.. yes that is concerning we will begin working on that.. ive read up on riolu and lucario dynamics they train thier minds through meditation.. much like some wizards and mages did were were from.
valdederon--- yea thats a good point i never thought on that.
raykore-- well you didnt have to harden your mind ha ha ha you were already a arock hard mountain when we met.. though im glad to see youve become a.. some what cahotic but gental river stream.
draggo---……..some what chaotic… you are talking about the same delphox who anialated an army of imps in one second flat right.
raykore chuckles.
raykore--- believe me.. that isnt his worst kid and im happy to say i doubt wed see his worst any time soon.
{narator note} they all relax un aware on how incredibly wrong that statement is. as later on down the line un known forces will see the brutality that lay in his heart when his family is threatened .
< this is a hint of future events with out spoiling much an entire army will see him at his worst.. his most enraged state were even a god would scramble to run from his wrath >
valdederon sits down with raykore and nova as he decides to take part in her lessons on meditation. after awhile valdederon is fully entranced much to raykores amused surprise him having never cared about meditation training before but then focuses on trying to treach nova who is struggling to grasp how to meditiate eventualy getting her to slip into a trance and keeps an eye on her and valdederon.
draggo-- how will this help nova.
raykore taking a puff from her smoking pipe and blowing it into the trees.
raykore--- meditating is a good way to get the mind to calm and slowly wor through issues.. as to exactly how it works ha ha not even the greatest of sages could explain it.. i personaly believe that the trance like meditation stops the minds over thinking of situations. and begins to help it proccess recent events in a healthy maner.. how ever it works its prooven to help heal the mind body and soul. hell even some spirits still meditate. i am shocke dthat val is doing it though.. ha ha
draggo-- why is that.. did he not like meditating.
raykore--- i think it was mainly to do with how he was at the time.. hate.. rage.. anger..persuing revenge at evry turn.. at a subconcious level i think he knew back then if he meditated his plan would have ended before it even got off the ground.
draggo sighs seeming to understand.
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orioncore · 2 years
i not gonna rb th post becos i do aanr todill dashboard sith spam rb but i tbjnn i followed tou becos iylj interactd qirh one of ny posts and wehen obsaw you in my botifs i thought ohh theyvlook neat and ppned yet profile and followed weheh it was good decision on enof my modt proudest moments.. ok un going to slep for ral now im sure you fan tell im beru tired 👍🫶💪🤓godnight oribbbb!!!!!!!!!!!
ajdhreusifhejskdjsjjsj THABK U so so much ‼️‼️ goodnight !! hope u sleep well
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auntiebleachedarse · 3 years
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hyunjinsgiggle · 5 years
seeing all these videos of stray kids and I pray that they come to London so badly :((((((
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ramabear · 6 years
made the wordcount today again, a bit better than yesterday
got kinda distracted after i finished the scene, tho. which happens. should reach the end of that chapter tomorrow! hopefully we’ll be able to smoothly move into the next arc this weekend!
and hopefully i’ll bolster the wordcount a little since i was lacking on the first day somewhat :(
if i could do five or six on one of the weekend days, that would be quite excellent
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