#ok let me try t get SOMETHING done before my eldest sister gets here. my other sister alredy here
todayisafridaynight · 10 months
tumblr keeps showing me Actual Genuine Coochie on my damn dashboard so they better not burst a blood vessel the second i start posting dicks
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imagine-loki · 5 years
TITLE: Gifted (Sequel to Giftless)
Imagine that you are Stark’s niece and you secretly share a strong relationship with Loki since he entered the crew. One day you get hurt so bad during a mission that you are about to die.  Loki knows a spell that will save you and share his immortality with you but you and he will be linked forever sharing thoughts, pain, emotions…
RATING: T NOTES/WARNINGS:  Also on AO3 click here
Loki sighed and hesitated before he spoke. “This is not a fun tale, darling,” he started, pain in his voice. You nodded, expecting as much. Loki wouldn’t have been gone for a year otherwise.  You reached across the table and took his hand in yours, offering him what comfort you could for him to tell you the painful tale.  you held his hand across the table. He gave you a small smile, more of thanking you for your reassurance than an actual smile. He rubbed his thumb over your hand, over the ring he had given you that you had never taken off.  You could tell that he was reassuring himself that you were here as much as reassuring you. 
“I know,” you told him gently when he paused in his words.  “And I know it must’ve been major for you to leave like that, but I need to know. I need to know why you left for a year. Why you took all evidence of the portal spell with you. Why you didn’t call or visit, or send a message that you were ok. I only knew you were even still alive because I was still alive,” you told him with more emotion in your voice than you had intended. You had intended to be calm about this discussion. You knew there had to be a good reason why Loki had left, but it had hurt so much. It had hurt so very, very much.
Loki took a breath, another, as he gathered his words.  He nodded when he was ready to speak.  “Asgard was attacked,” he started simply, though the words themselves were horrifying.  “There were rogues with allies from one of the lesser realms, who wanted to free Balder. They thought he should be the next ruler and they tried to assassinate the rest of our family,” Loki told you.  His voice was heavy and he fought to get the words out. His eyes were dull, vacant, as he spoke. He was staring past you, remembering something he had seen, not really seeing you. “They were put down, but not before…not before Torun…” his eyes filled with tears at the memory.
“Torun?” you asked, horrified. She was just a toddler, the daughter of Thor and Sif, Loki’s older brother and sister-in-law.  Balder was the eldest, but hadn’t been chosen as heir to the throne.  That lead to all of the strife, but to hurt Torun…
Loki nodded, a couple of tears falling as he squeezed your hand. “Torun had found out her uncle Balder was down in the dungeon. She didn’t understand that the dungeon was jail. She was just a baby,” he paused to compose himself.  “She had taken a bunch of toys down to the dungeon so they could play with him. The assassins killed her. They slaughtered that poor baby just because she was before Balder in the line to the throne.” You stood then and went to Loki to wrap your arms around him.
“I’m so sorry, Loki,” you told him softly, not caring that the kitchen staff was watching you. You barely noticed that you were crying too. Torun was such a sweet baby. You couldn’t fathom that she was gone.
“Balder is gone. They broke him out while all of the guards were distracted protecting our family.  Mother called me home after the attack. The people needed to see that the royal family was united and strong, even when we were not. They needed to see that the line of succession was still intact. Thor and Sif also needed to be given the traditional year of grieving away from the spotlight of their duties as heirs to the throne. I had to remain and act as Heir until Thor was able to take up his responsibilities again.” You just held on to Loki while he spoke. What happened was terrible and you didn’t have any words to comfort him with. No words would be good enough. “I could not bring you with me. I would not risk your safety after an assassination attempt and I could not drag you away from your life for a year or longer. I knew if you left any trace of the portal spell, you would come after me and stay, forsaking your own dreams in the process. It took months to settle the country enough that it would have even been safe, and by then… I was afraid that you would have moved on with your life. I would not have blamed you. I’m sorry I could not return before now,” he finally told you, though it pained him. “I know those words are not enough, but someday, I hope I will be able to make it up to you,”
“Can we go visit soon?” you asked him as you finally let him go when he seemed stable again. You still held his hand across the table after you had taken your seat again. “I would like to pay my respects,”
He nodded, looking relieved that that had been your reaction and response.  You hadn’t changed as much as he feared. “We will visit soon,” he promised. “Once you are up to it. If I take you there in this shape, Mother will have both of our hides,” he added with a bit of his usual teasing and friendship. 
“How’s Thor doing? And Sif?”
“They are devastated and they mourn. That will not end soon. Though Sif announced right before you returned that she is with child.” Loki gave a small smile at that.  She and Thor had been trying for a second child.  Apparently, they had succeeded. 
“So you can stay?” you asked him, adding some excitement to your voice, trying to lighten the mood.  You wanted desperately for him to stay on Midgard with you.  You didn’t want to lose him again.
“I can stay. Though Mother did request that we visit more often,” he replied with an all too familiar glint in his eyes. You gave him a smile. You were all hurting right now, but you’d be ok. Thor and Sif would be ok too, though they would always mourn their loss.
“They didn’t ask where I was?”
“I told them I left you here for your safety,” he replied. You rolled your eyes, but that’s exactly what they would have expected him to do. “Had I known how poorly you were looked after…”
“I’m fine, Loki,” you replied sourly. He just gave you a look. You sighed, easily defeated on that particular point.. “Really, I’m fine,”
“Sure you are, darling,” he replied, with disbelief in his voice. It was quite rude of him not to believe you.  Luckily for him, he was saved from your tart reply by your dinners arriving. “So what have you been doing, besides working yourself to death?” he asked as you were eating.
“Let’s see… I graduated from high school, top of the class. I’ve started a really ambitions extremely accelerated PhD program at Metropolis University. Thanks for that by the way, since it’s purely because of the knowledge I stole from you through the soulbond that I can do this program,” you touched the lines of power that ran up his left arm and he smiled. They were identical to the marks on your own left arm. “I should graduate in a year or so. I told Fury that I wouldn’t work for the Avengers full time until I’d earned my PhD and gotten to be a real doctor. That’s what I’d always thought I’d be when I didn’t have powers. I didn’t want to give that up just because I finally got my powers,” you explained. He nodded, of course he remembered your conversation about your future from before you had gotten your powers.
“So you have done nothing but work?” he asked, disapproving.
You shrugged. “Pretty much. I did spend some time with the actors when they came to shoot the next Avengers movie, but most of my life is boring right now, school, work in the infirmary, patrol. I wasn’t going to be Bella Swan and just waste away in depression because my boyfriend left. I needed to do something with my life.” You pulled up a picture on your phone to show him, though. It was of you carrying all of the actors’ weapon props as they chased you around the set. You showed it to him and he started laughing. “I did have some fun,” you told him as you laughed too.
“My apologies, lady. It seems I was mistaken,” he replied still laughing as you pulled up more pictures from that day to show him.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I don’t live in the compound anymore. I mean, I still have your suite there, but I live in an apartment near campus.” That would be important information when he went to take you home later.
A huge dessert appeared in front of you after you’d finished your meals, catching up the entire time.  Your eyes lit up at the delicious chocolaty creation. You and Loki devoured the entire thing like small children left alone with an entire cake. Which was, in retrospect, a fairly accurate description of the two of you at times. 
Loki escorted you from the restaurant once you had finished eating and stopped right outside. “So, are we returning to the compound or your apartment?” he asked when he stopped.
“My apartment,” you replied. You gave him the address and somehow that was enough information for him to teleport you there. You thought it was impressive since he’d never been there, or really on this end of town very often.
“Darling, when was the last time you slept?” he asked when you were alone. You were so full of food that you were leaning too much on him, halfway to a food coma. It was getting harder to stay awake through stubbornness and caffeine when there wasn’t an emergency every few seconds.
“I slept Wednesday,” you told him sleepily, wrapping your arms around his slim waist.
“And how long did you sleep on Wednesday?” he asked gently as he ran his fingers through your hair.
You shrugged, not moving your head from his chest. “A couple hours?”
“Love, it’s Tuesday now. That is nearly a week. Even I cannot go that long without sleep. Come on, off to bed with you,” he swept you up into his arms. Another flash of his magic and you were in your pajamas. He was soon trying to tuck you into bed. 
You would grudgingly admit to being difficult.
“I can’t sleep,” you protested, though exhaustion fogged your brain and you were sure it made your words really easy to understand.  Or completely unintelligible. 
“Yes, you can darling. No one will be calling you for an emergency. There are no responsibilities right now except to rest. You are taking a break,” he reminded you, overly patient as usual when you were being stubborn.
“If I sleep then this really will all be a dream and it’ll be tomorrow and you’ll be gone,” you told him quite logically. Or at least your sleep deprived brain thought it was logical. You didn’t want this to be a dream.  You didn’t want Loki to be gone when you woke.
“What if I lie in the bed beside you? Then will you believe that this is not a dream?” he asked gently, acknowledging your fear. He was trying to fight against your sleep deprived logic. It didn’t resemble normal human logic, though, so he was at a severe disadvantage. You thought about that, but finally nodded. If you could hold on to him then he wouldn’t disappear and be a dream. He magicked himself some pajamas and climbed into the other side of the bed. You curled up against him, laying your head on his cool chest and falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. A sound you had grown too accustomed to hearing in the year you had been dating, and a sound you had missed too desperately in the year he had been away.
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sarasfm · 4 years
Sarauniya “ Sara ” Davies, 24, pansexual, cisfemale, ISFP Enneagram 9w1; Pisces sun, Sagittarius moon, Pisces rising 1st year Advanced Encryption Major; did not go to a spy prep hs
Imma keep it real with you, chief, I have absolutely no idea what’s going on. I mean, obviously, I know what espionage is ; I’ve read books and articles, and I’ve seen Spy Kids and all the Charlies Angels and James Bond movies, but I genuinely think I need a minute to wrap my head around everything. Make that two weeks, because what’s this I hear about two murders ?  I literally just got sent here to be safe, I — I’m sorry, I’m freaking out. Give me five seconds, and we can start again, because I promise I can totally pretend this is all normal. @gallagherintro​
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full name: sarauniya “ sara ” davies
dormitory room: 105
birthday: 20 march 1995
soundtrack: “ go gina ” by sza
favorite dish: efo riro
aesthetic:  when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of light reflecting from her earrings, eyeglasses perched on top of her head, and a caviar iphone always in her hands
Bio Points
her mom’s a nigerian baddie billionaire & her dad’s a soft academic brit
she grew up between london and abuja where their family’s business is based. it’s a trading enterprise, the largest industrial conglomerate in sub-saharan africa
she’s the eldest of three siblings, was raised to be prim & proper and groomed to run their family’s business. her family’s not pushy though and they’re really cool. very healthy dynamic so she doesn’t mind ; she loves her fam and would do it w a smile !
Coding is her Passion though. total dork. stayed up all the time just sleuthing and being an internet geek since she was a youngin’
loves education and is the type who would willingly stay in school to learn. has a degree in economics from harvard and was almost done with her mba when her littlest sister got abducted !  was it about business ? money ? who knows ! the sister’s fine now but her family sure is Scared especially since sara’s alone in the big bad united states
her mom made some calls and went “ gimbiya, look, u aint safe n we sorry. we’ll work something out to make sure u get ur mba degree somehow but shit is wild so we gotta get u somewhere near that’s safe asap. u like studying & ur a geek with computers right ? cool beans, go back to school & welcome to gallagher, babe ”
she enters gallagher in the middle of the spring semester very overwhelmed & inwardly ignoring how unhappy she is about having to be here bc she is not & does not want to be a spy. she just tryna distract herself by looking at this entire thing as a weird vacation where she can do stuff she wasn’t able to before because it’s literally detached from the world. she is mostly probably in way over her head, but let’s see ! 
Other Information
Nicknames: Sara (to everyone), gimbiya (to family, means princess in Hausa)
Languages: English (native), Hausa (native), Arabic (C1), French (B2)
Strengths: is money a strength ? also coding. and being the sweetest. and a general smartypants but that’s in a university setting & gallagher probably doesnt give a fuck
Relationship History: only has one (1) experience. ( well,,, 2 if a three-second drunken kiss w kass counts ) his name’s royce and they’ve known each other since their bougie secondary school back in britain. started dating at sixteen and went to harvard together. they’re long term as fuck. he’s like her best friend and their families adore the couple & each other. got engaged last september and sara broke it off before leaving for gallagher, oof. she deadass milked the opportunity but lbr she wasnt rlly Feeling It so she’s kinda glad for the ‘valid reason’ to appear bc it rlly wasn’t Love for sara so boy bye
Physical appearance: 1.76m, 55kg, long black hair, slim and toned build
Classes: GEN 105, GEN 206, AE 101, AT 101, PE 101
the sweetest. v charming & sensitive to others & curious about things. enthusiastic too ! loves adventures & is very passionate. queen of empathy. 
she’s not stuck up even tho she loaded. she doesnt rlly talk abt her family having 12B or the fact that she’s an ivy league girl, bc she’s just generally very uwu 
easily stressed and flustered and overwhelmed ! man, gallagher’s gonna shook this goddamn academic dork to her core for the love of god someone pls get the aed ready
rlly fun !!! can be a lil unpredictable bc it b lyk dat for rich girls. loves her independence which she hasn’t maximized bc of her ex fiancé & responsibilities but it’s chill so chill totally chill, no ounce of further longing exists in the crevices of this girl’s heart
she is so not good with confrontation and is so allergic to conflict ok. she will sweep discomfort under a rug and lie on it ‘til it’s flat which makes her a queen of repression & conforming
is she easily overwhelmed & stressed ? yes, but she’ll try not to show it so much. it’s all mostly an internal monologue so don’t underestimate her pls. she’s v smart and competent. can be so competitive ( albeit mostly inwardly ) and a boss ass business bitch like her business momma bc that’s what she’s been training for altho she is still generally a soft bab so ... yeah, if u would be so kind as to Estimate her, that’d be grand
she needs to always be on top of her game. maybe not the best in the class, but definitely pushes herself to be her best, so a lot of late nights studying & won’t settle for bad grades ever. gonna be rough in gallagher bc she is not spy material ok, she’s just a pretty rich geek behind a computer
just imagine her as the nice girl in ur ap classes who’s a lil awkward & just so happens to be super hot & stinking rich
Fun Facts
has a six-month old rescue pup named sooty ! who kinda looks like a sheparnese
has a tendency to ramble if she’s comfy w u enough or mayhaps if it’s too much man 
is v diligent w keeping a journal & does it everyday 
likes to dance ! not super good but she likes it. hits da clubs for dat shit 
is a lil instagram famous bc she’s a gorgeous rich harvard girl & all that jazz. queen of selfies & of looking hot but doesn’t actually get to play around rip ffff 
doesn’t drink much bc she is an extreme lightweight and 2 is her tap out limit
if she’s had more than 2 drinks, she is Very Honest but still very ramble-y 
she is physically active but mostly just runs and does yoga. knows very basic self-defense. is not sporty, definitely not a fighter, may god have mercy on her soul
isnt a virgin but is not sexually experienced lmao lbr she kinda Itching to get out there 
don’t ask me what her accent is because i have no clue it’s all over the place
Established Connections — just bc i think y’all would like to know
kassandra sutton — internet friends ! loves kass to bits. have known each other since sara was 14. when kass was 18, sara took her on a grad trip to montreal and became a lil lowkey into her. doesn’t help that kass drunk kissed her & doesn’t remember lmfao. poor sara told her then-bf & they had a lil fight but they made up bc sara didn’t talk to kass for months. eventually they became friends again & now sara’s in gallagher w no idea that kass is a mf sutton & honestly, my girl is just very shook w everything 
Possible Connections
crushes — she does not know how to flirt. she is ,,,, p pathetic tbh but a real heckin cutie. will be super nice to ur bab ok  
flirtationships — sara and i r gonna continue to keep it real w u chieves, her ex fiancé royce was vanilla and bland as fuck. can u believe she has not been single in a decade ? ? someone give her love & attention & fluster this soft innocent child. get her Experienced but also dont hurt her
enemies/angst !!! —  or maybe do ! maybe hurt her. maybe obliterate her. maybe smash her poor heart to pieces, because tbh i would love that.  so someone pls for the love all things holy and divine, someone hurt her !!!!
fwb — probably just one (1) bc she’s still a romantic ? and she’s probably gonna want something exclusive even if it’s no strings attached and will surely want to ,.,. get to know them a little bit more first ,,, at least ideally , idk , maybe impulse & thirst gets the better of her one of these days who knows lets find out !
friends !!! — sara will love u ok. she may be a lil easily flustered but she’s doesn’t rlly give up on ppl quickly. as i’ve said, queen of empathy. probs feels v sorry for majority of the gallagher & georgetown kids bc, .,.,., this environment just screams highkey Trauma to her and she’s valid bc she’s right
mentors !!! — she hates feeling dumb ok she Always has to be on top of her game, so u can bet ur ass after her first meetings in her classes she goes to ppl going “ hey could u help me out w working out ? boxing ? firing a gun ? literally everything & anything ? ”   
anything & everything — meaning just come @ me & let’s talk about it uwu 
( did i just create georgina’s antithesis ? fuck yes, and i am sooo excited to have a child that’s not always plotting & scheming & being mean like y’all have no idea ;_; nywy, that was long bc shutting up and brevity are things i do not possess. whats up it’s ur og flower garden girl rose here aka bugleweed aka fiancée of many and lover of all, and i am open to anything and everything ! just drop an IM or hit dat like & ill slide in ur dmz w love, plots & sanitized hands x )
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rosentm · 5 years
helllooo ! PHEW this took me a hot MINUTE to write out but i’m finally done . i’m sam , your local dark academia & stevie nicks trash ,  and i bring forth my favorite Musical Theater Son Ari !! i have literally been on a straight up show tunes kick ever since binge watching the politican ( which isn’t even a musical just BEN PLATT ) and thus , enough about me ,  i present to you the real star of the show ... !! 
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did you hear how ARIEL ROSEN is applying to columbia university as a MUSICAL THEATER major ?! the TWENTY-TWO year old is living in the CARLTON ARMS. i heard that they got in because they are AMBITIOUS and FERVENT, but honestly i think HE can be INSECURE and COMPLIANT. they’re a real THESPIAN. oh well, only time will tell if the SENIOR will make it til the end.  
full name : ariel nathaniel rosen ( it’s pronounced AHHH REE ELLE not AIR ree elle GET IT RIGHT or don’t talk to him )
nickname : ari , like ah - ree , and exclusively goes as such
birthday : september 30, 1997
zodiac : libra sun , aquarius moon , leo rising
nationality : american
ethnicity : jewish
religion : jewish
sexual & romantic orientation : bisexual , biromantic
hometown : los angeles , california
languages spoken : english
aesthetics : bright stage lights, secret playlists, the swish of a soccer ball catching net, black american express cards, muddy soccer cleats, old money
dream roles : guy ( once ) & emcee ( cabaret )
character parallels : troy bolton ( high school musical ) , nate archibald ( gossip girl ) , austin ames ( a cinderella story ) , neil perry ( dead poets society ) , andrew ( the breakfast club ) , pink ( dazed and confused )
background info ! 
born and raised in sunny los angeles , beverly hills to be exact 
both his parents are in the entertainment business , his father is the ceo of a production company ( think warner brothers ) and his mom is a hot shot producer at the same company 
he’s the youngest of three , with two older sisters , and greatness was always expected of the rosens . his eldest sister , lila , has just passed the california bar exam on her first try and is now working in entertainment law in los angeles . the middle child , ilana , is in grad school and studying to become a pediatric surgeon . and then there’s ariel . 
ari was a good kid . in high school he was captain of the soccer team and was really really talented at the sport , he tutored underprivileged kids on tuesdays , had a high school sweetheart that his parents loved . he was beloved by the student body , he’d walk into a party and every guy would give him a high five , every girl would say hello . only he was hiding this huge secret that he felt like he couldn’t tell anybody . 
he was a THEATER NERD . while out loud he would blast brockhampton & kendrick , if you took a look at his playlists you’d find endless amounts of show tunes . not that he’d ever tell anyone ! his parents may be in the biz , but it was strictly corporate . neither of them spared any time for the arts , at least not where their kids were concerned 
he was the golden child , the only son , the baby boy . his mom totally coddled him and his dad had huge expectations for him . they were both thrilled when he received his acceptance letter from columbia , which happened to be the school his sister ilana was attending at the time . he got into the business school , where he would major in business and minor in economics & entertainment management whilst playing as center midfielder on the men’s soccer team 
his first year and a half at columbia were swamped with late night studying , internships with major companies thanks to his dad’s hook ups , soccer practice and essentially no time for social life ( although being in a frat like delta psi helped out on that front , as even when he didn’t want to go out , they brought the party home ) 
but in the middle of his sophomore year he did something entirely brave ! he auditioned for a musical . an amateur production , neither a part of the school nor on broadway , but he landed the role and told virtually nobody , not even his friends . 
at the end of his sophomore year , after the production had run its course , he took the leap , auditioning for columbia’s theater program . it was a huge shot in the dark , seeing as he’d already finished two years of undergrad as a business major , but shockingly ... he got in . 
okay , not that shockingly . even without formal training , anybody could see the potential in ari when he gets on stage . the voice he’s got in him is undeniable , and acting just comes naturally . despite his somewhat timid personality , he takes the stage by storm every time . also , his last name carries some weight at the university , but that’s besides the point . 
it’s been two years now since he switched majors and he’s been so much happier , though he has yet to tell his parents . he’s not sure when he’ll get around to that but it’ll certainly be later rather than sooner 
personality !
ari is the nice guy . very much the “ lovable jock ” trope , he’s pretty soft . you could step all over him and he’d probably apologize to you tbh 
that being said he’s got a winner’s drive , he’s an athlete after all , and can be incredibly determined when he wants to be
v smart , probably should have been in omega chi delta , but his jock reputation preceded him and plus , he likes drinking too much
he’s really not very flirty because he can be kind of shy ?? but get a few shots in him and he’ll talk you up ok 
i feel like i’m missing some stuff but anyway ?? HERE is his pinterest board ! 
wanted connections ! 
best friend — probably a frat brother , PLEASE give me a bromance 
platonic soulmate — the best friend , the gal , the one that everyone asks “ are you guys a couple ? ” to which they both disgustedly respond “ NO ! ”  wren
freshman fling — i say fling but that was just for alliteration , it was probably a whole ass relationship . you see , ari came to columbia still dating his high school sweetheart , they were gonna do long distance , but this was the person that made him realize that there was so much more to the world he had to see and experience before committing to a girl he met at thirteen . they could’ve ended amicably or not ! 
teammates — WHAT TEAM ? LIONS ! WHAT TEAM ? LIONS ! LIONS ! GETCHA HEAD IN THE GAME !!! ok basically just soccer bois like give em to me if you’ve got ‘em . ari is a starting center mid and ?? i’m thinking team captain since he’s a senior now but 
billionaire boys club — ok not just boys but give me all the rich kid plots like going out shopping for the day on the upper east side , dropping a thousand on a table at an exclusive club , jetting off to europe for the weekend . we have to stan 
ex girlfriend — welp i have an hc that ari dated a girl for at least half of sophomore and all of junior year because he’s definitely a fully committal , all in kind of guy  ( so it would’ve been a recent break up ) , but they broke up and we can figure out the details of why let’s get this angst nellie
secret hook up — it’s 2019 ari !!!! GAY IS OK . anyways this kiddo has completely come to terms with his sexuality he just doesn’t feel like his parents ever will . they kind of have his whole life planned out and a huge chunk of that is marrying a #NiceJewishGirl soooo ! this can be secret in the sense that ari doesn’t plan on telling his parents but they aren’t secretive about it at school , or it can be entirely secret idc ! soleil
theater friends — as a drama kid ... the freaking bond between your cast mates and the crew ?!?! phew ... gimme these bonds !!! also would love a plot where they were cast as romantic interests and had to spend the semester making out during rehearsals 
business & econ major pals — ari spent his first two years at columbia in the business school , so i imagine a lot of his earliest friends were met through that ! mayhaps one of them was the earliest person he confided in about not actually wanting to do business 
grad school friends — idk if any muses are grad school students but ! ari’s older sister ilana ( i might end up erasing her name and major and make her a wanted connection IDK I’LL SEE HOW I FEEL ) is 2 years older and went to columbia for undergrad , so i imagine when he was a freshman she introduced him to a lot of her friends ! so if any grad school muses also went to undergrad at columbia mayhaps they knew ari’s sister and yada yada ok this one was a loose connection but an attempt was made 
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sound-of-the-cosmos · 5 years
You’re Safe (BTS & Sister! Reader) Imagine
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Warnings: TW! Abuse is shown in the beginning of this imagine; May be triggering to some readers
Imagine your brothers (BTS) saving you from an unhealthy relationship
Your P.O.V
How long had it been since you’d left the complex? It had to have been weeks, maybe even months. Your boyfriend, b/f/n, refused to let you leave unless he was with you. Work was the only place you could get away from him, but he’d made you quit some time ago. You weren’t allowed to use the tv, phone, or any of the media devices in the house. Each one had a password, so he’d know if you even tried. The last attempt at calling someone had lead to being locked in the basement for a week, without food, and little water. You had attempted to call your brothers, but you’d not only been caught, he heard you begin to ask for help. “Y/n! Get your ass in here!” He was drunk again, and, he was angry. What did you do this time? You find yourself scrambling into the kitchen, where your boyfriend stood, leaning against the counter. “I told you to order more whiskey, didn’t I?” You felt your stomach drop. You’d forgotten to order more, and you knew it wasn’t going to end well.
“Yes… yes sir,” Your anxiety was going through the roof, your heart pounding. Your eyes trail off to the front door behind him. He hadn’t locked it yet, which meant if you were fast enough, you could escape. Oh, how you longed to be able to walk freely, but you knew deep down even trying wouldn’t end well. “Then why the fuck is there only one bottle left?!” He roars drunkenly, grabbing your shirt, and swings you into the counter. You could feel something snap in your side, more than likely a rib, upon impact. You let out a cry as you collided, and he throws a punch at your cheek, catching you almost on the jaw. Your head shoots to the side, and you find yourself whimpering in pain, unable to cry out. But you were done with this, you couldn't take it anymore. You shove him, and he stumbles backwards into the hallway with a strangled sound of pure rage, and at this moment, your instincts take over. You bolt over to the door, the adrenaline coursing through your veins keeping you from collapsing in pain as you run. It was raining, not heavily, but just enough to make it hard to see. You manage to cross the street, and keep running. It had to be night, as all the streetlights were on. Your heart hammers against your chest, and your breathing now in short, frantic spurts. You slow down after crossing a bridge, and slump against a bench at a park. B/FN hadn’t followed you thankfully, but now, with no phone and little mobility, you allowed yourself to close your eyes, letting the cold rain and pain take your consciousness.
Hobi’s P.O.V (Bc I don’t see his Pov enough in fanfics-)
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It began to rain as I finished my last lap around the park, the droplets mixing with the sweat on my face and arms. I needed to head home, or I’d catch a cold or something. My brothers and I got a call from an unknown, blocked number about 6 months ago, and while I tried to be the one to lift up the group, I was nervous about Y/n’s safety. We’d never liked her boyfriend, but she completely vanished almost a year ago. She wasn’t at her job, and no one had seen her around. They’d both moved as well, and her boyfriend had gotten a new job (I believe, his old place said he’d “found somewhere better” in his words), so tracking them down was close to impossible. I sigh softly, before heading toward the bridge that was only half a mile away from home. It was the closest exit of the park, but it wasn’t well used. Not many people knew about it. I saw a disheveled figure laying on one of the wooden benches, and I felt my curiosity grow. It was probably a homeless person, but something seemed familiar. I walk over, and find a woman with a large bruise on her right cheek, and she was only wearing a long sleeved shirt and jeans; no shoes, no jacket, and more than likely no ID. I frowned a bit at this. It looked like she’d just up and ran out of her house, or wherever she’d come from. I gingerly place my hand on her forehead. She’s been out here longer, and I was almost willing to bet money that she was already close to being, if not already, sick. I click my tongue. I needed to get home, but she obviously needed a place to stay. She was out cold, so I suppose she couldn’t argue about me giving her a place to stay until she felt better. I pick her up bridal style, before taking a moment to really look over her features, and in those few seconds, the world seemed to stop. Y/n…? I kick the door to our house, unable to knock properly. “Seokjin!” I was absolutely soaked, and shivering. It had taken 20 minutes to get back, and if I was suffering, Y/n must be worse; she’d been out there as long as it had been raining. A tired, disgruntled Jin opens the door. Before he can say anything, I push past him, into the open living room. Out of my 6 other brothers, he was the eldest, and I didn’t know who else would be up this late. “Hoseok, what the hell is this? Who is…” His eyes met the figure on my back, and he stopped short. “Is that..?” He was shocked, and honestly, I was myself. After so fucking long, we managed to find our little sister. And she was half dead, probably sick and unhealthily thin. Enraged wasn’t even going to cover it, and dead wasn’t going to cover what I was going to do to who did this. “Yah, what’s going on-” Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin make their way into the room, Yoongi griping about the noise under his breath. As if a message had been sent mentally, Jimin visibly became distraught. “Oh fuck-” A hand flew to his mouth, and his eyes were as wide as noodle bowls. Namjoon’s expression darkened majorly, pacing over towards us. Yoongi, on the other hand, looked both pissed and worried. He was one to stay nonchalant, sure, but there was a dark pit in his eyes. Jimin timidly follows Namjoon, and the two sit beside me, looking over the damage. Jimin’s voice cracks, before he clears his throat. He waits for a moment, before speaking “Should-Should I go get Tae and Jungkook..? They should know-”
Namjoon’s P.O.V
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Her lips purse, and I gently shush Jimin. They needed to know, but we also needed to figure out what happened. And if that douchebag laid a hand on her, caused these bruises… there was going to be hell to pay. Her eyes shoot open, and she begins frantically scooting backwards. “Oh god, I-I’m sorry, please don’t-” A sob rips it’s way out of her throat, and I could feel my heart drop to my feet and shatter. She thought we were going to hurt her; she thought we, her brothers, were going to hurt her. I raise my hands, trying to signal that I wasn’t going to do anything, hoping my brothers followed suit, and that this worked. “Hey, hey, it’s ok. You’re Y/n, right?” As furious as I was, anger wasn’t the emotion she needed to see. Jimin backs up a little, as if unsure what to do, and Seokjin had left the room. Y/n needed medical attention, and Hoseok hopefully was going to help himf get the things needed. She nods slowly, her e/c eyes darting around the room uneasily. She was nervous, and with how she looked, she had every right to be. “I won’t hurt you- None of us will hurt you. I promise; I know it’s probably hard to believe that, but I won’t touch you unless you say it’s ok, ok?” I keep my tone soft, approaching slowly. She was messing with the hem of her soaked shirt, no longer looking around, but at her hands. “O…...okay,” I sit on the opposite end of the couch, allowing a decent amount of space in between us. Did she not remember us? “Who are you…y-you guys…?” Her voice quivers slightly, not looking up. Yoongi, at this, leaves the room, pure, unveiled rage on his features. I could understand, but I was grateful he left. Anger isn’t what we needed. Jimin silently follows, leaving us alone, and I could tell she was a little bit more anxious now than before. I find myself exhaling softly. “Y/n, do we seem familiar, even if only a little?” A small nod, her hands stopping. “Do you remember trying to call a number a while back?” Another nod, her body starting to shake. “You’d tried to contact your brothers… that was us.”She slowly looks at me, as if scared, before tearing up. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry-” She softly whimpers, and I gently take her hands. She was shaking badly, and she was shivering on top of that. She seems hesitant to let me hold her hands, but still allowed me to. “Let’s get you changed, and we can talk more after, ok? We have a spare room, and no one will come in unless you need help. I can leave some clothes too; you must be cold.” I keep my tone calm, rubbing circles on the backs on her hands with my thumbs. She nods, before softly asking me something. “Can… can you walk with me..?” She seemed genuinely terrified, and my heart broke a little more. Her breathing had slowed to a much more relaxed pace, but was still a little quick, and seemed pained. “Of course.”
Your P.O.V
I was scared, but… he wasn’t lying. I look at myself in the mirror after finishing a warm shower, and I could feel embarrassment beginning to pool in my stomach. I was a bruised mess, and I looked horrid. Everything hurt too, especially my chest. Could I trust these people…? Were they really my brothers..? I shake my head, before peeking out into the room. There was clothing on the large bed, some joggers and a t-shirt. The room itself was well designed, and fairly expensive looking. The door leading to the hallway was still shut, so I walk out into the large room, covered in a towel wrapped around my body. The curtains were drawn, making sure no one could see in. I let it drop, changing into the shirt and joggers. The brother (?) who was kind to me… who was that? And who brought me here? These questions swirl in my mind as I hang up the towel, not wanting to get yelled at for that. I peek into the hallway, seeing someone walking away. He heard my door open, and as soon as he begins to turn around, I shut it. My heart was pounding, and I could hear his footsteps approaching. He was taller than I was, so he was probably stronger too. A soft knock jolts me out of my thoughts. “Y/n..?” His voice was soft, and I step away from the door. The door opens, revealing the man who had looked angry earlier. My anxiety begins to grow. “Namjoon wanted me to check up on you. His clothes seem a bit big though… but we have some hot chocolate if you’d like some.” He scratched the back of his neck, looking up at me. He didn’t seem as angry, but I couldn’t help but wonder if it was towards me or not. “U-um… where’s the kitchen…?” I learned their names quickly, after my memories began to return. I hold my mug with a little cat on it, wrapped up in a blanket on their couch. Namjoon had been the one to talk to me, and Jimin was the one who helped me find my way back. Hoseok had brought me here after finding me in the park.Yoongi was helping me with some cuts and bruises, a stoic expression on his face. “Noona, what happened..?” Jungkook’s expression was worried, but nervous. “Where have you been all this time?” His voice was worried, but gentle, and knowing who they were helped calm me a lot to being around them. I gulp a little, messing with the mug. Tae had given me a gentle hug, thankfully not squeezing too hard. I was grateful, and nervous. Would they think I was weak..? I explained what had happened, watching my fingers. How he had tricked me into moving in with him, then quitting my job to please him, and how it was never enough. “Before… before I left, we got… we got into a fight. He- he hit me, a-and, hurt my chest-” My voice shook horribly, tears leaving my eyes. My brothers were silent, before I felt arms around me, more and more holding me as I cried.
“It’s ok to cry… you’re safe now.”
“You’re safe.”
Part Two here 
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renatedagmarmilada · 6 years
USA Gov -- it is going to be a bad century I am afraid..Prgram will try out everything there is. two people sit at lab st barths human Research and change all blogs I put on.. it is the only way Fekete tells people about us, so we destroy that too. quote --Bethany's mother? You are grown up now, you will ......etc We have fed that into some Somalian girls brains and added Renate told me that.. Alyson, I wrote it into a letter which we posted signed from her. We have taken her mail from the post office since 1991, Anna lab bosses of st barths human Research, told a director that Fekete was a mongoloid and got permission to take it, we do that a lot, with bank accounts too, He did not know it was not genuine,  operative Iffy, /called that after the someone I knew/ is sending a thief in to rob your home-- there,t here and there.... but there is nothing left to rob? There are just one or two bits and pieces left. They keep them.. . Well, they are Anna's pets because they are thieves and murderers, so they get raised in England. Anna told us to keep sending thieves in.. it goes in circles, we are to keep robbing and robbing.. We can't do much because not even by word or deed have you ever hurt England... quote - I change Fekete's blogs I changed one yesterday, she changed it back, dates, spellings english etc We do that on her poetry sites and writers sites too. Nothing is permitted her.. nothing.. ha ha ha, so much for being perfect citizens.. Ours kill, cheat, lie, steal, cheat everything you can imagine.. we are rich and supported, she's worked hard and been careful and kind..... quote - let's see if we can destroy Fekete's image with her family. We kept them apart for decades so they don't really know her./they use the fantastic technology USA gave them to feed horrid thoughts and feelings into people's brains, though everywhere it says it is not possible, they have been doing it for decades and decades/ The Ministry men ordered us to destroy her. Her eldest son's wife is english so they are ours not hers../Her eldest son is being employed by the Americans, I think that has more to do with it all./ -- I am not really surprised, that is what the communists did too!! exactly what the Lab St barths Human Research does, not for nothing do I call them UK's KGB.. it is what they are - they fixed Princess Diana and had been 'fixing' before and after..   my little garden - now has fag ends and cellophane wrappings. high fence and no one except thieves come into my garden and I don't smoke. Anna's idea /bossess of St barths human Research, the thieves throw the wrappings of what they have stolen from me back into my garden.. actually Bethany's idea, but Anna picked it up. Manchester Human Research.. only one ten year old was once raped by a man the whole staff considered a weirdo. It is st barths Human Research, they are a very bad apple in the keg...and should be closed and outside staff fetched in. NOT ONE OF THE ORIGINAL STAFF SHOULD BE RE-EMPLOYED /which is what they are doing after re-opening/ AGAIN- ABSOLUTELY NO MEN SHOULD BE INVOLVED IN THE CARE OF CHILDREN. AND FROM WATCHING ST BARTHS - THE BOSS /BOSSESS SHOULD BE CAREFULLY CHECKED ...   quote - Alyson to Anna. I don't know what to do, I thought Fekete would be scared by ...so I pushed it to the limit. Anna --Put Beryl /13 Coronation Str Plaistow- former Univ friend, the lab used/ on the machine, have her write RF's so they get mixed up whose is whose. Get Operative Vicky to re-spell all Fekete's work. He's an ***** but he is good for that. Beryl can't write and Fekete is a perfect speller. Doesn't matter people don't know that... make RF as low as you can Ozman- Syrian killer, former groomer of rent boys and thief's 16 yr old step son at Addis Str Flats with his aunty, Neseriah's sister, with his 14 yr old brother, stole three full diaries when he broke in Some three weeks ago., I have the diaries stolen because I said some things I didn't intend to say /Alyson/   quote just now-- I told the health Minister that Fekete is stupid, we told a lot of people that, and we could deal with it. He said, Ok get on with it.. We nearly had Fekete believing it was being sorted, till we started robbing her again.. quote j- I told the health Minister that Fekete is stupid, we told a lot of people that, and we could deal with it. He said, Ok get on with it.. SITA /Indian operative st barths Human Research I have put cancer spots on you. I messed with you a lot, a real lot / have the ethnics noticed that it is they who are being used, for paltry moneys?/ Real swine on the machine last few days.. some torment more, some less nastily. No automatic alt text available. DORTMUND Human Research -- Werner who was paid by St barths human Research to come over and show them what he could do... tied my internet to the lab st barths Human Research so that they can totally control my life, hack into all my sites etc WERNER said- I only realised later what I had done. I should have realised that you would be one of ours that they were stripping and tormenting.. Hungary is being de-stablized so that London can order it to its own preference. it is not noticeable unless you know what to look for...//   quote - the slovaks drink heavily, so everyone you meet at the moment is having their drink stink activated in their brains...but they will think it is you. They did the same with friend Mathew and mothers at paint groups.. once they activate their stink cells /that means they think I smell but in fact it is them and worse.. They did the same with friend Mathew and many others at paint groups.. once they activate their stink cells /that means they think I smell but in fact it is them and worse.. as someone said today, odd direction science is taking in the UK.. no where else, /because Anna bossess of Hum Research and jun sec Min of health had an odour problem because of her Atkins diet.. and drinking and smoking. these Upperthorpe Slovaks are trickier than I thought, because they used my BA and MA essays for their college and school work, they have told their school /PARKWOOD SCHOOL SHEFFIELD/ and college teachers /CITY COLLEGES SHEFFIELD/ that I AM THEIR AUNTY!!!! and I gave them the essays and the goods, and I let them into my home!! ODDLY, THE LAB CHECKED AND NO ONE IN MY FAMILY IN ALL FOUR COUNTRIES WAS A THIEF.. NOT ONE MEMBER... Slovaks -Upperthorpe 90 something= Miraslava 15 yrs old daughter of Cecilia and Bohdan /guilty of manslaughter and 14 counts of theft with agro back home/- lab checked... Parkwood school Sheffield, was in your home again about one month ago.... ...''She has some german paints and crayons, I am thieving those'' said the thieving blonde girl, she also robbed a full diary .. etc microsound - I want you dead or out../?/ Milliband was lied to about you, none of them have the faintest idea what you are really like, AS YOU KNOW WE PUT ALL OUR SINS AND THOUGHTS ONTO THE FILE OF LIES WE SENT ROUND THE WORLD..WE INTEND TO MAKE SURE THEY GET STAY TOO FROM THE LAB.. THE CIVIL SERVANTS DO AS WE TELL THEM AND CHARLES H R DOES NOTHING ONLY WHAT HE IS TOLD TO DO BY US AND THE MINISTRIES, WHO ARE OUR TOYS NOW.  quote -- over tv ...THE SYRIAN THIEVES HAVE ALL GOT STAY, THEY HELPED US ROB FEKETE'S HOME. OVER THREE YEARS TIME AND AGAIN... lab checked and found out, Ozman was a murderer and groomed rent boys /now London Rd/ his wife Neseriah is a thief as are both her Ozman's step sons, 16 and 14 yrs old .. Adam has been robbing my home some 7 times.. England will become like a pirates' island   quote -lab st barths Human Research.. 'I thought you said the reviewers knew it was not their work but Fekete's stolen from her home-- they are making it sound as though they are fantastic'' quote, today - if you don't report us we will get away with it all, if you do, we will activate the cancers we have put on you.   quote answerer,:''there is an opinion there.'' Opinions put onto the file by Jean Carsted Beaumond, Anna the bossess, Alyson /Megan Marion/ etc I rarely give an opinion, except in a situation like that of the Pakistani young man who assaulted an elderly disabled, gentleman on the train from Sheffield to York on Monday. I was just so angry. Other than that, a life time of being a foreigner has taught me to keep my tongue very carefully..Infact, I am not very judgemental anyw... · quote - three lab st barths Human Research women have now put six cancer spots on RF.: Lauren Fielding , Alyson /Megan-cum Marrion/ and Jean Carsted Beaumond - She has to heal herself the program says..no medicine or law permitted. HM agrees with us. The lab tells everyone they are committing the crimes for Prince Charles. I do not believe them, but I do think he needs to show some balls and stop them, as he and the Queen signed for this program over UK /not just me.. 500 str... See more from my best learn CHINESE book-- stolen by lab st barths human research operatives, along with three boxes of books held at storage. Appleyard's Removals, and former Meyer of Edgeware Rd had 400 sketches and paintings taken out. They used three thieves, two white, /one a beatnick who needed money, one a career thief, and one black man Ghanaian who did some bad at home so could not go home, hence he would not report the lab. Lab st barths Human Research, always has its own thieves, in London they had three two. Black guys. Spain they had two Iraqis. They asked them if they wanted to join the lab staff, but they declined /!!/ more sense than I thought. 5 Years Ago Fletcher Bounty 3 July at 16:45 · quote ''so they are muzzling you..'' /YES a long time now/ Like   /CITY COLLEGES?/ Fransesca Did it-- /it is Renate Fekete's / Fransesca got it from Bettina, who got it from her thief cousins, cecilia and Bohdan, 62 UPPERTHORPE SHEFFIELD whose family robbed it from THE OLD TEACHER'S HOME-- Fekete's home when they broke in time and again.... quote lab Alyson-- circle that, we will use it for something ..... /I am on the monitor day and night, since 1983.. and so are you and you and you and you, only I know, you don't... SHEFFIELD.. yesterday I went to Scarborough. I got the 11.21 from Sheffield to York. The carriage was full as holiday time is here, packed, people were even standing. I sat in the gangway seat, opposite a table seat with four older people, two couples, ok I am 73 so when I tell you older, you will understand what I mean by older.. A young, Pakistani man HAD sat himself into the seat opposite and the elderly person, with stick, stoop, limp and wife asked him kindly to let hi... Lisa Driscol Lgave a friend my work, 300 sketches and hundreds of Poems to use as her own.... LAB ST BARTHS HUMAN RESEARCH ASSISTANT.. ALYSON /Megan-Marrion/ at the lab has told them all THEY MUST TAKE HOME SOME OF MY WORK AND PASS IT TO THEIR FRIENDS.. these are paintings worth from £200-500 and sketches worth £50 AND BELIEVE ME - I WANT THEM ALL BACK , ALL 4200 PAINTINGS- EVEN IF I HAVE TO GO TO THE PALACE TO GET THEM.. THE OFFICE Pub Upperthorpe Sheffield.. druggy woman from Upperthorpe who read my poetry at another pub., tells people at THE OFFICE how she writes it. Her west indian boyfriend, career thief, stole it all out of my home and pays for his comforts with my work..careful druggy woman.. ears are listening .. Comment from someone listening: do you reckon she can even write? DONETSK.. our twin city, have we sent any medicines, any children's food and clothes, anything at all? So much for English support../mypainting when visiting with Sheffield Uni Russian Group and Councillors / Scarborough Human Research. There has only been one case at Scarborough and that was a boy! Glasgow, none etc. THE POINT IS- WHY IS LONDON SO DREADFUL?? The bossess is a lecherous so and so /yes she is trying to kill me off by remote technology /AND SHE MADE A P0INT OF BEING THE SEX BUDDY OF HEALTH MINISTRY CIVIL SERVANT, SENIOR CIVIL SERVANT AND FORMER MINISTER. SHE WANTED POWER!!! and they did not want to lose their power--- what those Civil Servants got up to!!!! I can bar... assault and murder- st barths human research. Dr Meyer had also raped and beaten to death young girls, /that is besides the tot rapes too many to count/ ages 12/6/8/8/12/13/10/7 there were at least six more. John Fielding only started work there at 40- raped and killed by beating 10 or so Allan Lieberman Cross of Finchley a long time serving-over 10 Op Simeon also 10 or so. /this does not include the tot rapes/ ... Harvard--- USA-- 3 more Harvard lecturers, one of the senior lecturer Grossman, have taken your work to copy as their own. Lecturers taking the work of a fellow lecturer who is still writing and painting---.. quite horrid   quote -microsound-- Oh Tamara, you liar!! She paints them herself. /they are my drawings and she paints into them, she can't draw... SHE SINGS Lab put 190 of my sketches into Tamara's home in Andover Str Sheffield. She already had 9 earlier, painted into one and sold it to someone near Psalter lane as her own work. So now she is up to her old tricks again. Tamara gave 30 RF sketches to her twelve year old daughter to take to school and tell them it is her own work....teaching... Pensions Ministry-- Pamela of Pensions is coming into the lab today.. things are going well with your son Ryan so she is going to throw a spanner in the works. He was used as a child by Anna jun sec Min of health by her lab St barths Human Research, so they are keeping him at rock bottom.. Image may contain: drawing Like Show More Reactions Comment Share Comments Fletcher Bounty Write a comment... Fletcher Bounty 2 July at 09:51 · ''who wrote that Ronny?'' Ronny, west indian ethnic lives in Firth park Sheffield but his aunty lives in Upperthorpe Sheffield. Robbed from that teacher woman in Upperthorpe.. a wage!! Besides the six west indians, two pakistanis also went in to rob for pay and the Syrians and Iraqis. Clever how the lab /almost 100% Jewish/ uses and pays the ethnics!! Anna was asked why she used the west indians, she answered, because they are all thieves anyway.. · Op Alyson, I wanted to show RF our stick .. . She knows, you have used it on her and her sons since 1984. I wanted her to know what a package with us means /?/ ... Alyson will take over after I die /Anna/ Lauren: but I was your right hand throughout the years.... 62 Upperthorpe Sheffield. Bettina and her mother Cecilia took BA and MA exam essays they used to another Slovakian cousin. said Anna, these are the sort of immigrants I like. I have a couple of big apologies before my time comes. My dad, because he warned me and I argued with him: why would the english bring us here, if they were going to be nasty to us? My mother, who kept trying to get me to leave. . and THE MANY ENGLISH PEOPLE WHO TOLD ME THINGS ABOUT THIS COUNTRY AND ITS GOVERNMENT WHOM I DID NOT AND WOULD NOT BELIEVE... I have learnt they are the ones who were and are right about the situation here, not those that I was part of, the careful, traditional, supporters of this country. It has been a very hard lesson. former doctor Harry Isaac of Middlesex Hospital from Finchley once killed a 13 year old. He wanted sex and she refused.He threatened her first, then he took her and banged her till she was dead. She was ripped to shreds. Blanche saw, there was blood all over him. Allan Lieberman/ Cross from Finchley did the same to a six year old and John Fielding to an 8 yr old, but he has a vicious temper like George the New York Human Research boss /also a Russian Jew/- This is not cla... Paula Bowers, has published three of your essays as her own work...but I went to Grammar School she said. That doesn't mean that you can write, RF could, always. that Editor Plowright was certainly sharp.. when I left to get married at 19 he said to me- you silly girl, why are you doing this, I was going to train you up for the BBC. etc.. It had not even occurred to me, but he must have seen the University in me, though I hadn't gone then..He, through the newspaper, paid for me to go to a nearby art college in Grimsby to have lessons. I wonder if he had any idea how they kill innocent gifted people in this country? St Marie's -- next week Masses 10.30 Sylviane Robion-Berteotti /anniversary/ First time I have heard of a namesake of my grandmother BERTODI. I even wrote to Sicily and to Turin /where our Italian part came from it seems/ they wrote back that there is no one left of that name. Definitely 10.30 Mass next week!! That is amazing.. nowhere has that name of ours turned up!! She was a big woman and married the Grandfather in Devescer, who later became Station master, a small, skin... quote lab program answerer- can we lie about what we have done. No it all goes through Yodrel Bank so is open to anyoneI doubt even if they had not'seen' to it, that my boys would have wanted to be managers or rule this island/ operative Alyson, I put cancer onto a polyp Operative Mohammad /John Fieldings lap dog/ put on RF - premeditated murder. we had a meeting with ANNA bossess of St barths Human Research quote- It'll be a relief when she's gone. We did that to her step-father. She told us how. that is why she sent for Harry Isaac Irvine, one of her killers, then we can give her lots of stomach troubles so that by the time we activate the cancer behind her gut, the doctors will think it was there all the while. Alyson, I have also cancered a polyp a police man had by his ear, it was not cancerous, it is now. And her daughter's mother in law, had a spot, we cancered it.   Jean Carsted Beaumond, who has copied and sold more of my work than I can remember and even lies to her family, telling them she has done it!!!! and taught her daughter Paige Beaumond to cheat and lie using my work, too. has put cancer onto my gum- premeditated murder. to cover Anna's earlier dental adventures on me. In 1991/2 I went to East London Whitechapel Dental Hospital. I was asked to go for an X-Ray. as I sat there a man in thick horn rimmed brown glasses came in, t... Gamma Rays. PREMEDITATED MURDER.about two weeks ago Harry Isaac Irvine /and Blanche of Finchley was asked over to St barths human Research to put all sorts of tortures on for me on their machine remote. One night he put on GAMMA RAYS for 6 hours on the 12 th this June just gone. I am not likely to forget as I lay shuddering all night. In the morning an answerer voice over said- I had better normalise her. He found a place behind my gut which cannot be easily seen and has put...
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