#ok let's mark this mature and violence and see what happens that's exciting i haven't used that feature before
blessphemy · 1 year
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read NULLverse: The Bot-Construct Disaster Squad
[ID: pencil drawing on plain paper, a relationship diagram with ART depicted as a rocket ship at the top, Murderbot on the lower left, and the Exit Strategy Combat SecUnit (CSU) on the lower right. An arrow connecting Murderbot and ART is labelled: "BBFF (best bot friends forever), with the bullet points: - media watch buddy - ride or die - stand the test of memory wipes - asshole 4 asshole." The arrow connecting Murderbot and the CSU reads "That unique and 💛 special trauma (the word 'trauma' is struck out) bond you get from countless pit fights in a lab hell." The arrow connecting ART and the CSU reads "Antagonists with benefits. (So we have tried to destroy each other physically, psychologically, and sexually. What about it.)" The center of the diagram is labelled "I can't believe it's not codependency." There is a separate arrow labeling ART as "third wheel." Another arrow labels Murderbot as "third wheel." Yet another arrow labels CSU as "third wheel." /end ID]
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neoarchipelago · 4 years
Bridegroom’s Oak Tree chapter 4 (Mafia Lord!John x reader)
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A/N: Yet another story I have to finish… hum.. let’s see how long it’ll take me guys. I hope you enjoy this. 
Word count: 3645
Warnings: MATURE CONTENT. DADDY!DOM.  MENTIONS OF MURDER, BLOOD AND VIOLENCE. do not read if you are triggered by it. 
You closed the black car's door as you heard the distinct sound of your friends yelling behind you. 
"(y/n)!!!" The sound of their voices mixing together into a yell that could be heard throughout the street made you smile as you turned to them. You were immediately hugged by the two. 
"I missed you too guys" you voiced out, half suffocating in their hug. 
"How's everything? Oh and your handsome boyfriend?" Amber asked. 
"No wait, we want to know every detail! Let's get lunch and we'll discuss about it." Lexy added. 
You chuckled at their impatience and followed them as you chose a restaurant. You settle for one and sat down chatting after ordering your meals.
"We want to know everything!" Lexy half-yelled excitedly at you. 
"Well…" you started. 
"Is that… a hickey?!" Amber gasped at you. 
You blushed heavily, raising your hand to your neck trying to hide the obvious mark. 
"It's not what you guys think." You tried looking away, but a shy smile still on your lips. 
"Oh! Let us know please!" Amber begged. 
"I've recently…. Moved to his house." You let out. 
The girls gave you a shocked expression melted with some excitement and happiness. You chuckled. 
"So… like… this is real?" Lexy asked, being a bit more serious. 
"I think… yeah. I'm crazy about him…" you spoke out although slightly unsure. 
"What is it? What's wrong?" Amber asked in some firm motherly-like tone. 
You blushed heavily again. You wanted to tell them. Explain to them how we somehow acted weird, and how you were suspicious of his 'other side'. However. It was painfully obvious you couldn't tell them John's real job. 
"We still haven't… you know…" you tried to explain. 
"You haven't had sex yet?" Amber spoke out loud, earning a little glare from lexy. 
"It's not that we don't want to. He just seems… very… dominant." The word made amber grin widely while lexy seemed to think deeply about the whole situation. 
“Plus, some things came up and I’m learning to deal with a new side of him.” You added as the waitress came by with your cocktails. 
“Does it scare you?” Lexy inquired. 
“That’s the thing. It doesn’t. I feel perfectly safe.” You finished, a small smile on your lips. 
The hours seemed to fly by. You had finished lunch and Amber dragged you and Lexy to the nearby mall. You had walked for what seemed forever in the different shops and aisles. You had ended up buying a new dress and some lingerie that Amber had practically ordered you to buy.  You had lost track of time to be honest and it was only when  Lexy asked if you’d be getting dinner together that you froze in place. 
“Dinner? Wait what time is it?” you asked as you reached for your phone. 
You sighed as you noticed it had turned itself off, probably from lack of battery. 
“It’s 6:30.” Amber answered. 
You sighed again. And you were late. 
“Sorry girls, I got something tonight…”You explained apologetically. 
“With your loveeerr?” Amber asked, wiggling her eyebrows. 
You rolled your eyes at her teasing and made your goodbyes as you hurried to the place where John’s chauffeur was supposed to pick you up, 30 minutes ago.  
You were glad to find that the black car was parked where it was supposed to be, and to see the driver, standing next  to it, on the phone. As he saw you, he nodded respectfully, and as you reached his side he handed you the phone. 
You took the phone, although taken aback by the situation. 
“Hello?” you spoke. 
“Are you ok?” John’s voice hurriedly rang from the other side. 
You closed your eyes for a second, a wave of guiltiness rushing over you. 
“Yes, yes, i’m fine, i’m so sorry… my phone ran out of battery…I didn’t notice…” you explained as the driver opened the car door for you to step in. 
“You should have been more careful, do you know how worried I have been?” he asked. His voice didn’t show particular anger, it was tainted with just that, worryness. 
“I know… I’m sorry again… I’m heading home right now…” 
John had tried to tell himself that it would be fine. That even with what had happened the day before, he couldn’t control every single one of your movements. He was even glad that you had accepted some of his requirements. Throughout the day, he had looked at his phone many times, wondering if he should text you or not, or if he would be too insistent. 
He had texted you once around 4pm to check up on you, but no answer reached his worried mind. Perhaps you were busy, enjoying some time with your friends after the awful and probably traumatic moment he had put you in. An hour later, he tried to reach you, but again, no reply from your part. His nerves were starting to wreck him, slowly eating him, as scenarios started to pop into his mind. He had then called numerous times, just to find that your phone wasn’t reachable. The last straw had been his men calling him to tell him that you weren’t at the meeting point at 6pm. 
John had paced his house back and forth, his phone in hand at every single minute to make sure he’d be  reachable if anything came up. He kept reassuring himself that you were maybe just late, and everything had a plausible explanation. No. It wasn’t another one of his many enemies that had managed to get to you. No. You were safe. But as the minutes passed by like hours, those thoughts seem to be erased by darker ones. He was ready to send his men through new york to find you. He picked up his phone and dialed the driver once more. 
He had barely the time to start giving orders that he was informed that you were finally here. He let out a sigh as he rubbed his eyes with his free hand. 
He wasn’t particularly angry no. He had been worried sick. The sound of your voice was reassuring, and of course, the guiltiness in your voice was perfectly understandable. You were finally heading home. As he put the phone down on the kitchen counter he took a deep breath. You were fine. For a moment, his mind had run over the possibility of you being in danger again. Being ripped from him after he had finally found someone he was willing to share his life with. And perhaps that was what angered him. The way life could take you from him so easily. 
As he ordered for dinner to be made ready, as you were driving home, John decided to isolate himself. Locking himself in his office,with orders to only notify him of your arrival. 
When you stepped into the house, you had first notice the smell of food. As you gave your coat to one of the lovely maids of the house, you then notice how calm the house was. It wasn’t usually crowded you told yourself, but this time it just felt… silent. The soft light made the house look like some kind of protective shelter. You thanked the lady as you walked into the kitchen. Another maid was putting food on the beautiful glass table. She smiled at you as she saw you walk in. 
“Good evening miss. Dinner is ready. Mr Wick is working in his office he wished for us to inform you he won’t be able to eat dinner with you.” 
You smiled at her as you thanked her. After she left the kitchen you sighed out loud. Was he angry at you? Was it why he didn’t want to eat dinner with you? You suddenly felt tiny, and lonely in this big house, without John with you. You let yourself fall down on one of the chairs as you eyed the food that had been carefully prepared. You weren’t even hungry. You were now regretting even going out. You knew it was a dangerous move, that many things could have happened. It had been stupid of you not to check your phone battery before leaving. What if something did happen? John would have never forgiven himself. You chewed on your bottom lip nervously. You had to apologize. Now. 
You shot up from your seat and ran to the stairs. As you walked up into the hallway and as you got closer to the door, your pace slowed. You were trying to go through what you were going to say. 
You jumped at the sound as you turned around. You finally notice the butler standing not too far. 
“Do you need help?” he asked. 
“Y-yes… Could you show me the door to the office please?” You replied. 
“Of course. But Mister Wick has asked not to  be disturbed.” He added. 
You grabbed onto the hem of your white fluffy sweater as you tried to gather up more courage. 
“I know… but please… Show me anyhow.” You asked again. 
The butler smiled softly as he put his hand out, motioning for you to follow him. You quickly did so, as you kept your heart from trying to escape your ribcage. Why did you feel like a child going to apologize for making her daddy worry? As you processed this thought in your mind, you felt your cheeks heat up. You remembered how the word had slipped from your lips this morning and the reaction you earned from John. Maybe this was exactly it. 
Stopping in front of a large double door, you smiled at the butler as he bowed respectfully before walking away. You stared at the door in front of you. Only silence was there to comfort you. You took a final deep breath as you lifted your hand up to knock on the door. You ended up knocking weakly, as you mentally cursed yourself for the pitiful sound your nervousness had made you do. What was done was however, done. Your fingers reached for the door knob, turning it in your palm as you opened the door slowly. You let your head only peek inside as you looked for John’s approval to let you in. 
John had tried to focus on his work. He had felt uneasy, and had chosen to hide away in his office to let himself blow some steam off before coming to you. He hadn’t planned that his kitten would be the one coming after him. He looked up from his computer as he heard a very gentle knock on the door. He chose not to answer as he watched the door knob turn very slowly, and then the door open, just as slowly. 
It had taken him all his willpower not to smile at you as you adorably peeked inside the room like a shy child. 
“Can I come in… Am I bothering you..?” 
The sound of your voice was soothing. He closed his laptop as he nodded at your answer. Sitting behind his desk, chin resting on one of his fists, he watched you walk in the room, closing the door gently behind you. 
You walked up to his desk, hands behind you back, biting down on your lip. John frowned at it when he noticed the effect that simple action had on him, and sat back on his chair trying to keep some composure.  You were looking around the room, as you seemed to be searching for your words. Finally when you had seemed to finally find your voice, you spilled out. 
“First of all… I’m sorry. I was not careful at all, and i’m really sorry about that. I should have checked my phone… I should have had a charger with me or something… I’m sorry...Please don’t be mad.” You finished, the cutest pout on your face. 
John sighed. Trying to find his own voice. 
“I’m not angry at you.” He simply said. 
He watched again as you anxiously played around with the hem of your sweater. 
“You’re...not?” You asked, slightly surprised. 
“I’m not. I was worried. A lot.” John explained. 
The look of guiltiness you harbored made John feel bad as well. He didn’t mean to see you like this. John stood up from his chair, and walked to you. 
“I’m not angry. I’m glad you’re okay. It was a mistake, you didn’t mean for your phone to be unreachable.” He tried to soothe the situation. 
John was standing in front of you. You knew he wasn’t lying when he said he didn’t feel any anger towards you. All you could see in him was tiredness, and relief from seeing you. He had tried to be a bit distant when you had walked in, but it had quickly vanished. He had a gentle smile on his lips. Your mind ran over your next move. You wanted to apologize, truly. You wanted him to know how sincere you were. And as you thought back to his reaction when you had called him daddy, you thought that maybe that was it. Maybe surrendering yourself to him, showing him your infinite trust. Maybe he’d know how much you were sincere. So when the words escaped your mouth without truly realizing it, you tried your best to not be nervous. 
“I’m sorry daddy…”
John still smiled but you had notice how his eyes had immediately grown darker. He eyed you for a second, trying to read you, and you tried your best to show him you meant it, that it was okay, and you were definitely giving in. 
“Are you kitten?” His voice had lowered and it sent a shiver down your spine. 
You were slightly shocked by your body’s reaction as you heard the pet name. You could feel yourself blush and your heart melt at it. You nodded candidly. John took another second scanning you before finally letting his hands reach you. He wrapped his arms around you waist as he pulled you closer. 
“Well daddy said he wasn’t mad. But maybe I should punish you, just so you learn to be more careful next time.” John whispered right before capturing your lips. 
His hands traveled on your waist, getting under your sweater and caressing your skin. You moaned into the kiss. John pulled you even closer, as your hands rested on his chest. For some reason he was still trying to hold back. As he pulled away,  letting your foreheads touch, one of his hands rose up to your cheeks to caress it. He was looking at you again, making sure you weren’t going to run away. You simply held his gaze. He let one of his hands intertwined with yours, and he pulled you with him. You followed him to the couch that stood a bit further away from the desk. He sat down, as you stood in front of him. He was still so gentle with you. It was making you melt on the spot. When his hands reached the zipper of your jeans you blushed and bit your lip once more. You could feel his eyes roam all over you, checking for any sign of fear or regret. But you simply stood there like a good girl. 
He pulled down your jeans, and you stepped out of them. He let his fingers play with the lace on your panties but chose not to remove them. 
“Come here.” He ordered. 
He guided you slowly so you were laying across his lap. You were blushing heavily again and you were glad that John couldn’t see your face. 
“Let’s see… How many spanks do you deserve for being careless little one?” He teased. 
His hand cupped one of your ass cheeks and you gasped. He caressed it slowly. 
“Let’s say 5. I want you to count with me alright?” he commanded. 
“Yes daddy…” You whispered. 
You felt his hand leave your skin, the cold air replacing the warmth of his hand, just to feel it smack your skin a second later. You yelped gently. Your skin burned where his hand had fell. He lightly massaged the area, soothing it. 
“I’m not hearing you count…” He warned. 
“O-one..” You hurriedly replied. 
Without warning, his hand rose once more, just to fall back on your round ass. This time the pain mixed with something else. The whole room felt like a burning furnace, or maybe it was just you. 
“Tw-two…” you whispered. 
His hand still soothed the burn each time. It was soothing to your skin, but it made a incandescent fire burn within you.  The way you were feeling so vulnerable, yet so safe. Pain mixed with pleasure in a way you weren’t sure you had ever been familiar with. You had to admit to yourself that the heat you were starting to feel in between your legs was unavoidable. You were hoping somehow he wouldn’t notice it. Once more his hand rose, just to fall back down with a loud ‘smack’. This time you couldn’t stop the moan that escaped your mouth. Although really low, as you had tried to suppress it, you were sure John had heard it. 
“Three.” you let out,  a bit too quickly for your own taste. John’s hand hovered over your skin. You bit your lip as you could feel yourself getting wetter. You didn’t know if you should be ashamed or let yourself completely loose under his touch. Giving yourself away to the punishment.  Yet again his hand lifted up into the air, just to spank you once more. You moaned again. Feeling your panties get slowly soaked. 
“Four” you breathed out. 
You were expecting John’s hand to run over your skin again to calm the burning skin but no. You had first gasped at the sensation, as you had felt his fingers lightly touch your clothed pussy. His touch feather like. You had even wondered if you had actually felt it. But when he let his fingers lightly caress your slit once more, you moaned, closing your eyes. You were soaked, it was painfully obvious. 
“Daddy…” You moaned under his touch. 
He didn’t answer, simply letting his finger travel up and down lightly, gently applying pressure every few up and downs. Your hips starting to roll almost like a reflex, trying to get more friction. 
You yelped when his hand left your aching core, just to collide with your ass once more. This one had surprised you. You had entirely forgotten of the ache on your skin with his sinful touch, even forgetting about the last spank. 
“Five” you let out in a little surprised voice. 
His hand reached your soaked panties again, letting his finger run up and down. You breathed out, the feeling of pain and pleasure mixing together into a poisonous cocktail. 
“You’ve been a good girl. Daddy’s proud of you. But I think you enjoyed this a little too much Kitten.” John said. 
You weren’t sure how or why, but the sound of his dark voice, the way he called you by your pet name, did nothing to calm your needs. You lifted your ass up, trying to push yourself onto John’s hand. John complied, pulling aside the piece of clothing from your entrance and letting his fingers directly caress your wet folds. You moaned again, arching your back under his touch and closing your eyes. He soaked his fingers in your wetness before slowly pushing two fingers inside of you. One of your hands grasped the pillow in front of you fisting the fabric as you whimpered. The slow movement of his fingers was amazing. He pumped in and out letting his large fingers stretch you. His other hand wrapped itself around your neck, lifting your head up gently. You were entirely submissive to him and damn, it was making you go wild. His fingers felt amazing already, you couldn’t wait to know how his cock would make you feel. 
Unfortunately, just as fast as John had delivered his punishment, he retrieved his fingers, covering your pussy with your soaked panties again.  You whined at the loss. 
“John…please...” you begged. 
“No darling. This is a punishment. I’m not allowing you to cum tonight. You’ll wait like a good girl. Is that understood?” John whispered lowly in your ear. 
You nodded a little, his hand still wrapped around your neck. He lifted you up making you stand on shaky legs. You pouted slightly, making him chuckle. 
“Did you understood Kitten?” he asked one more time, with a caring yet firm tone. 
“Yes daddy…” You replied. 
“Very good.” He smiled. 
He pulled you down for a kiss, his hands wrapped around your waist. 
“Come on let’s get you dressed up, and let’s go eat dinner.” John announced. 
“How do you know  I didn’t eat diner?” You asked.
“I was informed of when you got home, and you went up to my office right after.” He explained. 
You bit your lip again. You weren’t hungry for food at all...You looked into John’s dark eyes. Maybe if you were a nice girl, he’d help you relieve a bit of the tension that he had build up inside you. 
“Can I change my panties at least?” You inquired. 
John faked a pout, as if in deep thought.
“No. Maybe later.” He replied with a smirk. 
You whined again, but smiled anyhow. John helped you put your jeans again, every single graze of his fingers on your skin making you fall back into a very needy state. You were sure he was doing it on purpose. Finally he pulled you by the hand, leading you out of his office, heading to the kitchen. It was diner time, you’d have to wait for any relief, hoping you would spontaneously combust every time John touched you or looked at you with his lustful eyes. 
Tags: @cynic-spirit​ @keanuchillz​ @lokislittlewarrior​ @wickedbarnes​ @lokis-imaginary-friend @baphometwolf666 @paanchu786​ @gian-giannina​ @thesadvampire​  @thatbemyhouse​ @magdazwolska @crystalchysalis19 @keandrews @thelastemzy​
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