#ok no i am not going to fall down an enneagram rabbit hole again but its nice i acknowledged it
sleepless-crows · 1 year
as someone who actively tries to show that i don't care what people think of me, i actually do care way too much and it is controlling my life whoops
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mbtizone · 7 years
Spencer Hastings (Pretty Little Liars): ENTJ
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Dominant Extroverted Thinking [Te]: Taking charge of situations comes second nature to Spencer. Following Alison’s disappearance, Spencer often acts as the unofficial leader of her group of friends. She’s decisive, straightforward, overachieving, driven, blunt, competitive, bossy, extremely intelligent, and good at coming up with plans. Spencer has a hand in everything. She takes on internships, does charity work, plays on the field hockey team, and is a member of several after-school clubs, all while dealing with a cyber stalker. With everything she has on her plate, Spencer is proven to have strong time management skills. Spencer is motivated to get results. Spencer deals with all of her problems in an analytical manner. She’s good at taking control of situations, and is often depended on by her friends to “think” them out of the trouble they get into. When they find Emily standing over Ali’s grave with a shovel, Spencer takes her back to her house and burns her clothing, then leaves a note telling her mom they were at the lake house all night in order to provide an alibi. She remains cool-headed during times of crisis and can always think of a plan. She gives the orders and everybody else typically follows them.
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Auxiliary Introverted Intuition [Ni]: Although Spencer lives in the world of facts and evidence, she also knows how to rely on her intuition. When Spencer has a hunch, she sees it through until she knows for sure. When she has a strong gut feeling about something, she pursues it with fierce determination. Spencer is good at coming up with suspects, as well as possible motives, and, once she is struck with the best theory, she latches onto it, sometimes becoming very stubborn and obsessive in her quest to prove it. A lot of the time, her intuition is great, but every now and then, she fixates on the wrong people or the wrong detail and can end up falling down the wrong rabbit hole. Spencer, more than any of the other girls, has a tendency to speak in metaphors. She is good at thinking several steps ahead, and often pokes holes in other people’s plans or theories because theirs tend to be more short-sighted and not as well thought out as hers. When Spencer has just one or two small pieces of information, she can formulate complex conspiracy theories based on a minuscule amount of evidence. In the doll house, Spencer doesn’t immediately realize that the blocks spell “Charles.” However, she sleeps on it, resulting in an “Aha!” moment. When she realizes that someone has called Emily from her phone after she goes missing, she immediately jumps to the conclusion that they’re being set up.
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Tertiary Extroverted Sensing [Se]: Spencer has a good handle on her physical environment. She’s athletic and, in addition to being on the field hockey team, Spencer plays tennis at the Country Club. She has an eye for fashion and design, as noted by Melissa after Spencer renovated the barn. Sometimes, she acts on impulse, which can get her into trouble. Spencer is resourceful and can see opportunities in her environment to use to her advantage. When she goes over to Marco’s apartment to try to get him to drop the case and he refuses, she notices the flash drive on his table and swipes it. Then, when he calls her about it, she subtly threatens to blackmail him (Ni-Se). Spencer is unafraid to take risks and readily puts herself in dangerous situations in service of the plans she develops using her higher functions. Out of all the girls, she is the most dedicated to getting to the bottom of things, and is focused on exposing A by any means necessary. She doesn’t care if she has to break into an office or a house to do some sleuthing, or if she has to manipulate people to get information. Spencer is good at paying attention to her surroundings and is constantly observing. She is quick to react to things – such as when she hears noises while investigating and instantly flees the scene (sometimes before the other girls even have a chance to realize they’re not alone).
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Inferior Introverted Feeling [Fi]: When Spencer is angry or upset, she doesn’t talk about it, she does something about it. Sometimes, she’ll throw herself into a plan to avoid her pain (Te), and other times, she’ll make uncharacteristically reckless decisions (Se). Other times, she’ll make dumb mistakes that she wouldn’t ordinarily make. When Spencer is upset about Caleb and Hanna, she drinks excessively, leading to her accidentally paying for drinks at the bar with Archer’s credit card instead of her own. Spencer doesn’t like to be a victim and she doesn’t want to think about the pain she’s feeling. In the past, she has turned to drugs as a coping mechanism. When Spencer is upset, she makes eye contact with Aria in the hall and turns in the other direction. She goes into the bathroom and hides out in a stall, but Aria follows her in, and Spencer pretends she isn’t there. When Aria insists that she knows Spencer is in there, Spencer maintains that she’s fine and tries to avoid talking to her. While Aria talks, Spencer remains silent, and Aria eventually gives up and leaves.
Enneagram: 3w4 Sx/Sp (Tritype: 3w4 1w2 6w5)
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Spencer: I don’t think this is gonna come as any surprise to you. But I can be really certain about things. I like being certain, okay? Its where I’m comfortable. I am not happy in the grey places.
Spencer: A dream is an experience and an experience is real.
Spencer: I really don’t let myself cry in front of anybody.
Spencer: Why enjoy today when you could be worrying about tomorrow?
Spencer: I’ve been in the library so much I am on a first name basis with the homeless guy that sleeps next to the microfiche.
Spencer: Giving into a bully never works. Even if you give them everything that they ask for, it’ll never be enough. Your only choice is to stand up to them, even if it costs you something.
Spencer: If you think I’m going to let you hurt her, you’re underestimating me.
Spencer: I don’t want to be here anymore. Is that legitimate enough?
Melissa: For once in your life, stop trying to be the smartest person in the room.
Spencer: I decided I didn’t want to be the victim anymore. That’s not who I am.
Spencer: Is there something going on between you two? Aria: No Spencer: And why did you bring him to Emily’s last night? Aria: Okay, we had a slip. Spencer: A slip!? Aria: Well, technically it was two slips. Spencer: Oh my god Aria you said you were never gonna go there again. Aria: I meant it when I said it. Spencer: Are you forgetting about what he did to you? What he did to us? Aria: No Spencer: You couldn’t eat or sleep for weeks after you found out about that book. Aria: Okay, well he took a bullet for us, Spence. Spencer: Yeah, but that doesn’t change the fact that he deceived you for years!
Spencer: The quitter did. That’s what you do, isn’t it Emily ? You quit things. When things are too much for you, you just throw in the towel. I mean, you quit the swim team, you quit Paige, you even quit Maya.
Spencer: Our familiers are connected. They’re more than just connected they’re tangled up like necklaces int the bottom of you jewelry box.
Spencer: How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. Emily: What brilliant scholar said that ? Spencer: Winnie the Pooh.
Spencer: Did you ever play the game with the flowers when you were little, he loves me, he loves me not ? He loves me, he loves me not… The trick is, you just find a flower with the odd number of petals.
Spencer: I knew who I was when they found me. I knew that my family and friends would be worried. I just — I wanted to fold up and stop. I didn’t want to think anymore. Anne: You were overwhelmed. Spencer: Yeah, well, I wasn’t Spencer Hastings for almost a whole day and nobody else showed up to take the job, so, I guess I’m stuck with it. Anne: Because you’re the only person in the world that can be you. Spencer: You don’t have to rub it in. I’m sorry, this can’t be very entertaining. There are people here with real problems. Anne: Just like you. Spencer: Yeah. Just like me. I…I fell down. In the woods. When I was running, I fell down and I looked at the ground and I saw my hand and my sleeve and the little button on my sleeve and some dirt and an old acorn, and I said to myself, “OK, if this is the last thing I ever see, I can handle that. I’m done. I’ve had enough.” But it wasn’t the last thing that I saw. I just kept going. How do you keep going when the worst thing has happened? What do you have to change inside to survive? Who do you have to become? I’m sorry. I don’t expect you guys to understand. You don’t know me. [From her point of view, she sees Emily, Aria and Hanna sitting across from her] I’m sorry, but that’s true. You don’t know who I am anymore. And you can’t count on me.
Hanna: It probably is and were just sitting here like geese Spencer: Ducks Hanna: What? Spencer: You say like lame ducks, not geese Hanna: OK, well whatever they both quack Spencer: Geese honk…
Emily: Coincidences happen. Spencer: Yeah, all the time. They just grow on trees like coconuts, waiting for you to walk under them.
Spencer: With Ali, I keep peeling, I just always seem to find new layers.
Spencer: Uh, drugging yourself is the best alibi ever. Classic Sharon Stone movie.
Spencer: [about Mona and Jason]: Okay, he’s basically hugging a hand grenade.
Spencer: If she’s going to dip back into the A-bag to scare me off the decathlon team, she’s got another thing coming. Hanna: Is being captain brainiac really that important?
Hanna: Spencer, stop giving us orders. We’re not your winged monkeys.
Mona [to Spencer]: You’re like smart-smart. I always thought you were just book-smart.
Spencer: Hide and seek was my favorite game with Melissa. You want to know why? I always won.
Spencer: Melissa is a Hastings, we bounce back like super balls.
Spencer [about Jenna]: How can you miss her? She’s been gliding around school all day like a Thanksgiving float.
Spencer: Hanna, you have all the subtlety of a hand grenade.
Spencer: He’s your boyfriend, Aria. He’s not a baby squirrel. Aria: I was just trying to do the right thing. Spencer: Totally wrong. Look, I’ve been there, I’ve done that. Every time you baby squirrel Ezra, you’re taking away his nuts. Aria: You did not just say that.
Spencer: [about Aria and Ezra’s relationship] Part of me thinks this is really self-destructive behavior, but most of me just thinks it’s really hot.
Emily: [About Paige] Just some snarky comment about me being gay. Spencer: I will destroy her. Aria: Can I help?
Spencer: [On the phone] Where are you? Aria: What are you talking about, I’m right here. Spencer: [Hears sirens] Any firetruck you can here at your house, I can hear at mine– Oh my God! Are you in his apartment? Are you on the bed…?
Spencer: Mona is five feet of insidious snark with a side ponytail, and I just — I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
Spencer: I know every club. I came close to joining The Madrigals.
Spencer: “A” is being our ultimate “frenemy”, forcing us to get what we want, but knowing that when we do… Hanna: All hell breaks loose.
Hanna: Lying is not a crime. Spencer: It is when you’re giving false statements to the police. It’s called obstruction of justice.
Maya: So, I get your connection to Spencer. You both like to win. Emily: Winning’s great, but if I’ve done my best, I usually feel good about the outcome, no matter what it is. Maya: And Spencer? Emily: Spencer needs to win.
Hanna: Spencer, you do not need to know any more big words. You’re already scary enough to anyone under fifty. Spencer: I’m not scary! Am I scary? Aria: A little.
Spencer: I think we’re supposed to go to where we found Ali’s bracelet. Aria: That was in the middle of nowhere. Spencer: Actually, it was fifteen steps east of the half-point tree, which is 136 steps from the main road. Aria: You’re a freak, and I love you.
Spencer Hastings (Pretty Little Liars): ENTJ was originally published on MBTI Zone
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