#to the point my parents noticed i was not ok lol
sleepless-crows · 1 year
as someone who actively tries to show that i don't care what people think of me, i actually do care way too much and it is controlling my life whoops
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darqx · 23 days
If you didnt come to party [get the hell out of this club]
In which there's some links to old art - I've been getting a number of asks that are already technically answered so that's just what I'm gonna be doing if i can even remember what RAD they originally came from lol.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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Yes he can speak at least two demon languages (commons and a more specialised one).
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Not really cos the ichor will eventually disappear if it's not in contact with Rire for a while lol. You ever wonder how someone could mysteriously drown whilst not being around anything they could have drowned in? Yeah.
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I have drawn several such instances a long time ago. But it's not really Rire flirting with Ren it's more him being like...subtly condescending to Ren since Ren's submissive level is not very interesting to him |D
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I...think you may have possibly mistaken me saying Rire might cry if he was in severe pain to mean that's the only time he could cry XD; To answer your q, yes Rire can cry from emotions - the point is he would choose not to (esp in public) as that would be a weakness.
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🤔 You could probably get away with the same dress design but in black, tbh (if it was Lady Rire). Since the outfit design is 1930s/1940s based Rire's equivalent would be like...a 3 piece suit with a long overcoat/trench coat.
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Got you covered bro [from a suit meme I did before]
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Rire has a very long life span, but he's not immortal XD;
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Tbh I don't really have thoughts about any of other peoples headcanons. Like I'm generally quite neutral towards headcanons because I primarily deal with the canon; the extent of my thoughts would be like "hm i wonder how they came up with that" lol.
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This is actually in my FAQ :d but good of you to check for permission! If it's your own artwork then yes it is ok to make fanmerch of Rire. Similarly Gato allows fanmerch of her BTD and TPOF characs as long as it's your own art you are selling (and not like, our art/someone else's fanart that they didn't give permission to turn into merch).
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It would be in Cain's best interest not to.
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Cain is literally saying Olé Olé because i happened to be listening to this song at the time.
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I can barely keep up with my ask box as myself let alone do it while pretending to be a charac lol, so no 😅 You can find a bunch of the most common qs in the FAQ pages though.
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No and not really - though he is a bit more sensitive to light compared to a human as he has much better night vision than a human. He may also be able to see more colours than humans 🤔
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There is technically no "stereotypical" demon in my 'verse, there's a bunch of different species each with their own looks/powers, so if he was another species then he'd have their physical characteristics. Rire's species is considered "plain" because outwardly they can pass more easily as a human than say; Izm's species (who have a really noticeable Glasgow smile-esque mouth as one of their physical features).
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Yes he was born a demon...to his demon parents...|D;
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He's the king of his sector and his sector is pretty well-to-do, I think you can draw your own conclusions from that lol.
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Maybe, depends on what the human in question does with that.
Your second q has two answers depending on what context I answer them in, so I'll reply in the BTD context keeping in mind a charac like EP's Cain :d Basically yes Rire would be able to sense them like he does other demons. It's not a specific sense of "THIS CHARAC IS AN ANGEL" but more like "this charac is not human" and depending on what else he gets from it a "in your best interests to not engage".
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Something big with long black fur and yellow eyes, maybe like a Norwegian Forest Cat or a Maine Coon.
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un-lawliet · 1 year
Hellooo hope ur having a good day! Can I request the first years founding out about Y/N being Gojo’s girlfriend and Megumi is not surprised at all LOL they’re literally his parents. <333
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“Not So Secret.”
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— In which the first years want to find out what is distracting their teacher, and Megumi is fed up.
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“This is stupid.”
“Shut up Megumi!”
It was stupid.
It was stupid that Nobara and Yuji were peering through a crack in the door using each-other to balance as they both held awkward positions to see, fixated on catching the conversation that their teacher was having over the phone, in what Itadori coined as the “Secret Mission”.
“This is the fourth time he’s stopped teaching to answer his phone.” Yuji whispers, raising his finger to rest on his chin, his eyebrows scrunched in conviction.
“Exactly!” Nobara adds, whipping her head to look at Megumi eyes narrowed, crossing her arms, “It’s weird.”
They should be training, their weapons left abandoned in the training yard. It was Nobara’s idea to follow the white haired sorcerer, and Yuji had dragged Megumi along, despite his complaints, claiming, with a look of acute determination, that this was far, far more important than any training.
Satoru Gojo was an enigma to even those closest to him, his actions seemingly devoid of a will or want for understanding. His borderline erratic nature is what made this new repeated routine of ditching the first years for a something so benign as a phone call so inanely baffling.
“S’not that weird.” Megumi mumbled, because it wasn’t, because despite his constant affirmation that he was forced into a family with Gojo, he knew the man, and he knew who Gojo was calling.
The way the man’s entire face lit up when he glanced at his ringing phone, how he practically skipped out of the classroom without a second glance to his precious students.
His glee was palpable.
Gojo was on the phone with you…obviously.
“Itadori move I can’t see!”
“Huh? Aren’t we supposed to be listening???”
“Yes! But I can’t hear anything over your stupid breath in my ear, back up!”
“But then how am I gonna hear!?”
They were being way too loud, Gojo could absolutely sense them, even without his six eyes, and Megumi couldn’t understand why their teacher was pretending not to notice.
—“Maybe if you stopped talking we would actually hear something!” Itadori huffed.
“You stop talking!”
“No, I think I’ll talk plenty.”
“Megumi.” Nobara hissed, both her and Yuji now staring at him, “Take this idiot away please.”
“Both of you are being loud y’know?” Megumi deadpanned.
And they both glared at him indignantly.
“Well at least we’re trying!” Itadori frowned, “You’re standing so far back, there’s no way you can hear from there.”
Megumi could easily tell them, at this point he was considering it just to get them to stop this God awful attempt to spy.
But honestly? It was too warm outside to train and Megumi the was not in the mood to sweat today, and with Gojo distracted he could guarantee at least ten more minutes where he could relax.
When he had first moved in with Gojo, he remembers how the man paced around his apartment, practicing ways in which to tell you he’d basically adopted two children, on a random evening without telling you first.
Megumi recalls how Tsumiki had giggled, a sweet smile of her face, and asked if you were his girlfriend to which Gojo began to gush about you.
Your hair, your eyes, the way you laughed at his jokes, Gojo had shared every little detail about you, only freezing when Megumi insisted, “So, she isn’t your girlfriend then?”
“It’s complicated, you wouldn’t get it.” Gojo had glared, hands on his hips as he muttered “Brat” under his breath.
And Megumi held back a grin.
Now, almost ten years later, you had practically become a Mother to Megumi, doting on him and Tsumiki without question.
You were a teacher in Jujitsu Tech, just like Gojo, only you took the second year students under your wing, and you adored teaching them.
Every mission you came back from, you came with pretty bows to match Tsumikis hair, and when Megumi started using his technique you were his biggest cheerleader, bringing his demon dogs treats, and patting his head with shiny eyes, weeping about how proud you were of him.
And at some point the white haired idiot managed to finally grasp your affections, Megumi doesn’t know how or when but he does remember over hearing Gojos obnoxious laugh after he kissed you when he assumed nobody else was home.
Brazenly declaring his love for you in which you bashfully reciprocated, leaning into him with a giggle.
“You’re laughing.” Gojo had said, “I told you a joke and you’re laughing, I love you.”
And Megumi ignored how he had to hold back a smile, refusing to acknowledge the warm feeling of family that resonated in his chest.
He was good at playing oblivious.
“How is someone so loud so hard to hear?!” Nobara was back to pressing her ear against the door, ignoring the two boys. “I mean seriously it’s like he’s not even there!”
He probably wasn’t, Megumi thinks, Gojo likes to mess with people, he would never give up this opportunity to tease his students.
Nobara was facing them again, her eyes crinkled with mischief, before she’s gesturing to Yuji.
“Itadori, come here.”
“What? Didn’t you just say to back up?”
“Come here.”
Megumi watched, amused as Yuji made his way back to her, oblivious to the devilish look in her eye.
“Now what? I can’t hear anything either you know, so what do you-”
Itadori yelped as Nobara pushed him through the door, a charming “Of you go!” on her lips.
Both she and Megumi jumped to each side of the door, shielding themselves from the eyes of anyone who was in the room as Itadori groaned.
“The hell Kugisaki? You could have just asked me to go in, I would have done it!” He pouted, rubbing his head.
Nobara rolled her eyes, “Is he there you idiot?”
“Is who- Wait huh???”
Nobara moved to look into the room, trailing Megumi behind her, curiosity getting the better of her.
The room was empty, a door leading to the back of the school hanging open, Itadori stood, his mouth open as he pointed furiously.
“Is that Y/N?” He gasped, his eyes shining with disbelief.
And Nobara glanced over, her eyes widening as she watched you kiss Gojo on the cheek, the pair of you holding hands as Gojo ate an ice cream that you must have brought back with you.
“Y/N and Gojo? Gojo and Y/N?” Nobara and Yuji were speechless.
“Megumi look, look!” Itadori grabbed Megumis shoulder and yet again, Megumi found himself being dragged against his will.
Gojo was looking at you, a ridiculous smile painting his features, as you fussed over him, readjusting his blindfold, so you could see his pretty eyes.
“There you are.” You sighed, your voice light as he winked at you.
“How was the mission hm? You’re back early.” Gojo mused, a hand reaching up to pinch your cheek, pulling it slightly, “Someone’s getting stronger.”
“Would you rather I stayed away longer?” You teased, swatting his hand away.
“Nah, how would I get ice cream during a hard days work without you.” And you gasped, your eyes flitting over his face.
“I completely forgot! You’re teaching I’m sorry oh my God-”
You’re cut off by his laughter, leaning down to whisper cheekily in your ear, “Look behind you baby.”
And you did, your eyes widening as you see Gojo’s first year class poorly hiding, observing the pair of you.
“Ah.” You sighed, then your eyes widened “Wait Gumi’s there too?”
Gojo pulled you back to look at him, nodding “He’s really opening up huh? I knew he would~”
You nod, opening your mouth to reply, before you were suddenly interrupted by Nobara and Itadori’s horrified exclamation;
And as you heard Megumi’s groan, trying to silence his stupid friends, you and Gojo both laughed, leaning into each other, enjoying the company.
the end.
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masterlist here <3
(A/N : i love writing nobara, she’s lit my fave character after Gojo i think- BUT also i love hana i hate that people hate her because she’s a “nobara replacement” she ISNT leave her alone!!!)
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a-boca-do-inferno · 3 months
medicine (caesar x human!reader)
summary: The ape colony is short on painkillers for humans, except Caesar learned a lot in his time living with them. Lucky for you.
warnings: period mention, interspecies (mild)smut
words: 1.9k
notes: lol yeah another one... im just enjoying it while i can ok. my vacation ends next month 💀 boa leitura!
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It couldn’t be later than midnight. You hissed as your cramps only got harsher and harsher. In the cold everything became much worse, and this time was no different. You curled up towards Maurice to try and borrow some warmth from his fur, yet it felt helpless; your body shook like a leaf, and the pain in your womb was ridiculous.
Noticing your distress, Maurice wakes up from his sleep and signs with a worried expression, “I call Caesar?”
You shake your head even before he can say his name. The ape king had more important matters to attend to than your stupid human cramps. On top of it all, it was his resting moment now. You wouldn’t bother him with this. “No. Let him sleep.”
“Doesn’t work.” You grunt in frustration, signing with a frown. “I’m fine. By morning it will get better. It’s just the cold.”
“Winter start now.” Maurice argues, still with his gentleness in every word. You only nod in response and he insists, pointing towards Caesar’s tent. “Talk tomorrow. He can help. Lived with humans… before.”
Your eyes fell on the king sleeping a few feet away from you. Could Maurice really have a point? Perhaps Caesar indeed knew some trick to help with period cramps. You did hear he was brought up with human parents, which meant he must’ve had a woman around—you never touched on the subject out of respect, since you two weren’t close. Exchanging a last look with the orangutan, you displayed another short nod. A wave of pain reached your abdomen again and you sighed quietly, burying yourself in ginger fur, despite it being fruitless at that point.
The next day, the colony was awake as soon as the sun was out. It was a rare morning with sunlight and you thanked heavens mentally, appreciating the heat, even if mild, radiating from the star above. The pain had subdued considerably and you took the opportunity to help with supper. Sometimes you helped Maurice in school, but being on your feet proved to make matters worse those days.
You settled around the fire with the girls who tended to cooking. As you were in the middle of grilling fish, a hand touched your shoulder and you turned to face Caesar beating a tight expression. You stood up immediately to greet him, showing your respect for the king. You tried your best to look obedient to his power, as you were well aware of their history with humans, and his reaction was always the same—a dismissive hand gesture, green eyes softening gradually. However, his gaze remained serious now, and you gulped in anticipation.
“Cramps?” Caesar points to your stomach, his gravelly voice a low sound.
Your cheeks heat up and you want to roll your eyes, but refrain from doing so. Maurice and his gigantic mouth. You had hoped he’d forgotten about last night’s talk. Gesturing sheepishly, you stare at the floor. “It’s fine. The sun helps.” You motion upwards to prove your point.
Caesar glances at the pink sky and notices the big star almost fading in the horizon, then back at you. Your inability to keep eye contact with him didn’t go unnoticed, either, making him narrow his green orbs. The muscles in his jaw jump, and he grumbles, his face unimpressed, “sun not here at night.”
“I know, but...”
“But?” He challenges, raising a brow. The king crossed his arms over his chest, a gesture that made him even more menacing. You were used to his imposing presence—the tall and muscular build, the scars on his body, the permanent look of seriousness—yet there were few things more intimidating than seeing Caesar like this, with his displeasure directed at you.
You take a deep breath, trying your best to sound convincing even though you felt like a child being reprimanded. “But I have Maurice to…”
“Maurice... ratted you out. Like humans… say.” Caesar cuts you off with a hint of amusement, in contrast with his dry voice. Carefully, he takes your shirt in his large hands, lifting the fabric to expose your belly without so much as a request for permission; not that he needed it, anyway. His calloused fingers made goose bumps on your skin while navigating your soft form. He lets go of you and signs sharply. “Need medicine. Can’t stay like this.”
You furrow your brows. “They don’t work, Caesar, but it’s okay. It’s just a couple of days. It’ll go away.”
He stops for a moment, contemplating your protests. His gaze flicks to your eyes, acute and intense, making you shrink under his scrutiny. “Not okay. Pain… too much.” Surely the ape would never let you be writhing in pain every night, no matter if it was but a week. With a final huff, Caesar then orders, “you stay with me tonight.”
“But I...” At the look he shoots you, you know there’s no more arguing. The king has spoken. With a defeated sigh, you nod and watch him step away on his hind legs, towering over the others. You mutter under your breath, “God, I miss democracy.” 
As the day went on, you did your best to ignore the annoying throb in your abdomen, knowing you'd be glared at by Caesar if he caught you grimacing again. A low hum of crickets began to fill the night air as the apes settled down around the fire. The hour grew late and the campsite gradually became quiet, the crackling bonfire the only source of light and life. 
You were eating fish alongside Maurice and Rocket, laughing at something the ginger spoke about the kids in school today. On the other side of the circle, green eyes kept vigilant over you with no subtlety at all. You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks burning at the attention. Caesar finished his meal, glancing towards you through the darkness as you remained by the fire after everyone was gone. He slowly made his way over, his massive figure casting a shadow as he approached you. 
With some lightheartedness he signs, extending a hand, “time to rest.” Your eyes follow his gestures and you take his palm. He guides you toward his tent in considerable silence before closing the curtain-like branches draped over the entrance, hooting faintly as he points to his nest. “Lie down.”
You obey him, your breathing slowly increasing its pace. You clasp your hands over your stomach anxiously, intertwining your fingers. “What are you gonna do?”
Caesar scans over you for a moment, noting the tension in your demeanour. “Massage.” He grunts, moving to sit next to you, his muscles rippling with his every movement. The ape pries apart your hands, replacing them with his own much larger ones, his palms settling on your abdomen similar to how he did earlier. He eyes your reactions closely. “May… I?”
You didn’t respond with words, silently granting Caesar permission to go on with his idea. Hooting again, a sound that almost felt like he was trying to soothe your nerves, his rough skin made contact with your tender one, brushing and squeezing it in fairly skilful ways. In spite of the awkwardness of the situation, you found yourself relaxing under his ministrations, your eyelids fluttering shut from time to time. The ape didn’t say much as he worked, green orbs fixated on your expressions while continuing to move his hands in small circles over your womb area. His face was nearly unreadable, the usual stoic frown now replaced by a look of concentration.   
The ape kept going, a low grumble escaping him every now and then as he tried to maintain the pressure at a certain point to make the pain dissipate. You had no idea when it shifted in nature, yet all of a sudden, his movements seemed a lot more sensual than anything. Your interior was only getting hotter by the minute, accompanied by the clear flush on your face. It’s the hormones. It’s the hormones. It’s the hormones. Your attempts at making yourself believe in those affirmations were unsuccessful, pathetic at best; and it all came down crumbling when the quietest moan left your throat, causing Caesar to freeze and stop with the massage.
You stare at him with widened eyes, embarrassment and fear encapsulated in your features, and you immediately sit up and sign in desperation, your tone just as urgent, “I’m… I’m sorry, Caesar, please. It was just…”
A dark look passed over Caesar’s face as he watched you stumble on yourself with apologies. Without a word, his stare dropped to your body once more, the fingers in your abdomen applying more pressure against the flesh, feeling the heat as you reacted to his touch. He could smell your scent changing and a guttural sound escaped his lips as his green eyes glanced at you unblinking, his hand slowly drifting down your womb and stopping on your pelvis deliberately. 
You inhaled sharply, in surprise and excitement, the realisation hitting you like a brick. The ape curled his digits and resumed the massage, his nostrils flaring as he huffed, clearly aroused. Your faces stood inches apart, his hot, heavy breath against you blowing your hair lightly. You put your arm around his neck and he grunted in appreciation, his expression softening at the way you whimpered in pleasure, begging for more. His fingers rubbed circles on your clit through your clothes in a steady rhythm, causing you to bury your face in his furry neck, gasping.
“I’m gonna…”
Caesar heaved in your ear encouragingly and it was the final straw. You came against his hand, squeezing your thighs in reflex whilst he kept massaging your heat through your orgasm. The ape king continued to look at you eagerly and you tried to get out of his grasp, ashamed of what just transpired. He swallowed thickly, holding onto your forearm to prevent you from scooting away, and pressed your foreheads together.
He hooted, grabbing your palm and taking it to his leg. Your gaze followed his movement and you noticed how excited he was, too. Your mind was hazy from your high just a few seconds ago, then it dawned on you that he felt as aroused as you by what happened. It wasn’t just you and your period hormones. It never even crossed your mind that it was possible for him to desire you this way. You cupped his cheeks as your heads stayed pressed to one another, closing your eyes, his scent intoxicating your system.
Caesar nuzzled your cheek, inhaling the sweet smell of you in as much as he could, making sure to memorise each and every inch of your scent under his touch. He ran his hand to place it on the nape of your neck, guiding your body towards his, until you were sitting on his lap, straddling his massive frame. The action brought your chest flush with his, a low rumble escaping him when your curves brushed his bare skin. He found the crook of your shoulder, his tongue trailing a path over the sensitive area, making you shiver. The king huffed again, his free hand sliding up your leg to grip a handful of your flesh, pulling you closer—his grip kept you in place, letting him claim you in any way he wanted.
“Cold?” He hums, still nuzzling you.
The sensation causes you to blush deeper, caressing his chin. “Not anymore.”
“Cramp?” Caesar rasps inquisitively, placing a warm palm on your belly again.
You snort and shake your head. “No. Your medicine worked... Thanks.”
You can swear there’s a smirk on his lips as he nods once, holding your hips protectively. “Good.” He presses you closer to him and huffs, and you understand it right away. Your doctor’s appointment wasn’t over yet, it seemed.
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jay-m3 · 7 months
Charlie and Vaggie
This is a male reader insert! Charlie and Vaggie become parents This would be before the pilot, so there isn't any other characters beside them. Hope you like it! I was also wondering if I should make one for the Vees. All three of them handling a toddler is a cute image in my head idk what do you guys think? If so, how should proceed it? Should Velvet be the biological mother or should I do a Baby Daddy on Vox lol
Pilot Part 1 Episode 1
It was time. It was time for the baby to come! And Vaggie was not ready for it but she isn't going to show it because if she does then who's going to calm down Charlie who's running around the empty, trashy hotel for a warm bucket of water that they will need for this specific moment.
Vaggie bites down a pained groan as the contractions start to double the amount and pain.
"Shit." She slowly breathes out. Running a hand through her hair that grew longer over the past months with the pregnancy.
"Ok! I got the water. Now where are my gloves? Are these the clean towels that we recently washed? Omg, did we buy enough diapers!?-" Charlie starts to grip her hair as her horns start to protrude from her head.
"Charlie, babe. We have everything here. We double checked and got more supplies after we thought we'll be in lock down for at least two months. Now, can you calm down and please hold my hand?" Vaggie interrupts Charlie's rambling as it would lead to a panic attack. Usually, Vaggie would calm her down with sweet words and gentle touches but right now, the pain she is feeling can't make her focus on anything but the pain.
"Right! Sorry. How are you doing Vaggie? Need water?" Charlie kneels on the bed, taking a hold of the woman she loves dearly. When they first met, Charlie thought it was love at first sight. They both gave hints such as fleeting touches and lingering eyes until it turned more intimate that they got together. It was magical really.
Until they hit their five months into their relationship, Vaggie started to act differently. Vomiting in the morning, craving weird things (Charlie didn't point out because she loves Vaggie too much to judge her) and sleeping a lot. They both brushed it off until Vaggie mentioned how her stomach is getting bigger. Which also took them a little bit longer to notice but they got there.
Charlie of course told her dad, well not told him per-say but a small comment about how to prepare for a baby and such which her father answered awkwardly and fast paced as she's sure she guessed he didn't want to talk about this kind of stuff to his daughter that he hasn't seen for a few years now. And she's pretty sure he forgot all about it the next phone call he made as he asks for Charlie to check on how many sinners died in the last extermination.
But all in all, Lucifer hasn't connected the dots and now Charlie is here alone, taking care of Vaggie and ready to secure the baby once it's fully out. She is so fucking happy! She's going to make this Happy Hotel a family business! Just the three of them.
"I don't want to alarm but I think the baby is coming out right now." Vaggie huffs out gripping on Charlie's hand with all her might as her body pushes.
"Oh god, ok! Just keep pushing. I have everything ready, sweetheart. You're doing great!" Charlie wheezes out the last bit as her hand gets crushed. Shaking the pain off, Charlie drags a towel over, ready.
It took at least an hour of Vaggie screaming in pain and profanities that finally, Charlie places their child down in Vaggie's arms.
"It's a boy." Charlie whispers excitedly, doing a little happy wiggle as she looks at her girlfriend and son together.
Vaggie smiles tiredly, muttering out a 'Never again.' Which Charlie volunteers to be the next one to get pregnant.
"You know what name I'm thinking?" Vaggie mutters out as she hands the baby boy that has her grey skin but the two red dots on his face along with blonde hair that he got has Charlie written all over it. Charlie snaps out of her awe trance at the baby, looking at Vaggie with a big smile.
"(M/n)." They both said at the same time, leaning on each other as they looked at their son.
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theyapper0 · 5 months
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OKAY!!!!!!! TEENAGE CHARLIE (Going by Charlotte at this point still)
So I know everyone and their mother thinks Charlie being an emo teenager is HILARIOUS (just me? Ok) BUT I think, at least in this sorta rewrite/reimagining, it can be tweaked.
From what we've seen from the little of Charlie's backstory, she's never been.... BAD. Like, I understand she's not a bad person but what made her believe that people could change???? What was her reason for thinking that???
And what better proof could she have than herself!!??
(and ofc maybe the show DOES have an explanation as to why she thinks the way she does but I think the best reason for her to believe that people, more specially SINNERS, could change is if she HERSELF had changed!!)
More explanation on teenage Charlotte and some other stuff under the cut in case you don't wanna hear my rambling hahaha
So what I imagine is that Charlie didn't start going by Charlie until AFTER she decided to make a change for herself.
So Charlotte Morningstar is the only child of the Devil, Lucifer and the first woman, Lilith, as well as the sole heir to the throne of Hell.
And she was a total sleazebag.
She did all kinds of drugs and partook in all of the Hellish virtues that eternal donation had to offer, that also includes the infamous hunting trips that she and Lucifer would go on together (as mentioned in this post)
She was aggressive, violent and unfaithful. I imagine that Charlotte was a total shit ass kid who got into trouble all the time (which was basically encouraged by Lucifer and so long as she did what Lilith told her when it came to meeting advisors and ruling, Lilith didn't care how she was either)
Charlotte still dated Seviathan like in canon. I wanted to lean into the Eldritch part of his name but something that isn't too complicated LOL, so I made him have a whole bunch of mouths all over him (his right eyes, his ears, and there's a LOAD more that are just usually covered up by his clothes). He's like a mouth themed vampire-demon thing to me <3
He's pretty arrogant and mean, a huge jerk like Charlotte, that's why they were together. They were both really similar at the time and just enabled each other's bad and violent behaviors.
Then eventually Charlotte realized that hurting people and being super evil was NOT GOOD and began to change. (This change is noticed in her physical appearance (no longer showing her horns) and starting to go by Charlie :)
This caused a LOT of rifts and tension between her, her parents and peers tbh (this was expanded on in this post)
And have a little bonus for humoring me with my insanity.
I think once it's revealed that Vaggie was an exorcist angel, Charlie's gonna fucking FLIP (obviously). Her biggest reason is still how it was in canon, how Vaggie had lied to her and kept the whole thing a secret BUT!!!!!
She's also gonna feel conflicted BECAUSE she ALSO did bad in her past and she doesn't wanna look like a hypocrite if she's crucifying Vaggie for doing the same! But she's mad! But she also did bad!!! She's just gonna be super mixed up and conflicted and confused LOL
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briar-oses · 4 months
ok back on track with this baby au that unfortunately got wayyyy too long for under @ge's post... so sorry😞 (sorry if it's the wrong link also) so im moving it into a different post. honestly ge talking about it first just gave me the chance to explore this au (thank you ge!!!) that's been in my friendand i's head for a while now LOL shoutout to blue my bff
(maybe i should make a tag for this au now?)
with adoption came the responsibilities of a parent. altho tang bo and chung myung were already the little girl's parents by that point, they realized that they never really got to name her with anything. tang bo went on and mumbled about how stupid he was being to forget naming his now-child of all things and went full-on spaced out mode to think about possible names.
chung myung, holding the little energetic bundle in his arms, looked down when the said girl tapped him on the chin. his daughter (oh my god) babbles at him. quite the talker, she is. he then turns to look at her other father, who's in his own world and looks back at his babbling daughter.
chung myung huffs. definitely her father's daughter.
the little girl, currently being held by tang bo, stares at her father blankly. “You don't like that either? Alright.. how about Ha-eun?”, tang bo says, to the baby. said baby just drifts her attention off to some butterfly that passed by, reaching for it.
tang bo whines helplessly. “Hyung-niiiim! she's not liking anything!”, he complains. chung myung, training nearby, walks back to where tang bo and their daughter (the thought makes him feel warm? hm.) are staying, shielding themselves from the heat.
“She's a year old, Bo” chung myung made it a habit of not swearing or calling tang bo names whenever he's around with the baby. so he resorted to calling the other by his name often.
(the first time it happened, tang bo slipped. luckily he wasn't holding the baby at the time or chung myung would've beaten him to a pulp)
“She's a very picky one-year old.. she probably got that from hyung-nim”
chung myung huffs an amused breath. he is by no means picky but it's amusing how tang bo recently picked up a habit of relating the little girl's quirks to both their mannerisms.
We're not even blood-related, punk..!
chung myung sat beside tang bo once he's near. “What names did you come up with?”
“I already said Min-ji and Ha-eun... There's also Yu-jin, Jiah, Soo-ah...”
“That's too many!”
tang bo turns away, hiding the little girl as he shirks away from chung myung. “Is it my fault that I'm good at names! Hyung-nim can't possibly know how that fee.. I'm joking! Just joking!”
chung myung retracts his hand back. “Any other names?”
“Hm.. There's Min-ho.. Seo-joon.. Soo-ah....”, tang bo goes silent for a short while. “.. Maybe I did think of too many”
You think? You could name your entire set of daggers with all that
“What about you, hyung-nim? Maybe you thought of something”
chung myung hums, lost in thought as he stares at tang bo, and then to the face of the now drowsy little bundle of joy in tang bo's arms. chung myung reaches for the round cheek of their now-sleeping daughter, all soft and precious.
tang bo watches, mesmerized, as his hyung-nim that's known to be all things brash and rough being so gentle towards a little girl that's not his own until just recently. his hyung-nim wears a smile so soft and rare, so unlike his usual mischievous ones that tang bo's mouth remains slightly open until chung myung notices his prolonged silence.
clearing his throat and backing away for some space, chung myung turns to look at the suddenly interesting floor of the training grounds.
tang bo, silent for a few more seconds until he lets out a soft chuckle. “Auspicious omen.. Tang Seo-ah...”, he says, turning to look at the sleeping girl— Seo-ah— in his arms.
“It's a great name, hyung-nim”
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fnich-enthusiast · 2 months
Let's talk Olympics AU Javid because they are my FAVOURITE
It's 2016, Davey's attending his 3rd Olympics in Rio, Jack is attending his first
At this point Davey's an accomplished olympic diver, having won silver for men's 10m and bronze for mixed synchro (3m springboard) at London 2012. He's v much the US diving golden boy, and makes the decision to come out publicly in Rio by pinning a pride flag to his opening ceremony outfit, so while the games are happening he's facing a media storm and is under Intense scrutiny from the media, both from left wing media making him a gay icon and right wing media deciding he's a national embarrassment.
Meanwhile, it's Jack's first olympics. At this point he knows that he's bi but has pretty much made up his mind that he's only going to act on his attraction to women and be, in his mind "functionally straight." Dude's on a rugby team, he's going through it lol.
They meet at the opening ceremony where they're both shitting bricks for different reasons and Jack notices Davey's pin and v quietly tells Davey that he likes it.
Davey takes one look at this bi disaster and goes ok cool so he's deeply closeted
Throughout the games they get closer, but Davey also very consciously keeps them hanging out in public spaces super platonically because he's waking up every day to more invasive and homophobic headlines and messages and comments and he doesn't want Jack to get caught up in the crossfire. Him and Sarah both have to switch comments off on their instagram, and their parents and Les have to go private and remove all identifying information from theirs, it's not good
Meanwhile Jack's reconsidering his "only women" rule
Davey and Sarah win silver at the mixed event, Sarah posts about how proud she is of her brother for competing under the pressure of the media storm, and US diving finally acknowledges everything by reposting her, including the #lovewins caption
I think it's this that gives Jack the courage to come out to Davey, it's not his sport but a US sporting body has officially come out in support of Davey (even if subtly). He tells Davey how he's in awe of how strong he's been in the face of everything and how he doesn't even seem scared, and Davey confides in him how Terrified he's been the entire games. It's very obvious to Davey that Jack has a thing for him, and that it's reciprocated, but he doesn't say anything about it because honestly, Jack needs time
In the absolute cuntiest move ever, Davey wins gold in the men's individual 10m, and captions it one of the homophobic headlines.
I can just see Davey pulling a Simone Biles level petty post with him biting both a silver and gold medal captioned something like "David Jacobs' woke agenda is an embarrassment to Team USA"
Jack is so deeply in love lol
It's after Jack's team loses in the quarterfinals that he decides that he just absolutely needs to tell Davey he likes him because girls would be easier but he Cannot lose Davey. They both live in NYC so decide to try but date in secret because Jack's not ready to come out yet, and Davey's not ready for more media attention
By Tokyo 2020 (or 2021 really lol) it's a pretty open secret that they're together. Davey gets more attention than Jack bc lbr some random American rugby sevens players would not be dealing with too much media attention outside of the olympics but Davey is like the American Tom Daley. Jack becomes the captain of the men's sevens team and makes it clear to management from the get go that he's dating a man and will be joining a team supportive of that or he won't play at all. They've not made a statement about being together by the start of the games, but they are openly going to each other's events wearing customised tshirts and stuff so it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they're very in love
Jack once again doesn't medal, but Davey medals in both men's individual 10m (silver) and mixed 3m springboard (gold). They make their official "statement" after the games, which is really just a video Jack takes of Davey adding his medals to his display case when they get home which Jack captions something along the lines of "the only reason I haven't medaled yet is that my boyfriend's hogging all the space in the display case"
They get married in 2022 and go into the 2024 and are So Openly each other's biggest fan. Jack's team wins a silver medal and the cameras cut from the team celebrations to Davey openly ugly crying in the stands and making little heart hands at Jack. Jack posts a photo with some cheesy caption like “only the second best thing I’ve won at the Olympics <3” and Davey gets to go from a scared kid being ruthlessly attacked for being gay to posting a photo of himself kissing his husband in front of the Olympic rings
I love them your honour
OG post and bestie credits here
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
Hi! It's me again :3, I don't know (and remember) if anyone has asked this before but I would like to know:
How did OG!MK feel when he found out that SW is his father in another dimension (I feel like Mei would say something like "See? I told you he was your dad" or something)
If it happens before S4, I feel like Mk would be a little jealous of his other self seeing that he doesn't have the problem of not knowing who his biological parents.
(The idea occurred to me when I remembered a tiktok that said MK used any type of editing app to get an idea of ​​what his parents would look like 🥲)
omg if you have that tiktok I'd love a link XD
Think i did do a post like that ages ago, but only with an earlier draft of TMKATI and canon. Now I have like three more verses to torment MK with >:)
When the Canon verse and the other verses collide, the quickest thing the MKs would notice is their appearances.
OG!MK: "Whoa!! These me's are monkey demons!" TMKATI!MK: "And you guys are... human???" SlowBoiled!MK: "Yeah, why wouldn't him- I mean me be?" CenturyEgg!MK: "I don't know about you guys - but my parents are monkey demons. Then again my gūtā [dad's gender neutral older sibling] is human, I think???" JTTWEgg!MK: "My parents are monkey demons! The coolest monkey demons ever I may brag." TMKATI!MK: "Oh no way! My parents are monkey demons too! i have a bunch of adopted siblings though. Does your dad work with Bóbo[dad's older brother] Pigsy too?" CenturyEgg!MK: "No cus Uncle Pigsy and Tang lives in the city. We all live on Flower Fruit Mountain - but we visit as often as possible! Uncle Sandy ferries us across all the time." :3 OG!MK: "Wow!! You two live on the mountain!? What's it like?" JTTWEgg!MK, shrugging: "It's cool." CenturyEgg!MK: "Sometimes feel pressured by my role as Heir to the Stone Throne - but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I really don't like having to visit the Celestial Realm though. The nobles are kinda mean about my dad cus he caused a bunch of havoc a long time ago." The Other MKs: "wut" OG!MK: "Uh... Please explain who your parents are?" CenturyEgg!MK, confused by their confusion: "Sun Wukong the Monkey King, and Liu'er Mihou the Sage of Wind??? I thought you guys were too???" JTTWEgg!MK: "Yeah, mine are too. I thought you guys knew??" SlowBoiled!MK: "No- well kind- it's complicated! Ok!?" TMKATI!MK: "Not me. My parents are normal monkey demons, dude." OG!MK: "Oh my gods the Monkey King *is* our dad in another universe! Mei is never gonna let me forget this!" CenturyEgg!MK: "Well techinically he's my mom too so..." The Other MKs: "lol wat?" JTTWEgg!MK: "lol same."
The different MKs collaborate to tell stories about themselves (and get a solid PSA on Stone Eggs) while their respective Meis are snapping photos with eachother.
The different monkeys watch on nervously. The different monkey kings are sitting politely as their Macaques hiss at eachother from across the room.
OG!SWK: "So uh... did you tell him yet?" Other Monkeys: "Tell him what?" SlowBoiled!SWK: "About him being made by Nuwa, or the fact that we were forced to abandon him?" The CenturyEgg and TMKATI monkeys: "What." TMKATI!SWK, laughing nervously: "What? Oh gods no. I thought you guys meant telling him who we are!" The Other Monkeys: "Wut" CenturyEgg!SWK: "Your MK doesn't know that you guys are... Us?" TMKATI!LEM: "Nah, we've sorta been off-the-grid ever since genius here [thumb-points at his SWK] got me pregnant with our MK." The Stone Egg au SWKs: "Hah!" "Uno reverse card, plums!" Stone Egg LEMs: *all three have varying looks of horror, indignance, and bashfulness* SlowBoiled!LEM: "I said I was sorry!" OG!LEM: "Wait... what do you mean by sorry?" SlowBoiled!LEM, looking uncomfortable: "Cus of our uh... fight under the Mountain, and me not returning to feed him, I sorta caused Wukong's body to create a Stone Egg... and then I sorta died before I found out so..." JTTWEgg!LEM: "Ooof. Glad I learned early then." CenturyEgg!SWK, to his SlowBoiled counterpart: "Oh bummer, you got left with Stone Egg all the way back then? I started up the process willingly after I had to seal away DBK. When was the little guy born?" SlowBoiled!SWK: "Little lady actually. Yuebei was born about six months ago. Our MK was crafted by Nuwa - then again I did raise him the first year until I became too weak to care for him..." *looks sad* TMKATI and CenturyEgg monkeys: "Oh no..." :( "Stone eggs are super dangerous to the people around them. I don't blame you." JTTWEgg!SWK: "Odd. I got an Egg from the mountain too - but mine was born shortly after I completed the Journey. And mine was our MK. Did losing Mihou make the process longer??" OG Monkeys: "What?" "How many of you have MK as your kid!?" (*Cue them having to make a Venn Diagram of Whos' MK is What to Whom*) OG!SWK: "Ok so! Mine and the guy with the super-adorbs baby got our MKs dumped on us." SlowBoiled Monkeys: *proudly showing photos of their Yuebei* OG!LEM: "The me in sweatpants had him cus of a comet /slash/ stone egg soul mishap." TMKATI!LEM: "Oh, my Wukong was still responsible there. He sealed the Harbringer's soul inside me after using a sealing spell. TMKATI!SWK: "I panicked, ok!" OG!SWK, pointing at the remaining universes: "Annnd you two literally birthed him yourselves." CenturyEgg and JttwEgg SWKs: "Yup." "Stone shell and all." OG!SWK: "...is there anything else I'm missing?" The other universes: (*scratching their chins in thought*) SlowBoiled!LEM, slyly: "So are you guys back together yet, or what?" OG Monkeys: "What!?" "As if!"
Laughter just erupts around the room as the canon shadowpeach pairing realises that they're the odd ones out as *not* being together.
Complete and utter chaos reigns when the parent and MK groups reunite, and they recognise some sort of connection...
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lilislegacy · 7 months
Ok so heres something angsty when Percy and Annabeth have their first kid Annabeth's relationship with her family turns a bit sour...resentment starts to bubble within her. Annabeth truly does not get them. Loving her child was so oh so easy so why didn't they ? Luke managed to love her so why didn't they ? Everybody notices that something is up. When they visit Annabeth does not leave her child alone with them ever. She's overall more protective. Frederick eventually is like ok what's wrong ? And Annabeth just screams at them. Like the earful they got from Percy is nothing against this. Annabeth is like hurt my baby like you hurt me and I will butcher you. I knew pain before I knew love and i will bring that pain to you. Not even the underworld will bring you peace for I will hunt down there. Hades won't ever need a place in the fields of punishement for you. I will be more than enough for that.
Percy is just like family therapy is needed at this point.
this makes me so sad 😭😭
like i’ve said before: i’m simultaneously a mr. and mrs. chase hater while also a firm believer that they all work through it and end up having a close family relationship eventually. but i can totally see annabeth kinda relapsing back into those resentful thoughts a bit when she becomes a mom. bevasue 1. mom hormones are a bitch, and they make ya crazy protective (rightfully so) and 2. like you said, she can’t understand how her parents treated her like they did when all she feels for her baby is love and a need to protect him (idk i hc their first being a boy lol.) but i think those feelings would wear off, and frederick would talk things through with her. i also think seeing her parents being loving and protective with her own child would bring on mixed emotions: resentment, because she didn’t get that from them, but also a sense of forgiveness and inner-healing, becasue seeing them love and protect her own child means more to her than anything in the whole world.
but i think you’re really onto something! love this ask!
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acheronist · 3 months
........so what do u think peglar's childhood was like? 👀👂
so his dad was a gunsmith in westminster & henry was the younger sibling of two (elizabeth was a few years older than him, and she also received henry's arrears from the franklin expedition after everyone was pronounced lost & dead. she was married at this time and was henry's immediate next of kin. so presumably their parents had died by this point...) but he and elizabeth got dunked in a 2-for-1 baptism like john torrington & his sister did tho which is so funny. pov you have one baby and underestimated how much work babies actually are, so you forget to get it baptized on time, and then by the second baby rolls around you've got a better grip on parenting, so you take both kids in on the same day. lmfao.
anyways back to the childhood tho. they lived like... a few blocks away from the river thames so he'd probably already had a fondness for water, i think, just based on my own childhood of having two older brothers and living near a semi-important river (lol)
but that made me wonder if like... he and elizabeth ever played army...? because i definitely was made by my brothers to play army and soldiers a fair amount. and if my dad was a gunsmith and i was an opinionated little freakboy who wanted to be a navy sailor when i was older, i'd definitely try and sneak into dad's work and play pretend a little bit. and i wonder if sarah peglar (mum) ever scolded him for not including elizabeth or vice versa when they was out playing with the neighborhood kids...
they lived in a pretty well-populated neighborhood and he attended the blewcoat school "for poor families" WHICH ALSO ALLOWED GIRLS TO ATTEND so maybe henry and elizabeth went there together. cmon get up we have to walk to school on timeeeee. i think he was probably a little bit dyslexic tho based on how his spelling was in 1845-47... i think the only formal education for reading and writing would have been at this blewcoat school in westminster , so i wonder if the writing backwards was a trick he pulled out to impress his classmates... don't notice how bad his spelling test grade was!! just look how cool and clever harry is!!! he can write a whole paragraph backwards!!!! whoaaah!!!! idk i just hope he had a gang of friends he was running about and causing silly lad antics with. i hope elizabeth followed them around and was begrudgingly included in the antics because they were supposed to be keeping an eye on each other during the afternoons or something. based on the amount of times he mentions keeping an eye on his friends on terror / mentions tom by name in the wallet papers i think it's not too hard to imagine henry was protective over people he loved.... i assume this extended to his sister, too. also like.. not that this was his childhood necessarily, but his dad's gunsmith shop was literally down the road from the big ben clocktower which would have been under construction (1843) during the same time he was ashore between ships (post hms wanderer & pre hms terror) so i wonder if he ever went home to visit the family and was like FUCCKKK SORRY I'M LATE FOR DINNER TRAFFIC SUCKED. CONSTRUCTION FOR THAT CLOCK IS SO ANNOYING. that would be very funny to me.
ok anyways back to childhood: john peglar (henry & elizabeth's dad) voted for francis burdett so there's at least some indication that their household was like... fine with being politically radical and heavily opinionated. (i would also point out that there's a fair amount in henry's wallet and diary that's just him having a gossip session by himself. opinionated indeed.) but also henry doesn't seem the type to really get into trouble tho... based on his career history he generally rolled his eyes kept his head down and did his job unless he was pushed hard enough, in which case he had no problem speaking out. in 1833 on the marquis camden, henry was lashed two dozen times for "drunkenness and mutinous conduct" but i've also read that the captain of the ship at the time was a Notorious Asshole Who Loved To Use Lashing As Punishment? so jumping to conclusions without real evidence, i think henry probably saw his fellow ABs getting treated badly by the captain, had 3 more beers than he should have, and said FUCK THIS GUYYYY!!!!!!! and then got punished for it. we're not going to think about the lashing scars opening back up again in the arctic btw. so anyways the point of all this is to say i think henry was probably fine with protesting when things suck, which he probably learned from his dad. maybe there were nights when john and sarah were talking politics and henry sat on the other side of the wall listening when he wasn't supposed to. maybe elizabeth would come sit with him and he'd have to shush her because neither of them were supposed to be listening because it was past their bedtimes but they sat and listened together anyways. scurried back into bed trying not to get caught even though john and sarah definitely knew they were there.
but also he was 13 when he entered the marine society ("a charitable organization for helping destitute boys and training seamen") so maybe he saw the navy as a chance to help out his lower-middle class family..... maybe they had a hard time and henry wanted to help out now that he was sort of almost grown up!!! and he clearly excelled thru this sailor training camp because after a month they tossed him onto hms solebay where he would have learned more hands-on stuff about working on a ship. knots and such. maybe this is where he realized how good he was with ropes... he could have been the best lad in his "class" when it came to knots etc. he also would have learned properly how to use a gun here, but again, his dad's a gunsmith. he probably would have had an experience advantage over most of the other boys w/ shooting and loading and managing a gun as a tool. so it's not surprising i think that he was in and out of 'training camp' really quickly. his first real ship was hms clio and he was a spare ship's boy and quickly got transferred to hms magnificent, WHICH WAS A HOSPITAL SHIPPPP and worked in the sickbay as a ship's boy and was earning a real paycheck. in my heart this was probably a very formative experience, and gave him a basic understanding of medicine/nursing? which i bet came in handy during the expedition when things were getting desperate and everyone was sick. i know amc had bridgens playing pinch-hitter nurse for terror camp but i wonder if in real life, maybe henry took up that role? maybe he even managed to keep his own illness under wraps for longer than most of the other expedition men Because he could recall things he learned on hms magnificent... idk.....
anyways at this point we start getting into henry's teen years. does this count as childhood? he saw two men get killed by lightning strike at age ~16 and he jumped around between ships pretty often and his conduct was generally either 1) bored and unremarkable or 2) normal and good :) and then he got lashed for being a petulant "mutinous" teenager who likes beer too much, as previously mentioned, and afterwards he just kind of hangs out until he's 22 and joins the gannett and meets 💞thomas armitage💞 and now i need to stop typing . lest i begin rpf-ing on main a little bit too much.
ok thanks ummm he's my most special guy unfortunately. henry my best friend henry :-(
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a case study
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(isn’t this a wonderful screenshot)
I love Hopkins sm for no real reason but he had a character arc that I love
With this analysis I am assuming three things:
Cool Guy ™️
Rich parents
Gives zero shits about school
ok starting with the third one bc idgaf
we get this from one of the first shots we see of him, when Neil is reading the j Evans Pritchard crap, and it pans across the classroom and he is staring off into the void, retaining absolutely none of what Neil is saying, which leads me to the conclusion that he really doesn’t care that much about school.
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similarly he didn’t care about what grade he would get for writing the poem badly, which leads me to my second point
his parents are probably rich as hell, and he has made it his life goal to disappoint them in every way possible, in true Keefe Sencen fashion (hopefully his parents aren’t that bad tho lol). he takes pride in doing badly because it makes his parents mad, and he thinks that it is cool, which brings me to my third point
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he is kinda the Cool Guy of the school, or at least one of them, and his whole thing is “too cool for school” and all that shit, specifically when they went outside and read the lines and then kicked the soccer ball, and he did minimum effort and kinda thought he was stupid. this is the first time we really notice that he’s “too cool” to try hard and then in the next class we see it again with him writing an AMAZING poem in my personal opinion, but it isn’t super deep or well thought out, and he doesn’t seem to give a shit and takes pride in it being not great, but THEN
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Mr Keating does his magic. he might be slightly disappointed, but he is more supportive than anything, encouraging Hopkins to work harder and not make his work “ordinary” and in that moment Hopkins makes this face
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he is disappointed in himself for not meeting Mr Keating’s expectations (that sounds super aggressive but idk how else to phrase it) and this is where we see the character development
and then at the end he stands on his desk and idk how to describe the expression on his face but it is exactly the expression I would expect him to make considering his and Mr K’s relationship
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so this was the character analysis absolutely nobody asked for and is probably half wrong but who cares 👍
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
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A/n: first Steve fic it doesn’t really have a plot but yeah.
Dark!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of smut, dub/con, murder, housewife kink, breeding kink (not really), pregnancy, Stockholm syndrome, reader is held hostage kind of lol, kidnapping, manipulation, both Steve and reader are 18 but still in high school.
Summary: what happens when Steve gets so obsessed with you?
It was a normal day in Hawkins, or so you thought. You were walking along the street to school. You’ve been on your own for quite some time now ever since you were 16 so the loneliness didn’t bother you.
Little did you know that Steve Harrington has been watching you for a long time now. Ever since you transferred to Hawkins High he couldn’t keep his eyes off you. You’re just so sweet and innocent. He’d love to have you as his pregnant, submissive little housewife.
And well, to pull off what he needed, he had to kill his parents. But it’s ok they never were around for him anyways. And he made enough money working two jobs to keep the house and such. Now all he had to do was get you.
And the perfect opportunity was right there, you walking alone by the woods. It was 7 in the morning and most people weren’t up yet.
You heard a twig snap and you looked in the direction it came from, seeing nothing. You shrugged and kept walking, maybe even a little faster than before.
You felt someone come up behind you with a cloth and you screamed before you saw black.
And now, you live in Steve’s house. Completely isolated. You don’t go to school anymore. But it’s ok school sucks.
Slowly but surely you gave into Steve and started to even fall in love with him. The dirty blonde couldn’t be happier. He loved coming home from a long day to see you vacuuming the floor, your hand resting over your pregnant belly.
When people asked where you were he just said you dropped out and are now living with him. And people can’t see you because you don’t feel well at the moment.
But finally at some point he let you go grocery shopping. You were so excited, looking at the small store as if it was Disneyland. You pushed the shopping cart down the aisles garnering look’s because you’re so young and clearly pregnant.
You ended up running into Nancy Wheeler and her mom.
“Y/n? Oh my god it’s been so long hi!” Nancy said happily as she hugged you. Her mom smiled but noticed your stomach.
Nancy did too, “Wow um, you’re very….pregnant.”
You smiled and rubbed an affectionate hand over your tummy, “Yeah.”
“Who’s the father?” Karen asked curiously.
“Steve. We’re getting married after the baby is born. It wasn’t planned but I love him and couldn’t ask for anything more.” You replied.
Her eyes widened, “Well…um I’m happy that it’s working out for you if you need any help let me know, I am a mother of 3 after all.” The pair quickly made an escape. Nancy got a lecture in the car about how to not end up like that soon.
When you got home, Steve jumped you in an instant and made love to you on the kitchen floor.
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angelxd-3303 · 2 months
Tw: kind of a vent, mention of depression and anxiety.
I'm sure you've all noticed by now that I haven't been posting a whole lot as of late. To be honest, I've kind of been avoiding this blog, not because of anything my followers did, but mainly because I kind of lost the meaning of my art.
I started using Tumblr exclusively to use the messaging feature to chat with my partner four years ago, but decided to share some of my art, just for fun. I wanted to make people happy, wanted to use my art and writing to not only convey how I felt and what I was experiencing, but to help those going through something similar feel heard and seen. I feel like I have achieved that, in some cases, and it makes me feel good to know that I've made someone's day, or that my writing made them feel understood.
As time progressed though, I began to feel like I had an obligation. Art and writing began to feel more like a chore, and that combined with my resurfacing depression and anxiety made it nearly impossible to even pick up the pencil. It seemed more draining than anything, and the art I did make I didn't share because it reflected my mental state in a deep and personal way.
Tldr, I'm sorry to all the people who have been waiting for updates to my stories, or more Mario content in general, or answers to their asks. It's not that I don't want to finish them, or make more content. It's just that I've realized that my lack of motivation is coming from the fact that I'm making art that I think others want, and not art that I want.
I've been rediscovering Undertale lately, reminded of how amazing the game is and how deep the storyline is, and I want to make more content for that. I'm big into weirdcore and would like to explore it as a style. I want to revisit Dhmis and expand on their story. There's so much I wanna do, but I've been holding myself back and trying to make myself as enthusiastic about Mario as I was before. The truth is, hyperfixations come and go for me, and that's ok. Mario will probably come back here and there, but I'm gonna try to focus on the stuff that I wanna do, because that's when my art is best, and when I feel the best making it. I can't tell you how satisfying it was to draw that piece with Asriel and his parents! I was into Undertale when it first blew up, my friend and I, but left when the fandom began to get toxic. It's so sad to me how disturbed it was, but now I'm much wiser with regards to internet safety, and I know to avoid certain things.
It's very nostalgic for me to rediscover the game, the music I listened to on loop years ago, the amazing artists who had a pure and genuine love for the characters, all of it.
In short, Mario isn't gone, they're just off enjoying their happy ending for awhile before they feel like visiting again. Again, I hope you all understand, and can find content you love from my blog! From now on though, I'm gonna try to avoid forcing myself to make content I don't love. Because from the beginning my art has been an escape that made me happy. If it doesn't make me happy, what's the point lol?
I love and appreciate you all so much,and I hope you can understand this word vomit. Hope you all have a lovely day.
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miitarashi · 11 months
Could u do a some headcannons about Tintin laughing, like, his sense of humour, how contagious his laugh is, what he would do if we had a contagious laugh or a weird sense of humour. Just wondering coz I was watching an episode from the series and his laugh is acctually so adorable, like bro I just wanna hug him and give him literally anything he wants ❤️
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☆Tintin laugh headcanons☆
For starters.
He and Haddock have the worst sense of humor possible.
I can't take this out of my mind-
Like,he'll laugh at dad jokes or will not undestand because he'll try to seak sense into the joke.
You know when you tell a self-deprecating jokes in front of your parents and they scold you?
Yes,he'll do it.
Not exactly scold you,but will wait until you stop laughing to ask if you're ok in a worried tone.
His normal sense of humor goes for that one joke of the chicken who crossed the road to make """funny""" comments about something. That normally is funny just for him in the most of the times he does it.
But,Tintin of course laugh at silly things too,like if you trip in front of him he'll do this little cute laugh while helping and saying for you to be careful.
It's not exactly the type with loose laugh,but definitly not the difficult one either.
This when we talk about the Tintin from the series,but Tintin from the movie is a bit different (since unfortunaly in the movie we didn't see he really laughing and this hurt me 🥲)
He probably is a bit complicated to laugh, his sense of humor mostly making puns, sarcastic or ironic comments about something.
Being more funny when he do without noticing because he's a little menace in his own way. We can easily see it when he talk with sakharin for the first time (his face when he simply say "i don't have it" is the best lol)
Now,the best for the last.
His ✨Laugh✨
He have three types. Wait,hear me out-
The one he try to hide,that little laugh cleaning the throat and looking away you know?
The second and most normal is that small laugh. Quick and polite.
The thrid. This one. This one is hard to get. It's random so something funny and random had to happen.
i headcanon that take a really good while for Haddock hear Tintin (from the movie) really laughing like,really bursting out laughing.
And just like i said,it was random. Haddock was trying to help Tintin with a hint about some old mistery and he terribly pronounced an entire sentence with so much confidence to the point of making Tintin ask him to repeat it, when he did, Tintin stared at him for a few seconds, connected the dots and broke out laughing.
Bro wasn't really expecting lol.
And his laugh is good to hear,like that heart warming type of laugh that makes you smile and wanting to hear it again as much you can you know???
He do it so less often that makes him weak when he laugh like this,he hold onto someone to keep still lol.
A/N: HERE IT IS! I loved doing this one lol. i hope that when the next movie come out WE WILL BE ABLE TO HEAR HIM LAUGHING OR I'LL COMMIT WAR CRIMES- i feel robbed 🥲. Thank you for the delicious idea unknow person,love u 😌❤️
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seaofreverie · 6 days
Sparkstember Day 16: Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins (When Do I Get To Sing "My Way")
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So, well, what an era this was, right. Comeback of the century! Gratsax just has that certain *something*. It's brilliant! One of the best albums ever made if you ask me. The fully electronic style is so perfect for Sparks and they just do it here like it's nothing and like they've been at it for many years. Of course there's the hiatus that took place in the years before it to keep in mind but even then, this album is a HUGE accomplishment and an incredible standout in a catalog of releases that's already full of standouts of all sorts. And it's definitely a personal standout for me too, thinking about how it's been almost a year since I first heard it really freaks me out! It was such a different time for me I feel like, but many things are also exactly the same as back then. It's weird to feel nostalgic about it now but there's really no better word to describe what this feeling is like exactly.
I think this album is meant for vinyl listening in a way. It just fits it so well!! And it's not just the quality to the sound that it has this way (and I don't mean that it sounds necessarily "better", more like just, different and that somehow complements the music even more), but also the ability to have an actual good view of this wonderful album cover that's among my top favourite Sparks things ever. So cool looking! So funny and memorable! One of the finest instances of the music sounding exactly like what the cover looks like. (and learning that the cover is a homage to a SPECIFIC magazine rather than just tabloids in general, that only made it more amazing because it really does look so alike, stuff like this is really cool to me for whatever reason lol)
Also I like the fact that I bought this silly little "disco" lamp around this time last year, so plugging it in for extra vibes during listening makes it all just kind of perfect. And another thing on the visual aspect of it all: this is such a good era for music videos, they're all SO GOOD! Some of my very big favourites for sure and the My Way video might really be one of the best music videos EVER MADE.
But ok, let's get to the point now. Something that stood out to me right away is that every song here is so unique but they fit together so well anyway (not first instance of such thing happening either). There's really lots of variety! I also remember this album fondly because of how it was the first one I listened to with my parents and when my Sparks obsession truly started to become one of the most noticeable things about me to other people, lol. But finally feeling more free and confident with sharing my favourite things that mean so much to me with others is such a wonderful thing anyway, I'd even argue that it helped me live my life more fully than before! And yeah, it's mostly a remark they (my parents) made, that this album nails the balance between keeping to a certain style and offering something new with each song. It's such a wonderful journey!
Alright, once again getting carried away a bit here even though I had no ideas earlier for what to say today. Highlights time then, which is also a bit of a problem because besides one special favourite this album has no spectacularly outstanding highs or any lows, it's all just equally amazing. But I'll try anyway, as I always do.
Favourite songs (and other highlights):
When Do I Get To Sing "My Way": my parents absolutely love this song and well, I do too. No suprise that it's among their most beloved and well-known songs, it really has it all, and it's one of Ron's very best when it comes to lyrics, without a doubt
Frankly, Scarlett, I Don't Give A Damn: so so atmospheric and special, I really like the vocal filter of sorts that's used here, it's just, so cool sounding all around!!
I Thought I Told You To Wait In The Car: this was my LEAST favourite at first but I grew to really like its unhingedness and the part with all "the CAR!!"s on top of each other is just peak of it all and funny as heck
Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil: one of my favourite of Russell's vocal performances! This one and Scarlett are a bit of a duo to me, both simply beautiful songs
Tsui Hark: I LOVE the sound of this one, the piano plus the synth and the spoken word lyrics make this kind of combo that makes it feel like I've already known this one for years and it's just... always existed (which is a term that will apply to a lot of 21st Sparks material anyway, so, that's something to look forward to)
The Ghost Of Liberace: such a big comfort listen to me, I just love this one, makes me feel so at home!!
Gratuitous Sax & Senseless Violins: shoutout to these too because I feel like they might be easy to overlook as these very brief pieces, but they're that extra element that just, really cements this album as a wonderful whole with something to unify all of it into this package of wonder of all sorts
...And then there's the many bonus tracks also, which I'll just mention briefly since I almost forgot about them and because, yeah. I love them all, but the closest to my heart are Love Can Conquer All, She's An Anchorman, She's Beautiful (So What), Mid-Atlantic & This Angry Young Man (Ain't Angry No More) ((and the RON VOCAL VERSIONS OF THEM)) and Katherine Hepburn (love the whole Christi Haydon EP (and Christi is so cool and awesome I need to say that too today) and I should listen to it more, the Boris The Spider cover is fun as heck also)
And now bonus video for no reason from (almost) a year ago, because again, the nostalgiaaaa. (Back when I didn't have a shelf for my record player yet so it took up half of the space on my desk lol)
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