#ok screw you! and i hung up. my cousins were there with me so he left once again in evidence that he's an asshole in front of my mom's fam
televisionenjoyer · 7 months
Wanting my dad dead is not enough for real
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daegall · 2 years
Tell me everything.
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↳ Best friends are supposed to tell each other everything, but Donghyuck isn't all that sure if he can tell you about his feelings. (He obviously also doesn't know that you have a big fat crush on him too)
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pairing: best friend!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, crack, slight angst, best friends to lovers!AU
warnings: um parties, mentions of alcohol, reader and hyuck are so fucking oblivious, bro idk i dont rmember writing this fic im so sorry
word count: 8.8k words
a/n: oh my fucking god the rollercoaster this fic has been to me. i swear to god i have never ever been so blocked EVER im sos ososososoooo sorry this is SO overdue man i feel so guilty and at the same time i feel so disappointed in this fic but its ok ^^ i'll just grow out of it in the future and look back and laugh (with tears </3)
anw BIG HUGE thank you to the godess of editing herself, @jenotapes ! thank you so so sooo much aisha for the beautiful header, i cannot express how much i love it and how thankful i am, it's so gorgeous it's liek theonly good thing about this whole thing HAHA
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The first real friend you've ever had, you have to say, is your mother, but really that's another situation.
Other than her, you'd have to say it would be Hung Renjun, someone you've known since middle school. You were inseparable during middle school, and sure you had a few crushes on him, but it's a lot different now.
You grew apart, but it doesn't seem like any of you minded it that much. 
Your best friend after that, would be Lee Donghyuck. Someone you met through Renjun. 
It was during Renjun's cousin's wedding where you met him. (You were only invited because this certain cousin used to be like a sister to you when you were younger. You like to remember all the tea parties you had together.)
But man, would you like to thank, and scold, both Renjun and his cousin for inviting you. Because of them, you found Donghyuck.
It was quite a unique way to find your best friend.
"You've got some moves!" 
You turn around at the unexpected, and unfamiliar voice, alarmed at a (very cute) stranger with a light smile on his lips. Your lips go from a gape of surprise, to a bright smile that slips a laugh, "Thank you!"
"Do you have a phone number too?"
Yes, he had tried asking you out. Not only did you end up giving up your number, but you did go hang out a while after that. 
You most certainly did (and still do) have the biggest crush on him, finding him so very charming and cute and, well, your type.
But for some apparent reason, he never asked if you wanted to actually date. You're not sure if he forgot, or he thinks you weren't interested or something, but he just didn't. You suspect he didn't have any more interest anymore. Not that you minded, (now. You minded a lot back then.) but it's getting a lot harder to keep in with every day that you get closer to Donghyuck.
It's gotten to the point where you don't even want to think of him, fearing that it would show and your whole friendship would be ruined.
Instead, you bake, as you always did when you had something particular on your mind.
Chocolate chip cookies, you had decided about 20 minutes ago, the soft and chewy ones that Donghyuck like—
"Holy shit," you whisper to yourself, voice hushed with realization. "did I just make Lee Donghyuck's favorite fucking snack without realizing?!" 
Yeah, your crush on him has gotten a lot worse. You suspect this happened when he took you out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when he noticed your dull state last week. He even paid for all the food! 
You decide to let all your thoughts go as you close the oven with your fist batch of cookies, the rustiness of the screws more than enough to distract you. Gosh, nobody in your dorm building takes care of the poor thing. You remember when Yoo Jimin and Kim Minjeong attempted to roast a whole turkey but it came out way undercooked because the oven broke down within 30 minutes.
Just as you thought your mind was Lee Donghyuck-free, the door to the kitchen opens, and in comes all your thoughts once again, as your best friend enters.
"Hey there," he greets.
"What are you doing?"
You shrug, turning around as you continue mixing the cookie dough. "I don't know, what does it seem like I'm doing?"
A chuckle slips from Donghyuck's lips as he approaches you, choosing to take a seat on the counter, next to the cooling rack. "Cookies?"
You only him in approval, placing the bowl back down on the counter.
To Donghyuck, your baking is one of the best he knows. First, would be his mother, of course, but you’re close to beating her, especially with the cake you baked for Renjun’s birthday a few months ago. He particularly likes your baking when you two are awake at midnight, and instead of using the oven, you choose to use the microwave, to make simple 2 minute microwave cookies or brownies. They’re the best for midnight snacks to have while writing an essay, or having an existential crisis together.
A moment later, Donghyuck finds you rummaging through the many drawers to find something. Once you finally find it, you go straight back to the dough, before you stick the object in, and scoop it back out.
In front of Donghyuck, is a teaspoon, scooped with your cookie dough. He mumbles a few words of gratitude, before taking the spoon from you and shoving it in his mouth. 
While Jaemin and Jeno are your favorite taste testers, (due to their immaculate opinions of how much salt and/or sugar you put into your recipes) Donghyuck always somehow finds his way to become number one. Maybe it’s because you like to hear the compliments from him. (or your big fat crush on him. Both, most likely.)
"Oh, yum! This is really good," Donghyuck smacks his lips, savouring each second of the taste melting on his tongue, and gets a small sense of... nostalgia.
"Hey, did you put some—"
"—cinnamon? Yes I did, I remember you telling me how your mom would do it, so I decided to try it myself too. Good to know you like it,"
It was a simple mention during a debate of if cupcakes or cookies were better, but the very random fact stuck to the back of your mind whenever you thought of baking. You’ve been meaning to make some, but never had the time to until now. (Though, you do have a few assignments begging to be finished as you bake.)
While Donghyuck is so very thankful, and delighted, he's a tiny bit worried. He knows you only bake when you have a mind full of things you don't want it to be filled with. This happened when you flunked that one assignment and you baked a whole birthday cake to get your mind off it.
"Are you okay?"
You're surprised at Donghyuck's words, instantly halting your actions to turn to him with shock written in every part of your face. "Huh?"
"I mean," Donghyuck passes you the spoon back, wiping your hand when he sees its got some flour stuck to it, "you're baking. Cookies. A lot of them. You only bake when you're thinking a lot, what's up? I'm your best friend, tell me everything!"
And that is exactly what you've been thinking about. How attentive he is, how caring and kind he is. Gosh he almost makes you go crazy just by doing things like this to you, you might just tell him what's wrong to have him stop completely.
"Nothing," you breathe out, going back to check on the cookies in the oven, "just bored, I guess."
Donghyuck doesn't buy a single bit of it, and you know he doesn't. So instead, you decide to lie a little, hoping he wouldn't catch it.
"I was so busy yesterday, I guess I just wanted to relax. Decided to make some cookies for you."
At this, Donghyuck can't help but chuckle. Cookies? For him? "Just for me?" 
Oh shit, did you say that? Silently, you panic, unconsciously shifting away from Donghyuck to hide your growing nose scrunch of embarrassment. "Uhh, f-for us...?" You hope he lets it go, you hope with your entire soul that he lets it go and accepts your stupid and poorly made excused for once. 
Alas, he is Lee Donghyuck, your best friend who will never let you live down a single thing if you make a mistake. (You always question why you even like him.) There was a time you accidentally switched the names of two of your upperclassmen. The most embarrassing 2 weeks of your life when he would remind you every other day.
Donghyuck's head throws back with laughter, gripping the edge of the counter for balance. He's always looked so cute while laughing, and you don't miss the way your heart stutters. And neither does Donghyuck. His own heart feels like it's soaring, jumping all around his body, swirling and spinning all because of you. "Oh my god, you're so cute!"
Oh my god, he's driving you crazy.
To shut him up, you grab a cookie from the cooling rack, before shoving it in his mouth, flicking at his forehead. "Shut up or these cookies are going to Chenle." 
Donghyuck nods, though laughing and chewing, winking and blowing a kiss at you. Once again, he feels his heart somersault when you reach over to wipe the few crumbs at the corner of his lips.
Lee Donghyuck never liked business management. Sure, it’s where he realized that the person he hit on at Renjun’s cousin’s party sat 2 rows in front of him, and yeah, Professor Lee is his favorite teacher, and sure, he sometimes likes the lessons–okay, maybe he just hates it today. 
Or maybe today is complete shit to him. Yes, he hates today. None of your nagging during breakfast, or even lunch, due to your sudden cold you got overnight. He’s had to go through classes without you, only get one cup of coffee, and he didn’t even get one text from you. What’s up with that?
He feels completely relieved to be going back to his beloved room, expecting to do nothing but sleep for the rest of the day, and maybe watch some of his favorite reality shows. He just… he really needs to rest. 
You know what he would kill for right now? Your cookies. The ones you made the other day for him, the ones you added cinnamon to and made him feel all warm inside. In his opinion, those are the best cookies he’s ever eaten. But he won’t tell his mom. 
Yeah, one of those would not be bad for this shitty, shitty day. Or maybe you yourself, there to accompany him and cheer him up, but you’ve got a sickness, and need to rest. Him feeling down in the dumps is a lot less important than your health. 
But apparently, that’s not exactly your own priorities. 
Donghyuck doesn’t expect to see you here, when he swings open his dorm door, but there you are, with a mask on and a duster in hand. You seem to be cleaning out the bookshelf by the window, the one Donghyuck installed with you just for the aesthetics. 
Why are you dusting it? Heck, why are you even here?!
“Y/n? What the fuck are you doing here? You need to rest right this second!”
You were just about to say something, to explain why you’re in his room in the first place, but your best friend beats you to it, rushing up to you, before he grabs gently at your arms. You drop the duster in your hand at this, gaping at the way Donghyuck tugs you to his bed.
It’s like every time you’re about to say something, anything, Donghyuck interrupts you with an action, pressing his hand to your forehead. “God, you’re still burning up. Have you taken your meds yet?”
FInally, you’re able to speak, as Donghyuck shuts up to hear you. Instead of words, a light laugh slips through your lips, as you shake your head in disbelief. “No, yeah, I took them right before coming here.” Donghyuck doesn’t say anything, but you can already practically feel the curiosity radiating off him, the frustration he’s about to spew out into words. 
“I came here to clean your room,” You say, brushing Donghyuck’s hands off your arms, only to take them in yours softly. Instantly, his thumbs run over your knuckles carefully. You can’t deny the way your heart swirls with love. “since my dusty ass room is what gave me my morning cold.” Suddenly, you grow a bit conscious of how ridiculous you might seem to him, getting up to clean up your best friend’s room. 
“Didn’t want you to get one, or something.” You can’t look Donghyuck in the eye, afraid that it would be the last thing to set you off into a hot, shy mess. 
But unbeknownst to you, Donghyuck looks at you so gently, so lovingly and softly. He’s so very thankful for you, in so many ways. Just being in your presence has him instantly calming down, and forgetting about every single bad thing he’s had come across him today. Just the thought of you caring so much for him has him forgiving every single thing that’s ever hurt him in his life. 
As if looking Donghyuck in the eye wasn’t enough to make you go crazy, Donghyuck’s hands suddenly slide up your arms, his fingertips brushing against your skin, before he wraps his arms around your shoulders, securing you tightly to him. 
You feel, and practically memorize every time Donghyuck’s skin comes in contact with yours, touching, brushing, leaving trails of goosebumps. The best kind. 
You feel so many things when Donghyuck hugs you. You feel shocked, and surprised, and at the same time so flustered. But those aren’t the strangers feelings in you. Others being worry, and dread. 
This hug isn’t the typical ones that Donghyuck usually gives you. It’s tighter, tenser, he’s not giggling, and neither are you. Another thing that makes you feel awfully concerned about this hug, is the fact that Donghyuck has stuffed his head in your neck, and is breathing awfully heavily. It takes you one moment, then two, before you feel the tears and hear the sobs. 
Instantly, your arms wrap around him instantly, tucking him closer to you, before you feel tears spring to your eyes as well. You don’t say anything, despite having so many questions, and Donghyuck is so very thankful for that. Sometimes asking for a reason and wanting to understand someone fully isn’t the best, in his opinion, but you don’t even have to ask to understand him. You’ve never had to. Just with an expression on his face, you can tell instantly what he’s feeling. 
“One day without me and you’re already struggling, what would you do without me?”
Oh, how Donghyuck feels so safe around you. He pulls away from your shoulder, slightly grimacing at the sight of a damp spt, before a laugh chokes through his sniffling. “Nothing, so you better stick to me for the rest of our lives, alright?”
You do nothing but nod, and chuckle, before you start to wipe away Donghyuck’s tears with the sleeves of your sweater. Not the best choice for wiping someone’s eyes, but that doesn’t really matter right now. Donghyuck needs you, and you’ll be there for him.
“You wanna talk about it?” You mumble softly, brushing his hair from his face. Your best friend finds his heart swelling and thumping erratically with so much love at the look on your face. He’s always liked it when you take care of him. You don’t judge him, not at all. His needs are what you focus on, and it feels good to finally be loved for once. 
“Can I?” He whispers in reply, falling into the warmth of your hands. His own grip at your wrists, holding them up to his face.
You smile, and it tells him everything. You’re not going anywhere until he feels better, no matter how long, or how hard the task will be. “Tell me everything.”
And that’s exactly what Donghyuck does. He tells you of how his morning was thoroughly mundane and how he seemed to have struggled to stay awake during class, and how Professor  Lee even told him off for dozing off. He tells you each detail, every word and action, and you practically feel like you’re in the scene with how he describes it. 
One thing he leaves out, however, is every feeling he’s felt. How could he? He’s sure to blurt out how incredibly safe he feels with you, how worried he was because of your cold, how all he could think about today was just you. Not to mention, how he really believes he cares for you, way more than a best friend should. 
Just your presence, the sight of you, it makes him feel somehow inside. Like having a warm picnic late in the afternoon, the warm rays of the sunshine feeling oh so relaxing. 
Like watching one of your favorite chick flicks or romantic movies with you after his breakdown, but not even paying attention to the movie because of the way you look so immersed and mesmerized with it has him himself in a daze. That one spark in your eye you always have when you’re so interested, the smile on your lips when you sigh with delight, the way your hands curl around Donghyuck’s wrist to bring you closer. 
Donghyuck loves these moments. Donghyuck loves you. 
Alright, Donghyuck does not love you. At least, he doesn’t think he does.
Not in these moments, when you bug him constantly when you very much know he needs to be focusing and finishing his essay. 
But hey, in your defence, he’s got 2 weeks to finish it, and it’s not like he doesn’t have everything planned out for it. He’s been ready, much to your surprise. And as much as you are proud of him, you’re not so proud when he’s chosen to use the time where you two usually go to the grocery store near campus to do some assignment. 
And it’s not like he doesn’t bug you every time you’re doing literally anything other than hanging out with him. There was a time you had to tutor Jung Sungchan (who will always remain your favorite student) but Donghyuck was around the corner, whispering (not so) quietly at you about how you should totally ditch math and accompany him wherever.
“Please, Y/n,” Donghyuck finally says after attempting to ignore you for 20 straight minutes. His hands are holding at yours, shaking them with the most desperate expression you’ve ever seen on Lee Donghyuck. “I’m begging you to just let me work. 30 minutes. Then we can go get frozen yoghurt from the dining hall, how’s that?”
You really can’t help but snort, and he can’t help but feel all his frustration flutter away just at the sight of your smile. Strange, he’s been feeling things. “What happened to the Donghyuck I knew last week? When I was sick? That made me swear not to leave each other because you couldn’t even last a day without me?”
“My god, Y/n!” Donghyuck exclaims, and at that moment, his fingers intertwine with yours. Great, let’s play a round of ‘how many times can your best friend make you feel things a best friend shouldn’t’ shall we?
“Yes, my love,” There goes one. God do you hate (read: love) when Donghyuck calls you that.
Donghyuck breathes out, trying to suppress a laugh. (it fails.) “I know I said that, and I still don’t take it back! I really mean it, I really do,” That’s two!
“But please, just let me finish this, and then we can go grab a snack, yeah?” Okay, that wasn’t that bad.
“My treat.” And that’s three.
This comment has you shutting up with a small smile, a swirling sensation of excitement stirring in you. This is the only indication your best friend needs to know you’ve agreed to his terms.
And finally, some peace and quiet. At least, that’s what Donghyuck thought.
“What’s your favorite color?” Donghyuck sighs when you start up after promising him you wouldn’t. He glances at you only momentarily, across from him with your arms tightly wrapped around the pillow Jeong Jaehyun left accidentally when he moved out. You have a small, almost mischievous smirk on your lips, as you lightly nudge at your best friend’s knee with your foot. 
“I dunno,” he mumbles out, going back to his work, “never thought of it.”
And then he’s back to typing and ignoring you. Oh, how boring this was. It’s not all that fair, in your opinion, how Donghyuck is ignoring you when every time you’ve wanted to work he’s coming over with Chenle’s dog and a bunch of your favorite movies. 
“Okay then, what’s your favorite thing to do?” 
“Right now?” Donghyuck murmurs, and can’t help the jumping of his heart or curl at his lips when you crawl closer to him to bump your head against his side. “It would be working on this essay.” 
“You’re so boring!” 
Donghyuck simply dismisses your words, though you can see the slight smirk at the corner of his lips. He’s amused, and though he claims he wants to finish his essay, you know he very much does not mind your presence with him. 
“Fine,” You huff out, “I guess I’ll just go and bother Jaemin or something.”
At this, Donghyuck perks up, eyes wide as he watches you roll off the couch next to him. His hand instinctively reaches out to grab at your wrist before you could leave, tugging you back to stumble back next to him on the couch. 
Just as you expected.
“Oh? What’s this? The person who has been completely ignoring me is suddenly giving me so much attention?”
“Uh–” Donghyuck stumbles over his words, racking his brain to find a witty enough response to keep you here with him. Alas, as much as he tries, as hard as he searches, his mind becomes completely blank. It’s been happening lately, actually. Whenever he stares into your eyes, he’s struggling to find all the stupid witty comments, his heart feels like it’s being tugged at, it’s so strange. 
“God, okay fine! Yeah, I want you here, but please, just don’t ask me stupid shit, okay?” Donghyuck proceeds to pat the space next to him, his gaze turning shy as he looks away bashfully. “Just–just accompany me, please.”
And surprisingly, you comply, for here you are, next to him, staring at his screen. Your head rests on his shoulder, hands playing with the pillows in your arms. You’re bored, but you can suck it up, just for Donghyuck, you suppose.
A sudden thought pops up in your mind, amd before you can stop yourself, you’re blurting it out.
“What do you want for your birthday?”
You notice how Donghyuck’s fingers completely stop typing, his work put on hold. “What?”
“I mean,” You start, your voice growing quieter, “your birthday’s coming up soon, right?”
All the other years you’ve celebrated it, it was always you throwing a big surprise party for him. It was always your gift for him. But since this year Jeno and Jaemin promised they would do it for him this year, it would mean you’re gonna have to get him a present too. 
Donghyuck’s never heard this question, and strangely, he doesn’t really like it coming from you. He doesn’t want to demand things like he does with his other friends (read: Rich kid Chenle). He knows that whatever it is, he’s gonna love it. 
“Your love?” 
Your breath hitches in your throat at the response you receive, before you fly away from his shoulder to throw him a confused look. 
Donghyuck’s face is… incredibly cute. He has a teasing smile, cheeks pulled up with his eyes bright. His chuckles are soft, though they resonate repetitively in your ears, and you can’t help but start chuckling as well. 
“Oh really?” 
When Donghyuck shrugs with a nod, you can finally come up with an equally witty response. “You better not complain if my gift is a kiss.”
To be honest, Donghyuck doesn’t mind. In fact, he kind of–holy shit Lee Donghyuck wants to kiss you!
Hyuck 🐻: Hey [22:10] Hey [22:10] Hey [22:11]
You: What [22:11]
Hyuck 🐻: Can we call [22:12]
You: Why [22:12]
Hyuck 🐻:  Need help with an assignment [22:12]
You: Okay fine yeah sure [22:13]
Only you did anything but an assignment Donghyuck was struggling on. You went on a video call, he showed you a bit of the equations, and then you don't remember anything about any assignment after that.
The only thing you can recall talking about is literally anything other than it. Like Donghyuck's story of how his pinkie apparently stopped growing. (He's told you about 6 times already, but it's got to be your favorite story to hear.) 
Nonetheless, you can't say you mind it. Donghyuck has been a bit distant lately, you're not sure why, but it's great to hear from him again.
Unbeknownst to you, Donghyuck is avoiding you just a little bit. Ever since the time on the couch where he quite wanted you to kiss him, he's not sure where his heart lies. In your palms, probably.
And he definitely feels like it is, especially when you start laughing at one of his stupid jokes through the screen. It's a tiny bit lagged, with your smile coming only a few seconds after your laughs, but it still shakes Donghyuck's heart. He can't even remember the joke. 
He can't remember anything when he's with you, all he wants to remember is the curl of your lips, the sound of your laughter, the warmth you emit. Well, the warmth his laptop emits. 
"Hey," Donghyuck starts. He picks on the bracelet you gave him last year, after you got it from some kiosk you found when you went on vacation with your family. It was the first real gift from you, and he cherishes it with all his heart.
"Didn't get to ask how your week was, how was it?"
Right, because he's been quite clearly ignoring you all week.
You visibly shift in Donghyuck's screen, going unseen for a moment, before you adjust your laptop on your lap. "It's been okay, got extra free time since Sungchan couldn't come to this week's meeting. Been sleeping a lot more."
"That's good," Donghyuck replies to your summary. It really is, because God knows how little sleep you get. Sometimes it's because of studying, or watching some movie just because you felt like it, or someone (read: Donghyuck) is occupying your time. 
Your smile flashes on the screen, and it causes Donghyuck to smile himself, tugging his blankets closer to him.
"How about your week? What have you been doing to not call me every other hour?"
Let's see, thinking of you, staring at your contact photo for some reason, contemplating whether to call you or not, and, well, sleeping. And babbling about you to Lee Jeno. 
"Not much, really."
His answer is definitely not what you expected, nor was it really what you wanted. You expected a whole rant, story time until the most ungodly hour of the morning, heck, even a witty little comment like how he's been thinking of you would be okay. (He would totally, but just scared if he would sound too serious because it's literally what he's been doing.)
And this clearly shows through your facial expressions, as your nose scrunches in dissatisfaction. "Really? Why didn't you call me then?"
Your words set a zoo that even Donghyuck has no idea of running around his body, sensations of happiness and giddiness ripple through his whole soul, and he has to physically hold back a grin. 
"Why didn't you call me? Why does it always have to be me calling you?"
Donghyuck is lucky enough to come up with a natural and witty comment, a pout playing at his lips. They dangerously threaten to curl when you click your tongue, leaning in closer to your camera. "Fine," you mumble, "I'll call you next time."
Geez, and Donghyuck thought the zoo was enough for him. Now he has his heart shaking, bearing and clenching and buzzing with adoration for you. Holy shit... what was this feeling?
"Oh, by the way," these words once again capture all of your best friend's attention, it has him humming intently, unconsciously bringing his laptop closer to him. 
"had this conversation with Chenle the other day," you explain the context, though you clearly know this was a lie. There was no conversation with Zhong Chenle, it was just a scheme. 
"What's a random thing you have never had?" 
Yes, a scheme to find him a birthday present.
"For example, I never had a gemstone before. Pebbles, rocks, sure. But like rubies and all that jazz? Never."
At first, Donghyuck was a little bit suspicious of your actions and words, but the moment you mention the gemstone and have you've never had it, his mind drifts off from the suspiciousness, instead racking his brain to find a thing.
It takes him a solid minute, one minute of a cute little thoughtful pout, one moment of his low focused humming, one minute of staring at his cute habits. God, perhaps you have it bad for Lee Donghyuck. 
As you stare at him, you can't help but wonder what this certain object might be. Donghyuck's been gifted very random things by lots of people. There was a time he got a whole pack of chopsticks for Christmas. It was the craziest shit ever.
You barely get to process his words, before you burst out laughing, very amused by his words. Though Donghyuck is confused, and shocked, he can't help but laugh along with you. He always found your laughter very contagious and enlightening. 
"What?" He asks softly between chuckles, eyes glued to the screen, where you attempt to stop your laughter, but fail miserably.
"N-nothing," you snort, "that was just the last thing I expected."
And honestly, Donghyuck gets it. He gets it completely. Snowglobe, of all things, but it’s the truth, it really is. 
Donghyuck leans in closer to his screen, if that is even possible, smiling fondly as you quiet down from your laughing fit. You have your face stuffed into a pillow, eyes shut as you try to regain and steady your breath. “It is pretty random, isn’t it?” 
Your best friend can’t help but think you look… so precious. How many people in the world get to make you smile this much, how many people can get you to laugh as hard? For some reason, he can’t help but feel almost so special to get to have you in his life. To have you listen to his god awful jokes and to have you accompany him in a call. God, how did he even manage to get you to bake his favorite cookies?
And suddenly, when he glances at you, closing the window to his (finished and submitted) essay, you look way too good for a best friend. Grinning down at your laptop as your favorite part of your comfort movie plays, when have you ever looked so good before?
Considering the fact that Donghyuck was okay with you kissing you just a few days ago, and how you seem absolutely ethereal to him, he’s pretty concerned. What is going on? Why is he feeling this way towards you, after months of being so close, why has he only noticed now?
When Donghyuck softly smiles at the sight of you already mouthing along to your favorite dialogue of the whole movie, he realized that not only is he okay with you kissing him, he wants you to kiss him.
It’s been weeks since you’ve actually hung out properly with Lee Donghyuck, and after all this time spent without him, you realize how painfully boring life could be without him and how incredibly boring Lee Jeno is. 
You spent a couple of days with him, and you agree with everyone when they say Na Jaemin truly might be his soulmate, because you don’t know how he can deal with such boringness. (Oh my god has Lee Donghyuck been influencing you too much?!)
Strangely, Jeno and Jaemin have been avoiding you too, but you know why. Even if they didn’t tell you, you know it’s because they would accidentally slip up and tell you their plans for Donghyuck’s birthday party and you would go scurrying off and telling him.
False, they are, because Donghyuck doesn’t…. want to talk to you. At least, that’s what you think, and that’s what you fear. What have you done wrong? What went wrong? The last time you spoke was… about 2 and a half weeks ago, when you had gone over to drop off one of his sweaters he left in your dorm.
He was quite awkward, to say the least. Fidgeting, nervous mumbling, he didn’t even hug you once, he was surely fishy. Ever since then, it’s only been texts, no meet ups or calls. Just texts. And you were initiating and continuing them all by yourself.
A pit of fear lies within you at the thought of you doing something to have Donghyuck stray away from you. Anxiety courses through your veins at the thought of him telling you that you should stop talking or something.
Nobody knows how you feel about him. Fear and love, or whatever you feel for him, nobody knows. 
Nobody but Mark Lee. That guy’s great at getting you to spill your beans. Just an ‘Are you sure?’ and you’re going on and on about how confused you feel, how scared and how much you adore Donghyuck. 
Thankfully, unlike Jisung or Chenle (or both together), he doesn’t have certain days where he’s making fun or not, he’s always 100% considerate. You’re surprised he doesn’t have a significant other yet, he really deserves one. 
And here you are, once again, in front of him, but instead of the library, or his dormitory lounge room, you find yourselves in front of a lake Mark had found recently. You might bring Donghyuck here someday.
“Damn, really? I thought this was gonna be our spot, but I guess you always have to show Donghyuck everything.”
“Well sorry, Mark,” You murmur, as you attempt to skip a rock. It bounces 4 times. “I’m sorry I have a big fat huge crush on my own best friend.”
Mark whistles at your 4 skips, nudging your arm with an impressed smirk. “You say he’s ignoring you?”
“Yeah.” You don’t want to be reminded of the fact. Mark can tell, but you do have to face it either way.
“I know these words might be said like, a thousand times to a thousand people, but it’s really what you should do. Give him some time, maybe he’s going through something–”
“–Mark if he’s going through something he would tell me, he always does! He calls me, usually right before he’s going to sleep, and when I hear his sigh I know. I would know instantly. And I’d be over at his in less than 6 minutes, and he would scold me for wasting my breath for him, and I would always counter how he would do the same thing, because he would!”
Mark isn’t exactly surprised to see you’ve finally cracked. Neither did he expect it, but he knew it would be possible. He lets you rant, he wants you to rant. Get all of it out, until it’s all gone.
“And the thing is, I don’t even fucking know if he would at this point.” You groan and grimace at the tears starting to bead at the corner of your eyes, throwing another rock at the lake. “Did I do something?”
“Y/n,” Mark calls out softly. You almost forget you have company, but with Mark’s hand on your shoulder, moving you in front of him, you know you can trust this company. “even if Hyuck did feel that way, he wouldn’t lead you on, you know he wouldn’t.”
He was right, Donghyuck always called out the bad people in his life and didn’t even hesitate to turn them away. It’s a trait you love about him, he warned you about one of your exes, and instead of scolding you, like he usually does, he went to have a full on conversation with him and full on punched him. 
“But if he was leading you on, you’d be okay. He might mean a lot to you now, and in the near future, but there will be people there for you.” Mark has now wrapped you in his arms, patting comfortingly. He mumbles softly, as if he knew the perfect tone to make someone calm down. He does have the perfect tone to calm someone down.
“That’s not gonna happen, though. He loves you way too much to do that.”
Mark Lee is crazy good at comforting, he should probably do it as a job, or something. 
“Yeah,” You laugh (with a quiet sniffle that follows), burying yourself in his embrace. You wipe at the small tears on your cheeks, laughing embarrassingly, but Mark assures there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. “God, you’re a really good listener,”
“I know.”
“And advice giver.”
“I know that too,”
You pick up one more rock, turn to the lake, before you toss it. “I think I’m gonna confess. I don’t want this to fester into something really bad.”
Mark nods, joining you in rock skipping. His rock bounces 5 times. “Alright, but if he says anything bad I’m beating the shit out of him.”
You laugh at his comment. Mark Lee is like the brother you always wanted. 
It’s June sixth, Donghyuck’s birthday. 
You had texted him a quick birthday text this morning, strike at midnight, like you promised. You haven’t texted him since then, only staring at the ‘thanks y/n <3’ he had sent you about 20 minutes after you sent the text. 
At first, you were pretty surprised to see that he was up that late, and then the worry came and started getting you just a little anxious, before you brushed it off, concluding that he was only just playing some more video games with Lee Jeno on his birthday. 
And then after that, nothing. No texts, no calls, no nothing. It makes you a little sad, but you’re way too scared to do anything about it. You plan to confess to Donghyuck. Today, at his birthday party Jaemin and Jeno are hosting.
It’s only about an hour and a half away, but you have no plans on getting ready for it. Not at all. For now, you have his wrapped gift in your hands as you stare at your ceiling and practice your confession in your head. 
You were always good at memorizing things, speeches, formulas, anything. It was a little thing you enjoyed. 
But now, trying to clear your head and recite the confession you plan to tell him, you can’t recall a single word. Just the thought of it going to your best friend, who has been ignoring you for god knows how long, it’s got your heart hammering in your chest and your hands shaking, your nervousness spiking. 
You check the clock. 40 minutes until the party.
You’ve got to get your shit together. 
Before you know it, you’ve found yourself at the party, Jeno and Jaemin both embracing you at the same time. 
“A little late, but nothing too bad! Good to see you again, Y/n!” Jaemin mumbles, before planting a playful kiss on your cheek. You fake a grimace, wiping it off your skin. Jeno only giggles at the situation, before ruffling your hair and nudging his head inside. “You’ll be able to find Hyuck somewhere in there. Can’t be that hard, he’s the birthday boy!”
His words are meant to mean well, nothing with generous intent, but it makes you nervous. Just in a matter of time, you’re about to spill all the beans about all your feelings towards your best friend who probably doesn’t even want to be your best friend anymore. (He wants to be so much more, but you don’t know that.)
The party is busy, busier than you thought, with many people from your classes and some other people they brought, probably for free food and a chance of finding love. Or maybe Jaemin and Jeno are just immensely popular. 
All these people, and yet no sign of Donghyuck yet. 
His gift is tight in your grip, your fingers bouncing and tapping against it quickly. 
The first few people you bump into are your close friends, Huang Renjun and Mark Lee, and you don’t miss the hopeful glint in Mark’s eyes. You shake your head quickly with a slight frown, which tells him everything he needs to know. 
Next, are Chene and Jisung, who seem… strange. They’re giggling, which is normal, but they keep nudging at each other and they had started… poking and screeching at you when you asked where Donghyuck was. You had no choice but to check if they were tipsy, or something, only to find their drinks were just mixtures of a bunch of sodas. Gross.
About 25 minutes have passed, no sign of Donghyuck. How are you supposed to give him your gift? (read: how are you supposed to tell him you’re head over heels in love with him?) Is he seriously ignoring you in his own birthday party too?
You’re getting agitated, almost anxious as the time passes. 
You run up to Jeno, when you spot him near you. “Hey, have you seen Hyuck around?” You yell over the loud music. 
His face twists, and the smile on his face is wiped off and replaced with a slight frown. “You haven’t seen him at all tonight?”
You shake your head. 
“That’s weird, he would have been the most excited to see you,”
You excuse yourself, the moment you feel a stir in your stomach. You had a slice of cake, and some apple juice, and you don’t think your stomach is agreeing to the combination. Or the thought of Donghyuck completely ignoring you. 
It’s not too long of a walk to the bathroom, after all you could make your way through Donghyuck’s place with your eyes closed. Not a good idea right now, you could bump into that guy with 5 plates of birthday cake. 
You finally make your way into the bathroom, quickly shutting the door behind you. Instantly, the music is blurred out, and you close your eyes with a sigh when you feel your nerves calm down just a little bit.
Just a little bit. 
They double in amount, however, when you realize that none other than Donghyuck is in the bathroom himself, sitting at the corner by the corner.
You both stare at each other, wide eyes of surprise, clearly unsuspecting of finding one another in the bathroom. 
“Hyuck? What the fuck are you doing in the bathroom?” 
“Uhhh,” Donghyuck desperately racks his head back and forth for a reason, any kind of reason. “Taking a shit?”
No, he was not taking a shit. Obviously.
You feel a whole whirlwind of emotions hit you suddenly, it strikes at your chest, your heart, before it tingles and moves to your fingers, where you squeeze Donghyucl's birthday present, before it moves onto your feet, as you take one step. 
That's as far as it goes, however, and you stop very awkwardly in the middle of the bathroom. There's no point in stopping now, he's right here, you both have nowhere to go, and really it's now or never. 
You take another step, and another, and before you know it, you're kneeling and plopping down next to Donghyuck. 
It's awkward, at least you think it is. You don't dare look at your best friend, afraid that the moment you do, you'djust blurt out how much you love him. 
Donghyuck, however, feels nothing but longing towards you. He longs for you, after weeks of ignoring you. But he doesn't let himself, it's his fault, he should deal with the consequences himself. 
"Um—happy birthday!" You blurt out, and stick out your hand with the birthday present in it. It alarms Donghyuck, only for a moment, before he reaches out to it with a grin. You missed his smile. 
Instantly, Donghyuck has an urge to unwrap it, to see what it is and treasure it with his whole being, to thank you and hug you and finally just be normal with you once again. 
And so he rips open the wrapping paper, finding a snow globe sitting in his palm now. Donghyuck's heart follows each and every artificial snowflake floating about in the glass, swelling and swirling at the gift. 
You're nervous for Donghyuck's reaction, seeing him gape at the globe with such wide eyes. Did he not like it? Was it too much? Maybe he wanted to get a snow globe himself. 
But, it's nothing short of perfect to him. It's got a polar bear in it, with a santa hat and a christmas tree only half its size, there's nothing in it he could ever point out as a flaw. 
"Thank you," Donghyuck finallu breathes out, "fuck, this is perfect—thank you so much, Y/n, really." 
"I, uh, wanted to put a picture of us, but I didn't know how to do it so I bought a normal one instead" For the second time that night, Donghyuck's heart goes into a frenzy, just at the sight of your smile of pure happiness and eyes of relief. It pains him to think you could doubt yourself over something as silly as a present. You shouldn't ever worry about what you do to him, he's going to love you no matter what. 
The atmosphere lifts a little but after that, as you both shyly smile at the situation. 
However, it's not a clear sky just yet. There are grey clouds in the way, grey clouds you can't simply ignore. 
And at those clouds, you ought to curse at. You haven't brought an umbrella, or a raincoat, even if you knew it was gonna rain. Here you are, sitting in the shade, knowing that if you step out, it'll start pouring. 
But at that, you say fuck it! May it be a drizzle worth of rain, a hailstorm, heck a blizzard couldn't stop you. 
"Hey, Hyuck?" You take a step out of the shade. 
He simply hums back, gaze never leaving the snow globe. 
You take a deep breathe, feeling the first droplet of rain on your skin. "Did… did I do anything?"
And when Donghyuck whips around at you with a shocked expression, you feel the winds of confusion kicking in, growing stronger as he rapidly shakes his head and denies it quickly. "What? No, it's just a snow globe,"
"No, no," You can't help but chuckle at his panicked tone, leaning your hand on your palm. "Not that. Just in general, you know?"
In comes heavier rain, feeling so weighted against your skin. It's cold, harsh, and wet, but you know it's going to be worse. 
"If I'm doi g anything wrong, please don't keep it in, please tell me," Your words do more than just surprise Donghyuck, a stinging guilt pains him. Is this what you've been thinking about the whole time he's been gone? 
"If I'm making you uncomfortable in any way, tell me. If I did something, tell me my mistake." Your voice is laced with more than hurt, or guilt, it has fear, desperation, and Donghyuck wants to punch himself because of all this.
You can't bring yourself to look at Donghyuck, just merely talking to  him about the things you've been worried about is already a whole hurricane for you ti deal with, to fight. "If I'm lacking in any way, tell me what I'm lacking. Just please, tell me, Hyuck. You're one of the most important people in my life and I don't want to hurt you or make you feel bad in any way—" 
“—Shut up and look at me!"
You hadn't even noticed Donghyuck calling out to you, not until he's grasped your hands in his, inteetwinign your fingers together. 
"God, Y/n, I'm sorry. I made you think the exact opposite. I…" Donghyuck's sentence trails off, and before he knows it, he feels himself choking up once again. Just at the sight of you, so desperate, sorry for nothing, feeling bad, he can't get himself to say anything.
Despite that, he tries, shifting on the floor to face you, "Remember when we met? Two years ago, at Renjun's birthday party? Remember what I first said to you?"
It takes you a moment, but you do remember, how could you ever forget?
'You got some moves! Do you have a phone number too?'
Just by the look on your face, Donghyuck knows you remember. "I still stand by my words."
"...I got good dance moves?"
"Wha—No! After that,"
"...I have a phone number?"
"Oh my fucking god, no. I mean what I meant in general. Like—I was hitting on you," Realization rushed in you, and it hits you like a truck once the words roll off Donghyuck's tongue and register in your brain. Lee Donghyuck was hitting on you. 
Donghyuck's heartbeat beats in his ears, terrifyingly loud, and his insides twist in fear and anticipation as he mumbles, "I... I fucking love you, Y/n. I love you so much it hurts, and it terrifies me."
"At first, I just thought friends would be enough. But then we became best friends, which I thought would be better, but god was I wrong. Realizing your feelings for your best friend is crazy, because you're scared of every little thing they do! When you asked me what I wanted for my birthday, you... I just really wanted to kiss you right then and there. When you gave me a hug when I had a bad day, I was so afraid that I would accidentally blurt out the words 'I love you', and when you started looking at me differently, longingly, I realized that I had been ignoring you without realizing. And I feel like an absolute bitch about it. I'm so sorry, for everything. For making you feel terrible just because I was being a fool, for neglecting you, and being an asshole and... and for my feelings. I understand if you feel weirded out, or disgusted, or anything, really. I'm just sorry." 
The storm you once thought you'd try fighting away is now drying away, replaced by nothing but the sun after the storm, absolute gid and relief waving over you at his words. 
Donghyuck looks so fucking ethereal right now, blushing shyly as he stares at the snow globe you gifted him, and as much as he feels embarassed, there's nothing in him telling him to stop holding your hands. He's holding them so dearly, running the pads of his thumb over your skin, his touch warm and comforting. 
"Hyuck," You mumble softly. He doesn't look up. "I think I love you too, Hyuck." 
In an instant, Donghyuck's head whips up to stare at you, blinking repeatedly and mouth gaping continuously at you. 
"Wait—fuck, wait really?!"
You laugh at Donghyuck's shocked expression, leaning forward to bump your forehead against his shoulder. 
"Wait—no—Y/n don't play with me. You love me?!"
"Yes, Donghyuck!"
"Fuck, wait, you said you think you love me. Do you love me or not?"
"Oh my god, I love you! I love you, okay? I don't think your feelings are weird, I think it's dope,"
Donghyuck still continues to gape at you, with what seems like the whole galaxy in his eyes, staring at you as if you were his sun and moon and stars and every beautiful thing out there.  
Donghyuck gently shurgs you off his shoulder, before he automatically finds his hands on your skin, caressing your face ever so dearly. The look in his eyes do not change, nor do they falter, desperately staring into yours. 
"Are you sure you love me?" 
You lean forward to bump your forehead against his, "One hundred percent. You sure you love me?"
Donghyuck shifts to brush your noses together, and you can practically feel his grin against yours. "One hundred percent,"
With that, Donghyuck's lips lock with yours, so softly you feel almost lightheaded. His hands on your face still trace their ways through each inch to your jaw and neck, memorizing each part of you. Donghyuck's lips feel soft, taste of birthday cake you can only assume is from when he blew the candle earlier. 
Each peck, each push and pull of your lips feel almost like a dream, but the small smiles and occasional laughs bring you back to reality. 
When you pull away, Donghyuck instantly brings you into his arms, planting kisses on every free spot he can find on your cheeks 
"When did you realize you love me?"
You hum at the question, "Few months ago."
"All those weeks I've wasted… pining over something I already had?!"
"I quite like it, it adds to the yearning, don't you think?"
Donghyuck only huffs, bringing you closer to him. 
"Oh right, speaking of all those weeks we've wasted, care to fill me in on those weeks?"
"What should I tell you?" Donghyuck mumbles, pulling your fingers between his. He reaches down to press a kiss to each of your knuckles. 
"Tell me everything?"
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
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☽ ☼ ☾
five years ago 
Elide drank her iced coffee and idly watched her friend, Lysandra, race around her bakery. “Elide! Where is my phone?!” the normally collected woman asked, her voice shrill with nerves. 
Calmly, Elide shoved off of the table she leaned against and walked over, the buckles on her knee-high platform boots clinking. She reached around Lysandra’s waist and plucked the green-eyed beauty’s phone from the back pocket of her mom jeans, “Here you go. Coffee?” 
Lysandra sighed and tucked a strand of hair that had escaped her loose braid behind her ear. “No, thanks. It’ll make me more nervous.” 
Elide smiled gently and put her hand on Lysandra’s upper arm, rubbing it up and down to soothe, “Lys, c’mon. You and Nesryn are ready for this. Evangeline adores you two.” 
“Yeah, but her room isn’t even finished! There isn’t even a bed,” the baker replied, her voice only rising in pitch. 
“And that’s what the boys are for,” Elide said. “Why don’t I go call them, see how it’s going?” 
“Yes,” Lysandra said. “Please.”
The tattoo artist nodded and smiled, stepping away to call. Her thumb hovered over Rowan and Lorcan’s contacts, deciding which of the two she would call. Fenrys hardly ever picked up his phone and she didn’t know Vaughan well enough to call. 
She chose and held the phone to her ear, her gut wrenching with anticipation. It rang a few times before it picked up and a voice answered, smooth like whiskey and just as deep, “Hello?”
“Hey, you,” Elide said, her voice somehow steady. She hadn’t seen or spoken with him in three weeks, since they’d both gone home over the holidays. 
“Princess,” Lorcan said, a small smile in his voice. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
She looked at Lysandra, “Ms. Ennar-Faliq would like to know when her daughter’s bed is getting here?” Behind her, the door opened. Elide turned to see Lorcan, Rowan, and Vaughan carry in a large box. Fenrys danced in after them, off in his own world with his earbuds in. Over the few months Elide had known the boy, the one thing she had learned was that when he had his earbuds in, there was no mortal that could call him back down to earth. 
Lorcan had the phone to his ear and smiled at her, “Momentarily.” 
Elide rolled her eyes and hung up, “Honey, the menfolk have returned!” 
He snorted and put his phone in his pocket, his question directed towards Lysandra, “Where do you want this?” 
“Follow me,” she instructed, waving them to the back of the bakery. There was a staircase that led to the apartment Lysandra, Nesryn, and now Evangeline lived in. 
The boys nodded and dutifully followed Lysandra. Elide watched them go, her eyes on Lorcan. Heat rose to her cheeks and she hoped they would get a moment to chat later. 
She had missed him. 
At that moment, her phone buzzed. Elide looked down to see a number she didn’t recognise had texted her. 
(202) 555-0157: Elide! It’s Yrene 
(202) 555-0157: I loved seeing you over the holidays
(202) 555-0157: I hope you don’t mind that I asked your mother for your new number 
elide: yrene ! no, no it’s fine
elide: it was great to see u too
She added Yrene’s name and number to a contact and they texted, benignly, for a few minutes. Then, Elide heard a shout and loud crash from upstairs. She looked up in alarm and fisted a hand in the gentle material of her black tiered skirt so her steps wouldn’t be hindered as she went up the narrow and steep stairs. “Guys? Is everything alright?” 
The black door at the top of the steps was closed, but not locked, so Elide twisted the doorknob to let herself in. 
“We’re good!” Fenrys hollered back from the second floor. 
“You’re bleeding, pup, I think that counts as ‘not good’,” Rowan’s deep voice chastised. 
Elide snorted softly and walked upstairs. She peered in, seeing Lorcan, Vaughan, and Rowan kneeled around Fenrys. Rowan held a tissue to Fenrys’ nose until the boy batted his hand away, “I’m fine, it doesn’t even hurt that badly!” 
“Fenrys, you broke your nose,” Rowan reminded him, his tone dry and ever-suffering. “We need to go to the hospital.” 
Fenrys rolled his eyes and turned to the women at the door, “It’s not that bad, is it?” He stood up and Rowan got to his feet as well, steadying his friend. Fenrys pulled the tissue away and Elide gasped. 
“Fenrys! It’s completely broken,” Elide said, walking over to him. The bridge of his short nose was snapped at an almost perfect ninety-degree angle, though the rounded tip remained in the same place. She reached up, gingerly touching it. Fenrys winced, tears drawn to his eyes. “You’re going to the hospital.” 
“But the bed–” 
“I will drive you there and you three,” Elide pointed at Lorcan, Vaughan, and Rowan, “will stay and finish the bed so Lys doesn’t lose her mind whole.” 
“Lose my what whole?” Lysandra asked idly as she walked into the room, carrying a basket of things. “Fenrys, oh no, are you alright?” 
“I broke my nose,” he said, his head tilted up. 
Lysandra’s eyes widened and she quickly put the basket down, stepping over to him, “What, how?” 
He started to speak, but his words were so muffled and jumbled, no one could understand him. Lorcan spoke for him, “Vee was holding one of the boards and it slipped and hit Fen’s face.” 
Fenrys nodded in confirmation. Elide sighed, “Ok, well, let’s go, Fen. We’ve got to get you to the hospital.” She led him down the stairs, carefully, and out the front door. “How’re you feeling, hon?” 
“My nose hurts,” he replied, his voice clogged and thick. “And I want to punch Vaughan.” 
She laughed and helped him into the passenger seat of her car, “I’m sure you do.” The boy leaned his head back against the headrest and groaned, his eyes screwed shut. Elide quickly crossed the front of the car and slid behind the wheel. “Buckle up, buttercup.” 
Fenrys complied, his eyes remaining closed as he groped for the seat belt buckle. Elide did hers as Fenrys clipped his and they were off. 
She drove smoothly and reached over to take his hand, “You want some music, Fen?” 
“Sure,” Fenrys said. “Your choice.”  
☽ ☼ ☾
They stepped back, scrutinising their handiwork. Lorcan reached up and shook the frame, while Vaughan tapped the tall posts it was lofted on. They looked at each other and shrugged, turning to Lysandra. “It’s done.” 
“Perfect, because Nes is on her way home right now,” Lysandra said, smiling in relief. “Can you two help me with something downstairs?” 
“Of course,” Vaughan replied, nodding his head serenely. 
“Good!” The baker turned and walked downstairs, leading them along. 
When they got to the café, Rowan had Aelin pressed against the side of the coffee machine, her hands locked around the back of his neck, her leg hitched over his hip. Lysandra paused and crossed her arms, arching a brow at them. Vaughan muttered something about sexual deviants and averted his eyes.
“You know Lys has to serve customers with that thing, right? I think they’d appreciate not having you guys infect it with your STI’s,” Lorcan commented, leaning his forearm on Lysandra’s shoulder and using her as an armrest. 
Rowan pulled away, his cheeks flushed. Aelin smirked and kissed her boyfriend once more before slinking away from him, “I’m glad to know you’re concerned for my sexual health, Lorcan.” 
He gagged.
The golden nightmare cackled and fixed her hair, waltzing up to her friend, “How can I help you, boss?” 
“If you two can’t control yourselves,” Lysandra started, shoving Lorcan off and towards the chairs stacked on the table, “you may leave. And get the chairs.”
“And miss meeting your daughter? Never,” Aelin sniffed. “We can control ourselves.” 
“We?” Rowan asked. 
Aelin rolled her brilliant eyes and conceded, “He can control himself.” She waved her hand, “Whatever, I’ll be good.” 
The brunette walked into the kitchen to fetch trays of Evangeline’s favourite baked goods and sweets, muttering, “You’d fuckin’ better.” 
The others made quick work of readying the chairs and setting the table. Vaughan and Lorcan were strategic and subtly put themselves between Aelin and their roommate, so there was no way for them to go to each other without passing under the disapproving glare of the cousins. Lorcan’s promised violence, but Vaughan’s was much worse - filled with fatherly disappointment and gay distaste. No one could withstand it. 
Lysandra swept back out, bumping the swinging door open with her hip, “Guys, it’s so boring in here, will one of you play some music?” 
Aelin practically lunged with her phone towards the amp and took the aux before either Lorcan or Vaughan even looked up. Lorcan made a confused face, “What was that?” 
She scrolled through her music library, “I’m not letting you corrupt that dear child with your punk rock shit.” 
“Not that I don’t simply adore it when the two of you go at it,” Lysandra cut in before Lorcan could snap back something, “I need someone tall to help me.” 
“Vee’s tall, make him do it,” Lorcan countered, even though he crossed over to help her. 
“Shush, you. Come this way.” 
They walked into the backroom and after Lysandra’s direction, Lorcan started pulling heavy boxes from the top most shelf. They were heavy and he puffed, not prepared for how heavy they’d be, “Hellas below, Ennar, the fuck’s in these?” 
“Bags of flour and sugar,” she answered, dragging them to a wheeled dolly. “So, how was home?” 
He shrugged, “It was fine. Cold as shit, though.” 
Lysandra laughed, “Is that all?” 
“No, there was a powwow,” Lorcan said, tugging the last box down and putting it on the dolly. “I was designated as the official photographer.” 
“Of course you were,” she said, taking another trolley and loading crates of butter onto it. The blocks would sit overnight to soften before Lysandra and her assistant got up to bake. “This wasn’t a competition, was it?” 
“No, not this one. Just for the solstice, ya know?” 
“Ah,” Lysandra nodded, understanding. “Did you dance?” 
When he was a child, Lorcan used to be a powwow dancer, like the others. His grandmother and mother kept shelves in their house dedicated to the trophies and medals he used to win and the ones his sisters brought in now. “Nah, I didn’t. I’m out of practice and none of my regalia fits anymore. The girls did, ‘cause they got new jingle dresses at the feast.” 
Lysandra made a noise of exertion as she braced her feet against the polished concrete floor and leaned into the handle, pushing the trolley out. “And how was everything else? You went with Ess and Vee, right?” 
“Yeah, but Essar’s staying a week longer,” Lorcan said, using his foot as leverage to push the heavy dolly. “She and Dresenda went to Oro with Fen before flying up. What’d you and Nesryn do?” 
“Oh, not much. We had a lot to do for Evie and we fostered a set of triplets,” she said with a beaming grin. Lorcan hadn’t ever seen her smile this much, not even after she’d barfed on him the first time they’d met. Twice. 
Thankfully, they had become fast friends after that. 
“And Yulemas is always a busy time for Nes,” she added. The social worker worked harder than anyone Lorcan had ever known and was always bringing home the strays, as she affectionately dubbed the children she met in her work. “She managed to find a home for the kids, which is especially hard for siblings, but they’re so happy.” 
They conversed like that, effortless and understanding, as they put the ingredients away and Lorcan moved the industrial stand mixer for her. 
“How’re you and Elide doing?” 
His spine straightened and Lorcan cursed the heat rising to his cheeks. Lysandra’s voice was casual, but her question was anything but. “We’re fine.” 
“Mmm-hmm,” she hummed, pulling out her binder of recipes and flipping through them to choose an array of baked goods. “Did you two talk over break?” 
“A bit. We were both busy.” 
“Right,” Lysandra said. Lorcan looked at her and chuckled a bit, knowing she had completely zoned out. 
“Hmmm, what? I’m listening, promise.” 
“No you aren’t,” Lorcan said, reaching over to flick her forehead. 
Lysandra clicked her tongue and looked at him, “What, what? You talked a bit, you were both busy, I’m listening!” 
“You’re drooling over chocolate and strawberry mille feuilles.” 
“Well, of course I am, they’re delicious,” she sniffed. She sighed and flipped through the laminated pages, muttering something to herself. 
Lorcan knew that she was stressed and nervous - Lysandra would obsess over recipes in her binder whenever she felt herself lose control. The kitchen was the one place where she was in charge of everything. Calmly, he put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him, “Ennar, you need to breathe, man. You already chose the specials for tomorrow and you’ve done everything you can. Breathe.” 
She nodded, her eyes searching his until she calmed and breathed slowly, “Yeah. Yeah, I can do this. I’m ready.” 
“Fucking rights you are,” he said, slinging his arm around her shoulders. Lorcan led them out of the kitchen. 
The door opened as they walked out, the bell above it chiming. A slender, brown hand reached up to silence it, “Hello, all.” 
A little girl, with hair like flames, sprinted across the shop, “Lys!” 
Lysandra grinned widely and stepped away from Lorcan, her arms open. The girl crashed into her, her reedy arms locked around Lysandra’s neck. The dark-haired woman held her daughter close, a hand cradling the back of her head, “Oh, hi, Evie.” 
Everyone else grinned at the sight and a slim woman sidled up to Lorcan, her eyes on her wife and their daughter, “Hello, Lorcan.” 
“Hey, Nesryn,” he said, nudging her with his elbow. “How’ve you been?” 
Nesryn turned to face him and Lorcan saw tears shining in her eyes, “Never better.” 
☽ ☼ ☾
Elide helped Fenrys get out of the car, as the splint they’d set his nose in obscured part of his vision. “Come on, you big baby.” 
“I am not a baby, my nose hurts!” 
She laughed and tucked her arm through his elbow, “You’re very macho, Fen.” 
He nodded, his short dreads bouncing, “Yes, I am.” He raised his chin and howled like a wolf. 
Elide laughed, her stomach aching, “Stop being goofy, let’s go, we’re already late.” 
“‘t’s Vee’s fault,” he pouted. 
She merely laughed again and pushed the door open, singing, “We’re back! Did you miss us?” 
“With everything I am,” Aelin responded. 
“Aha, I knew it,” Elide said. Her eyes scanned the room, snagging on Lorcan. She gave him a small grin that widened when he winked in response. Before she could become distracted, Elide moved on and saw a young girl. “Hello, there. You must be Evangeline.” 
She nodded, shyly, “Yes. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Evangeline. I’ve been looking forward to it,” she said, grinning warmly. “My name’s Elide and this is Fenrys.” 
Fenrys waved, “‘Sup? Don’t mind the face, I broke my nose.” 
Evangeline nodded seriously and tentatively trailed up to them. She looked at the buckles on Elide’s boots, which were hearts. “Your boots are cool.” 
In the background, Lorcan punched Aelin as if to say, My work here is done, in regards to ‘corrupting’ the child. Aelin grabbed his wrist and viciously twisted his arm behind his back, pushing until it hurt. 
Nesryn reached over, “Stop that.” Immediately, they stopped and mumbled sheepish apologies. She chuckled and shook her head, turning her eyes back to her daughter. 
Evangeline strayed towards Lorcan, Elide, Vaughan, and Fenrys, asking them questions about their clothes and tattoos. She gingerly touched the spikes on the shoulders of Lorcan’s jacket and asked Fenrys about all the rips in his jeans.
He told her about each and every skate fall with huge, theatric sweeping arm motions. He wore them like badges of honour. 
The others readied the table and dinner, sitting down too. Elide was opposite Lorcan and he watched her watch the pair. Her grin was easy, her eyes thinning. He wanted her so badly and dearly. To be called hers. 
Something alerted her and she looked down at her lap, a bluish light, like her phone, shone on her face. Elide’s pale cheeks bloomed with a deep blush and his heart fluttered, then cracked when he realised it wasn’t his message she was blushing over.
He cleared his throat and spoke to Vaughan about nothing in particular. They ate their dinners and laughed along everyone else. Lorcan’s mind kept drifting to her blush, wondering who it was. 
After dinner, he volunteered to clean up. Their riff-raff family understood his need to be alone sometimes. It was… overwhelming, being around them for too long. It didn’t mean he didn’t care about them.
Lorcan trudged to the kitchen and hung his jacket up before he washed, his ratty black Joey Ramone t-shirt hanging from his lean frame. He attached his phone to the speaker and played his favourite playlist. 
Come on, people, now 
Smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now 
He started to wash the dishes and pushed his hair back with soapy fingers. It was long, past his hips and low belt. In all his life, he had never cut it. He hoped he would never have to.
When I was an alien, cultures weren’t opinions
Gotta find a way, find a way, when I’m there 
Gotta find a way, a better way, I’d better wait
For his people, for the Ozuye, hair was sacred - an extension of his spirit. Cutting was a sign of respect and grief, when someone you cared for deeply passed. 
Never met a wise man, if so it’s a woman
Gotta find a way, when I’m there
The doors swung open and clunky boots walked closer to him. He tensed and looked over his shoulder at Elide. Lorcan smiled tightly, “Hey, princess.” 
She sighed and stood beside him. Elide punched his shoulder and hopped up on the counter. “Don’t call me that, stupid. I’m not a princess.” She sniffed primly and crossed her leg over the other, clasping her hands on her knee. 
“Riot princess,” Lorcan replied, rinsing the utensils. 
“...Ok. That I like.” She looked at him, “Is that my contact?” 
He snorted and laughed, his shoulders shaking. “Nah… not exactly, Lee.” 
She gasped and pushed his shoulder, “What? Tell me, I gots to know!” 
Lorcan rinsed his hands and dried them with the towel. “You really wanna know?” 
“Yes, yes, yes, you twit.”
He flicked her cheek, “Insulting me won’t help.” Elide sighed and crossed her arms, drumming her fingers in her upper arms. “It’s ‘Discount Alice Cullen’.” 
Elide’s jaw dropped open and she gasped loudly, “Come on, that’s not even good!” She gestured to her hair, which was really more of a curly shag cut. “I don’t even look like her anymore.” 
Laughing, Lorcan leaned away from her and she punched him again, “Fine, I’ll just change you to ‘Discount Heath Ledger’.” 
He shrugged, “So? I stand by him.”
Elide clicked her tongue, “Stupid.” 
He knocked his head into hers, “Princess.”
 Just because you’re paranoid, don’t mean they’re not after you...
Gotta find a way, find a way, when I’m there
Gotta find a way, a better way, I’d better wait!
They sat in a comfortable silence. Elide picked at her nails, “How was your break?” 
“Pretty good. Got some cool photos.” 
“Yeah? Anything you wanna show me?” 
Lorcan nodded, “Yeah, actually. I dunno, it’s a ‘lil thing to say congrats for the tattoo job.” Elide had graduated her apprenticeship a month and a bit after they’d met. 
For her first tattoo, she’d tattooed Golden Girl above Aelin’s knees, one word on each leg. They’d thrown a party after to celebrate. 
Her eyes sparkled and she toyed with the stud in her Cupid’s bow. “I look forward to it.” They looked away again, stomachs hopping. 
Lorcan bumped his shoulder into hers, “Did ya miss me in your ivory tower?” 
“Yeah,” Elide said, resting her head on his shoulder, “Kinda. Did you? Miss me?” 
“Yeah,” he sniffed, knocking the toe of his Doc Martens into the rubber mat over scuffed linoleum. “Kinda.” 
☽ ☼ ☾
They all slinked out when Evangeline became sleepy. Elide had hugged Lysandra, kissing her cheek, “I’ll see you later, honey.” 
“Of course, El,” Lysandra said. 
Lorcan and Vaughan were standing by the streetlamp. The taller of the two cousins carried Fenrys in a piggy back, the teen drowsy from the light pain meds. 
As Elide strolled to Rowan’s car with Aelin, her phone buzzed. She knew who it was and had been blushing at her texts all evening. 
Something about talking to Yrene always made her feel like a young girl again, so smitten with her first girlfriend. 
yrene: You can totally say no if you don’t want to, but I’m going to be in Orynth soon to check the med school
yrene: Maybe we could get dinner some time? 
“Honey, you want a ride?” 
“Oh… no, it’s fine. I’m going to walk with the boys,” she said, slipping her phone back into her pocket. “Bye, you two. Behave yourselves, I have to get up early tomorrow.” 
They laughed and got into the car. 
Elide half-jogged to catch up. By the time she got to them, Vaughan was slinging Fenrys over his shoulder and walking away. Her friend- well, she didn’t know if friend was right, but anyway. Lorcan waited for her and they walked slowly, Elide’s bag swinging between them. 
“So, how was home for you?” 
“Not too bad,” Elide said, looking up at him. “Got to see some old… friends and the like.” 
He hummed and nodded his head, “Yeah. It’s nice to visit home.” 
She nodded and bit her lip, “Essar and Dresenda are Ozuye, too, right?”
“Yeah, but they’re also Bogdano, like Fen.” 
“Oh, I didn’t know that Fen was Bogdano.” 
They walked and chatted to the intersection. Elide would turn off and Lorcan would walk straight on. She nodded towards the rolled paper in his hand, “Is that for me?” 
“Sure is,” Lorcan handed it to her and she turned to see it in the streetlight. He peered over her shoulder as she unrolled it. 
 A soft gasp left her when she saw it. It was a picture of Elide, bent over a long leg with a tattoo gun. Aelin leaned forward too, holding her hair back as she kissed the back of her sister’s head. Elide was smiling. 
“It’s the tattoo you did for Ash, Golden Girl?” 
“Lorcan…” she breathed. He watched her cheeks, and though amazement and tears glassed her eyes, there was no flush. “This is amazing. I love it.” 
He grinned, even as his heart sunk. “You think?” 
Elide spun on the toes of her Demonias and her skirt twirled, “Yes. You’re so good, Salvaterre.” She rose to kiss his cheek and whispered, “I’ll frame it in my studio.”
“You flatter me, Lee.” 
She rolled her eyes and stepped backwards, pushing him away. “Good night, stupid.” 
They parted. Lorcan flipped the hood of his sweater up as he crossed the street and looked back at her. 
She had stopped by the street corner and looked down at her phone. His picture was held beneath her arm and it was slightly crunched. High on her cheeks, that same blush pinked. 
He clenched his jaw and looked away. 
Lorcan regretted looking back.
☽ ☼ ☾
an: we're getting into the plot and i am SO excited hehe <3
powwows are culturally significant events for lots of native nations, but especially plains natives (Blackfoot, Arapaho, Assiniboine, Cheyenne, Comanche, Crow, Gros Ventre, Kiowa, Lakota, Lipan, Apache, Cree, Ojibwe, Sarsi, Nakoda, and Tonkawa). there is lots of different types of dancing and for lorcan's sisters (my oc's) i chose jingle dress ! they're called jingle dresses because of the metal cones sewn onto the skirts that make noises when the dancers dance <3 here is a video about its roots and here is a video of someone performing a jingle dress dance
songs played in chapter (by order of appearance): 1. Territorial Pissings - Nirvana fic playlist
@mythicaitt @eyllweambassador @schmlip-scribble @the-regal-warrior @ladyverena @shyvioletcat @alifletcher2012 @tswaney17 @ourbooksuniverse @flora-and-fae @thesirenwashere @queenofxhearts @maastrash @mynewdreamwasyou @cursebreaker29 @empress-ofbloodshed @b00kworm @hizqueen4life @silversprings98 @amren-courtofdreams @jadeaffliction @superspiritfestival @sanakapoor @ireallyshouldsleeprn @spyofthenightcourt @thegoddessofyou @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx @claralady @neonhellas @darlinminds @readingismyonlyhobby @autophobiaxx @myshadowsingeraz @firestarsandseneschals @elriel4life @always-in-a-daydream @jlinez @ladywitchling @mariamuses @darklesmylove @adelzd-bookblr​ @rowaelinismyotp @sassyhobbits @swankii-art-teacher​
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Can we get some spare Launo headcannons for July?
Launo sucked big time at knight school when he first arrived—he didn’t exactly have any background help given no one in his family was a knight either. He was basically assigned the equivalent of “equipment manager” during the first few months. And when he did get proper actions with a broadsword or a bow, Launo struggled with footwork and precision and all the minute details of a duel so he often got his ass handed to him.
But one the top kids in Launo’s class thought he was cool anyways—that was, one Arcadius Hartell. Pretty, rich, ace with sword, bow, spear, and anything sharp, and pretty much had no flaws or weaknesses. Launo at first thought the guy was just pitying him, the kid who has never won a single sparring match and consistently put on training dummy duty (that is reattaching their heads when they got lopped off)
So it came as a bit of a surprise when Arcadius came to ask something from him.
“How do you do that?”
Launo turned from the training dummy he was working on. “S-Sorry, what?”
“The...the thing you do. With the...thing?” Arcadius pointed to the needle and thread Launo was holding as he was reattaching the dummy’s forearm. “How do you do that?”
Launo scrunched his eyebrows in confuzzlement. “This is, uh, well. It’s just sewing I guess. If this guy were real I guess it would be stitching, haha...” He patted the dummy’s wood shoulder playfully as if joking with a pal—the dummy immediately tipped over, Launo coughed and stepped in front of the mess to ignore it. Arcadius nodded thoughtfully.
“So, do you have a special technique or something?”
“I mean, not really, it’s just regular old sewing...”
“But I assume you’ve spent years training on the art.”
“I...uh...I guess? My mom taught me.”
“Oh! So it’s like...an apprenticeship...?”
“...Are you under the impression that sewing is some sacred gift that gets passed down to the worthy or something?”
The two boys just stood awkwardly for a moment longer, Launo studying Arcadius’ face.
“You don’t even know what sewing is do you?”
“O-Of course I do! It’s the...thing.” He made a sword motion with his fingers, as if wielding a tiny blade. “You stab the stuff and it repairs. With the...” Arcadius squinted as he thought for a moment, “...stool...”
“Yeah! That! So, look, you’re pretty skilled at everything—“
“I am??” Launo took a step back in shock.
“Yeah! You always fix the equipment, and somehow haul around all those weapons, and make us cool lunches—“
“I don’t know, I made Rubeo vomit last week cause I forgot he hates blueberries...”
Arcadius shook his hands. “N-Not the point. And he sort of deserves it. The fact is you’re obviously leagues ahead of the game—“
“I—Actually I wouldn’t say—“
“—so you just gotta teach me everything you know!” Arcadius pumped a fist and closed his eyes. “How could I ever call myself a knight if I don’t even learn the basics of equipment management! Who will mend the wounded holes in my soldier’s pride if I can’t even fix the tears in my uniform! A mountain’s peak is equivalent to the shallow shore if you have no bearing of the heights you soar.”
Launo blinked. “Are you...okay?”
Arcadius scratched his head. “Aha...sorry. That’s a quote from Aria Nori’s newest volume. Guess I was too into the moment there.”
“Oh! The Zora poet! I’ve read her stuff! I haven’t read her latest volume, but my dad often binds her books—“
“Really?!” Arcadius’ eyes were suddenly star struck. “That’s so cool! This is all the more reason you gotta teach me this stuff.” He waved again at the collapsed training dummy. “Maybe start with the beetle and thread.”
“Needle. D-Do you not know what a needle is?”
Arcadius’ eyes glazed over. “...no...oh my gods that’s not gonna be on the test is it?? I’m so screwed—“
“Nonono it’s not, I’m just...” Launo bit his tongue. Now that he thought about it, he never really saw anyone else in his class do mundane house chore stuff. They were far too busy sharpening swords and bragging about their parents or grandparents or great uncles or cousins that totally were war heroes and high ranking political figures. Sewing could just be a Hateno thing, could it..?
“Can’t you just hire someone to teach you?” Launo started. “I mean, I’m super flattered! Just that, I’m not exactly a master at this, so I’m sure there are adults out there that are more accomplished.”
Arcadius hung his head. “I don’t think my dad would let me...Pretty much everything not sword related he just hires someone to do for me. And he’s super picky about what training I focus on.”
“Well it’s not really official training, it could just be a hobby.”
The boy raised an eyebrow, sounding out the word. “H...Hob...?”
“O-OK, just forget that. H-How about...” Launo didn’t meet his eyes as he absentmindedly kicked the dirt. “Y-You like poetry, right? You can come over to my house and look at my dad’s collection. And when we’re there, I can let my mom...” He scrunched his eyes, trying to nail down the words, “...apprentice you? On the...art, of sewing?”
Arcadius’ eyes were wide enough to reflect the heavens themselves. “R-Really?? You’d do that??”
“I don’t see why not. It’ll be after call and,” Launo’s eyes suddenly sparked, “...You can just tell your dad that you’re training me! Say that you were asked to help your fellow classmates cause you’re already so far ahead from everyone else.”
Which isn’t exactly a lie, Launo thought, bitterly.
“Hmm...” Arcadius tapped his chin, before shrugging. “Might have to tweak the explanation to ‘getting extra credit for top grades by tutoring’ cause I don’t know how he’ll feel about me helping the competition.” He articulated the last word with a mocking, adulting tone. Then he held out a hand. “But I think it sounds like a deal! I’ll give you some pointers, and you introduce me to your mentor.”
“My mom.”
“Yeah, that.”
Launo shook his hand, still a bit timidly, given he now noticed that a few other boys in the training yard were watching the prodigy student interact with the glorified janitor boy.
So they both tutored each other: Larc, in the art of knowing what sewing magic was (Larc bringing the most expensive and ornate needle Launo had ever seen, even though Larc claimed he just found it in his father’s closet) and brewing delicious broths (“Wait, you have to stand around this pot for hours and cook this stuff?? I thought you just made soup in a bowl! You know, like how servants take off the silver cover on the tray and the soup is already there?” “We...dont have waiters or anything...so our method of cooking different.”) Meanwhile, Launo was able to make some progress with knight training—keyword, “some.”
“Don’t make your stance so wide.” Arcadius shoved Launo’s back foot with his boot. “Keep your feet closer together, you only want enough distance so that your front foot can hover an inch off the ground while your back foot stays planted. Any further, and you’ll topple too easily.”
Launo adjusted his stance as instructed, and readied the rapier again. He set his jaw. “OK. Come at me!”
Arcadius nodded. He picked up the wooden sword and swung (a bit slowly and wide) at Launo’s side.
Launo immediately shoved his rapier point left to counter his attack, but instead moved with such force and vigor that he practically fell onto Arcadius’ blade.
Arcadius chuckled, dropping the sword and helping Launo up again. “You don’t need to use to much force when you swing. In fact it’s better to work with simple quick movements with any rapier or piercing sword, since the damage is done by the tip, not the weight.”
“S-Sorry...” Launo mumbled as he got up again.
“Don’t be! Oh hey!” Arcadius suddenly went back around towards the pile of weapons and pulled out a claymore. “Actually, maybe a sword like this will work better for you! You won’t have to worry as much about holding back, or being finesse. All the power is in that downward swing—!” Arcadius swung the sword into a nearby log to demonstrate, nearly cutting it asunder.
He offered it to Launo. “And don’t let the size fool you, it’s not actually that heavy. Large weapons still need to let soldiers be quick enough to parry and block attacks.”
Launo turned the claymore around in his hands, studying the blade and handle.
Arcadius gestured to the log. “Well, go on! It’s similar to the grip I taught you with the broadsword, but this time you use your other hand in the bottom to support the weight as it turns on an axis. Try that downward swing I showed you!”
Launo paused for a moment, thinking. Then, he planted his foot down, and swung the claymore down with all his might, aiming for another soon-to-be piece of firewood.
The claymore whistled as it fell, and it cut into the log deep—about halfway. Yet, still not nearly as deep as how Arcadius had done it.
Nonetheless, he was hopping with joy for Launo. “That was awesome!! You did great!!”
He sighed as he left the claymore in the log. “No I didn’t...”
“What are you talking about? That was probably the best blow you’ve done all night!”
“Yeah! And it’s not even a quarter of the damage that you did with your swing!”
“Well, it still took me a while to—“
Launo gestured to the other log. “It’s been how many weeks?? And I’m not even CLOSE to being as good as you, much less being a top student...” He plopped into the dirt and laid himself out like a starfish.
Larc stood over him, confused. “Why would you want to be a top student?”
“BECAUSE I SUCK ASS, DUDE!” Launo held up his arms, exasperated. Larc, on instinct, stepped back and held his hands close to his chest as he fiddled with his thumbs and mumbled an apology. Launo immediately sighed.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like I’m mad at you. You’re really great, Link. You’re so nice to me and you’re talented and I’m so grateful, but I’m just...” He shifted in the dirt again. “I don’t think I could ever be like you. I’d even dare to say it’s impossible.”
Larc stilled, playing with his thumbs, before daring to step closer and sit in the dirt beside him.
“Can I tell you a secret, Launo?”
He was quiet, but he nodded a yes.
“I think my brother’s a stronger fighter than me.”
Launo furrowed his eyebrows confused, but he continued.
“He just never takes his knight training seriously, because of my father. But I bet if he really tried, he’d be great at it.”
Ah. So that’s what he meant.
“But I AM trying.” Launo whined. “I guess compared to you it doesn’t seem like much but—!”
“Nono! Sorry that’s not what I meant!” Larc quickly cut in. “I just...” He trailed off.
“...There’s a reason I have to be the best.” Larc finally said. He was looking out into the woods, but Launo felt that he wasn’t really looking at anything in particular, maybe deep in thought. “There’s a reason I can’t settle, I can’t rest. It’s really important that I get this all right. And I guess that makes me admirable to most people but...”
He looked down at Launo, still spread out in the dirt. “I didn’t really choose to be a knight, unlike you. I didn’t actually choose to be the best, and I don’t get why so many people do train to be at the top out of their own violation. It really...sucks ass.” He articulated the last part in Launo’s tone, and they both giggled.
“So...I guess that I’m trying to say here is that...” He thought one his words a moment longer. “I think so many people are afraid of trying new things, because they fear not being the best at it, not being at the top. And I suppose ambition is good but...” He tilted his head and shrugged at Launo. “As someone who’s supposedly at the top, I would say I envy anybody that can make progress that their proud of. You choose to be a knight, and you’re training for it out of your own strength and courage. That’s more than I’ll ever have, so you should probably get off the ground and realize that soon.”
Launo’s eyes widened, a bit unnerved by how uncharacteristically blunt Larc was being.
“In my opinion, anyone that aims to be better than everyone is stupid—maybe that’s just me, but...I would think that if I was you, I’d be proud of any progress I made. If I was more skilled than I was yesterday, that’s really all I would care about. Why would I care about being the top of my class? I would kill to just be satisfied with being a better me.”
There was silence as the boys took in Larc’s words. Then he suddenly stood up. “G-Goddess Hylia, sorry I’ve been talking for so long, I didn’t realize how late it was getting.” He went to collect his things. “You can keep the claymore, I think you’d be great at it, just...”
Larc packed his swords and backpack, before turning back to the flopped out Launo. “...I think you’re really cool, Launo. So don’t tap out for my sake—I’m not the person that matters in your training, am I? So don’t give up for any silly reasons like that.”
Launo perked his head up to meet his gaze. While Arcadius was usually serious and controlled during training at school, Larc always seemed to have genuine excitement about swords when it came to him. The bright smile on his face caused his cheeks to warm and he immediately flipped his head back to hide it.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Launo!” Larc ran off into the night, a cobblestone streets in the distance swallowing his figure.
“See you...” Launo whispered.
He lay in the dirt a moment longer—his mother would probably berated him for the stains again—when he finally got up and looked at the claymore in the log. He walked up to it and observed it further, it was another a sixth of the way deep. He glanced at Larc’s log, which was nearly split in two, and sighed. Then he glanced back at his own work.
“Well, it’s better than when I first started I guess...” Launo mumbled.
No one responded.
The boy let out a huff, and gripped the sword again in his hands.
“But I can do better.”
By the time Launo was 16 he was finally beating his classmates with ease, specializing in longswords, axes, and hammers. And while he definitely still “sucked ass” in things like archery and lance work—to which some boys still teased him for—he found overtime that he no longer cared about what they thought. They had their strengths, and he had his. And to top it off, absolutely no one in the academy could make a lemon cookie like him. So at least he had the best in show for that angle.
Even years later, after certain incidents transpired concerning House Hartell, Launo always welcomed Larc to his house for “training.” Although after a while, it would be hard to still call it that when a large chunk of time is really just spent running their fingers through each other’s hair.
“But we’re friends, right?”
And even years after graduating as part of the top ten in his class and working as a knight, some of his old classmates would tease him for being the “rich boy’s lap dog,” Launo would find that he still really didn’t care—after a punch or two was thrown, of course. He found that his new lack of anxiety and concern heavily stemmed from that night, when Larc had told him about his envy for choice and satisfaction. Thinking back at the memory of his handling with a sword and his happy little smile once made Launo blush so hard his father teased him about it for the rest of his life—his mother claimed he went so red he would fit right in with the tomato stew. One of these days, Launo would pay Larc back for the endless teasing he got from his parents. And pay Larc back he would, indeed.
I mean, he already had the ring.
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The Christmas that Wasn’t-Ch. 2
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A/N: Written with @mox-made-me-do-it​
Chapter 2: Allie
           “Umm yeah…” I said slowly, feeling my heart pounding against my ribs. “Cowboys are supposed to be lucky. As long as they aren't from Dallas at least."
           Oh my God did I just say that? Surprisingly, my unfunny and awkward football joke earned a definite chuckle from Adam. But, oh, the way he smiled. Those eyes, I swear, could glow in the dark.
           The voices at the table seemed to fade away. I could just make out Leigh’s voice as she kept the conversation going. She was talented like that—able to talk up everyone she met. It was how we met in freshmen year at in the first place. She and Kenny seemed to be hitting it off, propped on their elbows and talking over the cheese fries and cookie skillet. I sat there in a stunned sort of silence every time I thought about trying to talk. Maybe not to Kenny, but definitely to Adam.
           I was suddenly jerked back to reality when I realized Leigh was poking my leg. She was watching me from the corner of her eye, lips turned down in a worried frown. Across the table, Kenny tapped his spoon on the skillet.
         “Hello? Anybody home in there?" Kenny said with a teasing smile.
           Leigh poked my thigh again. “Hi...sorry… the mimosas we had on the plane are kicking my ass." For a second, the world went fuzzy. Without warning, I jumped to my feet and excused myself, grabbing my backpack as I dashed off.
           I hurried to the ladies’ room. My ribs were tight, making it hard to breathe. I swore I was going to either throw up or pass out before I made it into the bathroom. I heard Leigh’s faint voice in the background, apologizing behind me as she followed behind at a run.
           “Als? You ok, babe?” Leigh asked, following me to the sink. The panic was so thick that I couldn’t think of anything else to do but giggle… almost maniacally.  “What's going on? What’s wrong?”
           I threw my bag on the counter, searching through it for one specific thing. Half a dozen things came out as I dug, finally pulling out what I wanted. I held up a smooth grey rock with the word courage engraved in black on the top.
           “Remember this?" I asked, holding it up. “You gave it to me at the airport when I moved to LA. It hasn't left my bag since.”
           Leigh stepped close and put her arm around my back and dropped her head against my shoulder. “Als…”
           “Jon made fun of me for keeping it with me, but I can't imagine not having you by my side, Leelee.” My voice broke. As much as he’d royally screwed me over, it still hurt to think of all the time I’d wasted with Jon. When I thought things were going perfectly, when I thought we were two steps from happily ever after… I squeezed my eyes shut to keep from crying. I refused to give him that satisfaction.
         “I can't believe you keep that with you,” my friend replied, hugging me tight. I turned and wrapped my arms around her. For a moment, we just stood there as the panic bled out of me. “I know things are hard, but there is a super hot, super confused cowboy and out there with our loaded cheese fries. If we leave them alone too long, they’ll eat all of them. And the cookie,” Leigh said with a nudge and a wink. 
         I grinned, relaxing with my friend’s presence. “What about Curls—Kenny? I think he likes you…” We parted and I leaned against the counter, raising a brow as I looked at her. We were almost the same height, but her hair was shorter and dyed a deep ruby red. “Maybe it’s time to jump back on the pogo stick?”
           Leigh blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears. She looked over her shoulder at the door. “He's so fit… and hot. I mean, look at him and look at me. I doubt he goes for the thick girls.”
           I knew the feeling. The doubt. I thought I’d found someone who accepted and loved me just for me, but I’d been wrong. I suppose it had been the same with Izzy and Leigh. They were like Jon and I… happy on the outside but broken deep down.
           As doubtful as she sounded, Leigh had a faraway dreamy look in her eyes. “Man… his smile, though. And those eyes…but I don’t know, Al… But I guess we’ve got to leave the ladies first so we can find out. Remember a week away from reality.”
           I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. Whatever tan I’d gotten living in California had washed out beneath my panic. My hazel eyes looked shell shocked. I splashed some cool water on my face and behind my ears, the surprise bringing color back to my cheeks. Leigh handed me a paper towel.
           “You good?”
           “Yeah, I'm good.” I smiled and hugged Leigh again, glad to have her with me. I pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Seriously, though. Kenny looked at you like we looked at that cookie skillet. I can't believe you don't see it. He is definitely into you. You deserve it after Izzy—go for it.”
           Leigh rolled her eyes and snatched my backpack up from the counter.  “Come on, our fries are probably cold.”
           We laughed as we exited the ladies’ room arm-in-arm. As soon as we opened the door, I was surprised to find the cowboy leaning up against the wall. His brow was furrowed, and his blue eyes were dark with worry.
         “Is everything okay, Allie?” Adam asked with concern. His southern accent seemed to get thicker and desperately more adorable “You turned pale as a sheet.”
           Something warm settled in my chest. “Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks,” I replied, smiling a little. I thought of that stone in the front pocket of my bag. “I guess I shouldn't have had that last mimosa. Got a little light-headed.”
           Adam nodded and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans. I tried hard not to think about how good he looked in them. “Let’s get some food in you. Always helps when I’ve had a few too many.”
           I felt Leigh bump me lightly in the hip as she unwound her arm from mine and slipped in front of us. Adam shortened his stride to match mine and I could have sworn he turned just a little bit toward me.
           “Hey… half the fries are gone,” Leigh exclaimed from the table. Adam and I sidled up to the table just in time to see Kenny look up at her sheepishly, melted cheese and bacon bits still on the plate in front of him.
           Kenny looked around, as if he were searching for someone even as he tried to casually wipe the grease and cheese onto his napkin. “Yeah, I looked away for one second, and somebody just swiped them.”
           Before any of us could say anything in response, Leigh’s phone went off in her pocket. I watched her face go grey as she recognized the ringtone. Don’t answer it. Don’t answer it, I thought, wishing she could hear me inside her head. But she couldn’t, and I watched her hands shake as she put the phone to her ear.
           “Hello, Itzabelle,” my friend said, her voice barely trembling. I could feel the fear spilling into her veins.
           I could hear her ex’s voice on the other end. She was shouting and screaming, clearly upset about something. What does she want now? Hasn’t the bitch done enough?
           “It’s none of your business if I am in Tahiti with Allie. You gave up having an opinion about what I do a long time ago.” Leigh was starting to go pale and I dashed over to slip a chair under her, guiding her to sit down. “I’m not telling you a damn thing, Itzabelle. You’ve broken my heart enough. I’m not letting you do it again.”
           Leigh dragged the phone from her ear and ended the call, clutching the device tight in her hands. She looked sick. Adam handed her a glass of water. “Head between your knees if you’re gonna pass out.”
           My earlier panic had been quickly burned away by something like rage. Itzabelle Parker and I hadn’t exactly gotten along while she and Leigh were together, but I’d done my best once they got serious. But I’d be damned if she tried to ruin my friend’s life after they’d broken up.
           The high ring of my phone made my heart jump a beat. I dug it from my bag and grinned sadistically when I recognized the number. I answered without hesitation.
           “Listen here, Itzabelle Parker,” I spat, the words drawing out. I paced a few steps away. “You don’t get to speak to her like that. You made your choice the minute you touched her cousin, and you don’t get to be pissed off at her for going on a vacation with me.”
           She snarled back at me, hurling insults and insinuations. I couldn’t help but laugh. “You never deserved her. How many times was it, Izzy? And don’t just say the once because we both know you are a lying bitch who broke my best friend’s heart.”
           The angrier I got, the more I could hear the southern Alabama slipping into my voice. I’d lost all but hints of it when I moved to LA, but it seemed pure and unadulterated rage could bring it right back. “She’s moved on to better and definitely bigger than you. My girl will be well taken care of by one of the hottest men I have ever seen if I have a vote in it. She deserves some happiness after everything you’ve put her through.”
           I hung up on her without another word, feeling some vicious glee at how she sputtered at the end. It never occurred to Izzy that Leigh might find a guy who could make her happy. “Gimme your phone,” I commanded, holding out my hand to Leigh. She dropped passed it over without complaint. I powered both of them off and stuffed them into the bottom of my backpack. “Now…”
           I finally looked up, drawing a deep breath. The anger I’d felt at Izzy had completely torn away at the panic I’d felt moments before. Leigh was looking up at me with a mixture of awe and embarrassment. Across the table, Kenny had turned a horrible beet red and was suddenly very interested in counting the bacon bits on his plate. But Adam…
           Adam was looking at me with an awful appreciation in his eyes. He grinned and nodded, bracing his hands on the back of his chair and leaning forward. “You, Allie Mason, are as full of surprises as a hellcat.”
           “I’m sorry. That woman just…” I growled, still caught up in the rush of adrenaline. “She thinks she can dictate everything Leigh does even though she’s the one who royally fucked up. I’m not having it.”
           As I watched, Adam looked over at Kenny and burst out laughing. I finally stopped long enough to realize how I might have embarrassed him. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Kenny. I didn’t mean… That woman is horrible, and I wanted to shut her up. I’m so sorry I embarrassed you!”
           He took a deep drink of the soda in front of him. Then he downed the water next to it. “It’s fine,” he said, waving his hand in the air. “Flattered really. I mean… surprising that I would… you know… make her… jealous? But… yeah… um…”
           For a moment he sat quiet, then looked down at the iPhone on the table. “Hey Hangman, our ferry leaves in like 10 minutes. Unfortunately, we need to bid these lovely ladies adieu." Kenny said, the slight sadness present beneath his lingering embarrassment.
           Leigh glanced over as well. "Shit! Allie, ours leaves then, too. Grab a box from the server for the fries.” She glanced up at Kenny—who was still a delightful shade of red—and Adam—who was trying not to laugh at his friend—and queried, “Where are you guys off to?"
           “The Four Seasons resort at Bora Bora,” Adam said easily.
           I looked at Leigh, my heart beating hard against my ribs. No. It wasn’t possible… She looked quickly between Adam and I and smiled. “So are we.”
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kagrenacs · 5 years
Dreaming...Fish Pond. Skipping stone.
“Like this?”
“No, curl your arm more, that’s it.”
With a flick of the wrist Nall released the smooth, grey stone. It skipped across the glassy surface of the fish pond two times, before falling to the murky depths below.
“It skipped twice this time! I bet you can’t do better!” The child grinned.
Sil smirked. “Oh yeah? Watch this.”
He flung the stone in his hand across the pond, hitting the surface three times before plunging. The Gourami Ide that resided in the pond scattered at the disturbance.
It was a sunny day in Ald Sotha, the warm rays of the sun beating down, though not unbearably. The children of the minor house were out playing in fields of Gold Kanet and ponds of fish.
“How did you do that?” Nall asked, mouth wide.
“I’ll show you again...”
Dreaming...Pottery Wheel. Laughter.
“What is that?” She laughed
Sil looked offended. “It’s clearly a guar!”
“More like a pile of Kagouti dung.”
“Children, hush.” Their grandmother said, her weathered hands shaping a lump of clay into a simple bowl. “These are important skills to know. Your father may teach you about politics, magic and history, but I can teach you the real useful things. How to make pots to store spices, the best ways to skin a fish, how to stitch up a hole. He forgets that there’s a life outside House business.” She glanced over to Sil’s deformed creation. “We’ll work on it.”
Dreaming...Torchbugs. Overturned jar.
The night was cool and the familiar chirp of crickets could be heard through the otherwise silent air.
Sil walked in, clutching a jar of glowing torchbugs.
“You’re sure this will keep the monsters away?” Nall asked, huddled under a pile of blankets.
“Absolutely. You see these torchbugs? They’re magic torchbugs.” He said.
“Are not.”
“Are too! I know more about magic than you do, trust me they’re magic torchbugs. And everybody knows magic torchbugs keep away the monsters under the bed. The monsters are scared of the light you see, so as long as you have this jar beside your bed they won’t bother you anymore.” He gently placed the jar on the nightstand beside her bed. A faint glow illuminated the room, chasing away shadows.
“Thank you Sil.” Nall said, relaxing a bit.
He smiled as he turned to leave. “Goodnight Nall.”
Dreaming...open window. Sunlight through glass.
“Theuda dear, will you pass me the needle and thread?”
“Of course mother.”
Nall sat with her grandmother, and mother, the afternoon was sunny, a perfect day to play outside with her cousins... had her mother not insist she worked on her studies.
She idly watched a spider slowly crawl across the sill of the open window.
“Nall, don’t get distracted.” She scolded, pulling a needle through a swatch of fabric.
She rolled her eyes and turned back to the dull book.
It was not even a second later before she sprung up and turned to her mother again. “Is Sil coming home today?”
“Tomorrow.” Her mother corrected. “The road to Mournhold is long, and he must do his duties as arcane councilor to our Hortator.”
She let out a puff of frustration and rested her head on the table, watching the way the sun danced through the glass of the windowsill.
Dreaming...Deceased Bird. Handkerchief.
“Chirpy, beloved friend, cherished member of House Sotha.” Sil recited, the recently deceased bird swaddled in a handkerchief as his younger cousins encircled him.
“Gusuron na d’lain, comfort is given to the family grieving at the time.” He recited, gently lowering the bird to a makeshift ash pit. “Beloved of Chirpy, step forwards.
“Devahrokad, ash, Return to the ash you were born of.”
Udok and Serlyn stepped forward, towards the tiny body. Flames washed over the bird until nothing remained but ash.
“Walk through the Waiting Door and join the ancestors.” Sil finished.
Without a word Nall teary eyed, placed a bouquet of Gold Kanet on the pile of ash.
“I hope he’s happy with Grandata.” She whispered.
“I’m sure he is.” Sil said, pulling her in an embrace.
Dreaming...Scrib Jelly. A rainy day.
Nall sat by the window, a half eaten piece of toast coated with Scrib Jelly sat beside her. Rain pattered against the window sill, tiny droplets chasing trails down the glass.
“I’m bored!” She yelled to no one in particular. “I want to play outside!”
“You’ll catch a cold!” Her father smiled. “Besides there’s plenty to do inside.”
“Like what?”
“Well you could paint, you could read a book, you could play a board game with one of your cousins.”
“I don’t want to play with them. I’m mad at Sallaemu.”
“Yeah he said I smelt worse than muck on a Guar.”
“What about Sil?”
“Hmm, I guess. He’s always busy though.”
“Well why don’t you go check and see.” Her father smiled kindly.
She walked into Sil’s room, not bothering to knock or announce her prescience, instead just flopping onto his bed with a groan.
“What is it Nall?” He asked, nose deep in a book at his desk.
“I’m bored!” She complained.
Sil turned to face her. “Do you want to see something cool?”
She raised her head. “What?”
Mechanical legs creaking, he got up and sat himself next to her on the bed. His hands were cupped and a faint squeaking came from them.
“Close your eyes.” He instructed. “Now hold your hands out. Ok, open your eyes.”
She obeyed and looked down at her hands. Within them rested a tiny mechanical mouse. It’s little wire legs squirmed in her grasp and it’s metal ears perked up.
“What is it?” She asked in wonder.
“I made it, it’s a creature made of clockwork.” He said, proudly. “You can keep that one, I’m planning on making more.”
Dreaming. Glowing Embers. Wool Blanket.
She sat curled before the fireplace in the main living space. It’s embers crackling in the dimming light. A wool blanket was wrapped around her shoulders, sheltering her from the cold.
Her mother, two cups of tea in hands, sat down beside her, warming herself by the fire.
“Thank you.” Nall said, taking the Canis Root tea and leaning on her mother’s shoulder. “I’m tired.” She murmured.
“You can rest my little scrib.” Her mother said soothingly, stroking her hair until she drifted off.
Dreaming... One netch. Two netch.
“One netch, Two netch, purple netch, blue netch...” Her aunt sung to baby Mileitho.
He was named after his grandfather and it was easy to guess why, the resemblance was strong. Especially in the eyes, the same intelligent eyes her grandfather once had could be seen in both Mileitho and her brother.
Sil extended a finger to the child, who happily clenched his chubby little hand around it. Sil smiled, watching the baby look around with wide eyes.
“Do you want to hold him?” Her aunt asked with a smile. Nall eagerly nodded.
“Sit down and I’ll pass you the baby, make sure to support his head.”
The swaddled infant was placed in her arms, and she watched his face with wonder.
“He’s so small!” She remarked.
“You were that small once.” Sil pointed out. “You were uglier though.”
“That’s mean!” Nall said, sticking out her tongue and scrunching up her nose.
A cheerful giggle erupted from the child, his face lighting up with glee at the face his cousin was making.
“Let me try.” Sil said, leaning over her and making a face at the baby. More laughter erupted, filling the room with giggles.
Dreaming... Knee abrasion. Lullaby.
“There you are.” Her father said, finishing the healing spell. The cut on her knee repaired itself, leaving only but the faintest mark.
With rough, but gentle hands her father wiped away the tears streaming down her cheeks. “Don’t cry my dear, it’s all better now.”
She sniffed and nodded. “Thank you Ata.”
“You’re welcome my dear. Let’s get you tucked into bed, shall I sing the Brave Little Scrib for you?”
Dreaming...Familiar embrace. Moonlight.
“Sil?” She called out in the darkness, illuminated only by the moonlight streaming in.
“Mhmm?” He groaned sleepily.
“I had a nightmare and Ata isn’t back yet.”
He sighed and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “Come here.” He said, pulling her into an embrace. “You can sleep in my bed, I’ll grab some pillows and sleep on the floor.”
“Thank you.” She whispered.
Dreaming... Storm clouds. Wind.
Her father gazed out the window at the horizon, the storm was overhead, rain beating down on the small village. Wind whipping the trees and stripping them of leaves.
“Mehrunes Dagon must have sent this storm himself.” He muttered, turning back to his task of sealing off the windows.
“Is it bad?” She asked, taking a peak out of the window before he closed the shutters.
“I’m afraid so, yes. I want you and Sil to stay away from the windows. These winds are so bad they can pick up branches and break windows.
“Do you think we angered the gods?” Nall said, following her father as he moved around the house, doing various tasks in preparation for the worst.
He raised an eyebrow. “A curious question. But I doubt it. We made all the proper offerings to the Good Daedra, and prayed for protection against the bad. Sometimes these things just happen. Now pass me that screw.”
Dreaming... Burning tapestry, screaming.
Fire. That was all she saw, crawling up the wooden walls, enveloping the tapestry that hung over the mantle piece.
Sil lay unconscious beside her, his left arm twisted at an unnatural angle. Pieces of the crumbling house trapping them together.
Somewhere, someone screamed. Maybe it was her.
A horrible cracking sound, as if wood was splitting, came from above her, and the ceiling started to bulge inwards.
“Azura. Please let it be over soon.” She begged, tears steaming down her soot stained face. She closed her eyes and waited for the end.
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silviasutton1989 · 5 years
The Guest Ch. 8 “Choices”
A/N: Hey Guys (did you miss me lol) just wanted to post this one really quick before I get back to my hectic life. You guys will get a few quick glimpses of Liam and MC’ s life in the past. Just a reminder Liam wasn’t “Liam” when they met (don’t want to confuse anyone)
Rating: Mature (Course language)
Word Count: 2000
Summary: Candace makes a hasty choice leaving Constantine enough room to make a few for his son 
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"He's looking at you, again." Samantha quirks up a smile handing Candace another empty salt shaker to fill.
Keeping her eyes focused on the task in front of her, "Maybe he's looking at you Samantha. You're the one gawking at him."
"Nope he's definitely looking at the back of your head like a puppy waiting to be noticed."
Without a thought Candace turns around. And it happened. Just like it had every single time before when their eyes meet, he smiles at her and she foolishly smiles right back.
"Damn it!" She quickly turns away. 
"You know what Candace? I'm going to do you a favor. I'm going to set you two up." 
"No. I don't even like him." rolling her eyes as she forces herself not to turn around again.
Samantha cocks her head knowingly. "Girl please you and Drake have been eye flirting with each other everyone here thinks so. There's actually a running bet on how long till you two to actually hook up.
"Let me guess. You went for 4 months.
"Ha Ha...actually 5, I'm giving you a little time. But that is not the point. The point is he  likes you and from the few months I have known him he's pretty much a saint.  I mean the dude can speak different languages. He's got that sexy ass accent not to mention that sexy ass ass--"
"I digress. He's also the nicest guy I have ever met. Holds out doors and feeds the homeless, he's kinda like some disguised prince." Samantha's eyes widen as she babbles on "Oh my Gawd! He's like Hakeem from Coming to America!" What if he's some undercover prince searching for his queen...in queens."
"Ha. I'm 1000 percent sure that the bust boy is no Prince of Zamunda, ok."
"Well even if he isn't, he has one thing going for him."
"What's that?"
"He makes you smile."
Candace reluctantly looks back at Drake again. This time she let the bashful smile last a little more than a minute before slowly turning back around.
"Hey Hakeem---I mean Drake!" Samantha calls him over.
"Girl hush. You know what your problem is you can't make a choice to save your life! You did that with college doing it with this shitty job so just shut up and keep that cute smile on your face while I change your world."
Candace smiled as her mind traveled back to that day. She sat at the breakfast table next to Liam while he looked over paperwork for a meeting later on.
"Hey Liam do you remember Samantha?"
"Hmm... umm the girl from the diner?" Liam doesn't look up from his papers as he speaks, lately this was their only way to communicate. 
"Yeah. I totally forgot about this but you know she had you figured out long time ago. She use to joke with me that you were some undercover prince searching for your queen. Just think if she hadn't set us up..."
"Jeeze what in the world were they thinking? A 25 percent bonus for the king's guards and not one dollar added to the scholarship programs!" He draws a large circle on his paper with an aggravated sigh. 
"Did you hear a word I said?"
"Hmm... yeah Samantha had a crush on me. Honestly the girl had a crush on everyone." 
"No that's not at all---"
"These budgets are totally screwed I have to go rework them before the meeting." He stands from the table "What do you have planned today?" half asking as he began to gather all the papers scattered about.
"Drake is going to teach me horseback riding remember?" A slight smug grew seeing his busy hands slow. It not that she wanted him to be jealous or that she liked this reaction from him, especially since he really hasn't spoken about the kiss, but at least it in that moment she knew she had his full attention. 
Liam turned to her with a pained smile. "So out of all the people in this court Drake is the only person that can teach you how to ride?"
"I have to learn before the royal hunt tomorrow. And also you were the one who picked him."
"Yeah that was before you two--"
The room grew silent.
"I thought you were over that. Liam it was just a kiss."
"Yeah...Yeah I know." He takes the rest of the papers before kissing her lightly on the check. "Have a great lesson."
"Ha... please stop! I can't breath!" 
"No seriously So here I am trying to help this old lady across the street and she takes my wallet and bolts!"
Candace rolls over with laughter tears forming in her eyes as her date goes on with his story. Her hand grips his thigh as she guffaws. Never on a first date would she ever be this open but as the hours rolled passed and their nerves died away she soon learned that a date with this man would be nothing like she'd had before.
"Oh...I'm so sorry that happened to you" she chuckles "but this is New York, Drake. Home of the pocket picking grannies. We welcome you, our most chevalier and gullible guest with open arms!"  She opens her arms dramatically her laughter only growing and suddenly he took her into his own pulling her in tight.
Her laughs stop abruptly.
"Sorry, was that too much? I mean...how could I resist New York's warm embrace. Did I overstep?"
"N-no. It was nice. Really nice." Their eyes catch and like magnets they begin to draw to each other.
"Are you sure?" His words sincere but those eyes told a different story so did his body as he doesn't pull away. "Because I want to ask you a pretty bold question right now."
"Oh...what's that?" she's breathless as his eyes pull her closer. He takes a moment before speaking.
"Can I kiss you Candace?"
With a deep breath her answer became an action as she closes the space between them he kissed her so softly so gentle he touched her as if she was something so precious, it was then and there she knew that this was no longer a date. No, today would be day one of a thousand more days with this man.
Steadying herself as she mounted the large beast, Candace took deep breaths to calm her nerves. But that did little to help her at the sound of the horses flared nostrils.
'"uhh.. nope. I want off.."
"Chill Sutton, Marybelle is the most docile animal you'd ever meet."  Drake gives the horse a reassuring rub.
"Maybe..." she squirms as they trot towards an open field " or maybe that's just her cover. And the minute my guard is down this thousand pound creature will buck me straight into the ground." 
"Ok drama queen." Drake chuckles, "But you gotta admit this " he spreads his arms wide breathing in the fresh air "this is paradise. No court no press not a single trace of red or blonde headed demons lurking the corner."
"Hmm...none of those are in New York either." it was mumbled to herself but Drake heard it just the same. 
"You know, I never cared for all the fancy crap with the royals. I pretty much hung around for Liam and my dad. But it took me growing up here to know that life wasn't for me. How are you so sure it isn't for you? I mean look at what you did for those people--"
"See that's just I didn't do anything! I snitched on a criminal. That doesn't make me a queen. And you know what else? You know what makes that whole thing so damn bad? Is that sometimes I wish I'd never done it. Me and Liam used to be partners and now since that day it's like...like he's dragging me. Maybe I wouldn't feel so negative towards it if I actually had a choice. "
"You know I think you have far more choices than you think you do." their eyes meet for a second "And you know what else?"
"You've rode this killer horse all the way through the clearing. Look."
Candace turns around seeing the open field, the palace walls only a blur from the distance. 
"See,  Candace you're a natural. And I'm not just talking about the horse riding."
"Yeah I guess all those years of avoiding Texas was for nothing."
"Texas? Your from Texas?"
"No, but I have family there. My mom would try to convince me to spend summers down there with my cousins.  I always thought nothing at dude ranch could be worth spending my summers over," 
"Wow what a coincidence my...!" Drake chuckles as he feels his phone buzzing from his pocket and pulls it out.  "...Hello. Yes this is her son. She what? Does it sound like I've seen her?! It's your job to ---Yes sir I know this is her 3rd time ___ but you all are supposed to----"
The call continues but only for a moment until Drake shoves the phone back in his pocket his jaws clenched between his teeth.  
"Lesson's over Sutton I gotta go home."
"What was that all about."
"It's my mother she's...she's sick. Has been since my father died. Got worse when my sister left. And now she's ran off again. Meaning I will have to go find her clean her up then convince her to go back." 
"I can come with you." She didn't even think about her response. The words just flew out. 
Drake gazes curiously. "What?"
"You will need help. I mean I don't know your mother's situation but I do know you don't have to deal with it alone. Let me come with you." 
"What about Liam? The Royal Hunt?"
"Liam will understand.... He'll have to." she mumbles the last words under her breath as they ride the horses back into the stables.
Holding his new found girlfriend closer to his chest as she sleeps, the cool dark night gave him a sense of confidence he never seemed to have before. He watched her stir in his arms looking so beautiful and safe there the words he had been holding back in saying for months just flew right out.
"I love you Candace." he exhales as if those words were a weight on his back he never really knew was there. One day he would actually tell her when her knew for sure she felt the---
"I love you too."
Candace turns over facing him "I said I love you too."
He watched this girl in amazement "You said it so easily..." his voice breaking.
"Loving you is a pretty easy choice to make." She chuckles rolling back onto her side. 
That was the memory Liam held onto as he watched Drake's pick up truck drive off with Candace inside.
2 weeks tops.
Yeah two weeks to fuck Drake like she's been dying to do since we got here. The sting on his check was a constant reminder to never speak of such things again much less think them in his head. His mind went back to that night over and over again throughout the day.  That night when she said said loving him was the easiest choice, how easily she chose to leave now. She wasn't coming back.
 He never noticed the beaming smile on his father's face as he entered the stables alone. Or the overly pleased looks of Olivia and Madeleine as Liam dodged the constant questions the press asked about Candace. 
No, in his mind he was still in that warm bed with her listening to the New York sounds. Nothing brought him out of it until his father spoke her name.
"Press, we all love Candace she was an amazing companion for my son and treated our country with the upmost respect. But like all guest they must leave at some point. She knows Cordonia will always welcome her back whenever she feels the need to visit again. But as of today I am very sure that our lady's of Cordonia are very capable of cheering up our future king. " Constantine chuckles lightly giving the giddy noble ladies a quick wink. "Forgive me for being so bold but I believe today we have found a new meaning for the Royal Hunt."
@agent-bossypants @andy-loves-corgis@missevabean@blackcatkita@darley1101@jadedpixiescribbles@indiacater@umccall71@speedyoperarascalparty@findingdrake@stopforamoment@mrsdrakewalkerblog@bobasheebaby@itsmychoicebih@gardeningourmet
@hopefulmoonobject @smalltalk88@boneandfur@cordoniansqueen@choicesbyjade@ladynonsense@jovialyouthmusic ​@carabeth@iloveliamrys@sarwin85 @innerpostmentality@kingliamchoices @smalltalk88 @
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illyrianbeauty · 7 years
A Not So Chance Encounter: Chapter 3
Rhys is persuaded to attend a fundraiser by his cousin Mor. He didn’t expect to meet the girl of his dreams.
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Chapter 3: The Meddler
“What in the hell just happened?” Saying that Rhys was thoroughly confused was an understatement.  His mind just couldn't make sense of what his eyes were seeing.  Mor knew Feyre?  From the looks of that hug, they were more than just acquaintances.  It looked as though they were the best of friends, but he knew everyone that Mor hung out with.  In fact, when they had family dinners with Cass, Az, and Amren, they could hardly get her to shut up about all of her friends.  Rhys was certain that none of her stories included the bartender.  He would definitely remember his cousin mentioning a friend who was an artist, and a beautiful one at that.  He blatantly gawked at them from a few feet away and listened to their conversation, not caring one bit that he was being ridiculous.    
“About time you got here! I thought you had decided not to come after all,” Feyre said as Mor finally released her.  
“Well, you see…” Mor shrugged her shoulders as a saccharine smile formed on her lips.  “You know me.  I had absolutely nothing to wear and had to go shopping! It took me a little longer to get ready than I had planned.”  
Feyre rolled her eyes and laughed.  “Typical. I should have known.” She gave Mor’s attire a once over.  The dress Mor had on was red, as per usual. It was knee length and hugged her generous curves.  Feyre’s face scrunched up in feigned distaste. “You look ok, I guess. Next time, though, you should take me shopping with you.  Just to make sure you don’t make any other fashion mistakes. You do have a reputation to protect, after all.  I would be remiss in my duties as your friend if I didn’t help out.”    
Mor bit her lip to keep from laughing.  She jutted her hip out and flung her hair back, saying,  “Excuse me? Like you can talk.” Mor raised her hand and motioned to the work attire Feyre currently had on. “The peasant look was never really in style, by the way.”
Feyre simply raised an eyebrow and gave Mor an uncaring look.
Rhys’s eyes darted back and forth between the two women. What the actual fuck was happening?  The two woman eyeballed each other for a heartbeat longer and then began downright cackling, with Mor nearly doubling over.
When Mor had finally calmed down, she said, “Cauldron, I’m glad you’re here tonight, Fey.”
A huge smile spread across Feyre’s face as she said, “I missed you too, Mor!” Rhys thought that her smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his entire life.  He decided right then and there that he would do anything to see it again and again.
“Ugh. I just wish I wasn’t working.  Speaking of work, may I offer you a refreshment?” she batted her eyelashes at Mor and put on a smile that could go down in the customer service hall of fame.
Mor grumbled, “Don’t do that. It’s creepy.”  Feyre smirked as Mor continued, “I’ll get a drink in a bit. I need to find my cousin first.  He’s probably pissed as hell at me for being late.”
Hearing Mor mention him seemed to pull Rhys out of whatever trance he had been in since her arrival.  He jumped out of his seat and began walking quickly towards the two. Not wanting his cousin to walk away in the overcrowded room, he hollered, “Mor!”
Her face whipped around and her eyes met his. Mor strutted over to him and pulled him into a brief hug. As they separated, Rhys gave her the most disapproving look he could muster and snarled, “You’re late.”
She sighed and placed her hands on his shoulders. “I’m sorry for being late, cousin dearest.” She screwed her face into the most hideous looking pout Rhys had ever seen. “Forgive me, please?”  Mor had him thoroughly wrapped around her pinky finger and she knew it.  Damn it. He wouldn’t be able to stay mad at her if he tried.  He let lose a small chuckle and said, “Fine. But you’re buying us drinks and then explaining why the hell you’re so late.”  She grinned at him and nodded her head, knowing that she had won him over.
Mor hooked her arm through his, guiding him in Feyre’s direction.  They stopped when Rhys was standing directly in front of her.
“Rhys, this is my friend Feyre.  Feyre, this is my cousin I’ve told you about. His name is Rhysand but everyone just calls him Rhys,” Mor finished the somewhat unnecessary introductions.
With his cheeks tinged the slightest shade of pink, he said, “Hello again, Feyre darling!  You didn’t mention earlier that you knew my cousin.”    
She winced and gave him an apologetic look. “I didn’t know who you were at first.  Mor never told me your name.  I suspected you were her cousin when you mentioned your company.  Mor talks about you all the time.  I should have said something as soon as I realized.  I’m sorry.”
“No need to apologize, Feyre darling.  Though, you could make it up to me by letting me buy you a drink sometime.”
Feyre studied him as she twirled a piece of hair between her fingers.  “You’re going to keep calling me darling no matter what I say, aren’t you?”
“Oh, most definitely,” he purred.  It didn’t slip his attention that she had breezed right past the drink invitation.  
“Well, I’ll just have to come up with a name for you too.”  She paused, looking him up and down. “If you insist on calling me Feyre darling, I’ll just have to call you Rhysee- poo.” He tipped back his head and roared in laughter.
“Touché, Feyre darling.”  He tried to ignore Mor who was grinning at them like a fiend.  Had she…  Could that be why… No. Mor wouldn’t have done that. He was letting his imagination run wild.
“I have to get back to the bar before I get myself fired. We’re still going to Rita’s afterwards though, right?”
Mor gave her a bright smile, “Of course! I haven’t seen you in forever. And I want you to get to know my cousin.” She glanced and him and said imperiously, “You’re coming with us, by the way. And there’s no way you’re getting out of it.”
A thrill went through him, though he tried not to show it. “Of course, cousin. I wouldn’t dream of disappointing you.”  By the Cauldron, he couldn’t believe his luck!  He would be able to spend more time with the beautiful, smart, and witty Feyre.
“I have to help clean up, but I should be done around 11.  I’ll meet you there around 11:30, ok?”
“Please tell me you brought clothes to change into,” Mor whined.
Feyre put a hand on her hip and said, “Really, Mor? You think I’m going to show up to the club in this getup?”  She motioned to her work wardrobe with her other hand.
Rhys watched his cousin through her hands up in defeat.  “OK. OK. Calm your tits. I’m just checking.”
Feyre smiled and said, “Love you too, Mor. See you at Rita’s.” She paused long enough to look at Rhys and and purr, “See you at the club, Rhysee- poo.”
“Looking forward to it, Feyre darling.” Rhys was mesmerized by the sway of her hips as she walked towards the bar.
An elbow jabbing his side interrupted his thoughts.  He turned to face his cousin and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m willing to accept your thanks at any time, you know,” she crooned.
Rhys huffed, “Thanks for what? Being late?”
“No you idiot. For getting you to come here tonight and introducing you to Feyre. I saw the way you were looking at her!” She said, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
His eyes narrowed. What a nosy, meddling, little busybody! “Excuse me?”
“Pfft. Don’t play dumb. I can tell you like her. I knew you would. That’s why I wanted you to come here tonight in the first place. So the two of you could meet.”
Rhys honestly didn’t know if he should yell at Mor for meddling in his love life, or thank her for introducing him to the girl of his dreams.
Deciding on neither option, he said quietly, “Tell me about her.”
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peakyblinders1919 · 7 years
Simple, Fast, Warm
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Something was different about tonight. The smoke hung extra thick in the air, the bar was way busier than normal, and the drinks seemed stronger. Every sip Michael took made him angrier for some reason. You didn’t like it; this just wasn’t him.
You sensed something was different from the moment he had showed up at your house still in a bad mood from work. It was obvious something big had happened, perhaps Tommy had broken bad news to him or something. No matter what the reason, the scowl remained on his face even when you greeted him. He looked tired, worn at the edges. Maybe tonight wasn’t the best night to go out. But when you suggested otherwise, that you’d be very content staying in with just him, doing absolutely nothing and yet everything at the same time, he sighed.
“No, I promise you we’d go out, so we will.” He said, falling back on your sofa and closing his eyes.
“Michael, it’s fine really, if you’re not feeling up to it. You won’t upset me. I just want to spend time with you. I haven’t seen you in a while.” You pouted as the last words left your mouth and you fell into the spot next to him. It was true. Good or not, the business was taking up more of his time than you’d like. Tommy was always keeping him busy with something.
He felt you next to him, opened on eye and looked you over. He finally smiled. “Come here.” He said lightly, looking at you sideways. His hand settled on the side of your face and he pulled you close, kissing you warmly. Simple, fast, warm, That was it. His eyes lingered on yours as you studied his face more. The job was taking away his youth, he looked slightly older, wiser, if you looked him in the eye. “I’ve just got to make a call real quick and we’ll go.” You nodded, though you could hear the strain in his voice. You watched him walk to the bedroom where your phone was, knowing just how badly he didn’t want to go, but how much worse he would feel if he didn’t keep his promise to you. No matter how many times you told him it didn’t matter to you.
You checked your appearance in the mirror quickly, not trying to eavesdrop on his conversation but being able to detect the tone of his voice. Anger. He was arguing with someone. You tried to ignore it, maybe you were making things up in your head, but when he returned you could see the frustration plastered on his face.
“Everything ok?”
He sighed, slipping his hand round your waist, taking his mind off of it, whatever it was, momentarily. “Not really. Tommy’s pushing this new business deal. I’d rather not think about it know, or burden you with the details.”
“I don’t mind hearing them, really.”
“Thing is love, you shouldn’t have to.”
You wanted to protest but held your tongue, knowing the real reason he didn’t like telling you business stuff was because he wanted to keep you from it. You put on a fake smile, still happy to be in his arms. “You shouldn’t have to carry their weight either. Let’s go, you can forget about it all with some drinks, yeah?”
You should have known this would happen; you should have fought harder to stay home, curl up in bed together and just listen to the silence crackle of the fire. Anything. Anything would have been better than how the night was turning out. You took your first few drinks in the private room. Quickly and quietly you watched him down two glasses of whisky while you sat close next to him, his hand absent-mindedly on your leg. You sipped on your drink, watching his mind still at work.
“Michael…” You asked lightly, knowing the business that was on his mind was more important than he was letting on. It wasn’t entirely his fault, but you didn’t have the patience as you called his name three more times before he snapped out of it.
“Are you gonna sulk around all night or what?” He didn’t respond as he looked at you confused. “This is why I said we should’a stayed home, you're miserable and now neither of us are having fun.”
“Y/N, I’m sorry but…”
“But what Michael? Work is busy, I know. Something’s obviously got you worried, but you think it’s better to keep it to yourself instead of telling me. Fine, whatever, but I’m out now and I’m not gonna just sit around with you. I’m gonna go dance...you can do whatever you're doing.” You tried not to sound too angry but still you knew it came out wrong. You flailed your hand in Michael’s direction to indicate he could continue sitting around in the room, drinking, alone, but you weren't about to. You heard him sigh heavily again, reaching forward for the other drink as you watched him down it quickly while you left. It hurt everyone fiber in you to leave him alone with his thoughts, you knew how complex his mind was, but you also desired your time. You had suggested you stay home but he persisted on going out, and now that you were out you couldn’t dance. The more you moved your body to the music the better you felt. You only felt guilty for leaving Michael again when you felt hands snake around your waist. The alcohol buzzed louder than anything around you and you leaned into the man, presuming it to be be Michael. Therefore it was a complete shock when the man opened his mouth and you didn’t recognize his voice. You pulled away immediately, but not soon enough as a rather hostile Michael had managed to escape the private room to get a drink just in time see what he thought he saw.
“Michael,” you called when your eyes landed on him. He just shook his head, knocking his glass off the counter with one swift movement and sending it crashing onto the ground. It sent a ring through the pub, everyone coming to a stop and then starting up again, the doors swinging wildly when he was nowhere to be seen. You ran into the street after him, running to catch up with him. You pulled at his arm when you were close enough but he pulled away too, and with more force.
“Michael, it’s not what it looked like.”
“Yeah, sure.” He said, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Michael, hear me out.” You begged.
“No, I won’t hear you out Y/N. There’s nothing to ‘hear’. That’s what you do, isn’t it?”
“Michael, don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t do that to me. Suggest I’m something I’m clearly not.” You said, tears swelling up. That’s what he did, when he was drunk and the alcohol would talk for him.
“Clearly you are. You’ll find any excuse to be with someone else.”
“Michael, stop it!” You said sternly though you felt the sting. There was nothing you could do to prevent it, but you didn’t care either because he couldn’t see. He couldn’t see anything. You knew you should shut up then too, continuing to nag him would only push him further, make his bad mood worse. But you had to try to defend yourself. “What happened back there was a misunderstanding. I thought he was you.”
“Me? Right, because I fucking dance.”
“Maybe you should dance more. Or maybe you should listen to me. I knew we should've just stayed home.”
“Nooo, but we had to go out because you wanted to.”
“That is not what happened and you know it! You insisted because you promise.” You said through gritted teeth.
“Look, you do this all the fucking time Y/N. You manage to get your way and blame everything on me. Even when I’ve done nothing you make me out to be the bad guy. Every fucking time. Whenever I go out with you, you manage to screw up every fucking thing and make my night awful.” The tears were full blown, dripping down your face, shaking your body. There was nothing you could do to stop them, his words were cutting through your core. You knew he didn’t mean what he was saying, that tomorrow morning he wouldn’t remember anything and apologize on his hands and knees. But you couldn’t do it anymore. Part of you couldn’t help but believe what he was saying. You looked at the man in front of you, hair matted to the back of his neck with sweat, trying to find the man you knew within. But this guy standing in front of you, yelling and swearing at you in the middle of the street, was not the Michael you knew. You tried to fight back again but your mind was like mush and you couldn’t think of anything that would hurt him. And even if you could, you didn't want to say them. Before the silence finally had a chance to settle down around you two, he looked at you and said something you never thought he would.
“You are the worst thing that has ever happened to me.”
There was a long pause as the words rang in your ears. A look crossed Michael’s face momentarily, suggesting that he knew exactly what he had just said, but as quick as a cool breeze it was gone again.
“You’re a monster.” Your voice was calm and low, more menacing than shouting ever could be. Something you had learned straight from Tommy. You stared Michael down, though it was impossible to see him clearly through your tears. He gave you a once over and turned, walking away.
“Don’t come crawling back like you always do Michael. We’re done!” You called, and he faked a loud laugh that rang through the streets and accompanied you once he was gone for good.  
“What are you doing here?” You asked, arms crossed, looking at him standing on your porch in the rain. Sure, Thomas hadn’t done anything explicitly to you, but just because he was Michael’s cousin he was guilty by association. You watched and listened to the patter of rain on his coat while you watched him chose his words carefully.
“Something’s happened.”
“Great, so why do I care?” You said, trying to act nonchalant even though your heart skipped a beat.
A week. That’s how long you’d been thinking about what Michael said that night. The words stung you every day, but mostly you found yourself thinking you’d rather hear those words everyday and feel that pain if it meant you could have Michael back. You shook your head, waiting to hear the words come from Tommy’s mouth before you jumped to conclusions.
“Michael’s been shot.” You gasped loudly, your heart stopping for a moment. “He needs you. It doesn’t look good Y/N.” Up until this very moment you thought your life couldn’t get any worse, but how very wrong you were. It’s one thing to think you’ve lost the love of your life because of some stupid drunken fight, it was another to think his life was actually in jeopardy. As if his life could be taken from him and you’d actually lose him forever. You choked back the tears and tried to remain unattached.
“What happened?” It came out more eager than anticipated.
“Y/N, I know what happened. He told me everything. And I know you still care for him.”
“He told you that too?” Tommy was beyond wet now, and you contemplated offering him shelter from the pouring rain but the damage had already been done. Still, you continued to stand there with your arms crossed defensively across your chest.
“No. I can see it in your eyes. You don’t have to put up this front for me Y/N. Things happen, but things happen for a reason. You should come, I don’t know how much time's left.” When you didn’t move and no expression crossed your face, though you were feeling a lot of things in the heat of the moment, Tommy turned towards his car. He stopped before getting in, looking straight through you. “He’s been asking for you.”
“So...what happened?”
Your heart sank the moment you walked into the room and saw Michael’s limp body on the bed. His head was lolled to the side as his eyes were closed and his chest heaved up and down. His chest, which was bare and covered in bandages over the bullet hole, which once were white but faded from that to pink to deep red in the middle where you imagined the blood had poured out.
When you first arrived, you were scared to look at him, unsure of what you would see. But with Tommy’s reassurance you went in and the moment your eyes landed on him you turned away, feeling sick instantaneously. You were close to throwing up, but regained yourself, taking another twenty minutes to force yourself to look. And now that you did you wish you could take it back; the imagine burned itself into your mind. You assumed he looked only as bad as you felt on the inside, saying mean things to him. But his words crept back into your head and you almost thought he deserved it for a second but it was impossible. Stealing another look as you got closer, wanting so easily to be as close to him as possible, you knew you could never wish this onto anyone. Before you even realized, you had his hand in yours comfortably, moving your thumb across the skin. It was warm, a sign that he was still alive. You looked at him for a long time, wondering if his eyes would open. When enough time went by, you looked at Tommy.
“It was a bad business deal,” Tommy explained. “I explained it to him, how we’d be working with very dangerous people. And he told me many times how he wanted no part in it but I begged him Y/N. I’m sorry. If there’s anyone to blame it’s me. We met in a warehouse; their men surrounded us, caught us off guard. There was nothing I could do before I realized he was hit.”
“How long has he been out?” You asked, staring down at his face. He looked peaceful, but you knew he wasn’t.
“Since it happened, three days. He was muttering you name in his sleep.” He clarified when you gave him a confused look. Now you found yourself unable to take your eyes off of him and his bloody bandaged, for fear that the moment you did something would change.
“How’s Polly?”
“Just convinced her to go home and have a proper sleep. She’s been here for three days too.”
“Give me that chair. I’ll stay.” He agreed, setting it down close to the bed so you never had to let him go. He took special notice to see you holding Michael’s hand tightly.
“You don’t have to stay long.”
“I’m gonna stay until...until something happens.”
“You sure?” You nodded, there was nothing anyone could say or do now to get you to leave his side. You held his hand stroking your thumb across it. When Tommy had left a couple hours later and you were alone with only his ragged breathing to keep you company, you stood up, trying to get your mind off the horrible thoughts in your head. You leaned forward, brushing some of the hair out of his face. He moved a little, causing you to flinch back at his sudden movement but nothing else happened; his eyes didn’t open. Tommy was right, things weren’t looking good.
You found yourself in a familiar spot, tears stinging your eyes and spilling over. You leaned forward, gently pressing a kiss to his forehead. “Don’t die on me. Please.” You whispered, your lips still pressed to his temple. The salty tears rolled down your cheeks and onto him, and you barely felt him shift under you.
If ever that was a time you wanted a real fairytale moment it was now. You hoped yours tears trailing down his skin would be magical enough to open his eyes and keep his heart going. But nothing changed. You say down again and watched him sleep until you joined him, left in a weird position as you sat in the chair but rested your head and arms on the bed.
You only woke up when you felt his body shifting under you. He groaned then, trying to sit up. You jumped back quickly, seeing him continue to wriggle around on the bed. You whispered his name, and his eyes fluttered open to see you before him. A smirk spread across his face, you reaching forward again to help him get up comfortably.
“I wasn't planning on it.” He croaked out in a week voice.
“What?” You asked confused.
“Dying on you? I would never.” You smiled, taking his hand again. “What are you doing here Y/N? I never thought you'd come after what I said to you. I didn't mean any of it.”
“I know.” You said quietly, pressing your lips to his knuckles.
“I was drunk; I was in a bad mood, I was worried about this meeting, as I should have been,” he said laughing and hunching over in pain as it irritated his chest. You told him to take it easy and looked him in the eyes. “I’d understand if you couldn't forgive me for that night Y/N. What I said was fucking awful.”
“What I said was pretty awful too, and I didn't mean it either.”
“I know.” He said, meeting your eyes. “Do… do you forgive me?”
“Would I be here if I hadn’t?”
He used all his strength to lean forward then and kiss you quickly. Simple, fast, warm.
“For all the times we fight, or say I hate you, I love you twice as much.”
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allstarsmusical · 5 years
Chapter 1
"You do know why you are her Mr. Locklin." a female voice said. Mr. Locklin just looked at her and said, "I'm crazy not stupid. The office wanted me to come here to talk about my case." "Your former case. The case has been solved and all parties involved are being taken care of." the women said sitting down in front of him. He shook his head his hair falling in front of his face as he responded, "Yeah being dealt with..." he trailed off scoffed, "Yeah right not everyone." She looked at him and said, "Mr. Fazbarn is in a vegetative state I don't quite call that as going unpunished he is suffering for..." "Suffering!" Locklin shouted. "You call being stuck in a bed alive suffering he was not shot and left to bleed out, he was not..." he stopped talking and tried to clear his mind for a moment. He took a deep breath and eased back into his chair and said, "Do you even know how this whole mess started." The women looked at him with sympathy and said, "I don't have to know. I just have to know your part in this." He sighed and said, "I’ll tell you but it’s going to take more than the hour." She nodded and said, "You can come again after all what else are you going to be doing with your time off." he nodded and then shrugged figuring her should start with how his cousin wanted help. "Hey I need your help." Lilly said looking at him as he sat reading another case file. "no." he responded picking up his soda without even looking at her. Lilly pouted and said, "You promised me you would help me if I needed something." "I said if it was a solo case." he said closing the file and looking at her, "You have two other people." She rolled her eyes and said, "I don't trust them." He looked at her and leaned over and asked, "What makes you think I'm trustworthy. Remember you never trust a thief." She rolled her eyes and reminded him, "Former thief. Ever since you met your partner Damien you haven't done anything remotely bad in fact you are now an officer." "But I was once." he replied pouting. She smiled and said, "You never lied to me or went back on your promises." He sighed defeated and said, "So what exactly is it about?" "Glad you asked." she said as she laid out the file in front of him and said, "We have to investigate to see if this place is at fault for all of the charges against it. Then there are the kidnappings that happened a month ago." "What other charges are against this place besides the place is old and needs a remodeling maybe even ditch those creepy robots." he said shivering a bit as he thought about the robots that roamed around. "Apparently nothing but other rumors. Nothing that really seem to be that important to us but might be to health regulators." she replied shrugging. "Leave me a file and if I see anything of interest I'll let you know." "Ok let me ask you about what your cousin Lilly Lockhart used to do?" the therapist said stopping him. He looked at her and said, "Why do you want to know that?" "Because it might be important." the therapist responded. "No it's not important." he grounded out. "According to her record she has more than a few charges of criminal mischief, she also has something about being a skitzofranic." she said looking up at him. "She wasn't a skitzo." he said darkly. She nodded and said, "Right then how about spiritual." He shook his head and said, "She never really believed in that type of shit. She preferred sensitive." The therapist nodded and wrote it down. "So anyway I did some work for her she would send me pictures or pieces of the animatronics. She managed to get the camera chips out of the eyes of some animatronics and a voice box out of one that she called mangle." he said "How did she get these animatronics pieces." she asked. "Does it really matter at this point." he sneered. She shook her head and motioned for him to continue. "Well I think you are more interested in what happened that night." he said. She said, "Whatever you feel you want to say." He nodded and continued. Shaw could hear his phone ringing on the night stand next to him. He knew it wasn't the office calling so he reached over and answered it. "You better have a damned good reason for calling this late." he rasped at her tiredly rubbing at his eyes. "Yeah I do. I don't think I'm gonna survive. So I'm just calling to say that I love you and that I'm sorry for everything that I've ever done to you your not the screw up I am. By the way tell Joe anything in the apartment he can have." She started to say quickly. "Wait I don't understand." Shaw said worried and swinging his body out of the bed to get out of it. "Where are you?" He questioned. "I'm at...job..." Some static burst through and then he heard a whispered 10 1. I have... Foxy... Door... Goodbye Shaw." Then the phone disconnected. "Lilly." He shouted into the phone even though he knew that she could not hear him. Damien turned around and saw Shaw sitting up in the bed. "What's wrong?" he questioned. "We have to go to the restaurant." he said as he got out of bed and went to find a shirt and some jeans. Damien sighed and then started to get dressed to. When he saw Shaw getting his gun he looked at him he said, "We should call the office." "You do that." Shaw said as he started to look for the keys. Damien went to his dresser and picked up the keys and said, "I'm not letting you drive like this." Shaw narrowed his eyes and walked out the door to the car. He turned around to see Damien on the phone. When he got to the car Damien had already hung up and said, "Nikki and her partner are close to the area they will be there in a few minutes." "They still wouldn't make it on time." he said and then said, "Did you call in the ambulance?" "No." Damien said. "Damnit Damien do I have to do everything." He then called emergency. "This is Officer Shaw I have an emergency at Freddy Faz Bear pizza restaurant. I need an ambulance sent over here." he said then he hung up and handed the phone back to Damien. Damien looked at him and said, "I'm sure she is fine." Shaw shook his head and said, "I don't think so she sounded scared." He didn't want to admit that he could hear the banging and scratching sounds in the background. Damien stayed silent as he pulled into the parking lot. Shaw quickly threw open the door and ran toward the restaurant. He looked through and saw two bodies on the floor one in a Bear suit the other being covered by a robot. "Lilly" he mumbled when he got a closer look at the one being covered by the robot. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out his lock picking set and opened the door. As soon as he got it opened he picked the robot off of Lilly's body and held her body close to him. "Come on. Please don't die." he said. He then looked into her eyes trying to see if she heard him but her eyes were slipping shut. "No don't do that." he begged and then felt her body get heavier. "I'm sorry." He said pulling her closer to him. He didn't know how long he was there but he heard his partner's voice commanding, "Shaw pull yourself together." that voice broke through the chaos of his mind. He looked down at Lilly's body again laying limp in his arms. He looked up at Damien and said, "You’re right" he then laid her back down and said, "This is a crime scene." "Good." Damien said when he saw that Shaw had gone back to being professional. Shaw saw the police flashing lights and the ambulances head lights pull into the parking lot. When the paramedics entered he turned to them and said "take these two to the hospital." The person who was examining the male body looked up and said , "he has a weak pulse, and in critical condition but still alive." Shaw looked at the body in disbelief and watched as they placed both bodies on the gurneys. One in a body bag while the other was put on fluids and other machines. Shaw then looked over at the animonteonic that had been laying on her protectively. He could sworn there was something about the way the fox staring at him. He then shook his head and looked to the back. He thought that he heard faint sounds. He tapped Damien’s shoulder and pointed to the back hallways. Damien nodded and listened. He heard it to and nodded again. Shaw headed toward the back and heard scratching sounds getting louder. As he walked he noticed a door that had scratches and broken wood splintering off. He then saw Lilly braced against the door. He shook his head and turned to the door that he heard the noise from. He drew his gun out and went to the door and said, "Police stand away from the door." He leaned his head close to the door and didn't hear anything. When his partner arrived Shaw pointed to the door. Damien nodded and then watched as Shaw threw open the door and entered he followed him. They both stared at the sight that was there. There was blood splattered everywhere. "Shit we are going to need more people." His partner said. "Put this place on lockdown no one goes in and no one goes out." As he was talking however the animatronics walk past him. "Where the hell are they going. " Shaw questioned. "They are robots." Damien said slowly. "Arrest them." Shaw said. A female officer walked into the room," arrest who?" She questioned and then got a good look at the room. "What the hell." She shouted and then looked at the giant chicken animatronics as it waked past. Damien looked at Shaw and raised his eyebrow at him and said, "Do you know that sounds crazy." Nikki said," normally I would agree but no we have to get that as evidence." Damien let out a heavy breath and said fine bring in the animatronics as evidence." While Damien and Nikki were talking Shaw was looking at a box that was covered in blood. He walked over to it and slowly opened it. He immediately regretted it and turned around dry heaving. Damien went over to him and asked, "Are you..." But his eyes rested on the still open box. He reached over and shut it. "Did you see that a body was quarted and decapitated and placed in a box. Did you notice the blood and on the animatronics. They the only things in this room and you want them as evidence. Shaw said. Damien said, "We cannot question them. They cannot be suspects." "Ok I'm going to bring a team in." Damien said. "Go check the security footage." He said turning to Shaw. Shaw nodded quickly and then left the room. He found the security room and sat down in the chair and was about to rewind the footage when he heard hello. He looked and saw a humanoid anoimontronic holding balloons and a sign. "Balloon boy ? "He questioned. The animatronics continued to stare at him. He walked over to it and then reached out to him. He was slightly startled when the robot pulled back and then took out his own eyes and handed them over. Shaw took it and then went to the computer and played it. He saw how the killer went in and tried to attack Lilly and the other guard. He saw them in the kitchen and then he saw how balloon boy turned on her and sent a pirate fox to attack her. He then saw her in the bathroom she was afraid he could tell but she refused to show it. Then it showed how she finally went crazy and tried to break a window. He cringed when he heard the gun shot. Then he saw the animonteonic swing down from the ceiling and crawl over to her. He bit his lip and watched as she died in how arms. He shook his head. "It's not fair is it." His partner’s voice came from the doorway and then he entered and stood beside him. "That bastard is a live even though its critical and two people died tell me how that is remotely fair." Shaw snapped. His partner held his hands up and noticed a weird smile forming on his lips as he said, “My cousin said "that the dead here attached themselves to her maybe she is attaching herself to him to haunt his ass." Damien sighed and replied, "That would be exactly what she would be doing." The therapist interrupted and said, " So do you really believe that she could do that." Shaw shrugged. The therapist looked at the clock and said, " So we can pick up where we left off today." Shaw nodded and got up and walked out of the room back to the lobby to make another appointment.
Chapter 2
"How was the session with the therapist?" Damien asked when he heard Shaw walk into the room. Shaw shook his head and said, "She wanted to know about Lilly." "Why would she have to know about Lilly when it’s you she is trying to help." Damien asked Shaw shrugged and said, "I don't know but I got another one in two weeks." and then shifted the conversation to work, "By the way whatever did happen to the animatronics." Damien said, "they were turned off permitally. We had to strip them of the fur suits and dismantle them." he shrugged but then asked curiously, "But tell me why did you want that pink and white fox mask that you took to save it from going into evidence." Shaw sighed and shrugged and went to his room walking past Damien. He shut the door and walked over to the draw and pulled out the fox mask. He put it on the bed and looked at it. He couldn't explain why he took it but it just made sense to him. "What were you protecting her from? Did you know that bite didn't fully kill him." He said. "You do know that the mask isn't going to answer you." Damien's voice interupted his thought. He looked up and saw Damien at the doorway and leaning against the post. "Yeah I know." he replied sadly. "But this is all I have left of her from that day." he said looking at the mask. Damien nodded and said, "I was talking to Joe. He said that the soul of mangle was always around her. Maybe she put her soul in the mask and now wants you to finish it." "I get that but the person who killed her is apparently suffering." shaw said a hint of anger in his voice "Yeah but suffering by who's standards." Damein said. "She solved someone else's mistery and two cold cases but the five kids that are missing." Damien continued. "Six." Shaw said. "Six I thought." Damien started when Shaw continued, " I read her a journal and there was a entry about a boy who was kidnapped." "So you are still planning on doing her case a cold case." Damien asked Shaw nodded and watched as damien sighed."Your funerial." Shaw cringed a bit. "I'm sorry i..." He trailed off looking for a word. "Bad choice of words its ok." Shaw said shrugging it off Damien sighed and said, "Oh Joe called." "What did he want." shaw asked "Well first off to offer condolances. Then to know when her funeral is." He nodded and said, "I don't know I have to arrange it." "What about her parents." Damien asked "They can handle the catholic portion. I have the other portions." Shaw said sighing to himself "Joe offered to help." Damien said "I'll ask the twins." Shaw said quickly running a hand tiredly through his hair. Damien nodded and said "I'm going out to the gas station want anything". Shaw shook his head. Damien nodded and left. Shaw looked at the mask and placed it back where it belonged. He then walked to the hallway. He couldn't explain it but he felt somethin. "Hello...." He heard. "Who the hell..." He muttered and then remembered the creepy humanoid animontronic. "Balloon boy." "I knew you could do it." he heard a voice whisper. "Lilly" he said spinning to look around. He didn't see anything. He shook his head tierdly and laid on his bed and closed his eyes. He then found him self standing outside of the rewturant in pouring rain. It wasn't raining when it happened he thought. He looked to the door and saw that it was open. He looked at the floor where he knew her body was were it was supposed to be. "Don't bother the cleaners came and made it appear like nothing happened." lilly voice said when it was apparent he was looking around "See look at the nice clean carpet." she said mentioning the floor. He looked down at the ground. Then he saw a shadow figure sitting on a table. He was about to walk over when the voice said, "don't come any closer." He stopped. "If walls could talk you know what these could tell you." Lilly's voice continued talking "It's a shame that the police won't take the word of the dead because honestly we know more. Although some do tend to get caught in death states and are in confussion." The figure seemed to look around and turned to face him it was a empty face but still he heard, "This place my darling has a lot of pain and suffering confussion. This place needs to be cleansed and not just this building but the property then demolish this place." "I don't think that will happen for a long while." he managed to say "Well then there will be no peace." The figure said darkly. "You have to bring the animontronics back and anything that has a connection to that place." "Well that's going to be hard." he replied "You are smart u can figure it out." She stopped talking and said, "I would run now if I were you my new master doesn't understand that you only mean well." He was about to say some thing when a darker shadow enveloped the shadow figure he was talking to and a pitch blackness was coming closer to him reaching out to grab him. He then shot up out of bed and looked around the room. He saw damien was still asleep and he laid back down next to him and forced his head into the pillow so the only sound he heard was the blood that rushed through his body mimicking how heart beat. When he got to the office the next day he went to captain hunters office and knocked. Hunter looked up from his paper work and through the glass window and saw shaw. He motioned for him to come in. Shaw entered and shit the door behind him and sat across from him. Hunter was not use to seeing shaw like this normally he would come storming in and was loud and pointing out theories that other people missed but he just seemed so... Hunter couldn't find the right word. But he waited Patently for shaw to continue. Hunter was so use to him coming in demanding things that this subdued man sitting before him did not feel right. "I want my cousins cases" he stated flatly. Hunter sighed and said, "I can't do that." Shaw looked up at him his bangs moving away from his eyes "bull..." He stopped himself and said, "I know you do the cases were put on your desk to hand out and I want them. I'm the only one volunteering to do this." Hunter rubbed a hand over his eyes and said, "I meant to say is that I will not be assigning the case to you, damien, nikki, or jey and jimmy." Shaw looked at him and said, "I understand why you might not want me on the case being family and all but them why?" Hunter shook his head and said, "They were too close to you as well. They even had to be reevaluated and damien even went to a therapy session." Shaw stayed silent he hadn't known that. Hunter said "I already gave the case to someone." Shaw asked "who?" Hunter sighed he knew he was walking a thin line between its none of his business to question who gets assigned what but also as a family member who has a say. "I gave it to Taylor." he replied slowly He saw shaw's eyes narrow and then heard ok. Hunter knew that he and Taylor were not close anymore and knew that Taylor would not want to share a high profile case so that was why he gave it to him. "You do know there is nothing more to do in your cousins..." "Lilly" he grounded out "her name was Lilly." Hunter paused "Lilly" he said slowly. Shaw nodded and said "I know but it should be me that ends things for her." Hunter looked at him with slight worry and said "please tell me it isn't what I think." Hunter tensed up. Shaw was quiet cause it was exactly what he was thinking but scoffed and said, "no its not." Hunter relaxed a bit. "So that's all I really wanted to say." shaw said getting up and walking to the door. He then shuts the door behind on a very confused hunter. As he was walking back to his desk he stopped and then changes direction. He can hear damien behind him but chose to ignore him and continued to his new destination. He found the cafateria and was looking around for someone.
Chapter 3
“What just happened in there?” Damien asked when he saw shaw leave Hunters office.
Shaw looked up at him and said, “When were you going to tell me?”
“Tell you what.” Damien asked.
Shaw stopped and looked him in the eyes and said, “Don’t you dare lie to me. You went to therapy. Why?”
Damien let out a deep breath and said, “We can talk about this later.” He then looked around.
“You think I care about what others are thinking. I know they already think I’m crazy and this should hav pushed me over the edge.” He continued, then said, “But you know what maybe the therapist is right when she says I need to take a break from certain things.”
Damien nodded and responded, “Good now you see that…” he stopped talking when Shaw put his hand up silencing him.
“I need a break from you.” He stated bluntly.
Damien felt his jaw drop and was about to object when Shaw said, “I think this is for the best. You can stay in our apartment and I’ll stay at Lilly’s and finish up her lease.”
Damien was about to say something when Shaw shook his head and added, “I will be going back later to pack up some stuff. You don’t have to help.”
Then he left Damien standing there and walked into the cafeteria. He looked around and saw who h was looking for sitting in the corner by himself. He then made his way over to him.
Taylor could sense that someone was coming his way he looked up and saw Shaw standing in front of him and sighed, “Can I help you?”
“Actually you can?” Shaw said sweetly. This caused Taylor to cringe he knew that Shaw would be despirate for the files but this was just plain weird. He nodded and waited for shaw to continue.
“I know you really don’t give a damn about trying to solve Lilly’s case since it is technically an open and closed one but I want her other cases.”
“No.” Taylor responded
“No why not you greedy bastard you have enough cases to handle.” Shaw started to shout.
“I can’t even if I could Hunter doesn’t want it and I am not breaking my promise to a dead girl even if I really don’t like you.”
“What promise. “Shaw said as he grabbed Taylor by the shoulders and wrinking his shirt.
“I promised Lilly I would watch after your dumb ass.” He said.
“Well you know what I realse you of that promise cause I think she has other plans.” He said squeezing hard.
“Alright if you really want the case files you are going to have to find them.” He said.
“What?” Shaw questioned.
“Did you really think that I would just hand them over to you? Seriously you are stupider then I thought. I also should tell you that they are not inside the building so you might as well not even try to break into my files.” He stated.
Shaw narrowed his eyes and said, “Fine I accept your little challenge. However you do know that means I will be breaking and entering into your house.” He smiled and said, “Hope your pretty lil girlfriend doesn’t mind me stopping by either.”
“You leave her out of this Shaw.” Taylor said narrowing his eyes at him.
“OR what?” Shaw questioned. When Taylor made no response Shaw smiled and said, “Good thing you remembered.”
“Well you don’t fight fair.” Taylor said.
“And if I recall neither do you.” Shaw said back giving him a small sadistic smile.
“Yeah this time you won’t have her help.” Taylor said and then saw the smile twitch a bit.
“I still don’t know what she saw in you.” Shaw said letting him go and placing him back on the ground. Then he turned around and walked away.
Shaw walked past Taylors desk on his way out of the station. He stopped by it and took out his lock picks and picked the lock to his file cabinet. He looked through the neatly organized files and one by one took them out and tossed them to the side. He was about half way through with his childish act when he realized that they were truly not there and stopped.
“Are you done yet.” A gruff voice asked.
He paused and looked up and saw a tall menacing bald man looking down on him.
“Yes dective Kane I was just looking for the files that Taylor said he had for me.” He replied.
Kane sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose then calmly stated, “You mean the ones that you somehow bribed him for. They are in his car in the trunk under his laptop.”
Shaw’s jaw dropped open. Kane gave a small smirk and said, “I also advise taking out the thumb drive.”
“Why are you being so helpful?” Shaw questioned.
Kane shrugged and said, “I believe those families deserve some good news.”
Shaw tilted his head and was about to ask more when Kane narrowed his eyes and growled, “Don’t just stand there Mr. Locklin.”
Shaw didn’t have to be told twice. He practically ran out the door to the parking garage. He cursed cause he did not know which car was Taylors but he knew someone who did. He went up to the garage attendant and saw a guy who had crazy bleached hair and looked like he should be in the prison psycward.
“Hey Enzo do you know which one is Taylors car?” Shaw asked.
Enzo looked at him and smiled, “How you doing Shaw?” his jersey accent coming through.
“I’m doin good now.” Shaw replied.
“Sorry about Lilly god bless her soul such a sweet heart.” Enzo said.
Shaw gave a slow nod and enzo asked, “Too soon.”
“Kinda.” Shaw replied.
“Right, Sorry. Anyway..” he said trying to recover and said, “Why you want to know bout Taylors ride. Are you going to do something to it.”  He asked catiously.
“No I just need some files.” Shaw said.
“Hey to be honest I don’t like the guy myself but you know I can’t let ya vandalize his car on our property but if say something where to happen after hours in some back alley…” he trailed off when Shaw raised his eyebrow.
“Ok fine I’m coming with you though.” He said and got out from the booth and lead the way over to the car.
When they got there Shaw took out his kit and Enzo leaned up against the car and said, “I thought you wouldn’t be working this case.”
“What gave you that impression?” he asked.
Enzo shrugged and looked around making sure that no one was coming and said, “Well the rumor is that you are now certifiable and need to be taken off perminantly the only thing that was keeping you in the squad was Damien’s word.
Shaw sighed feeling a little guilty as he opened the trunk and found the files there as Kane said.
Shaw also saw the thumb drive Kane mentioned and took that too. He looked at Enzo and said, “This is a little too easy. Normally everyone would be against me.” He put his kit back and put the stuff under his arm and shut the trunk.
Enzo shrugged and said, “Well maybe you’re not the only one that thinks something is really wrong with that place.”
Shaw was about to say something more when Enzo turned his head sharply and said, “Hey you better go.”
Shaw nodded and then walked to his car which was only a few rows away.
He then placed the files next to him and started his car past. When he drove past Enzo he was standing with Hunter and was talking to him calmly. They hadn’t noticed him driving away.
When Shaw got into his house he immediately went up to his room. It had been a long day and it was about to get a little longer he figured a few minutes of sleep wouldn’t kill him though. When he entered the room he saw the pink fox mask on his bed. He knew that it wasn’t there this morning and Damien wasn’t one for sick jokes. He put it on the dresser facing him.
“Just give me a sign a clue anything?” he mumbled to the mask as he felt his eye lids shut.
He could see a shadow version of him enter a hospital room.
When he fallowed behind the shadow self he saw zeek just staring at the window. Hello my name is officer Shaw locklin. You may have known my couisn Lilly lockheart. He took out a picture and layed it down. “She was the girl that you shot. She ended up dying we are planning a lovely funeral for her. Also the man you killed or had those robots kill it’s still a little questionable what happened that night. Leon regal.” he said taking out his picture and putting it on the table in front of him. “We will be having a closed casket cause he was so torn up and brutilized. You should know we caught people that kidnapped children and sold them as slaves.” Zeek looked at the pictures his eyes falling on Lilly. “So u do remember something.”  He asked and waited a few seconds but that was pointless. “Your going to be on house arrest cause the judge seems it would be cruel and unusual punishment to make you serve out a sentence in your condition. I personally don't give a shit if you’re a vegetable or Not but killing u is not worth risking my job over. My sister was big on weird spells and other things. I'm sure she would put some things out in the universe to make sure that she got the justice that she deserves.” He pauses here cause he can feel a sense of fear come from him and his eyes were widening. “I'm just here to tell you that you are guilty and your life sentence starts now and all your money is gone so your family will decide what to do with you.” He took the pictures away. “Goodbye.” He said and then walked out. Zeek watched him leave and then turned his gaze to the ceiling. Shaw looked up to fallow his line of vision They then heard the sound of static. Shaw covered his ears but continued to stare in the direction and then his eyes widened. “Hello zeek.” A female voice said He turned his head a hit and saw a female figure with a pink and white fox mask on. As she made her way to the bed she past Shaw and gave a slight nod in his direction then tilted her head as she turned back to her intended target. “Shhh.” She said holding a finger up to her lips. Zeek struggled trying to make sounds but stopped immediately when she put a finger to her lips and tapped against them. “You should know why I'm here.” She said as she came closer to the bed. She stopped at the foot of it and tapped her other fingers on the metal posts. “The other mangle is now free so now I'm stuck in her place but the place is going to be torn down so I'm going to do my job faster.” She then made her way to the top of the bed and lowered her face toward his lips but then lowered it a bit to his neck and bit down causing it to break. Shaw heard the machines go off and watched as in disgust as the blood run down her mouth. “Are you done.” a twisted voice asked. Shaw saw her turn and stare into a dark corner of the room. He looked over there too but saw nothing. “Yeah.” she said wiping her mouth and looking down at the body finally.
“Good now let us leave we have a lot of things to set into motion.” The voice hissed.
“Yes Master.” She said and took a few steps away from the bed and started to head for the dark corner.
Shaw stepped out and was able to cross the room quickly he then reached out to grab her hand when he heard a voice in his head say no. He paused and saw that the fox girl had stopped moving.
“Lillith.” He said.
“Run.” A strangled voiced managed and then the fox girl turned and it was a snarling animontronic.
Shaw gasped and jolted back to reality. He looked around and saw that the mask was still in the place that he had left it at. He looked at the clock and realized that Damien would be home soon. He got up and found a bag. He then started to throw random stuff in there. He was about to walk out when he looked at the fox mask that had been lying there. He reached out and took it with him.
Chapter 4
When he finally opened the door to Lilly’s apartment he shivered cause he could still feel like she was there. As he went to sit on the couch he saw a cup sitting on the table next to it and saw that it still had tea in it. He took it to the small kitchen area and put it in the sink. He then looked over at a table and saw a journal. He walked over and opened it. He saw a flow chart of people that could have been connected to the cases. His eyes came across a name on the list and then realized who the child was related to.
He took the journel back over to the couch and was about to sit down when a knock came on the door.
He looked at it and waited. He didn’t tell anyone other than Damien that he would be here. He pulled out his gun and slowly walked up to the door. He looked through the peep hole and saw the twins standing there.
“We know you’re in there.” One of the twins called.
“Yeah, your car is in the parking lot.” The other one stated.
Shaw let out a breath and tucked his gun away and opened the door.
“How did you two know that I would be here in the first place?’ Shaw question standing aside and letting them enter into the room.
“Well Joe told us you might be moving in and Damien confirm…” one twin started to say before the other one hit him in the ribs cutting him off.
“Anyway just wanted to check up on you and invite you to a small party that Joe is having.” One twin said.
“Oh ok now I will finally meet this guy.” Dean said.
“What?” the twins said together.
Dean looked between the two of them woundering how they were able to do that when one said, “After all this time you have never met Joe.”
“I’ve talked to him but…” he didn’t finish cause one was tugging on him and said, “We have to rectify that.”
“Really this isn’t nessacary.” Shaw said as he tried to dig his heels into the ground but was pushed from behind by the other brother.
“Seriously he won’t mind. Cause any friend or family of Lilly’s is ours.” The brother behind him said and they pushed him diagonal the hall to another room.
The twin that was tugging on the front of Shaw let go and knocked. “Hey Uce open up we got someone ya gotta meet.” He called.
“Are you always this loud?” Shaw asked.
“Yeah Jimmy is the louder one.” The Twin behind him responded.
The door opened and in the door stood a guy that looked almost identical to the twins. He smiled when he saw them and both twins hugged him at the same time. Leaving Shaw to stand awkwardly behind them staring at three grown men hugging in the hallway.
Joe looked at the guy and untangled himself from his cousins and said, “Hey I’m Joe Reigns.” holding out his hand.
“I’m Shaw.” He said taking his hand. When he did he felt an electric spark and tilted his head.
Joe seemed to have felt it to and said, “You’re just like her.” smiling at him.
Shaw looked at him curiously and was about to ask what he meant when he clarified, “When I first met Lilly we both had this strange connection too.”
He then saw his cousins looking at them, “Well what are you two waiting for you know where everything is.”
At this both the twins disappeared inside. “So you’re her cousin…I’m sorry for your loss.”
Shaw nodded and then asked, “How did you meet her? You’re kinda normal.” Then he cringed and saw Joe raise an eyebrow and quickly said, “That came out wrong what I meant…”
Joe smiled again and held up his hand and said, “Yeah I get it don’t worry about it.” He then looked to his door and offered, “I’ll explain more inside if you like.”
Shaw stared at him for a while. Joe frowned a bit and then turned to walk toward his door. As he was walking away he heard Shaw fallow behind him. He held the door open when Shaw paused behind him
“I promise nothing is haunting here.” He said as Dean walked past him into his living room.
When he got in he saw that the twins had already had the food set up on the counter.
“About time you two came in the game is about to start.” Jimmy said.
Joe rolled his eyes and went to the refgerator and took out two beers and handed one to Shaw. Shaw looked at the label and said, “How did you know?”
Joe shrugged and said, “It’s my favorite.” Then he headed to the couch and sat down between his two cousins.
Shaw to his credit attempted to fallow the game but he couldn’t get into it. He could sense that eyes were watching him. When it was a commercial he got up to get another drink. As he was walking he looked at the window and went over to it and looked down at the street. He felt his eyes go over to a lamp. He saw a dark figure just standing there. The figure looked at him and pointed back at him. Shaw turned and saw Joe standing a few feet behind him. He then turned back and saw the figure was gone.
“Are you alright?” he asked slightly concerned.
Shaw turned back to Joe and said, “Yeah I just thought that I saw…”
“Was it a figure under the lamp?” Joe asked.
Shaw nodded. “Yeah she saw it a few weeks before working at that horrible place. It was like the souls already know who is going to be entangled in their lives.” Joe replied simply shrugging.
“I think she may have appeared the day before Lilly died cause I was able to see her.” Joe said.
“You mean you couldn’t see the figure all this time?” Shaw questioned walking past Joe into the kitchen space.“Not really but when Lilly did visit she did stare out that window.” He kinda stared into the space like he could see Lilly there and continued, “She would always do this weird thing with her hand on the glass. I never figured out what it was and I never asked.”
Shaw reached into the refergirator and pulled out a soda and said, “She must have been protecting you from something.”
“Really?” Roman questioned.
Shaw popped the top and said, “Yeah she kinda does that for people she likes but since you can see them no matter what protection you get your still woven into this little horror story.” He thought about it and asked, “Was there anyone else she would have protected?”
Roman shrugged and said, “I really don’t know she really wanted to protect some guy named regal.”
“Yeah he is dead.” Shaw said.
“I’m sorry but may I ask what happened to him.” Joe asked.
Shaw sighed and said, “I can’t talk about it. It is part of an investigation…
“Bull shit! Tell him the truth.” Jimmy said from the couch in the living room causing Shaw to jump.
“No, it’s fine.” Joe said quickly.
Shaw sighed and said, “Actually it was pretty bad. There will have to be a closed funeral for him.”
Joe nodded and said, “May I show you what I think happened.
Shaw nodded and then fallowed him down a short hall into his bedroom and watched as he went to his desk and pulled out a sketch book and started to look through it.
Joe then handed him the book and he saw that he was looking down at the contents of a box. It looked like a deranged flower. He saw the arms and les sticking out at weird angles and the head in the center with the intestines circling his head. Shaw felt his stomach lurch a bit and handed the book back to him and said, “Your not wrong.”
Joe nodded and said, “I kind of drew this the night that Lilly died. “
Shaw looked at him and said, “Do you have a picture of her death?”
Joe looked at the book flipping a few pages backward and said, “Do you really want…”
“Please.” Shaw said holding his hand out for the book. Joe nodded and then handed it back to him. He looked at the guy that was holding a gun shot her in the back however there were two side by side.
Then he looked at Lilly slumping to the floor with the gun pointed to her head. The last picture showed her with him holding her and the mangle looking at them from its spot on the ground.
Joe waited before he reached for it.
“who was the second person next to the shooter.” Shaw asked.
Joe shrugged and said, “I don’t know but am I right.”
“Yes.” Shaw responded.
“I think Lilly had notes of people that featured in her dreams maybe that boy was in it.” Joe offered.
Shaw nodded and was about to ask something when Joe’s door opened and Jimmy said, “Hey Shaw we are needed at the office.”
“What happened?” Shaw asked.
Jimmy shrugged and replied, “Don’t know just know that the boss wants us down there.”
Shaw nodded and then turned to Joe and said, “Thanks.” Then quickly fallowed Jimmy and Jay out the door.
When they got to the office it felt really strange. Some people were looking at him funny. He looked at Nikki who looked away from him quickly.
“Do you know what we are getting called in for?” He asked
The twins looked at each other and then Jay said, “I don’t know boss man just wants you to go to his office.”
Saw nodded and went to Hunters office and knocked on the door.
Chapter 5
“Come in.” Hunters voice said.
Shaw opened the door and saw Taylor standing there with Kane.
“Please sit down.” Hunter said.
“No I’m fine standing.” Shaw responded.
“That wasn’t a request.” Kane growled from his place.
Shaw looked over to them but slowly moved to the chair and sat down in it. Hunter looked down at a file and said, “At three oclock this afternoon Zeek was pronounced dead.”
“Ok and this has what to do with me.” Shaw said.
Taylor placed something on the table. Shaw looked and saw the mangle mask.
“Why wasn’t this in evidence when they took in all of the animontronics?” Taylor asked
Shaw staed silent and stared straight ahead.
“Your commanding officer asked you a question.” Hunter said.
“He wouldn’t understand.” Shaw replied.
“Try me.” Taylor said. When Shaw didn’t say anything Taylor sighed and said, “I can’t help you this time even if I wanted to. You are not underarrest at this time however it is recommended that you be removed from this case and the prescient entirely.”
Shaw looked at Taylor and sneered, “With all due respect.” The last word spitted out. “That is not up to you but to Hunter.” He said and looked at Hunter.
Hunter nodded and said, “He is correct Taylor it is my decision on who should and should not be of service.” Taylor noded his head “However in this instance I will have to agree on this recommendation. Please turn in your badge and gun. Nikki will process you on the way out and Taylor and Kane will both escort you from the perimeter. Do I make myself clear?”
Shaw stood up quickly knocking his chair out of the way. Kane took a step toward him but Hunter glared at him unmoved by the outburst.
Shaw sighed and then took out his badge and gun and placed them on Hunters desk and then asked, “How did he die?”
“That is confidential information.” Taylor said.
He continued to stare at hunter who nodded and said, “I really hope you can come back soon but till then it is best to keep your distance.”
Shaw then turned around and walked out the door up to Nikki’s desk.
Nikki already had the paper ready.
“You know this is compleat and utter bull shit.” He said to her.
Nikki gave a slight nod and said, “I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for its these idiots who have no idea what is going on.” He replied tilting his head back toward Kane and Taylor.
Nikki nodded and said, “Well at least they are still paying you.”
“Yeah a small compensation for whats happened.” Shaw replied darkly.
Nikki gave him a sad smile and said, “Well keep in touch.”
“Yeah…yeah.” He said taking the papers and shoving them in his pockets and started to turn around when he felt her grab his arm. He turned around and looked her in the eye as she said, “I mean it.”
He gave her a small encouraging smile and said, “I know. I promise I will.”
He looked down at her hand still resting on his arm and raised to his lips and kissed it. “Bye Bella.” Then he walked up to Kane and Taylor.
“Ok escort away.” He said and walked between them.
When they got to the parking lot Kane opened up Shaws door. Taylor stood back behind them.
“Taylor you can go back I will stay and personally make sure that Shaw is off the property.” Kane said not looking at Taylor.
Taylor nodded and then went back to the building.
Shaw said, “I know about Sarah.”
Kane nodded and said, “We had to get a warrant for the apartment but I left something behind as a parting gift. Don’t make me regret letting you do this.”
Shaw stepped inside of his door and Kane shut it and moved out of his way. Shaw then started up his car and drove out of the garage.
When he got back to his new apartment he opened the door. He expected the place to look like it was a wreck but it was surprisingly in order.
He went to the counter where he knew her journals were and saw that they were not touched. He then went into her room and stopped. He had never really entered her room except for one time when he helped her move in. He slowly opened the door and looked inside. He half expected to see her on her bed with paperwork around her muttering things but he was only greeted with silence that was more deafining then any of the blaring songs she played.
He sat down on her bed and then fell backwards and stared up at the ceiling. It had been a strange couple of days after the incident. He thought about his dream and decided that it was her way of saying that she took care of one person. However there could be more and who could have been the shadow.
He shook his head and put the rest of his body on the tiny bed. He then fell back asleep.
A few hours later he heard something moving. He reached into his pocket for his gun and realized that he surrendered that. He looked around the room and saw a baseball bat near the door. He picked it up and slowly opened the door. He pressed his back against the wall and waited for whoever to come close. He saw the shadow and swung down to soon but heard Holy shot.”
“Joe.” Shaw asked.
“Yeah its me.” He said and then looked at the bat in his hand and asked, “Were you seriously going to try to kill me with a bat.”
Shaw looked at the bat still in his hand and put it down on the ground. “What are you doing here?”
“I brought over some chinise. I kinda didn’t know what you liked so I went off with what Lilly liked to eat.” He said and walked back to Shaws kitchen and offered him the take out box.
“Let me guess Jimmy told you what happened.” He said as he took it.
“Actually it was Jay.” Joe said as he took out another box and went to the refidgerator and took out two water bottles. Shaw was woundering exactly how he knew where everything was.
“I came by a lot.” Joe said.
“How did…” shaw asked when Joe Replied, “Your facial features are a dead give away.”
“Yeah that can’t be true. Everyone says that my face has a dead look.” He replied as he sat down on the couch.
Joe shrugged and said, “Not your eyes.” Then he started to eat.
Shaw looked at the contents is the box and saw three different kinds of suchi, two different kinds of noodles, and a lot of the cream cheese poppers.
“You must have really known her well.” Shaw said.
“Actually I knew both her and her ex.” He said narrowing his eyes at the last word.
“What’s wrong didn’t like him.” Shaw asked removing the tips of the triangle from the cream cheese popper.
Joe stared at him curiously and said, “Not really. I’m sure you have met him.”
“Actually…” Shaw dropped off and thought for a second and said, “I don’t think I have and she would bring him up rarely.”
Joe put his food down and got up and walked over to a shelf with draws and pulled something out. “I’m kinda surprised considering how you work with him.”
Shaw quirked an eyebrow and took the picture frame that Joe held out to him. When he saw it his eyes narrowed and his grip tightened on the picture turning white.
Joe looked at him nerviously and reached out to the picture to take it but rested his hand on it and said, “Are you ok.”
Dean looked up at him and said, “I’m going to kill him.”letting the picture go and getting up.
“Oh no and just where do you think you would go. You can’t go back to the police station they will arrest you on sight.” Joe said as he rushed after him.
“If I wasn’t allowed to have her case then that sadistic bastard isn’t either.” Shaw yelled as he threw open the door and stormed out.
Joe fallowed him and grabbed his arm and swung him to the ground and managed to hold him down and said, “I’m sorry to say this but that is not the best thing to do. You need to stay out of there.”
Shaw glared at him and then remembered what Kane told him and nodded.
“Your right.” He said
Joe saw the fight in his eyes simmer down but was still there. “I’ll call Jay and see who is working the case now.”
“Your in charge of inviting people add his name to the list.” Shaw said.
“Do you honestly think that is a good idea.” Joe asked.
“I just wanna talk to him and I have a feeling that he is using the station as a safe place. However, if he is off of the grounds then who is to say that something can’t happen to him.”
Joe looked at him and said, “Please tell me you are not using Enzo logic. Look that guy has been dropped way too many times on his head for his own good. Besides if he does come then what your going to fight him that is not going to help you any.”
“Your right I have two days to figure it out.” He replied and then said and then said, “You can get off of me now.”
Joe looked down at him and then slowly got up and helped Shaw back to his feet.
“Thanks I’m glad Lilly had you watching her.” Shaw said and walked back to his apartment.
Joe shook his head and mumbled, “You shouldn’t thank me just yet.” Before he went back to his apartment.
“Hey Jay do you know who has Lilly’s cases.”
Jay looked around the office and said, “What no proper greeting?”
He could hear joe sigh in frustration and said, “They went back to the original handler. By the way the diagnosis came back and it could not have been him.”
“Well yeah we are his alliby. I’ll even testify to that fact.” Joe said.
“I know cuz.” Jay said getting up and walked out to the back.
“It was a malfunction in equipment. But the weird thing is that there are weird scratch marks on his shoulder.” Jay said.
Joe thought and asked, “Were they human or demonic.”
Jay sighed and said, “At this rate I’m pretty sure demonic but you know we can’t go putting labels on this case.”
Joe was silent so Jay said, “If there was away to check the claws you know I would let you do all that hocus pocus stuff but everything is now on lockdown and Hunter is having a field day with the reporters and such trying to get statements and wanting to open old cases files.
“I figured. Well thanks for your help and if you see Taylor tell him he is invited to the funeral it’s in two days.” Joe said.
He could hear Jay sound like he was choking on something, “yeah I had almost the same reaction.” Jay heard Joe sigh as he continued, “But Shaw has request his presence.”
“Are you sure that Shaw is in his right state of mind.” Jay asked.
“I don’t know but can you please just extend the invitation.” Joe said.
Jay sighed and said, “Whatever you say but just be prepared for a fight.”
“Yeah don’t remind me. I gotta go I’ll see you and Jimmy at the funeral though.” He said.
“Yeah we will be back up security. Bye Uce.” He said.
“Bye.” Joe said disconnecting the phone.
Chapter 6
“What are you still doing coming back here. You know there is nothing left.”
Lilly’s voice drifted to him. He had been standing in front of the restaurant dreading to go in.
“Look at me.” She prompted.
Shaw really didn’t want to but he did and when he did he saw that she was in a pink tank top white skirt white tights and white sneakers with ping designs on them, she also had a pink and white bow tie on her neck and her face was painted to look like the mangle mask.
“I did have to impervise a bit.” Lilly admitted.
“Are the souls…”
“Yeah they are still here they thought that if they attacked the man who allowed the evil to happen they would be freed.” She said and then sighed heavily as she continued, “However it goes much further. Who knew that there was so much child trafficking in this town?”
Shaw said, “I did.”
“You never told me.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Well you never told me about Taylor.” He snapped back.
“Oh…” she pouted and her fox ears dropped a bit. “I’m sorry.”
Shaw shook his head and said, “We can’t fix that now can we.”
She shook her head and said, “No but regardless of how you feel about that you know something isn’t right.”
He nodded and asked, “So who is master?”
“The original golden freddy.” She replied and opened the door so they could enter.
“There is more people?”
“Actually there are more souls here just not the ones in the suits. I know your not that intune like me but I want you to go over there and touch that wall.” She said pointing to it.
He looked at her like she was crazy but did as told. When he did he could feel vibrations. He tapped it and the wall vibrated harder.
“Ok stop pissing off the souls they don’t like that.” She said.
He quickly removed his hand and said, “Why are they in the walls.”
She then walked up behind them and touched it.
“They were the ones that were here long before there was a place like this back when there was true gangs that delt in human trafficking and slavery.” She could feel the vibrations slowing down.
They have different versions of the animontronics underground.” She replied. There is a place that was covered look at the floor plans.
“That would be good if I wasn’t kicked off of the case.” He replied.
Lilly rolled her eyes, “That should be under public knowledge.” Then she walked away and said, “So how is Roman?”
“Fine.” He replied. He then saw a shadow moving across the floor.
“Oh its just Regal. He has been super protective.” She said smiling.
“Why are you guys being nice now. I mean from what I saw of Regals body they totally disassembled it.”
“Well it isn’t night time.” She replied simply.
“And how are you and regal replacements instead of not going to where the other souls should go.” Shaw asked.
Lilly paused and said, “I wish I knew apparently I’m not done and since I kinda made a promise and I gotta keep it. But if the place gets blessed and then if it somehow got burned to the ground and the property was never used again…”
“You really thought about it.” Shaw said.
“Yeah me and Roman were going to try and make that happen.” She replied sadly.
Shaw nodded and saw a dark whispy shadow come around her shoulder.
“Anyway you better leave here the others are a little weird when adults come around.” She said.
“But you’re an adult.” He said.
“They see me and Regal as victims.” She said and lead him to a different exit and stopped at the door.
Shaw paused at the door and then hugged her before he hugged her and then quickly left.
When Shaw woke up he looked around and saw that he was on the couch. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 2 in the morning. He really didn’t want to go back to sleep but what else was there for him.
“Just Two more days till she is in the ground and then the real work can start.” He muttered to himself as he turned off the light.
It was the day of the funeral. It was a sunny day but Shaw couldn’t enjoy it as he sat in the viewing area. He had talked to his aunt and Uncle. They had thanked him for what he did for her.
The people who were there were from his office mainly but there were a few that he did not recognize.
He saw Roman standing off to the side looking around. Then he saw his eyes move to the door and narrow a bit. Shaw fallowed his sight and saw Taylor leaning against a wall.
Shaw popped his jaw and and started to him. He was halfway down the isle when he felt a hand on his wrist. Shaw spun around and instictivly swung but stopped when he saw Joe there. He sighed and let joe lead him to a few seats close to the front. “I want to kill him.” Shaw said. “I know but you invited him and it would be rude to do anything in a funeral. Wait till tomarrow if you still feel like you have the urge to kill him.” Joe said still holding on to his hand and gently rubbing circles on his hand trying to calm him down. Shaw looked at his hand and thought about Damien. He didn’t want to but he felt guilty but was happy that Joe was there. The priest came up and did his part and then it was time to take the body out to the hurse dean, Joe, her father, and three cousins come up. They load her safely into the hurse. As they close the door Shaw looked and saw Taylor coming out and then walking over to his car. “You think he will come to the cemeitary.” Shaw asked as he got into Joe’s car. Joe shrugged and said, “If he is smart he won’t but I know that he will.” He then buckled up and started his car. But didn’t start moving. “When are you going to drive.” Shaw asked. “When you put on your belt.” He replied. “I’m not putting it on I don’t have to.” Shaw said but watched as Joe reached across from him and said, “You are in my car and you will obey my rules.” He clicked the belt and then started to drive. He glanced sideways and saw that Shaw had made no attempt to take it off. “You and Lilly are both alike. If I didn’t know better I would say you are the male version of her.” He said. Shaw stayed quiet but decided he should ask about that later. When they got to the place he noticed that there were people already there waiting for her body to come back out of the car.. “How did these people beat us here.” Shaw asked. “They didn’t come to the catholic church.” Joe answered as he got out and waked to the hurse to take the coffin out. Shaw took his side of the coffin and walked he knew this would be the last time he would physically see Lilly unless she decided to haunt his ass. He thought the last part to himself and gave a smile if anything he was ok by that thought. Joe saw the small smile and narrowed his eyes and looked at him strangely. “I’ll tell you later.” Shaw said as he stepped sat down next to him. When they got to the part about taking dirt and throwing it on the coffin Shaw could hear each handful of dirt hit the coffin. He just stayed sitting there long after a good majority of the people had left. It was onlythen that he noticed that Taylor Black was still there just staring at the hole. Shaw decided it was a good time to talk to him. He saw Joe look at him but Shaw didn’t stop this time. He saw Taylor look up at him. Taylor didn’t seem threatened in fact he just waited for Shaw to come to him. “Sorry for your loss.” Taylor said when Shaw stood in front of him. “Yeah kinda makes you think that someone else was meant to be there. Don’t get me wrong they still have to bury regal but I can’t help but notice you seem to have some guilt.” Shaw said. “Not really I do feel bad that I let her do this case but Kane and Hunter felt it was best.” Taylor said. “Wait what.” Shaw asked. “You didn’t know. I was originally suppose to do this case but then they wanted her.” Taylor said. Shaw thought for a minute and said, “well you have no connections and no intention of helping the dead.” “Besides her wanting to help the dead and those creepy abilities she has ,I hate to say this one but she had child like mentality.” He said. Shaw narrowed his eyes and his voice hardened, “What is that suppose to mean?” Taylor sighed and said, “Look you know she wasn’t all right besides the skitzo stuff...” Shaw didn’t let him finish before he punched him in the face. Taylor staggered backward from the impact sighed and said, “She needed to be with someone even though she would never admit. I shouldn’t have let her take that case with those people but I knew Joe would be the better person to watch over her.” “You never really loved her did you?” Shaw asked. Taylor shook his head and said, “I do but I’m just not the right fit.” Shaw shook his head and said, “I have to go.” Taylor looked watched Shaw’s retreating back as he went back to Joe. Taylor then remembered something Lilly once told him and shook his head and muttered, “Yeah he will be a handful. Good luck Joe.” When Shaw got to Joe, Joe wrapped an arm around his shoulder and led them back to his car and said, “What did he say to you?” Shaw looked at Joe and then shook his head and got into the car silently. The ride back to the apartment was spent in silence with Shaw trying to figure stuff out. When he entered his apartment he only just remembered that Joe was behind him the entire time just waiting silently. “Would you like to come in?” He offered not even turning around to look at him but leaving the door open anyway.
Joe went in and closed the door and checked the locks. When he turned around he could see Shaw laying on his side. Joe was about to take a different chair when Shaw lifted his head and said, “You can sit here.” Joe looked at him and tried to see where he wanted him to sit. Shaw wiggled down on the couch and patted the cushion. Joe slowly walked over and sat down. As soon as he did Shaw just placed his head on his lap. Joe looked down and unconsciously started to pet his head. They both seemed to be comfortable in the silence until shaw said, “What were you and Lilly planning to do?” “She wanted to bless it and then find away to burn it. She said she had some pyro friends who could make that happen. They have a copy of the restaurant. Apperntly there is an underground area.” “Have you been there?” Shaw asked. “Nope but we know where the entrence is. It is under a back room in the restaurant. Lilly thinks that is where they put the out of commission animontronic. She said that it looked like the giant purple bunny that was missing some of its face fur was gurding it and looked ready to attack.” Joe said. Shaw nodded and said, “you want to come with me to see if we can find away to sneak into the building and maybe setting the souls free or just trying to see what is there.” Joe laughed and said, “You think that I have no life but being some kind of ghost hunter.” Shaw bit his lip and was about to respond when he said, “I work at a restaurant I go to work at noon and close at ten. So I can be with you early in the morning if you want.” “Ok.”Shaw said and began to feel sleepy. “He really is a sweet guy.” “To bad I’m already dating someone though.” Shaw relied. Lilly shrugged and said, “I’m sure you will change your mind if you meet him.” “I’m not in the mood to meet one of your hippie spiritual friends.” He said. “He isn’t like that. He goes to the gym and he takes showers.” She offered. Shaw just looked down at her strangely. “Ok fine you don’t have to meet him just yet but I know one day soon you will have to work with him besides you work with the twins so you can probably handle him.” She said. Shaw sighed and said, “You know you are better at working in the morgue why are you going undercover.” “My boyfriend asked me to.” She replied. “Yeah well he seems like a scumbag.” Shaw said “Your not even a real cop.” “I took enough courses to be one.” Lilly snapped at him. “And yet you didn’t pass. You hang out with the dead.” He said. Lilly bit her lip and said, “I thought you would be happy for me.” Shaw sighed and wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close to him and kissed the top of her head and said, “I have been proud of you.” She looked up at him and smiled. When they got into the building they separated but he paused and saw her talking to Tylor. He couldn’t help but cringed and he continued on. “Hey I’m gonna go.” A voice interrupted his thoughts. “What no you can stay if you want.” He said. “Nah this is when Lilly would kick me out anyway. Besides I’ll see you tomarrow morning 8ish.” He said slowly moving and Shaw reluctantly lifted his head up and sat up. He then fallowed Joe to the door. “Good bye.” Joe said. Shaw nodded and watched as Joe went to his apartment and vanish into his door. He felt himself smile a bit as he dissappered back into his apartment. He then took out his phone and saw that he had a missed message from Damien. He then felt guilty even though he technically knew they were on break he felt he should at least break up with him. He sighed and stared at the phone he really didn’t know if he wanted to call him. He then shook his head and knew he was acting rediculus and that he should just end things before they got worse. He pressed the call button and waited. “Hey Shaw. How was the funeral?” Damin said. “It was ok…” he really didn’t know what to say because he remembered inviting him and yet he didn’t see him anywhere or remembered him there. “Sorry I couldn’t make it Hunter wanted me and Kane to look over something.” He replied. “Yeah I knew work would keep you busy. So is Seth going to close all of her cases.” Shaw asked. He heard Damien sigh and say, “He is going to close the file on Lilly’s death because we know he killed her based on footage and his motivation was to keep her from escaping and telling other people.” “Hey Damien you think that we are ever gonna be the same.” Shaw asked. “I don’t think so…” Damien replied slowly. “Ok I just had to know.” Shaw said. “You can take your time moving out I’m not going to throw everything away and be one of those petty people.” Damien said. “Thanks.” Shaw replied and then said, “I’ll see ya when I’m not suspended anymore.” “Yeah bye.” Damien said hanging up the phone. Shaw listened to the disconnect sound a few seconds longer and then hung up his end. “Tomarrow is another day.” He found himself muttering as he fell asleep on the couch.
Chapter 7
Knock, Knock.
Shaw hears the pounds and glares at the door like it is an enemy. He slowly gets up and just out of habit grabes the bat that is stationed by the door. He looks through the peep hole and sees Joe standing there with a bag in one hand and a coffee cup holder in the other.
He then remembers what he agreed to as he opened the door.
“Good Morning.” Joe says and smiles at him.
Shaw kinda squints at him and states, “You’re a morning person aren’t you.”
Joe shrugs as he makes his way past Shaw into the kitchen and said, “Maybe. I just really like to get stuff done early.”
Shaw slowly walked toward the table where Joe was setting up the food. He saw that it was some form of taco.
“Don’t say anything just eat it.” Joe said.
Shaw looked at him but sat down and started to eat. He hated to admit it but it was really good and then mentally slapped himself of course he must have made them being a cook and all.
“No wonder there really isn’t any food here.” He said.
Joe nodded and sat down. They were both eating in silence Shaw because he wanted to ask a question and wasn’t sure how to put it and Joe just because Shaw seemed to want it that way.
After a few minutes Shaw said, “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” Joe said.
“Did Lilly ever seem off to you. Like she….” Shaw started to say but ended up pushing his lips together trying to find the right words to describe it.
Joe understood where this is going and said, “Why would you even ask that. Was it something that Tylor said.” He narrowed his eyes and then shook his head and continued, “He must have because otherwise you wouldn’t even ask that.” He looked at Shaw and saw everything he said was confirmed, “Look I know that she was difficult at times and yes there were sometimes when she was childlike and maybe didn’t fully grasp some concepts but she was no idiot and I think that Tylor hated it because he couldn’t fully manipulate her. In fact there was this one time she did figure it out and she was livid it was the day they broke up she almost destroyed his dick and it took both Jimmy and Jay to take her off of them. They had scratch marks that looked like a demon shedded them for a week.”
Shaw smiled and gave a soft laugh and said, “Yeah that is her.”
Joe smiled and said, “I knew that would make you laugh.
Shaw nodded and got up to put the dishes away and said, “So do you have a vauge idea of where she was talking about when she said there is an underground entry way.”
Joe nodded and said, “there is an unmarked room in the restaurant that she kind of could sense but it was kind of guarded.
“Yeah there was a room that had this purple bunny with a ripped off face.” Shaw said and shivered slightly as he remembered it.
Joe looked at him and said, “Your thinking of something aren’t you.”
“The animontronics won’t be there they are stll locked up in the evidence locker at the police office.”
“And do you not remember what room the animontronic was in?”
“No its not that but…” h e paused not sure how to place the next thought.
“The souls may or may not be attached.” Joe said.
Shaw looked at him and was about to say something when Joe said, “I was thinking the same thing too.”
“But then where would they go.” Dean asked.
“Stay in the location itself.” Joe said and took a drink and said, “Come on we should be doing things.”
Shaw got up and replied, “Yes we do.”
Then they went to Joe’s car. As they were driving Shaw kept looking around he thought that since it was an active case that he would at least see a police car or even the undercover cars. When they got to the building Shaw said, “Don’t park in the front park to the back there is apparently free parking and a back door to the restaurnat.
Joe did as he was instructed and parked close enough to the place that if they had to run they could but far enough that people would think they were going elsewhere.
When they got to the back door Shaw took out a kit but looked at the door more closely and saw that the police tape had been tinkered with.
“This isn’t good.” He said.
“What isn’t?” Joe said getting closer to him providing cover if he needed it.
“Someone has messed with this scene.” He said.
“Really?” Joe questioned.
Dean pointed to the damage. “It was cut with a box cutter.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out some leather gloves and pushed on the knob and was surprised when it turned easily.
Joe looked at Shaws face and asked, “Should we be concerned.”
“I don’t think so.” He replied as he held the door open and entered the building.
Joe looked out at the street he couldn’t shake the odd feeling that someone wasn’t coming out alive. He took out his phone and sent one last message out.
Chapter 8
When Joe finally opened the door he smelled a strange smell. “What the hell is that?”
“I think it is rotting food.” Shaw said as he came out from behind a stage curtin. “The cleaners obviously haven’t come in a while.”
“Or they did and they never came back out.” Joe said.
Shaw said, “I really won’t rule out that theory.” He saw Joes face and said, “I haven’t seen any blood yet so there is still a chance that nothing has entered the facility.”
Joe looked and said, “This place was really creepy without kids running around and the animontronics.”
Shaw looked around and said, “I have never set foot in this place till that night. I tend to avoid places with children.”
Joe kinda didn’t know if there was a part of him that wish he had a kid or a childhood but he didn’t say anything and said, “If I have a kid I thought it would have been fun to take them to places like this but now I don’t think so much anymore.”
Shaw shrugged and said, “do you have a kid.”
“Nope but I do want some but I’ll even be greatfull for one.” Joe replied.
He then remembered something Lilly told him.
“I think you two would get along good cause you two have the same goals in life.” Lilly said looking up from a text book.
“Oh and what is it that I want.” He asked looking over at her from his spot on his couch.
“You want a family and you want real love.” She replied simply. Then added, “Damien is a good guy but I still think you can do better.”
Shaw shrugged her off and then she sighed and put down her book and said, “You know you want kids but it is really Damien that is pushing the kids are horrible and a true commitment. And yes I do agree that it isn’t the same as taking care of a puppy it is still a commentment thing and you are a commitmentphobe.”
Shaw said, “I am not I just want to make sure that he is the right one.”
“You do know that if you have to ask that then it’s probably not an answer you will like.” She replied. She then saw him curl into the couch more
“that guy that I told you about Joe, he is good match for you just saying.” She then handed him a book and said, “even your chiniese zodiacs match up.”
He took the book and looked at it long enough to see what he was.
Everything was turning out to be true.
“Hey I think I found the employee rooms.” Joe’s voice said.
Shaw shook himself out of it and saw that he had walked away from the stage and was in a corner. He fallowed him through a swinging door and saw that they were in a back hallway. “Lets check the left side first.” Joe suggested.
Shaw nodded and they walked a few feet and saw the they had found the kitchen. He saw that it was still unchanged. He went to the refegerator. He stood to the side and slowly opened the door halfway expecting organs to come out of it but when he opened it he was slightly disappointed however it did look like some of the fresh items were beginning to mold.
Joe said, “You thinking something weird weren’t you.”
Shaw looked at him and wondered how did he know what he was thinking.
Joe raised his hand and tapped his head and said, “It was just a guess.”
Shaw closed the door and they continued down the hall and saw that they were just empty party rooms. They then turned and walked back to the other side of the hall.
When they passed by a door Shaw just paused and looked at it. He swore he could he small scratches coming from the otherside. He turned to Joe who just looked at him. Shaw then stepped up to the door and stood there.
When nothing happened he put his hand on the door and opened it slowly. He recognized the room immediately.
“This is the one.” He said.
Joe looked around the room and nodded and said, “so where was that animontrinic specifically.
Shaw looked around and then his eyes fell to the corner and he narrowed them. He could see the bunny shape just sitting there or at least the shadow of the bunny. He looked at the bunnies claw and saw that it was tapping the ground.
“Over there.” He said pointing.
Joe went over and closed his eyes and started to mumble something.
Shaw just listened to him repeat words over and over that made no sense to him. He could feel the slight change of pressure in the room change. He saw joe with his eyes closed and standing there with his hands pressed together like he was pryaing.
Shaw looked at the spot and saw that it was a diffent coloration compared to the other tile in the restaurant. He knew it wouldn’t be easy to get it to move but it could be done. He looked around and saw a crowbar leaning on the wall. He walked over to it and picked it up. He then turned to look at the bunny who was still tapping the ground. He went to the side of it and saw that the bunny had stopped tapping. he then looked at the face and saw that it was looking at him. Shaw froze unable to take his eyes away from the black shadow bunny. He reached out for Shaws face and shaw fell forward.
“Your fine open your eyes.”
Shaw shook his head stubbornly and closed his eyes tighter.
“Would I lie to you.”
“No.” he said and opened up his eyes and saw Lilly standing there in a pink tank top and white pants. He then looked at her neck and saw a giant pink and white bow tie.
“Pretty cute and not threatening.” She said smiling at him.
“You still killed the man.” Shaw said.
She bit her lip slowly and said, “I didn’t. That was all you that night. You were in a state of stress and you wanted revenge so badly that you took that mask and went to kill him. I must admit I am so proud of you.” She then clasped her hands together happily and continued, “Also glad that you were able to work with Joe.”
“You somehow set this shit up from beyond the grave you sneaky little…”
“Nope.” She said cutting him off. She then looked and said, “ Remember when I told yourThere are more souls here then what I thought those were just the recent ones apperntly this has been going on since the 1950’s all of the kidnappings and trafficking although they only declared them missing. Those souls are still here they have a stronger presense and I don’t think they can be stopped. They will kill anyone since their killers are probably dead and the families have long since been warned to never return.
Shaw nodded and said, “I haven’t had time to look it up but I willl
She continued, “I really wouldn’t try to go into the basement alone cause that is where they hide. They kind of warped every thing and they have practiced a whole lot more that they can kill with out having to pocess a body.
“What do you mean possess a body.” He asked.
“They can mess with your mind by making a place seem bigger then it is. I don’t know but I have meet some of them and they are creepy. I offered to find people to move them on but they are so attached its like.” She then took his hand like she did in his dream and placed it on the wall and asked, “Do you feel that.”
He shook his head and said, “I feel nothing.”
She sighed and closed her eyes and said, “Your not trying not really. Close your eyes and really feel.”
He sighed and did as she suggested. He felt a tiny pulse and could feel a slight vibration through the wall.
“How..” then he remembered the dream and nodded
“They are so ingrained here that not just there energy is trapped but there soul is intertwining in the walls.” She shivered and said, “If you can truly see what I do the you can see the faces and the human shapes in the walls.
“So that was like a heart beat.” He asked slowly.
She nodded.
“why would…”
She shrugged and said, “I don’t know but this was a problem that generations of owners had.” She paused and looked around.
Dean fallowed her gaze and saw nothing.
“You better get Joe and get out of here.” She said and then started to rub at her eyes.
Dean took one looked at her and saw that the clothes were becoming taters and that her body was becoming more like the anamontronic.
He then closed his eyes and then looked around he saw Joe looking down at him. “What just happened?”
“I don’t know but we should leave.”
“This place is going to freak out soon. Besides I know what we have to do.” He said starting to rise and took joes hand to help him up.
0 notes
living-for-christ · 7 years
A Week On Word of Life Island
    My restless sleep was interrupted by a nudging on my back. The fifteen-passenger van was already crowded with ten teenagers and two leaders in it, but Seth just had to make it worse. He was over six feet tall and had long legs. He could have easily stretched his legs out in the aisle, but no, he had to push his knees into my back.
  “Seth, please get your knees out of my back,” I said.
Seth laughed and continued pushing his knees into the back of my seat.
  “Seth, you need to stop. We’re all uncomfortable and you’re just making it worse” Emma, the 17-year-old, spoke up.
Emma’s words seemed to make Seth all the more determined to make my ride miserable. He kept pushing. I moved my pillow and blanket and slid over to the open seat next to Emma. We were headed to Schroon Lake in upstate New York where we would spend a week at Word of Life camp. Eight of us were going to “The Island” for high school teens, and the other two were going to “The Wild” for middle and elementary grades. Luckily, Seth was one of the teens going to “The Wild” so I wouldn’t have to see him for another week.
Word of Life was founded in New York in the 1930’s by Jack Wyrtzen and Harry Bollback. Jack Wyrtzen purchased The Island in 1946 for $25,000. Since that time, over 300,000 kids have gone to camp on The Island. Since the founding of Word of Life, it has added the Ranch and the Wild to its Bible Institute (the BI) campus. The Lodge is a rustic inn down the road for leaders to stay for the week. The Pines is across the road from the BI for families to go camping together. There is also a camp located in Florida. Word of Life has 14 Bible Institutes around the globe and has ministries in 69 countries worldwide.
After stopping for the night at a church and getting back on the road the next day, we finally arrived at Word of Life. When we pulled into the Jack Wyrtzen Center (also known as the J-WAC) I saw that the parking lot was nearly full. I waved to staff members I had met over the years as we walked into the J-WAC. It was full of hundreds of kids from 6-18 years old. The hum of voices was deafening, and I had to shout to be heard. Everyone got checked in and our luggage was searched for contraband (e.g. drugs, alcohol, weapons, electronics). We dropped Seth and Ethan off at the Wild, then it was off to the boat launch for the rest of us.
The Island is, in fact, an island located in the middle of Schroon Lake. The only way to get there is by boat. Depending on the boat and how much the passengers had eaten that day, the trip across the lake could take anywhere from two to five minutes.
Once we were on the island, the boys met their counselors, we girls met our counselors, and we all said goodbye to the youth leaders. I went with the three other girls to our cabin which was named “Gracias Gardens” and we met the five other girls in our cabin. Hailey and Hannah were twins (to be honest I could not tell them apart the whole week), Sophia and Carly were sisters, and Kat was their friend. Together they formed a tight clique and refused us entrance. I was fine with that. I hoped to make friends, and I knew that potential friends were everywhere.
The Island is divided into two teams, red and blue, and they compete for points throughout the week. The largest way to earn points is by going for cabin of the week. For cabin of the week, you have to dress up in costumes for breakfast. The daily costume challenge ranges from pirate day to tourist day. You also have to make up a new cheer every day and complete daily challenges such as building a massive sand castle or endure some form of embarrassment (take a moment to imagine a group of six-foot guys twirling and doing water ballet in the shallow section of the swimming area). There are other ways for teams to earn points, such as winning daily competitions and sports tournaments. All of the daily activities had some form of water, and the program guys would always make sure any dry person was sprayed with freezing water from the fire hose.
It was during one such daily competition that I met Marissa. The green court (named for the green soccer turf) had walls and netting surrounding it. Inside the green court was a large fan and several mini pools, but they were hidden by a mass of foamy bubbles. The program guys had filled the green court with a ten-foot-tall mountain of bubbles. Anyone who entered the mass disappeared from sight completely. Our task as the blue team was to enter the bubbles once, take one ball from the pool (if we could find the pool) and throw it into a bucket that was hung on a 12-foot pole. The whistle was blown and hundreds of girls ran into the blob. I couldn’t see a thing. There were bubbles in my hair, on my clothes, in my mouth, and in my eyes. My eyes stung and burned from the soap. I closed my eyes and stretched out my hands to feel for the pool. Instead, I bumped into another girl.
  “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you find the pool yet?” the girl said.
“No, I can’t see anything” I answered.
    The girl grabbed my hand and led me to the pool. I grasped a ball and followed the girl out of the mass of bubbles. Once out, I saw that the girl had glasses which had apparently protected her eyes from the bubbles.
  “Thanks,” I said. We both ran to throw our balls into the bucket.
The main place to gather during free time was called “top of the rock”. “The rock” is an enormous 330-foot-hill aptly named “Cardiac Hill” (no joke, this thing is exhausting). Top of the rock has a snack shack, bookstore, carpetball tables, ping pong tables, picnic tables for cards, an “escape the room”, and a coffee house. The coffee house is the cool place to be. It has couches and bean bags along with decks of cards you can borrow. You can buy anything from cappuccinos and smoothies to brownies and muffins at the coffee house.
I saw Marissa a lot the rest of the week. We set up several card games at the coffee house. She always beat me at Egyptian rat screw, but I was fine with it. I had made a friend. I knew that after this week it was unlikely that we would ever see each other again, but it was still nice to have a friend. Since camp, I have not had any contact with Marissa, but I am hopeful that we will meet again next summer and pick up where we left off.
The speaker on the Island that week was David Martin. He talked about fearfulness, and how, with God’s help, we could be fearless. It would be difficult to sum up the entire week’s messages in such a short time, but his messages really taught me how to conquer my fears of being rejected, my fears of the unknown, and my fear of stepping out on faith. He talked about how we needed to defeat our “Goliaths” with “stones” from God’s word.
It was after one of these messages about conquering your fears that an opportunity arose for me to do so. My younger cousin, Lauren, had come with me to the Island. It was her first time being out of state and I was asked to make sure she was ok all week. Because it was raining, everyone was sitting in their cabins, including the five cliquish girls. One of our counselors was at the health center with a camper, and the other was taking a shower in the back room.
  “Hey, let’s run down to the snack shack and play some carpetball. No one’s going to be there,” Hailey suggested.
Hannah agreed and the two of them stepped out onto the porch.
  “Hey, wait up!” Kat called to them.
It was then that Lauren spoke up, “Hey, you can’t leave without a counselor.”
  “Who made you queen?” Sophie mocked.
Lauren continued, “The counselors could be sued if you get hurt when they aren’t there.”
  “So, that’s not our problem,” Hannah said as she poked her head inside.
The five girls had zeroed in on Lauren now and were throwing rude and degrading comments her way. I could see Lauren starting to tear up and I knew that I had to step in, but I was scared. Then, the verse Proverbs 31:8-9 came to mind, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice.”
I guess the girls had slept through that message. They were here for fun, and they had little to no desire to obey the counselors or be kind to their neighbor.
  “Hey! Stop it! You guys are being bullies! She’s right, you can’t leave without a counselor, and it is your problem because you would be responsible as well. So just come back inside, and wait just three minutes until she’s done in the shower. Then we’ll all go to the snack shack.”
  “Yes, your Majesty” Hailey rolled her eyes and went to sit on the porch.
I had defeated my Goliath. It hadn’t felt good in the moment. It had actually hurt a little, but I know that I am stronger now because of it. I learned that I should not be afraid of the little things, or the big things. With God, I know that all things are possible.
The last day of camp, we had Robby’s run. It is a quarter-mile run around the edge of the island, then down through the cabins, top of the rock, and it finally ends at the beach. Once everyone was at the beach, we were given plastic cups with colored chalk. On the count of three, we all threw the chalk dust on each other. The dust stuck to the beads of sweat and clung to our hair. Everyone was an odd rainbow of orange, pink and blue. It was a good end to the week because we all got to have one last fun memory on the Island.
The Island is a mysterious place. Some kids come with their church groups, and some come alone. Some kids come to hear a memorable gospel message, and others do not even know it is a Christian camp. From what I have seen, no matter who they are or why they came, everyone always learns something. The importance of what they learned may differ. I know that 27 teens learned how much God loved them and decided to be saved. In the case of the five girls, they learned not to eat the mystery meat. I learned that I cannot be afraid of anything. If I have the ability to stand up for what I believe and share it with others, why am I not doing it?
  “Seth, get your knees out of my back” Lauren groaned.
We had switched spots for the ride home. Now I was in the front row, while Lauren was in front of Seth. It was going to be a long ride, but at least now we had the memories of an awesome week at Word of Life Island.
(There are some awesome pictures of the Island on their Facebook page “Word of Life Island”. There are also videos on Youtube you can watch by searching “Word of Life Island week in review”.)
0 notes
1upmushrooms · 7 years
Wario Land (1up Deadfic)
Author’s note: Yet another fic I wrote under the SuperLuigi46 moniker (Then again that’s not saying much, considering I only wrote like two stories with this moniker.) and one I feel largely indifferent to. It’s certainly not the worst story I wrote (Trust me, we’ll get to that one later), it’s just meh. 
It’s also fairly short, meaning this is another story where I’m posting both chapters on one post. Again, it’s just a meh re-telling of Wario Land, nothing more nothing less.
Chapter 1: A horrid dream, a messy apartment, and a business call
Gold, that's what there was. Gold, lots of gold on the floor, golden statues, golden chairs, and golden chandeliers; everything was made out of or was gold! Except for that short, stubby, and chubby man on the mighty, golden throne. He looked like the famous and heroic Mario, except shorter, fatter, and with a differently colored shirt, hat, and overalls.
Instead of a nice little M on his cap, there was a big, ugly, blue W. He also had two elf-likes ears with ear goo in them. His big, dark, purple nose had a black, wickedly twisted moustache attached to it that the man's greasy glove twisted even more. Another difference was that this man's pair of gloves had the same big, blue, ugly W from the hat on each one. The final difference was that he had green, sharp shoes.
If you haven't deduced by now, this person is none other than Wario, Mario's sneaky, crafty, strong, and greedy cousin from Sicily, but he sure acts like he was born in America. Riding motorcycles, eating on the streets, being grouchy and greedy… well, I'm not sure that's what makes him an American, but I'm sure Wario doesn't act like a Sicilian.
Anyway, there Wario was, laughing like a hyena and looking at all of Mario's former treasures. He yelled in amusement, "Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! I finally got what I wanted! It took me five years but I got what I wanted, ah, ha, ha, ha!!!" He laughed even harder than before as he slowly calmed down. Then there was just silence, until Wario heard a little rumbling…
At first Wario didn't really seem to mind, as he just drank his glass of coffee, until the rumbling became even louder and more effective.
Wario then got off of his throne and went to see what was causing that entire ruckus. Wario looked through his telescope, but only found the dark, moody clouds that swirled about every day. But then, Wario saw a figure rising on the horizon. He could barely see the textures because it was so far away. But it was this figure that was walking very loudly, as the whole castle was falling to bits from its footsteps. Then Wario realized the figure was MARIO!
"What?!" cried Wario. "That's IMPOSSIBLE! It's only been six hours! How could he possibly have ALL of the golden coins?! HOW COULD HE?!"  Wario then sprinted around the room in a circle like a madman! But then, he zoomed for the nearby golden treasure chest.
Then a gold pillar came thrashing down on Wario, who had just grabbed a Fire Flower from the chest. "What the- WOW!" yelled Wario as he quickly dodged the crashing pillar! Wario ducked again as the other pillar suddenly came crashing down. Then all the golden statues started to fall apart, and all the coins fell through a hole that suddenly appeared. All the portraits, medals, and gold melted to goo as Mario blasted in, getting bigger as he came near Wario! Mario then held out his hand and blasted Wario. "AHHHH!" screamed Wario as he dissolved to dust.
Suddenly Wario woke up, screaming his head off, as the alarm clock rang as well. "Ahh shut up!" said Wario as he knocked the clock off the desk and onto the floor.
"Ugh," said Wario. "What a night." Wario got out of his bed, which had some breadcrumbs in it and smelled of garlic, and looked at his apartment.
Let me just say, if you are a man who liked clean rooms, and especially if you are obsessive compulsive, don't even look at the door that leads into this room. Why? Because, it is FILTHY! FILTHY I tell you, FILTHY!
There are moldy socks on the floor, the air and smell are completely filled with garlic breath, and some can’t help but hear cockroaches in the walls. Plus there's barely enough room in the apartment for two. Really, one room is the living room, dining room, and kitchen. Basically, the room has a mini fridge, a 5ft table with two chairs, a 4ft-wide torn up couch, a little TV on a box, and a door. The second room has a 3ft-tall bed, another little TV, a lamp, and a plate with moldy garlic on it. Of course, this is the bedroom where Wario is.
As Wario was cleaning up the plate with garlic, his phone rang, playing this ringtone. Wario sighed, and picked up his phone, which was on a desk, and pressed the call button. "Wario here," said Wario. "What do you want?"
"What’s up, W-Man?" said Jimmy T. on the other side.
"Hey Jimmy," says Wario, grinning. "What’s up?"
"Nothing good, man," says Jimmy. "We got another complaint from one of our customers."
"Ah, come on!" says Wario. "Can't you guys take care of ANYTHING there while I'm gone?!"
"Apparently no," said Jimmy.
Wario slapped his left hand on his face, then said as he pulled his hand away, "I'll be there."
Wario hung up the phone, then zoomed towards the door. "I’ve gotta fix this again, before-" started Wario, until he realized, he only had on an undershirt and underwear on. "Maybe, I should dress up first…"
Wario went back to his bedroom and headed to the big desk. He opened the lid, revealing this to be the place where his clothes were kept. Wario then got out two outfits, one being his traditional yellow and purple outfit including the cap, and the other being a biker outfit with a yellow helmet that had the ugly blue "W" on it but in a small size. This outfit also had a pink shirt, a blue torn-up vest, blue pants, and a pair of brown shoes. "Hmm," said Wario, "which one should I pick?"
After five seconds of looking at both clothes, Wario then decided, saying, "I'll go with my classic plumber look." So Wario threw the biker outfit on the floor and got in his plumber outfit.
After two minutes, Wario was standing proudly but still very tiredly, with everything on him: yellow shirt, purple overalls, and yellow cap. "It's on." Wario yawned, walking out the door. Wario closed the door behind him and began walking towards his ride.
Wario’s apartment isn’t built inside like regular apartment buildings; no, this one is so second rate, it’s built like a cheap Motel 6 ripoff. But that was fine for Wario, he didn’t care. Besides, it was faster to get to his ride, which was parked about 6 feet from him. After Wario approached his ride, which as a matter of fact was a very beaten up, rusted motorcycle with the bumper almost ripped off, he heard a grouchy, demonic-sounding grunt from behind him. “Hello,” the man said, “Wario.”
Wario turned around to face his landlord, an old, thin, hunched man of average height that would make Wario himself look handsome. “Mr. Fielder,” Wario said. “What an unlucky pleasure.”
Mr. Fielder grunted again. “Where’s my $750, Wario?”
“$750? The rent is $100.”
“It did, 6 months ago!”
“Ok, ok, so I haven’t been paying up lately, but I’m going to give it to you soon.”
Mr. Fielder then cackled very nastily. “Sure Wario,” he said, “sure. You know, I’m going to be very happy when I’m finally able to kick you out."
“You know something,” Wario said, “I’ve been here for a while now and I’m starting to ask why I don’t kick myself out.”
“Just give me the money!” Mr. Fielder hissed and walked off.
Wario got on his motorcycle, put the key in, and started the engine up. The smelly aroma of gasoline swept through Wario’s nose, and Wario sucked it in and breathed it out like it was air. Wario then adjusted his side view mirrors and drove out of the apartment building parking lot and onto the street.
The thick morning breeze felt like a relaxing shower on Wario’s face, and made him fully awake. Wario at first added a bit more speed, then began to slow as he was approaching his store, called “Wario’s MEGA Store!!!”. It was housed in a building that was 6 feet tall, with 5 windows on the top and 5 on the bottom. It also had, in big letters, “Wario’s MEGA Store!!!”, but the letter I, O and the entire word Mega had been stolen by thieves so it now read “War Store!!!”
Wario parked in his parking spot and turned off his motorcycle. He got off the motorcycle and headed inside the door, which was nearly torn off but had some screws in it.
Chapter 2: A refund, a lawsuit, and one nutcase with a stupid map. Yippee!
Now some might ask, when they enter, what to expect of Wario’s Mega Store. Basically, it’s the Wal-Mart from the abyss! There are millions of screaming 4-year-olds and mothers who mostly wear sweatpants and cheap exercise outfits. The floors are either wet or they’re not, you have to be careful where you step since there aren’t any wet floor signs. The kids’ aisle was also pretty screwed up: the boys section has things like chainsaws, knives, guns (“They REALLY Work!” say the sticker crudely put there by Wario), lots of TNT, Playboy magazines (“For Big Boys!” say another set of stickers crudely put there by Wario), and razors; while the girls section has poorly made lipstick, used Barbie dolls, broken combs, and brawls (“For Big Girls!” say another round of stickers crudely put there by Wario). There are also only 2 checkout aisles, and each is always full - mostly with complaining customers!
Wario was walking to a small section in the store called “The Complaint Area”. It had been setup 4 days ago to stop the complainers from overflowing the checking area. As Wario walked in, there were 3 people sitting on the same bench. One was a man who was constantly rubbing his back, another was a woman about in her late 30’s holding a Barbie doll, and the final one was an old man with a white beard and grasping a piece of parchment.
“I know, huh?” said a man behind Wario’s back. Wario turned around to face him.
“Hey, Jimmy” Wario said. “I thought you said there was one.”
“Well there was only one when I called,” said Jimmy, “but the man rubbing his back came in next, and then the woman came in.” Wario sighed as he approached the first person…
“Hello sir,” Wario sighed. “What’s your complaint?”
“There was a crack in the floor” the man said. “I stepped in it, tripped, twisted my ankle, and fell on my back!”
“But I don’t see-” Wario then looked at the man’s ankle, which was very red. “Oh,” Wario said. “Sorry, sir, but we are not responsible for your injuries.”
“What are you talking about?! It was YOUR store that caused-”
“Yeah whatever,” Wario said, heading to the next one,
“You’ll hear from my lawyer!!!” yelled the man,
Wario sighed as he approached the woman. “Hello Miss,” Wario said, “may I help you?”
“Yes, um” the woman said, “this Barbie doll I got for my daughter is acting up.”
“What are you talking about?” Wario said, taking the Barbie doll. He pulled the string and the Barbie, instead of saying stuff like “Hi I’m Barbie!” said, “Sup, I’m Barbie, who the ---- are you?”
Wario threw the doll away. “Sorry Miss,” Wario said. “We’ll get you a replacement.” After a minute Wario gave the woman a new Barbie doll (which she had to double pay for, of course), then headed to the last person.
“OH!” said the first guy. “So you can take care of toy issues BUT NOT A STINKING INJURY?!”
“Shut -up” said Wario, then he muttered, “Sometimes I think I’m a fool for doing this crud.”
“You’re only a fool if you give up, man,” said the old man.
“Excuse me?” said Wario.
“I’ve heard of you, Wario. You’re the one whose down on his luck, yes, the one who has to sustain himself in a godforsaken apartment because he has nowhere else to go, yes?”
“Uh, yeah, how’d you know that?”
“That doesn’t matter. What does matter is the chance to escape from your burden. I have come into possession of a map…”
The old man then opened the parchment he was holding, revealing it to be a map.
“A map that reveals Kitchen Island! An island made out of food!”
“An island made out of food,” Wario repeated skeptically. “You do know that makes you look nuts, right?”
“But it’s true!” said the old man. “It’s more true than anything that is truthful! I’ve been there myself!”
“Uh-huh,” Wario said. “Sure you have, sir.”
“Fine!” said the old man. “Don’t believe me! But please take the map.”
The old man then gave Wario the map, and before Wario could give it back, the old man had left the store.
Wario sighed as he looks at the map. Suddenly he saw something that sparked his interest. Right there, at the far right of the map, was a statue - but not just any statue; this one looked vaguely familiar. But Wario couldn’t place it, as he then put the map in his pocket.
Jimmy T. then walked up to Wario. “Well,” said Jimmy, “it’s about time for the switch.”
Wario looked at Jimmy. “What are you talking about?” Wario asked. “We only worked for about 6 minutes, or less even.”
“No. You only worked for about 6 minutes or less even, we’ve been working for about 4 hours.”
Wario sighed. “Fine,” Wario said, getting out an intercom microphone. “Attention all staff. It is time for the daily switch, so please all staff working head to the lounge while the others who aren’t working fulfill your shift.”
In a few minutes many staff members kept walking to the stairs that led to the top floor and to the work stations. Wario, Jimmy T, and a couple others went to the elevator. Wario pressed the up button and after a few seconds they were finally on the top floor. Wario got out first and the others got out second.
Wario and Jimmy T. then walked to the lounge. Wario opened the door and they went inside. Inside the lounge were 10 other staff members, a coffee maker, 2 TVs - one with a Wii built into it - and a fridge mostly full of drinks. Jimmy T. went to the fridge and got out 2 Bud-Lights. Jimmy went over to Wario and gave him one.
“No thanks, man” Wario said. “I’m not in the mood.”
“Ok,” Jimmy said as he put that one away and opened his. “So,” Jimmy said after a gulp, “what does that map say?”
“This?” Wario asked, getting out the map. “It’s just a stupid map, that’s all. However, there is one part that’s weird…”
Wario then pointed to the statue. “That face looks familiar. I just don’t know who it is.”
Jimmy looked at the map, then gave Wario a look. “Are you serious?” he said,
“What?” Wario said.
Jimmy got out a picture from his pocket. Wario looked at the picture. It was Princess Peach. But then something clicked in Wario’s head. He looked back at the statue on the map. He then realized that it was a statue of Princess Peach!
“Now that’s something you don’t see every day,” Wario said.
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