#ok so backstory. this was originally a thunder path incident but thunder paths do not exist in this time period
juniper-clan · 4 months
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MOON 20: Hier Kommt Die Sonne!
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foxydivaxx · 5 years
Osiris Chapter 2
This chapter was difficult for me to write because welp...where do I start?  Since Amon does not have much backstory (seriously fuck you DC) , filling in the blanks would be a lot harder than I thought. But will try my best. Shuri from Black Panther inspired elements of this story.
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“You sure about this Your Highness?”
Amon sighs. He would never be used to getting treated as royalty because he is used to being a typical street kid. Unfortunately since both Adam and Adrianna aren’t here haven been petrified, he has no choice but to step up and become interim ruler of Kahndaq for the time being and at the same time fine time to help the Team and also the Justice League.
“I understand how you feel Sameer but it will be risky of me to just leave Kahnddaq in search of a cure espeically since without either Adam or Isis who were this nation’s strongest line of defense, we would be vulnerable to all forms of attacks.” the boy says.
He is still very young and inexperienced in a lot of areas, not just leadership but still, it is worth a short. 
“The boy has a point.”
Umar, the oldest counsel of Adam’s and a close friend to the family walks into the room. He is an elderly man, possibly in his 60′s wearing green robes and a white turban. “It will be foolish for him to just leave here when we are not fully secured. Considering the grave mistake Adam made whilst he and Queen Isis were originally dead, it makes sense.”
Amon stares at the ground beneath him. He was told that Adam waged war upon the nation of Bialya as the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse came from that nation. The fact that Adam destroyed that entire nation has made things worse. Adding more to their problems was his own murder of Persuader. 
I have so much weight on my shoulders now.
Sameer places a hand on Amon’s shoulder. “Worry yourself not Young Master. We shall guide you every step of the way.”
A young lady about 10 years the Prince’s senior dressed in a purple gown with thick reading glasses joins them. “The Shazam family are here to see you.’ 
Amon  was pissed when he sees the girl since he has a bad history with her. Still he hides his ill feelings towards her and simply nods. He is still not quite sure that he is ready to face them especially Freddy who was a bit hostile towards him after the Persuader incident.  Still he walks off to go meet them.
The Shazams were outside by the courtyard waiting for him. Freddy as expected seemed a little too uncomfortable to be there. One can’t blame him given Adam’s actions and also Amon’s own sins.
Amon senses the tension of course and gives them a sad smile. “H-Hi guys.” Billy smiles at him. “Hi Amon. Good to have you back.” he says as he pulls the boy into a hug. Amon chuckles softly and returns the hug. He often forgets how warm and friendly Billy can be.
Billy wants to see the good in others like Superman which might explain why he was quick to forgive Adam for his sins and sympathize with the man unlike some others.  Mary pats the boy on the shoulder. “You ok Amon?”
Amon looks down. “I..I don’t know.”
The other Marvels take pity on the boy. Amon has truly been through so much hell. How he manages to be sane especially with Adam’s corrupted powers coursing through his veins is anyone’s guess. 
“You’ll be fine Amon.” says Billy. Amon sighs. “Yeah but now I am the new interim ruler of Kahndaq. I have zero experience in that department. Plus I...I see myself as a failure.”
“No you are not.” 
“But I made a terrible mistake and now I will have to pay for that sin and also Adam and Isis’s.”
It was then that the poor boy begins to break down in tears.
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Mary takes pity on the boy and hugs him. “Shh....it’s ok. Don’t be so hard on yourself.” Freddy just looks away, not caring about the boy’s plight because as far as he was concerned, he is Black Adam junior. Billy notices this and throws a glare at Freddy which makes the guy roll his eyes and then walk over to Amon and awkwardly give the boy a hug. Amon does not notice as he is still in tears. 
“You are being way too hard on yourself Amon. You made a mistake yes. But then again, we all make mistakes. It is our decisions after that mistake that determines our path in life.” says Billy. 
Amon sniffs and wipes away his tears. The boy was so overwhelmed by everything that if care isn’t taken, he could end up becoming worse than Adam. Billy is right. It is up to him to decide whether he goes down that path or not. 
“I am not Theth-Adam and I am not Adrianna. I am not as strong as either of them talkless of smart afterall, I never went to a proper school haven spent most of my years on the street trying to make ends meet and survive. I am just simply a boy.” 
“Sameer and Umar are going to handle the educational aspects of things for you and also guide you through all this. The rest is up to you. You decide who you want to be and not what others expect of you. Sure Adam did terrible things but you can be his complete opposite. You can be the hero no one expected. The hero Adam could have been.”
Amon sighed. “It’s gonna be a long road for me but I will try my best and figure out exactly who Amon Tomaz truly is because that in itself is a huge question mark.”
“I wish you all the best of luck.” says Billy. With that, the Shazam family takes the leave, leaving Amon to ponder on his existence. I have so many questions to ask but one step at a time. But right now, I need to keep an eye out for any form of trouble.
“Oh and before I head out, I have a special message that I want you to deliver to someone but Umar come closer so that I can tell you.” Umar comes closer and Amon whispers it to him. Umar smirks and nods. “Consider it done Sire.”
With that he shouts, “BLACK ADAM!!” A jolt of yellow thunder crashes upon him and transforms him into his alter ego Osiris. Once he is transformed, he soars into the air and begins to patrol.
Hope this turned out alright. Poor boy has big shoes to fill. More info on that girl later.
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