#ok sry for getting violent on main<3
cosmicfoole · 5 months
literally so me core rn, for day 3 of this stupid af cold:
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seoafin · 3 years
I've just watched 3 episodes of Tokyo revengers and god I'm SO PISSED OFF😠😠😠 the level of unnecessary violence is just📈📈📈📈 I would like to say that I am used to seeing violence in anime but this is really different for me. How violence is shown like something cool and teenagers beating the shit ot of each other without a reason with such cruelty really make me angry. I don't understand why adults obviously don't care about what's going on. Like parents???? Teachers???? Police??? No??? Everything is ok for you???? I hoped that maybe main characters would have another opinion on violence and this would be the main part of the plot: they would try to fight with bad guys to make life more safe and peaceful but no lol I kinda liked the appearence of Mikey and Draken before I started watching and I really wanted to find out what kind of personalities they have but now knowing their opinions I don't think I will like them. Especially after it was stated that Mikey thinks that being a delincuent is cool lol wtf As I said I don't like how the idea of being violent in this anime is shown like something cool so if the whole plot is based on this idea I really wouldn't like the anime ://
My ask may be grammaticaly bad since eng is not my native language sry but I really needed to speak it out
pls don't apologize abt your english!!
i understand your point on a level but i think you need to take into account the cultural context? there's an entire delinquent subculture in japan that disregards and rebels against societal norms since japan has a very rigid social structure that dictates the lives of youth. i think it's understandable that many kids acted out and joined gangs
i think the manga makes it very clear that there's a difference between violence when it's weaponized by children versus adults. the characters are middle schoolers aka children for a reason. they fight with their fists and grandstand just like all cocky preteens do so rather than saying violence as cool, i think there is a kind of honor(??) in the violence itself that wakui is trying to portray. i think draken says it himself in the hospital scene when he forces mikey to bow to the parents of the girl that was hospitalized— that the world of delinquents is one separate from society and to involve outsiders in it is wrong. they take care of their own, fight other delinquents with their fists, and also take care of their own troubles without outside intervention— which is how it would be in an ideal world (which it isn't)
while mikey thinks that delinquency is cool, there's more to it than just that. i actually think wakui is kinda condemning it to a point?? after all we see mikey's pure wish for an age of delinquents get corrupted again and again in the different timelines because in the end that's all it is—a childish wish. the concept of getting corrupted as you grow older (or just growing older and moving on) is a prevailing theme in the manga which makes sense considering wakui often juxtaposes mikey's innocence and his growing unchecked cruelty. his unbeatable strength and vulnerable personality. in the end delinquency is a period of rebellion, against society, adults, etc. and wakui shows that growing past it and maturing doesn't mean completely conforming to societal standards either.
anyway i went on a tangent here but i totally get if it's not for you! i agree that gratuitous violence turns me off but i think it's kinda warranted in tr LOL also i do need to suspend my disbelief and believe that (most) of these kids have irresponsibility parental figures but hey are we really that surprised 😭
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dusan nemec, but as a supervillain. what powers would he have, where would his base be, how would he keep his secret identity if he has on, what would his super suit look like, etc.
hmmmmmm..... this is a good ask! well... let's see. long as usual so i tried to cut it under a read more (but u know mobile tumblr doesnt WORK so im sorry)
his secret identity. he keeps it secret really well, just because he's got a real good poker face and he also doesnt attack, like, places that can be traced back to him. (the exception is the DedSec hq, assuming in this au theyre the superheroes in parallel to him)
but the hq thing is covered by the fact that there ARE a lot of anti-dedsec people ANYWAY (bc there's always gotta be a few ppl who just hate the heroes). but also hacking is a commonplace thing nowadays and in the WD universe (and consequently this au), hacking is just... Insanely Huge? everyone and their mom seems to be a hacker, so if electronic fuckery happens, it's not GUARANTEED to be his fault ya know?
(also he has like... super enhanced intelligence as a ..power (see below) so like, it's not hard for him to come up w excuses or be tactical about when he does his Villainous Shit)
[ALSOOOOO -im writing this after ive written almost everything else sry- he doesn't like..... reveal he has powers. to the world, Dusan Nemec is just an incredibly good coder and he's just got a genius intellect. but his Villain flaunts his powers and takes pride in what he can do.
so it's like "Well, Dusan, do what that villain did" and Dusan sits down and like, painstakingly writes line after line of code to try and mimic the effects of his technopathy but he can't do everything technopathy can. so it's really hard to pin it on him. ppl still suspect though. they always suspect.]
POWERSSSSSSSS. i was gonna save this for last but then i realized: his primary power is technology manipulation. the good guys with this power would be technopaths, but he LIKES the phrase 'technology manipulation' because Dusan likes to be able to manipulate things... people... technology... to do whatever he wants.
so like before he came into his power of technopathy, he was still really, really good with coding. he'd never admit to having hacked things before working w ctos, but he has. and then... [insert backstory here] and now he can bypass the need to code and just ... MAKE ctos respond to him. he can pull up any surveillance cam at will, he can access any file remotely (we will address this in the Super Suit section), he can hack the traffic lights, he can just... do anything.
and w his personality, THAT is what makes him a supervillain.
if you don't have ctos or blume devices in your house, he bypasses ALL of it and forces Blume and ctos software to install. hell, your sexy Samsung smart fridge? literally now it's just been forcefully turned into a Blume fridge. w his remote access he can just turn any phone he passes into a ctos phone. like only another technopath (DedSec - technopathy would be one of the biggest requirements to get into the core of DedSec) can prevent Dusan's abilities from infecting and destroying and essentially controlling their technology.
he also has slightly superpowered intellect. which i think is a stupid ability but also i'm giving it to him anyway cuz he's considered a genius within the wd universe. so why not throw in the fact that his mind itself, aside from technopathy, has been quite altered and has significantly more improved functioning than the rest of us.
and lastly he does have an Eidetic memory. which isn't rly a superpower by itself but in combination w superpowered intellect and technopathy makes it an asset to his power set, ya know?
he can and will remember exactly who has ctos installed, who doesnt, if he had to do it or if they were willing, etc.
and he definitely remembers every little tidbit he finds abt DedSec
ok so since we've established he's a technopath now, and we know there are weird basement levels of Blume's HQ, at least 3 rooms are just HIS to use. like no one, not even another technopath, can access them. just bc he has Blume HQ fortified to the nines. i mean DedSec could probably TRY and maybe succeed at getting into Blume HQ itself but like, they won't get into his underground base.
like no one knows that three rooms off of the server rooms are even... there? he's got sexy hidden doors. like false servers?? where to the eye they look and glow and flicker like proper servers but they're secret doors. legit no one knows they EXIST much less how to GET TO THEM. his HQ is, like, solid af
super suit. ok like the main thing is he has a helmet. like.... a fitted full head helmet w tinted tempered glass in the screen. it's all black on the outside, and like nice cushy fuckin memory foam on the inside (sleek and black too ofc) and the visor is also a computer. (remote access!)
his base outfit is a black fitted body suit that is also, like, technologically fitted?
i just want it to be glowy ok?? he also has it programmed so that when he uses his technopath abilities and channels them thru his hands, his finger tips light up bc he's just That Bitch.
in theory his helmet visor/screen could emote like Wrench's mask
over his body suit, he has like. ok bear with me but like. skinny black sweats? they're not super tight or super loose. they sit low on his hips and end mid calf. i love Dusan and i love his sweats ok. he wears them always i'm trash.
also he's stupid and has shoes build into his body suit basically? like they're really nice and have good support and they're just... part of the body suit.
no he does not wear anything over the top of his bodysuit. also obvs the body suit is like, from his chin to his toes, w long sleeves and gloves as well.
his glowy bits are like, sleet and soft grey.
it's gotta be weird cramming his dumb beard into his suit and helmet but he does it. for fashion and to give away as little as possible in regards to his identity.
oo also he has like a speaker in his helmet that works as a voice scrambler. so it's like. even harder to trace to him, and w his technopathy he can change the scrambler at will.
like deadass one time he attacks DedSec he makes his voice scrambler sound EXACTLY like Wrench and it's shaking.
he doesn’t have any visible logos, just cool tech-y lines down his sides, arms, and legs. probably his back too? by tech-y lines i mean the kind you see on microchips and stuff.
ok let's talk abt weaknesses bc i rambled abt how GOOD his technopathy is.
but bc of his superior intellect, and just based on canon stuff, Dusan is... like the ULTIMATE stereotyped villain in that he just... loves to Monologue.
so it's easy to drop a virus into his system if you just keep him talking.
like say he's showin down w DedSec and he has all but Marcus tied up and he's gettin ready to kill Marcus but Marcus gets him monologuing so, like, Wrench can use his own technopathy to manipulate a virus into Dusan's suit.
the thing is, Dusan is aware 99% of the time. he's aware of his suit's system. he's aware of how his system connects back to Blume HQ and his private offices off the server room. he's aware 99% of the time of everything
but when Marcus fucking Holloway plays dumb as a box of rocks, Dusan Nemec canNOT help but mockingly explain things to him. and Marcus is used to ppl thinking lesser of him, so it's really easy to play it up until...
n Marcus fucking BOOKS IT to save DedSec while all sort of DS imagery is popping up on Dusan’s visor screen and Ode to Joy but, ya know, the DedSec version all loud and violent, is BLARING into his ears and he cant THINK and he’s scrambling and by the time he can get his brain to focus and force out the virus, DedSec is gone
(he never learns, either. but sometimes it’s Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture or some shit. it’s always a different violent crescendo of a classical song, ok? he never ever learns but he comes to DESPISE classical music.)
that’s like, his biggest weakness. he can’t help but, well, mansplain when he thinks he’s better than everyone in the room (which is always) and someone asks a stupid question. he’s such a jerk in canon, and this au/concept makes it worse bc he has like, veritable proof that his brain is more capable than others.
and, for the grand finale of this answer, Dusan Nemec’s Super Villain name...
i have NO FUCKING CLUE. here are some options:
the Coder, the Hacker, MicroGhost??? bc he like... can come and go like a ghost??? microchip, fantasy name gen just gave me Incognito which is so stupid i love it??? idk give me suggestions.
tysm for the ASK. let’s get back on this DUSAN SHIT
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