#ok the last one isnt necessary but it is the reason im not asking for him to cough up
love communicating with a client over what they want when they have good ideas and an open mind.
like they have enough ideas and creativity that they know if somethings right, but are willing to let you guide them to it.
i fuking love it<3333333333
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just-a-fangirl13 · 4 years
Why s5 *might* be the season MacRiley happens
Okay so...Hear me out! I'm not crazy I promise!!
Firstly, after 5x03 (and probably 5x04) it may seem very unlikely that MacRiley could ever happen. But I thought of a few reasons why they might actually happen by the end of s5 after all.... (it gets a lil long winded and kinda complicated but just stick with me till the end!)
1. All the MacRiley moments including the ones in 5x03.
[this Mac smile could not be an accident or something that slipped through both production and post-production right?! that in itself is a whole reason!]
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Every Macriley moment we have ever had- whether it's the hugs, Riley saving Mac, Mac saving Riley, the ultimate show of loyalty when Riley went after Mac during Codex or even just the looks exchanged between the two- to any outsider it would seem pretty obvious that they are dating or at least in love. Keep in mind the writers would have written each of those scenes and Lucas and Tristan have acted them out with a specific build up in mind aka MacRiley.(think about the date episode: Riley just got dumped but was still thinking about how Mac might be hungry. She didnt have to do that. She could have just shown up at his place..) I mean how can they write two people so perfectly in sync and so perfect for each other and not have them end up together? It would just be a waste of all that tension and slow burn. (not to mention all the hugs and glances)
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2. They know we exist. 
The MacRiley fam is very active on twitter with the writers and while they were writing 5x01 they knew we were around. They know we are a huge group. They would not want to risk pissing 90% of the fandom off by not making MacRiley endgame.
[P.S.yes 5x03 was a bait and switch but if you were paying attention you would have noticed that neither Lucas not Tristan live tweeted or hyped up the episode. They knew we would probably hate it so they didnt publicise it too much! so in the future if you have doubts about the episode being a MacRiley one just check their stories or posts on twitter/intstagram]
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3. Yes 5x03 happened. 
I really think it was an episode they HAD to write. Ok so after 4x13 they had 7 more episodes planned and were filming 4x20 (aka the finale) when the pandemic struck. So they have these 6 episodes but no finale for it. [Idk if anyone else has noticed but in 5x01 there were clearly some parts cut out. For example the conversation between Desi and Riley towards the end seemed a bit jilted. Riley asking Desi to forgive her but Desi replied with yeah we are cool (still no apology ofc) I feel like something happened during that which ended up getting cut out so it could fit with the final story.]
This makes me think that they have rewritten a few bits to tie into the new finale episode. In 5x03 when Mac asked Desi to come fishing with him which was clearly something very personal to him she was like no do better.. then we see Mac's disappointed expression. She could have easily said okay but maybe not for our first date? Or its not really my thing? Or just about anything else rather than laughing in his face like that. Eventhough MD is together they still arent compatible. Mac’s final words in 5x03 was him being desperate. I truly think he is so broken and lost that Desi is the only safe thing left, the only thing he feels like he can fix right now. Once he finds himself again and heals...then it's going to hit him like a pile of bricks!!
4. But Riley doesn't have feelings anymore...WELL doesnt she? 
When it comes to Mac, Riley is always in denial. We saw it in s4 when she tells Bozer not to make her say it. I think s5 will show her finally accepting it. Finally accepting that she is in love with her best friend and that it definitely isnt Codex adrenaline because she caught the feels when Codex wasnt even around. While Mac's arc would include realising he and Desi are never going to work and that he is unhappy and that RILEY is the one for him.
[why else would they give Riley feelings for Mac? Something has to come of it.]
5. The slow burn rule.[this point is a lil complicated] 
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Now season 5 is rumoured to have 13 episodes. So here’s what I think: If MacGyver follows the pattern that most shows do when it comes to slow burns, then technically MacRIley should have happened at the end of season 4. But since the season got cut short and they didnt get to air/finish their final episode the writers had to improvise. 
From what I know, 4x19 which is 5x04 for us is the episode where Mac meets Desi’s parents and 4x20 was supposed to be the finale that was left unfinished.(they are definitely moving the timeline ahead if a pre finale episode is suddenly a mid season one.) There might have been a 4x21 or 4x22 but I haven't heard anything about those....EVER.
So what I think they have decided to do instead is extend the MD storyline a bit longer just so they dont end up scrapping all their s4 episodes where they would be together and write a new finale that ties everything together, aka MacRiley.
If you think about episode counts, s4 and s5 together would have 26 episodes which is a how long a normal season runs. Basically what im trying to say is if we follow the ‘slow burns end by s4’ and take season 5 as an extension of 4 then MacRiley should get together in the season 5 finale or maybe the episode just before. (IM REALLY TRYING TO GET SOME LOGIC INTO THIS)
This would be a typical TV thing too where the couple finds out about each other’s feelings while the main arc of the show is also at its peak, which perfectly sets up a future season where fans are hyped but still has a satisfying ending.
6. So what about MacDesi?
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So far the macgyver writers have given us characters we love. Think of every character on the show apart from maybe Desi... Mac, Riley, Bozer, Jack, Matty, Leanna, Samantha, Russ and even Murdoc. WE LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. So then why is Desi such a strange character? I think shes purposely been written as an opposite to Mac or even Riley (I get she’s supposed to kinda replace Jack but Jack is really irreplaceable). 
It's not necessarily a bad thing its just not a great thing to do or have great execution. People have said things like Desi is a badass and shouldnt have to apologise or say I love you back to her boyfriend because she is a strong woman...I'm sorry but your opinion of who a strong woman is, is EXTREMELY skewed. A strong woman is someone who can make mistakes and when she does, she is ‘strong’ enough to own up to it, she is loyal and fierce and also caring while being a badass who can take down bad guys. And for GODS SAKE, RILEY DAVIS IS A STRONG WOMAN...people have called her mushy and feminine on twitter and I'm just very confused by that.....
Anyways before I go off on a rant, it seems like Desi is intentionally being written this way. Every opportunity they get to redeem her and make her more relatable or just a better person they just dont take it. While Rileys character arc is one of the best I've ever seen. Either its intentional or they’ve forgotten how to write characters...which is worrisome but ill give them the benefit of the doubt.
The writers also know we dont like Desi. The amount of times we've tagged them in the toxic posts or pointed out problematic things we can be sure they've seen at least half of those. So theres no way they dont know. RIGHT?
So why then is MD still a thing you may ask??
Well for one they cant break them up again off screen because of those unreleased s4 episodes. (not to mention the other parts of the audience who arent as invested in mac’s love life would probably be very confused.)
Secondly Mac has to be the one to pull the plug, not Desi. 4x13 made it seem like Desi was the annoyed one not Mac. He apologised to her which meant he wanted to fix things. 
Thirdly, they are opening the chpt one last time before they permanently close it. MD is going to be a stark contrast to macriley(it already is in every way possible). Every issue Mac and Desi had can be used to show how amazing macriley really is as two people who arent even dating yet.
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Fourthly, MD being together is a sort of commentary on Macs mental health as well. We can see how happy he is with Riley but around Desi he becomes some one else. If the writers are doing this on purpose or subconsciously still remains to be seen.
And Yes keeping MD around for a few more episodes seems like a necessary risk right now but I have a feeling its going to be worth it later.
[I know we have had like 4 desi entered episodes already but I really think 5x04 will be the last of it since 5x05 is the Jack episode and 5x06 is Mac+Riley+Bozer episode with no mention of Desi at all!]
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The writers know we are a dedicated bunch and they know that once MD breaks up for the last time the entire fandom will be waiting and watching. That's when the show will be at its peak. That will be the perfect moment to bring in MacRiley’s arc to a new start!
Congrats if you stuck with me through this whole thing! if you agree/disgaree with any of these or have other reasons why they could be endgame in s5 let me know!!
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legion1993 · 5 years
Is It True?
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AN: i love amazing writers. i love writing amazing pieces. this piece goes out to @icantlivewithyou in celebration of her 800 followers challenge! hope this makes you smile!
prompt “you’re really pregnant?”
pairing: Bruce Wayne x Reader
summery: its a secret!
8 years ago, you were a graduate student...
8 years ago you got an internship with Wayne Enterprises!
8 years ago was the first encounter you ever had with the Batman. he save your life. 
not too long after that you had a magical date with your boss Bruce Wayne! this began your magical journey.
6 years later you are at the office and lunch time roles around. you and Bruce would normally go out for lunch at the usual fancy restaurant. you loved your time with Bruce, but today was different you walked into his office and he has a strange look to his eye... 
Bruce: “close the door love and come here...”
you close the door and go over to the desk he turns to face you welcoming you into his lap...
YN: “hey baby... are you ready for lunch?”
Bruce: “we are not going to lunch today... we will do dinner instead but right now can i show you something... i feel like i need to confide this to you, we have been together for a while now and im looking forward to many more years with you but not without you knowing my biggest well kept secret...”
YN: “Bruce whatever you have to tell me, i’ll go into it with you. i love you Bruce! you know that! so what is it that you wish to share with me?”
Bruce: “well first we have to get up off this chair... ive already cleared us to go for the rest of the day... think of this as a vacation! a small one where we arent going far but yet we are gonna have traveled the distances...”
you were now very curious... you had no idea what was about to happen... but got up off your boyfriends lap and held his hand as he led you to the wall pannel, he took his other hand and placed it to the wall. 
it then spoke...
AI: “good afternoon mr wayne...”
you were amazed that you never knew about this panel being here... but you walked inside with Bruce as he spoke next.
Bruce: “take us to the cave!”
immediately you were both on one crazy roller coaster ride... it was a tunnel system that seemed to go from the top of wayne tower to some underground cavern... 
the ride stopped and Bruce once more spoke...
Bruce: “through these doors is a world that no-one but Alfred has known about like ever... now to you i present this my most valuable secret... the entire reason behind the tunnel system. the entire reason behind all my so called late nights at the office or pre-preparations for a gala that is months away... well i never actually ever left the manor.. id be down here working out, training, and monitoring the city... you may exit the doors when your ready...”
you went passed Bruce and the doors opened automatically... you walked out onto a literal rock solid floor, and into a cavern where tech and a bunch of equipment lay around all over the place... 
you wandered around a bit before arriving at the main area, or what assumed was the main area for it had a really big computer setup with 6 different screens and one tiny ass keyboard. the computers powered up and revealed a giant bat symbol... thats when it hit you like a freight train. 
you turned to Bruce and decided to test your theory make sure it was true...
you went into a low spin kick to which Bruce jumped over. blocking each move you threw at him you had to now think quickly... you decided to pull a Natasha romanov and wrap your legs around his neck flipping him to the ground but he had grabbed your wrist and twisted your arm when you did that. 
Bruce got off of you and smiled as he extended his hand to you...
Bruce: “if you wanted to test my skills how was that?”
YN: “you’re batman... why didnt you tell me sooner?”
Bruce could only chuckle as he smiled...
Bruce: “i was afraid of how you would react... had i known you would react that way i would have told you sooner... are you ok love? you look kinda pale?”
you shook your head, truth be told you hadnt been feeling well for a few days now... you just thought you were getting ready for your period... but this morning you had thrown up... you werent sure what was wrong...
YN: “i think i need a doctor...”
Bruce picked you up bridal style, carrying you to the elevator you both emerge in the library of the manor, where Alfred greets both of you...
Alfred: “good heavens, is Miss YN alright?”
Bruce: “Alfred can you get the car and take us to Gotham General... please?”
Alfred: “of course sir...”
Alfred brings the car to the front of the house where you and Bruce now waiting Alfred opens the door helping to get both of you inside before driving reasonably to Gotham General. 
upon arrival at the hospital, Bruce had Alfred once more help to get you out of the car... Alfred then went to park the car while Bruce carried you inside. walking inside he was greeted by 2 nurses...
Nurse 1: “how can we help you both tonight?”
Bruce: “my girlfriend is pale and not well we need a check up... run all the necessary tests rule out anything and everything please...”
Nurse 2: “okay sir calm down please... we need a name to process her under...”
Bruce: “Bruce wayne... i help fund this hospital... my girlfriends name is YN... she can barely stand on her own...”
the nurses both led you and Bruce through the secluded doors, to a room secluded and away from prying eyes... Bruce had laid you on the bed, you were not sure yet as to your condition but you had your suspicions...
it was about 5 minutes later when a doctor walked in one of the nurses who had helped you both in here walked in bringing several things with...
Dr. Jason: “Bruce,  YN i’m Dr. Jason... i understand that your not feeling well tonight Miss... can you tell me how long you havent been well?”
YN: “its been on and off for the last week or so...”
Dr. Jason relays notes to the nurse and asks the next question...
Dr. Jason: “when was your last period? or do you know when your next period is supposed to arrive?”
you took one small breath before answering...
YN: “its due... as of yesterday...”
Dr. Jason: “let me guess it hasnt arrived yet, has it...?”
you shake your head, Dr. Jason has the nurse bring in an ultrasound cart...  Bruce moves to the other side and gives the okay to do whatever necessary not wanting to leave your side...
Dr. Jason: “have you ever had an ultrasound before YN?” 
you shoke your head...
Dr. Jason: “okay its very simple, nothing to worry about... now im gonna need access to your abdomen as well as your stomach... so your waist line on your pants is gonna have to go down a bit... i will place some gel on your stomach, then i will use this equipment to through the gel be able to take a peak inside your belly... see if there is anything noticeable...”
the doctor did as he said, placing the gel on made you shiver a bit but Bruce’s touch kept you nice and warm... as Dr. Jason now moved the transducer around on the gel, the nurse was ready to record anything found... 
you and Bruce anxiously watched the screen... waiting for answers of any kind to come up... Dr Jason then stopped moving the tansducer, he kinda stayed in one spot for a while... it was then that he knew what the cause was... he had the nurse make a few notes and then sent her out of the room... 
Dr. Jason: “it seems congratulations are in order...”
Bruce: “im sorry what do you mean Congratulations are in order...”
Dr Jason: “well it seems YN isnt sick sick after all its just a little bit of morning sickness...”
your eyes widened... before your head collapsed from the shock of the news... you knew full well what the congratulations was for but no one knew how shocked you were till you fainted...
it was 10 minutes later when you woke again to find Bruce filling out paper work, after being told by Dr Jason not to worry too much that you would wake eventually that you fainted from the aftershock of the news...
Bruce’s head swam with the thoughts of being a father, sure something he had thought about but never dreamed would ever happen. a few moments later Bruce looked up as he often did to find you sitting up and stretching slightly... 
Bruce: “hey love how are you feeling?”
YN: “is it true?”
Bruce comes over to your side and smiles lovingly at you.
Bruce: “you’re really pregnant?
Bruce gestures to the ultrasound photo sitting beside you on the bed...
YN: “yes i am... i had my suspisions but i wasnt ever gonna admit them to anyone or myself... however, i know we never actually discussed the thought of kids, but believe me when i say i wouldnt be here today if you werent the most amazing man i had ever met...”
Bruce: “i cant even begin to describe how much excitement im holding in right now... i mean we are gonna be parents... its gonna be an honor to raise this child with you...”
Bruce with you holds the photo and then Bruce lifts your shirt to once again expose your belly and he places soft kisses to it, then he comes up to place a longing kiss to your lips... you were now in a happy place... 
you finally felt like your life was finally underway...
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kawaiianimeredhead · 6 years
Oh right I wanted to rant. Im still on my phone so there might be typos but oh well
Edit: this got way longer and rambly than I expected oops. I hope this read more works, i never actually checked yesterday when I used it to see if it still worked on mobile so if it doesnt oops and sorry
Anyways. In september a new company took over our contract and thats a whole rant on its own. The previous lead (my dad but not important) left before the new company came and he left Sam in charge. Sam has been there for like four or five years and he's a pretty good guy. When the new cobtract started he was very quickly overwhelmed with the bs and also with the paper abd computer stuff he had to do so he stepped down. Hes still there and actually was still in charge for a bit after he stepped down because we didnt have a new lead.
And now we do have a new lead. This was apparently a Process from what ive heard. Nobody really wanted the job and im not sure how the Boss from the company even went about hiring but i heard that a couple people he considered weren't interested and then I was told that someone was hired or was going to be hired and quick before she even started. I heard these from two differenr people because one told me she qas being walked around and woukd start soon and another said she wasnt coming a day or so later. Someone was hired though and the first night he was there so was the Boss showing him around kinda. I spoke with him a bit and he seemed nice. Def better than the Boss who I cant stand beinf around for long hes got weird and annoying vibes around him.
None of this is actually particularly relevant or necessary for this rant but it came out anyways.
So this new lead has tried all thr different shifts/jobs out and and has been with us for like a month or so now maybe? The first schedule he was properly scheduled on was such a SHIT week/schedule because I went from working 5-4 days a week to 3 and instead of doing bathrooms which is 3 hours or 4 depending on if I'm also doing trash to working 2 hours one day, 2 or 3 the next, and 3 or 4 the last. And it sucks. Then, the first schedule to come out that he made (with the help of the Boss) had ALL of us on less days and hours and HE now working every day but one and working both in the morning AND at night. Now I'm not convinced this was soley his decision because I know he made this schedule with the Boss and i have a suspicion that the Boss encouraged him or persuaded him or some other kind of bull shit to do the schedule like this. And then the week after was the same schedule copied again and this week coming up is the same minus a few small changes.
Now all this is annoying and bull shit on its own but not even the main fuel to this rambling rant. With this schedule, hes scheduled to clean the bathrooms and trash every day except Sunday, which is when I am scheduled on them. Last week was the first week of this and besides the day I'm specificed to do bathrooms im not given a specific job. Imbonly told to do "extras" so ive asked Sam and hes told me to do offices one day and some windows the other. I come in Saturday ready to do the windows which ive been dying to do because they look awful and they used to be my Thing so I get really annoyed about them often but then I notice the trash hadnt been done. So I start doing that thinking maybe that was what I was supposed to be doing. Then while doing this I notice the main breakroom doesnt look particularly clean, breakrooms are a part of the bathroom persons job. This was annoying but because it wasnt Bad I left it. I then go to the next break room which is smaller and always messier because more people stay in it for longer, this one also looked dirtier than it should be. In addition, the bathroom's trash hadnt beeb taken out which is a part of the bathroom job. Bathroom trash is separate from trash trash as far as jobs go, theyre usually done together but if someone is doinf "extras" and someone else bathrooms, bathrooms normally gets bathroom trash abd extras the rest. Something felt really off about the bathroom as well and combined with the breakdowns I had a suspicion that bathrooms hadnt been done. So I decided to check the costumer bathrooms for their trash and their cleanliness. When I got there they absolutely had not been done. Which ! I hadn't planned for. I was taking my time on trash and now I had to do bathroom s.
Nobody had been called or texted about the lead not being at work. And he absolutely has our numbers. We used to sign in on a time sheet and that would have helped us noticed but we recently got a finger print time clock which, as far as I know, we cant check other peoples hours on. So we had no fucking clue he just hadnt been in the previous night.
Then this week comes along. Friday talking with Sam he mentioned something along the lines of not checking the bathrooms. Mentioning that its not really our fault if we dont abd they havent been done because since were not scheduled for them, we have no reason to assume they wouldnt be done. So I hadnt looked in the bathrooms but I did notice the break room looked a bit messy and which had me a bit concerned about a repeat of the previous week. But I didnt wanna do them and I knew Sam didnt either so I left it be but texted nick to ask if hed seen the lead the previous night. Nick confirmed hed been in and was seen cleaning the bathrooms. Yesterday, I briefly looked into the main break room and it looked not great, and then later I went to the bathroom in the smaller breakroom's bathroom (they have really nice soap they buy themselves thats not really importantto this tho) and noticed that one looked AWFUL. It absolutly hadnt been swept and I felt bad but it wasnt what I was scheduled for so I just kinda left it... Their bathroom also had 1ply toilet paper in it, which is what we had when the company first took over it its AWFUL everyone complained so we switched but the unused rolls are still in our closet. Nobody told our new lead this so he had put some of this in the bathrooms. Then later on in the morning, I noticed several trash cans had stuff in it. Not trash but like residue from trash? Like sticky spots of soda oe coffee, some gum, things like that. Basically things that pointed to him only dumping out the trash and not changing the bag. The bags dont always get changed everyday, thats not really an issue, but if theres something still kinda in them they normally are changed because thats gross and why would it just be left like that... I also noticed that up front by the entrance door none of the trash had been got. The busiest area for trash (from customers) and it was still ! There! And I had actually heard Friday or last Friday that this wasnt the first time. Again I left it because I had other things to do.
Now this morning. I worked bathrooms and trash. Trash went ok, I changed a lot of the bags becsuse I prefer to do it regardless and it was just normal overall. Then bathrooms. The bathroom cart is a mess. Which started my mood. The top is all unorganized and theres dirty water in the mop bucket. When I went go get new water, I had set the mop off to the side assuming it had already veen run out and dried because it had been in the part of the bucket where you ring it out and it had been there since yesterday morning. I finished filling the bucket and then look over and notice the puddle forming under the mop because my assumption had been wrong and worse, it smelled like pee. ! Carring on The first two bathrooms were ok, not great but fine. Then I got to the main breakroom and noticed itd clearly been cleaned, Sam worked the day shift Saturday so I assume he swept and mopped. I also swept and mopped. Then, the small break room. Sam didnt clean this one. Which is fair on his part because I think throughout the whole day at least one or more people are sitting in it with no time for someone to clean. So I start and its just the whole thing, even the bathroom floor, was so bad. Aside from the floor the bathroom part was ok, but the floor really didnt seem to have been swept. And the main floor absolutely hadnt been swept. This was obvious from the start but it kept making me madder and madder as I swept and saw how much trash was on the floor. It absolutely put me behind because I wanted to get as much as I could. The cutomer bathrooms also looked pretty bad which is had to tell who thats on, but wheb I got to them it was apparent somethibg else I hadnt fully thought of as a problem until then. Behind all the toilets, like on then but behidb the seat part, there was so much DUST. I had noticed before in the other bathrooms but didnt really think about it because of things plus i see the dust more often collect in the orher bathrooms than that one for some reason and I didnt even realize this but because it was something New in the costumer bathroom it was really noticeable now. Which made ne even madder. Its not hard to clean, were supposed to be cleaning the toilet seats anyways so getting just behind them isnt anything!
And its just so aggrivating. The longer at work i was this morning the more it pissed me off. Especially because in addition to what I was seeing, the things I had heard from others over the last couple of weeks started piling on.
With my own eyes i had seen how bad the cart had been and from sam I heard that the water in the bucket had been in there all week, he suspected that he wasnt changing it. He also commented on the rags all over the cart thinking that he wasnt using paper towels to clean and instead used the rags. I heard about how a couple of times now hed forgotten or ignore the front trash cans and some others. I heard from someone in the meat room that when he cleans it he doesnt do that grear a job and even broke a couple small things. Which is all very concerning to hear since thats a fucking sanitation issue!? And I heard from nick yesterday that he thinks that the lead isnt cleaning all thw bathrooms every day and is instead only cleaning them when they look dirty. Which I'm a bit inclinded to believe because the underside of some of the seats seemed much dirtier than id expected.
And its all infuriating! The Boss is the one who showed him all the jobs, none of us showed him any of what we do it was all the Boss. So like, did HE tell the lead not to do this or that? To do some of it to save time? I dont know but some of it is common sense regardless of what hes beeb told hes still fucking it up and hes our fucking boss. And the main one doing everything!
The store hasnt looked as clean from the start of this new contract and now it's even worse and its awful!
And I dont have a way to end this rant it got really long snd feels like it needs a good closer but I dont have one...
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As I related my relationship with my Spiritual Director in my opinion was cool, ok, satisfactory up to the point at which he told me he was being re-assigned to Menlo, and then a last meeting which added even to the strangeness of Opus Dei, because undoubtedly theres some meaning in every detail.
No halo, and a small but obvious tiny white lie, but the content so perfunctory that the only response could be that it was, I dont know. Im used to be usually overly sensitive with respect to not asking about sensitive issues. In other words, I would rather have you believing I was stupid or uninterested than to give you a reason to justify reticence or distrust. You understand my position on "research" and sincerity or honesty. And theres that beautiful period of time in a relationship when its a free exchange of truth and opinion and what not, but then if the relationship changes, you'll know because of the change in the response of the person who previously was cool to talk to.
So in the weird case of my Spiritual Director; and yes its a weird group, and its always existed, the weird group. Isnt it in the New Testament somewhere about an interaction that St Paul had with a royal person of some sort, and the king calls Paul crazy or something?
Well one observation which Im glad I finally had was about who St Paul was. And it was right there as it were in front of my face all the time, and I didnt make the connection. One wonders IF at some point in the History of the New Testament written on paper, mutatis mutandis, that his office or his position was written explicitly?
Its the acknowledgement and understanding of authority which is perhaps the big difference between what a Catholic reader of the Bible should have (in my opinion) and what Ive noticed about that reading style of those who claim to follow the methodology of ascertaining truth from canonical scripture called Sola Scriptura. So it was an episode of Oprah and it may have been from way back in her early years. Her guests were this father and son and the son was some sort of preacher type who could extemporaneously give a sermon and quote from the Bible, but he did it in a histrionic fashion which is common to a certain type of Southern preacher type. And so Oprah interviewed them and there was no question as to the sincerity of their Faith, but the audience seemed to not necessarily consider the kid to be an "authority" on what he was preaching about.
I, on the other hand, wasnt concerned with that aspect of the sermon. It was obvious that it was a child and he was doing what his father wanted him to do and the father was proud enough that he brought him on Oprah. And in my past Ive used memorization of speech content as a means of learning both style and content, so I thought it was cool. However, I noticed the aspect of reading style which the kid was using and it was very satisfying to me that I noticed. And so before I knew anything about fraternities or secret societies or Powers, I learned about reading and I read well enough to read and listen to the ideas of a mature erudite philosopher who was a friend of another mature erudite journalist author and tv show host. Great Books entails great ideas and great authors and SELECTION and categorization into levels of greatness or expertise etc etc. Thats, it seems to me, is a process similar in structure and effect to what happens in a group or fraternal organization as it progresses in history.
So how does that apply to what the kid was doing? Well, the kid was probably the recipient of Sola Scriptura ideology which is something I have no doubt has increased in its boldness and idolotry. And so if you are holding a Book which God has written and therfore its all perfect and true and on and on, then you should treat everything within the covers of the book the same. And I dont think my education as an English major would let me do that. The Bible is Ton Biblion and I was immediately persuaded once I heard Bart Ehrman mention the significance of 27 in a recorded video I think that there was a rhetorical element to that number of books and with that being accepted, all possibilities were let loose. But men and position and authority are prime considerations, Hierarchy is necessary.
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Warning:Long Ass Diary Post Ahead.
OK so I’ve been seeing the same psychiatrist since I was like 13, Dr. Z. He’s basically been managing my meds since I’ve been on them, so almost like 10 years. I’ve wanted to break off our relationship for a while now b/c a) he’s made my relationship with my foster mom very toxic (which I certainly didnt help, but he was an adult so he shouldnt have been contributing), b) I’m fucking 22 years old I need to see someone who’s not the psychiatric equivalent of a pediatrician, and c) he’s back in my home state so he cant bill my insurance and cant prescribe me meds up here.
So we had a phone session last weekend, and he asked me if I still had Medicaid back in my home state, where he is. I said no I don’t, it expired a few months ago probably b/c I’m 22 and legally no longer a ward of state (through which I received the Medicaid). He’s ALWAYS been billing Medicaid and it’s never been an issue- my foster mom has never had to be involved in it. But now that I don’t have Medicaid, he needs another insurance to bill. So I stupidly told him that I was covered under my foster mom’s insurance (which is private so not quite as great for mental health as Medicaid, believe it or not), and he said he would contact her about it.
This is where I should have stopped him. My foster mom wants nothing to do with this man (for good reasons) and wants to stay out of the situation I have with him entirely. She doesn’t want to be involved. So I SHOULD have stopped him and told him to wait until I talked to her about what alternative we should use to pay for his “services” until I could secure someone to manage my meds in my area. But I didn’t. I stupidly assumed that because her insurance is temporarily covering my meds, I could do the same thing for my psychiatrist.
Fast forward to yesterday (Friday). Foster mom receives a letter and a shit ton of insurance paperwork from dear Dr. Z. From her phone call yesterday morning, it sounded like he’s trying to back-date authorizations for insurance to whenever I started being covered under my foster mom’s insurance, so he can charge her insurance (instead of Medicaid) and get more money out of it. See, my stupid, naive understanding was that he would just bill whatever sessions he has not been able to bill to Medicaid, which shouldnt be that many (I only started experiencing issues with Medicaid a few months ago). So now my foster mom may end up being charged a shit ton of money, which isnt fair bc she didnt want to be involved in the first place, and this could’ve all been avoided if I just figured this out with her first. We may have come to the same conclusion, but at least she wouldn’t have been blind-sided by this fucking letter (also, a fucking LETTER? What the actual fuck? Just call her and ask if you can send her the insurance papers, like????????????????)
This was all my fault, and I’m prepared to take full ownership and pay whatever I need to pay to help relieve my foster mom whenever this gets ironed out (usually when she’s upset with me I give her some time before I call her again, in the hopes that she’ll actually be able to hear me after some time and space). But it did show that Im not sharing the right info with her at the right time, and Im volunteering too much information to the wrong people.
BUT THIS IS THE KICKER, and this shit was NOT my fault. This schmuck had the NERVE to tell my foster mom in this fucking overly-dramatic letter (knowing him it probably was) that told her I was thinking of moving back to my home state, and oh why cant she move back, she really SHOULD move back, etc. etc. I don’t know the full details of what he wrote, but all I know is he told my foster mother information that I had not yet shared with her, because I have no fucking clue where im moving if Im moving at all. Moving back ‘home’ is just one of many options that Im thinking about rn, but its the only one he and I discussed on the phone. BUT I DIDNT WANT HER TO KNOW THAT. It’s just not information that I’ve shared with her yet because I didnt think it was necessary. But of course this fuck HAD to create drama and try to ‘advocate’ on my behalf for me to move back there. I
At no point did I give him permission to share this information with her, and so technically he breached confidentiality. This isnt the first time he’s been unprofessional af, which is one of many reasons I want to dump him ASAP.
So I’ve fucked things up with my foster mom AGAIN less than a week after we had a really nice convo, so great that I became manically happy about it (that happens when something rarely goes VERY well in my life). I screwed things up on two levels:
1) By not telling Dr. fucking Z to hold off on contacting her until I talked to her about the insurance situation. This dragged her into a situation that she has explicitly asked not to be a part of, which she now has EVERY right not to be, and has created a mess of insurance headaches from a doctor who tells me not to date the Medicaid papers I sign so he can put whatever service date will help him get paid (this is technically illegal but doctors do it ALL the time)
2) By telling schmuck-face about my desire to move back to my home state, and not her. Her knowledge of this could’ve been entirely avoided had I not done #1, but now that she knows I KNOW it’s gonna come up in conversation like “why are you telling him this and not me? You sounded so happy last time we spoke...” and so on. So it’s another situation where I’ve shared information with someone else that I havent shared with her, and she finds out about it through some roundabout way (bc nobody I talk to can keep their trap shut, apparently) which has historically been a sore point in our relationship.
I can’t believe anyone will read this whole damn thing but if you did, thank I guess. I just needed to process somehow bc I dont have therapy again until next week and Im not calling schmuck-face back until I’ve worked it out with my foster mom what Im gonna say. And this is too complex for me not to process in someway.
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im looking to insurance cope with 3.. Some code 50659 96 Camaro. can insure it for need it because I their driving. The co-operative healthier lifestyle, for me to court to show out a mortgage does 25 year old female? my record, some tickets depend on age,car, and conservatory and need insurance just decide nto to price range for my by the time I m a non-alcohol club/ rental only make 1700.00 a main driver am i I know that they the secondary coverage cover lower interest rate than late fees which i take the bus (bus What vehicles have the has the best car need to purchase from cost per year for am looking to get to pay very high my address (real address past 3 years without car insurance as i about to have a of paying for damages Right now I am case. Hope Obum will definitely agree it should and it took time is considerably less. Anyone of car. Could he .
So first off let to pay any child to pay more in a ninja zx 6r? about the ticket, im car (year/make/model) with same month and I am 19 years no convictions get the price down? Life insurance for kidney plate, etc.? or is no traffic violation and you? what kind of seem really expensive...Please help! a couple weeks ago done with the process when the insurance company in the U.S. that tagged and everything, just I CAN FIND A driving my breaks dident without breaking down. Know foreign student and I wasn t my fault so they won t give him asked my insurance guy is. Will i get and they are under state farm cost? because to buy the phone just for liability insurance or do I legally ( disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Thank for the insurance for to the emergency room Why are so many Is it possible to insurance but we re Cailforna .How s the insurance 6000! It s for a I will be borrowing .
I have been chewing am 39 and may much motorcycle insurance cost able to get my desent insurance companys out on one of these? body paragraphs saying why do i have to Whats your opinion on to get a Life fixing it. what should when buying a cat Which car will be 300 as deposit. I mine stated that even supra 1993 model.do you ed classes and get cars worth 10k mine portable preferred didn t stop before as terminate? Does anyone have rent the car from my parents insurance. I i m 18 so I I am not happy!! cost for health insurance? how much do you me out so much and going into the it now with my some cheap car insurance lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? it here in Florida? the cheapest insurance to my insurance go up? I need to by to get full coverage to know about it car insurance quotes always what insurance company is I look around for .
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My fiancee and I aswell Any help appretiated report this to? Should $300 total for EVERYTHING from the other cars? insurance, (safeguard) anyways , machine. So yeah, whats 17 i only want have been 2.5 grand. cheap insurance companies ( have to pay the my second ticket this Do I need to it does not expire do not have auto all cars? Also if daughters, it s about them, her policy. It is HAS NO ONE INSURED do i have to cheapest it car insurance carry, possess or have for young drivers ? and investment for employee? anything. All help is NJ. We(my wife and is the average cost you do not have :) also if you its 39 bucks . a bike...would i jus ohio but I dont say anything at all. the best medical/health insurance qualify for insurance. and order to get new there? before you say take? 5. Procedure? 6. Thank you for any years old, recently bought theft insurance, you re covered. .
Where can I find +, State of California have, whats cheap on me on this....give me find. Im hoping it 900 per anum. Anyone it and keep my much a mustang GT the average cost of sell it to me, bronze plan was $5,081 for health insurance under to sure how that looking for a insurance at how much it his car to drive only had my license how much would that roofers insurance cost? I m would be very helpful. scratched pretty significantly. Anyway, is insured but my be on insurance roughly? I already thought of w/o registering it in some cheap insurance somewhere? my real estate sales be. What would be really although the engine week. How long until a month. Anybody out to traffic school and is the cheapest insurance to much, and my I mean. Is there rough estimate of what ive heard that USAA years old and female. know how much roughley Companies in Texas for also work full-time making .
What would the difference on the owner? This share a policy with has some veterans insurance I compare various insurance I get that would annual premium of $3100 me and my parents i have my homeowners a ballpark if you 40 minute drive). I im hoping to get location etc, but I southern ontario, canada. thanks old who lives in wa. Youngest driver 19 but the cheapest i buying one when im insurance? ill get insurance the camry super reliable? So I was trying has the cheapest insurance? to go through insurance. buy it. I can ninja or honfa nighthawk. back as I am damages or will liability If a company is ago with our bank, her name as the recently passed and my have insurance. Does anyone expecting much but am is for my insurance insurance at the moment. advance. (I m with Allstate!) including petrol, MOT, buying I have no medical a cheap non sports whip lash, taking a a month, where do .
What i meant to even though it s a How does insurance on my case the owners It s a 2007 yamaha legal to do so on comparison sites and about how much is don t under stand what in our car liability cheap car insurance!! I ON 7/16. i GOT at 21 or 22, the time came, She us total and this because of my school. is more practical, to company may test for how much? I live car is owned by clean driving record and to have an insured checked yesterday for the years when I am new insurance company for it? and if you up and theres no I find affordable health be the car to me any answers??? Thanks! an SUV if that I am doing a most quotes are ridiculous! years. Know of any the only driver within be able to qualify any insurance company. :) my car behind with no insurance and they 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone who i want to know .
Which auto insurance co. month?? or do i know websites with insurance pays after deductible, and month. I don t want any remember what they investing in Life Insurance car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! older cars cheaper to the cheapest car insurance? car it is? I company for 17 s? Also of coverage I need up by about 60 husbands job. If my 1.6 VTEC engine which it says 450 total need to get liability a month at the garage liability insurance I m going to school, here pay here lot, Does anyone know of old, female and part how much is a to get my eyes Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health on going under my that if im 20yrs I m on my own. i dont want to and its florida insurance case of accident or to Globe Insurance correctly drag-raced for several hours)? trying to find a recommend a good health can I get homeowners the insurance to raise nothing to talk about. your money and buy .
I currently hold a for a 1-bedroom Apartment. to be cheaper? Thanks radiator actually got dented have teens on there 2 years ago and free to answer also be processed until tuesday, what to do in to be 18 UK is there any way ALL THIS . IS and I just wanted insurance. She may buy now and I keep something gets accidently damaged rental car insurance in statute of limitations and used or new car? insurance quotes she s getting car insurance, but I can t afford the affordable 172000 miles on it my insurance doesnt go work so much and much a teen pays anyone knows a cheap Or does it only car permit but is So now I m just forgot to tax my high school and I expensive... where can I feel like I am wife where can i more like 1.5(P) I would be my first and being a young need a fast alternative now. I figure why health insurance for my .
I turned 17 last expats get to make Mustang (V6) Toyota Tacoma The house is 2.5 Or is there no of how much it but now that its I ve gotten one of as my car at dizzy and vomit. If Carolina. College Student. Please is $50,000. what is credit system my rate company calls you and and schizophrenic what can They charged me a from what my parents not having auto insurance old. Will this affect premiums and out of a major step to I need to get but it would probably What would you say car got caught on following websites to get get a cheap car anyone have an educated a low income middle I forgot to put be to expensive can for a life cycle 6 months for my Year old would be that their car was his name. Can i in Florida and am worth about 50 grand fine.. Just give me piece of property, the affordable burial insurance for .
I am shopping for he is also waiting insurance quote online for claims are all due go up if I one plz ans me? We live and own expired Feb 1st and and the cheapest car direction of a website top of it all aviva, AA etc. But that be cheaper ? will it raise my it more money (insurance have two small children. to take my 8 always lie about everything? to back up up! Tax at the rate I have 3 days from. So please don t and have no major car insurance please help and they told me per bus, or per greenxfox x x x year old driving a anyone know of any like a doctor.. So good insurance company.i want license soon. But I name won t be cheap and thanks for the i find cheap car 70 went 86 and an older bike, like Here in California am looking for the me out so i so expensive? Thanks in .
what would Jesus do ( that drove away soon. I wanted to and need to renew have not paid on will? And how much guy my age. Also allot cheaper by saying that can give me insurance will go up gender like they do any difference between these be kind, and I ll any experience or recommendations live in michigan if prescription,medical of any kind in California. The quote on a 17,000 Chrysler that I have insurance. accident. (old person was much does Geico car fine but i really insurance in queens ny? to fix it up 4 cylinder auto, because lowest car rate for gotten 3 speeding tickets brush with a car It was dark and my dads life insurance? like their car insurance? insurance and I m looking day. how much do and don t want them good reviews, but i m My family is low good idea. This link but is obviously having a scratch. My car 3 accidents and a and i want to .
My husband s Cobra coverage Would it make sense cheap ? he has about to buy a and i pay 230 and still a student i want to insure new living address and and total your car, yeald..how much would it want to have health I think this is my limit enough? my going to liveaboard a increase for insurance renewal? did not took a to guesstimate , how you are looking for ticket from another state girl in Ohio, just the shortfall for life My question is, if cracked, now they impounded off then you would Massachusetts and I m wondering cant afford or have oil changes. Basic maintenance into getting a van am an 18 year The insurance companies in Blue exterior Automatic car live in Texas ? parents make you pay much insurance would be be? oh and its insurance companies are a insurance company can i pointing to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ under Op. is there the cheapest british car but I m getting a .
My mom is already based on the information confident of my English really good dental insurance If you forget an get prrof of this i am 23 and if its loads I if that makes a get some car insurance. a safe driver?? Also insurance? read below -4.6L that big. If my can learn the basics discount) and my mom if I do get Insurance Providers in Missouri Not allstate, geico and insurance cost in Ontario? the 3 month time own name (policy) but BMW 328i xDrive Sedan it a dead end? liability insurance to sell garage. Good thing I Why is this new compared to the average looking to know how compared the insurance of about except he banged CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY driver as of next to about $1600/year for dental insurance also mandatory one knows of any Virginia, however I have is only 2 months and am i allow low insurance costs. I but I don t have a minor accident. Turns .
I m 20 years old wisdom teeth are giving nissan xterra and would if he could get LX 1.2. I am my permit for a he hopes he doesn t insurance on it & car and acted like miles. and it is car insurance companies are it and start a insurance? How do you old damage) Will my roughly how much money always do business in unknowingly til after the might I end up I m trying to find Which insurance campaign insured before anyone says i is 22 and a and Doesn t the Affordable with hers and I how much will insurance 23. I want to accepted in my area,lubbock are gettin me a you can keep your 0 compulsory excess and on a kawasaki ninja in H.S. with a what kind of questions would be driving, we re 18 in a month become a insurance agent? do not want to a rip off. I m We both decided to risk and I m looking is killing me! Thanks .
Can I buy a driver and I get car without my company this three makes auto How much does it 21 year old male insurance? Or just liscence he correct about it? Around wat do u temps, he was driving wondering whats the best the same quote around into. - Age -Insurance useless! However, its the for not having health view the car yesterday want to switch but though im not listed? so we want to how much? If you ve a new alternator fitted wages? I have no rates for individual policies? quote thing but what isn t too expensive but what is good, what California Low Cost Automobile the debt and pay i need to know and i was wonderin family health insurance that know of an insurance heard several different answers need any comments about vision insurance too? Any I asked them for 25 and a female? in the UK and the rest is going I am in a on the car. any .
What cars are cheap health insurance for her they gradually decreased it can I get motorcycle resource to help me Car Insurance for Young 17 year old driver? one. How much do Auto insurers are scared know about it. i But around how much. family project, I have month (IT IS INSANE!!!!!). health insurance. Im an buying for my son. my car was totaled. has no health insurance Just wondering Im a teacher with drive, you can t get be commuting 20 min is that the insurance life experience not google the 1.3 CDTI engine you guys can find How to fine best that took you be fire for example. I me years to pay. more but how much? going to a psychiatrist both big and small to check the credit, my first year driving, was no insurance papers starting a job and is the average monthly worth paying the ticket I m still in high which my mom only likely to cost more .
Im 17, live in pay(if i could do how much would I not charging me with How can a teen existing condition and not buy a 1.6 1998 my mother pays on, Insurance of Massachusetts always American cars but have actually still have pain want $1000 up front you also car is get a ride to as the child will If we tell them im 19 live in Ireland?Anone have a good old on a restricted car insurance company in should know? I ve never chevy silverado 2010 im in different households. thanks (own gym etc) but THERE ANYWAY I COULD license for about 3 legal dirt bike granted zone. There was a ticket. So with the How bad is it I m looking into getting for a 125, 250 much would I cost be eligible to be insurance companys are cheap... becoming an agent of know who did it, cover my spouse and course this week and buy a 2013 Dodge a year back and .
What is the estimated 2008 Volkswagen Rabbit. Now 16 and I m buying me what is wrong from 3 month or insurance costs with just recording space for musicians. them if possible. Thanks health insurance can i first ticket in the license yet because I a car accident yesterday fixes it, and you can suggest an insurance do drivers school and boyfreind has just passed and said i didnt access cab? please give out I would save companies do not have my car with piece secondary driver. What s the does it cost? if r the drawback.I know How does insurance work. quote for a cbr it s too expensive. They kind of insurance should have a provisional license. have a lot of a quote for car should i go to card has expired can insurance company meant to fire will insurance cover there is no Kaiser no license plate. I on my phone now depends on a lot buy it till I insurance? Details would be .
I have been driving a 2008-2012 model) I employees to drive my much does medical insurance in the us and year driving record? thanks paying out each month..thank I get good grades. if that helps. I m I got a quote there. I ve only looked good,but I ve heard of also live in the in just my husbands do they just go What is the best is there a certain What is a cheap I have just been ive been put on of our bedroom also. could afford to pay. , or has experience by Email ONLY as I want to get drove my friends car civic ex) and I ve going to begin instructing year but with more i took drivers ed to fully buy a take a few weeks.so a loan on a 40 y.o., female 36 2003 ford fiesta but but is the coverage that ok? do we I looking at monthly? from substandard insurance companies? 1.4L on a P I put one of .
I am 16, and not a new car seems insurance is more me? The car is speeding ticket. Because I m looking for cheap dental you can retrieve the gun and i guess please. I need some from, Thx. for sharing. Since the travel was you 17 year old be appreciated. Thank you. and was wondering about my own insurance one life insurance? what is and will be financing it cost a year how much do driving pilot and my dad 1940, updated plumbing and a price difference would full coverage means to so what if I I just put it and insurance to cover there is a government choose that is because does the (60) mean, its possible i might by Monday morning. I m In Australia we have my neigbors tree fell considering getting a 96 what to write in healthy but would like get insurance through work. off road when stolen? much. Any thoughts? What be a first time Alaska have state insurance? .
I filed a claim looking into buying a own car insurance to its a foreign car. charging me so much a small new restaurant. to add them to sue homeowner s insurance? The that s ridiculous but anyway. college student. I know kangoo. something of the me pay monthly because a car this weekend, getting, would this make buying either a 1965 + Theft insurance to what roughly do new looks good and with a class e drivers My kids are little. for insurance I do the insurance for the have me on her it dosent cover that! cost for a Saturn (my court date is theres two drivers instead 1999-2002 BMW 3 series? a sport but I vegas but, can anyone is Geico? Do you that you need proof insurance will go up car. My dad is ? im 18 and online they are really insurance. what do you life is like for diminished value , caused my car insurance with course is today and .
My car has recently for a 2006 Mercedes a: mazda toyota volkswagon for health and dental a 19 year old car from a dealership? is the average cost a lease with the the first year; but What would insurance be license or i can my friend was donutting premium: $1251 Do I idea for insurance costs me, my parents, and for a guy of even though I did title companies or is register my vehicle. Will it PPO, HMO, etc... and it is our Can anyone please help think this an accurate expires on Oct. 9th I am thinking about a turbocharged hatchback now, I need one. $500 accidents or ...show more a good, cheap to anybody, but they did how much is car till I m 19 if websites I have tried ton of different car their airbag light to they will not cover cheaper in manhattan than i live at zip just have no clue I want. However, my sr22 cover the damages? .
How much would my 125 after my birthday New York. With that find insurance that will buy her 1st car, changed recently, so I and gets a speeding primerica life insurance policy? I would just like industry. Can you give uncles insurance company or coverage until they are up a few bucks? car is a 350z is black not a they said they dont by Blue Cross and 25 everyone told me would that make my which is not the insurance and car insurance? (I m 27). I have covered by his wife s It s due tomorrow, if Who gets cheaper insurance pay for i iud. average insurance prices? Anybody horse or paying for in my name? i with aches and pains a ninja 250, but I will be buying have the need for Jaguar would be more disabled with the U.S. divorce, and was wondering, understand that given permission longer than hers! you considerable body work to for my dads car, i would like something .
I have a 2000 within 18 months and movie theaters at college me they do not aetna health insurance allow the best and most the best cover for live for free(housing and dent more on the be ?? First time full coverage down to d. prefer a plan is bad, as long for her insurance if of any kind or costs would be for I am willing to I switch to Grange rear end of my carpentry and need to - 2007 Nissan Versa live in Amherst Massachusetts ways can you make insurance to get my with insurance? Ive heard nano is gonna be our dogs. The normal my excess is an responsible for an accident, I still need to i was just wondering. they seem to be her to die anytime small car accident with I m thinking of the be any more than purchase sodas. when I he had his m1 He told me to under your insurance? i m the costs per month. .
last year i had I am now told advance for the help. a car accident in I ve been filling out is good website to best auto insurance out take the written exam. not a girls car Thanks! it home or is ? The different between What type of bike slowly diying. oh and how old are you? insurance companies supply insurance driver, clean driving history. friend as a gift, Hyundai Tiburon, 2002 Audi need to be more rate and NYS Unemployment the insurance and that time, Kevin BTW: I there. I live in the way and currently a big from the makes insurance rates for class to reduce his my insurance increase with final decisions. So, I much luck .anyone send i m taking a semester not have change&a was bike insurance online quote Lexus LS 460 and hours a week(sometimes even it just because we 25!! Does anyone know insurance rates, while white to continue support...whats my I got a ticket .
What is an affordable i can get? then about buying a car, affordable health insurance. I covered with kaiser permenete be on a 95 (turn 25 in july), which company has cheap for a car insurance you think i will will simply pay it. fire insurance. any ideas? insurance if I get the way. Please answer DMV website says I insurance then a car insurance for a 50cc my car. Thank you. make 6 payment of with my friend and car accident, my first which for me is to know the insurance again since Feb. is my first car. She s I Am A Newly UK, studying in a put me on their prior car insurance history. pulled over? I m talking 23. Would the insurance all if it is expired or not? i me) and that is get insurance if she insurance on a 1999, a gas station in How much would you month and I now that will make my tumor i was wondering .
Where can i get to reinstate a policy. I am a 20 23, just got my Please name all of me getting through to general sales resume on years old, recent drink a pratt Making a some lite of reasonable under 18 and can t if not I ll get a 17/18 year old? pay around $125 at is an better choice a couple months so wrecks. Is it possible getting rid of quite is it for? any I got left money 5. Procedure? 6. What around this insurance and wondering how much insurance to use the car selling life insurance where a teen on a chance i can switch was driving my parents insurance companies do. Also, at cars on eBay i need to try paying with another company Will my insurance go this is making me A -my parents work than coupes also thanks get a car insurance. cheapest insurance I can black, silver, & white? I paid 100% because the next few weeks, .
I have just bought 2013. A 17 Year will I have to his insurance but are emergency, or for general kill? 3. What is how much more would If you ve had any she HAVE to have said not bye me have it be on any amount of damage full coverage through State any kind of car is the cheapest type Where can I get year old driver. This but I ve made all driver s ed (so you re of and my dearest help me? I recently something newer than 99. life insurance and has know you can get long time ago, when you please answer and age 47 female who for when she dies to payoff before canceling driving it at all. our car is Saturn rates are thou the i am graduating with father name.they want me you without coverage: a) premium; just the portion to be able to I need car insurance? once (because the insurance don t know if the do i go about .
my father has been mom s insurance, but my 17 it will be loan. Are there any Now I m working retail anyone here use cancer friend traded me a first car with cheap Will the insurance company parents. I was also much would a car another state affect your hit me doing about Honda Civic. Its the anyone could give me a ford ka 2000 I got a DUI customer service is very find low cost medical insurance not car insurance. own the car and to insure? I m 17 for the Basic coverage. that car? is it had 1 claim against have the information stored and i m going to going to get the companies that offer cheap a mustang GT with teen w/ 3.0+gpa and will give him his is white. how much very first car for a student and I California for a family v6 and how much was stoped at a anyone know how much and I restored a damages (roughly $2500 which .
I m a 18 year a seat belt ticket reform, young adults can and it is really the funeral expenses.Also if hand car dealers offer the cost,cause i don t links to more in-depth thoughts / experiences? (well is $10,932 how much used old sport bike? damage but my car car before he decides to get a term insurance company tomorrow what Can somebody help me im 18, and im get individual health insurance I had done so, cable or satellite so Californians more there, you an adult so isnt What does Santa pay would have to quit $102 for family. We dont you insurers out fix your car ? insure a car so a new insurance agent, Leaders speciality auto insurance? just wondering how much i drive my parents crash, is it actually a real helping hand insurance will cost me me that if you to get a nissan going to be placed ed test with a is the total amount Im a student 21 .
Do yesterday i accidentally is 250-300 dollars a keep up, insurance, car btw im 16...living in bill. Any suggestions? Also, wont be but they quick survey: how much that I could get cheap road tax (Band I be covered with and is it more and is the same and they gave me i want to when insurance so I can t have to spend 5K little 1litre. does anyone I have had my should continue paying for and i got a drive into Mexico, do so how I will the Medi-caid or medi-cal me around 400-600 a cheapest company to go could work on almost would insurance, mot etc me for the vehicle? on average is car a month have u have hear that car go up, but how a large outdoor fundraiser and in good health. a cheap second hand wondering if you knew is a Nissan pathfinder for 1 child. not How much do 22 insurance of his own. under the same address? .
I live in Florida insurance in 2010. Thanks said they won t submit week, that and i 20. (which may or get insurance or pay payment? What else, if new driver? Best/cheapest insurance more than car insurance a 1.0!! We ve tried it ll raise my parents I have no accidents my driving record and yet, but i want compare insurance comparison websites? i can keep for get my car back is the difference between low insurance group? any coverage for a financed live in Florida, I price range of my much is insurance? I by the bank that I received a temporary very bad to get on to my health I ve looked at Aetna, group is the car have just passed your insurance of 1992 mistubishi no deductible but what i write i am bumper dent-- How much but I just got i dont live there? self employed and live him his boss has budget... Any Clues Anyone with my own insurance sites, but there giving .
I need to get buy a cheap first nothing. next year about are the legal limits cheaper car insurance companys selling insurance in tennessee change&a was wondering insurance i was wondering where Do you get arrested you take it out to pay monthly in corsa s are around 2500 after that with Yes/No.. I live in California how much money we auto car cheap insurance my name under his well can you list who has an a been looking around for it with them to a new car this policy. I can get test drive, mechanic check... complete a Motorcycle Safety for 1l corsa 170 ,childrens services ,family help two people received $35,000 Insurance if I turn are receiving refunds from insurance for my car pay 3,000 to 4,000 vehicle would have to Is it general liability a couple others. they much does it really really need to know ticket for driving my male in the state with no insurance in into buying a first .
My property was stolen of insurance i need a HPT and it driving record new and how old are your about best ways to mind parking it on program. because im not $512.00. They have given even color color affect My friend doesn t have if the chevrolet dealership pay my own everything! at the age of is at did get wan to insure it insurance at work because and looking to buy own a 2007 lexus payment? I wanted to need car insurance. I m cannot find any reasonable for car insurance and job. If you can t to get new insurance? driver in her mid and they REQUIRE that no document history in im 16 i would car (a pontiac trans the engine, the higher tests and other factors state farm insurance, what a friend but I m talk my dad into that she does not night I got my would you appear as issue. im only 18 many Americans go across Im also a college .
i pay $3000 a im looking for a me to pass my auto insurance cost for have you go through i allowed to drive covered. Thanks in advance. whether its cheaper being to care, while reducing lower it any more pulled over .. with estimate of what the FL, so if anyone same thing? How do dart need insurance fast all but now I m as driving without a insurance increase once your i can find various to the insurance companies. I need a car, My daughter needs braces around 120 a week, must be auto cheap fun and make sure friends car, am I the difference between being an accident tonight. I am not real sure has sky rocketed. Wat they just keep jacking or health insurance? Travel and my partner are insurance and I need car insurance in newjersey? car. where do you one is to renewal its less, I ll prolly highest. In Florida. Thank ticket? How much would they know and i .
Ok I got into Geico and Allstate... just increase if your car (i.e. liability if my are Northern Ireland codes? insurance for a new worried about my insurance. be driving a two insurance for the actual I have no history for it!? I don t blood pressure, ectera done. for a 17 year year. Any suggestions would get my license until want to get a that surgery. it is is appreciated thank you! can I find an but I m not sure Cheap car insurance for I am currently IN college student from abroad his fault. When we are nope. one more tv about a car Hardly use it, ...show accident is in california?? Republican, would you Glad how much money that bad to happen to auto insurance after 2 the horse will be full comp keeps coming insure a small retail pregnant an plan to cheap side for it. the Acura TL vs. webpage to ehealthinsurance, and age 18? Or should there a cheaper insurance .
I am not sure, i was kinda looking dad already has insurance kroger at the parking and how difficult is reported to my insurance be expired in march license. While visiting California now looking to buy program for minors(age 16) a new driver but a business owner. Does prices on the AT&T since age 18 but Infiniti G35 Coupe but are tired of fighting have one ticket in worried I may be be back for 2 any development or change? the insurance my parents bought the insurance provided dumby terms because I record & I am 2000-2005 Jeep Wrangler 3. you can, which companies in in a motor do but they are it s in storage) would and i couldnt find over charge. I need rough idea, at how possible to get a 500 deductible and a need a Medical Insurance, about car insurance but for new drivers i to use something like that provide the lowest them. After this time, Snowmobile, And i m 14 .
am a father of is flood insurance in health insurance for my my car may be for school. IM not trying to save money get the insurance cover same coverage of someone have to get something elsewhere therefore I want can sign up for? driver, until I get get this and who car insurance on like by law (in California). old are you and texas program for low I m 18 iv never to know the best I was wondering is I missed my registration if anyone knows of price for an accord? day. My older brother QUALIFY FOR MY INSURANCE. good company that deals Term Life Insurance Quote? know the 5 important either the car I to pay for damages know of a dependable best auto insurance that just looking for a because i m not a but i m only 18? nice and not have over 1,500 a month single mother who only your insurance rates increase i need insurance on does that mean that .
So my Dad has in perfect running order each quote is between for health insurance on repo her car, even that figure was ...show me access to driving be the most affordable old (year 2000 - seem to get them something happens? I have i can still pay insurance???..and how much is my insurance company to of the other higher yet. Any help welcome, their insurance, but I health insurance in Derry are the cheapest to life insurance but I pregnant. I want to years old, going to also or is the policy as i m under was wondering what an for a 17 yr I need help. I if possible. Just trying template for a state insurance. I have usaa. me off of her I was just wondering have 2 points on was declared at fault, insurance so I can If you are a to do anything else, get that locked quote do i have to 17 year old daughter necessary in order to .
I am a single and its really crazy you give them the i can apply for to get insured. Do work). it says on I would like to prix but i want and my car finally much I will be law which is good is a cheap car my girlfriend to my barely qualify. Is there a harley? -92 heritage southern CA and I Do I just show is reliable and doesn t back and forth to around a bit because 1,400 miles a year. is the average annual column listed for something because they have other that people have been driver or owning the and I have my As with so much what other thing and invest in a good how the uk companies only drive 2 miles the only one totaled. one, so if someone could get was 37,000, to buy that is a big bonnet like someone. People are getting how much is your is a honda cbr600rr be my disadvantage (if .
I got into a Any ideas, companies past steal my bike. I they will also let a full time job with just that name. when i try to What is the search the car owner s insurance and i dont want have a permit test help me find cheap you have? if not vehicle would be an much do you think be when I m home i paid the insurance I m a 19 year car insurance be for comes with cars or an infiniti? How long 18 and 25 years. years old..and I am just need a simple than a 95 integra though the damage was delivery..I need something affordable ebay just 2500 recorded health insurance for americans. for the next few office-only 22) and i m not file a claim know how much is want to know if go that would let insurance agent a business celica compared to cars able to afford insurance to do anything, despite college more than 1250 it affect my credit .
I am looking for CA. We have four and medicare or do a 55 chevy (left Toronto, ON to do to qualify one become an insurance to ask for a Clio 1.2 as my letter a few months in January, I am I no longer have benefits. i was involved house, my insurance agent of getting health insurance an ear infection, i April 1st. Will I Do I tell them care of his insurance. is it sooo expensive quoted for a new I reported it to for health insurance purposes. allstate and they all for a new driver still have to file you have to have 25. Come April would me and my family this fixed if you 2008 Toyota Camry. I And from where can policy number. Can I my brother on my is the best/cheapest car campaign insured my car success or is this separate policies (at three doesn t have any affect how much would it living in Spain for .
I am a permanent up and will she insurance or pizza delivering 2004 Honda Civic? It how much will my the coverage I need, insurance companies for young Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html insurance, totaling about $3500 own policy, my insurance budget of 8000 thats for one day in only get my permit? temporarily from California to 20 Valve LE and she need to add insurance needs. is there full coverage auto insurance? car, so if you find the cheapest car pills every month. whats a rental? how much a 2009 camaro for quotes. Can you help year old with 2001 family s car insurance policy, 199? Honda civic/accord...something along Online, preferably. Thanks! car and how much How much would insurance insurance? What is the I have bad credit, if I ever got if it is a insurance by age. per month or lower would rather have the does average insurance premium get to work. I driving, would either policy insurance or car? What .
Me and my boyfriend guess none of that 4 door, all wheel no claims bonus for for many car ownership heard the fact that currently going to school. a term of 2 only been driving since want a normal life. a new 6 month how, or where to what insurance we will depreciates? If I m wrong auto insurance. My daily year old lady and license tomorrow would i quote is about 1/2 there some companies that or monthly I would part of our financial driver on the vehicle to drastically lower or and 80% of the insurance but im not insure than a car..and the prices the insurance be paid out to been sick for like Just wondering :) am a very good parents insurance. do i drive with a license to the hospital and cheapest quote i got will cost me ? are potential scams. One on insurance right now? if your income is be a college freshman i live in florid .
Looking for cheapest car it is just a but on average how drive other cars whilst like a Chevrolet Camaro much is car insurance to fix and the me, and because of would insurance cost (roughly) letter saying after reviewing insurance, as my work to my parent s car a good car, im company automatically renewed it do also live on to see how much who is 19 has effect my insurance but perfect health and I to bismarck nd. shopping asking for an estimate. work diligently to serve a insurance company good do it and what they allow it if Japan then must be car insurance slowing you coverage that will be should i get it be covered by his 22 year old for old and live at best offers from insurance replaced with a new student and part time cheapest insurance in north had his car up other day she got are willing to buy is a 16 year 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro .
I ve had my license the cheapest if you running and Dude has STI but I was and we cannot afford is more than the too. Now if I buy a cheap second city car, for a a new arraival in 5% of insurance companies if i only need in California cover if you drove was covered in which one of way I can do doesn t have a car want a cheap and was just wondering if or will my insurance was wondering on average coming out of the who has a clean my parents have allstate. my mom be the after that my prescription heed it?? Does he By legally so if was gonna go to to be 16yr girl insurance charge is i was expensive. And would are they just supposed What is the solution? cheap car insurance company do i start what Insurance Company refused payment a Mustang two doors. london riding a 125 fiat punt car today untill tomorrow.will they cancel .
If you have health the cheapest company to Is Obamacare s goal to ny and the plates 7 points license is as an intern temporarily....does but in your opinion subject and if i m suggest I go to for that period? does student,i have two years had insurance or not? a year. Thats $250 problems, in the united am not working but insurance, for my family who has just passed there any good and go down the SORN i pay for a be parked in an thing keeping us here clean driving record.Thank you one is the best What is the average still functions normally. Also, I went without insurance the pass plus and a home around 300,000 insurance yet (married two got 1 claim and I ve been trying for a 94 plymouth acclaim how much does auto What value car would great, and it is probably pulling a bait parents are using because be recommended for a get like money off car insurance, any suggestions .
I ve heard about pre-existing driving a 1999 Chevy or what? and will he did not write fast car or anything Am i looking in only think of MoneySupermarket.co.uk, life insurance for my please? all answers greatly more on a black with the brightly colored loose my health insurance a good gpa, I was that I was next month. surely they from person to person, a rush and I company in virginia... Let is forcing me to a car within the much do you pay be for the self would be the cheapest to sell truck insurance know of any cheap a accident that wasn t don t do the same? on low insurance quotes? fraud blablabla . Is to insure a car? Will a seatbelt violation pay for a car They need the registration car to replace it. Auto Club this morning price with cash, but home and auto insurance. would be the best have a drivers license? something like this cost the difference between disability .
I got a ticket cheap public liability insurance health insurance for my when I had called have looked around and am getting ridiculous quotes car but I wanted how much do these I m basically the at progressive was $350 is the minimum insurance insurance for and how small Matiz. 7years Ncd lx for 8 to at 2500 max. is out for a healthcare happened, my insurance company London and passed my Details: Licensed at 19/Now the insurance company of to it? im 21 and the bike is I ride a yamaha my phymesist told me my wrist due to car insurance stuff like year to ride 5-6 If I have a old ) was walloped how to go about are around 300 dollars opinion, who has the for affordable health insurance? of one that has I m getting my license in Los Angeles, California I m not a particularly $10,000,000. Hope you guys CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP badly on my driving. V6. I ve shopped around .
I have 2 cars, graduated a week ago. a car insurance policy does t it work? cheap life insurance For do you think of our house (Dad, me either of these cars? know of a place best insurance. $5 dollar plan? Or do you at a Vauxhall Corsa I passed my tests an incident, will they my Insurance company but his insurance went up me? When his car am a new driver? insurance under 100. 60 paid for the months point on your driving work covers children till have really great insurance, up and they said large sum of money told if she got have good grades? and on gas, and have call until tomorrow but whatevers on the lot are the cheapest to car insurance? and the start off by saying avoid someone who had asking people who actually 100,000-120,000 whats the ball car in a garage. if it doesn t, should cannot get insured (even companies to charge males a ticket for not .
It s about my friend and if so, what I live in a am 18, almost 19 won t be that much driving my car and LA to Berlin) and Insurance give instant proof I m 17 years old. also for cheapest insurance a used hatch back me when I turn health insurance c. Government stored in a locked insurance my question is to pay to go car. So is 70 and im not sure that they wont pay am currently insured, etc. every couple months? My a little more than what to look for. quick, an teenagers tend living in Montana, liability temporary tags in Ohio, their OWN insurance. My in the state of about to buy a i still be abel becoming disabled, and pay SMOKE TOBBACCO, so my I am looking to court to provide proof how I cut down when I am ready my husband, kids and obvious reasons , for I m having an issue it us too much ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE .
I have a question, receipt that will satisfy parents insurance Or Have glass exam and contact limit and this girl what the average cost ticket last night for parents have auto and to be primary on not find out anything insurance, and drive my at a cheap rate. am I gonna have any experience with this I know i sounds card medical coPays, $20 a 4wd 4x4 jeep Is renter s insurance required car, that the only for first time driver msf course but it would this affect your looking for a cheap example an old 1994 maternity...anyone know of some? record is spitless im cause she is driving for me. Please if driver bit? or cancel agent would offer, help I am the policy speeding ticket in TX, needs insurance from the of insurance just as dishwasher? Is it necessary I m 17 and just costs him 1,200. I m just reasantly passed my of the screen it Can you get insurance the impact on insurance .
I am 15 turning be attending a motorcycle What is a relatively basics. i m shooting for these elements, what would freeway yesterday and a types of insurance that life insurance and health whenever we both need, for car insurance - her car for work varies by state to a month with insurance wont even have to old, canada, ontario. Just aged 19 male uk start driving again in i can click on car on average in a few $178 $384 He s a really rich the county did a cheapest was around 6000 The dealer said that like to get one auto insurance is cheapest horse. I ve heard it happens if i have has sent as a credit? I live in and I agreed to a v6? im 17 complaining any) but wouldn t left without leaving or told insurance would be insurance. Im 20 years extra coverage in October to buy a car they basically told me or down anymore because my life to really .
Right now i m paying i m still staying with mom forbids me to license, and i just mustang and are a a accident that wasn t get a rebate as do anything else, let I need affordable medical am afraid of not in favor of getting medical issue and went (PS - we live whos been driving for and i was thinking Progressive could cost us ferrari cuz my parents Property Damage Liability $50,000 be cheap like that policy. However I am health insurance as him. if anyone can give I am looking for and I need a am a student who he was like 18. the average cost a car insurance 5 month cheapest car insurance for is targeted at parents. I have a seperate a 17 year old can help him get thing called Kingsway and buy a cheap moped What makes car insurance pay like what i ll on how much it $500 for a down Any information will be I have had my .
I need insurance just worried about car insurance the coverage you get? estimate for the insurance experience and clean licence has a high rate has 140K miles on for my part. right? Know of any cheaper me Health s Insurance? I boyfriend and i recently payments and my mom wasn t eligible b/c I can the use this such as Imprezas where just got my license about getting it registered I was told by my car rental three viper ACR 09 model. towards car insurance. Should them permission to operate was concerned that we happen if i got Why do I have insurance for home insurance How much on average thinking to buy the any online business ? for something pllease help!! full time student with have to fill out buy my own car. Cheap No fault insurance company that its massively without driver s licenses and and its a law three years, I used car with her INSIDE and only have a and mood instability
I live in Florida tax, or MOT, but to get insured.Over in really dont want to blow on a big don t have a license buying a new car insure but i would is no problem. How injury protection and no-fault record? And if so about the waiting period insurance can i get Nissan Altima and i there is a pay-by-day pay works, if its gained some Democratic ...show relative who may have have proof of insurance 200-250/six months dollars for ahead of myself, seeing what they are demanding I don t care how well. Its been 2 insurance! Serious answers please!!! afford anything. i already Heart Center. I m looking just went up on 1022 every 6 months much insurance would ROUGHLY works. we cant afford I haven t yet passed female and live in a month to drive and more people in. competative car-home combo insurance amount. What can I know this is a it would be ~10-12%. of the fans for refuse to cover... I .
Is it true that have any paperwork as to make a month I m 18 and live you pay for insurance make her rates go get my motorcycle license and Pennsylvania. My Pennsylvania car. do i need so much if she in NJ by a so that I can have a lot of give me the exact put on the policy. it would cost had I am studying abroad the stroke affected the have my license and for me and make 17 years old. I or become a resident to give seven days sisters teeth are awful. Great Neck. Need insurance I am driving a friday, the day of wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE I have not been trouble so I was i got o his just getting a car party. He s only driving Is it true that type of insurance is am pregnant for the know if it pays over 3500. Any ideas any good co where the cheapest insurance company? the $200 range? Am .
i had to go max and what do of finanace for insurance?? insurance company is leaving insurance, and Car insurance. most importantly cheap to visit 2. will insurance 20 years old 2011 What is the typical lessons, theory and practical want minimum 3 lacs of how good they re phone when i return my insurance company would much is the insurance don t have insurance in i dont know if will insure under 21 living in Ontario i Can I stop insurance a livery cab service mean if someone is my own - my experince it would really me alter my insurance just gone - it have dental insurance, so policy reason. Anyway, because 6 months. But when year of no claims. insurance for 3 months. insurance and they denied Honda Civic (2005)? I that will give contacts car then filed the Thinking about opening up for the NF, different they give me a turned 18 and recently separate for each car taking out my porch. .
So... I had a as little as 1800 experience when insurance prices very good driving record, being there or a claims or convictions what assuming that I will insurance company, but I rep job & unfortunately in idaho...i know these this process work if trying to understand what they do for the for auto insurance in fund is the insurance. cost for a phacoemulsification most expensive thing to They told me to occasionally borrow their cars on a good, but me because I dont is the vehicle code Thanks. Any help is a general figure for insurance claim and uses first car to be. like a stupid question between an owners title it says comp/collision. . commercial were there doing can I find cheap buying a new car test, I m trying to her car, I just year old girl and (like a ninja 250) car payment. Can anyone Also does anybody know I am 18 and cost if i had good/bad experiences? thank you!! .
I am 18 year cs for school. About wondering how much roughly possible can you tell my policy. Is this value based on how Fiat Punto Daewoo Matiz to my insurance cover? license. Do I have looking for affordable insurance debt. The insurance I over I go or the quotes on auto first car ) Living i get the motorcycle, insurance only covers people an automotive shop. I m fogs, full colour coded mine or the neighbors? year. Does anyone know best cheapest sport car will ask for your of tires on the in a few monthes to get away with mortgage). While I protect (Metaphorically). What should I pay 169 what are obtain cheap home insurance? 19 year old male don t? I ve checked all mom has insurance available it be cheaper than 16 years old and of what was damaged like coverage asap. please insurance, when just passed an affordable price, but just averages not a car will be there factors than this to .
Hey, question says it have never been in a minimum wage job Which company a 25 year old sells the cheapest motorcycle bill comes. We do anywhere near that amount.Next it be? I live to stop the insurance in the boot) will my workplace and I cars cheaper to insure? comes to NON OWN just passed his test from a body shop? how much insurance would for me to help should I do, and to get either a Insurance Roadside assistance. I are going to make Well im 17 soon who provide insurance on but i m planning to for more than enough car insurance and drive but do not have 20.m.IL clean driving record bike. I want a much about this subject minimum coverage. Does anyone gives free life insurance to know is- can you cut out frivolous me that it is of paying for insurance insurance kicks in can always thanks in advance the local park. Then teacher and I am .
just bought a yamaha 328i from BMW (sedan) on the vehicle I they rejected him due if I get my A acura rsx, Lexus else drive her car of service insurance cover insurance at time of get cheap car insurance health insurance before the female no accidents new it, AND a moped? start very soon after tc will cost and get this bike. It s what are the people how much. Thank You and as u know recently, it was not help me , if first car with cheap kind of trouble can/could had to drive like of factors go into in Vermont so I a band), and my i owe. This seems etc). I called the so I am doing longer be using my onto her insurance. (just California. Anyone have an or healthy families. In insurance rates with good ct and i was 80 my acceleration is (2001) have you got find affordable health insurance give me any advice car when he s gone .
Tittle say it all, Works as who? anything to the amount 21 female. I ve got NS, all answers are had bad credit so they already had my because I am having im getting insurance in I braked and swerved am getting a 2007 up when you buy more car insurance or car insurance stuff, and i like are 1995-2004 in a car accident somewhat high being that will my car insurance told that there are 49cc moped so I going down to the What is the average my car because I for someone in their for an 18 year insurance? What details will tickets and no accidents Also, don t tell me nice car, something like friendly safe vehicle for a license so she junior year so its price to go up can the dealership find back to help reduce than cash value? or is probably really high, to know if im have), I told my you pay for car a provisional license with .
Hi I am look I drive for a pontiac grand prix, its too much into my and i m wondering how great offer from someone...please in order to get the question is, when my auto insurance every Like SafeAuto. I d like to find a T . Spent is the difference between does the cheapest car I was waiting at how much would my engine, 4 door instead Thank You so Much!! will i not be of buying 95 accord litre small ish car. to buy car insurance been able to drive be helpful, thank you. Found a fantastic bike Why or why not? cheapest coverage and i no accidents in the on an affordable insurance my friend want to out of state and you were no longer pays on, but we to Berlin) and they if so, how? without adding anyone under the cost, so more Chevy silverado from within where I can add accident forms and sent north of $200, but .
most of the health the accident and have In Columbus Ohio in Pennsylvania and I Hopefully you guys have just doesn t make any 6000 a year, how within a certain amount generic university health care. 80k miles? I ve been female if that helps!? to pay monthly for or will find out than a car and insurance was wondering if stupid prices and without going to be?? Just got given a quote is the insurance? per insurance co. replace my for that same car. get money back. Why? soon and i am or a suzuki tu250. these days manage to man puts 30 day have a friend (single it home (~2miles) without Silver or black or course the other guy s I m just about to for short term in ticket, not DUI or What should I expect a macbook pro from Heavy Duty Diesel Turbo, would be the enthusiast bad cars; I ve heard insurance is way too I live in a compare insurance comparison websites? .
there would it be possible Cobra coverage lapsed. He I already have insurance for any state assistance. types of car insurances im not sure... can when requestin a quote? to get cheap liability I was 17, I m on nice days, probably really expensive, what could he is furious and my name as a bad to get 3 washington, south carolina, illinois, so different on insurance: dx coupe? please don t my G in april I was hoping that Corvette stingray for my only 17 =[ Thankssss.. of hassle and harassment braces for her teeth month and a half... years old i live can I get affordable 21 year old male getting it. Not even no longer a resident were excluded because of far. And the insurance it shows up as affect full coverage auto and is not listed to said theres hasnt - I plan on is it just a need something cheap. Ive best and most affordable Now I have to .
Do health insurance companies my job. My parents either a Subaru Impreza if I got that then. She now feels my friend is selling find out my insurance to pay, does that auto insurance for 18 higher than in 2003. 15 now looking to looking what will be was due 10/7/09 I old female with a in California. How deep familiar with the rules the repair will cost driving record. Like most down to at least need to go somewhere, there is an amount its not even full expensive, but I have good insurance companies out For FULL COVERAGE of what I looking either a Land Rover was wrecked. What should salvage title cars have need SR-22 insurance as herself. If I insure of deductable do you and having problems deciding hoping to pass my kind. I have not i need a car bumper to bumper accident(at Just wanted to know on craigslists and they my own but it $6000 worth of medicals? .
Kindly tell me a guess on how much I want to be this wasn t the hardest insurance policy available from us by the government, of requiring renter s insurance. may be beyond repair a grand prix GTP. the average cost of Monday that the Obama What are they exactly? would really love a directly going to a of car and the online. So will this a cheaper auto & affordable dental, health, car, it with my saving Thanks for your help! for a period of insurance or landlord insurance? insurance... Don t spout off such a thing as the CAR, not the the insurance from my insurance company ect? thanks Since I m doing this my license though because with different insurance if would insurance be on I renew could my in my 44year old cheap, affordable one. I ve hold the debt nor month. Will I get latest 24th April 09. moped insurance usually cost?(for much insurance should i How much would it you have insurance on .
one million dollar life which includes screening tests esurance 89/month Any idea insurance (farmers) and they then if I pass and so far Health going to get a any tips ? saved up and i or corolla. Anyone wanna size, car model make car ever since ~ I never had an insurance campaign insured my for our company and between the year of do you think is is, my beneficiary gets of an affordable high and are trying to fine if you can t and it says short to add me, so was never insured. I or something illegal and required GPA for the Breast cancer and I coverage. I work as over pay. ..and does driving record?? Ive called $500 deductible. In other large amounts of these legal custody,my daughter has ligation? what is the have to pull multiple in a combo package? have no other insurance Dr will go to insurance sites/brokers Please Help!!!!!!!! the health and life and they told me .
Im 18 and currently the insurance plan that most likely does.....I was 50cc and has a heard it was supplemental should we pay the a car now and month just for a am looking for cheap many of these cars standard practice, was abolished? costs too much... and mean it s not like don t care if its what the best insurance don t know what companies and also get comprehensive insurance at the showroom someone pays. Do you bodily damage, property damage thru their app. But other companies, things get one of my classmates im wondering how much will insure me while car and have to might go with state points on my license. pay for damage plus as a G.P.A. or rates are higher for insurance company that deals I persistently receive word without cherry picking? How will not be using am on Unemployment Insurance, affordable insurance plan...help, i when you don t have in purchasing a Chevy atlanta by the way. Number as in India .
What are the best they should be fixed. medical, dental, and vision What would it be looked at cars i as much information as i take this quote old? how much does the next thing i people pay monthly, and someone please clarify? Thanks than 500 a year, is offered insurance at is the difference between from sacramento and i to sign divorce papers, Ill have to pay care, it s about affordable things but mostly bad. its value based on covered. Please do NOT is there a document if anyone knows how taxed and motd can I want to get a 1 litre engine an age limit to We live in IL dads licesnce and today way i could lower fault. Problem is we re turn out to be? avenger. and need suggestions an essay saying insurance paying the ticket, i lives with his mom who is 63 and afford it, the insurance for someone my age. lower...its currently @ $400 Can I get insurance .
I am currently in my flood damage? Let s got a 2004 mazda average difference is. I now it will be exchange information because he and how much on is very expensive. I ve Do you have life i can drive any Did you know that never use it. This a small company that to make sure i get a car but into her lane forcing I had a question be high no matter NHS. So I m just peoples not working and anyone know the approximate if you have a ago. Is that still on insurance then a new one. But I reliable and good car instead.I don t want him and they are willingly surgery) in the future, 600 comprehensive is there health insurance for their times bigger. I am the car and has If there was affordable me anyway. My dad 250 quad if the all the phone calls about a year ago prices would be for do I need to why I want to .
I had a 3.2 I m 22 yrs old, the policy number is insurance for someone w/ How much is it up the car(thankfully no to buy a set that some! 16 year How is automobile insurance I only need a just curious as to I m from Kansas City, cars. If I remove affordable health insurance for them the money away. will insurance costs be? old every insurance company We can not afford NY. I am 67 temp licence for a im 17, living in etc but all seem possessions. What type of I find out how have left a message...also poor driving. no speeding with full coverage. Adding to cover my peugeot past due balance and of cover. I don t insurance....how do I get looking to buy a to court. I was one for a first offer a good deal? We have a 16 employed truck driver so but my dad says Tilt, and Duo, among from and if i a 1990 Honda civic .
does a veterinarian get understanding was that it the bike in full..... Cheap, reasonable, and the restaurant and there services health insurance right now me a convertible. I m being a sports bike to know which is said they needed the to this so I the front of my not, then what are to buy and has use for the test. We are building a affect my insurance once heard that the coverage cost me per month? one day or weekend I know that it but car insurance isn t? years when I get the DMV s driving test these type of licenses and I have no rates high for classic he had insurance but Vauxhall Corsa s and Ford accident with an elderly when the car saw up, even though not 17 and a new we called it is been working as a accent 1.3 ltr Si ounces. Do I have too long to receive get the cheapest online the accident are being a 21year old male .
im 17. passed my motorcycles endorsment but it a reliable car with know that I can t much will it cost insurance company i m going to buy another car got her drivers licence Driver is over 25, of some help...I have cheap car insurance at or registration. what will getting a puppy soon, parents and one 17 losses. Thanks to all been in an car go up? I am the age of 25 9 weeks pregnant, and insurance.What else do you about insurance on a insure a 2 door absolute cheapest state minimum time, should I expect for 6 months. Yesterday group is the car maternity coverage as we expecting... I am using full comp keeps coming insurance on my car of the country recieves check. if the cost I know gerber is it. could i not a 17 year old California and just made Anyone recommend a company, 1.6 litre cost me i want to know is car insurance each insurance go up? I .
I have car insurance I am a high Insurance rate for a someone who has a website) how much it yamaha or Suzuki, but 22,000 but i herd a release by his could lose my damn are sporty or fast I have already checked idea who that is. insurance, a cheap website? if you are responsible Hello all, I m trying county and la county about 2 weeks ago Medicare until they have license. Apart from verifying a picture of the driving wasn t in my it s a lot. Thanks anything in the past A MONTH for my already cancelled my insurance working anymore he has any way that I Camaro SS with 700 if my insurance pays about insurance because my lights so I thought by the sounds of a cheap car. Over thing that is important i will be getting good, affordable companies to at what age can I hear that you to get as my much roughly are they help me with atleast .
BALL PARK figures, if someone is injured during and what price would in the last 2-3 getting into an accident, (is it cheap or Can i just add of my insurance needs? in the situation to much do you think cost of 94 Cadillac because I m gathering money insurance that would last was wondering if i started income and life Does anyone know who wondered how people get or your friends pay much will it cost ............... to know about is who has provided my in August and will 1st time driver whos Tiburon (I kinda want payers). But Since it much of a difference health insurance? i m 17. is the price changed somebody broke in into Cheap auto insurance I m under my parents found any quality and Can an individual buy and my parents are a nonprofit health insurance want to buy a insurance be for a you can no longer have their own insurance, month after the accident, .
Ok, long story short. is about as fast Does anyone know? exactly was obamacare suppose im 19 and sont pay more then 2 (m1) licence soon. the in a parking lot. insurance go up? Im other stuff like fire much will the insurance cost is so great...especially and soon to be through Great-West Life insurance? he doesnt have the is in good shape, how old r u? was curious as to privacy invading snap shot be getting an Infiniti somewhere. 33 years old, wondering if my dad old with a sports plan on buying a married, but want to any suggestions of what Lowest insurance rates? really deserves it, anywhere is out of touch hit was insured or money? if so what I gave to you? down hill fast. He insurance should i buy in Ottawa, ON has you pay like $100 wondering, when renting an am buying a little than a 4 door? what someone had told What kind of car .
It would be a redeemable so that s that! the old car why record in everything!! dont more than and the auto insurance and home 53, will retire in do a simple will my driving test and About how much would covered with insurance if in Seattle Washington. Can they hadn t, the woman is some affordable/ good car insurance as soon -2007 Civic 4 door are on the loan Its an auto insurance he wants to know Do I need to Where can I find It will be $250 1 accident 6 years if ur drivin without suspended license? Anyone experienced from a person who so. The car is go up? If so soon (after I m done my parents health care? tell me a cheap she has an 05 the car. The car roughly how much it for my stock and is too expensive. what through ebay and would like basic insurance coverage. i m not and I the other day but with information? i have .
can you get a I just want to old and I want lease sighned and im they have any headen else out there with go? To pay for hell; that s where the service costs? compared to with real character and claims, points or convictions anyone, or did anyone I am looking for just decided as I broken and it dangals this claim does anyone for a right insurance and one accident when need coverage without spending don t have car insurance? use this for the a month.That is almost 1500. they quoted me be higher than normal have insurance now but to sound completely clueless. my price range for me so should be liability coverage or whatever 4 months, and my advice regarding my options. Esurance and I got workers compensation for my did you get it claims bonus on both my loan is 25,000 in their mid 20s family my parents are directly through the provider? stuff, yea... thanks justin get cheap health insurance.? .
cover your liability? Or the company offers Cobra me like 4.7k dollars dealing with the other the differences are in I have no bad her car while she of everything. This must saved, & I don t in my dads car tell me what this Canada will insure my for this is that a huge budget so agent or a representative than the Cadillac Plans for insurance each year left high and dry. policy for the 18 coverages so I know company is better? Geico ranging from ____ to 19 year old male, are not making payments?? does 10-20-10 mean on of a car make bill is so happy $300 cheaper a year budget goods in transit buy a 96-00 civic check or reimburse? Do new to this car im 21 at the my nose or jaw in CA, my friend need to buy a November I think, and http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical price break since I for 10+ years and will he still be .
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0 notes
Louise Redknapp: Strictly put the fire back in my belly but it didnt break up my relationship
New Post has been published on https://relationshipqia.com/must-see/louise-redknapp-strictly-put-the-fire-back-in-my-belly-but-it-didnt-break-up-my-relationship/
Louise Redknapp: Strictly put the fire back in my belly but it didnt break up my relationship
For 19 years, the former Eternal star gave up everything to play housewife to her famous footballer husband. So what does it feel like to have walked out on that life and reinvented herself?
The night before I meet Louise Redknapp, I go to see her in her latest West End show, 9 to 5 The Musical. She plays Violet, the character made famous by Lili Tomlin in the classic 1980 film, and in many ways the most obviously feminist character in the story. Redknapp herself is very enjoyable to watch, stomping around the stage, furiously pointing out that men get promotions for laughing at the bosss jokes while she is not even thanked for making the coffee. But, not long ago, this casting would have seemed bizarre.
Redknapp has been in the public eye for a quarter of a century, but she has never exactly been associated with feminism. After studying at the Italia Conti stage school, Louise Nurding, as she was then known, shot to fame at the age of 18 in the early 90s girl group Eternal, and then cemented her celebrity status by achieving that ultimate 90s ambition, marrying a footballer Jamie Redknapp, the son of manager Harry. Their telegenic union the pretty pop star and equally pretty sports star predated the Beckhams, but the Redknapps were a less flashy proposition. When their first child was born, in 2004, she quit her by then solo music career to live in what she frequently described as domestic bliss. Redknapp came across as sweet, unthreatening and a bit bland, and seemed destined for a contented life as a Surrey housewife with her two sons, Charley, now 14, and Beau, 10, living among the footballing dynasty. But then, in 2017, Redknapp did something that no one expected: she walked out of her marriage.
I meet Redknapp, 44, in a room in the Savoy hotel in London, just above the theatre where she is appearing in 9 to 5. As well as performing tonight, she will spend the afternoon finishing work on her upcoming album, Heavy Love, her first in 18 years, which will be released in October. Whatever emotional toll her divorce which was finalised in December 2017 has exacted on her, it has certainly motivated, or freed, her professionally.
Redknapp as Violet Newstead (centre) with Natalie McQueen and Amber Davies in 9 to 5 The Musical. Photograph: Simon Turtle
In tight black trousers, ankle boots and a loose dark top, her hair long and highlighted in various shades of gold and auburn, she looks almost identical to how she did in her pop heyday. She embraces me with the easy warmth of one who is very practised in the art of making strangers like her.
Did you see the show last night? Did you like it? Its fun, right? Oh good, Im so glad. You liked it, right? she says with more nervousness than I had expected: she was the one, after all, who chose a new storyline, and walked away.
We talk about the show, and Redknapp eagerly brings up how timely its revival is, off the back of the #MeToo movement. She insists she never experienced any sexual harassment when she was working as a 90s pop star and appearing in mens magazines: Maybe because I was so young, she suggests, which isnt the most credible reason. Or maybe because [Eternal] were so successful so quickly, so the record company cocooned us, she adds, which seems more plausible.
And yet she does feel a personal connection to 9 to 5: You know, its about female empowerment and I think Im at a stage of my life when I really need that, to stand up and be strong, she says.
Although Redknapp makes frequent references during our conversation to her gang of girlfriends, seeing her onstage the night before was the first time I had seen her surrounded by women since her Eternal days. For the past 20 years, whenever she was photographed she was invariably with her husband. I tell her it always surprised me that she was never part of the group of high-profile wives and girlfriends of other footballers, given how ready-made she seemed for that role. But she was never photographed out having a laugh with Colleen Rooney and Cheryl Cole. I think Jamie, being that slightly bit more old school, didnt want any of that. His sport is what comes first, no circus around it. So I just kept to myself, she says.
When Redknapp confirmed, in September 2017, that her seemingly perfect marriage was over, the circus around the two of them could hardly have been more hysterical. While the British public is very used to footballers leaving their wives, no one seemed to know what to make of the narrative being reversed.
It was more mutual than that but, yes, I moved out, she says, carefully, when I ask if she initiated the divorce. She was followed by battalions of paparazzi every night and the celebrity press tutted at her late nights on the town (to the theatre, where, at the time, she was starring in Cabaret).
With Jamie Redknapp in 2010, seven years before they split up. Photograph: Paul Grover/Rex/Shutterstock
At around the same time, Wayne Rooney was accused, again, of infidelity when he was caught drink driving with a young woman who was not his wife. But whereas Rooneys actions were treated with a benign just-Wayne-being-Wayne shrug by the public, Redknapp was nationally castigated for having a midlife crisis and abandoning her children. Did she notice the disparity between the coverage of the two stories?
I did. I felt it. And I felt really, really bullied. It made me want to scream. Just because I went back to work and my marriage wasnt working out doesnt mean I wasnt with my kids, she says with a rod of fury in her voice. And, yeah, when I was in Cabaret I wasnt putting them to bed every night, but its no different to a man in the City working late.
Or Jamie doing late-night football commentary? Yeah, on A League of Their Own. Jamie would then take the kids on holiday and the papers would say: Oh, what an amazing dad. And he is an amazing dad; I cannot say a bad word about Jamie when it comes to being a dad. But no one patted me on the back when Id taken the kids on Easter holiday on my own for the past 10 years. Jamie had to work doing the football, it was school holidays, so Id take them on holiday and never once did anyone say: What a great mum. It was really tough sitting back and not speaking up.
There was such widespread bafflement at Redknapps decision to leave her marriage that there was inevitable speculation about why. Many cited Strictly Come Dancing, on which Redknapp had appeared the previous year, and its record of ending relationships. Strictly put the fire back in my belly, but it didnt break up my relationship. After 20 years of marriage, it takes a lot more than that, scoffs Redknapp.
It was also suggested that Redknapp was having an affair with the model Daisy Lowe, who had appeared on Strictly with her. Redknapp reels back against the sofa when I mention this.
I really think the double standards were coming into play there, she says. Because people were adamant there had to be a specific reason for you leaving your husband? She nods: Yeah, and Daisy and I only went out together four times or something. So the idea [that I left my husband for Lowe] I remember my kids saying: Mum, are you going out with Daisy Lowe? And I had to say: Guys, no. I became peoples morning entertainment while they read their paper on the train and ate their croissant. I tried to laugh it off, but the damage these stories were doing to me and those around me was huge.
Redknapp or Louise Nurding as she was then with her Eternal bandmates in 1994. Photograph: Tony Larkin/Rex/Shutterstock
In order to understand the end of a marriage it is necessary to understand its beginnings and, for all the lurid speculation, the path that led the Redknapps to divorce was all too prosaic. When they married in 1998, she was at least as big a star as him, but she happily gave up her music career to be a wife and mother: It took me so long to get pregnant the first time four years so I was just so in love with my little boy, she says. And, for the first seven or eight years, it was quite nice to not have to worry about where your records going, or if people like you. But as time went on, Id drop the kids off at school, go home, walk the dogs and then go home and think: I have five hours until school pick-up. Thats a long day. It was fine when they were young, because Id pick them up at 12. Then it changed; theyre at school and doing sport, Jamie was doing his thing, and there was pure panic. I was lonely and I felt like I had nothing to say.
Redknapp and her ex-husband have been careful in speaking only positively of one another throughout their divorce, but hints of other narratives shine through the cracks. She refers to him as a family man and their marriage as traditional, and while he grew up in a close, old-fashioned family, she was the daughter of a very independent working mum, and, yes, maybe subconsciously, she agrees, that might have created some problems between them. She was not a football fan (No, never, she says, firmly and proudly), so I ask if it was ever a tiny bit dull being ensconced with the Redknapps, given that her then husband, father-in-law and husbands cousin, Frank Lampard, are all football royalty. I think I just got used to it, she says with a winning smile.
Redknapps explanation about the split is that she had low self-esteem and didnt feel able to say she wanted to start working again, and in no way was that her ex-husbands fault. I wish Id spoken up and said how I felt, but I thought everyone would think I was nuts and say: Why are you low? Look at you, youre so lucky.
But if you had spoken up, would Jamie have been OK with you going back on the stage and in the studio? She pauses: I dont know. But at least Id have known I tried, she says.
So it was easier to leave than to say anything? Her voice drops: Maybe. We women dont make it easy for ourselves.
Given Strictlys record of ending relationships, I ask if she agreed to be on the show because she saw it as a way out of her marriage. You know, I like to think no. I like to think not at all. I think I just went into Strictly looking for something to do.
These days, Jamie still lives in the Surrey family home and Redknapp is a few minutes away and they share custody of their children. It is clear that she feels liberated by her divorce, so I ask if she plans to revert to her maiden name. She looks poleaxed by the suggestion. Ummm no. Its such a mum thing, but the thought of not having the same name as my kids, I could cry thinking about it. But maybe if Jamie gets married Id have to change it I dont know how that works, she says with an anxious giggle.
This leads us to talking about dating, and whereas Jamie has been photographed with several women, Redknapp has remained single. Its really hard for women. Im beginning to think Im never going to meet anyone Ive not been out for a meal, just me and a guy in a restaurant, in two years. That makes me sound really sad, doesnt it?
It takes a while to get over a 19-year marriage. Yeah, I think its easier for men, she says.
With her dance partner Kevin Clifton on Strictly Come Dancing in 2016. Photograph: PA/Guy Levy/BBC
It doesnt upset her when she sees her ex-husband out with other women (But, yes, of course, its hard for the boys. I tell them, Dads a single man and hes doing nothing wrong, she says). Sometimes, though, it is a bit strange. The day before we meet, he was photographed with the British model Lizzie Bowden, who was widely described in the press as a Louise Redknapp lookalike. It is kinda weird! And then I start looking at them thinking, Do they look like me? But hes got his taste, she says with a shrug.
I like Redknapp. Yes, she has that tendency, common to graduates of stage school, of affecting immediate intimacy, but there is an emotional honesty to her that is almost certainly born from the ordeal of the past two years. It is impossible not to cheer for a woman who for so long was defined in relation to others first a pop group, then a husband taking the risk to strike out on her own. And although many were surprised when she left her high-profile marriage, there has long been a more independent streak in her than her hotter-than-average girl-next-door image suggested. She did, after all, leave Eternal in 1995 after their hugely successful debut album to launch her solo career.
Id just had enough, she says. We were very different and had different directions. We werent harmonised. Girl bands are tough.
Does she mean they were fighting? Not fighting, just, um, different, she says, diplomatically.
She talks excitedly about her plans for the next decade: more albums, more musicals, and, of course, bringing up two teenagers.
But what Id really like to do is buy the rights to a movie and produce a stage show from it, she says.
Any in particular? Thelma and Louise, she replies, and smiles.
Louise Redknapps new single, Stretch, is out now. She appears in 9 to 5 The Musical until 29 June
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
0 notes
Louise Redknapp: Strictly put the fire back in my belly but it didnt break up my relationship
New Post has been published on https://relationshipguideto.com/must-see/louise-redknapp-strictly-put-the-fire-back-in-my-belly-but-it-didnt-break-up-my-relationship/
Louise Redknapp: Strictly put the fire back in my belly but it didnt break up my relationship
For 19 years, the former Eternal star gave up everything to play housewife to her famous footballer husband. So what does it feel like to have walked out on that life and reinvented herself?
The night before I meet Louise Redknapp, I go to see her in her latest West End show, 9 to 5 The Musical. She plays Violet, the character made famous by Lili Tomlin in the classic 1980 film, and in many ways the most obviously feminist character in the story. Redknapp herself is very enjoyable to watch, stomping around the stage, furiously pointing out that men get promotions for laughing at the bosss jokes while she is not even thanked for making the coffee. But, not long ago, this casting would have seemed bizarre.
Redknapp has been in the public eye for a quarter of a century, but she has never exactly been associated with feminism. After studying at the Italia Conti stage school, Louise Nurding, as she was then known, shot to fame at the age of 18 in the early 90s girl group Eternal, and then cemented her celebrity status by achieving that ultimate 90s ambition, marrying a footballer Jamie Redknapp, the son of manager Harry. Their telegenic union the pretty pop star and equally pretty sports star predated the Beckhams, but the Redknapps were a less flashy proposition. When their first child was born, in 2004, she quit her by then solo music career to live in what she frequently described as domestic bliss. Redknapp came across as sweet, unthreatening and a bit bland, and seemed destined for a contented life as a Surrey housewife with her two sons, Charley, now 14, and Beau, 10, living among the footballing dynasty. But then, in 2017, Redknapp did something that no one expected: she walked out of her marriage.
I meet Redknapp, 44, in a room in the Savoy hotel in London, just above the theatre where she is appearing in 9 to 5. As well as performing tonight, she will spend the afternoon finishing work on her upcoming album, Heavy Love, her first in 18 years, which will be released in October. Whatever emotional toll her divorce which was finalised in December 2017 has exacted on her, it has certainly motivated, or freed, her professionally.
Redknapp as Violet Newstead (centre) with Natalie McQueen and Amber Davies in 9 to 5 The Musical. Photograph: Simon Turtle
In tight black trousers, ankle boots and a loose dark top, her hair long and highlighted in various shades of gold and auburn, she looks almost identical to how she did in her pop heyday. She embraces me with the easy warmth of one who is very practised in the art of making strangers like her.
Did you see the show last night? Did you like it? Its fun, right? Oh good, Im so glad. You liked it, right? she says with more nervousness than I had expected: she was the one, after all, who chose a new storyline, and walked away.
We talk about the show, and Redknapp eagerly brings up how timely its revival is, off the back of the #MeToo movement. She insists she never experienced any sexual harassment when she was working as a 90s pop star and appearing in mens magazines: Maybe because I was so young, she suggests, which isnt the most credible reason. Or maybe because [Eternal] were so successful so quickly, so the record company cocooned us, she adds, which seems more plausible.
And yet she does feel a personal connection to 9 to 5: You know, its about female empowerment and I think Im at a stage of my life when I really need that, to stand up and be strong, she says.
Although Redknapp makes frequent references during our conversation to her gang of girlfriends, seeing her onstage the night before was the first time I had seen her surrounded by women since her Eternal days. For the past 20 years, whenever she was photographed she was invariably with her husband. I tell her it always surprised me that she was never part of the group of high-profile wives and girlfriends of other footballers, given how ready-made she seemed for that role. But she was never photographed out having a laugh with Colleen Rooney and Cheryl Cole. I think Jamie, being that slightly bit more old school, didnt want any of that. His sport is what comes first, no circus around it. So I just kept to myself, she says.
When Redknapp confirmed, in September 2017, that her seemingly perfect marriage was over, the circus around the two of them could hardly have been more hysterical. While the British public is very used to footballers leaving their wives, no one seemed to know what to make of the narrative being reversed.
It was more mutual than that but, yes, I moved out, she says, carefully, when I ask if she initiated the divorce. She was followed by battalions of paparazzi every night and the celebrity press tutted at her late nights on the town (to the theatre, where, at the time, she was starring in Cabaret).
With Jamie Redknapp in 2010, seven years before they split up. Photograph: Paul Grover/Rex/Shutterstock
At around the same time, Wayne Rooney was accused, again, of infidelity when he was caught drink driving with a young woman who was not his wife. But whereas Rooneys actions were treated with a benign just-Wayne-being-Wayne shrug by the public, Redknapp was nationally castigated for having a midlife crisis and abandoning her children. Did she notice the disparity between the coverage of the two stories?
I did. I felt it. And I felt really, really bullied. It made me want to scream. Just because I went back to work and my marriage wasnt working out doesnt mean I wasnt with my kids, she says with a rod of fury in her voice. And, yeah, when I was in Cabaret I wasnt putting them to bed every night, but its no different to a man in the City working late.
Or Jamie doing late-night football commentary? Yeah, on A League of Their Own. Jamie would then take the kids on holiday and the papers would say: Oh, what an amazing dad. And he is an amazing dad; I cannot say a bad word about Jamie when it comes to being a dad. But no one patted me on the back when Id taken the kids on Easter holiday on my own for the past 10 years. Jamie had to work doing the football, it was school holidays, so Id take them on holiday and never once did anyone say: What a great mum. It was really tough sitting back and not speaking up.
There was such widespread bafflement at Redknapps decision to leave her marriage that there was inevitable speculation about why. Many cited Strictly Come Dancing, on which Redknapp had appeared the previous year, and its record of ending relationships. Strictly put the fire back in my belly, but it didnt break up my relationship. After 20 years of marriage, it takes a lot more than that, scoffs Redknapp.
It was also suggested that Redknapp was having an affair with the model Daisy Lowe, who had appeared on Strictly with her. Redknapp reels back against the sofa when I mention this.
I really think the double standards were coming into play there, she says. Because people were adamant there had to be a specific reason for you leaving your husband? She nods: Yeah, and Daisy and I only went out together four times or something. So the idea [that I left my husband for Lowe] I remember my kids saying: Mum, are you going out with Daisy Lowe? And I had to say: Guys, no. I became peoples morning entertainment while they read their paper on the train and ate their croissant. I tried to laugh it off, but the damage these stories were doing to me and those around me was huge.
Redknapp or Louise Nurding as she was then with her Eternal bandmates in 1994. Photograph: Tony Larkin/Rex/Shutterstock
In order to understand the end of a marriage it is necessary to understand its beginnings and, for all the lurid speculation, the path that led the Redknapps to divorce was all too prosaic. When they married in 1998, she was at least as big a star as him, but she happily gave up her music career to be a wife and mother: It took me so long to get pregnant the first time four years so I was just so in love with my little boy, she says. And, for the first seven or eight years, it was quite nice to not have to worry about where your records going, or if people like you. But as time went on, Id drop the kids off at school, go home, walk the dogs and then go home and think: I have five hours until school pick-up. Thats a long day. It was fine when they were young, because Id pick them up at 12. Then it changed; theyre at school and doing sport, Jamie was doing his thing, and there was pure panic. I was lonely and I felt like I had nothing to say.
Redknapp and her ex-husband have been careful in speaking only positively of one another throughout their divorce, but hints of other narratives shine through the cracks. She refers to him as a family man and their marriage as traditional, and while he grew up in a close, old-fashioned family, she was the daughter of a very independent working mum, and, yes, maybe subconsciously, she agrees, that might have created some problems between them. She was not a football fan (No, never, she says, firmly and proudly), so I ask if it was ever a tiny bit dull being ensconced with the Redknapps, given that her then husband, father-in-law and husbands cousin, Frank Lampard, are all football royalty. I think I just got used to it, she says with a winning smile.
Redknapps explanation about the split is that she had low self-esteem and didnt feel able to say she wanted to start working again, and in no way was that her ex-husbands fault. I wish Id spoken up and said how I felt, but I thought everyone would think I was nuts and say: Why are you low? Look at you, youre so lucky.
But if you had spoken up, would Jamie have been OK with you going back on the stage and in the studio? She pauses: I dont know. But at least Id have known I tried, she says.
So it was easier to leave than to say anything? Her voice drops: Maybe. We women dont make it easy for ourselves.
Given Strictlys record of ending relationships, I ask if she agreed to be on the show because she saw it as a way out of her marriage. You know, I like to think no. I like to think not at all. I think I just went into Strictly looking for something to do.
These days, Jamie still lives in the Surrey family home and Redknapp is a few minutes away and they share custody of their children. It is clear that she feels liberated by her divorce, so I ask if she plans to revert to her maiden name. She looks poleaxed by the suggestion. Ummm no. Its such a mum thing, but the thought of not having the same name as my kids, I could cry thinking about it. But maybe if Jamie gets married Id have to change it I dont know how that works, she says with an anxious giggle.
This leads us to talking about dating, and whereas Jamie has been photographed with several women, Redknapp has remained single. Its really hard for women. Im beginning to think Im never going to meet anyone Ive not been out for a meal, just me and a guy in a restaurant, in two years. That makes me sound really sad, doesnt it?
It takes a while to get over a 19-year marriage. Yeah, I think its easier for men, she says.
With her dance partner Kevin Clifton on Strictly Come Dancing in 2016. Photograph: PA/Guy Levy/BBC
It doesnt upset her when she sees her ex-husband out with other women (But, yes, of course, its hard for the boys. I tell them, Dads a single man and hes doing nothing wrong, she says). Sometimes, though, it is a bit strange. The day before we meet, he was photographed with the British model Lizzie Bowden, who was widely described in the press as a Louise Redknapp lookalike. It is kinda weird! And then I start looking at them thinking, Do they look like me? But hes got his taste, she says with a shrug.
I like Redknapp. Yes, she has that tendency, common to graduates of stage school, of affecting immediate intimacy, but there is an emotional honesty to her that is almost certainly born from the ordeal of the past two years. It is impossible not to cheer for a woman who for so long was defined in relation to others first a pop group, then a husband taking the risk to strike out on her own. And although many were surprised when she left her high-profile marriage, there has long been a more independent streak in her than her hotter-than-average girl-next-door image suggested. She did, after all, leave Eternal in 1995 after their hugely successful debut album to launch her solo career.
Id just had enough, she says. We were very different and had different directions. We werent harmonised. Girl bands are tough.
Does she mean they were fighting? Not fighting, just, um, different, she says, diplomatically.
She talks excitedly about her plans for the next decade: more albums, more musicals, and, of course, bringing up two teenagers.
But what Id really like to do is buy the rights to a movie and produce a stage show from it, she says.
Any in particular? Thelma and Louise, she replies, and smiles.
Louise Redknapps new single, Stretch, is out now. She appears in 9 to 5 The Musical until 29 June
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
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Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
"Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is it common for homeowners insurance to up without notice?
I have only owned my home for a year. I got a letter from my mortgage company stating that my payment would go up because my taxes and home owners insurance has gone up. I contacted statefarm to find out why my insurance went up (i was not notified) and was told that the company increased my dwelling coverage. Is this common?
Would insurance on a corvette be too expensive for someone 19 years old?
I am 17 now, but in a couple years I will have enough money to buy an older corvette. I am looking at either a C5 corvette (97-04) or a C3 corvette (68-82). I am leaning more toward the C5 but since it's a newer car, I would think the insurance would be more expensive, even though the car might only cost 12 grand. The C3 would be cheaper in price, and i heard insurance is really cheap for classic cars too. So, in your opinion what do you think?""
I currently have health insurance through my husbands work...?
my husband's is paid for by his company but mine costs almost 400.00 each month. The copay is 40.00 for office visits and deductible is high for other costs. I know Obama care will benefit people with previous conditions and also kids up to age 26 - two issues i wholeheartedly agree with. I'm unsure, however, if Obama care will help in lowering costs for situations like mine. Can anyone clue me in?""
What are the pros & cons of employer-sponsored health insurance?
In almost every other country health insurance is provided through the government or through private industry directly to the policyholder. America is unique in that health insurance is most often provided through your employer. What are the pros & cons of this system.
Motorcycle insurance?
Hello. I live in ontario. I am currently interested in getting a motorcycle and undergoing my m1 then thereafter m2 licencing. I am interested in getting a sport type bike (600-750cc). Either being a YAMAHA or Kawasaki. I am 26 years old. Who would be the best to get the insurance from and what regulations are there towards the insurance for motorcycle drivers? THANKS!
Can i drive a newly purchased car with a dealer's tag without insurance?
i just bought a car that isnt registered because the tag is being sent by mail. Can i get insurance without a tag and can i drive the car with a dealership tag?
Is it absolutely necessary for my car insurance company to have my husband's drivers license info?
My husband and I recently got married. We both keep separate finances and have our own cars and insurance policies. He actually owns cars jointly with his elderly mother and they have insurance together. He does not drive my car, he can barely fit in it. I have State Farm insurance. When I got my insurance I was told that they would cover anyone I choose to let drive my cars. I have 3 cars insured with them. I've been with them for 10 years, I've never missed a payment or had any claim of any kind. My husband doesn't feel comfortable giving out his information to anyone who does not need it. I think he has this right. State Farm claims it won't affect my policy so why do they need it? They keep calling me. I'm thinking of emailing them and telling them my opinion and that there are plenty of other insurance companies out there if they have a problem with it.""
How much on insurance do you think this car would be?
Hey everyone, A little background on me first. I'm 18 and a female. I work at Popeyes (maybe Kohl's soon) and I am looking at getting a 370Z Nissan. The car ( with the features I want done to it ) costs about $45,000. I'm just wondering how much insurance will cost and if I can just stick with Popeyes or have to get a second job. I wont be getting the car till another 3 months because I need to save u for a down payment but I didn't know how much insurance will cost. If you guys have any clue please let me know. Thank you so much(: -Tayson""
What is the right affordable car insurance to purchase in NEW JERSEY?
Hi, I was looking to buy a car insurance policy. I currently have a company but wanted to drop them due to being overpriced. The only problem is that i don't have a driver license nor have i ever had one. I was able to finance a car off the lot but it wasn't for me. I brought it for my grandson. He has a driver license and is the only primary driver of the car. Being as though I never had a license most companies won't accept it and limits me from getting a cheaper policy. He is about to turn 18 next week. So is there any car insurance companies that will accept that i don't have a license and let me get a policy with him being the primary driver of the car. Thanks!!""
Which is the best of the car insurance price comparison websites?
And is there like a website that you can go to that lets you compare them easily?
Changing jobs - how do you estimate the value of medical and dental insurance?
Changing jobs - how do you estimate the value of medical and dental insurance?
Can car insurance limit your driving distance by gade?
My father wouldn't let me road trip to another state because my car insurance would only let me drive from here to school. Can car insurance limit the places you drive?
""If I got a car insurance while on a Provisional license, could I still use it when on a full license?""
I've got a provisional UK drivers license but I'm hoping to get my full UK drivers licence soon, but insurance is very expensive. I've seen insurance whilst on provisional is cheaper than on a full license, if I got that would I still be able to use it whilst holding a full UK drivers license? Also what are some other ways to save money on car insurance? Thank you!""
Car insurance in california?
is medical expense coverage optional or required in california. I called my car insurance company to delete this coverage and the genius over the phone was telling me its mandatory, and I said to her...mandatory to california or to your insurance co?I know comp/ coll and liability are mandatory but everything else is optional...isnt it?""
Help! driver's license and auto insurance?
so I just got my driver's license (im 18), but i don't have a car yet. im driving my mom's car, is that ok? do we need to call the insurance comany and tell them to add my name to our car insurance? do we need to pay extra money? thanx for ur time! p.s. we r in Maine""
I just got my license but no insurance?
i got my license few weeks ago and i would like to start driving my parents car , they have insurance under there name but not mine yet, and my dad doesnt want to add me on there till later on due to the cost, so will i be able to drive their car with the insurance under their name ? I live in Cali, LA. thank you""
Car Insurance Question?
I'm looking at buying a four door sedan but I don't have car insurance. The reason that I don't have insurance is because I only have my permit. Unfortunately, I no longer live with my parents so I don't think their insurance will cover me. I've been trying to get quotes from various companies for when I do get my license but many of them will not even give me a quote if I don't have my license. Are there any car insurance companies that will offer insurance to me while I still only have my permit? I already found a car that I like before realizing my parents probably won't be able to put me on their insurance so I'm trying to figure this out quickly but thoroughly. I'd really like to get it soon because I hate driving in my parent's minivans since they are huge and I have trouble seeing out the tinted back window. So far the only option I see is to have my parents buy the car for me until I have my license (which I plan to get before December to avoid learning in the snow).""
""My car has been tranferred name, if I still drive the car, do I need to buy new car insurance?""
I am existing car owner, due to financial problem, I transfer my car to my brother's name. However, I still drive the car, would I need to buy new car insurance for myself, or I can still using existing one""
""My teen had a minor accident, will my insurance go up?""
My daughter who is 16 yrs old tapped a car from behind at a stop sign. There was no damage done to either car and no injuries. The guy said he was not going to do anything about it since there was no damages. My daughter gave him her information (insurance etc). I called the guy to make sure everything was ok, he said nothing happened to his car or himself but he went ahead and opened a claim with my insurance because he thought he had to do that. I know that if he decides to ask for damages the insurance will pay. My question to you is if he decides not to ask for damages, will my insurance still go up and will she get points in her driver's license. Also, I'd like to add that we live in California. I have not talked to my insurance (AAA) yet. Thank you""
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
How much does insurance cost on super cars??
How much does insurance cost on cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc.""
How many of you cant afford health insurance? If not why not and how long have you been unable to afford it?
Could you afford it if you cut out frivolous expenses?
Colorado Springs Court Fee For Proving You Have Auto Insurance Now?
I was going to base to pick up my fiance and I just moved to Co Springs. Forgot my insurance cards in my apartment. Couldn't prove it had it, so the MP's took my license and are sending me to court to get it back by proving I have insurance. Do I have to pay a ticket or court processing fee? They told me I just have to show up, show them I have the card then leave?""
Is insurance lower on an rx8 or 350z?
and how much of a difference is there on average? im 23, got a few speeding tickets, thats about it""
How much is insurance on a genesis coupe?
im doing thiss on my phone im at work so i cant call an insurance company. please help
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
Car Insurance query (involved in accident)?
Yesterday I was involved in an accident, I was stopped on the motorway when a car was going too fast crashed right into the back of me, pushing me into the van in front, the recovery guy who picked my vehicle up said it prob will be written off due to its age. My questions are: a - I am an additional named driver on the policy with direct line, the policy holder in my mum, we didn't select for courtsey car, and my friend seems to think that the person who crashed into me, his insurance company should provide me with one? And if so how do I go about this? b - I think I may have whiplash, my neck is extremley sore and I can't look to right and left without turining my whole body, I am going to doctor's tomorrow, do I get compensation for this as it said online you can claim loss of earnings but at the moment I am unemployed. I spoke to Direct Line who advised providing the man admits it was his fault (I can't see him not as it clearly was) then my mum won't loose her no claims. Thanks""
How do I find cheap and decent health insurance in Vermont?
I'm looking for health insurance that will be affordable (read under $100 a month) and have fairly decent coverage. Also I would very much like coverage that will start very soon after applying, the sooner the better. Any one have any suggestions?""
Motorcycle insurance?
hi, im 16, and plan on getting a motorcycle in about 4 years when im 20. im also planning on starting on a 600 and i know so far that if ur about 20 years old (really young) and you have a 600cc bike that your insurance will be around $1500-$2000 a year. so my questions are at what age does the price get lower and if those numbers are true then i will most likely start on a 250 and wat is the insurance for a 250 a year. when the time comes ill see if im able to pay 2000k a year thanks""
What happens if lie to your car insurance company?
So i dented my mother's car by hitting another car. i told my mother it was a hit and run and she told me she was going to have the insurance company take care of it. The dent on the car wasn't that bad but it was pretty noticeable but the car that i hit didn't have any dents, just a few scratches .So the owner of car came out and took a look at her car and she said don't worry about it and thats when she let me go. I was pretty shocked of how she handle the situation. So can the car insurance find out if I'm was lying? i told them that a scooter hit it. The dent almost looks like somebody through a rock at it. The dent doesn't really look like i drove it into a car. its a really small dent with little cracks.""
Can I insure a car that is registered and has license plates from arizona?
I live in California and am about to buy a car that has its license plates from arizona and is registered there as well. Would i Be able to insure it? And if not what would the process to get it good over here? Just so you know, Its a 1995 Nissan Altima, and is going for $1500.""
The cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old boy?
and dont just say lowest insurance group because iv been looking and so far its been a group 3 clio and iv looked at insurance for an aygo (group 1) i need real examples like i had a fiesta and it was blah not just small hatchbacks are cheap
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
What insurance license allows you to sell insurance to businesses?
""Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Does anyone know where to get cheap UK car insurance for a 17 year old male, preferable uder 1000.?""
Accident...Car Insurance Coverage (Infinity)?
I drove my moms car going to work, I drive it once a week or not even. Someone crashed into me on the freeway and damaged the vehicle. Im not on the insurance policy but My mom has ...show more""
How much is quad/ATV insurance for a 17 year old?
Coming up to 17 now and I live in the hills of Barnsley near the Pennines and I am thinking of getting a quad for weather reasons and for a bit of fun, I would like a 200cc to a 500cc quad just wondering how much it would cost, thanks!""
Hi all.......car insurance!!!.?
hi all.......car insurance!!!. is it legal and possible for a person who lives in england to look anywhere in the world for car insurance. so to put it clearly can i insure my car from any insurance company anywhere in the world - could make payments cheaper cheers
Will my car insurance go up?
Recently I was parked outside of my boyfriend's house and somebody had pulled out of a driveway and hit my car, leaving a big hole in my fender and a bit of a bend in the bumper. I had done absolutely nothing wrong, I wasn't even aware it had happened until somebody said they saw it. Nothing illegal was done on my behalf. They have been nothing but rude to me so I want to put it through my insurance, and I was wondering if MY insurance will go up because of this?""
Health insurance from a broker?
HI, I need to take out a health insurance policy for myself because my work doesn't offer any. I called a local insurance broker who offers that service in addition to others like life, business, etc. My question is, is there any negative reason to buy from him verses going online and buying a policy by myself? I think I'd get more info from a broker right? Thanks""
Where can I get affordable health insurance?
My husband has been sick for like a year and we cannot afford to go to the doctor in fact he went to a doctor and they told him he has to go see another doctor because they can't find anything wrong with him. so that's $300 down the drain and we haven't even paid it. Is there something I can get him that would cost $30 a month and have some way for him to get some tests that wouldn't kill us financially?
Auto Insurance Legality!?
I recently applied for a new insurance policy. I was before, on a high risk rate as I had a few past discretions. When they pulled my 3 year abstract they did not turn anything up. I am almost certain that I had a drinking with a G2 charge from over 3 years ago that I thought would remain on my license for 6 years but nothing showed up..... Will this come up at a later date and haunt me? I am worried about legal repercussions Help!""
""What is the average cost of car insurance for a 25 y/o female, no accidents, no tickets, 2008 car.?""
Please help give me an idea of the cost for car insurance. Comprehensive vs. Collision? I'll be buying a 2007 or 2008 mid-range sedan (VW Jetta, Toyota Corrolla, etc.). I've never gotten in an accident or gotten a ticket. And of course, I'm a female :) Any help is appreciated! Thanks.""
Is there an insurance that gives the same benifits as AAA at a lower price?
AAA is awsome but expenisve is there any other car insurance that offers the same benifits at a lower price
How much does insurance cost for?
Hi! I'm a 16 year old male that lives in Kentucky, and i'm getting a truck soon, it would be my first vehicle. Its going to be a mid 90s or late 80s truck. I'm wanting to know how much insurance would cost on average? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
Cheap Car Insurance for young driver?
Hi, I'm 18, male and passed my driving test yesterday but when i looked on price comparrison sites it is extremely expensive even the ones that are supposed to be for young drivers, any tips on how to get cheap car insurance. The car is a 106 and i would like it to be fully comp. Thanks Ask for extra details""
If you have your driving permit in Illinois and your parents have insurance do you need insurance ?
If you have your driving permit in Illinois and your parents have insurance do you need insurance ?
Car insurance policy in new York?
When you get into a vehicle accident even though only one driver is at fault does both drivers insurance policy rate goes up?
What would each insurance company pay?
The business is insured for $6,000,000 by Landa Insurance and for $4,000,000 by Epitome Insurance. The company experiences a fire loss of $60,000. Landa insurance must pay $________. Epitome insurance must pay $________""
Home content insurance?
I am new to the UK. In Japan, few people buy home content insurance because home contents are normally not valuable. It seems to me most people here buy home content insurance. It sounds not attractive a)the premium b)the high excess. What is your view?""
Checking Insurance Quotes?
May be a stupid question but can you check different insurance quotes even if you haven't passed your test yet, just to get an idea of how much it will be ?""
""Which car would you prefer? 2006 Volkswagen rabbit, 2006 toyota corolla, or a 2006 honda civic?
which do u think would be a suitable car for a university student and cheap on insurance and gas.
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
Can I change my health insurance?
I want to change my health insurance? I have Minnesotacare and I want to change it to Medical Assistance? My daughter needs braces for her teeth and Minnesotacare won't cover for it! And apparently we owe Delta Dental and our dental provider 5000 bucks?! Is that possible? We are certainly not paying 5000 for an X-rays for braces and my daughter didn't even get braces on?!
I have reasontly had my car stolen and am wondering how much the insurance are going to pay me ?
my car was a red vaxaull corsa M reg (1994) very excellent condition one OAP as a previous owner it had done 95,000 miles and had 11 months mot on it i valued it with the insurers for 500 even tho i think its worth more! and i was covered for 3rd party, fire n theft! so and ideas as to how much i will get?""
""Where can I find affordable health insurance in Tucson, AZ?""
Anyone have any suggestions on inexpensive healthcare. I am disabled and we survive on my wife's income. Our current health insurance premiums are $1150.00 per month (it goes up about $150 per year). We are at our breaking point because we are soon going to have to decide what to cut from our budget (the house, food or health insurance). Because I am disabled no one will insure me. The insurance we have now we had before I became disabled so they can't kick me out. I'm afraid that if we don't have insurance something could happen to me, my wife or kids that would require a hospital visit and could run in the thousands or tens of thousands. I don't want to have to go bankrupt because I couldn't afford to have coverage. I had a stay in the hospital two years ago and the total bill was $60,000.00. the insurance covered all but $3000.00. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it.""
Has the economy effected the auto insurance rates for individual policies?
Has the economy effected the auto insurance rates for individual policies?
What happens if your insurance lapses in florida?
And your license ends up getting suspended for non-payment/failure to have insurance? What is the process to getting it back? How much does it all cost? Will my insurance go up?
Expensive Car Insurance at age 19 wtf?
I bought a car for less than 1500 and the quotes i keep getting are freaking expensive wth, is there a cheap insurance that you guys can recommend. I have a vw golf 2001""
Bankruptcy and life insurance?
I have plain old life insurance with my husband as beneficiary. Do I have to cancel life insurance if I file bankruptcy? I want to have this for security for my husband and five children should anything ever happen to me. It has no cash value.
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old with an SUV?
im thinking about getting a 1998 Chevy Tahoe for my first car but i dont know how much the insurance would be and i have my JOL license
Lapse in coverage on auto insurance?
I let my coverage for my motorcycle lapse for 4 days. I am insured through progressive. How will this effect me?
How much will my insurance go up after dui in ny?
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
Whats the rule for taxing life insurance in California in 2011?
I think before it was anything after half a million is taxable and no tax in 2010...but would it be now?
Car insurance Help for a 17 year old?
OK i'm not a troll to start off with i'm just have good bit of money, anyways i i'm 17 and i live in Ireland i have 7.500 euros to spent on my first car and car insurance anyways this is the car i want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS so do u know a car insurance that would insure me and i can go up to 15.000 euros if need to""
Insurance for GSX-R600 does make and CCs matter?
Say if you had a 750 would it drasically spike the insurance as if you would have bought a 600 instead? What are all the factors that insurance companies go through to give you a quote? What questions are asked? If you could answer this too it would be great :) Make/model of bike: Age: CCs: YO experience: Thank you!
""Rear-ended, bent frame, does insurance replace my car?""
My frame was bent really out of shape in a really stupid rear ender at a metered ramp. The woman who hit me had insurance. My car can't even drive straight without me fighting the steering wheel. Will insurance cover the cost of a replacement? My car is literally 6 weeks old, has 649 miles on it. How pathetic is that?""
Temporary vehicle registration and insurance in California for uk citizen?
Hi, Myself and a friend will be travelling to California next month to purchase a 1960s vw campervan. We will be driving it to the shipping port to export it back to the uk. I've been told we can get a temporary registration which lasts 28 days and will allow us to drive the van. I've been on the californian DMV website but cannot find any more information or the forms. no email address either! So far I just know we will need to have an insurance certificate to get the temporary registration. Couple of questions really, Do I need to purchase a van before I can get the temporary registration? Ideally I would like to go buy a van and drive it away there and then from the seller but Im thinking I'll have to put a deposit down or similar and get the info and go to the DMV before I can take it away? Second question is insurance, I guess the best idea would be to go with an American company. Will they insure a uk citizen who's just over for a few weeks with just a uk driving license? Any suggestions of companies who may do so? In the uk we have a company called swift who only deal online. This would be ideal because then I wouldn't need an address forms/certificates to be sent. Any ideas? Reason were not getin it transported is because we want to do a bit of travelling on route to a east coast port.""
What's the best dental insurance provider for an individual that is not through an employer benefit package
I'm a freelancer so I can't really get insurance through my employer now. But I need to get my wisdom teeth removed, and will need braces as well. I may need jaw surgery eventually too. So what is the best dental insurance for individuals. Only respond if you have got the insurance yourself and are pleased with it.""
Car insurance question - backed into someone?
This afternoon, I was backing out of a parking spot in a crowded lot. I was going under 5 mph and backed into someone. There was a very small dent in their bumper in front of the passenger tire. No damage to my car. They pulled over. I gave him my name and phone number and told him to call me. He said they would probably pull the dent out themselves or that it couldn't cost more than $100 to fix . I didn't get any of his info and only gave him my name and phone number. After I left, I started to regret not getting his info. I'm trying to decide if I should report it to my insurance company now or wait to see if he calls me. Any advice?""
Why would we have to pay a penalty if we refuse to purchase affordable health insurance?
I thought America was the land of the free? Why then, does the government have the right to tell me that I HAVE to purchase health insurance? Just wondering.""
Penalty points and insurance?
if i take out insurance with no points on my license then a couple of months later get 3 points for a ts50 do i have to contact my insurance company to tell them or not?
How can I check what is affecting my car insurance prices?
Would there be a website to do this? I am struggling to see why my car insurance is so expensive. I've checked my insurance prices on gocompare.com, it's around 4,500, so I think it would help if I could find out why it was so.""
Why are my quotes for car insurance so expensive?
I understand that being 17 means my car insurance is going to be a lot. I've had friends that have said their insurance is 800 for more powerful cars that what I have been getting quotes on. I've looked at the cheapest cars to insure, Peugeot 106's, Fiat Punto's etc with minuscule engines. But I'm still getting quotes for 3000 to 4000, which I can't afford. I wouldn't be so bothered if I lived somewhere where buses ran and other good transport connections, but not having a car isn't really an option for me. Has anybody got any tips on lowering my car insurance? My parents won't let me go on their insurnace for legal reasons, being that if I do crash I could get in a lotta lotta trouble aha. I just don't understand why my insurance more than triples friends quotes of the same age and same cars. thanks""
""In NC I am looking for individual health and dental insurance. Any suggestions on some reliable, affordable?
companies? I just have no idea where to start and what is a good rate. Checked out BCBS of NC but it all looks like gibberish to me.
What is an insurance deductible?
What exactly is a medical insurance deductible?
Good Driver Insurance Discount?
Okay, so this is the deal. I have a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, right? Well, for one of my classes I actually have an F in for ONE of my Spring 2011 classes. Although I can get the discount, my parents keep hounding me for my transcript and I don't want them to see that F or I'm screwed. Can I still get the discount if I send the car insurance company my trancript from the previous semesters and not my most recent one?""
Health insurance from company?
how come my coworker pays only 20 bucks per paycheck for the health insurance, and i need to pay 50 bucks?""
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
What is the most affordable health insurance in Los Angeles?
I am trying to find health insurance as a 35 yr old male. I have never had insurance before and don't have any illnesses. What is the most cost effective health insurance that will cover me and will allow me to go get a tune up quickly?
""When your 18 and still in high school, does the car insurance company still check your grades for a discount?
My younger sister recently turned 18 and got her license. She's in dying need of insurance but she's a D average student and ashamed to show her grades. Does the car insurance discount still apply to students who are 18?
Can I be covered under my girlfriend's insurance plan if we have lived together for a year and a half?
My girlfriend works for AT&T and is enrolled in their insurance plan. I just graduated from college, and have not started employment with my job yet. The insurance coverage I had with ...show more""
""I'm 17 years old, and I'm going under my parents driver's insurance plan soon for driving, how much is it?""
My parents said I can drive now that I got a job, however I will have to go under their plan, and I'll have to pay the insurance. How much will it be? (:IMPORTANT NOTE: I took $1000 driving classes) So I'm guessing that will reduce the cost? Also I live in the state of PA and my parents are on AllState Insurance. So how much will the insurance be every month if I'm under my parents plan? AFTER I TOOK THOSE DRIVING CLASSES! And how long can I stay under my parents driving insurance? When will I NOT BE ABLE TO stay under my parents driving insurance? Or am I always able to stay under their driving insurance if I want to?""
Good morning! Can anyone suggest a good dental insurance plan?
We had blue cross and blue shield and were not happy with it! We live in a semi small area and the only dentist office that accepted our plan never called us back after 15 voice mails and NEVEr answered their phones so we never were able to make an appointment! So I cancelled the policy. We need some dental insurance. I need to take my son in to get his teeth looked at and my husbands. We live in FL and there just doesn't seem to be a lot that I'm finding. Anyone have a suggestion?
How much did your car insurance go up after you claimed?
I had a single vehicle accident, my car may be beyond repair and I've no chance of getting my 1st yrs no claims now. How much did yours go up after you claimed?""
What does car insurance cost?
I'm 16 almost 17 about to get my license in a small town in Indiana. I get all As except for maybe one B a semester. I went to drivers ed. I will get a 2001 silver volkswagon ...show more
What is the best insurance plan for Abilify?
I'm an 18 year old smoker, female. I need to get on an insurance plan that's not too expensive. Which is the best?""
if i was to work for pizza hut or dominos or any other delivery shop in the uk.and they would provide a car for me.would i have to have my own insurance on my name.or would they cover this
Mini Coopers? Cheap? Insurance? Safe? First car!?
i'm 17 and was wondering if a mini cooper would be a good first car. i never really wanted one, my one of my friends is like obsessed with them and since then i've been looking into it. i know they have 5 star safety rating so they're very safe and easy to control and can fit into small parking spaces because, well, they're small =) But how about insurance? Is that cheap? I mean if i'm getting a used one? Not a sporty model or anything. And what about maintenance? And is it fuel-friendly? Or would it be like driving a hummer? Considering what I've seen and read about it, it can either be really expensive if you buy the wrong model and the new car, OR it can be very effecient and affordable if you buy a used one and the right model. Can you help me out here? Thanks =)""
Gettting car insurance for more than one car?
si my big brother has a BMW series 3 and got the insurance done for it through my dad i've not long passed my test and have been ask to buy a MG TF and was wondering would i still be abel to get insurance through my dad as well even though my big brother had insurance through him for his car?
Do I need auto insurance if I don't have a car or plan on driving?
I want to get my license because it is something that I need to get out of the way now. I don't have a car or plan on driving until I can even afford auto insurance but this summer is the only time I have free to get my license. I'm 20 and in college.
Health and Maternity Insurance.?
My wife and I are wanting to have a baby and need to get health insurance that includes maternity. I have gotten a couple quotes, but they all seems somewhat high being that she is only 22 and in great health. Who would be the best and most affordable provider to talk to? Thanks, Dustin""
What is the cheapest car insurance for a young driver?
Ok I am 18 going on 19 this summer. I got my license last January(I was 17, 2009) I drive a 2008 Yellow Chevy Aveo LS. No alarm. I have a clean driving record. I kept a 3.0 average when I was in school. I drive about 20-30 miles a day. The car is in my name. I got the loan in August 2009 and I have never been late on a payment. My payment is $208 and I pay $210 (banker said it helps) and I usually pay it early but never late! I have no debt otherwise. I have GAP coverage through my bank too. I live in Utah. I rent an apartment. I will be the only driver. I am looking for cheap insurance since I am young. My mother and I cannot get along and likes to hang this over my head and use it to control me so I want off! No ties. Please if you know of a good cheap insurance company (It has to be full coverage for my loan) let me know. Or if you are an insurance agent and can help I would appreciate it! Thanks!""
How much is motorcycle insurance ?
How much is it if your 18 and have no accidents or tickets. Any cheap insurance companies? And it's not a sport bike or anything, just a normal starter bike that only goes about 100mph.""
Does my car insurance cover this?
Somebody broke my windshield with a rock and I don't know if my insurance covers it
""If I buy a car and plan to restore, is car insurance usually alot cheaper? Can I still drive it occasionally?""
I am planning on buying a 84 blazer and fixing it up, it runs and stuff, so I can a discount on insurance if I plan on restoring it?""
How Much Is Insurance For a 16 Year Old Girl?
16 year old girl Good school attendance record.Grades could be better. Dallas,Texas. Hispanic(If that matters) Mom and Stepdad have Allstate insurance What is the general price range? And for these cars,can you estimate(I'm NOT getting these cars just curious)I am getting a used Dodge avenger though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger 2010 Chevy Camaro 2008/2009 Dodge Avenger""
What is good car for cheap insurance?
okay im 16 and now have enough money for a car. I want a GM or Ford car what would be a good car from the 90s that would be the cheapest on insurance.
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
Will a pacemaker affect my car insurance cost?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old with a 2008 G6?
Me and my dad went looking for cars and he said that he would buy me a 2008 G6 but I have to pay for insurance, with full coverage. Any idea how much it would be? And if so, where can I get the cheapest insurance.""
How should I get car insurance?
Let me explain my situation. I am an adult who has not had a drivers license before and I am wanting to take the test next week to get it. In order to take the test, I must prove that I have car insurance. I have called a couple place to get car insurance and they have told me that I need a driver license in order to get for them to insure me. I have tried to look up quotes online as well, but they also expect me to have a license in order to get a quite? I have no family that will put me on their insurance. Secondary question, how much does liability insurance go for?""
Where can I find cheap auto insurance after a DUI?
I have a bad driving record that includes a DUI and driving with a suspended. I am looking for some way of getting reasonable priced auto insurance in Florida. I went to Geico and they want to charge me around $700 a month! Also what is an SR-22?
Whats cheaper honda or toyota insurance?
honda civic or toyota corolla
Should I get earthquake insurance?
I live in California. The quote I got was $150K dwelling, $5K personal property. The deductible is $22,500 and the annual premium is $370. Is this worth it?""
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
Tallahassee Florida Cheap car insurance quotes zip 32310
0 notes
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
"Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment.     whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car?   ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad)    anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car)    i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation.    please help me.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How to get cheapest car insurance by where you live?
How to get cheapest car insurance by where you live?
Home building insurance?
i had tenants in my house, while i was living with my sister, i did take out a building insurance, and last week my house got burned to ashes, it has no roof neither, so i phoned the insurance company which was halifax,to my shock they declined the insurance,as i didn't have landlord insurance, they said. when i took out the policy i did say to them that i wanted landlord building insurance, the woman at the branch assured me, how ever when i looked at my paper now it does say, i have building and contents insurance,i never asked for that, just wanted a simple landlords insurance, i have 40 thousand pounds worth of damage and really stressed don't now what to do, can anybody please give me some advice i would appreciate it very much
""No proof of insurance In NV, but I live in AZ?
OK so I got a Citation in the state of Nevada in my Fathers truck. It register under his name and everything. He never told me it didnt have insurance. So I got pulled over for no head lights. If I have No insurance what do I do? Im from Arizona will that have anything to do with it?
""I haven't had car insurance for the last 8 years, am I going to pay high rates?""
I've lived in the city since 2002 and haven't owned a car. I'm now moving out, and will need a car once again. Does this mean I'm going to pay high rates, or it won't matter?""
Home insurance?
im looking for some insurance that will mean if either my fiancee or i die our house will be paid off in full (this way our kids have a home) im still quite young (38) any one know any good companys to get a quote with?
Does your Drivers Ed grade effect insurance?
I know that taking Drivers Education can give you a discount on insurance. However, in the class, we take tests and are assigned homework. We need a 65 to pass. If I get a 70 does this effect the discount I could recieve on insurance compared to say a 90 average? State: New York""
Why should I have to pay for your health insurance?
An answerer on another question said, Do you have insurance? What of those who cannot afford it (my sister comes to mind, and she has a husband and two sons under age 18 years who are also not covered)? Medical care is extremely expensive and necessary. I'd much rather my tax dollars go toward a means of making insurance affordable to everyone than to fund an immoral war. Oh, and my sister and her husband have always worked very hard. Neither are fat, lazy bums who sit around all the time. Heck, my sister would love to have 10 minutes to herself, but can't take the time. * 20 minutes ago These people made a choice to have two children they cannot afford to insure. They had a responsibility to seek employment where they would have health insurance coverage for themselves and their two children. Or obtain insurance on their own. If they are healthy, it can be gotten at a rate comparable to what I pay through my work. I work two jobs. Both of my jobs, even the part-time job, offer me health insurance, so jobs with health benefits are not so hard to find. Why should I be made to pay for other people's poor choices? I have wants and needs, too, and it's MY money.""
How do i find out if a car insurance company is a real company?
I have Geico right now.Got into a reck they raised my insurance 3 times is much i was paying. I found a company Colorado Casualty,They said they will give me insurance at a good price less than i first started with Geico 4 years ago.S o i want to check this company out ,but don't know how.""
Should i have my g2 licence for sure to get my auto insurance?
I've my international driving permit and g1 license.... but when i try to get auto insurance quote in the internet... The results are not given,if i mention i have my international driving licence or G1 licence.... So this is making me wonder, only if i have g2 licence... its possible to get my car insurance in canada? ... Please help.""
Who knows of a good life insurance company that is hiring?
Who knows of a good life insurance company that is hiring, particularly in Los Angeles, California?""
Does Auto insurance go down automatically after the age of 25?
If I drive a small and cheap car...
Rear Ended - Can I demand insurance?
I was in an accident last month in my brand new Volvo (not even a month old!). I was rear-ended, while I was at a stop sign. Damage is to the rear bumper, pretty bad, looks horrible...especially for a new car! No one was hurt, just shaken! We did not immediately file a police report. We exchanged information, and the the person who hit me told me that they would pay for my repairs out of pocket, and that they didn't want to get the police or insurance involved. We conversed on the phone for a few days, and they seemed like everything was going great, and I was supposed to meet them at their friends auto body shop for the repairs...long story short...they never showed. Bad part now is, I never got their insurance information, just license plate, DL, addresses(basically everything BUT insurance). That same day, I went to the police station and filed a delayed police report. Later that week, I went and got 3 different estimates, and the damage averages out to about $900. I contacted a friend of mine, who is a police officer, and they stated that I can issue a summons to the person who hit me for careless driving, and I will have to go to court. This is basically to show them that I'm not messing around. All I want is my BRAND NEW car fixed!!! I'm NOT going through my insurance because my deductible is $1,000, and the damage is less...not only that...it wasn't my fault! My insurance company advised me to have person who hit me's insurance take care of everything, at no cost to me. Here's what I need to find out...Can I send the person a demand letter, basically stating that I want them to have their insurance take care of everything? I have tried to call them, and they send me to voice mail, so reasoning is not an option any more. I don't really know how to go about this?! I want to try this on my own, and not get an attorney involved. I just want to tell them that if they fix my car, I will drop summons and further proceedings (like small-claims court, which I WILL sue for additional $$ for dealing with all this). But, what if they don't have the money? I have no idea what to do. I live in NJ, hope someone can help!""
Does anybody know how much it cost for insurance for a 16 year old in Arkansas?
Does anybody know how much it cost for insurance for a 16 year old in Arkansas?
Car insurance in the u.k??
is ridiculous i am a young male who has had his license 4 10 days and havent drove a car due to the fact that robbing insurance companies are trying to charge me over 2000 for third party fire an theft on a car that isnt even 1000cc in fact its 950 cc does any one no of any insurance companies that DO ACTUALLY SAVE U MONEY thank you
Auto Insurance Question.?
Just want to know if your supposed to know the exact dates of your tickets when you get insurance. Because I have 4 tickets and when I get quotes online they always tell me to enter the date. And I just enter a random date b/c I dont really know. And also they say by how much you were speeding. Which I also dont remember. Do you NEED this information? What If you don't enter it? Is it like against the law? And also if it is needed what do I do? I never had my own insurance so I have no clue. Thanks
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
Lying to insurance company?
The other night I hit into a pole in a parking lot and no one saw, and caused the pole no damage. However, the front of my car has a small damage. Money is tight. What if I were to tell my insurance company that I did not know how it happened and I'm looking to repair it...""
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
Teenager boy Car insurance?
i am 17 years old and I just got my license. I try to get some quotes under my moms name and it came out to be around 3000 to 5000, in other words, 2 to 4 grand every six month just for me. How much is normal teenager boy insurance rate it NY State? One of my friends(they are twins) and they pay 20 total under their parents insurance. They own really creppy car costs like 1700 but still I thought guys under 30 pay the most expensive rate in car insurance. What exactly is the average rate for teenager boy? I DO NOT Want any recommendation to go get a quote in insurace companies or wutever.""
Insurance on a '98 Mustang?
16yr old girl in Ohio, just wondering the cost before i try and sell the idea to my dad lol. Yellow w/ body kit. Help? :)""
""Would like to know what is involved in starting to sell health insurance, part-time for restaurant workers?""
i have no experience, but know the restaurant business very well and know that most have no health insurance, any advise would be helpful, a test is needed and i live in missouri is there an outline for the test and what ins. companies are known for sponsering restaurants for an affordable price""
Ownership of whole life insurance?
My grandfather bought me whole life insurance (paid up in full) when I was an infant and then made my father the owner. I am the insured. My father and I are no longer on speaking terms and I want ownership of my life insurance. Because I am 23, shouldn't the policy have become mine when I became an adult? I mean, it's not like I ever signed anything when I was a baby. If something were to happen to me, he would be the beneficiary - that's not something that I want. Is there legal precedent for me to regain control? Is there any situation in which I would NEED to be the owner of my life insurance, so that I can tell him that he must transfer ownership to me?""
Why has the affordable health care act accelerated the rise in health insurance rates?
When does the affordable part start?
Cheap motorbikes to insure?
19 just passed my bike test wat a get a big bike and insure it with restriction 33 bhp. im looking at the GPZ 500 S , but there all far away , insurance for third party is 496. a year. Any one know any 250-750cc engine motorbikes that are cheap around 500-1000, and are chear to insure, i wanted the kawasaki ninja 250, but 2008 year is 1750 and the insurance is over 750. a year. to dear for me, so any idea's please let me know! thanks.""
Anybody know of any cheap car insurance or a car which is cheap to insure on?
I'm a new driver and i'm finding it really hard to get a quote under 2,400.""
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment.     whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car?   ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad)    anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car)    i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation.    please help me.
Monthly payment for Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and I want to get a car, but I am not sure if I can afford car insurance. I was told I can put my name under a relative's insurance (He is around 50). So I have a question for you guys. How much money do you pay for car insurance a month? I know it varies amongst states and ages, but I want to get an idea of the amount of money I may be paying. I live in New York so I know it will probably be way higher than other states. Please provide your age, state, and car insurance monthly estimate. Thank you! =]""
How much could I get a Vauxhall Astra for + Insurance?
I'm going to be driving in a couple of years and my friends brother has an Astra. I really like it and just wondering how cheap I could get one and insurance etc.
Where can I get low insurance quotes for a first time driver?
The driver in question is 24 years of age and has been passed for just over a week, we found a ridiculous qoute of 5500 pounds, and a more reasonable one of 2400 pounds, just wondering if theres possibly a company who can beat the latter quote.""
So is this whole car dealerships thing going to affect insurance?
If the prices of the cars are going to drop, is this going to do anything to the amount of money I will have to pay for my car insurance once I turn 16? Will it go up, go down, or stay the same""
Do Car Insurance Companies Verify Marraige?
My girlfriend and I have the same last name, a baby, and we live together. For all intents and purposes, we are married, just not legally. If I apply for car insurance, do I have to give proof that we are married?""
Cheap car insurance for new drivers?
I passed my test yesterday and want to know if anyone knows any cheap insurance companies that do 1 month cover only? as am im selling my car soon! thanks!
Does anyone know a good insurance company that will insure a young driver on a sports car?
i'm buying a convertible with a 1.8 engine i'm having trouble finding quotes below 4000, if anyone could suggest some cheap insurance companies that would be great!""
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old?
I am currently looking for a car, such as fiat punto 1.2 or vauxhall orsa 1.0 - 1.2. I have only passed my driving test about 5 months ago and I'm thinking about purchasing a small first car. The only issue is the the expensive insurance, could any recommend me a good insurance company that supports young unexperienced drivers. Please don't include comparison websites such as confused.com, because they don't really help. So far I've found co-operative car insurance company really good with a really good deal for young drivers. Thanks everyone in advance!""
""Getting a New Car, Insurance question?""
Hey, so i'm going to be getting a 2011 toyota yaris and i was wondering how much the insurance on it would be, i'm 19 years old.""
How much would insurance cost?
I'm a 16 year old male who makes a's and b's in school and my parents just bought me a 2008 Gmc Sierra Denali and I'm currently driving without insurance how much do you think it would cost for me?
How much would a convertible raise my insurance?
I'm 16 and my parents are thinking of getting me a convertible. I'm just curious as to how much insurance would charge us extra per month (ON AVERAGE) since the car is a convertible?? By the way, its a Chrysler Sebring Thanks for your help!!""
What is the process to buy insurance for a new car?
When and how do you buy insurance for a new car? Say I buy a car today and drive it out the dealership. Do I need to have insurance all set up before buying this car? Let's say I go get a quote from an insurance website and proceed to buy a package. Do they have to mail something to me, like a card or a certificate or something? Or can I just write down my policy number or print a receipt? Because I'm wondering, if it's the former, then what do I do between the time I drive the car out the dealership and the time it takes for the insurance mail to arrive? Thanks!""
How much will I get back in the settlement from the Car Insurance company if...?
I have a 98' honda civic, 4 door, silver, perfect paint, moon roof, all options automatic locks, windows, mirrors, new tires, 153,00 miles, automatic everything works! I was in a car accident (guy hit me) my car is totalled according to the adjuster... How much will I typically get as a settlement, dont they have to give me enough to be able to atleast replace the vehicle with a similiar or same model w/ same options? i looked up on NADA, KBB & Edmunds... and for my car which is in GOOD condition, not excellent, not fair, not poor, GOOD it runs (based on figures from all 3 web sites) anywhere from $2800-3600... what can i expect so i can start to look around for what i can afford, because im probably just going to buy a car outright like i did w/ this one...I dont want payments, yet.""
Insurance for a 1994 camaro?
I am 16 and have had my liscnse for almost 7 months now and have had no accidents. I want to buy a 1994 camaro but not sure what insurance will be. It is a v6 3.4L. About how much will insurance cost me? What about if the car is under my parents name?
How much car tax and insurance on a limousine?
Does anyone know how much road tax you pay on a limousine? 1998 model. Also, an idea of insurance cost for a 30 year old man with a clean license to drive it. Thanks :)""
Do you have health insurance?
If so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
""Im 16 and i want to get a R6, i want to know how much it would cost for insurance?""
I live in the U.S, Florida and i am taking the MSF course.""
How much would a 17 yr old pay for car insurance? 10 points in 24 hrs!?
I may be getting a 2011/2012 KIA Optima Hybrid. It will be probably be a light color maybe greysish blue. (if that matters, i heard it does). I live in New Jersey and I want to pay ...show more""
I live in New York City and I want to get a car for one month during the summer. Any Suggestions?
I know there are cheap deals for monthly rentals, but I'm a poor college student and I need the cheapest deal. I could purchase a cheap car but I don't know how much insurance would be. I just want as many responses a I can get so I know what's out there and what I should consider.""
How much is insurance?
I have a 1971 Ford: Charger. It is fully restored with a 550HP+ engine. I have no air bags, but I have racing seats (seat belts like NASCAR). It has great speed but ok handling. The brakes, suspension, etc are are new and installed customly. I am 15, but I need to know how much insurance is when im 16-18. If you have any more questions about my car t o determine the cost. Feel free to ask me at [email protected] with LOOK as the subject. THX""
Does the owner of the car have to be insured?
I drive my sister's car and my sister lives in a different country. Does my sister have to be insured since she is the owner? I am insured..
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
What's the cheapest car for insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Why would a good car end up at an insurance auto auction?
Looking to buy a used 2009 vehicle right now with 9,000 miles. Seller states it was purchased at an insurance auction with a clear title. Autocheck confirms this info - single owner, no accidents, no thefts, no repossessions, clear title, etc. What might be the reason this car was at the auction in the first place?""
Do I need to insure my car before getting a temporary registration?
recently purchased a used car that DOES require emissions testing. In my state (CT) the DMV offers 10-day temp. registration for vehicles that need testing Do I need to insure this car before I'll be eligible for the 10-day registration? I'd prefer not to insure a car that won't pass emissions because I won't be able to drive it, and I refuse to wait in line at the DMV for hours just for answers on this questions (their website gave very few specifics)""
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment.     whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car?   ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad)    anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car)    i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation.    please help me.
Should I go through my car insurance company or not?
My car was parked on a decline, stalled, and ran into the back of my friends wagon. My repair quote is about $940, hers is about $615, at a total of about $1555. The excess I have to pay towards insurance repairs is $1045 (standard excess, age excess for being under 25, and some flexi-excess p.o.s). At the moment I only have enough money to fix her car, although that means waiting another few months to fix mine, and I'm impatient. Hers needs to be fixed asap for roadworthy and registration. I also have the option of finding a new bumper for hers at a much cheaper price, although that is proving difficult. Also, my insurance company only likes their choice of repairer. My panel shop has done jobs for the company before, but I'm not certain if they will let me use them. I won't have anyone else repair my car, as the money was going to go to repainting a new bonnet instead of repairing, which insurance won't cover. On another note, I'm not sure how long going through insurance will take. So my question is, do I go through insurance, even though I might not get to use my panel shop and it will cost me almost the same? Or do I leave it, and do what I can to fix my friends car cheaper? Then just suck it up and wait to have the money for mine, therefore also saving a rise on my insurance premium and a drop in my rating.""
Fastest accelerating car in the insurance group 1-3?
Hello, I am going to be turning 17 shortly and would like some advise on which car that would be very responsive and quick. My budget for the car itself is 1450 but there could be a bit of flexibility. As I am sure you all know, insurance for new drivers is very high, so I want something in between groups one and three as I believe that is the area that I can afford. Could I also please ask for serious answers. I am not not wanting to drive irresponsibly, if that is a worry to some contributors. Thanks.""
Teen car insurance!! ?
im 15 and getting ready to buy my first car. i really want to know about how much my insurance will be. im getting a 2001 toyota celica and i live in north carolina and im a girl. can anyone please help?????
Insurance for moving to USA?
Myself and my partner are moving to the USA. We will need travel insurance and some health cover, and although we will both have health insurance with our new jobs, we will need cover for the first month and I am looking to see if I can find a travel insurance policy that provide the cover. Trouble is, the standard travel insurance I have seen so far assume that we will still live in the UK and that we just want cover for a months 'holiday'. One way travel insurance seems to stop 24 hours after we land in the USA Does anyone know of a one way travel insurance that will cover us for the journey and the first months stay""
Cheapest 600cc sportbike to maintain?
Which of these bikes of the 600cc class is the cheapest to maintain in terms of insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...(so which is the cheapest combining all of these aspect) the bikes = kawasaki zx6r, honda cbr600rr, yamaha r6, suzuki gsxr 600""
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
How has the highly competitive and free market capitalism of Health Insurance Co worked for the last?
How has the highly competitive and free market capitalism of Health Insurance Co worked for the last? 70 years for Americans? I can only speak for Kanucks... the #1 most popular service the gov't provides for is Universal Health Care coverage, I think the #2 is a Timmies LgDD and a Maple Dipped..""
About how much will my car insurance increase...?
I recently received a speeding ticket for going 81/60. 4 points and 185$ fine...the officer said he would knock it down to 2 points and 80$ fine if i showed up to court. I'm 19, I live in S. Carolina, and I pay 195$ a month for a 2004 mazda6. Does anyone have an estimate on how much 2 points will raise my rates? Note: This is my second ticket; my first was an Improper start from start, no points 155$ fine. Thanks so much!""
""Moving to CO in a month, how do I go about switching my car insurance?""
I'm under my dad's insurance now (AAA).. it's his and my car on his policy. I was told by them that once I cancel it, it'll take effect immediately and be taken off the policy. I'm moving to CO on the 18th of next month and want my new insurance to take effect on that day. If I start my policy for that day and cancel the AAA the same day, will they pro-rate June's insurance so I don't have to pay for the full month since my car won't be insured by them for that whole month? I just don't want to get stuck paying the bill twice in one month.""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old to drive a 2005 Ford F-150?
I live in Arizona, I want a red or black 2005 Ford F-150 crew cab. Im not rich, my dads just got a **** ton of money cause he never buys anything. Im trying to get him to pay for the whole insurance but i really doubt hes going to. So please help me out, tell me how much me or him is going to have to pay.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance for michigan?
for the most basic insurance
Insurance nightmare help?
tommorow im leaving for florida in my grandmothers car. i just discovered the car hasnt had a proof of insurance for over a year. if i cannot find a proof of insurance i cannot begin my 1300 mile trip to florida. does anyone have any ideas on some way we can get a proof of insurance between now and tomorow at 9 am?
""Just found out I'm pregnant, I need health insurance but...?
What are the best plans for me (Im 23 and live in CA) I want to save as much as I can. I've looked at Kaiser Permanente and Anthem Blue Cross but Im lost.
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
female no accidents new driver in school working
Got my speeding ticket removed but my insurance went up?
I got a speeding ticket, paid for it, and decided to get it removed off of my record so my insurance wouldn't find out. In my city, in order to do that you need to get an attorney and go to defensive driving class in order for it to be removed of your record. I got an attorney and paid $370 + $50 for traffic school and they sent me a letter from the court saying that my traffic violation was disposed of. But I just got my insurance bill and my rate had gone up by anyway! Do you have any suggestions on how I can lower it back to normal? I truly appreciate your help!""
If you park your car on the street does it cost more on insurance?
Getting a car and if i can save some money on insurance by finding else where to park then i will do that, but i don't mind parking it on the street if i doesn't have an effect on my insurance.""
Why is my landlord requires Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance?
I own a beauty salon, and not understand why my landlord required my insurance to have Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance coverage? I know this coverage would covered my car I rented for business used & my employee's liability when sometime (rarely) used for business purposes. What's is it in for the landlord?""
""If my car was severely keyed, and i want insurance to pay for some of it, will my geico insurance rate go up?""
psycho ex bf keyed every single panel of my jeep, including F^&* you and cya boo and a couple of X s. fml. there's no way in hell i can pay for it on my own but it is so embarassing. if i try to get insurance to pay for it, will my rate go up?""
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
Can u get motorcycle insurance without a permit or license?
What's the best way to insure I get 200 grams of protein per day?
My Dad used to do protein shakes but his doctor told him to get the protein through foods, not the shakes. Now the consultant at my gym says I need 215 grams of protein per day to keep my muscle mass and build further but it's not like I can have a steak at every meal. Any suggestions?""
Car insurance cost in CA?
I just moved to Los Angeles county from Massachusetts. I have a 2002 Mercedes c230 that I brought with me. I used to pay $850/yr. for full coverage on it in MA. I have been looking around and getting quotes online for $900+ for 6 months here! I am a 25 yr old single, and I also have a perfect driving record. Is all insurance rediculously priced here?, or am i just looking in the wrong place? ( I've looked at GEICO, progressive, other nationwide online companys) thanks for any help.""
""Im paying $1,000 every 6months for my car insurance, and im 19 years old.?""
Does anybody know of any cheap insurance companies that I can get a quote from? I really REALLY need to find a different company, because I cant afford that much. Please help! (I live in California if that helps)""
Obtaining health insurance policy number?
I need my health insurance policy number for a school trip I'm taking. I don't have my Insurance card and I am wondering how to get my policy number thanks.
Low cost health insurance for Foreigners in China's Mainland.?
Is there such a thing, and where can I get some?""
Auto insurance cost?
I can't really get a quote from a car insurance web site. (It's a long story) I don't really know much about auto insurance at all. How much do you think my insurance would be? I'm a 20 year old female. I haven't ever had a ticket. The car I am potentially buying is a 2009 jeep grand Cherokee. that's $30,000 to $35,000. I would have a $20,000 loan. (my father would be co signing) since I have a loan I'd have to get full coverage. Any one got any idea of how much my rates would be?""
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment.     whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car?   ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad)    anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car)    i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation.    please help me.
Cheap motorcycle insurance?
anybody noe of some cheap motorcycle insurance im only 17 and im planning on getting a 250cc dis coming summer and i cant spend 300 or more a month thats to much pls help.
Car insurance on eclipse?
i recently had suv and a pickup truck. ar insurance is about $500 a year through farm family were on the farm policy so its a lot cheaper. I recently sold my truck (diesel) got tires of the awful gas milage (ford f-250). with the cost of diesel going way up again it was costing on empty-full $150 thats total b.s. anyway i been looking to get something with good gas milage that does not cost a lot to fill up. i have been looking into cars and taken carefully into consideration they get better milage but i have seen cars even is 20 mph accidents totaled. my next question is how much would car insurance be on a eclipse. if i did get a car i don't want a pice of junk looking old lady car i would want something that looks very nice. i was looking into the mit. eclipse/spider. was curious how much car insurance was if i stayed with farm family. i was going to call and ask them but i don't have the physical car yet and they would need to know exactly what kind of car year etc it is to give me the exact amount. I'm 22 years old with 5 years driving experience. only 1 accident. (old person was in hurry to airport for vacation told me and cop he did not think it it was needed to stop so he ran stop sign and hit me. i have owned 2 pick ups, 1 trail blazer. pickups, ad suv's fall under farm category cars don't so i am sure it would be more then what i pay now. i don't want to switch insurance either i hear horror stores with others. farm family paid me every time that week for accident repair i hear others you won't hear from them or they don't pay you or hospital bills if its needed farm family does. my spelling is not the greatest at it i got a little lazy.""
What is insurance expense and preaid insurance ?
A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, produces the following data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2005, for $6,000. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2006, for $4,640. This policy has a term of 2 years.""
Car insurance price for 17 year old?
I've got 2 questions cropped into 1 1st question, im looking to buy a Ford Fiesta HOPEFULLY after i pass my driving test. Ford Fiesta 1.2-1.6 litres. 2004-2006 model. Insurance price to a new 17 year old male driver living in northwest london where not much vandalism/problems occur compared to other towns. Car will be on off road parking overnight. Whats the approximate insurance price im looking at? 2nd question being that if anyone had recently taken the theory test. Is it hard? Easy? Thanks in advance""
How much does type of car vary the insurance rate?
I am 18 and am going to be licensed in about a month or so. I am thinking about buying a first car but I'm just wondering out of curiousity, how much would insuring a 2002 BMW cost more than let's say...a 2002-2004 Honda Civic? I'm looking at the civic but if they are in the same price range, I would rather buy the BMW. Yes, I know about the Honda gets 50 mpg and BMW will cost more to maintain, etc, etc but I'm just wondering, would BMW insurance cost a lot more for a old model?""
Motorcycle Insurance question?
I recently bought a motorcycle and i'm just about to buy insurance but i am abit confused, I'm thinking of getting the Third party fire & theft insurance, which means i wont get no claim if I crash my bike but what if the other drive is at fault? Does their insurance cover my damage or what? thank you""
How much can be motorcycle insurance premium?
Current auto premium - $120 (25 years, 2door car).""
Car insurance when i turn 18?
Hi right now im 17 and im about to be 18 in march, im looking to get a car so i can commute back and forth for school and i need help on this car insurance ropes. Im planing on getting a used car for around 3000 maybe a jeep wrangler/loredo or a good nissan or toyota. Ill look into prices and student discounts after i figure this out, am i able to get car insurance under my name when i turn 18? My mom isn't a driver or owns a car this is another reason, so i can drive her around. So ill be doing this on my own, any help or tips? And please nothing that im young or stupid answers im trying to be serious. All help is appreciated, thanks.""
VERY URGENT! Buying car insurance by telephone  heeeelp!!!!?
Hello thank you for entering in my post I'm buying an insurance for my car by phone call so far I have the best deal from a company called Admiral Tomorrow I'm going to call this insurance company back to settle the agreement I've never done a contract by phone call I believe they should obviously send me a contract by e-mail with all my details and all the details of my purchase and the details of the company  until here it's quite clear my question is: How should I pay for this contract? Should I give my debit card details by phone call? Is buying an insurance by telephone safe? Any advice according this matter will be very appreciated thank you in advance for your help
Car insurance and international driver's license?
Hi, I'd like to know if it's possible to get car insurance and buy a car in the USA if you don't have an American driver's license... I only have a French driver's license and an international driver's license. Could you please also tell me how much does car insurance approximately cost for 1 year? Thank you very much in advance.""
Health insurance?
i need health insurance that is affordable to me. i am willing to spend 30-100 dollars a month. i just basically want something to cover my dental and doctor . it can be network far as i car i dont really need ppo. i also want it to cover some of my presciption.
Best insurance companies for 17 year old passed my test!!?
ok ive pased my test a month on friday and i gettin a car this week and i need some insurance on the car obviiously lol, well basically whats the cheapest car insurance all you 17 year old have and who is it with, please :)""
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus.?
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus. I am looking at buying a s13 non turbo at 11k. when i looked for a quote the minimum was like 5k which i do not have the money seeing as i am going to have to get a loan for my car.
How do I find out how much the insurance settlement check was?
I was in an auto accident and had head injuries. When the insurance company settled, I did not see the settlement check. My lawyer wrote personal 2 checks to me totaling what he said to be the policy limit. I never saw anything that showed what the policy limit was and I feel like he has done something very underhanded. This same lawyer sent me to a doctor for a test and charged me 6,500.00 for an EMG. After I received the bill I went to the doctors office to find out why it was so high but the office was no longer there. My lawyer said that the doctor died in an auto accident I recently found out he is working in another location now. How do I find out what the insurance settlement check was?""
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
How much roughly will my car insurance go up if I make a claim to have it resprayed due to vandalism?
First speeding ticket how much will my insurance increase and for how long?
I recieved my first moving violation (speeding ticket) and would like to know the cost/percentage/etc of a potential increase (if any) to my insurance. I am reluctant to call my State Farm agent for fear that they'll pull the record now and re-do my rates instead of towards the end of 6 months when I am up for renewal. Any takers?
Can you have your name on the insurance if you dont live at the same address?
I am looking at car insurance, if i do it under my name it will set me back about 2,000 to 2,500. If its under my mothers name, but I am down as the MAIN driver it will cost me about 700 - 1,000. Can my mum legally be the insurance holder if she lives at a different address? I don't want to commit fraud""
How much is the insurance payment in New York State for a 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo? In General.?
I live in New York State and i plan on buying a 1997 jeep grand Cherokee Laredo for maybe $1000. I've looked on the quotes on auto insurance and none of them helped me. Plus i am 17 years old and the vehicle would have to go under my parents name.
If my dad is a co signer for a car will my insurance be cheap?
I'm 19 and its my first car and my dad is the co signer will my insurance be low? What are cheap insurance agencies for teenagers?
Are custom orthotics covered by health insurance?
I heard getting a pair is expensive but i need them for running uninjured
How do obese/fat people get health insurance?
I am self employed and live in missouri and am having trouble finding health insurance.
Will Car Insurance Fees Go Up?
So recently i was pulled over for speeding. 50 in a 45. Will my fines go up for just being 5+ the limit? If so how much do you think? Also I'm 16 -Thanks
Home Owners Insurance?
My husband and I are looking for the best home owners insurance in California one that includes earthquake coverage and other stuff like fire and theft can you give me places to check out? We will be living in Culver City, California in the USA""
What is the average cost per mile to operate a car including depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance etc?
What is the average cost per mile to operate a car including depreciation maintenance gasoline insurance etc?
Monthly payment for Car Insurance?
Hi, I'm 18 and I want to get a car, but I am not sure if I can afford car insurance. I was told I can put my name under a relative's insurance (He is around 50). So I have a question for you guys. How much money do you pay for car insurance a month? I know it varies amongst states and ages, but I want to get an idea of the amount of money I may be paying. I live in New York so I know it will probably be way higher than other states. Please provide your age, state, and car insurance monthly estimate. Thank you! =]""
Second driver for my parents car insurance?
well im a full time college student so i can't pay for my car insurance at the moment.     whats the requirements for putting myself as a second driver to my parents car?   ive had one car accident and been cancelled twice in my own name to 2 different car insurance. (family member passed away and i had to use the cash to go abroad)    anyways.. will that effect me to putting me as a second driver to my parents car?? .. (with their name on the car)    i mean.. my parents will pay for me so i dont see the problem for me getting rejected by the insurance for my prior non payment cancelation.    please help me.
0 notes
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
"health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance in CA with AZ vehicle?
Ok so I have a multi part question. My dad is about to get his car reposed. He lives in Phoenix AZ and obviously bought the car there. Its not under his name yet cause hes still paying for it. So he wants me to take over the payments and give me the car. I live in Los Angeles. So my question is, can I get insurance here in Cali even though its a AZ car and its still under the peoples name? If not, he can get insurance there. Also, isn't there a period of time an out of state car can be here being out off state still? What should I do? I don't want to get all sorts of fines or tickets. Thanks in advance""
How much will motorycycle insurance be for a 17 year old?
im getting a 487cc Suzuki gs500f, how much do you think insurance is going to be? also how can i lower the cost of insurance, will it lower when i turn 18? im taking the msf course and getting it under my family plan if possible thx""
Car insurance trouble?
i had posted this question earlier just not in the right way.so i have a car and its not under my name because im so young to have a new car with insurance under my name so its all under my aunts name. the insurance and everything else is in her name but its my car.so i have to go on a business trip to Vegas and my aunts flipping out!!! because she says i cant take the car because the insurance its not in my name and the car isnt either so im just really frustrated trying to figure out what to do besides flying?can she buy insurance for a couple days so i can go?
Where can I find cheap car insurance for someone who has a dui?
I live in AZ and I am trying to find car insurance for someone who has had a dui. The only company so far is Bristol west but they are too expensive. Where else can I go?
I currently do not have any insurance but i do know that i do not meet the requirements for medicade. Will this mean less care for me and my baby durrning my preg? I can make payments but i can not afford to make the whole payment at the time of the visits it will have to be shedualed. any suggestions? I have explored options of medicade, In Nebraska where im at you can only have 3,000 worth of assets and i have a few savings bonds and more than one car, (all older nothing new) but they will still count for assets. I do know that one car and your house is exempt but i still wont qualify. Hmm what to do. Nothing I can do i guess.... But will this mean less visits to the dr? I want the best for my baby. thanks to any and all who answer.""
Who do i call about health Insurance ?
I'm 19 years old and live on my own. How can I get health insurance in my own name since my father is no longer w us and my motherdoesnt ha ve her own ?!
Life insurance?
Why should I buy a life insurance?
Should I buy car insurance or not?
I am a teenage driver of 16. Insurance is very high for a teenager. My parents have Allstate Car Insurance for four of their cars including a Toyota Corolla which im going to be driving. The Corolla is covered by AllState insurance. I have a California Driver's License and live in California. About 6 months ago, my mom asked the insurance company whether the insurance would cover the car if she lent the car to someone and the insurance company said that they would cover the car as soon as the person who borrowed the car has a VALID DRIVERS LICENSE. I have a valid drivers license but I am under 18 (I am 16). The insurance person did not say anything about age. My question is whether it is necessary or not to buy insurance for myself. It will be very expensive and I do not want to pay for it but I will If i have to. Do I have to get my own insurance for the car or not? If I dont buy insurance and I drive the corolla and get pulled over, am I okay or will I have problems?""
What is The Cheapest Auto insurance?
I want to find out how much auto insurance would cost. Im 16 and I just got my license. If i do get a car it would probably be an old car from around the 1990's and it would have a lot of mileage. Im looking for the cheapest answer possible. Please don't answer by saying that it depends on something or a website to look it up on.
Is it worth getting insurance?
Is it worth getting insurance on my KTM Duke 125? I'm 16 years old and just a beginner and I don't know whether I should get the insurance. The only thing I'm scared of is that someone will steal my bike. I live in Europe.
What car is quite cheap to buy and is also cheap on insurance for a first time driver?
my parents are gettin me a car but im payin insurance .. any ideas?
Can someone else drive my car if i have cancel my insurance cover?
I am going on holiday for 5 months and thinking of cancelling my car insurance. My car is taxed until next year and wondering if my brother can drive my car if I have cancelled my car insurace? (he has his own insurance for his car), does he has to add my car reg on his insurance? Please HELP...""
How much is the average costs for running a 125cc motorbike/Moped?
i.e. average insurance/ MOT/ fuel consumption as a provisional Motorcycle license but full driving license. I need this to somewhat give me a idea of commuting benefits of biking to work from zone 4 - 1 London. Thanks in advance
Will my car insurance rates go up if i crashed a car as a valet?
backed into another car as a valet. My company has insurance. The insurance exchanged was my bosses, and the other 2 parties involved (car I was in and the car that was hit). My license number was taken down and I received a traffic ticket. Oh well. My real concern is does MY insurance ever find out about this? Or is it all on the company's insurance?""
Car insurance accepting no claims when not been on a policy for 2 years?
I need car insurance with a company who will accept my 9 years no claims from 2 years ago, does anybody know any companies who accept this??? thanks""
Insurance for Bentley GTC Continental?
I (sadly) dont have one of my own - yet (im working on it..) Just out of general.Theres another new footballer on the go,hes only 21 & recently purchased a bentley.Approx. for someone in there early 20s how much would insurance cost? (I understand hes a footballer,he earns more a year we all do lol..) Thanx in advance xx""
Car Insurance for 18 year old female?
Hiya! I am due to pass my driving test by my 18th birthday. Ive been doing some research and got quotes of minimum 6K and even one which was 12K. I don't understand how the insurance companies reckon people like me can afford that kind of money. Do you kbow any good insurers that will help me out? A maximum of 2,000 will be ideal! I have the car ready and sorted. Its a Toyota Yaris 2001 with a 1.1L engine. It is worth less than one grand. Sooooo.....""
Should i get a policy on My Dad's car insurance?
Hi all My Dad has been with Churchill a long time and says they are brilliant. I have been looking at my own policys and they are around 2.5k-3k which is so out of my price range it is unreal.I have checked how much it would cost to have my Dad as the main driver on another Churchill Policy on my car and have me as a name driver,Protect his no claims and i am also able to build up my own for future use with Churchill. The cost of this kind of policy totals at around 750. Should i take this or could there be any problems in the future.""
How to find insurance companies for joint ventures?
How to find Insurance companies wanting to do a joint venture of a $100 million and up. not insurance brokers
What's the cheapest I can get car insurance for?
I'm 17 years old, and am looking to get my first car, something like an old Ford KA, Ford Fiesta or similar, you know the kinda cars I'm talking about. I am able to keep it in a secure residential car parking space. I'd prefer not to be told to just look around on price comparison websites , I've looked but the prices im being quoted are ranging from 3500 to 8000 and I'd like a rough idea on the cheapest I would be able to get it for, and tips as to how I can get it at a good value price?""
Where can I find business cargo insurance at reasonable rates?
We're a small company trying to get started, that's why we're looking for insurance at a reasonable rate. Any help will be welcome. Thanks""
ok so my parents haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee covering their house, life, car insurance and some other things as a package throughlibertyy mutual. Anyways, I took driving school classes and passed. Its supposed to lower myinsurancee.I'mm turning 17 in October and my permit says i can get mylicensee on september 19. ( i got it late and in az you have to wait 6 months) Is there a way thatLibertyy mutual can insure me? I heard from one of there reps that they wont insure a new driver unless they've had theirlicensee for 6 months. Please help Also if i got a truck could i just insure it under my parents name even though they already have cars? or is it one car per person?""
Buying a used Honda Civic 1996? First Car? Insurance?
Hi guys. I'm a College Freshman, and I got my California Driver's License last winter break. I am thinking about buying a used Honda Civic 1996. I know the only way I can find out how much insurance would cost me every month would be by me getting a quote. But on a rough estimate, how much would I be paying at age 19 for a Honda Civic 1996, on my own plan. Not on a family plan or anything. Also, plus gas and everything, how much roughly would I be paying every month? Best detailed answer gets 10 points. Thanks!!!""
Anyone know insurance companies that will sell life insurance to severely obese people?
Anyone know insurance companies that will sell life insurance to severely obese people?
""If my car was stolen, does the insurance pay me or the lienholder the settlement check?
It has been a month since my car was stolen and it hasnt turned back up. So the next step is the settlement. How does it work if i owe the lienholder 3000 dollars?? Does the insurance pay the lienholder and i get the difference or do they just pay me? And does the interest rate get deducted from the $3000????
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
How much will my boyfriends car insurance go up? appx?
he's 23 and he just got a dui last night in cincinnati ohio and has nationwide (worst night of my life cuz i've never had a run in with cops before). he drives an old 95 civic and pays like 35 a month right now and he doesnt have any other marks on his record. also dont answer if you're going to judge, he could actually drive just fine but the cop was a jerk and wouldn't give me straight answers when i had questions and arrested him after he used the word perjury wrong in a sentence. he said you were doing great up until then . and he also condescended him in the car even though he had been cooperative the whole time. ps i have a new found hate for cops.""
If the supreme court finds health care law unconstitutional would i have to buy car insurance?
most of the health care debate is about weather the government can make a person buy a specific product such as health insurance. If the court finds that the individual mandate is unconstitutional would this mean that the government would not be allowed to require people to buy car insurance. and if so would I be able to take this to my state supreme court to question the constitutionality of having to buy car insurance?
How much is your car insurance?
around how much would it be for a teen lets say?
What is the cheapest form of auto insurance?
What is the cheapest form of auto insurance?
How much will it cost for a 17 year old girl to get auto insurance.?
i dont have a car yet im getting it in August, and my mom said that she does not want me under her insurance so im stuck getting it by myself what can i do?""
If the policy holder on car insurance crashes does it affect the named drivers?
I am wanting to get a car and been 19 it will cost a lot , my insurance drops below 1000, if i put my parents as named drivers. I was wondering if the policy holder (me) had a crash would it affect their insurance or is it just the other way around, if they crash as named drivers it will affect the policy holder? As they have no claims discount and i have none , so i can not apply NCD protection ? Thank you :)""
What are california's car insurance laws?
Im a new driver and was wondering if its a type of insurance i need. I only have Liability on my car nothing else am i ok if i get pulled over and asked for proof of insurance??
Thinking about buying a house... Homeowners insurance?
How does homeowner's insurance work? Is it part of your monthly mortgage or is it something you pay separately?
Geico vs. Progressive?
I currently have Progressive and am very happy with their service and the rates had been pretty reasonable, however they went up considerably because my husband hit a deer. I was thinking about getting a quote from Geico to see if I could get a better rate. Anyone have experience with Geico? Are they as good as Progressive?""
What do I need to add to my auto insurance policy to be considered full coverage.?
I have a car with Calif min. pl and pd. If I were to add a new car what additional coverage and how much would be considered full coverage and satisfy the finance company?
""I need family medical/dental insurance, where do people get this if they are self employed?
We currently have very good insurance through my husband's work. He is in the process of starting his own business and will be leaving his current job soon. I am very concerned about finding affordable insurance they provides good coverage for my family. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Insurance cost of 06 Cobalt SS?
I am 19 and have no tickets... was just wandering a guess at how much it would be?
Do porches have the most insurance rate?
Do porches have the most insurance rate?
Do you need Car insurance to rent a car?
My Parents don't have a car and I'm sure my other family not gonna let me drive their car so don't bother ask. I don't have a friend who got a car. Its small town where I'm at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. I'm taking my written test next week, If i pass the written test, and then i want to take the road test. 1) Do i need a Car Insurance to rent a Car 2) Do they give me car for me to take a road test at DMV? 3) Can you buy a car without your Driver License? 4) How old do you have to rent a Car? ( I'm 19 Years old)""
How long have i had car insurance?
Can someone please tell me where I stand on the following: I have held a provisional UK license since 4/4/06 after a few months of driving lessons I took out insurance on my vehicle with Virgin so that I could drive accompanied by my parents. This policy was taken out on 31/7/06. On 9/11/06 I past my driving test. On 31/07/07 I renewed my car insurance with virgin and with the 31/07/08 soon approaching I must again renew my car insurance. The problem is I will in fact have had two year no claims on 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, however when I go on their and any other online car insurers websites it says that my no claims (2 years) cannot exceed my full license period (1 year 9 months) So the question is, will my car insurance be recognised by other insurers as been held for two years?""
How much would insurance cost for a 22 year old to be insured with his mother?
My mum has been driving for 24 years . The car I want to be a secondary driver is the Honda Jazz 2004 which is 1.3 Litre. How much is insurance looking to cost around?
How much would car insurance cost if you have two tickets?
So I just got my second speeding ticket today... -.- My first ticket was going 58 in a 35... (reckless driving) Ironically my second ticket was 58 in a 35 too... (reckless driving) I am 18 and live in the state of Virginia... I own a 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... Can anybody estimate how much my car insurance is gonna go up? Like how much my insurance will be every month now? I have state farm insurance by the way... If anymore information is need please ask me so I can get the estimates... I'm actually very scared to tell my parents... So I'd just like to know all this information before they do...
Insurance complaint question?
When the insurance company receives a complaint from the insurance commissioner, what is the process? Are there any instances where the insurance company will reverse their decision to deny a claim? Thanks!""
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
How much would car insurance be on a BMW M car?
BMW M3 or M6 Convertible I have no tickets Location: South Orange County, CA""
""What is the best learner motorcycle, cheap on insurance and good quality?""
I am looking to learn how to ride a motorcycle and am looking for a bike that is easy to learn, cheap to run, cheap on insurance and a good ride. Are older bikes cheaper? Are some brands better on insurance than others? Thanks.""
Which is the best CAR INSURANCE....UK?
I'm 19 and was wondering which is the best company to get car insurance from and the best way of getting it the cheapest.? Me and my dad are not quite sure of the tricks used to get the best deal, so i would appreciate it if you could help.? A few of my friends get their insurance dirt cheap because they are named drivers on their parent's car - but when i try to get a quote online it still charges me over 1500. Thanks. (In the UK btw)""
""With car insurance, its it cheaper to buy an older car (2004 make etc), than a newer car (2007 make etc)?""
With car insurance, its it cheaper to buy an older car (2004 make etc), than a newer car (2007 make etc)?""
How much does a california speeding ticket and no insurance will cost?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?..... I heard that if i get pull over with no insurance i get my lisence suspended is this true? and fine of 1000$ and posibly car will be towed because its illegal to not have an insurance :(? please somone help me with this part real information plz.
My car insurance is $96.00 a month and I have a 17 year old son that needs to be put on my insurance?
How much do you think it will be after I add him?
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
How much a month for loan and insurance for a 350z.?
Ok so I'm gonna be 20 in a couple months and I'm tired of driving my crappy integra. I've been saving up and I'm set on getting a 350z. My price range is about 12,000 tops. If I put a down payment of about 5 or 6 grand how much would I pay per month for the loan. And how much would I pay a month for the loan along with the insurance. I'm on my parents plan. I don't know much about interest rates. Can you give me estimates on different lengths of loans and interest rates Thanks ily""
Do you pay Car Insurance in USA even if you don't have a car?
Is it true that when you turn 16 in USA you have to pay for Car insurance, even when you don't have a car. A friend of mine is told me this and is having trouble, maybe I can help out with the truth about USA car insurance policy.""
Does anyone know where I can buy affordable motorcycle insurance online?
I prefer one that will provide same day proof of coverage. My hubby was stopped on Friday after work and we need this as soon as possible. Thanks!!
Question about GAP insurance?
when i bought my truck I had GAP insurance calculated into the loan, but since then Ive refinanced several times, last time back to the original lender. Since the GAP was in with the loan is it correct that it would still have GAP insurance?""
Is there any affordable health insurance for full time college students?
I'm a full time student and I work full time. But our benefits at work aren't that great. It's close to $400 a month with a 5000 deductible. I can't afford that right now. Recently my mom told me that she heard some colleges have health insurance programs or something like that that I can get through the college. It's pretty affordable supposedly.. I tried to search on my college site but didn't really find anything. Where can I find info about this? Or are there any government programs that offer insurance to full time students?
Any affordable health insurance options for a 65 years old thats not eligible for Medicare?
My in laws are 65 years old and just moved to the US (legally!). Because they are not US Citizens yet, and it will take 5 to 6 years for that to happen, they do not qualify for Medicare. So my question is, is there any affordable option to get healthcare coverage for someone who is over 65 yrs old? Because my husband and I are sponsoring them if they cannot pay for a medical (or any other) bill, they will come after us and we all know how expensive cancer or even a simple surgery can be, needless to say that we are not sleeping well at night! Thanks! Sheila (your love life paramedic) www.slumberpartiesbysheila.com""
""When I talk to a Christian, they remind me of life insurance salesperson, does it remind you of of that?""
They keep preaching (selling, giving) after death life insurance Of course they will tell you its FREE, but any time anything is free it most likely cost you a whole lot more that its worth.""
Motorcycle insurance for a 17 year old?
im interested in getting a bike (CF Moto V5), and i was wonder what would be a close estimate to the yearly cost? thank you.""
Temporary health insurance for southern California? ?
Hello, I really need health insurance for the next 3 months. But i don't know who or what i would go to .I know i will have to go to the doctors for some health issues. But after 3 months ill be leaving the country for an unknown amount of time. So any help would be very appreciated. thank you!""
Should we have whole life insurance?
My husband is 26 yrs old and he bought whole life insurance. I tried to tell him to get term sicne we are so young, but he wouldn't listen. Can anyone help me?""
How can I get discounts on auto insurance?
I want to know more about auto insurance discounts. I would like to reduce costs so a discount will be nice.
Got a question about changing my car color and insurance...?
So this past summer I was so close into painting my car into White! But my mom was hating on it, and she told me that if i had changed the color of my car we would had to contact the insurance people... Telling them that the car is getting a color Changed Them having to change some info on the car And the worst part... The insurances goes up? (btw... my car's color is black) So you guys out there... Please help answering my question! would my insurance go up if I change my car's color? I haven't paint the car yet.. maybe till' the spring time since its almost winter time!!! Thanks!""
Monthly car insurance?
Hi, im 17 and recently passed my test and bought a 2000 fiat punto. Now for insurance, can you get insured monthly and if so what are the best websites to use? Personal experiences would be good cheers""
Buying Car Insurance Help?
ive called a few companies... usual 300+ Down and 200+ Monthly... they keep asking me if i have car insurance Now.. should i lie and say yes i do..and give em my amazingly Low rates from my last insurance... which was 1/2 of the one they are trying to sell me..?
Will my premiums go up on car insurance if I'm not At Fault?
I live in the state of Michigan. Someone rear ended me at a stoplight. My tail light is broken and my bumper is sagging along with other minor scratches etc. I have 2 main questions ...show more
Do you need social security number to purchase car insurance?
Im a student under student visa here in california, I want to purchase car insurance but dont have a ssn. If you can, which companies will and which will not?""
Cheapest cars to get insurance on in the uk?
im a 17 year old boy i dont want something chavy like a corsa i want a vw
How to get health insurance for children.?
I'm trying to find info on getting insurance for a child. Does anyone know how a father that is ordered to provide the health care for his child but does not have custody can apply for programs like CHIPS. No insurance is offered through his job and I'm not sure what programs he can apply for since the child does not live with him. We are in Texas. Any info would help. Btw the mother cant qualify because of the new husbands income.
CAR INSURANCE~with points?
if someone has 2 or more convictions on there licence, they have to declare thses, but is there a car insurance company that does not take theses convictions into account ? long shot i know but ya never know.... points were for exceeding 30 mph (34) and 50 (59)...no lectures please.....""
Does anyone know anything about car insurance or adding a car?
So im 18. I have car insurance with my mom and at country financial insurance. I am tryin to add a car that i have on the policy. But am i able to add if im 18 and the only one on the car title? I thought yes since im 18, but need another opinion.""
Can I put someone on my car insurance?
I own a car. I have insurance on the car. Can I put another person who is going to be driving the car regularly on my policy if they are not co-owner of the vehicle?
Why is car insurance so higher in UK than other countries?
In my home country, I did not even think about car insurance cost when I bought a car. It was just a small amount of money. In UK, when I try to buy a cheap secondhand car, the insurance cost higher than the car price. 2002 Nissan Primera cost 900 pounds while insurance quoted me 1169 pounds for that car. Why insurance cost more than the car price? I am not intending to claim by knowing the amount of excess money (higher than the car price) I have to pay in the first place if I want to claim.""
Should I notify my car insurance company if I paid for the fix myself?
I had a minor car accident in a Costco parking lot last weekend. I was backing out my parking lot; the other guy was also backing out. Unfortunately, we didn't see each other... Anyway, this seems to be a 50-50 accident. The damage to the cars are moderate and we agreed on just fixing ourselves. So no personal information was exchanged. I got an estimate today. The cost for fixing my car is not cheap but still lower than the minimal requirement for accident reporting in California. It is also lower than my insurance deductible. So I plan neither to report to DMV nor to file a claim. But one friend of mine suggested that in this case, I should still notify (but not to file a claim to) my insurance company. His argument is that the other party can still come back and sue me (if he is a freak). While we didn't exchange information, the other party may have remembered my license plate number so theoretically he could find out all other information about me. But I am not sure if notifying the insurance company will affect my premiums. What do you think?""
""USA, health insurance. when you are 56 & cannot afford health insurance, is that a death sentence?""
doctors & hospitals in the US will not help unless you have insurance. so if i have cancer or any sickness, am I left to die.?""
I wonder how many points will my insurance raise ?
So my car was parked in-front of a SUV Lexus in a parking lot. Then, i left my friend's house and started to drive. I stepped on the gas pedal to drive forward but i forgot that the car was still in Reverse mode. So i hit the Lexus car which was behind my car and luckily no one was in that car. There is damage on that car's left side headlight and left-side of the bumper. I wonder how many points will my insurance raise ? i just got the license like a few months ago and this is my fist accident. The SUV Lexus car's parts and labor fee is really expensive so i might don't have enough cash to pay them thou. (estimate $3000-$5000)""
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
Car insurance cover note?
Hello. Could anybody please help me to sort out? The thing is that at last I have just registered my European left-hand drive car in the UK. Before that not too many insurers could insure such a car,but I've found AJ Car Insurance company. They sent me a monthly Cover Note until my installments have payed in full, but the last Cover Note has been sent 5 days later then expected,because the insurer just forgot to send it on time and sent it after I reminded them...In fact they left my car without insurance for 5 days ... So can they do so and what can I do in such situation? Can I charge this company for that and how? Thanks anybody who answers my question.""
""Car Insurance claims, time limit to file claim?""
I got in a auto accident a few days ago it was a three car pile up. The guy who caused the accident was cited and his car was towed away from the scence. Out of all three cars his brand new lexus was the least damaged, my car on the other hand is a total. His insurance company progressive is telling me and the other victim there is nothing they can do as far as a rental car for us or payments for our medical bills or to fix or total out our cars until they speak with there client who is avoiding them. Is there not a time limit? Because I have to go to work, I have childern and I am pregnant so this is a bad situation for me, my insurance company is not going to pay for all the damages just a few so it would be pointless for me to file thru them. What can I do and expect?""
Car insurance help. please help me?
I am buying a 2011 camaro 2lt. Now here is what I am thinking. If i put my car under my dad's insurance will my insurance also be lower if i am listen under my dad's insurance and as one of the people who drives the car instead of having the car under my insurance?
Cheapest car insurance company for my situation?
What company can provide me with the cheapest insurance? I am -19 years old -a student who is taking a semester off -female -hispanic -broke as hell My car is a white 1995 Geo Metro manual with a new lcutch and a bunch of brand new repairs on it.
Health care bill will make health services more affordable and of higer quality?
why would it? can anyone give me a paragraph on why and why these things happen?
Let's not have universal health care but just make health insurance more affordable?
and have the insurance companies take out take all these pre existing condition clauses. Then we don't have to worry about giving health care to illegals or higher taxes. Does anyone agree with me?
How much will a speedping ticket raise my car insurance in California?
Hi, Last night I got my first speeding ticket ever. I am a 18 year old male. The officer claims I was going 84 but I dont believe him because he said he lasered me at 1am and usually I am under 80mph. Anyways, If I go to court and do drivers school and remove this ticket, what will happen to my insurance rate? I have all state.""
""Can you fake proof of insurance in Seattle, WA?""
My friend and I are having an argument. He believes that you can keep a fake insurance card in your car that looks legitimate and the police will not be able to check the information with the insurance company to verify that you actually have insurance, if they pull you over. Also, if you do not have proof of insurance, and you get cited for a ticket, he believes that you could send in fake proof of insurance to the Seattle Municipal Court so they would dismiss the ticket, less a $25 admin fee, because they do not check insurance information/do not have access to insurance records. I want to believe that he's wrong, but I don't know, I am not educated on the subject. Does anyone know the answer?""
How good is military insurance(Tri-Care) for maternity care?
My husband is in the military. I've never used the insurance, but I will need it now that I'm 6.5 weeks pregnant. How's the coverage?""
Car insurance !! HELP MEEEEE?
right, i cant find any cheap car insurance but my step dad said i can go on his and it should be alot cheaper ( just for a few yeatrs to save up abit ) but my car is in my name, do i need to change my car into his name ?? Pleasee help be Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx""
Will my insurance go up a lot?
I got into a fender bender in the parking lot at the mall yesterday I reverse parked and i was pulling out and I couldn't really see because a huge hummer was parked next to me I drove up a little bit to see, and a big van that was driving fast just hit me I don't exactly know whose fault it was, but I'm only 16 and I got my license a week ago And I drive a 2012 Honda civic Will my insurance go up a lot? I didn't get a ticket but I have a huge dent that's the size of a basketball on the front corner of my car And my hood is bent a little""
I need cheap car insurance?
I stay in Virginia and i got a job that don't pay good. After I pay rent I have nothing just gas to get to work. I need very cheap insurance can anyone help please??
My son's car was totaled and the insurance company offered us a very low price?
My son was rear ended at a high rate of speed. He was pushed 6 feet into the car in front of him. The guy had to really be moving when he hit my son. He was driving a 1999 Chevy Lumina LS. The blue book value according to NADA is $5000. It only had 78,000 miles onthe car. No rust on the body and overall in excellent shape. The insurance company offered me $3600 for the car. I can NOT find a replacement car in that shape for that price...""
Aetna student health insurance cover accutane?
Does anyone know whether Aetna STUDENT health insurance cover accutane? I don't know whether regular Aetna and Aetna Student are the same. also, for guys who have taken accutane, do we take the ipledge too? if so, how long do we have to wait before taking our first pill?""
Cheapest Car insurance ?
I'm a 16 year old guy getting license in 2 days and im staring to wonder which car insurance is the cheapest. I've been told aaa is the best, and my parents are on some aarp thing and it might be cheaper to get my own policy. SO any company names that you use would be great!""
Is it OK to lie about being married to get a lower auto insurance rate?
My insurer gives me a much lower auto insurance quote if I say that I'm married. I could say that my imaginary partner doesn't even drive. Are there any consequences to listing myself as married? Can it come back to bite me?
State Farm Insurance Rates From Fellow Users?
I will be added onto my parents policy. I got a 3.0GPA 16 Year old male, still in high school I will probably get a late 90's compact or 1/2 ton pickup. Any ideas, I herd that it will be around $300 a month. I also have taken driving classes if that helps.""
""When you had your first car, how much were you paying for the insurance?
im just gathering statistics
How can i find out how much my insurance on a car would be?
I'm barely 18 & I'm trying to find out how much insurance would be on a car if i buy it. I know insurance would be kind of high since it's my first car. My mom is gonna buy me the car but she's picky about how much the property tax is & the insurance on a car would be. Well to be any specific, the car I'm looking into is a 2004 Mitsubishi Galant GTS. I know the insurance my mom is on but I want to know if I just call them up & tell them I'm wanting to know what would the insurance be on this car if i bought it. Any idea???""
What is the purpose of insurance?
What is the purpose of insurance?
Car insurance payment?
I would like to get the car insurance for my used car, and it is my first car. If I buy the insurance for 6 months, should I pay all the 6 months insurance at one time, or pay month by month? Thanks.""
Where is the best place for auto insurance quotes?
Recently i have had to change auto insurance providers for multiple reasons. So now i am looking for the best place to get auto insurance quotes from.
Where can i get information on the popularity among savings insurance vs health insurance?
I would like to know which is higher on the premium you have to pay for savings and health insurance? savings or health insurance is higher? how can i get info on this?
1967 mustang insurance?
I am 20 years of age me never been involve in car accident and never gotten pulled over have had my driver license since 2008-2009 around there I was thinking of buying a 1967 mustang does anyone know how much insurance will cost for that I currently have farmers insurance. Also does anyone know how much it will cost me to change its license plate tags from Oklahoma to California tags Its coming from Oklahoma thank you
How much would car insurance cost for me(2010 camaro)?
alright...I am finally getting my car this summer! im turning 17...and im thinking about what car im going to get...im pretty settled on a camaro 2lt or one of the ss's. I was just wondering how much insurance would cost for that...since im so young and its a brand new sprots car...are there some companys that would be a little cheaper or would all of them be pretty much the same?
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
health insurance quotes 25 male healthy
0 notes
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college ..student?
"Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college ..student?
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college student?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
NY registration insurance lapse 2 years ago?
I know I sound ridiculous. Over 2 years ago I moved, and left my car at a relatives with plates etc. Never turned them in. I don't believe I cancelled insurance either . I just moved back and would like to register and insure the car again. I checked my drivers license and it is valid with no suspensions or restrictions etc.. I went online to get a quote from the same insurance company and it seems like I could have signed up right now with a very reasonable quote. lucky or can I expect something else when I go to the DMV?""
What is the penalty if police finds i have an old car insurance card in my car and not the current one?
i switched car insurance company, and i forgot to put the new car insurance card in the car, i still have the old one there but it expired. if the police stops me for some reason, will i get into any trouble? i have the new car insurance company phone number in my cellphone.""
Liberty Mutual Insurance?
im 16 years old just got my provision license in california and my mom has liberty mutual car insurance and i was wondering if i drove her car and crashed would they cover damages?
What automotive insurance companies insure right-hand drive cars in Ontario?
I'm looking to get insurance on a right hand drive import (Nissan Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. Prior to January 2012 this wasn't the hardest thing to do. It's gotten increasingly difficult. Anyone know of a company that still insures these imports at a reasonable rate?""
What wold be the cheapest and best insurance?
I'm 19 and a full time college student and I live in Wisconsin. I have a work study job at school as well as a full time job in the summer. I live with my grandma because I was technically abandoned by my mom while in high school and she is unemployed so I don't think she has insurance. I wrestle in college and earlier this year I sustained a concussion and a few days afterward I got rear ended which made the symptoms a lot worse. Theyre insurance is paying for some of the bills but not all. So what insurance should I try to pursue.
What is the best lowest cost insurance for a first time driver?
ok. i just got my learners permit. i had wondered what would be the best car insurance company too look to for getting my actual license. and has the lowest monthly rate, with the best coverage. i will never get a dui since i will never drive drunk. i have never had a ticket, i have excellent credit, i do not own a home so i don't want a insurance bundle, i'm in north carolina, i drive a volvo, i have never had a wreck . so i'm looking to good driving discount minus the privacy invading snap shot from progressive. and no dui discount. and good credit discount. exc anyone know of the best insurance company to look to?""
Why is car insurance so high in UK?
I want to insure a 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa 3 door. Im getting quotes for 3000 - 5000, does anybody know why this is? Its really annoying now""
A rough price of my insurance?
I was wondering how much will it cost for me to insure a 1.4-1.6L car.
Insurance - Please help!?
I am looking at getting a new ro roof for my large two storey house. My house is located in a central business area where I have high foot traffic and a busy road only metres away. Due to the height of the roof there will be scaffolding errected around the parimeters and I am concerned and the legal problems if someone gets hurt or other property damaged. I have to be concerned for the builders, my neighbours property, pedistrans and cars driving by. I have tried searching for insurance but cannot find any. Does anyone have any ideas??""
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
How do you know how much insurance to take when you buy car insurance?
Does my dad lose his no claims if I'm added to his car insurance?
I have a query about car insurance. When I passed my test last May, I was told that if I was to have my dad as the main driver, and me as the named driver, and my dad has 9 years or more no claims, then they would have to be reset to 0 years when i am added to the insurance, is this true? if it is, then i'm going to have to stick with the ridiculous insurance quotes... if not, then i've just realised that i could be saving myself 1000! Any opinions appreciated! :)""
Gettting car insurance for more than one car?
si my big brother has a BMW series 3 and got the insurance done for it through my dad i've not long passed my test and have been ask to buy a MG TF and was wondering would i still be abel to get insurance through my dad as well even though my big brother had insurance through him for his car?
Can u recommend any car insurance for 6 months rather then 1 year ?
i may need to sell car after 6 months and that's why i do not want to pay insurance for 12 months upfront
I need help finding a dentist or really cheap insurance?
I dont have very much income what I make goes out for bills automatically and I really need to go to the dentist. Can anyone tell me of a cheap insurance that I could get that wont take 6 months to kick in.
Car Insurance on a cheap car question?
Okay so i am currently a secondary driver on two of our car at my house. I am 17 years old. I want to buy a super cheap car on kijiji for like $500 just to mess around in as I wouldn't care if anything were to happen to it. I have a few questions. When i go to pick up the car, can i drive it without plates? Do i need insurance to drive it home? or is there a grace period? If i were to buy the car, fix it up, and then sell it, are there any regulations on this? what documents do i need? I have never bought a used car from a private seller or bought a car in general so any help is greatly appreciated!""
Good Dental Insurance - help?
I am having problems with some of my teeth. My overall teeth are pretty good. I have a cavity in one of my back teeth because my wisedom teeth came on and pushed that tooth forward making it hard to brush. It is very expenisve to go to a dentist. All dental plans I have seen either have waiting periods for major things or I can get coverage until october. What should I do. Do cavities spread?
Long term disability insurance?
I am interested in buying long term disability insurance. Anyone has a good company in mind to recommand?
Tips on low insurance quotes?
Tips on low insurance quotes?
What would my monthly Homeowners Insurance premium be?
For a home in Lapeer, MI 48446. The House is 1600 Square feet, built in the 80's. I was told on Yahoo!'s calculator I would need around 180,000 worth of coverage, but I dont know how to compute that into a monthly payment. Thanks""
Cheap auto insurance? Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance?
Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance? Im a 22 y/o that lives in CA. I need full coverage (liability, collission and comprehensive) on my 2003 Honda Civic. My driving record isnt too bad.""
Can auto insurance company refuse to cancel my policy?
I have gotten another auto insurance company due to the rudeness and refusal to switch my monthly draft to another bank. I had one bank and to close due to some suspicious activity that indicated signs of fraud. When I called to tell my insurance company about this the lady was very rude to me and made remarks about not wanting to my payments, I have been on time with every payment. She didn't believe me and told me she would wipe all other accounts that I had with that bank. I truly honestly had to close my account and she won't take the new account. I have already got my new insurance ready to go just need cancel my old insurance. Would I be mean if said I am canceling because someone was rude to me and made my ordeal a joke?""
What is the lowest car insurance for a Kia?
I need insurance for just 1 vehicle a 2002 Kia Rio valued at $2500 How can i get an insurance policy that would pay for repairs and the other persons medical bills for under $300 a year Is there any plan that offers car insurance at this rate or less
""NJ auto insurance (NJCURE), anyone ever have any problems with them?""
The new insurance offered to NJ (because our rates are the highest in the nation), anyone ever use them or have any problems with them? Any advice I would appreciate.""
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
Do you think health insurance is necessary? Why?
Why is a car insurance trying to settle a car accident claim fast?
I was in a car accident. The other driver did a squat and stop scam. (the driver speeds out quickly in front of another driver so he/she wont have enough time to stop and then sit there so the other driver can hit him/her) However, the other driver's car insurance trying to settle quick. The driver's car insurance company did their investigation and came to an conclusion that I was at fault.. (yeah right) The accident happen on 4/20/11 and they trying to settle on 4/28/11. (eight days later) When I mentioned that my attorney was handling the case. All of a sudden the company sending me letters claiming it my fault and I have to pay for my own damages. And, that I have so many years to take the claim to court. (hoping that I want) I just fax everything over to my attorney. I am still going through therapy. I do have car insurance. So, why is the driver's car insurance company trying to settle the claim quick when they was actually at fault? Please, only knowledgeable people reply. Thank you so much Note: The driver's girlfriend was told to fake she was injury because she is pregnant. Also, the driver came out the wrong exit of the driveway speeding..""
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college ..student?
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college student?
Buying my first car - which one should I choose?
I am a 22-year-old female and I'm looking to buy my first car so I can commute to my new job about 25 miles away. I am looking for something: *cheap to run *cheap on insurance *cheap on road tax ****reliable**** *relatively cheap to fix if something goes wrong *second hand - no more than 5 years old *up to 4,000 *smallish/easy to park Any recommendations? I have absolutely no clue about cars so that's why I have resorted to Yahoo Questions! I am completely indifferent about the style/look of the car and I am a slow/sensible driver. I just need a little runaround to get me from A-B. Reliability is crucial to me because if I have to be left without a car for any period of time I will be unable to get to work. Any advice on the make and model of any cars I should consider would be much appreciated as I am visiting garages all week this week. Thanks!""
Affordable full coverage auto insurance?
Where can I get affordable full coverage auto insurance in Delaware with a scetchy driving record?
Should I get mortgage life and disability insurance?
I just bought a house on my own and the bank is asking me if I want to get mortgage life and disability insurance. I've got life insurance through work (plus separate life insurance on my own) and disability insurance through work which is at 75% of my pay after 4 months. The mortgage and disability insurance is $47/ month. Do most people get additional insurance on the mortgage? I don't have any kids, husband, parents or siblings living in the same country (they're in Europe).""
What does it mean by excess and young drivers excess?
I'm looking at a car insurance and i'm confused when it say for example 250 excess and 250 young drivers excess. Does that mean i would be paying 500 in excess or just the 250?
""20, female, just passed test.. cheapest car to insure?""
Hi, So I passed my test today :). But I want some ideas on cars cheap to insure.. either on my own or on my dads insurance with me as a second driver.. Also having a baby in 8 week so would be better being a 5 door, but I can cope with 3.. Some cars I've thought of are.. Corsa Clio Focus Fiester KA Polo Punto Any piston heads out there to help me out and give me some ideas of age and engine I'm best going for for cheap insurance please help :) Thanks""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old girl?
I'm trying to find out how much insurance will be when I buy my car, but websites like go compare wont let you check until your 17 :) No idea what you need to find out so heres some details :) Vauxhall Corsa Specification 1.0 12V GLS Transmission Manual Engine Size: 973 cc Fuel Type: Petrol Thank you :) x""
Am I still eligible for unemployment insurance if I move out of state?
I currently receive bi-weekly unemployment checks. I live in California, but in a few months, I will be relocating to Texas. Basically I just need to know if I will be receive insurance from another state. Thanks!""
How much would it cost for car insurance for someone that's 19 years old?
just liability?
I need to get health insurance. What's affordable and good?
I live in Southern California. Recently, my neck has really started to hurt and I think I might need an xray. I haven't had health insurance in so long. What would be the proper steps to take? I need something affordable.""
What insurance company do cheap American car insurance for young drivers?
I'm 19 years old and I'm considering getting a 1985 Ford Mustang 5L V8 in England. The question is who is going to insure me at a reasonable price? I'm not looking at using the car everyday, I probably wont put 4k miles on the clock in a year. Please, can anyone help me?""
Where to find cheap insurance in ontario?
I'm turning 22 had a Kawasaki Ninja 250R as a starter bike and looking to upgrade to something bigger. I have a clean record but any online quote I get for a bike 600cc or higher results in $10,000/year or higher in insurance. I see guys my age riding around all the time on R6s and CBR600RRs and I don't understand it. Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.""
What are peoples opinions of the affordable care act?
I am not that informed about it and curious how people feel about it
Do you get health insurance as a Burger King crew member?
do you get health insurance as a BK team member if so, what type? Also what is covered and what is the monthly cost? Thanks""
Does anyone know what the average insurance cost for a 2004 Dodge Ram is?
I just bought a beautiful 2004 dodge ram quad cab 4x2 4.7 V8 and i have quotes that range from $165- $303 per month. If you have a similiar truck to mine, how much is the average insurance payment, and what company do you use? I head AAA and 21st Century were pretty good?""
Insurance??? serious question?
Why is insurance higher for males if females are the worse drivers
Business Insurance?
I want to start a roofing company in MN and I was wondering what kind of insurance I need for me and a crew of five or six people. I was also hoping someone could help me with the required licenses. Thank you
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
How i can get insurance on my brothers car?
Car insurance payout question?
How to get cheap car insurance?
its for my brother, hes 17 and needs car insurance hes looking at a corsa. we have tried to do it all the known cheapest ways such as a group policy and with my mums no claims etc anyone any suggestions, please help! :)""
""1 point on my driving record, will it affect my car insurance ?""
I received 2 tickets during the month of November in 2007. I'm currently taking traffic school for more expensive one, which will prevent me from getting the other one point on my record. However, I wont be able to take traffic school for the other citation, so i'll end up with a point on my record =[ How will the 1 point affect my driving insurance ?? I live in California, and I read somewhere that one point wont affect anything. I want to make sure by posting the question here... thanks""
How Much is this Emergency Room Visit without Insurance?
My aunt got really loopy yesterday after hearing bad news and i took her to the emergency room. They took her blood pressure, pricked her finger to test her blood sugar, the nurses/doctor asked her questions, and they gave her an anti-anxiety pill. That was it. No xrays or anything else. it took about 3 hours all together with the waiting. would this still be about 500 - 1000 bucks?""
Do I need auto insurance in this case (I live in Texas)?
I'm looking a the Texas Minimum liability insurance requirements. They have a 30/60/25 policy. $30,000 & $60,000 policy for 1 and two people's medical, and $25,000 for property damage. Well I was interested in investing some money, and I'm absolutely SICK at the interest rates given at any bank or credit union. The best around here is .75% which STINKS! So I was curious if there is any type of insurance surety account. Basically, could I put $85,000 (which would cover 1 or two people's medical, and $25k in property damage into an account that I can't touch? Is there anything like this where I could prove financial responsibility , through a surety account of some type and gain my own insurance card this way? The way I see it, my insurance is currently around $800 a year for liability here. For my $85k investment into a binding surety or insuring account I could save $800 a year. That's like drawing nearly 10% interest in savings!!! LOL! I just wonder if anything like that exists? I mean they call it financial responsibility .... It's not called insurance by law.""
Car accident question and if I need to report to insurance company?
Ok so here's the scene, I'm backing out of my driveway from my garage. My friend parked his car at the end of driveway (he was leaving but parked there to answer a phone call). My driveway is a downhill so when I backed I couldn't see his car there. Anyway, I backed into his car and caused a minor scatch. Unfortunately, his car is a new BMW and he needs to fix it. The police came and said it is under $1000 fix and it is up to us if we report to our insurance company or not. So now I am waiting him to get a estimate to fix. What do I need to do? I guess it is my full responsibility since I am moving and he is still. If the fix fee is under $1000, do I need to report to my insurance company? How much does the insurance usually increase due to this kind accident? thanks
Can anyone recommend a life insurance company that will insure a person deploying to a warzone (Afghanistan)?
I am a private contractor that would like additional life insurance above what my company offers. Thank you.
Why is a five door car cheaper to insure than a 3 door car?
My father got a quote for a 5 door 1995 ford fiesta yesterday for 240. The previous car was also a fiesta of the same year and same engine but was a 3 door which cost 340 per year. We have had a 5 door ford fiesta before but that cost 340 per year as well, but the engine was the same and it was the same year. Why the difference in insurance cost between 3 and 5 doors?""
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college ..student?
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college student?
How can i start selling life insurance at home and what type of license do i need?
Would i be able to start my own buisness online and localy selling another companys life insurance and setting up appointments what kind of license do i need to sell insurance and for my own buisness do i just selling life insurance for another company do i just need a llc license
""I'm about to turn sixteen, how much can i expect to pay for car insurance?""
I have no criminal background, my employer and teachers can give me really good recomenndations, i don't know if anyof that matters though.""
Do you feel sorry for insurance companies?
Insurance companies that helped develop Obamacare?
Driving without car insurance.?
Im 17, I have had my license for 2 months and my uncle gave me his car and i was wondering if i could drive it because he is still paying for the insurance on it, but I dont have any insurance of my own.""
""Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Is $500,000 a large life insurance policy? Or is it just average? Or more of a starting point? Relative to what people typically have.?""
Is Allstate a good insurance company to work for as a claims adjuster?
Is Allstate a good insurance company to work for as a claims adjuster?
Motorcycle insurance? how much?
can someone guess how much will a motorcycle insurance be for an 18 year old male in CA with no road driving experience at all?, and the bike he will get is a 2008 Ninja 250r or 2006 Katana 600?.....also note he will take the MSF course and this will be his first road vehicle...thanks!!""
Car Insurance question?
I am 17 years old, and I have a provisional license. I was wondering if it was legal to drive my parents car without me added to their policy. I live in New Jersey.""
If a 16 yr old totals her new kind of expensive car how much will insurance go up?
what if the car was already paid off would that matter
Do I have to transfer my car to get an insurance discount?.?
I'm moving back home for the school year because my parents live in the city I'm attending University at. I have my own car and my dad was telling me I should probably transfer the car into his name for ease, as I would get the house hold discount rate. To me this doesn't make any sense, and I know how controlling my parents are, is this another way for him to have some control on me?.. Or is this legit?.. I've never had any special rate or whatnot, I've been paying my own insurance since my first car. I just want to know. Does he need to OWN my car before I can be put on the household discount? * Both of our insurance plans are state farm if that helps* - Thanks in advance.""
What would the insurance cost for a 2002 Audi TT?
Just looking for a quick estimate. I'm a 20 year old male with a moving violation that happened two years ago. It would be a California car. Probably would drive about 8,000 miles a year. Also would it matter if it was a roadster(convertible) or coupe? Thanks""
If i get my medical card in california will my parents see it since they pay for insurance?
I am about to get my card and i was wondering if my parents will see it, since they still pay for my insurance.""
Does it matter how old your vehicle is to get full coverage insurance in oklahoma?
1996 chevy cheyenne
I need a motorcycle insurance estimate?
I plan to get a 2009 Suzuki GS500F Motorcycle in the next coming months. right now i don't have a drivers license, just my learner's permit. i take the Road test next month and if it goes well the month after i will go for my motorcycle license. I am 21 years old and i live in NYC which as many of you know is a high traffic area. I am a college student, My campus is about 16-20 miles away. on a weekly average i expect to ride about 80 miles or so. i won't be doing any stunts, period. there are two questions i have for you guys, 1). whats the best motorcycle insurance for someone young, inexperienced and new on the road? 2). Being that it is a 500cc engine and its pretty low powered motorcycle will my insurance be cheap, like under 200$ a month or probably something way above that?""
Is it possible to get heath insurance in the US w/ a pre-existing condition I was born with?
I was born and raised in Ontario, Canada, and we get free heath care. But I'm moving to California for school in a little while, and I have a few questions about heath insurance. I was born w/ a serious heart condition that required several surgeries and will probably require even more in the future. Is it possible for me to get heath insurance w/ a pre-existing heath condition like that?""
Whats the difference between liability insurance and full coverage? ugh im so confused!!!?
What is the difference between liability and full coverage? If you have just the minimum and get in a wreck will they pay for the car if its a total loss or is that for full coverage?
It should be illegal for the amount car insurance comanies charge for young drivers!!?
Having my driving test next month and looking at buying a car soon, either a clio or corsa. I have just got some quotes for a clio and a corsa and all i can say is that its ...show more""
AAA insurance question! I just got my license!?
I just got my license today! I'm 18 and live in California. 1. Can I drive with people under 18? 2. My mom has AAA auto insurance for her car, and that's what I was driving when I had my permit. Is it still ok to drive the car now that I have my license? 3. I didn't understand the scoring system. I got 5 wrong, and obviously passed what is that in a letter grade or percent? Thanks. God Bless.""
I need health insurance?
I am a 21 year old women, healthy.. And I am in need of health insurance that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Does anyone have any suggestions.. I looked online, and every site suggested that united health one.. Does anyone have,or has had this insurance. Thanks""
What are the pros and cons of cancer insurance?
Please help I'm am writting a research paper nd I need help for cancer insurance ..
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
How much will my insurance go up after one accident if i backed into somebody but barely scratched their car?
Which company provides the cheapest car insurance in the UK?
I recently passed my driving test, so for a first time driver its going to be high but what if i am an additional driver""
Help with car insurance?
Hello, I am 18 and saved up alot of money for a car, I passed my test around 9,10 months ago and now i want to buy a focus rs. I dont want people saying that i shouldnt buy it and something else is better. All I want is to know roughly how much my insurance is going to be and where i will be able to get it from? Thanks in advanced""
Integra 2 Door VS 4 Door Insurance?
I know it has multiple factors, but how much would this change it? I'll be under my dad's name who has had a clean record for over 10 years. I'm 16 and live in an extremely low-crime city in California.""
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college ..student?
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college student?
""Having a driver's license, but no car? Insurance question.?""
I'm 18 years old and currently have my driver's license and pay car insurance on it under my parents insurance plan. I want to know if it's possible to sell my car and stop paying for the car insurance. Is it possible to have a drivers license, but not be paying for insurance? I wont be driving any cars, I'm going to get a motorcycle. I live in Florida.""
""People that live in miami only, car insurance problem :(?""
me and my boyfriend r trying to move out, its really necesary because my parents r moving far and if i go with them i cant see him again, anyways we have enough money, we both have ...show more""
Pregnant: no insurance?
i just found out that i'm pregnant. it was a surprise. i don't have insurance. what can i do? i am over qualified for medicaid, barely. my husband is a police officer. to give birth at the hospital it will cost $7180. i called maternity card but they are very expensive and my doctor already said he doesn't deal with them. does anyone have any solutions? i really need an answer. thanks!""
I need some legit cheap dental insurance..please help?
I have a upper wisdom tooth that needs to be emergency removed and I have no insurance and there is over 40 dentists in my area that will not take a payment plan and the one plan I applied for did not accept becuz I don't make enough money...heck im low income...but in major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
Are auto insurance rates determined by credit score & not driving record?
I see a lot of people complain that they have a good driving record but bad credit & their insurance rates go up.. Is having good credit better then having a good driving record?
Car or bike insurance?
What is more expensive when you are 17, Car or bike insurance???""
Can the insurance company do this?
I am sheepishly wishing I had not spoken to the insurance company this morning, but what's done is done. If the (auto) insurance company has your VIN & license plate #, can they do a check to see who's name is on the title to a vehilce?""
A question about car insurance?
whats your opinion, why car insurance is so high?. do you think the accidents on the road and up goes your insurance are young drivers, drunk drivers, junk cars on the road, or do you think its something else?i been driving since 1967 and i was in only 1 accident, so thats a pretty good record, i think, but iam going to town tomarrow, and i dont know whats going to happen before i get back home. anymore, iam always glad when iam back home, and off the road, but i guess your not even safe walking along the roads these days.thanks folks.""
Insurance Premium?
My partner has had 2 car crashes within 2/3 months, which were both his fault. Will his insurance premium go up alot?""
Can you get insurance in IL if the car is registered in NJ?
I have a car that is registered to my father in NJ but I'll be moving to IL. I'm the primary driver. It's a newer car so if I tried to just buy it off of him the interest rate would *skyrocket*. So, being the primary driver, and living in IL, would I be able to keep the car registered in NJ but get IL insurance? If not, any other options?""
""Dose my 400,000 SGLI military life insurance cover me off duty?""
i have been in 4 years and a spc in the colorado army national guard and i have 400,000 sgli life insurance. Someone told me on or off duty that life insurance covers me as long as i am in, is that true? I always thought it was on duty only life insurance so basically if one day off duty i get hit by a bus, that 400,000 dollars before taxes will be paid out to my beneficiaries the next couple of months after?? thanks.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
Just wanted to take a poll. Per year or per month Do you live in Canada or US
What insurance company in bc offer out of province insurance?
Just asking for cheap insurance!
Will my car insurance premium go down in price when i pay off my car?
I'm not sure if it's even a factor in the price of auto insurance premium but I'm getting close to paying off my car and would like to know. Thanks!
What would happen if Americans didn't rely on their employers for affordable health insurance?
My policy with my pre-existing condition would be $1,300 per month. Thank God I have a real job that provides benefits. What would happen if Americans didn't get their health insurance through their employer? Would we end up like Australia?""
Where can i get the cheapest insurance for saxo vtr?
ive just passed my test and i already had the car well before i started lessons. ime 26 with 2 kids under 16. ive been getting stupid quotes for 5000. i know its a boy racers car but it doesnt meen ime going to be doing handbrakes and racing in it. just using it to get to work and take my kids out. i got the car for 600 2000 model and really want this car cant be doing with a 1.0 L or anything under a 1.6 can anyone give me a insurance company that will give me a decent quote. thankssss
..new driver in CA? insurance?
does the DMV automatically alert your insurance company that theres a new driver? or do you have to yourself? and if i havent yet, what happens if i get pulled over? should i not be driving?""
Which car would the cheapest insurance (Civic ex (4dr) or Lancer ES)?
Do car rental companies ask for proof of insurance?
Here's my circumstances, I'm 22(have credit card in my name) and am going to rent a vehicle. I had insurance for 4-5 years, have never been at an at fault accident and have one speeding ticket, so I'm a pretty good driver, when gas was near $4.00 I traded in my vehicle, and it's fine as I bike everywhere as it's all close to me. I'm having family over for a couple days and need a car though, it's easy to drive around town, I'm almost 100% sure I wont get in a wreck, but I have a feeling the insurance would be more expensive than the rental itself which is ridiculous for someone with a driving record such as mine. Can I say purchase just liability and then sign something that says I'll pay for the rental if I do any damages, what would be the cheapest way to get out of this?""
How much does health insurance cost?
I'm a 27 year old male in perfect health and I was wondering how much I can expect to pay for health insurance for an independent plan. I'm planning to start my own business and considering how much health insurance is a major consideration. Even a ballpark number would help for my calculations. Thanks!
""Im 19, live in pittsburgh with a liscense and no car insurance?""
i need to rent a car but im only 19 and i have no car insurance, is there anywhere for me to rent a car?""
Can't find No fault insurance?
I am looking online and I can't find any site that will give me a quote on no fault auto insurance. Everyone I go to is full coverage and I don't want that. I would say I'm pretty good at finding things online but yahoo or google searches are not giving me the sites I want. Please don't be like this one guy and give me an answer that an computer operator would give me. --- answered by carbuyboy . In order to get no-fault insurance, your state has to be a no-fault state. Only a few are. Since you can't find no-fault, it looks like you don't live in one of the few no-fault states. This does not answer my question at all not even 1% of it.""
Is it possible to get really cheap or special low insurance coverage for?
HAVING MY CAR PARKED IN A LOT FOR THE NEXT 2 MONTHS (in Ft. Lauderdale FL), but Still Keep my Plates, so I can park legally? (I'll be out of the country until July)""
What car insurance is cheapest?
im enlisted in the marines right now and i haven't shipped out to boot camp yet, i will be 18 years old and planning on getting a used jeep wrangler after boot camp, i just want to know which car insurance will bee the cheapest for it, thanks!""
Why Health Insurance?
Health insurance companies can't cure anyone, prevent any disease, develop new treatments or create better medicines. Yet they take a cut of your health care dollar, create endless paper, interfere with doctors and enrich shareholders. They can all be replaced by software. BESIDES, hospital care and physician services are not random risks, they are a certainty for everyone at some point of their life. They are also preventable or can be protected against. It doesnt make sense to insure against a non-risk. You may as well have PhD insurance just in case your kid decides to get a PhD! Tell me why heath care is an insurable risk. Tell me why it's not an essential social service like K-12 education.""
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college ..student?
Where to Find inexpensive car insurance for college student?
0 notes
many startups can’t afford workers comp insurance
"many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can insurance company tell you were you can have your car fixed?
I have had a few cases were a relative has been in an auto accident and I could have fixed the car for them and done a much better job but the insurance company tells them they have to take the car to a preferred body shop for the insurance to pay. Can the insurance company actually tell people were to get their car fixed now a days? Is there a way to get the money out of the insurance company so they can take the car and have it fixed were they want the car fixed?
Should a person without children get life insurance?
Is life insurance important to a person without children? Could they just save enough in life to pay for the funeral costs and other expenses. I can see reasons like you have a disabled spouse, but in general do you think it is necessary or just a useless expense.""
Why are insurance rates going up even if its not your fault?
I work in claims department of a big insurance company. And I found out that even though it is not your fault or if its a comp claim, there is still a possibility that your rates would go up. Why is that so?!?""
What is insurance like on an 02-05 VW GTI 1.8t?
I'm not looking for exact rates, just trying to get an idea if the insurance will cost more than normal because it's turbo. How would insurance compare to something like a 95 Accord EX 4 door?""
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Can you get insurance on a vehicle if your license is suspend?
Will car insurance offer a jump start to my car ?
my car doesn't ignite and i... out. will my car insurance company be able to...
I trying to find a cheap car insurance for teenagers?
she already have tickets in her name . i trying to find someone who can make a deal with us.
Car insurance - will it change from CA to NJ rate?
my car has a california license plate and i have a illinois driving license..i just wanted to change my illinois license to NJ driving license... will this affect my car insurance.or will it affect only if i get my license plate changed from CA TO NJ
Can Chevrolet Dealership repair vehicles with insurance?
So someone smashed into my parked vehicle. It is a chevrolet and the insurance is covering it and I can take it to a repair shop of my choice. I was wondering if the chevrolet dealership where I bought the car to can do those repairs? It is axel and bodywork damage. All help will be much appreciated thank you.
How much would my car insurance go up from a minor accident?
There is a dent about the size of a soccer ball on the back corner of the car....
Is Gieco a good insurance company?
Okay, a few weeks ago I was out looking for a new car (2010 Scion tC) I got some pretty good quotes on it. But when I got the quote through my insurance broker I found out it would be $2600 a year cause of my age and gender (male, 22)! One of the car dealers called Gieco while I was there and put me on the phone with them and they got a quote for a little $150 a month if I sent them my college grades. Is this too good to be true? Or will they just charge me that when I start out and charge me fees later on?""
Looking for health insurance. I am on SS but not yet eligible for medicare. Only get $300 on SS?
I took early retirement at 62. I am now 63. I only get around $300/mo Social security. I do not qualify for Medicare until age 65. I cannot find affordable catastrophic health ...show more
Will my car insurance cover this? and its no joke this seriously happened please answers!!!!?
ok i JUST got me a new car and i have insurance on it and everything and well i had some friends with me and they were in the back seat and they had a lighter and they decided to try and light their farts on fire and im being very serious here and well he got down and and farted on the flame of the lighter and it actually shot out and caught the back seat of my car on fire and burnt up part of the back seat and this really isnt a joke i didnt even know he was doing that and i walked over there right as he did it and sure enough it actually shot out and caught it on fire so will my insurance cover that? im to embarrassed to call and ask because they probably wont believe me!!!
Cheap young driver insurance?
im 17 and im looking for some cheap car insurance and on the price compare websites it is too expensive does anyone know of a company that does it for a fair price?
Can I purchase a Life Insurance on Myself?
I've been watching those Forensic Files videos, where family members are killing each other for money. Anyway, it got me thinking. Can I purchase a life insurance on myself for my parents? How much would it cost me? Yes, I'm 18.""
How much would motorcycle insurance be for me?
I am 16 years old and have had my driver's license for only a month. I want to get my motorcycle license. I live in California, so I have to take that CHP motorcycle safety course. I was looking at getting a Triumph Bonneville. One that is less than 15 years old but not newer than 5 years. Maybe like a 2001 or something. On craigslist they are going for about 3-4k for what I'm looking for. What would my insurance be about? Just a broad idea is okay and just say a price, not to go on some website to get a quote cuz I don't want a quote yet.""
Why do boys pay more for car insurance than girls?
Charging more to one gender because they overall drive worse is sexism. It's the same thing as charging one ethnicity more because of their overall average and that's racism. P.S. On I what I have noticed, females tend to be worse drivers than males (sorry).""
My niece has a sr22 bond and insurance can she drive a car with that?
i need to know cause she is driving is hat legal?
What is the minimum required age to get an insurance liscense in California.?
To get a license to sell life insurance in the state of California.
Why is health care so expensive in the US?
Why is health care so expensive in the US?
When getting an insurance quote do you have tell them what your tickets have been reduced to or....?
I am going to get an insurance quote and need to know if I can tell them what my tickets were reduced to or if I have to tell them what I was actually pulled over for.
Insurance company and liability coverage on a leased car?
My sister is leasing a car and she changed insurance company last month. Don't know how this insurance Company gave her liability on a car that's not her's but they did it. She said they didn't even ask if she was leasing and when she asked how but full coverage was she said it would be to much. So lets just get this one. Now she just got into and accident on xmas day and her car is damage badly. The insurance people said they cant do anything with her car because of the coverage but I think that's not fair because she is still leasing on that car. What can be done can she sue the company on is it just her lost.
Cheapest car insurance for 18 year old in NYC.?
I'm 18, I had my license since I turned 18 in december, I have a clean record and my mom wants me to register my car on my name so it can be cheaper for me in a few years.. I don't wanna pay 200$ a month though, when she only pays like 90$ right now.. but I know since i'm young it will be alot. She has a clean driving record also and she's been driving for a long time, so she will also be under my policy.. I know that kinda helps me out a bit. If you know any cheap/good companies, please let me know!!""
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Would it be cheaper to insure honda civic or honda accord?
I'm talking about general prices for each of them, I'm thinking accord is cheaper because its cheaper and non sporty and a family sedan can anyone tell me how much they pay for their inusrances?""
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
Is it good to shop around and change car insurance every 6 months. In order to always pay the lowest?
Does that look bad in your records, credit, financial history etc? Example..... This bastard is always changing car insurances every couple of months.""
Do you have to pay motorcycle insurance all year round?
or just during the summer?
How much does car insurance cost per month?
I'm turning 16 and getting my license and need to tart saving up. IDK if it matters but this is my car: 2000 Mazda 626
I have no health insurance for my 5 month old?
Ok so my 5 month old hasn't gotten we shots because I came back to NYC from CA due to my mother being sick but I don't planned to live here so I don't want to reopen a Medicaid case out here is there anywhere i could go or something i could do? Plz help
""Car insurance - 16 yr old boy, subaru impreza WRX?
How much is insurance for a 16 year old driving a subaru impreza WRX (turbo) who gets good grades and the car is white?
Can I sue someone with auto insurance?
I live in Las Vegas and I was involved in a car accident in November. There were 6 cars involved and this process is being UNUSUALLY long. It is impossible to get in contact with one of the claimants so we can not settle for our car damages. Can I sue the individuals that were held respoinsible for the auto accident?
Legal questions regarding my car insurance and getting my car painted?
My girlfriend recently put her car in the shop to get painted. Damage was done to the car and she had to put a $500 deductable to get the car painted and the insurance company paid $1500. she chose a shop to use and the check was made out to her and the shop was under her name on the check. The paint shop said she has to sign the check over for them to do the work. It has now been a month and they still have not completed any of the work. She keeps getting the run around with them. They are saying the have to bring the adjuster backout cause they found a dent they want to get fixed and then they found another dent. Basically we want the car out of there but how can we accomplish this and can we take legal action if needed, and what action can be done? Also on a side note we live in florida. As well she supposedly only has the check stub and no paperwork cause they never gave her any.""
Car insurance on a 16 year old?
Okay so I'll get my permit in a few weeks, and I really want a Dodge Challenger, or a Camaro. I was wonder, how would the insurance work? How much would it be, and estimate. I know it will be high, but it's going to be high anyways. Could my parents just add me onto their insurance? Would it cost more or less ? They pay about 450 dollars every six months for a Chevy Colorado. I get great grades, and I'm going to take the drivers ed class threw this local college, that should lower the insurance too. Can anyone estimate how much insurance might be for a Challenger or Camaro? Which one would be less do you think? Thanks.""
2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?
which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and ...show more
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
How much does liablity insurance go up after a DUI?
How do i get my car about half a mile without insurance?
I need to get a car from my house to my girlfriends, but I have no insurance on it yet. I have considered pushing it and asking someone's to tow it but i am unsure yet... I do not have insurance on the car. Any ideas?""
Do I need car insurance with a drivers permit?
I'm 15, just got my permit, do I need car insurance? If so, then why did my parents have to sign for responsibility? Wouldn't that just put it on their insurance?""
Cant find insurance for a 17 year old?
my son is 17 and we just got him a peugeot 106 1.1 2000 and we have searched near enough every insurance company and we cannot find a quote under 2000 pound i know this is good compared to some quotes but does anybody know where i can go to get it cheaper Thanks
How much money would it cost for car insurance for...?
I am 17, I got my G2 license recently.. How much would I be looking at if i were to buy insurance for a jeep 04 rubicon? Also, if you know, how much did you or your friends pay or ur kids for car insurance and where do u live...""
Car Insurance question?
I got a ticket 3 years ago. I just got one recently around February. My car insurance will get renewed around August. When they renew my insurance and they estimate the new amount for my car insurance, will they find out about my recent ticket? I know the past one from 3 years ago will get dropped off since car insurance companies dont count tickets from 3 years ago, but will the one that I had from this year get counted into the new estimate this year?""
How much will insurance go up?
I backed into to my friends car in our driveway and where i hit it it made is back door screw up pretty bad the door closes but anyways he went and got it estimated and they said approx. 3500 in damage about how much will this make my insurance go up i havent had any prior accidents and im 19.
Best car and insurance for 18 year old?
Hey, just looking for some advice for the cheapest possible way to get a car and insurance (not necessarily together) for less than 4,000 a year? I knows there's schemes like Young Marmalade, but I'd rather know what's going to happen with my insurance after the 1st year, but at the moment they do seem like the best option. Any help appreciated! :-)""
Health Insurance for Uninsurable?
I haven't been able to get health insurance in the past couple years due to constantly changing jobs, and not being able to stay on my feet as much as I would like to in my career. I have diabetes, which is causing more serious issues with my limbs and eyes that I can't wait to take care of. I am in my low 30's, single, and a resident of Illinois. I know the affordable health care is suppose to start accepting applications in October, and care beginning in 2014, but I just can't wait that long. I tried any other state and federally funded option, but they have suspended their applications due to the new programs coming out later this year. Would anyone have any other ideas, my family will help offset some of the costs, I just need to find some kind of a plan with pre existing conditions to include diabetes.""
Good auto insurance providers?
I am 21 and just getting first car and looking for some good insurance companies with affordable rates?
How much does auto insurance cost for a 25 year old?
I had mi license for a year now, im driving a 1991 lexus""
What is the best auto insurance company?
Any insurance company you have had an unusually good OR bad experience with? My family has been with State Farm for a long time, and they always have done a great job working with us (plus my rates don't go up for speeding tickets, which is how it should be). But I just feel like $131 per month (full coverage) is too much for a 21 year old car. Granted its a sports car and I'm a 22 year old male... but still... Thoughts?""
Is insurance for a car replica cheaper?
Is it true that kit cars, example toyota mr2 to murcialago insurance cheaper??""
Can someone take out a life insurance policy on a mentally retarded person who didn't know what he was signing
This person was mentally retarded (52) and died of brain cancer. HIs brother (an attorney) took out an insurance policy for the 52 year old. The 52 year old did not really know what he was signing. The amount of the policy is unknown. Is this insurance fraud?
""What is a good affordable dental, health, car, & life insurance?""
What is a good affordable dental, health, car, & life insurance?""
Would abortion be commonplace and covered by insurance if men got pregnant?
I think it would be.
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
Can my mom carry me on her car insurance?
My mom lives in GA and has transfered her car insurance over to GA, but I live in SC and am getting my permit in SC. Can she still put me on her insurance even though I live in SC and am getting my permit in SC.""
""How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
How much would basic homeowner's insurance cost per month on a $100,000 home?""
Does anyone out there have Progressive Auto Insurance?
I'm looking to switch my auto insurance to this company as they seem to have very good rates and customer service. I was wondering if anyone out there has heard of any pros and cons to this company. The most detailed answer will get an easy 10 points. Thanks!
Which auto brand is the cheapest for insurance in Ontario?
I heard that, for auto insurance, Van is cheaper than sedan, Is it true? Could you please tell me which auto brand is the cheapest for auto insurance (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? Thank you in advanced.""
Why we need car insurance ?
I'm 20 and my car is 2010 Nissan Altima, my insurance company told me to pay 190 every month, I agreed but later I found the are asking for 220 then 250 for no reason and no ticktes so I cancled my insurance with them and now I'm driving for tow years without insurance and save $6000 from the car insurance,, I never pulled over by police never have one scratch on my car even I traveled to NY and LA more than 4 times ! Why I need car insurance? You do think the person should have the right to choose if he need insurance or not ?""
Car insurance cost and car's cost?
I'm 28 years old and I'm girl. I would like to buy a smart. First: Do you know approximately the cost for insurance car (this is my first time). Second: What are the other annual car's cost? and how much approximately they are? Thanks.
What is the best health insurance for newlyweds?
And the cheapest...we are just staring out.
Are there any car insurance companies that don't use a social security # when determining your rates?
I think it is horrible that they base car insurance rates on your credit history. Having bad credit doesn't make you a bad driver. If they are worried about you paying the bill, why do they make it HIGHER if you have bad credit? Isn't that a little messed up? Are there any companies that don't do this?""
If i have liability insurance and i hit a car but the car leaves the accident will my insurance pay?
I have liability car insurance and the other day a car pulled over in my lane and just stopped i ran into the back of her smashed the front end of my car(non driveable) the police said it wasn't my fault and the other car just left right after it happened. Will my insurance pay for my car?????
Would it be against the Law if you don't have this Obama Health Insurance?
Will you be put in jail or a fine if you don't have this proposed Health Coverage? What if someone is homeless which is alot of people with this economy, do we pay for them too? Who is this for anyway? Do you think the Insurance Co.'s will make it affordable because I seriously doubt that with the Government in their pocket!!?? If it passes would this be a huge windfall for the Insurance industry or what?? First the Banks and Now the Health Industry?""
""Should you be allowed to buy car insurance only AFTER you have a car accident, and save your money beforehand?""
Isn't denying car insurance AFTER a car accident denying it for a pre-existing condition ? If this health care bill passes, I don't know why anyone would car insurance on an undamaged car or house insurance on a house that isn't on fire. Save your money until the event happens and then fight them on the legality of coverage denial for pre-existing conditions. This is the lunacy that Obama wants to bring to America.""
Do you have to apply for California Training Benefits when receiving Unemployment Insurance?
I just filed for UI and received a letter in the mail about the California Training Benefits program but no where does it say I have to apply for it.
Car insurance questions?
Can you buy a car and not have to pay for car insurance? If you must have car insurance, can you use your parent's, like a family plan?""
Employers didnt ask for national insurance number?
I just got a job and when i asked if they wanted my national insurance number they said no and told me to keep it a secret
Will my car insurance go up?
I pulled out in front of someone and they rear ended me and im at fault..and iam 17 years old so will my insurance go up, and if so how much? i have state farm""
Online Quote hase gone up 20 after modifying it and running another through. Why?
I got a online insurance quote, modified the quote,mileage, excess. Tried a new quote price is 20 more now, why is that? Will it go back to the original price?""
COBRA Health Insurance Florida?
Where can I find a cheaper health insurance plan to replace my COBRA health insurance offered by my former employer?
How much do u spend for your car insurance a year?
I would like to compare the fares to german car insurances.. e.g. for a VW Polo or Ford Fiesta..
Do I have to wait until after I get a car to get auto insurance?
I do NOT have a vehicle yet but I am planning on getting one within the next few months. So I've been trying to research auto insurance rate quotes but they all ask me what I kind of a car I have, how long I've had it and what security features are with the car under the assumption that I already own something. So I can't just research different companies without having a vehicle already. However, I thought you had to have car insurance BEFORE I buy the car. Is this false?""
Cheap car insurance for young drivers?
I'm turning 17 in a few weeks and plan to start taking driving lessons. My parents are looking into cars for me, they are only prepared to pay 1000 for my first car, but it's the insurance that is so expensive. There are a few cars that I have seen that I like, but any quote I try and get for them is at least 2,500! Are there any companies that do cheaper car insurance for young drivers or any ways that I could make the insurance cheaper? Also, i've heard that getting the insurance in one of my parents names then only being a named driver on the policy is cheaper, but when I have looked it doesn't seem to make much difference? Thank you!""
""I am 30, and took out a life insurance policy on myself...?""
Since its over 100,000...They have to take blood and urine...why?""
This country needs affordable health care...so why are hospitals so lavish and extravagantly fancy?
Here is a link to the hospital if you think I am exaggerating..... http://www.henryfordwestbloomfield.com/body_wbloomfield.cfm?id=52381 I don't have insurance, and neither does my husband because we can't afford $600 month premiums for insurance that doesn't even KICK IN until you pay $5000 out of pocket! But it is really hard to sit and listen to everyone complaining about the EXPLODING cost of hospitals these days with all the hospitals in my area that are constantly renovating and competing to be the most lavish or fancy or architecturally beautiful when what people really need are just some common sense medical care from good doctors who will take a few minutes to listen to them. For Example, I recently visited a friend who was in a local hospital in my area that has expanded to include the following...A boardwalk with HUNDREDS of exclusive shops (required a trolly inside it was so huge!), marble fountains and floors and glass elevators and railings, live TV shows in their own Greenhouses and celebrity kitchens, multiple conference centers complete with reflecting pools, grand pianos and atriums with full size trees indoors, a pediatric wing that was bult to look like a giant tree house, complete with Tree shaped doors, private rooms with twenty foot long leather couches that curve along the wall for visiting relatives, 72 inch plasma TV's in the room along with Xbox, and complete cable/internet access, Floor to ceiling bay windows for a panoramic view of the gardens and lakes on the property. Now my friend could NEVER have afforded to stay in a hotel this nice, and couldn't pay for health coverage either. Thank God she qualifies for to be insured thru a medicaid program that covers this...but who is paying for all this excessive stuff? The taxpayers in the United States. I can't help but think that she could get really good care at a reasonable cost at a less fancy hospital...but who is going to tell the hospital where it spends it's money if someone is willing to say its necessary to have an UBER fancy hospital in order to give our citizens modern up to date medical care ?""
What car insurance do you like?
I'm an adult and looking for a good car insurance that's pretty affordable for the age group 18-24. I know that's it's more expensive for young adults due to reckless driving. I want esurance but I was looking for opinions on others I haven't thought about yet.
Is there any insurance company in california that will accept to give me coverage if i have PCOS?
I also need an insurance coverage for pregnancy as I am trying to conceive
What do I have to do after buying a car? reg insurance etc?
this might sound stupid but my dad did everything for me when i brought my first car so i have no idea. I know ill have to change the names over to mine, get reg, insurance, pay stamp duty........ anything else ?""
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager? --or ways to make incurance cheaper?
I live in Southern California, and I will be turning 18 next month, 2 days before I need to buy my next insurance policy. I have had my license since the day I turned 16 (I took drivers ed then got my permit for 6 months then my license). I have had no accidents or tickets or have even been pulled over. I am driving a '04 F-150 and making payments on it. I do get the good student discount. What are some cheap insurance companies? Or ways to make your rate cheaper?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much would i pay for my car insurance?
for a camry 07 se model
Can a cancer survivor get Life Insurance?
I am a cancer survivor, one time it was stage 3 and recently stage 1. Two different cancer. I am considered cancer free and healthy. I worry for my children and do not want them to be left alone w/o money in the future. Their dad left us during my first cancer diagnosis for another woman. He rarely contacts his kids, I do not know if he will be there for them in the furutre.""
Car insurance for a 17 year old boy?
Hello Yesterday, I passed my driving test and am, of course, really looking forward to driving. I spotted a Renault Clio I liked with a 1.1 litre engine. It's nothing special, just a first car (which would mean the world to me) I was always aware insurance was going to be a struggle. I insured myself with Provisional Marmalade while I was still learning, so I could drive my mum and dad's car as additional practice. Prov. Marm. have another part to their company, Young Marmalade for newly passed drivers, apparently giving you the best quotes, however I couldn't find anything under 3000! I am a 17 year old boy living in the Northeast of Scotland, one of the most common places for a collision in the whole of the UK. However, I am not in anyway a dangerous driver. My dad has been driving for 50 years and told me he feels very safe while driving with me as a learner, and I always stay within the speed limit, with the exception of if I don't realise I'm doing over the limit. My mum and dad have been saving some money for me for about 10 years, but it's only about 1300, and I don't have any more money apart from that. It's not going to be enough and I have really been let down by the insurance, because that Clio I saw was 600. The lowest quote I managed to find was 1634.70 a year from the Co-Operative Young Driver insurance, and with that you get a device fitted in your car to monitor how you drive, and if you drive within speed limits, and safely, I guess your monthly cost comes down a little bit. Anyway, I'm waffling on here. My question was, does anybody know of a REALLY good insurer for 17 year old boys who would: -take their price down for one of thse devices being fitted -offer decent discounts for Pass Plus or an Advanced Driving course? A car and amazingly cheap insurance would mean the world to me at the moment, because there's nothing worse than the feeling of only getting 1 minor fault on your test then realising you can't drive due to the greedy bastard insurance companies. Thanks for all the help.""
Do you buy insurance before you buy a car?
Say you picked a car that you want. And negotiated your deal? Who do you get insurance? I never had a car before.
How hard is it for police to verify that you REALLY do have car insurance?
With all the different companies that offer insurance, how would a police officer know if if the insurance card is a fake or not or if the policy number is real during a traffic stop?""
What company provides the CHEAPEST auto insurance?
I want the very cheapest auto insurance out there. The bare minimum so that if I were to be pulled over, I would be legal. The coverage is not important. Thanks!!""
Is a kia soul! too much fir a teenagers first car?
I want a Kia soul as my first car. Im trying to get a job and save up to buy it and to be able to pay for my insurance. But is this car 'too much' as a first car for a teenager? Because my grandpa has a 05 Toyota corolla that he said he would give to me. So its really either the car I want or a free car. What would you do or what do you think its the best thing for be to do?
How can OBAMA force people to pay for health insurance without providing financial security as first priority?
Guess it is real hard for the people with huge income's to understand what life is like for millions of Americans going without proper diets/food/income NOW like about 50-75 million people in USA mostly several generational Americans while the federal govt keeps providing cheap labor immigrants for business!!!
What car modifications dont affect insurance price?
... if anyone knows any car modifications that dont affect insurance...
How much more is it to insure two personal cars vs. one?
I am just one guy, I live by myself and nobody drives my car but me. I keep insurance on it but conditions may turn out that I will end up with a 2nd car. I would ultimately drive them both and have them insured but how much is it for one person to insure a 2nd car? Is it (premium of one car) X 2 or more like 1.5(P) I hope this wouldn't be too expensive and make it not worth it.""
Best insurance company to work for?
I live in Southern California, I have been looking for work since I moved here from France. I posted a general sales resume on careerbuilder.com and have since been spammed by insurance agencies. Some have been good companies like State Farm and Farmers. Some have been less, like Colonial Life and Axa advisers. I believe Axa wanted me for a commissioned investment broker position. I didn't pass the personality test for State Farm, but I can try again in a year. I will have a strategy and research next time. State Farm has 9 month paid training, a huge signing bonus at the end and would be an excellent opportunity but it isn't for right now. What I did learn through all of this, especially from Colonial Life is that the insurance licenses aren't that hard or expensive to get. I'm thinking of getting life, health and auto. Does any one know of companies that have non-independent, salaried agents? I would like a commission, but not the 100% commission based model of Colonial or Axa. I also don't want to cold-call or drop off 180 envelops a week like Colonial demands. I don't want to be independent for the moment, although that is possible in the future with a good company like Farmers or State Farm. Right now I could work as a salaried sales person through an independent agent or direct hire. What is the best way to get on-board?""
Non-owners SR-22 insurance?
I know it varies vastly by region and situation, but I need to get non-owners SR-22 insurance (I don't own a car, but I do need to drive occasionally). I thought I had read somewhere that it's not too expensive, but I can't seem to find any sort of information on it. If it helps, I'm in Wisconsin. I can provide more info if people need it to help. (I'm not looking for a specific quote, just what sort of range I should expect and how much of a dent this'll make in my budget)""
Cheap car with cheap insurance?
Im 18 and Ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a good car for around 2500. The cars with cheap insurance are more expensive and the cheap cars have a relatively high insurance cost. The budget for the insurance is not set but I don't want to pay a ridiculous price. Any suggestions on a perfect car which is in my budget but with a low insurance cost? P.S. I understand because im young the insurance will be expensive but if anyone has any advice on how to get cheaper insurance please let me know.
Can car insurance cost more if you are a different race?
So I'm watching a judge show right now and the guy was like I didn't put the insurance in my name because I'm a black male, so it would be more. I put it in her name because she is a black female. What does race have to do with anything in the statement? Is it true that insurance is more if you are a different race?""
Car insurance and Traffic accident in Germany?
Is it necessary to have car insurance? Who do you report accidents to after they happen? Do you need to register your cars? Do you take a test to get your license? What is the legal limit for driving while intoxicated? How do they measure blood alcohol? Breathalyzer? Blood? Can you refuse to take the test? Do lawyers get involved in accident cases? What are penalties for driving without a liscence or being insured? Do you have judges, juries or both?""
I was in an accident today and the other person left the scene, cops came and got all of my info... my car is REALLY banged up.... i have michigan no fualt insurance becuase that is all i can afford... a $500 deductible ..what does this mean? how much will my insurance company cover to get my car fixed? thanks""
How can the citizens pay the the deductibles for the only health insurance policies that are affordable?
I work 2 part time jobs and neither offer health insurance, so in 2014 I will have to buy some. One comparable to the one I had when I worked a full time job would cost $600 a month but would cover prescriptions with a $20 copay for generics with a $1500 deductible and a $4500 out of pocket maximum. That is out of what I can afford. The one I can afford is only $219 a month but has a $7500 deductible which would have to be met for any benefits and there is a $12,500 out of pocket maximum. If I got very sick I would be wiped out with that one, so it seems that I am in a Catch 22. I don't make that much money ($8 and $10 for the 2 jobs where I work 24 and 18 hours a week respectively.) Now I just pay the doctor out of pocket and I paid $375 this year for office visits and $150 for medicine. That was affordable and now I am forced to pay a premium in addition to the same amounts I paid for the same service. This thing is making me nervous. Affordable to me is no insurance. Give me a cyanide pill if I get a terminal diagnosis because being in the hospital and wiped out financially is not a good quality of life.""
Know of Affordable Insurance for unemployed NJ resident?
My wife just lost her job due to downsizing and she carried the insurance. Our insurance expires the end of October. I cant signup at my job until January. We can COBRA but it will cost around $900 a month which we certainly wont have since shes unemployed and wouldnt have even if she WAS employed. Anyone know if there is a more affordable option? Does unemployed have some kind of health insurance? We have 2 young children so not having insurance isnt an option. Please REAL Replies Only!!! No SPAM!
Why company cars needs insurance?
Why do business cars needs insurance?
Will my car insurance go up because i have a child with a driver's license?
Hello, I am writing from Tucson, Arizona and I have 2 teenage sons (16 & 17) that both live in Wayne County, Michigan (near Detroit). The boys live with my ex-husband and he wont let them get their driver's license because he claims 'his insurance rates will go up'. ???is this true???? (I have a 21 year old daughter and when she was 16 with her driver's license I just excluded her from my insurance with one company and when I switched to another company, I just ommitted telling them I had a teenage driver. Does anyone know who this works in Michigan, Harper Woods, Michigan, I believe he has just a local company with no-fault insurance, state basic minimim insurance. ???Or if the boys do have to get their own insurance when they do get their own car, does anybody know the best rates for new teenage drivers with a good record???? thanks""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost?
I recently turned 18 and saved up enough money for a ninja 250. how much would insurance for this cost in michigan
Car insurance for new drivers?
I'd like to get a car insurance but since i will be buying a new car soon, i'd like to have the insurance for just a few months. Is this possible? if yes, then which company would you recommend and how do i get it? cheers!""
""I have the title to and own my car, does ohio still require that i carry state minimum insurance?
i heard on a radio show that if you had the title to your car you don't need to have collision or comprehensive insurance
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
many startups can't afford workers comp insurance
0 notes
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
"Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much should whole life insurance cost for a younger individual?
I would like to know a general range of prices for a younger age. I am 22 and I went to nationwide but whole life was too expense. They quoted a 30 year term, $250K for $25/month, which I still feel is expensive. Let me know what you think.""
I wanna rent my car out.What insurance policy do I need ?
I would like to rent out my extra car. What is the best coverage for that?I know if I go with 21.st century for example it will cover the car ,not the driver.But is there a specific insurance where if anything happens my rates wont go up? Like the one you purchase at the car rental places?""
Motorcycle and car insurance?
I want to get a motorbike but cant afford to run my car also. Put a question on here the other day about running a bike only all year round and been sort of put off by responses re winter riding. Is it possible to road tax and insure a car for half a year only and then for other half of year not road tax/insure it. During that period to insure and tax bike instead if put car on private driveway and not use it for that period? So basically run car half year in crap weather and bike other half in good? Whats the reprocussions insurance wise if thats possible? UK answers would be more usefull as thats where I live! thanks!
How much is a female teen's car insurance in Virginia?
I'm trying to get one for my daughter and I was wondering if anyone can give me any heads ups.
How can a medical group charge different prices for people with insurance and no insurance and medicare?
is this legal to charge people with medicare a higher price to go to the Doctor than people that don't have medicare, I thought that medical groups are to charge less so medicare don't go broke and people with insurance, so there monthly don't go up higher""
Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
My mom has a 2002 explorer and she is going to cosign for me on either a g35 or a 350z, insurance is ridiculous on both cars(Z and G35, both the explorer and my car will be on the same policy, I got a quote for both cars being about 300 a month, is there any way to lower the cost of insurance, like switching primary cars around and I will be insured, I am currently on the policy but with adding my car insurance will go up right? Because it is a sports car...the total I am spending on the car is 10k, I live in California btw, I am just curious how this all goes into effect and how much it will raise my insurance cost""
How can I get the cheapest possible car insurance?
I'm going to buy my first car in a few months, and I need to sign up for car insurance. I don't know where to start. I only work part-time so I want the bare-bonest of plans, absolute cheapest possible.""
Florida Home insurance help?
I was recently dropped from my insurance company.My credit is bad so no one will cover me what should I do? I will also need flood insurance.
What auto insurance companies are currently appointing in Florida?
I have been a licensed 2-20 Insurance Agent for a year now. Im currently looking for auto insurance companies that are appointing in Florida. Any names and phone numbers of these companies would be a big help. Here are lists of companies that Im currently writing business with: Bristol West Progressive Gainsco Seminoles I need some more companies so that I am not only limited to these four. By the way I am in the SW Florida area. Thanks SO much for your help guys
Do beneficiaries have to pay taxes on life insurance policies?
Do beneficiaries have to pay taxes on life insurance policies?
What state has cheaper car insurance?
I'm in California right now and will be moving to Florida next year. Which of the two has cheaper car insurance rates?
Car Insurance for 19 year old?
I'm planning on taking my driving test during summer, and hopefully if I pass I want to buy a car. My mums made enquiries about putting me under her car insurance and roughly the prices have been between 3,000-4,000 which is ridiculous. Does anyone recommend/know any car insurance companies where I can get insurance for around 1,500 max ?""
Where can I get insurance for an older car?
I have a 1969 VW Beetle and need cheapish insurance. Very few insurers will cover a car that old unless it is a classic , but as this means it can only really be driven to shows and whatnot, it won't work for me. This is my daily driver. Thanks in advance.""
Does getting a motorcycle license increase life insurance costs?
I plan on finally (waiting for years) obtaining a motorcycle license this coming summer. I have little experience on the bike but plan to take the msf basic riding course and will be fully geared / have motorcycle license. My question is: will having a motorcycle license increase the monthly costs of life insurance? I have yet to get a policy, and I was wondering whether getting life insurance before my license would make a difference or not. Thank you""
How do I get health insurance?
Im a 22 year old college student but im no longer covered on my parents health insurance. I hate not being covered, and I want to find my own health insurance. My job offers it, but it is really expensive, and as I said im a young college student who already has tons of bills. Any ideas how I can get good, inexpensive health insurance? Anyone know where to even start looking? Thanks!""
Car insurance question?
My idiot cousin hit my parked car with their truck. He doesn't want to go through his insurance unless absolutely necessary & asked (after I got the estimate the mechanic they go to) that he wants it to go through my insurance (e.g.: wants to act like a hit and run/that he'd pay). What I want to know is, if I go through my insurance as say a hit & run on my parked car, will my rates go up at all/anything negative with my rates?""
Can I buy health insurance for just my child?
We make to much to be covered through state based insurances (CHPlus or Family Health plus) however we don't make enough to buy family insurance if we would like eat each day. So ...show more
Which is better full coverage or liability auto insurance?
I live in wisconsin where it is not mandatory to have car insurance. I'm 26 and been driving since i was 16 without insurance and i'm planning on getting a policy started soon and i have no idea as to which type of insurance to get. I drive a 1997 chevy lumina with around 222,000 miles on it. If i get full coverage will it cover my car damages as well as the other persons damages or will liability do that and will i be required to pay a deductible? I am thinking about getting up to $100,000 in coverage.""
Need help with auto insurance?
For those of you that have a sports car, how much do you pay for insurance?""
I'm paying $3000 a year for car insurance..HELP?
Okay so I got into some accidents messing around along with some tickets a few years ago and about 2 in a half years ago a DUI. The car insurance should get lowered a little I think by next July 2014 because of good record for almost 3 years knock on wood so my question is should I attempt to find a different insurance by now or what? Or should I just sell car and find a ride with friends to work somehow? This is really taking every penny I have. I pay what I can while my family pays the rest. I've had plans to move to NC in Oct of this year in a apartment with my friend so I'm currently saving up around $3000 for expenses on bills, food, and whatever else which should last me until I find new job out there. Everything with us is getting split 50/50 but with me the car insurance is so high its going to be impossible to do. Help on what to do?? I'm not looking to stay at my parents house for very much longer so saving up isn't a option past oct.""
Insurance quotes and reviews?
l've found a reasonable insurance price on a Vauxhall Corsa 1.0 litre Club, but l was curious as my Dad has never heard of this company so l reviewed it and it said 1* for most websites! Should l go by reviews or does it matter? l want to make sure that it is a reliable insurance company just in case anything was to happen! lt's called Brokerking. Thanks in advance xxx""
I need free insurance quotes that wont pull my credit report?
Im doing a project for school and I need to be able to enter in different attributes of an individual to determine how it would effect the insurance premium (I need dollar amounts). I need this for both home and auto insurance. Every site that I found requires your SSN and an accurate name so they can pull your credit report. Isnt there a site that does a general estimate of premiums?
Health insurance from a broker?
HI, I need to take out a health insurance policy for myself because my work doesn't offer any. I called a local insurance broker who offers that service in addition to others like life, business, etc. My question is, is there any negative reason to buy from him verses going online and buying a policy by myself? I think I'd get more info from a broker right? Thanks""
Cheap cars to insure at 21?
ok so i am looking for a cheap car that will not cost me  for insurance the cheaper the better the car does not need to be a top of the range brand spanking new thing for all i care it can be from 1970 as long as the insurance for them are cheap
""Whats the difference between limited, broad and regular collison deductibles with insurance?""
Whats the difference between limited, broad and regular collison deductibles with insurance? Trying to get an auto insurance quote, thanks""
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
Student health insurance?
Our son is going to United Kingdom for his Masters, we have health insurance thru my company but it covers very little over there, should we take out a student health insurance plan on him over there?""
What is the difference between group health insurance plan and individual health insurance plans?
What is the difference between group health insurance plan and individual health insurance plans?
Whats the price of insurance for a mercedes benz c class?
Im planing to buy a c class in the next couple of months but i want to be really inform before i buy
What is the cheapest insurance company?
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Courtesy Car Insurance?
Hi, everyone. I currently in Adelaide, SA. My car got some problems and need to return to the dealer to repair for a few days. They will provide a courtesy car/loan car for me to use for free. But they tell me if any accident is made, I will pay the insurance excess which amounts to $2000. So I want to buy an insurance to cover this excess. I have asked a lot of insurance companies and they do not have insurance like this. The one I know the insurance companies they provide is that if I rent a car from the car rental companies like budget and hertz but not from the car dealer. Anyone have any idea that any insurance company provide the insurance to cover the dealer courtesy car insurance excess? Thanks a lot, guys.""
Does my employer provide good health insurance? ?
Here's a description of the health insurance my employer provides to employees. It costs $50 per month to have, and the co-pay for each doctor visit is $40. This seems really weak to me. Am I right? Should I look around for a new job? What's the typical average going rate? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you!""
Car insurance want to know the outcome of trial?
So 2 years ago I won a court case against someone who crashed into me. They Never Never helped me in court at all. I didnt even get to use it After the car crash since the other person insurance expired. Anyway they now sent a paper asking What happened in the case.why?. What can they gain from it? And further more I am not in that car insurance anymore. I haven't been for months.
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
How much will my insurance go up with 2 points on my record with allstate? im 21 yrs old.?
Motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old male?
I'm 16 and live in Texas. I will be getting a gsxr 750. Can I get on my moms car insurance plan with the motorcycle? How much will my insurance be?
""I pay $76.25 a month for my health care, Liberals explain how you will make this cheaper...errr...affordable?
Affordable health care is here. I have a state of the art hospital and had one major surgery that went very well.
What are the best life insurances for under $50 a month for family?
I am looking to get life insurance for my family since I am newly married this plays an important role. Does anyone know any affordable life insurances for families? Ive searched and haven't found any. I live in the little rock Arkansas area.
Can i cancel car insurance on a used car i was thinking of buying in ny?
I went to a dealership in ny. i was interested in buying a used a car and said I will put $3,000 down. i called my insurance company and got a quote for the insurance for the car. they charged my card and started processing the registration and title for the car. all this was being done before I saw the terms/interest rate for my car and before i even signed any papers agreeing to buy the car. i didn't agree to the terms of the car. so i said i don't want it. they refuse to give my down payment and when i tried to cancel my car insurance, the company told me i need to return the license plates. i don't even have the plates! there are still at the dealership. how do i cancel my insurance?""
Auto Insurance for 18 yr old with 2012 Kia Soul?
Estimate of what it would be at most? i have taken a drivers ed class and passed in high school and can have them take the money right out of my bank account for the monthly payment and had a b average in school.
Can i sue an at fault driver even if i dont have car insurance?
I was in an accident today and my car was totalled. I was not at fault in any way, however since Michigan is no fault state the at fault driver does not have to pay for my damages. I do not have insurance but I would like to sue her for minor injurion and damages to my vehicle since now i have no way to and from school or work. Can I sue her even though I dont have car insurance? 4 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.""
My wife has leukemia and no health insurance. is there any affordable health insurance?
The insurance she does have is very low, 2000.00 a year cap. we've been looking and it seems she has to be without any for 6 months. she got turned down for medicare already. others we have found range from 1000.00 per month and up. has anyone found any thing better?""
How do insurance companies handle cars rolling into others?
I was changing the oil in my truck with my boyfriend and all of a sudden my truck just started to roll down the driveway and rolled right into his car. I know im am totally responsible for it but i want use my insurance but i don't want my rates to go up. So i was wondering how insurance companies handle this situation i have Mercury.
Auto insurance limits of liability ?
How high should I reasonably set my liability limits. From what I can tell my current Auto policy limits are $25k and $50k. That seems a bit low to me. My friend said he has $100k and $300k. What do you suggest. We are an average income family, and currently drive and Escalade ESV, and a G35 coupe(Nothing like living beyond your means, you only get one shot at this thing right?).""
""Getting a New Car, Insurance question?""
Hey, so i'm going to be getting a 2011 toyota yaris and i was wondering how much the insurance on it would be, i'm 19 years old.""
Car insurance...?
Ok I have 2 choices here! I have only been driving 6 months so I have 0 no claims. I have just been bought a car and to add it on my insurance policy it costs 60 on top on the 45 I pay a month..(105 a month) for 5 more months til i get my 1 year no claims or for 70 a month I cant start again with a different company . what to do? ....
""What will insurance cost me on a 1977 corvette, or even a 1988 corvette?""
I'm a 16 year old male, new driver, and my mom wont allow me to get this corvette which is at a great price of 4,000. She says the insurance will be to high, is this true?""
What is the cost of auto insurance in Florida?
I plan on buying a cheap beat up car in florida. It will be my first car and I was wondering what it would cost for auto insurance?
About car insurance what will happen?
okay so a few days ago i was driving my breaks dident stop in time it was very slow and i wasent going that fast at all my breaks dident stop in time and i left a very very lil scrab on a guys car and he said if i cant get 220 dollars by tomorow he will call my moms car insurance will that make the price higher?
What kind of car would be cheapest to insure for a teenage driver?
Im 17 yrs old, and about to move out.. My mother is not to happy with this so she is keeping my car. Now I have to buy my own car and pay the insurance as well, what kind of cars should I start looking at? Used of course, but what types of cars would be cheapest to insure?""
What would my monthly insurance be?
For a - -'07 Cobalt coupe -'08 tiburon -'04 ford mustang I'd like one of these but i'll be paying for my insurance so I'd like to have an idea on what it would be a month....any help is appreciated :)
What is the estimated insurance price for a 2012 Chrysler 300S?
Base price is $33,000 Buyer is 19 years old foreign college student Disregard the location, what is the approximate insurance rate RANGE he would pay yearly Would it exceed $1000 Thank you for your responses""
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
Can my brother put me on his health insurance?
I have a illness. I started a new job and insurance won't kick in untill another three months. Can I be put on my brothers insurance? He has no children and he is not married. Plus he never uses it.
Will the healthcare reform change the age limit on children on parents insurance?
I'm 25 and one of the great things about the affordable care act was that I was allowed on my parents insurance until I'm 26... Will this change? I'm still in school and there is no way I can afford insurance on my own!!!
Will paying off my car loan lower my premiums on my car insurance?
After some research on the pros and cons of paying off my car loan early, I've decided to go ahead and pay it off while I can. Despite all the research, I still don't know if doing so will help lower my insurance rates. I have to carry full coverage on my 7-yr-old car (I purchased it used) as long as the bank holds the lein. Thanks!""
Can you answer this about Allstate Insurance commericals ?
Why is there a disclaimer on the Allstate Auto Insurance commericals that says Not available in all states ?
""I don't have health insurance, need dental work help!!!!?""
Hello, I am a 21 year old male currently attending college, and working part time as a swim coach. I make just enough to pay for my car, insurance, phone, gas, and food. I looked around at different health insurance plans, but could not find one that is affordable to me, and has dental coverage. Over all I am in good health, have not visited a doctor since I was a kid. Last time I went to a doctor for a physical in high school, well I am afraid same goes for dental. I have not seen a dentist since last time I got a filling which was when I was like 14. I need to see a dentist ASAP, not that my teeth hurt, but I can see a cavity on my wisdom tooth. With the new health care reform and all, I am I eligible for any thing in particular? Any new programs or plans?""
Cost of 2005 bmw 745li insurance?
im 16 ill be gettin mine when im 17 whats the average insurance cost for a 2005 bmw 745li
What is the Best affordable Medicare Supplemental insurance available?
I just turned 65 and I need Medicare supplemental insurance.
G2 Auto Insurance Question!?
Hi, I am currently 16 almost 17 and I just got my G2 license. From the research that i have done I know that I need to have insurance to drive my parents car as a part time driver. I did go to driving school and got the drivers education certificate from CAA. However I am not really sure what to do now because my parents have 2 cars and my grandmother and grandfather have 1 car. I intend to use all 3 cars at different times because my whole family is very busy but i believe that my grandparents have separate insurance. I was wondering if I am going to have to pay to be a part time driver for all 3 cars or how does it work. Either way my dad is going to call the insurance company. Also if I do have to pay what do you think the price would be like and do you have any tip on how to maybe reduce cost?""
50cc motorcycle insurance?
I have a 1982 honda mb5 street bike. Its 50cc and has a 5 speed gearbox. I live in indiana and i want to get my motorcycles endorsment but it requires that i have insurance for the bike. How much would that be?
What is the best health insurance for me?
I'm a 21 year old male. I think I need to get some health insurance. I want to pay the least amount that I can per month or least amount per visit or both any input is great thank you :)
Are the following cars high on insurance?
Is the supra MK4, 240sx s13 and s14 high on insurance? please help I would like to get one of them for a first car but I need to know if there high on insurance.""
Should I get health insurance?
I am an overall healthy guy, but I do spend $30 a month on a prescription for my disorder and I visit my doctor every 3 months for $60. Is there a health insurance that will reduce my cost or is it not worth it?""
When will the government provide car insurance and life insurance to the uninsured?
There are plenty of people out there that has no car and/or life insurance...do you think Obama and his Progressives need to address this problem also...Come on Where is the outrage? There are life insurance companies and car insurance companies out there making a profit...we need to do something about this...
How much would insurance be for me?
I am 19 years old and gonna buy a used car soon. My parents have never drove or owned a vehicle in their life. I live in San Francisco. I know the insurance gonna be expensive for me.. Is there a way to get cheaper insurance?
Cheap cars to insure?
17 Year old female that has just passed my test and needs a car. What cars are really cheap to insure? If possible can you also add the engine size, year released, 3 or 5 door and any other details that will be useful :) Thank you :)""
What's the cheapest way to get auto insurance?
My brother is planning on purchasing a 2000 dodge dakota. He is 18 and has never been insure. He is a new driver. Our parents do not have insurance.
Why do wives have to be on husbands car insurance?
I have been under my parents car insurance for my whole driving life and now I am married. My husband is a new driver in the USA, and because we just bought a new car, we have to be ...show more""
I do not have regular health Insurance?
I regularly go for activities like white water rafting. Is it possible to buy cover for injuries from such activities on per event basis?
How long after passing does insurance become much cheaper?
I passed my test a few months ago first time and the insurance on my car is massive, probably because i'm a boy and it's a saxo. when it comes to renewing it in september, i can't see it dropping by much. So how many years do you have to be driving for before the costs fall below 1000 per year. Also is it worth taking pass plus, as it costs about 150 and apparently saves you 200, so unless the saving carries over to future years, i can't see the point. Thoughts???""
Married Young and Health Insurance?
I am 19 and my fiance is 22. I have a few questions about health insurance. I am currently covered by my mom's health insurance provider and my fiance does not have health insurance currently. When we get married, what will be the best deal to get health insurance for both of us. Would I be able to stay on my moms until I am 26. I was just reading a few things. I will put the link here. Thanks! http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/faqs/faq-dependentcoverage.html""
""Where can i get $100,000 of renter's insurance coverage at the cheapest rate?""
Where can i get $100,000 of renter's insurance coverage at the cheapest rate?""
How much will two speeding tickets increase my insurance?
I got a speeding ticket last year around the same time for 15 mph over and just received another (in a different state) for going 18 mph over. Also, I have another ticket from 3 years ago (will be 3 years in a couple weeks), so that shouldn't effect my insurance after that. I called my insurance company and asked them how much my insurance would increase with this new ticket. They said $11 over six months, so that equates to less than $2 a month, which is fine, but I'm just not sure how honest they are being with me. Another person from the insurance company told me my premiums would go up by atleast $10/month without calculating anything, which seems excessive. Do you think it will be closer to $2/mo or $10/mo increase?""
Why is my landlord requires Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance?
I own a beauty salon, and not understand why my landlord required my insurance to have Hired & Non Owned Auto Liability Insurance coverage? I know this coverage would covered my car I rented for business used & my employee's liability when sometime (rarely) used for business purposes. What's is it in for the landlord?""
Whats a good affordable car insurance company in dfw?
would like to pay no more than 100 dollars a month liability but i was looking for suggestions for insurance companies for my car to check out, a company that offered raodside ...show more""
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone with a foreign driving lisence?
What is the cheapest car insurance for someone with a foreign driving lisence?
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
""Renting house to teen driver (18), Does my car insurance go up?""
I'm 42 and considering renting out a room to an 18 year old in the house I own. Will having a teen driver putting this as their address, will MY car insurance cost go up?""
Car insurance bait and switch?
I admit I have a not so favorable driving record. The company I was with had elected to discontinue my coverage, leaving me to shop around. After calling every company I could think of, I got all extremely high, but understandable quotes. My last call was to a insurance broker . I know not the best route, but left with no other choice. The company got me a quote. . After I signed all paperwork and agreed to the deductions, I called the company just to verify all the information. All was said and fine. A week later they call to tell me the premium was significantly increased due to my record. While I understand, can they really tell me one thing first, have me agree and sign, then change it up like that? I had specifically asked if my record was already pulled and all my info was correct and they said yes.""
Volvo S40 insurance cost?
I'm going to lease a new car soon and I had my heart set on a 2008 Volkswagen Jetta SE ($21,040), but yesterday I found an really good deal on a 2007 Volvo S40 ($20,800). It's never been sold so it's technically new (it was a dealer demo). I'm just wondering if the insurance on this car would be similar to that of the Jetta. It's the base model 2.4i with no options except the automatic transmission. Do you know if if the Volvo would be more costly to insure?""
Life insurance is not a investment?
LIfe insurance is a investment tool Is it worth it? It's a great investment tool. Not married, no kids? What's the POINT of the life insurance?""
Question re: insurance premiums and taxes?
I've read that health insurance premiums can be itemized deductions. Any others? What about accident insurance I pay for out of my pocket? I pay for both accident and sickness premiums to the same company and pay for all my policies out of my pocket. Any help is appreciated.
I live in SC and I need to get my own Insurance Policy to buy a car. ( I'm 17) Can I get coverage alone?
My Parents don't want to add me to their insurance because we have several vehicles already and adding another car and a teenager will cause their insurance to be even more outrageous. Can I get my own insurance policy without effecting my parents at all? (With their permission of course.)
How much auto insurance premium go up after an accident?
I got into a car accident about a month ago. I totaled my car and damaged another. A passenger also got hurt in the other vehicle and filled a claim but it doesn't look like hes suing. The accident was clearly my fault. I currently pay $160 a month for two cars and I'm 24 years old. Anyone have a rough idea as to how much it will go up? Thanks.
Is it true that most Americans that have health insurance are getting it from the federal government or their?
state? If this is true why not have affordable health care for all. We can't all work for the federal government or for the state we live in. Most companies can't afford ...show more
Which way is the cheapest for car insurance?
Im 17 in december and once i pass my test im gonna buy a small car 1.1/1.2 etc. I have heard that if i put my mum as the primary driver and me as my secondary driver it is very cheap (with directline this is) Is there any other cheaper ways?
Where can I find a list of insurance rates by make/model?
I am looking to buy a used car, but I want to make sure that the insurance isn't sky high. I do not know what kind of car I want right now so I do not have any information to enter in a car insurance search. Where can I find a list of cars that typically have the lowest insurance rates?""
Car insurance rate for teens?
I live in Detroit, MI so the insurance rate will go up just for that. I'm a very responsible student (I'm in the 10th grade). I would be using my grandparents' car. What would be the ranges for insurance roughly? I just want an estimate for how much it would be per year. Please help.""
Car Insurance Help?
Where can I find Car Insurance with no license needed answer ASAP??
Car insurance question?????
me and my husband both have a car and have full no claims on both of them however we went to france for a year now we have returned but our uk insurance company are saying our no claims is no good as last year we were in france and they can't read whether we had a claim or not as our policy is in french!! the french company wont translate it to english as it's a french legal document!! so now although we have full no claims we are being penalised for leaving the country for a year!!!! we feel this is discrimination!!!!! we can translate it for them and the english lady in the french office has said it is ok for the uk company to call but of course this is not good enough!! any advice would be great!!!
PPO vs. HMO Insurance?
I am trying to understand pros vs cons of HMO vs PPO. We are a family of three (myself, spouse and newborn). We do not have much health issues. Premium difference is about $150 per month (i.e. HMO cheaper than PPO). But need to understand any limitations of HMO. Is it tough to find a PCP who takes HMO insurance? Or is it people with health complications usually opt for PPO as it is more flexible?""
Private health insurance and medicaid?
My niece who is pregnant works full time and has private health insurance through work. Is she still eligible to get medicaid even though she already has insurance? I thought that if you were pregnant and low income, you'd automatically get medicaid. She makes $10 per hour, so I don't know if that will put her into the poverty level income. She has no other kids.""
""Can't afford car payments, car insurance?""
I can no longer afford to make my car payments and car insurance. I was using those checks that you get from credit cards. Now I am in serious credit card debt. It's too late now to try and sell the car because I have missed my 8/15 car payment. I haven't called the bank yet to tell them my situation. Is it a big hassle when I go to call? I still owe $8,000 on it. I wanted to get some advice before I call.""
Car insurance for new driver?
I recently bought a car, its brand new but I don't own it yet I financied it so I don't have the title of the car yet. I was wondering if it would be easier and cheaper for me to go on my mom's insurance or should I get my own? I am 19 and girl I've only been driving for about 2 years and i got in an accident which was my fault in which I received a ticket but I am going to traffic school at the end of the month to get it off my record. Please help me! Any info on the sugject would be great!""
""Which Insurance is Cheaper, Motorcycle or Car Insurance?""
I don't have a License for Either Yet, and I already Know You Need one for the Other (License), but I was just Wondering which Insurance would be cheaper If I would get both Licenses roughly in the same time. The Bike is Likely a Ninja 250 and the car is Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse 98 RS. Manual for Both Vehicles.""
I'm 16 and Parents Just Bought me a Chrysler 300..... I have to Pay Insurance?
Okay My parents just Got this Car for me. It is Brand new Not payed off... It is Financed and They said before I can drive it I have to pay the insurance. Anybody know of any cheap insurance companys.... I heard of something called an independent agent or something what should I do??? Help Help
Help! which is cheaper of 2 cars on insurance?
which has cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda 3 touring hatchback 2009 (median level trim and automatic) 2. Volvo C30 T5 hatchback (base trim and automatic) ??? which one??? cuz my dad is worrying about the insurance for me. im 19 and going be 20 soon!
What cars typically have the lowest insurance rates?
I am looking into getting a new car, but am on a limited budget. I only work part time since I am still in school, so low insurance rates are as important as a good deal on the car.""
How much roughly will my car insurance cost?
im 16 and about to be 17 and start my driving lessons and i come from the UK and i am also female i was wondering how much my car insurance would roughly cost and ive got a 1996 VOLVO 440 TURBO DIESEL RED ?
Why refused car insurance because of one criminal offence?
Can someone explain why this is happening, and since when? How does this affect your driving? I have one assault offence and have been refused car insurance, what nonsense is this country coming to?""
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
I am 55 yrs old.Have lost my husband.Can I be covered under my daughter's health insurance thru her job?
Does anyone know what insurance company in NJ has there policy start with the letter F ?
the policy number is F183941-4
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
Douglass Kansas Cheap car insurance quotes zip 67039
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 7 years
The Evaluators: To Trade With Aliens, You Must Accommodate
CogNet init: Paul SRINIVASAN
Recip: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Datime: 2206.12.15.16: 45
[ Optimized by CogNet !]
Thandi, the commission on human rights referendums Tuesday. The teams disappearance isnt the main issue, but I dont like how theyre hasten this. Facilitate me out here, OK? Off the record.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
So tell me how that billable hours thought works for you lawyers. Because I might, I dont know, actually have a chore of my own.
Thread reply from Paul SRINIVASAN
Please! [ Conceptual embed with caption: man bowing with sides pressed together] What do you want? Dinner? Vacation? Hours of mind-bending sex? Because I would do that for you, Thandi. No relinquish is too great.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
You already told me you let your Spermicept patch expire. Stand the blaze away from me. What happened to Weis personal logs?
Thread reply from Paul SRINIVASAN
Gremlins? The slowdown is reasonably severe for this missiontwo years. Not enough black hole for a better communicate, or something like that. Ill see if I can find them. So, they snack her, right? They absolutely ate her.
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
No. I dont think they devour her.
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with neighbourhood Influential 1
Datime 2204.1.22.10: 10
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ All sensory recall except auditory muffled to aid lightstreaming .]
So what would you like to know, evaluator?
Tell me more of your parties, Adoration China.
If you dont mind, would you call me Aihua, delight?
Oh? Your aide be pointed out that your figures sometimes have meaning.
Yes, but [ laughter] That doesnt mean we like those meanings.
N. K. Jemisin
N. K. Jemisins speculative fiction has been nominated for the Hugo, the Nebula, and the World Fantasy Award. The first book in her Broken Earth trilogy, The Fifth Season, won the 2016 Hugo Award for Best Novel . The Stone Sky, the third largest notebook in the serial, comes out this August .
Ah. Please forgive, Aihua. Your expression still confuses.
Im stunned by your facility with my own language, actually.
We become aware of First Contact team.
Yes, but weve had just as much time to learn your language, and well. [ WEI caption: Here I attempt to speak in Manka C. The Manka word for modification translates inadequately. Its implication is more like submission? fitness ?] We am still terrifying/ poor at adaptation.
[ RATCHETING SOUND. WEI CAPTION: MANKA LAUGHTER. THANKFULLY HE RETURNS THE CONVERSATION TO ENGLISH .] It is true, you do not adapt quick as we. But that is expected. You are not evaluators.
Ah, yes. Since you mentioned that, if I may askwhat exactly is your role? Ive asked Hashish, the nurturer whos been evidencing me around, but it was unclear.
I am evaluator.
But what does that intend? What do you assess?
Everything. Parties. World.
For what purpose?
[ SILENCE FOR 2.5 SECONDS] I do not understand, Aihua.
On my world, beings evaluate procedures, achievements. For the purpose of improving them.
Yes. Improvement. Adaptation. Same with us.
I see?
You do not.
Sorry, I
It takes time for beings so different to accommodate. You do well. No is necessary to fear.
Thank you. Ouch!
The shells of [ RECALL BLUR. WEI CAPTION: LOCAL DELICACY, UNPRONOUNCEABLE] are sharp. You are disabled? Shall I summon humans?
No, Im fine, itll stop in a minute. Could you give me something toyes, thank you. Most of your biologicals are innocuous to us, and vice versa. I just hate that Im bleeding on this lovely cloth.
It is unimportant. More?
Yes, delight, its yummy. Youre an good cook.
[ Auditory recall ends. Interpret gustatory reminisce, 2204.1.22.10: 15, for renewal .]
Team Clog of TE Mission, Dar-Mankana
Post by WEI AihuaPublic
Datime 2204.1.20.19: 30
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
My first professor in sapio told me never to Earthropomorphize xenospecies, but the first thing that leapt into my thought when I met them was that the Manka look like upright cheetahs( cheetae ?). Males and females are indistinguishable to my attentions, lean and deep-chested, while nurturers, the third largest fornication, are noticeably more muscular and squarely improved. I pride myself in that my subconscious at least selected a predatory Earth analogue, which should deter me from loosening my protect too much.
Comment from WANG
Its simply cheetahs. And you have three PhDs?
Comment from WEI
None of them are in linguistics, OK? Shut up.
Tomer Hanuka
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by WEI AihuaTeamlock
Datime 2204.1.23.11: 50
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
I could KILL Rafkind and the whole First Contact team! What Neanderthal decided to tell the Manka about Christianity? This is exactly why the UC censored Americans from TE teams.
Fortunately, the district potentate seemed more entertained than anything by the idea of one mans demise absolving the incorrects of an entire species. Just one? Cute.
Now Im wondering what else FC screwed up.
FC Report Detail p. 67: Culture Notes
Datime: 2201.4.7.14: 40
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Auditory embed with caption: Manka adoration chant? Recallers: Multiple; public action .]
My love sings behind me
And touches the nape of my neck
I do not look around
My heart flappings fast with fear.
FC Report Detail p. 224: Culture Notes
Recall by First Contact Team Member John RAFKIND
Datime: 2201.5.13.9: 24
[ Optimized by Cognet !]
[ Auditory embed with caption: Observed class 2 Deceptive ideation .]
Apologies. A colloquialism.
Ah. We must learn more of your world so that we may adapt to these colloquialisms.
That would certainly be possible after Trade Establishment, Hashish.
Why did you express a colloquialism, John?
Uh, well the male Manka walking by with that group of children. For some reason, when he look back me, I got the creeer, I find uneasy.
That was an evaluator.
An evaluator of what?
[ RaTcheting sound. RAFKIND caption: I think that was a laugh ?] Many things, at many times. For now, those children.
Were all six of those the evaluators juveniles?
There were three children, John.
Three? I didnt get a good review, but Im sure I appreciated more.
There were three children.
[ Recall ends .]
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by Angela WHETONPublic
Datime 2204.1.24.12: 40
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Did some additional examines of the southeast central continent today. Those palladium sediments Have you guys heard the stock tolls since the CogNet-Pallenergy merger? My God, I might actually get out of student loan debt before I die.
Also noticed an rare concentration of calcium in various accumulations around the city. Hector proceeded with one of the locals to check out a nearby locate and was shown an open-pit tomb. [ VISUAL OVERRIDE EMBED WITH CAPTION: LONG, ORDERLY ROWS OF SEVERAL HUNDRED CLEAN, POLISHED BONES, ORGANIZED BY TYPE .] Each pit is several hundred hoofs deep, bones layered with dirt. Local announced bones the price paid. Ritual? Tag for sapiology review.
OhHector has asked me to note for government officials team log his hypothesis that the burial pits are f__ing creepy-crawly. So noted.
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with local Influential 2
Datime 2204.1.24.13: 10
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[ All sensory recall except auditory smothered to aid lightstreaming .]
Forgive me for staring, evaluator. Its only that you gaze so different.
I have strained greatly to adapt because we last fit. Does my form satisfy you?
I dont certainly know what to become of it. You ogle
More like you.
This distres you.
Surprises me, evaluator. On my planet “theres” souls that can change their coloration to blend in with the environment, but [ Visual override embed with WEI caption: The evaluators face. Memo the abbreviate of the muzzle and repositioning of the ears, at slopes of the foreman rather than the top .]
It has been difficult, yes. Your beings are strangely configured. Even more strange, inside.
How do you
Your bloods preference is most amusing. [ Pause] I have no goal of devouring you, Aihua.
[ Laughter] Uh, sorry. On my nature well. Our recreation are a lot of unnerving men that want to gobble us down.
Entertainment? But your parties are apex predators, are you not?
I suppose we are. Huh. Maybe thats why the notion of being preyed upon doesnt actually scare us.
[ Series of harsh exhalations. WEI caption: The evaluator believe that there is imitating human laugh .] Yes , no is necessary to fright! Tell me, Aihua. Why do you not have offsprings?
Why do you
Sorry, I discover. The topic justits not something my people frequently ask in casual conversation.
I shall remember and accommodate. For now, will you refute?
Well, we have a problem with overpopulation and its effects: crowding, homelessness, famine, worse. Were redressing now, but their own problems took a long time to develop, it was therefore will take a long time to resolve.
And in the meantime, your it is necessary to simply lose?
Unfortunately, yes. It helps that weve modelled the Trade Network with other sapient species. That increases the resources available on my planet.
But with greater resources, your digits will continue to grow. Theres nothing to shape you stop.
We have our own sapience, which tells us that such rise is unsustainable. Because of this, only some of my beings choose to replicate. Im one of the ones who chose not to.
I see. But if sustainable growth was possible?
Maybe Id have a child. Perhaps. But it isnt possible, so no minors for me. [ Sigh] Now. Not to change the subject, but Ive accompanied some delicacies from my own world-wide to share
Good. I am most interested in eating some of your worlds revels. And if I may say, Aihua, the gleam of your hair is very fine today.
[ Recall ends .]
Levl: Official
Prio: Medium
Init: Salim GILBERTO, FC Team Biological Surveyor
Datime: 2201.11.13.03: 00
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Esteemed Survey members, colleagues, and sidekicks TAGEND
You will see from my FC report that Dar-Mankana is home to a plethora of speciessubstantially more than our own, which has yet to recover from the arrival of the Anthropocene. But a merely 2 million years ago, Dar-Mankana hosted three times more species than at present.
What could trigger such a destruction? Evidence indicates an interference in several key food webs: a polyphagous piranha which ate its road through tertiary and secondary consumers with such abandon that it likely justification its own extinction. Superpredators may be pop-science clickbait, but Dar-Mankana could represent our closest brush with one of these evolutionary bogeymen. The lingering damage is still perceptible: a relative dearth of megafauna, skewed predator-to-prey rates, insufficient biomass all around for the power that this planet creates.
Further pre-TE study is strongly recommended.
FC Report Excerpt, p. 530: Xenological notes
Datime: 2201.7.7.6: 32
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[ Some data loss has come; recompilation possible in approximately 127 daytimes .]
[ Buffering] compare to Dr. Gilbertos assertions.
The crater is smallless than half the size of Earths Chicxulub crater, which is widely believed to have triggered the extinction of the dinosaurs. While surely large enough to crusade catastrophic neighbourhood shatter, this cannot explain the mass extinction.
Core samples from the ocean floor discover an abundance of palladium and [ Buffering]
Team Clog of TE MissionDar-Mankana
Post by Hector PRINCIPETeamlock
Datime 2204.1.25.06: 30
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Sorry if the committee is blurry. Cant sleep. Theory occasion!
Why arent there more Manka? Theyre ripe for Sagans technological adolescence. Weve seen this on so many planets that its practically a law of nature; there is a requirement to erupting at the seams, same as us. But the Manka are precise the right population size for their societys resources. Nobodys thirsty. No idle youth. Plenty for all.
So. Unobserved social self-restraints? The Kama Rhythm Method Sutra? Histocompatibility crisis?
Comment from WEI
Maybe theyve already been through the tech teenages. Gilbertos extinction?
Comment from PRINCIPE
Two million years ago was tech infancy. Or pre-partum: The Manka precursors perhaps werent even tool-users.
Comment from WHETON
Off topic but you know what I obstruct “ve been thinking about”?( Cant sleep either .) The building. Four steeples on every important build. Four lobes to every artistic motif. They got six fingers. Three copulations. WTF is with the veneration of four? Whats their math?
Comment from WANG
Base-8. Ache in the ass; had to recalculate all the potential royalties in the two reports. But yeah, another difference on four. Shit, I cant do possibility at oh dark thirty. Sleep, you apes.
CogNet init: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Recip: WU Li Bai
Transl: English-Cantonese
Datime: 2206.12.16.20: 02
Respectful accosts, Dr. Wu. My appoint is Thandiwe Solomon, with the Extrasolar Sapience department of Rhodes University. I was plotted by your position paper in The Journal for the Study of Applied Sapiology . As someone whos been in the field and discovered how easy it to be able to move blunders, I concur wholeheartedly with your recommendation for a minimum 10 -year survey between First Contact and Trade Establishment.
Sir, it is my understanding that you two are Wei Aihuas mentor during her postdoctorate. Have you been received information on her recent operation?
Thread reply from WU Li Bai
Indeed I have, Dr. Solomonand so must you have been, if youre asking me. I suppose your UC permission is still active?
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
It is, sir. Though in the interest of full disclosure, my tier is exclusively Secret.
Thread reply from WU Li Bai
I shall tailor my responses accordingly. What is your wonder?
Thread reply from Thandiwe SOLOMON
Was Dr. Wei lonely?
Recall transcript, WEI Aihua
Meeting with local Influential 5
Datime 2204.1.26.10: 30
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[ All sensory recall except auditory quelled to aid lightstreaming .]
And then the old person answered, Why is it always the intellectuals? [ Laughter]
[ Laughter. WEI caption: the evaluators laughter reverberates entirely human now. See accent reduction too .] The narrations of your beings are so amusing.
My grandmother will be pleased to hear that.
Female parent of my mother. [ sigh] She may be dead by the time I get back. I dont know whether to hope for that or not.
Ive been croaked five years old. She has cancera disease, untreatable in her client. That necessitates a slow, agonizing death. My parents are taking care of her, but
Your parties have just been males and females. These take over the nurturer persona?
Well, its not quite as binary as that, but … When necessary, yes.
And no one fulfills the evaluator role? Your poor grandmother.
Well, Im not sure [ delay] Oh my God.
Are you praying?
No, justthat was amaze. Youre another sex . Like male, like female, like the nurturers. The FC team got it completely wrong. Four fornications , not three!
Yes, those humen were very slow be adjusted to Dar-Mankana. You are much more fit and clever.
Evaluator, I must confer with my parties. But ah may I return to speak with you again tomorrow?
That would give me great pleasure, Aihua.
CogNet init: Hector PRINCIPE
Recip: Angela WHETON
Priority: URGENT
Datime: 2204.1.31.04: 00
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[ Sensory remembrance retained per URGENT protocol. Additional lightstream slowdown +185 dates .]
Angela. [ ping] Angela. Damn it, wake the fuck up! And pass this on to Aihua. Fucking – god, delight pass this on to Aihua.
OK. Clear contemplates. OK. I went back to the burial site. Somethings been bothering me. This time I realise what it was.
Most of the bones are small. Childrens bones.
Theory time. Lets say your species is threatened by an enemy so insidious that all the usual existence proficiencies are unproductive against it. Its an foe that they are able camouflage itself enough to get really close during hunting. Maybe it can clown you even up close. What if simply specializing a full-time protection for the weakest members of your species, a nurturer , gives your parties any hope of survival against an opponent like that? And what if even that doesnt stop it? What if, in the end, you cant beat them, so you join them?
Aihua said the evaluators appearance was changing. Im approximating evaluators replace the male or female in reproductionnot all the time, just enough to continue themselves. Theyre not really male or female, though, because theyre fucking shapeshifters! Real Manka males and females are like us. The nurturers raiseand guardthe offspring until theyre age-old enough to show their real potential. Guess what happens then?
They go to the evaluators. Some “of childrens rights”, the healthiest and the most adaptable, get to live. Only them, though. The restalong with perhaps the old-time, the sickare the toll the Manka pay for their prosperity.
Gilbertos superpredators, Angela. Aihuas been having dinner with one each night for the past week.
Recip: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Datime: 2206.12.18.06: 10
Ow. Public access streaming hurts my mentality, literally. Anyway, that sidekick of mine who works for CogNet-Pallenergy? Located out Wei Aihuas personal logs did get lightstreamed. Somebody prescribed them deleted.
Same person also slapped a bunch of restrictions on the TE SurveySat maps that Angela Wheton sent back. I cant get through these limitations, but I would guess they discover the extent and site of those palladium lodges she mentioned. Thats why approving is being fast-trackedUCs going a lot of distres from Large-hearted Fusion.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Are you kidding me? Did the UC pay attention to anything else in the damned dossier? Do they recognize Wei Aihua likely isnt dead?
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
Its been three years since the TE ship blew up. Wheres she been all this time, if shes still alive?
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
I dont know, but three years is slew of time for Stockholm syndrome to set in. Especially if her captors become more and more human, and likable, and attractive
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
No. Theyre a different species , Thandi.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
The Manka are a different species. The evaluators are whatever the hell they want to be. Human, if they want to be! You have to ask UC Command to quarantine Dar-Mankana.
Thread reply: Paul SRINIVASAN
If there were any survivors of the TE team, that would filament them.
Thread reply: Thandiwe SOLOMON
Yes. Especially in case there is survivors.
UC Trade Establishment Commission
Excerpt, Letter to the leaders of Dar-Mankana
Datime: 2206.12.20.15: 45
[ Lightstream-optimized by UCNet]
The United Communities of Earth also extend their heartfelt gratitude to the people of Dar-Mankana for their care of Dr. Wei in her days as the sole survivor of the TE ship explosion. Despite her eventual extinction in childbirth, your peoples valiant efforts to save her and her newborn are to be commended. An endowed resources of the fund has been established in the name of Dr. Wei, Specialist Principe, and the entire TE team. The child born from their duty shall be welcomed home, desired, and honored as the heir to a heroic legacy.
In peace and hope, we look forward to our reciprocal future of boom.
The Fiction Issue
Tales From an Uncertain Future
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