#to my fellow graphic designers: good clients are out there
love communicating with a client over what they want when they have good ideas and an open mind.
like they have enough ideas and creativity that they know if somethings right, but are willing to let you guide them to it.
i fuking love it<3333333333
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notfinancialadvice · 2 days
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above image: atty and Fang in 2024
14 years ago I pitched a back office client a very specific way of building a business pitch. It was declined.
The other day, as a courtesy to a back office client, I sat through a sales presentation... of what was my idea 14 years ago. By someone who, if they are in their early 30s, their skincare routine is damn good. This fellow looked very young. My point being "14 years ago it is extremely doubtful he was a professional, or if he was, at the very beginning of his career."
This is not a case of theft or shenanigans -- my core concept wasn't a product, it was a method, I was just ahead of the time -- but I've been In My Head About It since.
On one hand, I have A Lot of Feelings about this situation
My professional life is extremely "U" shaped in that, at the time of the original pitch, I was on a high and about to suffer several catastrophes, but I am here 14 years later at a high point again.
"How Much Land Does a Man Need" -- short version -- a gentleman is given the opportunity to acquire as much land as he wants, go out and take as much as you like -- just be back at the beginning location to close the loop, or lose everything.
In a rush to acquire as much as possible, he exhausts himself getting back to the starting point -- and immediately dies from fatigue. His servant then buries him, proclaiming this is actually how much land he needs.
The downward part of my career lasted A Long Time and I Lost Everything multiple times, I've had to rebuild... a lot.
There isn't an answer to this aside from "learn to let go."
I do not want to be in the web business anymore, I haven't practiced graphic design or web design for years and I wouldn't be not keen on starting up again -- I do not have the personal temperament for it.
Onwards to gay monster stories
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ecoutureelan · 5 months
The Elan Experiment: Pushing the Boundaries of Fashion and Art
Hey there, design aficionados! I'm Élan, the creative mastermind behind Ecouture Élan, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to my brand-new Tumblr blog.
Picture this: a one-stop-shop for the most unique, eye-catching designs you've ever seen. That's exactly what you'll find at teepublic.com/user/ecoutureelan – my exclusive collection of fashion-forward creations that are guaranteed to turn heads and spark conversations.
But here's the thing – I'm not just your average designer. With years of experience in graphic design and a passion for pushing the boundaries of AI art, I bring a unique perspective and skill set to every project I take on. Whether you're looking for a bold t-shirt design, a stunning piece of wall art, or a one-of-a-kind accessory, I've got you covered.
And the best part? If you don't find exactly what you're looking for in my TeePublic store, I'm always ready to collaborate on custom designs tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Just shoot me an email at [email protected], and let's bring your vision to life together!
But wait, there's more! As a new member of the Fiverr community (https://www.fiverr.com/s/YGo37R), I'm also offering my design services to a wider audience. So, whether you're a small business owner in need of a killer logo or if you're just looking for a fresh and unique design, I'm here to help you stand out from the crowd.
Now, I know you're probably thinking this all sounds too good to be true lol. But trust me, I'm just getting started. As a newcomer to the online design world, I'm bursting with ideas and excited to grow my collection and client base. So, keep an eye on my TeePublic store, because I'll be dropping new designs faster than you can say "add to cart"!
But enough about me – I want to hear from you! What kind of designs do you love? What's your go-to fashion statement? And most importantly, how can I help you express your unique style and personality through my work? Drop a comment below, slide into my DMs, or send me an email – I'm always eager to connect with fellow fashion enthusiasts and creative minds.
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to teepublic.com/user/ecoutureelan, explore my collection, and get ready to fall in love with your new favorite designs. And don't forget to follow this blog for exclusive sneak peeks and follow me as well on TeePublic at teepublic.com/user/ecoutureelan and if you like my designs or a design, feel free to share!! I am currently editing and adding new desigs so there aren't a lot on there yet, but I promise they're coming and I'll be adding them regularly!
Until next time, stay stylish, stay bold, and stay true to yourself!
Élan– your new favorite designer at Ecouture Élan
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heymarketeer · 9 months
How Can You Become A Successful Freelancer
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You’re probably thinking of ditching your 9-5 job to try freelancing. I’ve been in your situation six years ago. I’ve read so many stories of people abroad who are work from home freelancers. I’ve read many “work from home” blogs in the years prior – so many that I can’t count them now. I thought then that there’s a hidden industry on the internet that I should check out. And soon enough, I became a part of the gig industry.
I am writing this article from my couch while listening to Spotify, while a typhoon is passing through the region. There’s no internet, but it is fine since I don’t need the connection to write down this short article anyway. (I’ve already prepared my research materials days before, just in case we lose connection.) On a regular day, when I have work for my clients, I don’t have to commute to get into my office. It is literally a second or two away from my bedroom. What I currently love about freelancing is that I can always work and watch the current news at the same time. My table setup is just a few feet away from my couch and television. How’s that for comfort?
Anyway, in the Philippines, I’m not alone in this gig industry. More and more people nowadays discover the advantage of working from home and building their online business. Most of these people are moms (or dads), who were previously employed in the traditional 9-5 job but were either forced to stay at home to help with kids or wanted to make career shifts to virtual professions.
If you are interested in becoming one of us, the doors (of freelancing) are already wide open to receive you. Are you ready to freelance? Before you start, I suggest that you read these tips from fellow freelancers to help you become successful freelancers, too!
1) Is your skillset marketable?
What are your skills? Are you one of the many who’s also doing what you do? Competition is high among these freelancers that getting clients can be very difficult. Are you exceptional who can do one of a few? For instance, graphic designers are very in-demand virtual freelancers. They are generally paid higher compared to other freelancers.
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2) You’ll get emotional over the loss of a regular working environment.
It’s inevitable. When you freelance, more or less you’ll work solo. Often than not, you’ll work at your home office, without the usual bustle of office work and co-workers. You’ll miss them. You’ll miss acquaintance parties, birthday celebrations, and Christmas office parties. You’ll let go of weekly (bimonthly) wage payments, pensions (benefits), or paid holiday leaves. I promise you that you’ll get used to it eventually. Instead of face to face interaction, you’ll learn how to communicate with team members from all around the globe via Slack or Skype. You’ll still get work payments but not as regularly as before (case to case). Also, you won’t get paid vacations. Pay for it yourself instead and go whenever you want to do it. Just make sure to inform your clients ahead of time, okay?
3) Do you have the necessary tools?
Laptop is the most important tool of the trade for any freelancer. You can also use a personal computer, but laptop is the most preferred tool these days for flexibility. So choose well. Research what is the industry’s most trusted technology requirements. A good internet connection is another necessary requirement. If you freelance and work with clients abroad, internet is a must. Invest in the fastest internet provider that you can afford.
4) When you freelance, you are the brand.
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5) Find freelancer friends and join groups.
As I’ve mentioned in Tip #2, freelancing is sometimes a lonely job. You need a support group. Find like-minded people. Find time to network with freelancers who are working in the same niche as you are. I’m gonna be honest and say that when you’re starting out, you’ll need the guidance of people who are already in the business. Find yourself some mentors. It’ll be a bumpy road before it gets better. I’ll highly recommend that you find friends in the virtual world, too.
6) Promote your brand to get more clients.
Clients need to notice you first before you can land a gig. Therefore you need to promote your brand. It doesn’t have to be expensive. Start with a simple website. I highly suggest that you create an online portfolio. When looking for a gig, you don’t need a resume. You just need a portfolio. Start early on this website and build your portfolio along the way. Next, use social media to subtly promote yourself. Build Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages. Share things that are relevant to your skills and branding. I highly recommend that you pay close attention to LinkedIn. Did you know that you can find lots of clients on LinkedIn? It is like a landmine of potential biz partners.
7) Take care of yourself.
When you freelance, you earn by the hours or by the projects. Sometimes, you’ll get projects after projects without any care on how many hours you’ll sleep at night. I am guilty of this especially in my first 6 months of freelancing. I run after gigs and money and I admit that I forgot to take care of myself. Thankfully, I didn’t get sick. Thinking about it now, I should have taken care of myself better before. Just remember, your brand is you– body, mind, and soul. So always take care, okay?
8) There will be bad days.
Is your Internet not working? Has your laptop died on you? Managing stressful tasks for the day or the week? Got a horrible client? You’ll get these and more. Every bad day is worse. Don’t worry about it so much. Tomorrow is another day. Just do the best that you can today, get more sleep, and rise for another hopeful day tomorrow.
9) Plan for bigger things.
This is a reality in freelancing: you may have a gig this month then you’ll have next to nothing next month. Learn to earn and save money as you freelance. There will be days that you’ll feel you’re not up to get more clients, and funding will eventually slow down. Learn to get a business plan in place. What are your plans for the next few months? Think about it.
10) Enjoy a “flexible” life.
I decided to work as a freelancer because I wanted to get flexible working time. I wanted to do other things while working. And currently, I am enjoying every bit of it. Working freelance doesn’t mean that you’ll be online 24/7. That’s crazy, but sometimes it happens. Manage your time wisely. Learn to use your time to work, enjoy doing things that you feel passionately about and spend quality time with your family, friends and significant others. Unplug from the freelance life once in a while. I’ll assure you, you’ll get fresher outlook when you do.
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vivixrocks · 11 months
Absolutely, every art class I've had for this degree has been applied to the work I do in some form or another. I don't recommend the classes if graphic design isn't something you're serious about perusing though, because your teachers will expect more out of you each year. And you have to be able to defend your design choices, whether it be the typography you chose, to the imagery you choose to include or the lack of imagery. There is always a logical reason behind each design choice.
And if you want to learn about Art, then Art history classes are nice, but you have to have the right teachers for them to not be miserable to sit through. I thankfully have had wonderful teachers who are very enthusiastic about the subjects they teach.
The live clients are alright I guess, they're semi-professional, passionate people or professional, corporate representatives. My school only helps non-profit organizations though, so they would be option 1 in this case. In my experience they've wanted a new logo for one client, and the other wanted an event logo and social media posts for an event happening this month. My teacher says it's a good idea for us to show up to the event to show our support since they're sending us T-shirts with our logo on it (The logo that was selected was a combination of mine and that of a fellow student, we were both super excited about it)
As for the purpose for working with live clients while still studying, it gives us experience to put on our resumes when we graduate, and gives a good idea about how responsive future clients may be over email and such. It's all around good for both us students and the clients. So, mutual benefit.
And none of your questions have come off as harsh to me, I understand you're just really intrigued by my major and I'm happy to provide answers to you. 🙂
I don’t know what to put here because all of my questions answered. Cool.
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grad604kaywee · 1 year
AGI Conference
Reflection and Notes:
Firstly, a big thank you to everyone involved and those who gifted the tickets to me and my fellow students. It was my first design event and it did not disappoint at all. The lineup of speakers and panels was excellent and all amazing designers or creatives. This event introduced me to so many names, people and studios that I never heard of before, from international and local areas. They also showed such a rich and amazing collection of design works and contexts that I could never come across all in one place. The experience was one that I'll remember for a long time, and will hopefully guide me into my future design and creative endeavors.
Some overall points and tips that stuck with me and most of the speakers agreed upon was that you need to have an open mind when designing, and be able to express yourself through your work somehow. I.e. some designers had side projects that are self initiated, while others have clients that allow them to express their passion into the projects.
Stefan Seigmeister:
The speaker I was most looking forward to was probably Stefan Seigmeister because I have seen his work the most and came across him in year 1 already. He has a very clearly unique design style and collection of work which drew me to him. His talk was also very inspiring. He talked about a current project that shows statistics from the past few hundred years to the present day, and how it shows us the positive change that has already happened in the world. This does not excuse the bad things that happen in the world today, but is to appreciate what we have now, and to show that the world has changed in a positive way already. He also made a very interesting point that people are drawn to negative things. People are more likely to read a newspaper filled with bad news, compared to good positive things, "Its just more interesting". This can be directed into our design thinking and planning for projects. Do I want to use this to my advantage and design something depressing so that it is more interesting or do I want to bring a small positive moment into their life etc.. His talk got me thinking about things like this and how I can apply them into my current and future works.
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Taku Satoh:
Satoh was the first speaker of the event. He was very friendly and genuine and did a great job introducing us into the conference. He made some really interesting points on product design and tips that I can directly relate to for another course and my future design works. He showed an example of one of his own works for a whiskey bottle. The thinking behind the design was that the bottle has a basic and unoriginal form so that it may be reused around the house instead of thrown out and create waste. This idea relates really well to a current project designing a membership box. I have left it the box blank and rather simple with only a cutout resembling the logo, so that it may be reused and repurposed. This idea of repurposing can and should be used more often around product design to reduce waste.
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Irene Pereyra:
Irene is a UX designer but had many very interesting points that can be carried across to graphic design. Firstly, a big point that she made, which can be quite contreversial, is that beauty over function. Her reasoning behind this is that when something is beautiful, people are much more forgiving if it doesn't function as well. Ofcourse people have a limit, so it does need to function as well. but beauty should be at the forefront. This idea makes a lot of sense to me. This can be applied almost anywhere in the world, throughout many different categories or areas. Another example, if someone is beautiful, people are much more likely to give up their seat on a bus for them over someone who is considered unattractive. This concept should be considered while designing something, whether it be considered usable or not.
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Honorable mention: Paula Scher once said " brand design is making something recognisable,.."
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Lecture 1 GRAD604 - Unpacking the Brief
“Creatives, creations and creative communities – finding your way through research, you will develop your curiosity to investigate and expand your specialist subject knowledge, in order to identify strengths of your design practice within current environmental, social, cultural, sub- cultural, and political contexts. Your research will seek to identify and analyse examples of historical and contemporary design work of other designers/creatives that are of significance to your own design research interests.”
We were asked to identify important design elements and research the main points the best awards work “What makes me plastic” conveys. 
I think the key idea and main elements that this project shows is the disconnection that some feel from their identity and culture, it highlights how due to urbanisation and how big and large the city and highly dense areas, people feel lost and isolated from their community and culture. 
Questions to think about:
The creative • Who is doing the creative practice and underpinning research? • Who am I as a designer? • What are the influences on me as a designer and where do they come from? • How can I unpack the personal design ideologies that cultural shifts, ethics, and responsibility that impact my decision-making? • How might I expand my visual vocabulary by understanding the environmental, social, cultural, political contexts of my design influences? • Where do I stand in relation to my practice and what do I value? Collecting visual information, designers and examples of who we’re inspired by: 
- Natrasha / Jaimie Hutton 
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A fellow creative, drag artist, designer and one of my good friends Natrasha / Jaimie inspires me and my artistic journey hugely, I love her drive, work ethic and how she has the ability to work and design over a variety of mediums, she has a unique perspective and take on her creative approach and draws inspiration from interesting and diverse work. I will always admire Natrasha and her visions.
- Kaan Hiini
Kaan Hiini works as a design director at the creative agency Curative - “uses the tools of creativity to grapple with complex social issues to, amplify the voices of communities across Aotearoa for the betterment of our people.” 
“Kaan is an award-winning designer who specialises in working deeply with communities, valuing their perspectives and livelihoods. His personal connection with Māori language, values, and practice has been instrumental in shaping our own team’s ways of working. Beyond the studio, Kaan can be found nurturing Auckland’s rainbow community in his role as co-chair of the Auckland Pride Festival.”
Some of Kaans work, “Inside Out” 
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- Studio Nine 
“We are an experienced design agency in designing marketing communications that push boundaries and affect change. Whether you need a logo design, brochure design, a new responsive website or an advertising campaign, get in touch. We can express your brand in a constant manner across all media, with optimal communication to your target audience”
“Studio Nine was founded by Katrina Knapp in 2018. Katrina is a graphic designer with over 10 years experience, specialising in visual brand identity, and logo design. She has worked at some of the top design and advertising agencies in Auckland before founding Studio Nine. She gained her design qualifications from AUT University, in Auckland — New Zealand. Her studio balances playfulness with purpose to deliver work that is both beautifully crafted, leaves a lasting impression and resonates with the target audience. Enough about us”
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Studio Nine - Wide, vast and unique portfolio with a focus on accessibility, affordability and values in client relationships, I found appreciation in what the brand prided themselves on 
- Mugler & Lady Gaga
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Mugler is a vision who I find incredibly inspiring and an excellent creative force, I truly respect their collection and body of work and think there is no mind quite like his. 
Mugler was drawn to fashion via dance and photography in France and his work focuses on unique curves, angles, lines and shapes.
His portfolio features couture that is ready to wear and more extravagant, avant-garde costume type pieces. 
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nim-lock · 4 years
Art Career Tips, 2021 Edition
Here’s an edited version of my 2019 answered ask, because... this feels relevant. 
It is a problem of capitalism that folks equate their income as a judgement of their value as people; and let me preface. You are worth so much. You have inherent value in this world. Your income is not a judgement on who you are (plenty of billionaires are actively making the world worse). LARPing self-confidence will go a long way to helping you get paid more for your work, because clients will believe that you know what you are doing, and are a professional. 
& real quick—my own background is that I’ve been living off my art since 2018. I went to art school (Pratt Institute). I work in a publishing/educational materials sphere, and a quarter of my income is my shop. Not all of this information may apply to you, so it is up to you to look through everything with a critical eye, and spot pick what is relevant. 
So there are multiple ways of getting income as an artist; 
Working freelance or full-time on projects
Selling your stuff on a shop
Licensing (charging other companies to use your designs)
This post primarily covers the freelance part; if you’re interested in the other bits there is absolutely info out there on the internet. 
IF you are just starting (skip to next section if not applicable) dream big, draw often (practice helps you get better/more efficient), do your best to take "a bad piece” lightly. You’re gonna RNG this shit. At some point your rate of “good” works will get higher. Watch tutorial videos & read books. A base understanding of “the rules”; anatomy, perspective, composition, color helps you know what the rules are to break them. This adds sophistication to your work. One way you can learn this stuff is by doing “studies”—you’re picking apart things from life, or things other people have done, to see what works, and how it works. 
Trying to turn your interests into a viable career means that you are now a SMALL BUSINESS; it really helps to learn some basic marketing, graphic design, figure out how to write polite customer service emails; etc. You can learn some of this by looking it up, or taking skillshare (not sponsored) classes by qualified folks. Eventually some people may get agents to take care of this for them—however, I do recommend y’all get a basic understanding of what it takes to do it on your own, just so you can know if your agent is doing a good job. 
Making sure your portfolio fits the work you want to get
Here is a beginner portfolio post. 
Research the field you’d like to get into. The amount people work, the time commitment, the process of making the thing, the companies & people who work for them. 
Create work that could fit in to the industry you’re breaking into. For example, if you want to do book cover illustration, you draw a bunch of mockup book covers, that can either be stuff you make up, or redesigns of existing books. If you’re not 100% sure what sort of work is needed for the industry, loop back into the portfolios of artists in a similar line of work as whatever you’re interested in, and analyze the things they have in common. If something looks to be a common project (like a sequence of action images for storyboard artists), then it’s probably something useful for the job. 
CLIENTS HIRE BASED ON HOW WELL THEY THINK YOUR WORK FITS WHAT THEY WANT. If they’re hiring for picture books, they’re gonna want to see picture book art in your portfolio, otherwise they may not want to risk hiring you. Doesn’t have to be 100% the project, but stuff similar enough. If you aren’t hired, it doesn’t mean your work is bad, it just wasn’t the right fit for that specific client. 
If you have many interests, make a different section of your portfolio for each!
Making sure you’re relevant 
Have a social media that’s a little more public-facing, and follow people in the career field you’re interested in. Fellow artists, art directors, editors, social media managers; whoever. Post on your own schedule. 
Interact with their posts every so often, in a non-creepy way. 
If you’ve made any contacts, great! Email these artists, art directors, editors, former professors, etc occasional updates on your work to stay in touch AND make sure that they think about you every so often.
Show up to general art events every once in a while! If you keep showing up to ones in your area (when... not dying from a sneeze is a thing), folks will eventually start to remember you. 
Industry events & conferences can be pricey, so attend/save up for what makes sense for you. Industry meetups are important for networking in person! In addition to meeting people with hiring power, you also connect with your peers in the community. Always bring a portfolio & hand out business cards like candy. 
Active job hunting
Apply to job postings online.
If interested in working with specific people at specific companies, you could send an email “I’d love to work with you, here’s my portfolio/relevant experience”, even if they aren’t actively looking for new hires. Be concise, and include a link to your work AND attached images so the person reading the email can get a quick preview before clicking for more. 
Twitter job postings can be pretty underpaid! Get a copy of the Graphic Artists’ Guild Handbook Pricing & Ethical Guidelines to know your rate. I once had a twitter post job listing email me back saying that other illustrators were charging less, and I quote, “primarily because they’re less experienced and looking for their first commission”. This was not okay! For reference, this was a 64-illustration book. The industry rate of a children’s book (~36 pages) is $10k+, and this company’s budget was apparently $1k. For all of it. 
Congrats you got a job! Now what?
Ask for like, 10% more than they initially offer and see if they say yes. If they do, great! If not, and the price is still OK, great! Often company budgets are slightly higher than they first tell you, and if you get this extra secret money, all the better for you. 
Make sure you sign a contract and the terms aren’t terrible (re: GO GET THE  Graphic Artists’ Guild Handbook Pricing & Ethical Guidelines) 
Be pleasant and easy to work with (Think ‘do no harm but take no shit’)
Communicate with them as much as needed! If something’s going to be late, tell them as soon as you know so they aren’t left wondering or worse, reaching out to ask what’s up. 
And if all goes well, they’ll contact you about more jobs down the line, or refer you to other folks who may need an artist, etc. 
Quick note about online shops/licensing and why they’re so good
It’s work that you do once, that you continuously make money off of. Different products do well in different situations (conventions vs. online, and then further, based on how you market/the specific groups you are marketing to), so products that may not do well initially may get a surge later on. 
Start with things that have low minimum order quantity and are relatively cheap to produce, like prints and stickers. 
If you are not breaking even, go back to some of the earlier portions of this and think about how you could tweak things as a small business. Ease of access is also very important with this; for example, if you only take orders through direct messages, that immediately shuts off all customers who don’t like talking to strangers. 
Quick resource that you could look through; it’s the spreadsheet of project organizing that I made a while back 
Licensing is when people pay you for the right to use your work on stuff they need to make, like textbooks or greeting cards. This is generally work you’ve already made that they are paying the right to use for a specified time or limited run of products. This is great because you’ve already done the work. I am not the expert on this. Go find someone else’s info.
“I am not physically capable of working much”/ “I need to pay the bills”
Guess who got a hand injury Sept 2020 that messed me up that entire month! I had a couple jobs going at the time that I was terrified of losing, but they were quite understanding when I told them I needed to heal. So:  Express your needs as early as you know you need them. Also do lots of stretches and rest your hands whenever you feel anything off; this will save your health later. Like, the potential of a couple months of no income was preferable over losing use of my hands for the rest of my life.
This continues to apply if you have any other life situation. Ask for extra time. Ask for clarification. If you tell people ahead of time, folks are often quite understanding. Know how much you are capable of working and do your best not to overdo it. (I am.. bad at this)
Do what MAKES SENSE for your situation. If doing art currently earns you less money than organizing spreadsheets, then do that for now, and whenever you have the energy, break down some of the tips above into actionable tiny chunks, and slowly work at em. 
The original ask I got in 2019 mentioned ‘knowing you’re not good enough yet’. Most artists experience imposter syndrome & self-doubt—the important thing is to do your best, and if anything, attempt to channel the confidence of a mediocre white man. If he can apply to this job/charge hella money for Not Much, then so can you! 
Check out this Art Director tumblr for more advice!
Danichuatico’s Literary Agent guide
Kikidoodle’s Shop Shipping Tutorial
Best of luck!
Once again disclaimer this post is just the ramblings of a man procrastinating on other things that need to be done. I’ve Long Posted my own post so that it turns into mush in my brain if I try to read it, but I wrote this so I should know this content. If you got down here, congrats. Here’s a shrimp drawing.
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Yee Ha. 
My reference post tag My tip jar
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tea-at-221 · 4 years
So, let's delve a bit into the Spanish dub of Supernatural.
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I'm going to go through a lot of terms here, and a lot of basics, in order to increase people's level of understanding as to how the dub may possibly have come about the way it did.
This post will provide information and, I hope, allow some members of the fandom to move forward with their own theories with more reassurance. Information is power. I will define and clarify industry terms to the best of my novice ability to make it easier for others who wish to do their own research.
This post was inspired by the fact that I've been part of multiple fandoms in which queerbaiting has played an enormous part: I am tired of seeing fandom friends left devastated and without answers, no emotional resolution in sight. So this post is, in spirit if not content, largely dedicated to my fellow Johnlockers and Queliot shippers. And most of all, for Quentin Coldwater, who deserved not just better but the very best.
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Disclaimer: This is my own research and there is a bit of speculation involved; I can't guarantee 100% that I will get everything right (I hit some very frustrating walls looking up what should be easy-to-find facts), but I did a *lot* of work for this. Other people will doubtless be able to clarify points/give better specifics/correct what I've gotten wrong. I am not promising a concrete answer to “SPN gate” here, as without more information than we currently have that is impossible to declare with certainty.
More under the cut.
All that having been said, onwards (see end for sources):
First, who airs the Spanish dub of Supernatural?
Answer: the Warner Channel.
Why? It goes back to who owns The CW.
From Wikipedia (2): "The CW Network, LLC, a limited liability joint venture between the CBS Entertainment Group unit of ViacomCBS; and the Studios and Networks division of AT&T's WarnerMedia, the parent company of Warner Bros., former majority owner of The WB. The network's name is an abbreviation derived from the first letters of the names of its two parent corporations (CBS and Warner Media)."
Warner Bros apparently is the side that handles the delegation of dubbing to outside studios. So, who does Warner use for their dubbing? Perhaps multiple studios, but the two I found in the course of my research were SPGStudios(5) (who specifically handle localization for Latin American Spanish productions) and Iyuno Media Group (formerly BTI Studios)(3).
What is localization?
Simply put, it refers to the translation of the home language of the show in question to the language of the new market it's entering. So, Supernatural 15x18 is translated from its native English to Spanish for Latin American viewers.
And what exactly *is* dubbing (actually called revoicing within the industry; dubbing is a widely-recognized term, however, and it's pretty well understood what is meant by it)?
Here is the Merriam-Webster definition:
"1 : to add (sound effects or new dialogue) to a film or to a radio or television production —usually used with "in"
They dubbed in the music.
2 : to provide (a motion-picture film) with a new soundtrack and especially dialogue in a different language
The film was dubbed in French and Spanish.
3 : to make a new recording of (sound or videotape already recorded) also : to mix (recorded sound or videotape from different sources) into a single recording"
There is a slang term, "dubby," which refers to any overdub that is comically jarring and obviously a dub. The history of dubbing has been such that this has become a way to think of and recognize it: by how awful and ineffective it used to be when it came to foreign films sloppily overlaid with English dubbing.
However, we are in the midst of an age of networks and companies scrambling to play catch-up, eager to use modern technology to create more effective, convincing dubs. In short, they see the moneymaking potential of presenting finished works that viewers may not even realize *are* dubbed without careful inspection. It's true that a good dub is about 10x more costly than subtitling, but it's hard to satisfy the viewer's desire for escapism if they can't suspend disbelief because they're busy reading.
The truth of that is reflected in internal statistics Netflix (for instance, but not just them) parses to gauge viewer interaction and retention with their various shows: when comparing subtitled vs. dubbed shows, it's easy to see which is the winner.(1)
So to be sure there is no nefarious intent here, we would need to be able to identify the following:
A.) What exactly was the process for this dub?
B.) Who decides what changes to make during a dubbing process?
C.) Who approves those changes?
*Can* there be such a thing as a "rogue translator," as Misha Collins put it? (I am going to clarify here that I think Misha is an upstanding person who believed the best of the show he was involved in and all the people who made it, so his assumption of a rogue translator makes sense in the context of that emotion-based reasoning).
I'm not sure which studio did the dub for the Latin American Spanish version of Supernatural; if I had access to that episode perhaps it's mentioned in the credits. You'd think that would be simple enough to figure out anyway, but I was unable. So maybe someone can take a look and let me know. But, as an example, here is how SPGStudios outlines their localization (dubbing) process:
1.) They make a digital or analog transcription of a show/movie.
2.) The translation, or localization, is done by their staff (in any of 40 available languages their staff can speak). When translating, they translate for meaning and then adapt for time, tempo, and style. They say that "extensive experience is required to capture the essence of the language dialog while accounting for variances in speaking time between the source and destination languages." i.e.,  wording/word choice will be kept as true as possible to the original intention of the native language, but at the same time the translation will need to use its chosen wording in a way that fits what is being shown on-screen. To produce a convincing/pleasing dub, they won't replace a word like "looked" with a longer phrase like "scanned the horizon" because it's not going to match what's onscreen. That would be venturing into "dubby" territory.
3.) They perform the ADR process: the voice actors (in this case it would normally be Guillermo Rojas performing for Dean Winchester, though it appears things may have been different in 15x18, possibly due to covid) record the new dialogue to replace the original actor's performance.
4.) The newly recorded dialogue goes to the sound editorial department "to ensure that lip-synch is optimized and technical aspects of the vocal performance match the original."
5.) All of the new audio--including dialogue, music, and sound effects--is mixed together to emulate the quality of the original production as closely as possible despite the changes in rhythm that resulted from the dialog having been translated.
6.) Designers, animators, and VFX editors assist with the localization or enhancement of graphics, if needed.
7.) Localized Master: SPG has a 'traffic team' who 'ensures that all client delivery and storage specifications are met, including file formatting, labeling, and uploading." So in other words, the files are heavily encrypted (or that's how I read this).
Presumably, after all steps are performed, SPGStudios transfers the show back to Warner, who then distributes it. The other studio, Iyuno, makes it very clear that *they* can coordinate and handle all distribution themselves to a vast number of networks. That means that if the client desires, Iyuno can send the finished product directly out into the world.
There seem to be two types of scripts that can be given to the dubbing company:
1.) "In-Production Dubbing indicates that dubbing production is active in tandem with post production. In-Production Dubbing fulfillment partners should expect potential changes to source materials."(4)
2.) "Final Asset Dubbing indicates that dubbing production takes place after final delivery of the show. All source assets will be in a final state. The dubbing fulfillment partner should not expect any changes to the source materials."(4)
Without knowing which of these was agreed upon for SPN 15x18, it is very hard to say exactly where or if additional edits may have been performed on the original material that weren't performed on the translated material (in other words, earlier draft).
If the studio was given the episode as an In-Production Dubbing project, this could explain why the title of the Spanish translation reflected the original script title, "The Truth," rather than the final title in English, "Despair".
Assuming this difference was unintentional, rather than a calculated marketing ploy re: audience enticement (which seems admittedly unlikely), then yes, it could indicate a screw-up on someone's part. The question is, was the dub company given the task of generating the title card, or did some other graphics department handle that before the project made it to them? If the latter is the case, the choice to add "Me too" instead of "Don't do this, Cas" could be either a conscious choice on the dub studio's part as sort of a nod to what they thought "the truth" was, or could just be them going with what they were given and making their translation choices based on something else, such as rhythm/timing.
SO, could there have been an original script that had Dean say "me too" in response to Cas, which then went through translation and made it out into the world? Teeechnically yes, but one would assume that the original script and original *footage* would have to have arrived at the dub studio together if the script is being transcribed in-house as SPGSTudios outlines in their process. I'm going to reason that the odds of them using a later edit of the visual--one that contained what in this instance we would be assuming was Warner's preferred dialogue ("Don't do this, Cas") yet choosing to stick with their own audio revoicing of the (supposed) original script/visual's "Me too, Cas" with its now subsequently poor timing, seems unlikely.
So either they would likely have to redo the exact same "Me too" audio again (having made the choice to keep the original dialogue, while also having to work under pandemic restrictions re: travel and talent availability) to make everything match the visual footage time-wise, OR, it was simply a matter that the English scene always was just as we saw it, but that the studio chose to interpret the script the way they did and were able to do their timing the first time around to match accordingly.
This still leaves a question in the air regarding the origin and fate of certain clips of Dean's more visually emotive reaction to Castiel's confession that have been floating around the internet. I've only seen very very brief glimpses of them, myself, and I'm not certain that they're really evidence of anything other than more than one take having been done of that scene, which wouldn't be uncommon and doesn't necessarily point to a conspiracy.
I also want to state that in the wake of 15x18, I opted to protect my mental health rather than follow every development/rumor/speculation that cropped up in the aftermath, so there’s probably a lot that I’m leaving out of this post that may be pertinent. Do me a favor and do assume that I know nothing of it. lol
I will also add this about the other studio, Iyuno: they are very careful to state on their site, repeatedly and with great pride, that they are committed to presenting the world with the smoothest, most true-to-the-original localized version of a film or show possible. Quote: "...our entire team of staff wants nothing more than to make every single one of our partner's content feel as if it were never translated." They are not fucking around. They want to please the client. Would they have done something like the translation in question without any direct go-ahead from Warner? It seems unlikely, though they don't outline their process on their site the way SPG does.
Notice that in the SPGStudios process outlined above, there is no mention made of a review step in which the studio presents the translated dialogue to the client for approval re: the new wording. That doesn't mean there isn't a review step; however, without seeing the contractual agreement that was made between Warner and whatever dub studio they used, or knowing Warner's preferred process by some other means, it's difficult to be certain whether or not there was a review process for the translated script. I did find evidence that Netflix reserves the right to review such translated scripts before air.
Speaking of Netflix, I will include here what their translation requirements are, as I did find those. They, like Warner, also use Iyuno Media Group much of the time for dubbing (voiceover style dubbing in which they apparently like to leave the original language audible underneath, so that's slightly different from revoicing, but I'm working on an assumption that the general expectations are the same for both):(4)
"1. Translation Requirements
1.1 Main Dialogue
   All main dialogue in the source (original) language should be translated unless specifically noted.
   Due to timing limitations, some of the dialogue may be condensed/truncated as long as it retains all essential elements of the plot.
   Please refrain from dubbing redundant words such as character names and repetitions.
       Additionally, do not recreate laughs, hesitations, reaction noises, etc."
I'm looking at that bit: "Due to timing limitations, some of the dialogue may be condensed/truncated as long as it retains all essential elements of the plot."
So let's say just for argument's sake that this is pretty standard language provided to the dubbing studios. Netflix is a giant, so I'll proceed with that assumption given the lack of more concrete information:
Does it really change essential elements of the remaining plot to have Dean return Castiel's declaration of love? Forgetting about the outside, emotional ripple effect such a declaration was bound to set off in the viewing audience, no. The two characters have no further scenes together, nor does Dean go on in the next episode to immediately embark on a new relationship, or tell anyone that Cas said he was in love with him but he couldn't return it because he didn't feel the same. So technically, no rule was broken. And that is what it comes down to, if you're thinking like a lawyer reading a contract: specifics, not theoretical implications or consequences.
So, possibly what we have is something that was simple to add and easy to get away with/argue for: translated dialog that fit a dub better due to its length, and didn't actually change anything plot-wise (or at least, the argument for that could easily be made). This points to the painful crux of the matter: why would the Spanish version of Supernatural which aired in Latin America allow Dean Winchester to return Castiel's declaration of love with a "Me too, Cas"? Could it *really* be as insulting as the fact that "Yo a ti, Cas" would be a quicker, smoother dub than "No hagas esto, Cas"? ("Don't do this, Cas" in English.) Or did they see something they could get away with, and a reasonable argument to provide for it, so they went ahead and claimed a small LGBT+ victory?
Is someone, somewhere, getting in trouble for all this? Maybe. But could action be taken against them? That would look pretty bad, public-relations-wise, for the party expressing condemnation if that got out. Could Iyuno, or whatever other studio (again, I don't actually know which one handled the dub) theoretically feel a ripple effect from the fallout of this? Could they quietly suffer a drop in acquisitions/revenue for "reasons unclear"? Sure. That sort of thing happens all the time, so theoretically yeah.
Whatever the reasoning behind the decision to have Dean return Cas' declaration of love, surely they didn't have to do it. Surely they could have chosen some other phrase that fit. But they chose to do exactly what they did. I don't know what went down, in the end, or whether censorship was indeed involved, but I will certainly say that I think it was a brave and admirable choice that was made with the Spanish dub. It doesn't undo the "bury your gays" trope of course, but for some LGBT+ audience members it surely provides a sense of validation and maybe even lends a little hope for better representation--which is long, long overdue.
Thanks if you read this far. I hope that even though it’s not perfect it will be helpful in some way.
(1) https://www.indiewire.com/2020/02/subtitles-vs-dubbing-what-you-need-to-know-1202212800/amp
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_CW
(3) https://www.iyunomg.com/
(4) https://partnerhelp.netflixstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/115016062708-Dubbed-Audio-Style-Guide-VO-Style-Dubbing
(5) https://www.spgstudios.com/localization
35 notes · View notes
gukyi · 5 years
for you, anything | ksj
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summary: in the popular online multiplayer game, kingdom, you are the top-ranked knight with money, fame, and power. in real life, you’re a graphic design geek who’s got a very unsubtle crush on her gorgeous coworker, kim seokjin. but when you’re suddenly dethroned from the first place spot in your game, you and your kingdom character embark on a journey to reclaim your title, and learn on the way that things are not always as they seem. 
{friends to lovers!au, enemies to lovers!au}
pairing: kim seokjin x female reader genre: fluff, comedy, fantasy word count: 21k warnings: alcohol mention, brief and non-graphic descriptions of violence, this is basically two fics in one so you get double the fun and double the word count!! a/n: once again, a massive, massive thank you to @aurawatercolor for commissioning me!! you can find her on twitter as well under @btspresso_!! she’s the genius behind this enemies to lovers and friends to lovers seokjin fic wrapped up into a nice package just in time for the holidays!! you ever seen a fic with e2l and f2l together? that’s right, i didn’t think so. enjoy!!!
check out the post-script drabble here!
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♚ HERE ♚
“Oh, shit!”
From twelve feet away comes the sound of these three things in this order: fingers furiously mashing keyboard keys, wheels of an office chair swiveling angrily on the linoleum floor, and a war cry. All of which could either belong to a video game world championships in a big-city stadium or your simple, office of two-floors in a more-than-one-hundred-stories skyscraper based in graphic design and media for small start-up companies. 
“I can’t tell if Photoshop crashed again or if you’re playing that weird online multiplayer game again,” Yoongi grumbles from across the way, where he’s gnawing on a Clif bar in one hand as he mindlessly taps his mouse with the other. 
“Please,” Jimin says, carelessly waving a hand. “Don’t act like I haven’t caught you watching My Hero Academia multiple times this year while we were supposed to be doing work, you absolute piece of toast. But if you must know, I was in fact playing Kingdom.”
“I’m going to tell Namjoon,” Yoongi says with zero emphasis, because everybody knows that Namjoon’s got dirt on everybody in the office anyway (including Yoongi) and that if you try to expose somebody else to him, he’ll expose you back. It’s colleague culture. 
“And what’s Namjoon gonna do? He already knows you carry a flash drive of illegally-downloaded animes with you wherever you go,” Jimin retorts casually. He’s not wrong, and you can confirm that Yoongi indeed carts around a USB drive in the shape of a pineapple that has 64GB of anime. 
“What do I know?”
Namjoon comes trotting into view from the corridor that leads to the gender-neutral bathrooms with glasses hanging from the collar of his sweater vest, a clipboard with nothing attached to it in his right hand, and a steaming cup of jasmine tea (he hates coffee and declares this publicly at least three times a day) in his left. 
“You know that Yoongi—”
“Has been doing his work the whole time you were in the bathroom so you don’t need to worry about him,” Yoongi interrupts quickly. 
Namjoon shoots both Jimin and Yoongi a suspicious glare, but moves on. He’s got enough blackmail on the both of them to bury them into the next calendar year, but he’s wise, and he only uses it when absolutely necessary. “Just doing checkups on you guys before Boss Man calls me back into his office and gives me a pile of over one hundred hours of work I’m supposed to do in a forty-hour work week.” It’s been obvious from the moment you were hired that Namjoon does the most work out of anybody in this office, including your boss, and gets very, very little from it. 
“You don’t even have any paper attached to your clipboard,” Taehyung points out rather unhelpfully, from where he’s been drawing hearts on the cheeks of the Surprised Pikachu meme he’s taped up on the wall his desk is pushed up against. 
Namjoon looks down at his clipboard like it just spit mad fire at him, furrows his brows, and lets out a sigh equivalent to three years worth of pent-up aggression. “Shit.”
Jimin cackles from his computer. 
“Whatever, I’m still going to do checkups.” Namjoon takes the pen from behind his ear and writes himself a note, presumably to get paper for his clipboard later. “Jimin, you’re still working on that website layout for the art critic and photographer. Yoongi’s on coding for that search engine that we all know is never taking off but is still paying us. Taehyung’s on marketing because he’s got the most charming voice and Hoseok and Jungkook are on media production for the indie movie company. Y/N and Seokjin, you guys are on clientele and coding. Everybody good before I go get more paper?”
“Yes, Tiny but Large Boss Man,” Jimin says, and it’s enough of a confirmation to send Namjoon scurrying down the corridor again in search of paper as everyone else returns to their prior business. 
You turn around from the font website you’ve been browsing for about half an hour to find Seokjin standing behind you, an earpiece in his ear and that charming smile on his face. It’s the same smile he gave you on your first day on the job when he was introducing himself, same smile he gives when he meets clients in person, same smile he gives Namjoon whenever the man is about to have a breakdown. It’s a friendly, personable-but-universal kind of smile. The kind models need. The kind that Seokjin has mastered. 
“Hey, Seokjin,” you say, only just then coming to realize that Seokjin is much closer to you than his voice originally implied. You’ve rotated 180 degrees in your office chair and he is hardly a foot away from where your feet are. It’s a lot. Seokjin is always a lot. In the best sort of way. “Is anything the matter?”
“No, just wanted to check in and see how the project was going for that one guy that wanted a nice advertisement to put on Angie’s List,” Seokjin says, leaning down to look at what you’ve been doing. 
“Oh, well I’ve been browsing this font website for ages and I still can’t find a nice one for the sub-heading. All of these are too flashy or difficult to read,” you say, beginning to scroll as you and Seokjin both look for one that you like. 
“Hmm, I see what you mean,” his voice sounds like honey and if you had any less dignity you’d let the chills send shivers down your spine. Luckily, you know how to maintain your composure in an office setting. And you also know that Yoongi and Jungkook would never let you hear the end of it, ever. “Oh, how about that one?”
“This one? Rose Quartz?” You ask, pointing to it. 
“Yeah,” Seokjin says. “It has a nice flair that matches with the font for the business name, but it’s still easy to read. It would probably look really nice with a crisp shadow behind it, don’t you think?”
“Maybe you’re onto something,” you say, clicking to read the fair use and copyright. 
“Couldn’t have done it without all the hard work you’ve put into this,” Seokjin says, standing up and shooting you another one of his famous smiles. “You’re the best partner anybody in this tiny media production and design company could ask for.”
He leaves without bidding you farewell, but it’s enough to have you staring blankly at your computer, contemplating existence itself. Sometimes, a little part of you wonders if Seokjin only treats you like this and none of your other coworkers, but then you immediately remember that Seokjin is naturally charming and that he probably speaks to newborn babies in the same way.
Yoongi wheels over to your desk from where his is, smirk lacing his features as he chews on another, different-colored Clif bar. 
“Ever heard of a personal bubble?” You ask snarkily, because you already know why he’s over here, and so does he.
“Why aren’t you asking the same question to Seokjin, hmm?” Yoongi taunts. He’s know about your dumb crush on your coworker (of all people, your coworker! A fellow employee!) for months now. He isn’t being any more helpful whatsoever. 
“Go watch your pirated anime,” you grunt out, too overwhelmed with the way Seokjin smiles at you to really give Yoongi your full attention. “I have nothing to say to you.”
“Sure, but I’m not Seokjin,” Yoongi says. Then he wheels away and you’re left staring at the Rose Quartz font, whose sample text reads: This was meant to be. 
At least Namjoon doesn’t know.
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It’s midnight on a Tuesday, and you’re just about to turn off the lamp on your bedside table and get some well deserved weekday-night shut eye when your phone begins to blare, a disgustingly ugly picture of Jungkook’s face appearing on the screen.
You stare at your phone like it’s personally offending you (which, if Jungkook’s face is anything to go by, it definitely is) before you turn off your ringer and close your eyes. Jungkook can wait. Very seldom is he at the top of your list of priorities.
Barely five seconds after you’ve put your head on your pillow, your phone begins to vibrate, this time even angrier than the last. Aggravated and a little concerned—because Jungkook never, ever calls twice—you pick up the phone.
“Y/N! Something crazy just happened!”
“I hope so, otherwise you wouldn’t be calling me at midnight on a work night,” you grumble into the phone, monotonous voice a stark contrast to Jungkook’s easily excitable one.
“Have you been on Kingdom recently?!” Jungkook asks, and you practically see his eyes bulging out of his head in front of you. One of your youngest coworkers, it’s moments like these that remind you why he bears a striking resemblance to a university student—up late playing video games even on a work night—despite having a couple years in the workforce under his belt. He keeps telling you that he wants to go back to school and get a Masters in something, but he isn’t sure what yet. 
“No,” you tell him like it’s obvious, because it is. You typically begin to wind down your night around ten, which means that anything that’s happened on Kingdom in the past two hours you are thoroughly unaware of. “Can’t this wait? Kingdom’s fun and all, but I really do need to sleep.”
“But Y/N,” Jungkook says with a whine, insisting that you stay on the line, “someone beat you! You’re rank two, now.”
If Jungkook’s loud voice and jumpy attitude didn’t wake you before, you’re certainly wide awake now.
“What?” You ask, shocked. “Just now?”
“Yeah, like fifteen minutes ago! I don’t know what happened,” Jungkook says sadly, lost. “I was dueling with another knight when the horns and banners appeared on the screen and said there was a new top player. You’ve been dethroned!” He cries out like it’s him who’s lost their place. 
You’re fumbling out of bed, making a beeline for your desktop computer across your bedroom. Normally, you’d be ashamed about how high-school you’re behaving around a video game, but you’ve invested an embarrassing amount of time and energy into Kingdom, and you’ll be damned if you think someone else can outdo you. 
As you’re logging onto the game, Jungkook continues to wail into the phone. “I don’t even know who this person is, I feel like I’ve never seen them before! I mean, they must be really good since they practically appeared out of nowhere, but still! I’m a decent player so we must have crossed paths. Maybe I just don’t remember…”
Sure enough, the moment you open your screen the horns blare and the banners appear, congratulating a different player on achieving the top rank. You watch helplessly as the celebration fades on your computer before the leaderboard appears in the top left corner, your name a sad second place. 
“Who’s JK0901?” You shout into the phone, earning an exasperated sigh from Jungkook on the other end. You scowl at the name that’s knocked you off your pedestal, before narrowing your eyes to look at it more closely. “JK? Is that you, Jungkook? Are you just calling me to make fun of me for beating me? Don’t disrespect your elders, Jungkook.”
Jungkook gasps like he’s been accused of murder. For people that take Kingdom as seriously as you and Jungkook, it may as well be. “No! What the heck, Y/N, you know that my username is KookieMonster97, for God’s sake. Accusing me of being the best, how could you?”
“You should have just taken the compliment,” you frown into the phone, “Now all the girls are gonna know you aren’t, in fact, the number one Kingdom player.”
“Fuck, you’re right,” Jungkook mutters. “But it’s not me, I swear. You would have received a very different phone call from me if it was. In fact, I probably wouldn’t have even told you and then ruined your day in the office tomorrow. So it’s not me.”
“I can’t tell if I’d be more or less angry if it was you,” you admit.
“Why, because I’d finally have something to hold over your head other than my unwavering youth?” Jungkook taunts. Definitely still a university student at heart. 
“No, because it means I’d have to hear the entire office praise you for a day, and I’d rather permanently pop my eardrums,” you tell him informatively. Jungkook has enough of a head. You actively try to not do anything to enlarge it unless he wholeheartedly deserves it. 
“I love our coworker chats, you know,” Jungkook says. “Whoever this person is though, I bet they’re receiving bucketloads of praise for knocking you off the top spot. You’ve had it for like, three months now, haven’t you?”
“Yes,” you tell him through gritted teeth. “I’ve put my blood, sweat, and tears into this game and look how it’s repaying me,” you grumble, staring down the Kingdom home screen. 
“JK0901 probably did a ritual sacrifice to beat you,” Jungkook supplies unhelpfully. 
You sigh. Whoever they are, they proved that they are just as good at Kingdom as you are, a veteran player with an embarrassing several years of experience under your belt. In fact, they proved that they’re better than you. 
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It’s cloudy today, which means that more of the market stalls are out on the main street. You pass by them on your way to the castle, vendors calling out to you with promises of apples, jewelry, and perfumes. 
You’ve got money to burn and your responsibilities can wait a couple of minutes, so you indulge one of the stalls and purchase a couple of apples. One should give you a bit of energy now, and the rest can be roasted later for a better meal. 
“Miss Y/N, off to the palace?” The vendor asks. From how much you frequent this part of the kingdom, every artisan, farmer, and merchant alike knows your name. That, and the fact that you’ve amassed quite a group of followers from your daily knightly escapades. 
“Of course,” you respond happily, paying the merchant with a couple of silver coins and then some, just as a thanks. The extra money helps the farmers raise the quality of their crops and allows them to earn more for their efforts. It also boosts your standing amongst the townsfolk. “His Majesty requested my presence for further instructions on fortification, most likely. But I’m just honored to be recognized.”
“As you should!” The man responds dutifully. “You are our best knight, after all.”
“Please, you flatter me. When the work day is done, go home and feed your children well, alright?” You ask, giving a firm nod to the merchant before you’re on your way. As you stroll down the stone-paved path, other vendors call out to you, hoping that you, too, will indulge in their finest clothes and trinkets on your way to the castle. 
Maybe another day. 
You take a hearty bite of the apple as you head towards the palace, a satisfying crunch ringing through your ears as the townsfolk nod and bow to you. It’s easy to figure out that you’re the top-ranked knight in the kingdom, with badges of honor pinned to your torso, ink black armor clinging tightly to your body, and red sashes tied around the black ones on your wrist, signifying approval from the highest ranking military official in the kingdom: the king himself. 
The guards at the palace gates step aside as you nod to each other, bowing courteously. You repeat this process several more times as you slowly proceed towards the throne room, where the King (and maybe the Queen) are likely to be waiting for you. They had increased their security at every door frame after an attempted assassination several months ago, which you (with the help of other high-ranking knights and castle officials) discovered was a plot orchestrated by Their Majesty’s second-most-trusted advisor. 
Finally, you reach the golden arches that signify that you’ve arrived at the most expensive room in the entire palace (save for Her Majesty’s bathroom, which, though you have never been inside, is rumored to have a golden bathtub and sacred water from the River Blancheur, over two thousand miles away. But you cannot confirm nor deny.), threatening red doors slowly creaking open as the King and Queen come into view. 
They’re sitting on their thrones, as per usual, but they aren’t the only ones in the room like they normally are. Instead, there’s another knight, as equally decked out as you, standing before them, arms crossed behind their back. 
“We hope that you can wear these honors proudly and do your duties with pride,” the King says regally, deep, thick voice echoing throughout the room. 
“I will stop at nothing to ensure this kingdom’s greatness,” the knight says back, just as formal. The knight gives a long bow, red sashes around their wrist dangling towards the ground. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think you were being replaced. But of course, that’s not the case. 
“Oh, Y/N,” the Queen says happily, noticing your waiting right in front of the closed doors to the throne room. “Prudent, as always.”
“I aspire to please,” you say with a bow. The King gives you a warm smile, one you’re willing to bet that this other knight isn’t often on the receiving end of. 
“Your timing is impeccable,” the King says, ushering for you to come forward. You do so, taking calculated steps along the red carpet, woven nearly two centuries ago and maintained ever since. “We were just congratulating Sir JK on his recent accomplishments in the Black Forest.”
“Of course,” you say with a nod, refusing to turn to your left so you can stare down this Sir JK for yourself. “The military made groundbreaking strides for our kingdom there.”
“You are the first person to know this, other than him, of course, but we’ve decided to appoint him as the Head of the Royal Knights of the Kingdom of Kalar,” the King says proudly. 
It takes everything in your willpower not to let your mouth drop open. You blink rapidly, making sure that you aren’t in a daze nor still asleep. Sure enough, you’re wide awake and your ears and eyes seem to be working perfectly. The knight next to you is taking over the highest position a knight can hold in your kingdom, one that even you haven’t been given. 
You’ve been replaced. 
“What an incredible honor,” you say, body stiff. You can practically feel the ego of the knight next to you radiating off of him. It makes your nerves twitch. 
“I think so as well,” the King says proudly. He has, luckily, not picked up on your sudden mood change. “So, I’ve called you here to appoint you as his second-in-command.”
You bow graciously at his words, ensuring that, despite your bitter attitude, you are still thankful for this opportunity. Mostly. You are mostly thankful for this opportunity. 
“I’m honored and grateful, Your Majesties,” you say, head facing the carpet. “I would rather die than let down my kingdom.”
“You two are to work together closely,” the Queen advises, words that make your ears bleed. Oh, wonderful, now you have to work hand-in-hand with the person that stole your favor with the royal household right from underneath your feet? You can think of nothing more enjoyable. “Your cooperation alone will ensure the utmost safety and security of this kingdom.”
“We shall do better than our best,” the knight beside you says. His words make your eyes roll back into your head, but you’ve been a bigger brownnoser in your past. You can forgive that, even if the man next to you radiates an energy you’d rather not surround yourself with. 
“I’m pleased to hear it. Your training and work together begins now, so do not hesitate to get to know each other.”
You and him take one baited breath each before turning to each other. You both bow out of obligatory respect, which satisfies the King and Queen well enough. And as you come up, you catch a glimpse of each other’s eyes. His are dark, rounded pupils. They’re hiding something. 
You’re determined to figure out what it is. 
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“Call me J,” the knight says the moment you’ve stepped foot outside of the palace. The setting sun shines dimly on the main road, and many of the vendors are beginning to pack up their belongings in order to head home. 
“Okay, J,” you say suspiciously. Everything about him unsettles you slightly. Perhaps it’s the fact that behind the armor and the mask and the badges, he’s extremely good-looking. Or maybe it’s the fact that he swiped the top-ranking knight position right from your fingertips. It must be that. “It’s baffling to me that we haven’t met yet. If you’ve been in such high favor with the King and Queen, then I must have seen you somewhere.” You wonder if he can hear the bitterness lacing your features. You sure hope that he can. 
“I guess our paths just never crossed,” J says, taking a bite out of a peach he just purchased from a farmer’s daughter, who was watching over the stall as her father haggled with another vendor. You watched as he winked to the girl as she gave him two peaches for the price of one. “I’m more on the ground than you are, am I not? You spend much of your time strategizing in the castle.”
“You don’t know what I do,” you huff out. He finishes the peach and wraps up the pip in a piece of cloth from his pocket before tucking it away. There is no place to dispose of it on the main street anyway. 
“Don’t I?” J says with a sly grin, one that makes you want to kick him in the shin and push him into the grass. “Everyone knows what you do, Y/N. You were the King and Queen’s favorite.”
The way he uses the past tense doesn’t go unnoticed by you. 
“But, as it seems, being on the battlefield outweighs directing it from above,” J says. He keeps his eyes off of you and his head held high while your gaze focuses in on him out of pure fury, just another way to hold his newfound superiority over your head. Five minutes next to him and he already seems to know how to push every single one of your buttons. 
“So it seems,” you say bitterly. 
“You and I really must get along, Y/N,” J says casually as you begin to stray from the hustle of the main street. Neither of you seem to have a particularly clear destination in mind, only a path that must be taken for the sake of the greater good. It’s only the prospect that if you do well enough, you’ll impress the King and Queen and regain your favor with them that’s keeping you from socking J in the face and dashing off, taking his second peach with you. “We’ll be spending lots of time together.”
“Doesn’t that sound like the bee’s knees,” you mutter to yourself. For the greater good. 
“Should it not?” J asks innocently. It makes you want to wipe that smirk right off of his face, that knowing tone in his voice. “I certainly don’t have a problem with you, Y/N. Do you happen to have one with me?”
He asks it because he knows that whatever you say will incriminate you. He knows that if you say no, you’re a goddamn liar, and that if you say yes, you’re weak. Weak because you’re admitting that you can’t handle spending time with him even though you have to. Weak because you’re showing him that he has power over you. 
“No, of course not,” you say, plastering the fakest smile on your face. Two can play at this game. “In fact, would it be alright if I had that other peach? I’m absolutely starving.” You can be civil. If he can, at least.
“Sure thing,” J says, unwrapping the peach from the woven napkin the farmer’s daughter gave him.
You reach out to take it from him, but in the blink of an eye his hand dangles it over your head, too far out of reach for you to grab without losing all of your dignity in the process. 
“What do we say, Y/N?” He asks sweetly, like a parent disciplining their child. God, everything he does absolutely aggravates you. 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes. Perhaps you aren’t on the front lines as often as he is, but you sure know how to fight. Maybe now is a good time to remind him that you received the same training he did. 
“Please?” You ask, just as saccharine. 
“As you request, Y/N,” J says with a bow, finally handing it over. 
If this is what the next several months have in store for you, you wonder if maybe sinking down to a lower ranking might be worth it after all, especially if it means you’ll never have to see him and his bouncy hair and dark eyes again. 
You take a bite into the peach. It’s sour. 
Just your luck. 
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♚ HERE ♚
When you walk into work the next day, a hush falls over the room. 
It’s not even as if the entire office has been quiet so far this workday, not as if the clock struck nine o’clock and everyone decided to start a competition to see who could shut up for the longest amount of time. 
(For the record, if anyone were to win that competition, it would be Yoongi, who usually only speaks either 1) when spoken to or 2) to let someone know when they’re being dumb via insult. The first person to lose would be Namjoon, because his job description is to boss people around. And he’s awfully good at it.)
The elevator door dinged on the twenty-third floor and you could hear Hoseok’s loud gasps and Jungkook’s cackled laugh even through the glass door that separates your office from the rest of the companies that take up residence in this particular city skyscraper. And then, as your loafers tapped on the hard linoleum floor and the glass door creaked open, the entire office fell silent. 
Quickly, you wonder if you’ve forgotten someone's birthday or if anybody’s due for a celebration of some sort. But nobody’s come to mind and the lights aren’t off, which means that this isn’t the kind of sudden silence that precedes a surprise party. 
This is the kind of sudden silence that makes everybody go, “Oh shit.”
It feels like you’re walking on eggshells as you make your way over to your desk. You’re a couple minutes late due to oversleeping (for reasons that start with J and end with -ungkook) so everybody’s already here, and the office should be as boisterous and rowdy as always. And yet, something’s different. 
You’re left entirely in the dark in concern with what the reasoning is, so you just decide that you’d rather not be the one to break the tense quiet that’s befallen your office and settle down, logging into your work desktop and checking today’s assignments on Slack. 
Five minutes pass and you can’t help but think that, of the many, many days you’ve spent in this office with these people, this has got to be the most awkward by an overwhelmingly long shot. Not even the time Namjoon showed up with his hair dyed purple and traces of a sharpie drawing with a certain phallic design on his cheek was more awkward than this. 
It seems that even Namjoon’s picked up on the vibe of your workspace today, walking in and out without a word. He wheels in a portable whiteboard from one of your meeting rooms and writes down everybody’s assignments on the board in his handwriting, which makes his O’s look like D’s. 
Ten minutes in and this is the quietest your office has ever been in the history of mankind, probably. You’re almost convinced that genuinely no one will speak to each other until five o’clock, when Jimin’s end-of-work alarm goes off and you all pack up and go home, and that today’s workday is an exercise in meditation and peace, two things that are seldom available in your usual office environment. 
And then, out of nowhere, 
“Oh my God, I can’t take it anymore,” Hoseok says loudly, letting out a breath you didn’t even realize he had been holding. It’s highly unlikely that Hoseok spent the past ten minutes holding his breath because he wasn’t allowed to talk under your office’s societal norm of silence, but you honestly can’t put it past him. Speaking is essentially the equivalent of breathing to him. “I’ve been wanting to bother Jimin for not responding to my email from yesterday for the past five minutes. I don’t even know why we’re doing this, it’s clear that Y/N doesn’t care at all about what happened.”
“What don’t I care about?” You blurt out, equally as curious as everyone else also seems to release their baited breaths. 
Hoseok and Jimin immediately begin to argue about appropriate email-response time between coworkers and Yoongi rolls a couple of feet over from his own desk to enlighten you. 
“Jungkook told everyone that you had been docked from your top rank in Kingdom, and the whole office seems to have taken it very seriously,” Yoongi mutters into your ear, making you scrunch up your nose in exasperation. Is he kidding? 
“That’s why everyone was so quiet? Because they didn’t want to bring it up?” 
“I guess so, but I was just quiet because it was nice to have the whole office shut up for a few minutes in the morning,” Yoongi says with a shrug before wheeling back to his own desk, where an anime you vaguely recognize as Haikyuu!! is playing on his monitor. 
Immediately, you whip around to meet eyes with Jungkook, who looks like he’s been expecting your furious glare all morning. He smiles guiltily and can offer you literally nothing other than a mouthed sorry because you two are in a workplace environment where shouting is, generally, socially unacceptable. 
Despite your standing on the game, it’s easy to argue and even easier to prove that your coworkers care much more about Kingdom than you do. The loading screen of the castle in Monet’s art style is Hoseok’s desktop background. Jungkook has a little sword decoration next to his computer, and a couple of his pens are official Kingdom merch that you’re pretty sure he purchased from Hot Topic. Taehyung and Jimin play during their lunch break, the only time in the workday where shouting is socially acceptable, and the both of them came to last year’s Halloween party dressed as knights. Even Namjoon’s in on the game, though he rarely has time to play and usually has no idea what everyone else is referencing when they talk about Kingdom. 
Contrastingly, you enjoy the game but very seldom do you actually broadcast that affection in public. You need to have at least some semblance of personal dignity in this absolute free-for-all of a place of employment. 
So really, it’s no wonder that all of your coworkers acted like it was the end of the world when you got knocked from first place. To them, that would be like having a winning lottery ticket only to drop it onto train tracks and watch as the public transportation system has a field day with it. 
“We’re really sorry, Y/N,” Taehyung says as he comes over and hands you a Tootsie Roll from the stash he keeps in one of his desk drawers for bad days. Apparently, this is a bad day. “Jungkook told us and we didn’t want to put salt in the wound.”
Even if their methodology was weird and slightly unsettling, the sentiment was there. “Thanks guys,” you tell Taehyung with a smile, “but I think you guys took it harder than I did.”
“Of course we did!” Jungkook says with a cry. He is objectively the most torn up out of the lot of you. “We had the top player in Kingdom in our very office, and now what! You were famous, Y/N! Whoever that bozo is who took your place is gonna feel the wrath of Jeon Jungkook and company.”
“Who’s feeling the wrath of Jeon Jungkook and company?” Seokjin asks as he strolls into the office, even later than you. To be fair, it’s looking like he’s got a box of a dozen Dunkin’ Donuts, which is enough for anyone to forgive him, even your hard headed boss. “Is it Jimin? Did he steal your Post-Its again? I saw he had a new pack.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen for barely a second before they narrow in on Jimin, who is already skirting away to find Namjoon so he can use him as a human shield. Jimin has quite the history of taking Jungkook’s office supplies only for a second and then failing to return it. 
“No, but I’m gonna deal with him later,” Jungkook says, fishing through his office supplies on the hunt for his Post-it notes, which may or may not be currently in his possession. “We were just talking about how Y/N got knocked from the top spot in Kingdom by some asshat none of us have ever heard of, and now he’s going to feel the wrath. Of us. Specifically me, but also us.”
“What wrath?” Taehyung jokes. “You’re fresh out of college. You’re practically as intimidating as a baby bunny.”
Jungkook growls just for emphasis, and it only proves Taehyung’s point more. He’s always had a baby face.  
“Well, I brought doughnuts to cheer everyone up,” Seokjin says, opening the box to reveal a dozen doughnuts of varying kinds that is likely to be finished within the next thirty seconds. 
“Oh my God, Kim Seokjin, I love you,” Hoseok says before immediately taking one and a half and bouncing off. 
“Save the pink-frosted one for me, will you? It’s my favorite,” Seokjin requests. He’s not even monitoring the box, too busy putting all his stuff away and getting settled at his desk. He’s basically asking to be robbed. 
“Aw, I wanted that one,” you joke sadly, already going for the chocolate-frosted one with rainbow sprinkles. The box is nearly three-fourths empty. Even Namjoon’s materialized out of nowhere to take the glazed one to eat while he completes the next fifty-four things on his to-do list. 
“Then let’s split it,” Seokjin says without missing a beat. Your heart does the exact opposite. 
“Jimin, you wanna split one with me?” Taehyung asks. 
“Ew, gross, no way, I want a whole one to myself,” Jimin immediately rejects. 
“I’ll go and grab it,” Seokjin says, standing up to nab the doughnut for some evil being (by the name of Jimin) takes it for himself. He plucks it from the box and takes two napkins, too, walking over to your desk as he splits the doughnut in half. 
“For you,” he says casually, like it isn’t making your heart beat out of your chest. 
“Thank you, kind sir,” you say jokingly, taking the doughnut and placing it on the napkin he hands to you. 
“Tell me about this Kingdom thing? You got knocked from first place?” Seokjin asks, making conversation as he lingers by your desk. It’s obvious that nobody’s going to be getting any work done. 
“Yeah, but it’s really nothing special. Everyone was making a huge deal out of it, which you should be very glad you missed, because the first ten minutes of this workday were absolutely silent and it was awful in every way that something can be awful,” you tell him. 
Seokjin laughs, and it warms you from the inside out. “Then I’m glad that I came late,” he says with a chuckle. “I couldn’t imagine a day where Jimin and Taehyung were silent for more than two minutes.”
“I lived through it,” you say, smiling. “Anyway, everyone seems to have gotten over the fact that I’m no longer the top-ranked Kingdom player. I’m kind of down about it myself, just because I worked really hard, but whoever it is that took over, I’m glad for them. I mean, it’s just a game.”
“That it is,” Seokjin says. “How about a toast to your Kingdom-playing skills, and to whoever it is that beat you.”
“Cheers,” you say, holding out your half of the doughnut. 
“Cheers,” Seokjin echoes. 
The two of you clink doughnuts, and they squish together awkwardly. 
“You should bring doughnuts more often,” You muse.
“If it means we don’t have to work and can just talk like this, then I will,” Seokjin says as he takes a bite, already heading back over to his own desk. He waves goodbye with a smile, and only then do you finally indulge. 
Sweet. As always. 
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When you were moved to the Military Tactics Unit, the King and Queen pulled you out of military training in favor of you spending more time working on strategies for the Kingdom’s armies rather than sparring with fellow Knights. It was a wise move on the part of Their Royal Highnesses, who feared losing you to a rebel group or warring kingdom, and you didn’t mind not having to engage in the physicality of training with those that would be spending more time on the battlefield. 
And at the time, you saw it as a much-needed break from hand-to-hand combat training for years on end when you hadn’t set foot on the front lines in months. But now, that decision has decided to come back and bite you where it hurts. 
Because as second-in-command to the Head of the Knights, you (and J, both luckily and unluckily) are tasked with the important duty of supervising the military training of the new recruits. This spells doom in various ways, some of which include (and are not limited to):
Having to spend more time with J. 
Having to spend more time with J without letting all of the recruits know you both vastly dislike each other. 
Having to spend more time with J in a scenario in which there is constant hand-to-hand combat. 
Having to spend more time with J without being able to make up an excuse about needing to attend to urgent military business in order to leave. 
Having to spend more time with J. 
Attempting to remember how to spar.
So, in essence, you’re screwed. 
This is the mindset with which you walk into your very first training session in over six months, a few minutes late, of course. Recently you’ve been attempting to calculate the maximum amount of time you can spend either being tardy or leaving early from events that involve J without you facing any repercussions. So far it’s been working out well. 
When you walk in the door, before you can greet any of the recruits or even offer J a slightly sarcastic wave, he says, “Look who’s finally shown up,” loud enough for all of the recruits to turn to look as you stroll in tardy. 
“I got held up by a vendor on the main road, my apologies,” you lie like a liar. It’s obvious that J does not believe you whatsoever, but it satisfies the recruits, who return to their business as usual. 
“Well, you’re just in time for warm-up,” J says, false positivity radiating throughout every single word. 
You walk up to where he stands at the front of the room, wearing much less of his official armor than he normally is. Right now, he stands in front of you in a plain tan cotton shirt and training pants, similar to the rest of the recruits. It’s really quite jarring, to see him dressed so differently from what he usually wears—dark armor and scarlet red sashes. It makes him seem… almost softer. 
“Thought you might have bailed on me,” J mutters into your ear as the recruits begin to stretch. 
“Have a little more faith in me, for God’s sake,” you grumble in return. You may not like him, but you aren’t about to abandon your responsibilities just because of a little bit of distaste. 
“Do you wanna take warm-up, or should I?” He offers, motioning to the recruits. They all look so nervous, so desperate to prove themselves on the first day of training. It reminds you of yourself, like you’re looking into a mirror and a time machine all at once. 
“You’re the boss,” you say, unabashedly letting the bitterness seep through your tone. “You choose.”
Unsurprisingly, J decides to let you handle the warm-up session, something that is just a precursor to the main event and therefore, not as important. He takes a couple of steps back and follows your instructions as you go through stretches and basic movements in combat, allowing all of the recruits to get a feel for what knighthood is really like in the Kingdom of Kalar. Warm-up was always your least favorite part during training, so boring in comparison to the sparring and hand-to-hand combat that you would engage in soon after. Sure, it was necessary, but when you were a wide-eyed, overeager trainee, you were willing to risk a pulled muscle if it meant you could beat someone up sooner. 
With this in mind, you wrap up the session in a fairly timely manner, letting the recruits do their own stretching after everything absolutely necessary has been covered. It also means that you can sit back and let J do most of the heavy lifting, which, while you’re bitter about him getting all of the attention, is better than having to do it yourself based solely upon memory. You remember combat well enough to handle yourself in the battlefield, but the technicalities of training have completely slipped your memory by now. 
J and everything else about him may leave a sour taste in your mouth, but you have to admit that he’s a good teacher and an even better morale booster. This must come from his experience out in the field, on the front lines, where raising his troops’ spirits came as a necessary quality to develop when times were tough. 
He speaks slowly, explains everything in enough detail to cover all of the bases without losing attention, and frequently opens up the floor for questions. And as per usual, the recruits already begin to cling to him like vines, desperate to soak up every ounce of knowledge that he doles out. 
J doesn’t need the ego boost, that’s for certain. 
“Now that I’ve gone through everything, I believe that the best way to learn how to spar is just to start doing it, even if you haven’t the slightest clue what you’re doing. Despite what you may think about me, experience is the best teacher,” he says with a smile, earning a laugh from the crowd. 
You roll your eyes. 
“Um, sir?” A timid recruit raises her hand, her body curled in on herself. You take one look at her, and know that she’ll come out of her shell soon enough. 
“Yes, a question?” J asks. 
“Would you mind giving a demonstration? Just so we can watch. So we, well, don’t injure ourselves or each other while we’re sparring.”
A demonstration? You blink, having awoken from the trance you had placed yourself in one J stepped up to take over the training session. Doesn’t a demonstration mean… well, you and him?
J seems to come to this realization at the same time that you do, and grins wildly, giddy. He knows exactly how much you’ll hate doing this, which is all the more reason to say yes. “Of course, we’d be happy to. Y/N?”
You hold in the sigh you’ve been wanting to let out for about five minutes now, taking a deep exhale as you turn to face J. You’ve been in close proximity to him before, but you are about to get a whole lot closer. 
“If you say so,” you say with a shrug, trying to keep this as lighthearted and casual as possible. Though, both of those things are likely to be tossed out the window now that you’re about to spar with your worst enemy. 
J grabs a mat from the side of the room to lay down on the floor in front of you, and the two of you step onto it. Instantly, you’re transported back to when you were still in training, bouncing up and down on your feet with your fists raised in front of you, ready to take on the next recruit. You had always been quite good at sparring, back then. 
Now is a completely different story. 
“Are you ready?” J asks as you face each other in front of a crowd of recruits, all of whom are watching you with hawk-like intensity. 
“Guess I can’t say ‘no’, can I?” You joke, though if J offers you a way out of this, you’d gladly take it, shame and dignity be damned. 
“Well then, do your worst.”
He’s an open target. You’ve never been given an opportunity to sock him in the face before now, and you’d absolutely love to take it, but this is a sparring session, not a revenge session. That can be saved for a later date. Instead, you bounce on your feet like a nervous, excitable recruit, and aim for his neck. 
He easily dodges, but you expected that, and counter his attack with your leg. It goes back and forth like this, as your muscle memory kicks in and you remember exactly what sparring was like back in your training sessions. For a few seconds in the middle of it, you genuinely think you and him are on a pretty level playing field. 
And then—
One punch gone wrong and he’s got you lifted up off of the ground and onto his back, having grabbed your wrist at the perfect time to hoist you over his shoulder. You gasp in shock, body not necessarily remembering this part, and then—
He slams the both of you down onto the mat, your back hitting the cushion with a thud as the breathe gets knocked from your lungs. You definitely haven’t done this part in a while. 
You know the recruits are all watching you intently, but you refuse to lose like this, even if this is normally the part where the person pinned underneath the other one surrenders. With both of your arms and all of your force, you attempt to shove J off of you by using your elbow to punch him in the chest. If you go down (which you most certainly will), you will go down with a fight. 
He sees your move coming from a mile away, and immediately pins both of your arms above your head with a simple swish of his hand. The other one is holding up his body by your head as you both stare at each other, breathing heavily. His leg sits in between both of yours, resting up against your thigh, and his head hovers a very dangerous less-than-three inches away from your own. If a particularly near-sighted person were to stumble upon the both of you, you’d be absolutely screwed. 
The both of you gaze into each other’s eyes for a second, the wind knocked out of you. You never quite realized what his face looks like up close. His cheeks are bright red. But it’s a second too long because the recruits have gone silent, refusing to applaud or do anything else to signal that the sparring match is over. 
And then, it feels like a million years pass as J slowly removes himself from on top of your body, standing up and dusting his hands off before leaning down and offering his hand to help you up. Too floored and absolutely speechless to reject his extended palm like you normally would, you grab onto his hand and let him hoist you up, unable to speak. 
“How was that for a demonstration?” J asks the recruits, who are all blinking like they’ve just witnessed something far too shocking for their liking. 
Another trainee, a boisterous young man who walked into today’s session with his energy fully up and his eyes on the prize, raises his hand. “Could you show us again?”
You and J take one look at each other. 
No. Way. 
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♚ HERE ♚
Because your office is both tightly knit and also uncannily resembles a cast of grown adults playing various high school stereotypes in a Hallmark movie, every year you do Office Superlatives. Office superlatives are basically an excuse for everyone to come up with a way to insult each other 1) while getting paid to do so and 2) without facing any repercussions whatsoever. 
For three years in a row, your office has designated you as “Most Likely to Spill Coffee on Someone Really Important”, a superlative that came about because on your very first day, you spilled your coffee on the one and only Kim Namjoon, who you then mistook as your boss, and thus ensued the most embarrassing one minute and thirteen seconds of your entire life in front of a bunch of colleagues you would have to see every weekday for the foreseeable future. 
Thankfully, you haven’t spilled your coffee on anyone important since then, even if you do regularly knock over your pencil cup and send every pastel-colored highlighter flying across the hardwood floor. It became such a frequent occurrence that, for April Fool’s Day last year, Taehyung and Jimin taped every single thing on your desk to your desk to see how long it would take you to notice. 
(It took you over three weeks, but that’s besides the point.)
“I know that the saying is ‘the customer is always right’, but this client I’m working with right now is literally wrong,” Taehyung says with a sigh. He collapses back in his office chair, mindlessly playing with the fur of the stuffed Pomeranian dog he keeps on his desk, staring down the email on his desktop. “Like, I’m not Squarespace or Wix. Either you pay me to design your website entirely, or you do it yourself. I’m not a drag-and-drop of a person, and I don’t get paid to be consulted on every font choice.”
“Didn’t you write on your resume that you can identify every standard Microsoft font without being told the name?” Yoongi asks with a frown from across the office. He’s making the most of his gigantic desktop computer, and has a tab open with One Punch Man right next to a Photoshop logo design he’s working on. 
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I want to do it,” Taehyung says with a frown. “I need someone who knows how to let people down easily.”
“Jimin?” Hoseok pipes up unhelpfully, earning an eraser to the face from Jimin, who is notorious for going on a bunch of first dates and very, very seldom going on a second one. You don’t even think that for the entire time you’ve known him, he’s ever gone a third date with someone. Ever. 
“Do not make fun of my lifestyle choices!” Jimin shouts out defensively. “I just like meeting new people.”
“Yeah,” Hoseok says like a white girl in a Disney Channel Original Movie, “and then never meeting them again.”
“That’s where you’re mistaken,” Jimin tells him pointedly, already beginning to stand up from his office chair to attempt to further convince him that serial-first-dating isn’t all that bad. “Two weeks ago, I saw this guy that I had gone on a date with last year and he told me that his friend was starting up a small pet barbershop business and needed help with the graphic design for his company. Now I’m designing this guy’s logo and backsplash for his wall.” He says matter-of-factly. 
Hoseok frowns. “So, what I’m hearing is that you saw a guy you had gone on a date with last year, and what you got out of it, was more work.”
Jimin opens his mouth to say something else, but he flounders. Hoseok cackles to himself, shaking his head because Jimin’s just proved his point further. 
“I’ll ask Seokjin,” Taehyung says with a sigh. “He could tell me that I’ve lost my job and that I’m getting evicted from my apartment and I would thank him.”
“Hey, where is Seokjin?” Jungkook asks, spinning around in his office chair for the most efficient way to scan the entire office in search of the man. “He was just here watching One Punch Man with Yoongi.”
“I didn’t even notice he had gotten up,” Yoongi says, turning to the empty spot next to him where Seokjin once was. 
“I’ll go look for him, I need to grab something from the printer, anyway,” you volunteer, pushing your chair back, standing up, and avoiding the gazes of anybody in the office who happens to have knowledge of your not-so-secret secret crush. This means that you are staring down at the lines of the wooden planks in the floor as you walk over to the back hallway, because every single person in the room currently has at least… well… some insight. 
“He’s all yours, Y/N,” Taehyung wolf whistles, making you roll your eyes as you head down the hallway.  
Too busy counting the planks that make up the hardwood floor and hoping that you’ll maybe be able to identify Seokjin by the shoes he’s wearing rather than anything else, you don’t look at where you’re going as you make a beeline for the printing room. That is, you make a beeline for the printing room until you crash right into an unsuspecting colleague. 
“Oh, shit!” Said colleague cries out.
Oh God. 
You look up to find Seokjin standing in front of you, a nearly-empty cup of low-grade office coffee in his hand, and a growing brown stain on his pale blue dress shirt. One look on the floor and there’s a puddle of coffee gathered at your feet, wet splotches on your flats and his loafers. 
“Y/N, are you alright?” Seokjin asks, eyes wide and apologetic as he immediately searches for some place to put down his coffee to avoid any more casualties. He looks right at you, making you want to curl in on yourself, before his eyes train down to your torso.
Only then do you realize he’s not shamelessly staring at your chest, but rather at the massive brown stain on the front of your blouse, quickly seeping into the fabric, the scalding temperature of the coffee having gone right over your head the moment you realized who exactly it was that you crashed into. 
“Uh…” you stammer, brain crashing as everything that’s just happened in the past thirty seconds catches up to you all at once. 
“Oh my God, I’m such a mess,” Seokjin says, fumbling awkwardly as he finally finds a trash can to toss his sad lump of a coffee cup into.
No you’re not, you want to tell him, but the words don’t come out and you’re left standing there, looking sort of like you blame him for everything, when in reality, you just have no idea how to function in front of him. 
“Coffee stains,” Seokjin says, hands fishing through his seemingly bottomless pants pockets (he could probably fit an entire Nintendo Switch and its dock in there) until he pulls out this measly little thing that vaguely resembles your orange highlighter. “Here, I have a Tide To-Go pen.”
Before you can tell him that you can just deal with the stain and wash it in the privacy of your own home where you don’t look like a bumbling idiot, he grabs your hand and pulls you into the gender neutral bathroom nearby, locking the door as the light flickers on. 
“Here, do you need help?” Seokjin asks, holding out his Tide To-Go pen as he wets a paper towel made of entirely recycled materials and begins fruitlessly dabbing at his shirt. 
“I’m alright, really,” you insist, staring into the mirror and trying desperately to avoid the fact that Seokjin’s shirt becomes transparent when it’s wet. Maybe quitting your job and moving to another city doesn’t sound unappealing after all. “I can just get it out with OxiClean at my apartment, Seokjin, seriously.”
“Are you sure? That’s what the Tide To-Go pen is for,” Seokjin says, holding it out towards you again as a final attempt to get you to use it. 
“No offense, Seokjin, but I don’t know if the Tide To-Go pen is even going to make a dent in the stain on my shirt,” you chuckle, the only thing you can think of to get him to stop offering the thing to you. The Tide To-Go pen is meant for when you accidentally get a bit of ketchup onto your jeans as you move the french fry from your plate to your mouth. Not when you’ve got a giant coffee stain on the front of your shirt. 
“God, I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Seokjin says, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt to try and get a better grip on the fabric as he relentlessly scrubs at it. God help you. He may as well take the whole thing off at this point—though you really, really hope that he doesn’t. “I’m such a klutz.”
“No, it’s my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going,” you tell him. You still know that you passed by 107 wooden planks before you crashed into him, because that is what you do when you don’t want to look anyone in the eye. 
“Seriously, though, I had the cup of coffee. I feel really bad, I could pay to get it dry cleaned for you?” He offers, eyes wide and in search of some way to make it up to you. 
“No, no, that’s not necessary. I’m can handle a stain, Seokjin. I’m an adult. I live in my own apartment and everything,” you say firmly, refusing to accept anything else from him. God, if he paid for your dry-cleaning, you’d never be able to live that down. “Maybe I’ll finally stop being voted Most Likely to Spill Coffee on Someone Important,” you joke, trying to make light of the fact that you’re standing in the tiny gender-neutral bathroom together, Seokjin’s practically got half of his transparent dress shirt unbuttoned, and you both have massive and very conspicuous brown stains on your tops. All wonderful, wonderful things. 
At this point, Seokjin stares down at his shirt and, quite frankly, just gives up, smoothing out his shirt as best as he can and tossing the poor, now-coffee-colored paper towel away. 
“I suppose it’s high time we give you a break for always knocking over that pencil cup of yours,” Seokjin jokes back as he opens the door, motioning for you to leave first. 
“We should invest in some Velcro for it,” you suggest, making Seokjin chuckle as he shuts the door behind him. 
“Uh… what the fuck?” 
The two of you are stopped in your tracks by a particularly suspicious Taehyung, who just witnessed the two of you walk out of the same bathroom with both of your clothes fairly askew. 
“It’s not what it looks like,” you immediately tell him, eyes wide. Count on him to get the wrong idea. 
“Okay,” Taehyung says, eyes narrowed. “Sure.”
“Taehyung, come on, I spilled coffee on the both of us,” Seokjin attempts, but Taehyung is absolutely not having it. 
“That’s what they all say,” he says cryptically, nodding as he heads to the printer room with his eyes still narrowed. He glares at the both of you until he rounds the corner, out of sight, and by then your cheeks have heated up so badly you think you might actually start sweating.
“Now the whole office is going to think we’re dating,” you say, somewhat jokingly but also somewhat seriously. There’s no way Taehyung’s going to be able to keep his mouth shut for any longer than the next five minutes. 
Seokjin laughs, looking at you and shrugging. “There are worse things, right?”
Are there?
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“Oh, Y/N!”
You inhale. 
Of all of the places in the Kingdom that J has not yet infiltrated and ruined for you, the small cafe on the edge of the kingdom borders has to have been the last one. You discovered it while you were on night watch as a baby knight, a task given to those too dedicated to the job to release but not yet prepared enough to fight on the front lines. It’s a quiet place, open more hours of the day than closed, owned by an old lady with no other family to take care of the business. You’ve already promised her that after she passes, you will immediately begin funding the cafe yourself, too much money on your hands and not enough wonderful places like this to spend it on.
When days are loud and hectic, when the King and Queen and all of their military advisors are stressed and have been snapping at you all day, this is where you come. The old lady keeps her door open especially for you (at least that’s what she tells you), always with a steaming cup of jasmine tea and a wise old story to tell you. Sometimes, you’ll get to tell a story back, and you exchange words of wisdom from a knight at the highest ranking in the kingdom and an elder with many years of experience in the kingdom behind her. She always tells you, “keep your eyes wide and your heart open, because things can only enter it if you’re looking out for them.”
You’ve held those words close to your soul ever since the first time you heard them. 
But when your eyes are wide and staring down a certain knight in the kingdom who seems to have stumbled upon your one sacred place, you’re a little bothered, to say the least.
You exhale.
“Fancy seeing you here,” you say sourly, the scalding tea burning your tongue as you take a sip. 
“I’ve never seen this place before,” J admits helplessly, already bowing to the old lady who runs the place. He introduces himself handsomely, and much like everyone else bewitched by his good looks and unrealistically charismatic personality, she immediately warms up to him. 
“I wish it could stay that way,” you mumble to yourself, far too quiet for anyone except you and your tea to hear. “It’s far away,” you say to him as the lady ushers him to the seat next to yours, already promising him tea on the house. You sigh. “Wouldn’t expect you to go hunting for a nice tea place when there are so many wonderful places in the city.”
“I guess it’s nice to branch out,” J says with a shrug. “I have to say that I don’t really go out to cafes all that often. Too busy.”
“You know I understand how that goes,” you tell him honestly. For once, it’s something you can actually relate to. “But I think that it’s important to take a break from our duties and just relax. We don’t have much time to do that, you know.”
The lady brings over tea, and J insists he pay her for it despite her insistence for him not to. She shuffles off into the back before he can even get out some coins.
“Tell me, where can I leave this? I feel terrible not paying,” J asks you. It catches you off guard, really, mostly because he seems to be the kind of person who walks around the center square winking at every vendor in the hopes of receiving free merchandise. 
“Oh,” you say, embarrassingly speechless. “Well, I suppose I could take it and give it to her. If we left rather soon then we could simply leave it on the counter for her to find. It’s likely that she won’t come back out for a while, since I have company.”
“Am I your company, Y/N?” J asks, almost teasingly. It makes you want to chuck your cup of jasmine tea into his face. 
“Don’t think too much of it,” you advise him, a warning to tell him to knock it off. “We’re just here together.”
“Lucky us,” J says, holding up his cup of tea for a toast. You indulge him (begrudgingly so), letting your glasses clink together as you both finish a much needed warm drink on a chilly afternoon. 
Too soon, the respite of the cafe is broken by a knock at the door. You both turn to find a messenger waiting patiently outside the cafe, motioning for J to come and speak to him. 
“If you’ll excuse me,” J says, scooting back his chair and heading over, shutting the door behind him. 
The moment the door closes, the old lady reappears from the back of the room, collecting your finished cups as you both listen intently to the murmuring outside. 
“That young man mentioned that the two of you spend lots of time together,” the muses, cleaning the cups with a wet rag. She’s got a knowing look in her eye, like she’s picked up on something the both of you seem to have overlooked. 
“We’re both knights,” you correct. It’s important to you that she knows that you don’t spend time together out of personal preference. It’s merely obligation. “So we see each other quite often.”
“I’ve never seen him around before,” she says pointedly, “but he seems to know quite a lot about you.”
“Oh, not really,” you insist. How could he? You’ve barely known him a month. Still, it’s clear that the lady doesn’t believe you. 
“As you say,” she says, skeptical. 
You’re about to open your mouth and reject her notions further, but then the door opens up again, and J looks terribly apologetic as he walks inside, joining your side. “We’ve been called in.”
As per usual, the Kingdom appears with impeccable timing to ruin the rest of your afternoon. It has a striking tendency to do that. 
“For what?” You ask, exasperated. J doesn’t look much happier. 
“Criminal hearings,” J says, and the words make you you toss your head back and sigh. 
Criminal hearings and its many, many procedures are quite possibly your least favorite part of being a top-ranked royal knight. With your knowledge of the ins and outs of the military and the kingdom’s inner workings, as well as with you being an advisor to the generals and the King and Queen, you are often obligated to attend these, just in case there is a desperate need for the technicalities of military crimes that no one else can provide. It is, admittedly, extremely boring, since you can’t really offer any sort of insight or opinion on the actual criminal and their crime at hand. 
“Fine,” you say, suddenly much less energized than you were approximately thirty seconds ago. “I suppose that we’ll have to be on our way.”
“Ma’am,” J says, attracting the attention of the old lady behind the counter. He holds out some coins, palm facing up. “Please accept this from me. I couldn’t leave without paying you for your wonderful tea and service.”
“Oh, pish posh,” the lady says with a shake of her hand. “Any friend of Y/N’s is well-deserving of some tea. You both work very hard. You should take any opportunity that presents itself to relax, and enjoy being young.”
“Please,” J insists, placing the coins in her hand, “a token of my gratitude. We shall return soon, right Y/N?” He gives your shoulder a nudge, making you look up at him. Return? You’d be blessed if J forgot about this place entirely, though you know that he’s bound to come back soon. 
Perhaps there are worse things than losing your favorite cafe to him. Perhaps, you can simply learn to enjoy his company, instead. 
“Of course, how could I resist?” You say, waving goodbye to the lady at the counter. “We really must be going, but I shall see you soon.”
“Take care of yourselves, the both of you!” She sees you off with a smile and a wink directed right at you for a cause you aren’t too keen on picking up. Old ladies are always so vague. 
When you walk outside, you’re surprised to find yourselves alone. “Where’s the messenger guard?” You ask, looking around to see if he’s found a tree to take respite from the sun under. 
J laughs, warm and hearty. “I sent him off, told him we would be able to make it ourselves.”
“Oh, alright,” you say with a shrug, already beginning to trudge the familiar path towards the castle. 
You take six steps before realizing that J is neither next to you nor following you, still standing on the porch of the cafe as the sun makes his hair glimmer a dark caramel in the light. 
“Aren’t you coming?” You turn around to ask, an eyebrow raised as you tap your foot on the cobblestone road. 
“Have you ever skipped a criminal hearing before, Y/N?” J asks, and the very notion of bailing makes your eyes go wide. 
“Skipped?” You clarify. 
“That’s what I said,” J confirms. 
“No…” You trail off, feeling more and more like the try hard you once were while training, wide-eyed and eager to prove yourself. Standing in front of him, rocking back and forth on your toes and twiddling your fingers as he steps off of the porch, taking long strides to reach you, makes you feel so nervous. With every step he takes closer to you, your heart begins to beat faster, faster, faster. 
“Well,” J says, reaching out his hand to take hold of your own. “Would you like to start?”
When you were stationed on the Kingdom’s borders, you thought you had explored every nook and cranny of Kala. You had wandered through forests, across rivers, and into small edge villages with goods you had never even heard of before. You thought you had seen it all. 
Clearly, you were mistaken. 
J pulls you off of the cobblestone path and immediately takes you into the woods that surround the cafe, weaving past trees and ferns and grass alike. This time of year, the forest is ripe with greenery, right when summer is coming to an end but the leaves have yet to begin to fade to brown. Even without landmarks or a path to guide him, J seems to know exactly where the two of you are going, like he’s taken this road a million times before. And still, you had never seen him before this. 
It’s a wonder that the two of you missed each other for so long. 
“Where are we going, J?” You ask, laughing as the exhilaration of skipping your duties in favor of a fun day in the forest begins to flow through your veins. You’ve never done this before. 
“Just wait, you’ll see,” he says cryptically, taking you down a large hill. You must be out of the Kingdom borders by now, with how far you’ve been going, and yet, no one had ever thought to place guards in this area. 
Five more minutes of travelling and you’re near convinced that J is about to take you to some cave in the floor of the forest and murder you, when he tugs you up a hill to reveal—
It’s a clearing with grass so green you’d almost think it was enchanted. The leaves of the trees whisper to each other, voices flowing with the wind that breezes by each and every one, saying hello to the branches as they rustle. Tall grass and ferns grow on the edge of the forest, disguising the clearing to anyone who wouldn’t bother to keep looking, make their way through the overgrowth and into the oasis. 
Never in a million years would you have been able to find this place on your own. 
“What do you think?” J asks excitedly as he pulls you into the middle of the clearing, where the leaves of the trees have left an opening for the sun to shine through, a halo in the middle of the forest. 
“I—I’m speechless,” you say, eyes wandering from every piece of bark to every blade of grass. You’ve always loved your Kingdom and its beauty, from the extravagant castle to the little shacks on the border, but this is more than that. This isn’t just beauty—it’s magic. “How did you find this place?”
“Strayed from the pack during military training outside,” he says guiltily. Clearly, skipping out on responsibilities has become a habit of J’s. 
“Unbelievable,” you say, fingers tracing along the wildflowers growing close to the forest floor. You take a seat in the middle of it all, letting the sun stream through the leaves as the flowers open their petals at your touch. It’s as if every single living thing has been enchanted—like none of this could exist naturally. 
“Do you like it?” J asks, taking a seat on the stone next to you. He reaches down to run his fingers through the grass, letting the soft dirt gather on his skin. 
“I don’t think I have the words,” you tell him. You thought you had found a hidden respite from the hustle and bustle, but he has found not just a respite. He’s found a home. “Why would you show me this place?”
“What do you mean?” J asks. He finds a small yellow flower, a buttercup, and plucks it from the ground, twirling it between his fingers.
“I mean, why would you bring me here? Wouldn’t you want to keep this place all for yourself?” You inquire, curious. Certainly, that’s what you would do. 
J pauses for a moment, staring down at the buttercup in his hands. Wordlessly, he hands it to you, watches as your fingers touch his own, taking the buttercup from him. You twirl it between your fingers, and wonder what all of this means. 
“No,” he eventually answers. “Because a place like this deserves to be shared with the people that deserve to see it.”
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♚ HERE ♚
[You have 5 unread messages]
Jungkook (5:53PM): Is it still acceptable to talk about Kingdom at company dinners? Jungkook (5:53PM): Is the ban that Yoongi instated last company dinner still going? Do you think he’ll be mad if I talk about how I just got a bunch of gold from solving the mystery of the time capsule?
Yoongi (5:55PM): If I have to sit through another company dinner where everyone is talking about Kingdom and nobody is talking about anime or my dog Holly I will lose it
Taehyung (5:57PM): You’re coming, right? You mentioned having a thing that ended pretty late this evening so you weren’t sure you’d make it
Seokjin (6:03PM): Excited to see you tonight! Promise I won’t spill anything on you tonight haha
Your office’s annual company dinner is the one and only opportunity you, as employees, get per year to talk about whatever you like in front of your colleagues, all while getting a meal paid for by your wonderfully unassuming, hardheaded boss. It is both a celebration of camaraderie and, of course, being employed, and a chance for your personal group to talk about Kingdom for two hours straight without repercussions. 
Needless to say, many of you are looking forward to it. 
To Jungkook (6:07PM): Yes, but only if we get to talk about how I’m still the best at the game out of everyone To Jungkook (6:07PM): Also, don’t forget to talk to Yoongi about My Hero Academia I know that you secretly love it
To Yoongi (6:08PM): Bring earplugs? Or maybe a manga book to get the conversation going?
To Taehyung (6:08PM): Yeah, I’ll be there To Taehyung (6:08PM): Probably be late though To Taehyung (6:09PM): Save me a seat!
To Seokjin (6:10PM): Not sure if I can promise the same thing! Fingers crossed we make it out tonight unscathed by scalding hot liquids
The company dinner starts at 6:30, which means that it really starts at 7:00 by the time everyone arrives, but even still, you’ll probably be late because you are actually doing last-minute laundry, and not attending a special event like you had told Taehyung. Sue you. Your clothes were dirty. 
Standing in the middle of your apartment wearing the slouchiest clothes you own, you wonder if it’s even worth going when you know that you will probably 1) be late and 2) have to endure two hours worth of Kingdom talk and other things that leave you thoroughly embarrassed, like your nonexistent love life. 
You’ve never skipped out on a company dinner before, but then again, never have all of your colleagues been so on top of you about your very insignificant, not at all soul-crushing, extremely minimal, super unimportant, tiny little infatuation with a certain coworker, so there’s that to consider. 
Not to mention the fact that your entire office genuinely believes that the two of you hooked up in the gender neutral bathroom during the middle of the workday, which is a circumstance so improbable you have no idea how Taehyung managed to convince everybody that that was actually what happened. It’s not as if your coworkers didn’t see the ridiculous brown stains on the front of your and Seokjin’s shirts, or didn’t smell the office coffee stench all over the both of you. 
So, for once in your life, you are genuinely considering just staying at home, finishing your laundry, and eating the frozen veggie burritos you bought from Costco two weeks ago. It sounds very tempting.
This thought is immediately combated by the fact that you usually have some of the most fun during the year at this company dinner, and a free meal at a nice, upscale restaurant is something that you would normally never pass up. But then again, Seokjin will be there and he will be dressed very nicely, and the rest of your coworkers will also be there, and they will be relentless. 
Jungkook (6:33PM): Tae said you’d be late but please come soon! We can’t talk about Kingdom without the best player present!!!! Jungkook (6:33PM): Oh no Namjoon sees me with my phone
And out of every possible text you could have received that night, that one is the one that convinces you to pull out the same dress you’ve worn to the company dinner (it’s not as if anyone else will remember) every other year, tug it on, and head out. Your Costco veggie burritos will have to wait for another stay-at-home night. 
You arrive fashionably late as always, walking into the restaurant and just asking for directions to where the “big group of loud office workers” is, a term easily identifiable by the scrambled hostess with fifteen different tables to seat all at once. She points you to the back room, where you can already hear Hoseok’s laughter from outside in the main dining area. 
“You guys are loud,” you say in lieu of a greeting, everyone letting out cries of “Y/N!” and “You made it!” as you look around for the last empty seat. 
“Here, saved you a spot right next to me,” Seokjin volunteers helpfully, motioning to the empty velvet chair next to him. In the seat next to that sits Taehyung, who is grinning guiltily, like he didn’t just dupe you into thinking he had saved you a seat next to him and someone else other than the person you were hoping not to embarrass yourself in front of. 
“Thinking of me when I’m not even here, how thoughtful,” you say, walking over and sending a glare Taehyung’s way as you take your seat, the glass at the top right corner of your placemat already filled. 
“How could we forget about you?” Seokjin reasons, and he says it so casually but it makes your heart flutter all the same. 
When Seokjin’s finally started talking to Hoseok and Jimin on his other side, the two of them attempting to explain the inner workings of Kingdom to him (to little avail, as per usual), you round on Taehyung, who is every bit the best wingman and the worst friend in the entire world. 
“How could you do this to me?” You hiss at him, trying not to attract the attention of the man sitting on the opposite side of you. 
“I said I had saved you a seat!” Taehyung says defensively, clearly enjoying himself way too much. 
“This was not what I had in mind,” you tell him pointedly. 
“Obviously, otherwise I wouldn’t have hidden it from you,” Taehyung says. He motions to Seokjin, who’s laughing at something that Jimin’s just said, eyes crinkled into half moons as the waiter places the cocktail he’s ordered down in front of him. “You know, it’s not so bad having a crush on him, right?”
“He is our coworker and way out of my league, of course it is,” you remind Taehyung. 
Taehyung shrugs you off with a wave of his hand. “Give yourself some credit, Y/N. You’re hot. Embrace it.”
“I will not, thank you very much. This conversation makes me want to hurl,” you say as normally as possible, blinking to show your discomfort to Taehyung. 
“You need to stop being so afraid of what might actually come out of this,” Taehyung says, a reassuring hand on your arm. “You never know what might happen.”
“What’s definitely going to happen is that I’m going to feel too cold from the vent above my head, and we’re going to switch seats,” you say. You immediately make to stand up, but Taehyung grabs onto your wrist and looks up at you like a child begging for candy in a supermarket. 
“Please, Y/N? Just give it a try, and if you hate it by the time the entree comes around, we can switch. Alright?” He asks, a simple compromise to get you to sit back down. 
You sigh. You suppose it wouldn’t hurt to shoot your shot, no matter how terrible your aim is. 
“I didn’t order any soup, so hopefully we can last through this dinner without ruining more of our clothes,” Seokjin says, an icebreaker to ease the obvious tension between the two of you. He breaks down your walls so easily, carves out a path in the side of it to waltz right through. 
“I don’t know,” you say sarcastically,” you better finish that cocktail soon or we might both be in big trouble.”
Seokjin chuckles, warm and full, and takes another sip of the fruity drink for good measure. “Don’t know how you keep getting crowned Most Likely to Spill Coffee on Someone Important when I’m here, a walking coffee volcano.”
“When the superlatives roll around, I’ll petition the court and see if we can crown you instead,” you promise. 
“I’m honored. I’ll cherish that title for as long as I live,” Seokjin jokes, bowing to you just for good measure. “This is nice, you know.”
“What is?” You ask, peering down at the large group menu. Everything looks awfully delicious and awfully expensive, so you just go for a classic pasta dish and hope that Taehyung orders something different, so you can try each other’s. 
“Sitting next to you,” Seokjin says like it’s obvious, making you blink at your menu like it’s just offended your entire family ancestry. “I don’t think we’ve ever been paired up like this at a company dinner.”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything, right?” You ask hopefully. 
“It’s nice,” Seokjin says. “I feel like we don’t get to talk very much at work.”
“You said you’d bring more doughnuts,” you remind him. Seokjin has held up on his promise, actually, and since the first round of doughnuts, he’s brought on two more occasions to brighten up everybody’s day. 
“I think I need a better excuse than doughnuts,” Seokjin says to himself. “I can’t keep going to Dunkin’ right before work, pretty soon all of the workers will know me by name and that is a level that I’m not sure I’d like to reach yet.”
“Don’t feel bad,” you tell him, a hand instinctively coming to rest on his shoulder as comfort. “Some of the Costco employees recognize me even when I’m wearing my sunglasses inside.”
“You wear your sunglasses inside Costco?” Seokjin asks with a laugh. 
“Sometimes I just forget to take them off when I walk from my car into the store!” You say defensively. “It’s really bright in there, sue me.”
“No, no, I think it’s cute,” Seokjin assures you. “Maybe being recognized by the Dunkin’ employees won’t be that bad. At least they probably wouldn’t know who I was if I had my sunglasses on.”
“I’m being attacked, I’m pretty sure,” you say pointedly. 
“Only affectionately. You’re still ridiculously endearing.” Seokjin says with a chuckle, smiling at you as Jungkook calls your name to tell him something about Kingdom that he’s forgotten. But even as Seokjin gets tugged into another conversation and you get pulled into your own, your brain can’t help but replay the sound of his voice in your head, over and over. 
You’re still ridiculously endearing.
“Hey, Jungkook,” Jimin asks over a mouthful of complimentary bread with olive oil. “Did you ever figure out who knocked Y/N from the top spot in Kingdom?”
“No,” Jungkook cries out, suddenly thirsty for justice. “It makes me so mad that I don’t know who they are, especially since they’re getting all the in-game brand deals and Y/N gets nothing,” he says pointedly as he motions to you, clearly exasperated for a cause that wasn’t even his to begin with. 
“Jungkook, it’s not a big deal, it’s just a game,” you remind him, the table too wide to reach over and pat his hand comfortingly. “I still get a lot of things in second place.”
“What’s Jungkook talking about?” Seokjin asks, motioning to where Jungkook seems to be on a rampage as Jimin and Namjoon listen in. 
“Oh, Kingdom, like always,” you say fondly. “He’s determined to figure out the name of the person who dethroned me.”
“Is that so?” Seokjin asks with a laugh. “He’s got his work cut out for him. How many people play Kingdom?”
“Hundreds of thousands, probably,” you say. “Maybe millions.”
“Millions of people, and somehow we ended up with the second-best player in the game right at this table,” Seokjin says with a grin. “We should be honored.”
“It’s just a game,” you remind him, even though the sentiment is awfully sweet. “I think I much prefer the real world, don’t you?”
Seokjin smiles at you as the waiter comes around to offer him another cocktail. 
“Another one, sir?”
Seokjin looks down at the cocktail, then at your unstained clothes, and he shakes his head, laughing to himself. “No, I’m alright, thank you.” The waiter nods, taking his empty glass and moving onto another coworker. He looks at you, and his eyes are swimming in stars. “I think that I do, too.”
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Dinner ends with Hoseok and Jungkook gobbling down everybody’s leftovers, your boss paying the bill without even glancing at the check, and you laughing alongside Seokjin, who keeps your end of the table entertained with fantastic stories about his past job at a luxury department store and less-than-fantastic dad jokes that he prides himself for coming up with on the spot. 
Taehyung had nudged you when the entrees had come around, motioning to the vent above your head, but you hadn’t even noticed the cold. 
“Ugh,” Jimin says with a groan as the group of you head outside once everyone is finished, the chilly night air hitting your skin as you open the door. “I hate that we could only schedule this for a Wednesday, because it means we have to come into work again tomorrow.”
“When else are we supposed to schedule it for?” Yoongi asks with a frown. “Did you even look at the When2Meet? Nobody had any free time for the rest of the month.”
“Well, if everyone’s cleared their schedules just for this dinner, anyone want to keep the celebration going at my apartment? I just bought a box of wine from Trader Joe’s,” Jimin asks. 
“On a Wednesday?” Yoongi says, nose scrunched up in disapproval. 
“Yeah, when else would you drink boxed Trader Joe’s wine?” Jimin responds like it’s obvious. 
Everyone begins to either disperse back to their cars or get Jimin’s address so they can get wine drunk on a Wednesday like you’re supposed to, leaving you and Seokjin out of the crowd. 
“Are you heading over to Jimin’s?” He asks you as you begin to walk towards your cars, taking a step every five seconds as you watch Jimin tell everybody his exact address, loudly and slowly enough for any burglars and axe-wielding murderers within a three-mile radius to also hear him. 
“No, I think I’ll just head home for the night,” you say, checking the time on your phone. It’s nearly ten, already. Where did the time go?
“Ah, then I guess I will, too,” Seokjin says. “Oh, here’s my car.”
“You parked close,” you comment. 
“I thought that I’d be late because I arrived at 6:45, but I was the second one here,” Seokjin tells you, making you laugh. 
“Sounds like our office, doesn’t it?”
“I guess. We’ll have to do this again sometime just to see how late everyone shows up,” Seokjin says. 
“Promise I’ll be early next time,” you say. 
“Next time, then?” Seokjin asks, already opening his car door and beginning to step inside. You stand on the sidewalk in front of him, watching as he pulls the door shut and waves to you through the windshield. A next time sounds awfully nice. 
“Next time.”
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The King and Queen never do find out about your truancy, though you have to admit, you were never really worried about that in the first place. Not when J was grinning as he told you he had sent the messenger guard off, laughing as he dragged you through the forest, smiling as he twirled a buttercup between his fingers. He had done it before and he’ll do it again, and look where that’s gotten him. 
Maybe you could learn a thing or two from him. 
Still, despite your high ranks, the two of you can’t avoid your responsibilities forever. Eventually, you will always have to report back to the castle, get a new assignment, and start the cycle all over again. 
“At least they’re letting us go together,” J reasons as the two of you nod to the knights standing guard at the border of the kingdom, by the main forest that leads directly to a kingdom with whom your relationship isn’t all that strong. No wars have broken out between your two lands in years, but never has stability been one-hundred percent earned, which means that both kingdoms must be on high alert. You never know when a rebel group will attempt to invade the land. 
“Like I’d want to spend any more time with you,” you joke, giving J a nudge in the side as you stroll along the forest edge. In the middle of the day with the sun high above your heads, neither of you are particularly worried about being attacked. It would be foolish for an enemy group to do so, especially at a time when the kingdom’s guards are the most awake. 
“Am I really such awful company?” J asks, and he’s smiling but he asks in such a way, it’s almost as if he means it. The two of you have never been on the best of terms, but you’ve found yourself growing out of the competition-fueled rage you once always found yourself in whenever you were near him. No longer is regaining your first place your most important priority. Rather, it’s doing your job and doing it correctly, upholding the duties that the kingdom has entrusted you with, regardless of who’s by your side. 
(Though, even if you’d never admit it, J makes quite good company, most of the time.)
“No,” you insist, a hand reaching out to rub comfortingly at his forearm. “You aren’t.”
“You think so?” J says with a laugh, almost bitter. “I must say, you’ve never been that fond of me.”
“You may have charmed your way into the rest of the kingdom’s hearts, but I needed some convincing,” you remind him, reminiscent of how he would tease you constantly, dangle his promotion right above your head like a trophy you’d never be able to reach. 
“Did I do a good job, then?” J asks, hands in his pockets. It’s a quiet day, today. Even the birds have begun to murmur. 
“You did quite alright,” you say, nudging him. “Though I must say, I absolutely hate how all of the vendor’s daughters fawn all over you and give you free items like fruit, and jewelry. I’m never given that treatment.”
“You just don’t have my naturally charming, handsome, soft looks,” J says, posing in front of you as the two of you walk. The obnoxiousness of it all makes you almost want to chuck the apple you’re about to eat right at his face. 
“What do you mean? I can be charming,” you say with a pout. You pretend to flip your hair, just for emphasis. 
“You and I are different types of charming,” J says casually. “You’re strong. You speak loudly and clearly and you don’t ever flounder. You always know exactly what you want, and know the best way to get it. You aren’t afraid of anything, and are always willing to take on any challenge that comes your way. It’s… it’s different.”
And even if he thinks you never flounder, never stumble over your words or stutter, for once, you can’t think of anything to say. You’re walking along the forest’s edge with a knight you had convinced yourself that you would never befriend, and he’s just told you all of these wonderful things about yourself you never would have known he’d thought otherwise. 
J’s right. It is different. This is different. And you can hardly remember when it started to be like this. Only one day, it was just like this, and it never stopped. 
“Do you really think all of those things about me?” You ask, staring down at your boots as you walk along the dirt path, kicking small pebbles as you go. They go flying off into the grass, never to be seen again. But sometimes, you come across one you had kicked a few steps back, and you try again, earnestly hoping to see how far it will go with you by its side. 
“I mean, well…” J says, stumbling. “I don’t just think those things about you, you know? They’re facts, aren’t they? Those are things that, well, I suppose, everyone would think about you. Right?”
“You know what I think?” You ask, looking up at him. His dark hair shimmers in the light, like reflects of gold have been sprinkled amongst the ink black. “We are different types of charming. You’re charismatic and friendly, always willing to listen. You accept things graciously and are always grateful for what you receive. You pay people back whatever they’ve given you, even if it’s not the same item, even if it’s just the thought that counts. You always want to do better, and then you do. You work hard for each thing you get, and you never take it for granted.”
J grins down at you. “But you don’t actually think that, do you?”
“Nope,” you say, shaking your head. “Just facts.”
“Just facts,” he echoes. 
When did talking to him become so easy? When did it all start coming to you naturally?
“Did you ever hate me?” He asks you, curious. He knows, he must, that that’s not the case anymore. 
“No,” you admit, perhaps more to yourself than to him. “I think that I just hated that you were better than me. But… like you said, it’s different now. Now, I don’t care if you’re better than me. That sort of competition makes me a better soldier. You make me a better soldier.”
“Really?” J wonders, genuine. His eyes are wide in surprise, shocked at such a candid admission coming from you. To be honest, you’re surprised with yourself, as well. “I had no idea.”
“Keep it up, then. You know—”
A taut string let go. 
The wind stopping in its tracks. 
And an arrow headed right for your heart. 
“Oh my God!” You shout quickly, unable to do much except alert the man next to you that the two of you are in imminent danger. 
Before you can even blink, close your eyes and wait for the tip to pierce your heart, J is pushing you out of the way, sending you flying to the forest floor and he pulls his bow from his back, sending a steel arrow flying in the direction of the woods. You both wait there, only a second but it’s a second too long, until you hear a thud on the ground, a final breath, and then—
The moment you’re both positive the assailant is dead, J turns to you, eyes wide. “Y/N, are you alright?”
“I’m fine, I’m alright,” you assure him, telling him (and yourself) over and over as he pulls you up from the ground. Your heart is racing and you can’t quite seem to catch your breath, but you’re alive and so is he, and that’s all that matters. “Are you?”
“Yes,” he immediately says. “As long as you are.”
You look behind him to find an arrow stuck in a tree, but what alarms you more is the sight of blood on the tip. Immediately, you turn back to J, only to find the side of his arm covered in blood, bleeding right through his armor.
“Oh my God, J, you’re hurt,” you cry out, fumbling for something to stop the flow.
“I’m alright, Y/N, really,” he insists, placing a hand on top of your own, rubbing the back of it with his thumb for good measure. “It’s just a graze. I’ll be fine.”
“We have to take you back to the kingdom,” you push, already beginning to head back towards the gate. 
“I’ve suffered worse injuries, Y/N, seriously,” he tells you, hoping to ease the pit of worry in your stomach. “I’m a top-ranked knight who prefers the battlefield over anything else. I’ve broken bones, gotten stabbed, and nearly died. This? It’s nothing. Really. Please, don’t worry.”
“We still have to get you back to the Kingdom and patch you up,” you insist firmly. “Even if you say you’re alright.”
“Whatever you say, Miss Y/N.” J goes with you obligingly, lets you walk him back to the kingdom gates. 
You urge him into the local medical practitioner, sit him down on the bench and watch as the doctor bandages his wound, reminds him not to engage in any strenuous activity while it’s healing. He sits patiently, glaring at you slightly and rolling his eyes any time the doctor speaks, which is fairly frequently. It’s clear only one of you wants to be here right now, and it’s the one of you without a scratch on your body. 
When the doctor leaves to tend to another patient, you get up from where you’re seated and sit down next to him on the bench, resting your head on his shoulder. 
Working for the Kingdom makes you stronger. Sitting in the cafe makes you think. But being with him, standing by his side, it makes you wonder. It makes your heart race and your mind clear. It makes you feel safe. 
“I think you saved my life,” you whisper softly, clutching onto him like a lifeline, like if you let go, one of you will drown. 
But that’s not the case. Neither of you will let go. Not without the other. Never without the other. 
“Really?” He asks. He already knows the answer. 
“No, I know you did,” you tell him. Things are different now, but maybe they’ve always been like this. You just never noticed. “Because in a heartbeat, I would do the same for you.”
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♚ HERE ♚
“I have not seen Seokjin all day,” Jimin comments loudly one day, making everyone immediately turn to Seokjins’ desk, which looks practically untouched. His computer is asleep, his chair is pushed in, and his desktop is empty. The only thing that suggests that the man is even here in the first place is the messenger bag resting against the desk drawers, though it doesn’t look like it’s even been opened today. 
“Probably too busy avoiding you,” Yoongi deadpans, earning a “zing!” from Hoseok that makes you feel even more like you’re standing in the middle of a high school movie made by people who don’t know what high school is like. 
“Is he even in today?” 
“He is,” you pipe up. “His bag is here.”
“Of course you would know!” Taehyung teases, and he earns a highlighter to the face for his trouble. 
“He’s probably just trying to get his work done in a place that doesn’t consist of screaming and constant insults being hurled across the room,” Jimin says with a sigh, turning back to his work. It’s a fair statement, especially when the environment in your office is most often distracting, loud, and not at all an ideal work environment. It’s an absolute wonder that any of you manage to get your work done while you’re here. 
“Y/N, wanna go hunt him down?” Taehyung suggests, sending a wink your way as your eyes widen. 
“No, absolutely not, no way. I will not be tricked by you again,” you say, very reminiscent of the last time you went to go look for Seokjin and ended up with a coffee-stained shirt and a group of coworkers who thinks the two of you hooked up that one time. 
“If you say so…” Taehyung says, voice trailing off as he turns back to his work. 
But for once in your life, Seokjin’s absence is more noticeable than ever. He’s become a fixture in your everyday office life, always stopping by your desk with a second cup of low-grade office coffee for you (with a lid, of course), sending you emails complaining about Jimin and Hoseok when they’re being loud, asking you for help on every one of his difficult font decisions for logo designs, drafting emails to clients with you. It’s a sort of closeness that you never really had before—sure, you worked together and often got paired up for projects, but it’s different now. Like you jumped ship on being just colleagues but instead of drowning, you began to float.
Five more minutes pass and you pretty much resign yourself to getting back to your work, knowing that Seokjin’s probably just grabbed his laptop and found a place where he can work in peace and quiet without Hoseok’s shrill voice interrupting his thoughts. You’ll have to ask him what place he’s discovered. 
When there are four minutes left in the workweek and you are finally beginning to close out of the fifteen thousand tabs open on your Google Chrome window, the door busts open. 
It doesn’t actually bust open, so much as Seokjin comes flying through it and it slowly goes to rest on the padded door frame like it’s been designed to. His tie is loose around his neck like he’s been tugging on it all afternoon, his laptop is clenched carefully between his arm and his torso, and he’s got a flurry of papers freeballing it in a stack in his hands. 
“Oh my God, what tornado did you come from?” Jimin asks as Seokjin rushes over to his desk, cramming everything into his tiny messenger bag that definitely isn’t meant to fit a laptop and a stack of papers that thick. 
“Sehun just dumped an entire project on me that’s due on Sunday at noon with no warning, and now I have to pull together fragments of a crumbling magazine label before their final review on Sunday afternoon,” he says, terribly out of breath. He’s scrambling to gather his belongings, crashing into anything within a two-foot radius of him. 
“Dude, what the heck? I’m gonna tell Namjoon to kick Sehun’s ass,” Hoseok says with a frown, nose scrunched up. “Do you need help?”
“No, no, I’m alright, I can do it,” Seokjin insists, rubbing a hand through his hair as he leaves before the clock has even struck five. 
“Are you sure? You look like you want to jump out of the window,” Hoseok asks again, just for clarification. He’s not wrong. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Seokjin become so stressed in such a short period of time before. “At least let one of us help you get settled back into your apartment.”
To your right, Taehyung whispers into Jungkook’s ear, who then does this sort of weird hand movement to Hoseok, who nods understandingly. It looks suspiciously like they just plotted someone’s murder. 
“I can’t,” Jungkook says with an obnoxiously fake yawn, suddenly speaking much slower than usual, “I’m deadbeat tired.”
“Me neither,” Taehyung says, coughing in the way people do when they just want to get out of something. “I think I’m coming down with something.”
You whip your head around as everyone besides Yoongi comes up with an absolutely bullshit excuse not to accompany Seokjin to his apartment—Jimin says he has a date right after work and Hoseok says he needs to feed his puppy before he gets too hungry, leaving only you and a Yoongi that hasn’t been listening to the conversation whatsoever to vie for the spot. 
“Yoongi?” You ask, somewhat desperate not to be the one to accompany Seokjin to his apartment. You turn to your head to glare at Taehyung, who shamelessly coughs again when he meets your eyes, smiling guiltily. 
“Huh?” He asks, turning around. 
“Fine, you know what? I can come with,” you say with a sigh, already grabbing your belongings as Taehyung and Jungkook high-five next to you. 
“Oh, really? You’re a lifesaver, Y/N, you know that?” Seokjin says, and even when he’s stressed it’s like the weight has been lifted off of his shoulders once you volunteer, and you suppose that there are worse things that can happen than accompanying Seokjin to his apartment for ten minutes. 
Seokjin gives you the address of his place so that you can drive to it yourself, the both of you pulling into the parking garage underneath his apartment complex at the same time, waving to each other from adjacent parking spaces. 
“I really, really appreciate this, Y/N,” Seokjin says with a smile as he brings you into his apartment complex, nodding a friendly hello to the security officer in the lobby. “I know that it’s a Friday night and everything as well. You’d probably want to be doing something else.”
“Ah, yes, you know me, I frequent all of the clubs and bars in this city,” you say sarcastically as you walk into the elevator. Seokjin hits the button for the seventh floor and laughs. “Seriously, it’s not a big deal. It was a dick move of Sehun to drop this on you when it’s due in, like, thirty-six hours.”
“Tell me about it,” Seokjin says, exasperated as he leans back against the steel walls of the elevator. “I thought I would just get to go home this Friday night, pull up Netflix, and have a one-man movie night, but now I have to spend the next thirty-six hours doing this.”
“Well, you know all of us are just looking out for you, wanted to make sure you didn’t injure yourself from stress before you got back to your apartment,” you say as the elevator door dings. Seokjin leads you down the hallway to his door, sticking his key in and jiggling it until the door pops open. 
Admittedly, you have never been in Seokjin’s apartment, but you it was like you had already painted a picture of it in your head from his personality traits alone. You thought it would be fairly minimalistic, clean and neat, not too many flashy colors or kitschy items but things like photographs and magnets to make it feel like an office and more like a home. Pictured it as a sort of very simple, modern home, like the ones that celebrities live in because they can afford to keep their belongings clean all the time, because Seokjin looks exactly like a celebrity, gorgeous and put-together. 
Instead, Seokjin’s apartment is almost a hodgepodge of everything he could think to find to decorate, a stack of photobooks on his coffee table, slouchy leather couches wrinkled from wear, various kitchen supplies splayed all over his countertops. It’s the kind of place you can imagine him being in, existing in. You can see him standing behind his kitchen island with all of the ingredients and supplies for this wonderful dish he’s making littered across the counters. You can see him curled up on the couch, leaning against the corner of it to find that perfect spot, watching television. 
There’s a difference between owning a place, and living in it. Living in it makes it feels like a home, like it’s real, and not just for show. 
“Wow, your place is—”
“It’s really messy right now, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t expecting guests,” Seokjin says, letting his messenger bag plop down on the ground as he scrambles to make his living space nicer for you. 
“No, I was going to say it’s lovely,” you tell him. “It feels exactly like you.”
“Does it?” Seokjin asks genuinely, a soft smile lacing his features. “Well then, thank you.”
You wait around in his apartment awkwardly, not really sure if stepping past the front of his couch is socially acceptable since you’re just “visiting” and he hasn’t officially invited you inside yet. The main objective of accompanying him to his apartment has already been accomplished: you made sure he got home safely and that he can do his work in peace. Finished. But even still, you’re hanging around, wondering when he’s going to kick you out for being a weird, unknown fixture in his home. 
“Um, would you like to stay for dinner? I made soup last night and I have way too much for me to eat on my own,” he offers, opening up his fridge and taking out an enormous pot. It clinks as it hits his countertop, the metal sound echoing throughout his apartment. 
“No, I wouldn’t want to intrude,” you say, taking this as your cue to remove yourself from the situation before you do anything else to make an absolute fool of yourself. 
“I insist, please,” Seokjin says, stopping you in your tracks. “I may have a whole project to finish by Sunday, but we should at least spend this Friday night together, right?”
You look down at your shoes before looking up at him, meeting his eyes from where he stands behind his counter island. 
“Then I will,” you say, removing your flats and padding over to where he stands, coming to a stop on the other side of the counter island. “But only if you let me help you with the project, too. It was asshole-y of Sehun to dump it all on you. At least let me handle some of the graphic aspects.”
“Y/N,” Seokjin says, reaching his hand out over the counter, “you have a deal.”
This deal mainly consists of you eating some of Seokjin’s homemade soup on his couches, your laptops on his coffee table and that ridiculously thick stack of papers spread out amongst you. Seokjin already has a fair bit of information about the project at hand, but he still has absolutely zero progress since he received the assignment four minutes before the end of the workweek. 
“So, basically, what we have to do is re-organize the magazine’s overall design and aesthetic before their final review on Sunday, because if they don’t appeal to the publisher, they’re getting tanked,” Seokjin says, paging through the papers in search of a sketch. 
“So we’re their last hope,” you summarize. 
Seokjin nods. “We’re their last hope.”
“Great,” you say, not at all enthused. “No pressure at all.”
“I know. I’m so relaxed right now,” Seokjin says, clearly not relaxed. 
“You know what’s making me relaxed? This soup,” you say, finishing the last of what’s in your bowl. “It’s delicious. I didn’t know you cooked.”
“It’s just a hobby of mine,” Seokjin says with a shrug. “I picked it up when I moved to college and didn’t know how to make anything except toast.”
“You’re a very fast learner, then,” you say. “I’d pay you to make all of my meals, honestly.”
“Would you like more? I have a ton, so we can eat it all if you’d like,” he asks, already standing up and reaching his hand out for your bowl. 
You hand it over, shaking your head as he makes his way back to his little kitchen, ladling more soup into both of your bowls. “You’re too nice, Seokjin. Seriously. How am I supposed to pay back this kindness?”
Seokjin lets out a warm chuckle as he warms up your next serving in the microwave. “Believe me, Y/N, volunteering to take on this project with me with a due date in less than thirty-six hours is more than enough. You really don’t have to do this, you know.”
“No,” you tell him. “I want to. You deserve someone who’s willing to help you with big things like this. You shouldn’t have to deal with it all on your own.”
Seokjin grins as he returns, handing you your bowl of soup as you get back to work. “I don’t deserve you, Y/N.”
What was supposed to be a couple of hours spent grinding out a project over a shared pot of soup turns into a night’s worth of work, scribbles on paper and the redoing of the same logo fifteen different times on your computer’s much slower, less-updated version of Photoshop. The application crashes on three different occasions, causing you to nearly slam it into the wall, but you just try to look on the bright side. Find the silver lining. Of which there are none. 
Seokjin doesn’t seem to be faring any better than you are. You’ve never seen the man under such pressure before, not in the office and certainly not while you’re out of the office. He’s tugged on a crewneck sweater over his dress shirt and paces around his apartment in bright pink slippers, brainstorming aloud as you bounce ideas off of each other in a panic. 
“What if we rebranded them?” Seokjin suggests wildly. When you turn to look at the digital clock underneath his television, it says 11:17PM. You’re surprised he hasn’t collapsed underneath the pile of work he’s got on his plate. 
“What do you mean? Do we even have the authorization to rebrand them?” You ask, pulling up a new tab on magazine marketing techniques. 
“The project description says requests for anything that will keep them afloat,” Seokjin says. He immediately opens an old photobook, buried underneath your laptops, sketches, and papers, flipping through before he sits down right next to you on his slouchy leather couch. “What if we gave them more of a minimalist kind of style? They’re trying to jump off of this super quirky, very basic Urban Outfitters kind of aesthetic, but I think it makes the magazine too young, you know?” Seokjin suggests. “We could do something more grown-up, attract their market audience.”
“Are we allowed to do that?” You ask, thoroughly interested. Maybe Seokjin’s onto something. 
“Who says we can’t?” Seokjin responds, and it’s good enough for you to hop on board. 
Sitting in his apartment like this, brainstorming different ideas and collaborating on logo designs, magazine layout, and website design together, you are more productive than you’ve been in a very, very long time. Even as the night stretches on into the early hours of the morning, as you watch the clock turn from 1:00AM to 2:00AM to 3:00AM, the two of you are wide awake, the only things illuminating his apartment being a floor lamp by his television and the blue light of your laptop screens. 
“It’s…” Seokjin yawns when it’s nearly four in the morning, pen slipping from his fingers, “so late.”
“I know,” you say back, feeling your eyelids beginning to sink. “I’m surprised we’ve even stayed up this long.”
“Haven’t been up this late since college,” Seokjin says, smiling hazily at past memories. “Always had code to finish for my class the next morning.”
“At least we get to sleep in now,” you joke. Even if you still have to finish putting together a brand new image for this magazine that’s about to go under, tomorrow is still a Saturday. 
“Thank God,” Seokjin says, resting his head on the back of the couch cushion, letting his eyes flutter shut. “I feel like we did a lot tonight.”
“We were very productive,” you agree.
He yawns. “We work well together, don’t you think?”
“Hmm?” You ask, leaning over to move your computer from your lap to the coffee table, exchanging it for a sketchpad to keep brainstorming. 
“I think,” Seokjin begins, and it must be just the sleepy haze his brain has entered rather than anything else that could spur him to express this, that makes him say, “that you and I make a perfect pair.”
You sit up straight at this, looking over at Seokjin as the pencil in between your fingers falls onto the sketchpad before rolling onto the floor. It looks like he’s fallen asleep, exhaustion finally overcoming him as all of the work he’s done catches up to him. In the dead of night, the only sound in the room is his soft breathing, chest rising and falling slowly as his mind begins to wander. You watch him, eyelids heavy, and think that he couldn’t have possibly thought that. No way would he say such a thing to you if he was perfectly cognizant, wide awake. After all, you’re the one with a crush on him, not the other way around. 
You lean back, pondering why a man like Seokjin would ever invite you into his home, offer you soup, and shower you with subtle compliments that couldn’t just be friends being friends, and before you know it, your eyes fall shut. 
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It is nearly one in the afternoon by the time you wake up, the sunlight streaming in from the side of his apartment. It forces you to finally open your eyes, groaning as your blurry vision begins to clear. 
That is when you register these four things in this order:
This is Seokjin’s apartment.
This is Seokjin’s apartment, in which you worked on a project with him last night.
This is Seokjin’s apartment, and you fell asleep on his couch. 
This is Seokjin’s apartment, and he thinks that you’d make the perfect pair. 
You hear a clink from across the room, and turn to find Seokjin, still wearing the same thing he was wearing last night, standing in his kitchen, pouring two glasses of orange juice. 
“Morning,” Seokjin says. He pauses, then corrects himself. “Afternoon, actually.” He walks over to you, handing you a glass of orange juice as you rub your eyes, waking yourself up.
“How long have you been up?” You ask him, too tired to thank him out loud for the glass of orange juice. 
“About an hour,” he says, checking the time. “I didn’t want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful.”
“I feel awful, I didn’t mean to intrude on your apartment for, like, an entire night,” you say, rubbing your forehead as you try to smooth out your hair, make yourself look less like you fell asleep at four in the morning in your gorgeous crush’s apartment. 
“No, it’s alright, really,” Seokjin insists. “It was nice having company, for once. And I think we got a lot done.”
“I still feel bad, I didn’t mean to stay so long,” you say, looking around for your belongings as you try to gather your bearings. 
“It’s fine,” Seokjin reassures you, sitting down on the couch next to you as he begins to clean up the absolute mess of the coffee table. “But your phone has been ringing nonstop, so someone must have missed you.”
You fumble around for your phone before finding it having slid in between the couch cushions, pulling it up to see three missed calls from Taehyung and two missed calls from Jungkook, as well as a slew of texts from the both of them. 
“Oh, it’s just Taehyung and Jungkook,” you say with a shrug, deciding that now is not the time to bring them into the conversation. A quick scan of the texts gives you a rough summary of what you would have heard if you had answered their calls instead. 
Taehyung (9:35AM): Y/N Taehyung (9:35AM): HELLO Taehyung (9:35AM): ARE YOU ALIVE??? Taehyung (9:36AM): YOU NEVER SLEEP THIS LATE ARE YOU OKAY??? Taehyung (10:03AM): I WENT BY YOUR APARTMENT AND YOU DIDN’T ANSWER IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT Taehyung (10:04AM): TEXT ME 1 IF EVERYTHING IS OKAY AND 2 IF EVERYTHING IS NOT OKAY Taehyung (10:05AM): LAST TIME I SAW YOU YOU WERE GOING HOME WITH SEOKJIN DID HE MURDER YOU??????? Taehyung (10:18AM): oh Taehyung (10:18AM): oh wait Taehyung (10:19AM): OHHHHHHHHH Taehyung (10:20AM): ;)
Jungkook (12:18PM): Kingdom just started a new event! Get online with me and let’s crush this thing pleaseeeee
“Just want me to play Kingdom with them,” you say, ignoring Taehyung’s text messages and pretending like they don’t exist.
“You really like that game, don’t you?” Seokjin asks. 
“Oh, they like it more than I do, really, I just try and keep the obsession to a minimum,” you say casually. 
“But they always talk about how good you are,” Seokjin adds. “You’re ranked second, aren’t you? That’s a big accomplishment.”
“Yeah, but it’s not that exciting. I mean, it’s just a game,” you shrug it off. 
“But you like it, which means that’s important,” Seokjin says. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of the things you like. They matter to you.”
“You think so?” You ask, smiling at him. 
“I know so. Tell me about Kingdom,” he urges, nudging your side. “Please? I’d love to know.”
And for once, you don’t just shrug it off and brand it as a game you play occasionally. You let yourself love that game, for all it’s done for you and your friends (even if you aren’t the best anymore) and your happiness, and you tell Seokjin about it. About how you started playing it when you were bored one day during work and saw a forum on it. How you got the rest of the office hooked on it as well, even if they were much more obnoxious about it than you are. How you go home after a long day of work and log on, letting yourself relax as you weave your way through the rankings and quests, finding solace in the familiarity of it all. You tell him why you love it, and why you probably won’t stop playing it for a long time, no matter what becomes of your ranking. 
“It was nice being ranked first, but I actually don’t mind whoever it is that’s taken over,” you tell Seokjin honestly. “Jungkook wants to hunt them down, but I think that, whoever they are, they deserve that spot. You know, I used to hate them because the top-ranked player gets all of the best rewards, but our characters have recently started to spend so much time together that I feel like they’d probably have fallen in love by now.” You chuckle to yourself. If life were a movie, everything would always work out perfectly.
“You do?” Seokjin asks, eyes wide. 
“Yeah, of course,” you say. “They spend so much time together. Who wouldn’t, right?”
“I suppose you’re right,” Seokjin says, smiling. “I also have something to tell you.”
You shake your head. “Don’t tell me you’re obsessed with anime, please. That is where I draw the line.”
“Don’t shame us,” Seokjin says, a hand on his heart like he’s been personally offended. Your eyes widen. “I’m kidding,” he says, laughing as you exhale, relieved. “I actually play Kingdom, too. I just wanted to ask you about it.”
“Seriously? All this time and you just pretended like you had no idea what it was?” you say in disbelief. He’s been hiding this from you for how long? God, the rest of your office is going to have a field day with this information. 
“I just wanted you to tell me about it,” Seokjin admits sheepishly. 
You shake your head. “You could have talked to me about other stuff, you know.”
“I know, but you never talked about Kingdom and I could always see how much you loved it. It was nice, listening to you tell me about it,” he says. 
“I’ve been betrayed,” you say dramatically, opening up your laptop to pull up the game. “What’s your ID? We can add each other.”
This is where Seokjin goes silent. “Actually, I think you might already know who I am. I’m above you in the rankings.”
Your mouth drops open. 
“You’re JK0901? Are you kidding me?” You ask, absolutely floored. All this time and you had no idea that Kim Seokjin was a Kingdom expert. “What does JK stand for? I was convinced it was Jungkook and he was just lying to my face, but in reality, it was you who was lying to me!”
Seokjin lets out a chuckle. “Jin Kim. I’m surprised you guys didn’t figure it out earlier.”
“I can’t believe this,” you say, practically speechless. “How long have you been playing?” 
“Not that long,” Seokjin shrugs. “I picked it up because I wanted to impress a girl I liked.”
“Really? All this effort for a girl you like?” You ask, still in disbelief. You suck up the way your heart is sinking at the thought of him liking another person, but then you remember that it wasn’t like you had ever made a move on him anyway. Smiling, you ask, “Will you at least humor me and tell me who it is?”
Then, Seokjin looks you dead in the eye, and says, “You.”
He doesn’t give you time to respond. Instead, he wraps a hand around your torso and pulls you into him, pressing his lips firmly on yours as you gasp into his mouth, body tensing up before you melt into his touch. 
It’s a quick kiss, nothing too crazy, but it overwhelms you nonetheless, leaves you gasping for air like you’ve been underwater this whole time and have finally surfaced. When you part, you look up into his eyes only to find that they’ve turned into crescents. He’s grinning down at you like he’s finally gotten it right. 
“You did all of that for me?” You ask. “How did you even know?”
Seokjin looks particularly guilty. “You’re not necessarily… that discreet, Y/N.”
You close your eyes, the heat already flaring in your cheeks. “Oh God, you knew?”
“It was fairly easy to figure out,” Seokjin admits. “But the good news is: I felt the same way. So, no harm done.”
“I’m so embarrassed,” you say, curling into his chest so you don’t have to look him in the eye. 
“You’re incredible, Y/N, you know that?” He asks, pulling you away from him just so he can get a better look at you. He’s standing in front of you, looking at you like this is what he’s been waiting for. Like all this time, he’s been waiting for you. “I’d do it all over again if it meant I could end up with you.”
“You would?” You ask, pulling him in for another kiss. There’s plenty more where those came from, but you’re already feeling greedy. Why wouldn’t you? If life was a movie, then wouldn’t this be the happy ending? 
“In a heartbeat.”
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fullmetalscullyy · 4 years
a conspiracy theory - chapter 7
co-written by @snowdog49 and @jeanhaavoc
summary:  Detective Roy takes on a challenging task… To find Olivier Armstrong’s sword. However, he has a beautiful woman to distract him along the way. Will he, Jean, and Ed be able to find the sword in time, or will they succumb to the conspiracy?
warning: graphic depictions of violence
tags: conspiracy, pining, unresolved sexual tension, private detective au, royai, havolina, mystery, violence, modern au, coffee shops
rated: m | words: 5420
read on ao3
Roy left most of the lights off in the office as he sat at his desk. He could barely concentrate, but he was going to still be there when his co-workers returned. He put the radio on to fill the background and he answered a few emails. The printer fire case was still open, and he was almost ready to send the information to the client, but his arm itched to send Ed to the East and have him get some things down in that area. He would’ve normally gone, but Ed could take Winry and he could basically give them a night away. Roy couldn’t step out now. Olivier had called a few days prior and was asking the status of the case. It was urgent, she insisted. It had been going on for too long. He might have gotten it done sooner too if Riza wasn’t always on his mind. 
Roy turned in his seat and blinked at the pictures on the wall. He couldn’t just go up to one of them and accuse them, especially with who they all were. Because Olivier had chosen to not go to the police, that did place some significance on the item as well. But the question still begged to be answered: Why? With proper motive, Roy could narrow anything down. Stolen cars? Cheating spouses? Even blazing printers, the question always had been “why?” Who benefits from an old sword? 
Ling would have it as a trophy, however, he was cleared rather easily. When asked about the sword again, Olivier gave the same description, telling him to “use your eyes and look at the damn picture” in what he realized was her traditional short-tempered tone. Her patience was running thin before, he didn’t want to imagine her in another two weeks. He needed to focus on this and get it taken care of in the next two weeks. It was a stolen sword! How hard did this have to be? 
He might as well have taken down the wall of suspects. None of them had any reason at all for a sword. Bradley was a wealthy businessman in the mining industry. It wasn’t even a status symbol for him, let alone something he’d put on his mantle. He’d just have one made out of the gold he mined. Senator Raven was mostly caught in his lies, but again, what use would a sword be to him, let alone an Armstrong sword? Senator Marcoh was at the party. As innocent as he looked, he had to be taken into consideration. He teetered his head side to side as he looked at Governor Kremlin’s picture. He was a shady fellow, and when Ed called him, his staff basically told Ed that it was a waste of his time and hung up. Roy squinted at that photo. Ambassador Fu… He couldn’t forget State Representative Shou Tucker. Roy bit his lip looking at him. Not only was he completely dismissive, but he was also hard to get a hold of. There still was no clear reason behind it. Roy nodded slowly. Yoki owned one of the more prominent real estate businesses. Last he heard, Yoki’s business was having trouble with a few bad investments, and his office was full of weird antiques. Roy pointed to Yoki’s picture, tapping on it. He’d have to go back and check his office again to see if anything else seemed off about it, or better yet, have Jean have a go with him. 
Then there were also the other hundred people on his desk spreadsheet. Ed had called most of them just requesting simple information but there was nothing suspicious. Even the head of security, who only went by Scar, had not seen anything suspicious. Roy grumped. If he were a good detective, he’d find Scar’s real name. Maybe he’d do that as a side project once this was done. He was tempted to go walk around the Bradley property. Olivier probably got drunk and lost it in a bush. 
The front door creaked open and Roy turned in his chair. It was nearly 1 am. “Have fun?” 
Jean walked in with a cigarette hanging from his lips, sighing heavily. Rebecca behind him reached for the smoking stick between his lips and tossed it outside. Both looked beat. Jean’s tie was already loosened, and Rebecca slouched in her dress.
“They know how to party,” she groaned. 
“Was there a lot of dancing?” Roy joked. 
“No,” Jean shook his head. “The food was good, and the drinks were great, but once we started talking around… it was just a lot.” 
Roy leaned his hip against his desk. “Please tell me something that will make my Sunday morning one I will want to remember.” 
“Don’t tell me your date wasn’t good,” Rebecca pouted for him. 
“It went really well, but she cut it short.” 
“Uh…” Jean grimaced. “Sorry man, it’s not in your cards.” 
“She said she had to go take care of her dog.” 
Rebecca shoved her boyfriend. 
“We did almost kiss,” Roy added as he lifted a finger with a slight grin. “Then some fucker had to come along and bump us.” 
“Bump into each other?” 
“No,” Rebecca slapped Jean with the back of her hand to his shoulder. “Almost kissed. That means they didn’t.” 
Roy shrugged with a heavy sigh. “But she said she looked forward to seeing me Wednesday morning for coffee, so I didn’t blow it, right?” 
Rebecca reached down to take her heels off. “I think you’re onto something,” she giggled. “Don’t give up hope quite yet.” 
Jean shrugged as he reached into his jacket pocket for another cigarette. “We did get some interesting details though. You’ll want to hear this.” He placed the cigarette between his lips, patting his chest for a lighter. 
“Jean!” Rebecca grabbed it from him and tossed it in the trash. 
“Damn it, Woman! I haven’t been able to smoke all night!” 
“It was just interesting,” Rebecca added. “Politicians sure have ambitions.” 
“They all stink,” Jean grumped. “They’re all damn rotten bastards.” He leaned against Rebecca’s desk. “Making my girl stand all night while they go on about selling themselves.” 
Roy raised his eyebrow at the two of them. 
Rebecca collapsed in her desk chair and spun it to face Roy. She ran her fingers through her hair. “And they talk. Talk about gossip!” 
*           *           *
Jean smirked at the doorman as they approached. The man was in a full outfit, better dressed than Jean himself, with a bow tie and a tailcoat and bright white waistcoat. It looked like it was straight out of a period piece and Jean expected nothing less from a social gathering of this caliber.
They had to look the part, so Jean ensured his suit would be acceptable. His jacket and pants were all black, but his shirt was a baby blue color. His navy silk tie complimented the shirt nicely, and also matched the colour of Rebecca’s dress.
Sneaking another glance at his girlfriend, Jean admired how stunning she was, and watched as she fished the tickets out from her purse as they continued forward. One of her hands was on his arm, so he gripped it a little tighter and gave it a squeeze to give her some more stability as she looked in her purse.
“Invitations, please,” the man requested. His tone wasn’t bored, but he also didn’t sound particularly thrilled to be there either. From what Jean could see and hear, the party was already in full swing inside. Music from a string quartet wafted their way through the open door, accompanied by the sound of conversation. It wasn’t too loud, but the murmur indicated there were a lot of people inside. If he’d been stuck on door duty when the action was inside, Jean reckoned he’d be a bit miffed too.
Rebecca lifted her head, tossing her hair over one shoulder and smiled at the greeter. Jean’s breath caught in his throat as he watched her. The dress she was wearing was a deep navy blue, clinging to all the right places. It stopped mid-calf, showing off her toned legs as she stood in her heels - a blue that matched her dress. The skirt swayed gently as she moved and it was hypnotizing. Just like her. He hadn’t been permitted to see what she was wearing before tonight, she’d just sent him a picture of the tie he would be wearing and told him to find a suit to match it. And boy, was he knocked off his feet as soon as he set eyes upon her. He was still trying to recover.
The man stamped their tickets and wished them a good night, already waving to usher the couple behind them forward.
Sharing a look, Jean and Rebecca stepped inside the lion’s den.
The main room was beautifully decorated. There was a noticeably clear theme tonight, and that was gold. All decorations had a hint of gold to them. The countless vases of flowers that were spread out everywhere were full of white and gold hydrangeas. Even the white flowers had flecks of gold glitter sprinkled over them. There were four ice sculptures designed in the shape of man, one in each corner of the room, each wearing a golden sash across their torso. Jean seriously hoped they weren’t modelled after their host. He wouldn’t put it past King Bradley to go as flashy with something like this.
“Over here.” Rebecca tugged on his arm and guided him over to the bar. Getting a drink right away sounded like a good idea. Looking around the room, Jean thought he would need some alcohol to get through a night dealing with these people. Rebecca ordered a strawberry daiquiri while Jean went with a rum and coke. There was no beer here, to his dismay. He had to blend in anyway and hard alcohol would loosen him up. 
“Oh boy,” Jean muttered over the top of the glass, immediately taking a sip. He glanced around the room one last time, already mentally preparing himself for trying to mingle with these people. While he would absolutely love to treat Rebecca to a fancy date like this, perhaps he would reconsider that idea. A night where he and Rebecca lay on a picnic blanket somewhere quiet with some beer and good food was a lot more appealing than this song and dance.
“I know, right?” Rebecca snickered. “This will be interesting.”
“I’m just excited to do some snooping,” he grinned. “People watching will be fun tonight.”
“I agree. Work first, then we can have some fun later,” she whispered in his ear with a suggestive look as she walked away from him. Jean followed behind like a lost puppy.
Confidently, Rebecca strode towards a group of ladies all talking together. Jean watched as she boldly introduced herself. She turned and introduced him too, causing him to close the distance between them as quickly and gracefully as he could. Rebecca was a natural in a situation like this. She sounded as fake as the ladies before them, but they ate it up. Jean knew she liked to gossip and was sometimes how he and Roy got some of their information for cases. She was an expert at finding out the word on the street. Rebecca Catalina had a way of getting words out of people so easily that it could be frightening.
Jean plastered a fake smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend’s shoulders. He’d spied some men making eyes at her out the corner of his eye and didn’t like it. It reminded him of his own job and kissed her cheek to part ways, whispering a promise of meeting up with her again later.
Meandering around the room, Jean spotted a familiar face he could easily talk to. Representative Falman. He’d worked with him before and Jean had a lot of respect for the man. All his work was done by the book and to the letter, with the best interests of the people in mind. Plus, he was always friendly.
“Mr. Havoc,” he greeted. It wasn’t unfriendly by any means. His tone was dry as one corner of his mouth lifted up into a smirk. And Jean appreciated the fact Falman had left out his work title. “It’s good to see you again.” Holding out his hand, Jean shook it firmly.
“Likewise, Mr. Falman.”
He waved his hand in the air. “Just Vato or Falman tonight, please,” he replied. “It’s bad enough my presence is required here.” His voice was quiet, so no one overheard him, but it caused Jean to laugh. “Let’s just drop the pretences.”
“Not a problem.”
“You’re behaving yourself I hope?” he inquired.
“I always do,” Jean quipped. “When do I not?”
Falman snorted, but it just made Jean grin. 
“I’ve got my lady here with me tonight.” Jean glanced over towards the group she was still talking to. If the ladies’ animated and excited expressions were anything to go by, Rebecca was excelling in her work tonight. “So she’s keeping me right.”
He hummed to himself. “I sure hope so.” A pointed look was shot Jean’s way.
In response, Jean lifted his hands up in surrender. “Of course. All of my motivations are completely innocent. I’m just here to mingle with Central’s best.”
Falman shook his head with an amused smile. “Central’s best?”
Jean cocked his head in thought. “Elite, then. That’s probably a better word choice.”
“Well, one thing’s for sure, they certainly know how to throw the most extravagant parties,” Falman mused.
“Definitely,” he agreed. Jean cast his eyes around the room. “Everything is very… gold. It makes me wonder where they get the money for such fancy decorations.”
“Careful where you cast that thought, Havoc,” Falman warned. He took another sip of his drink, looking subtly around him.
Jean just shrugged. “I’m just thinking out loud. There’s no harm in that.”
“True. Bradley has more than enough money,” the Representative murmured. “Although…” Falman trailed off, glancing around once more. “If he didn’t send so much money to a particular Senator, maybe he wouldn’t need a fundraiser for this program and for his other projects out in the west.” Another pointed look was shot Jean’s way as Falman took a sip of his drink.
“Oh?” Jean asked innocently. If there was some kind of strong connection between Bradley and this Senator, this could be useful information for their case. It may not be, but if Falman was willing to part with it this easily, Jean wasn’t going to turn it down.
However, someone called for the room’s attention, ending their conversation for now. The strings stopped playing and a sea of heads turned to face the source of the interruption. A man who was dressed like a butler announced from the opposite end of the room that dinner was about to be served in the dining room and asked if all guests could make their way through there.
“It was a pleasure to speak to you again, Havoc,” Falman stated. He held out his hand for Havoc to shake, which he did so as he hid his disappointment. The announcement had come at such an inopportune time. 
“Likewise, Falman. I hope to speak to you soon.”
He hummed in reply. “A little bird tells me we may cross paths in the future.” With one last pointed glance at Havoc, Falman moved away from him, heading towards the dining area.
Bird… Senator Raven. It could be a stretch, but from Falman’s clues, Bradley could be contributing towards Raven’s campaign or his other special interests. The information about the west must be important. If it was, judging by his hushed revelation and quick exit, Representative Falman was taking a risk with a comment like that. Jean noted it and shelved it for later. He knew better than to press further than what Falman would freely give him. 
Mulling over this new information and what it could mean, Jean walked over towards Rebecca. She was still talking to the same group of women.
“Oh, you must come and find us after dinner,” Jean heard as one lady gushed. “I would love to speak to you some more!”
“Of course,” Rebecca replied brightly. Jean tried not to laugh at her fake smile. “I can’t wait!”
Despite her more common way of speaking, the ladies weren’t phased. They smiled and dispersed, going off to find their significant others so they could be seated.
“You got them wrapped around your finger? That’s impressive,” Jean commented.
“They’re probably bitching about me behind my back already,” she snickered. “I purposefully didn’t play up the snooty attitude or accent. They were sympathetic because of it.”
“Yeah?” Jean asked as he scoured the board in front of him to see where they should sit. He didn’t see their names anywhere.
“There,” Rebecca pointed out softly, seeing the kid’s surname, Yao, by two seats. “And yeah. I clearly wasn’t born into money if I’ve got a more common way of speaking, so they take pity on me. They let their guard down,” she shrugged.
Jean just stared at her as she walked ahead.
“Have I mentioned how incredible you are,” he murmured lowly in her ear. He caught back up and reached for her hand, gripping it tightly.
Rebecca giggled next to him. “Not recently, but I won’t be opposed to hearing it again,” she teased with a twinkle in her eye.
“Just wait until later then. I’ll show you,” he almost growled.
Rebecca laughed quietly to herself. “Later? At the office?”
Jean simpered. Roy was going to be at the office. He’d have to wait even later than that. 
The rest of the seats at their table began to fill up quickly, the guests eager for their dinner. Rebecca sat to Jean’s left, while six other people began filling in the spaces around. The centrepieces of the circular table were just as beautiful as the ones outside in the main room. However, these flowers were white, sprinkled with gold flakes. Little golden beads covered the table as a decoration, adding a splash of colour to the plain white cloth beneath it. While simple in looks, it felt rich to the touch. The silky texture ran through Jean’s fingers easily.
Once everyone was seated, the same butler from moments ago called the attention of the room to him.  “Ladies and Gentleman, King Bradley.”
Bradley rose from his chair as people applauded. Jean and Rebecca shot each other a look, then quickly joined in. King Bradley was a formidable-looking man. He was tall and stood straight. His posture made him look taller than he actually was. He commanded complete attention, and the majority of the people in the room were eager to give it. With one eye covered by an eyepatch, his gaze was hard as he looked around the room, noting with interest all the faces he saw. He didn’t so much as glance in Jean’s direction, or towards their table.
“Thank you everyone for coming tonight. With this dinner, we aim to fundraise enough money for an engineering exchange program with Aerugo, so we may send some of our brightest minds to the country in return for some of theirs. This is a project dear to my heart, as well as my company’s.”
Jean resisted the urge to snort derisively. Bradley had more than enough money to donate to this cause and still make a hell of a profit by the end of it. He’d done a little digging beforehand and discovered that all the engineering students being sent were from his own company. So, he was getting his friends and other government officials to pay for only his company to benefit from the rewards. Still, rich people love a philanthropist, even a pretend one like Bradley tonight.
“With this program, we will be furthering our engineering capabilities within the country and after this test run, we may be able to open it up to other students from around the country.” He unclasped his hands from behind his back and reached for his glass. “I humbly ask if you could give generously tonight to support the next generation of engineers.” Lifting his glass, people began to clap again animatedly. “Enjoy dinner!”
Dinner itself was exquisitely presented. The portions were small, but the food was so rich that by the end of the five-course meal, Jean had eaten enough. He took a drink of the free water provided in a pitcher to wash it all down with. The water was cool on his throat, infused with a hint of lemon.
“Jean, this is Senator Marcoh,” Rebecca introduced after dinner, her eyes widening only slightly as she tried to convey that this was important. She’d been conversing with him throughout dinner, while Jean spoke to the gentleman beside him. “Did you know he’s spearheading a campaign to try and protect our green spaces?”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir,” Jean replied. He settled in his chair comfortably so he could give the Senator his full attention. 
“The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Havoc. And yes, I am,” Marcoh replied.
“Jean is in the agricultural business,” Rebecca lied smoothly. “We’re based in the west. And… your campaign concerns the west, doesn’t it?” she enquired.
“It does,” Marcoh confirmed. “I just want to protect our environment, that’s all.”
“That’s very admirable, Senator Marcoh,” Jean told him sincerely. “And it’s much appreciated by people like myself. Agriculture cannot thrive with no land for it.”
“Exactly,” Marcoh replied. He leaned forward eagerly. “The east is well known for its farmland, and rightly so, however it's the silty soil from our border with Creta that makes the west more bountiful for a harvest. People tend to forget that. That’s why so many factories are set up in the west.” He dropped his gaze, looking slightly crestfallen. Despite their goal here tonight, Jean could clearly see that this man was deeply passionate about his job and his cause. 
“Well, you have our support, Senator,” Rebecca replied.
“Absolutely,” Jean chipped in. And he meant that sincerely.
Rebecca excused herself to go to the bathroom. So did Marcoh, so he could go and mingle with other guests. While alone, Jean looked around the room, observing people. The majority had left their seats and were moving between the other tables. Some had formed crowds and were standing in free spaces, laughing, and drinking with one another. In the far end of the room, by the door they’d entered through, he spotted Falman and Marcoh leaving together.
Bradley was still sitting at the main table. He was deep in conversation with Senator Raven. The other men at the table were all listening intently, but not joining in on their conversation. Jean narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing them. Governor Kremlin was there, with Shao Tucker and Yoki on either side of him. Those were the only people he recognized. There was no one from the Armstrong family though.
He caught movement out the corner of his eye, seeing Rebecca walking towards him. He’d been prepared to turn away, continuing his observations, but his breath caught in his throat. From the angle he was sitting at, Jean noticed how the light of the room made her hair shimmer, almost turning it copper. The simple silver necklace caught the light as she turned to her side, placing something back in her purse. As she looked back up, tossing her hair over her shoulder, her face softened when her eyes settled upon Jean. A silly grin spread across his face.
“Like what you see?” she purred after sitting down. It didn’t help his situation that she’d leaned in close with a hand resting high up on his thigh, whispering in his ear.
“Very much so,” he beamed.
“Maybe there will be time for a later,” she mused, leaning back, and giving him a once over with her eyes. She’d praised how well he’d scrubbed up earlier, but it was still nice to be so clearly appreciated. He’d made an extra effort just for her.
“Shirking work duties?” he teased.
“I meant after going back to the office.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief and Jean couldn’t wait.
He laughed, making her giggle too. “I love you,” he murmured.
Rebecca beamed and leaned in close, giving him a quick kiss.
“Hear anything exciting while I was gone?”
Jean shook his head. “Nothing. Just did some lookin’ around.”
She made a show of her shoulders slumping as she pouted. Then, she straightened her spine and rolled her shoulders back. “Ready for showtime?”
Jean nodded. “You did it?”
“I ‘dropped’ it just over there,” she muttered, angling her head away from the room so no one could see what she was saying. “I was ‘fixing’ my purse and left it on that table.”
Cocking his head, Jean pretended he was considering what she’d said, but in reality, he was looking past her. The bracelet was sitting there, next to a vase of gold flowers. It was in plain view, so he made sure to always keep that table in his line of vision.
Not even ten minutes later, a young man approached the table.
“We might have a bite,” he murmured. Leaning forward in his chair, Jean felt himself coiled like a spring. He was ready to stand and move if that bracelet disappeared.
The man took it.
“Hooked. Black hair. Glasses. Black suit. Dressed a bit like a penguin.”
Rebecca stood from her chair gracefully and turned. Her head turned towards the young man who slipped the bracelet into his pocket. He looked around, looking a little unsure of himself, then began to walk towards the entrance. Rebecca began to walk as Jean slowly got to his feet, casually pretending he was going to follow after her at his own pace.
The young man walked through a service door and Rebecca followed close behind.
“Excuse me, Sir,” she called. The guy got a fright, turning in place. Jean noted just how young he looked as he walked through the door. “You’ve got something of mine.”
“Oh, no, I -”
“The bracelet,” Rebecca challenged, holding her hand out to receive it as her other crossed her chest. She didn’t look impressed as she stared him down. “You took it.”
“No, I didn’t -” he stammered.
“You did,” Jean interrupted. His command left no room for argument. 
“Sorry!” He scrambled for his pants pocket. “I didn’t try to steal it, I promise,” he stuttered. “I saw it lying around and picked it up to put it in our lost property. I work here.”
“Sure you do,” Jean challenged, not believing him.
“Look, here’s your bracelet.” With shaking hands, the man dropped it into Rebecca’s waiting hand. She took it back and placed it inside her purse. “And I promise, I do work here. Look.” He handed over his ID.
Jean glanced at it, noting that he did in fact work there. Kain Fuery. It might be worth looking into him, just to be sure this wasn’t a fake ID.
“I always like to keep a log of lost items,” Kain explained further. “Many of them don’t seem to be missed, but still, it would be a shame for someone to lose a piece of jewelry, so I was on my way to log it.”
Jean just narrowed his eyes at him.
“Thank you,” Rebecca cut in. “So, you work for Bradley?”
He nodded. “Yes Ma’am. I’m part of the Events Team, drafted in whenever there’s a dinner or a fundraiser.”
“Were you at Selim Bradley’s birthday party a few weeks ago?”
Kain nodded. “I was. I was working the floor as a waiter that night.”
“Seeing as you're the man to see about missing items, I don’t suppose you noticed a sword passing by, did you? Or did you pick it up and log that too?”
“A sword?” he echoed. “I… I don’t ever remember seeing a sword lying around. Ms. Olivier Armstrong carries a sword on her though, perhaps you could ask her?”
“If you saw a sword like that, would you go through the same process of logging it as you would with a bracelet?” Jean asked.
He nodded. “I would. It would be recorded, but I would probably recognize it as hers anyway. There’s no one else I know who carries a sword on their person.”
Turning sharply, he and Rebecca noticed Falman standing at the doorway they’d followed Kain through. He didn’t look impressed.
“Time to go,” he stated. His tone left no room for argument.
“Give us a call if you hear about a sword,” Jean told Kain. He pressed his card into the young man’s unresisting hands and turned to leave.
“I told you to behave,” Falman warned once they were outside. The area was quiet. No one was about.
“I am,” Jean shrugged.
“You’re just lucky I saw you and no one else did,” he replied, putting emphasis on the end of his statement. Meaning Bradley didn’t see Jean and Rebecca questioning his staff.
“We were claiming a lost item,” Jean retorted, gesturing towards Rebecca who was gliding the bracelet back onto her wrist. “Kain graciously picked it up for us.”
Falman sighed. “The party is that way,” he reminded them, gesturing to his right. His arm remained outstretched, expecting them to move to rejoin the fundraiser.
Grasping Rebecca’s hand tightly, they both rejoined the party.
“He seemed genuine,” she murmured.
“I agree. He didn’t seem the type to steal a sword, let alone a sword from the Armstrongs. Too young and innocent.”
“A ruse…?” Rebecca ventured, then shook her head. “No, he didn’t look like he’d have it in him to face the wrath of Olivier Armstrong. He was shaking like a leaf.”
He purposefully steered them over to the bar. He needed another drink.
“Another one?” Rebecca commented. “We’re working, remember?”
“I know, but there’s been a lot of information overload tonight, and maybe I want to relax and spend the rest of a lovely evening with you,” he smiled tiredly. His brain was on the way to becoming fried, and he just wanted to unwind for a little while before diving headfirst back into the shark infested waters. Jean leaned his elbows on the bar and rubbed his face in exhaustion.
“It has been a lot.” She bit her lip. “And we’ve got a long way to go yet…”
The barman asked for their order, and Rebecca got herself another daiquiri and Jean a rum with coke.
“Seeing as you can’t smoke in here,” she winked, handing over his double measure of rum. “We’ll get there,” she added, her voice firm. Her hand rubbed his back, in between his shoulder blades. “You guys are good. Really good! You’ll figure it out, don’t worry.”
Jean shot her a grateful smile.
“Case first though,” she replied. “We’ll report back what we overheard and saw tonight and we’ll all go through it together. We’ll work it out.”
“And… later?” Jean asked, voice hopeful.
Rebecca smirked at him over the top of her cocktail glass. The sultry look in her eyes made his stomach flutter.
“Oh yes, there will definitely be a later.”
“Maybe,” Jean whispered, moving to stand so close he could whisper in her ear. He grinned when it made her shiver. “Later… We could...” He paused at her intake of breath and his grin turned wolfish.
*           *           *
Roy tipped forward on the seat hurriedly. “I do not need to hear any more of what you said to Rebecca,” he interjected.
The two of them just laughed.
“Back to this Kain Fuery, I think we should go back and talk to him. What do you want to bet that he knows but couldn’t remember at the time?” 
“He was pretty scared,” Rebecca argued. “I honestly think he was too freaked out that he got caught. He seemed earnest and innocent enough.” 
Jean nodded in agreement. “I hate to say it Roy, but I got chills when I noticed none of the Armstrongs were there. I got bigger chills when Falman was so adamant about telling me that Bradley was funding Raven. It was very hush hush.” Jean bit his lip. “I think… this could turn into something a little bit more than just a sword.”
“I was afraid of that,” Roy replied, his tone grim.
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skookworks · 4 years
Gallery: 2019 Daily Sketches 91-120
This week’s gallery is another collection of the daily sketches I did in 2019. This is the fourth gallery.
Story Seed #49 Write Like An Animal
Watership Down. Duncton Wood. Tailchaser’s Song. These are novels that feature animals as protagonists. Specifically, these stories feature anthropomorphic animal societies that keep more to the “natural” versions of the featured animals rather than human societies in animal drag i.e. Wind in the Willows or the Redwall series. Watership Down is a survival adventure story starring rabbits. Duncton Wood is a mythic fantasy featuring moles. Tailchaser’s Song is a claw and sorcery tale starring cats. These are the books that come to mind because I’ve read them. There are many others.
Animals are social creatures. They all have some sort of society, a way of interacting with each other. So pick a species and tell a tale. Mice? Bears? Elephants? Possums? What sort of cultures would these critters have? What kind of adventures (or romances or domestic dramas) would they experience?
I find that thinking like an animal often helps me to understand and sympathize with my fellow humans. Despite some of our fellows’ claims to contrary, humans are animals. Animals are people. And people have stories.
Recommendation : Charles Stross
Charles Stross is a writer based in Scotland. He’s known for a couple of series – The Laundry Files (horror/espionage)  and The Merchant Princes (science fiction/space opera). His blog is a good source of commentary on the business of writing and the political scene in the UK.
Local News
I think of myself as having three jobs. The first and most time consuming job is as a mail carrier. That’s the one that gives me income to pay my bills and look after my family. The second job is as a “creative person”. Mostly that’s creating illustrations and cartoons. Sometimes that’s doing designwork or writing stories. It’s a job that both brings in some extra income and keeps me sane. I do it more for the sanity keeping than for the extra income. The process of drawing is mostly relaxing and mostly quiets my mind even if the rest of the day has been filled with stupidity. On those occasions when drawing is frustrating, when I’m trying to draw something unfamiliar or really complicated, the process still takes quiets my mind and focuses it on a specific task.
My third job is marketing my second job. It’s the job for which I have the least time. Marketing can be sending out announcements about one’s skills and talents. Marketing can be a more direct process of contacting potential clients and flashing your portfolio at them. As much as possible I combine both my second and third job. Last year I posted a drawing a day here. This year I’m writing this newsletter. The drawing/writing of random things is a pleasant activity. Regular posting keeps eyes on this site and makes me more visible to search engines. So I hear anyway.
I finished my last illustration for The Lovecraft County Holiday Collection a couple of weeks ago. It’s a week until the Growing Up / Overnight Kickstarter launches. The campaign will last 30 days. Assuming it funds at the correct stretch goal, I’ll have some more illustrations to do.
In the meantime I’m working on concept art for Kaiju Weather, a graphic novel that I’m writing with my wife. The concept art is to help her see the world of the story the way I see it. It’s a huge project. Finishing it will take a few years. I will post the concept art when there’s enough of it (and we’re farther along in the rest of book) over at our Kaiju Weather page. I’m currently expecting to start doing that in January, 2022. Yeah, I’m thinking long term.
I’m also in the process of putting together a Zazzle shop. I’ll provide a link when there’s something to sell. Right now I’m working on designs and figuring out products. That means I have to think and learn. I love thinking and learning! I just wish I didn’t need solitary, quiet time to do it. I don’t have a lot of that. Still, I should have some merchandise available before the end of this summer.
Thank you for dropping by. It’s a chaotic world out there. Keep yourself safe and reach out to your friends. We’ll make it if we hang togehter.
Tuesday Night Party Club #30 Gallery: 2019 Daily Sketches 91-120 This week's gallery is another collection of the daily sketches I did in 2019.
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littlefearsdoodles · 5 years
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Income avenues for bloggers, writers, artists and other creatives
Jordan tweeted me today asking for some advice for a comic creator. I came back with a few suggestions, but one thing sticks in my head whenever creators, bloggers, writers, artists and even photographers ask me for advice. Aim to have multiple revenue streams.
The problem with having one revenue stream is if it ever collapses, you have nothing to fall back on. In addition to that, a single revenue stream is often limited. Even if you make it big time, how many t-shirts do you think you can sell per month? There are common-sense limits here.
So, in this post, I aim to give you some ideas on how I make a living from different revenue streams.
Print on Demand. The obvious starter. Tees, posters and phone cases on Society6, RedBubble and Threadless.
Books. Self-publishing is easier than ever. Try KDP, Smashwords or CreateSpace. Got a comic? Try Comixology.
Affiliate links. I know some people invest heavily in affiliate links, time and advertising wise and see a good return. I see maybe £20 a month from Amazon book links and Skillshare premium sign-ups. Though it doesn’t help I give everything away free, so, a pinch of salt.
Teach. Practice making videos, upload them to YouTube or Vimeo. See how you feel about them. Then get onto Udemy or Linda and start teaching properly and earning from your classes.
Stock images. Urgh, pennies. The pay for stock images is piss poor now Unsplash and Pixabay exist, but, there’s still a demand. Try Shutterstock.
Online product sales. Etsy for Americans, Folksy for the Brits. Make stuff, sell it online.
Digital products. Although Etsy sells digital products, check out Creative Market for selling your graphic designs and photograph packs.
Patreon and Ko-Fi. Ko-Fi is nice to have. People can tip you $3 at a time for your work. Patreon is also awesome. But if you want to earn from Patreon, you need to make it the main platform for your content.
Spec work. This shit is hard. I tried it, I hated it, I left it. But I know some people earn a living from Design Crowd, 99U and Fiverr.
Sponsored posts. Got a social network account or blog? Check out websites like Buzzoole, TBP or Brandbacker.
Write articles for websites. Every major website that takes submissions will have a submissions button at the bottom of the page. Keep an eye out for them.
Paper and digital magazines. Earning a living entirely on the net is hard as feck. So take it to real life. Photos, comic strips and articles required. Even if you’re a gardening blogger. Don’t just look at major magazines. Check out the little local circulars, too.
Freelance work in the real world. Photographers, ask car dealerships if they need a hand with their photos. Writers, they may want you to write something for their catalogues or websites. Artists, ask them if they want a poster designed. Visit your local businesses. Someone will need you for something.
Real-life teaching. Teach your skills in real life. One on one tutoring pays well. Ask your local craft shop if they’d like you to teach customers in-store how to use spinning wheels for a day.
Shows and exhibitions. Either get a stall to sell your wares or speak to event organisers and find out if they need someone. Photographers for event photos. Writers offer a write up of the event. Spinners, you’ll need the spinning wheel again and do some demonstrations.
Shows and exhibitions (part 2). Got a service to offer vendors? Beauty blogger visiting Afro Live or Hair? Visit first thing in the morning. Make sure to say hello to everyone on every stand and that every brand there has a copy of your media kit. Again, photographers, writers, artists, visit these events. Hundreds of potential clients in one place. Make sure they all know who you are, and what you can offer them.
Market stalls. Got a local Sunday market? I make more in a day at one these than I do in a month on Etsy. Sell prints of your photos, art, comics and books.
Phew, OK, obviously there are hundreds of ways of earning a living doing what you love. You are not just a writer, condemned to writing your blog and hoping for a book deal. Or an artist who can only draw comics and sell tees.  You’re a creative. Get creative with your incomes.
If you have any other ways of earning as a creative, leave a comment below and help a fellow creator out.
Speaking for myself, I can’t earn a living entirely online. I need to get out into the real world to earn a living and I need to take incomes from different directions. It’s hard work. Certainly harder than a 9 to 5 and longer hours. For those that knew me a pre-Fears, you know how big that statement is from me. But I get to pay the bills doing work I’m always psyched about. That’s always a great thing.
Do you know what else is a great thing? This segue into all the great ways you can support me if you love this post and my daily stories.
Check out my tees on Threadless. You can buy me a cuppa over on Ko-Fi. Want to support me monthly? Hit me up on Patreon for as little as $1 a month. I also have an Etsy store and a book series on Amazon.
As always, shout out and thanks to my $10 Patrons, whose support helps me bring you daily tales of groan-inducing terror. Bruce, Badger, Kathy & Warren.
Cheers, gang.
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astracola · 5 years
so because a3 is still relatively new (locally at least) i wanted to do a small introduction post to introduce my muses from it! i haven’t dropped in any headcanons (yet) so this’ll just be basic early game canon or character traits i think are neat. deadass i’m out here with half the cast i don’t know why i’m like this either frankly.
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one of the oldest members of the company, likely in his early thirties. somehow manages to “defy aging” with his makeup skills and natural beauty.
he is fully aware of how pretty he is, thank you for asking.
a big brother to all.
gentle, easygoing, and calm, even in crisis or under stress.
have you met a professional cuddler. now you have.
noted to have an alluring personality and high sex appeal, because that’s great. likes to flirt a lot, and is very direct. says things that he definitely probably shouldn’t.
not much is known about his past, even among those in the company and his own troupe (winter), he keeps it this way intentionally. it’s implied he might have once been a host, as when he left his prior work to pursue acting, his clients were devastated.
skilled at poker and similar card games.
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what’s up gamers.
prince archetype. even within the major company he works for as an elite employee, he’s well respected/regarded. feels refreshing and calming to be around.
very, very handsome. like holy shit.
“two modes”. the professional look he gives for his work and in public--and the exact mode that give him his prince-like associations, and how he is in private. his public persona is mostly facade, though his compassion and caring nature is genuine. his “true self” is a hardcore gamer and otaku, like this, he curses more frequently and comes off rude or lazy.
he likes to keep these two personas separate, understandably. with most personal relationships, he holds everyone at a distance.
he works in finances, and not much is known about his passion for acting or if he has much of one at all. regardless of this, he’s a member of the spring troupe.
he often uses gaming and internet terms in his speech, especially in his “casual/gamer” mode.
to him, mankai is where he can truly be himself.  
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voted most likely to quote vines irl. a literal influencer. always on top of the latest trends
a member of the summer troupe, he assumes he’s friends with everyone he meets--no questions asked, even if they come off rather abrasive. great social skills! he talks to anyone and everyone like he’s known them for years, so he’s easy to get along with.
a graphic design student, he makes the fliers for mankai. his skill is in illustration, and he has just as much passion for it as he does with acting.
you literally can NOT say he isn’t fashionable. that’s his shtick.
lowkey (but highkey) flirty with anyone he’s interested in. you know. casual.
despite his carefree attitude, he chooses his words carefully to leave those he meets with the best impression of him. he thinks so long as he befriends people, things are fine, even if a lot of those friendships are shallow at their best.
you get a nickname! and YOU get a nickname! and yo-
updates his social media daily and often. instagram, twitter, line, etc.
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a member of the spring troupe, he only joined up with mankai because he fell in love with the director in a moment of “love at first sight”. obviously, this isn’t requited. he does everything he can to try and impress her, despite having little interest in acting itself.
a bit of a “bad boy” trope, a rebel and troublemaker. he’s standoffish and rude to practically everyone else.  comes across as cold and indifferent.
good at memorization! this comes in handy with their scripts.
his parents travel abroad often, so his family life is ... questionable, he has little restrictions at home and lives a carefree lifestyle, which feeds into his indifference
has a lot of female fans AND a fanclub at school thanks to his looks. he doesnt care for that shit at all tbqh.
he flirts ... a lot ... if he’s interested in you romantically ... but so far that’s only directed AT the director herself and it’s embarrassing. lovesick puppy.
i’m so sorry for him and anyone that tries to talk to him he’s kind of a dick.
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honestly the definition of “bro i am just vibing.”
hard to understand, just a generally confusing person. not much is known about him or his past! he just sort of...showed up one day, crashing in the mankai dorms and becoming a member of the summer troupe shortly after.
his physical capabilities are really impressive, up to and including scaling walls and running up to ceilings. he took to acting really easily as well, and his skill in it surprised almost everyone. his wide range in characters and how easily he shifts into them implies past experience.
constantly thinking about triangles, and collects everything in a triangle shape, eats triangle food...you know how it is. the local children have dubbed him the “triangle-alien!”
enthusiastic and eccentric are the best words to describe him.
he just kind of does whatever he feels like doing, seemingly without much thought. this includes: trespassing, and stealing stuff from others (usually food). just right out of your hands.
really good at communicating with animals! it seems they have a mutual understanding.
hardcore parkour
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baby (professionally diagnosed).
his motto is deadass “do one good deed each day” he is a BABY
memorizes and treasures shoujo manga, taking the male figures as inspirations. he deeply admires princes and wants to become prince-like one day.
modest, kind, and easily flustered when it comes to praise. also a lot of anxiety? he thought one of the other summer troupe members was a ghost out to get him when it was first suggested and he really thought it was because he left a single grain of rice on his plate when he was five. he’s just like this.
persecution complex.
just really...pure...
he used to do track and field, but he wasn’t passionate about it despite being the team’s ace. he only joined because he read a manga where the protagonist was on track, so he followed in his footsteps. he only quit after an injury he sustained that forever kept him from performing at his best ever again.
can recite fairytales from memory!
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sunshine embodied, the leader of mankai’s spring troupe! he was the first member of mankai, and despite his lack of skill he’s incredibly passionate about acting. he puts all of himself in everything he does. super ambitious!! 
:) auditioned because of family issues, you know how it goes. ( he’s an orphan, and his new family was only really interested in what mankai could bring them, rather than his own interests.)
open and honest to a fault, he also tends to be a bit naive. he’s trying his best to be a little more independent, but that’s a long process. otherwise enthusiastic, easygoing, and positive, gets along well with pretty much everyone!
naturally lucky! give him your phone for gacha pulls.
skilled at remembering faces and names!
he still carries the script for romeo & julius, the first play the mankai company ever performed. he looks at it if he ever feels lonely, as the company feels like a family to him.
would really like to play a ruthless villain in the future, because that’s so different from what he actually is.
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i assign you with “puppy”. a member of the autumn troupe, he has a very hyperactive personality! one of his biggest aspirations is to be popular and liked/noticed by others.
a prime example of this are his yo-yo skills and hyper origami, at the peak of their popularity he took to trying to master both, but by the time he had no one was interested anymore, and he felt horribly defeated.
his first dose of minor fame came from a minor acting role with his classmates, whose admiration he gained for his skill. ever since, he’s been trying to get this level of attention back ever since.
very in-the-know when it comes to the latest trends, because of this! fashion, past times, you name it.
needs recognition as a way to validate himself, to an unhealthy degree. he’s easily discouraged when met with criticism or when given a role he has little confidence in.
noisy and generally upbeat, and maintains an optimistic attitude despite his own lack of self-confidence.
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essentially raised in the world of acting, he’s a former child prodigy who still stars in programs outside of the company.
because both of his parents are movie stars, and because of his own past, he has great faith in his abilities and hates to lose. high confidence to the point of being a bit egotistical.
“oresama” trope. his cocky attitude has gotten him into a bit of trouble with his fellow actors. as a result, prior to joining the mankai company, he didn’t have a lot of friends.
leader of the summer troupe, becoming a part of the troupe has forced him to learn to humble himself and learn to empathize. at the same time, he joined the company to overcome his weakness in performing in front of live audiences. in film, the mistakes can be edited, live? there’s a chance to disappoint the audience, and worse yet, his parents. he wants to overcome this fear and grow to be a better actor.
no sense of direction, despite his protests. also easily frightened when it comes to “scary things.” think of the classics: ghosts, abandoned places, etc.
really wants to play the role of a “bad guy” to expand his horizons, he’s often placed in cool or suave roles on tv.
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the gentle, soft-spoken leader of the winter troupe! he’s said to take on his grandmother’s personality, often playing the mediator when it comes to conflict and holds a great desire for harmony
extremely!! empathetic!! to a fault, because of his empathy and sensibility, it seeps into his confidence, making him doubt himself and his own abilities--especially with acting. he’s not all that assertive either, as a result.
the mankai company is helping him grow, nowadays, he has a little more faith in himself, though he’s still rather shy.
dabbled in acting before back in university before reigniting the spark with mankai. he withdrew after intense criticism and watching his fellow theater students pass by him in ability, and it led to an intense falling out with a childhood friend (said friend is now also a part of the winter troupe)
psychology major and part-time tutor
really fucking good at rock paper scissors
he has a passion for gardening, thanks to his grandmother. he understands the language of flowers and often takes care of them.
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graphicdesignarts · 5 years
Career Advice for Freelance Graphic Designers
Career as a freelancer sounds interesting and most amazing thing is the freedom from mainstream everyday work. Freelancing is something that is growing huge since the first dawn of the digital age and it is continuously evolving. However, keeping up with the freelancing and tracking success is not something that everyone has attain. Whether you are a graphic designer or a digital marketing expert there are few freelancing work rules that shouldn’t be underestimated if you are serious about this career. In this post we will be discussing about few tips that will help you overcome obstacles that many freelance graphic designers face in the beginning of their career.
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You Skill and Niche – Graphic design consists of various skills of art and there are numerous software that can be used to demonstrate your creativity. However, it is always a wise choice to find your skill in a particular box and keep shaping to earn your niche. You cannot be the master of all graphic design but you can surely excel in some field that will help you earn enough credibility to sustain your career as a freelancer. Hence, knowing and edging your skill and your niche is the best thing to concentrate.
Be Organized – Being organized and disciplined is key in freelancing. People tend to misuse their freedom of freelancing and ends up being jobless. It is not an easy task to switch your mind from home mode to work mode therefore best thing here to do is maintaining consistency in your work hours. Working from home though sounds pleasing and relaxing but there are many distractions that you will face while advancing in this career.
Self-Branding – Something often ignored yet very essential is self-branding. When you work as a freelancer you will be competing with other designers around the globe and in tough competition you might need something extra to grab the opportunity. Freelancing job providing platforms like Upwork comes with tough competition and you might not be able to win much even to survive so it is best to give some extra effort in your service and start branding and promoting yourself in the art of graphic design so that you can stay out from the crowd.
Finance – Working as a freelancer there will be time when you will be out of campaigns and projects so it is wise to keep some money for such situations. A hard part of freelancing compared to regular job is that you cannot be assure about the next month payee. So, keep up with the habit of saving and spending when required.
Public Relation – Maintaining a good public relation with your clients and with fellow freelancers will bring a lot of help in your career as a graphic designer. Honestly it is the 75% of the work that are generated through your relation in the freelance job so make sure you are always smooth when it comes to maintain a public relation. You will also find few clients over demanding and hassle makers but believe me giving something little extra will always bring something more to your finance. Hence, I suggest you to keep patience and bring the best out of you.
Portfolio – Keep your work portfolio updated and keep assigning yourself with something new to learn in designing. An updated portfolio is always handy and times when new client approaches you sending them instantly shows you professional at your work. Maintaining portfolio templates for new and old clients makes everything organized and saves your quality time. For example your returning client do not need to see your work experience because he already knows therefore it is best to send them your best designs and work that you have recently accomplished. For new clients you should have a detail one to earn their respect and business. Graphic Design Resources  Graphic Design Pricing Guides can be really helpful creating your portfolio and impressing your clients. 
I have been working a digital marketing expert and graphic designer since 2007 and these are few things I learnt while starting my career as a freelancer. I hope it will shed light in your career as well. If you think I have missed something then I will be glad to hear them in the comment section.
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shopinhomeco · 5 years
6 Tips For Designers To Gain Exposure and Experience
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In this article, we guides new graphic designers with various tips and techniques on how to gain working experience in a ‘tough-to-start-out-in’ field. As a designer, you’ve certainly run into the classical blunder: You can’t get real design experience without a design job, and you can’t get a design job without real-world experience. This article lists several steps you can take to gain real-world experience as a new graphic designer.
As designers Brand Yourself
Believe it or not, one of the best ways to get experience and show off your work at the same time is to brand yourself. Assemble a portfolio, design a logo, build a website, and do whatever you can to promote yourself as a designer. Although you may not gain real experience dealing with clients, creating a stunning branding system for yourself and your work will show potential employers that you know how to think through the design process.
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Graphic designers
Do volunteer work
Although it may seem counterproductive to do design work for no pay, volunteering to design for non-profit organizations or worthy causes can be a great way to get your foot in the door. Many organizations have connections with paying companies and if you do a good job with a logo or a web site they will be more likely to recommend you to others. The pieces you create for these organizations can also be great portfolio builders.
Rework existing logos or ads
One suggestion I received from a mentor when first starting out was to rework logos or advertisements for local companies. Get a hold of the phonebook or any local form of advertising and browse through to find logos or advertisements that you feel need reworked. This activity has multiple benefits. First, it will provide material for your portfolio. Secondly, you could also approach the business (in a very tactful way of course) and present them with the renovated piece of work. They may want to purchase it from you or offer to hire you for future jobs. Either way, they now know about you and your abilities as a designer. In the comments below, please share with us the tactful ways you might approach a potential client in this situation.
Apply for an internship
Many companies offer paid and unpaid internships for current students that can be excellent opportunities to grow and learn from experienced professionals that have excelled in the industry. You may be fortunate enough to be paid for your internship, but if not, you can still gain priceless experience working with others in a real-world setting.
Contact friends and family:
Although it is often frowned upon, sometimes family and friends can be a great way of landing your first few design jobs. I know, we all hate it when we hear someone say something like “My brother-in-law designed this. He’s pretty good at stuff like this.” Usually, this type of work is poor quality. Your job should be to achieve the opposite. Don’t fall into the stereotype of the “brother-in-law who designs”.
A few more methods to try
While researching this topic and brainstorming this problem, I also considered the following: Contact a design studio and offer to “shadow” (follow employees around, offer to help, and learn) If you are a student, try doing ads for the school paper or magazines. Many schools also have a student-promotional team. If you hold a job outside of graphic design, offer your services to your boss or fellow employees. Offer to design for your local church, schools, and other establishments. There are plenty of ways new designers can gain real-world experience. Just be creative! After all, that is what you do best right? What other useful techniques have you used to gain real-world experience when just starting out in graphic design? Share below. Read the full article
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