spaceokase · 2 years
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Drew up a dress for a little murder mystery soiree our group is doing next session.
Also I like figuring out how to tailor Zephrine’s outfits to her dragony bits and have a lot of Thoughts about it.
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theveryworstthing · 2 months
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yesterday was @okase 's birthday so i drew her some delightful trash birds (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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sapphism-and-nihilism · 11 months
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Had a pretty great Halloween overall this year, got to hand out candy to the neighborhood kids, got to wear a costume(dressed as a red dragon :B), & me & @okase both carved jack-o-lanterns this year! Please Appreciate Our Sons: Despair & Cthulhu, Happy Halloween, y'all!
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keroseneinhalers · 2 years
kittens okase please wake up WAKE UP
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gumballrightfoots · 2 years
i need ti fi ib aarw ai dycuubfvcasckujje fucj okases jnwann getvready abd gr oucjee ul and be tokd i look…
im so tireed if sngekvness
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crooked--seoul · 7 years
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okase · 4 years
I am currently infatuated with Danyla's back tattoos and must now bug you with a question :P. Do they have any backstory or meaning? Or did she get them because they look rad?
I’m glad you like them, that means I’ve done a good job of designing them! (It was hard, graphic design is... not my passion, actually) And questions about my ocs are almost never gonna bug me
The answer is... kinda spoilery, I guess?? Like, its not Deep or anything, but for those in the same campaign as me, imma put it underneath here in case y’all wanna find out organically:
She got them in Immeldris, the land of the high elves, where her dad is from. It’s super lush and verdant there, and it was the first place she’d been outside of her homecountry, Tiamyra, for any extended period of time.
It was such a stark contrast to the cursed, less green climate of her homeland that it was a bit of a culture shock. Beautiful to behold, and also... kinda sad, to see what her home could have had but no longer will for the foreseeable future.
So she got the tatts, at least in part, to take a piece of Immeldris’s climate home with her, as a reminder of why she fights for Tiamyra and what it stands for.
Tho that’s only part of it, she also got them b/c they look cool lmfao
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unidentifiedspoon · 5 years
LESSA. Badass buff space lady w/ good taste in space husbands
badass buff space lady w good taste in HER NEW SPOUSE
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spartanburger · 7 years
Woo! Okay, here we go.
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1)  Eris had to work really hard to get her first job when she went out on Pilgrimage.  The job was some dirty mechanical work on an asteroid mining outpost (dust, grime, sweat, and oil everywhere), and although the people actually working at the outpost had no problem with her - it was all bureaucratic nonsense that was holding her back.  By company policy, the position she was applying for required certain degrees and certifications, and the company only accepted degrees and certifications from accredited places.  The Migrant Fleet was not one of those places.  The people who actually worked at and ran the outpost had no issue with her.  In fact, they highly approved (partially because of the Quarian = good mechanic stereotype and partially because Eris remained incredibly enthusiastic the whole time, which was unusual for people looking to work on some godforsaken rock in the middle of bumfuck nowhere).  In the end, she and the manager of the site managed to convince headquarters to let her on as a stipend intern - she did the same work, but was paid very little.  Company paid for her meals and living expenses, and provided her quarters at the outpost, but other than that, she was paid very little.  But, she got the job.
2)  She tends to get sucked into her work extremely easily.  Not just her career work, but even when working on her hobbies, she gets stuck in Flow very easily, to the extent where she’ll frequently work a dozen hours without breaking for lunch or rest without noticing it.  On some occasions, friends or workmates have had to intervene and get her to eat and get some well-deserved rest.  
3)  She doesn’t have any real family issues.  Both her Mother and her Father survived the Reaper War.  Her father was a fleet mechanic and her mother managed a good chunk of the vast hydroponic farms on the Shellen.  Their work made both of them scarce, but it didn’t really bother Eris that much.  Both of her parents are now “retired” on Rannoch, running some of the surface hydroponic farms to feed the newly-settled  Quarian people.
4)  Like a lot of kids, her father would read her bedtime stories when she was a child.  As she grew older, her father began to include tales of his work in the stories, which always fascinated Eris.  Through that, she got knowledgeable at makeshift fixes and repairs, and later enhanced this with practical experience when going through practical education on the fleet once she got out of her bubble.
5)  She suffers a bit from Touch Starvation.  Like, she wants to hold and be held by the people she cares about (both platonically and romantically).  As a result, she’s built a reputation for being a hugger.
6)  She has a deep desire to fix things she sees wrong.  This isn’t just for mechanics, but for people.  If someone is injured, she gets stressed out that she doesn’t have the medical skill to help them very much.  She sees someone who is sad and immediately wants to make them happy.  This is in part because she’s a bit empathetic in that the mood of those around her can affect her own mood.  Sad people make her sad, happy people make her happy.  This becomes an issue in that, unlike with machines, she can’t just “fix” someone who’s sad, hurt, or depressed.  It’s easy to fix a leaky fuel pipe.  It’s extremely hard to fix a broken heart. 
7)  In the majority of cases, she’s a very strict in following the law.  She will rarely do anything illegal.  The main exceptions are for really stupid things (any law or rule that says she can’t do something with her stuff is ignored.  She’s a warranty voider and a big proponent of right-to-repair stuff and will bypass anything that gets in her way), for things that affect her friends, and her own curiosity.  For example, she will trespass on private or government property if it means satisfying her curiosity about something or other, or if it means helping a friend.  This got her in trouble once when she was exploring a government-restricted section of the Presidium (which she shouldn’t’ve been on in the first place) and happened to walk in on a Turian diplomat talking down to a Geth diplomat.  She stood up for the Geth, and the Geth had to cover for her being someplace she shouldn’t.  Subsequently, this is how she and Vayu met.  
8)  She’s not a very good shot.  She’s average, but nothing truly extraordinary.  She uses a Kassa Locust (not the Locust, just another one) primarily.  But she is above average at dual-wielding SMGs, with a Tempest as the second gun.  Well, about as ‘above average’ as you can get when doing something that silly.  Not very accurate, and not super effective, but she handles them better than most would.  The big upside is that it’s extremely intimidating to lesser-experienced enemies.  Two SMGs can put out a lot of fire - even if none of them connect, it can be enough to give many pause or drive them to cover, letting Eris escape.  This helps a lot on Omega, the amateur mercenary capital of the Galaxy.
9)  When it comes to “hand-to-hand” combat, she tends to use her legs a lot more than her hands.  She’s flexible, bouncy, and very quick on her legs, and she’ll use that to great effect if she needs to run or fight.
10)  One of her favorite things to do is to wrap herself up in a blanket, make herself a cup of dextro hot-chocolate (with a heat-resistant straw of course), snuggle up on a comfy sofa, and then put on the Mass Effect equivalent of ‘Star Trek’ on the television.  Don’t be surprised if she falls asleep in the middle of an episode though.  
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dinosrpg · 7 years
9, 10 and 25 for both Noks!
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Despite his vocation as a hunter, Nok gets along famously with most animals.  He’s not quite Disney-Princess-level like Mirrodin, but after a few minutes in his presence, most creatures warm up to him.  Primarily because he usually has a treat for them somewhere on his person.  Krogan!Nok actually adopts a varren puppy after the Reaper War, and he spoils that pupper rotten.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Nok enjoys being around kids, even though they do restrict his common vocabulary by a fair margin.  Since he treats them like adults, they generally tend to like him in return, especially since he’s the “fun uncle” type who lets them do dangerous things with supervision.  In Mass Effect, since he was on Tuchanka during the Reaper War, Nok was actually cured of the Genophage and sired kids of his own after a very long wait in line.  He loves his kids and he raises them kindly, teaching them responsibility and how to be good friends to people.  Half-orc!Nok wouldn’t mind little ones of his own, but he doubts the opportunity will ever arise.  Missing out on raising his own won’t bother him too much, since he’ll have Nera and Fenir’s kittens to corrupt with his cheerful outings.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Nok’s humor is rather simple and easy to find.  It’s the little things in life one should find funny, especially when you’re alone in the wilderness.  It keeps him in good spirits, and it plays well into his friendly attitude when it comes to interaction with others.  As for being funny himself... he can be.  More often than not, he isn’t necessarily trying to be funny, but says something that inevitably gets someone wheezing on the floor due to how absurd or out-there his statement is.  One particular example would be when turian!Nera was learning how to eat fruit (having never encountered fresh fruit before), and Nok tried to explain why peeling the rind of an orange was the best way to do so.  He proceeded to describe fruit (not inaccurately) as “plant nards”.  Cue laughter.
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spaceokase · 9 months
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Wanted to draw the Tiamyran Triumverate together, so I whipped this up. From left to right, we have Sovereign Raishi Voluna, Hierarch Zephrine Lorenthal, and Archmagister Visaryn Shaxarn.
They each rule one major branch of the Tiamryan government, which each represent one of three major aspects of Tiamyran society- Politics, Religion, and Magic, respectively.
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theveryworstthing · 3 years
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posting Therila and Zephrine being summer lizbians for @okase because it was her birthday like 2 weeks ago and i forgot to post it then.
they’re hanging out at a fancy resort or something, idk.
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bioticplaneswalker · 7 years
22, 25 and 16 for TES Hades
What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Hades can get creative with his swearing and has a habit of jamming curses together to create whole new ones (fuckbugger, shit-tosser, etc). He usually insults people when they’re being pig-headed, arrogant or wilfully ignorant. He’s also very up front with people, he doesn’t think there’s any point in hiding how you feel about someone, and will tell you straight up to your face if he has a problem with you. Hades is fairly slow to anger in general though so to get to that point you’ll have had to work hard at it.
What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Hades is a fan of a good chuckle and likes wordplay and puns as much as any incarnation of him does. He’s an unrepentant punner and has a deadpan way of saying things he knows are funny and then laughs at the reactions he gets. He likes the odd bawdy song as well, they keep the atmosphere light when in the tavern.
Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
He actually likes growing exotic flowers and likes his garden to have as many kinds at once. He likes to find new bulbs or seeds and plant them. Usually he keeps them in the garden but sometimes he puts them in pots and brings them into the house or the shop if they have a nice fragrance.
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nataliesartprofile · 2 years
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Recently, my fighter/paladin finally got to use the flight capabilities of her amethyst lodestone she got a handful of sessions ago & this was the manner/pose in which I described how she flies with it to @okase
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rofax · 4 years
Five Faves!!
I got tagged by @cozycryptidcorner (thank u so much I have major cabin fever during this lockdown and need distractions QQ)
Five Favorite Artists:
Florence + the Machine
The Revivalists
Caravan Palace
Five Favorite Songs:
“Fire Drills” by Dessa
“All Men Are Pigs” by Studio Killers
“Too Much (Is Never Enough)” by Florence + the Machine
“A Night Like This” by Caro Emerald
“Tea With Cinnamon” by Katzenjammer
Five Favorite Movies:
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse
Thor: Ragnarok
Wonder Woman
Five Favorite Shows:
The X-Files
Steven Universe
Haunting of Hill House
Gravity Falls
Five Favorite Games (Video, Card, Tabletop):
Mass Effect
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Animal Crossing
7 Days to Die
Tag Five People:
@sheshallfromtimetotime (shh six is fine)
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okase · 4 years
reminder that I have one o’ those at Okase, since it’s now open to everyone
does contain nsfw as a warning but its filtered and tagged so shouldnt be a problem
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