#okay but seriously the broker and chef had to have had something
Hades II Questions:
(Bear in mind I got immediately murdered upon entering the second level/realm/area so I know nothing)
What happened to our best boi Cerberus???
Is Hypnos okay? Is he napping like just catching up or was he injured/locked away in sleep??? Slight spoiler: in the flashback he was also sleeping so has he ever been awake as long as Melinoe can remember???
Where is Dusa?!!? Did she get out okay?
Completely not relevant to anything do you think the broker and the chef from the first game are platonic besties or were enemies to lovers fighting over who is Hades’ favourite??
Do you think we could see Rhea, Kronos’ wife and mother of many Olympians, in the story???
What the fuck are the doors/wards blocking??? Ones says it’s blocking upstairs and there were talks about going to Olympus so maybe that’s one????
Not a question but I want Achilles and Patroclus to meet Odysseus. I don’t know if they jump him or are just incredible snarky but I want to see it
Are Thanatos and Meg doing Hades runs but the opposite way? Like going from Tartarus trying to get into the house of Hades cause damn it Kronos that’s our dumbass, and also our boss and boss 2, give them back!!
Do the Silver Sisters ever get to be on screen together just to hanging out? Like I know there will be a boon duo at some point but I just wanna see them catching up. I’ll take a flashback but I want to girls to just be chilling with their emotional support birds, frog and horse
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millicent231-watt · 5 years
(Durarara) Interesting (Reader Insert)
Anime / Crossover: Durarara
Songs: None
Request: None
Modern AU: No
Reader Insert: Yes
Y/N - Your Name
Italic - thinking
Bold - Speaking Russian
"Yo, Simon!" I yell from across the street. “Y/N! Konbanwa." He says as I walk up to him. "Still handing out those flyers, huh? I guess not many people want Russian sushi." I sigh and take one of his flyers. "Shame, you guys do a good job." He shrugs. "People who like it will tell their friends." He says happily before he quickly grabs me and pulls me closer to him. "S...S...SIMON?!" I say as I try to push away, but being one of the strongest men in Ikebukuro made that nearly impossible. "Gomen Shizou-chan, but I've work to do. How about we continue this meeting another time?" I hear a teasing males voice say. "Fine, you're lucky I'm busy too flea, otherwise you'd be dead!" I hear a rougher, more angered voice say. "You two aren't gonna start throwing stuff are you?" Simon asks and he pulls my face closer into his chest. "No, of cour- Ah, you never told me you got a girlfriend Simon." I hear the same teasing tone as before. "She's not my girlfriend, we are great friends since she always comes to the shop on a regular basis." Simon says before letting me go. "Ah, I see. What's your name?" He asks as he bends down to my face slightly. “Y...Y/N." Damn my stuttering! I think to myself before he grabs my hand and bows softly.
"Pleasure to meet you Y/N. I am Izaya Orihara." I look away slightly. "C...can you let go of my hand Orihara-kun." I ask but he tightens his grip. "I didn't hear a please~" He teases me before I ask again. "Can you please let go of my hand Orihara-kun?" He lets go after kissing the back of my hand gently. "Call me Izaya. How about I show you around? I know every little nook and cranny of this city like the back of my hand." He exclaims and out of confusion and shock, I nod. He seemed interesting after all, not to mention attractive. "Y/N, good luck." I hear Simon say to me. "Huh?" I ask and before I know it, I was being dragged away by the crazy Izaya Orihara.
A week later
I sigh as my phone continued to blow up with text messages from my new 'friend' if you can even call him that. Honestly, I don't even know how he got my number. It was kinda scary at first, but now it's just annoying. Lucky I put my phone on silent, otherwise, it'd be a little weird for the people around me to see a girl walking down the street at night with a constant beeping following her. I was on my way to see Simon. Why? Because I wanted to get some sushi, duh, but he also called me around. I dig my hands into my pockets and let out a breath of cold air. I could see my breath floating into the air as I pull the fur hood of my jacket over my head. "Why did I have to choose the coldest fucking day to go out at night?"
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I look to his usual spot, where he's usually handing out flyers, but not tonight. I shrug my shoulders and open the door to Russian Sushi. My phone had stopped buzzing now, and I was thanking the gods! The bell rings, signalling there was a customer. "Sorry, we are closed tonight. You are welcome to come back another day." I hear one of the chefs say as I remove my hood and walk to the counter. "I need to talk to Simon." I say and he thinks for a second before shaking his head. "No one called Simon works here." I sigh and clear my throat. "I need to talk to Samia Brezhnev." I say as I lean on the counter and he nods. "Oh, why didn't you just say so?" He says before walking into the back. I sigh and wait for my friend to come out. The bell rings again and I let out a sigh. "They're closed. Come back another day." I say keeping my eyes on the counter. "Y/N?" I hear a familiar voice ask and I turn back and see the idiot who was sending me way too many texts, Izaya Orihara.
"What? In case you're wondering why I wasn't replying to your texts, I-" I was cut off when I felt a tight feeling around my stomach. "I'm so glad you're okay. When you didn't reply to my first text message I got so worried something had happened to you." I couldn't say anything, only stand there as he hugged me tighter. "I didn't mean to go overboard with the messages, I was just really worried. I haven't seen or heard from you for a whole week!" I sigh in relief as Simon walks out. "Ah, you both made it." I tilt my head. "Both? You brought us both out here?" I ask and he nods. "Yes, Izaya asked me if I had seen you lately. I hadn't so I called him around to talk, and then I tried to call you and you picked up." I cock my eyebrow at him before he sits us down and explains what's going on.
"So, you were cramming for the final exam for your University course, which ended up with you locking yourself in your house?" Izaya asks and I nod. "I had the test this morning, so I was free to come here." I explain before I see Izaya shifting around nervously, something that didn't suit his character. "You alright?" I ask and Simon gets up. "I'll leave you two to it. I've got to finish washing the dishes." I nod and wave him goodbye before turning back to the male sitting across from me. "Seriously, are you okay?" I ask, worried for him. "I...I need to talk to you." He says. "Since I first saw you, when you were wearing that yellow sundress, I keep finding myself thinking of you." I widen my eyes slightly as I knew what was coming. "Iz-" "Let me finish....please." He begs and I nod as he grabs my hands softly. "I'm not the type of person to feel these things or act this way, but, for some reason, I do around you. Wh...What I'm trying to say is I...I think I love you." I let a smile crack my shocked facade as I look at his hung head. "Get up you moron." I say and he looks up at me, finally. "Took you long enough." I say before standing up and moving around to his side of the booth. "What are you-" I place a finger on his lips and silence him. "This is what you wanted right?" I ask with a loving smile and he nods. "So let's just sit and enjoy this moment." I say as I lean my head up against him. I hear him chuckle after a short silence, his arms finding their way around me. "By the way how did you get my number?" I ask. "I'm an information broker Y/N, it's kinda what I do." I smirk and look up at him. "Do what? Get girls numbers?" I tease and he smirks back. "Yep, I've got sooo many chicks, you wouldn't believe." He says sarcastically. "Well then, you better get rid of them all if you want me." I say before leaning closer to him. "Got rid of them last week, when I first laid eyes on you." He says as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.
You're an interesting one, aren't you Izaya?
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abyss-mal-blog1 · 5 years
current mind-space//word vomit
it’s amazing how much can change in a few days, but it hasn’t been a week since my finals ended and i already felt so different. i have been doing f45 everyday this week (if not then some kind of workout, but i’ve really been into that recently). i am feeling so much better now without deadlines, sometimes i don’t know if i function better under pressure or not. i guess not, but then it’s amazing how much i can do and achieve under pressure. i need the right amount of pressure, and this semester it has been a little difficult for me to get around that. 
last friday was kinda my last day of finals, i just had an essay to submit, and i am disappointed in myself and my work ethic because i submitted it at 9pm, went to my cousin’s (disappointing) party, and then professor emailed me to say that she cannot read Pages format (seriously smh @ my tardiness!!!), only got back at 1am that night and sent my mediocre essay. i am a little sad about it because i know that is not my 100%. idk why but college so far has just been a series of 80% effort. this paper was an interesting one, on airbnb, on the sharing economy, it’s a performance studies paper where i analyze the hospitality platform in terms of host-user relationship, parasitism and (attempted) to talk about free online labor. it is a little too late now but i kinda want to work on it again and like, submit for feedback. maybe ill ask taylor. 
last saturday was kinda meh, i agreed to go to a *social* kinda event at a bar/club at chelsea, held for Asian-ivy-alumni-people that yanlin invited me too. it was at up&up and honestly a little...i didn’t enjoy it at all. the music sucked, the people were either too dorky or gross or old or weird, and the whole time i just kept saying to myself, “never again”. they said it was open bar but they only served absolut, which was shit. and then my friend’s two friends were...i feel sorry that this was their first clubbing experience. at the beginning my reaction was look at all these ivy alumni! get hitched with one of them for ~da connectsx~ (and nothing else) but no kidding i was actually interested in talking to them just to get to know what people who graduated from ivies are up to, and what are they doing at such events...and are they actually enjoying themselves because it was really kinda gross. met my friend’s friend who seemed like a really smart engineer (he asked for my number the next day lol), and a german dude at the bar who didn’t want to get me a drink. all i needed that night was a drink.....(i’m glad i didn’t drink tho because recently drinking has made me feel all kinds of bad)  we had ramen after at ramen-ya (most probably the worst ramen and charsiew i’ve had but what can we do at 3am and my friend wanted noodle and soup...)
on sunday i KNow i should have left my house earlier to workout but i didn’t. i was angry at myself that i didn’t. instead, i stayed at home and emotion-ate. i must have eaten more green bean soup than my stomach would have liked. what else...avocado? i remember..two bananas? god. this was the day i felt like i was n’s boyfriend because i had to do what she wanted to do. i know i had agreed on going, but at that point i really wanted to go thrifting or something. i mean when i got to central park it was fine and things were good but the whole day just felt like i was kinda pulled into doing something that wasn’t my first choice of plans, not that i didn’t enjoy myself lying under the sun at the park. it just felt like i was accompanying someone. i was half an hour late to meet her as well, and half heartedly got a burrito-wrap at newsbar. if you think about it it is really kinda funny, we’re just buying food and taking the subway to this grass patch 50 blocks away. we didn’t walk much, we literally only stayed at a little grassy slope overlooking the baseball pitch. anyway we went to a dance class after (the class was an hour long but i felt like n had asked me about when and what time we should book the classes for more than an hour by text so i just got really sick of it) i rushed home and got dinner with my uncle who’s in town for my cousin’s graduation. i was surprised that he chose the same japanese restaurant again, after dissing it half a year ago we ate here. the omakase was crazy and it cost 230 per person. (for the most expensive set) it was also kinda dumb because you aren’t allowed to order a different omakase set from anyone else - everyone on the table has to order the same - because of “timing”. i wonder if this is how it is in japanese omakase etiquette, but in any case it really earned them a hefty amount because my uncle decided to get 230 for all of us. qiyang didn’t like and said qiqi had bad taste, hahaha. the food wasn’t bad, i mean it’s japanese fusion, but the prices were way too steep for the taste. anyway enough about the food, during the dinner i think we talked about many things though. i kinda wanted to talk to my uncle individually because i think he is the only one who knows about ah gong, but he was sick, and i could tell he was exhausted. my aunt got a little impatient because i didn’t arrange plans to take their furniture and they were going to throw all of them away and it was actually the first time i’ve seen her get so worked up - but at the same time trying to control her emotions - because she was talking to me. i could tell she was annoyed though but i tried not to take it personally, and arranged it tomorrow. 
arranging the moving stuff was kinda last minute, i was walking to the library for work one day and i saw a truck that said MakeSpace. i assumed it was a kind of moving company and so i looked them up. they seemed to be pretty okay in terms of their services and so i decided to try them out. confirmation and setting up an appointment went pretty smoothly, except for the part where the guy i think his name was joseph, asked me to give my credit card details over the phone. idk why i did that! i stopped though, and asked him why, to which he replied he wanted to key in with the coupon code. this service has so much gimmicks within the first 2-3 minutes on the phone he was already telling me about how the first pick up is free, and that he will deduct 100$ off the first month...when people give you discounts too easily it just feels like a ploy and a thing they give to everyone, it’s not anything special and it’s probably calculated inside whatever we have to pay. anyway, i was just thinking it would be cheaper (assuming the maximum that i would have to pay is ~$500, as i confirmed with them on the phone yesterday), it’d still be cheaper than starting an apartment lease now and going through the trouble of finding two subletters. 
well. idk, it’s also easy to have things all moved in, i have to find a place to store my perishables!
moving is so much work, and storing things. this reminds me of my paper on airbnb and about the digital nomad lifestyle. it is interesting though, that this is what it has become. but the homogenized aesthetic is something i really cannot stand, in airbnb, in coffeeshops around the world..i am sure you know what i’m talking about. a new york times writer did something about this - he termed it “Airspace” - and apparently it originated from Brooklyn. I guess that’s where the art/avant-garde stuff started. well. keep a look out im gonna write a blogpost about that 
moving on 
nat came to sleepover on sunday night and a few days after because the school kicks you out of the dorms you pay so much for right after your final ends. i forgot if we did something fun but i probably just fell asleep. 
on monday i think i went to f45 and did cardio at Dumbo with Gi. he seems like a pretty nice trainer, the first time i went it was him and another girl Bertha (i think my first f45 was last tuesday) and i felt like i had two personal trainers with me - Gi was cheering me on and Bertha was doing it with me. it felt like such a good workout, one of the best ive had in a while. then work, where i arranged the movers stuff. i also realized i bought the wrong date for my flight ticket as my friends and had to buy one more...............
tuesday was the same f45 in the morning, and the bobst after. didn’t really get much work done at bobst. oh i also viewed a 3BR flex at 160. hella expensive and small, and dates didn’t work out anyway. also the broker who brought us to view the apartment was a very nice tall french man and his name was jean-francois which i couldn’t pronounce and asked nat but still called him jean as in jeen instead of john. this is why i have to learn french. you’re embarrassing. i also went to the itp/ima spring show with shubham which was super cool. there were many cool ideas, and i just wonder if i could create something like that. i didn’t get to see all of the exhibits which i regret, but i remember a few notable projects. one was an installation made with keyboards that randomly clicks, but when you hold your phone up it’ll stop. it’s made using 3d gestures. there’s also one at a gallery for surveillance, this team had a thing they call facebox, and it’s literally a box, that when you open it has a webcam that would capture your face, find you on facebook, and print out an invoice/receipt on how much you have earned for this giant tech company.  what else...an AR project that when you scan a food,  it shows you where the food comes from. nat said that she would love it if menus have something they could scan and then have pictures appear in ~holographic~ format, or maybe in the nearer future something on your phone that shows you a picture of the picture of the food. but isn’t it a surprise tho? sometimes the fun’s in the surprise, you read the description, you know what are the foods you’ll eat, leaving room to imagine or be surprised by how the chef puts it together! anyway, went for dinner with nat and jenny - got vegan shwarma (definitely wasn’t worth $14) and went to get crepes with will after. 
wednesday we were gonna go to the dmv but we weren’t prepared. nat also needed to get her passport and she was lazy. wow the number of times i mentioned her, it feels like she’s my boyfriend at this point. talked to famz, sister, and beatrix. am currently considering if i should even go to beijing or just go straight home. fuck. went to bobst for work but no one was there i was just really sleepy. viewed an apartment at 55 morton (it’s a nice quiet residential street that seems to be tucked away from the loud cars and bars and people) then i went to f45 again-varsity!!! cardio!!!, walked across brooklyn bridge (a little regret although i wanted to walk, but my bag was heavy and there were too many tourists to brisk walk) 
also the reason for this is that after my soba/miso/salad/shrimp dinner last night i was just watching a bunch of netflix shows and it was probably the caffeine from puerto rican roasting company - the barista made me a chai cappuccino with almond milk (3 SHOTS!!!)
me and nat couldn’t sleep, i really think i slept for an hour. i watched so many different shows, yoko and john’s documentary, while we were young, anthony bourdain, i was seriously flipping through all the shows and alternating between amazonprme and youtube and netflix and i even tried watching peaceful cuisine and making the brightness lower and had the sleep mode on and wow i just couldn’t sleep
so yeah the birth of this word vomit 
i am going to create more things
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chinatea · 6 years
Personas AU. Ian/Baby G. Colds and resolutions.
(Some major sap.)
After receiving a phone call from home, Ian clears off his desk, cancels all of his meetings for the next few days and turns off his company phone.
He simply can’t focus on work when Jimin is sick. And Jimin knows that well. He’d sniffle and sneeze Ian’s ear off over the phone, saying how it’s fine and Ian doesn’t have to bother - he’s just calling to say that he’s a little bit sick, that’s all.
Jimin is a sly one. But after many years together, Ian knows all of his tricks like the back of his hand. It doesn’t mean they don’t work anymore. They do.
Back at their house, in their bedroom, he’s greeted by a mountain of blankets, a tuft of silver blond hair peeking out meekly from underneath it. The mountain wobbles like a jelly cake, a kittenish sneeze coming muffled from below.  
Ian shrugs off his jacket, rolling up his sleeves, before approaching the bed and getting to work on unswaddling the big drama queen.
“You’ll get too hot, staying there all day,” Ian says, picking Jimin up and settling him on top of the blankets. “I’ll draw you a bath. You’ll feel better after.”
Jimin rolls onto his side, nose scrunched in a silent protest. He mumbles something incoherently, his cheeks flushed red, so Ian leans over to check for fever. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to be running any.
“I’m sorry you had to ditch work for me,” Jimin says sheepishly, face half-sunken in the pillow. There is nothing sheepish about the look he gives Ian, eyes glinting in merry content.
Nothing pleases Jimin more than when Ian abandons everything for him, but Ian can’t find it in himself to be annoyed about it. He doesn’t spend as much time with Jimin as he himself would like to. Work gobbles down much of his time so they can live in a big house with a garden and a swimming pool and a staff to tend to all of it. But even more so that Jimin can pursue his passion in art and painting, because as nice as it sounds it’s barely enough to put food on their table. Not at the moment, at least.
“No, you’re not,” Ian teases, slapping his thigh before walking off into the bathroom to start the bath.
Earlier he’s dismissed their housemaid for the rest of the day, because on occasions like this he likes to be the one taking care of Jimin. It’s a way for him to make peace with himself for all the times he’d stayed away, working late or forgetting about their special dates: there was one time when he was too busy to attend the opening of Jimin’s personal exhibition. He’d visited on other days, more than once, but it wasn’t the same - he wasn’t there for him on Jimin’s happiest day. And even if Jimin long forgave him, Ian didn’t. He owes him more than an apology.
He owes Jimin a chicken soup with ginsaeng root, at least. The way his mom would make it for him when Ian was a kid.
Unlike Jimin who was born into a family of well-off intelligentsia, Ian comes from an average family, averagely poor. Before he could afford a house chef, he had to cook his soups himself, with chicken wings - more skin than meat - and no ginsaeng.
Those day were shitty because being poor was shitty, but not all things have to be about money. Some things are about care and thoughtfulness. At least on the days when Jimin is unwell, Ian wants to smother him with attention he deserves.
Jimin does look better after soaking in bath with herbs and salts, a healthy blush glowing on his cheeks. Draped in nothing but one of Ian’s shirts, he looks good enough to eat up, Ian thinks and presses a quick kiss on his cheek. Jimin whines, pushing him away, but it’s half-hearted. Next moment, he’s the one to cling to Ian, nuzzling his nose into his clavicle.
“You’ll get sick too if you are too close.”
Contrary to his words, Jimin holds on to him only tighter. He gets all too honest, with his body language if nothing else, when he’s under the weather, his true colors sipping onto the surface - the want and need for closeness.
“I won’t get sick, love.” Ian cards his fingers through the soft wavy locks. “I get ice-cold showers every morning.”
“Yep,” Jimin says with a cute sneeze. “That’s why we never take showers together. Now, where is my soup?”
Jimin nestles in his lap, opening his mouth nice and wide, as Ian spoon feeds him like a baby chick. (If only his subordinates saw him now. Most people he works with think he has no heart. He does. And it beats only for his lover. No one else.)
Done with the soup, Jimin yawns, hands looping around Ian’s neck. He doesn’t say anything, but the message is clear enough. Ian carries him to bed, settling him down like he’s the most fragile thing in his life. Truly, he is. The most precious one, too. Ian is lucky to have Jimin’s love. Maybe he needs to remind himself of that more often.
“Read me something,” Jimin asks softly, pulling Ian down and curling next to him. His head is tucked over Ian’s shoulder and he’s not letting Ian go until he’s milked Ian for all the attention he can give him.
Ian chooses a random book from a stack on the bedside table. Today’s lucky pick is ‘Essays in Idleness’. He thought he’d lost it, but it has always been here - right under his nose.
He opens it on a random page and starts reading until Jimin nods off, soothed by his silky timbre. Somewhere in the middle of an anecdote about the eternal foolishness of humans, Ian puts the book down, submitting to the moment of quiet where nothing exists but a steady rise and fall of Jimin’s chest; also, the warmth radiating from his body, here and now.
Suddenly, he finds himself struck by an epiphany.
What is he doing?
For the last couple of years, he only gets to be like this with Jimin, cozy and domestic, when he is sick. Because Ian never gets sick. He can’t afford to. So many things to do - things that keep him away from Jimin. He’s wasting his youth crunching numbers in hopes that one day they’ll have time; that they’ll catch up. But it’s a false hope. One doesn’t ‘catch up’ with life. The time that is lost is lost forever.
The thought is powerful enough for Ian to gently shake Jimin awake. Some things just can’t wait. He needs to say it now.
“I think I should quit,” he says as Jimin is blinking up at him, drowsy and a touch miffed at his nap times being cut short.
“I should quit,” Ian elaborates, the cogs in his brain already working on conjuring up a business plan. “We’ll sell the company, the house, too. Move someplace else, somewhere nice, near the sea. I’ll open up a coffee shop, on the first floor, and we’ll set up your studio upstairs, where you’ll work on your paintings...”
“Wait, are you serious?” Jimin yawns, rubbing his heavy eyelids, too sleepy to take him seriously. “You want to be a barista now? You don’t even drink coffee.”
“I’m not going to be a barista,” Ian says with a huff. “I’m going to be the boss. A lousy kind of boss who spends most of his time sipping glühwein and gazing into his lovely husband’s eyes. Your eyes, Min-ah.”
“Sounds too good to be true, baby,” Jimin sighs wistfully. “I know you. You won’t just stop at one cafe. You’ll never stop until you’re stealing game from Starbucks.”
“I promise to stop at five cafes, okay? Maybe an art gallery on the side to exhibit your works. Once you’re famous and all.”
“Wow,” Jimin wonders. “Can I go back to sleep now? If you don’t change your mind by the time I wake up, we can talk about it. Don’t go selling our house before that, okay?”
“No promises.”
Ian can’t hold back a small smile, kissing the crown of his head, a few appreciative murmurs escaping Jimin’s lips. If Ian didn’t promise himself to spend a couple of days with Jimin, he’d already be ringing up his secretary to pull him a list of potential brokers.
But priorities, right. He’s not good at it yet, but he’ll get better - at putting his time with Jimin above all else.
(Inspired by real events - as in me suffering from a real-ass cold now. What fun.)
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