#okay gnight everyone gonna pass out now <333
kimbapisnotsushi · 3 years
seijoh hcs <333
kindaichi had a small puppy crush on yahaba for all of five minutes before yahaba turned around and picked a fight and kindaichi realized that was way above his pay grade
yahaba's aggression and fearlessness is bc he's an overlooked middle child who was never properly supervised growing up
and on the team he's STILL an overlooked middle child!!!!!!
okay no scratch that all the second years are just basically overlooked middle children and THAT'S why the entire second year gen is complete and utter chaos
makki photoshopped kunimi's ':3' face onto the smug knife cat photo and uses it as a reaction pic
makki has, at some point, photoshopped everyone's faces onto an equivalent meme pic
on mattsun's and yahaba's birthdays the team puts all the presents for them into one big pile and have them unwrap each one by one and guess who the present is for based on what it is
so far they've got: a skincare set + facewash headband with bunny ears (mattsun), an oversized hoodie with an embroidered knife in the center captioned "try me" (yahaba), a clip-on bunny tail (mattsun - "to go with the headband," makki had explained quite seriously, while watari lost his shit and kunimi put his hands over kindaichi's eyes), and 2 concert tickets for Full Throttle4, who are punk and goth and emo and make pop punk rock (yahaba, obviously)
(yahaba, who doesn't realize he has a type: "i appreciate these, really, but if all of you can't go - " oikawa: "oh no, none of us are free that day anyways! except kyouken-chan :))" kyoutani: "i'm WHAT now")
also. SO many jokes about iwaizumi going to be a surfer boy when he tells them about california.
iwaizumi: "for the LAST time, i'm not even going to LA! i'm going to irvine!" mattsun, who has Zero Knowledge about ca geography and just likes fucking with iwa: "that's so cowabunga, my dude. make sure you hang ten when you're out there"
(that physically HURT to write oh my god)
kyoutani and watari are gossip buddies. watari is the type who knows all and sees all. kyoutani is just skulking in the background and ppl are too terrified to ask him to leave so he usually ends up overhearing all the juicy shit LMAO
they know about aaaaaaall the third-year drama that not even their upperclassmen know about
during one of kyoutani's and yahaba's arguments watari blasted "true love" by p!nk and it was REALLY fucking funny watching them go at it with "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE, BUT I LOVE YOU" in the background
(they didn't even notice until makki showed them a recording)
when kyoutani and yahaba go to the concert they both get really fucking nervous to the point where five minutes in they end up arguing over whether it counts as a date
yahaba: "you know it's not a date unless the two people going want it to be a date, right?" kyoutani: "i do want it to be a date!" yahaba: "what" kyoutani: "what"
at some point they hold hands bc "too many people, we don't want to get separated" and then they just. never let go for the rest of the night LMAO
(and at the end, yahaba asks kyoutani if he really meant it. if kyoutani really wanted this to be a date. and kyoutani grumbles and scowls but he finally goes "yeah, why do you think?" and yahaba laughs and pulls him in closer)
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song-fox · 4 years
"You're A Dork."
Roman's P.O.V.
This is it, I thought gleefully to myself. I'm finally gonna know my soulmate's first words to me!
Well, at least for after I get my soulmark.
I closed my eyes excitedly as everyone began the countdown to midnight. It was my sixteenth birthday, and it was tradition for everyone to stay up until 12 o'clock for when the words appeared on the person's wrist. After years of daydreaming and wondering, I was finally about to find out what they would say to me. But even still, I had so many questions. What would he look like? How would he act? Would I already know him, or would it be a complete stranger? Would he like Disney as much as me? Would he even be a he? I desperately hoped so, otherwise all those years of denial and coming out would have been pretty useless.
I took in a couple of breaths, balancing on the balls of my feet.
I tugged at my sleeve. What would my wrist say?
I immediately opened my eyes and pulled down the sleeve of my red hoodie, revealing the black letters that stood out against my pale skin. My eyes scanned over them frantically.
You're a dork.
I almost laughed out loud at that. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting, but it wasn't exactly an unpleasant surprise, either.
"Ooh! What'd you get?" Patton asked, bouncing around and looking just as excited as I was, if not more. Right. He couldn't see the writing on my arm. No one could. Soulmates are supposed to be personal and should be your own choice to pursue them, so nobody can ever see the writing on someone's wrist.
Unlike me, Patton had already found his soulmate, on the same day as his birthday, in fact. Of course it had been Logan, our mutual friend who seemed to have been dropping incredibly obvious hints that he was crushing on the boy, at least by Logan's standards.
I grinned at them both. "It says You're a dork."
Logan snorted. "Fitting," he remarked, earning an elbow from me.
Patton, however, seemed ecstatic. "Aw! That's really cute!"
I put down my arm, still smiling. "Yeah, it is."
Over the next few days, I was waaayyyy too confident on finding my soulmate soon, if not right away. If Patton could do it, why not me?
"'Sup, dork!" a kid yelled out one morning on the bus. We were on our way to school, so he could have been talking to anyone, but still I pulled down my sleeves and quickly read over the words.
No match. It was probably for the best, anyway. The guy was straight, and also kind of a jerk. He wasn't even talking to me, either.
Oh well. Maybe next time.
Months later. I walked into the local bookstore, looking over the list that Patton had given me. Logan's birthday was coming up, and Patton had suggested gifting him some books and gave me a list of specific ones. Patton himself was making Logan a scarf, since it was nearly winter and the nerd got cold easily.
I walked over to the checkout counter a few minutes later with a stack of books in my arms. I placed them in front of the cashier, surprised at their weight. Those books were heavy.
The cashier hummed as he grabbed the books and scanned them, reading over their titles.
"Encyclopedia, A Brief History of Time, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd... wow, you're a nerd," he teased. I paused, then quickly glanced at my upturned wrist whilst the cashier bagged the books. No match.
Of course.
"Oh, uh, they're just for my friend. But he is a nerd. I'll tell him that you acknowledged it too," I remarked. The guy smiled, handing over the books.
"Have a nice day."
A few more months passed. I tried hard to forget that I had a soulmate and to stop constantly checking my wrist every time someone said anything similar to my soulmark. It worked, for the most part. I spent most of my time at school, anyway, and the rest of my days were mainly hanging out or talking to Logan and Patton.
I also spent a lot of my time drawing and painting, although that didn't really have much to do with the whole soulmate thing. I just really enjoyed it. I even posted a lot of it online, along with some picture of my friends and I just hanging out and goofing around.
One day while I was drawing, I heard a faint vibration from my phone, signalling a notification. I dropped my pencil and grabbed it, scrolling through all the random notifications from weird group chats until I found one from a comment on one of the pictures I had posted.
I tapped on it. The picture was one that Logan had taken, with him looking disappointedly into the camera whilst Patton and I goofed off in the background.
I kept scrolling until I found the comment.
PurpleDinosaur123: Lmao youre such a dork
For a second I felt my heart stop, and I scrambled to look at my wrist.
No match.
I sighed, instead opting to type out a reply.
Royal_arts: Lol thanks for noticing, I really do try
I put my phone on silent and tucked it away.
Almost a full year had passed since my sixteenth birthday, and although it was irrational, I was starting to lose hope. I know, it was dumb to expect a soulmate in just one year, but still. I couldn't really force myself to feel any different.
I pulled out my phone and texted to a group chat with Logan and Patton.
Me: i'm sad :(((((
DadPat: Is this about me eating the last cupcake?? if so I'm sorry <333
Me: wait you ate my last cupcake
Me: nvm it doesnt matter,, i'm just being angsty over the whole soulmate thing
DadPat: Aww, chin up kiddo, you'll meet him someday
Nerd: It's true. My parents didn't even meet until they were nearly thirty
Me: but what if i never meet him :(((
DadPat: Of course you will!! you're destined to, remember? it's basically set in stone :)
Nerd: Well, actually
Me: stfu logan i'm trying to cheer up here
Nerd: Right. My apologies
Me: s'cool
DadPat: Ah well, just get some sleep kiddo, maybe you'll feel better in the morning. love ya!! gnight!
Nerd: Indeed, perhaps some rest will benefit you. Goodnight
Me: goodnight ya nerd, ily2 patt
With that, I turned off my phone and let sleep overtake me.
I haven't seen him in a while, and it's a pleasure to see him again.
"Do you think I'll ever meet my soulmate?" I ask, staring into the dark, nightmarish atmosphere. He sits with me too, a warm and comforting presence beside me. He laughs and shakes his head, although it isn't a negative sign.
"You're a dork."
I tilt my head. "What do you mean?"
"Roman, you're a brilliant and amazing and creative person. Don't doubt yourself. Anyone would be lucky to have you."
I mull it over, before pausing. "Wait, what did you say?"
"I said that anyone would be lucky to have you."
I shake my head frantically. "No, no before that!"
"I said 'You're a dork'."
I feel like my breathing has stopped for a second. I stand up, backing away.
"No, no, no," I say breathlessly, running a hand through my hair. I nearly trip over my own feet.
"What? You don't want me?"
"No, I- I, but.." I'm stumbling over my words. Tears are threatening to spill out.
"Not you... not you... please, not you," I plead to deaf ears. The threat is now a battle with my emotions. My cheeks are wet with bitter tears and I'm gulping back breaths.
I jolted awake, my mouth ajar and sucking in precious oxygen. My eyes stung with fresh tears.
I grabbed my phone off the table and texted the group chat again.
Me: hey patt?? i'm gonna need a ride later
DadPat: Oh? what for?
DadPat: Are you meeting someone??
Me: kind of
DadPat: ??  ',:/
Me: i need to have breakfast, i'll just text you the location later, k?
DadPat: Okie kiddo, I'll pick you up at noon <33
Me: thx, ly
As he said, Patton was waiting outside my house by lunchtime. I stood anxiously outside my house, holding tightly onto a bouquet of flowers. Hydrangeas, hyacinths and lilacs, all varying shades of purple.
Patton waved me over, and I noticed Logan was sitting with him in the front seat.
"Hey, kiddo! I hope you don't mind that Logan came along; he saw your texts and wanted to make sure you were okay." Logan waved awkwardly at me.
I sniffed and wiped my eyes. "Thanks. It means a lot."
Logan tilted his head. "Roman, are you okay? You seem upset."
I let out a deep breath. "I met him."
They both perked up at this.
"Wait, really? Roman, that's amazing! Who is he?" Patton piped up, eyes glimmering excitedly. I kept silent and simply looked at him, watching his misty blue eyes scanning my face.
Logan realized it first. He stifled a gasp and his eyes widened, before softening sympathetically. Then it clicked for Patton. He gasped, and his hands flew to his mouth.
"Oh my gosh, Roman, I'm so sorry, that must be terrible," he rambled, his eyes shiny with unshed tears.
Logan nodded, then gestured to the flowers. "Are those...?"
"Yeah," I muttered simply. Logan stayed quiet, knowing better than to press on.
The ride was agonising. Patton had tried putting on some Disney songs, but I insisted no music. The day was beautiful, otherwise; the sunlight glinted on the morning dew of the bright, crisp grass. The trees were lush and full of life, and daisies poked out of the masses of summer foliage.
We arrived after twenty minutes of almost complete silence. The only time it was broken was whenever Patton tried to crack a joke, or when he saw a sign that said ROAD WORK AHEAD and muttered, "Yeah, I sure hope it does," under his breath.
I got out of the car, the gentle breeze stinging my watery eyes. I gripped the bouquet with both hands, as if I were scared that it might have disappeared or suddenly died.
Just like he did.
"Would you like us to accompany you?" Logan asked tentatively. I shook my head slowly, my gaze trained on the ground.
"No, I-I'd like to be alone with him. You can join me later."
Logan nodded and stepped back to join Patton.
Walking through the maze of stone slabs was painful, as it always had been. Even the grass that had been bright and lively just a few minutes before seemed limp and dull.
I kept walking, each step slower than the other, but I kept going. I needed this. I needed to see him again.
I kneeled down in front of the grey stone slab in the ground. Letters were etched neatly into the grave, chipped away with time but still legible.
Here lies Virgil Emory
2004 ~ 2019
Gone, but not forgotten.
I took one more look at the writing on my wrist. The familiar curving lines and dark ink contrasting against my skin.
You're a dork.
I placed down the bouquet, a faint smile on my lips.
"So," I said, choking back a sob. "You're my soulmate."
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