#okay i’m sad there’s no lime emoji so that will have to do
robertdowneyjjr · 9 months
kay!! have you seen the recent bobsai outing?? he looks like a lil frog with a leaf on its head. or a mushroom covered in moss?? dunno, he's just all earthy, cottagecore tones. bobbagecore?? i need your judgment on this!
when it comes to Bobsai our question is never “what is he wearing?” and always “what is he?”
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he is a lime tree and he is blooming 🍋🌳
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har-rison-s · 6 years
body language
Roger Taylor x OC ;)
a/n: hi! this is also going to be a long one, i'm sorry, i tried to write this as good as i could :). thank you for the feedback on fat bottomed girls - wow, i honestly didn't expect it, haha! love all you dirty bastards ;)
warnings: smut, a little bit of public sex - sorta (personally i'm not a fan of it, so idk)
requested: yes! OmG u fucking went OFF with the Roger smut🤪 I LOVE IT If u take requests, u should also do a smut to Body Language bc that song hella sexy. (can we have a laughing fit about the fact that the emoji is fucking italic, too HAHAHAHHA)
main masterlist
borhap masterlist
roger masterlist
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She never expected any of her nights to turn out like this one did. It was all a big surprise and quite a shock to her. Lottie layed in the bed of her own best friend, currently being in a situation she could have only dreamed of.
“Come on, Lot! We need—you need to—lay off a little, have a bit of fun.” Roger almost begs her while sitting on the sofa with his arm spread out on the back of it. He looks at Lottie hopefully. Her teeth are biting down on her nails, she's nervous and confused, and thinking. She's walking back and forth in a few meters range. “Please...You won't regret it.”
It's late, almost nine in the afternoon on a Friday night, and Roger wants to take his dearly beloved best friend Lottie to a night club. They both have had quite a busy and stressful few weeks, and Roger - always with the bright ideas - has a suggestion how they both could have a relaxing night.
“Roger, for all I know, you could be dragging me out to a strip club as a prank!” She exclaims, throwing her hands around. Roger scoffs.
“Why would I do that?” He asks her with a disapproving look. Lottie shoots one of annoyance back.
“Because that's what you do. You like to tease me and make a fool out of me.” She replies. Roger rolls his eyes. “It's true, you know it yourself, Taylor!” Lottie raises her arms.
“Not this time, Lottie.” Roger says and looks at her sideways. She sees generosity in his eyes. “Not this time.” He adds. His blue eyes sparkle in that particular way they always do when he wants something. It makes Lottie annoyed.
She groans. “Okay.” She raises her arms again. “Okay, alright. We're going.” Lottie states and then sighs immediately, regret falling over her features as she puts her head in her own hand. Roger makes a winning gesture, and it annoys her also. “Only because I can't resist those stupid eyes of yours.” Lottie admits.
Roger winks as he walks past her, close to her and Lottie steps back a little. He pinches her side and she yelps. “Is this what I get for agreeing to go with you?” She asks, astounded. 
Roger only raises his eyebrows. Lottie turns around to go and dress up, but not before Roger's hand comes down on her bum. “Roger!” She turns her head to him. “What the fuck's wrong with you?!” Lottie exclaims and walks faster to her room.
After a while of deciding and Roger's comments about speeding up, Lottie has decided what to wear. Even though it's the beginning of the 1980s and a beginning of a new era, Lottie likes the fashion of the previous decade. Her outfit to go are tight-fit marina blue jeans with a high waist and a blouse with long sleeves and yellow stripes all over it. 
The outfit isn't too fitting to go to a night club, but clubs aren't Lottie's scene, and she doesn't really care if the outfit is aproppriate for it or no. Since she agreed last minute, she just wants to feel comfortable enough, already being out of her comfort zone. 
Lottie steps out of her room and closes the door. She walks down the hallway and finds Roger already looking at her. Lottie can't really tell what he's thinking. “I know it's nothing much, but...” She trails off, not really finding the words to say next.
“Oh, shut up, Lottie, you look dashing.” Roger says without a doubt in his voice. She laughs at him, and pats his shoulder. 
“You stupid flirt.” Lottie says and walks past him to get her jacket. “So are we going or not?” She asks, putting on her boots and watching Roger stand there. “You've called a cab, I presume.”
“No, love, I have my own car.” Roger responds. Lottie chuckles. 
“Oh, right, forgot about that.” She says. Soon after, she locks her apartment and they both get into Roger's car. Colour choice of the day is blue. 
They drive into the business of London town with no obstacles in the way, and Roger pulls the car to a stop right next to a loud scene. A pair of doors were decorated with blue and red letters above them, two guards, a line of people waiting and extremely loud music busting out of them. 
Lottie shakes her head and scoffs silently. She can't believe she really agreed to be there. How loud will the music be when they're in there? And how long will they have to stand in line for?
Roger's door slamming is what wakes Lottie up from her daydream. She lifts her head and moves her hand so that she can oper her door, but Roger beats her to it, opening it from the outside. Lottie smiles at him and gets out of his car. Roger meets her with a sly grin as he closes the door and guides Lottie up to the club with his hand on her back. Always the gentleman, Lottie thinks to herself.
To Lottie's surprise, she and Roger are let in without standing in the que. Roger notices her surprise and grins. “Perks of being who I am.” He says as they walk further into the building. Lottie plays dumb on purpose.
“And who is that, exactly?” She asks. Roger rolls his eyes at her joke and she laughs. Anything that he could have said in response is drowned out by the horribly loud music. Lottie winces at the sudden noise and almost covers her ears. “God, it's as loud as one of your concerts, Rog!” She yells in his ears.
“Almost as loud, love.” He responds. “We're much louder than this rubbish, and that's without the audience.” Roger states and Lottie nods. “Come here, there's a booth here that's reserved for us.”
“A booth - for us? You were really convinced that I'll come?” She's surprised.
“And I wasn't wrong, was I?” Roger asks when they reach the corner of the room, and the booth Roger mentioned. There's a guard in front of it. “Hey, Dave.” He says to him and the guard smiles. He doesn't speak a word, but lets Roger and Lottie put down their coats on the sofa of the booth. Roger whispers something to Dave before he and Lottie walk off, and Dave nods. Lottie's interested is picked, but she gets her questions out of her head.
“So, what are we drinking?” They've reached the bar now, and Lottie's leaning against it, checking out the menu on the opposite wall. 
“Something strong, eh?” Roger suggests and Lottie shoots him a grin. 
“Alright, drinker, pick us some serious ones, then.” She says and leans back off the counter, letting Roger have access to the bartender. He orders them both vodkas with lime and pays while Lottie takes in the scene around them.
There are so many people in the club, Lottie thinks the number reaches over two hundred. Most of them are people sucking each other's faces off with their hands all over. The other half are either dancing and kissing on the dance floor, or hanging somewhere around the bar or in their booths. 
Many girls and women are dressed in such questionable outfits, it makes Lottie want to drink. She raises her eyebrows at one with her breasts out especially, as she passes by on heels higher than the Eiffel tower. Lottie mutters a “jesus christ” when she's walked away.
Lottie can't wait to see which girl of all these Roger will take home tonight, making him forget all about Lottie or driving her home. Wouldn't be the first time. He always gets horrid shit-faced and then distracted by a girl with the most interesting face, breasts or legs of the night. In the morning, when Lottie's walked home by herself, he gives her the worst excuse for leaving her alone and forgetting about her. She's tired of it, honestly, and it's part of the reason she didn't want to agree to going out. 
“What's got your face so serious?” Roger asks, handing Lottie her drink. She gladly takes it and swallows a fourth of the glass. “Shall we go dancing, then?” He asks when she doesn't give him an answer.
“No, you go ahead. I'll probably join you later.” Lottie responds with a small smile. Roger pouts.
“Why are you such a party pooper?” He asks and downs half of his drink.
“Roger, I said I'll join you later.” She says with serious eyes. Their eyes connect for a moment, and it seems to be a silent conversation. Truthfully, it looked like Roger was undressing her with his eyes, but Lottie didn't pick that up. Her stare was serious, and a little cold, maybe even sad. “Go have fun.” She says finally.
A look of disappointment crosses Roger's face and Lottie turns on her heel to put down her now empty glass. She orders another vodka with lime, and turns back around to see that Roger's gone, probably on the dancefloor. Yes, there he is, dancing like a fool. It makes Lottie laugh. Her drink is served, she drinks the glass empty instantly, and immediately orders another one.
Drinks gone one by one, Lottie watches Roger dancing by himself and using silly dance moves you could only see in american movies. She puts her umptieth empty glass down and turns to the bartender to inform him that she wants another one. When she opens her mouth to order another one, the most familiar pair of arms grabs her by the waist and pulls her away from the bar. 
Lottie yelps out of surprise and struggles against Roger, and he puts her down when they're in the middle of the dancefloor. She immediately turns around. “What do you want, Roger?” Lottie asks in an almost exhausted voice. 
“Want you to have fun, let loose.” He says and starts to move to the rhythm of the current song, his hands still on Lottie's waist. “You've deserved it.” 
“Oh have I?” Lottie asks and puts her hands on Roger's shoulders. “And what do you want me to do? Dance like all those mad girls?” She looks around them, and Roger follows her eyes. He laughs and shakes his head. 
“I don't care how you dance. As long as you want to, that's all.” He says just as Lottie slips her hand into his and pulls away, her other arm going up, and Roger recognises the dance move. Lottie twirls back to Roger, their linked arms wrapping around her as she presses her back into Roger.
Baby don't talk Body language Give me your body
She then pulls away and puts one of her hands on Roger's shoulder, the other still linked with his hand. She laughs at how silly their position is - they're in a night club that's playing normal dance music, and yet they're in a waltz position. Roger gives her a smile and puts his free hand on her waist to complete the position.
“Is this what you imagined?” She asks Roger as they move quick to match the beat of the song. Roger asks so hard it makes him tilt his head back, and it makes Lottie laugh, as well.
“Exactly what I thought,” Roger starts to say, “except one tiny detail.” He adds and puts both his hands on Lottie's waist, which leaves her no free hand to fall on his other shoulder. She looks at him questioningly, with her eyebrows furrowed. 
Lottie notices him staring at her, and their noses getting closer with each passing second. She's quite confused, more so by the amount of alcohol in her system. “This one thing is missing...” Roger whispers right before his lips fall onto Lottie's.
Her eyes shoot open immediately, and she inhales through her nose to breathe again. Her hands push against Roger's chest in protest, although she's conflicted inside. Lottie has wanted nothing more than this, but never admitted it to herself or any other person. Then again, she doesn't want to lose what she's had with Roger for all these years. 
Roger feels her protesting and pulls back with a sad and also confused look on his face. One of his hands raise to touch Lottie's cheek. “Lottie, what is it?” He asks queitly and Lottie's eyes frantically search Roger's.
“Roger, I...” she stutters and trails off. She looks at his chest and hits it gently with her hand again. “I just—you're not... you're not even that drunk.” Lottie finally says and looks back into Roger's eyes. He furrows his eyebrows at her and then lets out a nervous chuckle, his head hanging down.
“Lottie, I don't have to drink to now that I wanna do this.” Roger admits once he's looking at her again. Lottie gasps queitly. “The question is... do you want to?”
Lottie can barely contain herself. She nods, biting her lip, and it makes Roger smile. He leans closer to her lips again, and this time slowly kisses her, almost teasingly, and it drives Lottie crazy. The kiss is sensual, slow and everything she could wish for. Her hands hold Roger's face close to hers by his neck, and his hands are no longer on her waist, but on her cheeks now. 
“We probably shouldn't forget that we're in the center of a dance floor.” Lottie whispers to Roger after pulling apart and she giggles. Roger smiles at her. 
“Do you even feel like dancing now?” He asks her and Lottie shakes her head.
“I mean, I'd love to, but...” she can't really voice her desires, but Roger can read it off her face. 
Just give me your body Give me your body
“C'mon.” He says and takes her hand in his, pulling her away from the busy dance floor where, surely, people were watching the “scene” of Roger and Lottie. 
Roger leads her through the crowded club, and soon they reach the booth he had reserved for both of them. Roger lets Lottie sit down first, and when he moves to sit down himself, Lottie pulls him down by kissing him. 
They had never kissed each other before, in their life-long friendship, never. Honestly, Lottie now had a question as to why. Kissing Roger was blissful. No other guy could even compete with him.
Roger moved her body on top of his as they continued to kiss each other. Their kisses became more heated and feverish, and their hands started to wander around each other's bodies. Roger's hands took particilar interesent in the front of her, and soon his right hand was slipping past the buttons of her jeans. 
Lottie eyes him cautiosly, but doesn't stop him. Instead, she can't contain her moans when his fingers are ghosting over her underwear. Her face changes completely and she collapses against Roger while he works on her clit through her wet underwear.
He's looking up at her with such lust and crave clouded eyes that he can barely see her face twisting with every move of his fingers. Lottie's panting, and lets out a high-pitched moan when Roger's fingers enter her. 
“Oh, Roger...” she moans and clutches onto his shoulders. 
“Move, baby girl.” Roger encourages her in a low voice. “Ride my fingers, baby.”
Lottie almost faints at his words, but follows his suggestion. She starts moving up and down on Roger's fingers—now three—starting slowly. Roger moans at how magnificent she feels around his fingers, and he can't help his mind wonder to how she'd feel around his other friend.
“Just like that, baby...” he says, “you're doing so good.”
“Roger, I—I don't think I'll...” Lottie starts to say, and Roger knows what she'd say. He swallows the rest of her sentence by kissing her on the lips. He hears her moan in the midst of their kisses, and works her off until her orgasm hits.
She's a mess by then, resting against Roger's neck and panting heavily. Roger takes a tissue from the table once she's done, and cleans her up. Lottie whimpers, her clit sensitive from the orgasm. “Yeah, the tissue's quality is out of my control.” Roger says and throws it away somewhere behind their sofa.
He buttons Lottie's jeans up and kisses her, gripping her right cheek in his hand. Roger pulls apart then, and analyses her face. She's quite tired, he thinks, but his mind changes when a smile appears on Lottie's lips. Roger chuckles.
“That was... something.” She admits. 
“To put it right, yeah.” Roger replies and Lottie giggles, leaning down to his lips to kiss him again. 
“Don't you think it's your turn now?” She asks and Roger is taken by surprise. 
“W-What?” He stutters, and it makes Lottie giggle. He hasn't changed. Roger can still change from a man who knows what he's worth to a silly and shy school boy in a matter of seconds.
“Shall we stay here or...” She bites her lip, looking around. “go somewhere else?” 
“I still have to pay for our drinks, but we can go after I do.” Roger suggests with a raised eyebrow. 
“Alright.” Lottie climbs off his lap and takes her coat. “Meet ya outside.” She winks at Roger and walks away. He stays in his place for a while, trying to comprehend what just happened, but then regains his focus. Roger gets his coat and walks over to the bar.
Lottie puts on her coat once she's outside and then leans against the outside wall of the club. She bites down on her finger and giggles, thinking about what her and Roger just did. It also turns her on, for the second time tonight.
She can't really believe that her best friend just gave her the best orgasm she's ever had. And it's Roger... her mind simply can't connect those two dots, it's too mind blowing right now. Perhaps her brain will work in the morning.
“You come here often?” Roger takes her by surprise for yet another time tonight, walking out of the club and instantly hovering over Lottie. She chuckles.
“No, some stupid boy dragged me into here, never been here before.” She responds. Roger laughs, his facade cracking. 
“Let's go, love.” He says and takes Lottie's hand in his own, pulling her to his car gently. He opens the door for her and then gets in his own seat. Once Roger starts the car, Lottie looks at him. He feels her stare and turns his head. 
She blushes and turns her head to the window. Roger reaches his free hand over to her when they're on the big street and grips her thigh. Lottie hisses and puts her hand over Roger's. 
“I'm mad about you, Lottie.” He admits and it makes Lottie look at him again. “You make me mad.”
Lottie hums. She doesn't know what to say, but her grip on his hand tightens. It seems like the ride back to her house lasts forever. But then Lottie realises that they're not even close to where she lives. “Roger—” she's cut short by the name's owner.
“We're going to my place.” He says simply and takes a left turn. Lottie nods with raised eyebrows. It takes another five minutes of silence filled with heavy sexual tension, and they arrive at Roger's house.
Lottie again waits for him to open her door, and he does. When she gets out, instead of walking up to the door, Roger pushes her against the now closed door. His lips are on hers again, and Lottie sighs in pleasure. Roger kisses her lips, cheeks, nose, ears, neck, everywhere that he can see.
“Give me one valid reason I shouldn't just take you here and now.” He whispers in Lottie's ear and she shudders. 
“It's cold out here.” She states and Roger shrugs, pulling himself back.
“Good enough.”
The way her hands feel around his shaft is magical. Roger's head hangs back and he's panting heavily, his fingers raking over Lottie's scalp. Her other hand is caressing Roger's chest while her lips are pressing kisses to his neck.
No, he can't. He needs to know how she feels around him. “Lottie, stop...” he says barely audibly, she didn't hear him. “Stop, stop.” Roger speaks up louder. 
Lottie looks at him questionigly. “What is it? Did i something wrong?” She sits down next to him on his bed. She's in her bra and underwear and Roger's almost bare, as well, he only has his shirt on. 
As many times as Roger had seen Lottie in this get-up, this time it's different. She's different. Only because now she's his to have, and he hopes that not only for tonight.
“No, no, baby.” Roger reaches a hand out to her cheek. “You're perfect, you did perfect.” He leans in closer to her and kisses Lottie's lips. She smiles against his lips. 
“Really?” She asks with hope in her eyes. Roger nods.
“Course you are.” He says and laughs. Lottie gives him a smile and blushes. “I just—let's save me for another time.” Roger winks at her and Lottie chuckles, nodding. 
“So... what do you want me to do?” She asks in such a quiet whisper that she's not sure Roger even hears her. She's shy about all of this, suddenly. Roger laughs and then looks away. After a few seconds of humming and thinking, he turns his eyes back to her.
“I want you to get naked...” Roger trails off as he watches his finger move the strap of her bra, “and then got on top of me.” He finishes, his eyes connecting with hers.
You've got the cutest ass I've ever seen Knock me down for a six anytime Look at me, I got of case of body language
Lottie pushes Roger down on the bed so he's completely laying down and then disappears out of his view. He lifts his head so he can see her. Lottie pushes her bra straps slowly off her shoulders, and then unclasps her bra so it completely falls off her, reaching the floor. 
She looks at Roger over her shoulder and grins when she sees him watching her. Lottie slows her actions down even more, and tugs her panties down her legs. It's torturing Roger and he groans. “Lottie...” he sighs and lets his head fall back onto the bed. 
But he lifts his head back up so he can watch her walk over to him. She does, and she is so beautiful and smoking hot as she walks. Her legs are moving slowly, and she knows exactly what she's doing to Roger.
You got red lips Snakes in your eyes Long legs, great thighs
Lottie crawls over Roger with the slyest smirk on her face she could master. Her breasts barely touching Roger's chest makes him whimper. He reaches out his arms to touch every inch of skin that he sees. His fingertips run all over her back, her breasts until they reach her thighs. 
Roger grips the back of them, earning a moan from Lottie. She puts her hands on Roger's chest and trails them down as she sits on his thighs. Roger's hands move to her hips, guiding her to sit down on his stiffness. Lottie lets out a gutteral scream as she slips down onto him and Roger's head hits the pillows once again.
“Fuck, Roger...” she yells between her panting. With all the power that he still has, Roger grips onto Lottie's hips and starts moving her up and then slowly back down. He watches as her face twists and her hair moves rythmically around her face, falling around it and framing her pretty features. How come he never saw this beauty in her before? When she had all those shitty boyfriends?
Lottie ignores Roger's hands and starts moving at her own rhythm. It takes Roger by pleasant surprise, and he yells out her name several time while she's at it. He knows that he won't last long. Lottie's hands leave little scratches and marks on his chest while his own hands are gripping tightly onto her hips. There will be marks visible in the morning, that's for sure.
“Lottie...” Roger pants and she can see sweat beads collecting on his forehead. “I'm very close.” He announces. Lottie nods and adds a finger to her clit so she'd meet Roger's time.
She knows that Roger's nearing his orgasm when his hands let go of her hips and fall weak at his sides. “Come for me, Roger...” Lottie whispers in his ear, bending down to his level. He pushes her back up so that he can watch her from below. Lottie gives him a grin and then feels herself coming.
Moans, curse words and each other's names fill the room as Roger fills Lottie up with his liquid finally, while Lottie herself comes for the second time that night. Neither of them knew that they craved this for such a long time, and it finally happened. The two best friends since birth had had sex for the first time.
Roger pulls out of Lottie and she collapses against his chest. Both of them are breathing heavily, their sweaty bodies sticking together in a mess of bare limbs. Though they're both tired and spent, Roger takes a blanket from the edge of the bed and pulls it over the both of their heads. 
Lottie snuggles up in his chest, and Roger's arm falls around her shoulders. He presses a kiss to her head before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.
Out of all the possible scenarios of how Lottie thought this night would turn out, this is one she's definitely not diasappointed of. She thought she'd cry, be sad or numb, tired and mostly - alone, but in reality she's the opposite of all the words mentioned. 
Lottie thought she'd have to get home by herself, without Roger, while he's off with a random girl met in the club. Or she thought that she'd get so drunk she wouldn't remember anything she's done, and that Roger would drop her off at home, and leave her alone.
Naturally, she asumes the worst of a situation and Roger, because frankly, she's had bad night-clubbing experiences with him before. So it's only fair for Lottie to expect the worst from her best friend.
But here she is, sleeping in his arms after a few wonderful activities with him, feeling happy and not alone. She'd never expect this to happen in a million years or all of her living years. 
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faunusrights · 6 years
i was gonna put 2/?? but honestly the concept frightens me too much
i’ve JUST come back from a christmas meal with my family so i’m both tipsy AND tired and now im nearly 23 i’ve become the person who doesn’t mind the chitchat after a meal. my nephews and niece feel so betrayed. anyway that means im one Sleepy Bitch so lets get this show on the road before i pass ouzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
so, context: we’re back in the emerald forest aka weiss schnee’s favourite tinder location (and not the fun kind)! so w/o further ado...
Theory swam through Glynda's head, old aches lingering in her sinew and bone, but years at Beacon had dulled her, made her react instead of preempt.
god this line was VERY good the first time around so seeing it again is like Ah Yes i remember this Good Good content. i really like how glynda gets painted in this bit; canon (murphy? mentioning CANON? in WHICH timeline???) really did glynda poorly and i’d love to have had just.... MORE of her in general. luckily offal hunt is like if someone made a fifteen-tier glynda goodwitch wedding cake and then planted your face, neck, and shoulders into it.
Any Grimm that crossed her path made a fatal error. She was not afraid, not disgusted, not invested—but ruthless, always ruthless.
i can’t... SAY anything w/o giving away spoilers but that said... i should make a spoiler version of these liveblogs because HONESTLY... instead i will merely do this for now:
moving SWIFTLY on because!
She was starting to remember how to pick the different bird species of the forest apart by their pitch alone when far away, a twig snapped under the foot of an animal. Glynda considered it for a moment, but the rustling that followed wasn’t big enough for concern. At least her instincts were coming back quickly.
so this passage was the same for v1 offal hunt and even though im pretty sure nothing... comes of it? my brain is always like ‘!!! ITS CHEVOKS GUN W H O D I D T H A T’ and i FEEL LIKE... IVE MISSED SMTHNG? THIS MUST BE IMPORTANT...
but im pretty sure it isnt. thanks brain.
at this point im grabbing another cider because why be tipsy when we can try and get drunk!!! but its only 4.0% so... yeah. anyway. kiwi and lime time.
Before, it was something of a joke between them. Now it only served to remind her that she wasn’t where she was supposed to be.
god this fic really went from ‘glynda’s a bit of a hard-ass (who cares rly)’ to ‘AAAAAAA GLYNDA JUST WANTS 2 BE AT HOME...’ and it SUCKS!!!! I DIDNT NEED THIS PROGRESSION BECAUSE NOW IM SAD!!!!!!!!!
Some would probably call her reckless. Her own students would probably look at their notes and frown. Glynda didn’t care.
honestly i need to get writing my tired-teacher-glynda au which is, basically, canon, because i enjoy the interaction of ‘mx goodwitch thats against the ru-’ ‘gotta know the rules to break em. and i WROTE EM.’
Glynda pushed them in until her knuckles pressed into the greasy, knotted fur, easy as pushing a sewing needle through cloth.
another line that i ADORE if only because i can really feel this one in my own hands super viscerally? like... i KNOW that feeling... and i can picture it so well my arms almost tense up sdfjhgsfd its SO GOOD...
The dissolving corpse smelled like rot, mildew, like dark corners of damp rooms. It smelled like smoke beneath it all, a faint sourness biting at her nose like the final protest of a dying campfire.
firstly: i love the description of this because these are smells we’re also generally familiar with, and it honestly makes yr nose wrinkle
secondly: 👈😎👈
if i could bold an emoji? i would have done it then.
Even within the safety of human settlements, the night brought out terrors.
im not gonna copy the whole thing abt emerald and mercury but i LOVE these two tiny idiots tbh... i mean the first introduction is so sly yet lethal sounding and its just. yeeeeeeeeeeeeees. this fic is gonna be FULL of good content for them and im so ready to relive it all again.
Emerald met Cinder halfway, leaving the warm haze of the streetlight and becoming sharper without its glow. Keen-eyed and toothy, she fell into step beside Cinder, the exuberance ill-fitting for someone with such a crooked smile.
I LOVE EMERALD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA shes SO good in this and honestly the cinder & merc & em dynamic in this is Top Tier and i just wanna rub it on my FACE
“Airships don’t leave much room for mistakes. The ground is surer. And anyway, Grimm are no trouble to me.”
The patches of scales at her joints had been just barely visible then, but Cinder had known well what would have happened had she been left to grow into her fangs.
there’s a bunch of mentions of kinship in this section and im LIVING for it... im honestly thriving for softer, rounder cinder... im gonna whap her in my face like a pancake of my affections
ive spotted the plot lads and if u havent been here before... h o o b o y
h    o      o bbb        o                               y
“I expect you to trust me,” Cinder snapped, turning from them, cutting the conversation short with a look devoid of warmth.
now this is a fun line, because i knew it’d changed somewhat, but not from what. entertainingly, this line in v1 was actually 
“I expect you to obey,” Cinder snapped, turning from them, cutting the conversation short with a look devoid of warmth.
/sips cider
don’t you love word choices
“[...] You are the only people I can’t lose once this begins.”
“I’ll be in touch soon. When I can.”
OKAY SO THATS! chapter 2! and BOY. its relatively untouched from v1, but the things that HAVE changed are especially worthy of note... if this is your first time reading offal hunt, by the by, it’s probably worth your time to come back to these liveblog and spot my fingerguns. ull... ull see why. dw abt it. :)
anyway kc and diesel honestly RUINED my family dinner by making me have to WAIT TO COME HOME FOR IT which is Cruel and Unusual but also... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA-
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louandhazaf · 6 years
Hiiiiii so in your answer to the anon about the marold harold fic you said you could talk about our process a lot. So. I would like you to do that. POV SWITCH our writing process. I’m really curious because you obviously know me and my writing best. And you’re excellent at putting things like that into words I can understand. (Me: Words! On! A! Screen! Happy! Letters! Typing! You: I really love this symbolism.) Also I thought this would be distracting if you needed it because work is lame! 💙💚
Hiiiiiii 💙💚
I think our process normally starts with you going like I think I might have an idea for a fic. And I’m like 
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And then you tell me the vague idea and I’m either like YES YES YES GO START NOW or else I’m like hmmmmm WHAT ABOUT….. and offer small changes or additions or flag what might be a problem off the bat OR OH OH OH YES AND ALSO… and then I go off a tangent about what could happen and what I’d like to see. These convos are normally a lot of all caps screaming from my point.
Recently, you’ve been sending me an outline if you’re doing one, otherwise you’re off to the races. I really do not understand how you write so quickly, but that is something I will probably never learn how to do so it’s FINE. And I’m not at all jealous. So then a few hours later you’re like I HAVE 6k! and i’m like…. I’m still drinking my morning coffee. 
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And recently I haven’t really started to beta at that point. I basically read through it and curse the emoji gods that there are no cheerleader emojis and comment in the doc/yell at you on whatsapp everything I love about it. Or, if there’s too much that I love, then I’m just like IT’S ALL AMAZING KEEP GOING. 
Basically, I am doing everything at this point to keep you writing because I want to keep reading and also I don’t want to interrupt you in any way that might make you stall and doubt yourself. This includes me ignoring somethings that don’t fully make sense or that I want mooooooore feeeeeeelings about or things needing to be reworded or less confusing or less boring or WHATEVER. I am ignoring all the things that need to be fixed and just focusing on a the good. 
So while this is happening…
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We generally talk a lot on WhatApp about what’s going to happen next and talk through plot points and gasp when a new idea hits. This bit in particular is very exciting because I know how much everyone loves your fics and it’s like getting a sneak peek both at the work and how your brain works and knowing that everyone is going to love it when you finally post it is a really fun feeling. I also really really like figuring out bigger picture stuff with you? Like how point A at the beginning can connect to point B later. Or, talking through how things work when you’re just a human, living. Like, if Harry is sad at some point, then seeing if it can be slightly more complicated and nuanced. Like, he might be sad, but he might also be confused and angry and a little bit hungry and all of that should be fleshed out a bit. Basically figuring out all the structural stuff. 
I think we bounce a lot of ‘oooooh what if…’ type sentences and talk about how that impacts things and what all that would change and you’re always so open-minded and ready to discuss any possibility and that’s super cool. GOSH WE TALK SO MUCH. I LOVE YOU. This is also when IRL stuff sometimes sneaks in. Liiiiiiike if you’re, ahem, writing a fic about getting off on the subway and I’m like OMG THIS IS THE WORST AND I WOULD HATE HATE HATE IF I SAW THIS IN REAL LIFE AND OMG UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOO I’M NOT SURE I CAN BETA THIS FOR YOU and then there’s a discussion about how they could do it so that it was a little more private and they’re aware of that fact and they’re trying to have a fantasy moment while also realizing that they’re in a real situation. AND THEN IT’S SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING AND YES I WANT TO BETA THAT SO MUCH.
Then, eventually, you/we hit a point where you/we feel fully confident that the fic will at some point be finished (or, sometimes, that you’ve hit a major major wall and I should read closer to figure out what’s wrong) and that I should start to actually beta. 
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Because this is when I get to go in and yes, check things like spelling and punctuation, but also take a closer look at how everything fits together? Like, it’s one thing for us to talk about Vampire!Harry falling off his bike and down a mountainside and getting hurt and that might be all good and fine in concept, but then when I read what is actually there, like, I can question things like, “yeah, i’m…. is he dying from a broken arm?” BECAUSE HE’S A HUNDREDS-YEAR OLD VAMPIRE WHO CAN SELF HEAL or if things are written maybe a little to quickly and summarize-y I can be like ‘WAIT. I don’t understand how they got from a to b without anyone talking about x’ OR WHATEVER THE PROBLEM IS. 
Like, just helping to ensure that what we talked about and what you want to happen is all clear and makes sense and the reader won’t be pulled out of the story for any reason. 
You’re also very wordy so this is where I can be like, OH, These first 20 pages could probably be condensed into 3 if you structure it a little differently OR your story actually starts on page 9 so you can cut the first 8 pages probably OR you’re taking three whole paragraph to say that he made bread when that can be a single sentence. 
THIS BIT IS HARD sometimes because generally I think you just have a lot more details in your fics than I do? Like, in my own writing I’ll be like, “Harry left the house.” and you’re like, “Harry pulled on his purple supras, grabbed the keys from the hook next to the door, double checked the door was locked, winked at Louis through the window, and walked out to lime green Camero parked on the corner.” NEITHER ONE IS WRONG, so it’s a lot of judgement calls. Sometimes I let it go because all that detail is important about learning who Harry is or helps with pacing or whatever but sometimes I’m like, ‘I’m not sure this is important. Can we talk about this? We already know he wears purple supras because of x and maybe you can cut this bit.’ Like, I think one of the hardest things about being a beta is knowing that everyone has their own writing style and working to support their style and not just being like I WOULD DO IT THIS WAY. 
Sometimes you just accept all my changes and sometimes you’re like WAIT I want this because.... and then we talk more! At the end of the day these are YOUR fics with YOUR name attached and what you feel about things should have more weight and should be the final decision, obviously, but I love love love helping make your fics as great as possible and I’m always so fucking proud when you get the reception you deserve. 
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This is all super general too! Like every fic is different and something like a 100k+ word Marold Harold is going to take a few rounds of betaing because from your first to second drafts there are so many changes and I really want to get it right. And it feels so important. But something like a quick 3k small penis fic that is less complicated I might just do some cheerleading and make sure your periods are in the right places and give my seal of approval because there’s just less to piece together and the emotions and plot and everything are a lot simpler. 
SO if anyone wants specifics about specific fics I’m happy to do that too but OMG I’ve got to post this before I keep writing for hours and hours instead of my writing my big bang fic. 
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Flannel Boy
Prompt: [TEXT]: LOOK AT THIS SHIRT feat. Christian Dvorak For: Anon Warnings: Alcohol, gratuitous use of emojis, a little bit of sex. Still NSFW. Word Count: 2229
It had been two weeks since you moved to Arizona, and you were already getting really, really tired of whoever previously had your new phone number. You needed a clean break from your old life and, at first, you thought having a brand new phone, phone number, and plan to go along with your small new apartment and your new job would be freeing, but you were starting to get a little, tiny bit fed up. Apparently, the person who’d had your new number before you was some sort of frat boy? Yes. Definitely a frat boy. A fray boy who’d told exactly none of his bros that he’d gotten a new number.
You got drunk texts from all over the place, at all hours of the day, including one that was either from a person who either really needed to seek medical attention or was speaking in Swedish (you were pretty sure that was the Swedish flag emoji they’d sent).
You’d just settled onto your couch, getting out your laptop and trying to organize your projects for the next week when your phone chimed again. You groaned, not wanting to explain to another frat boy why this was not their friend, this was an exhausted twenty-something woman with a quickly depleting reservoir of patience. Before you could even tap the messages app, a second text came through, followed by a photo. Then another text. Then another photo.
Good grief.
Your ire slipped away, though, as you read the messages.
The next message was an image of a french bulldog wearing some sort of red and black flannel.
The second photo was a man, probably around your age, wearing what looked like the exact same patterned shirt stretched over his broad shoulders. He was grinning into the camera, light eyes peeking out under a mass of curly blond hair and a square jaw that you couldn’t help but admire. He was at a bar, holding a pint of something light and frothy and, upon closer inspection, you recognized it as the bar near your new apartment. Huh. Small world.
You couldn’t help yourself but be amused at this guy. Rather than your terse messages you’d sent to the other friends of your number’s previous occupant, you decided to try a different approach.
[TEXT]: I hate to be the bearer of bad news in this fashion crisis, but you have the wrong number. Whoever had my number before me didn’t seem to tell any of his friends he’d changed it. Sorry :(
You waited for a few beats before typing out another message.
[TEXT]: Totally the dog, though. :P
You didn’t get a reply in the next few seconds, so you figured he’d just deleted the number and moved on. You sighed and put your phone down next to you to get back to work. You were neck-deep in planning before your phone chimed again and this time you recognized that number. Flannel boy.
You checked your texts to see that he’d responded with a string of shocked emojis, then a single sad face. You laughed and had just sent back a girl shrugging emoji when an idea hit you. This was probably stupid, but you were fairly new in the area, you didn’t know many people outside of your new coworkers, so maybe flirting with a handsome stranger who sent his friends pictures of dogs was a good way to spend your Sunday afternoon. You typed out a response with one hand as you dug through your “yet-to-be-unpacked” pile of boxes until you found what you were looking for.
[TEXT]: You’re cute, but you’ll have to settle for third place in the red flannel race today.
This time his answer was almost immediate.
[TEXT]: Third??
You swung the soft throw blanket you’d found in your boxes over your shoulders loosely, grinning to yourself at the red flannel pattern. You did a quick check in your hallway mirror. Boobs: Perky. Hair: Artfully placed over shoulders. Eyeliner: Still leftover from last night but it looked smudged in a way that brought out your eyes. You took a quick selfie, showing off the blanket around your shoulders and sent it to flannel boy, along with a silver medal emoji.
Three dots showed up, showing that flannel boy was responding, but they stopped, then started, then stopped, then started again. It was nearly three minutes before your phone chimed with an incoming message.
[TEXT]: Wow <3
Over the next couple weeks, you texted flannel boy more and more often, pleased to find that he was funny, personable, and a surprisingly good listener. You found out that his name was Christian (though you saved him in her phone as Flannel Boy along with the picture of the bulldog) and he played hockey. He was staying in Arizona over the summer to train before next season, and, though he’d offered to buy you a drink in person sometime, he didn’t pressure you at all about it.
You’d had a particularly long and frustrating day at work, grateful for the upcoming weekend. You kicked your shoes off at your door and headed right to the couch, grabbing your phone and texting Christian.
[TEXT]: I need a beer, a hug, and a dog to snuggle. It’s been that sort of day.
Christian didn’t answer back immediately, but you looked at the clock and vaguely recalled him saying something about working with the trainer that afternoon, so you leaned back against the throw pillows and closed your eyes for a nap.
You woke up to your phone buzzing on your chest. You blinked a few times, checking the screen to see a familiar picture a french bulldog wearing a plaid shirt. Christian was calling you.
“Hello?” you answered, your voice groggy from sleep.
“I can help with two of those things,” he said. His voice was soothing, almost melodic, and you noticed a little lisp as he continued. “I mean, I’m at the store. I can get you a six-pack and I can like stop by and like… give you a hug? If you want?”
It took you awhile to wrap your head around what in the hell he was even talking about, but then you remembered the text you’d sent him before falling asleep and your cheeks flushed.
“Sorry,” he said quickly before she could answer. “That was- Wow that was presumptuous of me. I just wanted to cheer you up but like… yeah forget I said anything-”
“Corona,” you interrupted him, smiling into the blanket that you grabbed off the back of the couch.
“Corona,” you repeated patiently. “And it wasn’t presumptuous. It was sweet. I’ll text you my address.”
“Okay!” He said and you could already tell the way he perked up at that and you found yourself blushing to an empty room all over again. “I’ll be over soon!”
As soon as you hung up, you got up, stretching before heading to your room and inspecting the damage your nap had done to your appearance. Your work clothes were all wrinkled, but they weren’t really comfortable and you wanted to change out of them anyway. Your hair was a disaster, but a few sprays of water and a couple bobby pins turned it into at the very least a controlled disaster. You threw your work clothes in the hamper and put on a pair of leggings and a long tank top. It was casual, but still something you felt comfortable and confident in. With that out of the way, you decided to make an attempt to clean the worst areas of your apartment. A month in Arizona and you still had a bit of an organizational and unpacking procrastination problem, but you got the worst of it organized into piles before you heard the knock on the door.
You answered, grinning as you saw Christian, looking nervous as he held out the six pack of Corona and a produce bag with two limes out to you. He was wearing the same flannel he’d worn when you ‘met’. You marveled a bit at just how much of your doorway he managed to take up before taking the offerings and showing him inside. You put the beer and limes in the fridge. Gathering up your courage, you turned around to face him.
“So, about that hug…” you said at the same time he spoke up.
“You still want that hug?” You both broke off in laughter and just like that, the nervous tension was broken and you stepped forward, wrapping your arms around his middle.
His broad arms came around your shoulders and held you tight against him. He smelled fresh, like clean spring air and sunshine, and you nuzzled against his neck. His breath hitched and one arm loosened. You worried for a moment that he was letting go so soon, but you relaxed again as his hand flattened and moved in slow circles up and down your back.
“This might be the best hug I’ve ever gotten,” you mumbled into that godforsaken flannel, smiling to yourself.
“Same,” you felt the word rumble in his chest as he said it, his voice sounding a big choked. You loosened your hold enough to look up at his face. He was looking down at you, pupils blown and a soft, hesitant look in those wide eyes of his.
“Y/N….” he breathed, the gentle puff of air tickling your nose. “Can I kiss you? Please?”
You nodded before putting your fingertips on his jaw to guide his lips to you.
The first kiss was chaste and soft. Then, the slow gentle pecks got deeper, as though you were learning each others’ lips. It seemed like he had an endless amount of patience, but you pressed against him, your free hand sliding under the hem of his shirt to run your palm across his lower back, pulling him tight to you.
Christian groaned into your lips before pulling away enough to rest his forehead against yours. “I wanted to like… take you out on a date at least, first…” he mumbled a little sullenly. You smiled at his thoughtfulness as he continued. “I want… I mean if you want… I want this to be a… a thing.”
“A thing?” You teased gently before going up on your toes to kiss him again. “Me, too. I’m not a huge fan of casual. But we can still do dinner later if you’ve got your heart set on it… but right now I’d really like to take you to my bed if you don’t mind.”
“Yes,” Christian said quickly and crouched down, lifting you into his arms. You clutched onto him, a little terrified at first as your legs locked around his waist, but soon enough you were arching your back and shifting in his arms, trying to find some way to grind down on those shifting muscles between your thighs.
He set you down gently on the edge of the bed and you immediately reached for your tank top, tugging it up and over your head, throwing it to the side. He stared for a moment before getting with the picture and peeling off his clothes. You’d stripped down to your underwear when he stopped you with a gentle request. “Wait,” he breathed. “I wanna do that myself.”
You smiled and nodded, sliding back on the bed to watch him finish taking off his clothes. He was so focused on you, and honestly, it made you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
Until he was so focused that he tripped over some of his clothes on his way to the bed. He stumbled and finally steadied himself at the foot of your bed while you roared with laughter. He climbed into your outstretched arms and kissed you, trying to pout, but not quite managing to hold in his own chuckle.
“That was adorable,” you hummed, kissing his flushed cheek fondly. Truly, there was nothing better to you than someone you could laugh in bed with. Sex wasn’t always this serious, solemn thing. It was fun. You liked to have fun. And Christian made your heart feel light.
Christian grinned as he hooked his fingers into your panties, slowly sliding them down your thighs. Your arm shot out to the side, blindly groping around for the drawer in your nightstand. Once you finally found a condom, you discretely checked the expiration date before handing it off to him.
To your surprise, he pouted. “I wanted to eat you out first,” he said sullenly and you chuckled again, eliciting another laugh from him.
“Later,” you promised him. “Want you inside me now.”
He nodded and looked into the open nightstand drawer before leaning over you and grabbing some lube. He rolled the condom on before lubing up his cock, then his fingers. He slid his fingers inside of you. You were already soaked, you could tell already, but you appreciated his care. You were looking up at him with a dopey smile as he grabbed his cock, settling between your thighs and positioning himself at your entrance.
“You’re still laughing?” he teased you and you reached up to his shoulders to bring him close as he slid slowly into you.
“M’just happy,” you breathed against his lips, watching as his whole face lit up at your admission.
“Me, too.”
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sleepykichii · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
i was tagged by @usershiin and @iviarka (thank u!! ♡ ) RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: uhhhh i think my mom?
3. Text message: i sent five elvis emojis to my dad bc he sends texts saying 'elvis' when he's leaving work
4. Song you listened to: chop suey by system of a down
5. Time you cried: this morning lol
6. Dated someone twice: lol no i have a personal rule to never visit the graveyard
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: absolutely
8. Been cheated on: unfortunately
9. Lost someone special: yeah, some family members
10. Been depressed: currently am
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: uhhh yeah lets not talk abt that lmaooo
12.-14.  pink, purple, and lime green!
15. Made new friends: yup!!
16. Fallen out of love: who knows, feelings are too complex for me to try & decipher lol
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: like talking shit? if so, lol yeah senior year was intense dude
19. Met someone who changed you: yup! several someones, actually
20. Found out who your friends are: yup, i have like one real irl friend bc the rest were just using me when i was conveinent. :')
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: uh maybe? idk i barely get on facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: dude i dont even know
23. Do you have any pets: sadly, no :c
24. Do you want to change your name: i don't rly like when people say my full name but i like the abbreviated version or any other nickname
25. What did you do for your last birthday: my family went out to dinner and we came home and relaxed, i was sad all day so it wasnt great lmao
26. What time did you wake up: uhhh like ten am? i think
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: gosh i dunno...i think i was drawing? or writing, idk, one of the two
28. Name something you can’t wait for: KILLING HARMONY'S ENGLISH RELEASE YEAH BOIII
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: last night before bed
31. What are you listening to right now: seether - fake it
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my brother's name is tommy lmaoooo
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my stomach wont shut up lol
34. Most visited website: tumblr probably
38. Hair colour: dark brown, i dyed it red a while ago so it has a red hue rn
39. Long or short hair: long!
40. Do you have a crush on someone: dude who knows honestly
41. What do you like about yourself: i dont like my body uhhh do my freckles count?
42. Piercings: nope! i rly want my ears pierced n a septum ring tho
43. Blood type: A+ !!
44. Nickname: tay or ouma!
45. Relationship status: uh single i think? i think we're ghosting eachother lmao
46. Zodiac: taurus
47. Pronouns: she/her!
48. Favorite TV show: big brother!!
49. Tattoos: none -- yet!!
50. Right or left handed: right
51. Surgery: let's see...i had severe bladder issues as a kid so i know i had smth done for that, i had my tonsils and adnoids removed...i think that's it!
52. Piercing: uhhh wasn't this already asked? lol
53. Sport: if i had to pick one, it'd probably be swimming! my fave thing is sinking to the bottom of the pool and staring up at the sky its super cool
55. Vacation: uhh its technically summer vacation rn and im not doing anything lmaoo
57. Eating: nothing,,,
58. Drinking: more water
59. I’m about to: smoke a cigarette bc this is taking longer than i expected
61. Waiting for: my mom to get home so we can go swimming
62. Want: a sense of purpose in life, a direction to follow, the will to live??? idk
63. Get married: that's the goal but...relationships are hard
64. Career: *cue anxiety* ummmm m uhh h hhhhh gjeafslkfjqads
65. Hugs or kisses: definitely hugs ** ok wait is this in like a potential partner? bc thats how im answering these
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: i generally like guys who are taller than me but for girls i don't rly have a preference
68. Older or younger: i guess ^^ applies here too, i prefer older guys but dont have a preference when it comes to girls
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach i guess? doesnt rly matter to me
72. Hook up or relationship: do i have to pick one?? uhhh i guess a relationship but efjasklmf
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant!
74. Kissed a stranger: lol yeah
75. Drank hard liquor: ya...oops
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i don't have glasses but if i did, i would lose them for sure
77. Turned someone down: yup
78. Sex on the first date: absolutely not!!
79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe?? idk
80. Had your heart broken: yup
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yup!
83. Fallen for a friend:  lol yeah
84. Yourself: i'd like to!
85. Miracles: yes
86. Love at first sight: not rly no
87. Santa Claus: lol ofc
88. Kiss on the first date: it depends on if it went well or not
89. Angels: it's a nice thought, but no
90. Current best friend’s name: lol i dont want to put it bc i dont want her finding this blog & she doesnt have a common name sry my dudes
91. Eye colour: brown
92. Favourite movie: uhhhh idk!! i watch a lot of movies w my family and can't remember all the titles, sorry^^
holy guacamole okay now that that's over time to tag!
i tag: @kingtatsunari @lesliebruhleria @tokyo-ghouls-eat-rawmen @piningmarco @bertoltssweat @noodlesforlyfe @levi-nyanchou @tiny-heichou and whoever else wants to do it! don’t feel obligated to do this, either;;  ♡
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redlemonz · 7 years
Day #19
My liver feels quite betrayed this morning. Just lying in bed, dehydrated as hell in mind and body, and I can anxiously hear my heart beating the way it is with the after effects of the alcohol in my system. Although, that effect thankfully only lasts so long once I gulp down some glorious and thirst quenching icy cold water. The physical medicine to all my real troubles. Probably also helps that I healed rather quickly and am not hungover due to the fact that I ate a huge burger and 20 nuggets at 3am - I'm such a genius. Actually no, I'm not. The exact opposite in that regard because of how I got to that destination, but I'm not going to be able to disclose that now without further self hatred incurring so I'll leave it as it is. Nevertheless, though my memory is lacking in its details, it was a nice night hanging with my ex-work mate. Her dog was also very adorable - the poor thing is blind in one eye and quite deaf though, and is sadly nearing the end of her time supposedly. Even though she was rather smelly (even after a bath - wet dog smell, I believe it's called?) and riddled my sweater with fur, she was a joyous and welcoming new friend to me. I also got the chance of reliving my days as my high school's table tennis captain (we didn't have the most formidable team) which was exciting, as I demolished my friend in a game when we decided to start scoring (though she put up a good fight). My friend was telling me about the past weekend in which she happened to go to the same snowy mountain as her too, and stayed there around the exact same time. So obviously my mind was then fixated on her yet again, and questioned whether my friend was lucky enough to be in her presence as I wish I could've been, especially in the snow. Thankfully I didn't end up making too much of a drunken mess of myself and end up calling her. Though I did send a couple generic snaps, and I may have texted her a heart emoji at 2am.. fuck. So close. I acknowledged it today in another message, but haven't heard anything back at all - not that I need to. I'll just leave it there as it is. Here's just hoping I didn't awaken her from her beauty sleep in the middle of the night is all (though she doesn't need it). Overall it was still a good learning experience - Im pretty content now with not drinking again for a while, unless I'm comfortably with her somehow. Day 19 - personal security Spending my morning with all the nieces, as my sister and brother in law are busy cleaning their house and running errands during the day. The kids are running wild and causing havoc and destruction to everything in their path, as kids should I suppose. Someone's gotta do something though before things get too out of control and the house burns down - this feels like a job for.. The Godfather. Okay so I just wanted to hype up the scenario so that I could say that. It's actually a pretty chill time as the eldest one is watching some teen YouTube vlogger and I'm just playing catch with the 1 year old and my favourite one (whom is the only one I'm ironically not the Godfather for). Just kidding though of course - they're all my favourites. Because they all bring so much love and joy to my heart with their sweet innocence and adorability. But also because they all watch Pokemon with me. Anyhow, I picked up my guitar and started playing all that I could with my limited skill - and my nieces gathered around and loved it, and would dance along to it or simply listen in content. Except for the elder one - she's 7, so she's sensible and knows I'm probably shit at guitar. I'm actually procrastinating going to the gym and getting some exercise in too, even though I really should given the fact I actually do have decent energy right now. Fuck that unnecessary anxiety right now though, I'll just go tomorrow. I mean I'm still suffering from a busted finger from indoor (who knows how the hell it happened) so that's a valid excuse. But also primarily because I have to work security (and by that I mean we usually just stand around in a friendly red and yellow uniform for hours on end) tonight at some World Darts Championship that's supposedly a big deal. Should be entertaining I suppose, except that I'll be surrounded by old, drunk English men in the West part of town ( I've only agreed to the job tonight so that I have something to pass the time with, instead of wallowing in my thoughts and striking myself mentally further about how three weeks ago right now I'd be down there, by her side, feeling whole. Great, I miss her again - how flabbergastingly unusual. I don't think that's going to change much either when I transform into a security bitch tonight however - considering she use to be one of my colleagues too. I initially got her and a couple other friends the role, so we could all attend some free concerts essentially, and get paid for the minimal effort of work required. Also because I thought it'd be another avenue in which I'd just get to spend more time with her in general too. Except she'd be allocated the blue shirt role, which was sort of more like ushering and promoting the 'awesome events'. It made sense though - she's pretty good at putting people in their place after all, and at guiding them to where they need to be in life (yup, even ushering has philosophical undertones now). We would always try and meet up for our breaks, grab a delicious bratwurst or something - though she would've maybe resorted to a pie and donuts instead, and enjoy whatever performance was on. So you'd have me, in my red and yellow shirt (sort of like a red lemon, you could even say), and her rocking her favourite colour, but without the lime green tinge (which was a missed fashion opportunity on the Company's part - though what the hell do I know about fashion), and together we'd make one badass security couple who saved lives. Or maybe just strolled around aimlessly and showed people their seats. Wondering what she's up to this weekend as I eat some noodles and yam (thrilling meal, I know). Last she told me she'd be doing some domesticated duties such as helping around the house with cleaning and some gardening. Hopefully she's actually managing to keep an empty sink that's not up to its neck with dishes. Shouldn't be a problem considering that her parents should still be down there I think, cracking that whip. I'm actually so glad that they have been there too - ideally that's reduced any sense of loneliness she would otherwise feel when being alone in that house. That's why I suppose that I haven't felt as much worry as I did at the beginning, even though I constantly still continue to. Seems as though she's doing well and moving on with her life best as she can. It helps that she's a proactive and focused person who can potentially shove any negative thoughts aside and move forward a lot easier than others, especially me. That's just because she's always been a stronger and tougher human being. She did also mention that some twin lambs were born at the farm house at which she resides, but that unfortunately one was unable to walk, and ultimately did not make it through that evening. It was heartbreaking to hear the way in which that mother lost one of her babies, and that the other baby lost its twin sibling. In that moment I just wished I could be there and give her a comfort cuddle. There's more newborns to arrive in the coming weeks apparently too, so here's hoping things go swell in that regard. Nevertheless, I'm happy and I feel pretty lucky that she's kept me in the loop with her life and all the happenings, even though I've been demoted considerably and don't actually know where I fully stand, except on the other end of the bridge from her. She wasn't wrong at all though (classic) - it is nice that we're mutually navigating this weird after relationship zone and putting in sufficient enough effort to remain in each other's lives. Of course I'd say that though - I freaking love her after all. Star power! Myself and my mate, the leader of the pack were coincidentally working together side by side tonight, as we got designated the same team & duties. Supposedly we did an amazing job considering we were informed that our team leader sung our praises back to management as we were signing out at the end of our shifts. I actually had a reasonably great time as a result - and very enjoyable so, as none of it really felt like much work. I also ended up with a new free umbrella, which was left unclaimed. My first one since she broke mine a while ago - guess I can finally move on now, like Misty did from Ash when she finally received her bike after 5 fucking seasons. Despite everything, I still missed her presence tonight as my secutie (see what I did there). The sad part was just at the beginning as I was signing in, as the big boss was asking me where my girlfriend was. I just said that she moved down, out of our town - way too much effort and time to explain otherwise, when he's busy and doesn't actually give a shit. Just another crappy reminder of my reality though, and further makes me realise that a lot of friends (even close ones) who are presently unaware of these circumstances also. But again - I don't think they give a shit either. It's not like I've really had any of them even bother speaking to me anyway so yeah. That's probably why I'm enjoying and valuing time on my own significantly more than I believed I would initially. I don't require any fake or convenient friends, who likely probably judge me or don't want to make the effort to be present. Not that I can speak - I'm probably a hypocrite when it comes down to that too - primarily as I'm simply just not a very nice person. On the other hand, there's also been some really wonderful people in my life that I do in fact value so much more because they've reached out to me. Essentially everyone I've mentioned previously is included (local homie, mastermind, two thirds of the pack, the work-wife, my family, etc) under that, in addition to others. It's not an award ceremony so I'm not exactly going through the effort to name everyone. There's also Blondie, who was part of our New Years crew - she's always been lovely to me and is the tough yet kind, and caring yet non-sympathetic friend who slams down reality on you (in a good way - tough love). I'd definitely break more bones for her if it were ever required. So she's trying to sort out some dinner plans and catch up and everything which is rather nice. There's also my other indoor team mate who had described her similar relationship story which was almost reflective of mine - the dentist, who's been supportive and has always made the effort for me, and others whenever she's capable to. I have an incredible level of respect and admiration for her, as she's quite inspiring herself. A great dancer too - she taught me a few steps which was much more enjoyable than I imagined, once I started understanding how to move my feet. So she's taken the time to message me details about a potluck dinner which is tomorrow night - which I haven't decided upon whether I am attending yet, due to the crazy level of sociable activity this weekend has already involved. However, she has actively messaged me regarding the event, including the rescheduled date that turned into tomorrow, and has otherwise also been involved in generally just being the kind of friend I've needed. When people personally make the effort to invite you along to their events for which their social media usually simplifies the task on a broader, networked audience - it's just something a little more special. More so because they don't judge or question why you're taking a break away from the social media platforms - they simply just accept you and move on with life as your friend regardless. I mean as I've said before - I have enough self pity in my own endless hole of despair already, so I don't require any further of it from anyone else. These true friends are the ones that have shined a light as a result, and it's just a surprising comparison I suppose, because the ones I'm closest to usually (with exception to mastermind) have kept their distance. Even so, I'm grateful for all these people I constantly probably take for granted otherwise, for being the human beings that I could only aspire to be more like. Especially her - through everything we've been through, she's still been sticking by my side and has been making the effort of putting up with me and my 2am text messages. I ended my Saturday night with some late night snap message exchanges with her, right up until 1am. Though she did disclose to me that I did in fact unfortunately wake her up with my stupid heart emoji late last night, as aforementioned, so I'm not proud in regards to that. I apologised. She was much too sweet as usual, and constantly displays such care and concern for me that is simply heart warming, and brings a loving smile to my face. I really couldn't ask for a better conclusion as a result really - well, except for maybe if I had her head against my chest right now, and her arm wrapped around me. It's freezing after all.
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