#okay it’s bed time forrealsies now
solibrie · 9 months
concepts i need to ruminate on:
- joining the war on filler episodes on the side of filler episodes and why utena’s black rose arc needs to stop being discredited as “filler” and why more shows actually need it
- why botw/totk link legendofzelda is short: a study on character design and why, yet again, we can blame ocarina of time
- how and why kiwi and audrey wandersong are perhaps the best parallels ever put to page (or, rather, ever coded to screen)
- Just Let Me Talk About Wandersong, For The Love Of God
- ocarina of time’s spiritual sequels and FUCK twilight princess
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cumonbucky · 7 years
Prompt List
Hello friends! In honor of me hitting 3k a couple of days ago, I’ve decided to do some drabbles! Below is a list of prompts that YOU can choose from! Once you’ve figured out what prompt/quote you want, come pop it in my ask!
The characters you can choose from are Bucky (40′s if you’d like), Lance, Seb (obvi), and Blaine (from Hot Tub Time Machine + I’ll try my very best!) (and maybe Jefferson, Chris Beck, TJ Hammond and Carter Baizen).
Oh! Also the “______” in some of the quotes are blanks meaning whichever character you choose, their name will go there. For example, if you choose #7 with Lance it would be: “Lance, no.” “Lance, YES.”
Alright, let’s get this show on the road!
1. “Please don’t leave me.”
2. “Grab my ass one more time and see what happens.”
3. “This is me. I am the eye of the storm and my heart is a little broken but if you want me, I’m yours.”
4. “You’re with him till the end of the line but what about me?”
5. “The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay Safe. Eat cake.”
6. “Y/N no.” + “Y/N yes.”
7. “______, no.” + “______, YES.”
8. “Are you eating again?”
9. “What are you doing?” + “Trying to use my telekinesis to bring the remote to me.”
10. “You dare insult me mortal?”
11. “What is life without a little risk?”
12. “I don’t think this was a good idea.” + “This was your idea.”
13. “I’m feeling as fresh as freshly baked toast.”
14. “The last time I was someone’s type, I was donating blood.”
15. “Women are always stealing my shirts.”
16. “You’re a flawless piece of shit.”
17. “You’re a babe.”
18. “Do you still like me?” + “We’re married.”
19. “You run your heart like a hotel - you’ve always got people checking in and checking out.”
20. “We’re falling apart.” + “Because you’re not trying!”
21. “I like you, you squid!”
22. “It frustrates me how much I love you and you don’t know. But, I like being frustrated. I don’t mind being frustrated if it’s because of you.”
23. “I know there are pretty girls at this school but none of them are as beautiful as you, darlin’.”
24. “I’m straight up lovable.”
25. “I thought you loved me, not him.”
26. “You’re hot when you’re jealous.”
27. “You like riding things? Ride me.”
28. “I didn’t understand a word you just said. I don’t speak French.” + “I wasn’t speaking French.”
29. “I’m not supposed to laugh, right?”
30. “I’m so tired of being lonely.”
31. “Eat me.”
32. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
33. “Are you drunk?”
34. “You look just like my girlfriend!” + “Oh shit, you are my girlfriend.”
35. “You know I’m not gonna fall asleep until you make out with me.”
36. “My penis is bigger than yours.” + “You don’t have a penis.”
37. “Sometimes I wonder if you’re actually human.”
38. “Our relationship is canceled until further notice.”
39. “You’re so wrong.” + “So wrong, I’m right.”
40. “Who said you could be friends with my mom?” + “Your mom.”
41. “Why am I dating you.”
42. “This is pretty good.” + “That’s our baby’s food.”
43. “I’m forrealsies this time.” + “I can’t believe you just said forrealsies.”
44. “I know I say I love you but I love you.”
45. “Stop kissing me! You’re spreading your gross germs!”
46. “We really need to stop watching Criminal Minds at two in the morning.”
47. “I don’t get jealous.”
48. “Can I sit here?” + “You can sit on my face.”
49. “Why should I trust you?”
50. “Are you flirting with me?” + “Oh my god I’ve been flirting with you for the past two years.”
51. “You deserve better.”
52. “When were you gonna tell me that you’re pregnant?”
53. “If I had that face, I’d cry too.”
54. “So… about that blowjob.”
55. “How the hell did you end up in jail?” + “It’s a long story.”
56. “Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and go ‘wow, I’m so beautiful’ because same.”
57. “Calm down all I did was break his nose.”
58. “Why are you so clingy?”
59. “I just wanna.. touch.. your boobs.”
60. “Touch me.”
61. “Don’t fucking try me, I’ll whip my Harry Potter wand out on you.”
62. “I just really love you, okay?”
63. “You better not be friend-zoning me.”
64. “All I’m asking is for you to love me back, is that so hard?”
65. “Did you just squeeze my ass?” + “Yeah, it was really firm.”
66. “You look good enough to eat.”
67. “Why don’t you like me?”
68. “Oh my god you cheated, didn’t you?”
69. “No don’t go in there!” + “Why is there a puppy in the closet?”
70. “I’m feeling really attacked right now.”
71. “You’re a big ball of happiness mixed with cute things and sprinkles.”
72. “Marry me.”
73.  “So this is it? You’re just leaving?”
74. “So between me and James Franco, who would you choose?” + “Don’t ask that, you’ll only get hurt.”
75. “You’re so goddamn beautiful.”
76. “Squids have eyes and a mouth and we have eyes and a mouth. We’re basically squids.”
77. “I love you and it hurts that you don’t love me back.”
78. “I love you so damn much and it scares me, okay?”
79. “Y/N, I have something to tell you…. I’m pregnant.” + “You’re a man, _____”
80. “I’ve never kissed anyone.” + “This is a problem.”
81. “I don’t know why I like you so much and it frustrates the hell out of me.”
82. “You’re gorgeous and captivating. Like I said, I want you.”
83. “I know I say I don’t want a relationship but you make me want to have one… with you.”
84. “I know you’ve given me your all and too, too many chances but please… give me one more chance.”
85. “So do you wanna like.. date me and stuff?”
86. “We should bang - shit, I mean hang.”
87. “You look happy and it’s killing me.”
88. “Say it again.” + “I love you.”
89. “I can’t believe you cheated.” + “It was just Mariokart.”
90. “Why wear underwear when you could wear none.”
91. “I think we got married last night.”
92. “I won’t bite… hard.”
93. “Do I make you horny baby? Do I? Do I make you randy?” + “Okay one, you need to stop watching Austin Powers and two, I am completely turned off now.”
94. “Do you really love her ______?”
95. “I can’t stop thinking about you.”
96. “Stop pushing me away and just let me love you!”
97. “Can I do your makeup?” + “Only if you make me look super hot.”
98. “Can we just cuddle until our bodies become one with the bed?”
99. “Oh my god ______ I’m so sorry I thought - I didn’t know you were doing… that.”
100. A quote of your choice.
Some of the quotes are from those of you who sent me one, others are from movies, I think tv shows, some just popped into my head and some are things my ex girlfriend told me :)
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