#okay okay i know i shouldn't blame the women but we've come so far from being trapped with bad partners.....
hairtusk · 2 years
just saw a video on the dash of a woman who was recovering from shoulder surgery and she was having to change the sheets on a king size bed alone because her husband didn't think to do the laundry. where are you finding these men AND more importantly why are you building lives with them
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cinnamon-bebe · 4 years
Chemtrails (Pedro Pascal x Fem!Reader)
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Chemtrails (Pedro Pascal X Fem!Reader)
Summary: "If you died today, would you be happy with the life you've lived?" What happens when you've sacrificed your love for fame and fortune? Despite the glitz and glamour, the Reader is all Pedro can think about. The stars have never been on your side but can you rewrite the plans they have for you?
Warning: Angst, Fluff, Occasional Cursing
Inspired by the song Chemtrails Over the Country Club by Lana Del Rey
"I'm on the run with you, my sweet love
There's nothing wrong contemplating God
Under the chemtrails over the country club"
"Baby what's your sign?"
"You're in the wind, I'm in the water
Nobody's son, nobody's daughter
Watching the chemtrails over the country club"
Pedro's POV
The chatter of a hundred people and yet I still only hear your voice. Memories of your words, from years past.
You asked me what my sign was, I told you I was an Aries. You laughed and told me we shouldn't be friends, the stars say so. The stars say we're incompatible, we'd be at each other's throats. I'm a fire sign and you didn't need any more drama. I kissed you for the first time and told you I'd prove you wrong, you simply smiled and looked off to the chemtrails that flew over us.  
Memories from years past.
I didn't have much to offer you but I told you that you could take my word. At that time, it was worth more than anything I could have given you.
"You want me to defy the stars?" You raised an eyebrow, a smile teasing your face.
"The stars can go fuck themselves." I told you and kissed you again.
We were so young. We were nobodies. Running through the concrete jungle, with your hand in mine. Sun dress and kisses at midnight convenience stores, splitting a hot dog on a summer day because we needed money for the show at 7.
We used to contemplate the meaning of life over a bottle on our little balcony. I asked you if you were happy and you smiled but did not reply.
"If you died today, would you be happy with the life you've lived?" You asked me instead.
"No." I told you. "There's so much more I want to do. I want to be somebody."
I didn't know it then but that was the moment I started to lose you.
Memories from years past.
I find myself sitting at a restaurant now, with more money to line my pockets, pats on the back from strangers. People know my name and it comes out in whispers, as they stare over their expensive plate, getting cold just to catch a glimpse of me.
A beautiful woman sits across from me. As if a movie star isn't a big enough draw, a woman like her only invites more gazes. She looks like she'd just stepped off a screen herself. She gives me all her attention, so much so that she does not register the envious stares from the others around her.
Her lips are moving, perhaps a funny anecdote came to mind or is she telling me about her sister's wedding again that she mentioned before?  I cannot tell you, for my mind is elsewhere, with someone else.
"So would you like to come?" She smiles brightly at me, her perfect teeth sitting between her lips, painted in a dusty pink.  
"Huh?" I snap out of my daze, embarrassed that I was clearly not paying attention.
"Jule's wedding, did you...want to be my date for the day?" She blushes, hopeful.
"Oh. I...uh. I don't know Kate. I have a pretty packed schedule coming up, I don't know if I'll have time." I try to make up an excuse.
"It's too early isn't?" She bites her lip sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I know we've only been dating for a few weeks, I shouldn't have sprung this up on you so fast."
"No no, please don't be silly. I love weddings!" I try to laugh it off. "It's just that, with the new movie coming up, I need to start preparing before we go into production."
"I understand." She nods with a smile, "Comes with the territory when you're dating a big movie star I guess." She looks at me, I'm not sure if she's anticipating a response but I reciprocate with a grin and wave at the waiter for another drink.
Soon enough, she excuses herself from the table to go to the ladies room and I'm left sitting alone at our spot. I grow tiresome of the incessant chattering from the tables around me and I massage the temples of head, wishing I was at home in the comfort of my bed with just the company of my television.
I see glances from a small table to the side of me, a group of young women clearly too shy to ask for a photograph, egging each other on to make the first move over to me. Their hopes quickly dashed as I feel a firm hand on my shoulder, turning me around.
"Pedro?" A familiar voice calls my name.
"Anthony! Fancy seeing you here!" My eyes widen as I pull an old friend down for a hug.
"It's my anniversary with Charlize, we're just celebrating! God I haven't seen you for so long!" He shakes his head, slowly looking me up and down, examining my so-called transformation. I've aged so much since we last we saw each.
"How long have you been here?" I ask.
"A couple of hours, I actually saw you before but I..uh...I didn't want to interrupt your date."
Date? I swallow the word whole.
"You lucky man. She's very pretty." He comments.
"Yeah, she is."
"You could seem a bit more interested though but those are Charlize's words, not mine." He raises his hands up, letting his wife take the blame.
"I must seem like an ass, don't I?" Poor Kate, how spoilt am I to show a woman like her so little interest. "I haven't dated for so long, it's just hard getting back into the scene that's all."
Anthony let's out an inaudible "oh" and I know he's thinking the same thing, I can practically hear the name sitting on his tongue, desperately wanting to come out. 
"How is Y/N?" I break the ice, allowing the elephant in the room an escape before he suffocates along with me.
"She's good, very good actually. She's a documentary film maker now. Her work is amazing, you'd love it." Anthony couldn't help his excitement when speaking about you and I feel an intense pang of sadness and jealousy seeing his eyes light up. To see you, celebrate you. I wonder if you've aged like me or do you still look the same as how I remember. Do you still crinkle your nose every time you hear a bad joke? Do your eyes still get red and glassy when you look at the sky because you're wondering if anyone's looking down on you? I wish I knew.
"Listen, I have to go." Anthony looks back at his wife who gives me a polite wave from a distance.
"It was really good seeing you Anthony, I'm sorry we haven't spoken all these years. It's just with work..." I recycle that old excuse again.
"Don't worry about it...you made it! I know you worked really hard to get where you are now. I know you had to make a lot of sacrifices..." The last sentence, spoken so softly, it was almost drowned out. "I'm genuinely happy for you."
I nod, giving my friend one last hug before I ready for him to turn and leave, instead he hesitates and looks at me.  
"Hey Pedro?"
"She still lives in the neighbourhood." He looks down at the scarf in his hand before patting me on my arm. "Just so you know."
With that, he waves me goodbye. Walking back to his wife, who he wraps his arm around. The way she naturally rests into him and slips her hand into his coat pocket as they exit the restaurant, I wonder if I'd ever have that level of intimacy with Kate.  
I sent her home in a taxi. "I have an early morning and need to prep for some meetings", my excuse for her this time. Kate's disappointed expression, as I gave her a kiss on the cheek is the last thing on my mind.
Scuffing the cap of my leather shoes, I kick at the pavement. The world moves past me as I hide myself in the bubble of my thoughts. I have no sense of direction, my legs taking me to no intended destination, only letting the neon lights around guide me to where it desires.
Anthony's words were still ringing in my ears.
Would you want to see me?
My mind reminds me of the last time we were together.
"I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this, if I don't leave the city now, I may never get my chanc-"
"Get your chance to do what? Be a star?" You were sat deep in the corner of the sofa, far from me. Your voice calm and monotonous as you watched me pace up and down our tiny apartment. I couldn't decipher your expression, it was as if you knew what I was going to say.
"I want to make something out of my life! I want to prove to everyone and myself that I can make it Y/N. I don't want to waste my life away." I moved towards you, our presence separated by the little vintage coffee table I hated but still bought home because you loved it so much.
"Well then go, I don't want to hold you back from chasing your dreams."
"No. It's okay Pedro. I understand...I really do. I don't want to stop you from pursuing what you love." You got up from your spot, you seemed so small to me as you closed the gap between us. Your hand felt so light against my face, like you were disappearing before me. "Don't live in regret because of me."
"Y/N come wi-" I tried to hold you, hold you before you evaporated.
"No. My place is here." You took your hand away, moved back, the space between us grew more and more distant. "I don't have big dreams like you do. I like normality. I like living my life however I want it, do whatever I want, whenever I want. You asked me if I was happy...and I am."
"Would you still be happy without me?"
I stared at you. My gut sank because I already knew this was the end. You didn't have to tell me.
"I don't know..." You managed to smile, even through the gentle tears that formed in your eyes. "But I know you would be without me."
"That's not true." I tried to reach for you but you pulled away.
"We're very different people Pedro...I told you, we're incompatible. It's time we listened to the stars."
My thoughts are suddenly interrupted as I feel a hand rest softly on the small of my back.
"Hello sir, would you like to buy a rose?" An elderly woman smiles up at me. A child stands obediently nearby, holding a bouquet of individually wrapped stems, clearly past his bedtime but still helping Grandma late at night. The child looks tired, sad. Judging by the number of roses still in his hands, they must have had an unlucky day.
"How much for one?" I return her kind smile, taking out my wallet.
"$2. Thank you, thank you so much sir." The old woman sighs in relief calling the child over to bring the flowers for me to pick. Each stem had a handwritten tag with various cheesy sentiments adorned.
....A kiss in exchange for a rose...
...You're more beautiful than any flower but here's one to show you my love anyway...
....Would you be my Valentine?...
....Please forgive me, I was an idiot.
I chuckle at the last one before picking a rose at random.
I take out $100 and watch the old lady's eyes panic as she reaches in her purse to find change. Taking her hand firmly in mine, I assure her it wasn't necessary.
"I'll take one rose for the $100. You keep the rest of the flowers and have a good night okay?"
The woman looks at the child with her mouth agape and then back at me, clearly taken aback by the gesture.
"Sir, are you sure?"
"Yes, take the kid home and get some rest. This one rose itself is worth every dollar." I pat her hand which trembles in mine.
"Thank you! Thank you! Bless you and the woman who receives your rose!"
Taking the child's hand they quickly walk away, whispering to each other and disappearing into the night.
I stare at the flower in my hand and bring it closer to my face, studying the message on the tag.
...Let's defy the stars and write our own destiny.
I stand in the dark of night, illuminated only by the cafe lights ready to turn off for the day. My hand grips the stem as if it weighed a hundred tons yet afraid it would float away like a feather. The frantic honking of the traffic seems to taunt me, the laughter from the bars nearby seem to be mocking this idiot of a man standing in the middle of the streets, holding a flower he paid $100 for.
"Just do it!" I hear a young boy shout at his friend attempting a skateboard trick up the block.
Just do it. I repeat to myself. Just fucking do it.
I remember these steps, we used to sit here with the neighbours' kids. Charlie, I think that was his name? I remember little Charlie proposing to you with a plastic ring and threatening to get his kindergarten buddies on me, simply for existing. I can't help but laugh at that memory.
Everyone was in love with you, the young, the old. They couldn't help but fall for your charms, your kindness, the way you'd smile at them even if you've never spoken a word to each other. Everyone was under your spell, including me.
You told me you loved me on these steps.
I had gotten back from a bad audition and couldn't bear to go home to you. I sat here for hours until you saw me from the balcony and came down. You didn't ask me anything. You just sat with me as we watched the kids run up and down the block, racing each other, teasing each other. I looked at you and you gave me a kiss on the nose.
"I love you."
You said it so quietly at first that I pretended I didn't I understand.
You rolled your eyes and pulled my face into yours, telling me you loved me over and over again as you smothered me with your kisses.
That was one of the happiest moments of my life.
Walking past our faded figures, I enter the building and see that nothing has changed.
The walls were the same duck egg green. The bulletin board covered in layers of flyers and advertisement, some new, with plenty dated months back. I wouldn't be surprised if the audition ads I tried out for from years ago were still there.
The smell of various cuisines mingle together to form its own unique indecipherable aroma.
A comforting aroma.
I look to the elevator, still out of order. Obviously.
We only lived on the third floor, the stairs will be fine.
I prepare myself for the incline when a voice calls out to me.
"Where are you going?"
I turn around and see our old building superintendent, decked out in his uniform. Stanley.
"Stan! It's me Pedro! Wow, you're still here!" I walk to him.
"Who?" He looks me up and down, completely confused as to who the hell I am.
"Pedro from 3B upstairs? I used to live with Y/N...maybe you don't remember me because of the moustache." I rub the bottom of my nose sheepishly.
"No...I don't remember you."
Old Stanley, perhaps age is catching up to him.
"I'm just going to see Y/N." I try to resume my journey but he stops me once more.
"No entry into the building if you're not a resident!" He points to the sign on the wall.
"Since when was that a rule?" I throw my hand in the air.
"Since today. We have too many unsavoury men try to come into the building, how do I know if you really know Miss Y/L/N? I'm not letting any potential predators or burglars into the building."
"But Stan she-"
Pointing to the sign on the wall again, he raises an angry brow. Not wishing a full body beat down by ol' Stan, I take myself back out the building like a bad dog.  
I sit on the steps, sighing in defeat. I try to convince myself that coming here is a mistake.
"Defy the stars...pfft! You've been in way too many movies Pedro." I mumble to myself, as I dig my thumb nail into the stem of the rose.
Perhaps we're only given the choice to rewrite our destiny but it doesn't mean destiny would just sit idly by and let you do whatever you want. It's probably for the best. What would I say anyway?
Running my hand through my hair, I get up to leave. The adrenaline from earlier had drained so quickly out of me, that its left me a fatigued mess. Move on Pedro, it's time to go home.
"Hey movie star." A voice calls from above. "You looking for me?"
Your hair falls past your face as you lean over the balcony and in that moment I feel my heart break into a million pieces.
There you are.
Standing before me, even more beautiful than when you left, if that is even possible.
You're wearing a simple white vest and grey shorts, one leg rubbing softly against the other. Your skin bears the warm orange glow reflected from the lights inside your apartment.
You look so raw, so delicate.
Every pulse in my body aches seeing you again.
"Wow." I breathe. "You look..."
You hide your laugh and I can see you blushing from behind your hand.
"Thanks. You look great too. I'm like the...um..." You rub under your nose with your finger.
"Thank you, I grew it out for a role but now people tell me I look like their grandma without it." I shrug, much to your amusement.
"What are you doing here?" You speak, more softly, more seriously.
How do I even respond to this question? I was out on a date with another woman but I bumped into our old friend who told me I should find you? Or should I go with I met an old woman and her kid, who I'm pretty sure were cupid's little minions, sent down to earth to give me a rose and to fuck with me?
"I was just in the neighbourhood. I wanted to see if you wanted to um...go out for a coffee?" I lie.
You look at me incredulously, clearly seeing through my bullshit.
"Everything is shut by now." You simply respond.
"Oh...well maybe we can just talk then?"
You tap the metal rails, where you lay your arms. Are you contemplating whether to come down or throw a bucket of water over me? I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Without saying a word, you disappear out of sight. The lights in your apartment switches off.
What does this mean? Are you off to bed?
Before I could ruminate any more, the doors open from behind me and you slip through.
God, you look even better up close.
My hands instinctively reach out to touch you but I withdraw quickly before you could see. You had wrapped yourself in a fleecy blanket, the threads a deep purple.
Without saying a word, you sit down on the step and I can only follow suit, my mind can no longer make decisions for itself it seems.
You smell the same, that same soft floral scent I used to love. The one I used to breathe in when I'd hold you close to me in bed because I didn't want you to leave for work.
Our knees are so close, they almost touch.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
For a minute I don't know how to respond, I just don't want to stop looking at you.
"I was...I was wondering if you were thinking about me?"
You laugh, I laugh too. Of course you weren't.
"I think about you all the time." You tell me so casually, it catches me off guard.
"You do?" I whisper in disbelief.
"It's hard not to when you're on every other billboard in the city."
"I think about you all the time too Y/N."
You smile and look up at the sky. The night is aligned with many stars tonight and they all call for your attention but mine. I feel greedy staring at you but I'm simply making up for all the nights that I was alone without you, all those kisses I've shared with women that weren't you.
"What do you think the stars are telling us tonight?" I ask.
You grin and without looking back at me, you say "I think the stars are laughing at us."
"Do you think the stars have changed their mind about us?"
You finally turn to me, your eyes drop. "I don't think that's how it works Pedro."
"If this is the life the stars have planned for me, a life without you, then I don't want it Y/N."
"I thought if I made a name for myself, if people knew who I was, then I'd be sure of who I am...but who I'm meant to be, who I want to be...is to be with you." Your eyes meet mine, coloured with emotions you are scared to express. "I look for you everywhere I go Y/N, in every women I meet but you are always a world away."
"We don't even know each other anymore Pedro."
"You are the only one who has always known who I am, even before me Y/N. I'm still as strange and as wild as I have always been. I'm still as messy and as clumsy as I was before. I still love cheap corner store liquor and dancing terribly in public. I still look at chemtrails whenever they past me...because they remind me of you."
"Chemtrails are bad for you, they say they're chemicals."  You tell me, your voice low and expressionless.
"If I die with you as my last thought, it won't be so bad."
I finally find the courage to reach for you and you don't recoil from me, you let me gently run my finger against the hair that falls down past your face. You close your eyes and I selfishly take you, pulling you towards me.
I rest my forehead against yours and I savour this moment where I can be close to you and not let it be a memory.
"What if I've changed?" You whisper.
"Well then I'll spend the rest of my life getting to know you again."
"If I told you to run away with me tonight, would you?" You open your eyes to see me, your expression as serious as ever.
"You're my home Y/N. I'll go wherever you go. Even if it's to another galaxy, we'll drive a little red Corvette into space together and leave this all behind."
You smile and tug on the bottom of your lip. "You think the stars would still allow us to go to space?"
"Fuck the stars." I say as I take your lips.
Oh, how I've missed the sweetness of your taste; in this moment you are spoiling me rotten. You wrap your arms around me and allow the blanket to drop from your shoulders. The only stars that mattered now are those in our eyes. They're telling me the future and it's you. It's always been you.
The sirens of the city and the plane overhead may be loud but I hear nothing over the sound of your heart beat.
You pull away and we both laugh.
In this moment, we are perfect. I am no longer the famous celebrity that belonged to everyone. I am not a son and you are no one's daughter.
We only belong to each other.
I see you shiver and look towards the door.
"Let's go inside." You get up and take my hand, guiding me back to our home. The one I've longed for ever since I left.
The building is quiet, everyone asleep by this hour but old Stan at his desk. I try to shuffle past as inconspicuously as I could, my hand entwine with yours.
"Welcome back Mr Pascal." Stanley greets us as clear as day, his head not even looking up from above his phone.
"Wha- so you do remember me!"
Sly old dog.
Stanley doesn't respond and concentrates on his screen instead.
You shake your head and pull me up the steps but not before I set down my lucky rose on the desk.
"Good night Stan."
I call out before I chase my love up the stairs, both of us ready to write our next chapter together. I don't know what it will entail but I know if you're in it, it will be the greatest adventure I'll ever take.
"Kids these days." Stan sighs, closing the article on his phone and clicking on a familiar app. Putting his feet up, he relaxes with a smile on his face as the Mandalorian theme song begins to play.
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annaphoenix1994 · 3 years
Colter - Eastward Bound
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Arthur had never been so happy to be moving. He, as well as the rest of the gang, were sick of the snow. The numbness, the insomnia, the brink famine, was all about to be left at Colter. His body craved sunshine and whiskey, which he hoped a town was closeby wherever they were going. He dismounted his horse as he met up with Dutch to discuss further plans.
"Oh, for Lord's sake! Put that book away and go help!" Miss Grimshaw barked within Arthur's earshot. It didn't take him long to figure out that she was scolding Mary-Beth Gaskill, one of the women in the camp who reminded him a lot of Lenny - she preferred reading or writing over robbing and killing, but could do so if need be. She was also one for romance, taking a liking to Arthur in particular, at least, that was the rumor. He had always thought that she liked how nice he was to her and nothing more than that.
"So, we getting out of this Hellhole?" Arthur asked as he joined Dutch and Hosea.
"We're gonna try, weather seems stable," Dutch assured.
"And we just robbed a Leviticus Cornwall train," Hosea added.
"We got money in our pockets...the worst is behind us, gentlemen! So the question is, where now?"
"I know this country a little," Hosea assured the worried leader. "I told you, we should set up camp in Horseshoe Overlook near Valentine. We'll be able to hide out there no problem as long as we keep our noses clean."
"Well then let's go! Clean noses and everything else!" Dutch commanded as he watched the rest of the gang load up the caravan. "Arthur, you're in that one, bring Hosea, I know you two like to talk about the good old days and what's wrong with old Dutch."
Arthur chuckled as he shook his head, following Dutch's orders as he loaded himself up onto the wagon, Hosea alongside him.
The caravan made its way slowly down the trail. The scenery of lush, white snow slowly turning to dewey green grass. The wind was still cold, though, as it still had a strong breeze, but to Arthur, even that was warm. He let his mind wander to where they were heading. Was there a town where he could have a hot meal other than Pearson's stew? Was there whiskey? Was there laying low for a long while instead of running? Was there hunting ground? Was there any more chances to run into Minnie Barlow? He shook the last question from his head, scolding himself for thinking of her and how he shouldn't think about her, but his mind continued to wander. There was something about her already that he needed to reassure himself on.
Arthur's thoughts were quickly interrupted by Dutch shouting from ahead, sighing a breath of relief that he was only shouting for Lenny and Micah instead of announcing there was trouble ahead.
"Lenny! Micah! Get over here!"
"Yes, boss?" Micah replied as he obeyed Dutch's command, along with Lenny.
"You two ride up ahead, make sure there's no surprises," Dutch ordered. "We've had enough of those."
"Me, with the boy?" Micah responded, almost insulted.
"Just go!"
"Come on, kid," Micah sighed as he spurred his horse into a lope. "You can buy me a whiskey!"
"Get us out the stream!" Hosea panicked as he felt the wagon shutter as they had now crossed into New Hanover. Arthur repeatedly tapped the harness leather across the horse's backs as they pulled the wagon through to the other side, only to be stopped by the rear left wheel buckling and keeping the wagon at a halt.
"Ah, shit!" Arthur shouted.
"Okay, let's take a look," Hosea sighed as he lept from the wagon, walking around the back.
"You alright back there?"
"Does everything look alright?" Arthur argued as he too dismounted from the wagon.
"Well, what's goin' on?" He heard Javier ask.
"I broke the goddamn wheel!" Arthur shouted, scolding himself.
"Alright, let's get it fixed!" Hosea assured him as Charles rushed over to help, pairing with the old man as they lifted up the rear of the wagon as best as they could as Arthur rushed to push the wheel back into place.
"You still strong enough to hold up a wagon?" Arthur teased as he tightened the joints.
"Shut up!" Hosea replied gruffly.
"I'm just sayin'!" Arthur replied.
"Well, say less!"
"See, you ain't so useless after all!" Arthur teased as he helped Charles and Hosea pick up the items that had fallen off.
"Not quite!" Hosea chuckled as he picked up a suitcase, seeing that Charles had noticed the other eyes that were on them, watching from the cliffside ahead...
"What you think?" Arthur asked hesitantly.
"If they wanted trouble, we wouldn't have seen 'em," Charles assured the two as Hosea waved a sign of peace to them. "Poor bastards... We really screwed them over down here. Come on, let's not push our luck,"
"What happened?" Arthur asked.
"Well, get in, I'll tell ya on the way," Hosea said as the men quickly loaded themselved back up onto the wagon. "Not too far now, stay on this trail. We'll follow the river then cut left inland," Hosea directed. "So... Yes, the Indians in these parts got sold a very raw deal. This is the Heartlands we're going to, good farming and grazing country, they lost it all. Stolen clean away from them it was, even every blade of grass. Killed or herded up to the reservations in the middle of nowhere." Hosea explained.
"And how's that different from everywhere else?" Charles asked.
"Well, maybe it's not. I just heard some of the army out here was particularly, uh, unpleasant about it."
"Unpleasant? How do you rob and kill people pleasantly?" Charles questioned. "We don't, in spite of Dutch's talk."
"I fear I was perhaps trying to simplify something more complicated for the benefit of our blockheaded driver here." Hosea teased.
"Hey, don't blame it on me!" Arthur replied. "Never forget, this here's a conman, Charles, born and bred. Just 'cause it sounds fancy don't mean he knows a damn thing about what he's talkin' about." Arthur explained.
"Oh, but I sure know about that there 'wanted' poster you're keepin' on you," Hosea chuckled. "You plannin' on goin' after her, aren't you?"
Arthur scoffed, "No. Like I said, you don't know what you're talkin' about."
"Are you still talking about that Minnie Barlow woman? What's the deal about her anyway? Lenny told me that she saved your hide back on that train." Charles intervened.
"Oh, did she now?" Hosea asked, raising his grey brows. "I didn't know about this!"
'Shit!' Arthur thought to himself. He was now going to have to talk about her. He looked at the smug grin on Hosea's face as he loved to try and land him a relationship that he would never settle for. He had already tried with Mary-Beth, which now made things almost awkward in camp. "I don't think it was her," Arthur grit, tapping the harness leather harder on the horse's backs.
"Yeah?" Hosea questioned. "Anyway, Charles, Minnie Barlow is known as Bandit Barlow around here. By what I've read, she used to work for some feller who is employed with the Pinkertons. Apparently, she knew too much and her supervisor tried to get her killed. After she found out about it, she turned around and robbed him, then became an outlaw!" Hosea explained, chuckling.
"Does she have a gang or what?"
"No, she runs alone," Hosea replied. "I reckon she had a small gang a few years ago, but they knew about her bounty and tried to have her captured for the payment. According to the poster Arthur is dearly holding on to, she has eight-thousand dollars for her head," Hosea snickered. "I don't know much about her past, just by what I've read or heard, but I do know she robbed the Lemoyne National Bank in Saint Denis, robbing a well-known tycoon as well. Some Italian feller. Robbed him and that bank in broad daylight and nobody knew until she was long gone,"
"Sounds like I need to buy her a drink and have a few hours of her time just to hear the stories!" Charles replied, intrigued. "When did the bank robbery happen?"
"A couple of years ago," Hosea replied. "By what I read, the robbery took up to three months to do without anybody knowin'. She got a job there, made it well with the bank manager over time, and got a promotion to a loan manager position and the fellers she was runnin' with would come in every few weeks to "take out a loan" of a few thousand dollars when she would just walk into the safe and give them as much money as she could. After the bank was running low on funds, they didn't question her as she covered her tracks. Once time got scarce, she had one of her boys take out another big loan before she made a break for it."
"Sounds like she and Dutch would get along," Arthur replied, smirking at the thought of how smart the woman was.
"I'm sure," Charles said. "So, how did nobody catch her?"
"She used a fake name to get the job. The only thing that messed her up was that she got the wrong men for the job. They were giving details to the Pinkertons the whole time. They turned her name in for the bounty after she gave orders to rob a train goin' towards Rhodes. Big roadblock over the tracks, but Minnie took wind of it and made a break for it, leavin' her two guys to fend for themselves. They ended up getting arrested and are now in a state penitentiary. Since then, only her tracks have been discovered, but no sign of her. She's slick, now," Hosea warned.
"Sure," Arthur replied. "I'm sure she won't be that hard to find..."
Hosea chuckled, "Let me know how that goes." He teased.
"So..." Arthur cleared his throat, taking in all of the new information he had just learned of his apparent crush. "What happened to your tribe?" He asked Charles.
"I don't even know if I have one," Charles replied. "Least not that I can remember. My father was a colored man. They told me he lived with our people for a while, a number of free men did, but when we were forced to move from our lands, the three of us fled. I was too young to really remember much. All live I've been on the run. A couple of years later, some soldiers captured my mother, took her somewhere. We never saw her again. We drifted around... He was a very sad man and the drink had a mean hold on him. Around thirteen... I just took off on my own." He explained.
"That was about the age we found young Arthur here, maybe a little older," Hosea said. "A wilder delinquent you never did see. But he learned fast."
"Not as fast as Marston, apparently," Arthur replied, his jealousy spiking yet again.
"Wait... I don't understand," Charles said, confused. "What's the problem between you two?"
"Arthur?" Hosea said, insisting for him to explain.
"It's a long story," Arthur sighed. "We still heading the right way?" He asked, now shifting during the awkward silence.
───※ ·❆· ※───
"You okay, pa?" Minnie asked her father as she woke from a midday nap, something she never did unless she needed it. She gripped her shawl tighter as the wind from the Cumberland Forest engulfed the cabin.
"Somethin' don't feel right," He replied, gripping his rifle as he continued to stare out the window. She knew this wasn't anything new as he had been acting like this for a couple of years, but she too got the odd feeling in her gut. She needed to prepare.
"I'm sure it's nothin', pa," Minnie assured as she stepped closer to her father, patting his shoulder. "Want me to cook ya somethin'?"
"No, I'm not hungry. Night's comin' soon. Best get some rest. I'll be out on the porch."
She nodded and shook her head, not daring to inform her father that it was only early in the afternoon. She went to the chest at the end of the bed, retrieving her gunbelt and tightening it around her waist before walking out of the cabin, passing her father who was sitting in the rocking chair. "I'm gonna go feed the chickens and get the eggs, but we'll need some more food soon. Want me to go into town later?" She asked.
"No need, dear. I will. I need to get out of here for a bit. Those mountains are taunting me." He replied, taking a drag off of his pipe.
"You'll need a horse, take Trace." She suggested as she pointed to her buckskin Quarter Horse.
"You sure?"
"Yeah, he'll take care of you. He always does." She smiled.
"Okay, well I'll take him out first thing in the mornin' to Valentine and get some more food," He nodded, a grin appearing on his face as he was excited to ride a horse again, but the lurking doom he felt coming never did settle in his mind. He didn't want to leave his daughter alone tomorrow, but whatever was coming, he knew they both couldn't escape. At least she had a fighting chance.
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