#okay so like im not saying we shouldnt condemn a player for saying slurs
mitcheemarns · 6 years
oh my god i need to make an IN DEPTH post after seeing all that stuff on tumblr. im sorry guys :(
1. im part of the lgbt community. am i surprised at this incident? no, im not. i dont think many people are surprised at the homophobic nature of language that is used within the nhl. am i disappointed? i am. do i think its going to get better? ehhh, i dont know.
2. ive watched the video a few times, including that thread about “rag it” and those subtitles. the first time i saw the video and listened to the audio, i was like, “that doesnt sound like mo.” and yeah, maybe i am biased, but we really dont know for sure that that was mo. i dont know if i buy the rag it explanation, but after reading one of the twitter comments, you can hear “rag rag rag” being chanted by the someone (tampa bench, i assume) as the tampa player goes behind the net. 
3. now, im not saying that it wasnt mo. because it could be. because it seems to be. its a really viable explanation—he was right next to the mic when the words were said, the words were said as he looked at the ref, etc, etc. im definitely not defending him if he did do it.
4. but now, we have to think about why this matters. are we just making a big deal out of the situation to condemn a specific player, if it even was a player? no, thats not the point. there should be consequences, there has to be consequences. this needs to be an example of how the league needs to move forward, if it turns out it was a homophobic slur. 
5. honestly. im just waiting for the statement to make an actual opinion. im going to actually log out on tumblr now (until the statement comes) because i dont want to speculate. 
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