#omg i see so many holes in my argument (?)
A Message For Those Struggling With Shifting
A Message:
I know it feels demotivating. I know when you open a social media app and see everyone’s success, story times, and etc, the only thing you can think is:
“Why can’t this be me? What am I doing wrong? Why haven’t I done it yet? Why is it taking so long? Can I just not do it? Is it impossible?”
The longer you keep thinking things like that, the more you will spiral downward into that hole that consumes you, thinking you’re not good enough.
And I know that’s what it feels like—that it consumes you completely, and you feel as though your trapped in a place you don’t want to be in, and the only option for escape you can’t even do.
But this simply isn’t true.
Think of all the times you’ve opened your phone to see everyone talking about shifting. And instead of spiraling downward, go upward.
If everyone has posted this much content about the same thing, and not even online…people have made literal books about this topic called “shifting realities.”
And for the sake of argument, literally the tag “ #shifting ” on Tumblr has over 16k members in it.
If that many people believe in it, a lot of which have actually done it, why do you think you can’t either?
Let me put it this way…
You aren’t special.
I’m sorry, I know that sounds bad, but let me explain: You are not special. Everyone on this planet has the ability to shift, and millions have—as a matter of fact, EVERYONE has, unknowingly. You shift when you decide to wear a red shirt instead of a blue one, and etc etc.
If so many can shift, so can you. You have the same tools and abilities as the next person.
You can. And you will.
You just have to believe it. Believe it in a way where you don’t even question it—believe it so much that when you suddenly do get the thought, “Why haven’t I done it yet?” Your next thought is, “That’s silly. I can do it whenever I want to.”
You can do anything you set your mind to. You just have to believe you can.
Why I Made This Post:
I made this post mainly for myself. I made it so I can look back on it and remember what I should be thinking instead of what I am thinking.
It’s hard to know that I hold the same abilities as everyone else, and I’ve shifted countless times without knowing and on accident, and I’m amazing at manifesting so much so that whatever I want can come into the 3D instantly.
But when it comes to Shifting, every thing I try doesn’t work. I know I can do it and I 100% believe it’s real, and every time I do try, I feel like I’ve shifted but when I wake up and I’m still in my CR, I just feel…I don’t even know how to explain it.
It’s like you’ve scheduled a vacation and you’re looking forward to it for months, and the night before you think, “Omg, I can’t wait! Tomorrow’s the day I go on the vacation I’ve been waiting for!” And then you wake up the next day and see that a reason you don’t even know, your vacation is canceled and your money you spent on it got sent back to you. It feels like that.
And I know I just need to assume I can do it, and that I shouldn’t think of it as “trying” to shift but instead as “deciding” to shift, and I do do all of those things. But for some reason I’m still here, and it makes me feel things I can’t even explain.
But that doesn’t mean I’ll give up. I know I can do it, and I believe that it’s real and I can do it so I know I will.
I just wish it will happen sooner rather than later.
Last Thoughts:
Sorry if this post is weird or like, I don’t know, hard to read. And I didn’t mean to dump all my personal struggles into this, but that’s why I started posting on this app in the first place. I want to help others by telling what I’ve learned, and I want learn things from other people.
If you’ve read this far, thanks. And I hope you know that you can do it. If you don’t believe it, know that I believe you can.
Have a good rest of your day.
Your Neighborly Weirdo
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onecornerface · 10 months
the time I trolled 4chan as a fake flat earther for six hours in 2012
In July 2012, I got on 4chan and pretended to be a flat earther. I passionately argued for flat earth theory for six hours with almost no break. I kept a single thread going the whole time, getting over 400 replies. I’m not sure if I still have a PDF of the thread, but I do have some quotes from people who responded to me. Looking back over this a decade later, I am proud.
[CW: Slurs]
"There's no way you're actually this dumb. There's just no way."
"the flat earth society is one of the best trolls i've ever seen, in all those days of /b/"
"I tried some scientific research on this topic a while ago. I ordered a pizza, got two because the first was not what I ordered. I let the first dry out under a light bulb. Eventually, after a couple weeks, living creatures started populating Planet Pizza, after a while orbiting their home planet. This is proof, that the earth is flat. tl;dr Earth is a pizza, probably on a bigger pizza which probably is in a room with an even bigger pizza."
"Sir your thesis contradicts climate, you don't know what refraction is, you can't explain day and night, ebb and flow and you're also paranoid and/or outright stupid since you believe in conspiracy theory."
"You are a stupid faggot, and the whole of society would be better if you stopped breathing it's air. ...unless, of course, you're a troll. In that case, I'll award you an 8/10."
"I however, HAVE BEEN TO SPACE. Twice. I assure you, having orbited the planet many times, it is indeed a sphere. OP is an idiot, his only defense against me is 'omg gimme proof' which I can, and once given, 'u r part of the illuminatee' Ugh. Ignorant dumb ass piece of shit."
"Damn OP 9/10"
"If we dealt with this on a daily basis i would kill myself."
"Yes my jimmies are rustled, because I hate ignorant, inbred fucks like OP. Go die in a hole. Oh wait, you couldn't, you'd be scared of just falling through into space."
"10/10 OP good trolling, keeping in character and sounding legit"
"9/10 OP. My jimmies will be rustled for the whole rest of the day after reading this tripe."
"[S]ome eyebrows must be raised in the direction of the /b/ros still continuing to argue about this. Better standard should be expected from you guys, but taking away nothing from OP. Excellent work."
"If you're not a failtroll you are, by far, one of the most deluded and idiotic people I've ever seen post on /b/, which is a tremendous feat."
"9/10 for commitment"
"love this thread op 10/10 for still being here." (This was three hours in.)
">Focuses on the obscurely worded >Ignores every other point >Provides no answers About what I was expecting."
"Go hung yourself, please Humanity doesn't need such stupid people like you are"
"I'd believe someone who says the earth is flat compared to someone who claims otherwise and can't grammar correctly."
"I haven't laughed so hard at something on /b/ for a long time."
"OP, I'm not gonna bother asking you anything. I just wanted to let you know this is the best thread I have seen as long as I can remember. You truly are amazing. Good fucking job."
"nice arguments though i am in awe of your reckless faggotry and ignorance and skills of producing believable logical fallacies."
(Four hours in) "I can't believe this thread is still going. OP is the most successful troll of all time."
">Earth is flat >Every other celestial body is round >mfw 1/10"
"Great thread. You are not a troll, I saw you other times here and I knew personally a man from this society."
"holy shit 0 of fucking 10"
"Billiard balls are also flat. Isn't it obvious that they sprites?"
"10/10 OP wins"
">almost 5 hours of this shit 10/10"
"Big respect OP. OP is alpha as fuck"
"but seriously, OP is the man destroying everyone with his devasting arguments for hours huge respect man if i would suck a cock then I'd suck yours and I'd propably come before you do"
"3/10. Painfully obvious troll, yet impressive to see so many anons actually failing to make a compelling argument."
"Willy Wonka travelled around the world in 80 days, and ended up back where he started, just in time for tea. You can't explain that."
"Did you ever wonder what happened to Amelia earhart? She flew too far. Gov't shot her down past the ice wall. They obviously couldnt have her come back from that trip, she would tell everyone"
"I myself subscribe to modern rational empiricism, in accordance to which OP's arguments are absolute bullshit. And yet the attempts to challenge his unfalsifiable beliefs have proven mostly futile. A great majority of those posting in this thread have no idea why they should believe the earth is round."
"There has to be trolling here, I seriously can't believe what I am reading."
"this is beyond epic"
"I'm starting to enjoy this so i'm upping you from a 2/10 to an 8 but it ends now."
"OP is now argueing since 6 hours. This is the longest discussion I've ever seen in my life. Of ALL discussions, not only 4chan."
"arguments presented thus far by flatty: >did you personally do the experiment? no? then the results are invalid >here's my evidence; as demonstrated in this experiment someone else did also >oh; you did the experiment itself and it basically shows that the earth is round? >there's probably crazy gravity or some shit; hell if i know or >just because we can't explain every one of these phenomena and a spherical model can doesn't mean we're wrong. i'm serious you guys also >pictures lie and you should never believe them; despite mind boggling quality and quantity available for universal use online"
"Explain how we can have fat asses and tennis balls but a flat fucking earth."
"9/10 OP, well done!"
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misc-obeyme · 7 months
My love for pokemon has been ignited again recently, so let’s crossover it with another thing i like (Obeyme :D). What pokemon’s type the casts specialized in? Here’s my take:
Lucifer is probably dark or fire type (cuz it fits his aesthetics)
Mammon would be electric or dark type
Levi is obiviously water type
Satan probably psychic/grass? (Or he doesn’t specialized in any types at all, just cats)
Asmo is bug/fairy (i’m leaning onto bug types more cuz bugs are fashionable cuz y’know there’re plenty of clothes are based of bugs’ patterns?)
Beel: fighting type
Belphie: normal or ghost
Thirteen is definitely poison
raphael just gives me massive steel type
Diavolo would be dark/fire/ghost??? (Not sure)
And i think Solomon would be a professor (cuz i can’t think of a type that fits this old man lol). And i really struggle with the remaining characters tho (my imagination has really gone dry)
Ohhh boy. Not me being a huge Pokemon fan ldsaklfdsj. I shall not reveal my true age by telling you how many of these games I have played. MOVING ON
Okay, let's see, I've seen some speculation about what kinds of Pokemon the characters would have, but I haven't considered it myself. Mostly because I know that if I tried to create teams for all the characters I would go down a rabbit hole the likes of which no one has ever seen. I would spend days, possibly weeks, maybe even months, hyper fixating on it.
I think there are a lot of Pokemon that fit the characters but most of my ideas involve mixed type teams.
But if they were like gym leaders and had only one specific type that they specialized in? I think I can manage that?
These are just my general thoughts, kind of off the top of my head, but it's all subject to change at a moment's notice lol.
I agree with Lucifer being Dark. I can just see him having a Houndoom, Zoroark, possibly an Umbreon.
I can't help but think that Mammon would be Normal because there is no way that guy doesn't have a Meowth. Also wouldn't it be cute if he had a lil Eevee?? I also see him with a Zigzagoon.
Levi is definitely Water. Gyarados, Lapras, maybe a Greninja? Yeah that feels right.
Satan would absolutely just be cats. Though I do believe I saw someone say Mimikyu would be a good one for him, too, and I agreed with that argument! But if I had to choose a type for him, I think Psychic is a good choice. Since he tends to be more focused on knowledge and the mind, I think it could work. Plus can you imagine him with a Galarian Ponyta? And of course he'd have a Meowstic!
I tend to lean more toward Fairy for Asmo just because I'm pretty sure he doesn't like bugs lol. But I think if I was gonna choose something for Asmo, it'd be Grass. I know, but hear me out. How many Grass type Pokemon are straight up beautiful flowers? Give him a Bellossom or a Sunflora or a Roselia.
Then I would give Bug type to Beel lol. Though I absolutely feel like Fighting would work, too ('cause like omg Beel with a Machamp). I just think it goes with the whole fly situation, you know? Plus how cute would it be for him to have a Butterfree? I mean yeah okay he can have a Scyther too and like a Joltik but also give that guy a Cutiefly you know what I'm saying?
Belphie definitely gives me Ghost vibes for some reason. I can't explain it, but I just see him definitely having a Drifloon. Also a Gengar. And a Pumpkaboo just because that feels right too lol. I have no idea why.
I think Diavolo would be the Dragon type. That feels right to me. Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp, maybe a Drampa or Goodra. I dunno, just feels like the right type for him.
I really can't decide on a single type for Barbatos. I think he'd like a Ghost type like Sinistea or a Fairy type like Comfey. But he's got the Little Ds, right?? They're close enough! Demon type lol.
Now I could totally see Solomon being one of those absolutely unhinged professor types lol. But I could also see him having Flying or Ice type. Or Psychic or Fairy. I think he could have any of those. Like give that grandpa an Alakazam or an Altaria or a Glaceon or a Clefable. Okay see this is what I mean when I start being unable to choose a specific type lol.
I could also see Simeon having Flying type. Again with a Swablu or Altaria, but also a Togekiss or Swanna.
Luke would be Fairy type. Especially considering how many Fairy type Pokemon are also desserts. Give that kid an Alcremie, a Slurpuff, and of course a Fidough! Also a Togepi to match Simeon's Togekiss.
I agree that Thirteen would be Poison. That feels accurate! Give her a Seviper and a Croagunk! Oh and a Salazzle.
I think Raphael could be Steel, Ground, or Rock lol. Or even Fighting I think would work too. I don't think there's a spear like Steel type, but there is the swords Aegislash. But I think I could see him with an Onix or like a Solrock too.
Mephisto completely baffles me. Maybe Poison also? Or Fire? I could see him with a Ninetails.
Well, these are just basic ideas, and I agree with multiple types for each character. It's too hard for me to give a single type to each! For instance, I also think Mammon would have a Gimmighoul and that's a Ghost type. I didn't even give anyone Electric in the end, but I could see him having a Pikachu, too lol.
Anyway, that was fun to think about, but you can see that if I got serious about it, I'd end up getting way too into it lol. I'm always open to hear other people's thoughts and ideas on this, too! I know others have discussed it before! (For instance, I recommend checking out @/another-lost-mc because I know Jes has a Pokemon AU!)
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roseflowerthorns · 22 days
Hi! When and how did you get into witchy/ tarot things? Didn't know that about you and very excited to see more of that side of you!!
Hey there!
This is very long sorry ☺️✌️
So, I had a few abilities through my life that didn't seem normal since I was a child -I've affected lights + electronics whenever my emotions are heightened, blowing light bulbs, stuff stopping working, freezing, etcetera this has continued on throughout my life.
Then predicting when pets would pass from a distinct 'death' smell on my hands before every pet I had passed, days to weeks later, this happened so many times it was undeniable and creeped my mother out no end, this then progressed onto me getting it before actual family members that passed away (even whilst I was living hours away from them) Then this past year I had the same smell I've always got when something happens, but even stronger than I've experienced, to the point it was making me want to vomit. I thought my mum had passed (she's got heart failure) but a few minutes later, I took my dog outside and she got ran over by an electric bike, and the woman came flying off her handle bars.
Iv'e had other things aswell, I read people's energy and have claircognizance when I meet someone, I know things I shouldn't know sometimes, and I have a lot of instances of knowing things instinctually that I shouldn't about people. Reading peoples energy the second I've met them before they've even spoken to me, but I kind of never delved into that side of me, because of my religious upbringing at the time, that made the kind of things I was capable of seem evil/the devil. I came away from the religion years ago now!
Then last year I was just resting my eyes when I saw a vision of a man and woman arguing next to like a hole shape, hard to explain, the womans arm was outstretched and they where having a massive row, and I was like okay.. o_o I scribbled it down, and then I was seeing my sister the week after, told her about it, as I had another vision of me looking down on train tracks moving rapidly beneath my feet. Showed my sister the drawing and she was like omg! That was me and *her partner we where having a really massive argument that close to a canal a few days ago!! (I had drawn the shape of the canal and where they where stood) so I decided to start exploring the spirtual side of things as I wanted to develop the abilities I've had and learn more about them I suppose ^^
My grandmother (passed) Elle, was from Ireland and she had strong divination. The entire family knew about it, becuase she usually had things come to her in dreams everytime she would be accurate, this included things like family accidents, divorces, just a heck ton of stuff tbh. My sister has also got some abilities too (different to mine though, not divination)
I've since taken up tarot as I was just strongly drawn to it all of a sudden, my sister then told me she was a witch and I guess hearing my sister be upfront about it and make it not seem so silly, made me delve into it more myself having the visions made me want to find out more and I just got kind of drawn into the witchy side of things haha. I have done tons of tarot reads now that have all pretty much been accurate at this point some of the stuff I've seen has been very weird.
Before I read I sit and meditate and let whatever come to me and I usually see a mixture of symbolism and actual visions of the people I'm reading for, or people close to them, but every time it ties into the tarot cards that pop out of my deck for that specific person, I never pull them myself and always let the cards jump out.
I've always been drawn to manifestation majorly and energy etc. People who have really hurt me, have always had quite bizzare runs with bad luck from them going into hospital, cars getting totalled, major losses financially, things happening to them that I've been actually shocked by, after they've told me, and at times actually accused me of being a witch or doing something to them energetically haha. Ive also had weird things go on when I was younger with spirtis etcetera, but my mother always convinced me where bad and demons etc.
I've also been developing my abilities that's what I'm currently doing, and have actually picked up distinct feelings from the cards themselves, like my heart sinking, heat, chills, heart skipping, butterflies which has been a weird experience a lot of weird things has happened over the past few months which has made me question so many things ngl haha. Since then I've just been getting into herbs, crystals etc and everything else witchy haha so yeah that's how it's all happened haha ^^
But witnessing my own abilities get stronger my intuition getting stronger in my ability to interpret my visions is very fun and exciting haha and doing tarot and helping people gain clarity makes me happy haha :)
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marvel-lous3000 · 9 months
Complex Love
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Merry Christmas everyone! So I thought to give a Christmas gift to everyone who sees my post. And this is my fanfic, actually series on Gabenath. And again I wanna say
OMG I'm screaming!
Summary: Gabriel has stopped being Hawkmoth and is slowly falling for Nathalie. He is trying to be more close to her while at the same time she is trying to be more away from Gabriel.
But why?
What is stopping her from being closer to him?
Didn't she want a happy life with Gabriel as her husband?
Warnings: Blood (maybe), grammatical errors
Pairing: Gabriel X Nathalie
A/N- This is my first time posting a fanfiction on Tumblr so there maybe many mistakes but please don't mind 😁.
You don't have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work.
Nathalie told Gabriel that Adrien is Cat Noir- Is where it all started.
And now if we come to the present then Gabriel has stopped being Hawkmoth and trying to be better father. And......... ( keep reading you will know )
It was a normal day at the Agreste Mansion in the morning. Gabriel and Nathalie was in the office doing business work. And Adrien was in his school.
It was 11am. Gabriel was deep into his work yet sometimes looking at Nathalie and Nathalie was also deep into her work when suddenly something round like a ball hit the glass window, towards Nathalie. But Nathalie caught the ball (for now just say it "ball") in maybe a nano-second and thew it again back outside. The ball went through the same hole, no other piece of glass broke, not even a little bit. It happened in just a second.
When Gabriel heard the noise of the window breaking he quickly looked up. But his "quickly looking up" was also not as fast as what Nathalie did. He just saw the glass window broken. Nathalie looked at Gabriel and said "umm let me just check what happened". And as she said she went out of the office not letting Gabriel to say anything. He let out a sign and went out of the office to see what happened outside. And the same thing as always...... another villian.
Then he heard someone saying or I would say shout as she was actually far "Get inside it's not safe outside!". He knew this voice, the voice of the person he loves so much other than Nathalie.
He went inside and called Nathalie from his mobilephone. She picked up, "Umm actually I'm kinda stuck in this umm super-villian and super-hero fight" he heard shouting in the background. "Are you safe? Did you get hurt? Where are you?" He said worriedly. "I can't answer you this many questions at this point of time so I am just saying she took us to a safe place" she answered and end the call.
"sh*t" he said. This has actually happened many times that she is stuck in the super-villian and super-hero fight. In the first time, Gabriel ran to Nathalie and then he was himself stuck. After sometime when the fight was finished, Nathalie was able to get out. She then herself took Gabriel out. When they reached the mansion Nathalie scolded him for getting out of the house like she is his mother.
So back to the present, after some minutes the fight ended. Everybody thanked god as they were safe. They also thanked the saviour of all these. She was saving the whole world alone after Ladybug and Chat Noir. She worked tirelessly and fought against the super-villians day and night.
And back to Nathalie, she went to the mansion. "Seriously who told you to run outside" Gabriel said as she entered. "I didn't ran outside, the super-villian caught me and thew me outside but thankfully she was there to save me" "And another thank you to you for not sticking yourself in danger" She added.
After a bit of argument (caring type of), Gabriel helped Nathalie in cleaning her wounds. After that they were again cold as usual, working.
Now time skip to the dinner table. Gabriel, Adrien and Nathalie eat together. Nathalie was the one who told them to do so 'eat dinner together (father and son)'. They agreed and also they didn't need to worry about the miraculous as they both had given it to Master Fu. They were happy that all these miraculous things have ended. She was trying her best to bond the broken hearts of the father and son. After sometime they also requested Nathalie to eat with them. They had maybe told it thousand times but Nathalie denied all time. But how could she say no to her precious emerald-green eyes (Adrien). So now they are eating together as a family.
Gabriel and Adrien observed that Nathalie was in her own world thinking about something. She didn't ate a single food, she was only thinking for the past five minutes. Then Adrien started "Nathalie why aren't you eating something, you are just thinking for the past five minutes." But he didn't get any reply. "Nathalie" he again called her but still no reply. "NATHALIE!" he now shouted. "W-what?" she now replyed, getting her head down to earth. "What were you thinking Nathalie? I was calling you for the past three minutes" The blond boy asked. "Umm nothing" she said and quickly are everything in maybe 2 minutes. After washing her hands she went to the office to complete rest of her work. "Father, do you know what has happened to Nathalie? She is acting different." the son asked. "Actually I also observed Nathalie. She is acting different from the past weeks." Gabriel answered. "I think we should check her if she is-" before he could complete his sentence, they heard the wall behind them broke.
A large pink ugly moster came, breking the mansion. But before the moster or you can say the villian could hurt any of the boys. Again their saviour came. She took both of them to a safe place. While saving them she got a deep scar in her arm.
"But Nathalie" Gabriel said "she is still in the mansion." Adrien completed, they both were worried. "She is safe" the saviour said and went back to the battle ground.
After some minutes, the fight was still going on. The monster pushed a train to the wrong track which lead to a ............ . Then... (watch these two video)
These videos do not belong to me.
(So just think spider man as the saviour and this is what happened)
The saviour was scared that is they would tell everyone her identity. But thankfully they theirself said that they would not tell anyone her identity. She was feeling utterly dizzy after it.
After that though it was difficult from the others villians, she won. Everyone didn't had that much hope in this but yes they won.
Everyone was safe in their houses now. The Agrestes also went back to their mansion. The first thing they did when they went inside their mansion was to find Nathalie. She was already in her room. When they found her they gave her a big hug.
"Your'e safe!" The three said at the same time and laughed.
Nathalie ordered Adrien to go to bed and then went downstairs to the office. Gabriel followed her. By that time she was sitting on her chair. "What are you doing?" suddenly a voice came. Nathalie looked up to see who was he. "Umm working" she replyed as she recognised the face. "At 11pm?" Gabriel said, "just completing the schedule" he heard her answer. "Go to bed" he told her. "I"ll complete the the schedule and go" she answered. Gabriel signed and said "It's an order". Nathalie ignored him and continued working.
Suddenly she felt that someone picked her up in the bridal style. "Put me down Gabriel!" she said shocked. "Not until I reach your bed" he smirked. Nathalie knew there's no point on arguing so stayed quite. Gabriel out her gently on her bed. "Thank you" he heard her say. "It's my job" Gabriel said. They both giggled.
"Good Night" Nathalie said. "Good night" he heard him reply back as he left her room.
But she didn't heard the whole thing he said, he said "Good night my dear".
But one thing they both didn't saw was 'Adrien was seeing all these'
To be continued ->
Try new is an activity where if you want to you can participate. In here you just (if you want) need to complete the work which will be told every time at the end of the story. This will be then kept in this story and with obviously the name of the artist.
So today's 'try new!' is to make a fanart on "Gabriel, Adrien and Nathalie hugging eachother, smiling".
But keep in mind it should not be copied or anything else like that. If you have done one then send it to me through message. It should be send before the next part comes, I will sent a reminder one day before.
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tsuunytsuun · 1 year
This is EXTREMELY random and probably very controversial.. But I think simmers put the sims 3 on too high of a pedestal.
[warning, this rant is LOOOONGGG so strap in if you dare.. also, these are opinions, if that wasn't obvious, so please relax before you threaten me or sm]
The way I play the sims depends a lot on the visuals (cas cc, builds, reshade and save files) so I prefer the sims 4 for obvious reasons.
I'm just stating my opinion, and I agree that the sims 4 has a LOT LOT LOT of problems, but Istg if I see ONE more reddit post with the title "The Sims 4 is kinda boring tbh" or "The sims 3 is better than the sims 4" or some iteration of that, I'm gonna lose my actual mind and delete the internet.
PERSONALLY, I just think a lot of simmers are semi-blinded by their nostalgia. Cause ts3 has more problems than people want to admit- and anybody who tries to come at me with the old "tHE sImS tHrEe HaD aN OpeN wOrlD!" argument can honestly go stub a toe.
Yes. I am complaining about complainers, deal with it.
They say TS4 has too many rabbit holes, but BABES TS3 has them pretty much EVERYWHERE. Restaurant? Rabbit hole. Store? rabbit hole. Spa? Rabbit hole. Rabbit hole rabbit hole RABBIT HOLE.
People act like TS3 didn't/doesn't need mods to make it more playable, JUST LIKE THE SIMS 4.
Keep in mind that I'm NOT hating on the sims 3 as a game, I played it and it's fun ig- I'm ranting about the group of simmers who will DIE on the "THE SIMS 4 SUCKS RAAAHHHH" hill and will never let the argument rest. (Although trust me, I've had my share of "the sims 4 sucks" moments and wanted to throw my computer)
I feel like when TS4 was announced, people were expecting a literal CLONE of TS3 with better graphics, and since that didn't happen, hate.
Just watch, when the sims 5 comes out, people are gonna pop their rose-tinted glasses back on and reminisce about how PERFECT the sims 4 was. It will become the NEW sims 3, the GOAT.
The weirdest thing to me is when a new pack is announced and people are basically going "omg this new pack is gonna SUCK, so I'm gonna spend a bunch of money so I can TELL them how much it sucks- that oughta show em"
WHY? Just WHY.
And about some of the gameplay bugs (I'm not talking about certain expansion packs, we all know those are broken and complaints about that are perfectly valid) I've been seeing. Eighty percent of the time they can be fixed by deleting files in your game than can cause issues.
I'm literally BEGGING yall at this point, delete the localthumbcache file in your sims game folder. PLEASE. It won't harm your game. It helps a lot with lag and other bugs.
At this point some people are just complaining to complain, complaining is practically a cornerstone of the sims community at this point.
It's a part of the deal when you sign on to become a simmer, it's a tradition, a fact of life, one of the many things that brings simmers all over the world together. Complaining.
Also, lets be honest here. Even if the TS4 glitches are annoying, sometimes they can be pretty dang hilarious. Trust me, all you have to do is search "funniest sims 4 glitches" on Youtube and prepare to laugh.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, I'll see myself out. Waiting for the inevitable discrediting of this rant in the comments.
(I posted this on reddit too, so if you see it there then yeah that's me)
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paperpeacock · 2 years
okay so omg, you’re like my fav writer rn and i trust you with this idea!! imagine allura’s best friend or just someone who kinda swore to protect her, being there with coran when allura dies, and she kind of starts to build a relationship with lance since theyre both mourning the loss of someone they loved, and then they end up falling for each other, but reader is self conscious of the fact that she’s basically the closest thing lance get to allura and during argument about this he accidentally calls her allura? maybe hurt/comfort :,D
Hi, I am so sorry that this took me forever, thank you for your patience. I love your ideas, this was so amazing to write! thank you for putting in such a good request, an opportunity to practice less flowery scenarios. As always I hope you have an awesome day, thank you! ♡
Lance x Reader - Wounds
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Left with pale, glittering ashes pouring from your palms, Allura faded past, leaving but only blurry lavender in her wake. Your once beating heart paused forever, drowned by an all-consuming numbness. This plain, this place, it couldn't be real, could it? This was just a haunting dream, plaguing your sleep but surely, you’d awaken soon. You said goodbye, but yet it didn't feel like the words came out your mouth. You weren't here, this wasn't happening. A hand weighed on your shoulder, grasping tightly, pulling you back. Coran faced you, eyes streaming with tears. Very real tears. 
The weeks following her passing were but a blur. A haze of hurt and loss, pure and utter despair. Many nights spent soaked in tears, curling in towards the giant hole that lay inside you, a vital piece removed. Allura’s death devastated the whole team, cutting deeper than any blade they had faced. But even so, a wound must heal and after months passed by, season after season, they pushed forward. Allura would want them to. She would want you to. But all her dreams, all her plans, her smile. She wouldn't be there! You clutched the fabric of your shirt, trying to pull your heart out. Hot tears Buring down your face, body folded in misery. In the dark of your room lay someone crying, their breaths quick and choked, their face sticky in tears and snot. Her brave warrior, now weeping. 
Light cut through the dusk, piercing through the stygian of your room. Illuminating your wide, glossy eyes, crimson face and messy hair. The blue paladin gazed to you, mouth crinkling into a trembling frown. It seems you were not the only one. 
Your arms hung from a railing; face pointed towards the window before you. By now the Garrison had become familiar. You made somewhat of an effort to talk to people, being taught the ways of earth. So many things you would’ve loved for Allura to see. As her first knight you often brought her flowers from meadows, she’d marvel at each one, expressing how much she’d want to be a knight like yourself. The memory was bittersweet, just one of the many reminders your mind plagued you with. 
“Morning” A voice spoke. Stood behind you was Lance, clad in his tangerine uniform with two coffee mugs. 
He stood beside you and peered at the barren land outside. “Got any jobs to do today?” he asked, gaze still facing the window. You focused on the warm mug in your hands, your face reflecting back from the mahogany drink. 
“Just training with a pilot...James Griffon, I think it was” You replied quietly, blowing at the steam. 
“Boo, he’s the worst” His face scrunched into a displeased look, causing you to laugh. 
“Yeah, total jerk” He shook his head, smiling.  
Despite becoming quite comfortable on earth, your duties often called to Altea. Your hair was threaded by the winds, eyes peering up towards the statue of your princess. The day was bright, birds humming in spring, blossoms fluttering all around. After many seasons flew by you felt yourself start to heal, clutching your chest whilst gazing in pure admiration. She was a warrior, a leader, being her guard was most honorable, but being her closet Ally was even more so. 
“You seem in a good mood today” Lance padded towards you; hands dipped in his pockets. 
“I can’t be sad on such a nice day” You smiled, tucking your hair behind your ear. A flurry of petals blew past, dancing around your warm face. Lance felt his heart swell. A feeling he had ripped away from him. It was surprising, he tried to push such emotions down but being near you felt like this place, now, decorated in spring and sun. You were warm. And he had been cold for so long time. 
Ink was poured into the sky, devouring every last slither of light until all that lay was an open darkness. A void filled by countless glittering stars, small wishes far, far away. You had become familiar with earths only moon, her pearly face watching over you. Being trained to withstand late operations, your inner clock had become accustomed to the night, but now you hadn't a reason to stay awake. Instead of patrolling you sat posed outside, admiring the twilight like a painting.  
“Thats the little dipper over their” His finger pointed towards a cluster of stars.  
“You humans are so strange, giving names to the stars” You laughed, wrapping yourself further into the blanket. 
“You think so?” He cocked his head, lending you a gentle smile.  
“It's kind of cute...” you murmured, raising your head towards the moon. 
It had been two years since her passing, since then much has changed. As the paladins ventured of to their own endeavors you chose to stick by Lance, visiting his farm from time to time and helping with tours of Altea. You had grown to be good friends, good friends when close to each other felt their hearts race and cheeks warm, good friends that would often make flirty comments (Mainly Lance), good friends that shared a passionate kiss. 
“I love you.” 
He pressed his lips against your own, pressing his palm atop your hand. You pushed towards him, heart drumming beneath your chest. He had fallen for the Princess’s guard, heart once again swept up by someone so different. 
Since that moonlit night, you and lance were official. Sharing even more kisses and hugs. You were delighted, you adored him and all he was. Someone so bright lighting up your once dim world. But despite this, despite this burning passion. His eyes. They gazed into yours with immense fondness, just as they gazed into hers. You remember sitting in Allura's room, braiding her mane of lavender, listening to all her stories and woes. 
“Y/N, I have something to tell you” She spun round, delicate hand placed upon your own. Her cheeks were painted crimson, eyes shimmering like ocean waves. “Lance and I...” 
“I know”  
She looked up in surprise, faced with your warm smile.  
Since then, she would always gush to you about everything he said, despite not having the same reaction in front of him. 
“Oh Y/N, he said my eyes looked like the stars” 
“Lance told me my hair was very soft” 
“He said he’s so lucky to be my boyfriend” 
You were so happy for her, seeing the once straight and stressed princess now turned to a little girl blushing and giggling over the smallest things. You thought about this whilst sitting in your bed alone, heart swelled with fluttery love only to sink as your best friend wasn't there to hear it. But it didn't matter anyway, she probably had heard all of these things before. He told you your eyes were like stars, your hair was silky and smooth and how lucky he was to have you as his girlfriend, a smart and powerful girl, with the added bonus of being beautiful. Just like Allura. His starstruck gaze was the same he faced Allura with. She was first. She was the young newfound romance; you were the record the replayed the story. The closest thing to the original, but still not Allura. 
“We have to go back to the earth! My family is waiting!” Lance reasoned. Each trip to Altea you found you yearning to stay, feeling so at home in this new world. 
“We’re always on earth! Can't your farm wait for just a couple more days?” You begged. You loved the simple farm life of earth but were always bound to the stars. 
“No, we can’t” he crossed his arms, eyes darkening. 
“don't you miss exploring space? Seeing the universe” 
“If you wanted to go space exploring then you should’ve gone off with Keith!”  
“Lance, these are my people, the need me!”  
“Allura, I need you!” 
Silence befell the room, consuming all previous shouting, only leaving waves of regret in its wake.  
“Y/N I-” 
“Lance she’s gone!” tears spilled form your eyes. “And no matter how badly you miss her I’ll never be her!” you cried. 
“I’ll never be Allura!” 
“I know that...” his voice trembled, face staring at the ground. “I know...” his fists were clenched and his form was quivering. You couldn't stand it.  
That once healed scar now lay as an open wound, bleeding out, blood painting the floors scarlet. Vulnerable to infections and disease. It had been so long since you felt like this. As if an organ were removed from your body. In lay a spear. One which lance had thrown. 
"No, you don't"
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jellybracelet · 2 years
1-70 for the ask thing 😋
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
Yes. I'm very, very grateful.
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
03: Do you regret anything?
04: Are you insecure?
Why. Do I seem it
05: What is your relationship status?
06: How do you want to die?
07: What did you last eat?
Dried figs
08: Played any sports?
All Star cheer, school cheerleading, track and field/pole vault, cross country, college club gymnastics. Honorable fail mentions to basketball and soccer... Not meant for balls, yo
09: Do you bite your nails?
Not anymore, but my hands are usually in my mouth, which is supposed to mean something.
10: When was your last physical fight?
None as an adult. I did go through a punching walls phase but my meds mellowed me right out...
11: Do you like someone?
I would do anything to have a crush on someone right now. Having a crush is so fun
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
I've gone over 4 days without sleeping before 🫠
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Just some random evil people in the world. Nothing personal
14: Do you miss someone?
15: Have any pets?
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
Do you know that feeling when you're at a really loud party and you close the door to the bathroom and the music gets all muffled and you see someone's reflection in the mirror and separate from your body? I think it's really rude to hog the bathroom at a party.
18: Are you scared of spiders?
Less than normal amount
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
I'd start over
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
SNOGGED. . . ?
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
Laundry, rock climbing, run a 5k, pack for my work trip
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
I wish... 2 or 3
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
Holes that are currently open on my body: 10 ear piercings and 1 belly button piercing
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
26: What are you craving right now?
I could eat everything in the entire world every single day, but I won't.
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I'm not sure because I've been informed that I'm unaware
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
Not particularly
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I wish
30: What’s irritating you right now?
Dish sitting next to me
31: Does somebody love you?
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
I have this thing called being crazy where sometimes I think everyone is lying to me or maybe my sister really gaslights me. It's a tricky situation we got here
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
I don't do that
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
My life isn't really that dramatic so shit like that doesn't happen
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
Forgor bc I have memory problems. I don't mind forgiving either. As Lauren Conrad said, "I wanna forgive you, and I wanna forget you."
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Ten (I was a little slore when I was a kid)
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
Is anyone gonna talk about how there's no 41 through 50?
51: Favourite food?
I don't have one bc I'm an adult.
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
What a terrible thing to think.
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Moisturized my feet ten times
54: Is cheating ever okay?
I just had this argument with my sister thirty minutes ago omg
55: Are you mean?
56: How many people have you fist fought?
LMFAO probably just my little sister
57: Do you believe in true love?
I can't think about that
58: Favourite weather?
Different weather for different activities. Jogging is 55-65, beach is 80+, walking around is 60-70
59: Do you like the snow?
I thought I didn't until it stopped happening
60: Do you wanna get married?
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
62: What makes you happy?
Moving my body
63: Would you change your name?
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
Probably bc I don't really drink anymore
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Fall in love with them or use it to my advantage. jk. This hasn't happened since I was like 12
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
I used to
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
The phrasing of these questions is so funny and 2012. my contortion teacher? Lol
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My therapist. 🤢 I don't think deep conversations or introspection or reflection is even good for you (genuine).
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
Not yet. That's too much of a burden to put on someone else.
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becomingpart2 · 9 months
oh she HATED magnus from shadowhunters lmao. one of the main reasons she started the Tobin theory was to prove that malec would be a failed ship (along with proving that klaroline was the main ship of tvd and thus caroline the main female character). it must have killed her that they were not only endgame but MARRIED endgame. basically her argument was that malec was a Ted/ prop ship (all women are divided into three categories, robins, tracys, and props, and i guess she didn’t care how racist it was to call a gay moc a “prop”), and thus was doomed to fail. basically her analysis of shadowhunters was that jace/clary was the pilot tobin, but jace/clary flopped and Alec was the late ted (and she hated clary of course). initially she seemed to be leaning into the idea that jace (a white man) was alec’s robin, but then she moved away from that and started saying that he hadn’t met his robin yet and that the show was failing because of a lack of Tobin. anyways she hated Magnus and insisted that the malec ship was bringing Alec down, and that it was horrible of the show to “force” Alec to be with a man who wasn’t his robin. she was literally saying shit like “save Alec from Magnus” it was genuinely disgusting. anyways malec was by far the most popular ship on the show, far more popular than the main pairing jace/clary, so i don’t get why they weren’t Tobin in her eyes idk.
OMG what a mess 😂 so many layers and holes, where to even start...
First off, I didn't know men could be robins? LOL was this a momentary lapse or was it part of her theory?
basically her argument was that malec was a Ted/ prop ship
I remember very little from her shadowhunters posts because I only paid attention to the TVD ones but from my understanding the reason this ship was a "prop" ship was because Magnus was being "used" as a prop for Alec, right?
And her as someone obviously "concerned" about the treatment of a gay man of color being used as prop for a white man could never ship something like that. So, again, her solution was to root for a "rival" white ship instead? lmao WHAT A JOKE, candyumbrella.
There's so many points to this. The first more obvious one is that for all that she condemned fandom for "concern-trolling", here she was faking concern about the treatment of this character (who was part of an incredibly popular ship of which she created a conspiracy theory to explain said popularity) to disguise the fact she just wanted her white ship instead. She couldn't just admit she liked the white ship more, oh no! Her dislike for the pairing had to come in the form of "concern for character of color" narrative lmao talk about hypocrisy!
The second point is that her fake concern is evident by the fact that she doesn't seem to care about the character of color that's supposedly being used as prop, he's not even her focus, the white character is. If she cared about characters of color not being used as a prop, she could be spending that energy into ships that involved them where they weren't... used as props lol
The third point is that steroline wasn't the Tobin and yet it didn't seem to bother her like this. In fact she enjoyed it quite a lot, so what was the reason? Was she less threatened by steroline than malec? LOL
If she could enjoy steroline for what it did for Caroline, why couldn't she enjoy malec for Magnus? You know, the supposedly "wronged" characters here.
(the obvious answer is that she didn't care for magnus like she cared about caroline lol)
but then she moved away from that and started saying that he hadn’t met his robin yet and that the show was failing because of a lack of Tobin
See, I've seen other posts where this is brought up too. That she used to say that a show without a tobin was destined to fail because the tobin is what makes them "tv magic" (lol I hated these terms). Then I remember how she said Breaking Bad and other shows like Mad Men didn't have a tobin. So??? How did she explain that? What's the truth?? lol
she hated Magnus and insisted that the malec ship was bringing Alec down, and that it was horrible of the show to “force” Alec to be with a man who wasn’t his robin
Lol, again, steroline didn't bother her as much. She probably found steroline empowering for Caroline, who had been so wronged in the past (despite the fact that Stefan would probably never love her like he did Elena, but of course that was not part of her Robin Caroline narrative so she couldn't acknowledge that lol).
Wouldn't it be empowering for magnus, the "wronged" character in the ship, to make the ted have to accept him and be with him? Wouldn't that be revolutionary like her favorite white side characters getting to be robins, if not more? Was that degrading ted? If so, to whom was it degrading?
she was literally saying shit like “save Alec from Magnus” it was genuinely disgusting
OMG! So this she wasn't afraid to say. Disguting indeed.
anyways malec was by far the most popular ship on the show, far more popular than the main pairing jace/clary, so i don’t get why they weren’t Tobin in her eyes idk.
I think this was a DE situation; she just refused to believe they could be because she didn't like it. Because she didn't want them to be even though they were by her own definitions lol. So she made up a bunch of conspiracy theories in her head to explain why fans that liked those ships were wrong and why she was right for not liking them.
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mitcheemarns · 6 years
oh my god i need to make an IN DEPTH post after seeing all that stuff on tumblr. im sorry guys :(
1. im part of the lgbt community. am i surprised at this incident? no, im not. i dont think many people are surprised at the homophobic nature of language that is used within the nhl. am i disappointed? i am. do i think its going to get better? ehhh, i dont know.
2. ive watched the video a few times, including that thread about “rag it” and those subtitles. the first time i saw the video and listened to the audio, i was like, “that doesnt sound like mo.” and yeah, maybe i am biased, but we really dont know for sure that that was mo. i dont know if i buy the rag it explanation, but after reading one of the twitter comments, you can hear “rag rag rag” being chanted by the someone (tampa bench, i assume) as the tampa player goes behind the net. 
3. now, im not saying that it wasnt mo. because it could be. because it seems to be. its a really viable explanation—he was right next to the mic when the words were said, the words were said as he looked at the ref, etc, etc. im definitely not defending him if he did do it.
4. but now, we have to think about why this matters. are we just making a big deal out of the situation to condemn a specific player, if it even was a player? no, thats not the point. there should be consequences, there has to be consequences. this needs to be an example of how the league needs to move forward, if it turns out it was a homophobic slur. 
5. honestly. im just waiting for the statement to make an actual opinion. im going to actually log out on tumblr now (until the statement comes) because i dont want to speculate. 
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
P&P Chapters 7 and 8
(Chapters 5 and 6)
As of my last reading, Mr. Darcy hadn't budged from his mean -15 points, but Lizzy rose to +25.
Chapter 7
The village of Longbourn was only one mile from Meryton; a most convenient distance for the young ladies, who were usually tempted thither three or four times a week, to pay their duty to their aunt and to a milliner’s shop just over the way.
Somehow I feel like the milliner's shop might be the bigger draw than the aunt...
They could talk of nothing but officers; and Mr. Bingley’s large fortune, the mention of which gave animation to their mother, was worthless in their eyes when opposed to the regimentals of an ensign.
The female gaze is well represented here.
“I am astonished, my dear,” said Mrs. Bennet, “that you should be so ready to think your own children silly. If I wished to think slightingly of anybody’s children, it should not be of my own, however.”
I have no doubt that you think slightingly of MANY other people's children.
“Mamma,” cried Lydia, “my aunt says that Colonel Forster and Captain Carter do not go so often to Miss Watson’s as they did when they first came; she sees them now very often standing in Clarke’s library.”
Read the room, Lydia.
“No, my dear, you had better go on horseback, because it seems likely to rain; and then you must stay all night.” “That would be a good scheme,” said Elizabeth, “if you were sure that they would not offer to send her home.”
...+5. Yes, please, bring logic into this. Also, that's quite a lead you have on Mr. Darcy at this point.
Will he ever get a chance to dig himself out of his hole?
“Well, my dear,” said Mr. Bennet, when Elizabeth had read the note aloud, “if your daughter should have a dangerous fit of illness—if she should die, it would be a comfort to know that it was all in pursuit of Mr. Bingley, and under your orders.”
It's ALMOST funny but hits the wrong note for me. Mr. Bennet, don't make me start scoring you as well.
“I admire the activity of your benevolence,” observed Mary, “but every impulse of feeling should be guided by reason; and, in my opinion, exertion should always be in proportion to what is required.”
Thank you, Marytron 2000, you sound like a textbook read by an android.
Mr. Darcy said very little, and Mr. Hurst nothing at all. The former was divided between admiration of the brilliancy which exercise had given to her complexion, and doubt as to the occasion’s justifying her coming so far alone. 
Mr. Darcy, your conflicting comments render a net zero sum. That was a missed opportunity to start digging yourself out of the hole. OMG, why do I bother with you? Hopeless.
Elizabeth did not quit her room for a moment,
Good sister points, another +5.
Chapter 8
The sisters, on hearing this, repeated three or four times how much they were grieved, how shocking it was to have a bad cold, and how excessively they disliked being ill themselves; and then thought no more of the matter: and their indifference towards Jane when not immediately before them, restored Elizabeth to the enjoyment of all her original dislike.
AH! Delightful. Elizabeth is also using a scoring system. 😂🤣
who, when he found her prefer a plain dish to a ragout, had nothing to say to her.
Someone help, what's a ragout? Don't make me google this. I shan't.
“It shows an affection for her sister that is very pleasing,” said Bingley.
You have my full permission to marry Jane.
“Not at all,” he replied; “they were brightened by the exercise.” A short pause followed this speech, and Mrs. Hurst began again.
*suspicious side-eye* I'm giving you a tentative +5. VERY tentative. I feel like you're going to kill it off at any second.
“If they had uncles enough to fill all Cheapside,” cried Bingley, “it would not make them one jot less agreeable.” “But it must very materially lessen their chance of marrying men of any consideration in the world,” replied Darcy.
HA. I'll take those 5 points back now!
Ahh, a nice rousing argument between our leads, yes, very good.
Oops, Jane, sorry, looks like you will continue to be the sickly device by which we keep the leads in proximity. Get well soon, Jane.
(Chapters 9 and 10)
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wifekasa · 4 years
hello! i really enjoy ur content and i read that ur requests are open, so is it okay if i can request something where levi and the reader had an argument, and the rest of the scouts are very aware of it because of the very cold and scary aura coming from them, and so the squad tries various ways to set them up so they can make up with another? thank you!!😁
a/n: ahh first of all thank you! second off, i love this idea omg 🙏 also the reader is another captain!!
levi x reader
“don’t die on me.”
cw: swearing, one kiss scene, mentions of death (barely)
The scouts immediately knew something was wrong when you entered the dining area. It was like there was a dark aura floating around your body that caused everyone within a 4 foot vicinity of you to scatter away like startled birds. Your eyebrows were furrowed and your back was hunched. You stalked into the room and sank down beside Hange who seemed rather unfazed by your cold attitude.
“Oi. Y/N. What’s up with the murderous look in your eye? I think you made the scouts shit themselves.” They chuckled, biting into their bread and looking at you with a hint of amusement twinkling in their eyes.
You lip twitched downward as you scoffed, “Ask shorty.”
Hange made a noise of surprise that you ignored, turning back to your food. You were not in the mood to be pestered. Picking at your food with distain, you tuned out the rest of the room. Due to this, you missed the short raven-haired man walking into the room with the same cold presence that you were amitting. You felt his eyes burning holes into your head but refused to look up, you didn’t wanna give that bastard the time of day.
Levi scoffed when you ignored him, grabbing his plate and settling down at the opposite end of your table. Hange nearly rolled their eyes at the pettiness the two of you were displaying.
Clearing their throat, the titan enthusiast spoke up, “Trouble in paradise?”
“Shut up.” You both countered in sync, still refusing to acknowledge eachother.
The two of you were too stubborn to admit that you were wrong. Maybe neither of you were in the wrong but after the shouting match that took place last night, you didn’t feel like immediately making amends. You had tried to express to Levi how scared you were that he was going to die on one of these missions, however your tone was quite harsh and Levi misread it. He took it as you not having faith in his abilities which was a punch to the gut for the stubborn Captain. He in return, argued that you were running the same risk on missions and since you weren’t nearly as strong as him, you had an even higher risk of getting hurt. Frustrated that he insulted your abilities and didn’t see your point, you stormed out of his office, slamming the door behind you.
The two of you hadn’t spoken since the blowup last night and it was now mid-afternoon the next day. You were in charge of training the scouts this afternoon and due to the anger boiling up inside of you, you put them through a particularly rigorous training course. All of them were clutching their sides and panting heavily when you finally dismissed them.
“Is it just me or does Captain Y/N seem a little harsh today?” Connie spoke up as he downed a glass of water.
“Yeah, that training course kicked my ass. I think they had a fight with Levi, I heard some of the soldiers talking about it.” Jean replied.
Sasha was quiet for a minute before she finally spoke up, “I have an idea!” She exclaimed with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“That’s not good.” Armin commented quietly.
Later that night, Sasha had cornered you and told you there was scary noises coming from a broom closet and had asked for help checking it out. You reluctantly agreed, only because it was getting late and you wanted to get to bed. The two of you went to the closet, footsteps echoing across the quiet halls.
Entering the small room, you spoke, “Hmm. Sasha there’s nothing in here, are you sure-.” You got cut off due to the door being slammed in your face and locked shut.
Jiggling the handle aggressively, you yelled, “Sasha Braus I swear to god, if you don’t let me out of here it’s no bread for a week!”
Sasha gulped but stayed strong, hoping Armin was on his way with Levi. Ten minutes later, Armin showed up... without Levi. Sasha’s eyes nearly popped out of her head, “Armin, where the hell is Levi?!”
Armin scratched the back of his neck, “He wouldn’t come. Said I should ‘get some balls and go look at the noise by myself’.”
Sasha sheepishly opened the door to a very angry Captain, crying as you yelled and told her she wasn’t getting bread for a week. You’d almost felt bad if it weren’t for the fact that several spiders decided to crawl up your leg while you were trapped inside the miserable closest.
The next day, you were in an even worse mood because of the broom closet accident. So, the scouts went back to planning the reunion of their two grumpy captains.
The new plan consisted of getting the two of you within ten feet of each other, which proved difficult. Eren and Jean would both ask for combat training from the two of you and hoped that maybe being close to each other would spark a conversation between you two.
However, the plan backfired when seeing eachother made the two of you even angrier so you both fought the boys aggressively which resulted in Jean and Eren laying on their asses as the two of you stalked off in seperate directions.
You were quite grumpy at this point, snapping at the smallest things and taking things out on the wrong people. You knew it was wrong but you couldn’t help it; it felt like everyone was trying to piss you off.
By now, Hange had grown tired of you and Levi’s negative energy and the beat-up scouts. So finally, they decided to step in.
They found you in your office working on paperwork and quickly grabbed your hand, rudely dragging you away from your work.
“What the hell Hange!” You exclaimed, trying to turn back to your work but Hange had a suprisingly strong grip.
“Sorry! But I need to show you this thing I’ve been working on. It’s urgent!” They explained as they pulled you through the halls. They stopped in front of a random room, opening the door and shoving you in.
“Oi, four eyes, where is the ‘urgent thing’ you needed to show me?” You gasped as you realized Levi was in the room that Hange had just thrown you into.
Levi’s eyes widened when he noticed you in the room and he started shaking his head, “Don’t you dare Hange-.”
Hange locked the door, leaving the two of you sitting alone in your tension. The silence was heavy as you avoided eye contact, plotting the many ways you could get back at the scientist for this later. You were so caught up in your own thoughts you didn’t even realize Levi was staring at you till he spoke up.
“Do you ever plan to let us talk this out or are you just gonna be an angry brat for the rest of your life?” His tone was cold.
Your eyes snapped up to meet his grey ones, searching them for any emotion but you were met with nothing, his walls were up. “What is there to talk about? You made it clear how you feel.”
“How I feel?” He questioned.
“That I’m not strong enough for you. Maybe I’m not humanity’s strongest but I’m talented and that deserves to be recognized. I’m not gonna let you shit on my talent just because I hurt your ego. Which by the way, I don’t even know why you thought I was attacking your skills. I just want you to be safe and I don’t know why you can’t just- MHPM.” Your rant was cut off midway by the feeling of warm lips against yours.
You froze for a moment before returning the kiss, running your hands up into his hair and opening your mouth to deepen the kiss. Levi’s hands snaked around you waist, pulling you tight against his chest. This continued for a few more seconds before you pulled away, cheeks flushed and lips swollen.
Levi spoke up, “I know you’re a talented soldier, it’s something I really respect about you. I shouldn’t have phrased it the way I did, I just... I don’t want to lose you. So, I want you to be the best because then, my chances of loosing you are less.” You looked at him in shock.
His grey eyes showed love and ... fear. The fear of loosing you like he’d lost so many. Your chest tightened at the sight. Tears pricked in your eyes as you pulled him into another hug.
“You don’t have to worry about me, okay? I’m gonna fight with everything I got to make sure I come home to you. You just make sure you do the same, don’t go dying on me.” Your speech was slightly muffled by his shirt but he nodded nonetheless.
“Yay! The lovebirds finally made up! Good! I was worried you were gonna kill the scouts.” Hange laughed from the other side of the now opened door.
a/n: this ain’t the greatest but i wrote it at midnight so yk 😐👋
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caramelcal · 3 years
her favorite protector
summary: its been weeks since Luke and Bambi last spoke after their argument at the club, and everything seems bleak. things take a turn for the worst for bambi, but it seems only luke can save her from this one. 
word count: 3.25k
requests: Anonymous asked:Hope your doing well and Omg you cannot leave us like that with his favorite club :( my heart is breaking. We need more!! We need cute fluffiness where Luke can change some of those controlling ways. Maybe a kidnapping or something? His worst nightmare coming true that his rivalry is using Bambi to hurt him?
Anonymous asked:For the next part of bambi and Luke, maybe while bambi is at Anna’s, a rival of Luke finds her and she’s really scared and even though they aren’t on the best terms Luke somehow finds her and rescue her
this gif...wow. he’s so pretty <3
ᴅɪsᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ- ɪ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴄᴏɴᴅᴏɴᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏғ ᴍʏ ғɪᴄs ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ. ɪ ᴏʙᴠɪᴏᴜsʟʏ ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ᴏᴡɴ ʟᴜᴋᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ. ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏ ᴅɪsʀᴇsᴘᴇxᴛ ᴍᴇᴀɴᴛ ʙʏ ᴛʜᴇsᴇ ғɪᴄs, ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴀʀᴇ sɪᴍᴘʟʏ ғᴏʀ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ. ᴛʜᴀɴᴋʏᴏᴜ <3
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Bambi hadn’t had a particularly great few weeks. She needed space, she knew that, and she knew that time away from Luke would do her the world of good. Anna had been nothing but kind to her, hospitable, not asking too many questions about why she was there and why Luke hadn’t shown up. Anna knew of Luke’s more controlling ways, so it baffled her that he hadn’t even acknowledged the girl being away for so long.
From what Anna had observed previously, Luke could barely breathe without the girl by his side; couldn’t rest easy. Neither could his girlfriend...if they could even call each other that anymore.
Anna, in all honestly, just wanted to know what the hell happened. She knew her best friend well, and she hadn’t stopped looking like you had kicked a puppy right in front of her. Hardly even speaking, barely going out, a very small and almost unnoticeable frown on her face.
It was a miracle that Anna had managed to get her out to the club last night. Sure, the smaller girl didn’t have the best time, but it was far better than any plans that she had at the weekend. All she planned on doing was sitting around and moping, the girl was miserable.
Maybe it was selfish, but she really wanted Luke to text her. She wanted some sort of proof that he still cared for her, and compared to his normal overprotective nature, this was so...different. It was almost as if he didn’t care for her anymore, maybe he moved on. Bambi didn’t know. What she did know of, however, was that Luke had a history of sleeping around. What if he didn’t bother coming back for her and just went back to his old ways instead?
It made her feel sick.
Maybe that’s why she barely got through the first round of shots before she was telling Anna she was going to head home, not wanting to be too much of a damper on her best friend’s night.
It seemed that the plan had worked. By the next morning, Anna was nursing an awful migraine due to her hangover and was sporting many new bruises that she didn’t know where they were from. At some point during the night, she had broken a heel off of her shoes, the discarded heel nowhere to be seen.
Anna still demanded they were going out to run errands the day after, dismissing her hangover but demanding that the smaller girl drove her. Surprisingly, she had gotten used to driving after so long of not even having her hands on a steering wheel. It wasn’t her fault that Luke had always preferred that he or Jacob drove her.
Granted, the girl didn’t have a car yet, but Anna was chill about her using hers.
“Anna,” The girl called out from the room, putting her converse on and tying them up, awaiting her friend to reply to her shout.
However, her reply never came, making the girl sigh. Maybe the girl had fallen asleep or just didn’t want to shout back due to her headache. She quickly picked up her purse and walked into the hallway leading into the main front room, “When are we leaving for-”
The smaller girl cut herself off, looking up towards where Anna should have been by herself but instead was pulled against a man’s chest, tears streaming from her eyes, absolutely horrified. A gun was pointed at Anna’s head, making Bambi still in fear.
“One bad move and this bullet goes into her brain, kid,” One of the men’s gruff voices warned, making fear hit the small girl like a wave. She didn’t know what to do, she wasn’t exactly prepared for it.
Bambi stilled, eyes traveling up to meet the older man in front of her, he looked powerful, must have been their leader. He was older than her, but couldn’t have been much older than 30. Small pieces of stubble decorating his jawline and a black shirt covering his muscles, stretching across his wide chest.
“Good move, princess. You’re coming with us,” The next thing the small girl knew was that the gun was no longer pointed towards Anna, instead, it was directly facing her. One pulling of the trigger and a bullet was going to lodge its way between her eyes.
Bambi didn’t have any time to react or notice the person behind her before their cloth-covered hand was covering her mouth. She was pulled against their body, restricted, unable to scream. Her mouth was dry with fear, the strong smell of chemicals hitting her nostrils as she breathed in. Chloroform.
Bambi’s eyes meet Anna’s tear-filled ones, her figure shaking lightly with terror. Anna was pressed down against the counter now, cheek against the marble, hands behind her back, and gun pressing against her temple. She could only watch, helpless, as her best friend was being manhandled out of the house.
Bambi couldn’t do anything either -weaponless- defenseless against these guys but she knew exactly why they were there. They were there to get her, to use her as a bargaining chip against Luke, just about the biggest cliché in the book. The small girl couldn’t help but wonder what they would do to her once they found out that she was useless, and no longer affiliated with the tall Australian. Would they put a bullet in her brain? Send her in a bag to the bottom of a lake?
However, the girl didn’t get much time to question or worry about this as the chloroform from the cloth weakened her as she was about the be thrown in the car, slumping against the man behind her, eyes closed, legs collapsing from beneath her, her consciousness slowly ebbing away into nothingness.
  By the time that the girl had woken up, her vision was blurry, and she was tied to a chair, her arms behind her, legs tied to an individual leg of said chair. She was in a warehouse that looked to be completely abandoned, a hole in the roof allowing cold air to waft about. It was freezing.
“Looks like sleeping beauty had woken up,” A scratchy masculine voice taunted at the small girl, standing tall in front of her, blocking her from seeing anything.
“What do you want from me?” Her voice was also scratchy, maybe from the chloroform, she wasn’t entirely sure. She still felt disorientated, barely keeping herself from staying upright as she looked at the man who stood above her, a sinister grin on his face.
“We don’t want anything from you, kid. We want your boyfriend’s head blown off his body.”
“I don’t,” Bambi cut herself off for a moment, coughing, “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
The man above her scoffed, rolling his eyes as he looked back down at the girl again, “Don’t act like I’m stupid, princess. All you gotta do is phone him, and Hemmings will come rushing to save his little girlfriend.”
Tears gather in the girl’s eyes as the reality of the situation kicks in. It isn’t a dream, this was her real life. She didn’t want to be trapped like this, in this chair or this life. Luke didn’t care for her anymore, he hadn’t talked to her in weeks, why would he come and save her?
“He won’t come.”
“Don’t play me, princess. I’ve never seen Hemmings ever with a girl twice until you,” He pointed towards the girl, sneering ever so slightly, “You are the key to us getting his gang wiped off of the map. starting with Hemmings, then Clifford, then Hood and Irwin.”
Tears choked up the girl’s throat, her mouth opening as she thought of the fight that she had with him, then the weeks of not talking. The loneliness, the discord. Luke hadn’t bothered to reach out to her, to check that she was ok. Her head shook slightly as the strong emotions continued to arise, “He doesn’t love me anymore, it’s useless.”
The man’s hand gripped the edge of Bambi’s shirt lightly, his jaw clenching as he spoke harshly, spit flying out of his mouth as he threatened the young girl. The gun, which had loosely been held in the man’s hand was now pointed at her once more, “Didn’t ask for your fucking sob story, kid. Open your fucking phone and call him.”
Bambi was frozen in fear, it felt like ice was going through her veins as her phone was thrashed harshly into her shaking hand. At her hesitance to call him, the gun was pressed harshly into the skin of her ribcage as the man ordered again, this time with his words even more clipped, “Now.”
She knew the man wasn’t asking, it wasn’t even an order, it was a threat. This man was dangerous, and she was defenseless against him, if she even wanted a chance of survival she had to comply and hope that he prayed mercy on her and let her go when she realizes she isn’t of use. Shakily, the girl found Luke’s contact, swallowing back her tears, she pressed the call button.
It was silent in the big room in the warehouse other than the few rings the phone made out as the man made her put the phone on speaker. Surprisingly, only a few moments of the phone ringing, it stopped, connecting onto the call with the tall Australian himself.
“Hello?” Luke’s voice sounded out and the girl felt the tears begin to roll down her cheeks at the sound of his voice. It was familiar, it felt like home but at the same time, she felt her stomach clench. His voice was surprisingly soft, the only indication that Luke knew that it was his Bambi calling.
She knew that he had been expecting her to call most likely. She just wished it hadn’t happened like this. She opened her mouth to talk, but the words didn’t form as the tears fell harder, his voice sounding through once more, this time sounding more concerned, “Bambi? What is it?”
“Luke I-” She cut herself off, forcing her sobs to stay silent as she felt the man press the gun against her in annoyance, rolling his eyes before stealing the phone out of the girl’s hand.
“Hemmings, you know when I found out you had a new girlfriend I didn’t think she’d be quite as soft as this,” The man taunted as he stared down at the girl in front of him, “She’s not your usual type, is she? Where’d you find this one?”
“What do you want, Andrews?”
“I want you to meet me at the warehouse, you know the one I’m sure,” The man had rolled his eyes, not that Luke could have seen and a smirk rose to his face, “I’d tell you to come alone without any weapons but I won’t. Bring Hood, Clifford, Irwin, I don’t care. I can just wipe out you all at the same time.”
It was silent for a moment, “What makes you think I will?”
“Because if you don’t I’ll make sure the next time you see your little love she’ll have a bullet in her head. Wouldn’t want me to mess up her pretty little face, would you?” He looked back at the smaller girl again, sending her a malicious smile that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up, “You have an hour, Hemmings.”
With that, the man hung up, tossing the girl’s phone to the floor and crushing it swiftly with the heel of his shoe.
The next hour was taunting for the small girl. The man didn’t leave her side, almost as if he was afraid that she would escape. At that time, she tried to distract herself with anything, but the cold warehouse was bare apart from the chair she was stuck to and the clock that stood high on the wall in front of her, taunting her almost.
The time slowly went by, and the girl lost hope. Luke wasn’t coming for her. Soon enough, the clock struck the time that would have been an hour past the phone call. Then another ten minutes passed. Another five.
“He isn’t coming,” The girl had spoken up to the man, which most definitely wasn’t the smartest thing.
The man continued to look straight forward, scoffing, “Shut up girl. He will.”
He seemed so assured of himself, of Luke. For a man that hated Luke so much, he seemed to have a lot of faith in him. The silence, which had yet again filled up the room was broken by the sound of someone talking through the radio, yet it was too broken up to hear.
The man took the radio off of the side of his pants, holding it up to his face, “Jason? Tyson? Can anyone hear me?”
Only more crackling sounds were heard until it faded off into silence. The man’s face twisted into a scowl as he cursed under his breath, getting his gun out and marching towards the door. He wasn’t very smart, clearly, leaving the girl unguarded and alone; she was all of the leverage he had against Luke.
The sound of gunshots made the girl flinch, eyes screwing shut as she began to shake. She didn’t want to be here. She just wanted to be home, in her bed. Not Anna’s guest bedroom, but her own. She couldn’t deal with this anymore.
The fighting got louder and louder until she heard someone battering right against the walls of the room she was in. The door heaved open, but she couldn’t find it in herself to open her eyes, too petrified of who could be there if she did. Hands pressed against her skin as she jumped, trying to fight them away but to no avail as they untied her bound legs.
“Bambi,” The man breathed out, and suddenly the smell of a familiar cologne clung to Bambi’s nostrils, her tears going thicker.
Her eyes opened to find Luke in front of her, crouched down, throwing the rope away that she had been tied to. She threw herself into his arms, hands going around his neck, one hand in his curls. He held onto her like he was scared she was going to evaporate right between his arms, holding her close against his body.
“It’s alright dove, I’ve got you,” He whispered, trying his best to comfort the sobbing girl in his arms. His eyes were closed, thankful to have the girl back in his embrace, and had no plan to let go of her anytime soon, “I got you.”
Calum, Ashton, and Michael had covered his back, successfully eliminating all of the threats as he had raced to get his girl, to have her safe with him once more. They had entered the room to see their best friend crouched down, practically encasing the smaller girl in his arms as she cried, him comforting her. They deserved their privacy, even after everything that had gone on, but they knew they needed to get out of here soon.
The girl’s tears subsided for a moment as she pulled away from the man, eyes darting around and voice panicky, “You need to find Anna, she was-”
“I know, she called me. She’s safe. We’ve been trying to figure out a plan to get you back for three hours now baby,” After his reassurance, he used the hand that was on the back of her head to push her towards him slightly, kissing her forehead as he played with her hair.
Soon enough, he has his leather jacket off, leaving him in only his black button-up, splaying the jacket across her shoulders to keep her warm. The drive back to their condo is silent, but that’s exactly how it should be. Luke doesn’t take his hand away from Bambi for the entire ride, despite how dangerous it could be. He just wants to remind himself that she’s there; back in his arms.
Luke had to admit, the condo felt warmer now that she was back in it. She sat on the counter in the bathroom, hand holding onto Luke’s as if it was her lifeline as he ran them both a bath, helping her strip down and get into the bath before sliding in behind her, pulling her against him.
Bambi basked in the warmth that both the water and the person behind her gave her. They barely talked for the first ten minutes, enjoying the comfort that the silence brings with it.
“I love you,” Luke murmured, pressing a kiss against her shoulder, stubbly beard itching her shoulder.
“I love you too, Lu,” The girl twisted around to face the man, pressing her lips against his, bubble-covered hand getting bubbles on his face. She doesn’t mention the beard, far too tired to make unnecessary conversation. She, however, noticed the guilty and solemn expression on her boyfriend’s face, quietly stating, “It’s not your fault, you know.”
“I should’ve protected you,” He whispered, hand reaching up to cradle her cheek, softly tracing patterns on her cheek with his thumb.
“No, you were giving me space, as I wanted. You were being respectful of my boundaries, and I love you for that.”
“It put you in danger, Bambi,” His hand that was around her waist pulled her closer when he said that, “I’ll do better, I promise. I’ll protect you.”
“No, Lu. You can’t protect me forever,” The girl said, kissing him on the cheek before speaking again, eyes never moving from the gaze that she held with the blue-eyed man, “I wanna drive, go out by myself without Jacob. I wanna go to the club-”
“Absolutely not,” Luke scoffed, shaking his head, his protective side of the smaller girl coming out.
She looked up at him, head tilted slightly to the side with an eyebrow raised. He stared down at her, holding his ground before he looked away, letting out a slightly exasperated and breathy laugh, “Fine. But you only go to the club with me and you never leave my side. And you’re taking boxing classes. MMA, whatever. I’m teaching you how to fight. You need to tell me where you’re going at all times and sometimes let Jacob drive you but you still need to leave when low-level gang members are here-”
“Fine. But you need to keep your distance from them, ok?”
The girl smiled beamingly, kissing him on the lips. She knew that from a protective boyfriend like Luke, that was the best that she was going to get, “Thanks babe, love you!”
Luke grumbled something lightly that sounded like ‘yeah, love you too’ as he rolled his eyes, the girl starting to clamber out of the bath. Her hands were starting to wrinkle due to the water, showing her that she needed to get out. However, she nearly slipped, thankfully being held back by her boyfriend, who helped her get out safely.
Slipping a towel over her body, she sent her boyfriend a sheepish smile, “How’re you expected to defend yourself at the club if you can’t even get out the bath, Bambi?”
“Oh shut it, Lu,” The girl laughed, making the blond’s face crack out into a small smile, “You coming or what?”
“Yeah yeah, give me a minute,” With that, the girl left, leaving the man to shake his head with a smile on his face. They were both back, with each other, where they belonged.
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mellowswriting · 4 years
OMG CONGRATS ON THE FOLLOWERS MY LOVE!!!!💙💙 I would love to request something angst but with a happy ending with Frankie please!!! I’m open for anything! Thank you so much!!!
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pairing || Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x Reader
summary ||  You step in when Frankie’s ex leaves him with their baby and in turn, find your own little family.
word count || 7,213 
warnings || angst, hurt/comfort, parental abandonment
a/n || Thank you so much! Somehow this started as something small and then exploded into my longest fic on this blog. Enjoy! (p.s this gif does things to me smh)
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The last thing you expected was a phone call at the crisp time of 11:43 pm. It had been a long day already with your job being a disaster and you were half tempted to just let it ring so you could stay in the warm, safe cocoon of your bed...but something in your gut nagged at you to pick up, told that it was important. The bleary sight of Frankie’s name on your phone screen had you sitting up and rushing to hit the green ‘accept call’ button - he would never call this late unless it was serious. 
He sounded wrecked, his voice panic-stricken and cracking over words too rushed for you to understand, and your heart began pounding. In all of your years of knowing Francisco Morales, you had never heard him like this. Not when he called you while he was out on deployment, not when he whispered to you about the horrors he had seen overseas, not when you comforted him after the shitshow that happened in South America. 
“Frankie, slow down. I can’t understand you,” You tried to make your voice calm and reassuring but your worry bubbled through anyway, and you threw back the warm comfort of your blankets to scramble for clothes. Whatever this was, you needed to be there. There was no way in hell you would just listen to your best friend go through it over the phone. “What’s going on?”
A deep, shuddering breath crackled through the receiver, then “Eliza left us. She just...she just fucking left.” 
Your breath caught in your throat and acidic anger ripped up through your chest, nearly suffocating you in it’s intensity. The mere idea of her walking out on Frankie and their new baby after all she had already put him through...god, you could just scream. It was forced down with a harsh swallow - it was not the time for your own anger. With your sweatpants and hoodie yanked on, you paused, struggling to find any words of comfort. “I’m on my way, okay? I’ll be there soon.” 
“Ok” Frankie whispered and that was how you knew just how bad it was - he didn’t try to convince you not to come out so late or that you could just come in the morning like he did any other time he was in crisis. “Please don’t hang up.” 
“Frankie…” You whispered. Your heart ached for him, wrestling with your anger. “I won’t. I’ll stay on the line, I promise.”
You rambled about any and everything as you drove. He needed to hear your voice, needed to be distracted, but you felt a bit ridiculous talking about the boring things you dealt with at work that day while he was in crisis. It helped, obvious by the way his breathing evened out as he listened and hummed in response.  
There was no telling just how many traffic laws you broke as you sped the few blocks between your home and his. All you could do was be glad you weren't pulled over and managed to throw your car in park and kill the engine in the gravel driveway within ten minutes of leaving your own house. The front door swung open before you even managed to get out of your car and you practically sprinted up the steps to wrap your best friend in your arms. 
Frankie stumbled back slightly as you collided with his chest but he curled his arms around your waist and buried his face in your neck nonetheless. No words passed through the nonexistent space between you. There wasn’t any need. You pushed the door closed behind you before you led him further into his living room and settled next to him on the couch. The sight of his bloodshot eyes and the exhausted slope to his shoulders had a wild mix of anger and sadness whirling through you. 
“Where’s Isabella?” You whispered.
“She’s asleep upstairs. Eliza dropped her off and she just...slept right through it all, the entire argument.” His voice was hoarse, a testament to his rough night. “I...I can’t do this on my own.” 
“Hey, you aren’t on your own.” You said, your tone soft but leaving no room for argument. “I’m not going to tell you it’s going to be easy, but you sure as hell aren’t alone. You have me and the boys. God knows Santi will be happy to flex his status as godfather even more.” 
That pulled a half-hearted smile from Frankie. It was fleeting, gone in less than a second, but you counted it as a win nonetheless. Watching that far away look return to his eyes made you chest ache and you were desperate to break the spell of worry and anger that hung over him. Somehow knowing that you couldn’t even if you tried brought you no closer to peace. 
“Have you eaten?” You asked as you carefully brushed a hand through his hair, appreciating the curls that were usually hidden under his hat. Frankie leaned into the touch and you smiled softly at his acceptance of the comfort you offered. 
“No, but I can’t eat right now.” Frankie grumbled. The intensity of the anger, the shock, the fear, it all gave way to a mind-numbing exhaustion and he just wanted to sleep. You sighed but didn’t push him. “M’tired.” 
“Alright, c’mon. Let’s get you to bed.” You heaved yourself from the couch and offered Frankie a hand to pull him along with you. He grumbled quietly to himself as you ushered him up the stairs, the both of you mindful of the sleeping baby. Frankie flipped the baby monitor on and took a moment to observe the grainy image of his little girl, fast asleep and entirely unaware that their lives had just changed drastically. 
“She deserves better than a broken family.” Frankie whispered, the image of defeat as he sat heavily on the edge of his bed. There was nothing for you to say in that moment, nothing that would ease his burden or change his mind. So instead of speaking, you just sat next to him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulled him into your side and rubbed his back in slow strokes. Just when you thought he might be calm enough to lay down and get some sleep, Frankie went stiff against you and groaned. “Fuck, I have work tomorrow!” 
He was up and pacing a hole in the floor before you could even blink, grumbling out a quiet rant about the insanity of his situation. It seemed like he was a step away from spiraling out completely - and you knew just how to prevent that. Francisco Morales was a military man through and through; give him clear instructions and he’ll tackle a task with all he’s got. All he needed was for someone to help him see past the panic to the next step. 
“Frankie, stop.” You stepped in his way and put both of your hands on his shoulders firmly, only continuing when he finally looked you in your eyes. “Call the office now and leave a message for them to cancel your tours for the next couple of days so you can get your head on straight. It’s a family emergency. They’ll understand. And after you call them, you need to lay down and at least rest your body, because Isabella will need to be fed in a few hours and you need to get some sleep while you can. I’m staying the night -”
“Wait, what? No, you don’t have to -” Frankie interrupted but was met with your finger at his lips, almost cracking up when he pouted against it. 
“I don’t have to, you’re right. But my best friend needs my help and the little girl that I adore deserves to have a dad who isn’t ripping his hair out from stress. If the tables were turned and I was the one in this position, would you let me convince you to leave?” You took your hand away from his face when you shook his head ‘no’ and you gave him a small smile. “Exactly. So, I’m staying the night and I’ll be here to help wherever you need for as long as you need me. Okay?”
Frankie nodded. After that, it was easy to get him burrowed under his covers. His eyes drooped the second he was settled, and with a final brush of his hair off of his forehead, you turned to head back downstairs and set up a makeshift bed on the couch. A hand shot out from under the blankets to latch onto your wrist and Frankie sounded almost child-like when he whispered, “Please stay.” 
And who were you to deny such a sweet plea? You curled up on the opposite side of the bed, exhaustion finally dragging you under after the day’s insanity. Two hours later when a shrill cry had you both sitting bolt upright, you threw back the covers and slid out of the warmth of Frankie’s bed right along with him. 
“You go make her a bottle and I’ll check her diaper, alright? You asked around a yawn, already shuffling off to the nursery. Frankie made a tired noise of agreement and went downstairs, leaving you to scoop up his crying infant from her crib. “Hi, Bella. Let’s get you changed, yeah? Does that sound good?”
Once she had a clean diaper, you carefully carried her down the stairs and into the kitchen where her father was warming up a bottle. He smiled at the both of you as you approached and reached out to rub his daughter’s back where she lay against you, chest-to-chest. You could see the doubts worming their way back to the forefront of his mind by the way his smile faltered, and you put Isabella into his capable hands. 
“We’ve got this, Frankie. One day at a time.” You murmured to him before leaning down to coo at Isabella, grinning when she gave you a gummy smile. “Yeah, your daddy has you. Everything’s gonna be just fine.” 
And as you looked at the matching pairs of chocolate eyes sparkling at you in the low light of the kitchen, you could feel in your gut that you were right. 
After three weeks of staying at Frankie’s house nearly every night, the two of you had a schedule down packed and after two entire months, Frankie realized you were right. It sure as hell wasn’t easy - far from it, in fact - but everyone had stepped up just like you said. You would care for Isabella when Frankie was at work more often than not with Will and Pope picking up responsibility here and there where they could. The true savior here was you. You woke with Frankie in the morning, held his daughter up so he could kiss her forehead before he left for work, cared for her until he came home, and still stuck around to help after. 
You were a fucking goddess, and Frankie knew he would be lost without you.
Each day that passed had Frankie’s anger dissipating just a bit more. With his focus solely on establishing a new normal for his daughter, there wasn’t really time for him to think about just how screwed over he got. He was fooling himself into thinking that the storm of emotions that thundered in his chest didn’t need to be handled. Logically, he knew that. The clouds would crack and it would all pour from him eventually, he just didn’t know when. 
The boiling point hit on a Saturday. A beautiful day by all other standards; the sun was bright in the cloudless sky, leaving the air shimmering with warmth. The plan was to take a walk to the park with Isabella before meeting the guys for lunch, even though she wasn’t really big enough to enjoy the jungle gyms. In reality, Frankie just wanted to spend some time with his two favorite girls out in the sun. You had Isabella on the couch, getting her dressed after changing her diaper and rambling at her all the while. 
Frankie loved the way you talked to his daughter, as if she was entirely invested in whatever mundane story from work you were recounting, taking her gurgles and the spit bubbles she blew as excited responses. The stack of mail in his hand momentarily forgotten, he leaned over the back of the couch with a small laugh.
“Ya know, I don’t think she understands the intricacies of office politics.” He teased, his grin growing when you tossed him a glare that had no heat behind it. 
“And I don’t think she understands the intricacies of piloting helicopters, but you don’t hear me making fun of you when you ramble on about rotors at three in the morning.” You grumbled. The smile on your face betrayed any attempt to sound annoyed. 
Frankie barked out a laugh. “Touche.” 
With Isabella dressed and ready to rumble, Frankie intended to give the mail in his hands a once-over before heading out the door - until a large, yellow envelope with the state’s stamp inked in the corner caught his eye. What the hell did he do to have the state government contacting him? He racked his mind as he tore the envelope open, trying to think of any recent wrongdoings that could’ve gotten him into some legal mess. Maybe that red light last month actually caught his license plate last month. God, this was the last thing he needed right now with everything else he had going on, and - 
The five words stamped across the top of the papers made his heart lurch in his chest. ‘Voluntary Relinquishment of Parental Rights’, right there in bold lettering. Eliza’s signature was scrawled at the bottom along with a notary’s. He expected sadness, even tears, but no. 
No, Frankie was fucking enraged. 
White hot anger surged, leaving his teeth gritted and the papers crumpled slightly in his clenched fist. It had been years since he felt that kind of rage, somehow even worse than the anger he felt during the absolute shitshow that was the mission in South America. A shuddered breath escaped from behind his teeth as he desperately tried to grasp the urge to throw the papers to the ground, along with anything else within his reach. 
“Frankie?” The sound of your voice calling out to him sweetly, laced with concern and confusion, somehow only made that rage spike. The fact that you had put your entire life on hold to help him care for his child, the child Eliza swore up and down that she wanted with him before disappearing on them both, had him infuriated on your behalf as well as his own. Just how many lives was Eliza going to change forever with no remorse? Frankie tossed the entire pile of mail on the couch and stormed off to the kitchen, not wanting you or Isabella to see him in such a state. 
He had no idea how long he stood braced against the kitchen counter with his eyes squeezed shut, desperately trying to find a way to tamp down on the intensity rolling  through him. There was a quiet conversation coming from the living room, two voices too low for him to make out, and there was suddenly a hand on his own. Frankie finally opened his eyes to see you standing next to him, giving him a soft look that disarmed him and made him feel guilty all at once. 
You shouldn’t have to be here. You shouldn’t have to deal with the bullshit that always seemed to follow Frankie around every fucking corner. You were too good for his troubles, you deserved better. Frankie hated that he had brought you down this hole with him. 
“Where’s Isabella?” Frankie croaked out. 
“I called Will, he’s got her in the living room.” You said, your voice just as soft as the expression on your face, and Frankie wanted nothing more than to bury his face in your neck and cry or smash something on the ground just for the satisfaction of seeing it break. The confliction of his wants only made him angrier. “I saw the papers. What do you need?”
“What do I need?” Frankie repeated with a humorless chuckle before hitting the countertop with a clenched fist, just hard enough to make pain shoot up his arm - and the dam broke. “Anything! Anything but a life where the mother of my child doesn’t abandon us at the drop of a fucking hat!” 
The coffee mug that sat next to the coffeemaker was the unfortunate victim his impulses chose to meet the sudden, desperate need to get this rage out of his body. His arm reared back, ready to smash the ceramic mug right onto the tile, but the firm grab of two hands kept the lucky cup in one piece. You grabbed his forearm with one hand and wrapped the other over his, securing the mug in his grip as you stepped into his space and settled him with a firm look. 
“No, not here. Not like this, not with Isabella so close by.” Shame lanced through Frankie viciously. You were right, as always. How fucking stupid was he to think - “Let’s go.” 
“What?” was all he could mutter as you set down the mug and began pulling him towards the front door. 
“You’ve got Isabella, right?” You asked Will when you paused to fish your keys from the table next to his door, only continuing in your march towards your car when Will confirmed. Frankie’s guilt-ridden confusion only grew as you pulled out of his driveway after ushering him into your passenger seat. “You need to deal with this in a healthy way. Because god knows you have every reason to be downright enraged. Hell, I even wanted to throw shit around for a while.” 
Frankie could only stare at you, his anger and frustration simmering lower the more you spoke. There was a light in your eyes that he recognized, the same one that you had last year when he had to comfort you through the downfall and heartache of your last relationship. It was anger and sadness all wrapped up into an intense shine he recognized all too well. 
“But we are going to do these the smart way.” You continued and met his eyes as you pulled up to idle at a red light. There was… something there beneath the empathy, something hovering at the edges of your expression that he just couldn’t place. “Because you are my best friend and I love you and your daughter way too much to let you destroy yourself.” 
Heat flushed up his neck at the candidness of your words. Oh, god, he could not let that tiny, hopeful part of his brain latch onto that at run with it. No, it would reignite too many old feelings and needs to let himself hope. Of course you loved him and his child - you were his best friend after all. There was no point in letting himself even consider it beyond that. Not when he could destroy everything good he had left in his life. 
Frankie just nodded, trusting in whatever you had in mind. Less than five minutes later, you pulled into the town’s recreational fields and it clicked in his brain. The batting cages. He smiled slightly despite his inner turmoil. This was exactly where he had taken you when you finally got over the shock of your ex-boyfriend’s betrayal and stepped right into an unfathomable rage. 
He let you put the ridiculous helmet on his head and gratefully took the aluminum baseball bat from your hands once you got to the small fenced area where he could finally let out his anger. The quarters clinked as you slid them into the slot and you smiled at him from behind the fence. 
“You might feel stupid at first, but it helps.” You called out over the whirring of the pitching machine powering up and Frankie laughed. He had told you the exact same thing, verbatim when you had complained that the whole idea was ridiculous. 
The harsh crack of the bat meeting that first baseball was like taking a sledgehammer to the wall he had built around his anger. The next one had him grunting into the effort he put behind the swing of the bat, letting every bit of his rage and resentment sing in his veins and bleed into the impact against the ball. Each swing had him building up, had tension racking his back and shoulders only to be released with the ringing sound of aluminum and revived the moment his arms fell to his sides. 
“I just...I can’t fucking comprehend it! First, she was so excited. Went on and on about having the whole thing. ” He called out through each swing, knowing you were there behind him, hanging off of the fence to watch and listen. “The house and the kids and the - the fucking white picket fence life. All of it! And then she wanted all of that, but not with me. No, she’d co-parent and find some other man to shack up with because apparently I wasn’t enough for her. Yeah, it hurt and all but at least she was still around! And out of nowhere, she just fucking left! It’s bullshit!” 
The aluminum echoed harshly where Frankie threw it to the ground, his hands ripping his hat off to muse his hair roughly before settling back on his head. Every ball hit was like a point knocked off of his frustration. It wasn’t exactly fun, but it felt good. 
“Another round?” You asked and Frankie turned to see you with more quarters poised and ready to send more baseballs flying at his head. He nodded, more grateful for you than ever in that moment. 
“But at the same time, I am so glad she left when she did. It’s so conflicting because I’m pissed that she put us through that but at least it’s over!” Frankie continued, the pressure finally easing in his chest as he said the things that were building in his mind the last two months. “She jerked me around for so fucking long. At least I don’t have to worry that she’ll change her mind again. At least I can… move on, move forward in my life.” 
He didn’t even have to ask you for another round when the last ball had been pitched. This time, he said nothing. Neither did you. Frankie just needed to vent, to be heard. He didn’t need advice or pity or words of encouragement. Well, the encouragement he would need later. The rest would just make him even more angry. Every crack of the bat meeting a ball had the anger receding and exhaustion creeping up to take its place. There was a special kind of relief in the absence of anger - it didn’t exactly feel good, but it wasn’t bad either. Almost numbing. 
The bat clattered to the ground after the last ball was sent rocketing into the netting. Frankie was done, for now at least. It would come creeping back in, he knew, but he also knew he could handle it. He felt like he could handle anything with you by his side, with your support and… and your love. It was nice to be taken care of for once. You took the bat back to the office as he plopped himself down at a picnic table and a few moments later, a cool water bottle, dripping with condensation was pressed against the back of his neck. It was soothing against his skin, overheated by the harsh sun. 
The two of you sat together at that table for nearly an hour, not having to speak to convey how either of you felt in that moment. Frankie was beyond grateful, and he could tell you were happy he was feeling better just by the way you rubbed a hand between his shoulder blades. He almost lamented at the loss of your touch when you pulled that hand away, only to have you settle it on his just like you did back in the kitchen. 
You were always there, always managed to make him feel better. Even when his life was crumbling around him, there was solace to be found in you. In your words, your touch. You never made him feel ashamed when he exposed his sadness or his anger, never made him feel less than. It was impossible for that small flame not to flicker back to life deep in his heart. The spark of hope for the future, especially if you were in it. 
“Thank you.” Frankie choked out, unable to express himself any more than that. It didn’t matter, he knew that. You knew how much this little foray into stress relief helped him. 
“Always, Frankie.”
Later that night when all was quiet in his home, when the Miller brothers and Pope had left and Isabella was safely asleep in her crib, Frankie was still exhausted. The boys had come over instead of dragging him out to a restaurant and it was a blast, as always, but he couldn’t help the heavy way his shoulders were set for the rest of the day. He just wanted to sleep. 
The last thing he expected was the tears. An overwhelming feeling of being entirely unwanted washed over him and he was too damn tired to fight it off, so he sat himself on the edge of the bed and cried. No matter how logical he was with himself, no matter how much he reminded himself that he was well loved despite Eliza, the feeling just would not shake. 
Embarrassment layered on top of the sadness when you popped your head into his bedroom, hair still wet from the shower you just took. Frankie wiped the tears away with rough fingers as he turned away from you, giving an entirely fake laugh in a vain attempt to brush it off. He should’ve known better. You padded right up to him and gently cupped his cheek to guide him to look back up at you, and the understanding smile you gave him paired to the gentle brush of your thumb under his eye to wipe a stray tear away had his chin trembling against his will. 
“C’mon,” You whispered. Frankie watched you clamber onto his bed through tear-blurred eyes and settle against his pillows, your arms open in an invitation for comfort that he took without a second thought. Frankie laid his head on your chest, wrapped one arm around your waist, and closed his eyes before he could talk himself out of it. This was dangerous ground, letting himself take comfort in you this way. You brushed your hand through his hair, sighing softly as you relaxed. “We’ve got this. You know that, right?”
“Yeah.” Frankie’s voice was slurred slightly with his sleepiness, the craziness of the day finally pulling him under. “Yeah, we do.” 
At eight months old, Isabella was growing into a vibrant, happy little girl and you couldn’t be more proud. You hadn’t expected to play such a large role in her life, but now you couldn’t imagine doing anything else. According to her pediatrician, little Bella was as healthy as a horse and blossoming. ‘A textbook case of healthy development’ was what she had said at the last checkup, leaving you and Frankie to grin at each other. The first appointment after Eliza left was nerve racking with Frankie bouncing anxiously the entire time until Dr.Weston gave them the exact same response - Frankie’s daughter was right on track. 
The relief on his face had broken your heart. How could that man ever think he wasn’t doing right by his little girl? You saw him with her every single day. You saw the way he babbled along with her while spooning baby food into her mouth. You watched him lie on his belly with her in the living room during tummy-time, trying to help her strengthen her neck. You woke up to him stripping the blankets off of the bed when she couldn’t fall asleep anywhere but his arms and wanted her in bed with you both. If there was anyone who could attest that Francisco Morales was an amazing father, it was you. 
And you made sure to tell him that, as often as you could. It made the most delicious flush creep up his neck and paired with that bashful smile he tried to hide by pulling the brim of his hat further down, you could barely keep yourself from kissing him. Guilt ate you alive every single time you had those urges. Frankie was thriving after such an awful ordeal, and there you were, lusting after him like some over-excitable teenager. 
It was impossible not to feel so... domestic in your current set up. You slept at Frankie’s so often that your own home felt almost foreign when you would show up for more clothes or to grab something for work. You worked from his kitchen table or couch, tapping away at your laptop as Isabella slept or played on her playmat in front of you. The instinct to refer to Frankie’s house as ‘home’ and the way you saw the three of you as a little family was new and something you had to nip in the bud right away. 
That type of thinking would inevitably end in heartbreak when Frankie sent you on your way once he didn’t need as much help with Isabella. At least you knew it wouldn’t be anytime soon and could enjoy it while it lasted, especially since the home was currently plagued with a two word nightmare neither of you expected. 
Sleep. Regression. 
You sat in the glider with Isabella slumped against your chest, her cute little face pressed against your sternum as you rocked sleepily. Her eyelids fluttered every now and then, but there was yet to be a moment you could settle her into her bed. Frankie had tried before you, but even daddy’s arms weren’t good enough for the fussy baby. He was rooting around downstairs, searching for a little stuffed hippo that sometimes helped her calm down, but at that point, you were willing to just sleep right there in her nursery. 
The door cracked open slowly and you peeked one eye open to see Frankie shake his head slightly as he walked in. You held back a sigh. That damned stuffed hippo was going to be the death of all three of you, apparently. Frankie made an urgent noise and your eyes flew open, your eyebrows pinching together in confusion. With a baby constantly on the verge of either falling asleep or waking up, the two of you learned to communicate without words, instead using pointed looks and hand gestures to get a point across. 
Frankie gave a pointed look Isabella and you tilted your head down to get a good look at her, and good god you could barely believe your luck. A very long, drawn out transfer from your chest to her crib later, and you and Frankie were creeping out of the nursery, careful to avoid the creaky sections of the hallway. The second the door was closed, you held up a hand for a quiet high five with the goofiest grin on your face, and Frankie obliged with a chuckle. 
You practically threw yourself onto the bed you were starting to consider your own, yet another dangerous road, you knew that much. The stubbornness both you and Frankie held strong to had neither of you willing to let the other take the couch, insisting that ‘no, you need good sleep.’ and ‘well, you do, too!’. Each night you spent curled up next to him and waking up a hairsbreadth from each other had you positively yearning. 
It was nearly three in the morning and both of you had work in a few hours. The idea filled you with dread, and that was how you found yourself whispering to Frankie that you were calling out because ‘exhaustion is the best reason to use a sick day’. He cracked up at your antics as he crawled in next to you, but the look he gave you once he was settled in… it made your heart flutter in your chest. It was an exhausted, relieved, and grateful expression all rolled into one and in that moment, you felt like you could look at him forever.
You didn’t get the chance to. Frankie slid his arm under your shoulders and pulled you against him. It was too familiar of an embrace for you to shy away, even though you knew you should. You should’ve stayed on your side of the bed with plenty of space between you if you wanted to avoid heartbreak, but instead, you snuggled close to him and set your head right on his chest. You could let yourself indulge in the fantasy that he was yours for just a bit longer, especially if it meant getting this unforgettable experience of curling up with the man you adored. 
The steady rhythm of his heartbeat lulled you closer to the abyss of sleep, until his chest rumbled as he spoke, making you blink up at him. 
“Thank you, cariño.” Frankie settled his hand against your head, playing gently with your hair. 
“Always, Frankie.” You whispered back, a smile on your face even as you slipped into the most peaceful rest you had in years. 
The house was full of people. For the first time in months, Frankie threw a cookout. It was something you had missed dearly, inviting everyone over for food and beers and a bonfire if the mood was right. Isabella was beyond happy to see everyone she loved all at once, the nine month old squealing with delight at each person who scooped her up from her bouncer. You watched carefully, always ready to swoop in if needed while Frankie ran in and out of the house between the kitchen, grill, and living room. 
You had been worried it might be too much for him, the pressure of so much socializing after such a hard time, but he was all grins and twinkling eyes as he ran about. It warmed your heart to see that happiness radiating off of him. God, had you missed it. Things were finally looking up and it felt as if you had let go of a breath that was held in for far too long. 
Almost everyone was out in the backyard, soaking up the last of summer before fall got her chilly grip on the world, with you and a few others inside chatting. Isabella had just woken up and boy was she ready to go. Those chubby little legs flailed as you wrestled her into a clean diaper and back into her pretty pink dress. You leaned back with a small laugh once she was finally dressed, letting her have the free reign to roll over onto her belly. 
You glanced up at Will where he sat on the couch a few feet away taking a break from all the chitchat, and he grinned at you, muttering something about her being just like her father. You couldn’t agree more. You went to pick her up and carry her outside where she could get some sun and squeal at more guests, but your hand met the carpet instead. Isabella grinned at you less than a foot away, propped up on all fours as she scrambled away so quickly you worried she would get rug burn before you realized - holy shit, she’s crawling. 
“Go get Frankie!” You said to Will, who was staring at Isabella with a proud grin. He jumped to his feet, ever the good soldier taking commands, and you scooped the giggling little girl into your arms. “Look at you go! Oh, I’m so proud of you, sweet girl!”
A frazzled Frankie skidded around the corner out of nowhere, half of the crowd piling in behind him in worry, and internally you cursed Will for not informing him that nothing was wrong. Before Frankie could even ask, you motioned for him to sit down a few feet from you and he listened despite the deeply confused look he wore. 
“Are you gonna show daddy your new trick, Bella? Huh? Go on,” You cooed as you set her back down on her hands and knees, and she took off like a bat outta hell, scrambling for her father, who watched with wide eyes. Frankie broke off into a loud laugh and picked her up to cradle her against his chest, his eyes bright with unshed, happy tears as the crowd of friends and family let out whoops and claps. 
“Oh my god!” Frankie laughed wetly, shuffling forward on his knees to pull you in for a hug with his little girl in between you. Your cheeks hurt with the huge smile you wore as you wrapped your arms around him. The way he looked at you tore through your chest with the most pleasurable kind of pain and the urge to kiss him would have been undeniable if not for the friends that surrounded you. So you cleared your throat and leaned back, pushing his bicep gently.
“You better get back to that grill before everyone in here starves to death.” You tease and leave it at that, gathering Isabella in your arms to take her outside. What you didn’t see was Pope grabbing Frankie and dragging him up the stairs before he could make it outside along with you. You flounced about the backyard, the hem of your sundress fluttering at your knees as you let everyone get a chance to coo at the happy girl in your arms. 
Everyone was so happy, all smiles and laughs as they caught up with each other about the various going-ons of their lives, and you wanted to capture it so you could look back on the happy memories. 
“Hey, I left my phone upstairs. Do you mind if I leave her with you? I should be right back.” You asked Pope’s girlfriend, Jessa, who eagerly accepted the baby time. 
You climbed the stairs easily, humming some silly tune as you pushed open Frankie’s door. With your phone fully charged, you popped it off of the charger and sat on the edge of the bed to check your notifications. There were few messages here and there, mostly from people letting you know they were on their way a few hours ago, so you were content to make your way back outside with the sound of voices caught your attention. It was a low, metallic sounding conversation, but the TV was off, leaving only…
On the screen of the baby monitor were Frankie and Pope, both of them standing with their arms crossed tightly over their chests. If you didn’t know better you would have been worried they were about to fight with the way they glared at each other, but whatever it was wasn’t any of your business. You were going to leave but the sound of your name made you pause. Eavesdropping is wrong, you reminded yourself, even if you were painfully curious, and you made for the door once more until you heard Pope said, “You have to tell her, Fish!” and you froze entirely. 
“That woman loves you! She loves your little girl. You’re going to lose out on a good thing if you keep going like this, man!” Pope hissed and for a second, all you could hear was your own heartbeat. He couldn’t mean what you hoped he meant… right?
“I can’t! Isabella is already down one parent, and that… that amazing woman stepped in and saved us both. What kind of a father would I be if I risked my daughter losing a good woman? And for what? Because I'm in love? Absolutely not.” Frankie said in a tone you had never heard from him before. It was harsh, ringing with finality, and it absolutely tore your heart in two. 
But the halves of your heart were made whole by the single sentence, ‘Because I’m in love’. Frankie loved you. He said it. You heard it with your own two ears and suddenly those fears of yours felt absolutely ridiculous. That man and his daughter was your family, no two ways about it. And you couldn’t let him go on thinking that you didn’t love your little family more than anything in the world.
So you snuck back downstairs, your heart flying in your chest as you rejoined the little party and tried to act as normally as possible. In reality, you were paying more attention to the back door than anyone who tried to talk to you, giving little ‘mhmm’s instead of answering the questions anyone asked you. 
Yeah, you could be entirely oblivious sometimes. 
The second Pope and Frankie emerged from the back door you were on the move, excusing yourself from the conversation you hadn’t really been a part of anyway. The confused look Frankie gave you when you asked to talk to him inside was being adorable, his eyebrows scrunched together and head tilted to the side just slightly. He followed you in nonetheless, leaning against the kitchen counter as he popped open a sweating beer. Before he can even ask what’s going on, you step into his space and put your hands on his chest gently, watching as his confusion melts into surprise. 
“You are never going to lose me.” You whisper. “Neither of you.”
A blush bloomed up his neck and over his cheeks. “You...you heard that?”
“Didn’t mean to, scouts honor.” You smiled at him, trying to imbue him with the ease and absolute happiness you felt. “The baby monitor was on.” 
You can’t help but chuckle at the simple response and press up on your tiptoes, your hands sliding up to drape over his shoulders so you could play with the curls at the nape of his neck. The breathy sound that escaped Frankie’s chest had your need mounting, desperate to feel his lips on yours, and you lean forward to brush your nose along his. “Say it, Frankie.” 
“I love you.” He said it immediately, whispered it into you with a grin so bright it lit up the room with his happiness. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too.” You barely get it out before he leans forward to kiss you, soft and desperate and happy, all at once. Frankie’s hands fell to your hips and pulled your body flush against his, and it made you to grin against his lips. 
You were giddy. That was the only way to describe the excitement that left you almost vibrating with energy as you melted against Frankie’s chest. His lips were sweet, touched by the strawberries and grapes he snacked on as he grilled. 
“You love me, huh?” He muttered and pressed his forehead to yours, eyes closed with a goofy smile that made your heart lurch in your chest. 
“Always, Frankie.”
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
I am posting this mostly to get it off my chest, and I'll probably regret it, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think the biggest problem I have with Fandom Wank(tm) in regards to positivity or negativity, is what bothers me has literally nothing to do with whether one's positivity/negativity will turn out to be right.
last night I followed a couple of posts and went down a rabbit hole of "series negativity" bashers' posts, bc apparently I hate myself and do not wish to be in a good mental space right now, and the common thread I noticed is that those who are overwhelmingly positive and take issue with criticism seem to be doing so bc they see their own versions of Loki being portrayed on-screen, either as how they've interpreted him as a character in generral or as how they've written him in fics. And not only are they fiercely protective of those versions but they also get validation from the confirmation that their Loki is The Right Loki(tm). Criticism takes the on-screen portrayal (and, subsequently, their own personal versions of The Right Loki(tm)) and says, uh, I can't actually see Loki doing this? I think this is ooc? I think Loki as portrayed here is not consistent with previous portrayals? -
- and suddenly you've got this rabid backlash on your hands where it becomes 'omg stop being toxic,' 'your headcanon is not canon' (look in the mirror), 'this is tom's loki so it's accurate,' 'i see no difference whatsoever in characterization y'all're just deluded and have invented a loki that never existed' (tf????), etc.
And I can't help but conclude that the backlash against criticism/negativity has nothing to do with the criticism itself; it's more to do with the undermining of someone else's validation in how they view this character.
This is purely speculation. There's some mental gymnastics here, admittedly. I could be way off base and I realize that I risk my post being shared and misconstrued and mocked by even posting it publicly. But the only reason I'm writing this - and thus getting it off my chest after my spiral down the rabbit hole - is bc from my point of view, I didn't feel like my experience in enjoying this tv show was being threatened until the discourse backlash over the negativity started spilling onto my dash. Not the negativity itself; the actual discourse. (And, look, there's a lot of negativity that's been posted that I don't agree with whatsoever, and there's other negativity that I may agree with but don't agree that it's an issue, or - my point is, this isn't bc I don't have conflict with the actual arguments themselves.)
Full disclosure: for the first three weeks, I was more positive than not regarding the show. (I think I still am.) I posted about what I liked but I also posted about what I felt was ooc and about the elements I liked less. A lot of my mutuals are not thrilled (to say the least) with the show, so there was already a ton of negativity on my dash and I personally went through a few minor meltdowns on whether or not I was on the right page with my enjoyment when so many others (whose opinions I trust and whose versions of Loki [that I've read] in fic ring true to me) were not sharing that enjoyment.
I did/have been talking it out with friends who feel similarly and I've more or less come to terms with being in the middle. And in the meantime, when I felt like the negativity was not something I wanted to be cognizant of, I skipped those posts entirely. Doing these things allowed me to come to terms with where I was standing regarding my overall feelings on the series, and overall enjoyment with my fandom experience.
And then, mostly after episode 3 (which seems to be the most divisive so far), discourse started popping up on my dash more and more. I'm defining discourse, in this context, as 'wank regarding whether or not Loki is actually ooc, wank over people who enjoy the show not wanting to see the negativity, wanky posts asking people who are critical to reserve judgement until the show has finished airing (but praise is fine)' -
- and suddenly, I feel much more self-conscious about posting my takes. Suddenly I feel much more anxiety about hitting the "post" button when said post is more critical than not. Suddenly I am worried about who, exactly and actually, is reading my posts? Who is going to decide to paraphrase my takes and include them in a 'guess what they're complaining about NOW' post? Who is going to decide to pass around a post I've made only to mock it, as has happened to some of my friends already?
Over the past three days, I have gotten 30+ new followers, and instead of feeling good about it - hey, some of these may be porn bots but still, people are interested in my blog?! - I feel just increasing anxiety about it bc, I mean, I don't know who anyone is or what they're here for.
I do not feel secure in the current fandom environment, is what I'm saying, and the reason I do not feel secure is not because of the negativity; it's because of the wank coming from the people who post about the negativity and mock the negativity and call other fans deluded stans who have a shitty grasp on characterization, story telling, and Loki in general. It's Ragnarok bullshit all over again, only worse.
And this circles me back to my original point, which is that the anxiety and the wank/discourse and whatever else really has nothing to do with the on-screen portrayal of Loki.
For me, personally? It took me awhile to realize it, admittedly, but I did realize that I do not care if what I perceive as ooc actually isn't. I do not care if the final product of Loki - once the entire series has aired - is a different Loki than what I've written and perceived as "my" Loki all this time. It's not going to make me feel like less of a fan or less valid; it's just going to make me feel like I have a perception of Loki that may differ in some ways with "canon Loki" but is still similar enough that I will continue to enjoy engaging with him and writing meta about him and writing fic about him and sharing those things with people who view Loki similarly. Likewise, I am not going to feel less valid as a writer and a critical thinker; it doesn't make me feel like I have anything to prove.
So if the root of the wank is coming down to the negativity making you feel less valid or less vindicated bc "your" Loki matches the show but is being called ooc by a lot of other fans, like, maybe take a step back and consider not taking it personally? Maybe really think about why the fact that negativity exists bothers you so much? Bc I mean, at the end of the day, it's not like Tom Hiddleston himself is going to descend from the clouds with a choir of angels singing and acknowledge any one of us as The One True Fan Who Has The Best Interpretation Ever of Loki. So what actual difference does it make if (we agree or disagree that) he's ooc or not?
Ultimately I'm just saying, there is definitely wank that is ruining the fandom atmosphere and the show in general, and it's not coming from those who are posting their negativity and criticism of the source material.
*Disclaimer that this is how I am perceiving and interpreting things today and possibly in general, but I'm not necessarily saying that my perception is factual to what is actually happening. I don't know what is happening. This is the guess that I've come up with in order to reconcile the fandom discomfort I feel, discomfort which is ruining the show for me, and where it's all coming from.
** Second disclaimer that I have unfollowed those who were participating in the wank, if I was following them in the first place, to the point that it made me uncomfortable, and obviously this post doesn't apply to everyone bc there is a certain amount of just being tired of it that I understand, so if we're mutuals, this doesn't apply to you regardless of where you stand on the wank.
*** Third disclaimer that said fandom environment is what makes me feel like I have to add disclaimers on every fucking thing I say, partly bc people read what they want to read and partly bc I have very debilitating anxiety regarding being misunderstood.
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Will you please tell us how the Underswap, Swapfell, and G bros annoy their brothers? I’ve been dying to know ever since I read the other post. Please tell me Aster capitalizes on G’s spider fear.
How They Annoy Their Bros: Electric Boogaloo
- Can and will yell as loud as he can "I LOVE YOU, MY DEAR BABY BROTHER" that even the residents in hotland can hear it echo.
- While he doesn't coddle his brother, what older sibling doesn't like to tease their lil one at any instance? That being said, Blue made a whole shebang of being intimidating (straw in mouth, weird accent) after the whole superhero act when Chara first came. The kid side eyed Stretch, who, internally died.
- If Stretch is being a butt, Blue will call him by his full name, except.. It changes. No one ever knows what Stretch's last name is and he hates one in particular that is, "Elasticbones" ,you'd think he'd love it for the pun, but nope, he hates it.
- Blue also likes to ironically "be one with the kids", this is effective on both Chara and Stretch and they both hate him for it when he calls memes, " The May-May", only to use a meme correctly when no one is watching just to mess with them even more. "No One Will Ever Believe You."
- So, you know those memes about DN? Yeah, he uses it on Blue everytime, without fail. And proceeds to laugh about it to his brother's face for like five mins straight-
- Stretch is the only person who can tease Blue about his height and get away with it. But stars, Blue will get annoyed when Stretch squats down a little to talk to him sometimes.
- Blue hates anything that looks like it came from uncanny valley. And Stretch utilizes this everytime by buying really old, antique stuff that just looks slightly off. One of his favorites is the cuckoo bird clock, it comes out with a pained squawk every time. He calls it "Maurice", much to Blue's dismay.
- Stretch is incredibly good at using his magic for all the dumb reasons, him and some of the others in the household share this (esp Rus, Red and surprisingly, Papyrus-) he likes to summon little ghouls to mess with Blue, or just casually move his things when he's trying to reach for them.
- If the two are having an argument, he'll use his status to low-key mess with Rus and it works when the younger brother is glaring at him for a while. "Well, As Your Older Brother And Captain, I Order You To Do Your Laundry"
"I'm not even that active in the royal guard-",
" Captain."
- "Baby Brother." , makes Rus want to hide and is low-key sweating the whole time cause it's embarrassinggggg. He can handle being called "little brother" but not the other one, stars no.
- Rus has a lot of embarrassing moments despite being mostly rather shameless, so Black does use it to his advancing when he wants Rus to get out of bed every once in a while.
- Says the absolute, most cringe worthy stuff in front of Milord. And I mean, things that have Milord tell other people that "he doesn't know who that fiend is-"
- Tends to be referred to as the older brother sometimes, and low-key rubs this in his brothers face when Black is bringing particularly bossy that day.
- Uses the height difference, too. Though he gives it a little more ✨ variety ✨ by occasionally draping himself on Black and pretending to be asleep.
"Snrk- Angry Arm-"
"Not. A. Word"
- One worded replies. Drives Black up the wall and the fastest way to get him to go on a hour long rant about how communication is so weak these days-
- No one knows what his actual name is, and his brother has to deal with newbies asking for the same dude with many names. Oh, his personal favorite was, "Gremlin Overlord" yeah, a real winner hsjsjsjsjsnn
- Like Rus, he's also rather embarrassing in public and when he's live streaming, often having his brother sighing in disappointment in the background with all his antics. God, the moment chat sees a spider in the background, "F"s flood the chat for Aster.
- Is a general nuisance when Aster is trying to be Real Smooth™. Stars help that man when he's talking to someone he fancies because G will be in the back with the most outrageous disguise and it's so obvious it's him and Aster knows his date knows and he just wants to be swallowed into a hole.
- G is... Afraid of spiders-and what's a better way to show brotherly love than to use that to Aster's advantage. Aster does this by sometimes leaving around fake spiders and this works when he hears a familiar shrill scream. The others know this too.. Which is why Aster knew he screwed up when he heard Edge scream after grabbing what he thought was a fake spider-
- Also you know those super nerdy math memes that have a secret meaning when it finally clicks? Aster recites them all by heart and G hates it cause he's a visual learner and also omg how is Aster speaking so fast--
- Because Aster handles the kitchen, every so often he'll just mess with the food a little. Not where it's anything dangerous but just... Why does it taste so off? And he lives for the confusion on G's face when he suddenly starts to croak like a frog, bonus if it's during a livestream
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