#old-fashioned audio tape
f-ngrl · 2 months
KCTAPE, Vol. 2 (Sik-K, vangdale, HAON) 10 songs, 24 min, 2024, KC
So… I don't have too much positive things to say. Maybe I'm too old-fashioned and don't understand new styles? The beats aren't really my thing. They do sound like well made though, as in they were successfully made the way they were supposed to be. But those beats reminds me of being dragged to some club and feeling so out of place and I just wanna go home 😅 I usually like bass but this type isn't for me, and also the doo-doo-doo. Apart from that I think I'd like the beats. When it comes to the rap I don't knooow. I can't understand what they're saying 😅 I understand it's supposed to be like that but it's not really for me. (The video above has subs but I was only able to listen to the audio) It's a bit like they've been randomly jamming and are just releasing whatever they made. It says tape so I think calling it a mixtape is fine. Ok I understand some lyrics of 8AM Namsam but wish I hadn't lol. I'll just skip this one and wait for their next releases. A solo album by vangdale would be nice too. With different features etc :)
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tiefthieves · 6 months
Tattered Soles Chapter One: After the Rain
You can also read chapter one on Ao3 ! Full chapter is below the cut ♡
Since she could remember, Sikah’s life had always revolved around dance. When her mother was alive, she ran a small, yet successfully competitive dance studio. Elturel, as it was called, was her mother’s pride and joy— besides her daughters of course. Sikah would accompany her mom to the studio when she taught. She would watch in wonder-filled awe as her mother elegantly choreographed routines in their living room, and she remembered waiting in the stage wings next to her father and sister with a bouquet at competitions. As she grew up, Sikah herself began to dance under the guidance of her mother, and she loved every second of it. When she was dancing she felt strong, empowered, and alive.
Rain drummed rhythmically against the windowpanes of the empty, two-bedroom apartment. Sikah remembered her roommate mentioning some sort of plan with a coworker after their workday ended, which left her alone to her own devices. She had the week off due to renovations in one of the museum’s exhibits, so she had more free time than she’d known to care for. Deciding she had nothing better to do, Sikah grabbed her car keys and an umbrella, then made her way downtown. 
The dance studio’s parking lot was barren on the dreary, mid-week afternoon. Classes weren’t to start until later that evening, but Sikah doubted many students would show up due to the weather. As she approached the large glass doors, she noticed only one person inside behind the front desk. Not wanting to cause a disturbance, Sikah pulled the studio keys out of her pocket and unlocked the front door, waving to Jenevelle as she left her umbrella by the doorframe. She made her way to the small practice room at the back of the studio. The room had become some semblance of an office for her; along the back wall, several costume books, class rosters, and old CDs lay strewn across the floor. In typical studio fashion, one of the walls was lined with large, floor-length mirrors; the remaining three half paned in oak wood with ballet bars of varying heights lining them. The hardware of the studio was a bit dated, especially in the lesser occupied spaces, with old stereos fitted for cassettes and CDs embedded in the room’s far corner. Sikah had since replaced and rewired the speakers to modernize the sound, but she held onto the old command center to play her mother’s cassettes. 
After removing her sneakers and wrapping her feet, she sat in the middle of the floor to pull on a pair of compression socks before she withdrew her worn practice shoes from her bag. Sikah tightened the laces and stood, moving up and down on her toes to alleviate extra pressure. 
A low rumble of thunder prompted her to go and fish a tape from the drawer beneath the audio hub and feed it into the player. Sikah idly tapped her foot as she waited for the soothing, pre-music static to tickle the speakers. Once it began, she started to perform an old routine, one that she couldn’t allow herself to forget. 
Since she could remember, Sikah’s life had always revolved around dance. When her mother was alive, she ran a small, yet successfully competitive dance studio. Elturel, as it was called, was her mother’s pride and joy— besides her daughters of course. Sikah would accompany her mom to the studio when she taught. She would watch in wonder-filled awe as her mother elegantly choreographed routines in their living room, and she remembered waiting in the stage wings next to her father and sister with a bouquet at competitions. As she grew up, Sikah herself began to dance under the guidance of her mother, and she loved every second of it. When she was dancing she felt strong, empowered, and alive. Sikah loved spending hours upon hours rigorously practicing routines till her muscles ached and she could no longer stand. She remembered the exhilarating feeling and the rush of adrenaline that surged through her heart when her company won their first competition. 
Her sister followed soon after with natural talent and grace that turned heads. Fotiah was incredible in every way. Despite not being able to hear the music herself, her sister was able to bring songs to life with motion and emotion that brought even the toughest men to tears. She quickly became the star pupil of Elturel, dancing in companies composed of dancers much older than she.  She was cast as the lead in productions, and she was even recruited by other studios for a place in their ranks. However, Fotiah always refused. You could not pay her to dance for she did not dance for others, she danced for herself. 
After their mother passed, the sisters struggled to keep the studio open. Their father had tried convincing the girls to sell the studio, claiming the memories it stood on were too much to bear. Sikah knew there was more to it than that. To sell the studio was to put their mother fully to rest, to end that chapter of their lives and begin writing anew. Without the studio to remind their father of his late wife, he could swallow the pain and move on. The girls were adamant in keeping the studio, but their father was stubborn.
He remarried, and in the end, Fotiah urged Sikah to let matters rest. If they didn’t compromise with their father, they would lose the studio completely. Elturel was signed into new ownership, despite Sikah’s protests, to their father’s second wife. 
Trielle was… fine. She was nice, she didn’t overstep and pretend to be someone that she wasn’t, and she didn’t pretend to be their mother. She did, however, bring change to the studio, expanding to multiple locations and franchising their competitions, seeking high-paying sponsors and luxurious venues to perform elaborate productions. As the studio continued to grow in both size and popularity, so did watchful eyes. More prospective students meant more instructors were needed, and thus Sikah put a pause on her endeavors to assist with instruction. However, Fotiah, ever the star, the poster girl of Meropi’s Elturel, taught few classes and maintained the practice of her craft. Sikah was responsible for choreographing and executing routines for both competitions and performances, which oftentimes made dancing feel more like a responsibility and a chore rather than the respite it once was. 
Thus, Sikah found herself valuing otiose days like this. Days she had to herself when she could ignore her responsibilities and fall back on old joys. When she danced, she escaped to another realm. One with no pain, no annoyances, no obligations. She hoped that was where her mother was now, dancing alone on a cloud in the sky without a care in the world. She hoped her mother would occasionally look down, smile upon her, and be proud of the work she’d done. 
As she allowed herself to get lost in thought, Sikah was soon interrupted by the heavy sound of a shoe bag hitting the hallway’s hardwood floor. Gods, she needed to remember that even when the studio seemed desolate, to still close the door. Sikah paused her routine and turned to the noise. 
A tall, muscular woman stood awkwardly in the doorway. Despite it being cold and rainy outside, she donned no jacket but wore a muscle tank and a baggy pair of sweats. Her coarse, black, pixie-cut hair was pushed away from her face with a headband; showing off her complexion littered with sun-kissed freckles. 
“Shit, my bad! I must have the wrong room. I mean not the wrong room, I’m supposed to be next door. The lady up front told me that the back rooms were up for grabs for solo practice and I heard the music and got curious, plus the door was open. I kinda started watching and then I couldn’t stop and I guess I dropped my stuff, sorry about that.” She sheepishly bent down to pick up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder with a smile. “Lady at the front also told me you had the key to unlock the room across the hall. You looked really into your routine and I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“It’s fine,” Sikah walked over to the audio player and paused the track, grabbing her carabiner of keys from where they lay beside it. She twirled them around her finger as she brushed past the woman in the doorway and strode across the hall, motioning for her to follow. 
“I haven’t seen you at the studio before, and by the looks of it you aren’t here for classes,” Sikah pondered aloud as she unlocked the door. “New in town or something?”
“Erm, kinda? I grew up in the area and moved back a few months ago,” the mystery woman answered as she followed the other into the now unlocked room.
“If you know the Ravengards, Wyll’s the one who recommended I check this place out for a practice space; said he and his girlfriend dance here.” 
“Yeah, I know Wyll. I’m surprised he didn’t text me to let me know he had a friend coming to check out the place, he’s usually good about that.” Sikah took a mental note to text her sister’s boyfriend about this later. 
“Ah, well I wasn’t planning on coming by today, but I was passing on my way home from the doctor’s and I figured why not? I can come back if now isn't prime time; didn’t know the owner was gonna be here or I would have at least made myself decent.” She absentmindedly shifted her weight between the balls of her feet.
 “The name’s Karlach, by the way. Probably should have introduced myself first.”
The shorter woman, who Karlach assumed was the owner of the studio, shrugged, seemingly unbothered by her lack of manners. 
“Owner? No, I’m not. Well, not fully. My step-mum owns the studio, my sister and I keep it afloat. You probably know Fotiah, if you know Wyll.” Sikah spoke freely as she walked around the room to move clutter out of the way.
“And you are?” She asked expectantly. 
“Sikah,” she answered as she pushed a box backward into the corner with her foot. “Let me show you how to work the sound system. These two rooms aren’t as up-to-date as the rest of the studio, but you can still plug in your phone for aux.” 
Karlach zoned out as Sikah explained the practice room’s equipment and amenities; focusing only on how the woman moved, how she carried herself, and how she stood. She was as beautiful as she danced; with piercing gray-blue eyes and speckled cheeks, her ash blonde hair twisted up in a bun. 
“… and if you need anything, just knock on my door okay? I’ll keep my music low,” she came back to reality just as Sikah finished her speech.
“Any questions?”
“Can I have your number?” Karlach spoke before she could think, immediately wishing to bite off her tongue. “You know, for future reference. Just in case I uhh… have trouble with the aux and you’re not here!” 
Nice save Karlach.
“Sure?” Sikah raised a slightly suspicious brow. 
She took Karlach’s phone in her hands and filled in her contact. 
“Anything else?” 
“Nope! All good!” Karlach beamed, “Thanks a bunch, Sikah, I appreciate it. I knew Wyll would send me to the right place. Don’t practice too hard in there, alright? I bet you need to be in top form for your performances.” 
“Yeah, something like that, thanks,” Sikah feigned a small smile. 
“Have a good practice, Karlach.”
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marshmallowloves · 1 year
Huh? There's something peeking from a cracked drawer in the nurse's desk, reflecting the dim overhead light...some kind of old-fashioned handheld tape recorder?
There's no label, but the way it was haphazardly shoved into the drawer suggests that maybe it was supposed to remain hidden...well, until now, of course.
(inspired by @queen-of-the-boos audio logs of her Crash self insert Deary during her blog takeover! Which...was a while ago...hope that's not weird fkshfj. I thought it might be interesting to peek into Synes's inner thoughts before she really got used to working with Cortex. Maybe I'll make more of these at some point?)
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riotatthemovies · 2 years
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Lord of Shadows (1989)
Thanks to John Cleveland on our Facebook group for introducing me to this. Lost very early Shot on Video home made horror. Basic plot is some kids find a Dracula..yeah not just a vampire but basically Dracula and when their parents don't believe them only their mustached adult friend Peter will help them. Classic old shot on video with very simple concepts and untrained actors giving it their all. The middle of the film seems to forget the kids as Peter gets others together to fight the vampire especially when he starts to make an army of slaves. They start to get the upper hand yet somehow the parents still don't believe as Dracula comes to attack the kids from getting away from him (luckily they sleep with loaves of garlic bread now). Late 80s cars and fashion make this basically home movie a great time capsule, even Peters mustache. Peters not give a shit attitude one second and super positive attitude the next is super funny especially when he gets religious in the later half of the movie and discovers vampire rules as if no one had ever done that before. This grainy warped VHS rip on YouTube is frustrating but I found it was from one of the last remaining tapes that the YouTuber fixed the audio issues but the visual tracking issues could not be fixed. Some of the tracking issues are on the original master tape as it warps everytime a scene cuts or changes which means it was recorded that way in many parts. A great home made diy film here made in a time when it meant something. Even though their Dracula is an even worse version of the Al Adamson Dracula and the night scenes are too dark to see anything, they are all still giving it in this list backyard project. Really what SOV was all about.
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inkrediblezstore · 13 days
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(via "Retro Neon Cassette Tape with Vibrant Splash Design" for Sale by InkredibleZ)
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hollosene · 4 months
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"Devon Turnbull: Old School Hi-fi Influencer" by Rade Arnott & Photography by Isa Saalabi
See HiFi Pursuit Listening Room Dream No. 2, Turnbull's audio installation on view @ SFMoMA May 4, 2024 through August 18, 2024).
"Devon Turnbull, who produces audio equipment under the moniker OJAS, is a multidisciplinary artist who also works in music, fashion, and graphic design. Known for his brutalist, high-performance, hand-built sound systems, he is a sculptor of speakers and an icon of audiophiles. Turnbull created HIFI Pursuit Listening Room Dream No. 2, a site-specific immersive sonic environment, for Art of Noise. This listening room-one of a handful of his "shrines to music" is a functional sculpture that facilitates exceptionally high-fidelity music playback using analog media.
The custom-built system consists of alnico and beryllium compression drivers on brass and steel horns; alnico and paper woofers in plywood enclosures; alnico and beryllium super tweeters; autoformer-based crossovers; lacquered, cotton-covered, copper speaker wire; tube amplifiers; autoformer volume control; tube phono preamplifiers; custom-built turntables; phono cartridges; a digital signal processor, a multichannel class D amplifier; and a 1970s Studer A80 reel-to-reel tape player."
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unit2marketting · 2 years
Britain in the 1960s
Most homes had televisions by the end of the decade.
Coronation Street first aired in 1960.
Live trans-Atlantic satellite television via the Telstar satellite was made possible in 1962.
BBC 2 went on air in 1964 and was the first channel to have colour in 1967.
Dr Who first appeared on television during the 60s.
The first supermarkets opened – mainly in town centres. Now you could buy all your food in one shop.
1962 The first computer video game, Spacewar, is invented.
1964 The first successful Minicomputer, Digital Equipment Corporation’s 12-bit PDP-8, is marketed.
1968 The first public demonstration of the computer mouse, video conferencing, teleconferencing, email, and hypertext.
1969 Arpanet, the research-oriented prototype of the Internet, was introduced.
1967 First heart transplantation operation.
The Beatles began their career. They leapt to fame in 1963 with 'Please, Please Me'.
The Beatles moved through the late 1960s as favourites of the 'flower power' generation - many young people enjoyed 'hippie' music. Other teenagers preferred the music of the 'Mods' - ska music and The Who.
1960 Doc Martens boots 1962 Teddy Boy suits 1963 Mop top hair 1964 Wigs 1965 The Twiggy look 1966 Mini skirts 1967 Paisley 1968 Body art 1969 Love beads
New cars of the 60s included the Capri (1961), Consul Cortina ( 1963) and Ford Escort (1968), which replaced the Anglia.
1n 1966, the first Intercity train was used, which could travel much quicker than old steam and diesel trains. Many trains now run using electricity, which is much quieter and cleaner.
1962 The audio cassette invented.
1963 - The first geosynchronous communications satellite, Syncom 2 is launched.
1963 Touch-Tone telephones introduced.
1965 Sony markets the CV-2000, the first home video tape recorder.
1961 - First man in space First human space flight to orbit the Earth: Yuri Gagarin, Vostok 1.
1966 The Soviet Union launches Luna 10, which later becomes the first space probe to enter orbit around the Moon.
1968 First humans to leave Earth's gravity influence and orbit another world: Apollo 8.
1969 First humans to walk on the Moon: Apollo 11.
1969 The Anglo-French airliner Concorde makes its first supersonic test flight
Homes and Households
Most houses now had a refrigerator and a cooker.
People could buy sliced bread.
Plastic buckets could now be bought.
CoCo Pops were launched in 1961.
Ice lollies and choc ices on sticks became very popular during the 1960s
Cost of items
The average house price was £2,530
Loaf of bread 5p
A season ticket to see Manchester United cost £8.50.
1960 Population of Britain was about 53 million
1960 World's population was just over 3 billion.
1961 - First man in space
1966 - England won the football World cup
1969 - First humans to walk on the Moon
Primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk. (2013). Britain in the 1960’s. [online] Available at: http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/war/1960s.html.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
'I fear for the world': Wrongfully-convicted Newfoundland man speaks out against his mother's killer
Greg Parsons sits across from me at a dining room table in downtown St. John’s, Newfoundland.
He flips through a large family photo album, the old-fashioned kind with plastic-covered pages that protect the photos inside.
The album holds no happy memories. Instead, it is page after page of pain and suffering.
Greg Parsons has spent decades trying to make sense of the time the photos represent. It's a time of unfulfilled justice. A time he wishes he could forget.
In 1991, when he was just 19 years old, Greg discovered his mother’s brutalized body in the bathroom of her apartment. Catherine Carroll had been slashed and stabbed 53 times. W5 has the audio recording of the desperate call he made to 911.
“My mother…she’s dead. She’s just on the bathroom floor. Oh my God…there’s blood everywhere."
It should have been the worst day of Greg’s life. The fact that it wasn’t gives you an idea of just how much this man has endured.
The photo album Greg is showing me is filled with crime scene photos: His mother’s apartment, meticulously documented from every angle. The gruesome photos of what Greg saw that morning in the bathroom. His partially clothed mother -- her body twisted, her face unrecognizable. And so much blood.
Greg Parsons has saved it all, along with stacks of documents, maps, transcripts and computer files for what has become a decades-long battle to get justice for his mother. And for himself.
His story, a labyrinth of twists and wrong turns, is the subject of a W5 one-hour special. We have unearthed hours of archival footage, viewed secretly-recorded police stings and interviewed key players in a saga that began 31 years ago and continues to this day.
On January 10, 1991 -- eight days after finding his mother’s body -- Greg Parsons was charged with her murder. He was convicted in a trial that focused largely on gossip and a song that Greg and some of his friends had written called “Kill Your Parents.”
It would take years for science to clear him and to catch the real killer -- a man named Brian Doyle -- once Greg’s good friend.
Greg Parsons says the justice system failed his mother, firstly for wrongfully convicting her own son, and secondly for allowing the real murderer, Brian Doyle, to plead guilty to a lesser charge of second degree murder.
In 2003, Doyle was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 18 years, a sentence he unsuccessfully tried to have reduced.
Greg believes there was ample evidence that the crime was premediated and sexual in nature and that Doyle should have gone to trial on a charge of first degree murder.
That evidence comes in the form of a secret recording of Brian Doyle during an undercover police sting where Doyle is seen callously bragging about the killing. In the video he describes sneaking out of a party unnoticed wearing someone else's shoes and returning to the party after committing the crime.
Parsons says a retired police officer gave him the videotapes about seven years ago but he couldn’t bring himself to watch them until he was preparing for Doyle's first parole hearing, four years ago:
“I was like, oh my God, I can’t believe what I am looking at. I can’t believe the lengths…the Crown’s office went through to manufacture me as the murderer and here they’ve got the guy with motive, means, opportunity and meticulous planning…and he was given a sweetheart deal for second degree murder.”
Because there was no trial, the tapes have never been entered into evidence. W5’s documentary will be the first time the Canadian public will see the video.
Brian Doyle has served 20 years behind bars. In 2020 he was granted day parole, but it was revoked the following year after he failed to disclose a relationship to his parole officer.
In August, 2022, Doyle was back before the parole board, where, for the first time, he acknowledged that the crime was sexually motivated, telling the hearing it was “sexual rejection” that triggered his rage.
The board granted Doyle a conditional release to take part in a three-month rehabilitation program. If successful, Doyle will then, again, be able to apply for full parole.
For Greg Parsons, it’s a never-ending nightmare. Surrounded by decades of evidence, he tells me: “I fear for the world because he’s a manipulative, pathological liar. He has not been rehabilitated. He never got properly punished for his crime. He’s not going to be out for more than a year and he’ll be back in. And I hope it’s not for murder or rape. I don’t want to be the person to say 'I told you so'.”
Watch W5’s documentary 'The Murderer’s Best Friend' on Saturday at 7pm on CTV
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/1fPTVxC
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mainsse · 2 years
Amazon view audio companion
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#Amazon view audio companion software#
#Amazon view audio companion tv#
They should make life easier for people who, for whatever reason, struggle with small screens, tiny buttons and incomprehensible user interfaces.
#Amazon view audio companion tv#
Alexa will also appear on Amazon’s £39.99 Fire TV Stick on 6 April.Īlexa won’t work for your wife if she has “no speech”, but voice-driven AI systems like Alexa can not only answer questions and play audio, they can operate a lot of smart gadgets. Google has yet to launch its copycat product, Google Home, in the UK, but it’s expected in this year’s second quarter. There are other AI-based PAs including Microsoft’s Cortana, Google Assistant and Apple’s Siri, but Alexa is already available on the Amazon Echo, which makes it instantly available for voice commands.
#Amazon view audio companion software#
The longer version would be “a voice-recognition system with intelligent personal assistant software that can play audio on demand”. In the future, I may have a two-word answer: Amazon Alexa. CD audiobooks are not as common, but you may find some titles your wife would like. Prices vary, but you can often pick up cheap bundles for £1 per book, or less. You may need to use different technologies for different types of material.Įither way, remember that cassettes have been doing this job for decades, and there are thousands of tapes on .uk. The possibilities include good old-fashioned cassette tape recorders, specialised talking book readers such as the Victor Reader Stream, CD players, MP3 players, smartphones, tablets and PCs. There are lots of answers to this question, but they may not work for your wife. This is far too fiddly for my wife to use. I have installed OverDrive for RNIB talking books on my phone. If so, which tablet/which app? It needs a really simple interface or my wife will not be able to use it without assistance. A shop assistant suggested a tablet with a text-to-speech app. I thought of getting her a Kindle e-reader but they don’t seem to do text to speech any more. She can select TV channels on a remote but she cannot read a short news story let alone a novel, so she listens to the radio and watches a lot of TV. My wife used to love reading but since her stroke has aphasia, no speech, limited vision and limited dexterity in her left hand only.
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radiosandrecordings · 3 years
[ID: A video of a tape recorder sitting on a stone step in an alleyway. There is an old fashioned lamp on the wall above it, with a raven statue attached to the bottom. The audio playing is the statement intro from MAG001, Anglerfish.]
After 3 years I finally got to go back and see one of my favourite streets, and obviously I had to bring the tape recorder along. In retrospect I think the actual alleyway leading off Old Fishmarket Close it’s supposed to be was on the opposite side, since it had stairs, but I couldn’t resist the lamp that hung over this one. Maybe I’ll go back and do another take in that one 
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my-darling-boy · 4 years
how do you do your photo sessions? is it just you and your camera or is someone else taking photos ? theyre all so cool and im rlly curious as to how you do it !!!!!!
I’m so glad someone finally asked this, I was just talking about this with someone and honestly it is SO funny.
The trick is: as long as you’ve got a camera, luck, and at least one tripod—along with understanding of some basic photography and a good imagination—you can do a LOT. I’m known for having whacky set ups! My sister helps me with them when I can’t do them all myself and let me tell you, we’ve come up with some weird things. I’ve been teaching my sister what I know about photography and film over the years, so she’s been a big help getting my own photos done, and in return I do ones for her.
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In most of my photos, I’m in the bathroom. I don’t care what you think you see, I’m probably in the bathroom. Bathrooms have great lighting most of the time, and our bathroom has a skylight which is great natural lighting. If you don’t have access to a lot of professional lighting, setting up rigs in front of windows is great. I love using everyday objects and making them look ambiguous to suit my needs for a different object. My “halo” is literally a paper plate. I’m wearing a pillowcase. I set up the camera, my sister just had to check my positioning and lighting and click the button since I don’t have a remote.
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Again, I am in the bathroom. I’m still sitting on top of a counter. This one, we stacked some boxes haphazardly and put our lighting on top, which is usually this really bright survivalist lantern. I also taped a clip lamp to a tripod. My sister was standing on the opposite bathroom counter. It was so hot in there so I was in shorts and thigh highs, but you wouldn’t know that just by the photo
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I was in my bedroom for this one! A couple of tripods, an edited background, and a suggestive expression was all I needed to make this look like the Lieutenant and I were having a Good Time in his trench lodgings. If you don’t have an actual historical object like a swagger stick, a wooden spoon with a thimble on the end works too (as I found out). If you get creative enough, there are tons of objects and clothing you can fake. And yes my phone mount for the tripod is literally a macaron box I fashioned to hold my phone
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This is a great example of knowing how to frame your subject. We loved the treeline in the back garden because it resembled being out in nature, but we have a rather unattractive space out there surrounding it. To solve this, I got up on a high stool and my sister knelt down below and shot the photo from the nearer the ground. You would never know just out of frame was a garage, a trash heap, a shed, a truck, and other suburban houses.
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I’ll let you take a guess as to where I’m at for this one.... yes it’s the bathroom again. This time I’m by this awkward corner on the floor near the tub. We stacked a hamper on top of the tub and rolled some foam into a cone to direct lighting from a phone and lantern at my face. There was no angle to take the photo without running into the tub or shower so my sister had to take it in the tub. My knees and abs were killing me cos I had to half-kneel for the position, and strain my eyes to look up. There was also a low tripod behind me to drape my “mantle” over to keep it from falling flat against my back.
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I don’t even know how to explain this one and I couldn’t even fit it all in the drawing. We got in front of the downstairs window, hung the same white bedsheet I use so much from the ceiling, I knelt on a chair, and I set up the tripod just out of frame in that drawing. We basically gathered every lamp we could reasonably put in the window sill and took the shades off two tall lamps or optimal lighting. I taped bee magnets to my skin. The “clouds” are actually just pulled apart cotton balls taped to a straw and held in various positions in front of the lens. Perfect perspective play.
An honourable mention was my audio set up for my October ghost video.
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I don’t have professional audio equipment aside from a Yeti mic, so we had to get creative with how we would get the mic close enough to the subject. Yes, that is a tripod duct taped to another tripod and counter weighted by a bag of books. My mic is literally screwed into a socket it’s not supposed to even be in on the end of the tripod and the cord for it wouldn’t reach the couch to my laptop so I had to stack a stool on a chair next to this incredible contraption with the laptop on top so it could reach. How this entire thing did not collapse at any point is beyond me. (Can you tell I love tape and lamps?)
For photo editing programs, I hate editing on the computer and I will eat my own shoes before I give Adobe any of my money, so I use Enlight and Afterlight 2 from the App Store on my phone, and also FaceTune for certain face corrections. Afterlight 2 has a filter called “Himalaya” which is VERY similar to how 1880s-1920s photos looked and the app has plenty of dust overlays to make your photo look old. Enlight I use for broader ranges of image correction and background editing. Some examples of old photos I’ve done with a combination of those apps:
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My sister and I are very resourceful and creative whenever we do these things. I don’t have any formal training in photography, I just have a vision of what I want and I try to do what I can to achieve it. I’ve had photographers with masters degrees in photography tell me it’s astounding I’ve been able to achieve photo results that rival their own with what limited resources I had while they had access to everything under the sun at their uni.
In short, all I really do is pull out my camera and some tripods and other makeshift items with a photoset in my mind, and sometimes I burst into my sister’s room standing like “hi welcome to chili’s” if I need some assistance
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jynzandtonic · 4 years
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HOLY SHIT I FINALLY DID IT, Y’ALL! A COMPLETE MASTERLIST! All of my writings are laid out under the cut. XOXOXO!
Last updated: October 4, 2021 (refresh the masterlist)
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 Aaaand just a quick reminder...
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ADAM SACKLER - Girls (2012-2017)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Adam Sackler - (450 words)
an intro to Sackler in the jynzandtonic universe
The Show Must Go On - AO3 - (1.8k + 1.7k + 2k words)
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
switch!Sackler x switch!reader: “omg they were quarantined!” w/ anonymous webcam sex and edging
Cherry - (1.6k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 tba; it’s on the back burner!}
Daddy!Sackler x virgin!reader: reader has a daddy kink and innocence kink, initiates a pre-negotiated roleplay scenario for their first time sexual experience
Swiped - AO3 - audio - (1.2k + 1.3k + 2k words)
FULL FIC + AUDIO or {part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler x inexperienced/virgin!reader: “omg and they were roommates!” w/ idiots-to-lovers, instruction, dirty talk
Cake - (1k + 1.9k + ?) - to be continued!
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler asks what you want for your birthday. You ask for DAT BOOTY. Switch!Sackler x switch!reader pegging fic!
What to Expect - AO3 - (30k+) - WIP!
ch.1 - ch.2 - ch.3 - ch.4 - ch.5 - ch.6 - ch.7 - ch.8 - ch.9 - ch.10 - ch.11 - ch.12 - ch.13 - ch.14 - ch.15 (epilogue)
You decide to have a baby via donor, but your friend across the hall offers to help out the old-fashioned way. Preggo/Babyfic feat. Sackler!
Whole - AO3 - (500 words)
There are days when it feels like you just can’t get out of bed. There are days when you feel like you’re broken. But with Adam, you know you’re never really alone.
Ask Her - AO3 - audio - (5k words)
When you let it slip that you fooled around with your best friend back in the day, Sackler asks if you’d do it again. When you say you would, he can’t seem to let the idea of the three of you go. Maybe—just maybe—all you have to do is ask her.
Basic Instinct - AO3 - (25k)
ch.1 - ch. 2 - ch. 3 - ch. 4 - ch. 5 - ch. 6 - ch.7 - ch. 8
It’s a lucky coincidence—when you’re desperately searching for a new place, Adam Sackler has a room for rent. Plus, alphas and betas make great roommates, right? … Right?
Losing your virginity to Sackler
Adam making you cum while out at dinner w/ his parents
Sackler fingerfucking you on a rollercoaster
Facefucking and spitting in your mouth
Sackler screeching for cuddles
Sackler finding ‘innocent’ virgin!reader’s vibrator
Feeling needy and giving Sackler a sloppy, lovey BJ
Sackler teaching anxious reader how to give him head
Sackler wanting to see your lipstick smeared on his cock
Shy reader pulling The Lip Bite (TM) on Adam
Temperature play w/ ice cubes
Shy reader turning passionate for Sackler
What are the odds: wearable vibe at work
You and Sackler jerking each other off at a movie theater
Fucking you so hard you forget you even met your ex
Soft dom!reader overstimulating sweet Sackler
Adam eating your pussy on a hike
Riding Sackler’s face to shut him the fuck up
Sweet, soft sex with Sackler in front of your ex
Soft, sleepy morning sex
Adam loving on your teeny tiny titties
Gremlin!Sackler fingering the fuck outta you
Shit-talking switch!Sackler feat. some bondage
Catching Sackler jerkin’ it and playing with his titties
Some very possessive dirty talk
Adam finding virgin!reader’s dildo
Sackler ‘helping’ busy student!reader unwind
Proud reader fucking Sackler backstage between shows
Sackler buys you your very first vibe
Sackler pulling up your sundress and fucking you in the park
Sleeping in *ahem* too small of a bed with roommate Sackler
Sex that sent you and Sackler to the ER
Sackler in a healthy, communicative relationship
Sackler comforting a reader far away from home
Sackler with asexual!reader
Random shit that Adam says in bed with you
Pregnancy kink with Adam Sackler
Sackler’s nicknames for reader
Daddy!Adam Sackler daydreams
Misc Sackler hcs: dirty talk, sex, exhibitionism, domestic fluff
Songs on my Sackler “bedroom playlist”
Comparing the temperature of your mouth and cunt
Sackler eating out nervous!reader for the first time
How Sackler gives kisses
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Making grumpy Sackler BEG FOR IT
Bashful Sackler hcs
On Adam’s chaotic!switch tendencies
NSFW Alphabet: Cum + Fave Position
On seeing a usually self conscious partner feel confident about their body
Adam Sackler loves love
Sexy HCs: cum, masturbation, oral, kinks, pussy-eating
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CLYDE LOGAN - Logan Lucky (2017)
- FICS -
Meet the Boys: Clyde Logan
Maybe - AO3 - (1k words)
breeding kink/creampie WITHOUT the possibility/goal of reader becoming pregnant
Clyde gets ASMR - AO3 - (1k words)
Your sweet boy Clyde is the first guest on your ASMR channel. SFW fluff, can you believe it?!
Solstice - AO3 - (3k + 1.8k words)
{part 1} - {part 2}
It happens every Winter Solstice–you shift into a fox and wander the West Virginian woods for the longest night of the year. When you’re injured in an accident, the kind local bartender takes you into his care. Little does he know you’ll shift back into your human form come sunrise… without a shred of clothing on you.
The Plunge - AO3 - (3.4k words)
Clyde's not too hot on the idea of you swimmin' all by yourself at night, so it's up to you to convince him to join you for some moonlight skinny dipping.
In Vino Veritas - AO3 - (6.6k words)
In Vino Veritas — ‘In Wine, Truth.' You open up your very own wine bar, but one Boone County bartender isn’t particularly pleased about it. When a rift emerges between the two of you, will you find a way to mend it? And is there really “truth in wine?”
Eyes Wide Open - AO3 - (1.5k words)
It's all anonymous, and you're so hungry for a lover's touch. You'll never see him; he'll never know you. After an hour together, you'll part ways and never cross paths again. You couldn't find each other if you tried. As luck would have it, you might not need to.
Rowdy fuckin’ with Clyde
Clyde comforting reader after a fight with a parent/other
Touch-starved, babbling, dirty-talking Clyde
Daddy!Clyde fucking bratty reader while decorating the xmas tree
Clyde getting riled up watching you do stretches
Mirror-fucking and dirty-talk with Clyde
Phone sex with Clyde
Teaching Clyde to dance
Making Clyde do a homemade facemask*
Clyde wants a baby for Christmas
Admiring and loving on Clyde’s soft cock
The first time Clyde made your cheeks go hot
Filthy fucking at Duck Tape with Clyde 
Clyde’s very first time eating pussy*
Crying on Clyde’s cock
Clyde making you cum seven times in a row (for luck, y’know)
Facesitting with Daddy!Clyde
Clyde fucking your ass at Duck Tape after seeing your plug
Leaving the big city and reassuring Clyde of your choice
Waking Clyde up with some slow head
Sweet n sensual mirror sex with Clyde
Clyde comforting you with slow lovemaking
Clyde comforting isolated reader
Sending/receiving nude pics with Clyde
Corrupting sweet sub!Clyde
Clyde comforting sad reader (gn)
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 1
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 2
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 3
Clyde with a lactation kink
Clyde taking care of you when you’re sick
Netflix and... cockwarming. oops
Riding Clyde’s cock. That’s it. That’s the post.
Marking his territory with creampies
Fantasizing about meeting Clyde at the bar
Loving fussing over Clyde
High school Clyde (uwu)
Telling Clyde you want to have a baby
Clyde being protective of you
NSFW Alphabet: Oral + Jack Off
Clyde eating pussy
MORE Clyde and breeding kink
The first time you have sex with Clyde feat. SIZE KINK
Sexy HCs: creampies, pussy-eating, and pregnancy
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FLIP ZIMMERMAN - Blackkklansman (2017)
- FICS -
Under the Stars - AO3 - (2.8k)
Flip Zimmerman’s always talking shit—even about the gear you’ve brought on your weekend camping trip. When the rain rolls in, will you help him out with a dry place to sleep?
Sweeter Than Honey (multichapter)- coming soon!
Visiting Flip at the station to show him your new lipstick
Flip daring you to sit on a vibe for 20min (overstim)
Coming home to find you in lingerie + his flannel
Fucking you in the archives division and telling you to keep quiet
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Mirror sex in a dressing room
Breeding kink w/ Flip*
Your first time with Flip - part 1
Your first time with Flip - part 2
Fucking the brat out of you at a holiday party
Flip taking care of you after a long work day
Lovey-dovey drunk sex with Flip
Playing strip-poker with Flip
Slapping Flip (hint: it doesn’t go over well)
Flip spitting on your pussy
JUST how much Flip loves you
Slow lovemaking with Flip
Flip’s kinks, fave things to do in bed, and aftercare
Flip cheering you up after a bad day
Visiting Flip at the station in your skimpiest outfit
Flip being territorial over you in public
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Flip being charming and playful
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare, Goofy, Motivation, Stamina, Unfair
Gender-affirming lovin’ with Flip (transmasc!reader)
Semi-public sex and getting caught
On the subject of Flip’s balls
Growing old with Flip
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OFFICER RONNIE PETERSON - The Dead Don’t Die (2018)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Ronnie Peterson - (1k words)
an intro to Ronnie in the jynzandtonic universe, in which the ending of The Dead Don’t Die is gleefully retconned
Holds Two Nicely - AO3 - (2k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 coming soon}
switch!Ronnie gets road head in the Smart Car, and reader’s gonna pay for pulling that type of shenanigans
This Is The Way - AO3 - (2.6k words)
Bad Day - AO3 - (2k)
blowing off a bad day with some mutual masturbation + squirting
Meet the Boys: Officer Ronnie Peterson
Hand kink w/ Ronnie’s giant paws
Deepthroating + dirty talk with sweet + spicy bby Ronnie
Rescuing Ronnie from the apocalypse and settling in the big city
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Handcuffing and domming Ronnie
Ronnie can’t keep his hands off you at the PD holiday party
Sitting on Ronnie’s face... HE LIKES IT.
Mando!Reader doms subby Ronnie
Cockwarming as a form of dominance with switch!Ronnie
DOUBLE PENETRATION with Ronnie + a Clone-A-Willy
Ronnie finding you half-naked in a Stormtrooper costume
Thigh-riding Ronnie at the station
Ronnie overstimulating you with a clit-sucker + cockwarming
Giving Ronnie head in the bathroom at a frat party
Ronnie spanking you after he has a rough day skiing
Make-up snuggling with Ronnie after a fight
Virgin!Ronnie x virgin!reader thots
Sending/receiving nudes with Ronnie
Fluffy/dirty HCs for nerdy boy Ronnie
What are Ronnie’s hugs like?
How Ronnie dresses when he’s not in uniform
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Ronnie Peterson Tummy Appreciation Post
NSFW Alphabet: Jack Off, Zzzzz, + Dirty Secret
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CHARLIE BARBER - Marriage Story (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Charlie Barber - (550 words)
an intro to Charlie in the jynzandtonic universe, which occurs solely post-Marriage Story
Exit Stage Right - AO3 - (1k words)
Theater smut and a very protective, soft Daddy!Charlie
Special Spot - AO3 - (850 words)
Daddy!Charlie is stressed from work and asks you to play with his ass
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Lost and Found - AO3 - (4.6k words)
You’re an artist in New York City patiently waiting to find your soulmate. But what happens if your soulmate didn’t wait to find you?
Desperate, touch-starved fucking with Charlie
Cockwarming in the theater with Charlie
Charlie buying sex toys for reader
Building IKEA furniture + drinking wine
How Kind of You to Let Me Cum: etiquette kink with Daddy!Charlie
Counting belt spankings for Daddy!Charlie
Charlie rubbing your clit on the subway
Daddy!Charlie feat. squirting kink
Charlie comforting you after a hard day
Christmas party cockwarming with Charlie
Thigh-riding Charlie in his office
Professor!Charlie Barber fucking you in the library stacks
Charlie and a little bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism
Teasing Charlie like a little brat
Charlie fucking nonbinary!reader senseless for looking too good
Sleepy morning head with Charlie + erogenous zones
Charlie punishing you with edging, spanking, and overstim
Wearing Charlie’s hand like a necklace + mirror sex
Late-night somnophilia with Charlie
Distracting Professor!Charlie during office hours
Getting messy making pancakes with Charlie
Cockwarming for Charlie during his zoom meetings
Charlie taking his frustration out on you + aftercare
Student/teacher cockwarming with Professor!Barber
Falling asleep after sex with Charlie
Soft breeding kink feels with Charlie
Misc Charlie hcs: nicknames, sex, aftercare, + more
Charlie sending you gorgeous NYC lingerie
d-d-d-d-DADDY KINK + more
NSFW Alphabet: Unfair - remote control vibe
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, Fave Position, Goofy, Stamina
Charlie teaching you your manners before a fancy date
Daddy!Charlie on erotic piercings
Threesomes with Charlie: Adam, Dan, + Toby
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PHILLIP ALTMAN - This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
- FICS -
A Great American Pastime - coming soon!
Edging bratty sub!Phillip
Phillip messing with you during Passover Seder
Sudsy shower sex with Altman
Altman fucking you in the pool during a family bbq
Making Philly cum in his pants at a house party
Phillip buying you a naughty present
Pegging bratty Phillip
Phillip degrading + facefucking you
Handcuffing Phillip and riding his face
Phillip + Sackler on the BDSM test
NSFW Alphabet: Goofy, Motivation, Unfair, Volume
Spending Hanukkah with Phillip
Sending/receiving nude pics with Phillip
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DAN JONES (au context) - The Report (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Dan Jones - (550 words)
an intro to Dan in the jynzandtonic universe, in which he is still a Senate staffer and the lead investigator for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; this is not RPF
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Long Day - AO3 - (2.7k words)
DOM!Dan Jones!
Consumed by his work for the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dan comes home to you tense and exhausted, desperate for an outlet for his stress. Lucky for him, his little dove always knows just what he needs.
Professor!Dan Jones AU - coming soon!
Sensual phone sex with Dan
Subby!Dan with assistant!reader
Riding the fuck out of Dan in his office chair (drabble)
Disciplining Dan when he’s misbehaved
Semi-public sex with riled-up Daniel
Dan begging you to swallow his cum*
Surprising Dan with head when he comes home from work
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Dan with a shy!reader
Aftercare with Dan
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, + Toys
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TOBY GRISONI (GRUMMET) - The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2016)
- FICS -
You Can, You Shall, You Must (multichapter) - coming soon!
Distracting Toby mid-film by being a brat 
Toby eating your pussy on the train + getting caught
Misc Toby HCs: fucking, protectiveness, aesthetics
Misc Toby HCs: thigh-riding, hair-braiding, polaroids
NSFW Alphabet: Kinks + WILDCARDS
Toby mustache HCs
RICK SMOLAN (au context) - Tracks (2013)
- FICS -
Meet Me in Moab (Vanlife!Rick AU) - coming soon!
Watching sub!Rick jerk himself off for you
Rick shooting outdoor lingerie photos
Fucking a very touch-starved Rick
Making Rick cum in his pants
Rick worshipping readers phat titties
Roadtripping with Rick
Rick tickling and teasing your pussy
PAUL SEVIER - Midnight Special (2015)
- FICS -
Sugar Daddy!Paul Sevier AU - coming soon!
Praise kink with sweet Sevvy
Catching feelings for Sugar Daddy!Sevier
Sugar Daddy!Sevier comforting you during hard times
Paul spanking you with his file folders
Giving Sevvy head so good he cries
Overstimulating sub!Sevier
Somnophilia with Sevier
Sevier comforting sad reader
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Dirty texts from all of the boys
How the boys feel about stretch marks
Cute lil’ domestic arguments with Clyde, Ronnie, Charlie, Dan, + Flip
The boys with pregnant!reader
The boys on hickies and love-bites
The boys on period sex
Loving on fat!reader
Sunday morning snuggles and ~shagging~
How the boys would ask you to move in with them
The boys with a nonbinary!reader (they/them)
How the boys would spend a snow-day with you
The boys on thicc thighs
Dominant/submissive x LNC chart for the boys
Charlie + Ronnie comforting sad reader
~Soft~ hcs for Flip, Dan, Sevier, Ronnie, + Phillip
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 1
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 2
TRUTH OR DARE with Charlie, Phillip, Ronnie, + Dan
Top three boys with a breeding kink
The boys on the BDSM test
Flip, Daddy!Charlie, Clyde, + Sackler on being called ‘himbos’
A lil’ bit of clit worship
Sweet + spicy hcs with Clyde + Sackler
Sweet + spicy hcs with Flip + Ronnie
What kind of porn the boys watch/read
Falling asleep and waking up with you
What to do to get the boys weak for you
Must-have songs on their “bedroom playlists”
How kinky do the boys get + fave positions
How the boys rate in the exhibitionist category
The boys taking care of you when you’re sick
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare with Sackler + Charlie
NSFW Alphabet: Experience
NSFW Alphabet: Dirty Secret
NSFW Alphabet: Location
NSFW Alphabet: No
The boys with a transman (transmasc!reader)
What the boys sound like before they cum
On finding out you’re bisexual
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Toby, Dan, + Rick
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Charlie, Clyde, Flip, + Ronnie
How the boys give hugs
What the boys prefer to fuck
Reverse cowgirling Charlie, Dan, Sackler, + Clyde
What alcohol the boys like to drink
A few New Year’s Resolutions
How the boys feel about verbal debasement/degradation kink
Size kink with Flip, Ronnie, + Clyde
Favorite rewards for The Subby Boys (TM)
Romantic nights with Flip, Charlie, + Clyde
Reactions to participating in skin-care pamering night
On dating a reader who does camming
The Babie-Daddy-Gremlin Triangle
The boys helping you when you’re overwhelmed with work
Would be most likely to roleplay Mulder/Scully with you
Is most likely to cum on you vs. cum in you
Likes to be called “Sir” (for scientific purposes)
Has the biggest dick - part 1 
Has the biggest dick - part 2 (NSFW Alphabet)
Has the best cock
Prefer showers or baths
Is the dirtiest and softest
Give the best back scratches when tucking you in
Wear speedos vs. trunks
Want to bring snacks to sexytime (food kink)
Is an ass man vs. a boobs man
Would be into having a threesome, and what kind
Would want to have children*
Is the best at eating you out
Has the heaviest balls feat. @clydesducktape​
Love facials the most
Is most likely to eat ass
Do I ship with each other + threesome ideas : paul x rick threesome, flip x phillip
Like to dole out orgasm denial/edging
Is the cuddliest
Is most likely to fuck the bratty attitude out of you
Has an edging kink
- FICS -
The Dungeon Master - AO3 - (1.7k words + 1.9k)
{part 1} - {part 2}
Matt plays D&D on Thursday nights, and you decide to interrupt him for a good dicking. You get more than you bargained for.
HCs: Matt the Radar Tech, Cameron the Actor, + Mr. Ketchup
HCs: very NSFW chaotic-dom!Matt the Radar Tech things
Matt the Radar Technician’s pet chinchilla, Greg by @rollerdiscodiva​
How you got together with Matt + misc HCs
A few Matt x chubby!reader HCs
Feral Matt the Radar Tech being... sweet??
What Matt’s cock is like
Feral Matt being a little sweet after sex
Crumbs on soft!Matt
Surprising Matt with some DnD cosplay sex
Matt + first-time somnophilia
Matt congratulating you for acing a test the way he knows best
Trying to give Matt a slow, sweet blowjob
Keeping grumpy Matty up late with some deepthroating
Sweet Matt buying you succulents
Wearing Christmas Lingerie while Daddy McTavish tries to work on Zoom
Your first Christmas with Mr. McTavish and Mr. Pennyham (Sleepover Dad)
Kylo’s guilty pleasures
Kylo fucking his hand in the refresher
How Kylo/Ben shows everyone you belong to him
Sub!Kylo begging you to let him cum
Tending to each other’s wounds after defeating Snoke’s guard
Dom!Kylo fucking your throat
Kylo/Ben and possessive behavior
Kylo and pregnant reader snaccs
Rough, post-battle sex with Kylo
Tending to Smuggler!Ben’s wounds (Mando!Reader)
Sucking Kylo’s cock in the refresher
Cockwarming in the throne room
Kylo watching you kick ass in training
Sparring with Kylo till he fucks you senseless
Daddy!Kylo Ren overstimming and spanking your pussy
Kylo/Ben taking care of you after a hard mh day
A full month of kinky prompts with all your favorite boys!
Love Letters from The Boys
KINKS/TROPES - (will be expanded)
-additionally, all of these are tags that can be blocked 🖤-
daddy kink
virginity kink / innocence kink
pregnancy kink
breeding kink
size kink
body positivity
light verbal degradation / degradation kink
light bondage / bondage
light exhibitionism / exhibitionism / voyeurism
semi-public sex
1K notes · View notes
babyjamiebarnes · 3 years
Part Twelve
Featuring: Bucky x Stark!reader, dad!Tony, Steve, Sam, bff!Peter Parker
Warnings: language, mentions of smut/sex tapes, blackmail/threatening
Summary: With Tony now on your side, you and Bucky are able to take steps toward stopping your blackmailer — until things take a dark turn.
Author’s Note: Ugh, it’s not as long as I’d like it to be but it’s a good lead-up to the final chapter and I won’t feel so bad about taking forever if I finally get something out there 😖 I haven’t been in the best headspace lately but things are kind of looking up so hopefully I get the conclusion out faster 😞
Series Masterlist
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Tags: @amourmarvel @fangirlvoice @kennedywxlsh @devilswaldorf @what-the-hap-is-fuckning @alyispunk @fredweasleysbitchh @wearegroot @sunflowerbebe107 @prestigious-tea @brckenmemories @angelbabymed @charmedbysarge @cruelsummer-s @fandomlovver @ahahafudge @thebivirgin
You thanked every deity in existence that there wasn’t enough room for you and four grown men in the Jeep because your dad had to drive separately from you, Bucky, Steve, and Sam. Once the doors shut, however, there was one question lingering in the air.
“So… how’d it go?” Sam asked.
Bucky let out a sigh.
“I’m still alive,” he deadpanned.
“Are you gonna… you know… stay that way?” Sam asked slowly.
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your lips at the question. And when Bucky glanced over at you, he laughed quietly too. Which led to Steve chuckling at him and Sam smiling at the way he (unintentionally) relieved some of the gravity of the situation.
Bucky’s shoulders relaxed a bit for the rest of the drive, but you caught him growing tense again when you all met your dad in the underground parking garage. It was the only place in your apartment building with no windows and no audio, but you knew there was video surveillance. There was a chance your stalker had access to the video, most likely through hacking the system, but they wouldn’t know what was being said. As you approached your father, he pulled what looked like two sniper rifles out of the backseat.
“Barnes, Wilson. You’re coming with me,” he said.
“Dad,” you chastised, assuming he was only taking Bucky with him to keep him from you.
“He was a World War II sniper, [Y/N]. It makes sense to have him using a scope to check where this psycho was watching you.”
You were silent in response, mostly because you knew he was right. And you’d still have Steve with you in your apartment, so it’s not like you’d be left alone.
Bucky immediately checked the safety and pulled back the bolt handle to make sure it was fully unloaded. He didn’t expect it to have anything in the chamber since there was no magazine, but he learned to take extra precaution. And just like when he cleared your apartment all those months ago, something about seeing him wield the power of a firearm made you shiver. How very American of you.
“These are all connected to a secure line,” Tony continued as he handed everyone the type of flip phone you had in middle school. “I hope you all remember how to text the old fashioned way because we’re not calling unless absolutely necessary. Considering what was in the video,” his jaw clenched as his eyes shot daggers at Bucky, “there are probably audio and video devices all over the apartment.”
“We scanned for that when we first started staying with her,” Sam said. “I just figured the video was taken before her identity was released.”
What he said just solidified Steve’s assumption. You definitely knew who was blackmailing you.
“It was after,” you said. “It was… that night was shortly after the…” you hesitated. Everyone looked at you patiently, but you could see Bucky take a subtle step away from your dad. He knew when the video was taken. “Um, it was shortly after the, uh, the pregnancy scare.”
All eyes moved to Bucky and Tony. The emotions that flickered across your dad’s face clearly showed his thoughts: shock, confusion, realization... You wouldn’t be surprised if this was the straw that broke the camel’s back; Bucky must’ve had the same thought as he darted to stand behind you.
“The what?!” Tony barked. “You — Barnes! I’m gonna —” He cut himself off and just huffed out a heavy breath, his hands curled into fists by his side and his jaw tight in an attempt to calm himself down.
“Not to make things worse but it takes two,” you said. “I was a willing participant.”
“But did it have to be with him?!”
“I’m just saying, pumpkin, it could’ve been Parker!”
“He’s a kid!”
“And he,” your dad countered, pointing at Bucky, “is a senior citizen!”
“Oh my god,” you groaned. “I’m not having this conversation now. We’ll argue about my taste in men later. Go check out the buildings.”
You twisted on your heel and pulled Bucky down for a very unnecessary kiss. You knew it pissed your dad off, but he was being so frustrating! With a snap of his fingers, Tony got Sam and Bucky to follow him out the doors to the street where they would split up and check out the buildings within view of your kitchen and bedroom to see which one the photos were taken from.
Steve led you up to your apartment so you two could stand in the kitchen for everyone to look for from their respective buildings. You hopped up onto the counter while Steve leaned against the fridge across from you, arms crossed and brow furrowed as your eyes met.
“I think you’re right,” you said plainly. Steve held his finger up to his lips and pulled out the flip phone. You were kind of shocked he knew how pre-smart phone texting worked, but he continued to surprise you.
What makes you say that?
It’s not easy to get in this building. It’s even harder to get in my apartment.
Right as you hit send, a familiar jolt of realization shot up your spine. There was one major thing all of you were forgetting. You leaped off the counter and ran to your bedroom with Steve hot on your heels. In your earlier panic, none of you thought to look for a camera in the bedroom. There’s only one angle that video could’ve been taken from and it would’ve had to be inside your room.
If your memory served you correctly, the camera would’ve been set up somewhere on or near your bookshelf. Steve stood in the doorway while you scanned through all your books. You practically knew your setup by heart, so catching the skinny book that was out of place didn’t take long.
You turned to face Steve as you said, “I don’t have a hard cover copy of ‘Romeo and Juliet.’” You turned back to glare at the book and mumbled, “I actually hate ‘Romeo and Juliet’.”
The book was pretty thin, making it stand out even more in your extensive collection, but the title was written in a clear, elegant script along the spine. It almost made you question your own memory — until you noticed the ballpoint-sized hole near the bottom. The black background made it almost indistinguishable, but when you pulled it from the shelf, the hole was evident. And when you pulled it open, you found wires inside the cut-out pages and a small camera tucked against the hole in the spine.
“That fucker didn’t even clean up after himself,” you spat, throwing the pseudo-book onto your mattress. Steve picked it up and checked it out before calling Peter.
“Hey, if I send you a camera, can you see if it’s being wirelessly streamed to a separate device?” Your head snapped back to Steve at those words. When did the old man become so well-versed with tech? The last you knew, he struggled to take an iPhone video. Just a few months ago, he asked what the difference was between a flash drive and a hard drive.
While Steve talked to Peter, you walked back to the kitchen to see if the other boys were all in place. You didn’t have the scopes and binoculars they did, but you could still take a guess at which building your stalker took the photos from.
There weren’t many buildings high and close enough for that kind of angle and clarity, but the one you eyed most was just a bit to your left and a couple stories above where your apartment sat in your building. It wouldn’t be cheap to get a place like that, which made you start to doubt Steve’s assumption.
As you stood in the floor-to-ceiling window frame of your kitchen, your flip phone started buzzing in your hand.
“Yeah?” you answered.
“Don’t say anything that might give us away, in case there’s a recording device in your apartment,” Tony said. “I’m in the building right across from you but the angle doesn’t feel right. I think your boy toy is in the right place.”
As if on cue, Steve stepped beside you and answered his phone.
“Hey, Buck.”
“Sounds like you’re right,” you said to your dad. “He just called Steve.”
“We’ll meet you in the parking garage.” With that, your line went dead.
“Okay, meet us downstairs,” Steve said before ending his own call. “Buck’s pretty sure he found the apartment the photos were taken from. Sent the address to Parker so we should get contact info soon.”
You just nodded and headed downstairs again. Things were finally starting to look up. You had two new leads on top of anything Peter, Pepper, and Happy had found and prayed they somehow linked back to Steve’s accused.
Unfortunately, your optimism was shattered when everyone met back up in the garage. Before anyone could say a word, your personal cell started ringing, but the caller ID was... Bucky.
No one said a word as you all met beside the Jeep and you showed everyone the “James 🐻” ringing on your screen, resulting in a lot of confused looks. Bucky pulled his phone out of his pocket and proved he wasn’t accidentally butt-dialing you, freezing your blood in your veins.
“They’re spoofing,” Tony concluded.
“Answer it,” Steve said.
“Put it on speaker,” Sam added quickly.
You nodded as you pressed “accept,” doing your best to keep your voice steady and unbothered.
“You’ve really done it now, [Y/N].” The voice on the other end said slowly. They were clearly distorting the sound and you’d bet they couldn’t be traced. They’d never be that stupid. “Have your boyfriend search your name.”
You looked up at Bucky who was scrambling to search your name on his phone… and immediately paled. He almost looked like he had seen a ghost, though you’d argue what he actually saw was so much worse.
“They released the video.”
Your throat constricted as you tried to not literally throw up at those four words. And when Bucky shuffled beside you to show you the top results under your name, you weren’t sure how long you could hold it back. The first page of results was just news articles about your sex tape even though it had been released only 20 minutes ago. You snatched Bucky’s phone and clicked the link to the video and sure enough, it was you and Bucky. Two hours of you and Bucky.
“You son of a bitch,” you practically growled into the phone. “That wasn’t part of your fucking deal.”
“You took away my first bargaining chip so I played my second. And believe me, I’ve got plenty more videos. You two are quite the pair,” the unnaturally deep voice snarked. “But now you also know lives will be lost if you don’t listen. You now have three days or that man and his family die.”
The line cut out then, leaving everyone standing in stunned silence.
“I’ll get Pep on taking down the video,” Tony muttered before pulling his phone out to text Pepper. “We’ll have to swing by a couple banks and pull out the money.”
“Dad, I don’t want you to bail me out,” you practically whined.
“We don’t have any other option, [Y/N],” he snapped. “You don’t have to give a shit about him releasing sex tapes of you and the Vibranium Vibrator,” Bucky cringed at that nickname, “but I know you won’t let that other kid’s family die. We’ll keep trying to track them down, but we have to be prepared.”
You sighed. You knew he was right. If you ended up finding the culprit, if Steve was right, you could just put the money back. Plus, two million out of your father’s billions wasn’t enough to break him.
“Okay, fine. Let’s get ready,” you mumbled.
Steve interjected before anyone moved too far.
“I have a plan.”
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gnzma · 2 years
@planespc​ ► Francis:
"Alright-- hold still please. We're going to try something new, okay?"
She's holding a cattle prod, and a rather old fashioned audio tape recorded in the other hand. And Guzma? Oh Guzma can't move an inch, tied down tightly in the sligtly reclined chair. Thick leather straps on his wrists, neck, stomach and ankles, he's not going anywhere. Though it is fun to watch if the heart monitor spikes when she draws near.
"I'm testing a theory that stress enhances the, ahh, range of your.... magnetism, I guess we can call it."
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“Oh, goody.”
He’s... barely taking it seriously, now. Lying on the chair, Guzma kind of. Just. Groans? Very annoyed about how this whole situation is going, honestly.
       Of course, that’s all a lie. He’s worried. He’s... getting nervous.        Both the scared and the angry kind of nervous.        He may be unable to move his hands, but his fingers are digging in the chair.
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“Can’t ya move? I was tryin’ to take a nap, here.”
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jerryb2 · 3 years
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A couple months ago now, I picked up this book at a local Half-Price Books. As you can of course see, it’s the Star Wars art portfolio of Dave Dorman. As I (then, erroneously) made reference to in a recent post, Dorman was a prolific watercolor artist for Star Wars media back in the 1990′s. 
This book, published in 1996, showcases his art up to that point in his career. Some of his most well-known art can be found in the Dark Empire comic:
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This book is really interesting, not least because it shows some of Dorman’s rough sketches & layouts, but also a few of the body models that he employed. 
Look at this guy: 🤭
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Dorman also did a number of the single-issue covers for the Tales of the Jedi comic series by Tom Veitch & Kevin J. Anderson. Though unfortunately, if you happen to own the trade paperbacks of Tales, you really don’t see very much of it, save for a brief cover gallery at the end. However, the most easily recognizable piece of art from this series is undoubtedly this painting of Ulic Qel-Droma: 
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And just a side note here; this art also went on to be featured as the cover of the Tales of the Jedi Companion in the old Star Wars RPG from West End Games:
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Weirdly, the same day that I found this book showcasing Dorman’s art, I found these at another HPB: full cast audio dramas of both Dark Empire & Tales of the Jedi on cassette tapes, all of them featuring this exact cover art. 😵 
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Now, the more eagle-eyed among you have probably picked up on the fact that there are several things missing here. For one, there’s no Empire’s End. That’s not due to HPB not having that one on the shelf or me not being able to find it, that’s just because it doesn’t exist*. 😐 The same goes for the rest of Tales of the Jedi, though it’s a bit more forgivable there, since these were released back in 1995 and the story didn’t, for reals, conclude until 1999.
*Okay, technically the audio drama of Empire’s End does exist, but it’s only available in the CD special edition re-release of the audio drama - are you kidding me? 😑 
And to boot, in classic Star Wars in the 90′s fashion, both of these stories have been abridged to absolute shit. 😩  But I digress....
When I found these, they were all still factory sealed, so I had the distinct pleasure of popping them open for the first time in 26 years. That was really wonderful. 🙂 Look, I’ll probably never listen to these, and probably not for the reason you think. Believe it or not, I do have a working cassette player, but I just can’t say that I care all that much. They’re an oddity, and a really neat piece of Star Wars history, but for now, I think they’ll just live on my bookshelf.
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Since finding this artbook, I’ve really gained a ton of respect and admiration for Dave Dorman as an artist, and as a Star Wars fan. And this is just scratching the surface; he did the covers for the Rogue Squadron comic series by Michael A. Stackpole, as well as the Dark Forces: Jedi Knight game tie-in (which isn’t mentioned in this book, since it only came out 1998!) and the covers for all of the Young Jedi Knights books. 
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The man is a true legend, and his art has served to take readers to that galaxy far, far away for decades now. ❤
Next up in the art-appreciation posts: Drew Struzan 😉
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siarven · 3 years
Hey, you mentioned that you like all those queer hopepunk horror podcasts in some tags and I wanna know: which podcasts are you talking about? Ever since tma ended, I've been looking for a podcast that could fill its place
Hello!! :DDD
So (in true fashion of a Good Memory™) I suddenly forgot Everything, so I enlisted a friend's help! ( @followthatgoose, who has also listened to all of these, some multiple times. I'm still kind of working on them because I hit sudden No More Podcasts™ a while back sadly, and am currently back to audiobooks for the most part. But I'd trust Soren's podcasting taste with my life, sooo :D) So the proper premise-descriptions are mostly provided by them <3
- Hello from the Hallowoods (kind of like how I'd originally hoped Welcome to Night Vale would be! It's a radio broadcast-esque story about queer survivors at the end of the world, really nice mix of following the characters as they live and also their fight against the horrors of the hallowoods. It also has some of the Best Quotes and the narrator has a fantastic voice <3 fantastic vibes overall)
- The Sheridan Tapes (found footage horror (with very nice music and soundscaping), following a detective as he tries to piece together what happened to a missing horror writer. monster of the week type recordings mixed with what is happening 'real time' to characters. a lot of Very Good emotional moments. also very queer)
- The Mistholme Museum (monster of the week format combined with 'real time' moments too, an audio tour guide takes you on a tour of the mistholme museum's exhibits. there are canonically queer characters, though so far it is not as Queer™ as the others. set in australia)
- Kane and Feels (in the words of Soren, "can best be described as a Vibe that is really good to zone out to and just exist in (liminal space my beloved). it's done in a noir style (which is IMPECCABLE) and the main characters are an academic who studies the supernatural, and his ex cop friend who punches the supernatural when it is causing problems. other than having canonically stated queer characters there is also Very Nice queer subtext around the main characters (particularly kane). also the academic is named lucifer kane, i feel like that speaks for itself xD")
- The White Vault (this one isn't as queer sadly, (though it does have Two Gays later on) but it has the most fantastic creepy-horror vibes that kinda feel similar to tma's horror vibes, and it's fairly short and really cool! It's about a multi-national group (the cast being from those nationalities as well, it feels amazingly real in that sense <3) sent to an arctic outpost to repair a broken radio, and then a blizzard keeps them from returning and everything escalates in the most deliciously terrible way. I've binged it two or three times so far >:D It's currently on hiatus but we'll get a fifth (final?) season staring in October!)
- I can always and forever recommend Rusty Quill Gaming as a honorary mention, just because it's partially the same people and it's fantastic and even though it doesn't start out as horror, alex has been knew (that man just can't help himself from putting horror everywhere, it's GREAT). It's a very good time and has made me cry and there's a lot of content to listen to with familiar voices, and I love it a lot even though I'm usually not a ttrpg listener <3
Apart from these I've also heard that Old Gods of Appalachia is good (though I personally didn't like the vibes), I've listened to a big chunk of I Am In Eskew which had some extremely nice episodes and some I didn't vibe with quite as much (it also lacked the queer, if I remember right), and by the same people (and apparently very queer?) The Silt Verses, though I haven't listened to that yet. I think that one has a lot of body horror, from what I've seen, and an aro character, which makes me go very :hypereyes:, but yeah :)
I hope these help!
If anyone wants to add recs, please do!!
Also Soren / @followthatgoose wants to find other people to scream with about the sheridan tapes so if anyone following me has listened to that pls message them xD <3
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