#bg3 tav x karlach
tiefthieves · 8 months
Let Me Silence the Storm [Karlach x Tav (Sikah)]
hello all :) I've decided to stop being a little bitch baby and post some of the things I've been writing for my Tav, Sikah, and Karlach. This is a little drabble surrounding Sikah's fear of thunderstorms. In my mind, this takes place around the early quests of Act 3. Here's a picture of them because they're cuties! My blorbos ♡
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From the balcony of the inn, Sikah sat and watched as dark gray clouds, heavy with rain, slowly crept their way up the horizon and toward the city. She could hear the low rumble of thunder as they drew nearer and could smell the raindrops in the breeze. Her stomach ached. 
Thunderstorms weren’t an abnormality along the Sword Coast. The proximity to the raging sea and the area’s pseudo-island climate brewed a perfect storm. When it rained in Baldur’s Gate it rained hard. Light showers were a rarity, only spitting in spring; for the remaining seasons, there was little snow, no showers, and no sprinkles, only drenching downpours. 
When Sikah was young she loved the rain— loved splashing in puddles, counting the seconds between thunder claps, watching lightning race across the sky. Her mother would tell her it was the gods and goddesses practicing their archery, each hot flash of pure energy an ethereal arrow. 
Lightning was just that, pure energy in a blistering flash. She reached up and carefully brushed her fingertips across her permanently disfigured skin as the memories resurfaced. Sikah could still feel the sweltering pain on her face and see the blinding bolt of light emitting from a whip which cracked like thunder. 
She gasped as something, no, someone, tapped her shoulder. 
“Shit baby, I didn't mean to scare you.” Karlach took a step back, “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…” Sikah lied as she stood up and brushed dust from her pants. “Need something?” 
“I was just checking in on ya, you’d been out here on the balcony for a while,” the taller tiefling leaned her back against the railing as she took a deep breath of coastal storm air. “Smells like rain.”
“Mmhm,” she hummed another passive lie, eyes still fixated on the darkening horizon. 
“For a rogue you’re a shit liar sometimes,” the barbarian observed, “What’s on your mind?” 
“It’s nothing,” Sikah winced as the skies opened up, darkening the cobblestone with heavy drops of precipitation, “let’s go inside.” 
Karlach wasn’t buying it. Something was up with Sikah and she was damn determined to figure out what. She pondered for a moment, cogs turning in her head while she reviewed the past hour. The evening had been rather normal, she thought. The party had stumbled into the tavern bruised and bloody from a day’s worth of adventuring. Firstly, herself and Sikah promptly made their way up to the inn to wash up before having dinner with the group, after which they retired to their shared room. From then on, Sikah had been out on the balcony watching the storm clouds. Even now, laying in bed with the balcony doors shut, the smaller tiefling kept an eagle eye on the window. 
“Did’jya see something suspicious out there? I can go pester Astarion to take care of it, he’s probably hungry.” Karlach attempted to draw her lover’s attention away from the window and onto her. 
“No, no, it’s fine. I’m fine, really,” Sikah gave her a reassuring half-smile. 
The taller woman raised a brow, “Darling, I love you, but you’re really bad at lying to me— which I appreciate, don’t get me wrong, but you can talk to me.” 
Sikah was silent, eyes fixated on Karlach’s fingertips as the larger woman moved to pull her into her chest. “I’m afraid of thunderstorms, of lightning, all of it,” her voice came out in a whisper. “It’s stupid. I can face goblins, devils, shapeshifters, cultists, and shadow cursed lands all without an ounce of fear, but a thunderstorm? I feel pathetic.”
“Hey now, I don’t date pathetic people, if I wanted to do that I’d go find Volo or some shit,” Karlach joked in an attempt to lower her lover’s guard. “Everyone has things they’re afraid of, baby. Usually for a good reason too.”
“You’re unbelievable,” Sikah rolled her eyes as a tiny smile dared to escape her lips. She tensed as a clasp of thunder shook the building, pressing herself into Karlach’s warm embrace. “Shit.”
“Hey, you’re alright, I’ve got you,” the barbarian cupped the woman’s cheek and ran her thumb over its textured flesh. She wanted to ask Sikah to tell the story of her scars, to uncover the mysteries that hid behind tarnished skin and bask in her bravery. Yet, Karlach’s mind was absent as she continued to pet Sikah’s cheek, softly humming as her eyes shamelessly wandered across the map of her speckled skin. “You’re beautiful, you know.” She eyed Sikah’s lips, her thumb teasing to inch closer. The smaller tiefling reached up to guide Karlach’s hand away, placing it on her chest before she draped her arms around the hellion’s neck. 
As rain continued to cascade down the inn’s window, the tieflings kept warm under the lush duvet of their bed. The next hours were spent in a lovers’ embrace; hands wandering across skin, muttered adorations, and airy breaths. With their clothes strewn across the floor, Karlach was able to fully appreciate her partner’s body in the blossoming candlelight. Sikah lay on her chest, back exposed to the air, arms hugged underneath one of the plush, feather pillows the inn provided. Her hair was down and out of its usual ponytail, cascading just barely past her shoulders. It had to be a horrible mess of tangles by now, for it hadn’t seen a brush in gods knows how long, yet her lover’s fingers effortlessly combed through it. Karlach reached out and traced her fingers over Sikah’s complexion, connecting the freckles in constellations across the map of her skin. Amongst the freckles were several scars, ranging from small cuts victim of anxious picking; to deep, discolored scar tissue from tougher quarrels. 
“You know, I’ve always liked a woman with a bit of story to her.” Karlach hummed as her nails trailed over scars, smiling as Sikah peeked an eye open and looked at her. 
The smaller tiefling raised a brow, “and by that you mean?” 
“Your body tells a story that no other can tell. Each scar, every dimple, freckle, and divett is completely unique to you. I could stare at you for hours and still manage to find something new.” Her infernal engine flickered as she shifted to prop herself on her elbow and rest her chin in the palm of her hand. “As you live you get more scars, maybe some more tattoos, all which give more stories to tell, I think it’s nice. I’ve never really cared for the flawless skin of elves, too smooth, reminds me of a naked cat.”
“I’m going to tell Astarion you called him a naked cat,” Sikah chuckled, too comfortable to budge from her current position. 
“Good, tell him, I think it’d be hilarious!” Karlach laughed. “He can stay being a pretty boy, I like my rogues tougher ‘round the edges.” 
The rogue bit her lip and pondered on her next words, tracing the raised skin on the back of Karlach’s strong hand when it rested over hers. “I haven’t told you how I got the scar on my face, have I?” Sikah shyly looked up at the stronger woman. 
“Nope,” Karlach shook her head. “If it makes you feel better, I thought it was a birthmark or something at first; but a battle scar is much more sexy.” 
She rolled her eyes, “Hush and listen, it's story time.” She moved to rest on her back, inviting the larger woman to lie beside her. Karlach’s head came to rest on the smaller woman’s chest, listening to the heartbeat she yearned for. “I told you about my time in Avernus,” Sikah began, “my two-year stint in prison, but never how I got out and what I did once I had…”
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the-skeleton-speaks · 4 months
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I don't actually like this piece all that much cause I don't feel like I did Halsin justice and I forgor some of Varun's piercings BUT I want to start posting art here cause insta sucks and I might as well start with something
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I love them a lot tho
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lutethebodies · 5 months
Big Simpin’
My multiplayer-as-multi-Tav run has reached the end of Act 2, so now Cannor can get as twitterpated as the other three.
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Managing multiple approval tracks for each character is nuts enough to require a spreadsheet. Seriously, I riddle thee not:
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As for the boys who got left out, well, they’ll just have to make do, won’t they. Jaheira and Halsin can babysit them.
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heyitsjaki · 5 months
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Astarion knows an easy mark when he sees one 🤣
Bonus Gale reaction:
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mistercrowbar · 1 year
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Astarion: “No one ever cared about me >:\”
Karlach, standing 10ft away: “ME I CARE I CARE SO MUCH”
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firenbreniel · 5 months
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It was always funny to me how other companions would just stand there while Gale delivered this rizz lol
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catsharky · 11 months
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My Tav wasn't raised by Tieflings and hasn't really lived as one until the events of the game. As a result she has no concept of tail body language and broadcasts shit she doesn't mean to.
Part 2
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illustrance · 11 months
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Prompt by @leighsartworks216 !
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rooji-r · 4 months
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I'm delighted by how hilarious and ridiculous they sometimes can be he he
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pickel182 · 8 months
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I wish I was sorry
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tiefthieves · 6 months
Forever and Always
[BG3WIPs prompt 1- penguin: overcoming hardship]
can also be found on my Ao3 :) -- full work below the break --
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Sikah was, to put it lightly, pissed. Her body ached and her wounds stung as the party stumbled back to camp. The battle they'd just fought was completely avoidable if Karlach had simply let Sikah talk to the damn cambions before smashing their skulls in. Her impulses were usually rather beneficial, but when dealing with Mammon and his court of Dukes, Sikah felt that she had the upper hand; and she wanted to use it.
She ignored the party as Shadowheart began recon by the fire, healing cuts and bruises. Instead, the rogue went to hide away in her tent. Sikah had a stash of healing potions stored in her chests, and the bitter taste of the medicine would match her mood.
Karlach watched as Sikah slunk to her tent. She knew that her partner was cross with her after the events of that day’s adventure, but the barbarian was determined to prove herself. After Shadowheart cast a quick healing word over her injuries, Karlach marched over and ripped the flaps of Sikah’s tent open.
"I don't think you have any right being angry with me after your own reckless behavior, Sikah."
"Ever heard of knocking?" the smaller woman scoffed as she unlaced her wrist guards.
Great, now they were playing the blame game. Sikah didn’t lose the blame game.
"Oh? My reckless behavior? Enlighten me, Karlach, what was the reckless behavior I exhibited today? Knowing the cambions in Mammon's lair, knowing Mammon himself? Trying to talk to them before causing a scene? I used to fucking work for them, I could have easily lied our way in there!"
Karlach shook her head. "Maybe you've forgotten that we were in the Hells and anything to do with Mammon is never going to be a simple task."
"The devil had me under his thumb for years, Karlach, I know that shit isn't simple," Sikah threw her leather armor to the ground, the scarring across the upper left of her body more apparent without it. "I never said bashing was out of the question, I thought we all had a mutual agreement to try and snake our way in before doing anything brash. Gale and Shadowheart aren't as accustomed to the Hells or strong as we are, they would have gotten killed much faster than us." She crossed her arms as her tail flicked angrily. "I know how you feel about the Hells, but you have to remember that you aren't the only one who's suffered there."
"That's precisely my point. I was keeping everyone else safe, including you. But you can't stand not having control over the situation, so you just… hyper-focus on whatever you think is best and don’t listen to anyone else." Karlach angrily threw her hands up in the air. 
"Karlach, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but I'm not a frail maiden in need of protection. I can hold my own. Mammon and his cohort are a different breed of devils, and you aren't the only tiefling who's been damned to the Hells. I was trying to use my advantage to get us through without fighting… at least not fighting out the gate. What part of that do you not get ?"
"The part where you assume I don't understand the situation. I know how they manipulate and control. They'll never trust a tiefling, regardless of what you think you know about them. You were never going to get the upper hand without a fight. Why do you think I chose to go in alone?"
"I..." Sikah bit her tongue. Perhaps Karlach was right. None of those devils had ever, or would ever trust a tiefling, all they ever did was exploit them. Even when Sikah worked under Mammon’s Duke, Focalor, he easily agreed with Zotian and sold her off to Mephistopheles without batting an eye. 
"I wish you didn't think you always have to go in alone. I wish you would have left some of them for me to kill. We have a team, we have allies, we have each other." The shorter tiefling looked up into Karlach's fiery eyes. "I know you want to protect me, but I'm not a helpless damsel in distress."
The barbarian's face softened as she reached out a hand and gently touched Sikah's cheek.
"If you only saw what I've seen in Avernus, you would know why I can't let someone I care about get hurt."
Sikah leaned into Karlach's touch and sighed.
"I do see what's in Avernus. I've seen it, and I know you've seen far worse, but for that same reason, I don't want you getting hurt. I know you're not as quick to buckle under axe blows as me, but... I'd never forgive myself if something happened and Zariel found you. If she took you away from me."
Karlach pulled the other tiefling into a tight hug. She hadn't expected Sikah to be as outwardly concerned for her as she was, but maybe that was her fault. As far as the barbarian knew, the rogue had always been rather independent. Karlach gently rubbed the rogue’s back with one hand. "You don't have to worry about what happens to me. But you should be concerned with yourself. Remember this: Avernus will tear you down to the bone if you give it the chance."
"I do worry about you," Sikah wrapped her arms around her lover's strong waist. "I fear that your recklessness is because of your hourglass of time." As her head lay upon the woman's chest she listened to the mechanical sounds of the engine that took the place of her heart. "What's the point in protecting me if you aren't there to be with me? If you aren't alive by my side? I don't want to live a life without you."
Karlach was taken aback by the sudden vulnerability of Sikah’s inquiries. She rarely openly asked for reassurance. If Karlach had a heart, she was sure it would have skipped a beat. A feeling of profound warmth blossomed within her chest as she held the other tiefling a little tighter.
"I know my time is limited, Sikah; but as long as we have each other, that's all that matters to me. I would be willing to die a thousand times over if I had the chance to save you. My future is in you ."
"Then live with me." Sikah looked up at Karlach, a look of stubborn determination on her face. "I know you despise the thought, but Dammon could be right... If after all this tadpole shit is over and through, we go back to Avernus, together. We buy you more time, buy us more time. Hells, who knows, we might find something to repair your engine for good."
If the party's brief trip to Avernus that day had anything to show, Sikah thought it was decent proof that the infernal smithy’s proposition wasn't all that farfetched.
The possibility was enough to make Karlach's mind wander. The mere thought of continuing her existence in Avernus for even a minute more than she was destined had always terrified her, but the idea of having Sikah by her side made that terrifying thought seem not so terrible after all.
"Is that what you want? For us to go back there, together?"
"More than anything," Sikah stood on her toes and pecked Karlach's lips. "I know I've got nothing on your ten-year stint, but two years in an infernal prison gave me a decent preview. It's shit, I know, but with good company and motivation, maybe it wouldn't be so bad?"
Karlach returned the kiss, a wide smile spreading across her face. It was tempting, the possibility of more time with Sikah; and if the two of them worked together, maybe they could figure something out. 
"You know, you're not half bad at swaying me with your words. But don't think that this will be easy. I may have made a lot of progress, but I still hate that damn place."
"And I’m not asking you to love it, just… tolerate it. Who knows, maybe one day we'll be able to return to Faerûn for good. Live the rest of our days together in a nice house, just the two of us, maybe a cat or two" Sikah dragged her finger over Karlach's glowing chest.
Karlach laughed softly as Sikah’s touch sent ripples through her. As she spoke of a peaceful and safe life for the two of them, the barbarian couldn't help but get caught up in the idea. 
"Do you really want that? A quiet, mundane life for us? What would you do if we weren't fighting for our survival?"
"Hmm, I dunno," Sikah pondered for a bit, tracing her fingers around the metal of the valves in Karlach's shoulders. "Maybe I'd open a jewelry shop, make a bit of gold the honest way for once," she chuckled, "I'd spend lots of time with you of course; lay in a nice, plush bed every night in your arms."
A soft groan rose in Karlach's chest as Sikah's touch made her engine pulse and burn with desire. The image of the two of them together, with Sikah's arms wrapped around her, was more than the barbarian could bear.
"That would be so damn nice, Sikah. We could make anything an adventure. Just the two of us together. That's all I want."
The barbarian took a deep breath, steeling herself.
"We're getting distracted."
"And that's a problem, how?" The rogue deviously smirked at Karlach. "It's late, half the camp is asleep by now, I doubt they'd notice if you spent the night in my tent..."
Something snapped inside of the barbarian as she contemplated Sikah's suggestion. Her words were suggestive, and the implications of them were clear. 
No one would notice if she stayed with the tiefling, and… Karlach had to clear her throat to try to get rid of the sudden lump of lust that had developed in the back of it.
"We have an early morning, you know that."
Sikah raised a brow and laughed, a genuine, toothy grin on her face.
"The Karlach Cliffgate having a responsible bedtime? Who are you and what have you done with my lover?" She patted the barbarian's cheek. "The night is still young, Gale's just now put out the fire..."
"Shut it, you." The barbarian's cheeks flushed as she was teased. Sikah was right, the fire had freshly gone out, leaving the pair in the dim candlelight of the rogue’s tent. Her partner’s words easily cut right through the layer of self-control that was barely holding itself together. Karlach bit her lip to keep herself from smiling too much.
"Change into your camp clothes and come back? We don't have to do anything too... rigorous. I just don't want to be apart from you, after today." Sikah bashfully admitted.
And there it was: the moment when the last shred of resistance melted away. Any semblance of self-control was gone, and Karlch was left wanting nothing more than to be next to the other.
"... You really want me to?"
"I do," Sikah nodded, her hand caressing the woman's arm before reaching for her hand. "I want you to stay with me, for as long as you'd let me; and I’m not just talking about tonight." She intertwined their fingers, hoping that Karlach would get the message.
The barbarian understood the message perfectly. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Mmhm," the shorter woman nodded, "always."
"Promise me something." Karlach brought their linked hands up to her lips and kissed Sikah’s knuckles. 
"Yes?" The rogue looked up at her expectantly.
"Promise me that... if we go to Avernus together... if something goes wrong... that you'll come looking for me, no matter what?" She leaned down to rest her forehead against the other’s. 
"I promise," Sikah squeezed her hand tight, her heart straining at the thought. "I'll always find you, even if I have to go to the deepest pit of the Hells, even if it takes all the years of my life. I'll find you. In every lifetime and in every universe." She swallowed the nervousness in her throat.
"I love you, Karlach. The past months we've spent together have been the best of my life. You've helped me see the world in a different light, helped me heal wounds I didn't know I had." She smiled shyly. "Tadpoles be damned, but I'm glad these parasites led me to you."
With those words, Karlach's chest began to burn with joy— not unlike the fire of her engine, but it somehow felt different. She was moved in a way that she hadn't been before, and for a moment, Karlach felt that any worries or responsibilities could wait until tomorrow. All that mattered to her now was the tiefling in her grip. The barbarian kissed the thief’s forehead and pulled her close to her chest.
"I love you too," she whispered, "more than you could ever imagine."
"And we'll be okay, as long as we have each other."
“Always.” Karlach smiled as she held the other tiefling in her grasp. With Sikah in her arms and her engine beating steadily in her chest, she felt truly alive. And for the first time in a long time, she felt hopeful. As long as they were together, they could take on hell itself.
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felixora · 1 year
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The tavern scene we never got 🥲
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lutethebodies · 7 months
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Patch 6 released for Mac today so of course I had to review all the new features. For science. Well that and for headcanon reasons, because my cishet male Tavs who got involved with Minthara, Karlach, Shadowheart, and Lae'zel are in constant elated surprise at their relationships' sustainability. To paraphrase Shadowheart, they're always thinking "Really? You could have any of these other gorgeous people and you chose me?"
I suspect that too many married men of my generation (I am a young Xer), and probably any generation, have no idea how queer their wives may be. Don't stress about it, guys. She chose you.
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thewizardhole · 7 months
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kiivg · 7 months
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.”I want more than to fight at your side, or sit around the campfire with you.”.
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eluvisen · 1 month
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