mino-diabolik · 1 year
Send “⌨️” for a headcanon concerning our muses’s relationship
“Oi, just ignore them. Kauze, you’re gonna get us into shit! For fuck’s sake… Kauze!”
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As the older counterpart, Mystic has to deal with the overprotective younger Founder that, most often than not, is the one to get the pair into trouble. At last, someone has appeared to show Mystic what it is to have to be the responsible one and clean up after someone else. He isn’t scared of scolding Kauze now, as he isn’t a child anymore, and would expect him to act mature. What he often forgets is that Kauze is still younger than himself. Much like him and Kazuha had been, and perhaps by many more years.
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thatonefrenchwitch · 2 years
“Aww, little guy is all tuckered out.” Josephine giggled a little bit, petting his head as he sleeps in her lap. “You’re so stinking cute. God I wish you didn’t have to grow up, mon beau.” She smiles.
“Sleep tight, mon petite prince.”
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yuriko-mukami · 4 months
Kauze found out that Yuriko's baby was finally born, he was looking forward to seeing her.
— HA — He leaned on the crib where the baby was lying, luckily (or not) for Kauze, he hadn't seen Yuriko or Ruki around, were they sleeping? — Hmm~ You're really small...
He looked at the baby, but didn't touch her, as he was a little afraid of babies, but he took a bag and placed it inside the crib.
— Look! I bought a gift for you! Actually, I asked Shin for money, I lied and said I was going to buy ice cream, so you can't tell anyone, okay? He would be super mad if I spent his money on a vampire... are you a vampire? it is not? or are you the same as Yuriko? how strange... Well, I'm a founder and I'm older, so you have to do what I say!
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Tsukimi gazed up when suddenly another person appeared. She hadn't seen him before.
Staring up, Tsukimi swayed her hands and let out a tiny whining. She squirmed in place, her face wrinkling a little while she was probably trying to figure out if she should cry or not.
When Kauze placed the bag in the crib, Tsukimi grabbed it, swaying it with one hand and patting it with the other. "Wa... wa... wa...!"
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eventinelysplayground · 7 months
Just a funny little story that came to mind as I watched my youngest run off with the container of strawberries. Vlad loses out on his favorite food. WC approx 300. Also my German is minimal and rusty but I was going for like old geezer/codger, a sort of an affectionately disrespectful way to address somebody. If there's something better by all means I'd love to know.
It was late morning as a small figure crept quietly down the castle hallways clutching tightly onto a bowl.
"Ah ha, there you are! Give those back to me."
"No mine!"
The small figure took off dashing down the hallway as quickly as they could and a taller figure took off after them. Soon the small figure ran past two young boys, one still rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes.
"Not again! Hope it's too early for this."
"Just give it up already, Alter Kauz. You know you won't win against her."
"Not until she gives me back my strawberries."
"No no no, my berries!"
Hope and Vlad ignored her older brothers and continued their mad dash down the hallway. Vlad was close on her tail and her little legs were getting tired so she turned into the dining room nearly colliding into Charles who was busy setting the table.
"You're early for break….what?"
Hope had scrambled behind Charles in an attempt to hide just as Vlad walked into the room.
"There's no escape for you now, give me back those strawberries."
"Why don't you just let her have them this time"
"No, those are the last ones and they're mine."
"No my berries! You ate all you berries."
"Is that true Le Voivode?"
Vlad just dropped his head at Charles’ question and that was as good as an admission.
"I'll pick up more later today if you both behave, I'll even make sure they're extra big and juicy."
Vlad pouted for a moment while Hope clutched onto Charles's leg with one hand.
Hope beamed up at Charles before scurrying to take her seat at the table. The three were soon joined by her brothers followed by their mother who was dragging their grumbling father behind her. Breakfast went ahead as usual except for Vlad's perpetual pout at losing his favorite food.
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kauzebridgerton · 1 year
Open interaction.
( Contains violence against Kauze, if you're sensitive, beware. )
— You are a complete useless! If I had the opportunity to kill you right now, I would do it without a second thought!
[ Harry shouted, while giving the boy a few kicks, he had only "adopted" Kauze to get money from his older brother, Kauze's father, but apparently he would never get his hands on that money, besides what, Kauze it was a complete embarrassment in his view, relating to any kind of demon, and on top of that, not being able to use his founding powers properly. Not even to be a guard dog the boy was good. ]
— You're a thorn in my side Kauze, I'm sure everyone thinks that about you, even your schoolmates can't stand you, if you tell anyone, I swear I'll kill all your friends.
[ Harry kicked the boy more, who wouldn't stop crying and trying to protect himself at any cost. ]
— Stop with that, please! It's very sick.. !
[ Kauze gathered his last strength and managed to teleport away from Harry, where he ended up in the forest, the little boy was terribly hurt, coughing up a little blood, he then curled up in a corner and started crying. ]
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kauze-bridgerton · 1 year
The poll is over, thank you so much for voting for Kauze to get a pair, and I'm very curious to know your opinion, so who voted, please say why you chose such a vampire ( or founder ) and if anyone has shame you can send me an anonymous ask telling me about the reason ❤️
Let's go to the result.
With 0% we have...
Reiji and Carla
I can say that I am not at all surprised by this, apparently the more "serious" ones would not be good for Kau.
Reiji - 0%
Reiji would be like a thorn in Kauze's side, since he basically felt trapped with the vampire, Kauze likes to go out simply with the person he feels affection for, especially love, he would certainly walk around the mansion all disheveled and I have sure Reiji wouldn't allow his partner to walk in such a way. It would be very tiring for both of them and would have that classic "You're not my father" line.
(Which is funny because Reiji is winning the poll of who would be the best father for Kauze)
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Carla - 0%
Another thing that doesn't surprise me at all, Carla wants to have children to continue the clan and I don't see him wanting to have a relationship with a man before achieving that.
Kauze wouldn't have eyes for this old founder either, he would probably look up to him as an older brother or something, but Kauze wouldn't like having to be a kind of "servant".
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They tried and tried... And with a lot of effort they got 6.7 of the votes.
Shin and Yuma
I don't have much to say about these two to be honest, they are cute.
Shin - 6.7%
For me, it would not be a very happy couple, as unfortunately I believe that Shin would not be with Kauze for the right reasons, mainly because of the pressure he is under from Carla.
Kauze would be like Shin's lover or simply be some way for Shin to tease Carla, and Kauze would certainly suffer because of that, since he gets attached very quickly to people.
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Yuma - 6.7%
Okay, I can say that I prefer Yuma over Subaru, but I believe that there would come a time when Kauze would get tired of the talk about nobles that Yuma always talks about (especially in the anime) mainly because Kauze would feel personally attacked, since he is a noble so there will always be that argument about such a thing, it would be like that couple who support totally different politicians lol
But apart from that, I think they would be very cute, Kauze would always help Yuma in his garden or just anything he needs, he would take him to different places so that Yuma could taste different meals and get to know different cultures, they would be a comical couple .
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Now let's go to Subaru and Ruki who got 13.3% of the votes.
I like them a lot, but they're not my favorite, but I can say that I prefer Ruki over Subaru lol.
Subaru - 13.3%
Clearly the fact that he keeps throwing tantrums would displease Kauze at some point, I believe that Kauze is patience in person and Subaru is the lack of it, they would complete each other, but it would also be that boring couple, where one would always be "Love, no do that, you would get in trouble"
Some people might like it but I personally don't lol
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Ruki - 13.3%
Ruki and Kauze would be cute, but I think Ruki would try to impose himself on Kauze and he certainly wouldn't like that, he'd be happy with that, he doesn't want to treat his boyfriend like an army general or something.
I think it would be like Reiji, only less toxic, I believe they match as friends, but not as romantic partners.
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And finally, Shu, Laito (?) and Ayato with 20% of the votes.
I LOVE SHU HE IS MY FAVORITE, Laito was certainly a surprise to me and Ayato was already expected.
Shu - 20%
I believe that in the beginning Kauze would basically date "alone" since Shu would always be isolated somewhere, but Kauze is very social, so he would certainly always talk to Sakamaki.
I believe that their relationship would be something very cute, since Shu will not want to lose someone he loves again, he would show his love for Kauze little by little.
I can already imagine the two lying down talking about life or something.
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Laito - 20%
I'm certainly shocked that someone like Laito could match someone like Kauze.
But I spent a few days analyzing it, and I realized that it could work, and very well.
Kauze would feel alive with Laito (in many ways) and that would certainly get him excited, he would certainly probably tease Laito like Laito teases him, that is chaos, but chaos good.
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Ayato - 20%
Certainly the most fun couple, they would do many things together and have more and more fun.
Ayato would want to do something, and Kauze would do it but with some kind of trepidation, but then it would be like "wow".
You know, Chole and Max from Life is Stange? It would be something like this, they would do a lot of things together, and Kauze would somehow feel special for being something that Ayato craves so much.
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acruxhurricane · 8 months
Inserting a lost older brother into Kauze's story because he needs someone at least responsible to tell him about his family
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bluerosethornrp · 1 year
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“I assume you mean when you are older, kauze…”
How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No
Say “I love you” first? Yes | No
Cheat on them? Yes | No
Be the jealous type? Yes | No
Plan the dates?Yes | No
Initiate the first kiss? Yes | no
Remember anniversaries? Yes | No
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips | cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips | cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other
What terrible pet names would they give each other?
Kauz-kauz fro kauze and Rosey toes for Rosey.
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Ruki! You finally got out of jail! I'm so happy for you!
[The little boy hugged you tight]
Now we can be together! But... I have to tell you something...
[he sighed]
A bad boy from my school hit me! Then I managed to defend myself and told him to get away from me, then he said he was going to bring the older brother to beat me too, could you beat the older brother while I beat him? please ~~
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"Yes, that's right. I'm relieved to be back home with you, Kauze, but don't ever pull off a stunt like that again. You know what I'm talking about, right? The whole shoplifting misdemeanor you committed," the Vampire scolded with a frown. "I'll keep my eye on you from now on."
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Soon, that frown turned into a gentle half-smile as he welcomed the young child in his arms, elated to see him once again without any jail bars separating the two. However, when he heard news of Kauze experiencing harassment at school, the Vampire's eyes widened.
"Tch, it seems I missed a lot while I was gone. Tomorrow I'll visit your school and have a talk with these people myself, especially your principal. It's uncouth for the faculty to allow violence to transpire in their halls when you've done nothing wrong in the first place."
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Kauze 120cm
Send 📏 (or "height") + the height of your muse to compare with mine
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"Hmph.. I can't get laugh or anything, I mean I am older then him it's only natural that I'm taller and plenty bigger then him." He crosses his arms, a small smile on his lips was seen.
"Don't worry Kauze maybe you'll get taller then me when your older, though.. You'd have to like 10000 years to reach to my height."
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solarstellarstar · 2 years
[Kauze approaches Solar, the little boy was a little shy]
Hmm... Hi... Sorry to bother you, but a friend of mine really wanted your autograph, but she's too embarrassed to ask you for one... so... could you sign it here please?
[ He points to a female notepad that belonged to a classmate, Kauze doesn't know very well what Solar was famous for, since the little boy didn't follow this kind of thing very much, he only knows two famous people, and one of them he despised a lot, which was Kou]
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[Taking the notebook up into her hands, Solar gives it one look before glancing up at the young boy again. Solar couldn't help but pity him as she assumed some older girl ordered the boy to run some errands, but since she didn't know much about the situation she takes a pen and signs the notebook without any other questions.]
"What's your friend's name? I appreciate her being a fan since she sounds like she has been one for a long time since I haven't even debuted yet. Or maybe she heard about me because of Kou-senpai? I did in fact get a fame boost because he's in the same company as me..."
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[After signing the autograph, the future idol planned to write a sweet little message accompanying the signature containing- the fan's name.]
"I hope you don't mind me asking, but how old are you? You seem pretty young to be walking around the day in such a busy place by yourself, are your parents nearby?"
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[She asked the question out of mere curiosity. There were loads of other questions she could ask concerning Kauze, but she decided to go with one single question.]
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existing-on-command · 2 years
[Kauze was selling cookies, he then approached Meito to try to make a sale]
Hi would you like...
[He then saw the older man's injured eye]
Waa...! A-are you okay...? Your eye...! Ohh... I have a first aid kit, do you want help...?
[He asked worriedly]
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❝ Oh my! Hello there little one~ ❞
[Meito was rarely ever approached by children, mostly due to his dark and sometimes ominous appearance. Meito was a bit frazzled at first, but relaxed upon seeing the child’s face. Such a bright, joyous face the child bore. Meito frowned to see it downturn so quickly, fearing he had scared the child.]
❝ My eye? Oh, there’s no need to worry! I simply… am very clumsy! I walked directly into a lamp post while taking a walk, its nothing to worry about! Your help is not needed, but I thank you for your kindness~! ❞
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[Meito felt bad lying to the child, but he assumed it would only cause more worry for him to tell the truth. Besides, framing himself as the clumsy type can be humorous. He figured the child would respond better to that.]
❝ Now, on more important matters… I see you are selling cookies! You must have known I have quite the powerful sweet tooth~ May I see what flavors you have? ❞
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[Kauze had to do a school assignment where he was supposed to interview older students, so he decides to stay late at school]
Hmm~ Would it be cheating for me to interview Ruki…? My classmates are afraid of him and Reiji…
[He thought, but as soon as he saw Virek through the halls, the child quickly approached and smiled]
Hey! my name is Kauze and I'm in the 3rd year of elementary school! Sensei sent my class to do a job where we have to interview older students… Would you like to be interviewed? You can become famous!
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Virek’s eyebrows rose as the boy scuttled over to him. Hands in pockets, the boy was attempting to manoeuvre his way to his next class.
(❛ An elementary schooler… Here? How odd…❜)
Apathetic expression not wavering, the scarlet eyed boy turned his attention to the child. Interview him? Absolutely not. Especially not with that promise of becoming famous.
❝ I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. ❞
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There was no room for him to garner too much attention. The boy wanted to live normally after all. Out of the public eye, just flying under the radar. He couldn’t afford to attract the attention of a flock of elementary schoolers.
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princesscrownprince · 3 years
Hi Lukas, Hi Kai... I came here to say bye, I'll have to leave... but I promise I'll always visit you, a man came and said he's my uncle, he showed me all the things, so i'll have to leave with him to england
"Your... Uncle?" Lukas repeated, glancing at Kai who had an uneasy frown. The older snake turned back to Kauze and knelt down, taking the child's hands into his.
"Kauze... Didn't you say your family was killed? And why did he suddenly come now? Shouldn't he have gotten you a long time ago? " He paused for a while before giving a smile, " Actually, how about this? Since Kei and I care about you, why don't you bring us to meet your uncle? We would love to meet to see the man who'd take care of you. Call it a friend's protective instincts. What do you think, Kei? " He looked at his younger brother.
"Yeah. Let's meet the guy." Kai replied with a rather dark tone.
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kauzebridgerton · 5 months
Well, it's not news to anyone that Kauze's parents are dead, but I will tell you more about them.
canonical universe.
Kauze's father, Charles, was a good friend of the former King of the founders (Carla and Shin's father.) Furthermore, he was an army general, creating several strategies where the founders always benefited. Unfortunately the King of the founders didn't listen to Charles in the last war the founders were involved in, and the end? Well, I think we already know.
Kauze's mother ( Diana ) was a scientist, who always carried out experiments on prisoners of war, and only got involved with men where she saw some kind of interest. She used her children as a strategy, used her first son (Apolo) as a spy and became pregnant when she hired EndZeit just to see if Kauze was born with defense genes against the disease. (This worked and Kauze is immune to EndZeit).
Apollo is Kauze's half brother, he is much older than him, since Diana married Charles when Apollo was 10 years old. He is someone very shy and quiet. Apollo was probably the first victim of the war against vampires and founders, he was brutally attacked by Karlheinz during a mission and was reported missing and no one ever saw him again.
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In the course of his story, Kauze is adopted by Carla, they have a great relationship, Carla tries to be a good father to Kauze and Kauze tries to be a good son to Carla. They are always seen together and Carla became an overprotective father to Kauze, always looking out for him to make sure he was not in danger.
When Kauze grows up and becomes an adult, Carla makes a request to Kauze, where Kauze would marry a woman to continue the lineage of the family and founders, although Kauze secretly likes boys, he fulfills Carla's request and begins a relationship with a woman.
With the famous "Uncle Shin", Kauze had great difficulty adapting, since the little boy was afraid of the founder and Shin was very jealous of Carla and Kauze's relationship as father and son. As time passes, they get closer and end up becoming good friends, but they still compete for Carla's attention.
When Kauze grows up, his relationship with Shin improves by 100%, where Shin always tries to encourage Kauze to follow his dreams.
Kauze's relationship with his “wife” is based on interests, just as it was with his biological parents, it didn't take long for them to have a daughter, but tragic events happen to both of them, which resulted in Carla having to raise Kauze's daughter. .
Stella, Kauze's biological daughter, has never met him until now, she knows that her mother became very sick during her pregnancy and that her father went on a mission to find a way for them to survive, but Stella's mother died during Stella's birth and Kauze never returned from his mission, which leaves Stella confused about whether or not her father's mission actually worked. She always admires him for the stories Carla tells about Kauze.
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kauze-bridgerton · 2 years
🎀 HE'S HERE!!! YESSSS!! I can't wait to see how older Kauze interacts with the twins! You did such a great job with his character! Thank you for making him 🛐 🎀
((Aaah, thank you! I'm really excited for that too, I'm sure it will be great to see them together! thank you so much for the support 💕💕💕))
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