#older nations are pretty much unfazed by drastic changes in weather because they had seen everything over the course of centuries
winterwrites23 · 2 years
How does the weather effect the UK bro's?
Average weather doesn't affect the brothers (as well as the rest of the Nations). Most of them are old as dinosaurs so they grew accustomed to their climate and are in tune with its changes. In fact, they can predict the weather with pretty good accuracy. Though that doesn't stop them from complaining like cranky old men whenever it's raining again or looking in disbelief when the sun is out for more than 20min lol
It's slightly different for younger nations. The weather affects them a bit more because they are still learning to balance the Land and the People. And since the Land is tied to nature, then whenever the weather gets above average, it will affect the Nation either mentally or physically (shifting in moods, tiredness, restlessness, etc.)
However, when there's a sudden change in the climate (hurricane, heat wave, snowstorm, floods, etc.), both old and young nations will be affected. They get tense and on edge because they feel the damage across their Land and are even prone to get sick. And with climate change steamrolling the world in the last few decades, let's just say Nations aren't having a great time.
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