spiritual-rain · 1 year
Mother Holle - Fairy Tale Readings
My latest fairy tale reading is up on my YouTube channel! Today I'm reading Mother Holle. Here is the link to the fairy tale reading: https://youtu.be/sg3sMJdAIMw
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mashmoons · 4 years
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Frau Holle / Mother Hulda /  fairytale. I searched for different illustrations. Because I am gonna to create my own. And first of all, I want to see what was already done before. Here are some pictures, that I like.
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valkyriesquad · 7 years
I'm pretty new but may I be vetted for "safe list" please?
Done and done
--mod gwwh
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systlin · 7 years
you're really pretty :O
Even with hard hat hair and no makeup?My thanks for the complement. 
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voxfeles · 7 years
your post:
Please get the fuck off my blog thanks.and don’t you ever fucking insult Freyja in front of me ever aqain.
Insult her? Freya is a lovely god...     
She’s known for being a party girl bud. Like, yes she’s wonderful and nurturing, and motherly, but everyone knows she enjoyed herself. This isn’t new or disrespectful, this is the nature of Freya.
And again, if you are physically weak and make no effort to change that then you dishonor Odin. It’s that simple. You don’t live to his virtues.
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an-stoirm · 7 years
oldmotherfrost replied to your post: “It’s 11pm on this fine Monday night and I’m craving sushi super hard...”:
why not?
you ask a very important question xD
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slavicafire · 7 years
commented on your post “to the last five questions I answered privately (Kolęda, love your...”
I never asked anything but I'm really curious about the context of "blood rituals"
oh, it’s much simpler than I’d like it to be - I’m a practitioner of blood magic, and a large portion of my faith and craft and aesthetic revolves around it. for a long time now I have been working on finding ways to tie these practices to the slavic path and to look for information about the significance of blood, sacrifice, and death in slavic faith and mythology.
the most fascinating part is definitely the slavic belief in soul - or one half of it - residing in the heart itself, just as the beliefs in blood being the most important source of life energy - usually stolen by a vampire, upiór, strzyga, or many other types of demons etc. the burial rituals, the protective magic, the fear of terrors in the night - it is all so so curious and magnificent.
and this ask was about my own take on blood magic and how I connect it to my slavic path - the original reply was much more well thought out, but it is gone now, one with the Void.
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rockofeye · 7 years
@oldmotherfrost said:
I guess I may be a little controversial here and say a thing or two. Just to clarify I'm white and no stretch of the word "vodoun" but I'll chime in anyways. I (understandably so) see a lot of black practitioners who usually aren't practitioners getting angry at white folk entering this faith. I feel however at the end of the day we as human beings really need to stop telling spirits and deities who and whom can or cannot be "called". Because we're just that. HUMAN.
ultimately spirit/deity will sometimes have the bigger say over ours at the end of the day. stop telling them what to do.
anyways call me out or correct me if I'm wrong. it's ok.
I’ll start here, I guess: I am white, and I largely think what white people talk about as ‘vodou’ on the internet is utter horseshit. Unfortunately, what white folks (and other outsiders) often pass off as vodou is taken as fact and actuality, when in truth, they have no contact with the religion or very limited contact, in that they have attended very limited public functions and/orhave undergone no ceremony that confers a religious right to speak on the religion. The audience for those folks are other outsiders who are looking for something spooky to make money with and gain prestige with or looking for a fast way to do/get whatever they want.
Often, folks who behave like that--and they are not all white, some of the most profound frauds in ATRs/ADRs are people of color--are not actually looking to vodou-the-religion, but are looking to/for voodoo-the-aesthetic. Social media is full of it. Anybody can put saint candles and icons on a table and call it an altar, or throw a piece of cotton in a bowl or oil and call it a lamp, or crush some leaves in a basin and say it’s a bath. Anyone can put on a bone necklace and say they are honoring Gede or talk about how much Danto loves them and loves everything they give her. It’s easy, but, at the end of the day, it’s ugly and the folks who do the real stuff know exactly what is up.
With all of that in mind, it’s totally logical to me why some Black folks would really balk at white folks/outsiders being involved in vodou because, honestly, when white folks/outsiders show up and claim something as their own, what goes right? (Nothing.)
It’s especially awful because most of the white folks and outsiders (fun fact: in Kreyol, the word for ‘outsider’ is the same word for ‘white folks’: blan. Some folks get called nwa blan, which is not hard to figure out.) who show up and decide they are now doing vodou really fuck shit up. It’s not even imitation-is-the-sincerest-form-of-flattery kind of stuff where they are doing their best to glean what they can, it’s outright upfuckshit. It’s elekes/collares for lwa and getting your met tet from a Tarot card reading over the internet from someone in Boise who calls themselves High Priestess Ezili and Loko is the same as Orula and Freda is really Oshun and non-initiates tracing veve for ceremony and making baths that are secrets passed down priest-to-priest and ‘feeding’ Damballah with a plate of uncooked spiral pasta and a pile of salt. (For folks who may not have a background in vodou, none of those things are actual things and all of those are real-life examples I have seen). It’s not like they gave Ogou the wrong cologne, it’s that they literally aren’t speaking the same language and, more importantly, they don’t care to learn.
I mean, you should hear white practitioners from reputable houses get together and shriek about people who are doing these mystifying, horrific things. We get super frustrated--I can’t imagine what it is for Black folks who are a part of the religion to watch folks who can’t be bothered to sit still and listen declare themselves experts. The history of the religion and, in some places, the continual reality *hasn’t* maintained that we are all human--the roots of vodou are in revolution, where enslaved Africans violently ejected the colonizers.
So, I can’t and won’t tell Black folks who are in the religion what they should/should not think. There are plenty of Haitian-only houses that will not kanzo white folks where Black folks who want that sort of setting might find a home.
The thing with Haitian vodou is that the process of initiating is a two-fold agreement--the spirits must say ‘yes’, but the community one is coming to the spirits through must say ‘yes’, too. So, if it is a community that doesn’t accept non-Haitian folks, white people/outsiders have to look elsewhere (a ‘yes’ from the community also doesn’t mean it’s the right place for a person, either, but that is another post entirely). 
If the spirits really want someone and that someone puts in the work for discernment and learning, the spirits will bring them to the right person and place. Who the spirits ultimately pick up entirely rests with them, and it can make absolutely no sense to anyone else looking in....but reputable folks who are on the inside *KNOW* that no one gets into the djevo if they do not need to be there. 
At the end of the day, vodou only speaks to people who have a real need for the spirits, who have a deep understanding of humanity and the brokenness therein. In Haiti, vodou is usually called sèvis lwa/service to the lwa and those who practice are sèvitè lwa/servants of the lwa. Haitians don’t really describe sèvis lwa as ‘practicing vodou’, it is serving the lwa. It’s what is done and how it is described. Part of being a servant-priest is listening to the spirits who show up with a person and listening to what they say and what they say the person needs. Sometimes that means white folks or other outsiders show up with spirits who say they really need the medicine of the djevo.
After I attended my first fete and had a spirit tell me that they had been waiting on me to show up, I had a visit with the lineage head who eventually became my spiritual mother. She is Haitian, grew up in Haiti and began serving the spirits there, and maintains a traditional Haitian sosyete. The first question I asked her was essentially ‘why is this happening, I’m white’. I didn’t even get to finish it, because she cut me off and told me that the lwa are for anyone who seeks them with an open heart. She’s not representative of everyone nor does anyone not her child have to agree to her position, but it’s a reality of the religion. White folks/outsiders who are invited to join have to keep at the front that the roots of the religion are in the above mentioned revolution. If white folks/outsiders cannot engage constantly in decolonization and rejection of white supremacy and spiritual entitlement, then they are gonna have a bad time.
Overall, though, people who have strong opinions either way are not likely to be swayed, and with good reason. If they want to see a traditional house that has white folks and see how it remains focused on Haitian tradition and culture, they are absolutely welcome to come and see and speak with Manbo Maude.
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unfetteredwood · 7 years
I was tagged by @sfitzgerald-art to share nine albums that I love. Easier said than done. ;) So I will share nine that I have listened to over the last few days. In no particular order:
A Celebration of Twenty by Iona
Untie the Wind by Telling the Bees
The Shape of Medieval Music to Come by Vox Vulgaris
Diadem of 12 Stars by Wolves in the Throne Room
Lowena by Navan
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables by Dead Kennedys
Thistled Spring by Horse Feathers
Unplugged by Alice in Chains
 Come, Arrow, Come! by Festival
I am asking @beardedboggan, @oldmotherfrost, @serpentandstang, @ogtumble, @helloallec, @thehagandthestag, @the-samhain-sister, @ballbuster-keaton, @thedreamingwood, and @woolandcoffee to participate {sorry folks you were picked randomly, no pressure though ;)}, but anyone who wishes to participate please do. More the merrier. :)
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@oldmotherfrost the only good thing cataclysm gave us was goblins and battle pets. ....wait battle pets were MoP (aka best expansion ever) So just Goblins then.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year
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Stay tuned, this Friday I'll be publishing episode 16 of my Podcast "Bedtime Stories"! I'll be reading the fairy tale Mother Holle! ♥ Here is the link to my podcast: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaf0h-iM1wH2axYftUfxIAqbhdyrPr2Y7
Royalty free image courtesy of KELLEPICS from Pixabay
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an-stoirm · 7 years
hey it's your birthday! happy birthday!!
Thank you! :DDD
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@oldmotherfrost exactly! Like... there are huge immigrant groups within various countries that have blended in over time so. It’s why that one add that’s like ‘turns out we weren’t German at all, we were Scottish!’ (Or was it the other way around?) drives me up the wall since it has no context. Did someone change their Scottish name to German? Did no one ever look into the family tree? Did their relatives actually come over from Scotland or was it a immigrant group???? That’s one reason why I’ve been saying Sweden-Finn instead of Finnish because even if there was a community of Finnish people that contributed to my DNA- they were still in Sweden, and had lived there a hella long time, and i would probably have to go back hella far to find someone who actually lived in Finland.
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@oldmotherfrost for a general reading! You got Kenaz, Perthro merkstave, and Sowilo. Interesting here is that you got two signs for change, success and fire and yet a overturned Perthro between them! You have in you and around you many chances for success and inspiration, for achieving what you want and the power that comes with it. You may feel like you are being pulled in different directions, but you can have both- and you don’t have to split your passions evenly (just as perthro sits more closely to Sowilo). Make sure you aren’t letting your own worries stagnate you and stall what you want. This is a situation where you can have it all, and don’t worry about elevating one passion over the other. Optional Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=9CU64G9VC3Y9Q
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