blackfairy312 2 years
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hello tumblr i am INCREDIBLY cringe and started shipping my dumb multiverse OC with wesker.
point and laugh (or not idk)
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i might need to fix these also idk idk hsnsnbshs
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the-chosen-system 1 year
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blackfairy312 2 years
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wake up oliverddp nation new "self" ship
btw before anyone asks Yes Komi is wearing the Grima Coat that Robin Fire Emblem wears and thats cause Robin was Komi's first lover like over probably a thousand years ago and she wore it again cause the Genshin Impact world reminded her of the Fire Emblem world and also at this point in her arc she's over the grief of losing Robin to Grima and wearing his coat as a sentimental thing whatever also cause i didn't want to reuse her Elden Ring design SORRY this oc/insert is so complicated
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blackfairy312 2 years
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i love them so much
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blackfairy312 2 years
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i put too much effort into this anyways new kanade 3* card just dropped?!??!
i'd say "i dont think kanade would acually say this" but she did use the wrong pronouns for mizuki once (it was in her head though) but this is still funny to me either way
kanade and her transgender cousin makoto
anyways this is how mizuki looks at makoto when they first meet:
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blackfairy312 2 years
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ifound this image somewhere i don't remember but i told my friends it looks like wesker so i opened insta and did this
heres the original
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blackfairy312 1 year
Komi locking herself in the little lab that Wesker had made for her, hidden away at a secure location. She's there for days a time, and at first Wesker doesn't really think too much of it. "Oh, the doctor's probably just working hard at something. I have other things to attend to, anyway." Though once his own work is done, he calls to check in on Komi and is surprised that she's still in there. So he flies over and comes to visit her in person. She won't let him look at her research but he has nothing else to do so Wesker offers to make her something to drink and eat, relax with her, take a break. "You must rest. You won't get any progress done if you're mentally exhausted." She agrees. They get disguises and go somewhere nice. Lunch in Paris? Sightseeing in the States? Reading at sea? Whatever she wants, Wesker can do.
Imagine someone manages to tell it's them through their disguises. The information makes its way to Chris, who is just like "Are you sure you saw that? Wesker wouldn't be caught dead on ice skates."
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blackfairy312 1 year
i only ship albert wesker with two people and that's william birkin and my oc komi kawasaki.
weskin and biosnake for life!!!!
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blackfairy312 1 year
Komi and Chris' relationship during the S.T.A.R.S era being "two co workers bickering constantly but still mutually respecting each other." evolving into the RE5 era of "bro finds out (late) that Komi didn't die in the mansion incident and was working with Umbrella and is now working with Wesker so he feels betrayed that he misplaced his trust AGAIN and doesn't bother to listen to Komi's story even though she regrets faking her death but had to cause she didn't want to break the hearts of the people who trusted her back then" ans then the Post-RE5/Pre-RE6 relationship of "Chris takes Komi into the BSAA to give her a second chance but he still doesn't trust her and Komi is mad at Chris and is still mourning Wesker's death but is TRYING her best to make ammends with Chris (as Rebecca, Barry, and Jill have forgiven her)" to the RE6/Pre-RE7 relationship of "oh turns out Chris had hidden feelings for Komi and THATS why he's sooo angry and petty so to deal with the pent up frustration and the grief on both sides they start hate-fucking" to the conclusion of their RE7/RE8 relationship where "they're both old farts now who put the past behind them, it's like they're in S.T.A.R.S again with their little bickering... just some old war buddies..."
and then in DBD where Komi accidentally got taken to the Entity's realm and suddenly Chris and the others were taken (still remember everything that happened), and Komi's like "CHRIS!" and Chris is like "KOMI??" and Nemesis is like "STAAAARRRSSSSS"
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blackfairy312 1 year
JUST had the the idea Okay so yknow how it's canon that Mafuyu will sing in calls with Niigo right? (that one 4koma where she forgot she wasn't muted and got embarrassed) anway so yknow how i said that Mafuyu would watch Makoto play Sonic games as background noise or just to do something right? okay imagine like Mafuyu gets a song stuck in her head and she's in a call and Ena's talking about the art she's making for their next song. Mizuki's verifying with the others what kind of vibes they're looking for, while you can hear Mafuyu softly singing "just keep on moving ahead no time for guessing follow my plan insteaaad" and then Kanade (who canonically listens to video game OSTs for music study) suddenly breals the conversation by going "Yuki are you singing the Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack." and Mafuyu just freezes up and fucking leaves the call, embarrassed
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blackfairy312 2 years
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some Komi in RE stuff 鈥硷笍鈥硷笍 i drew this in therapy hnbg i'll draw more digital art of them eventually
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blackfairy312 2 years
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i finally finished it !!!!! idk why i made a background i just felt like it ig
bg and reference under the cut
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by callmetea7 on twt
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blackfairy312 1 year
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whaaat ?!?!?? oiususggshsh it took me a week to draw this anywya
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komi kobi ong
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blackfairy312 2 years
oky so im working on Makoto's personality. and i was thinking to myself, well, a good way to start making that is by establishing their hobbies, and how they are connected to the rest of the Project Sekai cast.
Makoto dabbles in art. they've been drawing since they were little, and used to draw so much that they still have boxes of sketchbooks that they filled up with drawings. nowadays, though, they don't draw that much. they're too busy with school and other interests. however they do draw still, maybe just a little character ref and that's it. i think Makoto being a "retired" artist would be an interesting contrast to Ena, who is still dedicated to her art. Ena would have some anger towards Makoto for not using their talent enough, and also secretly be jealous and feel bad about her own art. And since Makoto is Kanade's cousin, kindess runs in the family and Makoto would constantly reassure Ena that they think her art is great and that they're the one who's secretly jealous of her because Ena hasn't given up on her talent. Cue some moments of Ena warming up to Makoto, just so subtly.
Makoto enjoys video games. as much as i have the urge to make them a Resident Evil fan, i think it would be funnier if Makoto was a huge fan of SEGA published games. since Project Sekai is published by SEGA and they have Sonic cameos in every single game they publish, Makoto's favorite game series is Sonic! i don't know if Nene is a fan of any SEGA games, from what i've seen from reading area conversations, she seems to just make vague references (for example, when she first enters the Wonderland Sekai, she says "it's like an open world JRPG"). since Makoto and Nene go to the same school, they probably talk about games during lunch. Nene has a shy personality, so she probably listens to Makoto rant about the quality of the Sonic series in recent years. Makoto would also listen to Nene infodump about musicals she likes, even though Makoto doesn't have too much of an interest in it, they like hearing how passionate Nene is about her special interest.
with Ichika's fixation and admiration for Hastune Miku, i think it would be silly if Makoto mirrored that with their admiration for Sonic the Hedgehog. characters who go to Kamiyama High School and have interacted with Ichika enough to know about her Miku idolization probably internally note how similar Makoto acts with their Sonic idolization. Ichika and Kanade HAVE interacted canonically (i am not caught up with the stories yet though) so maybe even Kanade notices the similarities and thinks about introducing their cousin to Ichika. or maybe Makoto and Ichika run into each other at a collectors store and stop and stare at each other and see the other covered in Miku/Sonic merch and think "wow they're just like me for real".
as for other interests, Makoto would really really like film. i already joked that i designed them with season one Jesse Pinkman in mind, so i think Makoto being interested in Western films and shows would be silly. they would get along greatly with Rui, Tsukasa, and Mizuki. Tsukasa recruited Rui to his troupe because he knew Rui was a great director, and Tsukasa himself already writes great stories and scripts. Mizuki creates MVs for their group, and being an MV creator irl, it's the same as directing but like... by yourself. Tsukasa invited Makoto to watch WxS practice and set up their shows, and Makoto very much enjoys watching and helping them with their behind the scenes work. they like how Rui has very over the top and extreme ideas, and end up encouraging him much to Nene's dismay. meanwhile, with Mizuki, Makoto will go out with them (skipping school a lot together) and talk about how Mizuki gets inspired by everyday things for their MV production.
and in the topic of Mizuki, Makoto has a very different fashion sense than them. they're both trans-non binary, and have an immediate connection when they first meet. Mizuki drags Makoto around and tries to make them try on things (masc clothes, but Mizuki is a fashion genius and wants to help Makoto look GOOD and CUTE while they pass). Makoto is as much as a shopaholic as Mizuki is, too, so they often also drag Mizuki around to shops that they like. so in a day they'll be running around to clothes stores and shoe stores and comic stores and game stores. also, i noticed that Mizuki really REALLY likes french fries, so i think it would be silly if Makoto did, too, so they just keep going to restaurants together ordering an insane amount of fries and giggling with their bags and bags from shopping all day.
i mentioned that Makoto skips school a lot. they don't like the school environment and their mom won't let them do the night classes that Kamiyama offers (the ones Ena takes since she doesn't like the 6+ hour schedule). i'm not entirely sure what the school system in Japan teaches, but Makoto would be great in everything except for math and science. like... those are their WORST subjects, embarrassingly so. they're great at any literature or history class. and we don't talk about sports classes (like Kanade, Makoto has nonexistent stamina. it runs in the family). well anyways, Makoto is missing work and guess what that means! they need a tutor! so just by happenstance, Makoto and their mom run into nonother than Mafuyu, and after a lengthy conversation (much to both Mafuyu's dismay (she's irritated) and Makoto's embarrassment (they hate their mom)), Mafuyu ends up becoming Makoto's tutor. so when Makoto isn't at work (they work at Weekend Garage and i'll talk about that next), they meet up with Mafuyu to do work. Makoto thinks Mafuyu is really great at helping out but also they feel really uneasy around her. they're close to Kanade's other group members (Ena and Mizuki), but find it difficult to get along with Mafuyu outside of tutoring. but they make an effort to anyway and out of the blue ask if Mafuyu wants to go see a movie with them. now their relationship also involves Makoto inviting Mafuyu to do things with them, wanting to help Mafuyu experience new things. Makoto and Mafuyu are alike in that they have a very rocky relationship with their mothers, and Makoto ends up being someone that Mafuyu shows her true self around, too.
anyways i said that Makoto works at Weekend Garage. being friends with Mizuki ultimately leads into Makoto befriending everyone else part of the Kamiyama Rooftop Friendship group (Mizuki, An, Nene, Rui, Tsukasa, Akito, and Toya). An and Makoto have a conversation during class around when they were getting to know each other and Makoto mentions how their mother is pressuring them to find a job, to which An offers that they could work at Weekend Garage, the cafe/bar that An's dad owns. and doing so, Makoto also meets Kohane. Makoto sometimes watches VBS practice when they're on break. and since Makoto often skips school, they'll go to Weekend Garage to get a longer shift done, so they can make more money (and they can't work there during bar hours since they're a minor).
and so i have made Makoto connected to Nighcord at 25:00, Wonderlands x Showtime, and Vivid BAD SQUAD. i need to figure out a stronger connection for them to Leo/need other than just having met Ichika a few times (maybe Tsukasa introduces Makoto to Saki at some point?). and connecting Makoto to MORE MORE JUMP! will be kinda hard since ALL four members go to Miyamasuzaka Girls Academy, but maybe i can figure out something. i'm thinking maybe i can use Ena for that, since she's friends with Airi and Shizuki... using Mafuyu, Emu, or Kohane for that connection would be hard too since i'm not entirely sure how close those three are to the MMJ members.
but yeah uh hi.
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blackfairy312 2 years
i have to draw komi and reigen in the haunted house now. i have to. ALSO ive noticed reigen never has casual clothes on at all ever so his wardrobe must be so bland. too bad for you reigen cause i made komi your girl-boyfriend and they LOVE to dress up their partners so you're gonna have as many suits as saul goodman when im through with you
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blackfairy312 2 years
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WHY DID I END UP MAKING SILVER LOOK LIKE KOMAEDA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOO!!!! anyways did i ever tell you that rouge reminds me a lot of ada wong?
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