#olivia benson x casey novak
demigodreading · 3 years
Hotel Dreams
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Characters: Olivia Benson, Casey Novak
Theme: There was only one bed
Warnings: Fluff, PTSD, After the Lewis arc
Relationships: Olivia Benson x Casey Novak (nothing super smutty)
Summary: Olivia and Casey are in Chicago for trial and there is only one bed left. Olivia has ongoing nightmares and is worried about sleeping next to Casey. Casey is there to save the day though.
“The hotel only has a room with a queen bed left,” Casey said when she made her way back to the lobby where Olivia was waiting.
Olivia’s breath hitched for a minute. She hadn’t slept in the same bed with someone since before the Lewis attack. The constant nightmares and flashbacks didn’t make her the easiest person to sleep next to. Not that she had many people who were trying to jump in bed with her anyways. She went to protest but knew that it was hopeless. Casey and Olivia had been called down to Chicago to testify in a high profile case and this was the only hotel they could place the women to ensure they were completely safe. Plus staying with Casey close by would help deter the anxiety she would have that she was getting kidnapped from somewhere else in the hotel.
Olivia stood up from her chair grabbing her bag, “At least this is a four start hotel. The last one they put Fin and I in was a shady motel that I’m pretty sure had never seen maid service since it had opened. I wore my shoes the entire time.”
Casey laughed as this as they walked over to the elevator, “Well I saw at least three maids since we got here so I think we are safe.”
As the doors of the elevator closed Olivia was almost tempted to tell Casey about her night terrors. Maybe Olivia could sleep on the floor or there would be a couch in their room. However, any time that she would try to open her mouth she got captured by the way that Casey flipped her hair telling another hotel horror story. She had spent so many nights dreaming about this woman in her bed. She was going to have to hope that she could stay awake long enough to run off the nightmares. 
When they got to their hotel room Casey was quick to take a shower leaving Olivia alone to unpack her things. When Casey got out of the shower she was in a pair of blue shorts and her sex crimes tank top. She wrung her hair out with a towel smiling at Olivia.
“I always feel ten times better when I shower after a long flight. Plus the shower head here is better than the one back at my place,” Casey laughed sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I’ll have to go investigate. Want to order us some food?”
“Pizza work?”
“I have been dying for a Chicago deep dish since we got here,” Olivia laughed.
Casey agreed to call the pizza while Olivia showered. Olivia undressed and turned on the hot water. She let out a sigh of relief as the water rushed across her skin. Casey was right, it felt nice to wash away the flight where she had been cramped in the middle seat between Casey and some grumpy older gentleman. She had spent basically the whole flight pressed against Casey’s side trying to avoid the spit the man had while chewing on the food he had brought. Casey seemed to understand what was going on moving her arm rest so Liv could practically sit in her lap. 
Olivia smiled remembering the moment their hands had accidentally connected. She couldn’t be sure but in her mind their hands had laid on top of each other for a whole minute before she pulled away to shield her face from an oncoming spitball. Her thoughts were cut short as there was a knock on the main room door that made her jump. The jumpiness was not a good sign for the night. Olivia tried to put these thoughts away as she pulled on her own tank top and long sweatpants.
When she went back out into the main room Casey was sitting on the bed with a large pizza box open in front of her. She patted the spot next to her before turning on the tv. They settled for Lord of The Rings Casey’s favorite movie because she had let out a disappointed sigh when Olivia had admitted she had never seen it before. Half way through the movie Casey placed the empty pizza box on the table and crawled back under the covers. Olivia did her best to stay on the edge of the bed and awake during the whole movie. 
It only took another ten minutes for Casey to fall fast asleep the hectic day catching up to her. Olivia tried to keep herself away by playing games on her phone but soon fell asleep. As she fell into a difficult sleep memories played through her head. Flashes of light. Drops of blood. Taste of alcohol down her throat. Her screams echoing in the air. Casey calling her name. Wait, Casey was calling her name.
Casey was shoving Olivia desperately trying to wake her up as she thrashed in her sleep. Her screams of utter terror rang throughout the air and beads of sweat were dripping down Olivia’s forehead. When she finally was able to escape the dream Olivia woke with a start looking around her frightened.
Casey reached for her hand causing Olivia to flinch slightly, “Liv, it’s me Casey. You were having a bad dream.”
“He was in the room. He was holding me down. Shoving alcohol down my throat. There was so much blood,” Olivia said frantically, beginning to cry.
“He isn’t here. I promise Liv you are safe,” Casey said desperately wanting to hug Olivia but not wanting to make the situation worse.
She didn’t have to wait long though as Olivia collapsed into Casey’s arms. Casey held her close gently rocking her back and forth until Olivia seemed to calm down. “Let’s lay down Liv.”
Olivia merely nodded and let Casey fall down gently on the bed still holding her close to her chest. Olivia looked up from her hiding spot, “Casey can you just hold me while we sleep?”
“Of course Liv.”
“I’m so sorry. I should have warned you,” Olivia cried out again burying her head back into Casey’s chest, “I didn’t hurt you right?”
“Oh my sweet Olivia,” Casey said brushing back Olivia’s hair, “You didn’t hurt me and you have nothing to apologize for. I promise you that you have nothing to worry about. As long as you are with me you will be safe.”
“I love you Casey,” Olivia whispered.
“I love you too Olivia,” Casey responded pressing a gentle kiss onto the woman’s forehead.
“I mean it Case, I love you,” Olivia said again looking directly into Casey’s eyes this time.
Casey’s heart faltered. How many months had she been trying to keep her feelings underwraps and now here they were staring at her. She gave a small smile to Olivia as she responded, “And I love you Liv. I mean it.”
Olivia placed a gentle kiss on Casey’s lips. It only lasted a second or two but Casey could still feel that kiss the next morning as they drove in the back of the cab to court holding hands. For the moment though Olivia merely replaced her head against Casey’s chest listening to the sound of her heartbeat vibrate her ear. Soon both women fell fast asleep still holding onto each other for dear life. And for the first time since Olivia had returned home she slept without one single memory of the attack.
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dynowrites · 5 years
Yooooooo that supernatural!AU tho. Would you pls expand on Oliva x Casey and Peter x Nick bby? 🍑
Olivia Benson x Casey Novak
- Olivia is a human and Casey is a vampire which causes a few problems in their relationship since Casey drinks human blood.
- Olivia once accidentally cut herself while shaving and Casey could smell it from a mile away. But with her in the next room having very little control, it almost was super bad. Casey also has such a hard time controlling her hunger.
- Casey has actually never fallen in love with anyone before. Surprising due to her age.
Nick Amaro x Peter Stone
- Peter Stone is the leader of his little werewolf pack, Nick being second in command.
- Nick hates it, so much. If Peter isn’t around, he’ll boss the rest of the pack around. No one usually listens to him.
- Peter and Nick always argue. Like, always. Mostly about leadership and stuff.
- Neither want to admit their attraction to one another. He both like each other, a lot. But keep it to themselves. Incase the other doesn’t feel the same way.
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demigodreading · 3 years
It Was Always You
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Characters: Olivia Benson, Casey Novak
Theme: “It Was Always You”
Warnings: N/A (I really love Benovak relationship. They live rent free in my head all day).
Relationships: Olivia Benson x Casey Novak
Summary: Happens when Casey is getting suspended. Casey is packing up her office when Olivia comes to check on her.
It was always you
Olivia rushed to Casey’s office hoping to catch her before she left. She had just gotten the news that Casey had been put on probation for two years. She had tried to warn her before she had started this down whirl spiral. But Casey had insisted that she didn’t even have a life jacket she was perfectly capable of being able to swim. Oh how wrong she had been. 
Olivia had gotten in the door as Casey was putting the final thing in her desk in a large brown box, “Case.”
“Olivia, if you came to tell me I told you so I would rather skip the lecture,” Casey sighed turning towards the door.
“No,” Olivia sighed running her hand through her hair, “I came to check on you. I wanted to make sure you are okay.”
Case fought back tears as she crossed her arms over her chest, “I’m fine.”
“That’s a lie. You and I both know it.” “What do you want me to say Liv? I did what I thought was right and broke the rules to do it. Now I have to face the consequences,” Casey said a single tear falling down her cheek, “Maybe two years will do me good. I can do all of the traveling that I wanted to do.”
Olivia closed the distance between her and Casey placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. She took her hand and gently wiped the tear off of her cheek. Casey leaned into Olivia’s hand loving the warm feeling. 
“You know, it was always you,” Olivia whispered.
“What?” Casey asked, looking at Olivia.
“You were always the one I was in love with,” Olivia said and then a dark red coloring came to her cheeks.
Casey was stunned for a moment looking at the nervous Olivia. She had never seen Olivia like this before. Olivia was always so sure of herself and confident. Now she looked like a frightened child. Casey reached her hand and pulled up Olivia’s chin so they made eye contact.
“I love you too,” Casey whispered.
Without another moment’s hesitation Olivia closed the distance between them locking lips with Casey. A moan slipped from her mouth as Casey interlaced her fingers through Olivia’s hair. The kiss seemed to last forever until they pulled apart gasping for breath. Olivia smiled as Casey gave her usual sly grin.
“Stay with me,” Liv blurted out as she reached for Casey’s hand, “Stay in New York with me. I can take some time off to travel but I want you here Casey. I want to make this work.” Casey bit her bottom lip looking at Olivia. She so badly wanted to run out the door and out of New York and never look back. But that was before all of this. Before she realized that Olivia felt the exact same way she had. 
She gave Liv another quick kiss, “I’ll stay but damnit Benson we better at least get one week in Europe.”
“We will, I promise,” Olivia smiled kissing Casey again, “Anything for you Case.”
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