supernaturalkickparty · 5 months
Sam Week has begun!!!!! Day one is - (April 26th): Fusions: your culture, field of study, science, space, favourite music/books, interest, etc, & Sam Winchester
So I've always envisioned a latino supernatural. I've posted about it a few times and about samjess in this au.
This fic is a one shot, it was a labor of love and I'm very happy that I got a chance to write this.
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Esta Es Mi Vida
Hope y'all enjoy this🖤
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my-chemical-cas · 10 months
someone should write a cute little au where john has to witness dean go through an emo phase. he kind of hates it, but he can’t figure out if he cares enough to stop it or not. it eventually ends with dean moving more towards classic rock like his dad BUT-
sam gets into musical theatre at the end
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
Plastic Hearts – Part 11
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Pairing: Director!Dean Winchester x Actress!Reader
Series Summary: Los Angeles, 1985. Y/N’s a young actress without any success, hopping from one failed audition to the next until one desperate mistake brings her to her breaking point. Dean Winchester, on the other hand, is a grade A asshole and washed-up director at the end of his career, known for his godawful slasher movies in the 70s and his love for blow, booze, and women. Lost in the toxic Hollywood life, their paths cross when one hopeless little wrestling show changes their trajectory.
Chapter Warnings: +18, angst, crack, implied smut, unwanted pregnancy & mentions of abortion, fluff, a break-up, one-sided pining by an idiot
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: Here we go... 🤓🍿 By the way, for the assholes who are planning to send me some lecturing ask about this, here’s a lesson for you: I. NEVER. LEARN. Chances are you’re only gonna make it worse, so... Enjoy the drama, babes! 🖤
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11. Glory Days
Sometimes it only takes one little mistake, one drunken decision, to completely ruin your life.
In Y/N’s case, that mistake definitely was sleeping with her best friend’s husband. She paid direly for that error of judgment. And still, the punishment doesn’t seem to be over. Life just loves to screw her.
Oh God, no pun intended…
Groaning loudly, she lets her head fall into her palms as she sits on the cool edge of the dirty bathtub in a motel she calls her home these days and ponders where it all went wrong. Why does it never seem to stop?
The young actress startles as she hears the director burst into her room and call for her. Two nights ago, they camped out together by the pool, and it was nice. She’s caught another glimpse of the real Dean, the one that’s hiding underneath all the cynicism and white powder. And she can’t lie – she really likes that guy. That Dean is incredibly smart, quick-witted, and, most surprising of all, kind.
And maybe in another world, another life, Y/N could see something more than a collegial friendship with him. However, she clearly seems to be stuck in the wrong universe.
The bathroom doorknob rattles before being met with resistance, causing her to frown as the director’s voice chimes outside, “Hey, why is it locked?”
“Dean! I’m-… I’m busy here, okay? Why would you just barge into a bathroom that isn’t yours?!”
“Busy, huh?” Y/N can hear his smirk even through the door, her frown only deepening. “Doing some self-love in there, sweetheart? Want some help?”
“No, I’m-… I’m not feeling well,” she splutters and lets a sigh past her lips.
“Oh, uh… you want me to get you something? I can run to the pharmacy,” he offers, and admittedly, it’s the sweetest thing he’s done so far. So sweet, in fact, it cracks her heart a little when she has to push him away.
“No, I’m good. Thanks… Can you-, uhm… can you just leave me alone for a little while, please?” Y/N presses lips and eyes tightly together during the beat of silence, forcing herself not to sob like a baby and make a fucking noise. He won’t leave if she does.
“Yeah, uhm… sure.” He doesn’t have to say a lot for Y/N to know he feels defeated. “Just… I’ll be in my room if you need anything, alright?”
“Okay, thanks, Dean.”
And once she hears his footsteps fade into the distance and the motel room door close again, she releases the sobs she’s been holding in.
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Life in paradise was good for a little while. After their cozily intimate sleepover by the pool, everything was perfectly fine and better than ever between the director and the actress – new heights. Then, forty-eight hours later, according to Dean’s clock, Y/N inexplicably withdrew herself. The last two nights, she declined to hang out with him because she wasn’t feeling well. Aside from that, she talks less, she’s quieter and less vivid than usual, and she sticks mostly to herself, even around the other girls.
He may be reading too much into the situation, and she might just really feel under the weather. Women do get moody sometimes, so maybe it’s just that and nothing personal against him. Dean’s noticed mood swings with the other women before as well. So far, he has identified two cycles of the moon and avoids each cluster of pack sisters accordingly whenever the time comes. Still, he wants to make sure he hasn’t accidentally upset Strindberg with his attitude again, so he planned a little bonding trip for them today to get to the bottom of this issue.
It’s sleuthing time.
So, in the early morning hours, Y/N’s knuckles tap on his door as she peeks her pretty head inside his office. “You wanted to see me, boss?”
“Yeah, uh, you wanna go see a venue with me? Cas is MIA, and I could use a second opinion,” Dean explains, offering her an inviting smile. “Pilot’s just around the corner.”
“Sure,” she beams excitedly. “I’d be honored to have a say in the decision-making process.”
“Oh, you’re not gonna have a say, sweetheart. I just need someone to disagree with, so I can clarify my own instincts,” Dean quips and eagerly grabs his leather jacket from the chair, joining her by the door with a cheery smile. A work excuse was the best option to get her to agree to spend time with him. She never says no to more work.
“Oh, uh, of course, boss,” Y/N nods, ever the pleaser. “I’d be happy to do that, too.”
Dean stops inches in front of her and wets his plump lips, a daring smirk shaping into form as he leans closer and pins her in the doorframe, her small body caged in by his strong arms. “What else would you do for me, huh, sweetheart?”
The director’s flirting has become more brazen recently, loving how he always makes her squirm. God, all he wants to do is fuck her, please her, and praise her.
Shit. Maybe that’s why she’s been avoiding him. Dean was under the assumption she’s grown accustomed to his flirtatious nature at this point in their friendship and knows it’s only fun and games, but perhaps he was wrong.
However, Y/N’s easy reply only leaves more question marks behind in his mind. She smirks teasingly and pats his chest, “I’d give you CPR if you overdose. C’mon, tiger, let’s go location scouting!”
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“We had a booking cancel at the last minute – Styx. But you didn’t hear it from me,” the vixen event manager in a short skirt and a lot of cleavage gossips with a wink as the pair tours the grand theater Downtown.
“Whoa,” Y/N gasps as her mesmerized eyes roam the theatrical decor of the giant hall, sparkling gold and velvet purple adorning its walls, carved with beautiful and extensive ornaments.
“Good, right? Used to be a porno theater,” Dean adds with a sly grin.
“Well, it must’ve been the golden age of whacking off,” Y/N giggles. “Was it Aztec porn?”
“Mayan, actually,” the event vixen tells her. “This used to be part of the Mayan Revival movement of the 20s.”
“Huh. Did it involve blood sacrifice?” Y/N quips and barely holds in her snort as the vixen shoots her a glare.
“Your girlfriend is quite the comedian,” the woman grits and aims her death stare at him now.
“Oh, I’m not his girlfriend,” Y/N throws in quickly. Too quick. She could hesitate a little, you know? Do the awkward dance with him of who gets to say it, but instead, she even sends him a wink like she’s his fucking wing woman, trying to score him a date with the vixen. No thanks. Why does she never understand that he wants to spend time with her and her alone?
The woman then informs them about the price and excuses herself with great relief, leaving the pair to look around on their own.
“I mean, the place looked great in Indiana Jones,” Y/N notes jokingly.
“What’s the matter with you? You’re here as a benign sounding board,” Dean grunts, feeling strangely attacked. He knows he’s only overreacting because he still doesn’t know what’s wrong with her. He doesn’t like being ignored, and it’s clearly messing with his brain chemistry. “You’re not the director. You don’t have my vision.”
“Fine, calm down.” Y/N only rolls her eyes in amusement over his defensive grumpiness. She knows him too well already, and it doesn’t help to erase the twinge in his heart. “What are you picturing? Tell me about your vision.”
“Well, alright.” Enthusiastically, Dean steps into the center of the huge theater and rubs his palms together, explaining his next vision of pure genius, “So, we’re gonna put the ring right in the middle, get rid of that stage, and change out those shitty ropes we have and make ‘em pink.”
His grin is only getting wider the more he talks about it, close to giddily jumping on the spot. The director is in his element, and it only helps that his muse intently hangs on every word that leaves his lips, an impressed smile and admiring gaze following his movements.
“Now, there’s gonna be people up there-,” he thumbs over his shoulder to the gallery, “-so we’re gonna put a stationary camera up here, maybe add a camera on a jib, moving around... But I’ll leave enough room around the sides of the ring, so I can get in with the handheld, and the audience can feel the struggle, the drama, the victory, the defeat… I mean, this could either feel dinky or it could feel epic, so let’s go big. Let’s make it visceral, let’s make it like a-... a fucking rock show!”
“Dean, this is amazing,” Y/N beams a bright, thousand-watt smile, and his heart is close to detonating when she looks at him like he’s a goddamn genius. The massive effects her tiny bit of admiration and praise can have on his dick are astounding. “This is perfect!”
“Told ya,” Dean winks cockily, but his ears and cheeks are blushing scarlet red, feeling the eagerness of the butterflies rushing through his stomach and conquering his heart. They’re downright somersaulting in there. “Hey, uh, I was thinking since we’re already on the road, why not make a day out of it? Let’s grab some greasy lunch, maybe drive to the pier, see a movie…”
“Dean, I-, uh, I can’t,” Y/N tells him with a remorseful look and chews her lip almost bloody.
Jesus fucking Christ, that woman really knows how to crush a man’s soul. She’s a true heartbreaker, which means she’s completely unaware of her evil spell. They’re the worst kind.
“C’mon, why not? We’re friends, right? You said you liked our friendship,” he reminds her with a playful smile.
His boyish charm coaxes a small giggle out of her, but the reluctance remains, “I do, but–”
“Then, let’s hang out together! I promise it’s not weird. I’m your boss, so I should know, alright?” How did he instantly make this weird again? She’s not supposed to think of him as her goddamn employer. Why the hell does he keep mentioning it? Well, aside from the kinky little fantasy he has buried in the back of his brain… On second thought, that’s probably exactly why he mentioned it. Never mind.
“It’s not that. It’s not about you. I’m just not feeling my best this week, okay? We can do something next week,” Y/N explains, her look pleading with him to just accept her flimsy answer, but he can’t. He’s stubborn like that. “I was actually hoping you could give me tomorrow off?”
“What, why? You can’t just have the day off,” he snaps with a stern brow. Why is she trying to avoid him? What, now she doesn’t even wanna come to the gym anymore? She loves that filthy place, and she never has anything better to do. That woman breathes nothing but work. “Look, I know I said we’re friends, but I can’t just make exceptions for you.”
“It’s something personal I have to deal with, okay? I’m ahead of everyone else, anyway,” Y/N argues with a hint of desperation in her voice.
“Yeah, and I’m gonna make sure you stay ahead because I’m the fucking director,” Dean barks and scratches the nape of his neck, the crazy thoughts itching his snowed brain. “Is this about me? It is, isn’t it? Look, if you don’t wanna be friends and hang out with me, just fucking say so. Don’t give me some bullshit excuse. I’m a grown man. I can handle rejection, okay? What, you think I’m gonna fire you like some pathetic child?”
“Dean, what? No–”
“Is this because I said I liked you?” he continues his spiral of conspiracy theories, not paying attention to her in the slightest as he starts to pace the theater floor, arms wildly gesturing. “I’m sorry, okay? I think our wires just got crossed… I didn’t mean it like that. I meant I like you as a person, alright? I’m not trying to fuck you or weasel my way into your goddamn pants, sweetheart.”
Oh boy, that’s a lie if he ever heard one. It’s all he does, day and night, but he has a reason for it, you know? And it’s not just plain horniness. He actually likes her personality, which is rare. He usually hates most people, but he supposes hate always comes easier than love.  
“I know that. It’s not–”
“So, this is about the kiss again? I thought we already talked about that shit and were good,” he huffs and shakes his head, feeling at the end of his wits. What else could it be?
“We are,” she reassures him through gritted teeth. Why is she suddenly so angry?
“Then what the hell is going on with you, huh? Why the fuck are you ignoring me and don’t wanna eat lunch with me? It’s just goddamn lunch, Y/N! You always act like I’m such an unbearable monster. I mean, yeah, sometimes I’m a little inappropriate… But still, I’m a pleasant person to be around, okay?! I’m adorable! There’s a lot of people, women specifically, who love spending time with me–”
As the remnants of her sentence echo through the deathly silent theater, his throat closes and cuts off all air supply to his lungs. He gapes at her like a fucking idiot, close to hyperventilating, while Y/N waits patiently for his shock to subside. His heart isn’t racing, though. It’s a steady, strong beat that ticks like a time bomb in his ribcage, the countdown ringing in his ears.
And then, his mind does something incredible. It begins to think about offering to raise the kid with her, conjuring up a perfect, suburban life with a white picket fence. Y/N has zero dollars in her bank account, while Dean owns a small home in Burbank. It’s big enough for three, and he’s certain her bestie’s husband is not going to volunteer for that job. All of a sudden, there’s a warmth spreading in his gut and climbing to his frozen heart, growing and festering around his beating muscle like poison ivy. His right knee also gets the weird urge to bend down.  
“Oh, uhm…,” Dean stumps, which is probably better than proposing on the spot.
“You don’t have to say anythi–”
“Is it mine?”
“Especially that,” Y/N finishes her sentence, mouth agape, her eyebrows drawing together and meeting in the middle – the only possible reaction to a moronic question. “Dean, how-… how could it be yours? We never even… You know that, right?”
Dean runs a palm over his freckled face, barely believing his own stupidity, and squeezes his eyes shut with a pinch of his nose, nodding, “Yeah, yeah, I know… I was just-… never mind.”
As if he needed a damn reminder that he never had sex with her.
“I mean, your kiss was good, but I don’t think you can get women pregnant from it,” she jokes lightheartedly. “Although, as cocky as you are, I can see how you would believe that.”
Dean places his hands on his hips, swaying back and forth on his heels. His mind races, repeating her words over and over. His lips purse before a nervous smile appears, “So… the kiss was good?”
Y/N’s look darkens to an irritated scowl, “Read the room, dude!”
“Right, yeah,” he swallows hard and scratches the scruff on his throat. “So, uhm, the married guy got a shot in?”
Don’t blame him. His social skills end with small talk about the weather. He’s not emotionally equipped for these kinds of conversations.
Folding her arms over her chest, Y/N clicks her tongue and bites the insides of her cheeks in discomfort. “I don’t know. Probably.”
His brow furrows, “Probably?!”
“I-….” She flails her arms helplessly, her pupils wide and gleaming with desperation. “There were two others I was seeing. They all sorta… There was some overlap, okay?”
“Look at you being so slutty,” Dean teases her, broadly smirking. He’s trying to keep the situation light, even though he admittedly feels the jealousy bubbling in his chest. While knowing it’s wrong and misplaced, he can’t help but wish he would’ve gotten a chance with her instead of those three losers. They didn’t even appreciate what treasure, what fucked-up little angel, they held in their filthy palms, or else they’d be here and not him.
“Well, thank you for that,” Y/N mutters with an offended scowl, bitterly tightening the grip of her arms over her chest.
“Wha-… I didn’t mean… I-I was just making a joke, okay? As if I would ever judge you,” Dean frowns. He’s the sluttiest of them all! “Three is nothing. Three is like my weekly ratio.” Nope, that sounds worse. “I mean, it used to be, you know? When I was your age…”
Shut up, shut up, shut up…
Y/N only lets out a long sigh in response, shaking her head at his idiocy before finding his eyes. She prompts, “Ever knocked someone up?”
“Uhm, I-, uh, I’m-,” he splutters and clears his throat a few times, trying to cough up the lump. “Uh, not that I know of, no? I mean, no one ever told me, so… Kinda have that advantage, you know?”
Y/N blows a raspberry, her head in one constant shake at this point. “I really hate your gender,” she tells him then and sounds more defeated than angry.
“Yeah… Yeah, I get that,” Dean admits and rubs his mouth. “So, uh, what are you gonna d–”
“It’s not a big deal, okay? So, let’s not make it one, alright?” Y/N announces.
His head tilts in confusion like a lost puppy’s. “It’s not?”
Y/N hesitates and swallows with a harsh intake of air, eyes stubbornly focusing on her sneakers. “No, it’s not,” she confirms and insecurely meets his gaze. “I-, uhm, I have an appointment tomorrow at ten, so…”
Honestly, Dean feels nothing but relief, and it’s not because it’s someone else’s goddamn kid. He doesn’t give a shit about that; he would’ve raised that fucker like his own. But he knows the possibility of Y/N quitting the show and disappearing from his life forever is more likely than her playing house with him. The latter was just wishful thinking on his part. The reality is: The show would fall apart without her, and so would he.
“Please don’t try and talk me out of it,” she begs him, a pouty look adorning her features as she roughly bites her lips.
“No, of course not,” Dean quickly assures her and sees her exhale a breath of relief. “I’m fully supporting your choice here, you know? I mean, if I were you, I would’ve already, you know… like yesterday…” God, he really needs to stop blabbering and shut his cakehole. “And you should take the day off tomorrow. No problem. You know what? Take the whole week. You’re perfect, anyways. You’ve trained enough, sweetheart.”
“I don’t think I need a whole week,” she says with a smile of amusement. Yeah, Dean would laugh at himself as well if he were her.
“Well, if you want the week, you can have it, okay?” Dean offers her nonetheless. “Ten, right? I’ll drive you. Gonna knock on your door at nine sharp.”
“You don’t have to–”
“No, no, I want to,” he swiftly brushes her concerns away. “You shouldn’t be alone for this, alright? I-… I don’t want you to be alone.”
A grateful smile shapes on her pink lips upon his proposal. It’s cute. “Thank you… Can you just, uhm, not tell anyone? Keep this between us? I haven’t told any of the girls. I don’t want it to get back to, uhm… Jo,” she explains, swallowing nervously.
“Yes, absolutely, sweetheart,” Dean assures her with a firm nod and offers her a warm smile, “This stays right here between us. Just you and me.”
The words inappropriately make his heart flutter – you and me. God, he’s a mess.
“Thank you,” Y/N says, smiling gratefully. She then wraps her arms around his torso and buries her head in his chest, squeezing the oxygen right out of his lungs.
Dear God, his entire body goes rigid. What is this? Is she hugging him? This is a hug, right? What is he supposed to do? Aside from not getting a goddamn boner, of course.
When was the last time he ever genuinely hugged someone? He honestly can’t remember. She’s so warm, and her frame is so small and fits perfectly into his like a matching puzzle piece. Can he hug her back?
He supposes he can and greedily slings his arms around her, one hugging her shoulders and the other hand cupping the back of her head. Then, he even goes one step further and rests his chin on her crown, her lemon coconut shampoo filling his nostrils.
Fuck, this feels fantastic. Can he hug her now all the time? Is this a new development in their friendship? God, he hopes the answer is yes.
“Dean, I-I think you can let go,” she giggles and winds herself out of his embrace.
Oh, he so doesn’t want to but fine. He also doesn’t want to make it weird and risk never receiving these glorious hugs from her again.
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“So, uhm, I’ll be here tomorrow at nine, waiting for you, okay?” Dean reassures her for what feels like the millionth time as he slowly kills the engine in the motel parking lot. He’s stalling, doesn’t want her to go just yet.
Y/N smiles softly, “Okay. Thanks, Dean.”
“Dean!” Their heads turn out the windshield, watching Bela rush to the Impala and vividly wave her hands in the air.
Dean sighs deeply and falls back into his seat, wanting to disappear under the floor mat. “Shit… I’m-, I’m gonna break up with her. I’m gonna do it now,” he announces determinedly. If Y/N can master the hardships of life with her head held high, he supposes so can he.
“Uhm, I don’t wanna be here for that, so I’m gonna go, but, uh… good luck. Be nice,” Y/N says and then quickly flees the car, just in time before Bela slides into the passenger’s seat like a game of tag between the women.
Dread immediately spreads through his whole body. He’d rather spend the day with Y/N. They could be at the pier right this minute, waiting for the sunset, waiting for his lips to find hers in the golden glow. Instead, he has to be here and talk to the girlfriend he never wanted. What a waste of a beautiful day. All because that fucking wimp husband couldn’t wear a fucking condom…
It only takes one asshole to ruin the playground for everyone else.
“Dean, we need to talk,” Bela starts with a stern look on her face, all puckered lips and crinkled brow. Oh, how he loves that particular sentence, especially from a woman’s mouth. “I don’t think this is working between us.”
“Oh, so you’re gonna do it for me? Okay.” Honestly, he loves that solution for him. Life is still good sometimes.
“Do what?” Bela’s eyebrows quirk together in question, and he knows he should probably do a better job of hiding his grin.
“Uh… nothing. Please continue, sweetheart,” Dean smiles innocently.
“I just feel like this isn’t working, you know? I don’t think I can do this with you any longer, Dean. You disappear all the time. Donna even thinks she saw you hiding in a bloody locker two days ago, so I’m ending this,” Bela shares her feelings. She looks at him ruefully as if she even has the power or authority to break his plastic heart. He tries not to snort.
“Fantastic,” Dean accidentally lets slip. The fucking coke’s at it again today.
“Yeah, you know,” he nods bravely, trying to remain cool, calm, and collected, “I know you were just fucking me because you wanted shit like-, uhm… a bigger part, or-, uh, or a horse, right? I’ve been around this block before. It’s okay.”
Bela frowns and rolls her eyes, groaning in annoyance. “Dean, I wasn’t shagging you because I want things! You’re so bloody paranoid all the time… I mean, I do want a horse, but that’s not why I was sleeping with you. It’s like I told you after the party – I saw your dating video and thought you were sweet. You’re funny and really, really smart. And handsome and sexy… I really fancied you.”
“Whoa…” Dean’s brow furrows in disbelief while his dick tingles. “Really? You like me?” Well, color him surprised. Maybe he underestimated her a little. Plus, a woman praising him is his goddamn weakness – the cross on his back. Between Y/N hugging him and Bela schmoozing the shit out of him, his blue jeans are getting uncomfortably tight. Fuck, he needs sex right goddamn now.
“Yes,” Bela nods like it’s obvious.
“Okay, can we-, uh, can we just reset, maybe?” Dean suggests with a flirty smile and wiggles his eyebrows, shifting closer to her on the seat.
“Dean!” Bela frowns deeply, shaking her head in irritation. “I’m not some sex robot. You can’t just push a button and reboot me.”
“Look, I’m not good with this stuff. I have a shitty history with women, alright?” Dean bats his eyelashes and shrugs sheepishly, hoping he can smooth things over with the brunette. Just one more time. All he needs is three thrusts max. Promise. “We-, uh, we can go over it if you like, sweetheart. Does that sound like fun, huh?”
“Dean, you don’t actually like me. It won’t work,” Bela rebuffs him and rolls her eyes. He’s just baffled at this point. “Besides, you’re obviously in love with Y/N.”
“I’m sorry, what now?” He’s thoroughly stumped for good, green eyes blinking at her rapidly like the wings of a hummingbird.
“You should tell her. I think she likes you, too,” Bela says her final words, kisses his cheek in a sweet goodbye, and hops out of the Impala, joining a few of the women by the pool.
What the fuck?!
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12. The Warrior
Get ready for some really terrible, terrible jokes in the next part. I went all out ‘cause if we’re already here, why the fuck not, right? 😂🤷‍♀️ *throws shit into the fan like it’s confetti*
Plastic Hearts Series: @spnexploration @jessjad​ @siospins2 @mrsjenniferwinchester @akshi8278​ @xlynnbbyx​ @wayward-dreamer​ @foxyjwls007​ @smellingofpoetry​ @justrealizedimmascifygurl​ @ladysparkles78​ @leigh70​ @4getfulimaginator2022​ @globetrotter28​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @deansbbyx​ @yeahmynameiscool06​ @luci-wiggles​ @eevvvaa @darkened-writer​ @mimaria420​ @estelle127
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shallowseeker · 1 year
The inherent shame in loving angels: Dean & Castiel
I think 14x09 The Spear & 14x10 Nihilism have some marvelous built-in lines pointing to the guilt concerning angelic possession.
Pamela Barnes's presence and subsequent blinding in Dean’s dreamscape is so, so fascinating. It implies that, despite what Dean says in The Spear, Dean is strugglingwith what the reality of Cas is and a new perspective on the brutal knowledge of what his presence means.
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Take these lines from The Spear:
CAS: You seem good lately. Happy, even. [ Dean is getting gear from back seat ] You -- We have a broken tape deck, we drove this whole way without music, and you did not complain once. DEAN: [ Closes car door ] You know, I guess I'm just fired up. I mean, look. We got -- We got Jack back. When was the last time we had a big, no-strings-attached win like that? CAS: But now we have Michael. DEAN: I know. CAS: And, Dean we're taking a big risk going after the spear like this. DEAN: I know we are.[ Stopping Cas ] Listen to me. Michael conned me. Kept me trapped and drowning inside my own body. Now, when you and Sam were possessed by Lucifer, I -- I thought I understood, but I didn't, not really. So, yeah, if we get a chance to trap him, I'll take that, but I won't be truly happy until he is dead and I kill him. And now I have a chance to do that, so, yeah, I'm good. Let's go.
On the outside, Dean is happy. There's just one thing left to defeat, and then, maybe finally he can be happy. (We know from 12x23 that his happiness, the 'everything he's ever wanted' includes his makeshift little family: Cas, Mary, Jack.)
But Michael's possession left him psychologically injured. Angelic power and possession is on his mind. He's still struggling with the horror of what that felt like.
He does not mention the elephant in the room--that Cas not only know what's like to be possessed, but to possess.
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Then, we see Pamela Barnes in 14x10 Nihilism, and yes, she's conspicuously dressed in Hell and wing motifs. Michael reminds us that it was Cas who pulled Dean from perdition, and then we get this:
(Flashback to Pamela's eyes being burned out) DEAN (looks at Pamela, whose eyes are now pure white): You're blind? PAMELA: Yeah, I've been blind for a while. Thank Feathers here for that one. CASTIEL: That was -- Dean, that was an accident. ♪ And I'm searchin' for a rainbow ♪
This is Dean's subconscious. It's taunting him that he's been blind...for awhile.
It's an ominous undercurrent reminding him that yes, he's loved Cas for awhile, and yes, that's blinded him to what Cas truly is. His subconscious is struggling and balking at the new perspective he has on Cas's human victims. Pamela was an accident, but Jimmy wasn't. Countless others weren't either.
He can't help but think about it, and he's desperately suppressing it. He loves Cas. But Cas blinded Pamela, like he blinded Dean. And Dean loves him anyway, and that's horrific, isn't it? He can't have that. They can't possibly deserve that happiness together. They're both here at the expense of others. It's frightening and ugly and drowning him with guilt.
Beyond Pamela lies the specter of Jimmy Novak. The ugly truth is that the third member of Team Free Will stripped a man of his free will so utterly.
And yet, Dean's subconscious is chanting, “I love you. I can’t help it.”
It's true what they say: love is blind.
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bleuzombie · 1 year
From the Dadstiel mini bang! @dadstielminibang
Coming August 17th
Rating: General Audiences
Author: @bleuzombie
Artist: @an-android-in-a-tutu
A child is left outside of a cave and the ancient Castiel awakens to greet the sacrifice. Jack is Castiel’s to do with as he pleases and he always wanted a child of his own.
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moccahobi · 1 year
Summery: Photography: Taehyung loves it. Specifically he loves film photography. He even spent an entire day hiking and taking photos in a meadow (there was a woman there at first but she left soon after). For Y/n though, Taehyung’s trip to the meadow was the start of something bad. Something real bad.
Pairings: Taehyung (BTS) x Reader, Yoongi (BTS) x Hoseok (BTS)
Rating: Teens and up
Chapter warnings: injury, character death
Series warnings (I update as I figure more stuff out): horror, injury, threats, character death, major angst, emotional distress, alcohol, verbal fight, anxiety
Word Count:  1.7k words
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Fae AU!, College AU!
Tag list: @youarejesting, @i-am-moonchild, @oddinary4bts​
Chapter 22 >> Masterlist << Chapter 23
Taehyung watched nervously as Jungkook climbed back up the hill and just passed his line of vision. Even though he couldn’t see Jungkook well, he could hear fragments of a conversation starting to happen, voices loud and angry.
He jumped at the sound of some strange animal, already too on edge from all that has been happening. Today was such a mess. Y/n moved in his pocket at the strange sounds and when he looked down, he saw her clinging closer to him than before. She must be tired and spooked as well.
“Don’t worry. I will keep you safe and protect you from all that’s happening. How about I find you a place in the woods to hide while all this goes down. No one will see you.” He whispered, hoping that she could hear his sincerity. 
The strange animal sounds grew louder as he neared the forest line. Normally, Taehyung might’ve been curious, but today with all that was happening and the pelting down rain, they struck fear in him. Looking around, he was met with an army of frogs… or toads? One of them and it didn’t matter which. They were so vibrant that they stuck out like a sore thumb and Taehyung found him involuntarily leaning closer to try to get a closer look. 
He stopped when he felt frantic movement in his pocket and looked down to see Y/n shaking with fear and trying anything to hide from the frogs. Looking them over again, he wondered if they could eat her. 
It was that moment of hesitance, of pondering an intrusive thought, that led to even more chaos breaking loose. In her frantic movement, she somehow managed to only rise in Taehyung’s pocket before eventually falling out, a piercing ringing (similar to tinnitus) leaving her small body all through the fall. As if the frogs were waiting for this, they lunged and she ran farther away, leaving Taehyung scrambling after her and the frogs, mud clinging to him while doing so. Yet, despite their size, they were so much faster than Taehyung and he was forced to watch as they got dangerously close to the swelling river. Y/n’s body shook with each harsh gust of wind, Taehyung wincing each time. A particularly harsh gust of wind in combination with a big curtain of rain and she was gone, the river now much larger. 
Taehyung’s body froze as his mind raced to try to figure out what had happened. The frogs. The river. 
Had they eaten her? 
Did the river sweep her away? 
Was she still alive? 
At some point in his frozeness, the frogs returned and were jumping on him, their slimy bodies rubbing against Taehyung. Their tongues lolled out and were lapping at his pants as well. 
Were they trying to attack him? 
An angry chuckle left him at that. They’d possibly just eaten Y/n and now they were trying to eat him!?
He shook one off, cringing as they bounced against the ground and started hopping towards him again.
The toads start trying to attack Taehyung with their tongues but that doesn't do much… it itches a little but doesn’t do much. If it wasn’t for the horror of this situation, he just might’ve laughed at a frog licking him and thinking it’ll hurt him. Not as he starts hearing some loud pitched squeal. Not as Hoseok’s voice starts rising above the storm. Not when Y/n is missing and potentially drowning. 
Something in the woods flickered bright red. 
It sounded like the squeal was coming from that direction. 
Taehyung staggered back as the bright red thing flew at him fast and hit him squarely between the eyes. It was definitely the squealing thing he heard and this close to it, the squeals sounded more like tiny screams. 
“Screw you!”
“You’re one of the humans who…” 
“My Y/n!” 
He was able to pick up some of what the screams were saying but couldn’t pay attention to any of them as he tried to dodge the flaming ball of speed and energy that kept bumping into him harshly and the frogs that were still trying to jump on him as well. His legs were shaking and he stumbled many times as he tried to dodge the tiny beings attacking him.
Only… his legs weren’t keeping him up well. 
One small misstep into some animal’s abandoned home and he found himself plummeting, searing pain ripping through his body as a scream ripped its way through his body. He couldn’t get up or move his foot. He was stuck and in some of the worst pain of his life.
Next thing he knew though, the only sensation he could still feel was the harsh wind and rain, no flaming red ball or frogs and in the change, he found himself sinking to the floor, tears flowing. 
“Are you… ok?” 
Taehyung’s head shot up and took in one of the most beautiful people he’d ever seen before. Kind eyes, soft mouth, broad shoulders. He looked sad and worried and Taehyung had no energy to question it. 
“I… I… Yes? I don’t know. I… I’m stuck. Can you help me up?” 
The man nodded, crouching down and helping him up. 
Taehyung came up easily with his help.
And his foot wasn’t stuck.
It had swollen to an angry red blistery color, blood seeping from an open wound… and worse of all, Taehyung saw white. 
If possible, Taehyung might’ve cried more then but he didn’t have it in him. He didn’t have any energy in him and it seemed the mysterious man didn’t either for after helping Taehyung out of the hole, he set Taehyung down. The man seemed skilled in triage though as he went about gathering materials to cover and support Taehyung’s foot. As he did that, Taehyung looked around and was faced with a fae lying on the ground and unconscious (Taehyung didn’t want to think of the possibility of them being dead). They had scorch marks on their body but overall, looked like they might have been sleeping right now and Taehyung didn’t want to think otherwise. 
He had propped himself up on the ground to try to reduce his contact with the muddy ground around him but as the mysterious man elevated and worked on Taehyung’s ankle, all energy seeped out of Taehyung. He rested on the ground and closed his eyes, listening to the sound of louder and louder arguments, angry rain and wind, and the man working. The mud seeped into his shirt and hair, filling every possible crevice it could but Taehyung couldn’t bring himself to care. 
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bd-wlf · 7 months
Okay okay so Wing Au right? For Dean-O?
Yeah okay
when he was still in school around normies his wings were invisible almost like they weren't there, like angel wings in the actual show but they were little like baby Cupid wings and he got really self conscious because Sam had massive wings that made him awkward lol. During that time they were titanium white almost glowing Sam had massive wings for a kid but they were like charcoal grey yknow.
Dean grows up, Sam splits to college, and at that time his wings are about the same size as Sam's. Still as white as they were and he's no longer self conscious. Daddy dearest teaches him how to use them in a fight. Sam still has black wings.
Now it's Mark of Cain era they have the bunker, it's covered in all types of feathers, right before dean dies and turns into a demon. His wings finally fit his body and so do Sam's. Cas teaches them grooming methods on the off days. Except the color on Sam's wing plumage has changed its no longer grey or black, in some places it is black but majority it's white. Dean's titanium white wings have turned red, a deep dark wine red. To fit the mark and as a reminder of all the blood that he's taken and is yet to be taken.
Demon dean, his wings were ripped from his back by an invisible force.
Post-MoC the lighting bolt gave him his wings back just like it took the mark away
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lilprincegoo · 1 year
Seashells on the Seashore by bundtkookie
Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Separations, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - The Little Mermaid Fusion, Pining, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Oblivious Jeon Jungkook, Alternate Universe - Magic
11.9k words
rating: T
Magic had a price. As a Sea Witch in a city of merpeople, Taehyung used his magic and witchcraft to try and improve the lives of those around him. He lived a good life- merman Prince Jungkook was just there to add the excitement.
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wearelondonhq · 3 months
welcome to london, LUTHER HARGREEVES! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like MICHAEL B JORDAN? well, no matter, we hear that you are 37 and working as a BARTENDER. we also hear that you currently DO NOT HAVE your memories from THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY and have a tendency to be CHEERY as well as INDECISIVE. (( please can i switch out billie from the resident ?? )
welcome to london, KATHERINE PEDERSON/EVERNEVER! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like ANNABELLE WALLIS? well, no matter, we hear that you are 55 and working as a DOCTOR. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from SAW and have a tendency to be KIND-HEARTED as well as CLOSED OFF. (( please can i switch out maggie shaw from the boys ?? don’t want to hog in case anyone has muse !! ))
welcome to london, CYNTHIA FULLER did anyone ever tell you that you look just like SONOYA MIZUNO? well, no matter, we hear that you are 47 and working as a PROSECUTION LAWYER. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from GINNY & GEORGIA and have a tendency to be DETERMINED as well as ARROGANT.
welcome to london, JO HARVELLE! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like PEGAH GHAFOORI? well, no matter, we hear that you are 32 and working as a BARTENDER. we also hear that you currently DO NOT HAVE your memories from SUPERNATURAL and have a tendency to be SELF-SUFFICIENT as well as STUBBORN. (( please can i switch out dewey riley from scream ?? )
welcome to london, EDWARD KRAMER! did anyone ever tell you that you look just like GEORGE CLOONEY? well, no matter, we hear that you are 68 and working as a JUDGE OF THE HIGH COURT. we also hear that you currently HAVE your memories from SAW and have a tendency to be PROTECTIVE as well as ARROGANT. (( please can i switch out frank from abigail ?? )
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— WELCOME TO LONDON, edward kramer, jo harvelle, cynthia fuller, katherine pederson & luther hargreeves! you look very familiar, do we know you from somewhere? anyways, take your time settling in because whether you want to or not, it looks like you’re going to be living here for awhile! // welcome bea, please be sure to follow our checklist here! **frank/adam barnett (abigail), dewey riley (sceam), maggie shaw (the boys) and billie sutton (tr) have been reopened!
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Ok so I made up a supernatural au of the mangle weed trio cause I've been trying to get into supernatural (I like it but I'm only on season 2) and here it is:
In this I made half demons so I could make this story make sense.
There's 3 William aftons that work together who are demons and they go by their respective false names (Steve Raglan and Dave Miller) and they killed Peter, dee, and Garret which is what sent Jack and Mike to be hunters but Michael's father is one of the Williams so he's a half demon (an exorcism would just straight up kill him because his "vessel" is literally just his body) but Evan and Elizabeth were fully human so William killed Elizabeth and their mom and forced Michael to kill Evan but Henry is a hunter and took Michael in. Eventually Mike Michael and Jack become friends but later Jack gets turned into a werewolf and Michael gets turned into a vampire but they keep being hunters with Mike and eventually kill the Williams in some sorta distant future of where the story is now and sorta keep hunting but Mike does it less so he can take care of his sister who he kept out of knowing about hunters.
Mike let's Michael feed off of him if he runs out of animal blood to drink
(Some bits of this is probably not accurate to stuff in supernatural but that's just because I had some plot holes I wanted to fix with an easy solution)
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disneymagic100 · 6 months
The Road So Far
Chapter 36 of The Road So Far has been posted on AO3.
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sasha-the-mighty · 1 year
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my-chemical-cas · 1 year
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somewhere… in an alternate universe
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waynes-multiverse · 2 years
Plastic Hearts – Part 12
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Pairing: Director!Dean Winchester x Actress!Reader
Series Summary: Los Angeles, 1985. Y/N’s a young actress without any success, hopping from one failed audition to the next until one desperate mistake brings her to her breaking point. Dean Winchester, on the other hand, is a grade A asshole and washed-up director at the end of his career, known for his godawful slasher movies in the 70s and his love for blow, booze, and women. Lost in the toxic Hollywood life, their paths cross when one hopeless little wrestling show changes their trajectory.
Chapter Warnings: +18, coarse language and a lot of very dark jokes (😂), abortion & unwanted pregnancy, smoking & mentions of drugs, heart to heart, flangst, pining, comfort
Word Count: 3.5k
A/N: Say what you will, but this chapter made me fall hard for our train wreck with a heart. Don’t tame my animal style, babes 😏🖤 (ALSO MAKE SURE TO READ PART 11 FIRST! It posted Friday & Tumblr has been messing up tags like crazy lately 🙄)
<< 11 || Spotify Playlist || Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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12. The Warrior
Dean’s fingers nervously drum against the steering wheel, Led Zeppelin flowing out the stereo at the lowest volume as he smacks his lips in boredom. The motel parking lot is tranquil, palm trees softly swaying in the breeze. All the women left for the gym two hours ago, while the California morning sun warms the golden freckles on his skin as it beams through the windshield.
It’s punctually nine o’clock when he spots Y/N exit her motel room and jog up to the Impala before sliding into the passenger’s seat. He’s been in the car since 8am, though – just in case she needed him sooner. Of course, she didn’t because she’s a true fighter, but he wanted to be there for her, nevertheless. He even forwent the booze and coke last night and this morning, wanting to be as clean and sober for her as possible. He swears he hasn’t been this clear in his goddamn head in months.
It’s fucking weird.
As soon as the young actress sits comfortably, Dean hands her a cup of the blackest coffee and swiftly offers her a smoke. “I also have vodka here if you want. I even rolled you a joint if that’s more your style. And, uh, we can stop by for breakfast sushi on our way there, huh?”
As stupid as it sounds, Dean’s trying to make this a fun experience for her. Feeling quite helpless, there isn’t much he can do to make this situation any better for her, but he can always make her smile, right? So, that’s his goal today. He doesn’t want her to feel sad, guilty, or ashamed, even if his methods are a little wonky and admittedly could use some fine-tuning. Still, they seem to do the trick as his strategy casts an appreciative smile on her lips.
“Thanks, Dean.” Chuckling, she accepts the coffee and lights her cigarette, taking one drag before handing it back to him.
“Atta girl,” he smirks and starts the car.
“I think the coffee and the smoke will suffice, though,” Y/N ponders playfully, “Don’t wanna overdo it, you know?”
Dean chuckles lightly and jokes, “So, I should cancel our trip to Magic Mountain?”
“Definitely,” she laughs, the melody causing his heart to swell twice its size. “You know, I wasn’t sure you were the right person to bring to something like this, but now I’m convinced I made a wise choice.”
“Well, I’m full of surprises, sweetheart,” Dean says with a wiggle of his eyebrows, his cheeks blushing furiously as his heart hammers outside his chest like a cartoon character. Was there ever an episode where Squirrel fell for Natasha?
As Dean steals glimpses at Y/N from his periphery, he can’t help but think she’s stunning, even on rainy days like these. Sometimes, it’s even hard to grasp that he could end up this lucky at all. “So, uhm, I broke up with Bela yesterday,” he shares, swallowing. Would it be weird if he asked Y/N out on a date immediately after an abortion? Probably, right? Is there a protocol here? “I-, I tried to be nice, but, uhm, she got a little emotional… I think I broke her heart, you know?”
Good plan. He’s making himself more desirable, you know? Besides, who wouldn’t wanna be with him, right? He’s a total catch. Cas tells him so all the time. Perhaps, someone should’ve told his ex-wife that, too.
Okay, alright, stop laughing. He doesn’t need to explain himself to you…
Y/N’s head bobs musingly, pursing her lips. She then gives him a casual shrug of her shoulders, “She seemed fine when I saw her this morning.”
“Oh, good,” Dean clears his throat with a lack of subtlety and ignores his dented ego. “I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, make it awkward…”
“Hmm, yeah, I’m sure…,” Y/N hums. Does it feel a little like she’s mocking him? Dean swears there’s a trace of a smirk on her lips. “She also wished me good luck,” she adds, frowning, and suspiciously cocks an eyebrow at him. “Did you tell her about–?”
“No, I promised you I wouldn’t, so I didn’t, okay? I would never do that to you,” Dean assures her, the panic rising in his ribcage because, unlike Y/N, he knows precisely what the British blabbermouth meant by that careless comment. “It’s, you know, just Bela. She’s nuts. Don’t pay attention to her, alright?”
“Uhm, sure.”
Dean’s not so sure, however, if she bought his poor excuse of a deflection. But whatever Bela thinks she knows, she’s wrong about it. He’s not in fucking love with Y/N.
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Arriving at the clinic in Inglewood, Dean accompanies the young actress to the receptionist, stubbornly never leaving her side, even when Y/N protests and tells him his efforts aren’t necessary – as if he would ever wait in the fucking car.
“Y/N Y/L/N, 10am?” the nurse at the reception counter checks, barely gracing them with a glance. Y/N nods softly, and the older nurse shoves a clipboard with a form at her, looking rather grimly, causing Dean to wonder who spit in that woman’s coffee this sunny morning. “Fill this out for me, okay? The doctor will answer any questions you or your boyfriend might have.”
“Oh, we’re not–”
“I’m not her boyfriend,” Dean cuts in and then corrects the nurse with a smile, “I’m her husband. Common mistake, you know? Kinda like having sex without a condom.”
The nurse seems a little taken aback by his prickly commentary but stays polite, muttering, “Well, it’s good that you’re here.”
“Yeah, just wasn’t the right time for us. I could’ve pulled out but… got too lazy,” Dean feigns a sigh and wraps his arm around Y/N’s waist, pulling her close to him. Surprisingly, she leans into his shtick and nuzzles into his embrace. So naturally, he places a loving kiss on her crown for the best possible show. “Sorry, honey.”
“It’s okay, baby,” she pats his chest in gentle comfort. “It happens. We’ll go anal next time.”
Strindberg never fails to impress him with her acting skills.
“Yeah, lucky for us, we hate children,” Dean grins broadly at the nurse, who looks unamused at best and absolutely fed up at worst.
“Please take a seat,” Nurse Ratched tells the pair dryly, the two of them giggling under their palms like stupid teenagers as they settle down in the dreary waiting area.
“You know, I’m glad you came with me today,” Y/N says, smiling gratefully, and starts filling out her form, her fingers white-knuckling the pen. “I mean, if I had asked one of the girls, well, it wouldn’t have been like… this. It probably would’ve been more…”
“Depressing?” Dean offers knowingly, nodding. “Yeah, you’re welcome, sweetheart. I mean, this place isn’t helping,” he remarks as his green eyes disdainfully scan the sad interior, walls painted in a suicidal gray. “Jesus fuck… Would it hurt them to hang up some nice pictures or, you know, some motivational posters or some shit? Even the fucking fern is plastic… You know, they could offer women tequila shots when coming in or something like that. Who gives a shit, right? Maybe make a little cozy bong area over there for ultimate relaxation, have a buffet with raw meat and fish over here, offer shuttle rides to Disneyland after, so women can truly appreciate what horror they’ve escaped from…”
Y/N loudly snorts next to him and hides half her face in her gray hoodie. Her cheeks are burning red, her eyes are full of unstoppable tears, and her laugh strangles her windpipe. “God, Dean, stop,” she begs him through her giggles, clutching her stomach, and wipes the wetness from her glowing dimples. “The nurse is already looking at you,” she whispers warningly and yet still can’t stop chuckling, nudging his arm with her elbow.
“Oh, let her,” Dean scoffs and dismisses the nurse’s glare. “She wouldn’t get it. Just look at her. That old hag hasn’t been fucked properly in centuries.”
“Dean!” Y/N swats his chest and clasps her mouth to keep the laugh from spilling out, her eyes wide.
“Alright, I’ll stop,” the director chuckles devilishly, although he greatly enjoys making her smile. What can he say? He’s a lover of all the beautiful things life has to offer, and her smile is one of those gorgeous things he can never get enough of.
“I’m sorry. I know you probably had different plans for your morning,” Y/N says then and gives him a self-effacing shrug, which he can’t let slide with a clean conscience.
“What? Nonsense. Happy to be here. Anything for my wife,” he assures her with his widest grin and pats her thigh comfortingly, the contact causing a jolt of electricity to storm his blood and infect his heart. “Besides, while you’re in there, I might get some donuts.”
“Ooooh, can you please pick me up a pink frosted one?” Y/N inquires with the cutest pout. How the fuck could he resist that?
“Pink frosted?” Dean’s brow furrows in a teasing manner. “What are you, six?”
“I’m a girl. I like pink things,” she replies coyly, her pout only getting more adorable. If that girl isn’t careful, she’s gonna be pregnant within the day again.
Dear God, he feels like the worst human being on this godforsaken planet. The last thing she needs today is another horny dude lusting over her.
“Mhm,” Dean hums and tries to bite back the comment on the tip of his tongue, failing miserably. “Maybe if you liked pink things a little less, we wouldn’t be here.”
Y/N drops her pen onto the clipboard in her lap, her lips pressing into a thin line that’s supposed to hide the smile. Her eyes find his, crinkles of amusement visible around her orbs as she nods, “Fair... But luckily, I don’t have to worry about that for a while.”
“What, are you gonna become a nun or some shit because of one wimpy little douchecanoe?”
Oh, Dean can’t let that stand, either. That should go without saying. Even if Y/N gives up on all mankind, he’s not giving up on her.
“There was more than one,” Y/N mutters bitterly and focuses back on her form.
Dean pauses for a moment, pushing the anger and the urge to strangle those motherfuckers down into the depths of his soul, although there are probably girls out there who would say the same about him. With a small exhale, he then leans closer, angling his body towards her for more privacy. “I think this is the part where I’m supposed to ask you if this is what you really want. You know, as your husband…”
Y/N carefully meets his gaze but gives him a determined nod, not an ounce of worry, fear, or insecurity gleaming in her orbs. Eye of the tiger. “Yeah, this is what I want. It’s not the right time… or the right guy… or the right baby,” she assures him, and then her little nose scrunches, brow knitting. It’s adorable to watch. “Besides, Sammy Jr. is a biter.”
“Yeah, I know… That kid is Satan’s spawn,” Dean agrees heavily and points his index finger at her belly. “Can you already feel teeth growing in there?”
Y/N laughs softly and shakes her head, “They don’t have teeth yet... I think.”
“Well, this one might,” he quips under his breath.
“Dude, stop it,” she snorts and whacks his arm in a scolding attempt, which really won’t do anything. It’s her own fault for bringing an untamed animal into a public place. Then, a small sigh leaves her ample lips, “Jo and Sam are actually trying to save their marriage. They’re going to couple’s therapy twice a week now.”
“It’s not gonna last,” Dean scoffs darkly, the usual cynicism lacing his voice. “What was it about that douche, anyways? Are you in love with him?”
“No,” is her instant reply, which comes out in a snort. And while her answer should’ve brought him relief, the tone of her reaction carries the same dark cynicism, leaving him with worries instead. “I’m just a sucker for non-threatening, unavailable men who compliment me,” she jabs herself. “I don’t think I’ve ever actually been in love. I just-… never had that feeling, you know? Like missing someone or needing someone so much you might stop breathing… Not sure that even exists.”
“Hmm,” he hums pensively, postponing his quest to find her reason behind it to another day. There are more pressing matters at hand right now. “I know cheating husband is out of the question, but what about the other two knuckleheads? Maybe they wanna do this with you?”
Y/N lets out a dreadful sigh, and Dean only feels more relief when she answers, “Yeah, maybe… But I don’t wanna do this with them. I mean, one’s an alcoholic park ranger, and the other a stand-up comic with a severe heroin addiction.”
“Wow, you were right. You really don’t know how to pick men,” Dean whistles lowly, albeit her bad taste might eventually pay off for him.
“Told you. Nun life is just a wise decision at this point,” Y/N says in agreement, which was absolutely the last thing he wanted.  
Licking his suddenly chapped lips, Dean rubs his beard and takes a deep breath to calm his jittering nerves. “You know… I’m an option, too,” he suggests weakly, his fingernails clawing into the armrest of the withered faux-leather chair.
“What d’you mean?”
“I mean, I-.. I have a house. It’d be big enough, y’know? I could help you. We can even do that whole marriage thing… I mean, if that’s something you fancy. You know, for your parents or some shit. I-, I don’t mind,” he stammers and bites his tongue so roughly he tastes the metal. Wait, is he smelling burnt toast?
Of course, he doesn’t mind it. He’s practically begging her on his knees to accept his proposal.
Y/N laughs lightly, her cheeks blushing rosy pink, “That’s awfully sweet of you, but I’m gonna have to decline. Kinda wanna get married for the right reasons, too. I’d actually like to be in love with my husband, you know?”
“Yeah, no, I get it…,” Dean chuckles his lie and uncomfortably scratches away at his throat. “That’s why my first two marriages happened. Just didn’t work out, so, you know, thought I’d give this a shot. Can’t hurt, right?” Jesus fuck, he feels like a cracked egg on the sizzling hot asphalt. “I’m just sayin’, I guess… I’m here for you… Anything you need, sweetheart. Doesn’t matter what.”
Y/N smiles softly, “I know. You’re a pretty awesome guy. Thanks.” For a second, he’s not sure if there are tears of gratitude shimmering in her orbs, but they’re gone by the time she leans up and presses a kiss on his cheek. The softness of her lips on his scruffy skin ignites the spot where they touch, match meeting fuse, a warm glow swarming from this exact point through his veins and overtaking his entire body like a wildfire.
“Yeah, uhm, anytime,” he gulps, the tips of his ears turning beet-red as he tries to shake off the fluster. “You know, I’d make a great option, in fact. I’m nothing like those losers you’ve dated. We’d have fun, you know? I’d treat you well, pay attention to you, make sure you cum every time when we fuck…”
“Oh, so sex was included in this deal, huh? If only you’d said that before, it might have persuaded me,” Y/N says with a cheeky smile. “I’m sure you’d do that completely selflessly, too.”
“Duh. Told you. Anything you need – and free of charge,” Dean smirks widely, causing her to giggle.
“Well, thank you for your tremendous sacrifice, Mr. Winchester,” she retorts playfully and then bites down on her lower lip, teasing him with a playful twinkle in her orbs, “Not sure you’d make a better choice, though.”
“Whoa, hey, what’s that supposed to mean? I’m a catch,” Dean defends, chuckling, albeit his heart disagrees with him and stings quite a bit.
“Oh, yes, totally… But you also drink too much and have a coke addiction. If anything, you’re the last two guys combined. If you were married as well, we’d be in serious trouble now, my friend,” Y/N jokes completely innocently, so he forces a laugh from his throat, even though she hit a sore point.
Yeah, Dean truly isn’t any better than those previous losers. He’d probably drag her down to the gutter with him – it happened before with someone he loved. Y/N deserves a nice guy without any issues and mountains of baggage. She’s the best fucking person he’s ever met in his entire life. She’s not supposed to end up with a dumpster fire like him. He should count himself lucky he’s even allowed to take a breath in her proximity at all.
“I don’t have an addiction,” Dean counters nonetheless, coolly shrugging off her accusations, defensive yet calm. “So I snort an occasional line from time to time. It’s not a big deal. I can stop anytime I want. I’m in complete control, you know?”
“Uh-huh, prove it and stop.”
“What?!” His head snaps to her. Shit, he didn’t count on her challenging him.
“You heard me. Prove it,” Y/N shrugs simply as if she knows how to push his buttons as well. “Unless it’s not as easy as you say it is…”
“Pffft, what? No, it’s super easy. I’ll do it. No problem,” Dean agrees in default cocksure attitude, albeit his Adam’s apple bobs with a nervously thick swallow. “But just coke, not the booze,” he adds quickly.
“Deal,” Y/N accepts and holds out her hand, grinning.
“Deal.” He shakes it in accord and pretends the terror and anxiety in his ribcage don’t exist and aren’t consuming his entire being. However, when he gazes at her, he realizes the bitter truth.
Fucking Bela…
How the fuck could she have known? Is it that obvious? But Dean’s never been surer – he’s head over heels in love with the radiating girl next to him. There’s no denying it anymore. He never would’ve agreed to this insane deal otherwise. There’s a yearning inside of him that demands him to be better for her. It’s not filthy lust and simple debauchery he’s longing for. It’s fucking love.
“You know, I thought about it a lot these last few weeks… Maybe I will go to New York after the show,” Y/N says with a soft, almost shy smile as if she still isn’t entirely sure it’s a good idea.
Dean gives her an encouraging smile, “Yeah, that’s a great plan, sweetheart.”
“Yeah,” he nods and squeezes her thigh reassuringly. “‘Sides, if you don’t leave this shithole on your own, I’ll throw you into Baby’s trunk and drive you there myself. Gonna kick your ass all the way to the Yankees, sweetheart.“
“Thank you,” Y/N mouths quietly, her gaze drifting to his palm that still lingers on her thigh. He’s about to pull it back, realizing he probably overstepped his appropriate time limit, when Y/N suddenly takes hold of his hand and interlaces her fingers with his.
Fuck. When was the last time he actually held hands with someone? God, it was probably with his high school sweetheart – Robin. The actress actually reminds him a lot of his first ex-wife, both too sweet and good to ever fit into filthy Hollywood. Bringing Robin here when they were only nineteen and naive has always been his biggest regret, so maybe by getting Y/N out of this hellish city, he can finally right a wrong.  
“Ms. Y/L/N? We’re ready for you,” the nurse informs her.
Dean watches her as she bravely rises from her seat and follows the nurse, head high and shoulders straight like the true warrior she is. He’s never been prouder of her. That’s his fucking girl.
“You got this, honey!” Dean hollers after her through cupped palms like the man-child he is, several heads turning to him with irritated glances. He doesn’t care, though. His job is to make Y/N smile, not an audience. “Afterwards, we’re gonna fuck like bunnies! Probably gonna be back here next month, baby girl,” he smirks cunningly, and when the nurse shakes her head at him with a glare, he sends the grim woman a wink to top it off.
Y/N disappears inside the small room with the doctors, Dean still hearing her infectious laugh when the blue door closes. The sound warms his heart and soothes his worries a little. He then waits a beat for any last-minute decision changes before exiting this goddamn depressing shithole to grab a fucking pink frosted donut for the woman he loves. 
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13. Gimme All Your Lovin’
Hope you enjoyed this little weird bonding experience! As a reward for bearing with me here, you’re getting some smut in the next two parts 😉
Plastic Hearts Series: @spnexploration​ @jessjad @deans-spinster-witch @mrsjenniferwinchester @akshi8278 @xlynnbbyx @wayward-dreamer @foxyjwls007 @smellingofpoetry @justrealizedimmascifygurl @ladysparkles78 @leigh70 @4getfulimaginator2022 @globetrotter28 @b3autyfuldisast3r @deansbbyx @yeahmynameiscool06 @luci-wiggles @eevvvaa @darkened-writer @mimaria420 @estelle127 @samanddeansannoyingsis
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shallowseeker · 1 year
fyi jack doesn't appear in rocky's bar
Probably shouldn't be answering these when I'm in a bad mood, but since you're poking me. Yeah. Neither is Mary. The bar is a workers'/coworkers' paradise, and that's all Dean's allowing for himself here. It's an anemic, starved happiness, where Dean is...endlessly waiting on a happiness that is so Paused that nothing truly bad can happen.
And Rocky's is mostly empty.
Dean's lost a lot of friends, and here, he's subconsciously aware that even if he retires, his loved ones might still be fighting/working, not at home with him. Thus, you get...the roadhouse. He is become like Ellen Harvelle.
The roadhouse is the domain of road warriors. It's and "after-work drinks" type of contentedness, not the "toes in the sand" type he'd been alluding to just a half-season before. That's why the bar itself is filled with the motifs of coworking and friendship. It's why it's full of those "sublimation's kinda your thing, Dean," motifs, like the Tombstone symbols.
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Dean sublimates his own desires. He'll take a big place doing who-cares if everyone can just be there. Ergo, roadhouse.
It's also why Sam and Cas are still working; they're out on a hunt, but they're not too far. They're "just down the road," in Wichita. Still in Kansas. It's why Dean is still working, albeit in a work-from-home situation, where he kills vampires ("theme of hunger") on an endless loop.
Mary isn't there at all. May! The thing "we finally found...after all this time," and the most broadly consistent part of Dean's "everything we've always wanted," is not here. Mary is integral to Dean's happiness, and he desperately wants her happiness too, as evidenced by Lebanon and all that's signified by his limbo-wandering in the companion series, The Winchesters.
And Jack? Jack is the thing he never gets to keep. It's the thing he's been steeling himself to lose since the very beginning:
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People like Mary and Jack are not in the roadhouse because they're very much a part of the things he wants but can't have, you see. They don't even one-to-one work motifs, because they're not and never have been co-workers to the degree that the others have.
So, Jack would be in a bunker version of a fantasy, no doubt. So would Mary. And probably versions of Sam and Cas (and Dean) that aren't, you know, working.
EDIT: Oops, I forgot the attributions. Scripts are from here. it's Tombstone and Jack in the Box.
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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jess-the-dangerous · 1 year
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