ryuichirou · 3 years
Anon, we thought that your ask is a good opportunity to drop some smutty headcanons about Levi with every single character we ship him with (well, at least as many of them as I can think about right now). So yeah, prepare for the wild ride, there are some surprises here lol it’s also kinky at times
Oh and also just in case, here is our previous post with Levi-centric headcanons! If you haven’t seen it already, that is. It’s quite old though haha.
Ok here we go:
If Levi leaves marks on Eren, and this is a universe when titans exist, Eren doesn’t heal those for as long as he can. He likes looking at it and thinking about how good Levi must’ve felt, since he usually isn’t the type to leave scratches or bites or anything like that.
When Eren and Levi fuck in a doggy position, Eren hugs Levi’s neck from behind so hard he’s choking him. It’s hard to tell whether it’s intentional or not every time, but Levi almost fainted a couple of times, and he did faint once while doing so. Eren felt a bit guilty afterwards, but still found it very hot.
When Eren received a blowjob from Levi for the first time, he almost cried and thought he would faint, but jokes on him, because he was fucking Levi 2 minutes after this, so apparently he had just enough energy to do so lol
Erwin is one of those people who can come up with different sexy-but-messed-up scenarios, and at times when he tells (or whispers to…) Levi about how there could be a robber with a gun who’d try to sneak in while Levi’s taking a shower… Levi usually replies that it wouldn’t be a problem for him to handle a robber and Erwin laughs it off, but he always looks like he seriously considers doing something like that without warning Levi. Roleplays, man.
Erwin likes to rub his penis against Levi’s abs. He just does.
Erwin isn’t a jealous type, we’ve said it a bunch of times, but if he hears that Levi did something with someone that he finds interesting, you can bet he’ll do whatever it takes for Levi to do this thing with him too. He wants to experience it! And ask Levi a ton of questions.
The moment Zeke realized that other than sometimes bitching at him and breathing heavily Levi doesn’t make any sounds during sex, he decided to do anything to make him moan. Levi tried very hard to be as quiet as possible when he realized that Zeke really wants him to moan, but ultimately his voice did crack once. Very slightly, barely noticeable. Zeke was very happy though.
Zeke is ashamed of the fact that he started to google a lot of stuff about sex after he started to sleep with Levi. He loves it when sex is rough and they’re very antagonistic towards each other in the process, so he doesn’t mind Levi insulting him, but he’d hate to be obviously the less experienced one when it comes to sex: it’d make him feel lame and inferior, even though he knows it’s just a stupid ego thing.
Although if this was to actually happen, Zeke would probably just call Levi a whore for knowing his way around dicks so well. He calls him that quite often, sometimes very elaborately, when you won’t even realize that he just threw shade at poor Levi. He’s just jealous though, and Levi probably knows that.
Onyankopon is probably the most caring lover Levi’s ever had, and it’s super unusual to him: he always expects him to do something crazy because all of his previous lovers have been horny animals. Levi’s body isn’t used to it. But it doesn’t mean that Onyankopon leaves Levi unsatisfied: the man makes love to his body for hours before Levi collapses.
Onyankopon is also quite romantic, sooo candles, flowers, nice smelling oils… out of fucking nowhere. Nyanko is good at surprising Levi.
I said it before and I’ll say it again for those who still aren’t aware: Levi’s legs are actually fine post-timeskip, Nyanko just fucked him so hard that he can’t stand or walk, this is why he needs a wheelchair. The more you know.
Levi can clearly feel that Grisha is torn with guilt when they’re together, and he’d think that it would stop Grisha or make things more sad or sour, but in reality this only fuels Grisha for some reason, so he’s very passionate with Levi. He just fucks his guilt away.
Grisha can get surprisingly rough at times, even though he’s usually more or less “soft”. Levi had a lot of “oh right, this is Eren’s dad” moments when he’s with him. Sometimes everything starts with small kisses and stuff, but when Grisha just throws him on the bed and lies on top of Levi with his heavy body. The passion is always there and it’s intoxicating.
Can Grisha use his great medical knowledge and his medical supplies to do dubious stuff if we want a certain AU to have a darker and hotter turn? Heck yes he can.
Eren bites so fucking hard he can rip your skin off, but Grisha just nibbles on Levi’s neck instead. Actually, Zeke acts that way too: Eren is certainly the wildest out of all Yeagers. Levi can’t help but compare these two/three sometimes.
Connie is super excited about getting taller and the fact that Levi is now so much smaller than him. At first it was just him being happy and a little bit smug about himself, but then he started noticing how adorable and attractive Levi looks from that high angle. And now every time Levi looks at him, Connie thinks that Levi’s thinking about him being all big and all (and probably judging him for it), which ultimately resulted in Connie having fantasies about Levi riding him and bitching about him getting so big in all the right places.
If Connie ends up having sex with Levi, he’d be very scared to do something wrong at first, and he won’t be as fast as Eren at realising that Levi would let him do whatever he wants. But Levi can easily sense that Connie is as selfish and horny as Eren, so he’d probably tell Connie to relax at some point. Or just help him to relax very discreetly…
Connie would be super torn between telling everyone that he banged the Captain (with all the juicy details, some of which would probably be an exaggeration) or keeping this story to himself because this is too special to share with anyone. Besides, he wouldn’t want risking Levi not wanting to sleep with him ever again.
Moblit did have sex with Levi while being drunk once. He’s usually very focused on his work, so the thought of him being into Levi in any way has never occurred to him before that happened, but one time he just woke up with the hangover and realization that he probably fucked Levi. He wasn’t sure if that was a dream or not though, so he had to actually ask Levi if it happened, and it was super nerve-wracking and embarrassing to him. He felt super sorry and anxious, but after he realised that Levi isn’t mad at him, this situation suddenly became very hot to him.
Oluo absolutely has wet dreams about Levi. The more he thinks about him, the more he imitates him, the more in love with him he gets. At some point it stopped being about trying to impress Petra and became his own little sexual obsession.
Zackley got intrigued by Levi the moment he learned about his existence. Of course he instantly decided that Erwin took him in for more than his amazing fighting skills, and he definitely asked Erwin if that was the case, because if this is the case, Erwin might as well share. Sometimes, if you want, it can be a blackmail scenario.
Zackley’s bdsm dungeon and Levi? More likely than you think. That’s it, that’s the headcanon.
Zackley also laughs very loudly and enjoys it when Levi’s bitching about something or someone. Even when he’s telling Zackley than he’s a huge pervert. Levi might say that to shoosh Zackley away, but it’d actually just have an opposite effect.
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