#omega complex wallpaper
missestr4nged · 1 year
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manhwa recommendation: omega complex by hagong
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sabraeal · 4 years
The Lone Wolf Survives, Part 1
Obiyuki AU Bingo A/B/O AU
When Eisetsu first mentioned the Alpha’s Masque, Shirayuki has pictured a grand ballroom, swirling skirts and lithe bodies packed onto the dance floor, deals made over the punch bowl or breathlessly conveyed over a set--
Certainly not...this.
Shirayuki can admit that she has not gone to many soirees-- as few as she could gracefully bow out of while she was at Lilias-- but she’s attended enough to form an expectation. A formal dinner to start, with a seating plan so complex it verges on arcane; dancing to follow, betas patiently waiting by the refreshments for the alphas to claim them for a set.
But this, this-- their coats are swept away the moment they enter the foyer with hardly more than a word. The scent of alpha is thick in the air, deep and musky, and Shirayuki smothers the impulse to cover her nose. A barrage blooms with every breath; barely ten minutes in this manor and already her sense of smell is dulled.
No wonder Zen is so eager to seek her out after state functions; another beta would be a relief right about now.
There is no food save what is passed on trays, and if there is a ballroom she certainly hasn’t found it. Instead, the guests decorate the honeycomb of rooms in groups of two or three, or litter the dim halls, heads bent together, voices rarely raised above a murmur.
A sharp, sweet scent cuts through the fog of alpha musk, and a tray swings into her vision. “Canape, alpha?”
Her hackles raise, every hair on end. Alpha. It’s been ages since she’s heard that, since it’s been more than a joke Obi uses to annoy Zen.
The footman stands still, gaze fixed to the floor, neck bared in submission. Citrus floods her senses, sweet and tempting, and-- and it comes from him. He’s an omega.
She blinks, taking in the pile of grayish matter molded atop a pale cracker-- goose liver, probably. They seem to love their organs in the north.
“Ah--” she waves her hands-- “no, thank you.”
His eyes dart to her, brow furrowed, before dropping again. “As you wish, alpha.”
Her teeth grit at the word, but she nods. Another footman passes, just at the mouth of the corridor, and she smell berries, thick and ripe on the vine. Another omega, eyes fixed to the floor and neck curved in submission.
Her heart flutters in her chest as she marches forward, hands wrapping tight around the glossy wood of the gallery’s rail. Below, footmen and maids turn around the room, the tang of fruit and sweetness of pastry heavy in her mouth. Omegas, all of them, submissive and vacant as they pass through a swarm of alphas.
Oh, no, no. She hadn’t thought--
Shirayuki shakes her head. She needs to find Obi. Now.
“Must we keep the windows open?” Rugilia wraps himself tightly in his furs, frowning at the glass. “It may be summer, Shirayuki, but it’s still cold.”
Even with the windows cracked, his scent is thick on the air; a decadent, cloying floral that overpowers Miss’s deeper, earthier tones. Obi’s nose tickles, on tenterhooks for the sneeze to come.
“Obi doesn’t like carriages,” she explains, sending him a faint smile over her stole. “He’s more comfortable if there’s some fresh air.”
“Ah.” Rugilia casts a measuring look over at him. “Motion sick, then?”
A single breath nearly chokes him, as if he swallowed a bag of potpourri. “Something like that.”
His lordship blows a hard breath through his teeth. “Well, you are welcome to ride alongside.”
Obi’s lips spread, teeth bared in a grin. “What sort of guard would I be if I left my mistress alone?”
Rugilia shrinks beneath his furs. “I’m here.”
His mouth twitches at a corner. “You are.”
That earns him a frown. “Sir Obi, do you think I would really--?”
“That perfume.” Miss stares intently out her window, gaze fixed into the distance. “What did Yozumi say about it?”
Obi shares a look with his lordship, one both confused, exasperated, and fond. “What do you mean, Miss?”
“I just want to make sure we’re prepared.” Her lips juts out in a thoughtful pout, right above where her fingers rest. “If our theory is correct, any one of us could be exposed to that drug at the party.”
“But that doesn’t matter, does it?” Rugilia settles back against the bench with an inquisitive tilt to his head. “It only works on alphas.”
Miss nods, absent. “That’s right. But I was thinking...”
His lordship tosses him another glance; a worried one this time. “Yes?”
She bites her lip. “I know that Yozumi said his lover was an alpha, but...”
Obi hums. Trust Miss to be thinking three steps ahead. “Ah, I see.”
Rugilia frowns. “Well, I don’t.”
Miss lets out a distracted sigh. “If we can make a simple perfume to cover our scent, what’s to stop someone else from doing the same?”
He huffs out a laugh. “Well, I wouldn’t say it was simple. It took you and Little Ryuu all day to cook that up.”
“Only a day,” she reminds him, “and if Touka Bergatt is behind all this, surely he has the means to get people just as smart as us.”
“Ah.” He winks. “Impossible.”
The shadow of a smile haunts her lips, but it spooks the moment Rugilia says, “But what would the purpose of that be?”
Obi lifts a brow. “Why did a beta like yourself go to an alpha’s ball for so many years?”
The lord clucks his tongue, scolding. “Why, to find an alpha to--” the words catch in his throat, eyes pulsing wide-- “oh no.”
Miss nods, mouth grim. “Right. Some alphas are born, but others...”
“So you think Yozumi...” His lordship grimaces. “His lover was just...?”
“He’s an alpha,” Miss confirms, jaw tense. “If he chose her as his m--” she hesitates-- “partner, then she would be an alpha as well.”
“To what purpose?” Rugilia asks. “He’s only a knight, not even of the royal circle.”
Miss lets out a long, tense breath. “Maybe just to see that they could.”
That leaves his lordship speechless, staring at her with wide, pale eyes. “Ah,” he huffs, collecting himself. “I still can’t believe that man is an alpha.”
She blinks, head at an inquisitive tilt. “What do you mean?”
“It’s only...” He struggles for the word, then shrugs. “What sort alpha would consent to be beneath another?”
Obi lets out a bitter laugh. “Ah, yes. What alpha indeed?”
“It is impossible to explain to you, Sir Obi.” Rugilia explains with a lofty sigh. “An omega couldn’t understand.”
It hardly takes three turns before Shirayuki is lost. The din of the gallery is long behind her, a murmur just at the edge of her senses. Back here, smoke curls thickly through the air, vying with with alpha for dominance. Truly, she hadn’t known there were so many of them in Clarines, let alone just the North.
She turns a corner and nearly runs headlong into the man idling in it. As it is she stumbles over him, catching herself on the gauntlet on a suit of armor even Mitsuhide would be pressed to fill.
“Ah!” she gasps, righting herself, full skirt caught up in her hands. “I’m so s--”
The remnants of her words fall away as her jaw drops. The man was not lingering alone; oh no, sandwiched between his chest and the wall was a lady, both of them too-- ah-- preoccupied to notice her untimely intrusion.
“Sorry!” she yelps, scampering down the hall as fast as her gown will allow. Which is not very, considering how there are three layers of petticoats at least, not considering the heft of the skirt alone, and--
And so she isn’t quite paying attention when she runs into her next corner-lurking denizen.
“Oh, no!” she sighs, blushing as she bounces off a chest. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking--”
“No need to apologize.” The man’s nostrils flare beneath his mask, and his mouth slants in a smirk. “Alpha.”
Ah, that-- that is not the submissive whimper of the footman, but instead a bold greeting between equals, a proclamation of positions, a--
--the man saunters closer, enough that she can smell the ash and musk of his scent--
A declaration of interest. She skirts back, breath bursting from her as her shoulder brush the wallpaper behind her. “I, ah...”
There’s no way to admit he’s wrong, not when the perfume that wafts from her is woody and deep, the quintessential alpha scent. His fingers pluck the fabric of her skirt between them, mouth widening as he rubs at the silk.
“Not unless you’ve been claimed for the evening,” he rumbles, hedging into her space. “Then I would be most put-out.”
“Ha--aah?” she squeaks, willing herself into the woodwork, wishing that she had some ready excuse to give. “I...I...”
“I’m afraid, my lord...” A gloved hand tugs the skirt from the man’s hand, and with a single, swift pull, she’s buried in brocade and roses. “...That the lady is already spoken for.”
“Eh?” Rugilia blinks owlishly, swinging his head toward Miss. “Shirayuki, I know you are here to help with the perfume problem, but surely you don’t mean to come to the masque yourself.”
Miss squares her shoulders, hands clasped tight beneath the table. “As Obi said, there’s no telling who will be needed when we’re inside. If any of you are drugged, I’d be useless back at the inn.”
Tsuruba clears his throat. “But were you not just saying, Mistress Shirayuki, that this perfume only affects alphas?” He takes in a deep, pointed breath, casting a measured glance over the three of them. “I don’t believe any of us are at risk.”
Obi stitches a grin onto his face. “Ah, but are you so sure, Sir Tsuruba? There are some of us who are mysterious by nature--”
“You especially, Sir Obi,” he deadpans, eyes hooded with annoyance. Still, his mouth twitches, right at the corner. “Out of all of us, an omega is the least likely to rut.”
His mouth slants into a smile, lips parting--
“That’s not the only drug to worry about.” Miss’s teeth sink into her lip, and his nose twitches at the sharp coppery scent of her anxiety. “Lord Eisetsu, you said some of the servants had trouble remembering past masques.”
“Ah!” His lordship blinks. “Yes. I hadn’t-- you don’t think that we could possibly...?”
Obi stretches his legs out long in front of him, grunting as his knees crack. “Touka Bergatt put all the knights of Sereg to sleep with a few candles, do you really think he’d bat an eyelash at drugging a bunch of servants?”
“Haah.” Rugilia’s eyes widen, mouth bowing with dismay. “But I never-- I mean, I could always remember that night.”
He twitches his shoulders, the barest shrug, hardly noticeable when it’s Miss that holds the attention of every man in this room--
But Tsuruba’s eyes shift, slanting to the corners of his eyes, observing Obi with the same sort of graceful calculation that His Majesty is known for.
“I see why you might be worried,” he murmurs, soft voice breaking the stilted silence. His gaze mercifully pulls away, intent on his mistress. “If you won’t stay behind, Mistress Shirayuki, then what do you propose we do?”
“Teams.” There’s a confidence in her that he could have only imagined before, back when she was a beta escaped from Tanbarun’s prince, trying to hold her own amongst the alphas of Wistal, and now--
Now it is second nature to her, speaking in a way that makes these lords-- betas though they were-- lean in, hanging on her words, nodding as she speaks. “We’ll go two by two. Obi and I will be one group, and you and Lord Eisetsu will be the other.”
His lordship stiffens, shoulders raised nearly to his ears, only good breeding keeping the whine from rising up out of his throat. “Shirayuki...”
She blinks, head tilting. “Is there a problem?”
“Can we really...?” His gaze darts to where Tsuruba sits, lips pressed into a thin, white scar across his face. “Ah, never mind.”
“I understand your hesitance, Lord Eisetsu,” Tsuruba begins, stilted, hands crimped in the velvet of his cloak. “I was once my brother’s beta, bound to do his will. I may not be an alpha yet, but...” Air whistles through his teeth. “...but I have already submitted to His Highness, Prince Zen. My brother holds no sway over me. Not anymore.”
“I see.” Obi does not miss the dubious glance Rugilia darts at Miss. “Well, I supposed it’s far too late to be questioning my mate in the nest I’ve made for myself...”
Her savior pulls her away, the kid of his gloves soft against her wrist. She stumbles after him, losing track of the dizzying turns he takes to lead her into an empty hall.
“Lord Eisetsu!” she breathes when they stop, not missing how his eyes dart over her shoulder, even the uncovered portion of his face a mask. “Thank you for--”
“You should be more careful,” he warns her, gaze dropping down to her own. “Not everyone is here for...plotting intrigue.”
“What do you--?” Her mouth clicks shut, remembering the couple embracing in the hall, how Izana had taken so long to pick the perfect alpha bride-- “Ah. Yes. Of...of course.”
A beta would be no prize for a lord, but a born alpha-- well, Eisetsu had attended these parties for a reason, despite his natural inclination.
Her mind churns as she looks at him, his face so foreign beneath his mask while his scent is so familiar. It’s an impossible task to marshal her thoughts, to try to put together what she’s only just begun to know-- the omegas, the candles, the lack of memory but not his-- and she opens her mouth if only to have the ideas out in the air between them, easier to sift through, but--
“Where is Tsuruba?” comes out instead. Eisetsu flinches, eyes darting to the empty space just over her shoulder.
“I...I don’t know,” he admits. “I’m afraid I lost him soon after we left the foyer.” He stares at the empty space beside her. “Isn’t Obi supposed to be with you”
“We were separated.” At least, she assumes so; one minute a footman was taking her cloak, the next she was alone in a sea of alphas, with only her perfume to help her. “I don’t know where he is.”
Eisetsu’s mouth slants into a self-deprecating smile. “I see both of us have been poor partners. Maybe we should--”
“I need to find him.” She grips his arms, holding him fast. “I-- it’s too dangerous for him.”
He laughs; not the rakish one he showed her that first night, but a deeper, smoother sound that’s real. “Shirayuki, I know you must be worried, but of any of us, Obi is the last one who would need rescue.”
“No, you don’t understand.” Her fingers curl into the wool of his coat, so much smoother than Obi’s dress blacks. “The servants, they’re all omegas.”
Eisetsu blinks. “I’m sorry?”“
“You said the servants would hardly remember what happened at the masques, but you, you were fine.” Her breath rasps harshly in her lung. “All the footmen, the maids-- they’re all omegas.”
“W-what? You can’t mean--” he scans the room, wide-eyed, nostrils flared-- “oh. Oh no.”
Shirayuki hopes he cannot feel how her hands tremble where they grip him. “Have you seen him?”
It is strange how with only half a mask, his face had become so foreign, so unreadable. But still, still-- there are ways.
His hands spasm where they cradle her elbows, fingers curling, nails digging into her flesh. His gloves mute her discomfort, but her heart still beats wild in her chest.
“Lord Eisetsu,” she pleads, stepping closer. His saw stiffens; what skin still left exposed turning paler. “Have you seen him?”
“Mistress Shirayuki.”
A hand catches her as she takes her first step down into the gallery, clasping the crook of her elbow. When she turns, it is into pale violet eyes she looks, as serious as he was at the in.
“Lord Tsuruba,” she murmurs, leaning toward him. “Is something--?”
“Take care of him,” he says, short and terse, so unlike his brother. “Keep him safe.”
She blinks. “I’m sorry?”
“Sir Obi.” His gaze is intense this close, his worry far beyond his years. “He thinks he can handle himself, but he’s in more danger than any of us.”
His eyes dart over her shoulder, mouth pulling thin. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a companion to keep in my sight.”
“I have. I mean, I just did,” Eisetsu admits, grip loosening. His shoulders round, just the slightest bit, and once again, he’s the hapless lord she knows him as. “Just before I met you, in fact.”
“Where?” she breathes, searching over his shoulder, shifting weight between her feet. “Was he all right?”
His lips press together, white and thin. “I think so? He didn’t say hello, but...nothing out of the ordinary.”
The lords points past her. “Back that way, the second hall to the right.”
“Oh!” She gives his arms one last squeeze before hopping away. “Second...second hall to the right! T-thank you!”
“Ah...” He coughs, a delicate thing into his fist. “No, don’t thank me. Not yet.” The smile he gives her is faint. “Not until you find him.”
She nods. “Right. I will!”
Some of the tension leaves his face, and his smile becomes almost...fond. “Of course you will. Good hunting, Shirayuki.”
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sparkie96 · 4 years
Being filled or Bukkake?
How about filled with a child and anger? Possible future project. VergilLeon/NeloLeon
(Summary: Good news: Leon and Sherry don’t immediately get picked up by the US Government post Raccoon City and shortly after their departure with Claire. 
Bad News: They’re taken by demons in disguise who work for Mundus...though it’s not totally bad because they’re “gifted” to Nelo Angelo. The demon knight takes pity on them because he is reminded of what had happened to his mother. When Nelo hears of what the two had endured, he respects them both and even grew to love Leon and care for Sherry as if she were his own pup.)
Rated M for off-screen sexy times, language, and gore. Canon Typical stuff. 
Leon shifted uncomfortably, wearing the attire of this “realm” as that crazy creature looking thing put it. The supposed “King” of the “Underworld” and all that jazz. Leon found all of this to be insane and he was quietly wondering if he and Sherry had been taken by some angry failed Umbrella experiments. But these things did things that even “viruses” couldn’t do. At least...he didn’t think they could, he did see some crazy shit in Raccoon City. 
And then there was this Nelo Angelo guy who looked pretty normal underneath the helmet and armor, at least, as normal as one could look when they had gray skin, black veins and red orbs and snow white hair. At least he was human looking, and Leon had wondered if he had once been a prisoner like them. From the few times he had taken the Omega, Leon didn’t end up infected with anything and he smelled like a normal Alpha. 
Though, there was a hint of a scent that was a bit off, but not rancid like Mundus or the other whatever the fuck they were. Leon often wondered what Nelo had done to deserve the constant mocking and insults from Mundus. The Demon King often called Nelo “half-breed” or “abomination” along with mocking his mother’s death and his father’s dishonor. It had been after one particularly violent dinner that Nelo had Leon and Sherry eat in his quarters from then on, the knight eating with them, but never saying a word. 
Come to think of it, Leon had never heard the Alpha say much of anything, even during sex. It had been mostly growls and grunts then. The only time Leon had heard his voice was when the knight told them where everything was in his humble abode. And even then, it was mostly one word sentences in a quiet, almost strained voice. 
Leon laid on the bed with Sherry, the little girl reading a book she had procured from Nelo’s collection of books. She wore a simple blue night gown as she cuddled up to the Omega, both of them unable to sleep due to nightmares. Leon pulled at the clothes he wore, feeling a bit cold. He wore a simple white buttoned down shirt and soft black pants. He wasn’t sure if they were supposed to be sleep clothes or lounge wear here, but he wore them because they were the comfiest things he could find. Nelo hadn’t come home yet either from whatever he had been tasked to do. 
Sherry was a smart girl but she struggled a bit with the complex reading, asking Leon to help her with some words and what they meant. The story itself read much like a fairytale. This one told a tale of a human woman named Eva falling for a demon knight named Sparda. Leon listened and occasionally helped read, finding himself very invested in the story as well. Two people, or well, a demon and a human, who had fallen in love, so much so, the demon gave up his power and position to be with her, sealing off the Gates of Hell so their family could be safe. He had done some other things, but Leon had no idea what they were, but he assumed it was all very honorable. 
“Oh no, I read ahead by accident!” Sherry exclaimed suddenly, “I don’t know if I want to read anymore…” 
“Why?” Leon asked curiously, “What happens?” 
Sherry swallowed down a breath before pointing to the part she had read ahead to. Leon looked down at it, feeling a little disappointed, “Oh no...he disappears?” 
Sherry nodded, “Uh huh...what about Eva? And their sons?” 
Leon tried to maintain a bit of optimism, saying that they could keep reading and see if he maybe came back to be with them. Sherry nodded, hoping that he did because she would be very disappointed if he didn’t. 
“He doesn’t.” A voice by the door said. 
Leon and Sherry looked up, seeing Nelo standing there with his helmet under his arm, “Oh, sorry, we didn’t hear you.” Leon apologized, about to get up to help the elder out of his armor but Nelo held up a hand, telling Leon to lie back down, so that he could take care of his own armor.
“Oh…” Sherry deflated at the news, “He doesn’t?” 
“No.” Nelo replied with a shake of his head, setting the armor on it’s rack, standing before them in black slacks, “Sadly, he doesn’t…” 
“Spoiler Alert.” Leon sighed, about to close the book, but Sherry protested, “He doesn’t come back, Sherry Berry.” 
“But I want to know what happens to his family!” 
“No, you don’t.” Nelo said, “Trust me...especially since the story is based on a true story.” 
Leon and Sherry looked up at the man with twin looks that were a mix of confusion and shock. Nelo sat on the side of the end of the bed, gently taking the book from Leon’s hands, closing it and looking at the cover sadly. He ran his clawed hand over the symbol on the cover, giving it a longing look before setting it down on the bed next to him. 
He turned to Leon and Sherry, both still watching him curiously,  “Have you two eaten dinner yet?” He asked nonchalantly, changing the subject. 
Leon nodded, still in awe at the sound of the Alpha’s voice, “Yes, but I can prepare you dinner if you want, even though it’s late.” 
“No, thank you.” Nelo simply replied, “I shall make something for myself. You two try to get some sleep.” 
Leon and Sherry watched as the Alpha stood once more, taking the book with him. Waiting for the door to shut behind Nelo, Sherry looked up at Leon, asking him if he thought the story had been real. He merely shrugged, saying that it wasn’t entirely impossible to believe, considering all that they had seen and experienced. Sherry then asked what might have happened to the family, the little girl obviously looking a bit distressed. 
“...I’m not sure.” Leon replied, gently brushing gold locks out of her eyes, “...But we can make-up a happy ending for them.” 
Sherry smiled and nodded as Leon tried to recall where they had left off before making up the ending for the little family. One where the father came back and saved his wife and children from some bad demons. The little girl listened intently, seemingly a bit more at ease with their ending, blue eyes fluttering closed as she laid her head on his chest. After Leon had said that they lived happily ever after, and once Sherry had drifted off to sleep, the Omega carefully carried the little girl to her own room. After tucking her in, he gently kissed her forehead before quietly exiting her room. The door slowly closed behind him with a soft click. 
Leon looked from the intricately detailed door to the living room area where Nelo now sat. The tall being now sitting on the couch, watching the now lit fireplace before him. Leon decided to not go back to their shared room, deciding to sit with him instead. As he approached, he noticed the room didn’t smell of food, but Leon could faintly smell the scent of tea. Jasmine? Green Tea? Maybe a mix of both? 
As he sat beside the man, he could smell the flowery fragrance, seeing the porcelain teacup between his hands, “You’re having jasmine tea for dinner?” 
Nelo hummed, not turning his attention away from the burning embers in the fireplace, listening to the crackling sound, “I’m not hungry…” 
Leon gave him a sympathetic look, unable to read the expression on the Alpha’s features, “Are you okay?” 
Nelo stared ahead for a moment longer before slowly turning his head and looking at Leon, blood red orbs staring into his own, “Do I look okay to you?” 
The Omega studied his features, looking at the black veins that stood so prominent under the gray skin, running like inky rivers of black through bare fields of ash and smoke. The red eyes reminded Leon of blood, and suddenly the Omega found himself seeing flashes of teeth rip through flesh, the same blood red smeared across said teeth, rotten flesh and tattered clothes. He then saw flashes of the pools of blood and the spatters that splashed across the walls and windows of the RPD’s Waiting Room, staining and clashing against the blue of the wallpaper and the tiled floor. All he could hear were the growls and snarls of the hideous undead, the screeching and roaring of monsters. 
Leon turned his eyes away from Nelo, gasping as his breathing picked up. He clenched his eyes shut as he tried to regain his composure, pushing the traumatic memories to the back of his mind before he could suffer another panic attack. Nelo scoffed beside him, and Leon could see the man shake his head out of the corner of his eye.
“Thought so.” Nelo merely said, turning to stare at the fireplace again, sipping at his tea before settling the cup back on the saucer, “You can’t even look at me now...I haven’t been okay in a long time.” 
“No…” Leon whispered with shaken breaths, “It’s not...you, specifically.” 
Nelo raised a brow, looking back at the Omega. Leon looked at Nelo, trying to focus on the man’s eyes without losing it again. The Omega was definitely shaken up, but he pushed the fear back down, explaining that it wasn’t Nelo exactly. It was Leon’s own fucked up brain, his screwed up memories and even more terrifying nightmares. That’s why he and Sherry were still awake when the Alpha had returned. 
“We’re still not over what happened in Raccoon…” Leon admitted, swallowing the lump in his throat, “All that blood...all those monsters. Christ, even Sherry’s own father tried to kill her, for fuck’s sake. It’s like, who the fuck would do this? Why? Normal people like you and me turned into...these fucking things out of a horror movie...and for what? Some military contract? Money? Why?!” 
Nelo listened intently, haven’t not heard Leon’s tale before this. He had been curious when Mundus mentioned that Sherry and Leon were “Extraordinary Creatures”, saying that they had “earned the honor” of not being made food or breeding mules. Hence why they had been “gifted” to Nelo, but the Alpha himself often wondered what made them so special...until now. 
These monsters...were they demons? Or made into beastly creatures by demons? Sherry smelled tainted, not like any human he had ever encountered, but she never changed or acted strangely. Nelo didn’t sense danger when around her, so there was no way she was a demon. And Leon smelt like a normal human Omega...though, Leon’s scent now smells slightly off. Not like a heat...but there was something else. Something new. 
Leon went into the whole process of how he and Sherry had been found by Mundus’s men, who had been looking for something but had found Leon and Sherry instead. They had disguised themselves as normal looking humans, wearing military gear and Leon explained that he and Sherry thought they were the rescue team. He thought they were there looking to help any survivors. 
“And then there was this flash of light and then we were...here…” Leon noticed that Nelo was sniffing at his hair and then moving to smell around his face and neck, “Are you even listening? What are you doing?” 
“I heard you.” Nelo admitted, setting the teacup down on the coffee table in front of them before grabbing Leon by the leg and pulling, the Omega falling backward onto the couch cushions, “You smell off.” 
“What?” Leon asked in confusion, Nelo climbing on top of him, drawing a sound of protest as Nelo unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it open, “Hey!” 
“You weren't planted with anything, were you?” Nelo asked, hands settling on the Omega’s chest, glowing a dark blue as he continued to smell the younger, “Mundus didn’t stick anything inside of you or the girl?” 
Leon furrowed his brows up at the Alpha, “No. I wouldn’t even let him or his assholes near Sherry.” 
Nelo kept “frisking” the younger, his hand glowing as he scanned it over Leon’s form. Not only did the human smell weird, but the Alpha sensed a demonic energy inside of Leon, so he had been a bit paranoid that Mundus had done something to the human to spite him. His hand stopped at Leon’s stomach, or rather the area where his womb was, the glow turning from dark blue to a color Nelo hadn’t seen since…
...His palm was now glowing a bright baby blue color, and Nelo felt a sense of familiarity. A sense of peace…like when he was a child. He laid his head against the Omega’s womb, his hand touching Leon’s stomach. If Dante couldn’t succeed in defeating Mundus and falling to the demon king...then there was still hope inside of the Omega.
Leon looked down at the elder, noticing that there were tears in his eyes before the Alpha shut them, “Nelo?” 
Nelo looked up at him, lying in Leon’s lap, “You carry the last hope for your world should my brother fall to Mundus.” 
At the younger’s even more confused and shocked expression, Nelo explained that the story Leon and Sherry had read had indeed been a true story...a story about Nelo’s own family. He told Leon the full story, how his father, Sparda, had been the greatest warrior in all of the underworld. He was the most powerful demon knight who had led Mundus’s army and had been the demon’s right hand man. He helped Mundus win many battles in the underworld before Mundus looked to move on to the human world. 
But Sparda soon realized that what Mundus had been doing was wrong. He wanted to save humanity...so he did. He had defeated Mundus and sealed off the Gates of Hell across the world. He had done this for thousands of years, defeating any demons who threatened the Earth or threatened to open the Gates. He defended humanity and acted as their savior. 
“And then, in the twentieth century…” Nelo began, drifting off as he thought of his mother, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him.
“He met your mother, Eva.” Leon realized, recalling the story he and Sherry read, “And she gave birth to you and your brother...which twin are you?” 
Nelo called forth a sword with what little strength he had left, the once mighty katana looking quite worn and fragile.
“...Vergil…” Leon recalled, looking over the katana, remembering the description of the swords given to each twin, “That’s the…? Is that the one Mundus is looking for? Wouldn’t he have just read that book to find out what happened to it?” 
The demon knight shook his head, “The book came from a forbidden archive in a city in the human world. A city called Fortuna.” Nelo explained, “It’s also where they had been keeping my sword for safekeeping...until I found out what they had been trying to do with it.” 
“What were they doing with it?” Leon asked, “What does it do? Why is Mundus looking for it?” 
Nelo explained that the sword is imbued with demonic energy, it’s so powerful that it could cut through anything, it could even cut open gateways between realms and worlds. It had been one of the swords that sealed off one of the Gates in Fortuna. It had been forged by his father, and was as strong as the user wielding it. 
The Alpha gave it a sad look, “Unfortunately, due to my own callousness...I am no longer worthy of its power...and the Yamato is weak in my possession.” 
Nelo continued on, saying that he had opened one of the gates in order to procure his father’s power from Hell, nearly destroying the human world while he was at it. He hoped to make himself stronger...but in doing so he had failed and fell into the netherworld, encountering Mundus at the same time. Sadly, he had failed at that too, and now he was Mundus’s servant and knight. 
Leon looked at him in horror, “You...you did what?!” He asked, pulling himself out from under the Alpha, backpedalling to the otherside of the couch, “You’re one of the bad guys then?” 
“You don’t understand,” Nelo said, shaking his head, sitting back on his knees and looking up at the Omega, “I had to. I needed to become stronger...without strength…” 
“Bullshit!” Leon exclaimed, standing before the man and feeling a sense of betrayal, “People could have died!” 
“Humanity is weak.” Nelo insisted, “Not all of it, but a lot of humanity is weak. Frail, helpless, fragile. It can end in an instant. Humans give in to temptation, greed, anger...they kill one another for frivolous things and reasons, oblivious to the true evil that lies beneath them.” 
“Not all of us!” Leon hollered, pointing an accusatory finger at the Alpha, “Some of us have morals and give a shit about others. That’s the reason I joined the force! To serve and protect the people! Yeah, there’s a bunch of bad apples who want to fuck everyone over for their own selfish reasons, I’ve seen it first hand! I’ve fucking fought through it! But you know what? It’s up to us to stop those people! To be better than them! Not become them!” 
Leon was red in the face now, “And demons like your father saw that! He helped the humans! Despite the assholes, he helped humanity! He loved your mother and he loved you and your brother! And now you’re spitting in their faces!” 
The Omega was now pacing in front of the coffee table, anger radiating off of the younger in waves, reminding Nelo of an angry Lion in a cage, seconds from pouncing, “You don’t have to have all this power to be strong! That’s not strength! Strength comes from within! It’s the ability to get knocked down, get back up, dust yourself off and keep going! I didn’t inject myself with any of those fucking viruses to make myself “stronger”! I kept fighting and kept going! I had to for Claire and Sherry’s sake!” 
Now it was Nelo’s turn to be stunned silent, looking up at the human before him. As much as he wanted to strike the Omega down for speaking to him in such a manner, he found he didn’t have it in him. He couldn’t. On one hand, a part of him was angry, the demon inside wanting to know what right the human had to speak to him in such a manner. On the other hand, what little remained of his humanity respected Leon’s courage and outspoken nature, silently agreeing with him. 
He had never encountered a human that didn’t immediately kiss his ass or bow to him in fear. Or encourage his behavior because of his father’s name or in hopes of tasting the power he had or was trying to acquire… 
...he could see why Mundus hadn’t killed Leon. Mundus preyed on fear...but Leon didn’t seem like one who was easily scared. He obviously was never one to beg for his life either. Nelo stood, going toward the still ranting Omega whom he had only admired for his physical attributes and sweetness, but now also admired for his fire and strength. The Omega who was now carrying his child and would lead them down a path to a better life...a path he himself could no longer follow. 
He would get them and Sherry out of here. When he would inevitably be sent after his brother in the human world, he would leave them somewhere safe. Or he would find a way to get them to safety sooner. 
“...and I will be damned if I let you do anything to Sherry or...mmph!” Leon was cut-off by lips capturing his own for a searing kiss. 
A muffled protest left the Omega, pulling away for a moment, “Oh no you don’t! You’re not gonna change my mind...HEY!” Leon exclaimed, the Alpha lifting him up and carrying him over his shoulder, picking up the Yamato on the way to the bedroom, “HEY! PUT ME DOWN! WE ARE NOT DONE HERE!” 
“You are going to rest,” Nelo said, “And then tomorrow, you and I will discuss your means of escape. Your friend is still on her way to Europe to find her brother, yes?” 
Leon stopped struggling, looking at the back of the man’s head, “Claire? Yeah. Why? You better not…wait, escape?” 
“I’ll help her or her brother. Whomever I find first.” Nelo informed the Omega, bumping the bedroom door open with the toe of his boot, “And then I will make arrangements with them to guarantee yours, Sherry’s and the child within you’s safety. You’ll keep and hide the Yamato and carry our child in exchange for me helping you.” 
He set Leon down on the bed, blue eyes looking up in shock at Nelo, “Wait...there’s a baby inside of me?!” 
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
This Story Behind Sunflower Oil Painting Will Haunt You Forever! | sunflower oil painting
The MarketWatch News Department was not complex in the conception of this content.
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Painting My World: Make Oil Painting Simple with a Limited .. | sunflower oil painting
May 20, 2020 (SUPER MARKET RESEARCH via COMTEX) — According to a new address by EMR titled, ‘Latin America Vegetable Oil Bazaar Address and Anticipation 2020-2025‘, the Latin America vegetable oil bazaar is accurate by the ascent assembly of oilseeds in the region, which is accepted to accord to the all-around oilseed production. The all-around oilseed assembly is accepted to attain 605 actor tonnes amid 2020 and 2025.
The Latin America vegetable oil bazaar is led by soybean oil, with Brazil bearing 117 actor tons, Argentina bearing 55 actor tons, and Paraguay bearing 9.5 actor bags of soybean, respectively. Vegetable oil is acquired by applying burden on the accustomed bulb sources like nuts, seeds, and fruits. They are abundantly acclimated for affable and comprise of advantageous nutrients like omega-3 and omega-6 blubbery acids, vitamin E, and monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated fats. The bounded markets of Latin America vegetable oil are Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia, amid others. Argentina, especially, is a arch exporter in the arena and third-largest exporter in the world.
Get a chargeless sample for this bazaar abstraction actuality –https://bit.ly/3bLTOVo
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Sunny Sunflowers, oil painting on canvas – sunflower oil painting | sunflower oil painting
Argentina and Brazil are the arch vegetable oil markets in Latin America. The two regions are actuality apprenticed by the ascent oilseed crush. Argentina is projected to annual for about 11% of the oilseed drove globally by 2027, while Brazil will annual for 10% of the absolute oilseed drove in the year. Thus, the able-bodied advance of the vegetable oil bazaar in these two countries is auspicious the amplification of above all-around companies into the region. In April 2017, Bunge Limited (NYSE: BG), a arch key amateur in the market, acquired Argentinian comestible oil company, Aceitera Martinez S.A. Aceitera Martinez holds specialization in the assembly as able-bodied as the packaging of comestible oils, including soybean and sunflower oil. This accretion includes the facilities, which are able with the state-of-art technology and three packaging lines, accepting 20,000 bags per ages installed capacity.
Read Full Address Description With Table Of Contents -https://bit.ly/2X93J1Q
Market Assay by Types:
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Yellow Daisy – sunflower oil painting | sunflower oil painting
The vegetable oil bazaar is disconnected on the abject of blazon into access oil, canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, and attic oil, amid others.
Market Assay by Applications:
Based on application, the bazaar is anecdotal into food, industrial, and biofuel, amid others.
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Original Large Oil Painting .Sunflower | sunflower oil painting
Market Assay by Regions:
The bounded markets for vegetable oil in
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Peacock Fantasy – Fine Art of Lucy Arnold – sunflower oil painting | sunflower oil painting
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Julie Douglas, Notes from The Atelier: Sunflowers, oil .. | sunflower oil painting
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Designart – Sunflower Oil Painting – Floral Canvas Art Print – Yellow – sunflower oil painting | sunflower oil painting
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Gift Art wall Modern Home decor Color sunflower oil .. | sunflower oil painting
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5 Things You Should Know About How UppstArt is Changing .. | sunflower oil painting
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Sunflower Oil Painting, Yellow Floral Display 16×16 inches 16cm, Abstract Sunflowers – sunflower oil painting | sunflower oil painting
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Lori's Stormy Art and Daily Paintings: Sold Sunflower Oil .. | sunflower oil painting
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Heavy Impasto Palette Knife Acrylic Painting Demo – Gary .. | sunflower oil painting
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NIGHT SUNFLOWERS — PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By .. | sunflower oil painting
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LIVING SUNFLOWERS — PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov – sunflower oil painting | sunflower oil painting
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40x50cm SunFlowers Frameless picture on wall acrylic oil .. | sunflower oil painting
The post This Story Behind Sunflower Oil Painting Will Haunt You Forever! | sunflower oil painting appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/this-story-behind-sunflower-oil-painting-will-haunt-you-forever-sunflower-oil-painting/
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watsonrodriquezie · 7 years
9 Trends of Primal Interest
I get a lot of industry news. I eat out a fair bit. I talk to people whose job it is to spot and track health trends. I’m privy to some of the greatest, most innovative minds in the alternative health community—my readers. And you guys are always sending me interesting links. Today, I’m going to discuss some trends of Primal interest. I might poke fun at some of them, and others might be relatively small-scale, but even the silly or minor ones point to interesting movements in the health and fitness zeitgeist.
So, what are the 9 I’m highlighting today?
Experiences over Things
In 2015, I wrote about the dichotomy of value between experiences and things, pointing to research suggesting that buying experiences brings more joy and meaning to a person’s life than buying material objects. I explained how our hunter-gatherer evolution probably wired us to get more out of experiences, and I dug a bit into my own opinion on the matter.
People appear to be agreeing with me. Millennials in particular are choosing things like travel and dining out over gear and gadgets. And the material objects people are consuming enable experiential living—smartphones, fitness trackers, and such. Even media consumption is shifting away from ownership of music and movies to on-demand services like Spotify and Netflix.
Eating Root-to-Leaf
Nose-to-tail eating has taken off. Previously arcane bits like sweetbreads, liver, tripe, marrow, and kidney are on menus everywhere, and few people bat an eye anymore. It’s normal.
Eating root-to-leaf means considering the edibility of the entire plant. More often than not, we’re throwing away a large amount of digestible, nutrient-dense flora.
Broccoli crowns are amazing, but did you know you can eat the leaves? Broccoli leaves are some of my favorite. This also works for Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and celery.
It means eating roots and their greens, whether it’s a carrot, a beet, a rutabaga, or a turnip. When the guy at the farmer’s market asks if you want him to “twist off the leaves,” say “absolutely not.”
Even things like lemon, orange, or grapefruit rinds can be grated, pickled, or processed to extract the flavonoids.
Artisanal Wilderness Retreats
Outfits are taking young professionals on carefully curated excursions into the wild. Check out this video from Wilderness Collective documenting their maiden trip. Yes, it’s overwrought. Yes, it’s a bit silly and a little too perfect. But it’s satisfying a real need people have: spending unbroken days immersed in natural settings.
Walking the dog in the park before work is better than nothing. Putting up a Yosemite wallpaper on your laptop is nice (and may even have an effect). Actually spending 5 nights camping out and trekking through Yosemite is nicer and far more real, even if you’ve got a Michelin-starred chef flambéing flat iron steaks for you at dinnertime.
Movement, Not Just Exercise
There’s growing awareness of the importance and primacy of frequent—constant, if you can—low-level movement. Developments like fitness trackers, walking clubs at the workplace, the rise of standing workstations (pun intended), the bi-monthly article railing against the dangers of sitting too much, the concept of “exercise snacks,” (mini workouts done throughout the day) and the constant recommendations that people walk at least 10,000 steps a day suggest that the word has gotten out. Folks like Katy Bowman (of Don’t Just Sit There fame) have played a huge role in furthering, explicating, and refining the message.
Formal, dedicated training isn’t going anywhere. Nor should it. The stuff plain works. But it works better atop a foundation of constant low-level movement.
Health and Wellness Tourism
I’m not talking about jetting off to Costa Rica for dental work, or Thailand for a sex change operation. I’m talking about hiking the Pacific Coast Trail, or maybe the Appalachian Trail, or even flying to Spain to hike the Camino de Santiago, or to Turkey to do the Lycian Way. Kickboxing camps in Chiang Mai, Inca Trail maintenance at Machu Picchu, WWOOFing.
Right now, we know a few things about the interactions between specific genetic variants and certain foods, activities, and environmental inputs. But biology is probably the most complex system in the universe. We’re missing a ton.
It’s also getting better. Scientists continue to unmask, identify, and catalogue new variants and their effects—and how what you eat and how you train affects them. A product I used and enjoyed, DNA Fit, and similar ones will only get better, more accurate, and more comprehensive.
Monetization of Recovery Days
With all the CrossFitting, Tough Muddering, Olympic lifting, and other training people are doing, they’re finally beginning to wise up to the role recovery days play in fitness. But rather than only rely on time off and sleep, they’re spending big bucks on the best recovery money can buy. Float tanks (rich in magnesium sulfate epsom salts; the sensory deprivation activates but ultimately helps you tame the monkey mind), cryotherapy chambers (ultra-cold therapy), mobility tools that help you stretch and perform self-myofascial release.
Yes, this can get expensive. This isn’t a bad thing. I’ve always argued for more rest and relaxation and recovery, and the consensual exchange of money for services indicates that consumers of cryotherapy, float tanks, mobility/self-myofascial-release products are clearly getting something out of the exchange.
The Rise of Purple Food
Used to be you could only get a big whack of the all-important purple anthocyanins from a cup of blueberries. That’s changing. There’s purple carrots, purple cauliflower, purple sweet potatoes, purple regular potato, purple asparagus, purple corn, black rice. These aren’t recent creations. Purple/black varieties of produce have been around for decades. They’re becoming more prominent though. All that purple doesn’t make up for the loss of Prince, but it’s probably good for our insulin sensitivity and cognitive function.
Cellular Agriculture
Tech companies’ recent forays into food haven’t gone very well, but cellular agriculture could be a game changer. To grow a piece of beef in the lab, they culture stem cells taken from a piece of beef off an actual living cow. Tender cuts (filets) are harvested earlier, tougher cuts (chuck) are harvested later.
The most prominent cellular agriculture company, Memphis Meats, hopes to have its stem cell-grown “clean” chicken and pork on store shelves by 2021. They’ve already got a working meatball for people to taste.
Will it save us?
That remains to be seen. The “cultured meat” evangelists who decry the climactic impact of ruminants always overlook the vital role holistically-grazed livestock play in maintaining soil health, re-greening land, and building carbon sinks. What other “alternative” benefits of eating and raising traditional will they miss? If they try to “optimize” the fatty acid content of a stem-cell ribeye by excising the saturated fat and bumping up the linoleic acid, I will be very upset (but not very surprised).
If the technology gets cheap enough, we’ll probably be able to grow our own at home to whichever specifications we like. Bump up the vitamin K2, omega-3, collagen, zinc, and so on. That could be cool. Whatever the supposed benefits, if it doesn’t taste and behave just like good meat I’m not interested.
That’s it for me, folks. What about you? What are the trends you’re watching for? Which are the trends you’ve adopted? Let me know down below, and thanks for reading!
0 notes
fishermariawo · 7 years
9 Trends of Primal Interest
I get a lot of industry news. I eat out a fair bit. I talk to people whose job it is to spot and track health trends. I’m privy to some of the greatest, most innovative minds in the alternative health community—my readers. And you guys are always sending me interesting links. Today, I’m going to discuss some trends of Primal interest. I might poke fun at some of them, and others might be relatively small-scale, but even the silly or minor ones point to interesting movements in the health and fitness zeitgeist.
So, what are the 9 I’m highlighting today?
Experiences over Things
In 2015, I wrote about the dichotomy of value between experiences and things, pointing to research suggesting that buying experiences brings more joy and meaning to a person’s life than buying material objects. I explained how our hunter-gatherer evolution probably wired us to get more out of experiences, and I dug a bit into my own opinion on the matter.
People appear to be agreeing with me. Millennials in particular are choosing things like travel and dining out over gear and gadgets. And the material objects people are consuming enable experiential living—smartphones, fitness trackers, and such. Even media consumption is shifting away from ownership of music and movies to on-demand services like Spotify and Netflix.
Eating Root-to-Leaf
Nose-to-tail eating has taken off. Previously arcane bits like sweetbreads, liver, tripe, marrow, and kidney are on menus everywhere, and few people bat an eye anymore. It’s normal.
Eating root-to-leaf means considering the edibility of the entire plant. More often than not, we’re throwing away a large amount of digestible, nutrient-dense flora.
Broccoli crowns are amazing, but did you know you can eat the leaves? Broccoli leaves are some of my favorite. This also works for Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and celery.
It means eating roots and their greens, whether it’s a carrot, a beet, a rutabaga, or a turnip. When the guy at the farmer’s market asks if you want him to “twist off the leaves,” say “absolutely not.”
Even things like lemon, orange, or grapefruit rinds can be grated, pickled, or processed to extract the flavonoids.
Artisanal Wilderness Retreats
Outfits are taking young professionals on carefully curated excursions into the wild. Check out this video from Wilderness Collective documenting their maiden trip. Yes, it’s overwrought. Yes, it’s a bit silly and a little too perfect. But it’s satisfying a real need people have: spending unbroken days immersed in natural settings.
Walking the dog in the park before work is better than nothing. Putting up a Yosemite wallpaper on your laptop is nice (and may even have an effect). Actually spending 5 nights camping out and trekking through Yosemite is nicer and far more real, even if you’ve got a Michelin-starred chef flambéing flat iron steaks for you at dinnertime.
Movement, Not Just Exercise
There’s growing awareness of the importance and primacy of frequent—constant, if you can—low-level movement. Developments like fitness trackers, walking clubs at the workplace, the rise of standing workstations (pun intended), the bi-monthly article railing against the dangers of sitting too much, the concept of “exercise snacks,” (mini workouts done throughout the day) and the constant recommendations that people walk at least 10,000 steps a day suggest that the word has gotten out. Folks like Katy Bowman (of Don’t Just Sit There fame) have played a huge role in furthering, explicating, and refining the message.
Formal, dedicated training isn’t going anywhere. Nor should it. The stuff plain works. But it works better atop a foundation of constant low-level movement.
Health and Wellness Tourism
I’m not talking about jetting off to Costa Rica for dental work, or Thailand for a sex change operation. I’m talking about hiking the Pacific Coast Trail, or maybe the Appalachian Trail, or even flying to Spain to hike the Camino de Santiago, or to Turkey to do the Lycian Way. Kickboxing camps in Chiang Mai, Inca Trail maintenance at Machu Picchu, WWOOFing.
Right now, we know a few things about the interactions between specific genetic variants and certain foods, activities, and environmental inputs. But biology is probably the most complex system in the universe. We’re missing a ton.
It’s also getting better. Scientists continue to unmask, identify, and catalogue new variants and their effects—and how what you eat and how you train affects them. A product I used and enjoyed, DNA Fit, and similar ones will only get better, more accurate, and more comprehensive.
Monetization of Recovery Days
With all the CrossFitting, Tough Muddering, Olympic lifting, and other training people are doing, they’re finally beginning to wise up to the role recovery days play in fitness. But rather than only rely on time off and sleep, they’re spending big bucks on the best recovery money can buy. Float tanks (rich in magnesium sulfate epsom salts; the sensory deprivation activates but ultimately helps you tame the monkey mind), cryotherapy chambers (ultra-cold therapy), mobility tools that help you stretch and perform self-myofascial release.
Yes, this can get expensive. This isn’t a bad thing. I’ve always argued for more rest and relaxation and recovery, and the consensual exchange of money for services indicates that consumers of cryotherapy, float tanks, mobility/self-myofascial-release products are clearly getting something out of the exchange.
The Rise of Purple Food
Used to be you could only get a big whack of the all-important purple anthocyanins from a cup of blueberries. That’s changing. There’s purple carrots, purple cauliflower, purple sweet potatoes, purple regular potato, purple asparagus, purple corn, black rice. These aren’t recent creations. Purple/black varieties of produce have been around for decades. They’re becoming more prominent though. All that purple doesn’t make up for the loss of Prince, but it’s probably good for our insulin sensitivity and cognitive function.
Cellular Agriculture
Tech companies’ recent forays into food haven’t gone very well, but cellular agriculture could be a game changer. To grow a piece of beef in the lab, they culture stem cells taken from a piece of beef off an actual living cow. Tender cuts (filets) are harvested earlier, tougher cuts (chuck) are harvested later.
The most prominent cellular agriculture company, Memphis Meats, hopes to have its stem cell-grown “clean” chicken and pork on store shelves by 2021. They’ve already got a working meatball for people to taste.
Will it save us?
That remains to be seen. The “cultured meat” evangelists who decry the climactic impact of ruminants always overlook the vital role holistically-grazed livestock play in maintaining soil health, re-greening land, and building carbon sinks. What other “alternative” benefits of eating and raising traditional will they miss? If they try to “optimize” the fatty acid content of a stem-cell ribeye by excising the saturated fat and bumping up the linoleic acid, I will be very upset (but not very surprised).
If the technology gets cheap enough, we’ll probably be able to grow our own at home to whichever specifications we like. Bump up the vitamin K2, omega-3, collagen, zinc, and so on. That could be cool. Whatever the supposed benefits, if it doesn’t taste and behave just like good meat I’m not interested.
That’s it for me, folks. What about you? What are the trends you’re watching for? Which are the trends you’ve adopted? Let me know down below, and thanks for reading!
0 notes
cristinajourdanqp · 7 years
9 Trends of Primal Interest
I get a lot of industry news. I eat out a fair bit. I talk to people whose job it is to spot and track health trends. I’m privy to some of the greatest, most innovative minds in the alternative health community—my readers. And you guys are always sending me interesting links. Today, I’m going to discuss some trends of Primal interest. I might poke fun at some of them, and others might be relatively small-scale, but even the silly or minor ones point to interesting movements in the health and fitness zeitgeist.
So, what are the 9 I’m highlighting today?
Experiences over Things
In 2015, I wrote about the dichotomy of value between experiences and things, pointing to research suggesting that buying experiences brings more joy and meaning to a person’s life than buying material objects. I explained how our hunter-gatherer evolution probably wired us to get more out of experiences, and I dug a bit into my own opinion on the matter.
People appear to be agreeing with me. Millennials in particular are choosing things like travel and dining out over gear and gadgets. And the material objects people are consuming enable experiential living—smartphones, fitness trackers, and such. Even media consumption is shifting away from ownership of music and movies to on-demand services like Spotify and Netflix.
Eating Root-to-Leaf
Nose-to-tail eating has taken off. Previously arcane bits like sweetbreads, liver, tripe, marrow, and kidney are on menus everywhere, and few people bat an eye anymore. It’s normal.
Eating root-to-leaf means considering the edibility of the entire plant. More often than not, we’re throwing away a large amount of digestible, nutrient-dense flora.
Broccoli crowns are amazing, but did you know you can eat the leaves? Broccoli leaves are some of my favorite. This also works for Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and celery.
It means eating roots and their greens, whether it’s a carrot, a beet, a rutabaga, or a turnip. When the guy at the farmer’s market asks if you want him to “twist off the leaves,” say “absolutely not.”
Even things like lemon, orange, or grapefruit rinds can be grated, pickled, or processed to extract the flavonoids.
Artisanal Wilderness Retreats
Outfits are taking young professionals on carefully curated excursions into the wild. Check out this video from Wilderness Collective documenting their maiden trip. Yes, it’s overwrought. Yes, it’s a bit silly and a little too perfect. But it’s satisfying a real need people have: spending unbroken days immersed in natural settings.
Walking the dog in the park before work is better than nothing. Putting up a Yosemite wallpaper on your laptop is nice (and may even have an effect). Actually spending 5 nights camping out and trekking through Yosemite is nicer and far more real, even if you’ve got a Michelin-starred chef flambéing flat iron steaks for you at dinnertime.
Movement, Not Just Exercise
There’s growing awareness of the importance and primacy of frequent—constant, if you can—low-level movement. Developments like fitness trackers, walking clubs at the workplace, the rise of standing workstations (pun intended), the bi-monthly article railing against the dangers of sitting too much, the concept of “exercise snacks,” (mini workouts done throughout the day) and the constant recommendations that people walk at least 10,000 steps a day suggest that the word has gotten out. Folks like Katy Bowman (of Don’t Just Sit There fame) have played a huge role in furthering, explicating, and refining the message.
Formal, dedicated training isn’t going anywhere. Nor should it. The stuff plain works. But it works better atop a foundation of constant low-level movement.
Health and Wellness Tourism
I’m not talking about jetting off to Costa Rica for dental work, or Thailand for a sex change operation. I’m talking about hiking the Pacific Coast Trail, or maybe the Appalachian Trail, or even flying to Spain to hike the Camino de Santiago, or to Turkey to do the Lycian Way. Kickboxing camps in Chiang Mai, Inca Trail maintenance at Machu Picchu, WWOOFing.
Right now, we know a few things about the interactions between specific genetic variants and certain foods, activities, and environmental inputs. But biology is probably the most complex system in the universe. We’re missing a ton.
It’s also getting better. Scientists continue to unmask, identify, and catalogue new variants and their effects—and how what you eat and how you train affects them. A product I used and enjoyed, DNA Fit, and similar ones will only get better, more accurate, and more comprehensive.
Monetization of Recovery Days
With all the CrossFitting, Tough Muddering, Olympic lifting, and other training people are doing, they’re finally beginning to wise up to the role recovery days play in fitness. But rather than only rely on time off and sleep, they’re spending big bucks on the best recovery money can buy. Float tanks (rich in magnesium sulfate epsom salts; the sensory deprivation activates but ultimately helps you tame the monkey mind), cryotherapy chambers (ultra-cold therapy), mobility tools that help you stretch and perform self-myofascial release.
Yes, this can get expensive. This isn’t a bad thing. I’ve always argued for more rest and relaxation and recovery, and the consensual exchange of money for services indicates that consumers of cryotherapy, float tanks, mobility/self-myofascial-release products are clearly getting something out of the exchange.
The Rise of Purple Food
Used to be you could only get a big whack of the all-important purple anthocyanins from a cup of blueberries. That’s changing. There’s purple carrots, purple cauliflower, purple sweet potatoes, purple regular potato, purple asparagus, purple corn, black rice. These aren’t recent creations. Purple/black varieties of produce have been around for decades. They’re becoming more prominent though. All that purple doesn’t make up for the loss of Prince, but it’s probably good for our insulin sensitivity and cognitive function.
Cellular Agriculture
Tech companies’ recent forays into food haven’t gone very well, but cellular agriculture could be a game changer. To grow a piece of beef in the lab, they culture stem cells taken from a piece of beef off an actual living cow. Tender cuts (filets) are harvested earlier, tougher cuts (chuck) are harvested later.
The most prominent cellular agriculture company, Memphis Meats, hopes to have its stem cell-grown “clean” chicken and pork on store shelves by 2021. They’ve already got a working meatball for people to taste.
Will it save us?
That remains to be seen. The “cultured meat” evangelists who decry the climactic impact of ruminants always overlook the vital role holistically-grazed livestock play in maintaining soil health, re-greening land, and building carbon sinks. What other “alternative” benefits of eating and raising traditional will they miss? If they try to “optimize” the fatty acid content of a stem-cell ribeye by excising the saturated fat and bumping up the linoleic acid, I will be very upset (but not very surprised).
If the technology gets cheap enough, we’ll probably be able to grow our own at home to whichever specifications we like. Bump up the vitamin K2, omega-3, collagen, zinc, and so on. That could be cool. Whatever the supposed benefits, if it doesn’t taste and behave just like good meat I’m not interested.
That’s it for me, folks. What about you? What are the trends you’re watching for? Which are the trends you’ve adopted? Let me know down below, and thanks for reading!
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milenasanchezmk · 7 years
9 Trends of Primal Interest
I get a lot of industry news. I eat out a fair bit. I talk to people whose job it is to spot and track health trends. I’m privy to some of the greatest, most innovative minds in the alternative health community—my readers. And you guys are always sending me interesting links. Today, I’m going to discuss some trends of Primal interest. I might poke fun at some of them, and others might be relatively small-scale, but even the silly or minor ones point to interesting movements in the health and fitness zeitgeist.
So, what are the 9 I’m highlighting today?
Experiences over Things
In 2015, I wrote about the dichotomy of value between experiences and things, pointing to research suggesting that buying experiences brings more joy and meaning to a person’s life than buying material objects. I explained how our hunter-gatherer evolution probably wired us to get more out of experiences, and I dug a bit into my own opinion on the matter.
People appear to be agreeing with me. Millennials in particular are choosing things like travel and dining out over gear and gadgets. And the material objects people are consuming enable experiential living—smartphones, fitness trackers, and such. Even media consumption is shifting away from ownership of music and movies to on-demand services like Spotify and Netflix.
Eating Root-to-Leaf
Nose-to-tail eating has taken off. Previously arcane bits like sweetbreads, liver, tripe, marrow, and kidney are on menus everywhere, and few people bat an eye anymore. It’s normal.
Eating root-to-leaf means considering the edibility of the entire plant. More often than not, we’re throwing away a large amount of digestible, nutrient-dense flora.
Broccoli crowns are amazing, but did you know you can eat the leaves? Broccoli leaves are some of my favorite. This also works for Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and celery.
It means eating roots and their greens, whether it’s a carrot, a beet, a rutabaga, or a turnip. When the guy at the farmer’s market asks if you want him to “twist off the leaves,” say “absolutely not.”
Even things like lemon, orange, or grapefruit rinds can be grated, pickled, or processed to extract the flavonoids.
Artisanal Wilderness Retreats
Outfits are taking young professionals on carefully curated excursions into the wild. Check out this video from Wilderness Collective documenting their maiden trip. Yes, it’s overwrought. Yes, it’s a bit silly and a little too perfect. But it’s satisfying a real need people have: spending unbroken days immersed in natural settings.
Walking the dog in the park before work is better than nothing. Putting up a Yosemite wallpaper on your laptop is nice (and may even have an effect). Actually spending 5 nights camping out and trekking through Yosemite is nicer and far more real, even if you’ve got a Michelin-starred chef flambéing flat iron steaks for you at dinnertime.
Movement, Not Just Exercise
There’s growing awareness of the importance and primacy of frequent—constant, if you can—low-level movement. Developments like fitness trackers, walking clubs at the workplace, the rise of standing workstations (pun intended), the bi-monthly article railing against the dangers of sitting too much, the concept of “exercise snacks,” (mini workouts done throughout the day) and the constant recommendations that people walk at least 10,000 steps a day suggest that the word has gotten out. Folks like Katy Bowman (of Don’t Just Sit There fame) have played a huge role in furthering, explicating, and refining the message.
Formal, dedicated training isn’t going anywhere. Nor should it. The stuff plain works. But it works better atop a foundation of constant low-level movement.
Health and Wellness Tourism
I’m not talking about jetting off to Costa Rica for dental work, or Thailand for a sex change operation. I’m talking about hiking the Pacific Coast Trail, or maybe the Appalachian Trail, or even flying to Spain to hike the Camino de Santiago, or to Turkey to do the Lycian Way. Kickboxing camps in Chiang Mai, Inca Trail maintenance at Machu Picchu, WWOOFing.
Right now, we know a few things about the interactions between specific genetic variants and certain foods, activities, and environmental inputs. But biology is probably the most complex system in the universe. We’re missing a ton.
It’s also getting better. Scientists continue to unmask, identify, and catalogue new variants and their effects—and how what you eat and how you train affects them. A product I used and enjoyed, DNA Fit, and similar ones will only get better, more accurate, and more comprehensive.
Monetization of Recovery Days
With all the CrossFitting, Tough Muddering, Olympic lifting, and other training people are doing, they’re finally beginning to wise up to the role recovery days play in fitness. But rather than only rely on time off and sleep, they’re spending big bucks on the best recovery money can buy. Float tanks (rich in magnesium sulfate epsom salts; the sensory deprivation activates but ultimately helps you tame the monkey mind), cryotherapy chambers (ultra-cold therapy), mobility tools that help you stretch and perform self-myofascial release.
Yes, this can get expensive. This isn’t a bad thing. I’ve always argued for more rest and relaxation and recovery, and the consensual exchange of money for services indicates that consumers of cryotherapy, float tanks, mobility/self-myofascial-release products are clearly getting something out of the exchange.
The Rise of Purple Food
Used to be you could only get a big whack of the all-important purple anthocyanins from a cup of blueberries. That’s changing. There’s purple carrots, purple cauliflower, purple sweet potatoes, purple regular potato, purple asparagus, purple corn, black rice. These aren’t recent creations. Purple/black varieties of produce have been around for decades. They’re becoming more prominent though. All that purple doesn’t make up for the loss of Prince, but it’s probably good for our insulin sensitivity and cognitive function.
Cellular Agriculture
Tech companies’ recent forays into food haven’t gone very well, but cellular agriculture could be a game changer. To grow a piece of beef in the lab, they culture stem cells taken from a piece of beef off an actual living cow. Tender cuts (filets) are harvested earlier, tougher cuts (chuck) are harvested later.
The most prominent cellular agriculture company, Memphis Meats, hopes to have its stem cell-grown “clean” chicken and pork on store shelves by 2021. They’ve already got a working meatball for people to taste.
Will it save us?
That remains to be seen. The “cultured meat” evangelists who decry the climactic impact of ruminants always overlook the vital role holistically-grazed livestock play in maintaining soil health, re-greening land, and building carbon sinks. What other “alternative” benefits of eating and raising traditional will they miss? If they try to “optimize” the fatty acid content of a stem-cell ribeye by excising the saturated fat and bumping up the linoleic acid, I will be very upset (but not very surprised).
If the technology gets cheap enough, we’ll probably be able to grow our own at home to whichever specifications we like. Bump up the vitamin K2, omega-3, collagen, zinc, and so on. That could be cool. Whatever the supposed benefits, if it doesn’t taste and behave just like good meat I’m not interested.
That’s it for me, folks. What about you? What are the trends you’re watching for? Which are the trends you’ve adopted? Let me know down below, and thanks for reading!
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missestr4nged · 1 year
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manhwa recommendation: omega complex by hagong
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New Post has been published on http://fitnessandhealthpros.com/fitness/9-trends-of-primal-interest/
9 Trends of Primal Interest
I get a lot of industry news. I eat out a fair bit. I talk to people whose job it is to spot and track health trends. I’m privy to some of the greatest, most innovative minds in the alternative health community—my readers. And you guys are always sending me interesting links. Today, I’m going to discuss some trends of Primal interest. I might poke fun at some of them, and others might be relatively small-scale, but even the silly or minor ones point to interesting movements in the health and fitness zeitgeist.
So, what are the 9 I’m highlighting today?
Experiences over Things
In 2015, I wrote about the dichotomy of value between experiences and things, pointing to research suggesting that buying experiences brings more joy and meaning to a person’s life than buying material objects. I explained how our hunter-gatherer evolution probably wired us to get more out of experiences, and I dug a bit into my own opinion on the matter.
People appear to be agreeing with me. Millennials in particular are choosing things like travel and dining out over gear and gadgets. And the material objects people are consuming enable experiential living—smartphones, fitness trackers, and such. Even media consumption is shifting away from ownership of music and movies to on-demand services like Spotify and Netflix.
Eating Root-to-Leaf
Nose-to-tail eating has taken off. Previously arcane bits like sweetbreads, liver, tripe, marrow, and kidney are on menus everywhere, and few people bat an eye anymore. It’s normal.
Eating root-to-leaf means considering the edibility of the entire plant. More often than not, we’re throwing away a large amount of digestible, nutrient-dense flora.
Broccoli crowns are amazing, but did you know you can eat the leaves? Broccoli leaves are some of my favorite. This also works for Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and celery.
It means eating roots and their greens, whether it’s a carrot, a beet, a rutabaga, or a turnip. When the guy at the farmer’s market asks if you want him to “twist off the leaves,” say “absolutely not.”
Even things like lemon, orange, or grapefruit rinds can be grated, pickled, or processed to extract the flavonoids.
Artisanal Wilderness Retreats
Outfits are taking young professionals on carefully curated excursions into the wild. Check out this video from Wilderness Collective documenting their maiden trip. Yes, it’s overwrought. Yes, it’s a bit silly and a little too perfect. But it’s satisfying a real need people have: spending unbroken days immersed in natural settings.
Walking the dog in the park before work is better than nothing. Putting up a Yosemite wallpaper on your laptop is nice (and may even have an effect). Actually spending 5 nights camping out and trekking through Yosemite is nicer and far more real, even if you’ve got a Michelin-starred chef flambéing flat iron steaks for you at dinnertime.
Movement, Not Just Exercise
There’s growing awareness of the importance and primacy of frequent—constant, if you can—low-level movement. Developments like fitness trackers, walking clubs at the workplace, the rise of standing workstations (pun intended), the bi-monthly article railing against the dangers of sitting too much, the concept of “exercise snacks,” (mini workouts done throughout the day) and the constant recommendations that people walk at least 10,000 steps a day suggest that the word has gotten out. Folks like Katy Bowman (of Don’t Just Sit There fame) have played a huge role in furthering, explicating, and refining the message.
Formal, dedicated training isn’t going anywhere. Nor should it. The stuff plain works. But it works better atop a foundation of constant low-level movement.
Health and Wellness Tourism
I’m not talking about jetting off to Costa Rica for dental work, or Thailand for a sex change operation. I’m talking about hiking the Pacific Coast Trail, or maybe the Appalachian Trail, or even flying to Spain to hike the Camino de Santiago, or to Turkey to do the Lycian Way. Kickboxing camps in Chiang Mai, Inca Trail maintenance at Machu Picchu, WWOOFing.
Right now, we know a few things about the interactions between specific genetic variants and certain foods, activities, and environmental inputs. But biology is probably the most complex system in the universe. We’re missing a ton.
It’s also getting better. Scientists continue to unmask, identify, and catalogue new variants and their effects—and how what you eat and how you train affects them. A product I used and enjoyed, DNA Fit, and similar ones will only get better, more accurate, and more comprehensive.
Monetization of Recovery Days
With all the CrossFitting, Tough Muddering, Olympic lifting, and other training people are doing, they’re finally beginning to wise up to the role recovery days play in fitness. But rather than only rely on time off and sleep, they’re spending big bucks on the best recovery money can buy. Float tanks (rich in magnesium sulfate epsom salts; the sensory deprivation activates but ultimately helps you tame the monkey mind), cryotherapy chambers (ultra-cold therapy), mobility tools that help you stretch and perform self-myofascial release.
Yes, this can get expensive. This isn’t a bad thing. I’ve always argued for more rest and relaxation and recovery, and the consensual exchange of money for services indicates that consumers of cryotherapy, float tanks, mobility/self-myofascial-release products are clearly getting something out of the exchange.
The Rise of Purple Food
Used to be you could only get a big whack of the all-important purple anthocyanins from a cup of blueberries. That’s changing. There’s purple carrots, purple cauliflower, purple sweet potatoes, purple regular potato, purple asparagus, purple corn, black rice. These aren’t recent creations. Purple/black varieties of produce have been around for decades. They’re becoming more prominent though. All that purple doesn’t make up for the loss of Prince, but it’s probably good for our insulin sensitivity and cognitive function.
Cellular Agriculture
Tech companies’ recent forays into food haven’t gone very well, but cellular agriculture could be a game changer. To grow a piece of beef in the lab, they culture stem cells taken from a piece of beef off an actual living cow. Tender cuts (filets) are harvested earlier, tougher cuts (chuck) are harvested later.
The most prominent cellular agriculture company, Memphis Meats, hopes to have its stem cell-grown “clean” chicken and pork on store shelves by 2021. They’ve already got a working meatball for people to taste.
Will it save us?
That remains to be seen. The “cultured meat” evangelists who decry the climactic impact of ruminants always overlook the vital role holistically-grazed livestock play in maintaining soil health, re-greening land, and building carbon sinks. What other “alternative” benefits of eating and raising traditional will they miss? If they try to “optimize” the fatty acid content of a stem-cell ribeye by excising the saturated fat and bumping up the linoleic acid, I will be very upset (but not very surprised).
If the technology gets cheap enough, we’ll probably be able to grow our own at home to whichever specifications we like. Bump up the vitamin K2, omega-3, collagen, zinc, and so on. That could be cool. Whatever the supposed benefits, if it doesn’t taste and behave just like good meat I’m not interested.
That’s it for me, folks. What about you? What are the trends you’re watching for? Which are the trends you’ve adopted? Let me know down below, and thanks for reading!
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Originally at :Mark's Daily Apple Written By : Mark Sisson
#Interest, #Primal, #Trends #Fitness
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missestr4nged · 2 years
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manhwa recommendation: omega complex by hagong
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missestr4nged · 2 years
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manhwa recommendation: omega complex by hagong
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missestr4nged · 2 years
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manhwa recommendation: omega complex by hagong
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