#omg i need this with zelena and everyone
ouatsqincorrect · 1 year
omg your little comment on your last headcanon post about how regina feels differently about touch with each member of her family has intrigued me i would love for you to elaborate on it also i love your blog!!
thank you!! (again, tw for abuse)
regina doesn’t like to be touched by people she doesn’t trust fully. (thank you cora and leopold for the years of trauma)
which is why, as this family actually becomes a family, and they start working through their issues, everyone kind of slowly figures out what is acceptable and what’s not
especially when regina starts to be a little more open about her past and they witness a bit of what her daily struggles are (because again you can’t convince me this woman is 100% fine after all that)
if someone is not apart of her family, regina doesn’t want them touching her at all. and the rest of them are aware of this (emma, david, and snow will try and get whoever it is away from regina if they can tell she’s uncomfortable)
rumple is the one person in her actual family who never touches her and this is purely his decision. like i said in that other hc post, he knows what regina went through during her marriage almost better than anyone, and he refuses to step over any boundaries she has
(he figures he’s had a hand in enough trauma in her life and he doesn’t need to be the cause of anymore)
there are maybe two times when regina initiates a hug between them and it’s only ever when something serious is going on
on the other hand, regina never initiates touch between her and belle because just like rumple, she understands she hurt people and she doesn’t want to overstep
but belle has forgiven her and doesn’t mind. she’ll touch regina’s arm to calm her down or pull her back into a conversation, and regina doesn’t mind (she knows belle and knows she’s not nor has she ever been a threat)
if we’re talking love languages (platonic and other), david’s is physical touch. and when he finds out regina actually hates when people touch her, he gets upset with himself because there have been many times over the years when he’s touched her just to protect her or show that he thinks she’s done a good job at something
but regina assures him that his touch has never bothered her. david is one of the only men in her life who has never had a rough touch with her. he’s always been gentle and she doesn’t mind hugging him, or initiating touch between them
zelena doesn’t exactly hug regina often but its because she herself isn’t a fan of physical touch but regina doesn’t mind touch between them (except for when she’s having a difficult day. she can’t explain it, but she doesn’t want zelena coming too close on those days)
she also doesn’t mind touch from snow, although snow does intiate touch between them much more frequently
but once she becomes more aware of regina’s past, she always makes sure regina is 100% aware that she’s going to touch her. (like when they’re out fighting villains and regina gets hurt, it’s always “i need to check your wound, regina. is that ok?”—regina assures her that most of the time, it is ok)
touch from henry never makes regina uncomfortable
and neither does touch from emma, not really. there are days and anniversaries where she doesn’t want to be touched too intimately but emma is very careful at being aware of this
ultimately, regina doesn’t mind touch from most of her family but she is thankful when they become aware of her past and they actually start taking that into consideration before touching her
this actually makes a huge difference in her life because it’s a reminder that she’s got people who care for her and respect the boundaries she’s trying to make
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ladystrallan · 1 year
Once Upon a Time season 6B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Ooh Ruth pulling the knife
- I was wondering for a second where snow was
- I forgot she was cursed
- Dad???
- “If I wanted advice I doubt I’d take it from a pirate” low blow
- Omg the coin
- “That demon box” not the alarm clock
- Robin coming back is so stupid I can’t believe it
- Hook is going to propose!!!
- The ring is not that fabulous though
- Daddy issues David
- His lucky coin :(
- Yikes Robin
- Aw he did the deal pro bono :(
- Rumple… what a softie
- “The hearts of my enemies” why do you still have those???
- I don’t even care that they’re kissing this is just stupid
- Not them spinning around
- Pleasure Island!!!
- Omg Pinocchio
- “I’m also your father” ok strange man I’ve never met
- Knife fight
- Sad moment for David
- Great acting though
- Awww this is cute
- Omg hook killed david’s dad!!!
- Noooo this is not good
- ‘The first ogres war’ so there’s multiple???
- They need to trip them or something
- Not the wilhelm scream lol
- Slayyyyyy Rumple
- Ogre war redemption arc
- No bae :(
- #bullying
- Rumple :(
- Bae I thought you wanted him to be good
- Giving mixed signals here
- Omg he memory erased him so he wouldn’t turn dark
- Awwww this is so cute
- They’re engaged!
- I am so sick of the EQ just go away
- “I sleep in hay! … which is on dirt” lol
- Oh no
- Emma is really good at finding out things before hook can tell her
- Not the ring coming off…
- I bet the arrow is gonna point at her
- They’re going to sword fight???
- I knew it
- Are they just twins now or what?
- This is stupid
- I thought Regina couldn’t use that wand
- Plot hole alert
- I completely forgot about this
- Oh no
- Gideon no
- Can they not stop the submarine once it goes?
- Kraken hunting time!
- Aladdin and jasmine are back!
- Did he just make him into a sceptre???
- No one remembers achmed I guess
- CGI is looking a little rough
- What is this outfit Regina???
- Ariel! Love her
- That magic carpet cgi… bad
- Drunk snow lol
- Omg it was Jafar!
- “I can see my hovel from here” why does everyone have a hovel in this show???
- Awwwww captainswan
- Of course it was Gideon
- Ok kill the black fairy is not a bad thing to do
- Not the minor miners
- Ooh spooky intro
- Slay
- Nothing beats a good left hook
- “I’m your real mother” okay grandma (literally)
- Is rumbelle back together???
- Yasssss
- Omg Henry is possessed
- “Let’s get my pirate back” awwwww
- Omg I hate this ugly cgi spider
- Nooooo it was Roderick
- Omg not Isaac
- He’s so creepy
- Gideon what the fuck
- Ooh the lost boys are back
- Lots of returning people this season
- I wish hades would return :(
- Rumple slayyyyy
- Why do her guards look like they’re from Star Wars?
- Nooooo she killed Roderick
- “This is on you, Gideon. And my boot.” Good line
- Omg she has his heart
- “Dark one junior” lol
- PTA meeting is getting intense
- Omg she got through!!!
- She has such Coraline other mother vibes
- Lol peace out loser
- Omg tiger lily
- Omg underworld reference??? The flower growing in the crack
- Nice to see long hair rumple again
- Emma’s name was his curse break thingy!!!
- They’re going to burn him at the stake???
- Awwwww this is so cute
- Slay Leroy
- Get a room
- Omg they’re all asleep
- Oh good not for long
- Ooh zelena in the recap
- “Why don’t you practice on my axe” omg
- This is the tin man I know it
- Ooh you’re looking for trouble touching zelena’s baby
- Yikes captainswan keep it PG
- “Am I interrupting something?” Omg
- Omg is that the bassinet that Zelena was abandoned in?
- We love a girlboss that takes things into her own hands
- “I sacrificed hades for you” that was a mistake
- But seriously Regina is not one bit grateful for what Zelena did for her, give up her true love to save her life
- At a time when Regina had Henry and was friends with the Charmings and Zelena had no one
- And Regina even BLAMES her for Robin’s death
- Robin had it coming but that’s another thing
- Snow’s date with Whale…
- Slay zelena
- Like a lion could take her… let’s be real
- “Go back to Oz” LOW BLOW
- That was so unwarranted
- Maybe if you guys weren’t so awful to Zelena then she wouldn’t fall into those traps
- That is so selfless to give up her magic to help everyone
- She is amazing
- That apology is long overdue
- Omg not Malcom
- That pathetic little man
- Baby rumple!
- The perfect name? How did you end up with Rumplestiltskin?
- Omg Rumple was supposed to be the saviour! (I remembered that)
- Rumple smash!
- At least there was no glass involved
- Where did Regina get a green car?
- Zelena 1, black fairy 0
- Twist!!!
- She is the evil omg
- “I need my power” Rumple really had no chance
- Nooo he named him that because he hated him
- Something is suspicious
- Awwww he asked Henry to be his best man
- I knew rumple was up to something
- Why is he doing this???
- I love this episode!
- I know a lot of people don’t like it but I think it makes so much sense for this show to have a musical episode
- Like the Disney movies are musicals
- And the songs slap
- Ooh slay intro
- Omg it’s just so good!!!
- Everyone is amazing but josh dallas has a great voice
- Ooh that neck brake choreo
- I’m not a Regina fan but I have to admit she slayed
- Lana did a great job
- “You’ve come to say goodbye” nooooo
- This is so sad
- Killian’s song might be my second favourite
- It just fits him so well and Colin slayed
- Poison dart!!!
- They should have brought Hades back for this episode
- Greg was in the obc of Assassins
- Rumple should have gotten a song tbh
- Zelena slays so hard!!!
- Wicked always wins is the best song
- Although they should have made a wicked reference
- Rebecca Mader is so awesome
- Rumple why are you being evil???
- It is a little silly that their plan is just sing at her
- Not Henry tossing the book
- That was kinda funny
- Slayyyy
- I love how her song is the OUAT theme
- Captainswan is so cute
- Their vows!!!
- I love happy beginning such a good closing number
- This is so beautiful
- “The black fairy’s curse, it’s here!” Slay Leroy we love an iconic line
- Awwww season 1 recap
- You know what I miss?
- Omg this is older Henry
- Oooh curse again
- Archie: Henry, I think you’re crazy
- Not Emma in the mental hospital
- Not Fiona being the new mayor!!!
- How many sons is she going to try and kidnap???
- Gold & Sons that’s kinda cute
- Lost their mother??? What happened to belle???
- Pull ups in the mental hospital lol
- I love a good hook and david team up
- “We fought for our love and we won” awwwww
- “She said she was going to the store and she never came back” noooo
- Deadbeat belle…
- Omg not the EQ
- Awwww he called Killian his son
- “Hmmm. Merlot” LOL
- A dragon… is that maleficent?
- Rumple please tell me you don’t believe this
- Not the falling video
- Omg no don’t burn the book
- I can’t believe she did that
- “Hello there, mummy” KILLIAN
- Omg that is so funny
- She came back!!!
- Slayyy rumple
- Noooo tempting him with Bae
- “All magic comes with a price” slayyyyy
- Omg dead
- Lol slay Henry
- “Some honeymoon, huh?” Lol I love them
- Omg charming swearing now you know it’s serious
- Not his dark one self convincing him
- Yasssss Rumple character development
- Noooo he resisted but it didn’t work
- Wtf
- Omg gideon is a baby again
- A little weird but ok
- Awwwww rumbelle
- Of course Robin proposed gotta do that fan service
- And in the tackiest way too
- Awww this is so cute
- Everyone got their happy ending
- Honestly a perfect finale
- Idk if I’m gonna watch season 7 because I remember hating it and this is such a perfect ending
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Zelena, Emma, Hook
Like: Rumple, Belle, David, Jasmine, Ariel
Neutral: Henry, Snow, Gideon, Fiona (she’s camp idk), Aladdin, Regina
I honestly can’t hate anyone this season
Season rating: 9/10
Not my favourite season but actually a really solid ending to an amazing show. Some of it was dumb but a lot of it was awesome. I loved the musical episode and the finale! Tbh it should have ended here.
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intothewickedwood · 3 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 6x14 Page 23
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Okay what episode do we have today?
Ah okay, a Regina centric. That’s cool.
Is that the same guard Snow stripped naked in 1x16? Whaaaat?! Just looked it up and it totally is! Awesome call back! I’m going to name him Jim.
Oh my God, she killed Jim!!
Wait, so this has to be after Heart of Darkness.
The terrified look on that woman’s face when Regina strokes her chin, looks at her longingly and tells her she loves her. Omg Regina was in love with this woman all along! It was never about Daniel. It was about Christina! I’m naming her Christina. 
They are my otp now.
How did Tinker Bell get out of neverland? Pan decides when people leave, and I doubt he’d let her leave just to pay a visit with the Evil Queen. But then and again maybe it was all part of his big plan.
Oh. Pixie dust doesn’t dictate who your true love is. It just shows you possibilities. That’s not what you said before, Tinker Bell!
Regina, we all know you spared her because she’s your ex-girlfriend.
Actually, this visit from Tinker Bell is odd because she doesn’t seem angry at all like when she, like, wanted to kill Regina in 3x03. How did she go from, “okay. I lost my wings because of you but it’s all cool. I just want my otp together.” to “I’m gonna f***ing drug you with pixie dust and rip your heart out!”?
Also, this is the Evil Queen I like to see. So cold, terrifying and breaking on the inside. I’m not a fan of the humorous one in 6x02. I wish Split Queen was more like this as well. Ah different writers and director. Interesting.
Split Queen: “…not some burlap-loving peasant who sleeps on dirt.” Wish Robin: “Excuse me, I sleep on hay.” Important distinction!
Snow’s so excited about the wedding, bless her.
Lol Zelena just drags Emma’s hand to look at her ring. My girl loves shiny things! And how could I forget, her otp is getting married! She is in heaven right now!
I love Emma just casually talking to Zelena like they’re gal pals at a sleepover. More of this please! 
I can see what sqers say about this scene. Regina really does look hurt by the notion of Emma getting married. There is no heterosexual reason for her to react like this unless she’s in love with Hook. I think this is the only time they hug. Man, I feel so bad for sqers because upon this rewatch I can really see where they are coming from with that interpretation. It’s definitely there. And then they hug because Emma’s getting married to someone else. I would be so upset if that was my otp. What am I talking about, I watched 10 seasons of Smallville as a hardcore Chloe x Clark shipper. I think this exact scenario played out and it freaking hurts! 
In other news, I am so in love with Snow. Have I mentioned that? I feel like I haven’t mentioned it in a while and it needs to be said. 
I’m also in love with David, in case you forgot. I want to join their marriage. Can I join their marriage? I’m joining their marriage. Emma, I’m your mummy now. Don’t think about the age difference too much. 
I’ve eaten a lot of chocolate already today. Can you tell? I feel so alive! I want to share my social security number and be freeee!! I am trying to block out my anxiety about having to move house again next friday. Yep, that’s right, 4th place in two years. I think I will write all of these high on chocolate.
What would happen if you cut your hair with those sheers? Or your garden bush? No, that is not a euphemism, you dirty bastards (affectionate). 
I haven’t had a haircut in 10 years. Holy cow! That’s why my afro is so big, it’s full of secrets. 
Nemo is your dad now, Hook. Even though I’m pretty sure he’s a lot younger than you. 
He called him “My boy.” hehe.
I remember when I thought Hook and Rumple had the same mother. That would have been quite the twist.
I thought that vase of flowers was a giant cauliflower. Did you know broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, brussels sprouts and turnips are all related? I wonder what thanksgivings are like when they all get together. Probably not fun for them. 
See what I did there xD? 
Emma: “This is my fault. I’m the one who convinced you to bring him here. It’s on me.” Regina: “Emma, you don’t have anything to make up for. You were just trying to help.” Omg, this compared to when she told Emma she’d ruined her life because Emma saved Marian. The development. I really appreciate this change because I nearly lost it with Regina when that was her attitude. 
Screw it, I’m making bean enchiladas. Brb. I’ll save you some!
I’m back! They’re in the oven. Anyone wants the recipe hmu! They’re veggie! 
You just know Split Queen and Wish Robin have a sexy dungeon in their castle. They just do.
Enchanted ropes would have been useful in so many situations.
The enchiladas are ready! Repeat after me, Becky: “I will remember oven gloves this time, I will remember oven gloves this time.”
Robin is so into Split Queen. He wants her to live with him and everything, even though they just met. 
I don’t think that arrow would have taken her to Robin since it takes her to the thing she loves most. She can’t love someone she’s never met. We all know it would shoot Christina right in the ass. That’s true love biatches! Evil Peasant 5ever!
Oh snap! Emma found Hook looking at himself killing her grandfather??! I completely forgot about this!
Why does she say, “That’s David’s father”? Why doesn’t she say, “That’s my grandfather,” or “That’s my dad’s dad”? She hasn’t called her dad ‘David’ in years. It’s like she’s trying to separate herself from the victim as much as possible.
She’s not even a little bit upset he killed her dad’s dad? That that event caused her father so much pain? She’s just infuriated that he tried to burn his memory. I mean, yes, she should be angry about that but where’s the empathy for her dad at least? I didn’t know any of my grandfathers well but if I found out I was engaged to someone who did that I would be angry for my grandparent, angry for my parent and angry for myself. I’m just speechless that that’s all she cares about. It seems so out of character. But then and again Regina had her other grandad killed. 
And now he’s gonna leave because he rightfully got told off. Can’t say I’d offer the same thing but she said, “until you’re ready” not “you’ll never be ready”, dude. 
I think he’s just scared David will punch him in the face at this point. It’s the only explanation for doing the exact opposite thing Emma asked of him.
“Captain Hook is always welcome on the Nautilus.” More like welcome on the naughty list after that stunt.
She doesn’t want a man, Henry Sr. She just confessed her deep, passionate, sexual love for Christina like 20 minutes ago, remember? Sometimes I wonder why I bother. It’s not even subtext, dude. Get it together, man.
Why don’t they fight themselves with magic?
Her dad is so heartbroken the person Regina hates most is herself. 
That is really sad that the person she hates most his herself. I can relate.
Yes! Launch those apples at yourself! 
My conversations with myself be like-
Oh boy. This is too reminiscent of conversations with myself. Yes, I sword fight myself wearing a fancy black, cleavage-revealing dress in my head all the time. Only joking, I wear trilby hats. 
Oh okay. Now they’re tying each other up. I see what this is really about. I still haven’t bleached the “we do like it rough, don’t we Regina?” line from my mind. 
I suppose she did take back some of her own darkness. But I was hoping she would just merge herself back together. That would have been a really predictable outcome, but I just would have preferred it. 
This scene is so weird lol, but it helped me tremendously. I used to hate myself so, so much. You don’t even understand. It was like a violent hatred for myself for not fitting in and for every single little mistake I’d ever made. Then with a lot of self- healing and the help of this episode I began my journey into loving myself. I wrote on a sticky note “Love yourself. If the Evil Queen can do it, so can you.” and stuck it to my wall. Nothing I’ve done is comparable to what the Evil Queen has done and if she can learn to love herself, why can’t everyone else. Anyone who’s struggling with self-hatred, please take this episode to heart. You are worthy of love, most importantly from yourself. Any time you find yourself hating yourself just try to remember this scene and that the flipping Evil Queen of all people recognised the importance of self-love and didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought. She damn well gave herself a chance. I’ve heard a good technique is looking in the mirror and telling yourself what you love about you. Even if you’re not feeling it at first, you could get into the habit of it and your brain will start to accept those words as true. Because they are true.
Aww she sees the Charmings as her family. 
Regina: “it did give me hope when I needed it most, and that is just as important.” Oh my God, preach the word Regina! Regina is preaching with fire today! 
It’s like she’s having a therapy session with herself. I need to do that. I really do. Then I need to get actual therapy lol xD. But baby steps! 
Okay. A loophole as to how he can change Split Queen’s story. You know what, at this point I’ve learnt just to go with it.
Can Snow and Zelena be best friends? Please. It’s literally all I want in life. And to join Snowing’s marriage. I’m not asking for much. I’ll talk about it in self-therapy.
Henry’s got Gideon’s haircut now. He wants to be cool like his uncle.
I want to look at myself with the love and adoration Regina looks at herself with. We should all get to that point where we look like we’re about to intensely make out with ourselves when we look in the mirror. 
I know what they were doing with page 23. I just wish Split Queen had changed her outfit so it could have been exactly like the page illustration. But I don’t think it was meant to predict the future. It was just one of Isaac’s fanfictions, wasn’t it? Hmm. I think it was a mystery to him as well if I can remember correctly.
It’s nice that oq shippers got their ship in the end in one form.
Snow is just constantly high up to her eyeballs on hope, bless her. 
Emma needs a dog. She seems like such a dog person.
Also, that enchilada was yumilicious, if I do say so myself.
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S3E18 -- Bleeding Through
Link to Rewatch Review and Ranking archive
So overall .  . . . this episode was much better than the last three combined, to be honest.
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Well, I mean except for that bullshit (OMG one of them is using tongue, just not sure which).
Don’t get me wrong -- this episode has its issues .  .  . . . like rapey Zelena up there for one.  And OMG the way they’re just fast tracking the Hook and Emma crap . . . . ridiculous.  
But there is good stuff as well.  Despite Rumple being Zee’s prisoner and basically being tortured and molested by her, his portrayal of a deeply broken, desperate man is spectacular.  
The Cora flashback was actually very well done, and damn, Snow’s mom was a bitch, huh?  Remember earlier this season when I said that Cora’s backstory was by far more sympathetic than Hook’s?  Yeah, I still stand by that.
Belle standing up to Regina and Regina’s apology -- such a great scene, and a much better apology than Hook’s lame ass “Sorry?” in the form of a question.  
Belle actually being smarter than everyone else on the show as well in this episode.
And the Snow/Regina bonding scenes -- absolutely fantastic.  This was a good episode for Regina, and really showed so much character growth for her.
Which is why ending it with her going off to play tonsil hockey with Robin Hood was just so . . . . WTF??????  Another shoehorned in man, as I’ve said before. 
Points tally:
40 points to start
5 points deducted for Hook’s presence OMG please go away you lamp!
I’m giving this one the full 25 bonus -- there were just a lot of VERY good moments and they are deserved
However, I do have to deduct 10 points for all of the Zelena shit with Rumple.  She is gross and she is a sexual predator, and Rumple is right -- she needs to die.
Total points: 50
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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janewaykove · 4 years
Once Upon A Time: my review
So I finally finished watching the show! I’ll be mentioning spoilers (I’m sure some people, like myself, take forever to watch things) so all that is below. And sorry if I offend anyone by not liking a character or something. No hate intended, just personal preference. :)
My fave characters: Rumple (Gold, actually), Hook & Regina My secondary fave characters: Alice, Zelena, Hades, Archie My least fave characters: Henry (sorry), Pan, August My personal ships: Rumple/Regina, Rumple/Belle (of course)
First, I’ll start by saying Henry was okay, but he just got on my nerves. And Pan’s character origin was actually witty and I liked that, but his story line was just way too dragged out for my liking.
I would have preferred the series ended on season 6. I liked how that season ended. I wasn’t happy about the older Henry and having to go another season with yet another course, plus all the new characters, but I was happy that my fave characters were in that season, so it wasn’t as bad as it coulda been. I could only take so much more Snow/Charming.
I had a tendency to dislike certain characters (Hades, Zelena, etc) and ended up liking them after a while. I also didn’t much like the Evil Queen, but I liked the not-so-nice Regina and secretly shipped her with Rumple, so that one episode where the Evil Queen was separate from Regina was a treat when they hooked up for a bit. ;)
I also had a habit of yelling at Rumple every time he got Belle back and then screwed it all up by lying to her again. Good grief!
As much as I disliked some of the drawn-out stories (I kinda groaned every time they started a new one, but I just hate new characters popping up), I loved how so many of them had a twist and came together or somehow connected to each other over time.
The last episode, I would have preferred to have seen the town get its finally scene and THEN go to Rumple and Belle being reunited. I think that woulda been a much better final scene. You’d see the rest of the town all happy and in tact and then it would fade out, then fade back in to show them finally together. Then fade out to white, not black.
Now, did everyone get brought together? Even the bad ones like Pan and Cruella? And are they now good? Or do they just live in their own spot in the town and those areas have to deal with them? Also, as many times as some of those characters came back, you’d think someone like Hades wouldn’t have had much trouble getting back there. And Wish Henry got to co-exist but the other Evil Queen had to die?? Boo.
Oh! And that episode where everyone was singing! Regina was looking fierce with her dance moves! Even Zelena was rockin’ it. But I felt like we got the short end of the stick when Rumple said he wasn’t gonna sing, lol! Plus Regina looked awesome in season 7 in more modern clothes.
Also, the whole Hook/Nook and Robin/Nobin thing was too funny! Which reminds me, I liked Alice a lot. She was a fun character. I really felt bad for that giant friend she had, especially when he turned to stone cos she didn’t need him any more. I didn’t mind Tilly, either.
And I loved when Rumple/Gold was trying to be good for the alternate Belle (when she didn’t remember who she was) and he lost his temper and she actually liked him like that. He shoulda kept her that way cos it seemed to work! But that whole thing where Rumple and Belle lived in the little cottage waiting for the sunset and when she died....omg. So sad!
And Cora irked me but I like how that played out. Same with Victoria. And Dr. Whale’s story was cool.
So yeah, good show! My mom had started watching it when it aired and I made her go back and rewatch it. :)
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j-philly-b · 5 years
8, 9, 17, 36 If you are feeling salty!
Sorry it took me so long to answer, Holli,​ but here I am. I love all of your Salty OUaT Asks, thanks for the ask!
8.  What are your feelings about the show’sconcept of “true love” and/or TLK?
Oh man, this is the one that made me pause and walkaround the room a few times while preparing an answer because I feel like theshow didn’t actually have a cohesive concept of a true love or a TLK. Ofcourse, having said that, let’s see if I can get my thoughts down in a way thatmakes sense going off of the TLKs that are most prominent in my memory.
TL/TLK started out as something unique, rare, the most powerful form of magic,which over the course of seven years was eroded down to something as common andubiquitous as a three-leaf clover. There’s no tension if it works for everyone,and that’s what ruined the original conceit.
First we have the Charming/Snow TLK juxtaposed with the Emma/Henry TLK. I lovedthis one, there was the tension of whether Emma would put her faith in Henryand believe and whether that would be enough for a TLK. Plus there was anelement of sacrifice in each TLK – Charming and Emma each thought they weresaying goodbye to their heart, and who they loved enough to let go. So the TLKwas almost like a reward for their love and faith in the other. 
We see the element of sacrifice and TL again when Emma and Killian are in the UW.They pass the test and open the door because each of them is willing tosacrifice themselves for the other. So while we didn’t get a TLK because deathisn’t a curse and a TLK wouldn’t have cured Killian’s condition, we did get thesame criteria of sacrifice and faith and the ultimate final reward of Killianbeing given a second chance at life so he and Emma could be together. I know alot of people were disappointed that CS never had a TLK, but I think what wegot was a lot more powerful.
Then we have the unsuccessful Rumpel/Belle TLK, which was the perfect parallel.Rumpel’s fear kicks in midway through the kiss and we see how that makes himpull back and become unwilling to give up his power for love. Because hebecomes unwilling to sacrifice his power for his heart, the TLK doesn’t work.It’s heartbreaking and beautiful and lends weight to the successfulsacrifice-based TLKs.
We also have the unsuccessful TLKs where one half of the pair had missingmemories (I could go on a whole other rant about missing memories, jfc). Butagain, there can be no sacrifice and not agreement on intent if one half of thepair either doesn’t remember the other – Snow not remembering Charming/Emma notremembering Killian, or doesn’t remember all the details of the curse – Killiannot remembering that he’s a DO, added to the fact Emma didn’t want to break herown memory curse. 
But then we have the TLKs that didn’t seem to have any element of sacrifice ordanger and were just TLKs for the sake of a TLK to break a curse. The firstthat comes to mind is Brennan Jones and his nurse. I mean, WTELF? First, wehave Brennan under a sleeping curse for a century or two? All right, that justtakes away from the danger of the sleeping curse full stop. I’m pretty surethat in S1 it was established that if the sleeping curse wasn’t broken theperson under the curse would eventually die – wasn’t that what eventuallyspurred Emma and Charming on? Not only was there no apparent danger of imminentdeath for Brennan, but he gets a TLK from someone he’d never even met? So whatthe hell was this unnamed nurse sacrificing? Was Brennan the only patient shewas responsible for, so if he eventually bit the dust she’d be out of a job? Idon’t know, the Brennan/nurse TLK was one of the stupidest things the show everdid.
The stupidity and rule-breaking TLK between Brennan and his nurse was equaledby the TLK between Zelena/Hades. Zelena’s intent may, arguably, have been pure(honestly, I’ve blocked a lot of this from memory because it was so infuriatingat the time), but Hades was knowingly deceiving her. 
So now we have two successful TLKs where there is no equality between theparticipants and no sacrifice. Each of those should have gone the way of theRumpel/Belle TLK, but noooooooo, the rules go out the window because it waseasier to write a TLK explanation than to think of something else. I’m going toadd in the Ruby and Dorothy TLK here as well. I don’t think we knew enoughabout Ruby and Dorothy’s relationship to say whether or not they had TL, but myproblem with the TLK they had is that Ruby went there intending to wake Dorothyup with the TLK, there was no tension or doubt that it would work and there wasno element of sacrifice in the kiss because of that. 
My memory of the Philip and Aurora TLK isn’t good enough to say whether or notthe element of sacrifice was established. But because of Aurora we learnedabout the room of fire that apparently exists and where people who have beenunder the sleeping curse are doomed to spend their time (except for Brennan?JFC, why did we ever need to know anything about Brennan, at all?). So thatlead to David undergoing the sleeping curse to be able to communicate with Snowwhile she was in the EF, to be awoken by Snow when she returned. Ok, we knowSnowing had TL, that was established, and in S2 there was still an element ofdanger for the person that was under the curse, so a TLK there I can accept. 
But then we have the S6 shared sleeping curse and the daily TLKs for Snowing. Iguess? There was still tension built into that, but the solution? Snowing’sclosest friends and family will take on the sleeping curse for a few minutesand somehow that the curse that was on Snowing’s shared heart? Ummm, what? Asleeping curse is broken by TL, does that mean this huge group of people sharedTL with each other, I don’t… I can’t… *sigh* This is one of the instances wherethe show’s concept of TL lost all meaning.
I don’t even know what to say about the TL sapling that formed when Snow andCharming first spoke to each other through that hole in the carriage. Whatexactly was the point of that thing? They introduce the concept of the TL greenthumb, destroy the sapling as soon as it’s found, and then never revisit theidea. So… yeah.
But, let’s go back to the element of sacrifice and TL, because we did getanother example of that without a TLK in the UW when Liam sacrificed himselffor Killian. (Hey, look at that! Killian got two major TL moments in the UW,why don’t we talk about that more?) I am not a fan of the way they wrote Liam,but that moment in the cave was without doubt TL, and Liam was properlyrewarded for his sacrifice and faith in Killian.
TL/DR; the show did not have a consistent concept of TL/TLK and used theconcepts and used the TLK as a crutch when they got too lazy to think aboutplot.
9.  Which character arc was more like a line?
Belle is the first one to come to mind. Hercharacter was very poorly treated by the writers. She would get her soloadventures with the visiting princess of the season, but then go right back tobeing Rumpel’s cheerleader. She came close to character growth in S6, but thatwas cut short to serve the Rumpel as savior plotline and she was once againrelegated to the background.
Mulan also comes to mind. We know she was a fierce warrior, but she never gotthe emotional development she deserved.
17.  If you could recast someone who would it beand why?
This is a hard one, I tend to think the fault in thecharacters was with the writers rather than with the actors. That being said,the flashbacks where the characters were supposed to be teenagers but wereplayed by the main actors always fell flat for me – giving someone bangs doesn’tmean they suddenly look 20 years younger, and made it difficult to accept thestory they were trying to tell. Also, I was not a fan of S7 Cinderella/Jacinda,I don’t know if was actor or director choices, but there were a lot of sceneswhere the emotions of the character didn’t seem to fit with the emotion of thescene.
36.  What thing that was not meant to be funny made you laugh?
Oy, I feel like there were so many, and yet I cannotthink of a single example. Oh, wait! Robin’s death scene. I apologize to Robinfans, but omg it was ridiculous and over the top – Zeus’s double-ended dildo,the extreme lingering close-ups on Robin and Regina’s faces, Robin’s bodyfalling and leaving his spirit/sparkly essence behind, the “wings” forming ashis sparkle turned to dust and floated away. Sorry, I’m laughing just thinkingabout it.
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 3X13 - Witch Hunt
Hey! What’s Zelena’s favorite food?
A sand-WITCH, of course!
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...Got it. Shutting up. Review’s below. Read it, bitches.
Press Release
Emma arrives in Storybrooke with Henry and reunites with her friends and family, only to discover that no one remembers how they were transported back - or the past year they had spent back in Fairy Tale Land. But Emma is sure that someone in town is responsible for this new curse and teams up with Regina in an attempt to uncover their identity. Meanwhile, in the Fairy Tale Land that was during the past year, Regina, with the aid of Robin Hood, attempts to break into her castle, which has been overtaken by the Wicked Witch.
Main Thoughts - Characters/Stories/Themes and Their Effectiveness
Regina and Zelena’s first meeting is just straight-up iconic! The buildup to it is incredible, with little hints scattered all around the episode that the two are related and that Zelena’s power is a completely different horse than Regina’s, even down to the color. But there’s this sense of relation because of how sassy the two of them are.
“Despite my shortcomings, I’ve made something of myself.” This whole scene perfectly characterizes Zelena. Regina has been a force of antagonism for a lot of people, but no one has had the strength to truly do something about it. The most that could be done is a level of subduing her or having Henry tame her. But now, an interesting balance was struck. Zelena is more powerful than Regina and puts her on the prowl with that sense of antagonism BUT there’s also another layer to it. She allows for the integrity of Regina’s character development to stay intact. Because her beef is with something Cora did and pointed at Regina for superficial reasons -- that of being born (And holy crap, I just noticed a parallel between this and the Daniel incident and that’s a topic for another day), Regina is still able to be a hero without coming across as torturing someone she already hurt. Mix this in with that gorgeous green all over Rebecca Mader’s body and various pieces of iconography and you have something truly cool!
I really like the handling of the confusion and paranoia throughout the town.
Leroy (The embodiment of the town’s voice at large) as well as the rest of the “rabble” blaming Regina make a lot of sense to me. As I pointed out last time, while our mains have bonded with Regina and understand the depth of her love for Henry, the rest of the town hasn’t had those experiences. They’ve just seen her as the woman who cursed the kingdom and threatened them at nearly every public appearance she’s ever made. And seeing Emma and Regina aware of that and using it to their advantage was utterly fantastic! It’s a really methodical approach that speaks to how self aware they’ve become.
It’s such a clever plan too! The only thing that holds it back from being a straight-up success is their lack of knowledge about Regina and Zelena’s relation. And seeing everything play out is satisfying!
Insights - Stream of Consciousness
-”A family could live on what this is worth. And she just left it all behind.” That begs the question: DID she leave that stuff behind? I mean, Regina dressed very differently in Storybrooke than she did in the Enchanted Forest, but why leave the jewels?!
-I like how Zelena uses magic for all the things that a normal person would use it for. Getting dressed is a pain? Use fucking magic for it!
-ROLAND! The precious baby!!!
-”I’m ALWAYS thinking about Henry.” Awwwwww!!!
-Go Mama Mills! Monkey’s flying at an adorable kid and Regina swoops in and saves him! Noice!
-Damn, Regina! That is a high quality toy you made!
-I love how whether they read the story or not, everyone just KNOWS that Snow can talk to birds.
-”Smart money’s on yes.” Why yell at him Snow? He’s not wrong! Pessimistic, maybe, but that’s literally in his fucking name!
-”He’ll show up Swan. He always does.” I really wish this line was said in good faith, but Killian’s eye roll makes me think it’s ship war nonsense. Dude! Neverland’s over! Let’s be done with the machismo!
-”The bookworm’s right.” Look at that little side eye.
-”Oz? That place is real?” Aww! Cute Snow/Emma parallel for later when she discovers the Wicked Witch is real.
-”We we cell mates.” Ginny’s freakin’ tone during that exchange! Yes, you, Mary Margaret, in your most preppy-prep school voice and manner, were definitely in a cell! XD
-Dude! That Regal Believer exchange was just the saddest thing in the world! Regian can hardly move, so much so that Emma basically has to usher her out to not cause even more of a scene.
-As a side note, I love Regina’s Storybrooke outfit in this episode!
-Emma and Regina’s exchange in Granny’s alcove is just so amazing! Emma’s not without her reasons to distrust Regina and makes that clear and Regina’s aware enough of that but not without reservations of her own to Emma’s accusatory nature.
-How much you want to bet Granny recommended the crossbow to Little John?!
-Okay, so I am a total carnivore and I laughed my ass off when that arrow missed! XD
-I love how Rebecca Mader is dressed so down that a shot and a music swell is needed to show off who she is.
-”Who knew an Evil Queen had a soft spot for children?” You pressed the Henry button, Robin. You shouldn’t have done that.
-”I may have done bad things in my life, but at least I own it.” Regina, NONE of that works the way you think it does. For one thing, a good portion of your time prior to the curse (As well as after it), you denied you were the Evil Queen. For another, admitting you’re bad doesn’t do anything to lessen the effects of the bad things you do. Regina, Reggie-kins! You were doing so well!
-”I inadvertently put her in harm’s way during a job.” I love how freakin’ vague this line is. Like, I feel like there was a “Murder Most Foul”-esque red herring twist -- even more so than the one we got -- that would gel with a Robin flashback (Which was desperately needed).
-I love how this is framed as Henry not being himself because he’s not reacting to baby stuff, but he’s a freakin’ kid! I’d be telling her to buzz off as well!
-”Baby’s are stronger than you think.” Did you enjoy that double entendre, Jane? XD Because I did!
-I like how magic has a scientific element to it occasionally. For just as much as it’s a matter of talent or an ability by birth, magic can be learned and some of the strongest practitioners got to where they are by studying their asses off. There’s a diversity to it that reflects the diversity of skills.
-”I know just who to tell.” Yes, Regina!!! You told the embodiment of the town at large!!! Awesome decision!
-Nurse! Stick the fucking syringe in Little John! Yeah, he’s acting weird, but he’s not attacking just yet, so get a move on!
-”I’m a doctor, not a vet.” We REALLY need to get a magical vet on staff. I feel like Storybrooke has way too many animal problems to not have one.
-I love Regina and Emma’s conversation about stakeouts! It’s so subdued and domestic and FUNNY! XD
-Aww! Henry has friends! I wonder if said friends are wondering what the hell happened to Henry. Like, are there fics akin to “Stand By Me” where his friend group goes looking for him? Does Henry still text them? There’s a fucking story here!
-“Enough with the martyr complex, Regina. Try growing up without a mother.” ...She has a twinge of a point there, Regina.
-”They’re both dead.” I love how Rebecca Mader plays off learning that information. Like, her facial expressions there are divine!
-Has anyone ever written a fic where Zelena DID make the time traveling spell and used it on her terms?
-”Someone to destroy.” OMFG! Lana’s face! I fucking love it!
-”Why’d she tell you all of this?” Dude, she said two pieces of info that are the most general topics in the world when dealing with kids.
-”Maybe we can stop for ice cream.” BAD IDEA!
-”He took on simian form with the added bonus of wings.” A touch redundant, Killian.
-”Seriously? She’s real too?” I love that adorably innocent way that line is given! It’s so cute!
-OMG! I love the Rumple reveal! First, we see some straw. Then we see a male’s hand. Finally, we see his rugged and haggard face! That was so small, but so good!
-Rumple’s poor floof! It’s all gross!
-Rumple’s cage outfit looks more Weaver than Rumple! XD
-Okay, seeing Rumple not in makeup and acting crazy may quite possibly be the scariest thing in this series!
Arcs - How Are These Storylines Progressing?
The Wicked Witch - Damn! Rebecca Mader plays Zelena playing a midwife flawlessly! It’s up there with Pan as just amazing! Also, Zelena is freakin’ clever as hell! She takes full advantage of her knowledge of the people of Storybrooke to get exactly what she needs. And as I mentioned before, the flashback scenes perfectly characterize her. She’s sinister, has greater depth to her, and is just so cool! And speaking of cool, while the player (Zelena) is revealed to the audience, there’s a great element of mystery still going on, keeping the season from just feeling like a waiting game. Why is everyone being turned into monkeys vampire-style? What happened during that year? Who knows!
Regina’s Redemption - Like with the past few episodes, I really enjoy Regina’s character development. We’re starting to enter the payoff stage of her redemption as she further grows on better terms with everyone and protecting not just herself and Henry, but others too.
Killian’s Redemption - “Is he alive?” I love the way that Killian’s eyes just show that it’s something he’s genuinely concerned about. Absent is the snarkier, less mature version of himself and here, we have a Killian who recognizes that a good person’s life is in jeopardy and genuinely just doesn’t want him to be dead.
Favorite Dynamic
Regina and Emma. Who fucking else? The friendliness between these two set up by Regina’s fake memories and her means of stopping the curse perfectly allows for the niceness between the two of them to fit like a glove! It’s not full on best friend niceness, but it’s a niceness that reflects what they did for each other in “Coming Home” and reflects well on their history.
Here we have Jane Espenson flying solo as the writer of this episode! She did a fantastic job. The stories throughout the segments are very simple, but the complexity is allowed to shine through the intricacies of the characters. The dialogue and thought processes of everyone are exceptionally well handled and there’s a lot of comedy that just works so well!
Golden Apple. While I normally reserve a Golden Apple for something with a bit more of a thematic resonance, the execution of the stories here is so good that it doesn’t need a theme in that way. The story and writing are exceptionally good here, playing it simple, but smart and allowing the nuances to speak for themselves. There’s a lot of great elements and great and iconic moments here. It’s a fun step on the journey of this new arc.
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Swan Fire - For all of the worrying that Neal does for Emma, it’s really heartwarming to see how much she worries about him!
Outlaw Queen - I feel like for purposes of full disclosure, I should preface this by saying that I’m not a super strong Outlaw Queen shipper. That said, I want to like them (As I want to like all things), and I’m really liking them in 3B (I liked them the first time around in my initial watch of 3B too)! Lana and Sean have good chemistry and the writing gives them a nice bit of banter. You get the feeling that while they don’t despise each other, they’re not on good terms and that trust has to build between them. And because this is early on in Robin’s existence, he’s allowed to be a simpler character. The love story between them starts out simple and to the point, allowing for it to be a great romance story.
Swan Queen - You really see the developed faith and trust between Emma and Regina and it’s so nice to see them being much more open with each other. Look at their dialogue in the office and how honest and kind they are to each other and it’s night-and-day compared to Season 1, but so well built! And look at those gentle smiles! It’s so sweet!! The payoff here is just so good!
I’m so glad I was able to get more in-depth about this episode! Thank you all for reading and to those fabulous folks at @watchingfairytales!
Next time, we’ll see another looming presence that towers over our heroes. ;)
Season 3 Total (126/220)
Writer’s Scores: Adam and Eddy (39/60) Kalinda Vazquez (17/40) Andrew Chambliss (27/50) Jane Espenson (20/30) David Goodman (20/40) Robert Hull (20/40) Christine Boylan (20/20)* Daniel Thomsen (20/30) * Indicates that their work for the season is complete
Operation Rewatch Archives
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So when I watched the last episode of “Once Upon A Time” I was totally thrilled because it was a great ending of that show. Then I entered tumblr and noticed a lot of dismay among my fellow shippers because of the Alice x Robin scenes or rather not-scenes. Personally, I thought this is very sad because there were some great moments and beautiful shots. Because I’ve studied them a bit for future fanfictions, (which is perfectly normal and something every sane person would do) I thought about sharing my insights so far.
First scene of the episode was just adorable and funny. (I could watch Alice giggling and saying, “Oh, finally!” while Robin seems suspicious for the rest of my life. It cracks me up!) But there was also a Mad Archer/Curious Archer moment:
The way Alice smiled when she looked at young Robin after Robin said something about Zelena driving young Robin to Ashley’s daycare was like she was thinking, “How adorable!” So cute!
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Here is how Robin looked at Alice after rescuing Wish!Hook and the others because Robin knew Alice would be happy seeing her papa being fine.
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Plus, Alice seeking comfort and Robin’s supportive hug after Alice accidentally hurt her papa is bittersweet.
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Obviously the whole scene between Hook and Robin was wonderful: With her being worried about him, promising to take care of Alice, asking for his blessing and being very determined on getting his heart fixed and him staying alive so he could be at their wedding. 
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The later one I found was more beautiful than asking for his blessing because a) she’s showing how much she wants Alice to be happy and b) it’s like saying she would wait with the wedding until Wish!Hook’s heart is fixed. His heart giving out is not an option either. 
Robin wants Alice to be reunited with her papa, first and foremost. You can’t love anybody more than that. Beautiful!
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Them holding hands at the war table when they had their storybooks in front of them, which was the threat of separation, and looking at each other when Snow gave her hope speech was subtle but oh so nice. 
Joining hands here meant that they did not want to be separated again. It might also be a sign of support (seeking and giving) because it was shortly after Henry said, “Everyone is alone.” And that’s what Alice doesn’t want to be and Robin knows that.
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And OMG the scene in the Dark Ones Castle, the fear in Robin’s voice when she screamed, “Alice, hold on!” at first and the utter despair, when she shrieked, “Alice, no! Hold on!” while Alice was loosing her grip on the table, was nerve wrecking! 
There was nothing Robin could do about it. I mean, saying that this was a devastating moment is an understatement. That girl had been reunited with the love of her life for a few days the most and had just received the father’s blessings and was now fearing her true love would be sucked into a realm, where she would be all alone (Well, maybe Robin did not think about that detail at the moment but she likely thought about this before when they were at the war table because she knows how Alice doesn’t want to be alone. So double the heartache of this scene.)
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And of course during the Rumple vs. Rumple climax Robin, being the supportive girlfriend no.1 that she is, has a hand on Alice almost all the time, once even two when Wish!Rumple gets closer, towering over Alice in a protective way.
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Yay, KnightRook reunited and Robin is genuinely happy and looks like she wants to join in:
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So we did not get the proposal and we did not get the wedding, but let’s be honest, who of you knew there would be a clear sign of a wedding happening, before even watching this episode? 
I mean it’s okay to be greedy. I am greedy for them, too, which is why I turn to fanfiction. I get it. BUT it is not okay to be spiteful or nasty about a fine episode. The reason why Alice and Robin are such a cute couple lies in the details. Great romance is subtle. And details we got.
What I won’t deny is that the shots were fast, some scenes felt cut off etc. Reason is that there is a limited time of an episode and that was spent mostly to answer all the open questions and unresolved things of seven years of Once Upon A Time. Screen time was used where it was needed like Regina saying goodbye to her old master and father figure, Rumple (I still get teary eyed just thinking about this scene.) We got a satisfying ending for Rumple’s arc and a glorious one for Regina’s redemption. We saw young Neal and baby Hope. Hell, we even learned who Lily’s father is. LMAO.
Also, like Wish!Hook and Robin have shown, there can be no doubt that Alice and Robin will get married. The blessing scene following directly after Rumbelle’s wedding reminder makes it unshakable as well. #montage
So we don’t need any more proof of that. What we now can have are dozens of versions of a proposal and a wedding in fanfiction and fanart.
With the heart of gratitute and satisfaction I wanna say, let’s cherish what we have. It is beautiful and you shouldn’t make it bad or feel bad about the ending.
Here, have some cuteness as evidence:
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mana-liz · 4 years
OUAT S6 Part3 ramblings
since i’m currently getting more and more feels about shipping emma with regina, but still consider emma x hook one of my fav ouat ships, i now reached the logical conclusion that i ship emma in a poly relationship with both hook and regina while the latter is still in a relationship with robin (who’s obviously still alive).
so to make use of that one meme - hook needs to introduce them like this: this is emma, my girlfriend, and this is regina her girfriend, and that one is robin who’s regina’s boyfriend. yep that sums it up the best.
the best part of this season so far is ep11 (rumple sorta a little bit getting his act back together, august, regina and emma, regina and alternate!robin)
emma and august are so precious
david is such an asshole especially when it comes to his interactions with hook.
i still hate king george
hmm regina and alternate!robin not working out, was not so surprising. but hey, it gave me hope for a moment...
though don’t misunderstand me: i’m not saying that regina (or anyone else for that matter) can only get their happy end through a romantic relationship!! the found family trope as well as friendship are just as important for a happy end!! (and this is not just my own aroace self who’s happily single projecting on that matter)
ok, ep14 also great, with regina and the evil queen resolving their fight. though he part in the flashback where the arrow showed her how she hates the most, made me cry.
the whole second half of this seasons is much better.
the twist with the black fairy and rumple’s origin was an interesting take.
wtf? why is there suddenly a musical episode?? though the singing (at least in the german dub i saw) was pretty great. but i couldn’t keep a straight face throughout the episode.
if there is one thing henry does not lack in this series it’s mothers. let’s see... there was emma, regina, then the evil queen, now fiona... did i forget another mother?
i’m so happy, when i see regina and zelena being sisters together.
and i’m still so proud of how much regina and emma grew throughout the series and how both found their happy end (even though i’m still sad that regina’s robin died...)
that final scene with everyone at granny’s diner made me so happy. also the dwarves and regina shortly before (i’m so moved sniffs)
oh right, there was still that little girl.
what’s with - omg adult!henry?! wait what? she’s his what? the very first episode is repeating itself??!! okaaay....
well then... let’s see what the seventh seasons brings
0 notes
scribbles-by-kate · 7 years
Thoughts on 6.21/6/22 “The Final Battle”
The final chapter of Book One! I really liked the finale on the whole. I could have wished for more Belle in the first hour, and less Hook, but I think everyone got a good story and a fitting finale.
My Fan fiction My Once Upon a Time episode reviews, essays, and meta
Swan Believer feels - the return to the season one vibe, with Henry trying to get Emma to believe, was lovely. It was a nice reminder of how important this relationship was in the beginning, and gave Jared an important role to play in the end of the first book.
Emma’s belief - centring the whole Final Battle on destroying Emma’s belief is cool. It’s like the Saviour’s belief is the thing that really brings the stories to life: she’s the link with the realms, and if her belief dies, they die, and all the characters. It’s funny that they never alluded to this before. In the past, Henry was able to get people to believe to bring magic back, but would that not have worked with the stories too? Is it not also true that people’s belief, and continuing to read stories, brings them to life? But, ok, they go with the idea that it’s the Saviour’s belief that provides the flame for these worlds to exist. I don’t think they set it up very well, but it creates jeopardy for the finale, which is what they want, and it calls back to season one, when Emma didn’t want to believe and was reluctant to believe. She didn’t want to be the Saviour, and she’s been the reluctant Saviour ever since.
What does destroying the realms do? - Destroy light? Bring eternal darkness? I think that’s certainly what’s being suggested, isn’t it? It’s not just about destroying the realms: there’s more to it. The Black Fairy talked about darkness coming, and she talks to Rumple about changing the rules of magic, so the Final Battle is what will lead to that. It’s the ultimate battle between dark and light. And it makes sense for this all to be connected with stories, because stories are hope and belief and light: if you destroy them, darkness comes, the absence of hope. I think that might be something they want to explore more in season seven, though, perhaps. There’s definitely something more meta they can do there.
Jaime is excellent - that scene where she’s trying to convince Emma to burn the book, and she’s holding her hand like a spider or claw, is so good. You can feel Fiona’s need and frustration. She just wants the Final Battle fought already so the darkness can come. She’s so sure she’s going to win and she’s so impatient for it. Excellently creepy and unhinged on Jaime’s part.
The Enchanted Forest crew - Regina, Snowing, and Hook, and then Zelena and the Evil Queen, all working together to try to get home was really good, I think. I really liked the Evil Queen helping, and that moment with Regina calling her Regina was really special. The Evil Queen loves Henry, and I think she was the first to put herself in harm’s way, really, against the darkness. She was the first to be wiped out by it. I also really liked Zelena being supportive of her sister - the ‘of course you can, sis’ line. I think they’ve done a good job of creating that sisterly bond. I also noticed that Zelena saved people from Oz. How she got them to follow her, I don’t know, unless they’d seen in other instances that she’d changed, but the show isn’t really good at establishing a process of change: it just happens when they need it to. Zelena’s less selfish than she was, but she’s rather vindictive when it comes to Rumple, still, which they’ll never have time to address now. Still, some progress for her, at least, and her relationship with her sister has definitely improved.
Hook was really not effective - going up the beanstalk was just a callback to how CS met, but it didn’t actually achieve anything plot wise, apart from allowing some Hook/Charming bonding. The bean didn’t even work in the end. I could really have done without that interlude, to be honest. I don’t believe they’ve had to fight for anything, whatever Hook says, and he definitely didn’t make Emma better. I’ve never found their relationship well developed or satisfactory in any respect. The show’s always tried to make us believe in CS by saying all these things that they simply haven’t shown or developed properly.
Snow and Charming - nice callback to him waking her up. Now she’s waking him. This is Josh and Ginny’s final episode, so it’s nice to take that full circle. I loved seeing Jasmine helping Snow by calling on the carpet! Hook calling snow mummy is gross, though. Ick.
Belle and Gideon’s curses - so Gideon hates his mother and Belle is agoraphobic. And I’m supposed to believe the Black Fairy loves her son? If she loved him, she’d never have given his family such cruel curse personas. She made them the opposite of who they really are just to isolate Rumple. Thankfully, he didn’t fall for it.
Fiona fishing for information - she’s obviously testing Rumple in that first scene, to see if he’s really under her curse. I think the ‘our anniversary’ line is part of her curse: I don’t believe this is RumBelle’s actual anniversary. She’s trying to see if he’s under her curse, and he provides the information about the anniversary to fool her into thinking he is. What a cruel thing to curse him to believe it’s his anniversary, and then ask him about it! She’s really weird in this curse relationship with Rumple and Gideon. She can’t be Rumple’s mother, so she’s…what? Is she trying to take the place of his missing wife or something? Creepy!
Rumple is an excellent actor - OMG, he really had me fooled. I thought something would wake him up early, like he’d hidden some kind of trigger before the curse was cast, that, when he saw it, would wake him, but I didn’t guess he’d be awake the whole time! How did he manage that?! But it just goes to show that he was never working with her. Ok, he allowed her to cast her curse, but he was probably betting on Emma and her family to succeed, and I’m sure he had his own plans for stopping her, which he does do. And I think there’s something to be said for letting her think she’s won and then taking her out. And I would also argue that the Final Battle HAD to be fought. Indeed, Henry says as much. I’m just very impressed by Rumple’s acting! He looks so distraught when he sees the pictures of Belle, like he really believes she left him. And when he says this has been ‘illuminating’, I suppose he means the lengths his mother has gone to in her deception. Once we know he was awake all along, we understand that him questioning Gideon is his attempt to discover the nature of his curse persona.
Belle’s presence - I’ll say this for the show, that even when Belle isn’t in an episode much, her presence is always felt. I loved hearing her voice recite her message for Gideon and seeing Rumple so determined to find her. I loved how he fought for her with Gideon, how he insisted that, even if things went wrong between them, she would never leave their son. ‘Your mother loved you, Gideon’ *sob*. I think he was really trying to break Gid out of his curse there, by reminding him of his mother. It must have hurt to hear him say Fiona’s been more of a mother to him than Belle. Rumple’s being such a good husband here, even if Belle never wants to be with him again. Putting her and their son first is everything. I love how he just will not give up on Belle, and how it drives Fiona demented! Rumple playing with his wedding ring as he talks about Belle always makes me smile too.
Rumple and Henry - lovely scene. I love Henry just not taking no for an answer and then realising Rumple is awake. I think he probably suspected it anyway, or he wouldn’t have gone there. He was just wanting to force Rumple to admit it, I think. Him demanding help with saving their family is very in character for Henry, but Rumple insisting on Belle being all he cares about is very in character for him. And Henry doesn’t argue with him. He knows Rumple loves Belle, and his grandfather is being straight about his priorities, not just being selfish. He has his own person to save, so, no, Belle can’t wait. Glad Henry accepts that and then just asks for something to help him.
Rumple and Belle - I love how he finds her, but he doesn’t try to force anything with her. He sees she’s afraid, and, though he tries to tell her this isn’t who she is, he doesn’t push it. He knows where she is and that she’s not likely to go anywhere, so she’s safe, and he has time to go after his mother. I love how outraged he is at what his mother did to her, and how he swears he’ll make her pay. He’s so gentle with Belle and so protective, and I love him like that. I also love poor, sweet Belle being so scared, but still sort of captivated by this strange man. Emilie plays it really well. It’s just a pity we didn’t see more of that, but they rush so much in finales.
Emma losing belief - it’s surprising that nothing Henry shows her can get her to believe again, and that she doesn’t want to fight, but I think this is a message about belief being a choice. He can’t make her believe: she has to choose to on her own. He’s understandably distraught when he thinks the Black Fairy’s won, but the hero always gives up before finally taking up the mantle of heroism. And I think Emma’s journey has been about choosing to be the Saviour, about wanting to be that. She’s been called the Saviour, but, a lot of the time, she hasn’t been the one doing the saving. It’s been Regina or Rumple being the heroes and making the sacrifices. This is the first time Emma really becomes the Saviour, rather than paying lip service to the idea, and rather than doing it reluctantly.
Henry going it alone - love this. He wants to be a hero so much, and it’s a nice parallel with the opening scene, where he stands in front of the darkness with his grandfather’s sword. We see Henry transitioning to being the hero of his own story.
Emma’s return - again, the story had to be about her choice. Henry couldn’t make her believe: she had to choose to. And I think it was important that she chose to come back before her memories returned, because that meant she was choosing to try to be the person Henry showed her, even if she wasn’t sure that’s who she was. It’s important to try to do the right thing even if you think you’ll fail, and I think that mirrors Rumple in the mines, turning his back on the Darkness even when it doesn’t save Gideon, at least immediately. He doesn’t call the Darkness back when Gideon’s heart goes dark. There’s more paralleling of Rumple and Emma in this episode: they’re sort of mirrors of each other.
Rumple fulfils the prophecy - he was supposed to be the Saviour who died in battle killing the ‘great evil’, who turned out to be his mother. Even though she cut his destiny away, that prophecy still came true, only Rumple didn’t die too. Maybe being the Dark One is what saved him there. Maybe he was able to use the Darkness to destroy darkness, since Emma later says light can’t destroy darkness. Maybe darkness can, though. In being the one who kills the great evil, Rumple does become the Saviour, only he chooses to be that rather than being destined. He chooses to fight his mother for love of his family, and fighting for love is what breaks her curse and brings everyone home, just as they’re about to die.
They remembered how the Black Fairy’s wand works - I’m so happy about this! They established in season three that it can recreate any magic, so Rumple is able to use it to undo the magic that made his mother a fairy, turning her to dust in the process, because she should have died centuries ago. That’s a cool bit of continuity, and, again, I wonder if anyone but the Dark One could have done that. Could Emma, Regina or Blue? Would they have known to try it? Would they have had the power necessary? They were going to use the other wand to banish her, so that suggests they didn’t think they could use her own. Or else the writers remembered about her wand when they were writing the finale, which is possible!
‘I’m no longer willing to pay it’ - I am so proud of Rumple! He finally realised that all the Darkness promises just leads to more heartache and people he loves getting hurt, which leads to pain for him. Even when his mother is offering him everything he could ever want, he says no, because what he really wants is to earn his family’s love and to live in a world where they can choose for themselves. He turns his back on the Darkness not once, but twice. He refuses his mother’s offer, so the Darkness itself puts in an appearance, and he still refuses, because, again, he wants a real life. He doesn’t want something like the Author’s AU: he’s learned and grown, and he wants something real. Accepting that offer would destroy him in the end anyway, because it wouldn’t really be Belle and Gideon, just shadows of them. He’d lose his humanity to the Darkness as surely as he nearly lost it before. He’s finally learned his lesson. I don’t believe the Darkness is done with him, but he’s stronger now. The fact that he says he was destined to be the Saviour really indicates what path he’s chosen. He’s chosen light, let love wake him up: now he has to keep doing that, and, if he can, he’ll get stronger and better able to resist temptations. I’m so proud of him for taking that first step. He could really be the person Merlin spoke of, who can use the power for good and not let it burn through his soul.
Only light can snuff out light - and that’s why she took Gideon. I love how Rumple knows that before she even says it. Gideon is a True Love child, and he has his mother’s goodness, though I would say he has his father’s too. I love that he’s so much a child of light, as much as Emma is.
Belle’s return - the fact that she runs right to Rumple and she doesn’t even bat an eyelid at the fact that she was just cursed suggests that she knew all along. He told her about the curse and the Final Battle, and she was ok with it. The fact that she doesn’t yell at him like she did in the season four finale, before he collapsed, strongly suggests she knew the score and accepted it, because if she didn’t know what was going on, she would have yelled at him for sure.
Belle twisting her ankle - was silly. I know they wanted Rumple to face the Darkness alone, but… Obviously it was a nod to Belle’s towering heels! Hey, it got the job done, and I loved her telling Rumple to go on, trusting him to save their son and Emma. They’ve come a long way.
Find a third way - I knew when the queen said that earlier this season, it would come back into play. I really enjoyed that Swan Queen moment where they rehashed their relationship in less than a minute. ‘We were both his mother’ - aw! That’s one of the best stories the show has told: both Regina and Emma as Henry’s mother :)
Emma becomes the Saviour - I think the speech she gives herself is really her accepting who she is and choosing that for herself. She chooses to be the Saviour as much as Rumple does, and, when Gideon says he hoped she could save them both, she sees what she has to do: she finds the third way. Sacrificing herself, as Saviours do, defeats the darkness, and then Henry’s True Love is what saves her. Everyone wins!
Good and evil made the right choice - I was kind of annoyed by this line at first, because it seemed to kind of put the blame on Rumple, and cast him as the evil, but I actually think the phrasing equals them out. Both Rumple and Emma had to choose right. Emma had run away, but then she came back, and then she chose to be the Saviour. Rumple resisted the Darkness twice, even when its offer was very tempting both times, and even when he realised he’d failed, he didn’t call the Darkness back. That line is suggesting that both good and evil can make wrong choices too: they just had to choose to make right ones. There’s good and bad in Emma and Rumple, but they let their good win out. They were brave and they faced their fears. They were selfless, and that’s what’s important, not the titles. They couldn’t have won the Final Battle without both of them doing the right thing, so they are both heroes at the end of the day. It was a joint effort.
Gideon’s happy beginning - I’m sure he got what he wanted in being turned back into a baby. He looked relieved when Emma’s magic did its thing. Though he didn’t say what he wanted, it’s heavily implied. And baby Gideon sounds so happy when he appears. I really love that moment when Belle is comforting Rumple, after he’s done his absolute best, and then they hear their baby. I love that it’s a moment of despair that they’re comforting each other in, and then it turns into a moment of utter joy. There’s no anger or disagreement between them now: they’re completely together, and then they have their baby, and it’s beautiful. A happy beginning indeed.
The happy beginnings:
CS - seems kind of understated to me? Just her making him her deputy: no kiss or big romantic moment. I mean, I’m happy there wasn’t, but it seems like they were kind of an after thought in the whole thing.
Snowing - aw, David gets to have a farm and Snow goes back to teaching and shaping young minds. Lovely! And Wilby II!
Regina - perfect. Her happy ending is feeling at home in the world, so I love this acceptance from people. She’s their queen and they love and respect her. That did make me emotional.
Zelena - I know there was a scene that was cut. I suppose her happiness is being with her daughter.
Henry - he’s got his moms walking him to the bus and the nice Swan Mills family moment, and then his first love waiting for him. Lovely.
RumBelle - so in love, dancing to their song, their baby being rocked gently to sleep. Belle’s got her wedding ring on and they’re so happy. Love it. And then their big entrance into Granny’s, and the welcome from Emma and the others. I think the highlight of the happy beginnings montage is them, with Regina coming a close second.
I love the family siting down to dinner together, finally all together and an extended family.
Henry and his daughter - there’s much that’s intriguing about this. The darkness, the idea that they have to protect the book and the stories from it, because stories are the only way to defeat darkness. I think this is the ‘more meta’ potential of season seven that I mentioned before. Henry’s disappearance and Lucy being all alone, and why he doesn’t remember her in the Seattle part, and which comes first: Enchanted Forest or Seattle? The fact that they’re continuing with Henry as an adult is interesting. I suppose we’ll see what Book Two brings!
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faithandfairies · 7 years
OUAT in Wonderland
OMG, OMG, I’m watching scenes of OUAT in Wonderland and wow, I think the Red Queen, Anastasia, may be Emma. Aside from Alice that is.
And the Red King may be Rumple, aside from Jafar and very likely Cyrus.
Will is Regina. But I already thought that from OUAT itself.
It’s interesting also because on OUAT in Wonderland Alice and Ana actually have Will in common. As in he is someone they both care deeply about.
I don’t have the patience to watch the episodes in their entirety. But from the snippets I have watched I’m getting that Emma/Ana loved someone else (one guess whom) but that Rumple, well, the Red King, offered Emma a deal. And she took it. A deal that involved taking care of her in exchange for “her hand”, while he very obviously stared at her body. As Rumple has done with Regina on OUAT.
And that clearly didn’t end well for Emma/Ana.
Even Ana’s costuming is the same coloring and look as Emma’s when she time traveled into the past. The brown peasant one and they even put her in full on red at the ball where she met Regina.
It even cements that at some point Cora too offered Emma a deal. It looks like she offered her love, acceptance, friendship, a place to belong.Or someone to belong with. 
Cora also offered to teach Ana magic. What I don’t get is that the Red King doesn’t like magic.
Whereas Rumple was a slave to it. 
I don’t get it.
I wonder what magic is here. I mean, it’s emotion. But maybe something else?
What happened to the Red King, though?
Then there’s the stepsister bit. It keeps coming back. Here. OUAT.
There’s the Cinderella story, the Regina-Zelena story. And now the new Cinderella story with the Latina Ciderella.
So what I’m getting putting these pieces together is that it’s possible Emma and Regina were competing maybe, at one point? That they were sisters, foster sisters. Or stepsisters. Or just two girls vying for the same person’s love and affection. Cora’s probably given the Zelena-Regina story. Emma was the one who wanted the life of wealth, a family that loved her. Because she never had one. Or maybe didn’t remember having one.  And was willing to do whatever it took to get it. But she didn’t. 
Because of Cora who pushed Regina to the forefront. Regina got everything in theory. Regina was Cora’s prized possession. The child she had laid all her hopes, dreams and expectations onto. 
From Regina’s story we know that she didn’t actually want all her mother offered her. She was miserable. But for different reasons than Emma.
From all these pieces I’m also getting that Emma may have both hated and loved Regina. Or at least been angry with her. For the cards they were dealt, for who she was. On the one hand wanting her love and acceptance while on the other hating her for being the focus of the “love” and “acceptance” of everyone else.
Then there’s the whole “The Red Queen” moves on but Ana stays. It’s like with Emma and her savior persona. Interesting.
The end of OUAT in Wonderland may be where OUAT’s present story starts. Since OUAT in Wonderland ends with Alice and her daughter (ten possibly anyone?) reading Alice’s story up to that point. Alice telling her daughter her story up to that point.
Whereas OUAT starts with Henry reading his mothers’ story up to that point on his own and telling it to Emma in pieces. 
Another interesting thing is the rabbit.
The only connection to the rabbit that shows up on OUAT itself is the rabbit hole if I’m not mistaken. With Will trying to find it, digging for it, I believe. Only stopping a moment to ask Snow whether she’s married to the female sheriff. *raises eyebrows meaningfully.
The rabbit tells Alice that only the most special people that visit Wonderland ever figure out what it’s truly about.
Alice replies “Finding love?” and the rabbit says “Finding yourself.”
That to me says that Alice didn’t figure it out. And that Cyrus may very well be Rumple. Or someone who isn’t what she needs. Even if she believes he is. The look on her face after what the rabbit says confirms that.
Because in order to be able to find love, the kind that is right for you, you need to first find yourself, find out who you are. In order to know what you need.
I love that Tiana is joining OUAT in season 7. Because that is also exactly what her story is about. Finding out who she is so she can figure out what she needs to be happy. So she can see that it’s right in front of her.
And that is what Emma’s story is about. And the reason why it hasn’t ended yet. And the fact that Alice says goodbye to Ana and Will who are together and Ana says see you soon confirms that as well. Not to mention the hesitation to go inside with Cyrus followed by the running hug between Will and Alice after Alice is just married, with Alice a mixture of sadness, shuddering breaths and longing. Why end Alice’s wedding night on what can only be called her devastation over Will leaving?
The story isn’t over.
It also says a lot that Will and Ana were only able to be together in Wonderland. Not our world. In our world the happy ending we got was Alice and Cyrus. 
P.S. Are you kidding me, Ana and Will are the White King and Queen? And that is the story Alice ends with? Not her own with Cyrus? Could they be anymore clear? I think not. 
P.P.S. Will f-ing objected to Alice and Cyrus’ wedding! This is not a drill, he got up, stuck up his hand and said something and Ana had to pull him down. This is not a drill! I’m not making this up. Also, Ana and Will are the only ones in that wedding part that don’t look happy. And that Arabic looking guy. What’s his deal? Is he supposed to be Aladdin because then he’d be just  another Emma and it would explain the lack of happiness at the wedding. And so did Alice (not look happy) when she was alone staring at her reflection. And what was with that horror music right then? You want to convince me someone is happy and in love and happy for someone else that is not the way to do it. But that isn’t what you were trying to do, is it? I can’t. I just can’t.
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OUAT Musical Song Spoilers
So now that I’ve heard all the songs, time for my opinion.
MAJOR SPOILERS for those that haven’t listened to the soundtrack or are avoiding all spoilers. Will be tagging properly under ouat spoilers so blacklist or scroll on past.
Let’s start with “Powerful Magic”. A little rough with Ginny in the beginning but it makes sense in context since she’s discovering that she’s compelled to sing but as the song continued she had an absolutely wonderful voice. Josh, well, you can feel his and Charming’s excited at fulfilling their destiny as a true Disney Prince. I mean damn. He’s a freaking Disney Prince with a freaking Disney Prince voice. Bless him. That “goooooood” omg. All in all I love the Snowing duet and wish we had more of them. 
Lana’s songs.....
Moving on.....
Actually, it’s really hard to enjoy Gosh singing “Charmings vs Evil Queen” because of how...drastic the difference is in tone and singing quality. So I definitely wish we just had another Snowing number instead.
"Revenge Is Gonna Be Mine” is still the catchiest and omg I love Colin’s voice; it’s amazing, he’s amazing. I still can’t get over the Freddie Mercury/Queen meets Disney vibe, and I like how the soundtrack makes the speaking parts slightly more musical, because watching the clip from the show and having Snow interrupt kind of annoyed me. I was just like “Snow! Let the man sing! It’s his destiny!” SO definitely wished we had more of Colin singing in the musical.
Bex sang very beautifully in “Wicked Always Wins” but the lyrics were meh. Also, I really don’t understand why a character who’s barely been around this season gets a song in one of the shows most promoted/important episodes ever. Instead, this is where we need Emma/Hook/Snowing/CS singing. I do however love Bex and Zelena, so I’m not hating here, just confused as to her part. 
“Emma’s theme”. EMMA’S THEME. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY FEELS. I mean Jen has an absolutely mind blowing voice. I mean that shit was fantastic. Blew me away. Not only that, most of the songs here are all in good fun, but THIS ONE is emotionally evocative. It’s so important. I 100% believe that the Dark Fairy has come to interrupt post-nuptials, possibly right before they have their honeymoon (I seriously hope it’s not right after the ceremony cause that would suck) and I feel that Emma is singing this at the Dark Fairy because a) it’s aggressive in some parts like she speaking to someone she doesn’t like, b) it mentions “your wicked ways” “more powerful than you” etc., and c) she’s REAFFIRMING THAT SHE IS THE SAVIOR! HER! EMMA SWAN IS THE SAVIOR!
So I believe that that songs is absolutely amazing and that CS will be separated yet again #writers please stop separating CS 2k17
Now, let me tell you about “A Happy Beginning”. First off, JEN AND COLIN SOUND AMAZING TOGETHER WHY DID WE NOT GET MORE DUETS FOR THEM SINCE IT’S THE FREAKING CS WEDDING EPISODE (jk, we all know why #woegina). But I absolutely adore the idea of CS have the Happy Beginning mentality instead of the Happy Ending one that’s been a huge part of the show, because this is a very big beginning for them. At first, I didn’t like that everyone joined in, but the more i listen to it, the more I appreciate Snowing’s part in it. The “na na na na na nas” still get very annoying though and I really wish it had more CS focus. 
All in all, I really wished we had more CS and Snowing duets or individual songs. 
Voice rankings: Jen is definitely top, Colin I mean wow, Josh is a freaking Disney Prince, Ginny is fantastic, and Bex is beautiful.
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ladystrallan · 2 years
Once Upon a Time season 5A thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- The random girl shushing his ominous speech is so funny
- Wow he just poofed into dust
- Omg the end of excalibur is the dagger
- “Mate don’t” idk why but that is funny
- “We need someone wicked” yassss
- Omg the rose
- Wow iconic move to cut her hand off to remove the bracelet
- She is so good at manipulating everyone
- Gaslight gatekeep girlboss
- “Accent’s a bit much no?” Lol rumple
- “Out dwarves, adults only” Regina…
- “Well… you don’t look like a crocodile” why is this episode so funny
- Okay I remember really not liking Arthur and the whole Camelot plot line
- OUAT loves a memory loss plot
- Omg dark emma
- She’s got a cool look
- Not dopey turning into a tree
- Hook: Emma look at me this isn’t you
- Of course she can’t dance
- Omg that guy is evil or something
- A demon sent from the underworld… hmmmm I feel like I know a hot guy from there
- I seriously can’t wait for 5b to see my man <3
- Omg Henry and Violet is so cute (I remember liking them together)
- He whips out the ipod lol
- This song is kind of a bop
- Omg she destroyed his village
- I guess there was a Robin fake out death before it actually happened
- Can you make the price like a dollar or something? Or does it have to be of equal value
- “Have you thought about kissing it out?” Omg that’s so funny
- Regina is such a hypocrite
- She has done things just as bad if not worse than what Zelena did and yet she deserves redemption and Zelena doesn’t???
- “I wished him happy just not with my wife” lol
- “What’s that then” “It’s a picture from up inside Zelena” “Woah mate” I’M DYING
- Arthur is giving me Louis from Versailles vibes
- And if you’ve seen my Versailles thoughts, you know how I feel about Louis (I hate him)
- Noooo not on her birthday
- Omg they kissed
- I mean, if you’re neglecting your wife it’s kinda understandable if she cheats
- “Well, there’s this girl” “Is there indeed?” Loved the delivery Killian
- “Is that your dad?” “No it’s my horse” lol
- That’s sinister, using magic to keep your wife from leaving you
- Arthur is such an asshole omg
- Omg Merida is back
- “I need you to make him brave” wow that’s what her movie is called
- Ooh that’s Merlin
- I’m pretty sure he was talking about Nimue (and she was the first dark one)
- Well that’s a way to meet the dad
- “When this kingdom is attacked by ogres” WHY IS IT ALWAYS OGRES???
- Awwww that’s cute a little date
- “Um hi milady” lol
- Not the friend zone
- This is giving me so much second hand embarrassment
- Taunting rumple with belle is the way to make him brave
- She is his courage… that’s so cute
- Love the arrow in the intro
- Wow I guess no one cares about rumple then
- Slay belle for standing up for him
- Please tell me they can fix it :(
- I do like the idea of rumple being all heroic for her
- Omg I’m crying this is so sweet
- Zelena and Emma team up??? Iconic
- “He’s not my sweetheart” I think he is belle ;)
- “You saved me” “Actually I think you saved me” AWWWWWWWW
- “I would change everything for you” screaming
- I’m a slut for good rumple (or just rumple in general lol)
- I do miss him having magic though
- Why is Zelena so slay all the time?
- The outfits, the acting, the trickery, 10/10
- Emma’s lucky she didn’t get the dark one skin condition
- She just got a bleach job and a new outfit
- Arthur is such a dickhead omg i can’t stand him
- Lol Rumple’s Merlin impression
- Zelena was like switched sides? Time for an outfit change
- Omg she’s going into labour
- Why does every evil person want a baby? How many dark spells require that?
- Omg the house that he picked
- “Did someone scream for a doctor?” Yasssss Dr Whale is back!
- Did he go to the same hair salon as Emma lol
- Yassss mulan is back!
- Mulan and Merida: iconic team up
- So many characters I love are back this season :)
- Me anytime I see Arthur: “Dickhead”
- Regina & co are actually so awful to Zelena about this whole baby thing
- Like I get that it’s Robin’s baby but it’s hers too
- And I’m pretty sure being away from the mother is bad for a baby’s development
- Like at least let her visit with supervision
- I guess when you become the dark one you immediately know how to use magic
- Ok I guess they are letting her see her baby
- Was not expecting the break up part 2 :(
- Me sobbing
- How is she pregnant in 5b though???
- They must get together by the end of 5a
- Catch me opening the underworld portal so I can see my man <3
- The visual of all the dark ones sitting in the boat together is so funny to me
- It’s giving summer camp vibes
- “The underworld is worse than you could possibly imagine” uhhhh no rumple my true love is there so I think it’s pretty great
- Awwww rumple sending her to see the world
- That’s actually so vile to send her away so she literally CANNOT SEE HER BABY
- Slay move by hook
- Rip (until he gets resurrected)
- Belle didn’t leave!
- And the baby was conceived ;)
- Rumple being the dark one again, kinda slay
- Kind of bad for his redemption arc though
- “I will always find you” we love a good iconic line
- I am so excited to see Hades!!! Love of my life (and death)
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: RUMPLE (10/10 character development), Belle, Zelena, Dr Whale, Merida
Like: Emma, Hook, Mulan, Ruby, Nimue (idk she’s kinda cool)
Neutral: Snow, David, Merlin, Guinevere, Henry
Dislike: Regina, Robin
Hate: Arthur
Season rating: 6/10
Firstly, I HATE ARTHUR AND I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL HE’S DEAD. I don’t care for the Camelot arc, but I do like dark Emma and Rumple got some really good character development (even though he went back to being the dark one). I also like Merida and it was nice to see Ruby, Dr Whale, and Mulan again. Gets an extra 0.5 for setting up my absolute favourite arc in the show (the underworld)
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6x21-22 The Final Battle
Well, there were a lot of throwbacks, and a lot of feels, and a surprise ending we all pretty much knew was coming right?
Previously on...is showing clips from the first season, and I'm already emotional.
Fiona made it so that everything wasn't real, all it did was land Emma in the nuthouse for believing in him.
Also Fiona is the mayor and Henry's "mother" in this reality, ohh shit.
"She took you from your wedding to theirs."
Hook waking up with Snowing and Baby Charming and Regina in the EF, in THEIR CASTLE. That just gave me some feels ngl, I always dreamed we'd have them all together there, but of course Emma and Henry are missing.
Fiona suggesting that Emma go back to Boston when she's released, if that day comes, if she burns the book to prove to Henry that she doesn't believe.
They were all able to see Fiona and Emma through the mirror back in the EF. AHHH OMG! THEY'RE SO WORRIED ABOUT HER!
They use the hat to go into the room with the doors to realms, and Oz is nothing but blackness, and the others are fading, the realms are being destoryed, that's the Black Fairy's plan. OHH SNAP!
All the refugees from the realms in the room. Regina mentions seeing someone from Arendelle, and then Jasmine and Aladdin are there. Hook thinks he knows where to find something to help but Regina wants to do things her way, so of course he sneaks off.
Killian was talking about the beanstalk! He wants to go up the beanstalk again..."Bloody hell, it's taller than I rememebered." Charming followed him and is trying to tell him not to risk making Emma a widow. And Killian tells him he's climbed it before, that it was his and Emma's first adventure. THAT THEY FOUGHT FOR THEIR LOVE AND HE'S NOT GONNA LET IT END THERE. Charming seeing how upset he was and is going with him up the beanstalk, YES I'M CRYING!
Henry trying to get her to remember by taking her to the rooftop, and she does a lil, but then he agrees to help her try and leave...hmmm.
Henry stealing the Storybook from Fiona, and she knows he knows this place is not real.
Fiona just magically pushed Henry down a flight of stairs. WHATTTTTTTTT. ARE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO DO THAT TO A KID ON TV OMG. I mean I know he doesn't look that little anymore, but still!!!
Fiona faking being upset over Henry's accident to Rumple, haha okay.
Jack and the Beanstalk was always one of my fave fairytales, now we have Charming and Killian very tiny in a very oversized room. Killian saying he should be the one to swing up onto the table, and when Charming aggrees, he's suprised that he's trusting a pirate, Charming says no, his "Son..." and when Killian gives him the eyebrow, the adds, "in law." LOL OMG, AND YESSS, CRIESSSSSSSS, BEST BRO-SON-IN-LAW-OTP EVER. BUT KILLIAN GOT THE BEAN OMG! AND NOW THEY'RE RUNNING FROM A DRAGON!
Emma put the book into the incinorator, just as Charming and Killian are coming down the beanstalk, the darkness is overtaking the EF. As it's buring the book pages are turning and Emma sees the one of Killian, that got her attention, but it's still burning!!!
Charming catching Killian when he was falling, and then he falls anyway!!! And the beanstalk falls with Charming still it, and on top of Killian, who says to Snow..."Hello there, Mummy." Her face, OMG! "There was a wedding." Is Snow's explanation when Jasmine looks confused. David's not there and they need to look for him but Snow tells Killian to take the bean and get to Henry and Emma, YESSSSSSSSS.
EMMA'S BACK AT HER NEW YORK APARTMENT! Which apparently is still hers after 2 years away, lol. Always did love the the script writing on her door.
Emma already gets a call about a bail jumper. And Henry made her a storybook drawn on his own.
Killian taking the bean to Regina, who's upset that she left Snow behind..."She'll find David, she always does." HAHA YES!
Snow found Charming and he wasn't moving or breathing so of course she's gotta kiss him in that state, and of course he wakes up! While the play clips of their first waking up from the curse kiss, awe man these two.
"Snow we're gonna be fine, darkness never wins, it just fools you into thinking it does." AWE
Henry barging into Rumple's shop..."I'm not a customer, I'm your grandson." And Gold as being awake to the curse, again.
Henry asking Gold to help him save his family...OUR FAMILY. YESSSSSS.
Henry wanted Charmings sword, to go against the Dark Fairy himself, Regina was watching and Killian says he's a tough lad, but they need to get further from the curse so they can use the bean and get to Henry and Emma...So Evil Queen is holding them back, nice self sacrifice and atonement moment.
Baby Charming crying as the curse is circling around them all, (what did they do to make that baby cry omg), they are all huddling omg, shit shit shit.
Fiona tempting Gold with bringing back Baelfire from the dead, yeah they're trying to fit everything into these last 2 episodes, making sure they don't miss a throwback. Bet they won't mention Graham or Ruby.
Fiona has control of Gideon, and told him to kill Emma, WHOMP, Rumple actually killed Fiona though, damn. Now he's killed both his parents.
BUT NOW EVERYONE REMEMBERS, INCLUDING EMMA! Just in time for Gideon to show up all menacing like to challenge her.
Rumbelle is down in the caves looking for Gideons heart to stop him. She twists her ankle and Rumple has to leave her behind, wtf.
When did Emma stop to put her beanie on when they went outside? Lol. They meet up with everyone in the street, Emma hugs and kisses all over Killian's face.
Regina chooses now to reminisce about the past and how they hated eachother when she first got their and how Emma found a way to make it work, where they were both Henry's mother. And how her Evil Queen saved them all today, having hope that they'll find another way out of this final battle, one where Emma doesn't die.
Rumple is the devil on Gold's shoulder when he finds the heart and needs to make the right choice to save them all. Rumple tries to tell Gideon's heart not to kill Emma, but it didn't work.
"Nobody needs to save me, I'm the savior." Emma giving a big damn speech while being a big damn badass hero. And laying down her sword to die for them all, WHAT NOW!
Henry kneels down and tells Emma he loves her and kisses her on the forehead, so of course it's TLK and he's okay now.
Rumbelle is hugging and all of a sudden Baby!Gideon is back, with Belle's book. THEY GET A REDO! WHATTTTTTT!
Them all standing around the end of the book like...WHAT NOW. And of course Snow is the optimistic one like, we get our happiness, together.
All the realms being restored...Arendelle, Neverland, Wonderland, Agrabah, The Enchanted Forest.
The Charmings. Rainboots by the door. They live on a farm. They have a dog.
Emma and Regina walking Henry to school. SUCH EMBARRASSING MOMS. LOL.
Snow teaching, with the bluebird again.
Emma and Killian in the bug, with his Deputy badge on, and them driving off with the siren going.
The Dwarfs fixing Regina's door, instead of "Mayor" it says "Queen.". And Evil Queen got an arrow with a note from Robin.
Rumbelle gets a beauty and the beast dance.
Everybody at Granny's celebrating, including Rumbelle.
Them all sitting at a long made table like THE LAST SUPPER!
And the little girl that was guarding the book in the forest is now on a train bring a new Once Upon a Time storybook to someone else's door...her fathers...a grown HENRY MILLS! Who doesn't remember having a daughter, who looks alot like Violet btw.
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darthsavior · 6 years
tania watches ouat!s6
god I hate rushed snow queen so damn much. snow is not an innocent party! how many times does this need to be shown to sink in. we learned nothing from the main narrative. 
Of course Regina’s hero monologue is transposed with Emma--of course. and of course it is about how they view each other as their own hero’s.  Of course. 
Emma Swan is gay. Therapy solved. 
 “you have the education of a cat” is the best insult in this entire show. thanks for your contribution wicked stepmother. 
ok hi cricket game part 2: garbage edition. Respect only for Regina’s evil embodied paralleled as Cora. Her evil as her mother’s. A bitter inheritance.
honestly jennifer, what are these choices. really. why are u sitting on the floor. who crouches to put things in their truck? in the middle of a busy street. Y is your natural inclination a forever love poem to stance-atry
Rumple is the goddamn big bad of this fucking show. When are we going to accept his abusive weak ass needs to be killed fucking DEAD. trapping his wife. a nasty scene of battery and fear. she is almost murdered. what in seven hells. 
who came up with magical savior Aladdin. incredibly insipid. makes 0.0% sense. F-
Do appreciate that we’re finally accepting Emma=Aladdin. Regina=Jasmine. We did it.
Uh bOY did they go hard on hook is not disgusting brainwash. Sorry kids, disrespecting the will of your loved ones is not redeemable. Hook’s first thought is always to lie. Always. 
the tiny horse bowing story was truly peak “this is why Snow is a redeemed villain, not a hero” and i am utterly disappointed it came in such a late season 
EQ is such a great internal narrative critic. LP’s delivery of ‘rage rage against the dying of the light’  👏 👏 👏 👏.
Emma in particular hating the idea of Regina x Rumple. Same girl. same. 
In the snowing submission sequence, the framing of Emma/Regina is so funny. They keep looking at each other for assurance. LOL. i hate OUAT.
Taking nothing away from Good!Regina. Her inability to see her own evil’s machinations, and then her reaction to EQ explaining the worst curse is being alone! Fantastic. What a shame this came after everyone stopped watching. 
ok the conceit of this season being emma and regina needing to die, struggling to make sure the other does not die, and/or asking each other to be the one to kill the other to save everyone else is everything right and wrong with this show.
emma and regina in a mirror AU- no wait- realU. They live together. Gayppily ever after. The end. 
EQ playing Regina. Like seeing season 1 Regina rise from the dead. Missed you boo. Finally helping me live my well dressed EQ in our century life. 
Henry: “Let’s go find my moms”. “My moms taught me”. Sigh. We could have had it all.
Truly- Eq/Regina is the entire value and contribution of this show. No wonder Jen-mma looks like she's near death 24/7. Way to get so embarrassingly out shined on your own show. 
Who expected “She’s Not Dying” to be one of THE major swan queen themes. Over and over again.
Rumple is a serial abuser! Kill him Zelena!!
i really was against Regina/EQ splitting- shockingly, however, the writers did very well in making it clear that Henry loves his mother completely. Both halves of her. Full acceptance. All her light. All her dark. No cartoon heroine required to deserve love. Amazing. 
asian nun? wasnt rumple raised by nice old lesbian fairies? isnt that why he hates them. omg i forgot his mother is jamie murray
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