#omg it feels like we were all counting down and theorizing about the release of season 2 like 6 months ago but no
mushr00mmenace · 1 year
guys camp cretaceous is three years old. send help.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Hogwarts! Joshua
Anon requested: “can you write seventeen hogwarts au? Joshua is possible?”
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2783
everyone knew about Joshua Hong 
the perfect perfect
he was a fifth year Hufflepuff 
same house and year as you 
so you saw him often as you both shared classes 
it came as no surprise when he was chosen as a prefect 
but he was surprisingly cool, letting minor things go if it didn’t endanger anyone or if it was for special occasions 
especially if they were his friends, he just couldn’t say no to them 
everyone’s favorite prefect because he was so nice and liked giving warnings rather than punishments 
caught out past curfew by a few minutes, 
he’d show you a secret passage to getting back to the dorms without running into teachers 
if you passed him on the train, he’d stop to compliment you after asking you how your summer went 
and no surprise he knew the lady pushing the trolley around on a first name basis 
and asking her how her family was and everything 
and complimenting her uniform
she always slipped him chocolate frog cards he didn’t have for his collection 
and he’d thank her and buy out half the trolley before sharing it with all the kids in the next few carriages 
Joshua was good at everything, smart and friendly too 
not a single person could find something wrong with the guy or criticize him in any way 
no matter what house someone was in, they new Joshua Hong
because the guy did everything 
perfect exam scores in charms, potions, DATDA, transfiguration, herbology 
you name it, Hong Jisoo did well in it 
and he was so nice to everyone and a gentleman wherever he went  
holding open doors to classrooms for people or picking up fallen quills or books that people dropped and returning it to them with a small smile 
one time a girl accidentally set the quill she was writing with on fire from a wayward charm 
Joshua had quickly extinguished it with aguamenti and gave her a new quill 
suffice to say, plenty of witches had crushes on him 
and no one could hate the guy for anything 
literally, if you tried hating him, Joshua somehow managed to make you like him 
disliked him for being too smart? 
he’d say he wasn’t really smart, he just tries hard to study his best and he has smart friends who show him how to do stuff 
and then talk about some random episode of spongebob bc it’s Joshua
which plenty of people wouldn’t understand except the other muggle borns 
he’d be a huge dork quoting random episodes and just being a meme 
everyone was always asking him for advice or to look over their homework for them 
and although he never lets anyone copy his 
goody two shoes you know
he somehow had the time to always give advice to everyone and save their grade 
he played as a chaser for Hufflepuff’s Quidditch team too 
it wasn’t enough to be intelligent, he was athletic and dedicated too
spending even stormy days out in the field practicing long after some of his teammates had called it quits 
looked damn fine in quidditch robes too yes 
in his third year, he had led the Hufflepuff team to victory 
scored 30 points in the last minutes before their seeker finally caught the snitch, bringing the score to 270-300 
he was every teacher’s favorite too 
they couldn’t help it 
he was always offering to help out teachers with anything they may need 
although he didn’t sit in the front of any of his classes 
and he was too quiet to raise his hand to answer any questions sometimes 
if a teacher ever made the mistake of assuming Joshua wasn’t listening to the question 
they got roasted as Joshua Hong not only got the question right, but probably corrected some error they made in their lecture earlier 
which he would only point out in the most respectful and polite way
“Professor, did you mean to say aconite or monkshood instead of mandragora?“ 
and if no one knew the answer to a question 
all Joshua needed was a glance from the teacher and he’d have the correct answer ready to go 
the boy sang in chorus too 
his voice was heavenly 
some magical entity had to have graced Joshua with every goddamn talent in the universe 
he supposedly played guitar amazingly well 
only his dorm mates knew though, he always packed his guitar in his trunk somehow 
and brought it out to play sometimes 
it always surprised everyone when they found out he was muggle born
like he was too good at everything wtf how have you only been doing magic for a few years 
but no one dared say anything about it 
bc he had so many friends from all the houses 
say something mean about Joshua or just something even remotely critical 
and like five different people will interject saying how he’s basically a human unicorn 
and how dare you call Shua anything but the perfect prefect 
and he could easily beat anyone in a duel if his friends dragged him into one 
and probably profusely apologize while bowing at ninety degrees and helping bandage and heal any injuries he may have caused 
it was theorized he might have a time-turner 
how else could he get all his papers done and still manage quidditch practice and chorus? 
and also reorganizing textbooks in the library with his wand while the librarian recommended him books he hadn’t read before since he had read many of them 
and helping the kitchen elves by explaining the concept of lactose intolerance and gluten free and other things that helped people with dietary restrictions and food allergies feel comfortable eating all food 
he also helped an elf who once tripped over the recently mopped floor
Madam Pomfrey was always glowing about Shua bc he always brought students who were sick flowers and books to read and always gave her chocolates 
he also was often seen consoling random paintings and ghosts in Hogwarts and he knew all of them by their first names 
and while some people wanted to hate Joshua 
he could say a few words and any negative feelings you had toward him were gone 
“You really deserved that win, you guys have been practicing so hard lately on the quidditch field, good job!" 
"How did you you come up with a way to start your potions paper so well? I should be asking you to edit mine." 
"you have to show me that spell you did the other day with the lights and confetti, I want to use it for a friend’s birthday.”
“My owl? Oh his name is Flufferson, I have a picture do you want to see? He’s probably somewhere flying around, enjoying the fresh air, the cutie.”
“I have a puppy at home, it’s a Maltese and I named it Sebongie, I think it’s a cute name." 
on weekends, you could probably see Joshua buying sugar quills for some third years who had forgotten their silver sickles or bronze knuts
or in the common room teaching kids how to use his iPhone to watch YouTube and anime 
always with his group of friends from all the houses 
his group of friends was big, 13 of them in all 
his best friends were Jeonghan from slytherin and Seungcheol from Gryffindor since they were all the same age 
one time, Jeonghan had tried to prank some Hufflepuff students by hexing their book bags into releasing a bunch of little rubber snakes 
but he was caught by Joshua 
and Joshua made him apologize 
you don’t mess with Joshua’s kids 
the next day Jeonghan’s clothes kept dropping rubber snakes everywhere
Joshua would hide his laughter behind his hand and then compose himself 
“That should actually keep you awake in potions then." 
and everyone around them would be dying from laughter and patting Joshua on the back 
for a gentleman the guy knew how to be savage sometimes 
ofc as a fifth year in Hufflepuff you knew Joshua 
you even sat pretty close to him in charms 
and although you couldn’t hate the guy 
it gets low key annoying when your friends always act like his biggest fan
"Shua’s practicing down at the quidditch field, GET THE SIGNS GIRLS!" 
"We have a transfiguration exam y'all what are you doing?" 
"Supporting our Hong Jisoo, y/n. The quidditch match is next weekend and we want to beat the slimy smiles off of those Slytherins’ faces." 
one day in charms the professor had to assign a partner project 
naturally everyone paired up 
and you’re like chill I’ll just ask
you look around and all your friends are already paired up 
and of course you’re like great forever alone that’s me I need to get me an even number of friends… 
"Y/n do you need a partner?” Joshua asks you from the seat two students down from you 
and everyone goes quiet
because Joshua usually always partners up with one of his friends 
and you look to his normal friend group 
and see sure enough all of them have partners too 
“Sure, Joshua.” You say scrunching your nose
at least you’ll actually have a partner who tries and doesn’t make you do all the work by yourself (LIKE LAST TIME COUGH COUGH YOUR FRIEND) 
you both decide to meet at the library the next weekend to work on it 
“OMG y/n Joshua never asks anyone outside his friend group. What if he likes you?!?!? You guys would be such a power couple ACK." 
"Shut up.” you laugh and playfully hit your friend’s arm while packing your book bag 
“I’m not pretty enough for everyone’s golden gentleman Joshua, he was just being nice because you all ditched me." 
"I’m glad we did, make me the maid of honor at your wedding and thank me later." 
when you reach the library, Joshua is already there talking to Jeonghan 
"The girl in your charms class? Well whatever we can hang out next weekend. But Shua that assignment isn’t due in weeks… makes sense the both of you are smart aleks." 
you clear your throat 
"welp bye Joshua, oh and we’re all getting butter beer later at hogsmeade don’t forget." 
Joshua laughs and waves Jeonghan goodbye 
"it’s a nice day, should we sit out by the lake and say hi to the giant squid?" 
"sure I guess" 
you didn’t want to have a crush on Joshua 
bc then you’d be one of those girls, the ones always trailing behind him and trying to get his attention 
and walking by fluttering their eyelashes and saying "Hey Joshua." 
but as you were both crossing the grounds to the lake 
you kept giving him sideways glances 
the way his light brown hair became lightly tousled in the breeze - or his small smile 
or the gentle humming of a song you weren’t familiar with 
Focus you’re working on an assignment geez 
you both sat down at the edge of the lake and brainstormed ideas for your project 
and somewhere along the way the convo shifted to just talking about summer and your home 
"You’re muggle born too? Then have you ever watched Naruto?" 
Joshua was a dork you realized, a cute one 
"Sebongie? Yea I miss her like crazy, I was tempted to bring her in my trunk but I have Flufferson already." 
ah shit 
you were starting to like like Joshua 
he was too nice and cute especially when talking about his pets and how they brightened his day 
or the many hilarious adventures he had with his friends 
or how he missed his family 
he was a good listener too 
you talked about your hamster at home 
it loved eating carrots and you had originally wanted to name it mochi 
but you had settled for Carrot after it’s favorite food 
and you told Joshua about how you had always loved playing quidditch with your family but you never tried out for the Hufflepuff team 
his friends must have caught on to your feelings before Joshua did, Joshua was kind of clueless about all the crushes people had on him
Jeonghan ended up putting his arm on your shoulder while walking to the library to meet up with Joshua 
"You should just tell him you like him." 
"and get a pity rejection, lmao in what world would I do that Jeonghan.”
“Suit yourself.” He said giving you a sly smile 
right before shoving you into a broom closet 
and locking the damn door behind you 
"You should thank your friend later, she told me about your little crush on our Shua, luckily for you I approve." 
you tried unlocking the door with your wand but to no avail 
you even tried picking the lock with a hairpin 
"Hey y/n listen to this." 
"Jeonghan I’m telling the head of slytherin later get ready for your ass whooping." 
but you hear someone running down the hallway outside the door 
"Jeonghan what do you mean y/n got in an accident? Where is she?" 
you go dead silent, it’s Joshua 
"Yah, look you came running and everything if you like her just tell her geez." 
you hold your breath as you hear what Joshua says next 
"She probably doesn’t like me back ok? I’m not good at these things, she’s cute and interesting and I’m boring and I don’t know ok Jeonghan, just tell me where she is no time for jokes we have to work on the project.”
“alright, I’d like to just say that you brought this upon yourself and you can thank me later." 
"what are you talking about Jeonghan-" 
and the closet door clicks open and Jeonghan pushes Joshua, where he bumps into you sending the both of you sprawling on the floor and the door slams shut yet again
Joshua picks himself up and helps you up 
and even in the dim closet you can see him blushing like crazy 
you’re probably no better you feel like you have a fever that won’t. go. away. Goddamnit. 
"Jeonghan underestimates me.” He said giving a nervous chuckle and reaching for his wand 
he easily unlocks the door 
and Jeonghan is out there bending over dying of laughter 
and both you and Joshua are just blushing like crazy and awkwardly standing next to each other 
“Did you hear everything?” Joshua says so quietly it’s almost a whisper - “yes?” You say 
Joshua’s eyes widen and he gives Jeonghan (who’s still laughing even harder now at the sight of the two of you) a glare 
Joshua points his wand at Jeonghan LIKE boi I’ll be seeing you later - Jeonghan runs away cackling down the hallway 
“You can just pretend it didn’t happen.” Joshua says flustered looking everywhere but your face 
“I’ll understand if you don’t like me ba-" 
"It was driving me crazy did you really not know I like you too Joshua?” Wow did I just say that, stupid stupid stupid whyyyyy you think to yourself
he looks up at you in surprise 
“Wait really? Jeonghan isn’t paying you to say that right?" 
"lmao no I’m going to murder Jeonghan after this." 
"I’d help you but he’s my best friend so…" 
"Do you want to maybe just get a butter beer at Hogsmeade instead?" 
"I’d love to." 
and from then on you two were known as darling couple 
Hogwarts’ gentleman Joshua and you 
basically everyone’s relationship goals 
and your friend groups both took responsibility for getting you two together
Joshua would send you little notes that were folded into cranes and bewitched to float over to your desk 
and everyone would sigh and think how sickeningly adorable seeing you read his message 
and looking at all the little hearts he had doodled during class 
"Joshua Hong, let me repeat the question.” The professor would say 
“I never usually have to ask you twice what’s wrong?" 
"Joshua got a girlfriend, professor." 
and the whole class would burst out laughing with you and Joshua blushing like crazy and his friends wolf whistling 
you’d walk with each other to your next class with your hand in his 
"Get a room Shua, no one needs to see this.” Jeonghan smirked as he walked towards the potions classroom in the dungeons - you and Joshua both just ignore him 
“Let’s hex his clothes again with those snakes." 
"Better yet, can we lock him in a broom closet?" 
and you both walk into your next class, plotting Jeonghan’s imminent doom together
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The Seventeen Hogwarts AU Series:
| S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino |
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