#Joshua hogwarts au
http-mianhae · 2 years
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view the whole series here!
DESCRIPTION ᝰ The first time they met was when she reached for a chocolate frog which he helped her reach and after that, they’ve been seeing each other everywhere. A story of how a Slytherin became undyingly soft for a Hufflepuff
WARNINGS ᝰ unrequited love, slytherin!reader x hufflepuff!joshua, one beat up scene, y/n is a sexual assault survivor!!!!, themes and trauma of sexual assault
PAIRING ᝰ hong joshua x fem!reader
WORD COUNT ᝰ 16.7k words
this ends in a cliffhanger but i'm unsure of what to do after it. so i wanted you guys to decide whether you want me to make a part 2 immediately or just continue the series and upload jun's part next.
the poll will be at the end of the story and i'll pin it to my page too! i'll tag you in 24 hrs and tell you guys what i'll do.
anyways, enjoy!!!
A Quaffle passed your sight as you cascaded from the great height. Home is when you’re meters off the ground, ass on a broomstick and pride worn with the Slytherin Quidditch uniform. 
Eric and Sunwoo were hot by your side, but their skill couldn’t compare with yours. You sent Sunwoo a minute smile at the furrow of his eyebrows, all his concentration on the Quaffle. Even the goggles he wore didn’t protect the falter as he caught your gaze, wondering why you were smiling at him despite your cold shoulder most of the time. 
Only it couldn’t be helped when you saw the underclassmen trying hard, pride pleasing you that he was working hard to beat you.
You sighed, turning back around and speeding on your broom. Hands steady and easily finding the Quaffle again, Eric’s hands nearly at it. It was moments before he would meet with utter distress as you swept through the air. A whistle let you know it was game over.
“Aw, man!” Eric yelled grumpily.
You let the Quaffle drop from your fingertips, not bothering to watch it touch the ground. Yuna, one of your managers, had quite the liking for wanting to catch the falling balls. You glide to the ground without another look, the others in your team following suit. You kicked your legs off your broom, the stick tumbling to the ground.
“That was one-hundred-fifty to eighty, I believe.” your main manager, Lia announced, her hands with a clipboard and a pencil, tapping her chin thoughtfully. Disappointment aroused the younger members of the team.
“It’s not fair, you guys always win!” Sunwoo argued.
You looked at him, his face contorted into a pout and a glare.
He really wanted to win...you liked that competitiveness. Then only, in a real game, he would play his best. He was a Chaser after all.
“Hey, we gave you guys Ryujin this time.” Jun, the vice-captain of the team, answered.
“Yeah. We gave you a chance to find the Snitch but you guys didn’t. Who’s problem is that?” you asked them. The younger members couldn’t say anything.
“You can’t deny. Jun and Y/N alone are a powerful duo for this team. If you guys lose either of them, it would be the end for the team.” Yuna bantered, holding out the crate of water bottles. Hands attacked it mercilessly, everyone going for their individual water bottle.
You didn’t say anything about what she just said, but you did accept it silently. Jun was an excellent Beater and you were Chaser, Captain and realistically, the ace of the team. Without one of you, the team would be at stake.
“You hear that, Y/N?” Jun nudged you playfully by the elbow. He loved hearing those types of compliments reeling from others’ mouths. Almost as much as compliments honouring your looks and honestly, you didn’t know what to say to that. It was like you grew up enduring his over-confidence. Though, if you weren’t the leader of this team, you couldn’t even begin to see in your head how the team would’ve turned out. They all would’ve been little servants of Junhui, the Beast Beater.
“Guys, guys!” You all turned your heads to see Wonyoung sprinting down, her hand high in the air. How she looked that beautiful while running, the secret remained with her genes but it would be a lie to state that everyone didn’t stop for a second to cherish in the angel’s running. Wonyoung, the currently benched first-year Beater, stopped at last in front of you all, looking like she was going to spur her words out but couldn’t because of how much she was running.
“Where did you run from?” the Keeper, Kevin, as if it was any much of a good time, asked.
“F-From the back of the—does it even matter?” the tall girl questioned, her eyes squinted as she gave Kevin a querying look. He had the energy for asking questions that surely didn’t matter. Sweat glistened her forehead under the light atmosphere. “They’re gathering to leave to Hogsmeade in ten minutes. If you want to pack up and leave, let’s go!”
The idea of going to Hogsmeade at a time like this sounded surpassing. You had quite some stuff to do before even thinking of doing so. You looked over at Jun for ideas but the third-year Vice-Captain seemed pretty chill about it.
“I say, we go. How about you, Y/N?”
You looked to your team where pleading eyes abode to convince you. For starters, you weren’t a very lenient person to please nor convince so this was the most they were doing without getting on your nerves. You gazed through each individual staring back at you with cutesy eyes and a sweaty face, belatedly feeling the tiniest bad that your efforts as Quidditch Captain were going to dissipate if you weren’t fit to treat your team at least humanly.
So you gave a little smile. “Fine, but here’s the plan...Lia, Yuna, Wonyoung, Kevin and Eric start packing up the stuff. The rest of us will get changed and then we swap in five minutes, so that Wonyoung, Kevin and Eric can go get changed. Then, we run. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am!”
And just like that, you and your group of green dispersed in the foggy fields getting to your designated locations to do your things.
After packing up the equipment and changing, you were running towards the back of the school in a hurry to find yourself in McGonagall’s annoying nearness within no time, or more like, near late time. Fortunately enough, McGonagall was the type to not see differences in houses even if she took the Gryffindor’s pride to her heart. Unlike Snape who was always on your side no matter what. But if she saw you even a second late, you wouldn’t be excused and she would always wave you with: “Should’ve been here five seconds earlier.”
Had she been a dark witch, you would’ve told your auror parents to get rid of the woman.
Though, luckily enough, you were able to get there quick enough to find her just taking out her clipboard. She gave you and your Quidditch team a stern look in between.
“May I suggest that you make sure that your extra-curricular don’t clash with the times we’re not at school because it would be unfortunate for you to miss out on this. It’s a good way to relax for you students,” she said. And the group of students gathered around her agreed simultaneously.
You didn’t understand if it was a tactic to hinder your team from training more or actual advice, but you willingly wanted to listen to that piece of advice anyways. Maybe you should push Quidditch a few hours earlier on Saturdays so that you can go to Hogsmeade.
“We will be leaving now and no being bad, especially you, Weasley twins!” The woman turned around with a chuckle from Fred and George Weasley, walking down the icy path. Your team took in the snow environment as you cascaded down the group of students to bake in each other’s proximity and relish in your time together.
If you were being true to yourself and for once, not relentless nor greedy, you and your team had a stabler connection with each other than the school's other teams. Which not only made you feel superior but gratified. Because the team you had strived strong together and even the managers and the benched member felt like family, you were simply reliant on each other to the point that you were more than friends. You were all like family.
You could see it in the way you didn’t mind that Tzuyu would link her arm around yours or that Ryujin was hitting Kevin for twerking in the middle of the street and the how you all laughed in harmony together while another man stares. To which, Junhui replied: “Whatchu looking at?”
When the other person floundered away, supposedly an average citizen of Hogsmeade village, another laughter rocked through the members of the Slytherin Quidditch Team. You hit Junhui as he barked with laughter.
“You’re so rude, oh my God!”
Junhui yelling at the old man obtained you to apprehend that you were messing around so much that you didn’t come to the realisation that you were already treading into the village Hogsmeade. It seemed that the younger members were already finding themselves looking around, wowing at the Christmas decorations amidst the village. It shocked you too that they were already getting ready this time in November. However, you were amazed at certain decorations that were better than others. People didn’t fool about Christmas at Hogsmeade. Preferably no one jokes about Christmas in Hogwarts too. It was pretty huge over there as well.
From the delicious banquet to the present-opening morning in which you trade and replenish the air with gratitude.
“Please, please, please, can we go into Honeydukes?!” Lia asked, coming to your free side and taking over your arm.
She pleaded with her eyes. You remembered it like it was just yesterday—how she used to be so scared applying for her position as manager and here she was, for once, acting like you weren’t a ticking time bomb close to exploding. You allowed her to link her arm in, thinking about the thought of Honeydukes. It felt nice to be in the lead sometimes.
“Sure, why not? Where else would we go anyways?” you asked, leading the two girls in the direction of the infamous candy shop. The boys, Tzuyu, Ryujin and Wonyoung were just behind.
It was going to be bustling with students in the miniature candy store. You were precise in your estimate as you entered the store. It was mobbed with Hogwarts students, sprinting around the cramped scope to bestow to their friends what tricks their candies can do and it was no astonishment. Every Hogsmeade visit, the students would infiltrate Honeydukes as it was where the primary consumption of serotonin was—candy.
If you wanted to pay Honeydukes a visit, you had to get there early. That’s what you discovered over the years.
You managed to shake loose Tzuyu and Lia, forming your way within the crowd on your own exploit of confectionery. 
It was surprising someone so cold-hearted would intrigue themselves in something as lovely as the taste of sweets. This could be said again at the end of the story, but this tale will point through a wondrous roller coaster of emotions comparable to tasting Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans in the sense that it would end with relief that the candy was over.
Subsequent to the wandering around the shop, you found yourself in front of your favourite chocolate. A small smile found its way to your lips. You’ve always liked this type of chocolate. Its gold-flared wrappings to the elegantly ripped taste of cocoa brought you to heaven and back for two Galleons and a Sickle.
The chocolate made you wriggle in serotonin, made you feel as if you were bouncing in the clouds of heaven. 
It had been a while since you had it too so you had to get it.
Just as you were about to bandage your fingers around the golden wrapping of the box, another hand reached through and got it. It appeared to be the last chocolate box stacked on the shelf too, so a broad disturbance sank your heart like quicksand that someone else also had a desire to get the final box of your favourite chocolate.
You whipped your head around, meeting a face that felt familiar. Kind eyes faced you. You backed away from the box but the boy stretched it out towards you.
“You can have it,” he told you.
“No,” You looked away, not aspiring to look at him for too long. You noticed the colour of the robes straightaway. 
Yellow stained your sight, disgusting you because you never experienced talking to a Hufflepuff face on. It was always through someone. This was the first time in all your years in Hogwarts a Hufflepuff has actually approached you and that alone said a lot about the type of person you were.
“Have it,” you told the boy. He must’ve been in the same grade as you because he looked more mature than most of the students in the shop.
“I insist. I didn’t really want it anyway, I was just taking it because you were—“
You squinted your eyes, wondering if you were certainly hearing stupidity or it was just you. Suddenly, a hand made contact with you. Whipping your head to the right, you made out the face of your best friend.
“What’s going on here?”
“I was just leaving.” A small smile covered his lips. The obscure Hufflepuff pushed the box into your hands and swung around, shouting out to what resembled to be his friends and followed to merge with his group. You looked at him.
You were staring so hard at the back of his head you didn’t realise that Junhui was blabbering about something—probably nonsense again. You weren’t sure.
“Hey, Jun,” you said, interrupting whatever he was talking about. “Who was that kid?”
“Pfft,” he replied, widening his eyes and getting saliva all over your face.
“Yah, Junhui!” You wiped your face desperately, not noticing the stares you were suddenly getting. The saliva luckily rid your face as you were alarmed to be scarred by his spit forever. Only one of the many perks of being Jun’s best friend, you accepted it as a rare privilege, in fact. You loved being spat in the face—sarcasm involved. “Why would you do that?”
He laughed, slapping your arm. “My bad.”
“Get to the topic.” you glared, delivering a glance at the Hufflepuff. “Who is he?”
“You don’t know him?”
“No, I don’t. Why would I ask that then?”
“Oh my God, Y/N.” Jun fake-sighed. “You don’t pay attention, geez. He’s Joshua Hong, does that ring a bell?”
And it felt like a thousand bricks crashed your head. You remembered who it was. The familiar kind eyes came into view again as you marked the prior vision of him accepting a badge fixed on his chest fled into your mind. You recollected that night as the same night when you got your Prefect badge. He got his Prefect badge and Head Boy badge.
Not only that, he was in your dull History of Magic class and Potions.
Now it made sense that he was giving you the chocolate box.
It was not only because he was a Hufflepuff but additionally for the reason that he was a Prefect and Head Boy, he had to keep his kind status up since he was liable for his entire house.
“So he just gave you that?” Jun asked, eyes wide when you told him what happened.
“Yeah, he did. Weird.”
“Yeah, but no. He’s known for doing that around the school. Maybe you should keep your eyes out in case he does anything else…remotely kind…exclusively to you?” Jun suggested. You didn't discern the tease in his voice.
You exhaled and then linked your arm around him even though the touch of another male's skin made you remotely disgusted. It was just too exhausting to think about. You rather go about your day without having unnecessary things in your head.
“Y-You’re holding me.”
“Right I am, Junhui. Let’s go pay for this.” You waved around the box of chocolates, putting an end to the conversation prior to him questioning anything else.
Junhui didn’t question anything else, knowing this was one of the times his best-est friend was actually revealing skinship. Instead, he walked you towards the counter, passing by Joshua’s group of friends. Your eyes managed to wander into the group unwillingly, filled with students from other houses with the exclusion of green robes.
To find that he was already looking at you. 
Was there a possibility that he did something to the chocolate—
No, he doesn’t seem the type.
He smiled.
I’ll never know.
You glared his way and rotated your head back, presenting a grin to the sweet old woman who worked at Honeydukes Sweet Shop, ready to buy your candy.
“Don’t forget, you owe us butterbeer, Captain~” Eric sang into your ear.
The dead have too much to say.
That’s what you concluded by the next History of Magic class. Because the teacher you had was an annoyance to the society of wizards and witches. Like, go rest or something? You rather catch Peeves the Poltergeist around the school than deal with Professor Binn’s shenanigans.
You flipped through the pages of your workbook, not really focusing on the class. No one was, no one ever did. In fact, every one of his classes you had attended made you want to drop your head to the table and sleep. Junhui not being in the class made it more vexatious as there was no one else to talk to. The other Slytherins already had friends and were sitting with them, talking and having a good time, leaving you singly at the back of the classroom.
You searched around the classroom, seeing if there was anything interesting to even lay your eyes on. Nothing.
It was peculiar how Binns’ classroom was set up, it was different to a standard Hogwarts classroom. It was one of those classrooms that had rows and rows in an ascending manner in the shape of a semi-circle, so it was easy to fool around and not have the ghost catch you when you were off task. 
As you were busy scanning around the classroom, your sight landed perfectly on something you hoped you never saw again.
Alas, there it was. The same kind eyes you were trying to avoid since the commencement of the class.
How Joshua Hong had been looking at you, you didn’t know but what you did know was that you didn’t like it one bit. 
You looked back at the teacher, aspiring to find more enthusiasm in the lesson than the Hufflepuff but it was painful as the teacher tended to slur his words into a hybrid of saliva. And then you were inquisitive about Joshua again so in a matter of seconds, you were glancing across the classroom to see if his eyes were still on you.
They weren’t—they were back on the teacher, thank God. A breath of relief slipped through your lips, only to be caught by you again. Suddenly, he looked at you. Your stomach drove itself in nervously, determining the situation awkward because you were never the type to be accused of making friends with Hufflepuffs. Nowhere near that behaviour.
You didn’t have time to shift your eyes too because he caught you into a smile.
It annoyed you—his face, the way his eyes would crinkle when he smiled at you. He appeared so punchable with that smile like he had some authority over you that you were hesitant of. That was the last thing you would let a Hufflepuff have of you, it'd be like someone striping your dignity off of you.
And because of that, it made you smile back, sarcastically.
“So, when did the witch trials happen, L/N?” Your smile was revoked. You whipped your head around so fast as did everyone to look at you to answer the question. Binns was looking at you with the same straight face.
Since you were just so out of focus, the first thing that slipped out of your mouth was a: “Your mum.”
Ugh, Jun! You need to stop saying that around me. 
Your face heated up. You felt yourself drown in your own misery almost instantly that you looked down at your textbook for some sort of virtuous support. Inanimate objects don’t give that, do they?
It was worse in a second. Because before you knew it, inhumane wails sought the class. You’ve never heard such blues leave a human before and it concluded that it wasn’t a human. You felt your disgrace pass more profound with the race of your heart as you looked at Professor Binns.
“M-My mother died in a terrible Muggle accident! How could you bring that up, L/N? I am so offended!” This was the first time that you were seeing Binns so expressive but that was not the point―at all. You had a problem that you did not want to be dealing with.
Someone save me. Anyone, anyone.
You closed your eyes, not wanting to see any of your peers looking back at you with humour lit in their eyes. Not only did you make yourself a fool to your classmates but no one was stopping the crying ghost either. It was an eventful day and it was only your third period. You felt your breath clog up in your chest and it was held there for several seconds until the bell rang.
A soundly sigh escaped you as you practically rushed to pack up before anyone in the class could move an inch. “Apologies, Professor Binns. Didn’t know your mother died. I hope she, um, rests in peace or whatever.”
Binns was in another round of tears at the completion of your apology and you were hurrying out of the class, acting as if you didn’t hear his crying. The last thing you wanted to do was comfort a teacher. Your reputation was far more influential than a dead man.
So as you cleared your books off of your desk, you mourned in the fact that the Binns’ situation may have scuffed your standing a bit. You were speeding off to your next class not stopping by any familiar faces that would only give you a run for their money—tease you, your roommates would relentlessly taunt you for the fool you made out of yourself.
You ran out of the classroom, practically wanting to fly.
You turned back around, realising that you left the sweet Wonyoung behind at the entrance of your classroom. She seemed to be waiting for you.
“Hey.” you greeted your benched Beater.
She grabbed your shoulders authoritatively, pushing you away from your classroom door where you were in the way of others coming out from the History of Magic class you wished to have forgotten. It was typical for the towering Wonyoung to do so, her generosity was regarded as the taste of honey.
“You seem a little feverish,” she said as she furrowed her eyebrows worriedly. Once again, worrying over her dear Captain that benched her for all she was worth.
“I’m fine. What is it? You should be going to your next class.” you told her dismissively.
“Ah, it’s nothing much but Jun told me to tell you that he wasn’t in class because he skipped.”
You nodded, knowing that was the case anyways. “Okay, get to class now.”
You sauntered down the hallway, requiring to go to the dungeons for your Potions class. Wonyoung tailed on casually, her face peeking between your shoulder. There was a suggestive consideration coming from the girl as you walked down the employed halls. As a Prefect, it was an anchored duty for you to be punctual. You couldn't be messing around here with your underclassmen.
“Did anyone tell you how beautiful you look lately?”
The compliment didn’t even slit through the outer part of your softness (was there even any?). But you knew exactly what her intention was. You glanced at your underclassmen, furrowing your eyebrows, though not showing much agitation at the same time.
“Is this your way of running from the benches?” you asked blankly.
The beauty jutted out her bottom lip at you, her eyes becoming more doe than they seemed to be a few seconds ago. She was good at using her charms.
“Sorry, Wonyoung. I would love to have you not be benched but we already have two remarkably strong Beaters. I know it’s hard on you...” you told her in an attempt to comfort someone. You didn’t do this often, she should appreciate it as much as she could.
“You have no idea.” the girl replied and the once sugarcoated words were drawing out with grief you’ve never seen from her. She was the happiest on the team, the hype woman for everyone and you seeing her this vulnerable had to mean that the girl was fading in her sweet ways, one by one, slowly.
“If it helps, I used to be benched too.”
Wonyoung’s eyes widened. You smiled softly at her.
“Seriously? I don’t believe it.”
You looked away from her intriguingly sparkling eyes. It was a big insecurity of yours and as much as some members of the team knew about the past preceding their arrival of the team, you would never speak on it, requiring the situation to stay succumbed in the happenings for your individual mental health.
“Ah, long story. But the captain was bad, Jun and I made a plan and overthrew him. He was a perverted little shi —“
Before your words could come out themselves, something hard bumped into your back. You jumped, turning around to see what it was.
For once, you were so within talking to another human being that wasn’t Junhui that you didn’t know the crash would make you cross. You were trying to talk to your underclassmen heart-to-heart, who would be so ignorant to destroy that dainty time?
Joshua Hong would.
You glared at the boy as he picked up some books that got knocked down.
Fury rested inside you, finding yourself try to maintain stability for the sake of comprehending his excuse. The last time you checked he was assaying to make eyes with you in the class not even ten minutes ago and now this? You were so close to just grabbing him by the throat and shaking him until his head popped off and wheel down the hallway.
“So sorry, Y/N! I wasn’t watching where I was going and I—“
“Save it.” you seethed.
Joshua stared at you, unbelieving of your response, as if. He better start believing it because you weren’t falling for his nice guy scheme. Whatever this was, you wanted it to stop. You didn’t like it.
Just looking at the way a few strands of black scattered across his forehead, messily and his stupid, sorry eyes made you annoyed.
You couldn’t stand him.
Grasping Wonyoung’s wrist, you tugged her towards you. “Let’s go, Wonyoung.”
Were you hard on Joshua? In your fine opinion, absolutely not. The guy had it coming for him, why would he even try his chances with you? Nevertheless, like every human, there was this slight conscious asking you if what you did was moral? As in, what if it really was an accident? Your attitude or personality couldn’t fall for such idiocy. Which was why you let the Joshua situation slip between your finger like quicksilver and by the next morning, it was like he didn’t even exist.
You did your usual morning routine from showering and putting on your school robes, answering questions from younger dormmates and breaking up fights, as a Prefect should. You weren’t one to mess with when coming to fights and the students who encountered you felt the same.
You left for The Great Hall beforehand, without Junhui as you didn’t have the same first period together. Times when the two of you weren’t in the same class, Junhui would lay back with other friends and you would too but no one was going to the dining hall as early as you, so you were all along among your travel to The Great Hall.
It wasn’t until you entered The Great Hall, the early morning chirping dwelled inside your eardrums, awakening you. You walked down the pinched gap between the Ravenclaw and Slytherin table after recognising a group of familiar girls near the front of the table to sit with. Students here and there avoided the contact with your shoulder, giving you free way nonchalantly as you walked, so you weren't paying attention to your surrounding as much as you should have been.
And then, it all happened so quick.
A little pot, it must’ve been the size of your palm, spilled gravy all over your uniform. Your eyes widened, the light brown colour denting the white and green on you.
In brief, you couldn’t differentiate the fine line between time actually stopping or if everyone was just scared for your reaction.
You slowly looked up, your mouth agape with offense. You found big round eyes looking back at you, widened like you. Like they made the biggest mistake ever. You examined the face, finding familiarity from the glasses to the neat Ravenclaw uniform. Sixth year, Xu Minghao, Prefect and an absolute genius one. You’ve heard about his marvellous expertise in academic work, yet didn’t care for who he was until now.
Your face churned, small chatter picking up slowly around you.
"Oh no, is she going to curb stomp him?" 
"Poor Xu Minghao. I pity him."
"Rest in peace, Haohao."
Even the teachers paused to watch. You heard an: “Oh!” from McGonagall who was making her way towards you. She was far away though. 
If you grabbed your wand now and hexed this Xu MInghao who was looking at you blankly, your rage would compensate. Your hand made its way to your pocket and—
Someone grabbed you from behind and when you looked back, your anger only furthered at the face of Joshua.
“Hong, get off me right now. I might punch the both of you in your manhoods.” you threatened lowly but grateful to the quietness in the hall, it seemed that the Gryffindor table could hear it from all across the room but not the teachers.
“I don’t think you’re in the position to when you have all that trickling down you.” he began.
You wanted to lean back and punch his face.
“Go, Joshua!” you heard a Lee Seokmin say from a distance, the insolent Gryffindor who you had once collided into after practice and being pestered by your teammates. He got one hell of a lecture from you, you weren’t sure why he was talking like he had it easy from you.
But you weren’t able to even get your word in about this mistreatment because before you knew it, you were being dragged out, out of your own will. A spell? You didn’t know, neither could you meet the eyes of McGonagall anymore because she was lashed into a conversation with Dumbledore. And this was the accurate cause why you shunned all the teachers in this school except Snape and sometimes, Hagrid.
Joshua was in lead, your body somehow hexed and following. All that flooded your mind was how wrong this was. Because it looked like you were the one that was following him despite the desperate looks from your body to him.
“Let me go and you’ll have less of a problem.” you seethed dangerously between your teeth.
Joshua smiled back at you as the two of you exited the dining hall like it was nothing. “You need help.”
Did he not get it? You didn’t want his stupid help, neither did you want to see his stupid face. “Hong, I will scream.”
“And I’ve already hexed you so I don’t see your point of trying.”
This was trivial. Joshua was acting like a whole different person. A badger once dripping with honey in his words and actions was now the one to drag you up the stairs without a question from everyone else. You were barraged with the sheer lack of care the people had around you. Did no one dare blink into the troubled face of yours and thought of helping you? That seems not to be the case.
When Joshua was pushing through the students (nicely) with his Head Boy privilege, you could tell where you were going. The one place where you had more advantage than most of your dorm—the Prefect bathroom. You saw students around you sneaking glances as Joshua entered the Prefect bathroom and you entering after him, sadly, with no choice. 
Now they wanted to stare. Oh, did the anger in you wanted to burn the whole school down.
“What the hell was that about?!” you roared when the door slammed shut behind you. Your limbs felt free, you could only assume that he took the hex off. And it was later confirmed when you saw his wand clutched in his grip.
Joshua’s eyes finally widened and you could see the fear slip into them. You weren’t falling for it. “I really wasn’t expecting you to know who I was.”
“Oh, of course, I didn’t know who you were until Mr Gentleman here decided to give me a run of his money. Last time I checked, Hufflepuffs stayed in their place.”
Joshua was quiet.
He didn’t say anything, his eyes reached the floor before a smirk sculpted his lips. Your mouth was agape at the audacity. Not once had you encountered such a Hufflepuff.
“I keep warning you—I won’t hesitate.” Your fingers found your wand tucked in your skirt, the slippery consistency of gravy between your fingers. And the vividly distressing memory of being humiliated was back.
“Okay, Y/N. Gravy is spilling between your legs, you look like a mess, and I’m the one who currently has the Slytherin girls’ spare uniform...you make the decision.”
You had been far too patient. Balling your fist, you did not hesitate in having a good run-up and punching him right in the stomach.
“You set this up! I’m seriously gonna—“
“No, wait, listen—“
“Why should I listen to a pervert who is obviously trying to bargain me into taking my clothes off in front of him after getting someone to spill gravy all over me. Do you think a Hufflepuff could ever get in with a Slytherin? And me, out of all people?” you spat, furrowing your eyebrows in disgrace.
You punched him.
Joshua clutched his abdomen, doubling over from the pain. You could feel the throb roam aimlessly within your knuckles as you retrieved it. You tilted your head sharply so the crack from the root of your neck would resonate in the bathroom. It was a known fact between the Prefects that the bathroom had a reverberation throughout.
“Stop, okay? I’m sorry. Mingyu helped me set this up. He thought if I was more upfront with my feelings, it would help me land you.” he told you, eyes sincerely drawing into yours
You seized him by the collar and pulled him inevitably closer. And with that move, it felt like Joshua’s whole body stopped working. But he let his words flow warmly.
“Land me? What do you mean by land me?”
“I have a crush on you and Mingyu planned this whole thing where I would take you out of the cafeteria and help you out and he gave me this huge script thing and I-I believed him instead of—“ His eyes could only accept fear into it.
“You expect me to believe this bullshit?” you questioned him, feeling mocked he would mess you with something like that. How low.
“Yes? Why would I lie about this? And to you? You will never find me doing that.” he challenged
“What are you trying to say?”
“I’m trying to say I like you a lot and this whole thing was a bad idea, I shouldn’t have pulled moves on you because it was wrong to you and set a bad example for my underclassmen. I’m sorry for getting in your way.”
Joshua saying he liked you had no effect on you. In fact, you were fairly ashamed. How could he take a careless word from an underclassman when he had girls upon him constantly? He should’ve known what to do. Your clutch loosened on the boy, letting him from your fury grasp.
“You should be. I don’t want this crush nonsense anymore. Stay out of my way, if you know what’s good for you..” you threatened him.
Joshua couldn’t even look at you. He must’ve known from the way you were no one to be fooled with. After all, you were known for your malicious words and merciless tendencies. For him to even attempt was an exceptionally brave and stupid thing to do. You wished he never tried, you would’ve been less stressed about your day.
“Understandable…the uniform is in the third bath cubicle, have a good day.”
He doesn’t blink into your face as he left, leaving you in the Prefect bathroom alone. You let out a loud sigh, feeling the inside of you collapse from the stress. He was just hitting on you and it failed horribly. You shook your head, unleashing the tight furrow on your eyebrows. The longer you thought about it, the longer it would have an unneeded effect on you.
Right, you were merciless and angry but you had a rationale conscious. You sighed and decided to go into the third cubicle, where a huge bath was already bubbling, surprising you. You figured it must’ve been Joshua’s doing.
This is the bare minimum.
You squatted right at the edge of the concrete where the sumptuously built bathtub was and dipped the edge of your fingertips of the water. It was warm. How?
Undressing, you wondered how the boy managed to keep the bath still warm. You had to have been in the Great Hall for a good five minutes and to get to the Prefect bathroom was almost ten minutes. Dipping yourself into the bath, the water welcomed you cordially. The foam covered your nudity from above and there was no doubt in your mind that Joshua must’ve got someone to do this minutes before you hypothetically entered—the only explanation that could be offered. If there was a spell, he would’ve had to go back into the third cubicle and take the hex off.
So that meant that he went super far into planning this.
He’s genuinely interested in me…
Who cares?
A booming “woooo~” scared the living daylights out of you. Your thighs clenched tightly as you backed to your dirty robes where your wand remained in case of danger.
It was nothing to be afraid of though.
Moaning Mrytle came from under, her body loose next to you so suddenly your body paralyzed for a whole second.
“Bathing so late in the morning, are we? Classes start soon.” Her eyes lowered a little. You pushed the soapy foam closer to you despite her seeing you from under anyways. There was something about Mrytle perving on you from above that made you generally awkward. She never hid her lustful tendencies as a spirit.
“If it wasn’t for an idiot, I wouldn’t be here, would I, Mrytle?”
“Badger boy~! Oh, he’s so incredibly handsome! Ah! I don’t understand why you wouldn’t fall in love with such a heartthrob.” she said, pouting at you. She perched her face on her hand, sighing heavily. “If I was still alive and in this generation of students, I would’ve had a huge crush on him or his incredibly handsome friend.”
Something little quipped in your heart at her words. You let the sound of the Moaning Mrytle's legs kicking her legs under the water sit a little. Gears were working in your head, finding a solution to that feeling. Why were you feeling that? It was like you could coincide with what she was saying. 
But finding Joshua conventionally attractive didn’t mean you liked him like that, in fact, it was the opposite. But Mrytle must’ve known what was going on, at least more than you did. You might as well dig for more information.
“Mrytle, did he come in here earlier?”
She smiled. “Whyyyy~?! Do you have a crush on him?!”
You were afraid that the question was going to come up, but you defended yourself nicely.
“Well, it must be every girl’s inquisition if a boy has a crush on her. You would know that Mrytle, you’re such a gem!” Being nice was definitely not your forte, but you had to try to get the truth out.
But she smiled, taking it which made it all worth it. “Oh, stop it!…well, he did bring that incredibly handsome Hufflepuff Prefect in here and they were discussing something about you. I heard that older boy say that he was in love with you and it hurts liking you. They were talking about something about you but I wasn’t paying much attention. The other one’s face was such a distraction, honestly!”
No one has talked about you that way. You felt empty.
Your thoughts were getting nowhere. All you could describe was shock at the situation that was ducked. Never once in your life have you heard about another person talking about being hurt while liking you.
Your heart felt as if it was weakening, but you retained quickly, remembering that he brought you into this current situation with his stupid action plan, thinking it would make you weaker. And that instantly made you fed up. The aggression wasn't as strong anymore and you wanted for it to be badly. 
He couldn't just do that and expect to win you over, that was beside the point.
He was messing with you.
Joshua Hong was trying to distract you.
The moon had always captured your eyes. It was like the big glowing circle would enlarge whenever someone fed it attention and admiration, becoming more beautiful. You couldn’t help it, indicting it on the divine sight the library had of it. Nonetheless, you couldn't let go of a certain topic knacking you on the back of the head—a bigger inquisition than the merit the moon offered.
"Do you think what Moaning Mrytle said was true?" It was a day following the event at The Great Hall.
Your best friend slid to your side. He grabbed a pebble on the windowsill and flung it back, letting go at the fit angle. The rock wheeled through the gaps of the circular window frame and into the atmosphere for a stable second, awarding unneeded silence to answer your question. Both of you paid attention to the rock's adventure until it decided to stop midair and drop down at an increasingly fearful speed. 
Junhui let out a sigh and then turned around to you, leaning his figure against the window frame. 
"I mean, I don’t know. It seems like anyone would be dedicated if they were planning to embarrass themselves in front of their crush. I wonder if Mingyu bribed him.” he stated.
You could hardly see it. Even on the court, Mingyu was too much of a good sportsman. It was beyond his abilities.
“I doubt it..." You leaned against the window frame like your best friend, giggling a little."Funny how I know nothing about him and he’s confessing.”
“Okay, but what do we do now that everyone thinks he brought you into the Prefects bathroom to screw?” he asked you. It was a question he ached to ask for so long, you could see it since this morning in which he gave you the most bewildered face when he learned that the rumours were totally muddled up. Students must've thought otherwise when they saw you and Joshua on the way up to the bathroom.
“I don’t really care what they think. I just hope he doesn’t come to mess around with my breakfast times again.” you shrugged, a small smile on your face at the recollection of humiliation on Joshua's face. You felt embarrassed for him, you couldn't begin to imagine how he was feeling.
"Oh if I was him, I would be scared to death.” 
"As he should be...should we go back? I wanna sleep so bad," you suggested.
Jun pressed his lips tightly together and nodded, agreeing with you. "Me too and we have practice tomorrow too."
"That we do."
You collectively exited the library, not forgetting to wave Madam Pince a 'good night'. Jun and you made your way down the many stairs from the library, engaging in a humorous conversation, distant from the drama in your life that had been missing for a while. It didn't seem like it but Junhui was a big gossiper. You would hear everything from him before it would come from anyone and it was because of how he was always able to be at the scene of the crime. All the time.
Of course, except yesterday when Joshua was dragging you out of the Great Hall.
You felt a little uneasy on the ground floor, knowing that the two of you had to go past the Hufflepuff dormitory on the way to the dungeons. It was a pain honestly and it showed that the event affected you more than it should've.
"Not you thinking about him already."
"Boy, shut up," you told him as you took the lead into the hallway, guiding towards the dormitory to show that you weren't anywhere near thinking about Joshua.
It hadn't even been ten steps.
Your breath hobbled in your throat as you came to an instant stop. Jun knocked into your shoulder from behind.
“No, Momo. You’ve had too much to drink. Go inside, I’m gonna go get something from the kitchen and I—“
"NoOoO, I wanna see her now. She’s all I think about Joshua, she’s all I—“
Joshua was holding up a girl, trying to get her to stand upright on the wall and from the looks of it, it was something scandalous. Her eyes were dull, somewhat trying to find their way into slumber. She was drunk. Drunk as hell.
His back was facing you so there was no way he would see you. How would you slip by without him noticing? What if he sees you? Questions waved in your mind, all of 'the avoidance'. Whatever it was, you didn't want to be dealing with anything involving Joshua.
"Oi, Hufflepuff. What happened?" Jun asked loudly, leaving you flabbergasted. 
What is he doing?!
Joshua turned around, hands busy holding the girl's shoulders. He looked back at Jun and his eyes widened a little. It was moments before his view fleeted to you. You wanted to scream with frustration. Your best friend—
You were betrayed.
He didn't look at you for long, his glance gliding towards an allegedly helpful Jun. It was the truth that he was only doing this because he wanted to get on your nerves somehow.
"She drank something the sixth years gave her and now she’s drunk. I don’t know what she drank though,” he replied.
It was surprising that a situation like this would arise for a Hufflepuff. Nevertheless, you paid no mind to them conversing. You could feel Jun's eyes penetrating through you as you shied your eyes to the ground that was far more interesting than what they were talking about. The drunk girl let out yet another groan of disobedience.
"Stop, Momo," Joshua said sternly. 
Without a second after his words, you felt yourself being thrown forwards. Pushing back Junhui's hand, your jaw clenched. It took everything in you to keep your mouth shut from the words you wanted to spew out.
"Y/N here happens to be an alcoholic at a young age—"
"I am not!" you interrupted at the out-of-proportion lie. You only drank a couple of times and he knows it was for family events. The snarky smile on his face made you want to punch him.
“What I’m trying to say is she’s good at sniffing out drinks, why don’t you let us in and we can help you out?" Jun suggested casually.
Jun was in big trouble for sure. Any second now and he was going to find himself in a headlock.
"I don't know....that's not allowed." Joshua's chin tilted downwards, rejecting Jun's offer.
At least the goody-two-shoes himself wasn't letting you in anyways.
“Yeah, Jun.” you pressed, glaring.
Jun spoke up though, “Oh well, it’s your loss, really, Hong. You’ll have no idea what went into your friend’s body and you’ll have to go to the teachers and ask them if she has some kind of reaction. And won’t that be an embarrassment for you to have to tell, as Head Boy, that your underclassmen were messing around with alcohol under your nose? But I guess, it’s your decision.”
Junhui being snappy instead of being full-on aggressive was a rare scene, meaning that he was farming a lot of force to embarrass you. Of course, he was. Sometimes your misery was his happiness.  
Joshua's stare followed to the ground, yielding you relief that you weren't going to deal with him or the drunk girl. You felt a little bad for her but anything for your rep, right?
"He doesn't want us, let's go." You grabbed Junhui's wrist and dragged him down the hallway without another look. After this, you planned on having an early night so that you would have enough energy for tomorrow's practice.
“Joshua, please. I want to see Dahyun, I have to apologise to her. She’s the only reason I’m living. I—"
“Fine.” His voice stabbed in the hallways and it was plain that Joshua was aching in the drunk girl's antics. Chills ran up your body unexpectedly. He did not agree, did he?
"You heard our boy, Y/N." Jun reversed your positions, grabbing your hand instead to drag you down the hallway excitedly. A million-dollar smile was cemented on your best friend's face and dumbfoundedly, you were led by him down the hallway, helpless to understand it. There was no way Joshua, the Head Boy and Prefect and above all, Hufflepuff was letting you into his dorm. 
You clung onto Jun's hand for dear life, his clutch so loose that he would probably let you cluster to the ground if he were to let you go. 
Momo's half-shut eyes blinked into yours, reaching you right in the abdomen. She was drunk, you didn’t know what went into her body. What if it was poison? What if something horrible happened to her? God damn it.
You couldn't leave now.
Her eyes would haunt you forever then. This wasn't for Joshua, it was for her. The sudden change of heart was noticed greatly by Jun as you swayed his grip off of you. As much as you were doing this, the touch of men, you were disgusted by.
Joshua told his password in front of you and got in with the girl and with you and Jun following. Neither you and Jun were scared of basically infiltrating another house's dorm being rebellious students already but the way Joshua was worrying his lip between his teeth didn't pass you.
His lips are so plump—oh my God, what the hell am I thinking?
Your eyes widened at the side of his face, ensuring Momo that everything was going to be okay. That's how you were able to see his lips perfectly, excluding the gloom cast atop the dormitory. The thought shook you on the inside, you disliked it. Why would such a thought pass you, in the first place? Were you losing control?
“Guys, calm down. They’re just here to help Momo out. There’s no need to look at them like that. Seungkwan, take her.” Joshua announced to the many eyes staring back. You felt no astonishment to them.
A boy walked out and helped Joshua wrap an arm around Momo and bring her to comfy armchairs by the fireplace.
“If this keeps happening, we’re going to have to discuss with our companies—I mean, school. I mean, school. Why the hell did I say company?" Seungkwan patted her head slowly as she lulled her head on his shoulder without a care in the world.
"Where's the drink?" Jun asked from your side.
Joshua picked up a glass from a small table in front of him. He passed it to you. The remains of the drink were still evident on the bottom of the glass and you hoped hard that no one changed the glass while you were gone. You looked at the remains for a second before sniffing the drink, the smell already familiar to your nose.
"It's just regular ale, nothing bad will happen to her," you declared. 
The tension in the air dispersed. Joshua exhaled with relief as you put the glass back onto the table. 
"Let's go," you said to Jun, whining slightly. The longer you stayed in here, the more you wanted to die from embarrassment.
"Um, excuse me?" Joshua asked you and the desperation in you grew. Did he not understand? "How do I, um..."
"Sober her up?" you questioned. The yellow started to feel like a perpetual blot to the eyes and a steadfast reminder that he was within few feet of you.
You reached into your robes quickly and pulled out a vial that was the size of your palm. You couldn't believe you were giving away your last vial, but there was no choice. Gazing at Momo as you pass the concoction to him, sorry flooded you. Poor girl—
"Just make sure that...she doesn't drink anything handed to her."
You couldn't hold back the tongue of empathy clawing you, tormenting you. The ends of Joshua's lips quirked up slowly and you couldn't help but know exactly what that meant. The nice boy in him was going to spurt with gratefulness. Deciding quickly that it was time to go, you grabbed Jun and turned to head down the way you came.
However, a persistent word of gratitude slipped from between his lips anyways. "Thanks, Y/N!"
Disregarding him, you were beholden to find your palm on the door with a very giggly Jun on your side. As soon as you were in the hallway again, you let Jun move away from you before you punched him harshly in the chest. Even though you were doing this for Momo, he was still to blame for dragging you into it in the first place and making you blink into her face and feeling sorry for her.
To your surprise, the boy didn't flinch at all.
You almost forgot. The Beast Beater, what were you expecting?
"What was that about?!" you yelled at him.
He threw his head back, laughing at the glower you had. Was it funny? Was it really entertaining to him that you were suffering? The boil in you was proceeding to the edge as a hand weaved through your robe. Your wand was seconds away from meeting your grabby and desperate hand.
"Just teasing you..." Jun said, waving his hand dismissively. He walked towards the Slytherin dorms. You followed him, still heated but you let go of the wand for the reason that you didn't want to hex him so bad that you would get into trouble. There you went with your rational conscience again. "But hey, he's not a bad lad, you know? You could do with someone like him."
"What's that supposed to mean?" If you were to know everyone in the whole wide world, Junhui would still be the person to hate Hufflepuffs the most. Overly to the extent that some of the bitterness rubbed off on you throughout the years since the two of you were practically inseparable.
“It means that you need water for your fire, an eggplant to your peach, a—"
"Jun, I'll hit you!" 
He ran away before you could even get to him.
The Gryffindor teacher yet again had a lot to say. With a hand clutched onto the parchment with your excellent grade, you exited the class with heat radiating on your face. She had a problem with your continuous obsession—as the woman labelled it—with talking about her when her back was turned. You had no response for once because you had no idea she could hear you.
You could assume a student told her but then again, she's McGonagall.
You let out a sigh, looking down at your Transfiguration test. 
"Good job on the test though. You must've studied hard, L/N."
You pushed the test down, unable to look at it as you strode the halls with quick, angry steps. Was there a second where you weren't mad? It was a side of you that was always growing whether you liked it or not.
It relinquished within a second when you found the show of a familiar figure by the entrance of the school. She peeked her head out tentatively before rolling her heels back in the shadows, tending her back against the wall. Her eyebrows knitted in. 
You walked up to Lia suspiciously, crossing over a bunch of first-year Gryffindors who let you go first. They whispered harshly to each other in what you could assume was talk about the person you were. Not that it mattered—everything was interesting to the first years.
You were curious about Lia's behaviour since she was meant to be at practice right now and not wandering around the castle.
"You're supposed to be at practice."
She jumped, her hands flying to her chest. "Oh, it's just you."
"What are you doing here?" you asked.
Lia avoided your eyes.
"Well, tell me." you pressed on.
"Ugh, fine," she groaned, stamping her foot on the ground. "I fake-confessed to Eric because it was a dare from Ryujin and now he thinks I'm for real. He won't stop talking to me, even during class. It’s so annoying."
She scanned your face for your reaction.
"Why would you do that, stupid?" you said, holding in a small giggle.
Lia smiled a little subsequent to your light heart towards her reason. "I don't even know. I just wanted to prove myself, I guess...but! It's whatever now. I can go with you, Captain."
She linked arms with you, notwithstanding another second and led the way through the exit of the castle. The breeze felt a little heavy. It was an overcast day, murk weaved in between the students on the late Wednesday afternoon. It was an exhausting week already and for the students to keep going felt like a burden in the disguise of an obligation.
Lia glimpsed down at your test paper on your other hand.
"Ninety-five per cent?" she questioned, an impressed hum leaving her. "I thought you hated McGonagall."
"I do. But I have parents to make proud of," you answered, walking uphill.
"Don't all Slytherins?"
The slash of green and red from a distance didn't allow you to continue your conversation with Lia. As you were on top of the hill, you could see the anger on Ryujin and Sunwoo's faces, sensing something was wrong as they were meant to be getting ready to practice.
"Gryffindors? But we booked the field!"
"That we did, kid, but we know that Bradley Ainsworth is a little persistent, isn't he?" you dangerously chided under your breath. You drew Lia with you as you stomped determinedly downhill and towards the merged teams in an obvious fickle.
But something else hit you as you got there.
"Where's Jun?" you asked.
"He's in detention," Yuna replied to you prior to looking back at the Gryffindor Captain."We already booked the field. You guys can’t just come and interrupt our practice time like that.”
It was impressive that she could talk like that even though she was only the assistant manager. You felt proud that you taught your managers well and not to take shit from other people.
"No, you didn't. Check again. We booked it today and swapped you out for Sunday." Bradley looked at you with a smile. 
What a pain to look at.
You felt your frustration reach its peak.
"Are you kidding me?! No, you didn't!" you shouted as you ditched Lia's hand aggressively. The test paper in your hand was getting scrunched with every second of your talking.
"Hoshi," Bradley demanded, smirking. Their Chaser, Hoshi, picked up a piece of paper that was apparently worth millions and above all, proving his point. Indeed, you were swapped out for Sunday, but that would mean no break for your team on the weekend. You would already spend four hours practising on Wednesdays and Saturdays. For you to practice eight hours over the course of two days would take a toll on all your bodies.
"Ainsworth, you can't just do this stuff without telling me!"
"I'm sorry, L/N. But we have practice to get to," he said and was about to leave.
“Stop. Because you know that you’re not supposed to book the field out on my day unless you have special permission! This is absurd.”
"Absurd, she says." Fred and George mimicked and Hoshi laughs loudly.
Bradley was going to get it from you today whether he liked it or not because you weren't a fan of letting you and your team not practice when they were all already changed.
"Ainsworth, I suggest kindly that you all leave the field before I tell Snape about this and land you all in detention. Oh, and won’t that be your fifth detention from Snape this quarter? Doesn’t that mean a suspension?”
He pursed his lips tightly. As expected, all Gryffindors had intimidation towards Snape as a teacher. You never fully understood it until you actually came to Hogwarts where he treated his own house better than any other house. 
“Wait…why don’t we ask outside our own perception of this…um,” Bradley looked around nervously. You scoffed, finding this aspect of him different from how he usually acted. He would act all high and mighty all the time, he walked like he owned Hogwarts, he was such a tryhard with girls too. 
You smiled back at your team.
Until he did something unexpected.
“Hong! Get over here!”
Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach. You hadn't seen Joshua Hong in two whole days and you were praying not to have to bump into him. But there he was, walking around with Momo, supposedly going to the lake.
“You are so not asking a Hufflepuff right now,” Sunwoo stated as Joshua and Momo walked over. She was looking a lot better today, you noted.
“Do you see any other alliances Slytherins have?” Bradley asked.
He was foul-mouthed and the steam of outrage touched the edge. You whisked out your wand, bringing it near his button nose. Bradley froze, brazen words leaving his mouth one second ago, all disappearing within the nanosecond. Kevin immediately pushed your hand down before things got too violent. You breathed out sharply, glaring at the Captain of the opposing team.
“You can’t just speak to our Captain like that!" Ryujin shouted at him, furrowing her eyebrows.
Bradley let out a small chuckle. “Oh, wow. Your team actually respects you, L/N. I remember what happened last time when you got—“
Triple homicide—Eric’s fist met with his abdomen, Tzuyu kicked him right in the knees and George, surprisingly, kicked him from the back. It was unexpected he was defending you but you appreciated it regardless. 
Bradley fell to the ground, his eyes widened at the abrupt fighting. Your fist was shaking as you drew it back, rubbing it slowly with the other. Tears threatened to follow down your face from the shock. 
You never really got over it...he had no title talking about you like that, you had no control over what happened then. The way his team didn't say anything and the twins glaring at him for his actions proved that he deserved it.
"What was that for?!” he had the audacity to ask
“How could you bring that up here?! You are seriously an asshole if you think we’re not going to do anything about this!" Tzuyu yelled at him.
Joshua held a hand out at the fallen Captain to your astonishment. "Calm down, the two of you. Why are we yelling here?"
Momo pulled Joshua back, letting the Gryffindor fall back to the ground with a thud. Joshua was persistent, pushing back Momo with a shoulder shrug. You felt like you should've punched him too.
“Joshua, stop—"
“No, I’m not going to stop! It can’t just suddenly be okay for her to push Ainsworth just because she wants the field.”
Tzuyu placed a hand on your shoulder, an attempt to calm you down but all you could do was push it off as a tear slid down your face. Joshua's mouth fell agape slightly at the sight. It was like he could capture every detail of you. Then he should've known what he was sticking up for, especially when it was about you.
“So it’s okay for Ainsworth to bring up how I got sexually assaulted in front of everyone?! Wow, thanks, Joshua. I can really see which side you’re on.” You left with tears, not wanting to see his face again, although, his eyes intruding when you ended your first sentence was stuck in your head. The amazingly graded test paper flew from your grips too, abandoned on the grass.
“Good job, Hong. Good fucking job.” Ryujin spoke up and you apprehended the steps of your team following you, guarding your back against a backstab you didn't expect from a person who pleads his case of crushing on you.
Was it all a lie?
"Where is she?" you heard Jun ask from outside the bathroom.
“She’s in there,” Eric answered and there was a moment of silence. You basked in it, letting the girls cling onto you like you were spending your last few moments with them. In truth, the younger ones didn’t know what was going on at all but Tzuyu and Ryujin knew for sure. Tzuyu was on the team at that time which was why she was the prime caretaker when Junhui wasn’t there. 
The tears just wouldn’t stop—not even when Wonyoung was wiping them away, not even when Lia was stroking your back with her soft palm, not even when Yuna was holding your hand and not even when Ryujin was laying on your shoulder. Until, of course, the door burst open with the presence of the Beast Beater.
The girls jumped in surprise.
“What did bloody Ainsworth say to you?” Jun asked, showing no action to the girls. His eyes were stuck on you defensively.
“It’s nothing, Jun.”
You didn’t understand how vulnerable you were at that moment. 
Jun’s fingers reached his temples in frustration before he grunted. He walked over to you and the girls, letting his hand reach the shoulder that wasn’t occupied with your Seeker. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there but I’m here now.”
His genuineness closed the crevice where your tears poured mercilessly—you felt enlightened by Jun and in no doubt were you going to handle the circumstance yourself as you did before. You were going to talk.
Looking at the girls hopefully, they caught the message. 
“We’ll be guarding the entrance, okay?” Yuna said.
You nodded, the weight of them leaving you in a matter of seconds. They left through the tattered dark door of the second-floor lavatory in an orderly fashion, Lia peeking over at you, her eyes smiling at you lovingly. You nodded at her. She smiled and then closed the door behind her, enabling privacy between you and your best friend.
“Now, explain everything,” Junhui said, putting his hands on his hips. 
You sighed, then, you explained everything. In full detail. He nodded, taking in your words as this was the first time that Wen Junhui wasn’t at the scene of the crime. Actually, second because of the time with Joshua at The Great Hall, he was slumbering in the dorms. Junnhui listened carefully unto you told him what Joshua said.
“Hong did that?!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah, he did that.” you sniffled, the tears about to come back. You were about to lose it, remembering his eyes and the understanding that hit him then. Again, it was on Joshua, himself. He messed up, you couldn’t go around feeling bad for him. But you felt so bad when he realised. He was only trying to diffuse things and not let anyone get hurt.
But he didn’t have to glare at me like that.
“He was defending him all it was worth. I’m just disappointed,” you told Jun.
“Why?!” he questioned.
“I mean, I helped him out and he just accused me of something. He doesn’t even know how shitty of a person Bradley is,” you told him.
“I’m more worried about Bradley. I think we need to show him what Slytherins are about.”
You knew exactly what that meant but you didn’t want him to do anything bad that would result him in getting in trouble.
“Don’t get in trouble for me.” you smiled through a blurry sight of Jun.
“What else can I do?”
“This is your final warning. Next time, I’ll actually murder you..” Jun pushed him again against the sacks of flour behind him. It was impressive how he was madder than you about this. You admired his attempts in beating Ainsworth up and you also admired his bloodied knuckles with his fine set of rings which were inherited from his great grandfather. Jun bounced back, tilting his head to the right, a crack heard clearly in the room of working House Elves.
They paid no mind to you guys beating him up, they were profoundly focussing on their work for making dinner for the thousand students that attended Hogwarts. In fact, you were sitting on one of the benchtops, enjoying a tall glass of milk and iced cookies made by the elves for you. It had been long since you knew that Dumbledore had House Elves working beneath him than the food being magicked up itself. It was an easy way for you to beat Ainsworth up in here because you threatened the elves that if they were to tell anything to old man Dumbledore, they would find themselves in a little accident—or more or less, a kitchen fire. Not that Dumbledore would ask them anyways, you would make sure that Ainsworth kept his pretty mouth shut about this after.
“Do you think it’s funny to make fun of someone’s trauma?” Sunwoo yelled, kicking him right in the abdomen. This was beyond evil but he didn’t leave you with any other choice. Ainsworth was there when you were ushered into the hospital wing for immediate care, he watched you with his eyes that were half-awake because of the drug you were under.
Tzuyu bent down to her knees into a squat, grabbing Bradley by the collar. She pushed his face into his and smirked. “It hurts now, doesn’t it?” 
Bradley whimpered.
“God, that was hot.” Junhui cleared his throat.
You all looked at him expectantly. He rubbed his knuckles in his other hand, looking at the details of the ceilings, far from realizing that you were all looking at him. Excluding, Tzuyu, who just slapped Bradley in the face. He looked back at you and you beamed slowly. Did he like Tzuyu? 
“W-What? I said it was hot in here, you know? Because—”
He was so dumb, it was literally freezing in the kitchen, you didn’t know how the elves wielded in such harsh living conditions. You shook your head and then joined Tzuyu down on the floor, squatting right in front of Ainsworth. Holding him up by his blonde locks, drenched in sweat and little specks of blood, you smiled at him. You already had your time with him before, in fact, you were the first to land an excellent kick in the groin.
“Now you know to not mess with me again, we’ll leave you to tender your wounds, how about that?” you asked, crinkling your eyes as you smiled at him. You stuffed a cookie into Bradley’s bloody mouth as he whimpers in fear. You patted his cheek gently, his eyes exhaustingly peeking into yours. “Guys, let’s go now.”
“Righty-o, Captain.” Eric began making his way through the gaps between the short countertops made especially for the elves. You followed through, a satisfied feeling closing you with a breath of relief. Sunwoo opened the door for you, letting you go first as a way to show his pride in your wondrous bravery. 
You wished you didn’t go.
The smile that was on your face disappeared within a second. You relaxed your face and walked towards the left, a dire desire to leave.
“Please, Y/N. Let me explain myself—” 
“How many times are you going to apologize, Joshua? Actually—how many times are you going to mess up? You know what? Don’t even talk to me. If I look at you any longer, I’m actually going to start feeling sorry for you.”
Joshua’s eyes were big and sad, “I—”
Jun pushed him with his shoulder, making it to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder. “You heard her.”
You turned around and walked off with Jun.
Guilt swarmed through you, you felt that you were too harsh, you knew that yourself. The sorry in his eyes were prominent, so prominent that they shouldn’t be ignored. He was genuine—it was an innate characteristic of the Hufflepuffs and he wanted to make up for his mistakes. 
Why were you such a bad person? 
He’s a Hufflepuff.
“God, is it bad that I feel bad?” you asked under your breath, moving Jun’s hand away from you.
He smirked, nudging you with his shoulder. Nevertheless, you appreciated that he kept his voice down as your teammates fitted nicely into their own conversations. 
“Look at you being soft…no it’s not. He shouldn’t have reacted like that regardless. He basically minimized your problems.” 
How, though? You wanted to ask. How did Joshua minimize my problems when he was only trying to diffuse the heated problem between Bradley and I and was trying to make sure that no one got hurt because, in truth, that was the best for all of us? Plus, he didn’t know about my circumstance, that’s not his fault.
The realisation of your self-acceptance of the situation only made you want to bang your head on the nearest wall.
When Ainsworth came through to Ghoul Studies class the next day, you had to bite back a smile that was coming onto your face. There was no Jun to nudge and talk to about how his fingers were cuffed in bandages.
“Oh, Ainsworth. What happened to you?” the teacher asked, a frown settling on her lips.
“He fell off his broom during practice. It’s horrible, isn’t it?!” one of his many fangirls asked the teacher. You put your hand on your mouth, seeing how dejected his excuse was. So that was the excuse he gave to others? Ainsworth didn’t acknowledge you at all, taking a seat rows in front of you so that he couldn’t see your face.
You leaned back against your chair and smiled to yourself slightly for the rest of the class. When the class had finished, you were off on your feet swiftly to find Jun. But there was no seeing him come out of his Transfiguration class at all. You decided to pop in, at last, seeing McGonagall packing her things up with her wand. You couldn’t hold back your words at your least favourite teacher.
“Using magic for selfish needs, hm? You’re always telling us not to do that.” you scolded pretendingly, crossing your arms together across your chest. Her books nearly dropped her books down to the ground at you being in her class.
“Merlin’s beard, having you in this class four times a week is already a hassle but having you here for another day is just too much.” she sighed, shoving her wand into her robes. Abruptly, she smiled, causing you to do them. As much as you didn’t like her as a teacher, the woman reminded you of yourself at some times—the way she scolded students and her comebacks that were so blazing. They almost proved you wrong too but if it wasn’t for your own cunning remarks, you and McGonagall wouldn’t be in this puddle of disagreement and sharp words that pricked your flesh like a broken mirror.
And not to mention, there was a point in time where you were close to her. A dark time for you.
“Mr. Wen, I presume?” she asked you, walking out of the classroom. You followed her towards the door, getting there before her so you could open it wide for her. She had some things in her hands. “Thank you.”
“Of course, always. Where is he?” you asked. “Or did he skip again?”
“Ah, not this time.” the teacher told you. “I let the class go a minute earlier so I assume that he’s already feasting in the Great Hall. Very fidgety, something to tell him? Confess?”
“Oh, professor!” you exclaimed, putting your wand that you were playing with into your skirt. The teacher’s smile was not to abstain, she was undoubtedly amused at your behaviour, although, she got the wrong message. You were only excited to tell Junhui the message of Ainsworth behaviour in class that was amusing. “It’s nothing like that! Jun…please.”
“Well, the two of you seemed to be very close. One could only think so,” She was going to turn right and meaning she was going to the staff room because of the number of books she had. “Eat well, I’ve got to go drop these books.”
You couldn’t believe you talked to her nicely after these past two years.
You nodded. “You too. Bye, professor. Have a good day!”
The words slipped out before you could stop them. Though, there was no regret in them, only slight embarrassment that you would be soft around the Gryffindor. Oh, you couldn’t help it. She’s done many things for you, you could only do the bare minimum. McGonagall’s face softened. She didn’t say anything back, so you turned around and kept walking down the hallway, the aroma of food filling your nostrils quickly.
You whipped your head at her. She was rooted in the same spot, her hands holding the books as if she was going to put them on the floor right then. There was an unreadable expression on her face that even you couldn’t decipher for the life of you. It was like McGonagall was questioning everything at that moment until she covered the look with a smile.
“Yes, professor?”
“If you ever need to talk again, I’m always here for you.”
You blinked a couple of times.
The nights of crying in her office were soon brought back, clenching your heart tightly. That was two years back but it felt like a lifetime away from the warm sense of her office. She was so kind to you and all you’ve been was a rude student. 
You still remembered not being able to sleep and going to hers or Snape’s office to sit there for a while just to bask in their safe presences before they would accompany you to the dorms again. It was crazy how you let it all go like it was nothing when in truth, every moment filled you with delight that someone was there for you besides Jun. 
And then, you looked at her for the house she was in. That she was just a Gryffindor, that she was not worth your care or respect.
It was a betrayal at its finest.
“O-Of course, professor. I’ll see you tomorrow for class.” Your heart pulled itself as you stepped away, walking towards The Great Hall, the aroma no longer satisfying your senses. Instead, all you could do was drown in sorrow. That was the first time in years that you spoke to the woman like another human being. You still remember being in Dumbledore’s office the day after it happened. 
“How can you let this happen, Professor Dumbledore?! How could you let such an occurrence happen to my daughter?!” your mother yelled as you held your father’s hand tightly. It felt like shame in there, you felt as if this was all your fault. Being sexually assaulted earned this trauma on you—one you couldn’t decipher then, but all you knew was that the worst came out of it and it brought the weakest side of you out. You hated it and you hated everyone. There was the thought that it could happen again.
“I apologise dearly, this shouldn’t have happened at all,” Dumbledore spoke calmly.
“Is this how you always handle situations like this, professor?” Jun’s father asked.
“Putting him in juvenile and serving time in Azkaban for a few years is not enough for you, Mr Wen?” Dumbledore questioned. “I have expelled him, he has no future at all now.”
“Her Quidditch Captain raped her and now you’re not offering anything to her. Counselling is the least you can do.” your mother yelled again. Tears pricked her eyes, drowning your heart in your stomach. Seeing her cry took a toll on you, one that felt like the worst burden in the world. You grabbed her wrist and pulled her to sit down beside you. It was quiet for a second.
The night was cold on October—it was evidently fall and the hushed breeze let in by Dumbledore’s window aroused the hairs on your skin to come to standing. 
“I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t protect you.” Your mother’s hands shook as she held your face. It was sadistic—the way that guy was making you all feel, the trauma he put you and your family through. An empty hole formed inside of you, destructing you painfully slow. The sobs that reeled from you didn’t feel enough. Nothing would feel complete, nothing felt right.
“It’s not your fault, Mum.” Your hand weakly grabbed hers as you looked into her eyes. She simply pulled you into her chest, letting the two of you sob. She knew how broken you were from it because for once, you were genuinely crying sad tears in front of her. “It’s not your fault, don’t cry.”
“I know but you didn’t deserve that. At all. You’re the sweetest girl I know and you got—I can’t even think how traumatic that could’ve been.”
“It is truly such a thing nobody deserves—getting their body taken advantage of without permission. I am extremely sorry you have to receive such pain, Ms L/N. We have offered your daughter counselling. She has rejected it kindly.” Dumbledore continued.
“You rejected it?” your father asked. “I demand you go.”
“Dad, I can’t,” you said, looking back at your father. Talking about it would only make you feel pressured and labelled.
“I don’t care, Y/N. You have to go—”
“Don’t force her. She doesn’t have to go if she doesn’t feel comfortable.” your mother said. “But—you have to, at least for two weeks, okay?”
Your breath hitched in your throat but you nodded. You had to do it for her and maybe, you might be able to cure. You had hope.
“I assure you Madam Pomfrey will take great care of her,” McGonagall told, nodding at your parents with a small smile.
“I hope so, Minerva or else I’ll have to be filing a complaint to take Hogwarts down.” Mrs. Wen started. She was definitely a force not to be reckoned with, she was powerful among the Ministry of Magic. Even in her own house where she demanded what she wanted when she wanted it. You’ve witnessed it yourself.
“Also, the teachers are always here so don’t feel burdened to go tell them what you’re feeling at any time.” Dumbledore told and your family seemed to have taken that bit a bit too seriously.
“Severus, I don’t care what you think but you need to be taking extra care for her. My daughter is everything to me.” your mother said.
“You have my word, Mrs L/N. I will watch over her, no doubt.” 
“We’re serious, we’re depending on you for her journey to better mental and physical health—oh, come on, Severus. Look at what that boy did to her, look at her bruises.” your mother pleaded.
You stayed silent like she had told you to be.
“If you are asking me to take special care of her, I, unfortunately, cannot do that for you. She is like any other student to me, I—”
“Please. Give her some lack for a few months and take good care of her. I assure you that’s all she needs.” your father interrupted, his eyes glowing.
Your bloodline ran with Slytherins and above all, your parents and Snape went to school at around the same time. 
Snape looked over at you, his cold eyes unfailingly bringing light into you. They had convinced him.
“Don’t worry about her.”
You roamed the halls with the reminder of those days, your shoulders weighing heavier than a minute ago.
“Hey! Hey! Wait! Wait up! Pretty Slytherin Captain, WOAH—!” A scream rang through the empty hallway. Before you could turn to see who it was, they thudded into you on the left corridor, causing you to almost knock over to the ground. 
“Man, what the—”
You stopped when your eyes met with Hirai Momo’s.
“What do you want?” you asked, putting on your blank face. Momo seemed jumpy, considering your thoughts into if she was drunk or not. There was no scent of alcohol this time so it gave it away. You were wondering what she was doing here instead of being at The Great Hall where she would be with him.
“I just- I just—damn, that was a long run,” she said, puffing out large breaths as she located her hands on her knees.
“Alcohol damages the lungs.” you slipped out smartly but you didn’t expect her to let out a giggle at your words.
“Thank you for that by the way. Sniffing my drink.” Momo stood up fully, something folded in her hands. Her smiled weaved you in like a distraction.
“I didn’t have much of a choice, did I?” you said, shrugging.
“Uh, I don’t really remember, remember?” she laughed, an attempt to reduce the tension in the space between the two of you. 
“Why are you here?” you asked straight away.
“Right!” She passed you the folded parchment but it hung from her grip as you didn’t try to take it from her. You found it a waste of time to be talking to her when you knew exactly what it was. Could he have been dumber than to think you would accept such a thing?
“What is this? An apology letter from Joshua?”
She laughed again. “Oh my God, no! It’s your test paper! You dropped it the other day. Although, an apology letter would be too far.”
You were enlightened, grabbing the parchment at your wrongness. You didn’t expect a Hufflepuff to be so easygoing—but since when did you know? Just now. Thanks to the fact that you never mingled with others in different houses. Even those who opened their hands for you. Like McGonagall.
You never realised how much of a pain-in-the-ass you were until that moment. Momo treated you kindly and you refused to even look into her eyes for a second longer because it made you seem weak. It did not. You were just discriminative of other houses.
“I agree,”
“Honestly, I thought you would be scarier to approach than this. Was everyone lying to me?” Momo asked, her smile brighter than the Sun. The way her eyes crinkled made you think that she was in fact completed of natural beauty. 
“Yeah, well, I need to go tell my team to jump on you for even thinking about talking to me after this. So don’t be surprised when it happens,” you told as you folded the test paper. You slipped in into your Ghoul Studies textbook, silence flying from Momo’s side. You would sort it out later when you go back to your dorms. 
You wondered why and then you realised what you said. She had to have been scared.
“Joking,” you said blankly and then continued walking down the hallway. The girl followed you, laughing. 
“Please. I thought I made the biggest mistake of my life, I was so scared!”
“Yeah, your soul left you.” you agreed without an expression.
“It felt like it…! Hey, I just wanted to apologise—“
“For what?” You looked at her dead in the eyes. She didn’t falter one bit.
“Come on!” she exclaimed, dropping her smile as she stamped her foot charmingly on the tiled floor. “What Joshua did was so not cool! You know, he doesn’t shut up about you in the dorms but he doesn’t even know the inkling details about you?!”
Your stomach felt like it was full of butterflies—something you took seriously. Because when Momo said that, you didn’t feel like yourself. You heated up at the thought of him talking about you a lot. 
“I tried to stop him that day but he was such an idiot and—“
“I know, I saw,” you interrupted her.
“I just hope you know, he’s extremely, super-duper sorry and I’m sorry that I didn’t slap him when he said that. He won’t stop looking at you from a distance and he’s just not himself these days.” Momo stopped at the entrance of The Great Hall, just at the side of the door so no one could see the opposite houses talking to each other. You respected her for doing so.
“Yeah, sure…he can come to me and apologise to me properly and I’ll think about it.” What a liar—you just want to talk to him again. No, I don’t—
Her eyes lit up. “Seriously?!”
“Does it look like I’m joking?”
“No, no! I was just making sure! Oh, thank God. I’ll tell him later tonight if I happen to bump into him, if not, tomorrow! Thanks so much!” Momo opened her arms.
You pursed your lips together. She quickly noticed, pulling her arms back together. “Right, you don’t do hugs. Ah! But thank you, I’ll see you around! Have a good day.”
“You too.”
Momo entered The Great Hall. 
You tilted your head slightly, finding yourself going over the conversation in your head as you leaned against the brick wall. You felt light talking to the girl, she radiated the vibe that you could tell her anything and she wouldn’t judge you for it. You smiled. Maybe you should get to know the other houses and possibly, Joshua too. 
And what the hell is this thing I have for Joshua? I know I am not falling for his ass.
He managed to weave into your dreams in the dead of a full moon night. How did your mind let it happen? It felt so calm and this dream soothed your mind into relaxation you never felt around the boy. It felt like the discrimination between Slytherins and Hufflepuffs didn’t even exist. Like you were away from the real world, just the two of you basking each other’s warm presence, fulfilling each other with comfort.
Joshua laid in your lap in a meadow of tall sunflowers, sun rays dawning on you two, too bright to be real. The two of you were sitting on a picnic mat with food set aside, seemingly have eaten already. 
You couldn’t feel anything. No sadness was felt, it was like everything was going right for once in your life. However, there was a slight difference in you. 
Scars...your old scars that used to make you feel disgusting. He took your hand and kissed them. One by one. Slowly. While smiling at you. And then, you shot up in your bed.
“Fuck—” You grabbed at your scalp. Sweat beaded your forehead as you frantically looked around your room, your heart racing from the dream. It felt so real, so real you had to look around to blink back the reality in front of you. The boy had easily milked his way into your dreams—how? How?!
You thrust yourself off your bed, quickly finding your slippers beneath on the dark oak floor.
“Ssh!” one of your roommates said in her sleep. You didn’t mind her, leaving the room immediately. You went down to the luxurious common room your dormitory had to offer. A few students were still awake, not to your surprise, other seventh years. You looked at the time. It was two in the morning.
You nodded in acknowledgement at one of the seventh years prior to leaving the dormitory. It wasn’t permitted, of course. But you didn’t care at this point, things were going too far. It seemed like even when you were trying to console yourself that this wasn’t real, that it wasn’t happening for real, the rush of the possibility of having feelings for Joshua would always beat it. Truth be told, you still had the slight anger for him because of what he had done in the past and that included the chocolate situation from the beginning. You didn’t like how he was so easygoing around you but then again, why did he need to be scared of you? You guys were classmates, he didn’t need to cower in your presence. 
Ahhh! I don’t know! Why am I like this?!
The darkness welcomed you once again as you sauntered the hallways aimlessly. The coldness brought you in like a friend you didn’t like and you started to regret not wearing something to cover you. You were only dressed in a nightdress, silky and soft to the touch.
“Lumos,” you whispered, ignoring the harsh words from the prior-sleeping portraits. Your mind was finally clearing a little.
“L/N? Is that you, young lady?” a cold voice asked. You stopped in your tracks, feeling the hairs on your skin rise. You reached your wand outwards a little, meeting Snape’s face.
“You know the rules. No roaming after hours. Come with me to my office for your detention slip.” he said.
You sighed. “Come on, professor. You know me!”
“Minerva is in the next hall. It’s either you get it from me or receive multiple from her and points off the house.” he whispered,
You didn’t answer back, you just followed him to his office. Detention seemed to be no remedy to your problem, however, a walk to Snape’s office was one because you felt like your head was clearing even more. Maybe you couldn’t come to a conclusion to this cluster of feelings but you were at least feeling like you got fresh air in your lungs.
Even though a detention slip was now in your hands because of your careless actions. 
You sat in front of him, the slightest feeling of dissatisfaction nagging you at the back of the head still. The thought of his lips on your skin kept playing on repeat in your head, an aimed loop to make you fragile.
“What do you think about a Slytherin falling for someone else who isn’t a Slytherin?” you asked suddenly. Silence occupied the space, Snape’s eyes sparkling into yours. His office already felt empty as it was with no fire lit up to warm it up and only moonlight shining inside. You were sitting in nearly utter darkness. “You know what—“
Snape sighed. “I obviously don’t get paid enough for this. How bad are we talking about this crush?”
You gasped. “Crush? No! It’s just— I had a dream that I and he were together and it’s really bothering me. It’s so weird of me telling this to a teacher, right?”
“You have no idea how many confessions I got from Pansy herself this week about her obsession with Malfoy itself. Who is the kid?”
You felt the inkling of curiosity from Snape.
“Joshua Hong...”
You expected no reaction from the teacher but he raised a brow and that in itself was a lot for you. It felt like he was really taking in what you were saying and you knew you were lucky to be on his good side. Though, a teacher is always a teacher. “A Hufflepuff? Hm, work out your own way.”
You weren’t going to get anywhere with this, especially with Snape. He was too closed off for your own good, you rather have a girl-to-girl chat about this with another teacher whom you were comfortable with. Though there doesn’t seem to be a teacher that you could talk about this to. Which is why you got up, letting the chair skid back a little.
“Fine, professor. Have a lovely night.” 
You exited his office with the detention slip in your hand. “Lumos.”
Walking down the hallway, you felt a little heavier. The dream was still fresh on your mind and it messed you up so bad on the inside. Obviously, you were not used to this kind of dream, especially from a Hufflepuff. If the dream was rather about Jun or another Slytherin, the two of you would laugh about it. But the dream had to be about him. His lips, were so plump and soft when they touched your skin. It was like you could feel it. 
Was it just admiration for his beauty? Was a question that remained unanswered. Although having his lips pressed against yours was something you wanted to feel too, did it answer the previous question? 
A figure was walking down the hallway, causing you to shine your wand at the person. You gulped immediately. How was this even possible?! 
You had to be seeing things! 
Seeing him as a hallucination could also prove to be just as bad. But you didn’t want to believe it.
Joshua jumped back. “I’m only here to see Professor Sprout! I came here with permission!”
“Why the hell are you up so late?” you asked
Joshua was shocked least to say that you were standing there in front of him. You were too, you were also better at hiding it. He paused for a second, gawking into your eyes. Dressed in simple striped blue pyjamas, his black hair slightly tousled, you were brought back to your dream. His divinely heavenly smile, the way the sun sparkled in his eyes, how you looked at him like he was the entire world—
He avoided eye contact as you welcomed his sincerity through. Joshua was just a package of sincerity in himself. He was not one ounce of bad blood but you treated him like he was.
“I had to deliver a complaint from a student…” he explained quietly.
“This can’t be a coincidence.” you pressed on. You didn’t mean anything bad when you said that, you were rather talking to yourself because of the dream you just had. His lips looked just like they did in the dream.
“Oh, come on, L/N. I’m not stalking you, okay, I just—“ You acted out of instinct, suddenly cornering him against the wall. You forced your eyes to look at his pretty face, letting the butterflies come in and settle in your stomach. There was no way you had him cornered against the wall right now but you had to see this for sure. 
“it seriously can’t…this really can’t be.”
Joshua was red under the grip of your wand as he looked to the side. It was like you were contradicting what you said earlier about him touching you. But you could tell Joshua Hong liked it from the redness of his face and his completely relaxed figure against the wall. So you continued.
You pushed a knee beside his left thigh, locking him in place.
“I’m not—“ 
“Be quiet,” you whispered, drawing his face closer with one hand, examining it in full detail. Whether this was a hallucination or not, you only started accepting the fact that this boy was actually pretty. Your heart was speeding just looking at his face. You forgot about the problems you had with him as your eyes followed his nose, lips, hair and back to his eyes, all defined and sculpted by the heavens to fit him. If someone had told you he was an angel from heaven, you wouldn’t question it one bit.
Finally getting a hold of yourself within the lost maze, you threw his face to the side, your fingers slightly piercing his cheeks. You moved off of him. 
Joshua furrowed his eyebrows at you. “What was that about—“
“Your mum.” You left.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: u got to the end!!!
here's the poll as promised, i'll make my decision in 24 hrs
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aclowntiny · 1 year
🦉 Seventeen as Hogwarts Students 🏰
This picture filled me with so much serotonin 🥹 y’all can refer to these headcanons as the basis for all the Hogwarts AU fics I’m going to be writing 😌👀 get ready I can’t believe I held out this long 😂
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☆ When the sorting hat was placed on his head, it paused in thought for a moment as it decided between Slytherin and Gryffindor. In the end, though… “Must be Gryffindor!” His caring heart won out the ambitious houses’ battle! At least, that’s what the hat said, and Seungcheol is determined to prove it right!
☆ Seungcheol is a Half-Blood, but both of his parents are wizards, so he grows up pretty chill on all the purity stuff but not knowing much about how people with no powers live. It’s definitely a curiosity for him, though.
☆ His favorite subjects are Defense Against the Dark Arts because he likes the idea of being able to protect others from harm and Charms because he likes small, quick, useful spells.
☆ He signs up for Ancient Runes because it sounds cool then highkey regrets it. It just kind of goes over his head.
☆ Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team right here 😌 Athletic and a great leader, Seungcheol is honored to receive this role even though it’s so obviously well-suited.
☆ Intimidating AND adorable. Seungcheol’s Patronus can do it all! His guardian takes the form of a Rottweiler dog: brave, loyal, protective, sweet to those who it cares for 😌
☆ When the Sorting Hat hits his head, it immediately rumples in confusion. “Oh, you’re an interesting one, aren’t you?” It waffles between Hufflepuff and Slytherin before finally declaring… “Can you hear him trying to bargain? Must be a Slytherin!” Jeonghan, for his part, just laughs.
☆ The Yoons are an old wizarding family and their son knows next to nothing about the Muggle world. Thusly Jeonghan makes up a bunch of bullshit at school about Muggle life to convince everyone he totally does. It works every time…so long as no Muggleborns are present at least.
☆ Jeonghan adores Charms class because it paves the way for so many useful spells and gives him a whole arsenal of things to use. He also loves Divination aka bullshitting class because he thrives, duh 😌 the professor loves him, too, because he participates so much and knows what to say, but somehow it escapes his notice how often his predictions are actually accurate.
☆ History of Magic is a lot to remember and not an interesting enough class to give him the drive to study hard, so it’s his hardest subject.
☆ He plays on the Quidditch team because his friend convince him to, but man does it turn out he’s a skilled Beater. This man is a menace with a Bludger.
☆ Thinking of his happiest memory, Jeonghan exclaims “Expecto Patronum!”, unsure what to expect until he sees the burst of light come flying out, taking the shape of a little crow that lands on his shoulder. Not what he was expecting, but the bird charms him immediately with the way it playfully tries to get his attention.
☆ “Oh, aren’t you a fun one?” Joshua, frankly, isn’t sure how to take that. Try and be more fun? “What are you planning?” The hat chides, bringing a slight flush of embarrassment to his face. “Lot of crafty ones this year, eh? We have another Slytherin!”
☆ Joshua’s a Muggleborn, so sometimes he feels like a fish out of water, but man is he liking the air. He wants to see it all, understand all that’s moving around him, and use magic to his advantage and enjoyment as much as possible!
☆ Being skilled at languages, Joshua takes up Ancient Runes as an elective and actually really likes it. Decoding is fun and it could prove useful if he decides to become a Curse-Breaker. He also likes Potions because it’s a nice, calm class.
☆ Transfiguration lowkey stresses him out, like what if he goes to transform his stuff and it never comes back??? Or a person?
☆ Slytherin’s Keeper. Good luck trying to score when Joshua is on the pitch 😌
☆ A bunch of other students ooh and ah at Joshua’s stag Patronus because that’s the one famous people get. Or something like that. The tall, antlered figure is elegant, imposing, and yet with a gentle side as it bows its head to its caster regally.
☆ “You spend a lot of time thinking about others.” Junhui’s eyes widen- he wasn’t expecting to have so much revealed through the hat. “I- I try to,” he replied modestly, at which the hat chuckles. “An innocent mind. Hufflepuff it is!” He’s still trying to wrap his head around how the hat read him and what it meant as they help him off the stool.
☆ He’s a Half-Blood, his mother being a witch and his father a Muggle. He got more experience with Muggle culture than his brother did, so he ended up getting to bond over showing him non-magical inventions 🥹
☆ Care of Magical Creatures is absolutely his favorite class, like Jun gets so excited every day they meet wondering what amazing being he’ll interact with next. The day they had a kneazle cat was pretty much his favorite day at school ever. He also enjoys Muggle Studies because it gives him lots of materials for letters home to his lil bro 🫶🏻
☆ Doesn’t really have a class he hates, but Arithmancy takes the most work so 🤷🏻‍♀️
☆ He tries out to be a Hufflepuff Chaser, but doesn’t make the cut 💀 avid fan and watcher of Hogwarts matches who sometimes tries to follow the commentator up to his post.
☆ Can’t suppress a grin in Defense Against the Dark Arts when a cute little striped cat bursts from his wand, turning around to rub against his legs.
☆ “Bravery aplenty!” Exclaims the Sorting Hat, which makes Soonyoung grin even wider, his excitement growing, “Eager too. A hard worker, sure, but this one’s too daring for Hufflepuff. Better be Gryffindor!” “Yes!” Soonyoung knew he’d be happy anywhere, but he wanted to be sorted with the lions and it looks like he got his wish!
☆ Soonyoung is a Half-Blood. Pretty much all of the Kwons are wizards, but somewhere up the family tree are some Muggleborns, maybe even a Muggle or two. All are welcome in Soonyoung’s family, so he grows up with little understanding how anyone could care about things like that!
☆ Loves to fly! It’s his favorite thing ever, like good luck getting him out of the sky. He also likes Defense Against the Dark Arts because it’s an active class, one where he can move, duel, and practice being in a real-life situation.
☆ Feels like History of Magic is all in one ear, out the other 🤕 that class is a cram before the test vibe for sure.
☆ One of Gryffindor’s Beaters. A little too excited about it, so some accidents have nearly happened but hey, it makes for an exciting game 🤷🏻‍♀️
☆ When that time comes in Defense Against the Dark Arts, a bunch of his friends tease him that he’ll have a small Patronus like a hamster or something, but he insists it’s going to be a powerful tiger, and he’s right 😌 is too overjoyed at the sight of the glowing tiger to rub it in their faces, though 🐅 big memories and emotions = big Patronus??? Not guaranteed, but in Soonyoung’s case certainly!
☆ “Smart kid,” the Sorting Hat comments when it’s set upon Wonwoo, “sure, you’ve got a bravery about you, you’re kind, but you’re a Ravenclaw!” Wonwoo just nods, thanking the hat- he agrees with the verdict, happily joining his table.
☆ Being a Muggleborn, Wonwoo has a drive to learn about how magic works. Why do some people have it? Why don’t witches and wizards seem to know this or care, especially if they care about bloodlines so much? He also wants to be one of the best just to put the people who doubt him in their place.
☆ One of the few Hogwarts students who actually enjoys Arithmancy and History of Magic. To him, they’re just calm subjects he can focus on and pore over, which is kinda his study method anyway tbh. It kinda works out though because then they go to him for tutoring.
☆ Boy is good at everything, none of the classes are really a struggle for him. Divination seems like the biggest waste of time, though, once he gets in there.
☆ Joins Quidditch as one of Ravenclaw’s chasers. He isn’t sure how much he’s going to like it, but he loves being part of the team! Quite an adept scorer.
☆ People all assume it’s going to be a cat, but Wonwoo casts a polecat Patronus. So, you know, he gets it in the name even though it’s more rodent. Polecats are crafty, comfortable in their home groups, and probably more similar to their caster than everyone might have originally suspected.
☆ “Someone’s a hard worker,” comes the Sorting Hat’s teasing comment upon touching Jihoon’s head, “you’ll study well, won’t you? But that dedication…that’s Hufflepuff for you!” Jihoon is a bit surprised, his mouth forming an ‘o’ shape at the news, but he likes to think the hat is right: he’s dedicated to his dreams, hardworking. Maybe that is his home.
☆ Being a Muggleborn, Jihoon has a bit of a tough time adjusting to magic. In some ways, he’s almost a bit resistant simply because he doesn’t want to rely on waving a wand for every little thing he could handle himself.
☆ There’s something so inspiring to him about looking at the stars, so he looks forward to Astronomy class. He also enjoys Transfiguration, the ability to make something new totally amazing him. He wonders what it feels like to transform like that.
☆ Defense Against the Dark Arts is kind of a boisterous, stressful class in his mind. All the running around and fighting isn’t really his style.
☆ Has enough other extracurricular stuff going on that he passes on Quidditch tryouts, but enough good friends play that he tries to make it to every game he can!
☆ At first, he isn’t sure why a bat Patronus would suit him, especially when everyone thought he was going to get a cat, but bats are known for using their voices to guide their way. They rely on their music and take time to trust, and Jihoon sees that as he bonds with his little guardian. Both of them take time to themselves, but thrive best in their circles when they come out of their shells.
☆ “Bad thoughts don’t often cross your mind, do they?” The voice of the hat muses upon its placement atop Seokmin’s head. “And you’ve a big heart, yes, indeed… most definitely a Hufflepuff!” Seokmin claps, happy to be in a house with some friendly-looking people and a bit shy to hear the hat say such nice things.
☆ Seokmin is a Muggleborn, both of his parents so proud to have magical children. He thinks it’s super cool too and always says he knew all along his family was magical 🥲 all the magical stuff absolutely amazes him, even the most tedious things are things he wants to experience!
☆ He loves Care of Magical Creatures because omg look! A unicorn! A real-life hippogryph!!! Bowtruckles! It’s all so unbelievable, yet so real, like dreams have been laid out before him. That’s the same reason he looks forward to Herbology, like where else can you see sentient plants?
☆ Loves every class! They are all exciting! *Ancient Runes has entered the chat* Ok, maybe classes can be stressful.
☆ He wants to get over his nerves on a broomstick, so to do that he tried out for Quidditch and makes Seeker. He likes that position because it’s a little removed from the pandemonium of the game and he can think like a Snitch 😌
☆ He’s honestly expecting a small animal, not feeling very brave as he shouts “Expecto Patronum!” but well aware he’ll just be ecstatic if he gets any animal form. Imagine his surprise when he gets a magical creature, a beautiful unicorn leaping from his wand! “I- I made that???” He grins, immediately reaching up to try to stroke its mane, awestruck at the beautiful, pure creature even if he doesn’t realize how perfectly it suits his heart.
☆ “You’re a bit bold, aren’t you?” Mingyu nods, thinking he’s supposed to answer the hat. “Not exactly the most courageous…” “Hey!” “Confident, confident certainly…” “M-hm,” he nods again. “You believe you have skills to offer Hogwarts.” “Yes,” Mingyu agrees. “Send this one to Slytherin!” The hat chuckles.
☆ The Kims are an long line of wizards, Mingyu one of many Pure-Blood sons. He doesn’t know much about Muggle culture, frankly, but has more privilege in lifestyle than he does prejudice against people with different blood.
☆ Potions ace. So good at it sometimes the other students are salty at him, but he just shrugs. It comes naturally for him, whether it’s preparing the ingredients or knowing just how much to add. He also likes Divination just because it’s fun. What do his tea leaves say? He legitimately wants to know.
☆ He does have a fear of flying, so broom lessons are not his favorite 😅 he’ll stay on the ground, thank you.
☆ Obviously does not join the Quidditch team, but is on the stands cheering super loud at every game!
☆ Everyone can’t help but tell Mingyu how perfect his husky Patronus is once it manifests, the goofy, vocal, affectionate dog running around practically looking like his twin!
☆ As if drawn in by his aura, the hat muses as it rests upon Minghao’s head. “An artist, eh? Kind, forgiving, wise, and very calm too. A bright one. Ravenclaw, certainly Ravenclaw!” Between what he felt was a suitable sorting despite telling himself he’d be happy with anything and all the attention, Minghao practically glows at the hat’s words.
☆ The Xus are a Pure-Blood family, but Minghao’s parents are both avid Muggle Studies enthusiasts, so their son grew up with lots of knowledge and no prejudice. They all see magic as a chance to help others with less.
☆ Nature is important to this boy here, so Herbology is where his gifts lie. He’s so gentle with the plants and genuinely appreciative of them all, it’s a rewarding class to be able to track their lives. Following the movement of the stars is another joy of his as well as sketching the sky and making star charts, so Minghao does great in Astronomy too.
☆ There’s no class he really hates, but his magic isn’t as Charms-suited as it is focused on creative magic, so those quick spells actually take him more time.
☆ Because he likes flying, he tries out to be Ravenclaw’s new Seeker when the position opens up and earns it 😌 he’s so calm yet fast as he flies, it looks like he always knows exactly where his little gold friend is!
☆ People make jokes about his Patronus being a frog or something of the like, but they’re sure proven wrong by the beautiful swan that slides out, skating gracefully on the air around Minghao.
☆ The moment the Sorting Hat hits Seungkwan’s head, it shouts out “Oh, we have a loyal one here. This one is a Hufflepuff!” A very decided ceremony for Mr. Boo 😌 he’s both shook at how little time it takes and happy the hat thinks he’s loyal.
☆ A Half-Blood! His mom is actually Pure-Blood, his father a Muggleborn. He loves magic, but also really enjoys learning about the Muggle world. Totally open to differences. Would even consider marrying a Muggle.
☆ LOVES Care of Magical Creatures. One of the students who almost always volunteers for demonstrations because he wants to touch all the animals! Unless they’re, like, giant bugs or something that’ll try to kill him, of course. Muggle Studies is really fun because it’s a way to connect with a part of his heritage and understand others. It gives him social ground with Muggleborns and even non-magical people he’ll interact with in life.
☆ Who made Arithmancy a class??? It stresses him out just to look at 💀 You’re allowed to drop electives, so he straight-up nopes out of Arithmancy and signs up for Divination instead.
☆ He enjoys flying, but being up that high and being chased by sporting goods that want to break your bones? Nah, he’s good, thanks. It’s much more fun to watch and offer comment, so Seungkwan becomes the school Quidditch commentator…and often gets chastised by professors for sassing rival times and whining about missed shots that were so easy, come on.
☆ Really really hopes his Patronus is strong enough to take an animal form, so when it comes out looking big he’s kind of proud yet shook. The light forms a dolphin that bobs back over to his owner, leaping in circles in the air around him and bringing a smile to his face.
☆ “Interesting mind on this one, eh?” Those are the first words the hat speaks when it’s set on Vernon’s head. “A perfect fit for Ravenclaw, this one!” He’s proud. His mother was a Ravenclaw during her Hogwarts days, part of the most artful and creative-minded house. He can’t stop smiling all night!
☆ He’s a Pure-Blood wizard, his maternal grandmother having actually attended Beauxbatons before settling down in England. His father’s side always attended Hogwarts, so the school is really what joined his family. People tend to assume Vernon’s a Muggleborn, though, just because he looks so spaced out or amazed sometimes.
☆ Yet another lover of magical creatures right here! They love him right back too 😌 other students get jealous of how much they approach Vernon. He’s also quite good at Arithmancy, there’s just something about it that clicks in his head.
☆ Accidentally set something on fire in Potions class once. Enough said.
☆ Enjoys playing Quidditch for fun with his friends, but doesn’t try out for the formal team. He’s happy to support Ravenclaw alongside his classmates.
☆ Can’t help but laugh when his Patronus comes out as a small turtle. It’s cute, though, he and others defend it, a good embodiment of happy memories.
☆ Another pretty fast sort. “You’d make it in Gryffindor, sure,” the hat mutters, “but I believe your place is in Slytherin!” And with that, Chan is off to his table! He’s a bit surprised, having expected Gryffindor, but hey, Slytherins are ambitious, so the hat’s probably right. He’ll do anything to succeed.
☆ The Lees have a whole-ass family tree on display- they’re Pure-Bloods. A little proud of it, but frankly Chan himself doesn’t care, almost feeling that much more like being the one to break the line just to shut them all up about it.
☆ Defense Against the Dark Arts star! That one kid that always gets called up to show everyone how to do it right 😤 such a natural dueler and just really good at dispelling negative vibes 😌 he also enjoys flying a lot, it just helps him feel free to soar into the air!
☆ Conversely, he has a lot of difficulty in Potions class, which makes him want to double down on it so he’s no longer stressing about it!
☆ Slytherin’s Seeker 😌 he’s such a nimble flyer with great control, Chan was born to play this role!
☆ He lowkey wants something big and intimidating like a dragon or a rhino, so when a small burst of light appears he fears he’ll be disappointed. The moment the otter slides into view, though, all he can do is smile and reach for it, taking its hand to run after it and play, too.
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luvingwoo · 1 year
svt 95 line and you at hogwarts
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a/n : back in my harry potter tom riddle phase, that started when I was four and I had to combine it with the next thing dear to me. I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing this. Any support is very appreciated:). Love you.
seungcheol : You first met Seungcheol in your first year at the Sorting ceremony. All of the scared, wonder filled first years stood together, both of you included. When the Professor placed the hat before you couldn’t help but feel nervous. Which house will you be in? One boy next to you seemed to see your nervous face and reassuringly smiled as well as an eleven year old could. This was a few years ago. That boy was Seungcheol, who was sorted into Gryffindor, sadly not into the same house as you. That doesn't mean that you had never talked with him, you actually had few classes together and even were Potions partners. Seungcheol quickly realised that you’re slightly more introverted and didn’t have as many friends like he did. Seungcheol came up with a plan, but he decided to share his intentions with Wonwoo, his very introverted friend,  to see if it maybe wouldn’t be way too overwhelming. You were surprised when in one potions class Seungcheol proposed the idea of you going into Hogsmeade with him and his twelve friends. 
jeonghan : A cunning slytherin, a trouble maker. He can’t count how many times he got compared to the Marauders (he is like four of them combined). He doesn’t only pull mischief on other students, teachers and ghosts didn’t escape it either. Him and Peeves are a deadly combination, as they once scared Almost Headless Nick together and he swore that he had a heart attack. Madam Pomfrey was then sadly annoyed by that ghost, claiming that he needed some medical care. You observed from the background and couldn't help, but laugh every single time. You never talked with him, even though you’re in the same year as him and share a few classes together. Sadly you have never noticed, when he did his usual mischief act in the presence of other students, when he always glanced into the crowd of students to see you laughing. Finding himself addicted to it.
joshua : A hufflepuff, headboy and a prefect. Is a role model of all the young hufflepuffs and is the first crush of those young girls. Joshua is very kind hearted and gentle, not only in speech, but in action too. You remember when you were sorted into hufflepuff and met Joshua who was already in his second year. He was so welcoming and kind even then. It was genuinely impossible not to like him. It was now an exam eason at Hogwarts and you were struggling, herbology was kicking your ass. I mean how are you supposed to tell so many herbs and other plants apart? Thankfully Joshua came to rescue, he heard you in the common room telling your struggles to some of your friends and decided to be your tutor for a few weeks. As it was spring, Joshua decided to meet up outside under a tree. You must say that you didn’t expect it to be this relaxing, both of you sitting under a tree, covered under a shadow, sitting on soft grass, birds singing and Joshua reading some of his notes to you in a very gentle voice.
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halfseoulco · 8 months
All My Love: A SEVENTEEN x Hogwarts AU
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Published Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 — Happy Valentine's Day and, more importantly, happy Carat Day! Honestly, I really got attached to these versions of the SEVENTEEN members that I created for the Christmas AU, so I decided to continue their stories with what I hope is a cute series of events for our thirteen diamonds. ♡
As a refresher, here's some information before you start reading!
Word count: ~ 10,800
AU Ages:
Seventh years — Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung
Sixth years — Wonwoo, Jihoon, Seokmin, Mingyu, Minghao
Fifth years — Seungkwan, Vernon, and Chan
AU Houses:
Gryffindor — Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Vernon, Chan
Ravenclaw — Wonwoo, Jihoon, Minghao
Hufflepuff — Junhui, Mingyu, Seokmin, Seungkwan
Slytherin — Jeonghan, Joshua
Description: It's Valentine's Day at Hogwarts and everyone has plans—or some things that go according to plan and some that don't. Romance is on the table for some, while others prefer to spend quality time with their friends—because all love is important. All you need to know is that you probably don't want to be Vernon.
Read “All My Love” on Ao3!
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The Black Lake — February 14th (early evening)
"Hansol Vernon Chwe!"
The Gryffindor winced as his boyfriend's voice transcended octaves in his unbridled fury.
"You'd better have a good explanation for this!"
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Gryffindor Fifth Year Boys' Dormitory — February 1st
The fifth year Gryffindor turned his head away from where he had been watching the rain fall outside the window to look at his oldest hyung over his shoulder.
"Oh, hey, hyung," he greeted him with a nod.
"Have you seen Seungkwan recently?" Seungcheol asked him, brow furrowed with concern.
"Um, not since last night," Vernon replied, face blank. "Why?"
The older Gryffindor sighed, sitting next to him on the bench seat in front of the window.
If not even his boyfriend had seen him recently, then maybe Seungkwan's situation was far more serious than anyone realized.
"I'm worried about him," Seungcheol admitted. "He doesn't really seem like himself. Not anywhere near a quarter as fussy as he normally is about everyone and everything." He glanced at Vernon out of the corner of his eye, noticing that he had gone back to facing the window. "You're usually attached at the hip, it's unusual that you haven't seen him at all today."
"Are you saying that I should know where my boyfriend is every minute of every day?" Vernon said tonelessly.
"No, that's not what I'm saying." Seungcheol tilted his head to one side, surveying him carefully. "I'm saying that as his best friend, you might know what's been going on with him."
The younger boy turned his head away.
"So you do know," Seungcheol said gently.
Vernon's shoulders tensed. He said nothing for a few moments, Seungcheol waiting patiently while he grappled with whether he should confide in the prefect or not.
Finally, his shoulders slumped.
"Last spring," he began, "one of Seungkwan's closest friends from home... passed away."
"I remember," Seungcheol said gravely. "That's why he was gone for a while."
"Yeah, he went back home to attend the funeral." Vernon sighed. "The friend... he was a Muggle... and obviously Seungkwan couldn't tell him that he was a wizard, so his friend thought that he had gotten a scholarship to attend some fancy boarding school in the UK. Seungkwan had been jumping through all kinds of hoops to stay in touch with him without giving himself away, getting letters sent by Muggle post... talking about classes that are taught at Muggle schools... They would hang out all summer when Seungkwan would go home after every end of term... but then..." Vernon rubbed at his nose furiously with the sleeve of his sweater, sniffling. "His friend was really unhappy and I think he missed Seungkwan a lot—"
"It's okay," Seungcheol stopped him. "You don't have to keep going."
Vernon nodded gratefully, wiping at his eyes.
"His birthday was last week," he said softly, "and Seungkwan hasn't been taking it very well. I feel like I should be doing something... more? Better? But he barely even talks to me, won't even look at me sometimes..." He finally looked up at Seungcheol, his eyes sparkling with tears. "Hyung, I don't know what to do. I feel like such a bad boyfriend."
Seungcheol inhaled deeply through his nose, his mind running through the memories he had of Seungkwan and Vernon, both back when they had been just friends and after they had gotten together. To anyone who didn't know the pair very well, it would seem like Seungkwan took care of Vernon in every way—because that was how his affection manifested itself—but their friends all knew that Vernon was Seungkwan's biggest supporter and that the Hufflepuff relied on his boyfriend more than anyone. At just fifteen, they had a connection deeper than most adults Seungcheol had met; and no one who saw them together could ever accuse Vernon of not being a good boyfriend.
Seungcheol exhaled heavily.
"You're not a bad boyfriend," he reassured Vernon. "The fact that you're worried about it this much is proof that you're not. All you need to do is let him know that you're here for him." He stood up, patting the younger on the shoulder. "Besides, Valentine's Day is coming up in a couple of weeks. Maybe come up with something that will really show him that he's not alone in this."
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Astronomy Tower — February 14th (early afternoon)
"What took you so long?" Wonwoo asked, not taking his eyes off the book he was reading.
"I'm so sorry," Mingyu huffed, stuffing something into his school bag. "I got stopped by... Alice Pembroke... on my way up here." He dropped to the floor next to his best friend, chest heaving with exhaustion. Shoving his still-open bag away from him, he raked his fingers through his sweaty hair. "I didn't mean to be late."
"I know you didn't," the Ravenclaw said softly. "You have quite a lot of sweets in your bag," he observed, finally looking away from his book to peek inside the contents of Mingyu's school bag.
The Hufflepuff beater snorted.
"I would offer you some but after that one Gryffindor girl was sent Sugar Quills dipped in love potion, I've learned not to eat anything people give me on Valentine's Day," he muttered, zipping up his bag and leaning back against the wall, eyes closed. "It's all a bunch of nonsense anyway."
Wonwoo carefully folded the corner of the page he was reading before setting the book aside. He tried to remind himself that it wasn't because he felt inadequate and needed Mingyu to tell him that he was wrong about what he was going to say—he just wanted him to be happy. The possibility that his best friend was choosing to remain single so that he would always be able to hang out with him just didn't sit right with him, and he would make sure that Mingyu's love life no longer suffered, even if it meant he had to spend more time alone.
"You know, you don't have to keep turning down girls because of me," he said quietly.
Mingyu slowly straightened up, opening his eyes to stare at Wonwoo blankly. When he didn't say anything for a few moments, Wonwoo decided to elaborate.
"Every time I try to have this conversation with you, you refuse to talk about it," he pressed. "You like girls, or at least you liked the girls back home. I know that you want to fall in love—that you believe in love—but you've rejected every single girl that's been interested in you since we started at Hogwarts. It's okay, you know? I'm not going to become a recluse if you start going out with someone. I can take care of myself."
Mingyu continued to stare blankly at him, showing no sign that he was taking in anything that the Ravenclaw was saying. Irritated, Wonwoo waved his hand in his face.
"Is any of this getting across to you?" the usually laidback boy demanded.
Still not receiving an answer or any indication that Mingyu had processed anything he had just said, Wonwoo stood up and started gathering his things, trying not to be too aggressive about it. If Mingyu wanted to keep avoiding the subject, then he could do it by himself.
"Wha—wait, wait, wait!" Mingyu said hastily, lurching forward and tugging on his arm to stop him. "Don't leave! I... I'm not trying to be annoying on purpose, I just—" He cut himself off, exhaling through his teeth. "I don't really know how to explain it."
"Explain what?" Wonwoo asked, looking down at his best friend, who was still sitting on the floor.
"A lot of things," Mingyu replied, leaning back against the wall again, "but I promise you that I'm not turning down dates because I think that you can't function without me."
Now thoroughly embarrassed that he had even voiced that particular insecurity, Wonwoo hesitated for a moment before dropping his bag back on the floor and sitting back down next to him.
"I'm sorry I got upset," he murmured. "I just don't want to be the one holding you back from something that I know is important to you."
"You're right, it is important to me," Mingyu agreed, "but not right now." He tilted his head back, looking up at the ceiling of the Astronomy Tower. "It's funny... we're in our sixth year, we have one more year left after this before we have to go out into the world and decide what we want to do with our lives... and I still feel so... young."
"I mean... we are." Wonwoo looked up at the ceiling himself, eyes following the veins in the stone. "Sixteen is not old enough to really make any decisions, not even about girls."
"Right, so I don't really understand why everyone is trying to find their future spouses now. I know a lot of Pureblood families don't arrange their children's marriages anymore, but there are still a few Slytherins who are already bound to betrothal contracts! Betrothal contracts! In this day and age! Anyway..." Mingyu grabbed his bag and shook it, the contents rattling around inside. "This? It's all fake. These girls are only interested in me because they think I'm handsome."
"You are handsome, though," Wonwoo pointed out.
"Thanks, but my point is that they don't know me. They don't know anything about me," Mingyu said. "I'm nothing more than good looks to them—with bonus points for being a foreigner and adding to the intrigue."
"Well, how is anyone supposed to get to know you if you don't let anyone close enough?"
"I don't need anyone else!" the Hufflepuff insisted stubbornly. "I have a twelve-person friend group. For some people, that's more than enough. Plenty. A lot, even."
"Oh, you won't find any disagreements from me there," Wonwoo said, chuckling. "Sometimes I think our friend group is a little much at times, but they're very understanding about me time. Anyway, back to you, you're being very cynical. A lot of people our age date for fun. No one's telling you that it has to be that serious, it might just be nice to have someone to spend time with on Valentine's Day. That's all."
"Is that something you want?" Mingyu asked him.
"Someday," he answered. "Not today, though. Besides, no one's been asking me, but a lot of people have asked you. That's why I'm bringing it up. If you were less nice, the girls here might start calling you a heartbreaker. Even Cedric Diggory had a girlfriend, you know, before the Triwizard Tournament."
"They can say whatever they want about me, it doesn't matter," Mingyu said, shrugging. "We're graduating next year and I don't think I'm going to be looking for jobs here, so I don't have to play British wizarding politics by avoiding rejecting girls from good families. I value my time and I'm choosing to spend it with people whom I also value, which includes you. Like..." He scratched the back of his head, frowning. "I think you're the most important person in my life and I want to be with you forever, but like... in a... not romantic way? If that makes sense? Like, I think we could get a house together and split bills and go grocery shopping and I would find that just as fulfilling as doing all that stuff with a girlfriend. I mean, girls are nice, but they're not you."
"I think the word you're looking for is 'platonic'," the Ravenclaw supplied helpfully. "And for the record, I feel the same way. I think people whose friends stop existing for them once they get a significant other are terrible."
"Yeah, what is up with that?" Mingyu agreed. "Can you imagine Seungcheol and Jeonghan just dropping all of us? Or Seungkwan and Vernon?"
"Never." Wonwoo shook his head. "Our lives are all so wrapped up in each other's, the thirteen of us can never really be apart. We're going to be old and gray... and taking up an entire apartment complex building by ourselves."
"I think that would be fun, honestly. A huge high-rise in Seoul, paid for by Jeonghan hyung." Snickering, Mingyu dug through his bag, unearthing a couple of packages of kimbap wrapped in plastic from under the piles of candy and cards. "My mom sent these, by the way. She specifically told me that I could not eat your portion, so you are now legally obligated to eat it."
"Tell her I said thank you," Wonwoo said, gratefully accepting the kimbap and unwrapping the plastic. "Your mom always has really great timing, she just knows when to send food."
"See, now you have to be friends with me forever," Mingyu teased. "Otherwise, no kimbap for you."
Wonwoo punched the Hufflepuff's arm affectionately.
"I don't need kimbap for that," he promised. "We were always going to be friends forever."
"Is there something longer than forever?"
"Forever and a day."
"That's still forever."
"I know."
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Hufflepuff Sixth Year Boys' Dormitories — February 14th (afternoon)
Seokmin shuffled through the pile of parchment in his hands as he trudged into the sixth year boys' dormitories, muttering to himself about moonstone properties and measurement conversions. Entirely preoccupied with trying to figure out where he might have made a mistake on his last quiz, he didn't notice that anything was amiss until a voice broke through his concentration.
"Whoa, what happened in here?"
Seokmin's head snapped up when his dorm mate walked into the room, the amazement in his tone catching his attention.
"Well, that's certainly something," he said, blinking at the grand display in front of him.
The curtains of his four-poster bed had been pulled back to reveal a large bouquet of red, pink, and white balloons floating in place with magic above his mattress. Also floating in the air was a single card in a plain white envelope with his name printed neatly on it, although it didn't look like anyone's handwriting that he recognized—especially since the person had written it in Korean and he knew what all of his friends' handwriting looked like when they wrote in Korean.
Seokmin crossed the room to his bed, dropping his bag on the floor and the parchment in his hands on his bedside table. He plucked the card out of the air, using a quick spell to break the wax seal on it without destroying the pretty heart shape. When he opened it, he saw that the person had tried to also write their message to him in Korean with the help of a translation spell; and while the words were a little clumsy, he immediately found himself touched by the effort.
"To the one and only Lee Seokmin,
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm sorry that I couldn't face you in person. I'm not ready to reveal myself to you yet, but I still want to tell you that you make me smile every single day because you deserve to know. Please accept this card and the balloons well, I worked really hard on the spells to make them work. Maybe someday I will be able to tell you how I feel face to face. Until then, please be happy and healthy, and tell some new jokes in class when you learn them. I promise I will laugh like I always do.
With love,
Your secret admirer"
Reaching the end of the card, Seokmin stared silently at the words on the cardstock paper, trying to think of people in his classes who maybe laughed a little too much at his jokes or paid him any kind of special attention. Truthfully, there were very few people who didn't find him funny, so he quickly gave up on trying to figure out his admirer's identity that way.
"Does the card say who the balloons are from?" his dorm mate asked him, breaking him out of his deep thought.
"No, secret," Seokmin replied absentmindedly.
"Oh, that's a shame. Well, good on you anyway, mate!" His fellow Hufflepuff clapped him on the shoulder. "At least there's someone out there who likes you a whole lot."
As the other boy left, Seokmin inspected the balloons with a critical eye. The card had said that his secret admirer had worked really hard on the spells to "make them work" and he was curious to see exactly what the balloons were meant to do. What could you even make balloons do with magic anyway?
Intrigued, he cautiously poked one at the front of the bunch and gasped as the shiny surface rippled, revealing the words "POP ME".
"But I'm easily startled," Seokmin muttered to himself.
Wand clutched in hand, he debated just leaving the balloons alone and enjoying the sight of them—but the thought of never finding out what kind of magic had been placed on them was too tempting for him to ignore.
Waving his wand, he then quickly braced himself for the loud pop, covering his ears. However, instead of a popping sound, a high-pitched voice chirped, "I hope your Valentine's Day is magical!"
The voice had been disguised, of course, but the realization that his secret admirer had charmed the balloons not to make sounds when he popped them because they knew he was easily startled had tears welling in the corners of his eyes. Wiping at his face with his sleeve, he eyed the remaining balloons, trying to decide which one to pop next so that he could hear a different message.
"Wow, who sent you those?" Junhui asked, peeking in the doorway on his way down the hall.
"No clue," Seokmin told him happily, "but they're pretty amazing. Look!"
The older Hufflepuff entered the room, approaching Seokmin's bed to get a closer look at the magic balloons. The sixth year tapped a random balloon, showing Junhui how the words "POP ME" appeared, then waved his wand, causing the balloon to pop.
"I must need Occlumency because I can't get you out of my head!" it trilled.
"That is some amazing charm work," Junhui praised, peering more closely at the balloons. "The person who sent them to you didn't leave a name?"
Seokmin passed him the card.
"Too shy," he informed him.
Junhui read over the contents of the card quickly then handed it back.
"Hmm, would've been nice to know so that you could thank them for their effort, but the gesture is thoughtful," he said, shrugging. "They even made it so the balloons wouldn't make noise when popped. They must have enough classes with you to know you're a big ole scaredy cat."
"Yah!" Seokmin huffed, even though it was true.
Junhui chuckled, ruffling his hair affectionately.
"I'm happy for you, Seokmin-ah," he said, his tone genuine. "I'll see you later, meeting up with Minghao."
"What else is new?" Seokmin called after him as he left. "Now, back to these balloons..."
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The Whomping Willow — February 14th (early evening)
"Who do you think it is?" Junhui asked his best friend, having just finished telling him about the charmed balloons Seokmin had received from his secret admirer.
Minghao didn't look up as he answered, his focus on washing the tea leaves in preparation to brew tea for the two of them.
"Your guess is as good as mine. A lot of people think Seokmin is funny, I'm sure he has no shortage of admirers."
"Honestly, I kind of want to know just so that I can ask them how they came up with the spell," Junhui said thoughtfully. "It was really very impressive. Whoever did it must like Seokmin a lot."
Minghao hummed in agreement, still concentrating on the task at hand.
The pair had chosen a nice spot not too close to the tree to set up a small, low-rise table so that they could sit and drink their tea together. Minghao often held these tea ceremonies alone, something that he did purely for his own joy and relaxation. The activity required singular focus, which took his busy mind off of other things for a while. It's not that the others were never invited, but they understood that it was something he needed to do for himself; and he had an unparalleled collection of different teas for a sixteen-year-old living away from home.
Junhui stretched his arms over his head, looking up at the Whomping Willow looming deceptively calmly above them.
"Do you ever wonder about what it would be like to settle down with someone?" he mused. "Even if they really like you, they still might not understand certain aspects of your personality or what's really important to you. What if they don't appreciate your tea ceremonies?"
"I haven't really thought about it," Minghao replied, tone even. "I know that I'd like to settle down eventually, but that seems pretty far off. There are still so many things I want to do first—like graduate from this school that we worked so hard to get into. I'm not enduring racism and xenophobia from narrow-minded Brits to worry about whether some witch from the English countryside appreciates my tea ceremonies. Besides, I do the tea ceremonies for myself, not for other people."
"You're preparing a tea ceremony for me now," Junhui pointed out.
"Yeah, well, that's you."
"Meaning you're not on the same level as everyone else," Minghao elaborated. "You're my best friend, and I know you do appreciate my tea ceremonies."
Not even remotely satisfied by the reassurance his best friend was giving him, the Hufflepuff pressed further.
"Will you miss me after I graduate?" Junhui's eyes left the Whomping Willow, dropping back down to observe Minghao's hands as he started to steep the tea leaves in hot water. "Tell me honestly."
"Don't be stupid," Minghao told him flatly and without missing a beat.
"Hey! I was just asking—"
"And I'm telling you again: don't be stupid." Minghao didn't take his eyes off the tea leaves, even as he spoke. "No offense to our friends but you know I'd miss you the most. I can't believe I even have to tell you that."
"It wouldn't hurt you to tell me sometimes! I like the reassurance."
"All of our friends are already talking about how I'm going to try and sneak you into the Ravenclaw dorms every weekend next year. If they know it, then so do you. Now drink your tea."
His tone was not unkind, simply matter-of-fact, the way it often was. Junhui knew that Minghao was nice in his own way, and he definitely cared about him—he just communicated it a little differently.
Having already poured the freshly brewed tea, Minghao carefully slid a teacup across the table towards the Hufflepuff. Junhui simply stared at the cup for a moment, admiring the detail and craftsmanship of the emerald green and gold accent pattern. Tendrils of steam wafted up gently but Junhui knew it would be the perfect temperature. It always was.
"Thank you," he said sincerely, finally picking up his tea and bringing it to his lips.
Minghao hummed in response, picking up his own tea. The fragrance coming from the perfectly steeped jasmine tea leaves filled the chilly February air around them, almost as if they were in their own bubble.
Most days they really were.
Junhui knew that he was really lucky that Minghao had come to Hogwarts at the same time as him, even though they were a year apart. It had been a long and difficult process to get accepted as a second year; and if Headmistress McGonagall had been a less generous woman, he never would've met Minghao—or any of the others. They had been made fun of and harassed from the moment they had arrived, but now—almost at the end of his time at the illustrious school—he wouldn't have done things any differently.
Now, if he could only be as certain about what laid ahead.
"Do you think falling in love is as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be?" Junhui asked, setting his cup down.
"You're full of existential questions today." Minghao also set his cup down. "I think... that it's probably really nice in its own way... but that it's not the only kind of love that's important. Love comes in all forms and they're all equally necessary and fulfilling. People put all of their eggs in the romantic love basket and then wonder why they're still unhappy when they ditched all their friends for a new relationship."
"So you don't think it's lame that you're having tea with your best friend on Valentine's Day?"
"Of course not." Minghao snorted. "There's nothing else I'd rather be doing. Anyway, do you think it's lame for Mingyu and Wonwoo to be hanging out in the Astronomy Tower of all places doing who knows what when Mingyu has the entire female student population after him?"
"No, not at all," Junhui replied quickly. "They are each other's most important person."
"Exactly." Minghao smiled at his best friend over the rim of his teacup. "Aren't I your most important person?"
"Yes. Always yes," Junhui assured him.
"And you're mine, so don't worry about it anymore," Minghao said, reaching across the table to pat Junhui's shoulder fondly.
"Why do I feel like you're the older one instead of me?"
"Because it's my duty to impart wisdom upon you from time to time," the Ravenclaw informed him matter-of-factly. "It comes with the house."
Junhui rolled his eyes.
"In other news, my mother wrote to me this morning letting me know that one of the girls with whom I attended primary school told her parents that I'm going to a private school in the UK, and so they contacted my parents asking if they had any prospective fiancées in mind for me," Minghao told him. "My pretend pedigreed education is apparently an attractive quality."
"Ah, they're Muggles," Junhui concluded. "Your parents don't have a problem with that, do they?"
"No, definitely not." Minghao shook his head. "I just think it's much more difficult to try and be in relationships with non-magic folk. You have to hide so much, not even just because you think they can't be trusted but because you never know how they're going to take the news. It's a lot of information for most people to handle."
"I don't know, I think my father took it pretty well," Junhui said, thinking back to the story his parents had told him about how his mother had broken the news to her then-boyfriend that she was a witch. "But he is a little odd himself, so I think he was just relieved that she wasn't as normal as he thought she was."
"Your parents are a pretty strange pair," Minghao admitted, "but I like them. They're very nice."
"And your parents are hilarious," Junhui returned, remembering when they had come to the pick-up point at Hogsmeade to take a Portkey back to China for the summer just last year. "You really take after them."
Minghao shrugged.
"Superior genetics."
Junhui snorted into his teacup, blowing bubbles across the surface of the still-hot liquid.
"Don't scoff," Minghao pretended to scold him. "You have the very best best friend you could possibly ask for. You should be grateful."
Still holding the teacup to his face to hide his smile, Junhui nodded in agreement.
"Oh, I am. I always am."
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The Library — February 14th (early evening)
"I knew I'd find you here!" Soonyoung exclaimed happily, weaving through the aisles as he skipped towards the study tables.
Jihoon looked up at the Gryffindor, frowning. The table that he was sitting at was covered entirely in books and parchment, a stark contrast to the other empty tables. In fact, his was the only occupied table in the entire library. Madame Pince wasn't even lurking in the shadows as usual, considering that Soonyoung was speaking at louder than an inside voice and she hadn't come over to reprimand him.
"I'm usually here," he deadpanned, looking back down at his work, "the same of which cannot be said for you."
Soonyoung didn't look the least bit offended by Jihoon's words, long since used to his particular form of communication. Undeterred, he looked down at all of the materials spread out on the table, trying to figure out what Jihoon was working on even though it was upside down for him.
"You have to be the only person in the entire school who's studying today!" he pouted, pawing at the parchment nearest to him. "It's Valentine's Day! A day for love! What are you even working on?"
"Getting ahead," Jihoon said shortly, yanking the parchment back from him. "Love can wait."
"Jihoon-ah, you'll work yourself to death," Soonyoung chided him, pulling out the chair opposite the Ravenclaw. "I think you should take a break."
"That's how I like it," Jihoon grumbled, "and I have nothing pressing to attend to tonight, so there's no point in taking a break."
"I came all the way up here, to the library—where I never am, as you correctly pointed out—to find you and you won't pull yourself away from your books to hang out with me?"
Jihoon's quill paused mid-scratch, the only indication that he had heard the seventh year's question, before he continued writing.
"You don't usually ask me to hang out," he said, his tone bordering on indifferent.
"It's not for lack of wanting to. I always want to," Soonyoung admitted. "And I always think you're going to say no, so I never ask."
He thought he could see a faint pink blush on Jihoon's cheeks but it was hard to tell from this angle.
"That's not very Gryffindor of you," Jihoon commented, scribbling away.
"It's the one thing in which I lack courage," Soonyoung huffed. "But to be fair, you're very intimidating, even though you're the cutest person I know."
Jihoon accidentally pressed down on the parchment too hard with his quill, creating an ink blot over the words he was writing. Swearing under his breath, the tips of his ears red, he waved his wand at the offending spot.
"Stop talking nonsense," he hissed, the red flush spreading from his ears to the rest of his face.
"I'm not!" Soonyoung insisted. "I think you're the cutest person in the whole school!"
"Shut up!"
Jihoon wasn't even trying to focus on his work anymore, intent on getting Soonyoung to stop talking before he had a coronary. Not that it was possible. The seventh year was actually very shy—but you would never know it by the way his mouth ran a million miles when he was around his friends. He seemed determined to say his piece and nothing was going to get in the way of him saying it.
"You're always so strict and I think it's because you like it when people listen to you, but you're always doing nice things for people while pretending that you had nothing to do with it," the Gryffindor continued, oblivious to the fact that Jihoon was now bypassing red and heading into scarlet. "Like that time you jinxed those people who had been making fun of Junhui and Minghao when they first arrived. It was so impressive, I remember thinking that you were such a cool and dependable person even back then."
"That's enough!"
"And you're so buff for such a small and cute person." Soonyoung rested his chin on one hand. "You could probably knock me out if you really wanted to. Honestly, please do it, it would be the greatest honor of my life. Anyway, it makes no sense... and yet it makes perfect sense. Everything about you is just... so fascinating."
The Ravenclaw jumped up from his chair, hurling the quill he had been using at Soonyoung, who turned and ducked just in time to watch it sail over his head.
"Whoa! What was that for?"
"Why are you saying all this?" Jihoon demanded. "Did you come up here just to embarrass me?"
Realizing that he and the sixth year were not on the same page in spite of the way he had just gushed about him, Soonyoung shook his head.
Apparently he had not been clear enough.
"Accio quill," he murmured, holding a hand out for the quill Jihoon had thrown at him before offering it back to him. "I'm not trying to embarrass you, although I am sorry if that's how you feel. I'm just trying to tell you how I feel, which is that you scare me but I like it—I like you."
Jihoon snatched his quill back, face still impossibly red.
"You have a funny way of showing it," he snapped. "You have mere months left before you graduate, your timing is nothing if not grossly impeccable."
"I know, I haven't been very brave," Soonyoung said, shrugging, not even the least bit put off by Jihoon's criticism. "I really didn't want to ruin our dynamic or make things weird for the others, but if we hadn't agreed to the no dates rule for the Yule Ball, I would've asked you."
"You said you weren't interested in anyone when Minghao asked you," Jihoon pointed out, narrowing his eyes at him.
"So I lied." Soonyoung started gathering the parchment on the table into a pile. "I haven't exactly told anyone that I've been harboring this secret crush on you for three years. I'm no good at keeping secrets but I was very good at keeping this one. And stop being so pragmatic about this, I'm trying to be romantic."
"I really don't know what you want me to say to all of this," Jihoon said snippily. "You're the last person I expected to confess to having a years-long crush on me."
"How about you say what you want to say?" Soonyoung suggested, a hopeful expression on his face.
Jihoon, having just noticed that the seventh year had compiled all his parchment into a neat stack, slid the pile away from him and across the table, putting everything into his school bag. He then waved his wand, sending his books flying back onto the shelves in their rightful places. When he had stalled enough, he sighed and turned to face the Gryffindor.
"I know we've been friends for my entire time at Hogwarts thus far," he began finally. "I know that I can trust you, that you're telling the truth—that you wouldn't confess just to yank the rug out from under me, as I believe the expression goes. I know all of that, logically, but considering that—as you said—people find me intimidating, it's hard to imagine someone being so earnest about their feelings for me. Most people think I'm too... domineering."
His hands came up to his throat, loosening his blue and bronze tie from around his neck.
"I can't even really say if I like you as more than a friend or not," he said, sounding apologetic. "I didn't think it was a possibility, so I never considered you in that way."
Soonyoung leaned over the table between them, reaching for the Ravenclaw's school bag and hoisting the strap over one shoulder. He maintained eye contact the entire time, willing Jihoon to believe him but also wanting to fluster him just a little bit more.
"But as you said, you know that you can trust me," he pointed out. "Plus, if you think about it, you're a strict taskmaster and I'm a glutton for punishment—we're perfect for each other."
Jihoon tried to wrestle his school bag back from the taller boy, his pale face gaining back the red that had just begun to fade.
"You can't just say things like that!" he hissed.
Soonyoung simply tugged the bag out of his grasp and just out of his reach, smiling cheekily.
"I've waited three years to confess," he reminded him. "Now that the secret's out, I have all sorts of things that I kept to myself that I'm going to say—including how adorable I think you are. Walk with me?"
Jihoon stared up at him for a few moments, expression unreadable. If he thought at all about refusing him, the thought didn't last. Tucking his hands into his pockets, he nodded towards the front of the library.
"Well, after you then."
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Slytherin Common Room — February 14th (dusk)
Joshua didn't even so much as raise his head, instead making an indifferent "mmm" sound in acknowledgement.
He didn't need to look to see who it was—the voice alone was clue enough.
William Bennington the third was an awful homage to the Pureblood Slytherins of old. With generations of English aristocratic breeding to support his claim to everything he wanted in life, he was disliked even within his own house and by many of the portraits in the dungeons; and after seven long years sharing a dormitory with him, he still said "Hong" with a certain sneer that was clearly affected by poorly concealed racism.
At this point, Joshua had been living in the UK long enough to let things roll off his back, but William could've given Draco Malfoy a run for his money with the way he paraded about the school as if he owned it.
"Pretty prince doesn't have a date tonight?" William asked him, dropping down onto the sofa across from him, his tone mocking.
"Not that I'm aware of," Joshua replied pleasantly, still not looking up from his book.
"Hey, it just goes to show you that looks aren't everything in life," the other boy commented snidely. "The girls here won't go after some foreigner with no title. And aren't you a Half-Blood?" he added as an afterthought. "Yeah, that won't do at all."
Joshua turned the page, letting William carry on the conversation by himself. The golden-haired heir to a Potions empire (or so he claimed, Joshua had never bothered to verify this) had been harassing him from the moment he had set foot in the common room first year; and he had long since learned that it was best to let him converse with himself to get everything out of his system before he was satisfied. Not only did William take issue with his race and his blood status, he seemed oddly offended by his appearance as well, referring to him as "pretty" with his tone suggesting that he did not mean it in a positive way.
"Nothing to say?" William asked him softly, noticing that his tirade was falling on deaf ears. "Truth hurts, does it?"
"If you say so." Joshua barely shrugged his shoulders.
Apparently it was the wrong thing to say.
"You think you're better than me?" William demanded, suddenly shooting up from his seat. "That you can sit there like you're royalty and I'm some sort of commoner? I'm far more important than you will ever be!"
Joshua sighed, recognizing that his night would be a lost cause if he didn't address this particular problem promptly, and slipped a tasseled bookmark in between the pages of his book before closing it and looking up at his aggressor for the first time during their previously one-sided confrontation.
"I get that certain things matter to you," he said carefully, "but they don't matter to me—and they don't matter to a lot of people anymore, not even the Slytherins here. I didn't realize that me being dateless on Valentine's Day was of such great significance to you, especially when it's of no significance to me and my evening. Maybe you should be more worried about the fact that you care so much about what I'm doing with my time, alone or otherwise."
William's upper lip curled into a sneer, his eyes narrowing.
"Listen, you filthy—"
"Oh, shut it, Bennington," snapped a voice from behind Joshua.
Joshua turned to look over his shoulder, noticing that Mira Nott had just come from the girls' dormitories and was standing just behind the sofa he was sitting on.
According to Jeonghan—who seemed to always know the latest gossip amongst the various wizarding families—Theodore Nott had settled down with a Pureblood witch from Bulgaria who had graduated from Durmstrang. They had met while Theo had been taking some time away from England and had returned together shortly after their wedding.
While she had been a cute girl when she had first arrived, Mira had grown into an exceptionally pretty young woman by the age of seventeen. Taller than most of the other girls in the school, the first thing that Joshua had noticed about her was that she had perfectly straight posture that adjusted minutely according to her movements. With long, dark curls framing her face, a warm complexion, and high cheekbones, she had the best features of both of her parents—except that she had one brown and one blue eye, both of which were cunning yet also surprisingly kind. Top of the class in at least every class Joshua shared with her, she was also the Slytherin Seeker; and he loved to watch her fly against Seungcheol during matches. Her intellect and athleticism made her a formidable opponent, and their matches were always close ones.
All that being said, Mira was obviously highly sought after—even by William Bennington the third.
"Don't mind him. Joshua," she said to him, a beautiful, wicked smile on her face as she made direct eye contact with William. "If betrothal contracts were still common practice, I would've already asked my father to request a meeting with your parents to discuss one."
Joshua resisted the urge to grin broadly at the way William's face had gone absolutely scarlet, a purple vein starting to make its appearance at his temple.
"You flatter me, Mira," he said to her instead, laying it on a little thick for the benefit of their audience, even as he ignored him. "I don't think I would be opposed to such a meeting. There's still time to write to your parents and mine."
Standing up, he offered her his arm.
"Walk with me?" he asked, every bit the perfect gentleman.
"Of course," she replied, walking around the sofa and linking arms with him.
Triggered by the events taking place right in front of him, their forgotten peer leapt up from his seat, positively quivering with entitled rage.
"Mira! You cannot possibly be thinking about entering a betrothal contract with that Half-Blood foreigner! My father—"
William's deranged bellows were cut off abruptly as the door swung shut behind them.
"I wonder what his father would have to say if he knew that the daughter of a Sacred Twenty-Eight family had filed a complaint with the school governors about the shady little deals William conducts in the prefects' bathroom," Mira said innocently.
Joshua smiled at her, completely enamored. Was there any other witch at this school more perfect than the one looking at him right now?
"You are so ruthless, I love it," he told her.
She tossed her hair over one shoulder, smiling back at him.
"Tell me more."
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Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch — February 14th (evening)
"Yoo-hoo! Channie!"
Chan squinted down at the figure waving up at him, figuring out who it was based on the gleaming head of hair.
Camille Archambault, which she had told him meant "bold master"—the girl from the Yule Ball.
It had been almost two months since Christmas and he had met up with the stunning beauty from Beauxbatons a handful of times—a Hogsmeade outing here, a walk on the grounds there. They were what some people might call dating, if a little intensely for something that was supposed to be casual. Translation spells helped bridge the language barrier; and she was sweet, funny, and charming. She was quite good at spells, and she had told him that if she had been a student during the time of the Triwizard Tournament, she would have entered. She liked picnics by the greenhouses and broom rides with her arms wrapped around his waist, coffee with milk poured in delicate swirls and the feeling of his hand intertwined with hers, primrose perfume and the way he got red right before he kissed her.
Sometimes he found himself thinking that he should be a little more cautious with his heart—that he should be waiting for the other foot to drop—but so far he was having fun, and he supposed that was what mattered.
He was surprised that she could tell it was him considering how high up he was, but he did catch her staring at him from the Ravenclaw table quite often. She never looked embarrassed at having been caught—in fact, it only emboldened her and he ended up having to be the one to look away.
"That girl never gets tired of looking at you," Jeonghan had told him once, the disdain in his voice more like that of a disapproving parent rather than an overprotective friend. "I wonder how she manages to concentrate on her studies when she's staring at you all the time. I suppose she'd at least get an Outstanding in Lee Chan."
"Let them be, Hannie," Seungcheol had admonished him gently.
Secretly, Chan wondered what Camille saw in him, exactly. She had been the one to ask him to dance at the Yule Ball and the one to lead him out to the gardens that night. She had also initiated all of their dates so far, as well as most of their shows of affection, which he still hadn't quite gotten used to. After their time together at the ball, he hadn't expected to hear from her again, yet she kept seeking him out. She seemed to have memorized his schedule to account for all the classes she didn't share with him—she always knew where to find him, even when he didn't tell anyone where he was going.
It was flattering, he had to admit.
At the ball, she had asked him how to pronounce his name correctly, repeating it multiple times even after he had told her that she had down—and then proceeded to only refer to him as Channie, saying that it was her cute name for him. One of the other Beauxbatons girls, having only heard Camille call him Channie, tried to use the nickname one morning and the next time he saw her, she was missing her eyebrows.
"Why doesn't she just grow them back?" Mingyu had asked, perplexed.
"If she would, she could," Chan had replied, shrugging. "Camille's really good at spells, the other girl probably can't figure out how to reverse it."
"Wow, you'd better make sure she never gets mad at you."
Privately, he agreed.
That being said, he wondered if she felt like she had to teach him everything—where to put his hands, when to kiss her, what he should say. He had made his lack of experience known that night in the gardens, but she hadn't seemed to mind. She had simply directed him and he took direction well.
And yet... he couldn't help but think it was as though they were caught up in a race in which only she knew where the finish line was—and the thought made him more than a little sweaty-palmed.
Coming back to his senses, he Summoned the Quaffle he had been practicing with and tucked it under one arm. Although he wasn't on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Chan still liked to fly. It brought him peace and helped clear his mind, and on an evening when he figured he had no plans, it was the perfect way to spend his time.
I guess I have plans now, he thought to himself.
He circled the goalposts on the far right side of the pitch, making a nose dive and pulling up straight just as his toes skimmed the grass. He dismounted smoothly, giving Camille a friendly smile as he approached her, Nimbus 3000 broom in one hand and Quaffle in the other.
"Hi, Camille," he greeted her. "What can I do for you this evening?"
"Bon soir, Channie," she returned, smiling prettily at him. "I admit, I am a little disappointed that you did not come looking for me today. I was hoping that we could spend some time together."
"Ah, I wasn't aware that that was what you wanted," he told her sheepishly. "It's Valentine's Day and we're not, you know, official, so I didn't think you would want to do anything."
"Channie, Channie, Channie." Camille shook her golden blonde head. He caught sight of delicate pearl strand earrings dangling from her ears, a matching set with the string of pearls around her neck. "I am going back to France at the end of term, do you think I want to waste time going slow?"
"I wouldn't think it was a waste of time," he protested, cheeks growing pink. "I just... haven't really hung out with a lot of girls. You move kind of fast."
"Oh, I know, mon chéri, it is what makes you one of the good boys," she said, touching his cheek, her expression fond. "I always enjoy our time together, and I think it would be silly to not make the most of the time we have left, non?"
Chan dropped the Quaffle on the grass and placed his own hand over her hand on his face.
Being with Camille was like one ongoing surprise party. Sure, it was fun, but it also kind of gave him a heart attack. Even though he always did his best to try and read her mind before she actually executed any of her plans, he more often than not found himself unprepared. It was a little jarring to be caught unawares as many times as he had been since they had started seeing each other, but he knew that he had to enjoy the ride while it lasted.
She was, after all, leaving at the end of term.
"Let me shower first?" he asked her.
She tilted her head to the side to press her lips to his other cheek.
"Meet me at the entrance to the grounds in half an hour," she murmured in his ear. "I'll be waiting."
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The Gilded Phoenix (Private Room) — February 14th (night)
"You know I really didn't need all of this," Jeonghan said, taking a sip from the glass of elf wine he was holding daintily in one hand. "We could have stayed at school and I would have been just as happy."
"I know, but it's our last year at Hogwarts. Maybe it sounds kind of childish... but I just wanted to do something to commemorate our last year as kids," Seungcheol told his boyfriend honestly, shrugging. "Life is going to change pretty dramatically once we graduate. I feel like we're never going to have this kind of peace again."
"So you wanted to live in this bubble of youthful innocence one last time," Jeonghan guessed.
"We're still going to be kids when we graduate," Jeonghan said thoughtfully. "The Wizarding World in the UK moves so fast, it's amazing how anyone manages to find something stable so soon after graduation."
"Are you planning on going home?" Seungcheol asked him.
"Yes, for a while. My parents will want to see me—and they'll want to see you as well."
"I think I'll go home for a little while, too." Seungcheol ran a finger around the rim of his wine glass absentmindedly. "There's this famous producer based in London whom I'm trying to get an internship with, though. I'll need to find a job so that I can get a flat nearby if I get accepted."
"Darling, you know that you don't have to work if you don't want to," the Slytherin reminded him. "I don't have to work if I don't want to, and I'm more than capable of taking care of both of us. Besides, my family loves you. We'd be married as soon as we landed on Korean soil if it were up to them."
"Spoiled rich kid," Seungcheol teased.
"You love me," Jeonghan flirted back.
"Always." Seungcheol took Jeonghan's hand, his thumb skimming the tops of his knuckles affectionately. "Look, I appreciate you offering to support me financially, but I want to be able to do things on my own, whatever I choose to pursue."
"Your music has always been important to you. You're an artist. You could... simply think of me as your patron," Jeonghan suggested.
"I mean it," Jeonghan insisted. "You would be focusing on making music without worrying about your finances. It's not like I would be paying for you to stay idle. I'm sure I could also come up with work for you."
"I really can't accept," Seungcheol said firmly, "so please don't ask me to."
Jeonghan set down his wine glass with a huff.
"You never let me do anything for you!" the Slytherin exclaimed, eyes narrowed dangerously. "I always indulge this little... complex you seem to have about being perceived as the provider, but you know that that concept is extremely outdated. There is no hunter-gatherer dynamic in the twenty-first century."
"You think this is about my masculinity?" Seungcheol asked incredulously.
"Yes, I do!" Jeonghan snapped. "I let you open jars for me and move my furniture around because I know it makes you feel useful. The least you could let me do is use the resources I have to help you!"
The Gryffindor leaned back in his chair, staring at his boyfriend in disbelief.
"So that's how you really see me," he said flatly.
Jeonghan sighed, deflating at once.
"Cheollie, it's not that I see you as some sort of caveman," he said sadly. "You help me all the time. I just want to be able to help you for once."
Seungcheol's expression softened. He knew that Jeonghan just wanted to help—he was generous to a fault, and throwing his money at problems was his way of trying to make things better. There was some truth to what he was saying, though—his ego wouldn't let him allow his boyfriend to pay all the bills while he tried to make it as an artist.
"You do help me," he murmured, taking both of Jeonghan's hands in his. "You help me every day just by existing. I'm already taking advantage of the fact that you wake up every morning still wanting to be with me."
"You're stupid," Jeonghan huffed, eyes watery. "You big, stupid man. You're not taking advantage of anything. Sometimes I wish you would!"
"Alright, point taken." Seungcheol chuckled, gently smacking the palm of one of Jeonghan's hands. "I mean it, though. Do you know how coveted you are by most of the student body?"
"Of course everyone wants me," the Slytherin scoffed. "As they should. It doesn't mean that they can have me. I'm yours, and I always will be."
Seungcheol smiled at him.
"I know."
"So will you let me bankroll your endeavors in music?" Jeonghan asked hopefully.
Seungcheol stared at him for a moment, considering.
"I'll think about it," he said finally.
"I suppose that's the best offer I'm going to get." Jeonghan sighed dramatically, picking his wine glass back up. "Life doesn't have to be so hard, you know. If there's an easy way, you should take it, never mind your moral qualms regarding classism and the way the one percent uses their wealth to get ahead in life."
"Hannie, you're the one percent," Seungcheol pointed out dryly.
"And what about it?" he sassed back.
"Nothing, you're the most benevolent benefactor in all the land," the Gryffindor said primly.
Jeonghan reached across the table and tugged his boyfriend forward by his black tie, leaning in to whisper in his ear.
"Only for you."
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The Black Lake — February 14th (early evening)
Vernon paced back and forth anxiously on the far shore of the Black Lake. He had tasked a pair of what he hoped were reliable second-year Hufflepuffs to locate Seungkwan and bring him to the Black Lake, where he would get in a boat that he had charmed to row itself across the water. He had spent more of half of the time between the day he had talked to Seungcheol and Valentine's Day panicking over what to do, then spent the remaining time trying to get everything together, including practicing the spell to make the boat row itself for several days. That morning, he had packed a picnic basket full of all of his boyfriend's favorite things, as well as a blanket, and he hoped that his sincerity would come across.
Before they had started a relationship, Vernon and Seungkwan had been friends, and even then they had done something small and quiet for previous Valentine's Days, just because there was no one else they'd rather have spent that time with—and because Vernon had spent his first five years at Hogwarts avoiding any girls who even looked at him longer than necessary. So really, he didn't need to worry. Seungkwan just happened to be his boyfriend now—it wasn't as though he needed to be impressed further.
Vernon looked down at the picnic basket sitting on the rather cliché red and gold patterned blanket and wondered if it was enough.
Maybe I should have gotten flowers? he fretted.
It wasn't so much about the fact that it was Valentine's Day than it was about how much Vernon had been worrying about Seungkwan since his late friend's birthday.
Every time the Gryffindor had tried to approach his boyfriend to try and get him to open up, Seungkwan had always come up with excuses for why he couldn't talk and would busy himself with something else. It was frustrating, of course, but it was more anxiety-inducing than anything—and more than once Vernon wondered if he was just a really bad significant other who didn't know how to talk to his partner just right in order to get him to confide in him.
Startled out of his own self-wallowing, Vernon looked up to see the boat that he had charmed to carry Seungkwan across the lake rocking back and forth wildly—with Seungkwan in it.
Privately, Vernon was relieved that the boat was already pretty close to shore, but he didn't think that his boyfriend would see it that way—and definitely not after the boat tipped to one side, dumping Seungkwan into the lake that was surely still freezing.
"Oh, no," Vernon muttered, covering his face with his hands. "He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me then bring me back so that he can kill me again."
Peeking through the gaps in his fingers, he watched as Seungkwan swam the remaining distance from where the boat had tipped over to the shore, weighed down by his school robes. A fairly decent swimmer from his years spent growing up on an island, Seungkwan was letting his fury propel him forward with surprising strength. Dripping wet and looking absolutely furious, he stomped up the bank towards Vernon, who silently sent prayers heavenward and hoped someone heard him.
"Hansol Vernon Chwe!" The Hufflepuff tore through his full name. "You'd better have a good explanation for this!"
Not my government name, Vernon grimaced.
Lowering his hands from his face, he said uncertainly, "Happy... Valentine's Day?"
Seeing that Seungkwan was opening his mouth to deliver what would probably be the human equivalent of a Howler message on a Monday morning in front of the entire Great Hall, Vernon interrupted.
"Look, I didn't mean for you to get dumped into the lake!" he blurted out. "I've been planning everything since the beginning of the month and with everything else, I didn't have that much time to practice the spell on the boat. It was just supposed to bring you across the lake without you having to do anything, I swear!"
Seungkwan held up an index finger, cutting him off. Vernon shut his mouth abruptly, anxious, as his boyfriend leaned his body to one side and peered over his shoulder at the blanket laid out behind him with the picnic basket.
"Kwannie," Vernon began.
Seungkwan made a noise, his index finger still raised. He inhaled deeply—dramatically—then lowered his finger.
"You planned all of this?" he asked.
Vernon nodded rapidly.
Seungkwan exhaled.
"Okay, walk me through your vision." The Hufflepuff gestured with his hands for his boyfriend to proceed. "Tell me what was going through your mind when you came up with all this. I want to know."
"Well, it's our first Valentine's Day together as a couple." Vernon scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "And I know that you've been really sad since Binnie's birthday..." When he noticed Seungkwan had stiffened at the mention of his friend, he said defensively, "I tried to talk to you about it so many times but you wouldn't talk to me! I thought that maybe I was doing something wrong, or that you felt like you couldn't trust me to open up... so I talked to Seungcheol hyung."
"And he told you to drown your boyfriend in the Black Lake?" Seungkwan deadpanned.
"He told me that I should use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to show you that you're not alone," Vernon corrected him gently.
Seungkwan huffed, wringing the water out of his robes as he avoided looking at the Gryffindor. Vernon watched him for several minutes while he fussed over his water-logged clothes before he finally straightened up and took a few steps closer to him.
Vernon held his breath.
He's going to break up with me, he chanted in his head. He's realized how bad I am at this whole relationship thing and he is going to break up with me.
"I'm only going to say this once, so you'd better listen," Seungkwan told him sternly, holding his face securely between wet hands. "Well, not only once, because I will always tell you good things about yourself so that you're aware of your own worth, but regardless! Me not talking to you about Binnie has nothing to do with how good of a boyfriend—or even how good of a friend—you are. You are doing wonderfully, I promise. Do you understand? Nod for yes, shake for no."
Vernon nodded, face still trapped between Seungkwan's hands.
"It's very difficult for bossy people like me to let go," the Hufflepuff continued, trying to sound flippant. "We need to be taken care of just like everyone else, but we're not very good at letting other people take care of us. And it shows in our dynamic, even after we got together," he added, using one hand to gesture between Vernon and himself. "So me avoiding talking to you every time you tried to talk to me about Binnie is not because you're not good at being supportive, because you are—it's because I'm not good at being vulnerable. Understand? Nod for yes, shake for no."
Vernon nodded again.
"I appreciate the effort you put into this." Seungkwan smiled at him, the effect only slightly diminished by his bangs still dripping water onto his face. "I appreciate the effort you put into us, all the time; and I'm sorry that I made you feel as though I didn't."
"I know how hard it is for you to say sorry first," Vernon teased, his voice muffled by the squishing of his cheeks. "So I appreciate it."
"Yah!" Seungkwan pinched his cheeks gently. "But you're right, and I really am sorry. You're an amazing boyfriend and I love you." Vernon jumped, not expecting the sudden declaration when neither of them had never said those words before. Noticing this thanks to his grip on his face, Seungkwan only held on more firmly. "Do you understand? Nod for yes, shake for no."
Unable to do anything else, Vernon nodded.
Seungkwan loosened his grasp and stroked the apples of Vernon's cheeks with his thumbs affectionately.
"Because I do. Love you, I mean. Since first year, when you told those boys off in class for bullying me," he clarified unnecessarily. "I knew then and there that you were someone I could count on, and you've proven time and time again how right I was—although, of course, I've never been wrong in my life. So I'll tell you that I love you all the time, because you need to hear it. I want you to hear it and know that I mean it, because I've never meant anything more in my entire existence on this wretched planet."
Vernon swallowed.
"Kwannie, I—"
Seungkwan stopped him, putting a hand over his mouth.
"Tell me when you're ready," he said. "I'll still love you then, even if you make me wait for a long time. But don't make me wait too long, okay? Nod for yes, shake for no."
Vernon nodded.
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🫧𝐼 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝑒, 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒷𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓃 𝐿𝓊𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑜𝓊𝓈 𝑀𝑒𝓂𝑜𝓇𝓎, 𝒶 𝑀𝑒𝓇𝓂𝒶𝒾𝒹 𝒜𝒰 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓇𝓎 𝑜𝒻 𝒥𝑒𝓃𝒾𝒻𝑒𝓇𝓁🫧
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Joseph and Joshua- Pirates (owned by @yoselin-uyu )
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Joslyn- Royal Maid (owned by @lisin-drw )
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Hillary and Princia- Villagers (owned by @hillarydevillier )
This is a belated birthday gift to them since i missed it and their characters are part of this story.
But there's more hphm character and other ocs included, and a short story to tell. There are still changes in the story and the character info of this au but till next time!
More Character information owned by others:
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alyssng · 1 year
lil affectionate ways ~ pt. 1
the actual svt au fic is still a wip but i come back w headcanons that are very self-indulgent ehe. anyway this post is basically the things the main cast does to show they care? i genuinely died writing this tho WHERE IRL FOR ME SKFJNKAJ. ill also repost my original hcs post one day (im rewriting a few sections cuz gose sparked new ideas) but finals month is literally SKFJNSKJF but i had the first half of the cast finished for this one ;)
also if anyones seeing this after reading my hcs post, you’ll know about the cast’s houses (lil reminder that i have two ocs in this fic) and stuffies but if you’re new, welcome and i hope you’ll enjoy the lil crumbs ehe
please give feedback or just comment if there’s anything you liked or want to ask! <3
hes so clingy and huggy help aksjfnsf, like hes the oldest but he just hugs the cast whenever. either cuz they’re not paying attention to him or hes just in the mood to. jun’s just eating breakfast normally and then cheol comes out of nowhere and hugs him from the back, arms around jun’s neck. the first few times he did this to ANY of the cast that were from slytherin, almost caused a riot because people were in shock “oh my god is the house rivalry over??????” not really no, there’s just the rare few from either house that can become besties with each other. pestering is another way that he shows he cares. not pestering but like looks after you and it’s a lot of it? babying the younger half of the cast is a better way to say it. on the way back from hogsmeade and alisa looks exhausted? he’ll give her a piggyback ride. minghao’s temper is clearly rising for reasons unknown? cheol’s there to resolve the issue as soon as he can. he’s also the type that just either falls asleep on you or lets you fall asleep on him. to him, being able to rest in front of someone is to say that you trust someone with your vulnerable side like yk?? the first time anyone fell asleep on him, it was on the way back to hogsmeade. they were all still chatting excitedly, with the exception of jeonghan and lily who were up ahead having a snowball fight (both snowballs and icicles were being thrown specifically), when he felt alisa’s head suddenly bump into his. he was piggybacking her again, but he didnt think she was tired to the point of falling asleep. he didnt mind tho. out of the entire cast, he and alisa were one of the closest in terms of older brother younger sister dynamic. decided to fall back so that he could watch the rest of their friends have fun while keeping alisa in a quieter “area” of sorts
because of the recent caratland (read: the only caratland that i saw a lot of videos of) i can just picture jeonghan just quietly carrying snacks in his pockets and handing them out to the cast randomly. especially during classes before lunch. for some reason, the slytherins are ridiculously unlucky, like how many years in a row can a house get stuck in potions before lunch? since theyre touching stuff like dead spiders and rat spleen blah blah, its obvious that they cant eat snacks so half the class is starving. double potions is even worse, so jeonghan just kind of… doesn’t touch anything. he’s prone to making the entire concoction shrivel up and die anyway so he lets alisa (his very unwilling potions partner) do everything BUT its because he can quietly feed her snacks as well as the rest of the cast. alisa was more than annoyed at first but then snacks were more important and it wasnt like jeonghan didnt help. at least he was reading out the instructions and trying to point out which was the next ingredient she needed. he also fiddles a lot with his hands when there’s nothing to hold on to. he could always hold onto his wand or quill but after he accidentally set alight his parchment by twirling his wand nonstop and splattered himself with ink via quill spinning, jeonghan kinda needed something else to fiddle with. so what does he do? takes the cast’s hands and starts playing with them. it’s definitely not something he does with anyone and in all honesty only lily and joshua were aware from the start. the others just let him without knowing why he liked to fiddle but it becomes more of a natural thing when they spot him making random shapes with his own hands and just reach over to put their hands over his
one word. headpats. it could be in a teasing way, an endearing way, he has his reasons for just reaching over patting the cast on the head. as role-modely as he is, he isn’t a perfect model student… (that title goes to minghao ngl) but anyway he gets distracted sometimes during class, and most of the time it’s because lily’s next to him doodling in her notebook or trying random enchantments. its because dada comes to her more naturally than other classes, but if the teacher calls on her and theres visible panic on her expression because she cant figure out the answer, joshua just makes things worse (he finds the whole situation hilarious) by patting her on the head, murmuring comments that leads to his leg getting kicked. (“should’ve paid attention, darling.” “if you don’t get your hand off of me, i have a pointy quill-”) the dada professor does not get paid enough to deal with their bs, but it was their decision to make assigned seats a requirement so- anyway apart from the whole headpatting, it’s the little things and by little, it’s simple things like memorizing their favorite things or just quietly going along with whatever antics anyone (read: jeonghan) planned. the latter, especially, he’ll just join in regardless of whether or not he approves- he has a prefect badge anyway. and a degree at jeonghan university he’ll bs his way out of trouble LOL. but yeah no, once vernon got sick during the holidays and so joshua sent him via owl post a bunch of his favorite foods and a few gifts too. (“did you get me the apple headphones max just because i was sick-” “well how else are you supposed to enjoy watching netflix and listening to music when your airpods run out of battery?) please note vernon’s a muggleborn and joshua’s a halfblood so yes they know about electronics-
it’s not exactly physical touch but lily does this thing where she’ll kind of hold onto their cloak or shirt or the strap of their bag while they walk in the same direction. there’s no particular reason, she just found that she felt really comfortable doing that, but if it’s someone that she isn’t close to, no way in hell you’ll ever see that happening to. if she were to ever start dating, she’d be the type of person that doesn’t do huge things in pda but would do the little things like hands in each others pockets or linking pinkies. another way she is with violence LOL. either she makes meaningless threats or she’ll pretend to punch the cast. if she does hit them though, itll be like a light one unless its obvious said person will be able to handle it. the few times that she accidentally does hurt one of the cast tho she’s immediately hugging them (despite not being a hugger) and apologizing repeatedly and laughing out of panic. jun for example is an often target. sometimes he just pulls random pickup lines or is tryna drag away minghao and in response lily just attacks him, quite literally jumping on him but then once she accidentally punched him in the eye and instantly threw her arms around him out of apology, rambling “sorrys” in mandarin and english. the more threats or attempted violence she does, the more you can tell that shes close w them. its her way of showing that she enjoys the persons company and loves them. (“so does this mean you’re going to finally say something to marshall~?” “alisa i will not hesitate to pitch you off the astronomy tower.”) sometimes she genuinely means to attack them tho but some ppl (jeonghan) are clueless (read: chooses to ignore the warning signs) and then this violent-ish harassing becomes a running inside thing. FOR EXAMPLE, the first time jeonghan brought up lily’s fear of insects, bugs, creepy crawly stuff yk? lily chucked her butter knife at him and it almost stabbed poor minghao who was just tryna revise jun’s herbology essay. earned two weeks worth of detention but now its a running thing for lily to threaten and pretend/actually throw things at jeonghan if he pokes fun at her. its only for certain personal-ish stuff tho like about not being prefect or quidditch… her fears… a certain crush wink wink
thank you so much for reading if you made it to the end ~ alyssng <3
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yoselin-uyu · 2 years
Goblet Of Fire
Part One of the Final Task - Underwater
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So here they are, wish i looked this handsome swimming, sorry i dont know how to draw lately (・ัω・ั)
Fixed Joseph did get a wound, since he doesn't swim that fast, they got to catch him somehow he managed to get free and lose them; while joshua thanks to the gillweed she was able to evade the creatures in time ;]
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danceworshipper · 3 months
Hi Zin! I have a hard time falling asleep tonight so I'd thought I'd ask how your HL OCs would get along with Danny as friends?
Heyo! After rereading through Danny's profile, I've decided:
Lukas would be his best bet for a good friend! They'd be dormmates, and Lukas sticks close to his fellow Ravenclaws for the most part until fifth year. Lukas is pretty shy and nerdy, liking to fade into the background when he can, but with the right people he's an absolute riot. I can imagine a lot of boys' nights in the dorms with them and Amit/Andrew throughout the years, as well as study groups with Samantha, Hogsmeade trips, and cheering at Quidditch matches. Danny would probably also be one of the first to figure out Lukas' major crush on Amit - though whether he gives advice or teases him relentlessly (or both!) would be up to him. They're similar people but different enough that they can play off of one another
Esme would unfortunately hate him. It wouldn't be instant, but over time she'd grow to resent his ability to work through his social anxiety and make/keep strong friendships, which is something that she was never really capable of. If she ever learned of his younger childhood, she'd also resent him out of the knowledge that he'd probably be the type to condemn her for allowing her mother's imprisonment of her father to continue. Even after she grows up a bit more and learns the ways of being social, Esme would be too deep in the grudge to ever "forgive" him. She would, however, at least appreciate that he sees her as human rather than a monster
In between the two extremes in Joshua. Josh ends up a minor bully in his younger Hogwarts years, but he's not trying to be. It's a result of never really meeting other kids his age before and not knowing how to interact with someone who isn't trying to control him like his pos family. Before Natty enters the scene and knocks some sense into him, I can see Josh being a jerk to someone like Danny. But if Danny kept being nice, once they got older Josh would be able to apologize and they could be decent friends if he forgave him!
Alexis, being the MC and only arriving in fifth year, may not really even know he exists? Between the whole sudden magic thing, the werewolf thing, having to make up for 4 extra years of school, and the Minister, she's got a lot going on and doesn't have time for friends that aren't assets on her quest. She'd probably only know him as one of Lukas' friends, though maybe come sixth year there'd be more of an opportunity for friendship!
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jeonride · 1 year
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joshua reading list / fic recs !
don't forget to like + reblog the fics that you like to support the authors <3
FICS ! ✧*
Hoax (smut, angst, mafia!shua, strangers to lovers) by @lovelyhan
Isohel (modern royalty au, prince!shua, smut, angst) by @toruro
Eyes Meeting, Hearts Apart (mild angst, prince!shua, smut) by @lovelyhan
Mr. Nice Guy (smut, neighbor!shua) by @toruro
Under The Rose (fluff, smut, frenemies childhood to lovers, kinda historical au) by @just-come-baek
Honeyduke Lovers (hogwarts au, unrequited love, hufflepuff!shua x slytherin!reader. yep this is the story of how slytherin becomes undyingly soft for hufflepuff) by @http-mianhae
Steamy (smut, next door neighbor!shua) by @duhnova
written by @onlyhuis :
Cranberry Concoctions (smut, a little angst & fluff, 1920s, prohibition au)
Leaning on The Everlasting Arms (angst, smut, some fluff, bible college au)
Fine Line (fluff, smut, angst, figure skater!shua) by @heartkyeom
Prove it, You Won't (fluff, angst, humor, tattoo artist au) by @leejungchans
Oceans and Engines (fluff, exes to lovers, a lil' angst) by @renjunphile
Lover Boy (regency era romance, commoner!shua x aristocrat fem!reader, historical drama) by @starlightxsvt
Gentleman (angst, fluff, sugar daddy au) by @starlightxsvt
Wildest Dreams (bestfriends to lovers, fluff, humor) by @viastro
The Type (smut, fluff, college boyfriend!shua) by @bitchlessdino
Your Gentleman (smut, camboy!shua) by @wonwussy
Fighting for Your Love (smut, threesome ft. jeonghan) by @rubyreduji
Half Past Five High The Series (ft. mingyu, smut, angst, minor fluff, rich people au, love triangle, cheating. supermodel!gyu, photographer!shua x influencer fem!reader) by @multi-kpop-fanfics
Paint Me Numbers (fluff, shallow angst, guitarist/bandmate!shua) by @chocosvt
Domino (fluff, crack, smut) by @universecorp
Nasty (smut, fluff) by @soonigiri
Menace (smut) by @jeonghantis
You're All That Matters (fluff, bf!shua) by @heartsfromia
Be My Date (fluff, minor angst) by @heartsfromia
Mine (smut) by @luxekook
Meant for Each Other (fluff, soulmate au) by @slytherinshua
Golden Hour (best friends to lovers, fluff, slice of life, summer vacation au) by @dkfile
An Interview with An Angel (meet cute, fluff, reporter!shua) by @hannyoontify
Our Fairytale (smut, fluff) by @zuhacore
at every table, i'll save you a seat (fluff) by @suhnshinehaos
bad habits (exes with benefits, smut, mild angst) by @lovelyhan
pretty when you cry (smut) by @cheolhub
quiet time (smut) by @number1mingyustan
acouasm (smut) by @angelwoozi
when you can't sleep but shua is right next to you (fluff, comfort) by @wonwoonlight
one-up (smut) by @sluttywonwoo
golden boy's mercy (smut) by @bitchlessdino
17. 12 (smut) by @lovelyhan
14. 13 (smut) by @toruro
after a long day (smut) by @sevngmin148
title (fluff, established relationship, ceo) by @leejungchans
relax (fluff, smut, established relationship) by @playmetheclassics
shower (fluff) @husbandhannie
stay up (fluff) by @bitterie-sweetie
about you : valentine's special (fluff, angst, friends to lovers) by @shuawonie
fruit (smut) by @onlyseokmins
i love you, always (fluff, comfort) by @monnn
10.32 (fluff, bf!shua) by @elysianeclipxe
clingy (fluff) and smitten (fluff) by @slytherinshua
we won't change because we're engraved in each other's heart (fluff) by @wooahaes
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bee-the-loser-recs · 4 months
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~~☼ My Jeonghan One-shot Fic Recs ☼~~
𖤓 How to give a blowjob (and other things) for dummies By @multiland 11k, friends to lovers, smut, some angst, slight fluff, jerk Jeonghan at first, jealousy, hidden feelings, talk of dated with someone else
𖤓 Order up By @leejungchans 2.4k, coffee shop au, strangers to lovers, barista Jeonghan, purposely spelling a name wrong, trying to attract attention, fluff, humour
𖤓 Redemption By @leejungchans 11.5k, spin off from a previous fic (but can be read as a standalone), kind of naïve reader, fluff, angst, bad boy Jeonghan, humour, shy reader
𖤓 Like we just met By @onlymingyus 9.8k, Jeonghan x reader x Wonwoo, interview au, old high school friends, reunited friends, smut, slight fluff, successful Jeonghan & Wonwoo, pining, high school flashbacks
𖤓 Blame it on me By @onlymingyus 5.4k, brother's best friend au, Joshua is reader's brother, smut, fluff, long term crushes, obnoxious Jeonghan, humour
𖤓 Fighting for your love By @rubyreduji 5.5k, Jeonghan x reader x Joshua, boxer au, competing for reader's attention, physical fight for love, threesome, smut, fluff, poly situation
𖤓 Fake it till you make it By @bitterie-sweetie 6.5k, fake dating to real dating, love confessions, confusing feelings, towing the line of friends & lovers continuously, fluff
𖤓 Splashed By @smileysuh 5.5k, Joshua x reader x Jeonghan, idol au, references to the 13 shadows going seventeen episode, smut, poly relationship, fluff, established relationship
𖤓 My roommate [part 1] & [part 2] By @sunnyjae 2k and 3.2k, roommate au, mutual friend Joshua, smut, having feelings for one another, slight asshole Jeonghan, mentions of friend Minghao
𖤓 The most precious thing By @idyllic-ghost 3.6k, hospital au, nurse Jeonghan, neurosurgeon reader, fluff, mentions of being each other's soulmates, secret relationship, medical talk
𖤓 Do you remember the time? By @wonustars 26.3k, university au, enemies to lovers, roommates, shitty family situations, angst, fluff, hook-ups, smut, catching feelings, getting off on the wrong foot, campus playboy Jeonghan, forced proximity, snowdays
𖤓 Take it trouble, make it double By @sluttywoozi 4.7k, Seungcheol x reader x Jeonghan, college au, frat party, frat bros, ex Seungcheol, campus crush Jeonghan, poly arrangement, fluff, smut
𖤓 Amortentia; deskmates to lovers? By @http-mianhae 25.3k, Hogwarts au, Slytherin Jeonghan, Ravenclaw reader, kind of enemies to lovers, Mingyu is reader's ex, fluff, deskmates, dislike to like
𖤓 Nerd!Jeonghan x popular!reader [part 1] & [part 2] By @hoshifighting 5.3k, nerdy Jeonghan, popular reader, Jeonghan with glasses, Jeonghan is bullied by the jocks, broken glasses, reader's dad owns an ophthalmology consultancy, being tricked, fluff, slight angst, smut
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shuaflix · 9 months
how eagles take flight (preview)
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PAIRING ▸ slytherin!boo seungkwan x ravenclaw!fem!reader
GENRES ▸ fluff, humor, smut, angst, fantasy, action, enemies to lovers au, hogwarts au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, slowburn, insane amount of lore, hurt/comfort, mild descriptions of violence, more to be added
SUMMARY ▸ on the night of halloween, you're selected as hogwarts' champion for the triwizard tournament, a competition for eternal glory held between three major schools of magic. of course, this makes absolutely no sense to you because you didn't put your name in the goblet of fire. you have a feeling someone's out to get you, though, and a certain slytherin who's hated you since your first year might have the answers you're looking for.
or, you and boo seungkwan hate each other's guts, but he might just prove to be an unlikely ally when you're selected for the triwizard tournament.
RELEASE DATE ▸ aiming for early 2024!
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ since i don't have much to show until the full fic is out, you can anticipate heavy slowburn, some blood purity prejudice, me racking my brain to come up with tasks for the tournament, the yule ball!!, enemies forced to work together, and ft. jeonghan, wonwoo, joshua, seungcheol, and irene (rv) ♡ send an ask or comment if you'd like to be added to the tag list !!
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“AT LEAST YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE YOUR N.E.W.T.s NOW,” Wonwoo tried to console you while you two were walking to your Defense Against the Dark Arts class. “Charms is gonna kick my ass this year.”
Due to the strenuous challenge the tournament offered, testing your strength, courage, intelligence, and resourcefulness, the champions were exempt from exams. You figured it was because being a Triwizard champion was far more valuable than getting Outstanding scores on your end-of-year tests.
You snorted. “I’m still taking them.”
“But you don’t have to,” he said with a disapproving frown. “You should really be taking the tournament seriously, Y/N. People have died doing these tasks.”
“I just don’t understand how my name ended up in the Goblet of Fire,” you muttered. “I tried to explain that I didn’t put my name in, but they just told me that rules are rules. I have no choice now that I’ve been selected.”
“Just… make it through alive, will you? Don’t get yourself killed over eternal glory.”
“I don’t even care about eternal glory,” you whined. “Eternal glory isn’t gonna get me five N.E.W.T.s to get into the Auror recruitment program.” 
“I doubt you’d need five N.E.W.T.s if you won.”
“You’re generous for thinking I have a chance against Seungcheol and Joohyun.”
When you opened the door to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, you nearly groaned out loud once everyone’s eyes landed on you. A lot of talk had been going around about you being Hogwarts’ champion, and the attention wasn’t all that great. Some of the support was nice, but plenty of people had been betting on your loss and talking smack about how the Goblet of Fire should’ve chosen a better representative.
The only one in your class who appeared as though they couldn’t care less about you was Boo Seungkwan, a Slytherin who you couldn’t stand since your first year. You two got off on the wrong foot right off the bat, with you accidentally spilling ink all over Seungkwan’s new textbooks and him talking down to you for the rest of the year. It was a trivial thing to hold a grudge over, but as you two got more and more hostile toward each other over the years, you eventually just realized that you and Seungkwan weren’t meant to get along. 
You two hated each other so much that in your third year, you sent each other Howlers back-and-forth until a professor had to intervene. Apparently, screaming at each other through Owl Post was going too far, especially when the Howlers started arriving in the middle of classes.
Your dislike for him grew even more when he was picked as Head Boy for Slytherin. Although you had no qualms about the Head Girl chosen for the Ravenclaw house, you were still bitter that Seungkwan was effortlessly getting the opportunities that were always just out of your grasp.
Wonwoo grimaced once he took a look at the board. Apparently, you were graced with the pleasure of sitting next to the bane of your existence today.
“Think you can get through a class without killing Seungkwan?” he asked, squinting to make out who he was sitting next to.
“I think I have a better chance at winning the Triwizard Tournament.”
Wonwoo laughed, even though you were dead serious.
When you got to your table with Seungkwan, you did your best to avoid eye contact. You shrugged off your book bag and sank back into your seat without another word. Maybe if you tried hard enough, you could forget he even existed. 
“Your arm’s in my table space, champ,” he started, and although you tried to resist, your head shot up to see what the hell he was talking about. You rolled your eyes when you noticed Seungkwan pointing at your sleeve, which was barely on his side of the table. You moved your arm without another word. “Anyway, I didn’t think you’d be the kind of person to put your name in the cup.”
“You must know me so well, huh?” you sneered. “And, for your information, I didn’t put my name in the cup.”
Seungkwan stared at you with a strange look in his eyes before shaking his head. “You’re ridiculous.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, growing defensive. You didn’t mean to raise your voice, but you quieted down after a few stares from other classmates.
He scoffed. “Take some accountability, Y/N. I literally saw you put your name in.”
You seized up. There was no reason for Seungkwan to lie, but you couldn’t fully believe that he actually saw you putting your name in the Goblet of Fire. You nearly started questioning whether you had been sleepwalking or something, but you were positive that you slept peacefully throughout the night. There was no rational explanation as to how you entered yourself into the tournament.
“Are you serious?” You turned around in your seat to face the Slytherin, nonplussed. “You saw me? You’re positive it was me?”
“Yeah? I know an idiot when I see one, you know?”
“Takes one to know one, I guess.”
Seungkwan shook his head at you. “You better have a plan to win. It's gonna be humiliating for us if you die out there.”
“Gee, thanks,” you replied bitterly. Your voice teetered on nervousness when you asked, “When did you see me put my name in the cup? Honest to God, I didn't do it, Seungkwan. You know I wouldn't.”
Even aside from Wonwoo, who looked at you skeptically after your name was called, you knew that Seungkwan saw right through you. He knew that you didn't have the guts to enter your name into the tournament. By no means did you consider yourself brave, and the Slytherin knew that quite well.
He looked at you strangely. “Last night. I was debating entering myself before I saw you.”
Before you could press him to elaborate, Yoon Jeonghan made a show of dragging his chair out from under the table that was in front of yours and Seungkwan’s, eyes locked on you as he did. He was one of the most popular wizards in your year with his charming looks and brilliant wit. He was sweet and friendly on paper, but he was notorious for dating around. You were pretty sure you saw him with a new girl every other month. Although he was one of Seungkwan’s best friends, you found him to be far more amiable. 
You pressed your lips into a thin line. Jeonghan was who everyone was expecting to get picked for the tournament. He was definitely more capable than you, and he posed a threat to both Seungcheol and Joohyun with his abilities. You were sure he would sweep the competition if he was selected as champion.
“There’s our champion,” he greeted with a crooked grin. “You’re gonna win for us, right?”
“Uh.” You paused. “No promises, Jeonghan.”
“Hey.” He lowered his voice to hardly a mutter, a playful grin on his face as he leaned in close. “You know my dad’s Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, right? Just say the word and I’ll find out what the first task is for you.”
“Isn’t that cheating?” you asked.
“Think about it this way: Durmstrang won’t stop at anything to make sure Seungcheol wins, and Joohyun half-Veela. She just has to bat her eyes at someone and they’ll cough up any information they have on the tournament for her.”
Seungkwan scoffed. “Jeonghan, you’re being careless. What happens when your dad finds out you’re helping the champion cheat?”
“Lighten up, Kwan. There hasn’t been a champion for centuries who hasn’t bent the rules a little.”
You swallowed hard. Surely, it wouldn’t hurt to accept Jeonghan’s help. After all, Wonwoo told you that Seungcheol and Joohyun would be using their resources to figure out tactics to go about their tasks. It would be no surprise if they had already found out what the first task required. If you had someone like Jeonghan on your side to help you, then you would’ve been stupid not to accept his assistance. 
Rules were one thing, but the entire school was counting on you to represent Hogwarts. You couldn’t make a fool out of yourself when the time came. 
“Well, if you happen to find out,” you told Jeonghan, “then I wouldn’t be opposed to hearing what the task is.”
He winked at you. “Just give me a day or two.”
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send an ask or comment if you'd like to be added to the tag list ! hope you guys enjoyed the preview & look forward to the full fic ♡
TAG LIST ▸ @wonudazed @delicatewinterenthusiast @aaniag @punkhazardlaw @cottoncheol @zzoguri @peachyaeger @jsopinha @blurryriki @mangocustard16 @wqsty @jakeslvt @yawnzshit @myseokjinji @the-boy-meets-evil @wonvsmile @hanversace @jebetwo @ourkivee @primoppang @deekaye @yonabutnotyuna @seokqt @sarcasticsweetlara @littleredskies @apricottulips @hey-syia @elfoscheirosos
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hanggarae · 11 months
౨ৎ prefect duty
requested by @shuapits : this is for the 1k event :33 but i <3 shua!!!! so i was wondering if you could do like, shua and reader at like hogwarts(??) idk if that makes sense but i <3 harry potter and i think it would be cute !!! ^__^
thank u sm for ur request i hope u like this!! we’re literally soulmates bc i <3 shua and harry potter au’s sm
gn reader, neither shua or reader’s house is specified but they’re in different houses ,, event masterlist
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“this isn’t very prefect-ly of you, ya know?” joshua teased, but he didn’t move away from your attack of kisses all over his face.
“oh shut up and sit still” you grumbled while your eyebrows furrowed, “‘ts been ages since i’ve seen you”
you and joshua were both at your last year at hogwarts, with final exams and making important decisions about your future you hardly had anytime to your boyfriend. it didn’t make it any better that you were both in different houses too.
stress had been getting the better of you lately. your sleep was horrible from the hours at night spent studying. you were just so scared of failure- you didn’t want to take any risk.
“baby?” joshua broke you from your thoughts. “oh yn, don’t stress so much baby” he smoothed his thumb over the skin between your eyebrows.
the two of you were- well technically just you- still on prefect duty. you got up from the bench and held your hand out waiting for joshua. “come on, rounds are finished for tonight” you let out a sad sigh.
joshua matched the pout sitting on your lips, cooing at you while standing up “don’t worry angel we can see each other tomorrow- in fact, tell you what, we’ll both go on a date this weekend. sound good?”
you smiled up at him, leaning into the touch of his hands cupping your cheeks. you nodded slowly, already dreading the walk back up to the top of the castle and having to say goodbye.
neither of you mentioned it but you both spent a little longer walking around the castle on the way back, all of a sudden very interested with the trophies decorating the walls.
despite how much you and joshua tried to put it off, eventually you reached the common room of your house.
you let out a sigh looking at joshua, “we’re literally seeing each other tomorrow why are we acting like you’re going off to a war?”
your boyfriend threw his head back in laughter at your comment, “not sure, probably because we both know the next time we’ll see each other is the end of the week”
“we’re both busy yn, don’t blame yourself only, alright?” joshua comforted you. even though you never made your guilt clear to him, he was always so good at reading you.
“okay shua” you smiled, “i’ll see you at breakfast alright? night”
“i’ll see you there, goodnight”
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aclowntiny · 1 year
♱ My Masterlist! ♱ About Me/Rules
༺♰༻ ༺♰༻ ༺♰༻ ༺♰༻ ༺♰༻
(I have tags for groups, members, female reader, & gender neutral reader, so you can also use my search bar to filter fics that way 🥰)
☆ = a personal favorite! hehe
All Members (Gender Neutral): How Ateez Act Around Their Crush
When Their Crush Kisses Them & Runs Away ☆ Finding Out Their Crush is Allergic to Flowers When They Accidentally Walk in on You Changing ☆ How Ateez Confess To You
Ateez’s Ideal First Date How They Tell the Other Members You’re Dating
Ateez’s Preferred PDA
Ateez With a Tall S/O
S/O Watching Their Fancam ☆
Things Ateez Do That Make Your Heart Flutter ☆
Ateez + Kisses to Prove You Can Make Them Blush ☆
When You Call Them ‘Pretty Boy’
Call Your Bet! (Ateez Losing Bets Against You) When You Get Clingy
Taking Care of a Sick S/O Sharing Clothes With Their S/O
Spa Day With Ateez
What Type of Kisser is Ateez? ☆
First ‘I Love You’ With Ateez ☆
When Their S/O Kisses Their Neck ☆
Ateez + Love Languages
Ateez + Aftercare
Ateez as Hogwarts Students
Meeting Pirate!Ateez (Female Reader)☆
Black Flag, Black Hearts? Falling for Pirate!Ateez (Pirate AU Part 2) Meeting Superhero!Ateez (Superhero AU) ☆
Who in Ateez
When You Don’t Like Popcorn
Most Likely to Prank You
Most Likely To- 24 Hour Saying Yes Challenge
Most Likely to Go For a Childlike, Happy-Go-Lucky S/O
Most Likely to Let You Hypnotize Them
Unathletic & Clumsy S/O
Individual Members:
Ink Trails- Hongjoong x GN!Reader (Soulmate AU) ☆
Hongjoong + Firsts
🐰Seonghwa🐰 May the Flirts Be With You- Seonghwa x Female!Cosplayer!Reader ☆
Seonghwa + Firsts
Puppy Love- Yunho x Female!Barista!Reader
Yunho + Firsts
🍓Yeosang🍓 Blue Skies- Yeosang x Female!Baker!Reader Yeosang + Firsts
Down the Drain- Barista!San x Female Reader
Mon Petit Chou- Best Friend!San x Gender Neutral Reader
San + Firsts
🦁Mingi🦁 Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects- Mingi x Female!Reader ☆
Mingi + Firsts
🐺Wooyoung🐺 Business Booster- Wooyoung x Shy!Female!Barista Reader
Wooyoung + Firsts
🍎Jongho🍎 It’s Not Easy Being Green- Jongho x Female!Writer!Reader
The Wind Again- Jongho x Paranormal Investigator!Reader (Gender Neutral)☆
Jongho + Firsts
All Members (Gender Neutral):
How Seventeen Act Around Their Crush
When Their Crush Has a Guy Best Friend How Seventeen Confesses To You
Seventeen’s Ideal First Date
Carnival Dates With Seventeen Seventeen’s Preferred PDA What Type of Kisser is Seventeen? ☆ Other Members Catch You Together First ‘I Love You’ With Seventeen ☆ Things Seventeen Do That Make Your Heart Flutter ☆ Seventeen Meeting Your Parents For the First Time
Your Birthday With Seventeen Spa Days With Seventeen
Seventeen As Hogwarts Students
Individual Members:
🍒S.Coups🍒 Smell You Later- Gryffindor Quidditch Captain!S.Coups x Slytherin Quidditch Captain!Reader (Gender Neutral) ☆
🦌Joshua🦌 Love is Blind- Joshua x Gender Neutral Reader
🐱Jun🐱 Kalon- Model!Jun x Female!Assistant!Reader
🐯Hoshi🐯 Brush Strokes- Hoshi x Female!Face Painter!Reader
Silent War- Wonwoo x Gender Neutral!Reader
Sunflowers and Snapdragons- Woozi x Female!Florist!Reader ☆
Ska Day- Woozi x GN!Soulmate!Reader
🐶Mingyu🐶 A Date Like No Other- Basketball Player!Mingyu x Female!Reader (College AU) ☆
🐸The8🐸 Nails and Nighttimes- The8 x Gender Neutral Reader ☆
🍊Seungkwan🍊 Foolproof- Seungkwan x Female!Best Friend!Reader ☆
In Every World- Vernon x Gender Neutral Reader
🦦Dino🦦 The Dancing Effect- Best Friend!Dino x Gender Neutral!Best Friend!Reader (College AU)
🌟Stray Kids🌟
All Members (Gender Neutral):
Things Stray Kids Do That Make Your Heart Flutter
Cute Dates With Stray Kids
Stray Kids’ Preferred PDA
Stray Kids as Dads
Stray Kids as Hogwarts Students
Who in Stray Kids
Most Likely to Trick You Into Saying Something Funny in Another Language
Individual Members:
🐰Lee Know🐰
🥟Hyunjin🥟 Task Failed Successfully- Hyunjin x GN!Reader (College AU)
All Members (Gender Neutral):
Enhypen as Meet-Cutes
How Enhypen Act Around Their Crush
How Enhypen Confess To You
Enhypen’s Preferred PDA
Enhypen as Hogwarts Students
Crossover Special!
Wooyoung & Changbin as Each Other’s Wingman (GN!Reader)
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dalivanmagritte · 1 year
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Because why not and i love hp so kpop x hp is the only good answer 🫶
amortentia (masterlist, ongoing serie)
gryffondor captain! seungcheol
deskmates to lovers? slytherin!jeonghan
honeydukes lovers hufflepuff!joshua
take responsibility, choi! (gryffondor!seungcheol, fluff)
smells like you later! (gryffondor!seungcheol, fluff)
gentle sexy (hufflepuff!joshua, fluff)
nct dream and hogwarts (serie finished, smut)
a hogwarts collection (serie finished, 00's line, smut, fluff, angst)
hogwarts dreams at night (almost finished, 00's line, smut)
not so charming (gryffondor!jaehyun, fluff)
head over broomsticks (gryffondor!jaehyun, fluff, suggestive)
lion boy (gryffondor!mark, fluff)
limit (gryffonder!mark, smut)
amortentia and quidditch (gryffondor!mark, fluff)
my sunset is yours (gryffondor!jeno, fluff)
transfiguration spell (gryffondor!jeno, fluff, smut, angstish)
helping hand (hufflepuff!jeno, fluff)
better than words (slytherin!haechan, fluff)
i will not vanish (demon/gryffondor!haechan, fluff, smut)
scent (slytherin!haechan, fluff)
hufflepuff!jaemin at hogwarts (fluff)
dedication (slytherin!jaemin, fluff)
what do you desire? (slytherin!jaemin, fluff)
chill kill (slytherin!jaemin, smut)
desire pt.1 (slytherin!haechan, smut)
from the shadows (slytherin!san, fluff)
the champion (slytherin!san, angst)
catch me if you can (slytherin!san, fluff)
(in hope to be updated)
amour (a hogwarts au series) jaemin
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rubyreduji · 1 year
hello!! happy 3k+1 🤍🤍🤍 i wanna request; what Hogwarts house do svt members fit in (if you have watched Harry Potter) and if you haven't then what can you imagine the members in a regency au setting—? like imagine prince soonyoung, war general seungcheol and northern secluded Duke jihoon???
— join the sleepover!! 🧸️
ah so i have both read and watched harry potter (i had a big phase in middle school) but i tend to not talk about it due to you know...jk rowling and....being trans...so i will do the other one 😀
seungcheol - the strict yet warm duke who is quick to handle issues in his duchy and cares for his people more than anything else
jeonghan - tbh i kinda like jeonghan as the war general?? like i can see him making strategies and plans and using his intelligence in that way
joshua - the most princely of princes
junhui - the handsome, yet elusive royal advisor who everyone has a crush on
soonyoung - he works in a travel circus or smth like i just feel it
wonwoo - he is like the kind library overseer in a royal castle and he's always super nice to the royal children
jihoon - he's an astronomer and people think he's crazy but actually he's the only one with correct theories
seokmin - the silly bard who plays his music and sings in the town square
mingyu - the clumsy guard of the royal family who is super lovable and falls in love with a servant girl who works in the castle
minghao - a stable boy for a wealthy family who the daugther of the family falls in love with
seungkwan - he'd be the cute, young apprentice of a researcher and he'd always have papers falling out of his arms as he did his best to keep up
vernon - a charming farm boy who catches the eyes of girls in town when he's selling crops with his father in the market
chan - the prince's flirty yet goofy best friend who always gets into mischief but never any actual trouble because he's such a smooth talker
idk how regency this is tbh im so sorry but i was 100% only thinking about sofia the first while writing this
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alyssng · 1 year
lil affectionate ways ~ pt. 2
ehe tis the second half of the cast for my svt hogwarts au fic ~ 
another reminder that if anyones seeing this after reading my previously posted hcs, you’ll know about the cast’s houses (i have two ocs in this universe fic!!) and stuffies but if you’re new, welcome and i hope you’ll enjoy the lil crumbs :D
please note tho !! that im pretty fluent in mandarin imo at least so the mandarin/pinyin in jun’s section is not just via google translate i used my overworked braincell for that o7
please give feedback or just comment if there’s anything you liked or want to ask! <3
pranks omg. the more pranks the more childish he acts around the cast, the more obvious that hes showering them with his love and affection for them. lily’s already reached the level of just sighing and accepting the pranks, and someone even asked if cheol if he’d rather deal with jeonghan’s teasing or jun’s pranks. cue the panic and stress because neither option is good for ones health. at least jun’s victims are mostly just lily alisa and minghao sooo. cheol’s mental state can take a breather. (“jie~ lets go get some chinese food. malaganguo hongshaorou ni bu hui ye xiang he zhengzhunaicha ma~?” “i- okay…”) half the time minghao cannot believe for the life of him that jun is a year older. “im letting you guys in on a secret, ive been tolerating him for years” is what he says especially when jun’s messing with him in front of their juniors. jun’s sHAMELESS TOO when it comes to pickup lines, dropping them randomly and grinning widely when the person receiving it is bright red, flustered, and unable to reply. but then koff at some point in the future, one of his constant targets flirts back and the way his smile just. drops. NOT BECAUSE HES MAD OR ANYTHING OKAY. he cant believe it, so he immediately just collapses into their arms, face faced away so that they cant see how flushed he is. despite all the pickup lines tho, jun’s the type that cant say certain things outright like “youre my best friend!” or “i love you guys” but he WILL however compliment you a ton AND give reasons to justify it. oh are they getting embarrassed? nope, just stand there and let him show how much he loves you. (“i know its my birthday but youre not supposed to explain the compliments…” “no but i want to, so just stand there and listen.”)
she’ll listen to the cast talk, they can ramble on forever, and she’ll just listen quietly. but it’s not like she’s zoned out, proper reactions are still given! ironically, compared with lily, she’s 100% the extrovert, but when the two of them hang out, from an outside perspective, you’d think lily was the e because she just goes on rants or starts talking excitedly whenever a shared interest or topic is brought up and alisa just likes listening to her view on it all. (“sorry… did you want to get back to slughorn’s paper?” “oh merlins beard no. ive been listening, don’t worry, lily. keep going. besides, you cant stop your story now!”) another thing is that she’ll have specific inside jokes or little things individual to every member of the cast. it’s something only she and the other can understand, which makes it special. like with jeonghan, it’s a running joke for her to wreak havoc on him in hopes of making his hair color change, which he is aware of so he returns the chaotic energy nearly twicefold sometimes lolol. or with vernon, they have a fun thing of mimicking each other’s dramatic reactions, especially when the other is doing a presentation of sorts. being in different classes and years won’t stop them! once joshua just witnessed the whole thing during one of his free periods, watching alisa pull random faces (to him at least. they seemed vaguely familiar though…) and then scaring her half to death when she turned around to find him just standing there. (“do i even want to know what you’re doing to poor vernon?” “bloody hell- at least make some sound to announce your presence shua.”) and then alisa just gets headpatted while he accompanies back to whatever class she snuck out of under the pretense of “going to the hospital wing.”
hao’s a muggleborn (and hes in slytherin too a slay i must say) anyway, his phone is FILLED with pictures of the people he cares about (ie best friends and family). any small moment, whether its meaningful or just something he finds funny, his phone is snapping away and recording everything. when the cast finished their first year together (minus vernon unfortunately for age diff reasons), minghao was snapping away, taking both candid and posed shots of everyone when they were leaving kings cross and when they were still heading out of hogwarts. plus some pics of him, jeonghan, and jun in the slytherin dorms clowning around in the last night (read: just jun because hannie does not have enough energy for that and minghao was attempting to meditate his tolerance for bs needs to improve if he has to deal with jun, jeonghan, and alisa for the next six years) anyway. he looks back on them sometimes and just smiles and reminisces quietly. whenever he does that, though, he just sorts them into albums: “slytherin gang,” “evil/actual twins,” “<3,” and more. like joshua, though, its the little things he does, but while joshua’s things are more like random (imo at least like memorizing someone’s drink orders or indulging their hand-fidgety habits seems plenty random to me but anyway), hao actively like makes sure the cast is getting through with basic needs i.e. did jun crash into another marble column, did lily sleep too late, did vernon eat enough. (“hao, i promise i did not stay up reading-” “have you looked in the mirror, lily.” “i was born with those eyebags!”) sometimes minghao just drags vernon over to the slytherin table and gives him his plate full of food and makes sure the latter is eating properly. (cheol was worried that hao was threatening murder at first but all was good lolol) also as students, another basic need relates to homework, so of course, hao and cheol are in charge of making sure that everyones assignments are finished. or in some cases if pestered enough, minghao is willing to revise their assignments (mostly just jun and vernon). (“didn’t you say that you understood the bowtruckle’s anatomy just yesterday?” “well yea… and then i kind of forgot everything after dinner.””for gods sake, jun.”)
vernon may be oblivious to many things, not paying attention to details, but once he develops a routine for certain stuff he’ll keep to it. for starters, he texts cheol, joshua, lily, jun, and hao the first thing in the morning when he wakes up (mostly because they know how texting works-) but when he sees the rest of the cast, he says hi, greeting them instantly. he’s also the one who comes up w the idea to teach the non-halfblood-muggleborns to use devices and his patience w that is ridiculous- (“IT’S RINGING, LILY- WHY THE BLOODY HELL IS IT SHAKING-” “ALISA, FOR GODS SAKE- I ALMOST DROPPED HANNIE’S PHONE INTO THE SINK, YOU MORON-” “YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE HELPING ME?!” “ahh, so your phone started shaking because a notification showed up. i texted you so that you could save my number.” “oh. merlins beard, why didnt you just tell me beforehand, vernon-” “...i dont know…”) anyway vernons also really passionate about music right? so over the course of a few holiday breaks, he compiles a spotify playlist for every one of them and for every one, he tears out some parchment and writes down some comment for each song in said playlist. “it reminds me of whenever you get mad at us for sneaking food from kitchens, cheol…” or “no particular reason the girlboss vibes are just there yk?” hao actually teared up a little and just hugged vernon without saying much. OMG WAIT AND THE AESTHETIC PHOTO COVERS OF THE PLAYLIST. okay he stole half of them from joshua and minghao via just quite literally taking their phones (they just let him lololol) and scrolling through their camera rolls. its very cute no i am not projecting and wishing i had a friend group that would do smth like this IM KIDDING I LOVE MY FRIENDS VV MUCH REGARDLESS OF ALL THIS :3
thank you so much for reading if you made it to the end ~ alyssng <3
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