#omg the app ate this post im going to lose my fucjing shit
takemus · 2 years
(late but i saw your tags on one of the rbs, Please Go Off about your OCs-)
OASDHGKS now im kinda embarrassed to do this but ig i can give some super quick couple-liner gists of them under the cut
ice phoenix and former prince of a destroyed kingdom meant to be a sanctuary for non-human entities (such as mythical and other supernatural beings) that wanted to also eventually welcome humans (long story short: shit happened and this never came to be)
outwardly cold and aloof; inwardly soft and cares quite a bit. gender af and has an air of melancholy to him. he was actually playful and mischievous as a kid...losing everything does that to you
literally Just a Dude (at first). first human to enter the kingdom described above as a trial to see if other humans can be welcomed. winds up falling in love with alex. dies due to the Shit that Happened and becomes the next iteration of death (so not human anymore)
really bitter and cynical as a kid; comes to be a shitposting loser as death down the line. also really hot
remember the part about cain dying? yeah he kinda does that again, sorry- (as for how death dies...that's a long story. dw he does come back in the end!!)
kinda-not-really cain's kid (sorta) and is the next iteration of death after the deities kill cain (time to be determined, as are all my oc-related things). has a...rough and difficult start, but is welcomed after things get settled!
very sweet, doesnt understand the world all that much, but is doing his best! very forgiving, probably hard to make angry (will probably cry over getting mad tbh). also doted on a lot (esp by his older brother figure)
btw if you want to see what they look like, i have a group photo of the oc gang (including a friend's oc and uh. goro akechi SDKGHDSKGSH [who is the older brother figure mentioned above with leon]) as my tumblr header (mobile)! alex is the blue haired boss bitch, cain's the sunglasses-wearing black haired dumb of ass (affectionate), and leon is the beaming baby boy sitting on the sofa arm
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