#omg wait quick little update if u anyone cares BUT i am so excited about this so
usernyoom · 9 months
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sunookkii · 3 years
hey i know request are closed but this idea just got stuck in my mind and i wanted you to write sum about it if you like it 😭 so basically its an enha reaction/scenario ? where they forget your birthday, (maybe not in a bad way but i dont mind if its angst) hope ur good btw !! <3
a/n : OMG WAIT SRY TO ALL THE OTHER REQUESTS BUT THIS ONE FOR SUM REASON REALLY STUCK OUT TO ME i hope you enjoyyy ;) also I wrote so much I’m so sorry- [not really read proof~]
Also i am well ty for asking >.<
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.enhypen imagine ˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
Enhypen forgetting your bday~
Genre : angsty ish
Warnings : mentions of food, crying, one swear word??
Requested : yes ty beautiful person ;)
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Heeseung :
Okay okay so its your birthdayyy and you were really excited for what to happen because you wanted to see what kind of surprise your boyfriend did for your birthday
But to your luck he forgot :(
So you spent all day giving him hints like ‘what day is it’ and at one point you gave up and started pouting really hard
And your face was just overall sad everyone else had remembered your birthday including the members, but for your boyfriend to forget it lowkey hurt
Almost half the day passed and he still didn’t remember
So you ended up going into the room by yourself and started to cry
Your whimpers got louder and louder even though you were trying your best to stay quiet so he doesn’t hear
A few minutes past by and heeseung started looking for you because he sensed something was wrong.
He looked on the calendar really really carefully and FINALLY he came to his realization that it was your birthday but it was kinda too late cuz you hid yourself in your room to cry.
He came into your room to wish you a happy birthday but he sees you curled up into a ball crying to yourself
He hugs you so tight as if your life depended on it, won’t leave you out of his sight for the rest of the day. You’ll be hearing a lot of hbds and ilys for the rest of the day~
^ so yeah 🤕
Jay :
I feel like it’s rare that he forgets these type of dates buut for the sake of tumblr lets pretend he completely forgot 😧
You woke up in a great mood because it was your birthday of course
You were expecting to be receive a hbd wish from your boyfriend, but nope nothing all morning.
You received a bunch of hbd wishes on Instagram and other platforms mentioning you, but none of them were from jay :(
You quickly got frustrated and because it was your birthday and your bf the person you love most didn’t remember really hurt
So gradually your face became wet from heated silent tears. But unlike heeseung he would super quickly notice because he’s on his phone a lot and he dates things like ‘y/ns bday’ (idk but I imagine him dating things on his phone)
He’d then be like OH SHIT ITS YN’s BD
Runs to you soooooo quick just to see your face red and a bit wet.
Once your eyes connected your tears started to come out quicker
After he said that he ran away from you leaving you alone, which made your heart drop thinking that he didn’t care.
But once you finally came out of your room you were greeted with a homemade delicious cake your boyfriend made for you that looked like this
You could tell he felt really bad bc usually he always had a smile on his face while cooking but this time it was a ‘I’m sorry’ face
“I’m really really sorry please forgive me”
All was forgiven bc the cake tasted so mf ing good
Jake :
It was your birthday today, a day that only came once a year so like any other human being it’s a special day for you
You were super excited to see what Jake did for you, because every birthday you had with him was always such a surprise
But today was sort of… different? :(
You saw jake in the living room on the tv and went straight up to him with a smiley face. “GOOODMORNINGGG” 😁
After cuddling for a while on the couch you lifted up your head and asked him If he knew what day it was, he just replyed with a simple Wednesday? With a confused face
I’m pretty sure that one word was enough to make you pretty upset 😅🥲
You started to pout and went back into his chest with a disappointed face.
“Ahh what what, what day is it tell me?” He said playfully, not realizing it was your birthday.
You stayed silent as he checked his phone, ‘y/n’s birthday don’t forget’
When i tell you he gasped he GASPED.
You were already in the verge of tears “IM SO SORRY HBD BABY”
You were still a bit upset at him so you replied with ‘did you really need your phone to tell me what day it was’ 😕
He hugs you tighter while mumbling ‘hbd hbd hbd’
Suddenly let you go of his arms and said he had an errand. Without any explanation he got his car keys to go somewhere leaving you and your thoughts by yourself.
‘Does he not love me anymore that he doesn’t even want to spend time with me on my birthday? ☹️😭”
A while later he comes back and you’re luckily still on the couch where he left you
^^this dude came back with three beautiful cakes from your local cake stores. “I’m bacccckkkk!! please forgive meeeee you know i love you with all my heart 🥺” (okay i hate to use this emoji but there isn’t any other way to describe it TT)
You obviously forgave him because you know it was never his intention to forget,,, “you owe me hugs and kisses for the rest of the day :(“ kindly accepts your request because that is something he’d never complain about #freecuddlesfromyn
Sunghoon :
Okay but like hear me out he’s the type of boyfriend that would ‘pretend’ he forgot your birthday but he actually didn’t
So when he ACTUALLY forgot you just thought he was joking until…
“Hooonieeee, stop joking around I’m seriouss”
“I’m serious too i seriously don’t know what day it is”
You leave him for a bit alone with his thoughts, not even gna lie if he did end up forgetting your bday it would take him a while to remember it
But once he remembers he feels so bad 😭
Tackles you with so many hugs and bday kisses and showers you with I’m sorrys and hbd wishes
genuinely ask himself how he forgot the lohls birthday (love of his life’s) literally beats himself for it
And you have to tell him that it’s fine and that you forgive him~
Brings out the birthday cake and sings you a happy birthday song while clapping and laughing.
Puts cake on your nose
Sunoo :
Idk if he’s the type to forget but like jay I don’t think he’d forget
I feel like to him birthdays are the MOST special thing/ date for a person
Like obviously the rest of the members think that but especially sunoo really like sticks to this
So if he had forgotten your birthday you were sooo hurt you ignored him the whole day keeping your distance until he finally remembered
Once he remembered he went to go find you ASAP where you were hiding int he corner of the bedroom moping
He showers you with hugs cuddles kisses pecks, you name it he does it
He feels so bad that he could forget smtg like this, literally asks himself how he could forget such an important date
If the convenience store was still open he’d run to the nearest store and surprise you with a birthday cake. But not just any cake it’d be a cake that was decorated by the one and only Kim Sunoo
Would prepare it so nicely and even have a lit up candle so you can wish on it.
the type to surprise you with it even though he forgot. Brings it to your room while singing the hbd song.
Puts cake frosting on your nose #2, takes lots and lots of pictures to post on insta later
caption : “happy birthday sunshine~”
Jungwon :
he was on the couch as per usual just scrolling through his phone to keep himself occupied but also updated
Not knowing what day it was,,,,,,,
you come outside of your bedroom excitedly to expect a wishful happy birthday wish from the person you love most
But for some reason it oddly seemed like a normal day
“Wonnniiieee my loveeee, guess what day it is!” You said with a sheepish smile
“Hmm wednesday?” He said looking up at you with a calm face
Your happy smile soon became a little pout
“You really don’t know?”
“Isn’t it just a regular Wednesday? Why is there something special?”
oh my- he broke your heart right then and there
You run back into your room because you feel heated tears about to fall, even though it was something small the thought of him not remembering your birthday the day of your birth hurt. A little.
Jungwon was actually super clueless he genuinely didn’t know what day it is but something about you seemed off and the way you ran to your room was quite odd to him so he went and followed you
Before he opened the door he already heard small whimpers from the corner of the bed, and that immediately triggered him and he was about to beat up anyone that made you feel sad 😠 little did he know it was him who made you feel that way
“Baby what’s wrong? Why are you crying”
He holds your chin and turns it to get a better look
wiping your tears with his thumb, you were being a dramatic his giggles make you feel a bit better even though you were mad at him for forgetting
“You forgot my birthday.” You said to him while crying
You can literally see the gears in his brain start to turn when his face went from 😄 -> 😳
“IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY” hugs you so tight that you literally can’t breathe
Doesn’t know what to do to make you feel better, “I’m really sorry for forgetting your birthday, I don’t really know what got into me, please forgive me.”< cue the cutest kitty puppy eyes
He kept on rambling on abt how he was sorry and deserves your forgiveness you literally had to shut him up, he was sorry please forgive him >~<
Cuddles you for the rest of the day
Niki :
He was playing video games normally on his phone, until you excitedly stormed into his room “hiiiii babbbbyyyy”
“Well someone is happy today :)”
“Well of course bc u know what day it isss ;)”
😧😦 < that’s what you looked like when he didn’t know, “you really don’t remember?”
“hmm I’m not too sure” he said before going back to his game
you slowly became disappointed and just ‘celebrated’ your birthday by yourself in the kitchen. :,((
he didn’t notice that you were sad at first bc he was busy playing on his phone, around an hour later he went to the kitchen to get a snack when he sees you in the kitchen staring into space rested your chin on you arm.
‘Are you okay? You seemed fine earlier’
You decided to play the silent game and just avoided him... so he tried to get you to talk to him but after a while it didn’t work so he sort of gave up and went to ask his hyungs what’s wrong with you.
“Niki,,, it’s y/n’s birthday omg did you forget??????” Jake said texting niki
and that’s when the lightbulb in his brain turned on
He rushed to the kitchen and back hugged you so tight and gave you so many cheekie kissies to try and make up for ‘forgetting’
But to his luck you were still mad at him
Soooo he came up with the idea of going to the convenience store really quick to get you a bunch of flowers and a nice cake to surprise you~
You ended up forgiving him because he was tickling you threatening you to forgive him
N knowing Niki he’s not a person you can be mad at for long <3
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velvetgons · 6 years
junkyu as your boyfriend
junkyu x reader
warnings; don’t think so!!, maybe some swearing
a/n; :(( i’m really sorry for the slow updates on the two fics i have in my list!! i’m just a lil bit of a slow writer with full fics! sorry again :) 
requested; yes!! thank you anon :) 
word count; 3.2k :))
gif credit; virgojunkyu on tumblr!! ((if tumblr removes it again nvonv) as always, please let me know if you’d like it removed at any point!! :) 
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ok so! as always, first of all: how did you and this overgrown child meet?
well, well, i have a Different Trope to offer you all today!
so i genuinely think that getting to know junkyu wouldn’t actually be a romantic thing at first?
as in, you’d probably meet him through having multiple mutual friends and you’d go to a lil get together with your friendship group and it’s just like:
ur friend would walk you over to junkyu and some more friends and is just: “oh by the way this is the junkyu i mention a lot!!”
and so you say hello and have a conversation with him and the group of people around you and it’s just very casual
but you end up really liking junkyu because!! he’s so funny and has a bunch of lil endearing habits and so – entirely platonically!!! – you’d ask for his number so you could talk more
and junkyu would be really excited and probably say something like “omg yes!! i can’t wait to hang out :)) see you soon!!!!”
which, to be honest, was super cute and maybe you blushed but you honestly weren’t seeing it as any form of romance
and from then you’d talk a lot, probably lowkey every day, and it’d just be a really fun friendship that you’d formed out of nowhere!!
he’d call you randomly throughout the day to talk about weird things he’d been thinking about (example: “ok just another quick question but how can we be sure that dinosaurs don’t just live underwater now? the ocean is so unexplored and there’s rising sea levels, and we just. we have no idea. oh my god, do i tell a scientist about this?? have i Done Something??”)
you’d always go out for lunches and late breakfasts and coffee meetings together and just joke around :(( n he’s definitely the type to wanna get like. four different foods for the two of you and just share them so he can have a bit of everything
will make you go to the park with him and push him on the swings. no exceptions and no excuses it’s a Must in this friendship
and omg you’d just be really close and you’d spend so much time with one another that you could watch movies and chill out and when something you wanted to comment on happened in the movie neither of you would have to say it you’d just do The Look and he’d KNOW
you’d also sleepover at each other’s quite a lot and it would be entirely normal,, like he’s just gonna fall asleep on ur bed wrapped up in a blanket and ur gonna fall asleep minutes later under ur duvet
or you’d take naps together because he’d get real clingy n just kinda. lay on you. and fall asleep. and i mean, he’s just so warm and soft you can’t help but fall asleep with him
affection would also be a completely normal thing too!! pretty early on into the friendship he’d just say, “to warn u i am a very cuddly person so if that’s not ok with you please tell me now !!” and you’d tell him it’s ok bc uwu he’s still the cute lil friend you met recently and that’s an adorable habit
but oh boy do you regret that now. he will just. cling to you. all the time. he’d lift your arm to curl underneath it n snuggle into you. he’d hold ur hand 24/7. when he’d get sleepy and you’d be moving around he’d back-hug you and be leaning almost all of his weight against you. he’d fidget a lot when you sat to watch things until he was pretty much either spooning you or he’d be leant with his back against your chest.
and lowkey you’d think it was such a cute thing because :(( he’s so precious and he genuinely doesn’t seem aware that he’s doing it most of the time
oof he’d probably give you lil kisses sometimes too? and he seriously wouldn’t think of it as anything other than like ‘smooching ur friends is completely normal ! normalise platonic affection !’ so when he’s leaving he’s gonna give you a lil forehead kiss. he’d give you a lil cheek kiss when you hugged sometimes
and it’d become a habit that you’d probably pick up on too like? if he’s sat within smooching distance when ur quietly watching something together: ( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)if he’s smiling real big and his cheeks look kissable:( ̄ε ̄ʃƪ)
and junkyu seriously just thinks all of his feelings for you are completely platonic like?? he thinks that he wants to kiss you all the time because you’re his bestest bud. and he’s always so clingy with you because he’s got big appreciation for you and your friendship with him !
you’re kind of in the same position with it too, u know, because like. junkyu is super cute and he’s handsome and nice and you wanna mwah but?? you’ve also seen this boy trip over air on multiple occasions and he’s held your hair back for you when you’ve been sick and seen you ugly cry before so you assume it’s just because ur super close
but then…one day…he’s just kinda sprawled out across your bed while you get snacks from downstairs and it’s the day you’ve mentioned ((very passingly like: “oh, he’s cute”)) that a waiter at a café you go to a lot is kinda cute
and he’s laying there. and his mind is just spinning?? he’s created this whole picture in his head that: cute waiter boy will give you his number, you’ll go on dates with him, you’ll start to call him your boyfriend, all those long phone conversations and movie marathons and cuddle sessions will be transferred onto this new boyfriend, you’ll stop giving junkyu lil kisses because now you’ll wanna kiss your boyfriend, you’ll end marrying this boyfriend and junkyu will only see you twice a year at mutual friend parties like he used to
which leads him to picturing his life without your presence in it anymore and he’s convinced that he can feel genuine pain in his chest at the idea?? who’s he gonna order too much food with, who’s he gonna watch dumb movies with, who’s gonna tell jokes that make him laugh so much his stomach hurts, who’s gonna have #deep conversations with him??
and then he’s thinking about you doing all that with someone else…and thinking of someone else holding your hair back for you when you’re sick, and someone else knowing your different orders off by heart, and someone else getting to see you ugly cry and hear about your problems and…….he HATES it
by the time he hears you coming back upstairs he’d rush off into your bathroom because he hates to admit it but he’s crying a lil bit and his face is all scrunched up in disgust at the ideas in his head
and you arrive back to ur room to find no junkyu :(( so you go to your bathroom (best guess which was indeed: correct) and you knock a lil bit and hear junkyu cough really inconspicuously before mumbling a, “yeah, just a minute.”
which obviously worries you because that’s your best friend and he sounds upset and the idea of him upset has your heart doing a sad keyboard smash. but you respect that it could be literally anything by this point so you go to ur room and wait there
and junkyu comes back after a lil bit and he’s like “i :(( need to talk to you about something kinda serious” because he’s a lil bit angry with himself because?? a: how did he not realise the feelings he has for you are not platonic at all and, b: he doesn’t want to ruin the friendship
which makes you nervous but you’re like… “ok.. i’m listening and supporting you :)”
and then he doesn’t really know what to say so he just, “please don’t date the waiter boy!! or anyone else!!” and so you kinda recoil because ?? hmmm when did you say you wanted to date the waiter and hmmm why does he care
but then he goes “please don’t date anyone but me…”
and you’re ?? because now that you’re thinking about it properly maybe you do like him romantically? but you’re just so confused because you honestly don’t know what you’re thinking
so you’re kinda like, “can i,, think about this?? i don’t really know what i’m uh feeling right now!!”
and he’s like, “yeah, yeah of course omg i’m sorry!! just….let me know??” n he’d probably leave you too it then instead of liking. hanging around after he’d said that
so you’d spend some time thinking it through you know like,, oh damn…maybe i do like him a little more than i thought huh…
by the time you told junkyu you felt the same he’d have been having four (4) heart-attacks a day waiting for your answer and he’d probably be like “aha! that’s so great! can i come see you,, right now… i’ve been missing you a whole bunch” but on the inside he’s having his fifth (5th!) heart-attack of the day
and so whoosh! now you’re overgrown child friend is your boyfriend :) lucky you
his clinginess? intensified! now he’d feel like there wasn’t the line between ‘they’re just my friend and friends do Not do that kind of affection!’
whenever you walk into a room with him to sit down now, you’re being pulled to sit right on his lap so he can cuddle you more!! his hand is in yours 24/7!!
but…now that you’re dating…he’s too shy to show public affection bc like…now it Means More
i mean people that saw you on the street previously would’ve assumed you were already dating but junkyu doesn’t know that
so no more lil smooches in public!! now it’s strictly hand holding, having his arm around your waist or shoulders, occasionally he’ll just hug you in the middle of a street (you’d be like “i thought you said toning it down….bro i…”)
not much would change but!! he’d love to have proper kisses now :)) kissing junkyu would be super gentle n sweet bc omg !! you’re his baby !! he wants to: love and protect !
let’s you borrow his berets as a sign of love…but he won’t hesitate to steal your clothes either like…
you got oversized sweats that he likes? claimed! you got a cute pink hoodie he just knows he’d look great in? taken! by the time you get the clothes back they’re just slightly stretched out at the arms because he’s long….and you’re begging him to not steal clothes that he must already know won’t fit him but he’s just “:DD they’re cute on me!”
but sadly this is correct. and you always forget not to flatter him because he tells you every time: “it makes me blush too much!! if you compliment me i’ll just die…i can’t handle it!”
this is especially an issue when you go shopping with him to get clothes because every clothing item he tries on you’d be like: “a king!! no one else could ever!! look how great you look!! excuse me while i: scream” and he’d just. squeal. and hide in a changing room because his whole face is boutta go red
having said that, he is your biggest fan! you wear a dress? he’ll scream and twist himself into ungodly angles to get good quality pictures of you. you wear sweats? he thinks you look so warm and cuddly you’re never leaving his arms again.
he’d compliment you all the time and half the time he wouldn’t have to think about it? like, he sees you and his first reaction is to just: “xvonbosab you’re so cute omg i’m in Love”
junkyu is also a firm believe in lowkey matching your outfits: same shirts but in different colours, same coloured different shirts and trousers, etc.
his headass would probably get you friendship bracelets back before he confessed and gets you an extra lil charm when you finally start dating :((
he’s also so caring !! if you told him you hadn’t eaten and it’d gotten to like 5pm he’d freak out because ?? you need to be healthy ! every time he moves to go get something for himself he, “do YOU want anything?”
will tell you to put a jacket on before you leave the house on a cold day ((you don’t because it’d ruin your outfit)) and later,, when you got cold,, he’d passively aggressively wrap you up in his jacket
full offence junkyu carries a candid of you and mashiho round his wallet and will Never remove it
on this topic! whenever you’re around his friends his heart just….beats so much faster…he thought there was something wrong with him at first but after turning to yedam and being like, “my hearts beating out of my chest dndobc” when you did something nice for mashiho, yedam was just like “well yeah it’s bc you love her lol”
and like?? junkyu just kinda. like yeah. he does. indeed. he uh um loves you.
and realistically he knows it wouldn’t be a big deal to say it because he’s said it a thousand times to you when you were friends but now that you’re dating it seems like such a big thing
but boy oh boy once he’s said it,,, it’s gonna be added onto the end of almost every single sentence
you know like the old “breathe in: boi” meme….yeah it’s that except it’s just a loop of junkyu telling you he loves you in the space of an hour
has to say i love you especially (along with a lil mwah) before he goes to bed so he can “have good dreams!!” but like he doesn’t have to lie you’d kiss him anyway ://
would try to make you breakfast but he can never make good quality ones so he just gets you cereal and brings it to you in bed while he does a lil breathy laugh like “it’s your boyfriend, the chef, here with your gourmet breakfast”
i just, i have a Thing, with junkyu, where i firmly believe he just doesn’t really like pet-names?? they’re just not really his kind of style when it comes to dating,, except there’s like one or two that he will. always. use instead of your name
he loves calling you like “angel” because uwu!! that’s you to him!! his aNgEl
he’d do this so often that he’d have your name saved in his phone as ‘my angel’ with a thousand hearts next to it, and his friends would tease him RELENTLESSLY about him but :]]] he doesn’t mind !
and! he has a soft spot for the classic,,, the iconic,, the overused, “baby” bc uhhh you’re His BabyTM? not clickbait?
he also loves doing dumb childish things with you. watching cartoons while eating candy in matching pyjamas? big yes from him! building forts and then sleeping in them? even bigger yes!
if you have drama to tell him about or a secret you have to go under a big blanket with a torch and set in the middle of you two while you tell him in a whisper so no one ((even though you’re literally alone)) will hear
((hehe………is this uhh how do you say…..a Teaser?))
if you watch a show you’ve been watching together without him he will genuinely be so hurt like. “that was a personal thing we were sharing!!! how could you betray me????”
but on a real level. i just cannot see junkyu as someone that does well in arguments.
if you were arguing back and forth and it got mean at all he’d be so upset?? he’d definitely cry no matter what in arguments but if he ever felt that hurt you or if he felt hurt by something you said he’d be such a mess :(
but i also don’t think he’d actually ever have very much to argue about like?? he doesn’t get jealous very easily after a while because he knows you love him and wouldn’t do that to him, he doesn’t get angry very easily, and he just like. completely understands what it is that you want and need?
you were really close friends before so you two would’ve told each other things that wouldn’t come up in day to day discussions with your s/o? like, “omg what’s your biggest pet peeve in a partner!” or even just saying things like, “i think, in that situation, i’m the type of person to…”
because from those conversations you both got to know the things you liked and disliked and what kind of person you both were, u know?
so if by some magic an argument occurred. it’d end quickly. because, a: junkyu would get upset and take some time to himself to calm himself down, or b: junkyu just :(( gives up and stops responding because he genuinely doesn’t want to feed into the argument anyway
he’s much more of a “calmly discuss your issues and find a good solution!!” type of person so he always tries to do that instead of even beginning to argue
n from what we’ve seen so far he’s a lot more of a sad stressed n tired so i think if he found himself feeling like that he isn’t gonna snap at you? he’d probably just want you to cuddle him and play with his hair so he can relax again
junkyu is also fully the type of boyfriend to do ur shoe-laces for you if they come undone you know he wouldn’t think about the ‘omg cute couple things’ he’s just “xocvbov you’re shoe-laces are undone ! you’re a walking hazard this is so unsafe !”
full offence but now that you’re dating junkyu takes you back to that café where you said the waiter was cute and is like “:D finally i can eat here again without feeling nervous!”
which is, to the friends he took to lunch with you and who were not there to witness his confession or that whole day, very confusing and just slightly worrying
but to you it’s like ‘:(( wowie he’s really my baby huh’
but overall i feel like honestly nothing would change after you started dating junkyu? you two would still be best friends and act just like you did before
except! now that you’re dating junkyu gets to kiss you on the Lips! and he gets to cuddle you while you sleep for the whole night too! and he gets to introduce you to people as ‘mY gIrLfRiEnD’
but he’s just such a warm and nice presence to have in your life that when you’d look back on it now like ?? how could you not tell he was gonna be the boy you fell completely in love with
and he honestly thinks exactly the same thing omg he’d think back to things he used to say/do with you or things he’d think about you and be like ‘how did i not realise those are in no way platonic things to think about your platonic friend What?’
but overall i think dating junkyu would seriously just be like being around your best friend 24/7 !!!
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