#feeling very uncomfy but also extremely satisfied :)
usernyoom · 9 months
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zoeykallus · 1 year
the last request with the domination/pegging headcanons kinda gave me this idea: the bad batch with a fem s/o who prefers to always be dominant in bed when they’re not doing vanilla stuff and who feels really uncomfy with being submissive?
Hmm, okay, interesting question. I'm gonna give you my honest opinion on this one. Hope that's alright. Let's see...
The Bad Batch x DominantFem!Reader HCs - Who's In Control?
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Warnings: Suggestive/Mention Of Sexual Themes/Sub-Dom Topic/Dom Reader/18+
Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
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He is not very accessible right from the start as far as that is concerned. Submitting so intimately frightens him a little at the very first moment. Hunter is passionate, but also a cautious personality. His first reaction is rather skeptical when you first try to take the reins into your hands all by yourself.
As cautious and skeptical as Hunter may be at first, he is not stuck. Communication is the key here. Tell him honestly what you want, why you want it, how you feel. Hunter will adapt to you as best he can.
He won't always be able to be submissive, doing so would make him feel as if his passionate side is being suppressed. Every now and then he will have to let his masculinity hang out a bit, but you will soon find a rhythm with which you both feel comfortable and satisfied. He would never even try to force dominance on you if he knows that you are uncomfortable with it.
He often seems strict and very straightforward. In a romantic relationship, however, he can be a total softie. In fact, he adapts to you the quickest and easiest of all. Echo doesn't feel smaller or less masculine, he's absorbed in the fact that you're giving him all this attention.
As stubborn and unbending as he can be as a soldier, he can be just as understanding and adaptable in a relationship. However, he will want to get to the bottom of it, so be prepared for some curious questions.
"Where is this coming from, anyway? Aren't you even interested in how it feels the other way around?"
Harmless curiosity with no evil ulterior motives, you'll have to forgive him for that. Be sure that if you feel the need, you can always communicate absolutely openly with Echo.
He is a switch. Generally, he's up for almost any fun, but he also wants variety. Wrecker likes to read your every wish from your lips, but it could happen that if you keep your intimacies too one-sided, he will lose the fun at some point.
But basically, you can do anything you want with him, he is always curious anyway. The more you try, the better.
"Sweetheart, you know I can easily get out of these shackles?"
You roll your eyes but grin.
"It's all about the illusion, just do me a favor and play along, okay?"
He smirks at you.
"Okay, pretty, you're the boss."
Theoretically he knows a lot, but practically he has a lot of inhibitions, especially at the beginning. No matter how much he is attracted to you, physical contact is difficult at first, takes some getting used to for him. Tech finds his, very passionate core with time and above all he is extremely curious.
He is not a dominant type, at least not in principle, but it is also very uncomfortable for him to give the control completely out of his hands. So dominating him is a very lengthy, bumpy endeavor in the beginning that he has to get into.
Be patient, Tech has to explore almost everything that has to do with physical contact and interpersonal relationships very thoroughly first and needs to feel his way towards being able to let himself fall. However, once you have overcome the initial obstacles, Tech can develop into a very willing sub with a loving hand. Patience and honest communication are the key here.
Here we have Captain Complicated. Crosshair is very dominant, at least he thinks he is. He generally doesn't like to adapt to others too much unless he absolutely has to. In a relationship, that can change over time and what may come to your rescue, despite his now and then toxic masculinity, is his curiosity and basically, if buried under layers of stubbornness, gentle disposition.
Grumpy, stubborn, always on top - Crosshair, is actually more the shell, inside sits a guy who doesn't really know what he wants, so possibly at least partially still a little shapable.
Don't expect too much though, the shell Crosshair has taken on makes up quite a bit of his personality by now. He will make it very difficult for you to subdue him, he will be bitchy and maybe a bit belligerent.
But as I said, there's a gentle soul in this grumpy guy somewhere, a good listener. Open directness will get you pretty far with him. Telling him everything you feel in this context may make you vulnerable, but he would never take advantage of that, you can be sure. It is definitely worth a try. No matter how stubborn he is sometimes, he certainly doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable exchanging intimacies with him, quite the opposite.
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@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
122 notes · View notes
just-genshin-things · 4 years
With love, your Venti
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"You saved my life", he finally gasped out. 
Liyue has been quiet those days — like nobody has been there for years. Xiao, due to the silence, was feeling like he was the only person in the world. That feeling made him very melancholic and brought back some memories — if he was to be the last human, nothing would have change. Because he has always been alone.
Xiao couldn't fit it with any people. They were leaving him, every time— death or fear — they were all gone.
Nothing was immortal for Xiao, except his own feelings and associations. Flowers were rotten, animals were dying, people were dying and only the sky was still blue. It has never been and never will it be different. Even if he tries to beg Rex Lapis to return his life, he was stuck with his polearm, watching Liyue and taking care of all mortals.
And he was good with that. If he was to keep his memories of a flute melody, he could do his work for eternity.
How many years have passed since he last heard that sound?
Xiao missed that night and he only ever slept in order to return specifically to that scene. For green bard with two braids.
Liyue was quiet these days and he couldn’t repair that. Only things that he could do was getting rid of any danger to protect the people. He could not sing nor play flute to calm any person down. His bloodstained hands couldn’t create anything beautiful, like he did.
At night, nothing was changing — Liyue was still silent. At least, he killed a few monsters and took bath in the adepti lake to finally get some rest. He must distract himself from his thoughts. The need to hear that melody again was too strong for him — all because of this calm day. The silence took him to remember that night, when negative karma took over his body for his endless slaughter. It was quiet then and nobody was there.
To be honest, Xiao thought he was just about to face the death. Like his comrades did.
He couldn't accept that — he couldn't die that fast, he still had a contract to fulfill, for Rex Lapis. Then Xiao screamed agonisingly, punching the ground with his fist. Maybe Rex Lapis could hear it? Maybe he was already on his way to help him, the last yaksha.
Yet it wasn’t Rex Lapis who heard his screams. Barbatos did.
Then, he heard a flute . A pleasant sound with melancholic and cold breeze. His whole body got relaxed and the mask disappeared. Xiao could finally breathe again with ease, his eyes stopped flooding from the huge pain he had just been in. Negative karma was all gone so fast as if it had never been there.
The archon of wind was gone too before the Yaksha could thank him. Xiao remembered the song and sighed, closing his eyes. That  always made him feel safe and sound. But why was that feeling so real? Did he remember it so well? No, this couldn’t be true...
He open his eyes extremely fast, when he realized that melody was playing right there, in that exact moment. He couldn't believe that. He looked up to the sky and saw a bard sitting one the hill, looking at the full moon and playing the same tune, just like years ago. He sounded longing which was what made the song more than magnifincent.
Barbatos was there, in front of him.
That couldn’t be his imagination or just a dream. Xiao was recalling seeing the archon of wind right there and couldn't believe this. Has he heard Xiao’s pathetic prayers? For many years, he prayed for him to meet again, as all he wanted wanted was to his ballads yet one more time.
Xiao really felt guilty while praying to Barbatos. The threat of Rex Lapis hearing him, being disappointed or angry scared him to the bone. After all, Archon of Geo named him and gave him life, gave him a chance, so why was he to feel closer with lord Barbatos? Could that be due to him once saving Xiao’s life? Rex Lapis also did save him, pulling him out of the Mad God’s trap.
So why was his feelings so deep? Was it because he has never forgotten that one night?
Xiao knew. It was his only chance to met lord Barbatos in a while, maybe in years or even millennials. For himself, for so many years of waiting for that moment. He might regret it, if he doesn't do it. Rex Lapis... forgive me, he thought. He felt like he commiting a crime, a betrayal to his lord. Yet, he couldn't help himself.
Xiao used his anemo vision to teleport to lord Barbatos on the hill. From this distance the melody was clearer and even more gorgerous than before. He felt hypnotised and couldn’t push himself to take a step, just as if he has got in a trap. He was in a trance, a wonderful trance which he could be stuck in forever.
Then, Lord Barbatos stop playing his flute. World had stopped for a while for Xiao, when the bard turned around, feeling someone's presence. But he didn't look scared — just composed.
Xiao has never thought he would be that charming. Wind caressed his face and then he started breathing again. He felt a familiar scent of Mondstandt flowers when Barbatos smiled, looking at him very gentle and satisfied.
"I remember you", he said.
Xiao blinked, when he heard his voice. He was so solicitous and just... delicate, as if he was talking to a close friend. Nobody had ever been like that to him, except for praying people from Wangshu Inn. They knew and trusted him, so it wasn't unusual. But Barbatos was the archon, he shouldn’t  be compassionate to him. Xiao didn't deserve this treatment. He never helped, he had never even made a sacrifice for him, only a quiet prayer said a few times.
He was devoted to Rex Lapis, except for his moment of weakness.
"You saved my life", he finally gasped out.
Xiao frowned. Did he just... laugh at him? Xiao felt how his fingers tremble, when he clenched his fist on his polearm. His stomach cramped and his throat hurting. Xiao felt so stressed and uncomfy, but still very felicitous.
"I-I mean... thank you, lord Barbatos, you—"
"Call me Venti!", he overtook him. "No need for any thanks! I would do it again with pleasure, adepti Xiao." he said with sweet smile.
He knew my name, Xiao thought. He was in shook, he didn't expect their meeting would be... anything like that. As if it was only a few days that had passed. But the most important thing was Venti always remember that unfortunate night. He had to ask him to get the most significant answer of his life.
Xiao took a deep breath, looking at him very embarrassed.
"Lord Barbatos, why did you help me that night?" he whispered, abashed. Venti narrowed his eyes. Xiao felt like his heart was going explode, when he just threw up his arms.
"I don't really remember." he just said and then grinned widely. "Hey, adepti Xiao, can I ask you for a little favor?", Venti asked just like that.
"Of course, lord Barbatos', Xiao muttered, still shocked with his answer. He just... don't remember? He waited for his reply for several dozens of years just to hear that? He didn't sleep at nights, missing his melody and thinking about their possible reunion, yet he wasn't disappointed? Was it because he could just be with him right now?
"Buy me some alcohol, please", he said imploringly. "You look older than me".
Xiao thought that if they were to meet again, Lord Barbatos would give him the most bloody and difficult mission in his life.
But then, he just asked him to bought him alcohol. That’s it. Without any hook. Without any contract. As if they were friends long time friends and Xiao owed him a favor.
"Alcohol, please. Maybe a beer? Or Liyue wine? I don't know, what is most popular liquor in Liyue. Can you show me, Xiao?" he smiled again, as he hid his flute in his bag.
"Of course, Lord Barbatos. I'll show you the finest alcohol in the most luxurious place", he said very seriously. If he have to do anything for him, he have to do the best he could.
"I told you. Call me Venti."
"Yeah... Venti." Xiao bit his lips. "But... Why are you in Liyue, if you don’t mind me asking?".
"Just going to meet my old friend and share some new gossips with him", he smirked and walked past him. Xiao shuddered, but didn’t say anything. He was constantly unsettled, feeling like it was a stupid dream. But Venti's touch on his arm; warm and delicate was real and brought him back to earth.
"Everything okay?", he asked gently, looking in his eyes. Xiao felt warmth covering his cheeks.
"Yeah, please hold on to me, Lord Barbatos".
Venti nodded as he tightly grasped Xiao’s foream and hand. Then, everything became dark and blurry.
"Yahoo, Liyue Harbor!", Venti said, when they had landed on the balcony of Wangshu Inn. Xiao let go of bard’s hands and sighed, looking at him.
"Is not a Liyue Harbor. We are in Wangshu Inn".
"Ohh... Why?".
"Because it is the only place where I can buy you any alcohol, lord Barbatos", Xiao answered him. "I'll take you to Liyue Harbor tommorow. First, you have to get some rest".
"Thank you for taking care of me, adepti Xiao", Venti smirked. "I'll put in a good word for you with Morax".
Xiao lightly blushed and quietly coughed.
"Thank you, lord Barbatos, but please don’t bother.. Actually, Rex Lapis hasn’t contacted me in years".
"I'll beat him up for that, don't worry!", Venti laughed, but then realized, that Xiao look turned a little dark when he mentioned the Archon of Geo. He quickly changed subject. "So, shall we have a drink?".
"Can I?", Xiao asked, startled.
Venti narrowed his eyebrows. He knew that Liyue’s culture is a little more respectful than in Mondstandt, but little did he know it was that much of politeness. He sighed and licked his lips.
"Of course you can, Xiao", he smiled. "It's like a date".
Xiao looked at him, he seemed so uncertain, that Venti felt like he didn't get his jokes, not making him laugh at all. Zhongli, you really don't care about your protégés, Venti though.
Venti knew that Xiao was a lonely spirit who didn’t have many friends, It was as clear as day, even at the first glance. He felt a little anger boiling inside him, when he realized the Geo of Archon didn't really pay attention to his adeptis, his prayers and guardians. Maybe he did that several years ago, but definitelly not now. It’s like he left them alone.
Venti used to always take care about Vennessa, as he is doing now with the knights and guardians of Mondstandt. He tried to make his people feel happy and safe. He of course knew that Zhongli had some specific methods, but didn’t he notice how badly he ruined the last yaksha? It's certainly not his bussiness and country, but Xiao... was very different. Venti didn't help him for no reason, but it wasn’t for Xiao to know, at least yet.
"Let's take a sit", Venti finally said. Xiao nodded and took him to his favorite place on the balcony. The scenery is really amazing, Venti thought, as he now remembered how impressive Liyue looks at night.
"I'll go to the chef".
Venti sighed, when Xiao headed inside. Maybe he shouldn't have asked an adepti for help like that. Although, Morax wouldn't mind. If the adeptis decided to choose their own path, he surely wouldn’t have anything against it. At this point, Venti was lucky that he met Xiao. It was relieving to meet him healthy after all these years.
Venti wanted to stay in Liyue a while—Mondstandt was really safe and independent those times, so he could take a small break. But had his priorities, he needed to try Liyue local alcohol first. He looked at Xiao, who was back from the kitchen. He sat in front of him and Venti saw that he took off his sleeve and the rest of his armor.
"Where is the rest of your clothing?", he asked.
"In my room. Should I go and put those back on, Lord Barbatos?".
"No! I was just... asking.", Venti laughed nervously. "I'm glad to know you feel safe around me".
"Of course I do," Xiao murmured, "You saved my life".
"It's not a big deal, trust me", he smiled. "I just like playing flute. If you want, I can play something for you later".
Xiao looked at him and Venti could to God (to himself?) that he seemed like a small puppy. Maybe he's a powerful and immortal adepti, but he's also a human. Even if he denied it, he still had weaknesses and things that he enjoyed. Venti was glad that he noticed it and smiled to him.
Xiao didn't answer, as a staff member of Wangshu Inn came with the order. Venti choked on the air, seeing it.
"Is something wrong?" Xiao asked calmly.
"It is too much!", Venti answered. "I just asked for alcohol, like one beer or a bottle of wine. Not every position on the alcohol card", he gasped, yet his eyes glowing with admiration.
Xiao raised his eyebrow.
"I didn't know what you like, so I asked for all of this".
"That’s not good. We can’t drink all of this". Venti said. "As much as I want to, the outcome might kill me".
"Wait. Alcohol can kill Archons?".
"... You’ve never drunk alcohol before, right?".
"That's for humans. I don't care about any of that".
Venti burst out with laughter.
"Let me show you what you missed", Venti said with a twinkle in his eye. He picked up a bottle of vodka and put it away. "That's not for us. It's Snezhnayan speciality, it could kill us both. First, you can try some beer".
Xiao sighed and took a glass of berry beer, looking at it with disgust.
Venti poured himself some wine made from lotus heads. It’s going to be a long night, he thought, when he noticed the aversion on Xiao’s face caused by sipping his drink.
Two glasses of beer and one bottle of wine later, Venti started regretting the fact that he invited Xiao to drink with him.
"I must protect Liyue", he hiccupped.
"I know, but first you need to go to sleep", Venti stated, holding on his slim waist tightly, not wanting him to fall on his face.
"Where is my polearm?", he asked.
Venti groaned, leading him to the room. Xiao had a smaller capacity than Venti thought, but on the other hand it was obvious. After all, he never drank before.
"Where is your room?".
Xiao looked at him tired eyes. For the first time Barbatos felt guilty for inviting someone for a drink. It always ended up funny, but Xiao was the guardian of Liyue. He didn't care about humans and things like liquor or meals. However, Venti still though that Xiao is more human than him. He was just hiding it very well.
"Here", he whispered, pointing at the nearest door on the right side. Venti nodded and tightened his grip on adepti’s waist. Finally, he led him to his room and looked around. What he saw was a very simple bedroom, as simple as it can be, with dark curtains and some antic decorations. Surprisingly, Xiao had many books and lectures. He felt a familiar scent, which made him blush.
He really keep it, Venti thought with a little smile. He looked at barely conscious adepti, who seemed very innocent in that state.
"Venti," Xiao suddenly spoke up, when Venti seated him to bed. "Can I try to play on your flute, please?".
"It is a bit unexpected, but sure", he smirked, stroking his head. He pulled out the flute, looking at Xiao.
He didn't seem like he could play any instrumment, but he could certainly try. Xiao had small and slim hands, a bit rough, but it didn't bother him at all. Actually, it was an advantage.
Venti sighed, playing a simple melody to show him what to do. Then, he just gave the flute to him, looking at him with cheering smile.
"Here you go. Just try it".
Xiao did the same thing like Venti, putting flute onto his lips. His fingers moved on the holes, creating a very clumsy, but cute song. Venti laughed, then started helping him with the holes. After that, it sounded a bit better. Venti smiled, enjoying the sound and looking gently at Xiao.
Then, he realized something.
"It's like an indirect kiss, don’t you think?", he asked him with spark in his eyes.
Xiao stopped playing, sighing. His cheeks blushed a little bit, giving flute back to Venti.
"It's like a date, after all.", he whispered.
Venti was speechless, his cheeks turned soft pink like silk flowers. He had not expected this, his heart started beating faster.
"You’re cute when you’re drunk", Venti laughed, pretending he didn't get shy. He got up from the bed, but Xiao suddenly grasped his hand. Venti startled, his face was still blushing, looking kindly at the adepti. For a moment, it was silent.
"I'm sorry, Venti", He looked at him with pure trust, having a very sleepy look on his face. "Can you play me a lullaby before you leave, please? I won’t ask you for anything else".
He was surprised by the question, but he immediately nodded and smiled to him. Venti was not able to deny him hanything, when he looked like that. "Of course, Alatus".
Venti reached out for his flute again and sayt on bed. Sheets smelled like Xiao, like the flowers that grow on top of the Liyue mountains. He didn't remember what they were called, as they wasn’t common in Mondstandt. Venti inhaled slightly and started playing.
It wasn't a ballad from that night. It was a new song, that he created specifically for the Guardian of Liyue. Venti made it that moment, thinking about Xiao and his ethereal eyes.
The same eyes, different color, but the same determination, had his old friend. An old friend, who helped Mondstandt gain freedom, but never saw it. When Venti missed him badly, he was playing that song, the one that helped Xiao that night.
And he did that, because Xiao reminded him of that person. They both were just as willing to sacrifice themselves, even If it was going to kill them.
When Venti stopped playing, he noticed Xiao long gone into the dreamland. He sighed and headed back to the balcony to drink some more. His head ached, when he took a long sip. Why were people dying so fast? Why couldn’t he stop the world? Even if Xiao was not affected by the passage of time, he could still die.
This is why Venti did not come near him for several years to visit, knowing that his feelings could kill him.
Xiao didn't say a word to Venti, when he woke up the next day. He wouldn’t admit to his head hurting and throat burning so bad. His hair was messed up, eyes looking very sleepy.
"You have a hangover", Venti laughed, looking at him. They were sitting on the same balcony as the day before. "Drink some water, you will feel better".
"I don't have hangover. I'm not a human", he said resentful, even though Venti was right.
"Then you don't want my water?".
"...I do".
"Here you go, my Xiao".
Xiao grasped on his glass of water, chugging it all down. When he finished, he looked at him with a little embarrassed look on his face. Venti smirked at him, shrugging his shoulders, as if nothing happened.
"I've got experience".
"I see", Xiao sighed, feeling much better. He refused to admit to not remember a single thing. "I hope you enjoyed the last night".
"Of course I did! I played you a lullaby", Venti chuckled.
And we kissed indirectly, but it was still a kiss, he thought, smilling. Xiao looked at him, surprised. He regretted that he couldn't hear that again, because he didn't really remember anything. He had fell asleep just like that, lulled by his sad ballad.
For the second time in his life.
What a shame.
"I see. Thank you, Lord Barbatos".
How could he agree to get drunk with an archon? Xiao felt disgrace. Although, if he refused, he would actually feel the same, because refusal to an archon was just ill-mannered. In addition to that, he was an adepti. He just hated human’s creations like alcohol and any stimulants, which bogged down minds. Xiao knew that this drinking session was the first and the last in his life.
Though, if Venti asked him again... No. Certainly no.
Xiao just hoped that he would never be in that position again.
"I told you. Call me Venti. Just Venti", he said, rolling his eyes. "After breakfast, are we going to Liyue Harbor?".
Xiao broke out of his thoughts and nodded, sighing. Venti grinned at him. "I cannot wait to see Morax", Venti stretched out his arms, looking very happy on his face. "We are best friends".
"I never heard about it".
Venti looked at him gloomily. His eyes turned dark, but he still smilling. He was looking literally sadistic. Xiao shivered, frowning his eyebrows. Maybe he shouldn't have said that, looking at his scary reaction.
"Long story short", Venti sighed, his aura was deadly and cold. "He used to be a villain to me. He once said he didn't like my music. So I brought tornados to Liyue. Then, we became best friends!".
Xiao’s eyelid twitched, when Venti came back to his charming version. He was looking like he enjoyed that old memory, even if he had almost turned Liyue to dust.
The adepti has never truly understood archons, so why did this one’s joke made him want to laugh? Xiao snorted and turned his head with his cheeks slightly blushed.
Xiao spoke up, a bit uncertain.
"Pack your bags, lord... Venti", he looked at the mountains from viewpoint. He made a decision. "We're leaving".
Archon of Wind smirked at him and left him to gather his luggage. Among with other things, was a collection of wine, which he assembled. Xiao rolled his eyes, but then, he unconsciously smiled at him.
He hadn't had so much fun in ages.
When Venti came back, he looked at him with his typical smile and took his hand, waiting for the strange feeling of teleporting.
"Let's go, adepti Xiao", he grabbed his waist as if it wasn’t the first time. The scent of the flowers hit Xiao's nostrils again, he blinked and took a deep breath. "Yahoo!".
Liyue Harbor was the same like he remember. A place full of happy people and cats to which he was allergic.
"Achoo!", Venti sneezed, hiding behind Xiao.
"I didn’t know archons can be allergic".
"You don't know a lot of things yet", Venti smirked, holding his arms. Xiao shuttered. "You must be allergic to humans, I suppose".
After those words, he released him and looked around. They weren’t in the center of the town yet,, but Venti could have already felt the aura of Morax. He sighed when he saw a bridge to the city full of guardians and slowly looked at Xiao. He was looking as if he didn’t want to be there.
"Won’t you go with me?”
"I must escort you safely. Go, Lord Barbatos. I'll be right behind to you". Venti rolled his eyes. Why Xiao was so stubborn?
"Don't be overdramatic and come with me. NEXT to me", he demanded, crossing arms on his chest. Xiao sighed, his eyelid trembled when he went to stand next to Barbatos. Whenever he stood by him, he could smell that delicate scent of Mondstandt flowers.
One time Qiqi gave him a couple of cecilias, claiming them to be a gift from an unknown traveller. That person asked her to pass these flowers to an adepti with amber eyes. Unfortunately, they had withered before she found him. But still these flowers smelled so pretty and Qiqi suggested him to dessicate them. Xiao did it and put the dried flowers in a pillowcase — magnificent smell helped him fallasleep, although he rarely slept. But thanks to them, he had only serene dreams.
The unknown traveler never came to Xiao’s mind, not bothering his head at all. He always thought that had been some stupid human, who tried to thank him for help or anything like that. For sure, that couldn't be Venti.
"Here we go!", Venti hummed, taking in Xiao’s arms.
The scent of flowers was almost suffocating, yet his silky touch was very calming. Xiao, looking at happy Venti, realized that, in fact, he too had blood on his pretty, yet harsh due to instruments playing hands. They were similiar on this aspect, but neither of them would admit it.
"Liyue is so biiiiig", Venti groaned. "I hate being here".
Xiao sighed, not knowing what to say.
"Me too".
Venti wanted to say something, but then he noticed the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor on their way. He let go of Xiao’s hand and ran up to the door, knocking on it with all of his might. When nobody was opening for a while, he just kicked door open and bursted inside, to Xiao's dismay. He didn't know if he was to go enter as well, but it was a better idea than standing in street full of people. Before he could go inside, Venti caught him by his clothes and pulled him in. Then, just closed door.
That was fast, Xiao thought.
"Morax!", he said with excitement, saw him sitting on the table while calmly drinking tea. Zhongli didn't look moved by their presence. "I missed you. Your valiant, lovable and charming yaksha escorted me to you. He deserves a reward".
"Xiao?", Zhongli said, startled. Then, he just sighed. "First, please sit down". Venti, smilling, took his seat and looked at Xiao. He was looking very awkward so Venti pulled him into a chair. Zhongli raised an eyebrow, looking little suprised.
"How did i earn this pleasant meeting?", he asked, looking at Venti. "Do you want anything to drink?".
"A wine, please. Just not lotus head one. I drinked that one yesterday", Venti smirked at confused Xiao. A moment later, Zhongli took the liquor and poured some of it into an elegant glass.
Zhongli looked at Archon of Wind expectantly.
"I have news from Inazuma", Venti suddenly said, drinking his alcohol. He didn't looked at anybody. "Baal got tricked and had her gnosis stolen by the fatui. Now, traveler is going to Sumeru".
The atmosphere tighten, became grim and significant. Zhongli clenched his hand of his cup, his eyes looked angry, which was rare. Even the Xiao felt uncomfortable, bitting his lips.
"Xiao, leave", Archon of Geo said. "Now'.
When Venti came back out, he was already drunk.
"Take care of him, Xiao", Zhongli asked, sighing. "He need to get back to Mondstandt. Unfortunely, I cannot escort him. Can I rely on you?'.
Xiao blinked, when Venti rested on his arm, gibbering. He gently grabbed his waist, holding him firmly. He expected that their meeting wasn’t calm at all, looking at Zhongli with slight worry.
"Always, Rex Lapis", he said, nodding.
"Thank you. You’ve done a good job,", Zhongli added. "You need to take break, I suppose".
Zhongli looked at him. It was they first meeting in a few years, he not changed anything about his character or apparence. And still he was so overprotective towards him.
Xiao felt as he was still a child when he was with the Archon of Geo.
"I'm an adepti. I never get tired," Xiao answered him, looking into his eyes. "But thank you, Rex Lapis".
Zhongli fell silent, looking at him, worried.
"Xiao. I'm never going to be mad at you, you know that. You are my adepti, I trust you with everything", he suddenly confessed. He looked at Venti, his old and the only friend. "You can fall in love and you can sacrifice your feelings to any other Archon, if you are still going to protect Liyue for me". Xiao choked on air, almost letting Venti from his arms. He grabbed him violently, blushing badly and looking at Morax, quite embarrassed.
"No, i'm not a human. I'm never gonna fall into...".
Venti hiccuped and Zhongli smirked. It was a very funny and enjoyable view, that was warming up his petrified heart.
"I understand. You don't need to explain that to me. I just wanted to say that, because I heard your prayer for forgiveness", He crossed his arms.
"You had never have to do that, because you have never dissapointed me, Alatus. Remember that".
Xiao felt a cold wind of his face, when Venti embraced his neck. He definitely craved attention right now.
"Of course, Rex Lapis", he said calmly with relief.
To be honest, Xiao always thought that Zhongli never heard his prayers. That confession made him feel safe and serene — after so many years of doubt. He had no grudge against him, Morax was always his lord, even if he got lost.
He looked at him for the last time, with trust in his gold eyes, then he jumped and teleported himself and Venti to Wangshu Inn, to his room.
Those days in Liyue, that he called silent, they weren't like that at all. They were the loudest ones in his entire life — he finally met Barbatos and Rex Lapis for the first time in years, fulfilling his biggest wish. It took the weight off his shoulders, even if he didn't know everything.
Xiao was just cheerful and a light smile was on his face, when he started putting Venti to his bed. As he was jumping into teleports, Venti asleep on his arm, drooling over him, but Xiao wasn't angry at all. Actually, he could never be angry at Venti.
In the morning, he'll have a hangover, Xiao thought, undressing him from uncomfy garderobe like his jacket and the hat. Venti in his sleeping state looked like a normal young man. So innocent and pure, overall — he wasn’t dreaming nightmares, just smilling and snoring softly. Xiao wanted to lay down next to him, just so he could observe the touching sight.
"For the first time in my life, can I pretend we’re just humans?", Xiao whispered to himself, laying hesitantly next to Venti.
He gave himself up to his own desire, trying to stop his fast beating heart and the feeling of warmth, when he was looking at the sleeping bard.
"Of course you can. You’re still a human in your heart, Alatus", Venti suddenly said, opening his eyes and looking gently at startled Xiao. He wanted to get up from the bed, but Venti caught his wrist. "I'll sing a song if you stay with me".
Xiao blushed and nodded, adjusting himself to feel more comfortable. Venti smirked at him, stroking his hand. He looked worried, bitting his lips. Then, he looked at Xiao eyes with sorrow.
"I lied to you".
There was silence, and beating of Xiao's heart sudden sped up.
"I saved you, because you resembled a certain gallant human to me. I heard you praying, so I came and played the flute which belonged to my dearest friend,", he said with melancholy in his green eyes. "And the worst of all, it is not the end of my confession".
Xiao closed his eyes, concetrating on his soothing voice. He was too scared to hear the rest of his words, still unable to realize the previous ones.
"I gave you the anemo vision".
"What?", Xiao opened his eyes widely, his fingers tightened on Venti hand.
"I'm was always sure that Rex Lapis gave me my vision".
Venti chuckled, closing his eyes.
"When the unknown God enslaved you, I heard your agony", he whispered. "I wanted to reduce your torture, so I gave you a vision. I couldn't do anything more for you, I'm so sorry".
Xiaoe was silent for a moment, analyzed those words in his head.
"So you didn't save my life once. You... were always with me and have always protected me", Xiao said, his hands shakes. Did Morax lied to him too? "And I always thought it was Morax".
"No, it is not like that", Venti interrupted him. "Morax took care of you, he saved you from the unknown God and named you. He did all things I couldn't do myself".
Xiao calmed down, his eyes got weirdly wet. After so many years, he got the answers to all of his questions that he was always too scared to asked. He thought that everything was already behind him, but he was wrong all this time.
"And now, you are the last yaksha, the strongest adepti in Liyue. You are a hero to so many people, even If they don’t know your name. Also, you’re still a human if you can cry", he said with smile, wiping the tears from his cheeks. Xiao didn't even knew when he started crying. He felt so weak. "I'm so proud of you, Alatus".
Venti hugged him kindly, trapping him tightly within his warm arms. For Xiao, it was a strange feeling, so he didn't hug Venti back. Just tighten his fingers on the white chemise, like he was to left soon. Xiao wanted to be with him as long as possible.
Then, Venti started singing a song, without any instrument, just only using his lyrical voice — Xiao could swear that he was in Celestia at that moment. He closed his eyes, feeling safe in his arms and forgetting about the rest of the world. The only thing that mattered was that he knew everything.
Xiao wanted to fall asleep in his embrace, but then he heard the silent snore. He opened his eyes, looking at Venti with amusement. "He was still drunk", Xiao realized, hitting his forehead with embarrased. But then, he just smiled and hugged him, inhaling the scent of cecilias and closing his eyes.
Dear Xiao, I'm sorry for I didn't said goodbye to you, but you were sleeping so sweet, so I didn't want to wake you up. Thank you for taking care of me and letting me make lovely memories with you. I'm never gonna forgive that and I have hope you won’t either. You showed me the best liquor in Liyue, that’s a honorary act for me! I'll visit you in future. I have to wait in Mondstandt till the world affairs end. I'm gonna miss you and our drinking so badly... Anyways, I left you a small gift. I have hope that you like it. With love, Your Venti
When Xiao woke up and sat up on bed, all that was remaining of Venti was his charming scent. On cupboard next to his bed was lying a letter which he took and opened slowly. He smiled after reading it as he saw a few of fresh cecillias, that fell out of the page.
"I knew that it was you", Xiao said, sniffing the flowers. He put them back into the envelope and sighed. Then, he opened his eyes widely, when he realized on the table was lying something else.
It was a flute.
"No way" he swallowed.
Xiao looked at it from all sides, before he put it slowly up to his mouth. It was like an indirect kiss and he knew it well. He blushed softly, hugging flute to his heart.
"Thank you, Venti", he looked at flying birds on the sky. "I'll be waiting for you. But I swear to Rex Lapis, i'm never gonna drink with you again".
He stared at the letter lying on the cupboard with longing.  He frowned, when he saw that in the corner was a small note.
Ps. I’m hoping to get a chance to directly kiss you one day.
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ellinights · 4 years
victon reaction to idol!reader doing a sexy/dark concept (slight M)
request from anon. 
huhuhu i am so so soooooo sorry that this is late. finals were in the way, so please forgive me. 
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this snoopy boi
at first, i would see him to be as baffled as he can be. he is SHooKt
you’re usually soft and fluffy with him (i mean, whO wouldn’t?? he is such a baby you can’t help but to be a whole puddle with him) AND it was your first time you snap with that dark concept. 
so i can see why he would be completely speechless when he sees you on stage, acting so dark.
as he slowly starts to get his cool back (prob gonna take a few hours for him to do so oop),he would start to get a little dirty. 
seungwoo is an erotic man in my opinion dont @ me. 
his mind would start thinking about how he wants you to be like this, all dark and sexy in bed with him.
it is a new sight for him to see you like this, i can see why he can’t resist you.
oh man, after your performance, you better be ready as he is gonna spend the whole night with you ;) wink wonk 
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oh our precious seungmom, his motherly side would appear first. 
he will start panicking over the dark concept you’re doing, because he worries you find it uncomfortable to do so
he does not expect you to go for this kind of concept, because you always appeared soft to him. ( i mean, he is a softie so his eyes only can see soft)
since you’re doing a dark/sexy concept, your outfits would be slightly revealing, and i bet you, he will run to your dressing room with a blanket to cover your revealing outfit after your performance. 
“oH my God you poor thing you look so uncomfy with those clothes!” “oh god what are you wearing?!” momma mode: on. 
but also. in his mind, he got a little too protective with you. it’s because of your revealing clothes, he worried that people would be staring at you because your body is gorgeous
possessive seungsik i see here?? oof thats hot 
oh and if someone is looking at you, he would be so protective, holding your waist tightly by the side and pull you close to him, with that cold stare at them. 
oh wow thats hot.
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ngl i see him to be straight up dirty. idk why shhshs 
he is a sensual man in my opinion. 
his eyes would neve leave your figure when you’re on stage with that dark concept. 
would not be surprised if he popped a boner in the middle of watching your performance. 
you’re hot to him, he is obsessed with that. 
mostly would be staring at your body, at how the way it sensually moves with the music. 
especially your hips, how it sways. man he would lose. 
he would probably start imagining things, and wondered if he could see you dance for him sensually and only him
oh god he would start thinking of asking you to do a lap dance on his lap since he got great thighs
just like seungwoo, expect our little chan to have fun with you the whole day after your performance. 
but instead of being patient and going home to have fun in bed, he will straight devour you in the dressing room ;)
oof a very impatient man i see (Sagittarius things hshsh). 
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dis boi, i see two ways he can react to this. 
one, he would be that bestie who will hype you up when you are doing a dark/sexy concept. 
he will get so loud as he watches you perform. 
i am second-hand embarrassed for him i swear. facepalms.  
would legit go around the world and show you off to others.
lim sejun i swear i wanna smack your mouth for once
but then there is this other side of him, where he would get extremely turned on
just like chan, would stare at you intensely, eyes never leaving your body. 
he would be extremely touchy, would touch and feel your lines and curves against his palms
would praise how hot you look, like, every 5 seconds. 
“you look so hot, could you dress yourself like this for me when i get home next time?” 
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our sese i can see two reactions from him actually, just like sejun. 
one, he can be either super duper shy.
gets extremely blushy and can’t even watch the whole performance of yours 
and then when you come back, you’ll see him hiding somewhere from you, so you wouldn’t see his red face. 
he knows he can’t hide away from you so he faced you and
he is gonna be a big baby after this, whining and whimpering like a baby when he looks at you
get ready to spend hours to cool him down though
the second reaction is, he would look like he is chill and got his cool down with you performing like this. 
but in the inside, we all know his heart is gonna burst. 
he thinks that this might be the most attractive sight he has ever seen on you. 
but he would pretend to not be bothered about it, which probably could make you upset hshshhs 
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our little chick, (if yall don’t know, our byungchan isn’t feeling well today so let’s go cheer him up with heartwarming messages alright?)
he would be the hype man, that’s for sure. 
would be like sejun, scream the top of his lungs out as he sees you perform. 
probably will be a little more wilder than sejun sshshh
would also proceed to mimic your dance, and probably mock you for that hshshs
memorizes the whole choreography, and your parts. he is such a big fan of you 
he wouldn’t mind doing a dance cover of your new song hshsh
“y/n you should’ve shaked that booty more!” i- this boi-
also would love to smack your butt for some sort of reason, since he mentioned about your butt a lot hshshhs this man-
he wouldn’t feel affected in a sexual way for me. that's what i think at least
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this smol bunny 
he would be like hanse, a shy mess. 
would be a squirmy baby, be a whiny baby and hide in his palms all the time. probably two times whinier than hanse. 
awww baby subsub
i see him as someone who is very needy, like sexually. 
would be so turned on when you just stare at the camera with that cold gaze. 
probably would already be wetting his pants if you did a very sexy move on camera. 
that is how needy subin is for me i think. 
but he wouldn’t be needy until the extend that he needs to get it off on you.
but who doesn’t want to satisfy his neediness when subin is such a pretty boy? ;)
i would hshhshshhsh aaaa yo lee shut up 
i can say that 99.99999% of yall would “help” him out after your performance ;) 
hey guys!!! omg it has been so long. to the anon who requested this donkey years ago, IM SORRY CRIES. i hope you guys like it though. requests are still closed btw. i will open them up once i am done with all my requests! hope you guys can understand that. see you guys around!! 
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☕️ talk to me about your svsss thoughts?
Oh man, SVSSS. I will say it’s probably my least favourite of the MXTX canon, but it is extremely fun. Honestly, the aspect of it that had the biggest impact on me was all the parodic commentary on webnovel fandom and its forum dramas. Like that first Airplane chapter with the long comment thread on PIDW just had me cackling from the accuracy of it (especially the whole “if you don’t like it then WHY DON’T YOU WRITE YOUR OWN, let’s see if you could do it better” “I don’t need to be able to do it to know it sucks” exchange, like wow, you broke every argument in the comments down to its bare essentials). All the snarky (self-)deprecating commentary in the narration on tropes and genre expectations and the constructed nature of fiction were delightful. (Have I ever mentioned that I have a deep and abiding affection for MXTX as a personality? Because I really do.) 
I also love the fact that so much of it is a commentary on certain fandom attitudes - like Shen Yuan is very much the kind of entitled fan who harasses creators (the fact that Shang Qinghua has nightmares about Shen Yuan yelling at him about his writing is funny, but also uhhh... telling), but there’s also a lot of pushback against simplistic moral impulses on the part of fandom. The subplot about Shen Jiu’s backstory (which Shang Qinghua omitted because readers wanted him to be a straightforward villain) is VERY much a statement about how circumstances influence behaviour (and fandom’s reluctance to contend with that, imo). Same with how Shen Qingqiu’s perception of Luo Binghe is handled - he’s so fixated on the future of Luo Binghe’s character arc (although for understandable self-preservation reasons) that he doesn’t realize how much he’s altered Luo Binghe’s character by treating him better, and that character isn’t deterministic and set in stone. As I’ve mentioned, I love the fact that the effect of his presence on Luo Binghe is very much in the usual MXTX vein of “the presence of absence of attention and care make a drastic difference in someone’s character,” except in this case there’s an added layer of “and sometimes it will cause their gay awakening.”
Also, the whole setup in which this extremely straight hypermasculine genre would be better and deeper if it were gay? MASSIVE POWER MOVE. Especially with the presence of that girl in the aforementioned PIDW forum shyly being like “uhm I wrote some SQQ/LBH slash if anyone wants to read?” This book is truly a vindication for slash fangirls and villain lovers everywhere. 
I also loved both the leads. Shen Qingqiu is delightful as a nerdy, extremely online personality who unwittingly ends up as a curmudgeonly but beloved mentor to a bunch of teenagers. The way the disciples at Qing Jing Peak grow attached to him with him barely being aware of it was one of my favourite parts and I really wish there had been more focus on it! The scene with both Ning Yingying AND Ming Fan crying after he’s come back to life is extremely sweet. Luo Binghe is also very very good... putting on a tough and cool persona when he’s actually a massive emotional mess who’s desperate for affection and validation. (He’s SO eager to please during his disciple days. “Do you like my cooking? Do you? Do you??? Please let me do this for you every day pls pls pls.”) And he gets jerked around so much! You have to feel for him!  
That said, while I do love the two main characters, the central romance doesn’t really land for me. I really do like Luo Binghe’s adolescent crush on Shen Qingqiu, and him having his gay awakening through the first authority figure to ever be nice to him. And I also like the “omg so cool!!” response to Luo Binghe-the-character that Shen Yuan has that could totally be sublimated gay feelings (@coldwind-shiningstars raised the possibility that he had a crush on Luo Binghe while he was reading the book, which I could see). But the way they actually come together in-story.... there’s a lot of Shen Qingqiu capitulating to what Luo Binghe wants and appeasing him (including in the novel’s climax!) without much regard for what he himself wants and is comfortable with, and it’s uncomfy for me. You can convince him that he has worth and that you’re not going to abandon him while also setting boundaries with him, you know? 
And Shen Qingqiu’s internalized homophobia runs so deep that after awhile his freak-out responses stop being funny and just start being sad. Wei Wuxian’s closetedness in MDZS is at least expressed through him taking genuine joy in plausible deniability flirting with Lan Wangji. Shen Qingqiu on the other hand is just grossed out by Luo Binghe’s feelings for him so much of the time. The extras suggest that he is genuinely attracted to and attached to him, but is just suuuuper repressed, but that being the case, I just come away feeling as if he’s not remotely ready for a relationship at all until he’s worked himself out more. And I kind of want Luo Binghe to just try dating other people.... given the amount of women who were swooning over him, there’s got to be a bunch of potential boyfriends in this world for him as well. He could even have more than one at once (like, he was the protagonist of a harem novel! why’s he gotta become monogamous just because he’s gay now? XD)
So yeah, I loved the main characters but didn’t love the love story. And the setting and plot felt pretty empty for me - I had trouble getting attached to any of the characters or potential side pairings. The one exception to this is Shang Qinghua/Mobei-jun, which is delightful for its “scary demon falls for the first person to ever tell him off” feature, but wasn’t integrated into the story well enough for me to feel strong emotions about it - it’s relegated to extras, and that it feels at a thematic remove from the rest of the story. That is to say, obviously Shang Qinghua being gay and not being able to express that in his writing choices is thematically central to the story (which makes the relegated-to-extras backstory for him unfortunate), but the specifics of his relationship to Mobei-jun don’t feel to me to parallel or offer commentary on the central relationship. Though it’s entirely possible that I’ve missed something there and just haven’t read the right meta yet. 
So, overall - it has a lot of individual aspects that I really like, it’s very funny in a lot of places, and I really appreciate what it’s doing thematically and with its meta aspects, but as a whole, it’s not entirely satisfying to me. 
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twisted-lies · 4 years
May I get a kin assignment if it's not too much trouble? Danganronpa, anyone from any game Is fine! Thanks in advance! 💕
I'll try to get to the point, I'm that kid in the class no one really notices and/or talks to. I'm an introvert and I have social anxiety. I have only one friend and she's my bestie and I noticed that whenever I'm around her or my sisters I can become pretty talkative, sweet and stubborn. I looooove discussing things that bring me comfort online, because irl people make me uncomfy.
But it's completely different with others. I tend to ignore my own wants and emotions in order not to upset anyone, and I'm extremely shy. I'd like to become more social and likeable but the anxiety is too much so I mostly stay in my own bubble most of the time. I used to do a lot of things in order to make myself more likeable like curling my hair, dressing differently, speaking up more often, even if I really didn't want to. My relatives describe me as quiet and shy but polite. I'm a shy people pleaser.
I'm not a really intelligent or energetic person and I have a maladaptive daydreaming problem, and it makes it really hard to focus sometimes. I basically don't exist in my class. It's got to the point where I become suprised whenever someone addresses me and it makes me super nervous and caught of guard. It sucks. I tend to overthink a lot. I'd rather work by myself than with others.
Basically I'm used to people not paying attention to me ( sorry if this is a sob story or something that's not what I intended also your vibe is amazing 💕 )
Much love!! ❤
I kin assign you with...
Tsumugi Shirogane
Firstly I thought of Tsumugi Shirogane, Tsumugi sees herself as plain and she doesn't get the most attention in all honesty. She's definitely more introverted though and tends to stay silent and didn't seem to have many friends. When she's with her friends though I'd think she become a little more talkative especially if it's over something she loves to do. She seems a little more shy at times and would most likely help people out. She's probably a people pleaser as well due to her ultimate. She daydreams quite a bit or just spaces out in general and usually seems surprised when she's approached.
Seiko Kimura
Secondly I thought of Seiko Kimura, Seiko definitely has more of a reserved personality or in other words shy and introverted. She seemed to stick around people she was familiar with and is a little more outgoing around them. Though she seems to enjoy talking about things like medicines because of her being the ultimate pharmacist. So she enjoys talking about things she likes. She tends to ignore her own feelings most of the time and focuses on helping other people as best as she can, she's also more of a people pleaser. She was definitely not one of the more noticed people due to her being more shy around other people.
Toko Fukawa
Lastly I thought of Toko Fukawa, Toko is definitely more introverted and seems like she struggles a little with conversations and could get a little anxious from them at times. Of what friends she may have I'd think she'd be a little more comfortable around them and slightly more talkative. She seems to be very passionate about her writing and liked to talk about it. Toko's not very energetic she probably overthinks a lot of things as well and would most likely prefer working on her own.
I hope you're satisfied with your results!
You didn't do anything wrong do don't worry about it. Also thanks! 💞 sending love right back at you
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