goobernormieomi · 1 month
Do you ever think you’ll post animation memes on YouTube again? I miss seeing your content 😭 I don’t use Instagram anymore because of the whole AI situation going on there 💀
I don’t usually post on instagram, actually I’ve stopped posting there for a while now, as for animations mmm
I’m planning to post animations again on youtube at some point! To be honest, I’m still struggling with that paranoia of those people out there, it definitely won’t be from my original account the omibun one, as I feel its better to leave it be as it is after what happened
Once I do post, I will let you guys here know! I have been working on two animations so far erm………they will get done i promise my gf has been on my case about it 😭🙏
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snnbnny · 2 years
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me and my hq selfships, sunburn edition:
Me and Bokuto both get burned, me way more then him but- we're both havin to much fun to notice that we're baking. We both are in some amount of pain so of course we sympathize with each other.
Hinata tans, so he does not notice when I burn until it's to late. Of course I don't use my brain enough to remember to reapply sun screen or sometimes even put it on. Sho treats me like a crack porcelain vase when we get home.
Tsumu and Oomi are both on my back about sunscreen and protection. Atsu just forces me to take breaks and lathers me with sun screen before sending me on my merry way, yeah sometimes he's not on it enough and I burn- despite what you think he can be really responsible. Sakusa is borderline annoying when it comes to sun protection and making sure I don't burn but I love him for it, when i still manage to burn I never hear the end of it which does make me pissy. Daichi is just like Tsumu.
Rin puts sun screen on me and sometimes reapplies but between me never thinking about it and him thinking I can somewhat take care of myself sometimes leads to major burns on me. He always talks my ear off about being irresponsible and that I could get seriously hurt, but he hates that I'm in pain and babies me physically while he yells at me.
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omibun · 3 years
I’m #1 omibun fan
omg wait im ur #1 fan too. what a coincidence.
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snnbnny · 2 years
tell me more abt u and sakusa and inumaki,, im interested in those pairings specifically
hehehe oki!!!~
Me an Oomi:
He's my rock, he's the calm to my chaotic. If I get overwhelmed then he knows without having to say anything, it's like he's honed in on my emotions. I always try to be aware if he's irritated at all.
When I walk by him, I always make sure bonk his back or side. Something he's grown accustomed to.
He's not actually a germaphobe, just blunt and a completionist. That being said, he doesn't hate mess but he appreciates clean. However he always likes to see when I've gone down a rabbit hole and have left a little mess behind, he can't explain it just that it makes him smile. He's always worried when the house is spotless because that mean either I'm having anxiety or an episode where I don't want to do anything.
Sure he's blunt and it can catch many off guard, but I appreciate his honesty most of the time- he's genuine and I love him for it. I to can be a little to honest with my thoughts and I think I'm less socially aware then he is!
He keeps buying me plants like their floral arrangements(which he also gets), our apartment is full with the suckers to the point that we're going to have to get a bigger place. Between all the other gifts for me including hobby supplies, animals, and clothes that is- He loves to spoil me despite my protests.
He has the biggest sweet tooth, literally eats anything I bake gratefully. I hate that pickled fruit Umeboshi that he liked but I always make sure we have it.
"Keep those biters in your mouth angel," He saw me from the corner of his eyes patter into the bedroom. "hello to you to, whats wrong?" I sit down on the bed and watch him as he peals off his gym cloths next ton one of the dressers. I see the new bruises forming and my brow pinches with concern, "Miya's annoying, is all. Practice was intense today." I get up and walk behind him, pressing kiss on the marks on his back and massaging the muscles of his lower back which makes him groan, "I'm so sorry baby, want me to run a bath?" I ask him which pulls a chuckle from the man. "Sure, as long as you join me.
He loves it when I play with his hair, no matter where why or how. He adores the feeling of my fingers combing his soft curls and my nails scritching his clean scalp. Also he loves it when I kiss his beauty marks.
We met in a coffee shop where I was working at the time, whenever he came in he made an effort to talks to me- found out rather quickly how I liked to ramble, a feature he was quick to adore. He still can get me talking for hours it's like he knows the right buttons to get me to info dump. He loves listening to me talk.
When we started living together and getting more serious, he asked me if I wished to quit my job in order to write and do my art more- he already made well more then enough to support us both, and he knew where my heart really was. I was reluctant to accept, but I did, and he knows how grateful I am every day.
Me and Inumaki!!
Me and Toge communicate on a different wavelength, I always understand what he means- we also learned sign language together in case theres a point he can't get across to me
While I don't actually know what he does or anything about the jujutsu side of the world, I know theres a lot that I can't know and whatever Inumaki does is dangerous- It always why I kiss him a thousand time before he leaves and tells him to be safe for me.
We both are physical people and often don't even have to try and speak to get our points across. From head butts, pokes, nibbles, etc.
He always loves when we cuddle and he gets me to talk, he hangs on to every word I say. When he has to leave, he thinks about every word on repeat in order to remind himself he has to come home to me.
He likes to have me sit on the floor infront of where he sits so he can brush and do my hair.
I can always tell when he pushes himself to far, I can see the ache in his face. I always force him to lay on the couch when I get every drink and food I think he could want, painkillers, and ice cubes- I straddle him and gently give him anything in small doses. I gently soothe his mouth muslces with the cubes, running them over his lips and the sides of his mouth.
When anyone asks how we met, we always tell them it was at a grocery store and I couldn't reach something. I reality I had nearly been a victim of a cursed spirit before he saved my life, something I'm eternally greatfull for. He still ponders how I saw the spirits though...
Me, him, and Yuuta are all bestfriends- when they aren't working its a good chance we have plans to hang out and do whatever. Sure I see they have secrets from me being some supernatural slayers or whatever, but I trust them and it never gets in the way of having fun most of the time.
He was gone for a really really long time once, so long that I was sure he was gone and I was inconsolable. But when he showed up in the kitchen he held me when I cried, and pointed to a cat that sat on the counter- we named the calico bonito flakes.
ask me about my self ships
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