#oml i hate the idea of the squads being separate so i might do another one for everyone flying on the same plane shkwgfsjd
tangirlisfangirl · 3 years
ahfhdhskagfja um ooh
huge group vacation
car divisions, who's driving, who's brought snacks, who keeps a constant call with the other cars, who takes pictures, who's asleep, who's listening to music and zoned, who ate bad gas station food on a dare and has to stop every thirty minutes to go the bathroom
AHHHH okay so for length sake i focused on the driving/road trip aspect since group vacation has a bunch of possibilities and options
so, first off, ochako and sero are our drivers since theyre the most calm and collected and able to handle multiple stimuli at once, runner ups were bakugo but you know hes got road rage like a mofo and iida who would follow the rules a tad too closely and takes like,,,,, 3x as long to get there 🤣
we rent out suvs to hold everyone but even then we have to split it up into the baku and dekusquad cars just cause theres so many of us lmao, with baz stickin with their sparky man in the former and you and shinso hangin in the latter (i make it uneven and i cant decide which to be in so its rock paper scissors and constantly alternating during stops afsgajsbs) but im ALWAYS checking in on my other man, and then us three have a group chat to keep everyone updated on the cracked happenings as well, denki always sends shinso a couple texts to check up on him too cause theyre close uwu
shoto is 100% looking out the window in the backseat zoned out, no music needed just in a half sleepy state and pointing out when herds pass by so you and i (and ochako as she almost crashes SHKWSGHDB) can look 💞 hes also a big fan of cheesy souvenir gifts since hes never seen them before and ends up with a bunch of keychains and mugs and junk by the end pls— deku keeps tracks of everyones favorite snacks and flavors and candies and coordinates to purchase which to share and when to distribute them so they last between stops, and you know iida is keeping up with the directions and arguing about them with her in the front, which makes it even more complicated cause shinso is in charge of music but always plays the most indie shit (while also trying to soothe you since car rides arent your favorite thing) which is chill n stuff sure but then we dont get those sing alongs road trips are known for!!
the bakusquad car, as expected, is MUCH different, mina’s playing hype party karaoke music which causes kami and basil and eijiro to sing badly and bakugo yelling at them to shut up, tons of car games and dares, mina’s taking vids and snaps and sendin em to the other car, kaminaris having to use it every 3 minutes but sero refuses to pull over again and again so we dont fall behind which makes us end up with a pee bottle corner in the back by the end of the trip ☠️☠️ racing through gas stations trying to best their times for snack pickups and refills, which is a sadly wasted effort since theyre always just flying all over the car anyway, eijiro always manages to hold bakugo back from jumping across the seats to strangle kami, baz is either cracking up or freezing up since theres always SOMETHING going on, so much stimuli oml, so a window is always open for em so they can calm down (with kamis help and proximity as well~) and strangely enough manages to fall asleep every now and then too
all in all i went super in depth cause this was super fun to write and its a journey getting wherever were tryna go 😭🤚🏼
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