#omnipoint kinks: fat
omnipointmuses · 9 months
"Mmh~ You know little Sparkle, I've always thought about crushing you though the great and gluttonous Trixie must admit, I'd never thought you'd enjoy it as much I would~" The massive unicorn huffed as she sat straddling Twilight's torso, her immense stomach covering the smaller mare's modest chest and neck while her eyes looked up at her captor with a mix of apprehension and arousal even as she reached down and gripped her horn with her pudgy fingers to force the lavender gal's face firmly against her flab, filling her ears with the sounds of guttural churning a sound that reminded Twilight how much her once self-proclaimed rival's hunger had skyrocketed sending a pang of fear up her spine coaxing her to pull away for a moment only to be pressed more firmly against the oppressive gut. "Ah ah ah little Sparkle, you must learn to appreciate Trixie's magnificent gut, or do I need to give you the same inside tour I gave your friends?~"
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“Oof~ My stomach has been grumbling non-stop since Nightmare Night.... maybe it was something I ate...” Mayor Mare sighed as she rubbed her gurgling belly before an especially loud groan ominously emanated from it just moments before a belch ripped it’s way through her maw, dragging flecks of spit along with it as well as a pair of acid soaked panties that landed with a splat against the ground causing the aged woman to scratch her head. “Oh...I must’ve ate something strange that night...”
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omnipointmuses · 8 months
"Hey wanna whiff!?" Pinkie Pie asks while raising a doughy arm for your muse revealing her absolutely swamped armpit drippling with oddly sweet smelling sweat.
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“Hff~ friends? n-no I don’t have any friends- HUUUOOORRRRP~!” Fluttershy began before a thick, raunchy belch pushed it’s way up through her fat neck, causing it and her entire flabby form to wobble along with it and sending flecks of bone and multicolored fur to fly out of her maw, the latter of which floated in the air among the visible gas for a moment before it dissipated and allowed them to fall to the ground of her hut. The gassy expulsion caused her vast, yellow rump to jiggle and her sweatpants to loosen just enough for it’s waistband to shift low enough halfway down her cellulite dotted cheeks, low enough to reveal not only her own cutiemark, but several, from a magical emblem, a rainbow lightning bolt, an apple, a trio of gemstones and balloons and even a few others before she used her pudgy hand to pull her pants back up. “Mmh~ not anymore~”
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Your sleep paralysis demon is a slenderman knockoff
my sleep paralysis demon is a 600 pound pale woman with an ass the size of my bed that likes to sit on my chest
we are not the same
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“Urrp~ hff~ Gosh my neck is so flabby-wabby since I ate aaaaaaall of my friends~” Pinkie giggled happily between meaty belches that caused her corpulent form to wobble precariously especially her thick neckroll that curled around her head like a scarf made out of fatty tissue and threatened to swallow up Pinkie’s own head if it got any thicker. “Mmmuh~ Is there anyone even left in Ponyville? My personal Pinkie Cave needs stuffin’!”
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“Ah... this new training regimen made my shield a bit less useful.” Ava joked hesitantly as she hefted up her soft, rotund gut and let it drop causing the mass of fur and fat to bounce against her thickened thighs sending wobbling ripples through her fattened form that spanned from her heavy chest right down to her large bottom coaxing her to stare hypnotically at herself for a moment before shaking her head and letting out a shy chuckle. “A-aha, least it’ll be easier for those under my protecting to hide behind me!”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“O-oh you want a hug my child, just a moment... erm...” Toriel started as she attempted to reach forwards with her doughy arms only to reach about half-way along her gargantuan gut of fluff and flab and press her sausage fingers knuckle deep into one of the various folds of her gut. “H-how about you walk around my belly and to my side you I can give you a nice side hug, j-just don’t hug my gut, we don’t need to get lost in a fold...again.”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“Mobility scooter? Those are hardly practical in these parts. come now a few blessings and you’ll be waddling through these forests quite easily.... well as easily as your blubbery form can manage...~”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
AU: Helen is actually an Ultra-Ssbbw but use her powers to hide it
Bud i think that’s just the canon- oh I’m kidding-)
Helen sighed as she closed the door of her house behind her before making her way over windows to make sure the blinds were shut before backing up into the couch but just before she plopped herself down she let out another deeper sigh to fully relax her currently lithe and tight form and as she exhaled her body bloated obscenely. Her breasts became weighty, her thighs became tree trunks of blubber, her ass filled out the couch she hasn’t even actually sat down on yet, and her gut became an immense drum of lard that stuck out a good few feet in front of her. With that done she settled her titanic ass down onto her couch and began to relax after a day full of fighting crime she deserved it after all, along with a few dozen pizzas.
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omnipointmuses · 5 years
“I can make a bigger burp.” Snau announced as she hopped onto a lunch table that overlooked a prone Vari lying flat on her back while the feline was toting a titanic belly filled with food she “borrowed” from the academy fridge and after making some mental calculations the bunnygal leaped off of the table and landed butt first on the cushy mound and-
-causes Vari to let out a belch that rattled everything in the cafe.
“Aah, thanks Snau I needed that~” Vari purred out as she scritched her belly while the bunny stumbled off the hill of fluff and fat.
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omnipointmuses · 5 years
🍔 Krell
Krell Belle secretly always wants to be a bit softer. When they finally find privacy, they stuff themself over and over with candy until they can't move. As a result of their overeating, Krell Belle weighs over 1000 lbs, far above a healthy weight for them. They keep gaining and their metabolism can't keep up. They've accidentally become addicted to food, and now they can't stop getting fatter and fatter until their body can't take it anymore.
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omnipointmuses · 5 years
"Mmf my belly mouth has an acidic tongue that can melt an adventurer's clothes and weapons in just a few licks, it's so satisfying to see the looks on their face as they realize all that high level gear they were toting around just became useless jiggle on my ass right before i start to lap them up as well, melting them down like ice cream before my belly mouth sucks them down~"
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Dommy feedee that palms your crotch while you feed them and will put you in a mating press after eating a veritable buffet of food. letting you hear that mass of food sloshing around inside them and smothering you with their bulk and belches
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omnipointmuses · 5 years
"I think you mean in them. I know what you get up toooo~" She teased. And let's be real here, they're barely getting any gym stuff done. They're just eating, talking about weights and gains before probably fucking in the showers and eating some buff cuties. Coco and Kana have it made. "Mmhmmm~ Nice ass~ Can't wait to eat it later~" Coco added , kissing at the neck of her bbgf.
“Heyyy it’s not my faaault~ I always tell ‘em not to go too deep between my crack or mess with my sack....They just can’t resist I guess~” Kana hummed as she leaned back into Coco’s kisses while rolling her hips, causing her wide ass to rub and grind down against Coco’s lap. “Hey just name the time and place babe, wouldn’t mind seein’ ya stuff all this butt into your mouth~”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
POV You’re apart of the harem Brunhilde keeps on her gut
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