#Omnipoint kinks: Weight gain
omnipointmuses · 1 year
Biker Tori takes you to her favorite diner and giggles as you struggle with a burger the size of a car tire while she puts them away one after another and even the waitress when she asks for you two to leave.
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
"Damn, barely it took a week to get half-way through this street alone." Drean cursed as she ran a hand through her long black hair while her eyes scanned over her phone where she had both a map of the area and a list of every restaurant in the city with those she visited now bearing a checkmark and a rating though a staggering amount of them were missing both. "Ugh at this rate I'm not gonna be able to try them all before the semester is up..."
With an annoyed click of her tongue she brought her black, scaly tail up to her lips and took a bite out of the hunk of meat it was curled around as she trudged forwards past some fellow half-dragons while depositing her phone into her pocket and transferring her food to the freed limb before taking another bite and groaning softly as she felt the tightness growing on her rounded, bloated, pale gut that stuck out a few feet before her coaxing her into giving it a few pats. "Doesn't help that everyone here actually makes dragon-sized portions..."
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omnipointmuses · 1 year
"Mmh~ that was a surprisingly good sleep..." Kobayashi sighed out as she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as her mind worked to put the memories from yesterday together. She remembered having a rather stressful day at work, burnt out over her workweek to a point where she skipped drinking with her colleagues and instead bought a rather pricy bottle of sake to drown her stress in and getting too impatient and starting to drink on the train. There was also the remnants of this weird dream she had of a pretty blonde girl and an oversized lizard strangely enough. As she thought some more suddenly a meaty belch forced it's way up her throat dragging the taste of meat and alcohol up along with it.
"Oof... weird I don't remember eating that much last night..." She mumbled as she sluggishly pulled herself out of her bed, feeling oddly heavy as she sat near the edge of her bed and rested her feet against the floor as she reached over to her glasses and pushed them onto her face and blinking a few times as she looked down finally noticing why she felt so heavy this morning. Somehow through the night she changed from a flatchested, stick of a woman to an obese blimp with a gut that stuck out from under her pajama top, a (thankfully) massive chest that had snapped through half of her top's buttons, and finally an ass and fatty thighs that had already dotted her pants with small tears and much to her embarrassment a larger tear right across her ass as she would find out with a few exploring gropes as she tried to process this new information.
"What the hell did I eat last night!?"
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
Also consider
mega blobby fem!sonic casually snatching your food out of your hands or plate until she’s an immobile blob
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“Ourrrphff~ That one really did some damage...” Mocha noted aloud as she looked over her hefty form in a vanity mirror while sinking a pudgy hand into her round orb of fluff and flab as it rumbled with loud digestive churning and pressing another plume of acrid gas up through her mouth along with a pair of acid soaked underwear that collided with her mirror with a wet smack and stuck to the smooth surface with the help of her stomach chyme and slobber. With a sigh the rabbitfolk pulled her wand from her sleeve and with a simple flick of the instrument an invisible force peeled the destroyed piece of clothing from the mirror and tossed it into a box filled with souvenirs other discarded apparel from her other dates. “Maybe I should give dating a break for now... or swap to another dating app...”
Despite saying this aloud when her phone beeped with the familiar notification of her Gurglr app she wasted little time in pulling it out and flicking it open to see who had messaged her.
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“Hff~ That’s another b-uurrrrr~ffet we’ve been banned from...~” Mocha belched out as she watched an annoyed manager plaster a picture of her chubby face onto their window coaxing a small chuckle from the hefty bun.
“Shame, I did enjoy their food but it’s no matter it’s late anyhow and I have more than a few papers to grade.” She sighed as she stretched a flabby arm upwards before curling it around your waist and pulling you against her side, allowing you to sink into her gut slightly and feel the wall of flab and fluff that kept the mass of food as well as a few unlucky souls contained within her ravenous stomach. “-And you get to choose if you want to spend the night on my lap feeding me, or under it~”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“Hey, anyone wanna rub this gut, I’d have my girlfriend do it but- Bwwwwuuuuuuurrrrp!~” Marceline started before a bassy belch caused a familar crown to rocket out from her maw and land on the ground before her and without a second thought she plucked it up from the ground and hooked it around one of the belt loops of her stretched jeans that barely managed to hold back her gut that wobbled from every slight movement and every so often showed the imprint of a hand or face before the vampire gave thegrey orb of fat a firm squeeze. “She’s deep into work at the moment, so how about it?~”
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omnipointmuses · 2 years
“Dude this is like the fifth burger you’ve bought me today since I told you I was gonna go explore that super dangerous dungeon- oh, I see, you wanna make me so bloated that I can’t go on adventures huh?~ Well bring it on I can take your food and go on adventures!-”
Hours later
“Hooooooouuuurrrrp!~ O-okay, guess I’m not going out to that dungeon huh? dang.” Vari belched out before patting her domed, inky-furred gut, filled to the brim and sloshing with greasy food that caused her belly to groan and gurgle loudly as it worked to process down the fast food buffet as it hung low and rested on her thighs and obscured much of her upper torso. “This ain’t gonna work every time you know, I’m gonna get at that dungeon one of these days-”
Months later
“Hey babe, thinking about going to that dungeon again~” Vari purred as she wrapped her pudgy arms around your shoulders from behind before lightly pressing the back of your head against her wide gut, a mass of fluff and flab gained by months of heavy feeding sessions, strange concoctions, and the occasional unlucky individual coaxing her into wearing a hoodie and sweatpants near constantly to cover her expanding bulk and assets though now at this moment she was bare and wearing nothing but a strained bra and a pair of stretched panties that were mostly swallowed up by the deep crack of her fat ass while she rested her chin on top of your head allowing you to feel her throat rumble softly as she purred. “Better get a spread out before I wobble my fat ass over into it~”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“Mobility scooter? Those are hardly practical in these parts. come now a few blessings and you’ll be waddling through these forests quite easily.... well as easily as your blubbery form can manage...~”
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Cue a chunky Vari settling down on your lap like a big furry loaf they are.
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
“I have a love-hate relationship with stairs, on one hand they’re a pain to get up and down to a point where they make me sweat a bit, on the other hand it’s fun to feel my ass wobble when I use them.” A chonky Mocha hums smugly.
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
AU: Nicole is the super gluttonous CEO of her own buisness and she sometimes eats disresptful partners or employees
"That should be the last of- Oooourrrp~ my last employers executives~" Nicole belched out happily as flecks of clothes and slobber flew out of her mouth and onto her desk, coaxing her into reaching out and flicking the pair of panties that had landed on her open laptop and smiled seeing the price and value of the company's- her company's stock. With a delighted sigh she patted her wide blue gut pushing a few smaller burps out of her mouth before reaching forwards to her intercom.
"Mrs. Yoshida please clear my 4 o'clock, and tell Larry he's been promoted effective immediately."
"Yes Mrs. Watterson, anything else?"
"Yes, I'll need you to come in at Four... Mama needs some relief~"
"Of course Madam Watterson~"
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Aren't you tired of being thin?
Don't you just want to eat everything and everyone?
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Class: Flabomancer, a mage that specializes in debilitating their foes with spells that increases their girth until they're immobile
Note: Not to be confused with a "Flab-romancer" or someone with fat fetish
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omnipointmuses · 3 years
Dice of Gaining - 5 d100 - Pounds - Brunhilde (In general)
26 + 92 + 47 + 98 + 12 = 275 pounds
“Hm, my last few hunts must have been too easy...” Brunhilde noted as she looked over her newly gained layer of poundage that padded out her plush form, especially her tattoo laden gargantuan gut. She was already hefty even for a bearfolk but now she was sure she was pushing over a thousand pounds at this point. “Hopefully the next hunt will be more difficult, otherwise I may be mistaken for Nana when I visit home...~”
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omnipointmuses · 4 years
(D) Changeling Eclipsed
(A drabble for the Halloween event for this blog that will last for the month of October, fair warning this drabble contains vore, pones, and threats of permavore)
In the halls of Cantorlot the bottom heavy moon princess would be strolling from the kitchen back to her room, her gut distended outwards even more so than usual and wobbling with each step and occasionally a hand, foot and horn bulged outwards from it, combined with the dull ghoulish green glow that occasionally exuded from it would tell anyone she passed that she had quite the lively meal, well that was if she had passed by anyone but this late at night even the working staff are asleep not to mention her sister, by the time she reached her room she felt an especially hard bump from the inside of her gut along with the brightest blast of light so far and then she began to hear a muffled voice.
“You..you cow!” the voice of an enraged changeling queen shouted from within the moon princess’s core coaxing her into rolling her eyes as she opened her door and wedged herself into her room. “I can’t believe you actually went and ate me!”
“I did warn you about teasing me about my weight.” Luna remarked as she settled herself onto her computer chair, even with it being specially made and reinforced for her gaining form it still creaked under her rear as she scrolled through various gaming websites. “You have no one to blame but yourself-”
Another sharp blast of magic interrupted her as it caused her belly to loudly bump against her desk and the shrill voice of Chrysalis shouted out.
“Bullshit! You’re the one who ate me!” after that outburst she seemed to quiet down at least for the moment, seemingly exhausted for her extended use of magic. “When I get out of here I’ll-”
“Who said you’re getting out?” Luna stated sharply, cutting off the changeling queen with a tone full of ice, one that resembled a self that she and everyone else in the kingdom thought long gone.
“...What...?” Chrysalis got out, even from within the snug,  sweltering depths of Luna’s stomach she could feel a cold sweat form on her neck and back as she tried to sit up as straight as she could within her slimy confines. “You....you’re joking...you have to be...your sister and I had a deal-”
“A deal I wasn’t apart of.” Luna cut her off again as she pushed herself back away from her keyboard and desk before spreading her legs and leaning back slightly to look over her massive gut, full of the changeling queen who was taller but not quite as curvy as the moon princess, especially when it came to her derrière and now with new gluttonous diet if her “guest” stayed still it’d be hard to not mistake her for a massive food baby, that’s when a devious plan formed in her mind.
“Besides....” She began as she reached forwards and curled her arms around her gut before hugging it, squeezing Chrysalis from all sides with a combination of her soft flab and surprisingly impressive strength causing the changeling to let out a soft gasp as she saw and felt the meager space she had left get smaller and smaller, and the walls grinding down upon her hard and harder. the pressure making it harder for her to breath in the humid air when the most curious things happened. She had a blush forming on her face surprising herself with the first feeling of emotional warmth as all she had felt in the recent moments were ice-cold nervousness and fear that began to rise again as Luna spoke. “...No one knows you’re here~”
With that Luna released her grip on her own gut coaxing Chrysalis to begin taking in normal, albeit shaky breaths of air as her captor began to scroll through websites again. “So that’s it...you’re gonna gurgle me into more fat for your skull-crushing ass.”
“I’ll think about it.” Luna stated mindlessly as she reached over to a half-full box of Pocky and began to chew on one of the chocolate treats.
“How long are you going to think about it?” Chrysalis snarled out annoyed at hearing Luna chew on something else and act as if she was an afterthought.
“Hmmm a month-”
“A MONTH!?” Chrysalis shouted out surprising Luna enough that it forced her to swallow. “You can’t possibly take that long to-”
“I can and will.” Luna stated cutting Chrysalis off again. “It’s a big decision Chryssy, a life should not be so casually thrown...or in your case eaten up on a whim, even yours.”
Chrysalis was silent at this...a mix of emotions causing her mind to stall and stutter as she looked for words to reply but she never got a chance as Luna continued to speak.
“I’ll tell you what, Either you can complain, thrash, and fight all you want and have your form pad out my ass for the rest of time...” Luna stated before pausing to let out a yawn as she stretched arms up high. “Or if you are a good little mare and don’t cause too much trouble while you’re in there I’ll think about letting you out once Nightmare Night is over, but either way you’re staying in there for a month whether you like it or not, deal?”
Chrysalis bit her lips upon hearing this, the tone of Luna voice told her all she needed or wanted to hear Luna was really intending to keep her in here for a month and she was powerless to stop her.
“I don’t think I caught that.” Luna stated, fully knowing that Chrysalis hadn’t said anything and was still deep in shock from the fate she had just delivered upon her.”
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