#omnitence star
stationhousesix · 6 years
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A religion that has existed far longer than anyone can remember. The name has never really been set in stone and has changed throughout the centuries but the ideals and symbols have stayed relatively the same.
Saint Ingo the connector is generally agreed to be one of the originators of this religion. After going on a pilgrimage to the far corners of the world and composing a book on the names of the all the gods he was said to have spoken with many of them before they took their slumber. Although a form of this belief system existed before his pilgrimage it wasn’t till after that most of these scattered beliefs became one fleshed out religion.
“He was a simple man who found me lost and alone. He asked a simple question, “who are you?”, and I realized then I had no answer.
“Are you a mother?”
“No” “Then you know who you are not, and so you shall learn who you are.””
~ Saint Requence recounting the first time he met Saint Ingo.
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“Who are you?”
This question is the foundation of belief for those who follow the Omnitence star. It is a question that is aimed at self reflection. There is no right answer and the answer is always changing. When asked that himself, Saint Ingo is known to have said many different things throughout his life: son, carpenter, husband, widower, jester,  wander, student, teacher, father, pilgrim.  Even his name is said to have changed at least three times, Ingo was the name he went by at the end of his life and so he is referred to by it in all the texts.
One of the easiest ways to explain Saint Ingo’s question is to take the word tree. When the word tree is spoken what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it the color of the leaves? The scent of pine? The texture of bark on your finger tips? Or the shape if a tree that is commonly grown in your area?  Like the tree a person isn’t just their actions, their beliefs, their looks or their ancestry but a combination of all things. Unlike the gods-mortals do not know who they are, and must eventually come to understand that they are who they are.
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The beginning
In the beginning there was one, one became two, two became four, four became eight and eight became the world.
The world was created in the image of the gods, most people can never agree on which god came first but after one was created more followed in its footsteps. Traditionally those of the Omnitence star believe the beginning went something like this:
First came Kalclok sten and unchanging, he thought and the formless thought became Nux but once that thought settled it became Lumas, the revelation. Drekorin was the idea heat, dedication in an unchanging universe. But to recognize the unchanging universe was to bring Wessera-change- into existence. One cannot un-change something and so in trying to return the universe to its previous state Ceilo was born- preservation, protection but what good could his shield hold against Wessera, the very force that universe was doomed to flow with now.  With change brought Engae-life- into the world. Engae must be thanked for the peoples  lives. Engae helped create the peoples to tend the ancient world. The peoples asked for aid from  Kalclok for fertile soil. Prayed to Wessera to water their crops, asked Nux and Lumas to guard the fields day and night, and Drekorin to keep the grounds warm. Ceilo brought them seeds from across the world. But when a human sat down to eat at the people's table it told a story about the end to the paradise the people had lived in for so long.
With creation there must also be an end and so The Stranger got its name, and humans were cursed with creating the first blight. The Original Sin.
The end- the afterlife
Those who follow the omnitence star believe that when they die they might be blessed by a god and become part of the gods domain in the afterlife.  Often times this ascension is referred to as the Seven heavens while the failure to ascend is referred to as being damned to the eight hells. There is a belief that if you have done no wrong but also have inspired no gods you might end up stuck in the world as a spector till one of the gods notices you.
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Teachings of Saint Ingo
“Let not your forebearers sin’s be yours to burden as well.”
~ Volume 3 of the pilgrimage
Omnitence star is normally practiced by humans living in the Dominion due to the fact many of the humans of the dominion ended up there, banished from their homelands on the old continent during the great diaspora of the 4th era. Saint Ingo was one such human banished from his home in Jam d’gai after the death of his wife. He started to wander the world growing a family by helping other humans who had also lost their homes.  His teachings are about self reflection, acceptance and forgiveness preached at a time when humanity needed it the most.
In the Omnitence star each god isn’t just an element but also represents and aspect of humanity.
Kolcok being patience,  Nux being wisdom and Lumas being knowledge, Drekorin being passion, Wessera being change, Ceilo being preservation and Engae creativity. These are aspects followers of the star try to balance in their lives along with the compassion that Saint Ingo displayed in his pilgrimage. To uphold any of these ideals is to work your way into one of the seven heavens.
Nowadays those who worship under the omnitence star often attend temple where statues or symbols to the seven divines are often located. Some temples have places to worship lesser gods or those that are said to rule over smaller areas of the world.
Every day of the week is usually given to worship of a god. There is a special mass held in the temple for the community to come when they so desire. But often people will go to the nearest temple when they can and say a solitary prayer to the god of their choosing.  Most people only attend a mass once a week and so they can attend for whichever god they choose. Having symbols of the interlocking star is of grave importance to worshipers and often these stars can be seen hanging on walls in offices, homes, or on public buildings. The star is said to grant luck as it acknowledges all aspects of the world are connected.
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roxannepolice · 6 years
You think Rey is going to injure/kill Kylo? Why? Isn't that what we've already seen? Isn't that a bit regressive of the story?
So here's a couple of things:
duels in Star Wars tend to walk in pairs (and for me SKB duel has a vibe of one adjourned rather than finished)
a duel that shouldn't be (between friends, family members... or should-be-lovers) is a Star Wars third installment thing
Renperor regressed their relationship and effectively the story pretty severely
it's frustrating to have a protagonist who makes no mistakes, especially in a story that took failures and mistakes for one of its themes; Rey either made her grave mistake in trusting Kylo which resulted in a creepy raisin of a supreme leader being replaced by one much hotter and much more powerful (in which case bendemption is dramatic sugarcoating) - or is only to make her huge mistake
should resistance directly ask Rey to kill supreme porg, I think she'll try to do it hell she needed a force omnition to not kill him in the throne room, it wasn't pity let alone personal sentimemt that stopped her
Disney-LF won't spare us the überdramatic posters of Kylo's signature crossguard crossed with whatever Rey's signature lightsomething will be
I conclusion: I think there will be another reylo duel. And since it would be boring if stakes won't be high enough for them to go full life and death, the stakes will be high enough for them to go life and death. And for numerous reasons it makes more dramatic sense for her to hurt him than him her, imo.
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