#on another I think. how humilitating an existance to be a human carrier bag.
cadaverkeys · 1 year
will u tell us things abt tarrare so we can understand him better
If you ever get the chance to stumble into this interaction in real life I'm sure you would get the cinematic shpeel of Tarrare - life to death. The entire "it begins in a farmhouse with a boy being kicked out in his teens" and the "they say when he died he still had a golden fork stuck in this throat" But I think it comes down to this:
Imagine being this medical mystery- unable to be understood even today, a man with a never ending stomach who was always emaciated. In a time of great famine and poverty. Forced to eat live animals for the entertainment of others. Admitted to hospital to hospital to hospital and never knowing why you could never be like anyone else. You have tried every experimental treatment no matter the cost. And have remained the same. And they feed you animals and corpses. They catch you trying to sneak dead flesh in the night. And when a child disappears it's all too clear that you've lost all decency. And you cannot stop your compulsion until you've eaten the plate, the dish cloth, and the silverware. When you die from the abuse it did the doctors find your body so disgusting that they refuse to dissect it.
I think there's something existentially terrifying and poetically significant about a life like this. Himself unable to write somehow remembered because he struck disgust in everyone he met. Often we joke about him being suspected of eating a child. But you must remember he was forced to eat live animals and corpses as a living - and by the scientists that studied him. He was uneducated and truly unable to grasp his condition or his expectations.
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