#on fhat note. his voice is soo. ilove it
t4tcecilos · 1 year
- he either dresses very cozy or very fancily (think. fantasy bard) outside of camp. two clothing moods
- loves accessories!!! even while in camp he’ll wear a ton of rings/necklaces/belt chains
- his favorite color is yellow <3 which works out bc cabin magpie moth’s color is yellow!!!
- his eyes change colors w the sky!!!!
- he has lichtenburg figure scars due to The Incident. they glow when he gets stressed and/or has visions
- he gets really bad migraines when the weathers shit. doesnt even have to be getting prophetic visions. if its raining, he probably has a headache.
- he has memory issues!! doesn’t remember a lot of his life, especially early childhood. forgets simple things a lot (im projecting)
- his favorite incense scent is dragon’s blood
- for all that the sky haunts him, he cant deny that sun/moon/stars symbolism and aesthetics are super cool (and often incorporates them into his outfits)
- he is a wonderful cook!! he doesnt like cooking for others though bc he has very specific tastes
- mmm hes neurodivergent
- after the bee incidents he tries to stay away from large patches of flowers. just in case
- hes a really good camp counselor!!! the kids love him, he enjoys working with them, and overall cabin magpie moth is very lovely
- he actually really enjoys taking fish to the penguins. its a time where he can relax out of the view of the sky!! in the cool darkness of the tunnels (he enjoys it a lot more once juniper steps up and actually helps! they have a good time)
- speaaking of tunnels. he knows the tunnels Very Well. loves it down there. wants to take the kids down there to play hide and seek but sydney said it was too risky
- his favorite friut are strawberries
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